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Harmos, Melinda. "Implementation and testing the pose computation, POSCOM, system." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape8/PQDD_0014/MQ52564.pdf.

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Mila, Kavalić. "Efekti menadžmenta znanja na zadovoljstvo poslom zaposlenih i finansijske performanse preduzeća." Phd thesis, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnički fakultet Mihajlo Pupin u Zrenjaninu, 2020. https://www.cris.uns.ac.rs/record.jsf?recordId=114985&source=NDLTD&language=en.

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Osnovni cilj istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije je da se utvrde smerovi i intenziteti dve grupe efekata: menadžmenta znanja (KM) na zadovoljstvo poslom (JS) zaposlenih i finansijske performanse (FP) preduzeća, uz prikaz uticaja pojedinih kontrolnih varijabli (nacionalno poreklo preduzeća, vlasnička struktura preduzeća, veličina preduzeća, visina finansijskih performansi preduzeća) na dimenzije menadžmenta znanja, kao i utvrđivanje moderatornih odnosa (pol, godine starosti, vrsta radnog mesta i stepen stručne spreme ispitanika) na relacije KM na JS. Istraživanje je izvršeno anketiranjem, na uzorku N=520 ispitanika (menadžeri svih nivoa) iz proizvodnih preduzeća u Srbiji. Statistička obrada podataka vršena je pomoću namenskog softvera IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Pri tome, korišćene su sledeće statističke metode: deskriptivna statistika, t-test, korelaciona analiza, regresiona analiza, analiza varijanse (ANOVA) i hijerarhijska regresiona analiza za analizu moderatornih dejstava. U radu su posmatrane dve grupe uticaja, menadžment znanja na zadovoljstvo poslom zaposlenih i menadžment znanja na finansijske performanse preduzeća. Prilikom analize relacija obe grupe, uočene su značajne razlike. Uticaj menadžmenta znanja na finansijske performanse preduzeća je jasan i nedvosmislen: statistički značajan i pozitivan. Međutim, uticaj menadžmenta znanja na zadovoljstvo poslom zaposlenih je znatno kompleksniji: uglavnom je statistički značajan i negativan, ali ima i statistički značajnih i pozitivnih uticaja.Osnovno ograničenje istraživanja je činjenica da se rezultati istraživanja odnose na zemlje sa specifičnim tranzicionim uslovima privrede, tako i na prisutnost psihološkog stava ljudi koji je specifičan u ovakvim uslovima. S druge strane, mora se napomenuti da je značajan istraživački uzorak obuhvatio i strane kompanije koje posluju u Srbiji, što može implicirati univerzalnost rezultata. S obzirom da se tranzicioni uslovi menjaju, značajno bi bilo pratiti te promene i u odnosu na njih postaviti nova istraživanja i komparirati rezultate i u skladu sa tim davati preporuke za dalji rad i unapređenje poslovanja.
The main goal of this doctoral dissertation is to determine the directions and intensities of two groups of effects: knowledge management (KM) on employee job satisfaction (JS) and enterprise financial performance (FP). In addition, the impact of individual control variables (national origin of the enterprise, ownership structure, the size of the enterprise, and the financial performance of the enterprise) on the dimensions of knowledge management (KM) is presented. Also the effects of the defined moderating relations (gender, age, type of job and level of education of respondents) on the relations of KM to JS are analyzed. The research was conducted via survey, on a sample of N = 520 respondents (managers of all levels) from manufacturing enterprises in Serbia. Statistical data analysis was conducted with the IBM SPSS Statistics 21 software. The following statistical methods were used: descriptive statistics, t-test, correlation analysis, regression analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and hierarchical regression analysis for analysis of moderator actions. Two groups of influences were observed: knowledge management on employee job satisfaction and knowledge management on enterprise financial performance. During the analysis of these relations, significant differences were noticed. The impact of knowledge management on financial performance is clear and unambiguous: statistically significant and positive. However, the impact of knowledge management on employee job satisfaction is much more complex: it is mostly statistically significant and negative, but it also has statistically significant and positive impacts. The main limitation of the research is the fact that the research results refer to countries with specific transition conditions of the economy, and to the presence of the psychological attitude of people, which is specific in such conditions. On the other hand, it must be noted that a significant research sample included foreign companies operating in Serbia, which may imply the universality of the results. Given that the transition conditions are changing, it would be important to monitor these changes and in accordance with them set new studies and compare the results and accordingly make recommendations for further research and business improvement.
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Metličková, Jitka. "Postoj Islandu k evropské integraci." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2007. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-1881.

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Island je jednou z mála zemí, která neustále zůstává vně Evropské unie. Cílem práce je zmapovat členství Islandu v hlavních evropských integračních seskupeních druhé poloviny 20. století, se zaměřením na jeho specifický vztah k EU. První část je věnována komplexnímu pohledu na postavení Islandu v rámci integrující se Evropy v minulosti i v současnosti. Následují kapitoly, které analyzují faktory vysvětlující zdrženlivý přístup k evropské integraci a stanoviska politických elit a veřejnosti. Závěr je zaměřen na zhodnocení současného uspořádání vztahů mezi Islandem a EU a potenciálních přínosů islandského členství v EU.
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Everaardt, Annika. "The impact of fire on the honey possum Tarsipes rostratus in the Fitzgerald River National Park, Western Australia." Thesis, Everaardt, Annika (2003) The impact of fire on the honey possum Tarsipes rostratus in the Fitzgerald River National Park, Western Australia. PhD thesis, Murdoch University, 2003. https://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/id/eprint/66/.

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The honey possum Tarsipes rostratus is a tiny (7 - 12 g) highly specialised flower-feeding marsupial endemic to the south-western corner of Australia. The impact of fire on this small mammal was studied, over a 19-year period, in the Fitzgerald River National Park, a large (330,000 ha) area of relatively undisturbed heathland/shrubland, rich in the proteaceous and myrtaceous plants upon which the honey possum appears to rely for food. The honey possum is the most abundant and widespread mammal in this Park. Capture rates of honey possums were significantly related to the years since the vegetation was last burnt, annual rainfall in the preceding (but not the current) year, the season when trapping occurred, and the trapping grid operated. Capture rates declined markedly after fire and remained low (less than one third of those in long unburnt vegetation) for about 4 - 5 years following a fire. Rates of capture then increased steadily over the next 20 - 25 years, with maximal abundance recorded about 30 years after fire. Thereafter, there appeared to be a slight decline in capture rates, but even in the vegetation unburnt for longest (> 50 years since fire), honey possum abundance was substantial and relatively stable. In contrast to these changes in abundance, the structure of the honey possum population, with 79 % adults and 57 % males, appeared little influenced by fire history, annual rainfall, season or grid. The increase in the rates of capture of honey possums following fire paralleled the pattern of availability of cover in the vertical and, to a lesser extent, horizontal plane. Indeed, projective foliage cover took around 20 years after fire to reach levels similar to those available in areas unburnt for even longer. The trend in capture rates was also congruent with the maturation of the most frequently visited foodplants of honey possums, particularly Banksia nutans (summer flowering) and B. baueri (winter flowering). Areas long unburnt still contained shelter and foodplants adequate for honey possums even 50 years or more after fire, with only slight evidence of senescence. Pollen loads indicated that honey possums caught in burnt areas, where their preferred foodplants were absent, continued to feed on these favoured foodplants (Banksia and Dryandra spp.) at nearby unburnt areas. In addition, they also fed, in both burnt and long unburnt areas, upon a suite of other plant species that regenerated more rapidly from lignotubers and epicormic buds, as well as from seeds (e.g. Eucalyptus and Calothamnus spp.). Thus, honey possums appeared to persist with their preferences for feeding from a limited number of flowering plants despite some of these species not being available in recently burnt areas for many years. Nearby patches of unburnt vegetation can clearly be important refuges, feeding grounds and shelter for the few honey possums that visit recently burnt areas, and appear to be the source of honey possum colonists in the years following a fire. Capture rates were also greater following years when rainfall was higher than average. Indeed, rainfall had as great an influence upon capture rates as time since fire. Capture rates were also consistently higher over winter, and to a lesser extent over summer, than in either autumn or spring. Individual grids, even those close together in apparently similar vegetation with a similar fire history, still differed significantly overall in their capture rates of honey possums. This last finding has implications for the use of chronosequences in the study of post-fire changes in biota. Although not the primary focus of the study, data on the limited suite of other, far less abundant, small mammals present indicated that house mouse Mus musculus domesticus numbers peak soon after fire (about two years after fire), grey-bellied dunnart Sminthopsis griseoventer numbers somewhat later (about eight years after fire) and that southern bush rats Rattus fuscipes fiuscipes, like honey possums, are later successional species. Most species were present in vegetation over a range of post-fire ages, with data consistent with models based on sequential changes in relative abundance. Like many Australian mammals, the range of the honey possum has contracted substantially over the last 200 years and the coastal heathlands of the south-west are its last stronghold. In terms of its conservation, this study indicates that, if possible, management burns in these heathlands should be separated by intervals of at least 20 years between successive burns, and preferably even longer. If burns are required more frequently to meet other management priorities, it is highly preferable that they are small and patchy, rather than large scale. Such practices may help ensure the long-term survival of this unique, highly specialised and endemic marsupial.
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Everaardt, Annika. "The impact of fire on the honey possum Tarsipes rostratus in the Fitzgerald River National Park, Western Australia." Everaardt, Annika (2003) The impact of fire on the honey possum Tarsipes rostratus in the Fitzgerald River National Park, Western Australia. PhD thesis, Murdoch University, 2003. http://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/66/.

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The honey possum Tarsipes rostratus is a tiny (7 - 12 g) highly specialised flower-feeding marsupial endemic to the south-western corner of Australia. The impact of fire on this small mammal was studied, over a 19-year period, in the Fitzgerald River National Park, a large (330,000 ha) area of relatively undisturbed heathland/shrubland, rich in the proteaceous and myrtaceous plants upon which the honey possum appears to rely for food. The honey possum is the most abundant and widespread mammal in this Park. Capture rates of honey possums were significantly related to the years since the vegetation was last burnt, annual rainfall in the preceding (but not the current) year, the season when trapping occurred, and the trapping grid operated. Capture rates declined markedly after fire and remained low (less than one third of those in long unburnt vegetation) for about 4 - 5 years following a fire. Rates of capture then increased steadily over the next 20 - 25 years, with maximal abundance recorded about 30 years after fire. Thereafter, there appeared to be a slight decline in capture rates, but even in the vegetation unburnt for longest (> 50 years since fire), honey possum abundance was substantial and relatively stable. In contrast to these changes in abundance, the structure of the honey possum population, with 79 % adults and 57 % males, appeared little influenced by fire history, annual rainfall, season or grid. The increase in the rates of capture of honey possums following fire paralleled the pattern of availability of cover in the vertical and, to a lesser extent, horizontal plane. Indeed, projective foliage cover took around 20 years after fire to reach levels similar to those available in areas unburnt for even longer. The trend in capture rates was also congruent with the maturation of the most frequently visited foodplants of honey possums, particularly Banksia nutans (summer flowering) and B. baueri (winter flowering). Areas long unburnt still contained shelter and foodplants adequate for honey possums even 50 years or more after fire, with only slight evidence of senescence. Pollen loads indicated that honey possums caught in burnt areas, where their preferred foodplants were absent, continued to feed on these favoured foodplants (Banksia and Dryandra spp.) at nearby unburnt areas. In addition, they also fed, in both burnt and long unburnt areas, upon a suite of other plant species that regenerated more rapidly from lignotubers and epicormic buds, as well as from seeds (e.g. Eucalyptus and Calothamnus spp.). Thus, honey possums appeared to persist with their preferences for feeding from a limited number of flowering plants despite some of these species not being available in recently burnt areas for many years. Nearby patches of unburnt vegetation can clearly be important refuges, feeding grounds and shelter for the few honey possums that visit recently burnt areas, and appear to be the source of honey possum colonists in the years following a fire. Capture rates were also greater following years when rainfall was higher than average. Indeed, rainfall had as great an influence upon capture rates as time since fire. Capture rates were also consistently higher over winter, and to a lesser extent over summer, than in either autumn or spring. Individual grids, even those close together in apparently similar vegetation with a similar fire history, still differed significantly overall in their capture rates of honey possums. This last finding has implications for the use of chronosequences in the study of post-fire changes in biota. Although not the primary focus of the study, data on the limited suite of other, far less abundant, small mammals present indicated that house mouse Mus musculus domesticus numbers peak soon after fire (about two years after fire), grey-bellied dunnart Sminthopsis griseoventer numbers somewhat later (about eight years after fire) and that southern bush rats Rattus fuscipes fiuscipes, like honey possums, are later successional species. Most species were present in vegetation over a range of post-fire ages, with data consistent with models based on sequential changes in relative abundance. Like many Australian mammals, the range of the honey possum has contracted substantially over the last 200 years and the coastal heathlands of the south-west are its last stronghold. In terms of its conservation, this study indicates that, if possible, management burns in these heathlands should be separated by intervals of at least 20 years between successive burns, and preferably even longer. If burns are required more frequently to meet other management priorities, it is highly preferable that they are small and patchy, rather than large scale. Such practices may help ensure the long-term survival of this unique, highly specialised and endemic marsupial.
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Rocha, Isabel Maria Baptista Lopes da. "Posto Médico Avançado." Master's thesis, Universidade do Porto. Reitoria, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10216/9831.

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Stroisch, Sandra Regina Gonzaga. "Professora, posso falar?" Florianópolis, SC, 2005. http://repositorio.ufsc.br/handle/123456789/101566.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Educação. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação.
Made available in DSpace on 2013-07-15T22:41:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 223488.pdf: 1134368 bytes, checksum: 88235c04070f99c796895f2a526161ad (MD5)
Este trabalho tem por finalidade conhecer como as professoras interpretam a participação da criança na atividade de ensino. O objetivo principal é ouvir professoras que participaram de um processo de Formação Continuada durante cinco anos no que diz respeito a suas trajetórias escolares buscando perceber, com base em seus relatos, como foram construindo o conceito de participação e de que forma utilizam esse conceito cotidianamente em suas práticas de sala de aula.Considerando a importância de ouvir as professoras para que elas dessem significado às suas experiências escolares, a opção teórico-metodológica foi a história oral. O livro Introdução ao Estudo da Escola Nova de autoria de Lourenço Filho foi uma das referências teóricas deste trabalho, uma vez que foi a partir do movimento escolanovista que é proposta uma nova relação entre o professor e o aluno. Pela primeira vez na história da educação a criança é colocada no centro do processo educativo. Atualizo esta discussão, no entanto, com base na teoria da atividade proposta por Leontiev, destacando o modo como a criança desenvolve sua atividade, procurando, dessa forma, dar sentido e significado à sua participação na atividade de ensino. Finalmente, ouvir as professoras sobre seus processos de aprendizagem e de que forma traduzem seus conhecimentos em práticas pedagógicas resultou em importante reflexão e provocou novos questionamentos. Algumas conclusões foram apresentadas embora sem a pretensão de caracterizar um julgamento ao trabalho do professor, mas prevendo a possibilidade de que tais considerações venham a contribuir para posteriores estudos por parte do corpo docente da Escola do Porto, campo desta pesquisa bem como a todos aqueles profissionais que se dedicam à educação da criança. Concluiu-se que todas as professoras atribuem importância à participação da criança na atividade de ensino; demonstram que o conceito de participação foi sendo construído durante suas trajetórias escolares e interpretam a participação da criança tendo como princípio o ato de fazer coisas, ou seja, sua ação. Esta pesquisa foi realizada no período de 2003 a 2004.
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Rocha, Isabel Maria Baptista Lopes da. "Posto Médico Avançado." Dissertação, Universidade do Porto. Reitoria, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10216/9831.

