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Lambert, Jean-Christophe. "La propulsion hybride pour des VTOL : une solution qui associe performance et faibles émissions." Annales des Mines - Réalités industrielles Mai 2024, no. 2 (June 14, 2024): 54–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/rindu1.242.0054.

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Pour atteindre la neutralité carbone d’ici à 2050, avionneurs, grands industriels et start-up du secteur de l’aéronautique se mobilisent pour développer l’avion plus durable. Parmi les solutions retenues : le VTOL ( vertical take-off and landing ), un aéronef à décollage et atterrissage vertical qui se positionne en alternative à l’hélicoptère et sur des nouvelles mobilités aériennes régionales. Avec une motorisation hybride électrique, il permet de réduire les émissions de carbone et le bruit, et offre une portée de 400 km. Au-delà de l’usage de cet avion-hélicoptère, c’est un formidable catalyseur technologique pour la décarbonation du secteur.
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Igalens, Jacques, and Najoua Tahri. "Atteindre l’objectif de neutralité carbone en 2050, une gageure pour les entreprises françaises ?" Management & Sciences Sociales N° 34, no. 1 (January 1, 2023): 90–102. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/mss.034.0090.

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L’objectif de neutralité carbone est devenu incontournable pour les États comme pour les organisations, il concerne également les individus. Nous nous attachons dans cette communication à étudier le cas des entreprises industrielles françaises du CAC 40. Dans un premier temps, nous montrons que globalement les dirigeants français sont assez sceptiques sur la capacité des entreprises d’atteindre les objectifs fixés. Nous comparons ensuite (pour les entreprises industrielles du CAC 40) la réalité des intensités carbone aux engagements sur le sujet des émissions de GES tels qu’ils sont exprimés dans les déclarations de performance extra-financières (désormais DPEF). Nos résultats montrent que les « entreprises à faible intensité carbone » et les « entreprises à forte intensité carbone » ne communiquent pas de façon identique et que généralement les « entreprises à forte intensité carbone » ont une divulgation plus détaillée et légèrement plus longue s’appuyant sur des exposés rhétoriques alors que les « entreprises à faible intensité carbone » communiquent mieux, c’est-à-dire qu’elles donnent de façon plus complète les éléments que contient le référentiel retenu .
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Fontana, Bernard. "Le renforcement de la qualité industrielle chez Framatome." Annales des Mines - Responsabilité et environnement N° 113, no. 1 (January 23, 2024): 37–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/re1.113.0037.

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Depuis plus de 60 ans, Framatome participe au développement en France et à travers le monde de solutions nucléaires sûres, bas-carbone et compétitives. Après l’arrêt des nouvelles constructions en France et la perte de compétences associée, le marché du nucléaire est désormais redevenu dynamique, tiré par sa forte intégration dans les futurs mix électriques bas-carbone et le besoin renforcé d’indépendance énergétique. Pour répondre aux diverses demandes en France et à l’international et consolider sa performance, Framatome poursuit depuis plusieurs années un programme de renforcement des compétences et de la qualité d’exécution.
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Blond, David, Patricia Jouannot-Chesney, and Moussa Gomina. "Propriétés thermomécaniques de deux thermoplastiques haute performance renforcés par des fibres de carbone." Revue des composites et des matériaux avancés 21, no. 3 (December 31, 2011): 293–315. http://dx.doi.org/10.3166/rcma.21.293-315.

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A.S, Avo, V. Razafinjato, and J. L. RAKOTOMALALA. "Modélisation Numerique Du Tissu De Fibre De Carbone Comme Element De Renfort Sur Une Poutre." International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies 34, no. 1 (September 12, 2022): 117. http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v34.1.4540.

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Le tissu en fibre de carbone (TFC) présente un fort potentiel en traction qui mérite d’être exploité, d’où notre intérêt de l’utiliser dans le domaine de l’ingénierie des structures de bâtiment. Dans cet article, nous réalisons la simulation du travail du TFC en tant qu’élément de renfort des poutres. Les fondements et les lois de la mécanique des solides déformables avec la méthode des éléments finis nous permettent de sortir un langage plus mathématisé du problème. Ce dernier est exploité en vue d’être traduit en script sur le logiciel matlab pour être ensuite modélisé numériquement. Les résultats obtenus à l’aide d’une cartographie de contrainte et déplacement, décrivent le comportement du tissu lorsque la charge est appliquée. Aussi, les résultats fournis par cette étude nous renseignent sur la performance du tissu de fibre de carbone en tant que matériau de renfort.
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Molinier, Stéphane. "Introduction." Annales des Mines - Réalités industrielles Mai 2024, no. 2 (June 14, 2024): 6–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/rindu1.242.0006.