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Borges, Altemir José. "Técnicas resolutivas para problemas mal postos." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFSC, 2012. http://repositorio.ufsc.br/xmlui/handle/123456789/93442.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Físicas e Matemáticas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Matemática e Computação Científica, Florianópolis, 2010
Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-24T22:24:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 280833.pdf: 697674 bytes, checksum: e8a5b8acb0f9edd4095e86fb4ca90188 (MD5)
Este trabalho apresenta alguns dos métodos diretos e alguns dos iterativos mais comumente utilizados para resolver problemas mal postos discretos, focalizando diferentes estratégias de escolha do parâmetro de regularização. Os métodos diretos aqui abordados são o da GCV, da curva-L, do ponto fixo, da quase-otimalidade e o da discrepância. Os métodos iterativos são o LSQR, GMRES e o RRGMRES. Estes métodos são aplicados na resolução dos problemas teste Heat, Baart, Deriv2, Foxgood, Gravity, I\_laplace, Phillips, Shaw, Tomo e Wing, da literatura. Nos métodos iterativos são adotados os critérios de parada de Morigi e da discrepância. Para os métodos iterativos, aqui também é apresentado um novo critério de parada baseado no decrescimento da norma do resíduo e no crescimento da norma da solução. Este novo critério desempenhou melhor performance que os critérios de Morigi e da discrepância, na maioria dos problemas testes abordados.
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Bryant, Kate Alexandra. "The mating system and reproduction in the honey possum, Tarsipes rostratus: a life-history and genetical perspective." Thesis, Bryant, Kate Alexandra (2004) The mating system and reproduction in the honey possum, Tarsipes rostratus: a life-history and genetical perspective. PhD thesis, Murdoch University, 2004. https://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/id/eprint/490/.

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The honey possum Tarsipes rostratus, a marsupial endemic to South-Western Australia, feeds exclusively upon nectar and pollen. It is one of the smallest marsupials, with adult females (8-12g) significantly larger than adult males (6-9g). Honey possum males have the longest sperm (356 mcg) recorded for any mammaland the testes represent 4.2% body weight, amongst the largest recorded formammal species. These features suggest that sperm competition is an importantpart of the mating system. This study used a combination of field based studies,DNA analysis and histological examination of the female reproductive tract toinvestigate the life history, multiple paternity and reproduction of the honey possum innatural populations in the Fitzgerald River National Park (FRNP), on the south coastof Western Australia. This study drew upon earlier work on the honey possum in the FRNP in order to describe its life-history. The honey possum is short-lived (1-2 years), and attains sexual maturity whilst still growing. All four teats are occupied after birth, but the litter is reduced to 2 or 3 young during pouch life. The young have a relatively slow rate of growth. Breeding occurs continuously throughout the year, but is affected by the flowering phenologies of its foodplants. The greatest proportion of females with pouch-young occurs in winter; there are fewest pouch-young in autumn, a time of year when there is a dearth of flowers. Honey possums are essentially solitary animals, with no structured social unit, and male and female home ranges overlap. In captivity they are largely tolerant of one another, but larger females are behaviorally dominant to smaller females and to males. The densities and structure of the honey possum populations in the FRNP were analyzed from trapping data collected over 19 years. Population densities fluctuated significantly from season to season throughout the year, with changes in the flowering food resources available. There were also year-to-year differences in the intensity of those fluctuations, and these were significantly associated with rainfall in the previous year, and probably mediated through a lag effect in the flowering of the honey possum's foodplants. The greatest densities of animals occurred over winter. In years following high rainfall, mean winter densities reached 88 individuals per hectare. The lowest densities occurred in spring, and in years following low rainfall mean spring densities fell to 8 individuals per hectare. Even at these lowest densities, there is still the potential for interaction between males and females. A succession from high to low, then back to high densities was seen during the three years of the present study (2000-2002) and this shadowed a similar succession of changes in rainfall. The proportion of females with pouch-young was significantly affected by the season, and by rainfall in the previous year. Years following low rainfall had a lower proportion of females in a condition to breed. The autumn dip in breeding that occurred in all years was exacerbated following dry years. Of those females that did breed in 2001, a time of low resources, there was no difference in the size of the litter compared to 2000 and 2002, times of higher resource availability. The sex-ratio of pouch young was at parity, but there was a slight bias towards males among both juveniles (56%) and adults (58%). This was probably due to the greater movements shown by males. Sex ratios were not affected by changes in rainfall and density. Male-biased dispersal was detected using genetic data and the movement patterns of males showed that they moved greater distances than females during their normal activity. Analysis of four microsatellite loci revealed extremely high levels of variation, with 28 to 50 alleles per locus and a mean expected heterozygosity of 0.95. These are amongst the highest seen in any microsatellite study of vertebrates. There was multiple paternity in 86% litters, using a minimum number of sires per litter method, and in 95% litters, using an estimated number of sires method based upon the relatedness of litter males. This indicates that multiple mating is frequent in female honey possums and is evidence for sperm competition. The estimated number of sires in a litter was often three or four. In 41% of cases, the number of sires was less than the number of young in the litter, indicating that some males were more successful at siring offspring than others. Nevertheless, no more than two offspring in a litter were known to have been sired by the same male. Despite marked fluctuations in density from high in 2000, to low in 2001, then high again in 2002, the level of multiple paternity remained equally high in all years. Embryonic diapause and female reproduction was investigated in the honey possum. All adult females examined, both with and without pouch-young, were either close to oestrus, had ovulated or were carrying conceptuses. The honey possum has a postpartum oestrus and it was evident that this occurs approximately 2-4 days after birth. Cleavage and formation of the unilaminar blastocyst appears to occur rapidly over approximately 5 days. Embryonic diapause proceeded in a two phase manner similar to other small possum species. The unilaminar blastocyst expanded rapidly at first; and then, from about 18-20 days after birth, the diameter of the blastocyst remained constant at approximately 1.2-1.8mm. No growth or development beyond the unilaminar stage was observed during pouch-life. The first signs of reactivation occurred during lactation, after pouch exit, and expansion of the blastocyst only occurred in one post-lactational female. The development of the corpus luteum appeared different to patterns described for other marsupials, but its formation coincided with the formation of the unilaminar blastocyst. The diameter of the corpus luteum remained constant throughout diapause. The histology of the reproductive tract was generally similar to other marsupials. There were no sperm storage crypts in the female reproductive tract. The length of pouch-life in the honey possum was 55-65 days, and the interval between litters of the same size varied between 65 and 100 days. Embryonic diapause may reduce the time between production of successive litters in the honey possum, but lifetime reproductive potential is reasonably low. Females had up to four litters over the period that they were captured. Thus, each litter represents a substantial proportion (25%) of a female's lifetime reproductive output. Reproductive amortization occurred, with 61% loss overall, due to overproduction of ova, loss of conceptuses and reduction of the litter during lactation. The behavioural dominance of females suggests that multiple mating is an active strategy, and this presumably allows the genetic quality of their offspring to be maximized. Males that succeed in sperm competition may be of better intrinsic quality. Overproduction of conceptuses by females presents the opportunity for them to select those fertilized by intrinsically viable males or genetically compatible males. Sexually active males are present all year round. Females were not synchronous in their sexual receptivity, and this would lead to a skewed operational sex ratio, with more reproductive males than oestrous females. Since adult males are significantly smaller than adult females and possess no ornaments or armaments, it is unlikely that males overtly fight for access to females. Rather, males appear to monitor the reproductive status of females through smell, and probably compete in their ability to locate oestrous females. The risk and intensity of sperm competition is high, sexual selection for a large investment in spermatogenesis is evident and competition after copulation is probably an important factor in the mating system. It is likely that males, as well as females mate multiply, and the mating system is promiscuous.
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Bryant, Kate Alexandra. "The mating system and reproduction in the honey possum, Tarsipes rostratus : a life-history and genetical perspective /." Bryant, Kate Alexandra (2004) The mating system and reproduction in the honey possum, Tarsipes rostratus: a life-history and genetical perspective. PhD thesis, Murdoch University, 2004. http://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/490/.

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The honey possum Tarsipes rostratus, a marsupial endemic to South-Western Australia, feeds exclusively upon nectar and pollen. It is one of the smallest marsupials, with adult females (8-12g) significantly larger than adult males (6-9g). Honey possum males have the longest sperm (356 mcg) recorded for any mammaland the testes represent 4.2% body weight, amongst the largest recorded formammal species. These features suggest that sperm competition is an importantpart of the mating system. This study used a combination of field based studies,DNA analysis and histological examination of the female reproductive tract toinvestigate the life history, multiple paternity and reproduction of the honey possum innatural populations in the Fitzgerald River National Park (FRNP), on the south coastof Western Australia. This study drew upon earlier work on the honey possum in the FRNP in order to describe its life-history. The honey possum is short-lived (1-2 years), and attains sexual maturity whilst still growing. All four teats are occupied after birth, but the litter is reduced to 2 or 3 young during pouch life. The young have a relatively slow rate of growth. Breeding occurs continuously throughout the year, but is affected by the flowering phenologies of its foodplants. The greatest proportion of females with pouch-young occurs in winter; there are fewest pouch-young in autumn, a time of year when there is a dearth of flowers. Honey possums are essentially solitary animals, with no structured social unit, and male and female home ranges overlap. In captivity they are largely tolerant of one another, but larger females are behaviorally dominant to smaller females and to males. The densities and structure of the honey possum populations in the FRNP were analyzed from trapping data collected over 19 years. Population densities fluctuated significantly from season to season throughout the year, with changes in the flowering food resources available. There were also year-to-year differences in the intensity of those fluctuations, and these were significantly associated with rainfall in the previous year, and probably mediated through a lag effect in the flowering of the honey possum's foodplants. The greatest densities of animals occurred over winter. In years following high rainfall, mean winter densities reached 88 individuals per hectare. The lowest densities occurred in spring, and in years following low rainfall mean spring densities fell to 8 individuals per hectare. Even at these lowest densities, there is still the potential for interaction between males and females. A succession from high to low, then back to high densities was seen during the three years of the present study (2000-2002) and this shadowed a similar succession of changes in rainfall. The proportion of females with pouch-young was significantly affected by the season, and by rainfall in the previous year. Years following low rainfall had a lower proportion of females in a condition to breed. The autumn dip in breeding that occurred in all years was exacerbated following dry years. Of those females that did breed in 2001, a time of low resources, there was no difference in the size of the litter compared to 2000 and 2002, times of higher resource availability. The sex-ratio of pouch young was at parity, but there was a slight bias towards males among both juveniles (56%) and adults (58%). This was probably due to the greater movements shown by males. Sex ratios were not affected by changes in rainfall and density. Male-biased dispersal was detected using genetic data and the movement patterns of males showed that they moved greater distances than females during their normal activity. Analysis of four microsatellite loci revealed extremely high levels of variation, with 28 to 50 alleles per locus and a mean expected heterozygosity of 0.95. These are amongst the highest seen in any microsatellite study of vertebrates. There was multiple paternity in 86% litters, using a minimum number of sires per litter method, and in 95% litters, using an estimated number of sires method based upon the relatedness of litter males. This indicates that multiple mating is frequent in female honey possums and is evidence for sperm competition. The estimated number of sires in a litter was often three or four. In 41% of cases, the number of sires was less than the number of young in the litter, indicating that some males were more successful at siring offspring than others. Nevertheless, no more than two offspring in a litter were known to have been sired by the same male. Despite marked fluctuations in density from high in 2000, to low in 2001, then high again in 2002, the level of multiple paternity remained equally high in all years. Embryonic diapause and female reproduction was investigated in the honey possum. All adult females examined, both with and without pouch-young, were either close to oestrus, had ovulated or were carrying conceptuses. The honey possum has a postpartum oestrus and it was evident that this occurs approximately 2-4 days after birth. Cleavage and formation of the unilaminar blastocyst appears to occur rapidly over approximately 5 days. Embryonic diapause proceeded in a two phase manner similar to other small possum species. The unilaminar blastocyst expanded rapidly at first; and then, from about 18-20 days after birth, the diameter of the blastocyst remained constant at approximately 1.2-1.8mm. No growth or development beyond the unilaminar stage was observed during pouch-life. The first signs of reactivation occurred during lactation, after pouch exit, and expansion of the blastocyst only occurred in one post-lactational female. The development of the corpus luteum appeared different to patterns described for other marsupials, but its formation coincided with the formation of the unilaminar blastocyst. The diameter of the corpus luteum remained constant throughout diapause. The histology of the reproductive tract was generally similar to other marsupials. There were no sperm storage crypts in the female reproductive tract. The length of pouch-life in the honey possum was 55-65 days, and the interval between litters of the same size varied between 65 and 100 days. Embryonic diapause may reduce the time between production of successive litters in the honey possum, but lifetime reproductive potential is reasonably low. Females had up to four litters over the period that they were captured. Thus, each litter represents a substantial proportion (25%) of a female's lifetime reproductive output. Reproductive amortization occurred, with 61% loss overall, due to overproduction of ova, loss of conceptuses and reduction of the litter during lactation. The behavioural dominance of females suggests that multiple mating is an active strategy, and this presumably allows the genetic quality of their offspring to be maximized. Males that succeed in sperm competition may be of better intrinsic quality. Overproduction of conceptuses by females presents the opportunity for them to select those fertilized by intrinsically viable males or genetically compatible males. Sexually active males are present all year round. Females were not synchronous in their sexual receptivity, and this would lead to a skewed operational sex ratio, with more reproductive males than oestrous females. Since adult males are significantly smaller than adult females and possess no ornaments or armaments, it is unlikely that males overtly fight for access to females. Rather, males appear to monitor the reproductive status of females through smell, and probably compete in their ability to locate oestrous females. The risk and intensity of sperm competition is high, sexual selection for a large investment in spermatogenesis is evident and competition after copulation is probably an important factor in the mating system. It is likely that males, as well as females mate multiply, and the mating system is promiscuous.
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Wallis, John Craig. "3-hydroxycineole, possum metabolites of 1,8-cineole /." [St. Lucia, Qld.], 2005. http://www.library.uq.edu.au/pdfserve.php?image=thesisabs/absthe19352.pdf.

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Leite, Joana Filipa Siquenique. "Controlos veterinários nos postos de inspeção fronteiriços." Master's thesis, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/4934.

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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária
O comércio de produtos animais, de origem animal e animais vivos entre a União Europeia (UE) e países terceiros, bem como as trocas intracomunitárias, estão assentes num vasto conjunto de diretivas, decisões e regulamentos que permitem uma abordagem harmonizada por parte das autoridades veterinárias dos vários Estados Membros. À chegada à UE, tais produtos e animais são controlados em pontos de entrada específicos e aprovados, denominados Posto de Inspeção Fronteiriço (PIF). Estes encontram-se sob responsabilidade dos médicos veterinários oficiais, os quais realizam os controlos veterinários e asseguram que os animais e produtos que entram na UE são seguros e satisfazem as condições específicas de importação estabelecidas na legislação europeia. O PIF de Lisboa é o maior e o principal posto de inspeção fronteiriço em Portugal, tendo um papel fundamental no controlo das remessas/lotes introduzidas na UE através do território português. No entanto, estas representam apenas uma pequena fração do total de remessas/lotes que entram diariamente na UE. Dois dos principais PIF europeus localizam-se na Holanda, no porto de Roterdão e no aeroporto de Amesterdão, controlando uma grande parte das remessas provenientes de países terceiros. Esta dissertação visa descrever os controlos veterinários efetuados nos PIF, em particular no PIF de Lisboa e nos PIF de Roterdão e Amesterdão, permitindo assim, uma visão abrangente sobre o trabalho efetuado pelos médicos veterinários oficiais, tanto num PIF de pequenas dimensões, como em dois dos principais PIF europeus. São ainda relatados seis casos que permitem uma melhor ilustração do complexo processo dos controlos veterinários fronteiriços.
ABSTRACT - VETERINARY CONTROLS AT BORDER INSPECTION POSTS - The trade of animal products, products of animal origin and live animals, between the European Union (EU) and third countries, as well as among Member States, are based on a broad set of directives, regulations and decisions that allows a harmonized approach from the veterinary authorities of the Member States. On arrival in the EU, products and animals are checked at specific and approved entry points, called Border Inspection Post (BIP). They are under the responsibility of official veterinarians, who conduct veterinary checks and ensure that animals and products, entering the EU, are safe and meet the specific import conditions laid down in European legislation. The Lisbon BIP is the largest and busiest border inspection post in Portugal, playing a key role in the control of consignments introduced in the EU through the Portuguese territory. However, it represents a small fraction of the total consignments entering daily within the EU. Two of the busiest BIP in Europe are located in the Netherlands, in Rotterdam’s harbour and in Amsterdam’s airport, controlling a large part of the arriving consignments. This paper aims to describe the veterinary checks carried out at BIP, particularly in Lisbon BIP and Rotterdam and Amsterdam BIP, allowing a wide view of the work done by official veterinarians, both in a small BIP as in two of the busiest European BIP. It also reports six cases that enable a better illustration of the complex control process of the border veterinary controls.
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Manzochi, Clarice Ilse Schwarz. "Gerenciamento ambiental de postos de serviço automotivos." Florianópolis, SC, 2001. http://repositorio.ufsc.br/xmlui/handle/123456789/80062.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental
Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-18T10:05:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0Bitstream added on 2014-09-25T20:57:29Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 181089.pdf: 20410516 bytes, checksum: 526ad67d54dbf095dd69990594ee648a (MD5)
A incidência de acidentes devido ao transporte e manejo impróprio de combustíveis vem atingindo índices preocupantes, decorrendo em contaminações da atmosfera, solos, cursos d'água, lençóis freáticos e orla marítima, além de apresentarem riscos elevados para a ocorrência de incêndios e de explosões. Este trabalho consistiu no desenvolvimento de uma análise das normas e legislações pertinentes ao Gerenciamento Ambiental de Postos de Gasolina, verificando-se as condições e os resultados reais de suas implementações frente aos demais fatores intervenientes, procurando-se propostas para uma otimização gerencial de postos de serviço, sob o aspecto ambiental. Apesar da existência de diversas normas e leis, poucos são os postos de serviço que possuem um Plano Gerencial realmente implementado. Somando-se a isto, constatado o derramamento de combustível, as alternativas de remediação de locais contaminados, destacando-se os casos em que a água subterrânea é atingida, revelam-se onerosas e muitas vezes com eficiência limitada. A incorporação da análise de risco na revisão dos padrões ambientais a serem atingidos surge como uma alternativa para diminuir os impactos decorrentes da limitação tecnológica e dos altos custos de remediação. Após a análise das legislações, selecionou-se o Posto Cidade Jardim localizado na cidade de Florianópolis, nas proximidades do Mangue do Saco Grande para a elaboração de um Estudo de Caso. Neste estabelecimento, a adequação dos equipamentos e procedimentos operacionais de segurança foi verificada, e o ocorrência de um vazamento fictício de combustíveis foi simulada por modelo matemático, possibilitando a elaboração de uma análise de risco de um acidente envolvendo a contaminação com hidrocarbonetos de petróleo em local de grande fragilidade ambiental. As simulações efetuadas com o modelo BIOSCREEN indicaram que os pontos críticos de exposição, materializados pelas valas de drenagem que conduzem as águas pluviais em direção ao Mangue do Saco Grande, deverão ser atingidas em aproximadamente 1 ano após a ocorrência de um acidente, oferecendo tempo hábil para a adoção de medidas de intervenção. Entretanto, o Posto Cidade Jardim não reflete a realidade dos Postos de Serviço no Brasil, cujo cenário real deverá ser retratado após o cadastramento preconizado pela Resolução CONAMA nº 263/2000. Os dados a serem obtidos a partir desta Resolução devem ser adequadamente tratados, dentro de uma perspectiva de análise de risco integrada para que não sirvam apenas como instrumento burocrático de liberação de licenças ambientais, mas que possam realmente ser utilizados como ferramenta para tomada de decisão frente a ocorrência de acidentes.
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Patrício, Gustavo de Castro. "Preferência do consumidor em postos de gasolina." Florianópolis, SC, 2003. http://repositorio.ufsc.br/xmlui/handle/123456789/86352.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-Econômico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração.
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O conhecimento do comportamento do consumidor é considerado por vários estudiosos do marketing como sendo imprescindível ao desenvolvimento de estratégias relevantes à gestão das organizações. Em mercados promissores e altamente competitivos como o de serviços incorporados à venda a varejo de combustíveis, observa-se como extremamente importante o entendimento das variáveis envolvidas no comportamento de consumo, inclusive o próprio processo de tomada de decisão envolvido no comportamento de determinados segmentos. Nesse contexto, procurou-se aliar ao caráter eminentemente científico exigido numa dissertação a relevância de um tema ligado à questão do petróleo, de tal sorte que foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo num estabelecimento de venda a varejo de combustíveis com seus respectivos consumidores e tabulados os resultados. As análises estatísticas realizadas e as conseqüentes conclusões contribuem para engrossar a lista de trabalhos científicos na área de concentração do marketing e, em particular, do comportamento do consumidor.
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Roesler, Vera Regina. "Posso me aposentar "de verdade"." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFSC, 2012. http://repositorio.ufsc.br/xmlui/handle/123456789/100800.

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Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia, Florianópolis, 2012
Made available in DSpace on 2013-06-25T22:46:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 315047.pdf: 1605113 bytes, checksum: 3df7963a314f531a64faf814f7797277 (MD5)
Tendo como aporte epistemológico a Sociologia Clínica, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar os fatores psicossociais que levam trabalhadores bancários em condições econômico-financeiras estáveis a viverem contradições e ambivalências em seu processo de aposentadoria. Empregando metodologia qualitativa, foi verificado o sentido atribuído ao trabalho, aposentadoria e envelhecimento por quinze sujeitos já aposentados pelo Instituto Nacional de Seguridade Social - INSS; foi realizada também a reconstituição de suas trajetórias socioprofissionais, árvore genealógica e projeto parental. Cinco participantes desta pesquisa deixaram seus empregos em organizações bancárias e dez permanecem em atividades laborais remuneradas na área financeira. Residem em diversas capitais brasileiras, suas idades variam entre 51 e 79 anos, a maioria cursou nível superior e pós-graduações. Grande parte dos bancos onde estes sujeitos construíram suas trajetórias profissionais são públicos. A maioria dos pesquisados encontra em seu trabalho a mais importante estratégia para realizar seu projeto de ser, forjado no conjunto de sua história, a partir de influências culturais, sociais, econômicas, políticas e familiares. Desta forma, o papel ou perfil profissional passa a ser o aspecto fundamental no conjunto de sua personalidade, deixando em segundo plano as demais dimensões existenciais. É no trabalho que estes sujeitos encontram sua segurança ontológica, onde se reconhecem, constroem suas identidades e definem seu ser, passando este a constituir-se como a área hegemônica de sua vida, implicando em dificuldades de se lançar em outras relações e em se desvincular de seus empregos. Assim, a aposentadoria pode se apresentar como uma ruptura com o projeto de ser para os sujeitos que tem no trabalho o foco central de suas vidas. A organização de trabalho funciona como um sistema de mediações, fornecendo a estes sujeitos uma estrutura de normas e valores calcados na lógica produtivista (exigência de alta performance, competitividade, desafios constantes, superação dos limites) que vem ao encontro de suas necessidades psicológicas e sociais. Nesta perspectiva, o trabalho é vivido como uma fuga ou estratégia para evitar o vazio existencial. Assim, deixar o ambiente organizacional adquire o sentido de morte.

Abstract : Having as a support the epistemological sociology Clinic, this study aimed to examine the psychosocial factors that lead bank workers in stable economic and financial conditions to live contradictions in their retirement process. Using qualitative methodology we verified the meaning assigned to work, retirement and aging in fifteen people already retired by the National Social Security Institute # INSS; We also performed reconstitution of their socio-professional trajectories, genealogy and parental project. Five participants in this study left their jobs in banking organizations and ten remain in paid labor activities in the financial area. These people live in different Brazilian capitals, aging between 51 and 79 years old, and most of them have attended top level and postgraduate courses. Great part of the banks these people have built their professional careers are public. The majority find in their work the most important strategy to achieve their project to be forged in all its history, influences from cultural, social, economic, political and family. Thus, the role or job profile becomes the fundamental aspect of their personality as a whole, leaving the other aspects in the background existential dimensions. It is in the work that these guys find their ontological security, which they recognize, build their identities and define their being, from this to establish itself as the hegemonic area of their lives, implying difficulties in launching into other relationships and disengage from their jobs. Thus, retirement can present itself as a break from the project to be the guys who have at work the central focus of their lives. The work organization works as a system of mediations, giving these guys a structure of norms and values rooted in the productivity logic (requiring high performance, competitiveness, constant challenges, overcoming the limits) coming to meet their psychological and social needs . In this perspective, the work is experienced as a strategy to avoid or escape the existential void. So, leaving the organizational environment acquires the meaning of death.
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Folgado, Miguel Ângelo Semedo. "Subestações de tração e postos de catenária -engenharia." Master's thesis, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.26/5872.

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O presente relatório faz parte integrante do estágio curricular do Mestrado em Controlo e Electrónica industrial efetuado na REFER EPE, que teve como objetivo a descrição dos conhecimentos básicos de energia de tração, e dos trabalhos realizados dentro do mesmo tema. Neste documento são abordados diversos temas, como a caraterização técnica dos sistemas de tração, nomeadamente os como sistemas de alimentação de tração elétrica e a sua exploração, subestações de tensão alternada e subestações de tensão contínua e ainda postos de catenária, bem como a descrição da aparelhagem dos mesmos. Dento do tema de subestação de corrente alternada são abordadas as proteções próprias dos transformadores, os curto-circuitos entre duas subestações, e a metodologia de cálculo de proteções de distância No tema das subestações de corrente-contínua, é abordada a metodologia de cálculo de curto-circuitos na catenária (lado DC), e o respetivo estudo do dispositivo de proteção o detetor de defeito de linha e o teste associado, o ensaio de linha que permite ou não a reposição de tensão na catenária. Dentro deste trabalho é ainda abordado o tema do circuito de retorno da corrente de tração, terras e proteções. Estão ainda descritos dois acompanhamentos de trabalhos efetuados no terreno, nomeadamente um ensaio de relés de proteção e religação automática de disjuntor e uma montagem de uma caixa de comando elétrico de um seccionador. Por ultimo, neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo técnicoeconómico com vista à melhoria da eficiência energética na iluminação exterior das subestações de tração com o objetivo da redução de consumos explorando uma tecnologia inovadora pouco divulgada e bastante promissora no mercado da iluminação, o LEP. Este estágio teve para além dos objetivos mencionados anteriormente a integração no mundo do trabalho.
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Moura, Paulo Roberto Cidade. "Rotação de postos de trabalho : uma abordagem ergonômica." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/3239.

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A Indústria Mecânica, especificamente aquelas relacionadas à manufatura de motoserras, apresenta problemas relativos à alta repetitividade e a necessidade de força no desempenho de suas tarefas, com impacto direto nos sistemas músculo-esqueléticos. Estas tarefas possuem altos riscos ergonômicos associados ao sistema músculo-esquelético e sua fadiga a movimentos repetitivos. Estas tarefas são em sua maioria geradores potenciais de desordens por traumas cumulativos, independentes do desenho de seus postos de trabalho e como são estes criados. Quanto a o uso de medidas de engenharia, estas não são práticas em um ponto de vista ergonômico ou econômico, devido às características das tarefas, como no caso em estudo no qual, o uso de medidas administrativas, como a rotação de trabalho, pode ser a solução mais rápida e imperativa para obter um melhor conforto Ergonômico. Estas apresentam a vantagem de serem independentes para algumas condições, entre elas o numero de estações de trabalho (postos), as mudanças de processos, os novos produtos que possam implicar mudanças de tecnologias e outras que não mudem ou modifiquem a natureza das tarefas. Estas vantagens fazem do programa de Rotação de trabalho uma medida administrativa robusta. A priorização deste estudo aconteceu pela falta de metodologias que viessem facilitar a implementação de um programa de rotação de trabalho como uma medida administrativa a fim de reduzir riscos ergonômicos. Este estudo desenvolveu uma metodologia para a implementação de uma Rotação de trabalho Ergonômica em um setor de uma indústria Mecânica. Para este objetivo foi necessário identificar as áreas de maiores riscos ergonômicos associados aos os postos de trabalho na Célula de Cromagem. Dados foram coletados através de questionários, Checklist e vídeos, com o objetivo de obter-se uma possível rotação de trabalho dentro de um ponto de vista ergonômico. Para isto, uma análise foi desenvolvida a fim de resultar em uma matriz de postos classificados por prioridades, levando-se em consideração cada posto de trabalho e suas características. Para este propósito, um modelo integrado foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de estabelecer uma ótima ordem para executar a rotação de trabalho, avaliada na certificação das necessidades ergonômicas. Finalmente, uma metodologia de fácil aplicação e condução revela que a implementação de uma rotação de trabalho ergonômico, que leva em consideração os riscos ergonômicos e suas prevenções de DORT, tem um alto impacto no nível de qualidade de vida das linhas de produção.
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Casanova, Luis Ramón. "Algoritmos inversos para problemas mal postos em tomografia." Doctoral thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/10773/18807.