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Poursuivre l’aventure humaine du transport aérien et offrir les mêmes chances de voyage aux générations futures avec l’enjeu de la neutralité carbone en 2050 impose à toutes les parties prenantes du secteur aéronautique des investissements massifs dans la chaîne de production et la décarbonation, dans un contexte de croissance du trafic et de mise en tension de la chaîne de valeur résultant des crises sanitaires et géopolitiques. Atteindre la neutralité carbone en 2050 oblige à mobiliser plusieurs leviers : le renouvellement des flottes par des avions plus performants, plus légers, plus efficients ; la quête de sobriété et de performance grâce aux progrès technologiques ; l’électrification ; le développement de carburants de substitution au kérosène : les carburants d’aviation durables et l’hydrogène ; l’optimisation des opérations au sol comme en vol ; l’incitation par la réglementation ; la compensation des émissions résiduelles ; l’adaptation des compétences de la filière ; et enfin l’implication des consommateurs.
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Bonomini, Sandra. "Paso doble de Mirella Carbone: un conjuro autobiográfico para el cuerpo, doblez del silencio, un homenaje." Conexión, no. 13 (August 13, 2020): 59–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.18800/conexion.202001.003.

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Este artículo es un análisis, homenaje y diálogo con la performance Paso doble de Mirella Carbone. Carbone parte de la autobiografía para crear presencias —devenires— de sí misma, con los que critica imposiciones de identidad que la Lima clasista, colonial, machista, racista y homofóbica exige. Un «hombrecito» de terno blanco y una muñeca dibujada con tiza por la artista activan la memoria, abren archivos personales y traen al presente importantes cuestiones. A partir de las figuras no hegemónicas que la artista presenta, así como del silencio y la represión, propongo Paso doble como lugar de lo visible y posible. Desde la perspectiva de teorías y pensamientos feministas y descoloniales, se abordan temas latentes en Paso doble para intentar entender los efectos de la colonialidad —del poder, saber y ser— y, dentro de estos, las nociones entrelazadas de género, sexualidad, raza y clase en el cuerpo, la subjetividad y los pasos de la artista.
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SOBHI, Nour El Houda, Amel BOUKHOUIETE, Malika FOUDIA, and Sofiane BENIDIR. "Study on the performance of green corrosion inhibitor in protection of API5LX60 in seawater environment." Revue Roumaine de Chimie 68, no. 7-8 (July 10, 2023): 383–89. http://dx.doi.org/10.33224/rrch.2023.68.7-8.07.

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The corrosion inhibition of metals in seawater can be achieved by the addition of inhibitors to the system that prevent corrosion from taking place on the metal surface. The effect of ascorbic acid on carbone steel corrosion in seawater were investigated by means of different techniques: gravimetric method, electrochemical polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and the scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results obtained show that the acid ascorbic effectively inhibits the corrosion of steel X60. The optimal inhibitory efficiency is obtained at a concentration of 0.05 g/L of the inhibitor, with a maximum value of 77%. This inhibitor presents a mixed inhibition character. SEM studies confirm the absence of the deterioration products on the surface of the specimens.
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Heimann, Marco, and Katia Lobre-Lebraty. "Pilotage stratégique de la taxe carbone par les entreprises : les enjeux de la performance globale." Management & Avenir N° 124, no. 4 (July 29, 2021): 151–69. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/mav.124.0151.

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Abdul Hussien, Dr Hassan A., and Sarah Hakem Hamza. "A Study of the Performance of Nanomaterials on Water Base Drilling Fluid." Journal of Petroleum Research and Studies 9, no. 2 (June 23, 2019): 86–106. http://dx.doi.org/10.52716/jprs.v9i2.293.