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Doutoramento em Engenharia Electrotécnica
Esta tese está dedicada ao estudo de diferentes aspectos da Tomografia de Indução Magnética (TIM), a modalidade mais recente da tomografia eléctrica. A visualização de distribuições espaciais das propriedades eléctricas / magnéticas em sistemas tão diversos como o corpo humano, o interior da terra ou o interior de um tubo, através da medição do campo na sua periferia, tem recebido muita atenção nos últimos 25 anos. Uma dificuldade relacionada com este tipo de técnicas é que o processo de criação da imagem está relacionado com a solução de um problema inverso que é mal posto e não linear, o que significa a falta de unicidade ou estabilidade da solução para um conjunto fixo de dados. Neste trabalho, propõe-se um modelo analítico da TIM que nos permite estudar a natureza do processo tomográfico. Este modelo foi usado para simular e comparar diferentes estratégias de recolha de dados, estudar a má postura do problema, obter gráficos do campo magnético e como um meio de teste de algoritmos de reconstrução. As técnicas de regularização são amplamente conhecidas em diferentes campos como ferramentas poderosas para lidar com a má postura dos problemas inversos. Foram implementados vários destes métodos e avaliada a sua eficácia na geração de imagens com dados simulados e reais. Um método especialmente interessante é um método, chamado ARTUR, que se baseia na preservação das regiões de gradiente acentuado da distribuição e que foi aplicado pela primeira vez em tomografía eléctrica com resultados muito positivos. O impacto da não negatividade como fonte de regularização foi igualmente estudada. Finalmente, foi desenvolvido um algoritmo quantitativo não linear de estimação de paramétrica.
This thesis is dedicated to the study of Magnetic Induction tomography (MIT) the more recent modality of electrical imaging. Tomographic techniques based on electrical measurements taken from outside to probe the interior of quite different systems like can be the human body, the subsurface of the earth or the flow inside an industrial pipe line have received a lot of attention in the last 25 years. One challenge posed by this kind of techniques is that the imaging process is related to the solution of a strongly ill-posed and non-linear inverse problem that often means the lack of uniqueness or stability of the solution for a given data set. In this work an MIT analytical model is proposed that will allow us to study the nature of the tomographic process through the evaluation of its ill-posedness. It is used to simulate and compare different data collection strategies, to study the invertibility of the problem, to obtain graphical views of the field and as a framework to test inversion algorithms. Regularization techniques are widely spread in different fields as powerful tools to deal with ill-posed problems. We have implemented several of these methods and tested their effectiveness with simulated and real data as well. Specially, an edge-preserving technique called ARTUR has been applied for the first time in electrical tomography with encouraging results. The impact of the non-negativity as a source of regularization when incorporated in the inversion procedures has been studied and quantified. Finally, it has been developed a quantitative algorithm for MIT parameter estimation.
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Winans, S. S., M. J. Ottman, and T. A. Doerge. "Wheat and Durum Variety Trial in Poston, 1989." College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1989. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/201069.

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Montijo, Christe Hélida Moreira. "Sobre grupos profinitos de posto finito." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UnB, 2018. http://repositorio.unb.br/handle/10482/34200.

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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Matemática, 2018.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).
Esta dissertação está dividida em duas partes e é baseada no Capítulo 8 do livro ProfiniteGroups [22] de J. S. Wilson, e no artigo Uncountablymany non-commensurablefinitelypresentedpropgroups [19] de I. Snopce. A parte I é um estudo de grupos profinitos de posto finito. Estudamos grupos solúveis profinitos de posto finito e fornecemos uma série de caracterizações dos mesmos. Então mostramos que um grupo profinito arbitrário de posto finito é construído a partir de um grupo pronilpotente de posto finito, um grupo solúvel de posto finito e um grupo finito. E a Parte II é uma descrição de grupos pro-p de posto finito. Provamos que existe uma quantidade não enumerável de grupos pro-p uniformes metabelianos não comensuráveis de dimensão m, onde m é maior ou igual do que 3, e consequentemente, existe uma quantidade não enumerável de grupos pro-p finitamente apresentados não comensuráveis com um número minimal de geradores igual a m e um número minimal de relações.
This master’s dissertation was divided into two parts, and it is based on the Chapter 8 of the book Profinite Groups of J. S. Wilson, and on the article Uncountably many non- commensurable finitely presented pro-p groups of I. Snopce. Part I is a study of profinite groups of finite rank. We study profinite soluble groups of finite rank and we give a number of characterizations of them. Then we show that an arbitrary profinite group of finite rank is built up from a pronilpotent group of finite rank, a soluble group of finite rank, and a finite group. Part II is an account of pro-p groups of finite rank. It is proved that there are uncountably many non-commensurable metabelian uniform pro-p groups of dimension m. Consequently, there are uncountably many non-commensurable finitely presented pro-p groups with minimal number of generators m and minimal number of relations.
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REIS, Robson Carlos da Silva. "Corpos não-euclideanos com posto um." Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2017. https://repositorio.ufpe.br/handle/123456789/25527.

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Submitted by Fernanda Rodrigues de Lima (fernanda.rlima@ufpe.br) on 2018-07-26T21:01:32Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO Robson Carlos da Silva Reis.pdf: 847753 bytes, checksum: 76f279149cfb5597618e4b32e2796619 (MD5)
Rejected by Alice Araujo (alice.caraujo@ufpe.br), reason: Fernanda, por favor, insere o abstract como der (o mais parecido possível). Em seguida eu vou perguntar ao usuário o que ele acha. Antes de enviar o e-mail para ele, preciso liberar no RI-UFPE. on 2018-08-09T22:52:46Z (GMT)
Submitted by Fernanda Rodrigues de Lima (fernanda.rlima@ufpe.br) on 2018-08-13T19:40:04Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO Robson Carlos da Silva Reis.pdf: 847753 bytes, checksum: 76f279149cfb5597618e4b32e2796619 (MD5)
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Dizemos que um corpo de números K é Euclidiano em relação à norma algébrica usual , se, para quaisquer inteiros algébricos e de K, com não nulo, existe um inteiro algébrico em K tal que | ( − )| < | ()|, o “algoritmo de Euclides” de . Se K é Euclidiano, então o seu anel de inteiros algébricos, , é um domínio de ideais principais e, portanto, um domínio de fatoração única, o que é um resultado muito útil na resolução de equações diofantinas. Em 1952, E.S. Barnes e H.P.F. Swinnerton-Dyer mostraram que, no caso em que K/Q é uma extensão quadrática, existem, exatamente, vinte e um corpos Euclidianos em relação à norma usual. Para corpos cúbicos e de grau quatro, H. Davenport e, mais tarde, J.W.S. Cassels, mostraram que existe apenas um número finito de corpos Euclidianos, se o grupo das unidades * tem posto um. Por exemplo, Cassels mostrou que corpos cúbicos complexos K não podem ser Euclidianos se −Δᴋ > 420², com Δᴋ sendo o discriminante de ᴋ; há, portanto, apenas um número finito deles. Cioffari usou a cota de Cassels para determinar todos os corpos Euclidianos da forma Q(³√), mostrando que os únicos tais corpos euclidianos são: Q(³√2), Q(³√3) e Q(³√10). Nesta dissertação, apresentamos um estudo detalhado das técnicas que ele usou para obter o resultado.
We say that a number field K is Euclidean if, for any algebraic integers ∈ K and ∈ K, with ≠0, there is an algebraic integer ∈ K such that | ( − )| < | ()|, the "Euclidean algorithm", where is the algebraic norm in K/Q. If K is Euclidean, then its ring of algebraic integers, , is a principal ideal domain and, therefore, a unique factorization domain, which is a very useful fact in solving Diophantine equations. In 1952, E.S. Barnes and H.P.F. Swinnerton-Dyer showed that, in the case where K/Q is a quadratic extension, there are exactly twenty one Euclidean number fields, with being the usual norm. For cubic and quartic fields, H. Davenport, and later J.W.S. Cassels, have shown that there is only a finite number of Euclidean number fields, when the rank of the group of units of is one (that includes cubic fields with two complex embeddings and quartic fields with four complex embeddings). For example, Cassels has shown that a complex cubic number fields K cannot be Euclidean if −Δᴋ > 420², with Δᴋ being the discriminant of K, so there is only a finite number of them. Cioffari used Cassels’ bound to determine all Euclidean number fields of the form Q(︁³√)︁, the pure cubic fields, showing that the only Euclidean number fields in this case are Q(︁ ³√2 )︁, Q(︁³√3)︁ and Q(︁³√10)︁. We give a detailed account of the techniques they used to get this result.
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Oliveira, Davis Matias de. "Propriedades assintóticas de estimadores de posto." Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2012. https://repositorio.ufpe.br/handle/123456789/11238.

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Submitted by Etelvina Domingos (etelvina.domingos@ufpe.br) on 2015-03-06T17:34:30Z No. of bitstreams: 2 DMO.pdf: 892234 bytes, checksum: e32f938f3f989f8bad84108ff8531c83 (MD5) license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-06T17:34:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 DMO.pdf: 892234 bytes, checksum: e32f938f3f989f8bad84108ff8531c83 (MD5) license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02
Esta tese de doutorado apresenta uma correção do quantil ou valor crítico da distribuição assintótica qui-quadrado da estatística de Wald para a estimação de posto de matrizes desconhecidas usando o critério de teste sequencial. A partir dos resultados teóricos obtidos, usando linguagem de programação Ox (Doornik, 2006), são feitas avaliações numéricas de tal melhora em estudos envolvendo modelos de equações simultâneas lineares, em que a distribuição dos erros aleatórios pertence à classe das distribuições de contorno elíptico. O objetivo é criar uma ligação entre as ideias propostas por Ratsimalahelo (2003a,b) e Phillips & Park (1988) para obter um quantil aperfeiçoado para a estatística de Wald desenvolvida por Ratsimalahelo (2003a,b), que possa produzir uma redução no viés do estimador do posto de matrizes desconhecidas. Inicialmente, encontra-se o desenvolvimento teórico, o qual usa o método da expansão de Edgeworth para produzir um aperfeiçoamento do valor crítico usado no teste para a estimativa do posto de matrizes desconhecidas. A seguir, foram fornecidos os conceitos teóricos sobre a formulação da correção do quantil aplicada ao modelo de equações simultâneas lineares para duas distribuições na classe das distribuições de contorno elíptico. Por fim, são feitas as avaliações numéricas dos resultados obtidos a partir de simulações que utilizam o método de Monte Carlo para as estimativas do posto de matrizes desconhecidas baseadas na estatística aperfeiçoada do tipo Wald, a qual é desenvolvida ao logo da primeira parte do texto.
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Borges, Leonardo Silveira 1983. "Métodos para problemas mal-postos discretos de grande porte." [s.n.], 2013. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/306074.

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Orientadores: Maria Cristina de Castro Cunha, Fermín Sinforiano Viloche Bazán
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campionas, Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Computação Científica
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T19:25:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Borges_LeonardoSilveira_D.pdf: 3354099 bytes, checksum: 22e0646185a1b6a6832ca570c099cde8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013
Resumo: A resolução estável de problemas mal-postos discretos requer o uso de métodos de regularização. Dentre vários métodos de regularização existentes na literatura, um dos mais utilizados é o método de regularização de Tikhonovçuja eficiência depende da escolha do parâmetro de regularização. Existem vários métodos para selecionar um parâmetro apropriado tais como o princípio da discrepância de Morozov e métodos heurísticos como o critério da curva-L de Hansen, a Validação Cruzada Generalizada de Golub, Heath e Wahba e o método de ponto fixo de Bazán. Problemas mal-postos discretos de grande porte podem ser resolvidos por métodos iterativos como CGLS e LSQR desde que as iterações sejam interrompidas antes que a influência do ruído deteriore a qualidade das iteradas. Esta é uma tarefa difícil que ainda não foi abordada satisfatoriamente na literatura. Em uma tentativa de atenuar a dificuldade na escolha da iteração de parada, tais métodos podem ser combinados com o método de regularização de Tikhonov gerando os métodos híbridos como GKB-FP e W-GCV (ambos usam a matriz identidade como matriz de regularização). As contribuições desta tese incluem primeiramente novas informações referentes ao algoritmo GKB-FP e como este pode ser eficientemente implementado para o método de regularização de Tikhonov com a matriz de regularização sendo diferente da matriz identidade. Como segunda contribuição tem-se o desenvolvimento de um critério de parada automático para métodos iterativos para problemas "de grande porte", incluindo meios para incorporar informações a priori da solução (como regularidade, por exemplo) no processo iterativo. O método de regularização de Tikhonov usualmente está confinado apenas a um único parâmetro. Entretanto, alguns problemas apresentam soluções com distintas características que devem ser incorporadas na solução regularizada. Isso conduz ao método de regularização de Tikhonov com múltiplos parâmetros. A terceira contribuição desta tese é o desenvolvimento de um método baseado em iterações de ponto fixo para a seleção destes parâmetros e um algoritmo do tipo GKB-FP para problemas de grande porte. Por fim, os resultados teóricos obtidos nesta pesquisa são avaliados na construção de soluções numéricas para diversos problemas como restauração e super-resolução de imagens, problemas de espalhamento e outros obtidos de equações integrais de Fredholm
Abstract: Discrete ill-posed problems need to be regularized in order to be stably solved. Amongst several regularization methods, perhaps the most used is the method of Tikhonov whose effectiveness depends on a proper choice of the regularization parameter. There are considerable amount of parameter choice rules in the literature; these include the Discrepancy Principle by Morozov and heuristic methods like the L-curve criterion by Hansen, Generalized Cross Validation by Golub, Heath and Wahba, and a fixed point method due to Bazán. Large-scale discrete ill-posed problems can be solved by iterative methods like CGLS and LSQR provided that the iterations are stopped before the noise starts deteriorating the quality of the iterates. This is a difficult task which has not yet been addressed satisfactorily in the literature. In an attempt to alleviate the difficulty associated with selecting the regularization parameter, iterative methods can be combined with Tikhonov regularization giving rise to the so-called hybrid methods such as GKB-FP and W-GCV (both using the identity matrix as regularization matrix). The contributions of this thesis include further results concerning the theoretical properties of GKB-FP algorithm as well as the extension of GKB-FP to Tikhonov regularization using a general regularization matrix. Apart from this, as a second contribution, we propose an automatic stopping rule for iterative methods for large-scale problems, including the case where the methods are preconditioned via smoothing norms. Tikhonov regularization has been widely applied to solve linear ill-posed problems, but almost always confined to a single regularization parameter. Nevertheless, some problems have solutions with distinctive characteristics that must be included in the regularized solution. This leads to multi-parameter Tikhonov regularization problems. The third contribution of the thesis is the development of a fixed point method to select the regularization parameters in this multi-parameter case as well as a GKB-FP type algorithm which is well suited for large-scale problems. The proposed algorithms are numerically illustrated by solving several problems such as reconstruction and super-resolution image problems, scattering problems and others from Fredholm integral equations
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Doutor em Matemática Aplicada
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Fernandes, Diogo Antas Botelho Lobo. "Controlos veterinários nos postos de inspeção fronteiriços : duas realidades." Master's thesis, Universidade de Lisboa. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/6352.