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Abstract: This study is an attempt to investigate the effect of nanomaterials on the water base drilling mud properties. Two types of nano materials were investigated, are Multi Walled Carbone Nano Tube (MWCNT) and nano silicon oxide (SiO2).The investigated properties of drilling mud with the rheological properties (Plastic viscosity, yield point, Apparent viscosity and Gel strength), filtration ,and lubricity test are investigated. In addition, effects of high temperature on these properties were studied. All tests are conducted according to API specification and proceed in Petroleum Research and Development Center (PRDC). The experimental results show that a significant improvements in the lubricity test and the rheological properties such as yield point, filtration properties of the MWCNT and nano silicon oxide modified drilling fluid compared with the base drilling fluid. Also a significant improvement in the rheological properties at using combined of nanomaterials (MWCNT and nanoSio2) and reduction of filter loss at using nanosilicon oxide compared with fluid loss reducer.
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Agbekodo, K. M., J. P. Croué, S. Dard, and B. Legube. "Analyse par HPLC et CG/SM des constituants du carbone organique dissous (COD), du COD biodégradable (CODB) et des composés organohalogénés (TOX) d'un perméat de nanofiltration." Revue des sciences de l'eau 9, no. 4 (April 12, 2005): 535–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/705266ar.

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Pour limiter la formation de composés organohalogénés des eaux traitées et la reviviscence bactérienne des réseaux, il est important d'éliminer la majeure partie du carbone organique dissous (COD) et du carbone organique dissous biodégradable (CODB) contenus dans les eaux naturelles. Des travaux récents nous ont permis de montrer que la nanofiltration est une technologie de choix pour répondre à ces contraintes. L'objectif de cet article est de présenter à partir de travaux de laboratoire un inventaire détaillé du carbone organique résiduel d'un perméat prélevé le 21/04/93 sur le prototype industriel de nanofiltration de Méry/Oise en banlieue parisienne. Pour atteindre cet objectif il a été nécessaire de mettre en œuvre des 'techniques analytiques impliquant l'utilisation de la chromatographie liquide haute performance (CLHP) et de la chromatographie en phase gazeuse (CG) soit équipée d'un détecteur à ionisation de flamme (FID) ou d'un détecteur à capture d'électrons (ECD), soit couplée à la spectrométrie de masse (SM). Les résultats obtenus ont montré que le COD du perméat étudié est constitué d'environ 60% d'acides aminés libres et combinés, de 7% d'aldéhydes et de 10 à 20% de composés divers identifiables en CG/SM. Ces derniers composés comprennent majoritairement des acides gras aliphatiques et des acides aromatiques de faibles masses. La concentration de chacun de ces composés a été estimée à 0,3 µg l-¹ C. On peut raisonnablement penser, d'après la bibliographie que les hydrates de carbone (non analysés dans cette étude) représenteraient une part importante de COD du perméat. En outre, cette étude a montré que la part prise par les acides aminés totaux dans le CODB du perméat est importante. Seul le tiers des potentiels de formation d'organohalogénés totaux (PFTOX) a été identifié comme étant des trihaloméhanes (THM) et des acides haloascétiques. Toutefois, étant donné que les acides aminés totaux représentent à eux seuls la quasi totalité de la demande en chlore du perméat, les autres sous-produits de chloration non identifiés seraient probablement des nitriles chlorés, des chloramines et des chloroaldéhydes qui sont parmi les principaux intermédiaires réactionnels de la coloration des acides aminés.
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GHADIRY, MAHDIAR, MAHDIEH NADI, HOSEIN MOHAMMADI, and ASRULNIZAM BIN ABD MANAF. "ANALYSIS OF A NOVEL FULL ADDER DESIGNED FOR IMPLEMENTING IN CARBONE NANOTUBE TECHNOLOGY." Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 21, no. 05 (August 2012): 1250042. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/s0218126612500429.

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A novel low power-delay product full adder circuit is presented in this paper. A new approach is used in order to design full-swing full adder with low number of transistors. The proposed full adder is implemented in MOSFET-like Carbon nanotube technology and the layout is provided based on standard 32 nm technology from MOSIS. The simulation results using HSPICE show that, there are substantial improvements in both power and performance of the proposed circuit compared to latest designs. In addition, the proposed circuit has been implemented in conventional 32 nm process to estimate the advantages of using carbon-based transistors in digital designs over conventional silicon technology. The proposed circuit can be applied in ultra low power and very high speed applications.
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Mulkerin, Daniel L., Jason J. Bergsbaken, Jessica A. Fischer, Mary J. Mulkerin, Aaron M. Bohler, and Mary S. Mably. "Multidisciplinary Optimization of Oral Chemotherapy Delivery at the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center." Journal of Oncology Practice 12, no. 10 (October 2016): e912-e923. http://dx.doi.org/10.1200/jop.2016.013748.