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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária
As importações de produtos de origem animal de países terceiros para a União Europeia (UE), devem respeitar uma série de regras específicas impostas pela legislação comunitária tendo em vista a salvaguarda da respetiva segurança sanitária, no momento da sua entrada no mercado único europeu. A verificação desses requisitos está a cargo das autoridades veterinárias de cada Estado Membro (EM) em pontos de entrada específicos devidamente aprovados, denominados Postos de Inspeção Fronteiriços (PIF). Nestes locais, são efetuados controlos oficiais sob responsabilidade de uma equipa composta por médicos veterinários que certifica o cumprimento das condições impostas referentes à higiene pública veterinária e à sanidade animal em cada remessa. Para garantir a lealdade nas relações comerciais é fundamental portanto, que existam, entre todos os PIF dispersos pelo território da UE, procedimentos harmonizados quando são executados os controlos veterinários, antecedidos de uma uniformização do processo de aprovação de cada PIF. O PIF de Roterdão, localizado dentro do maior porto europeu, faz parte da lista oficial de Postos de Inspeção aprovados pela Comissão Europeia (CE), sendo também o principal ponto de entrada de produtos importados para toda a Europa. Já o PIF portuário de Lisboa, embora tenha uma expressão diminuta no quadro europeu é o local de chegada do maior número de remessas de produtos de origem animal oriundos de países terceiros e destinados ao território português. Nesta dissertação é efetuada uma análise comparativa dos procedimentos de controlo que são executados nos dois PIF, evidenciando e descrevendo as diferentes realidades destes dois PIF portuários, contextualizando-os igualmente no quadro geral europeu.
Animals and products of animal origin imported into the European Union from third countries must respect rules imposed by the European legislation, regarding, among others, the safeguard of its safety at the moment of their respective entrance into the European common market. The verification of these requirements is a responsibility of the veterinary authorities of each Member State in specific entry points, duly approved, denominated Border Inspection Posts (BIP). In these places, official controls are carried out under the responsibility of a team of veterinarians that certify the compliance with the conditions imposed relating to veterinary public hygiene and animal health in each shipment. To ensure fairness in trade relations is crucial, therefore, assuring that between all BIPs scattered over the territory of the European Union, harmonized procedures when veterinary checks are performed, preceded by a standardization of the approval process of each BIP. The Rotterdam BIP, located within the largest European port, is part of the official list of checkpoints approved by the European Commission, being also the main entry point for imported products throughout Europe. On the other hand, Lisbon BIP, although not as significant in the European context, is the place of arrival of the largest number of consignments of products of animal origin from third countries into the Portuguese territory. This dissertation performs a comparative analysis of the control procedures that are executed in both BIPs, showcasing and describing the different realities of these two ports and contextualizing them within the overall European framework.
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Pereira, Frederico Martins Nunes. "Caracterização e diferenciação de estações e postos de correio." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/7794.

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Mestrado em Decisão Económica e Empresarial
Este projeto procura contribuir para: a) a perceção das condições de acessibilidade aos estabelecimentos postais (EP) em Portugal assim como a existência de eventuais assimetrias regionais no que à acessibilidade diz respeito. b) verificar que fatores influenciam a existência de um determinado número de estabelecimentos postais num concelho, recorrendo a modelos de contagem. Após uma breve nota introdutória apresentada na secção 1 deste projeto, analisa-se, na secção 2, a distribuição geográfica dos EP nomeadamente as suas áreas de cobertura, utilizando polígonos de Voronoi, assim como as distâncias em linha reta a percorrer pelos utilizadores de serviços postais até os diferentes tipos de estabelecimento postal. Na secção 3 do projeto são apresentados os modelos econométricos que visam identificar e analisar as características que têm maior influência na determinação do número de estações de correio (EC) e postos de correio (PC) a nível concelhio. Na última secção do relatório, são apresentadas as conclusões do estudo, baseadas nos resultados e são mencionadas pistas para análise futura.
This project aims to contribute to: a) the perception of accessibility conditions to the postal establishments (EP) in Portugal as well as the existence of any regional disparities regarding accessibility concerns. b) verify which factors may influence the existence of a number of postal establishments in a municipality, using count models. After a brief introductory note presented in section 1 of this project, section 2 analyzes the geographical distribution of postal establishments, in particular their coverage areas, using Voronoi polygons, as well as the straight line distance between users of postal services to different types of postal establishment. In Section 3 of the project econometric models are presented ehich aim to identify and analyze the characteristics that have the greatest influence in determining the number of post offices (EC) and postal outlets (PC) by municipality. In the last section of the report presents the findings of the study, based on the results and a few topics for future analysis are mentioned.
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Dockhorn, Carolina Neumann de Barros Falcão. "Perfil sociodemográfico e psicológico dos voluntários dos postos CVV." Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10923/4918.

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Made available in DSpace on 2013-08-07T19:08:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 000389614-Texto+Completo-0.pdf: 686246 bytes, checksum: 0134fcd796eb825849d49e5a6bf1e3e0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007
Suicide is considered to be a public health problem and, being that way, it becomes imperious that preventive measures must be taken to reduce its ratings. It is fundamental that psychological science takes care of this field with the purpose of multiplying it as well as to strengthen and developing the ones that already exists. Originated from the social issues, voluntary actions have the purpose of collaborating with fundamental questions of a society. Volunteering becomes present also in the field of the behavior phenomenon, for example, by the CVV actions, executioners of the CVV Program for Suicide Prevention and part of the Centre for the Value of Life, non-governmental organization created in 1962. CVV offers fraternal emotional support being the help relation made by meetings in person, letters, e-mail or by phone (help support desks that work 24 hours a day 365 days a year). The work is totally executed by volunteers. This report has the goal of characterizing the social demographical and psychological profile of the CVV branch volunteers. Three studies sections were elaborated: One theoretical and two empirical ones. The theoratical section refers to the elaboration from a literature review concerning hotlines and, more specifically, from the Centre for the Value of life and the CVV branches. It is possible to see the veracity of the preventive support through the resource of the phone, with which one can see the important social resource that CVV occupies. In today’s world in which individualism and the despise for the other prevails, CVV volunteers points out for it’s attitude of putting their attention to others establishing a helping relation that may not be in technical/professional level it still can be effectively therapeutically and as a prevention. The first empirical section has the purpose of, through a qualitative methodology, establishing the social demographical and psychological profile of the CVV volunteers from the four branches in the states of Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre and Novo Hamburgo) and Santa Catarina (Florianópolis and Blumenau). The article was based on 100 male and female individuals, older than 18 and volunteers from the four CVV branches. A social demographical questionnaire and three personality instruments were used: Factorial Extroversion Scale (EFE), Factorial Socialization Scale (EFS) and the Factorial Neuroticism Scale (EFN). The results point to a social demographical profile of people well educated and with economical stability which favours them towards solidarity interests. In psychological terms the results obtained were categorized “medium” in the Factorial Extroversion and Socialization Scale finding themselves in the average. In the Neuroticism Factor the results obtained were classified as “below average”. The second empirical section of qualitative methodology had the goal of looking at the experiences of nine CVV volunteers with a psychoanalytical reading of this voluntary intervention model aiming at the complexity that is present in human relations do to the psychic suffering situations. Using the content analysis technique four categories were identified which permit the following reflection of: the identification models for the choosing and staying in CVV; the importance of the Program for the volunteer; the possibility of tolerating initial frustrations in the activity; and the aspects related to the question of neutrality of the volunteer. The results achieved in this report allow a bigger and better understanding of CVV from its place of preventive action in the suicide and psychic suffering field.
O suicídio é considerado um problema de saúde pública e, portanto, tornam-se imperiosas as ações preventivas que visam reduzir os seus índices. É fundamental que a ciência psicológica ocupe-se desse campo, com o intuito de multiplicá-las, além de fortalecer e aprimorar as já existentes. Originadas a partir das mazelas sociais, as ações voluntárias visam colaborar com questões fundamentais de uma sociedade. O voluntariado torna-se presente, também, no campo do fenômeno do comportamento suicida, por exemplo, pela atuação do CVV, órgão executor do Programa CVV de Prevenção do Suicídio e parte integrante do Centro de Valorização da Vida, organização não-governamental fundada em 1962. O CVV oferece apoio emocional fraterno, sendo a relação de ajuda dada através de encontros presenciais, carta, e-mail ou por telefone (modalidade de atendimento que funciona 24 horas por dia 365 dias por ano). O trabalho é totalmente executado por voluntários. Esta dissertação tem o objetivo de caracterizar o perfil sociodemográfico e psicológico dos voluntários dos Postos CVV. Foram elaborados três seções de estudo: um teórico e dois empíricos. O estudo teórico refere-se à elaboração de uma revisão de literatura a respeito das hotlines e, mais especificamente, do Centro de Valorização e dos Postos CVV. É possível constatar a validade de uma ação preventiva de apoio através do recurso do telefone, uma vez que se percebe o importante recurso social que o CVV ocupa. No mundo atual, em que prima o individualismo e o descaso pelo próximo, os voluntários do CVV destacam-se pela atitude de colocar a sua atenção no outro, estabelecendo uma relação de ajuda, que, embora não seja em nível técnico/profissional, pode ser efetivamente terapêutica e profilática.O primeiro estudo empírico objetiva, através de uma metodologia quantitativa, estabelecer o perfil sociodemográfico e psicológico dos voluntários de quatro Postos CVV dos Estados do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre e Novo Hamburgo) e de Santa Catarina (Florianópolis e Blumenau). A amostra foi constituída por 100 indivíduos do sexo masculino e feminino, maiores de 18 anos e voluntários de quatro Postos CVV. Utilizaram-se uma ficha de dados sociodemográficos e três instrumentos de personalidade: a Escala Fatorial de Extroversão (EFE), Escala Fatorial de Socialização (EFS) e Escala Fatorial de Neuroticismo (EFN). Os resultados apontam para um perfil sociodemográfico de pessoas educacionalmente bem instruídas e com uma estabilidade econômica que favorece a abertura para interesses solidários. Em termos psicológicos, quanto aos fatores extroversão e socialização, os escores obtidos encontram-se dentro da média, enquanto, para o fator neuroticismo, foram abaixo da média. O segundo estudo empírico, de metodologia qualitativa, objetivou articular as vivências de nove voluntários do CVV com uma leitura psicanalítica desse modelo de intervenção voluntária, destacando a complexidade que se faz presente nas relações humanas frente a situações de sofrimento psíquico. Usando a técnica de análise de conteúdo, foram identificadas 4 categorias que permitem a reflexão acerca: dos modelos identificatórios para a escolha e permanência no CVV; o lugar deste para o voluntário; a possibilidade de tolerar frustrações iniciais à atividade; e aspectos relacionados à questão da neutralidade do voluntário. Os resultados alcançados nessa dissertação permitem um maior e melhor conhecimento do CVV, desde o seu lugar de ação preventiva no campo do suicídio e do sofrimento psíquico.
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Meles, Bruna Alexandra. "Ergonomia industrial e conforto térmico em postos de trabalho." Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10773/9342.

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Mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial
O presente projeto, levado a cabo na Bosch Termotecnologia (BTT), insere-se na área da Ergonomia Industrial, com um estudo que pretendia, por um lado, definir um Manual de Ergonomia user-friendly e, por outro, avaliar o conforto térmico de determinados postos de trabalho daquela organização. No que diz respeito ao Manual de Ergonomia, este teve como objetivo compilar toda a informação necessária num só documento, de fácil utilização e consulta, de forma a auxiliar o departamento de produção, logística, engenharia de processo e engenharia industrial, durante a fase de conceção de equipamentos e/ou análise de processo. Relativamente à avaliação do conforto térmico dos postos de trabalho, este foi levado a cabo em duas fases. A primeira, com o objetivo de avaliar a perceção dos colaboradores relativamente às condições térmicas dos postos onde operavam, concretizada através da aplicação de um questionário. A segunda, com o objetivo de medir e identificar os postos críticos ao nível do conforto térmico, os dados foram recolhidas através da medição da temperatura do ar (°C) e humidade relativa do ar (%) e analisados com a aplicação do Índice de Temperatura e Humidade (ITH) e o diagrama da Organização Mundial de Meteorologia (WMO). Deste trabalho foi possível concluir a grande utilidade que um Manual de Ergonomia pode ter no contexto de uma organização como a BTT, quando apresentado num formato adequado e user-friendly. Relativamente aos resultados da avaliação dos Postos de Trabalho, verificou-se que alguns dos dados obtidos não estavam de acordo com os valores ótimos do ITH e do diagrama WMO, tendo-se igualmente vislumbrando algumas estratégias de melhoria das condições térmicas dos postos em causa.
This project, carried out at Bosch Thermotechnology (BTT), is inserted in the area of Industrial Ergonomics, with a study that was intended, on the one hand, define a manual user-friendly ergonomics and, secondly, the assessment of comfort thermal certain jobs that organization. In regard to the Ergonomics handbook, it aimed to compile all the necessary information to a single document, easy to use and consultation in order to assist the production department, logistics, process engineering and industrial engineering, during the phase of conception equipment and / or process analysis. For the evaluation of the thermal comfort of jobs, this was carried out in two stages. The first, in order to assess the perception of employees regarding the conditions of thermals stations where they operated, was achieved by applying a questionnaire to the collaborators of the workstations identified. The second, in order to measure and identify critical workstations at the level of thermal comfort, the data were collected by measuring the air temperature (° C) and relative humidity (%) and posteriorly applied the index and temperature humidity (ITH) and diagram of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). From this work it was concluded the great utility that an Ergonomics Handbook can have in the context of an organization such as BTT, when presented in a appropriate format and user-friendly. Regarding the results of the evaluation of workstations, the some data were not agreement with the ITH and diagram of the WMO, and is also glimpsed some strategies to improve thermal conditions the workstations in question.
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Štohanslová, Galina. "Postoj českého spotřebitele k online nákupu u retailingových řetězců." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2013. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-193741.

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The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the attitude of Czech consumers to online grocery shopping and to confirm or refute expected interest in this service. To accomplish this goal, I used the following methods - collection of secondary data (especially statistics related to Czech e-commerce and information about current food e-shops in the Czech Republic) and the results of a questionnaire survey. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. In the first chapter of the theoretical part I describe the development of electronic commerce in the world and in the Czech Republic as well, including basic models of e-commerce, its advantages and disadvantages or current trends. The second chapter is focused on customer behavior, customer segmentation and characteristic of Czech online customers. The practical part provides detailed information about the grocery e-shops in the Czech Republic (such as information concerning range of products, design of websites, registration of new customers or availability of services), the results of the questionnaire survey and recommendation for online grocery shops.
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Faustino, Micheli Klauberg. "Os Desafios postos ao serviço social do Colégio Marista." Florianópolis, SC, 2011. http://repositorio.ufsc.br/xmlui/handle/123456789/95185.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-Econômico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Serviço Social
Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-25T21:51:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 300357.pdf: 590605 bytes, checksum: 83464470343eacf5b8e328996d74ac1b (MD5)
Esta dissertação é resultado da investigação sobre a nossa intervenção como assistente social no Colégio Marista e Municipal São José no período de 1998 a 2008. O objetivo desta pesquisa é apresentar às demandas do serviço social neste espaço sócio ocupacional, e desvelar as respostas da profissão as mesmas. A metodologia de pesquisa utilizada foi do tipo documental com tratamento analítico sobre os Relatórios Sociais Descritivos que se encontram arquivados na instituição. O estudo bibliográfico destaca autores como: Bressan (2001), Almeida (2003) e Souza (2008) entre outros, que possuem conhecimento sobre a interface da educação e o serviço social, e contribuem na reflexão sobre o problema estudado. A pesquisa ressaltou a importância do papel do serviço social no espaço escolar, compreendendo a dinâmica deste espaço sócio-ocupacional na relação com os educandos, educadores, famílias, comunidade e rede sócio-assistencial. O processo de intervenção buscou entender o contexto escolar e a relação deste com a realidade social num processo que articulou a luta pelos direitos sociais e conquista da cidadania dos sujeitos envolvidos, como um componente estrutural
This dissertation is the result of our intervention research as a social worker at Marist College and San Jose City Council from 1998 to 2008. The objective of this research is to present the demands of social work in occupational social space, and reveal the answers of the same profession. The research methodology used was documentary with analytic treatment on the Social Descriptive Reports that are filed with the institution. The bibliographical study authors highlighted as: Bressan (2001), Almeida (2003) and Souza (2008) among others, who have knowledge about the interface of education and social services, and contribute to the reflection on the problem studied. The research highlighted the important role of social work in school, understanding the dynamics of the socio-occupational in relation to students, educators, families, community networks and social assistance. The process of intervention sought to understand the school context and its relation to social reality in a process that articulated the struggle for social rights of citizenship and achievement of the individuals involved, as a structural component
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Rocha, Laurelize Pereira. "Trabalhadores de postos de combustíveis: sujeitos expostos ao benzeno." reponame:Repositório Institucional da FURG, 2012. http://repositorio.furg.br/handle/1/3516.

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Dissertação(mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem, Escola de Enfermagem, 2012.
Submitted by eloisa silva (eloisa1_silva@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-04-11T17:59:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 laurelize.pdf: 6148929 bytes, checksum: dcdab4b1b37b4e7936c70f4568153450 (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Bruna Vieira(bruninha_vieira@ibest.com.br) on 2013-06-12T18:25:56Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 laurelize.pdf: 6148929 bytes, checksum: dcdab4b1b37b4e7936c70f4568153450 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2013-06-12T18:25:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 laurelize.pdf: 6148929 bytes, checksum: dcdab4b1b37b4e7936c70f4568153450 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012
Este estudo discute a relação saúde-trabalho-ambiente, concernente ao ambiente de trabalho dos postos de combustíveis, que se apresenta com inúmeros riscos a saúde, entre os quais destaca-se a exposição a gasolina, que apresenta em sua constituição o benzeno, de caráter tóxico, leucemogênico e cancerígeno. Tem-se como objetivos: (1) identificar, na produção científica nacional e internacional, os riscos e os agravos gerados pela exposição ocupacional ao benzeno e as medidas de proteção indicadas nos estudos identificados; (2) Identificar a utilização de equipamentos de proteção individual(EPI), autorreferidos por trabalhadores frentistas da cidade do Rio Grande/RS. Metodologia: utilizou-se a revisão integrativa da literatura e a pesquisa de campo empírica. A revisão integrativa constituiu-se por seis etapas: definição da questão norteadora; estabelecimento de critérios de inclusão/exclusão; definição das informações a serem extraídas dos artigos selecionados; análise dos estudos incluídos; interpretações dos resultados e apresentação dos resultados. A coleta de dados realizou-se por meio de levantamento on-line de artigos científicos indexados nas bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE, CINAHL e no Portal SciELO, publicados no período de 2000 a 2009 por meio dos descritores benzene e occupational exposure. Na base de dados CINAHL, realizou-se segunda busca através dos descritores benzene and occupational risks e terceira busca com os descritores benzene and exposure. A primeira análise partiu da leitura dos resumos e após os artigos na íntegra, selecionando-se a amostra. Para esta realizou-se a organização dos dados em subgrupos, explicitação dos dados de acordo com o problema de pesquisa, comparação dos dados e conclusão. A pesquisa de campo empírica conformou um estudo quantitativo, descritivo, e exploratório por meio de questionário e registro de observação não participante e sistemática. Realizou-se em 22 postos de combustíveis situados no município do Rio Grande/RS, a população amostrada compôs-se de 221 atendentes de postos de gasolina. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva e o Teste Qui-quadrado de Pearson com nível de significância estatística de α=0,05. O controle de qualidade das questões através do teste Alpha de Cronbach, obtendo-se o resultado de 0,96. Este projeto integra um macroprojeto de pesquisa ―SAÚDE, RISCOS E DOENÇAS OCUPACIONAIS ESTUDO INTEGRADO EM DIFERENTES AMBIENTES DE TRABALHO‖. Como resultados da revisão integrativa obteve-se 41 artigos, 90,24% internacionais e 9,75% nacionais. A partir da análise definiu-se três categorias: Tipos de exposição ao benzeno; Agravos e doenças ocupacionais relacionados ao benzeno e Medidas de proteção à exposição ao benzeno. Tais aspectos merecem ser explorados, pois se constatou os muitos estudos a respeito da exposição, porém poucos referentes à proteção e promoção a saúde do trabalhador. A partir da pesquisa de campo constatou-se que a maioria dos trabalhadores (90,5%) era do sexo masculino, a faixa etária entre 19 e 64 anos e (50,2%) possuíam ensino médio. Verificou-se a predominância da multifunção, atuação no setor e no exercício da função há menos de um ano; utilização de botinas e avental, conforme autoreferido. Além destes, apontaram a utilização de 9 luvas, máscara, óculos, protetor auricular e uniforme. A observação confirmou apenas o uso de botinas e uniformes.
The present study discusses the relation health-work-environment, regarding the work environment of gas stations, which presents in itself uncountable health hazards, remarkably the exposition to gasoline, which has in its composition benzene, a toxic compound, with leukaemogenic and carcinogenic features. The objectives are: (1) identify, in the national and international scientific production, the risks and problems generated by the occupational exposition to benzene and the protective measures proposed by the studies identified; (2) identify the usage of individual protection equipment (IPE), auto-referred by gas station workers of the city of Rio Grande/RS. Methodology: an integrative revision of literature and an empirical field survey were used. The integrative revision was composed of six stages: definition of the leading question; establishment of inclusion/exclusion criteria; definition of the information to be extracted from the selected articles; interpretation and presentation of the results. The data collection was carried out by an on-line screening of scientific articles indexed in the databases LILACS, MEDLINE, CINAHL and also in the Scielo Portal, published in the 2000 – 2009 period, indexed by the descriptors benzene and occupational exposure. In the database CINAHL, a second search was conducted through the descriptors benzene and occupational risks and a third search with the keywords benzene and exposure. The first analysis departed from the reading of the abstracts and, afterwards, the whole articles, thus, selecting the sample. For the sample, an organization of the data i n sub-groups, the detailing of data according to the research problem, the comparison of data and the conclusion were done. The empirical field research configured a quantitative, descriptive and exploratory study, by means of a questionnaire and the register of not participant and systematic observations. In the municipality of Rio Grande, twenty two gas stations were studied. The population sample was composed of 221 attendants from these gas stations. The data were submitted to a descriptive statistical analysis and to the Pearson Chi-squared test, with a significance level of α=0,05. The quality control of the questions through the Cronbach Alpha test, presented a result of 0,96. This Project is part of a research macro project named ―Health, risks and occupational diseases – Integrated study in different work environments‖. As results of the integrative revision, 41 articles were found: 90.24% international and 9.76% national. From the analysis, three categories were defined: Exposition kinds to benzene, Problems and occupational health related to benzene and Protective measures to benzene exposure. Such aspects deserve to be explored, for many studies were found regarding the exposition, however, very few were found related to protection and promotion of the worker’s health. From the field research, it was verified that the majority of workers (90.5%) was of the male sex, their age was between 19 and 64 and (50.2%) of them have the equivalent of a high school degree. It was also verified the predominance of multi-functionality, the actuation in the sector and exercising of the function for less than a year, the usage of boots and aprons, as the auto-referred. Besides these, it was also noted the usage of gloves, mask, goggles, auricular protector and uniform. The observation confirmed just the use of boots and uniforms.
Este estudio discute la relación salud-trabajo-ambiente, al respecto del ambiente de trabajo de las estaciones de servicio, que se presenta con inúmeros riesgos a la salud, entre los cuales se destaca la exposición a la gasolina, que presenta en su constitución el benceno, de carácter tóxico, leucemogénico y cancerígeno. Los objetivos son: (1) identificar, en la producción científica nacional e internacional, los riesgos y los agravios generados por la exposición ocupacional al benceno y las medidas de protección indicadas en los estudios identificados; (2) Identificar la utilización de equipamientos de protección individual(EPI), autoreferidos por trabajadores de estación de servicio de la ciudad de Rio Grande/RS. Metodología: Se utilizó la revisión integrativa de la literatura y la investigación de campo empírica. La revisión integrativa se constituye en seis etapas: definición de la cuestión guía; establecimiento de criterios de inclusión/exclusión; definición de las informaciones a ser extraídas de los artículos seleccionados; análisis de los estudios incluidos; interpretaciones de los resultados y presentación de los resultados. La colecta de los datos se realizó por medio de levantamiento on-line de artículos científicos indexados en las bases de datos LILACS, MEDLINE, CINAHL y en el Portal SciELO, publicados en el período de 2000 a 2009 por medio de los descriptores benzene yoccupational exposure. En la base de datos CINAHL, se realizó segunda búsqueda a través de los descriptores benzene and occupational risks y tercera búsqueda con los descriptores benzene and exposure. El primer análisis partió de la lectura de los resúmenes y después los artículos en la íntegra, seleccionándose la muestra. Para esta se realizó la organización de los datos en subgrupos, explicitación de los datos de acuerdo con el problema de investigación, comparación de los datos y conclusión. La investigación de campo empírica, conformó un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, y exploratorio por medio de cuestionario y registro de observación no participante y sistemática. Se realizó en 22 estaciones de combustible situadas en el municipio de Río Grande/RS, la población de la muestra se compuso de 221 trabajadores de estación de servicio. Los datos fueron sometidos al análisis estadística descriptiva y el Teste chi cuadrado de Pearson con nivel de significancia estadística de α=0,05. El control de cualidad de las preguntas a través del teste Alpha de Cronbach, obteniendo el resultado de 0,96. Este proyecto integra un macro proyecto de investigación ―SALUD, RIESGOS Y ENFERMEDADES OCUPACIONALES ESTUDIO INTEGRADO EN DIFERENTES AMBIENTES DE TRABAJO‖. Como resultado de la revisión integrativa se obtuvo 41 artículos, 90,24% internacionales y 9,75% nacionales. A partir del análisis se definió tres categorías: Tipos de exposición al benceno; Agravios y enfermedades ocupacionales relacionadas al benceno y Medidas de protección a la exposición al benceno. Tales aspectos merecen ser explorados, pues se constató los diversos estudios al respecto de la exposición, sin embargo, pocos referentes a la protección y promoción de la salud del trabajador. A partir de la investigación de campo se constató que la mayoría de los trabajadores (90,5%) era del sexo masculino, la faja etaria entre 19 y 64 años y (50,2%) poseían enseñanza secundaria. Se verificó la 13 predominancia de la multifunción, actuación en el sector y en el ejercicio de la función a menos de un año; utilización de botas y delantal, conforme autoreferido. Además de estos, apuntaron la utilización de guantes, máscara, lentes, protector auricular y uniforme. La observación confirmó apenas el uso de botas y uniformes.
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Clarke, Judith Rebekah. "Translocation outcomes for the Western Ringtail Possum (Pseudocheirus occidentalis) in the presence of the Common Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula): health, survivorship and habitat use." Thesis, Clarke, Judith Rebekah (2011) Translocation outcomes for the Western Ringtail Possum (Pseudocheirus occidentalis) in the presence of the Common Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula): health, survivorship and habitat use. PhD thesis, Murdoch University, 2011. https://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/id/eprint/5119/.

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The western ringtail possum, Pseudocheirus occidentalis, is classified as threatened, both nationally and internationally. Land clearing for building development threatens the last major coastal population stronghold in and around the town of Busselton in the south-west of Western Australia (WA). Translocation of displaced P. occidentalis from this locality into nearby conservation estates commenced in 1991, in the presence of fox control, with the aim of re-establishing populations of the species within suitable habitat outside its current range. Initial successes (1991-1998) were followed by a major population decline at one site for unclear reasons. The aim of this project was to determine which factors presently limit translocation success for P. occidentalis and thereby provide direction for future management of the species. Displaced and rehabilitated P. occidentalis were translocated into three sites, two of which were baited for fox control. Survival was monitored weekly, causes of mortality were ascertained and attributes of habitat use were mapped and analysed. Each individual P. occidentalis underwent comprehensive health and disease screening under isoflurane anaesthesia prior to translocation and whenever recaptured for re-collaring. Health, survivorship and habitat use of resident common brushtail possums, Trichosurus vulpecula, were similarly studied at each site. Pilot spotlight surveys using line transect methods were performed at the end of the study to provide provisional data on population densities. Health screening revealed no evidence that infectious disease currently limits translocation success for P. occidentalis. Possums of both species were negative for toxoplasmosis, leptospirosis, salmonellosis and chlamydiosis. Cryptococcal antigen was detected in one individual T. vulpecula but was not of pathological significance. Endoparasite levels were negatively correlated with body condition. Differences between pre- and post-translocation haematological values were found, suggesting that habitat quality or nutrient intake were lower at the translocation sites than at the sites of origin. Mortality rates of translocated P. occidentalis were high. The majority of P. occidentalis deaths were attributed to predation, with foxes, cats, pythons and raptors all implicated. Some P. occidentalis died in poor body condition from apparent hypothermia/hypoglycaemia, with moderate to heavy parasite burdens present at necropsy. Most T. vulpecula mortality was attributable to fox predation. Survivorship analyses were carried out using information-theoretic techniques to investigate which, if any, of a suite of hypothesised factors most influenced post-translocation survival of P. occidentalis. The most highly ranked models were those that included pre-release white blood cell counts and/or numbers of T. vulpecula at the release site. Survivorship of P. occidentalis was negatively correlated with each of these factors, and the two together acted in a synergistic fashion. Effects of fox control on P. occidentalis survivorship were equivocal. The average annual survival rate of established P. occidentalis was less than half that of resident T. vulpecula. Post-translocation dispersal distances varied among individual P. occidentalis. Mean home range sizes of translocated P. occidentalis were larger than those reported for other coastal populations. Individual home ranges overlapped one another, both within and between possum species. Vegetation dominated by peppermint (Agonis flexuosa) was utilised by translocated P. occidentalis where available, and habitat partitioning between the two possum species was observed in some areas. A greater range of diurnal rest site types were utilised by P. occidentalis than T. vulpecula. Spotlight surveys revealed presence of low density P. occidentalis populations, including juveniles, at two sites but numbers remained negligible in the site at which the post-1998 decline had occurred. Complex interactions involving health, predation, habitat quality and inter-specific competition influence the success or otherwise of wildlife translocation programs. The results of this project suggest that all these factors, particularly predation, affected translocation outcomes for P. occidentalis during the period of study. Complete exclusion of exotic predators (foxes and cats) from the translocation sites may be necessary in future, especially given the numbers of native predators (pythons and raptors) present. In addition to heavy predation pressure, the small size and apparently low carrying capacity of the translocation sites for P. occidentalis, along with high numbers of resident T. vulpecula, currently appears to limit P. occidentalis survival and population growth. While, in the short term, the most efficient use of funds and the best option for the species in its current coastal strongholds might be to put greater effort into conserving P. occidentalis in its natural environment, there could also be value in carrying out further experiments to determine whether or not translocation success can be improved through use of particular management actions. The principles of adaptive management apply both to management of P. occidentalis in its natural environment and to conduction of translocation programs. Possible experimental approaches are outlined and recommendations for further research proposed.
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Viana, João. "Rede nacional de postos de vigia : Tendências para o futuro?" Master's thesis, Academia Militar. Direção de Ensino, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.26/8142.