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Purpose: Use of oral chemotherapy is expanding and offers advantages while posing unique safety challenges. ASCO and the Oncology Nursing Society jointly published safety standards for administering chemotherapy that offer a framework for improving oral chemotherapy practice at the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center. Methods: With the goal of improving safety, quality, and uniformity within our oral chemotherapy practice, we conducted a gap analysis comparing our practice against ASCO/Oncology Nursing Society guidelines. Areas for improvement were addressed by multidisciplinary workgroups that focused on education, workflows, and information technology. Recommendations and process changes included defining chemotherapy, standardizing patient and caregiver education, mandating the use of comprehensive electronic order sets, and standardizing documentation for dose modification. Revised processes allow pharmacists to review all orders for oral chemotherapy, and they support monitoring adherence and toxicity by using a library of scripted materials. Results: Between August 2015 and January 2016, revised processes were implemented across the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center clinics. The following are key performance indicators: 92.5% of oral chemotherapy orders (n = 1,216) were initiated within comprehensive electronic order sets (N = 1,315), 89.2% compliance with informed consent was achieved, 14.7% of orders (n = 193) required an average of 4.4 minutes review time by the pharmacist, and 100% compliance with first-cycle monitoring of adherence and toxicity was achieved. Conclusion: We closed significant gaps between institutional practice and published standards for our oral chemotherapy practice and experienced steady improvement and sustainable performance in key metrics. We created an electronic definition of oral chemotherapies that allowed us to leverage our electronic health records. We believe our tools are broadly applicable.
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Pavlovic, Diane, Roger E. Gannon, and Rosalind Gill. "Gilles Maheu: Corps à Corps." Canadian Theatre Review 52 (September 1987): 22–29. http://dx.doi.org/10.3138/ctr.52.005.

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Gille Maheu’s keen sense of space and movement, his deliberately provocative critical stance, the richness of his visual imagination, and the consistency of his interests (aesthetic and thematic), have been highly praised in Quebec and elsewhere. His performances are characterized by a unique sense of rhythm, colour, and élan. Those interested in experimental theatre and the avant-garde quickly recognize that Maheu has the ability to create a total theatre exploiting mime, dance, theatre, performance, cinema, and the plastic arts. Maheu studied in Europe under Etienne Decroux, Yves Lebreton, and Eugenio Barba. Over his 20-year career, he has evolved a corporal language which is at the same time rigid and supple, evocative and meaningful. Founder and artistic director of Carbone 14, a group with an increasingly international reputation, he has staged a number of memorable productions (Pain blanc, L’Homme rouge, he Rail, Le Titanic), working variously as director, scenographer, writer, and actor.
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Guillen Bonilla, José Trinidad, Héctor Guillén Bonilla, Verónica María Rodríguez Betancourtt, Antonio Casillas Zamora, Jorge Alberto Ramírez Ortega, Lorenzo Gildo Ortiz, María Eugenia Sánchez Morales, Oscar Blanco Alonso, and Alex Guillén Bonilla. "Carbone Monoxide (CO) Detection Device Based on the Nickel Antimonate Oxide and a DC Electronic Circuit." Applied Sciences 9, no. 18 (September 11, 2019): 3799. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/app9183799.

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Carbon monoxide (CO) is very toxic to health. CO gas can cause intoxication and even death when the concentration is high or there are long exposure times. To detect atmospheres with CO gas concentration detectors are placed. In this work, a novel CO detection device was proposed and applied for CO detection. For its implementation, four stages were developed: Synthesis of nickel antimonite (NiSb2O6) oxide powders, physical characterization of NiSb2O6 powders, Pellet fabrication and sensitivity test in CO atmospheres and electronic circuit implementation where signal adaptation and signal amplification were considered. Experimentally, a chemical sensor was built and characterized, its signal adaptation circuit was implemented and also it was proved using CO concentrations from 1 to 300 ppm with the operating temperatures of 100, 200, and 300 °C. Its optimal operation was at 300 °C. From the experimental results, the CO detection device had excellent functionality because the chemical sensor based on the nickel antimonite oxide had high sensitivity and good electrical response, whereas the DC electronic circuit had good performance.
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Khimach, Nataliia, Vitaly Yevdokymenko, and Ievgen Polunkin. "RECYCLING OF CARBONE OXIDES (CO, CO2) CONVERSION INTO METHANOL AT ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE OVER MECHANOCHEMICAL ACHTIVATED CUO-ZNO-AL2O3 CATALYST." EUREKA: Physics and Engineering 6 (November 30, 2016): 11–18. http://dx.doi.org/10.21303/2461-4262.2016.00210.