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O presente trabalho está subordinado ao tema: “Rede Nacional de Postos de Vigia – tendências para o futuro?” Sendo Portugal um dos países da Europa que mais é afectado por incêndios florestais, conduzindo anualmente a graves prejuízos sociais, económicos e ambientais, torna-se necessário a rápida e eficaz detecção dos focos de incêndio a par da prevenção e do combate com vista a evitar a ocorrência de grandes incêndios. Para tal, além do investimento em meios materiais e humanos, importa conhecer o funcionamento e a eficác ia dos sistemas de detecção e vigilância, para assim garantir a optimização dos recursos existentes de defesa das florestas. Neste contexto, a GNR, passou a fazer parte do Sistema Nacional de Defesa da Floresta Contra Incêndios (SNDFCI), através da publicação do Decreto-Lei nº 124/06 de 28 de Junho (alterado pelo Decreto-Lei nº17/2009 de 14 de Janeiro), que lhe atribuiu novas competências, em matéria de incêndios florestais, e do Decreto-Lei n.º 22/2006, de 02 de Fevereiro, que criou institucionalmente o Serviço de Protecção da Natureza (SEPNA) da GNR, que tem como missão geral, entre outras, assegurar a coordenação ao nível nacional da actividade de prevenção, vigilância e detecção de incêndios florestais através da Rede Nacional de Postos de Vigia (RNPV) que tem a seu cargo. Assim, como forma de aumentar a capacidade de prevenção, vigilância e detecção desempenhada pela GNR, pode-se tornar necessário o recurso às Novas Tecnologias. Quando se ouve falar em Novas Tecnologias, associa-se sempre a ideia de Novas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (NTIC). Com efeito, interessa aferir em que medida as novas tecnologias satisfazem a eficácia prevista, na coordenação da vigilância e detecção de incêndios florestais identificando os pontos fortes e as limitações desses novos sistemas de vigilância e detecção baseados nas novas tecnologias. A metodologia para o trabalho consistiu em investigação documental, análise de dados estatísticos, a análise do projecto desenvolvido no âmbito da iniciativa sobre Incêndios Florestais promovida pela COTEC Portugal (Associação Empresarial para a Inovação) e da actual situação de funcionamento da RNPV à responsabilidade do SEPNA da GNR. Após a realização deste trabalho conclui-se que a RNPV apresenta algumas limitações operacionais e que os novos sistemas de vigilância se apresentam como a principal alternativa à RNPV.
Abstract This work deals with the subject: “National Network of Surveillance Outposts – future tendencies”. Taking into account that Portugal is one of European countries most affected by wildfires, which lead to severe social, economical and environmental losses every year it becomes absolutely necessary to carry on a fast and effective detection of fire starters along with prevention and firefighting, in order to avoid the break out of major fires. To achieve this goal, besides the investment in material and human resources, it is also important to know the way how the systems of detection and surveillance work and how efficient they are, in order to ensure the optimization of the existing resources for forest defence. Under these circumstances the Republican National Guard (GNR), has become part of the National System for Forest Defence Against Wildfires, by means of the Decree-Law nº124/06, June 28 (amended by Decree-Law nº17/2009, January 14), which granted this security force new skills regarding wildfires. In addition the Decree-Law nº 22/2006, February 02, which created institutionally the Nature Protection Service (SEPNA) of the GNR, whose primary mission, amongst others, consists of the nationwide coordination of such activities like prevention, surveillance and detection of wildfires, through the National Network of Surveillance Outposts (NNSO) in charge of this security force. This way, in order to increase the capacity to prevent, supervise and detect such situations, taking advantage of New Technologies may be required. The expression “New Technologies” is always associated to the concept of “New Information and Communication Technologies” (NICT). Concerning this new paradigm it’s very important to assess in what way these new technologies satisfy the estimated effectiveness on the coordination of the surveillance and detection of wildfires, by identifying the strengths and limitations of these new surveillance and detection systems, based on the new technologies. The methodology used to develop this work was based on some documental investigation, on statistical data analysis and on the analysis of the project developed in the scope of the “Wildfire Initiative” which was promoted by COTEC Portugal (Associação Empresarial para a Inovação). In addition it was also based and took into consideration the present situation of the NNSO, under the responsibility of SEPNA/GNR.
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Yves, Alain Bernard. "Applications of Posmom in Quantum Chemistry." Phd thesis, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/1885/49402.

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The context of this Thesis is a new approach to the electron correlation problem based on two ideas. The first idea states that the correlation energy can be approximated simply by a linear operator which contains information about both the position, r, and the momentum, p, of an electron, i.e. a phase-space operator. The second idea proposes the use of two-electron operators, as the electron correlation occurs between pairs of electrons. The combination of these two ideas gave birth to Intracule Function Theory, where intracules are two-electron distributions. To include position and momentum information, Intracule Functional Theory uses the Wigner distribution, a quasi-phase-space distribution, as a true phase-space distribution does not exist because of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. In this Thesis, we study two new phase-space variables, the one-particle Posmom variable, s=r.p, and the two-particle Posmom intracule variable, x=(r1- r2).(p1- p2), and their respective distributions, the Posmom density, S(s), and the Posmom intracule, X(x). The one-particle Posmom variable, s, and its associated operator are known in physics and have been used, for example, in the development of scattering theory. However, they have never been used in quantum chemistry and we present, for the first time, the quantum distribution S(s) for several relevant systems. The two-particle equivalent variable, x, has been introduced previously in Intracule Functional Theory and an intracule, based on the Wigner distribution, has been proposed; the Dot intracule D(x). Within Intracule Functional Theory, we use the Dot intracule to calculate the correlation energy of small atoms and molecules. Furthermore, we derive the exact two-particle Posmom operator and its exact distribution, and show that the Dot intracule appears as an approximation of the exact Posmom intracule. The Posmom variables, s and x, are dot products between position and momentum vectors and contain information about both the position and the momentum of one or two electrons. Furthermore, the associated Posmom operators are quantum mechanical observables, and thus respect the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. We show that they are connected to types of electron trajectories and give us new information about the behaviour of electrons. They could form the basis of a new type of spectroscopy. This Thesis introduces the first applications of Posmom in quantum chemistry. We first review the theory of quantum mechanics, quantum chemistry and Intracule Functional Theory. We then present an entire development of the Posmom intracule X(x) by starting from the simple and well known spherically averaged position and momentum densities, followed by the new Posmom density S(s) and the Wigner-based Dot intracule D(x).
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Tavares, Ana Carolina dos Santos. "Otimização de postos: standardized work & Kaizen no contexto de uma indústria automóvel." Master's thesis, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10773/26861.

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O presente relatório apresenta o estudo das técnicas utilizadas numa empresa de indústria automóvel para melhorar os postos de trabalho. Foca-se na utilização de práticas de standardized work e melhoria continua – kaizen – numa linha de preparação crítica a nível da sua capacidade de produção, promovendo a equilibragem nos postos em causa de forma a que os seus tempos de ciclo permitissem garantir a produção. Assim, o projeto foca-se melhoria dos postos a diversos níveis: tempo de ciclo (TC), qualidade, ergonomia, número de não conformidades, atividades de valor não acrescentado (OC). O projeto caracterizou-se também pela criação e supressão de postos de trabalho, aumentado o nível de produtividade. O objetivo é sempre fazer mais com o mesmo ou fazer mais com menos. A metodologia deste estudo corresponde a um estudo de caso e a sua realização foi de encontro à metodologia utilizada pela empresa no Standardized Work & Kaizen e dividiu-se em cinco fases: conhecimento e caraterização da empresa; identificação dos problemas; revisão da literatura; projeto (caraterização do estado inicial, identificação de soluções, realização de testes e implementação da melhor solução); e análise de melhorias. Assim, é importante conhecer a empresa e o processo produtivo em causa, nomeadamente, a hierarquia do sector. Apresenta-se também as aplicações necessárias para a realização do projeto: EQUINOX e ASWK. A primeira mostra o estado dos postos. A segunda permite estudar os postos através de filmagens, fornecendo no fim, o Yamazumi e Esquema Cronológico Dinâmico (ECD) de cada posto. Uma vez que a este estudo se uniu a eliminação de um posto de trabalho, as melhorias obtidas na eliminação de OCs dos outros postos, foram utilizadas para equilibrar as operações deste posto. No que diz respeito as equilibragens o objetivo passou por melhorar da melhor forma possível as operações da diversidade com maior percentagem de produção. Para avaliar o estado final dos postos utilizou-se o Yamazumi WACT, que mostra o tempo de ciclo dos postos de acordo com a percentagem de produção esperada e através daqui, conclui-se um resultado positivo. Este Yamazumi permite também criar as regras necessárias para a introdução de um posto chandelle (posto que absorve operações que deixam os outros fora do TC), ajustando as necessidades e velocidades adequadas à linha.
This report presents a study of the techniques used in an automotive industry to improve jobs. It focuses on the use of standardized work practices and continuous improvement - kaizen - in a line of critical preparation in terms of its production capacity, promoting the balancing of the workstation in question so that their cycle times could guarantee production. Thus, the project focuses on the improvement of the stations at various levels: cycle time (CT), quality, ergonomics, number of non-conformities, non-value-added activities (OC). The project was also characterized by the creation and suppression of jobs, increasing the level of productivity. The goal is to always do more with the same or do more with less. The methodology of this study corresponds to a case study and its accomplishment was in accordance with the methodology used by the company in Standardized Work & Kaizen and it was divided in five phases: knowledge and characterization of the company; identification of problems; literature revision; design (characterization of the initial state, identification of solutions, testing and implementation of the best solution); and analysis of improvements. Thus, it is important to know the company and the production process in question, namely the hierarchy of the sector. It also presents the necessary applications for the realization of the project: EQUINOX and ASWK. The first shows the status of the workstations. The second allows to study the workstations through filming, providing in the end, the Yamazumi and Dynamic Chronological Scheme (ECD) of each workstation. Since this study was combined with the elimination of a job, the improvements obtained in the elimination of OCs from the other workstations were used to balance the operations of this workstation. About balancing, the goal was to improve the operations of diversity with the highest percentage of production. To evaluate the final state of the stations, the Yamazumi WACT was used, which shows the cycle time of the stations according to the expected production percentage and here, positive results were observed. This Yamazumi also allows to create the necessary rules for the introduction of a chandelle station (since it absorbs operations that leave others outside the CT), adjusting the needs and speed appropriate to the line.
Mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial
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Gonçalves, Verónica dos Santos. "O contributo dos Postos de Informação Turística para a promoção de destinos turísticos: o Posto de Informação Turística da vila de Ançã." Master's thesis, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10316/85372.

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Relatório de Estágio do Mestrado em Lazer, Património e Desenvolvimento - extinto apresentado à Faculdade de Letras
Uma boa informação e comunicação do destino, a par da sua promoção, têm uma influência direta na capacidade destes destinos atraírem visitantes e turistas e aumentarem os benefícios que resultam de um crescimento local dos fluxos turísticos. A procura de informação turística por parte dos visitantes e dos turistas, acerca das acessibilidades, da oferta de alojamento, dos eventos e das atrações turísticas, antes e durante a viagem, é uma constante. Os Postos de Informação Turística fornecem informação aos visitantes ou turistas acerca da cidade, região ou país onde estão inseridos. Estes assumem um papel de grande importância na informação, na comunicação e na promoção dos destinos e dos produtos turísticos, bem como na dinamização de atividades de animação turística, sobretudo em destinos onde existe menor densidade de oferta turística.A animação turística não é apenas da responsabilidade das entidades públicas gestoras do destino turístico, isto é, dos Postos de Informação Turística, mas também dos agentes privados de animação turística, que veem nestas atividades uma oportunidade de investimento, valorizando e diversificando a oferta nos destinos turísticos.O presente estudo aborda em termos teóricos a importância dos Postos de Informação Turística para a comunicação, divulgação e promoção do destino e para a dinamização de atividades de animação turística. Centra-se na vila de Ançã, Cantanhede, um destino turístico que possui um Posto de Informação Turística municipal, dinamizado pela Junta de Freguesia de Ançã. É esta estrutura de promoção turística local, na qual se realizou um estágio curricular, que aqui se valoriza. Põem-se em evidência as fragilidades que evidencia, propondo-se medidas de ação não só para a valorização desta estrutura de informação e de comunicação assim como para a afirmação da vila de Ançã como destino turístico.
A good information and communication of the tourist destination, alongside its promotion, has a direct influence in the capacity of this destinations to attract visitors and tourists and also to increase the benefits that outcome of the local increase of the tourism flows.The search of tourist information by the visitors and tourists regarding accessibilities, accommodation supply, events and tourist attractions, before and throughout the stay, is constant. Tourist Information Offices can provide information to visitors and tourists concerning the city, the region or the country. They assume a leading role in informing, in communicating and promoting the destination and its tourism products, therefore boosting its tourism recreation activities, especially in destinations where there are a lower density in the tourism supply.Tourism recreation is not just a responsibility of the destination management public entities, in other words, Tourist Information Offices, but also private tourism recreation agents that find in those activities an investment opportunity, in order to increase the value or diversify.The current study delves in theoretical framework in the importance of Tourist Information Offices in communicating, spreading and promoting the destination and also in the dynamization of tourism recreation activities. It is focused in Ançã village, in Cantanhede, a tourist destination that has a municipal Tourist Information Office, streamlined by the parish council of Ançã. This is a local structure of information and communication where was hold a curricular internship, that is evaluated here. It puts in evidence its weaknesses, therefore proposing action measures, not only to increase the value of this information and communication structure, but also to increase the acknowledgment of Ançã village as a tourist destination.
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Vlahos, Lisa Marie. "Possum magic : exploring colour vision in the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula)." Phd thesis, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/1885/150889.

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Research into the diversity and evolution of mammalian colour vision has become even more exciting with the recent discovery of both trichromatic and dichromatic colour vision in the Australian marsupials. Our knowledge about these colour vision systems is limited, with a number of discrepancies in the research. Methodology issues with some of the anatomical and behavioural studies may have falsely indicated trichromacy. It is also uncertain whether only the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) has dichromatic colour vision, or if dichromacy is represented in a number of marsupials. It is believed that most marsupials can perceive ultraviolet light, yet the transmission properties of ocular media have not yet been measured. In this thesis, I use anatomical and behavioural methods to examine colour vision in the Common Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula). I firstly present a detailed analysis of the spectral transmission of light through the ocular media. Here, I demonstrated the variability of ocular media for three marsupial species: the ultraviolet light sensitive fat-tailed dunnart (Sminthopsis crassicaudata), non-ultraviolet light sensitive tammar wallaby, and common brushtail possum. I then examine the topographical arrangement and spectral sensitivities of photoreceptors in the common brushtail possum. Using opsin antibodies known to label photoreceptors, I show that brushtail possums have an anatomical basis for at least dichromatic colour vision, with both M/LWS ({u03BB}max = 545nm) and SWS cones present in the retina. There is also a small population of unlabelled cones, which may form a third cone population. Their extremely low densities,however, would hardly contribute to visual processing. By tracking cone densities across the retina, I provide the first evidence for regionalisation in both opsin and cell morphology types in an Australian mammal. Finally, I showed functioning dichromatic colour vision with behavioural operant conditioning techniques. Brushtail possums have an innate preference to using brightness rather than colour vision. By introducing spatial information which faded over time, I was able to encourage subjects to choose between colours irrespective of brightness. Both increment-threshold spectral sensitivity and wavelength discrimination experiments indicate their perception of colours is based on dichromatic colour vision. By comparing behavioural and microspectrophotometry results, I conclude that SWS cones peak in sensitivity around 435 nm. This is the first non-macropod known to have a violet, rather than an ultraviolet visual pigment. This thesis confirms a diversity of both trichromatic and dichromatic colour vision in marsupials, with the tammar wallaby not the only marsupial with dichromatic colour vision. I propose that brushtail possums have selectively reduced spectral sensitivity to dichromacy, evidenced by the presence of three cone types, yet perception of colours based on two cone types. The study of marsupial colour vision provides a rich resource for examining the diversity and use of dichromatic and trichromatic colour vision in mammals other than primates.
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Pinto, João Luís Moura Direito Ribeiro. "Portal colaborativo para postos consulares." Master's thesis, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10216/57867.

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MORÁVEK, Vítek. "Rodičovský postoj k malotřídním školám." Master's thesis, 2018. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-385156.

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This thesis describes parental attitude towards small-scale schools. The theoretical part serves an easier interpretation of the second, practical part. The practical part investigates the criteria which parents use when selecting a school; the advantages and disadvantages of such schools, the rural environment and its effect on their children. This paper also investigates parents´ opinions on pupils from different grades being taught in one class and attitudes towards teachers of small-scale classes.
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Urbanová, Markéta. "Postoj laiků k dárcovství orgánů." Master's thesis, 2018. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-386911.

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Organ transplantation is a method of treatment of damaged or missing organ by replacement by a new one that is removed from a donor. Donors may be not only living people but also dead people after cardiac arrest or people with brain death. The aim of the study was to assess the attitude of laymen to organ transplantation. The quantitative research used questionnaires which were distributed since 25th October - 31st December 2017 to non-medical adults older than 18 years living in the Czech Republic. The results demonstrated that the laymen have basic knowledge which organs and tissues can be used for transplantation in humans. Total 110 respondents answered that organs can be removed from people with diagnosed brain death. Knowledge of legislation was a surprise. Over one half of respondents knew about implied consent with organ removal after death and knew at least one possibility how to deny post-mortem organ harvesting. Generally, the public lacks interest in organ donation. People dislike registration unless necessary and dislike discussion concerning death which is a symbol of pain and suffering. Majority of public agree that there is need for more education in the field of organ transplantation and donation. They would prefer a specialised lecture or discussion with medical professionals....
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Pinto, João Luís Moura Direito Ribeiro. "Portal colaborativo para postos consulares." Dissertação, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10216/57867.

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Tichá, Natálie. "Postoj žáků středních škol k biologii." Master's thesis, 2019. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-393701.

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Understanding of students' attitudes is important in supporting their interest toward a particular subject. Students' attitudes toward science have been extensively studied and it has been showed that their interest decrease with age. In the Czech Republic, there are studies concerning pupils' attitudes towards biology at primary school, but high school students' attitudes towards biology are less known. Thus, the aim of this study focuses on high school students' attitudes toward biology and variables (such as gender, age, the most favourite subject and out-of-school activities) which affect them. In addition, the thesis focuses on the students' view of the particular biology fields taught at high schools, from the point of view of usefulness for life, difficulty and the level of attention given to them by teacher during the biology classes. The research was done using a questionnaire survey at high schools in the Czech Republic and the total number of 192 students took part in the survey. The results of the diploma thesis show that the attitudes of students towards biology are neutral. A more positive attitude towards biology was found in girls and younger students. Furthermore, the influence of the most popular subject and out-of-school activities on students' attitudes towards biology was...
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NESNÍDALOVÁ, Klára. "Postoj veřejnosti k náhradní rodinné péči." Master's thesis, 2007. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-44897.

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My thesis deals with the attitude of public to foster care. One of the paradoxical issues is the fact that the number of children who are not reared by their biological parents remains quite high while the number of childless partnerships (though desiring offspring) is growing. In the Czech Republic, similarly as in other European countries, about 1% of children (about 20,000) do not grow up in their biological families. Only 2% of that group are full orphans. The remaining 98% of children have living biological parents who do not or cannot take care of them. I endeavored to find out how well individual members of the Czech society are informed about one of the possible solutions of infertility: alternate family care. Using questionnaires, I focused on several age and level of education groups and asked general as well as more personal questions. In the general part, I wanted to find out whether the individual knew what alternate family care was, the different kinds of alternate family care, who provides support during the process, what are the different options, the difference between adoption and foster care, etc. Then I inquired about their own willingness to take in a child, whether sex of the child, somatic and intellectual predisposition were criteria for them and whether they would take in a child of a different ethnicity. It is interesting to note that women are usually more prone to blame themselves for infertility.
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KAULICHOVÁ, Markéta. "Postoj veřejnosti k preventivním onkologickým vyšetřením." Master's thesis, 2008. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-49097.

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The Public Attitude towards Preventive Oncology Examinations The object of this paper is to find out how laic and health professional public uses the potential of preventive oncology examinations and to uncover the barriers in use of these programs from the point of view of the laic and professional public. The public attitude towards preventive oncology examinations is more important these days as the incidence of oncology diseases is growing. Prevention is considered the principal in modern medicine, also from an economic point of view. The attitude of society towards its health is one of problematic public health areas, the attitude of self-responsibility and the underestimated meaning of primary prevention. Moreover, there is a psychological problem related to oncological diseases: the fear of positive findings and the fear of the disease itself which is traditionally connected with incurability, cruel pain and inevitable death. This notion is no longer true. A dictatorial doctor{\crq}s approach to patients in the past has been replaced with cooperative and more equal relation, where the patient takes part in decision making. However, doctors are too busy to find the proper way and proper extent of informing the patient or these doctors often underestimate the importance of a good way of giving this kind of information. This thesis presents current preventive care offered in the Czech Republic and it shows the negative bias towards cancer which is a stumbling block to a more successful fight against oncology diseases. This research was undertaken amongst laic and health public. Quantitative data collection was used in the form of questionnaires. The research file is made up of men and women over 18 years, with or without health occupation. The hypothesis was not proven that laic public use preventive oncology examinations more than health public. The laics use these programs less mostly due to lack of awareness about them. One of the most common obstacles in using preventive programs is the misunderstanding of prevention itself, when people contact a doctor only when they have problems. The results have also shown that laics are not satisfied with the activity of doctors in informing them and that laic public search for information is done less actively. This thesis can be used as a foundation for further discussion about problems of informing the public about preventive programs and for future education of health personnel within oncology matters.
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Zelená, Lucie. "Postoj učitelů k nové kurikulární reformě." Master's thesis, 2011. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-298802.

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Diploma thesis is designed as quantitative research study. The aim is to find out the opinion and attitude of teachers from Czech primary schools concerning the new curriculum reform, which has officially come into use in the form of Framework Educational Program in 2005. The new system of curriculum documents replaces the former educational programs based on centrally imposed curriculum and thus broadens the autonomy of teachers and school institutions, who were assigned to prepare their own school educational program. Besides the changes both in the main objectives of primary education and to some extend in the educational content, there has also been a shift in the role and expectations related to the teacher profession. The main purpose of the study is to find out and describe teacher's prevailing opinion of such change in the educational concept and its benefits at the level of compulsory education. Another aim is to present, how teachers perceive the barriers and inner motivations related to these reform changes in schools, and how these barriers affect the overall attitude towards the reform. The research will also show how the changes in schools since the formal reform introduction are evaluated and which parts of the reform realization and to what extend are considered problematic. At last, the...
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Mazáč, Milan. "Postoj římskokatolické církve k islámskému extremismu." Master's thesis, 2017. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-358121.

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The position of the Roman Catholic Church to Islamic extremism Abstract The present thesis deals with the attitude of the Pope, those spiritual state performing the function in individual institutions of the Holy See, theologians and a selected group of people from the Czech general public Roman Catholic Church to religious extremism, focusing on the ultimate form of extremism - terrorism - of individuals or groups espousing to Islam. Since religious extremism often associated with fundamentalism, radicalism and fanaticism, is the first chapter to analyze the basic characteristics of these concepts, with the emphasis on analyzing the meaning and essence of their grasp. A comparison of them found what they have in common and what they are different. Following the above leads to analysis of how extremism reflect the religious and intellectual personalities of islam, with attached description and comparison of the attitudes of these figures, and militant-minded muslims to the jihad by the sword "al-džihád bi̕ s-sajf". In connection with this armed form of jihad work briefly compares the concept of martyrdom in islam and the roman catholic church and the result in the summary analyses. It is also a brief look into the history of religious extremism, as an integral part of the development of Christianity and...
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Volfová, Kristina. "Postoj atletů k regeneraci ve sportu." Master's thesis, 2014. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-341419.

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Titule: The attitude of track and field athletes to the recovery in the sport Student: Bc. Kristina Volfová Supervisor: PhDr. Aleš Kaplan, Ph.D. Aims: determining the attitudes of athletes to proper lifestyle and recovery in the sport and comparison of recovery methods in terms of their use. Another objective was the possibility of comparing the obtained results by gender and regional representation by means of a questionnaire survey. Methodology: to meet the aims of this work were used method of questioning when n = 160 track and field athletes of different gender and selected countries around the world completed standard questionnaire on the web portal google. In the evaluation of the results I focused on two major areas - lifestyle athletes and their view on recovery and used recovery methods. Results: work is divided into a theoretical part dealing with the analysis of the basic concepts and contexts topic work, and the practical part. The theoretical part of the paper draws on the available scientific literature related to the topic of work. Next second part is the practical part, where the results of the survey were presented. Research has shown that the most used recovery procedures are an active method of jogging and massage. The use of hot and cold treatments is diverse from a regional point of...
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Klimešová, Hana. "Postoj vyučujících k genderově atypickým dětem." Master's thesis, 2017. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-343230.

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Moje diplomová práce se věnuje tomu, jakým způsobem přistupují vyučující na druhém stupni základních škol k dívkám a chlapcům, kteří jsou genderově atypičtí. Tedy k dětem, kteří nesplňují představu "správné" dívky či "správného" chlapce z hlediska genderového řádu společnosti a nějakým způsobem se těmto představám vymykají (v rovině osobnostní, vzhledové či behaviorální). Ve výzkumu se zajímám o zkušenost vyučujících s těmito dětmi, o charakteristiky, jenž jsou podle nich genderově atypické, jak tyto děti podle nich přijímá kolektiv či učitelský sbor, apod., avšak podstatou mého zkoumání je zjistit, jaký postoj vůči těmto dětem učitelé a učitelky zaujímají a co jej ovlivňuje. Z výsledků výzkumu pak vyplývá, že existuje určitá typologie postojů vyučujících k genderově atypickým dětem, přičemž jednotlivé postoje vyučujících jsou ovlivňovány mnoha faktory. Faktor, který se ukázal jako nejdůležitější, protože významně ovlivňuje to, zda se bude jedna spíše o pozitivní či negativní přijetí dítěte, je to, zda projevy atypického dítěte narušují či znesnadňují vyučování a práci vyučujícího, nikoliv pouhá skutečnost, že je dítě genderově atypické. Tato práce je tvořena dvěma částmi: teoretickou a empirickou. V teoretické části se zabývám informacemi, které jsou základem pro můj výzkum a v rámci celé práce z...
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MAŇHALOVÁ, Jana. "Hodnota a postoj ošetřovatelství pro veřejnost." Master's thesis, 2013. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-154706.

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Theoretical Framework Although the beginnings of nursing reach deep into our history, nursing is a relatively young profession. In the course of human history nursing has been influenced by many factors that have changed public values and attitudes to nursing issues and to providing the most effective nursing care. Nursing is focused on an active search and satisfying biological, psychological, social and spiritual needs of the sick and healthy people in the care of their health. The main representative of nursing practice is Florence Nightingale, who has affected health care throughout the world. She is considered the founder of modern nursing, because she has elevated nursing to such a profession that is as important as that of a physician. Aims of the Thesis To compile the thesis three goals were set. 1) To find out the views and ideas of the general and professional public on the nursing profession. 2) To determine the views of the general and professional public on what the most important and effective procedures in nursing are. 3) To identify what the general and professional public expect nursing can provide to modern society and how nursing can contribute to its development. Methods Used To compile the diploma thesis a quantitative method using interviews through questionnaires was applied. The data collection technique was snowball sampling. Based on the initial pilot study two forms of the survey were determined, for the professional and the general public. The professional public was represented by nurses working in primary care, home care, in hospitals and other medical facilities. The general public was represented by people who visit general practitioners, use home care services, hospitalized patients and other general public. Results The results of the thesis have helped explain opinions of the public and their attitudes to nursing care. They can be used as background material for teaching nursing subjects or as a contribution to professional seminars, courses and conferences dealing with this issue. The answers to the hypotheses are discussed in detail in the research section of the thesis. Based on the statistically processed data the hypotheses were evaluated as follows: H1: By the general public nursing is perceived rather as a profession focused on maternity care than as a professional discipline. H1 was confirmed. H2: As for the general public, men´s perception of nurses as nursing representatives is different from women´s perception of nurses as nursing representatives. H2 was confirmed. H3: The professional public perceive the profession as a mission, unlike the general public, who take it more as a matter of routine from the part of nurses. H3 was confirmed. H4: The professional public perceive the attitude of the general public towards nursing more positively than the general public themselves. H4 was not confirmed. H5: Nurses´ strengths are perceived more than their weaknesses by the general public. H5 was not confirmed. H6: To the public the value of nursing depends on how the professional public express satisfaction with the care provided by their colleagues. H6 was confirmed. H7: Education is a fundamental value of nursing more from the perspective of the professional public than from the perspective of the general public. H7 was not confirmed. H8: The potential contribution of nursing to modern society from the perspective of professional public is higher than from the perspective of the general public. H8 was not confirmed. H9: The general public´s view on the value of nursing is directly dependent on the image of nursing presented by the media. H9 was confirmed. Conclusion The benefit of this work is publication of the findings related to opinions and ideas of today´s society on nursing and pointing to the issue and identification of weak parts.
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Silva, Ana Paula Teixeira da. "Segmentação dos postos de transformação e distribuição." Master's thesis, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/23560.

Повний текст джерела
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido na EDP Distribuição, no âmbito da validação e disponibilização de dados, com o objetivo de colmatar as falhas de registos de potência de consumo nos diagramas de carga dos Postos de Transformação e Distribuição (PTD's) de Energia em Portugal. Para esse efeito, os PTD’s foram segmentados através do algoritmo de Clustering K-Means, tendo para isso sido utilizados os valores de potência de consumo registados ao longo do período de um ano. Estes valores de potência foram previamente normalizados para que fosse possível considerar apenas a forma dos perfis aquando da segmentação, e posteriormente agrupados por hora e por dia da semana-tipo em cada mês, com o intuito de reduzir o número de variáveis a processar pelo R. Da análise de Clustering, resultaram três perfis, sob a forma de séries temporais que correspondiam ao período de um ano, representativos de todos os PTD’s. Estes perfis foram utilizados para estimar os valores de potência do ano seguinte. No final, testou-se o procedimento desenvolvido para efetuar as previsões para o mês de Novembro de 2016. Obteve-se um erro entre previsões e valores reais de 27,3%, excluindo possíveis outliers, para aquele mês. Considerou-se aceitável este resultado e, portanto, assumiu-se que este método poderia ser utilizado para inferir as falhas de registos de potência de consumo nos diagramas de carga.
This work was developed at EDP Distribuição, in the field of data validation and availability, aiming to handle failures of electric power consumption records from smart meters data electric power transformer stations (PTD’s) in Portugal. For that purpose, the PTD’s were segmented using K-Means (a Clustering technique) using the power consumption records recorded over the period of a year. These values were previously normalized, in order to consider only the profile’s shape during the segmentation phase, and were grouped by hour and by typical week in each month, in order to reduce the number of variables to be processed by R. As result of Clustering, 3 typical profiles were obtained, under the shape of time series that corresponded to the period of a year, representative of all PTD’s. These profiles were used to estimate the power consumption records for the next year. In the end, the developed procedure was tested to make the predictions for next year’s (2016) November. Concerning this month’s predictions, it was obtained an error between predictions and real values of 27,3%, excluding possible outliers. This result was considered acceptable and thus, it was assumed this procedure could be used to fulfill the defined goals.
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.
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