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The catalytic process for methanol production by synthesis gas conversion under the conditions of mechanochemical activation (MCA) of copper-zinc-aluminum oxide catalyst in the temperature range 160–280 °C at a pressure of 0.1 MPa are investigated. The use of mechanical action force is one of the promising ways to improve the activity of heterogeneous catalysts designed to simplify the manufacturing process lines, improving the efficiency of catalytic processes and reduce the cost of the target product. Given the importance of technology for methanol production on copper-zinc-aluminum oxide catalysts and high demand for methanol in the world [1–3], clarification of the peculiarities of the process of methanol production by synthesis gas conversion in terms of mechanical load on the catalyst is important in scientific and applied ways. It is established that specific catalytic activity, performance of methanol synthesis catalyst and the conversion of initial reagents are increased in the conditions of mechanochemical activation, because of the increasing concentration of defects and formation of additional active centers. It is revealed that mechanochemical treatment of copper-zinc-aluminum oxide catalyst can reduce reaction initiation temperature and optimum temperature synthesis by 20–30 °C, and increase the maximum performance of the catalytic system. Increase of the catalyst activity under mechanical stress is explored by increase of defect concentration of crystal lattice of the catalyst, as confirmed by the tests of catalyst surface structure by scanning electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and X-ray analysis. A new effective method for synthesis gas conversion into the methanol under conditions of mechanochemical activation of the catalyst can be used in industry as an alternative to methanol production at high pressures.
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Ndeye, Maurice, Oumar Ka, Hamady Bocoum, and Alpha O. Diallo. "Rehabilitation of the Laboratoire De Carbone 14-Dakar (Senegal) with a Super Low-Level Liquid Scintillation Counting System." Radiocarbon 46, no. 1 (2004): 117–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0033822200039424.

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Following the passing of Prof Cheikh Anta Diop in 1986, the radiocarbon laboratory (LC14) he created 20 yr earlier at the Institut Francophone d'Afrique Noire (IFAN), Dakar, Senegal, fell into a long hibernation. It took nearly 3 yr to renovate the laboratory and reinstall new equipment in order to return LC14 to full functionality and resume its activity. A new dating system has been implemented around a super low-level liquid scintillation spectrometer from Packard, the Tri-Carb 3170TR/LS, located in an underground room.In this paper, we assess the performance of the dating setup (background level and figure of merit) using known samples from Paris 6 and international standards from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). After the calibration, the setup was used to study bolé seashells from the Khant area in the northern part of Senegal (West Africa). The aim is to present evidence of the correlation between the transgression of the Nouakchottan (5500 BP) and a few industries in the Khant area. The corresponding ages are difficult to assess and the dates available for this cultural site are randomly distributed, ranging from 4500 to 1500 BP, i.e., a chronological period spanning from the Neolithic to the Iron Age.
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Hunt, Nigel. "Bill James: Playing With Space, or, The Intimacy of Extremes." Canadian Theatre Review 65 (December 1990): 20–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.3138/ctr.65.004.

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It is curious but notable that Bill James’s works, or at least his two major multi-disciplinary creations, Geography and Atlas Moves Watching, have not been lauded by theatre artists and audiences in Toronto the way aesthetically comparable pieces by Gilíes Maheu’s Carbone 14 have been in Montreal (and on tour to Toronto and many other cities). Perhaps the circumstances which have led Bill James to create his work with a dance company and be regarded as a dance choreographer rather than as a theatre director or auteur – whereas Maheu’s work, despite its obvious dance influences and his frequent use of dancers as well as or instead of actors, has been readily included as theatre – can be attributed to less rigid categorization in Montreal’s performance scene. Whatever the reason, it seems to me that the result is that theatre artists experimenting with non-naturalistic theatre in Toronto tend not to look to multi-disciplinary dance groups for stimulation and inspiration despite the quantity and, frequently, the quality of work on view.
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NGU, Vincent, Claire DUMAS, Yan RAFRAFI, Jérôme MORCHAIN, and Arnaud COCKX. "Développement d’un procédé de méthanation biologique à l’aide d’une approche de modélisation multi-échelle." Techniques Sciences Méthodes, TSM 5/ 2024 (May 20, 2024): 47–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.36904/20240547.

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La méthanation biologique est une technologie verte prometteuse qui permet de valoriser les déchets organiques et de stocker l’excès d’énergie renouvelable sous forme de méthane. Toutefois, cette technologie en est encore à ses débuts en matière de commercialisation, car les recherches actuelles se concentrent sur des études de preuve de concept à l’échelle laboratoire/pilote et les exemples à grande échelle sont encore rares. Par ailleurs, les modèles numériques simplifiés (à une dimension 1D) ou tridimensionnels (CFD – Computational Fluid Dynamics) sont des outils pertinents pour le changement d’échelle et l’optimi sation des bioréacteurs. Ce travail fournit un exemple concret du changement d’échelle du procédé de méthanation biologique, appuyé par des outils de simulation 1D et 3D. Les modèles ont d’abord été validés avec des données expérimentales à l’échelle pilote (volume de 22 L), puis appliqués à l’échelle industrielle au cas du réacteur d’Electrochaea (volume de ~5 m3). Il s’avère que le transfert gaz-liquide de l’hydrogène a un impact limitant sur la performance biologique. À l’échelle du laboratoire, l’injecteur de gaz joue un rôle crucial dans la génération de la population de bulles, ce qui affecte ultérieurement le transfert de masse et la performance biologique globale. La pureté du méthane a été multipliée par deux avec une plaque poreuse uniforme par rapport à quatre diffuseurs ponctuels. À plus grande échelle, le modèle CFD révèle des écoulements instables dus à des gradients de densité résultant d’un fort appauvrissement gazeux, puisque l’injection de quatre moles d’hydrogène et une mole de dioxyde de carbone forment au plus une mole de méthane en sortie. L’article se termine par des recommandations pour le changement d’échelle et la conception des réacteurs de méthanation, notamment des stratégies visant à améliorer le transfert gaz-liquide à grande échelle. Ces stratégies impliquent une conception de distributeur uniforme permettant l’injection de petites bulles et la conception de hauts bioréacteurs pour améliorer les performances liées au transfert d’hydrogène.
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Huang, Congcong, Yunhui Dong, and Xingjun Dong. "Biomass based porous carbon for supercapacitor by hydrothermal assisted activating method." E3S Web of Conferences 236 (2021): 01016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202123601016.

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A facile route has been employed to synthesize a series of high performance activated carbons as the electrode material for supercapacitors. The structure of the carbons are characterized by N2 adsorption/desorption and FTIR spectroscopy. The electrochemical performances of the carbons as an electrode material were evaluated by cyclic voltammetry test and galvanostatic charge/discharge measurements. As a biomass derived carbon, KOH-1 exhibits high capacity, good rate capability and high energy density, indicating the promising application of hydrothermal combining with KOH activation method for biomass materials that used in supercapacitors
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Wang, Jiacheng, and Qian Liu. "Fungi-derived hierarchically porous carbons for high-performance supercapacitors." RSC Advances 5, no. 6 (2015): 4396–403. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c4ra13358g.

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Chemical activation of sustainable, renewable biomass fungi as the carbon precursor resulted in hierarchically porous activated carbons, demonstrating superior supercapacitor performance in organic electrolyte to commercially available carbons.
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Engle, Jeff A., Anne M. Traynor, Toby C. Campbell, Kari B. Wisinski, Noelle LoConte, Glenn Liu, George Wilding, and Jill M. Kolesar. "Assessment of adherence and relative dose intensity with oral chemotherapy in oncology clinical trials at an academic medical center." Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice 24, no. 5 (April 29, 2017): 348–53. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1078155217704989.

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Background/Aims Oral chemotherapy is increasingly utilized leaving the patient responsible for self-administering an often complex regimen where adverse effects are common. Non-adherence and reduced relative dose intensity are both associated with poorer outcomes in the community setting but are rarely reported in clinical trials. The purpose of this study is to quantify adherence and relative dose intensity in oncology clinical trials and to determine patient and study related factors that influence adherence and relative dose intensity. Methods Patients were identified from non-industry-funded clinical trials conducted between 1 January 2009 and 31 March 2013 at the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center. Data were extracted from primary research records. Descriptive statistics and linear regression modeling was performed using SAS 9.4. Results A total of 17 clinical trials and 266 subjects were included. Mean adherence was greater than 97% for the first eight cycles. Mean relative dose intensity was less than 90% for the first cycle and declined over time. Male gender, a performance status of 1 or 2, metastatic disease, and traveling more than 90 miles to reach the cancer center were associated with higher relative dose intensity. Conclusions Patients with cancer enrolled in clinical trials are highly adherent but unlikely to achieve protocol specified relative dose intensity. Given that determining the phase II dose is the primary endpoint of phase I trials, incorporating relative dose intensity into this determination should be considered.
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Nobel, S. M. Nuruzzaman, Omar Faruque Sifat, Md Rajibul Islam, Md Shohel Sayeed, and Md Amiruzzaman. "Enhancing GI Cancer Radiation Therapy: Advanced Organ Segmentation with ResECA-U-Net Model." Emerging Science Journal 8, no. 3 (June 1, 2024): 999–1015. http://dx.doi.org/10.28991/esj-2024-08-03-012.

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This research introduces a pioneering solution to the challenges posed by gastrointestinal tract (GI) cancer in radiation therapy, focusing on the imperative task of precise organ segmentation for minimizing radiation-induced damage. GI imaging has historically used manual demarcation, which is laborious and uncomfortable for patients. We address this by introducing the ResECA-U-Net deep learning model, a novel combination of the U-Net and ResNet34 architectures. Furthermore, we further augment its functionality by incorporating the Efficient Channel Attention (ECA-Net) methodology. By utilizing data from the UW-Madison Carbone Cancer Center, we carefully investigate several image processing techniques designed to capture critical local characteristics. With its foundation in computer vision concepts, the ResECA-U-Net model is excellent at extracting fine details from GI images. Sophisticated metrics such as intersection over union (IoU) and the dice coefficient are used to evaluate performance. Our study's outcomes demonstrate the effectiveness of the suggested method, yielding an impressive 96.27% Dice coefficient and 91.48% IoU. These results highlight the significant contribution that our strategy has made to the advancement of cancer therapy. Beyond its scientific merits, this work has the potential to significantly enhance cancer patients' quality of life and provide better long-term outcomes. Our work is a significant step towards automating and optimizing the segmentation process, which can potentially change how GI cancer is treated completely. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-03-012 Full Text: PDF
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Zhou, Jin, and Shu Ping Zhuo. "Capacitive Performance of Ordered Mesoporous Carbons in Ionic Liquids." Advanced Materials Research 284-286 (July 2011): 2086–89. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.284-286.2086.

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Ordered mesoporous carbons (BOMC) were prepared by doping boric acid using a hard-templating method, while a CMK-3 carbon (OMC) was also prepared for comparison. The capacitive performance of these two carbons was investigated in ionic liquid of EMImBF4 and EMImTSFI. As demonstrated by the structure analysis, BOMC possesses almost same surface area and pore size as OMC, while the former carbon possesses higher content of oxygen-containing groups. In ionic liquid electrolyte, the carbons mainly show typical electric double layer capacitance, and the capacitance retention ratio and ion diffusion of electrolyte is determined to the surface chemical property. BOMC present visible pseudo-capacitance due to the oxygenated groups in hydrophilic EMImBF4, while no visible pseudo-capacitive behavior was observed in hydrophobic EMImTSFI.
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Kim, Hyun-Chul, and Seong Huh. "Porous Carbon-Based Supercapacitors Directly Derived from Metal–Organic Frameworks." Materials 13, no. 18 (September 22, 2020): 4215. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ma13184215.

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Numerously different porous carbons have been prepared and used in a wide range of practical applications. Porous carbons are also ideal electrode materials for efficient energy storage devices due to their large surface areas, capacious pore spaces, and superior chemical stability compared to other porous materials. Not only the electrical double-layer capacitance (EDLC)-based charge storage but also the pseudocapacitance driven by various dopants in the carbon matrix plays a significant role in enhancing the electrochemical supercapacitive performance of porous carbons. Since the electrochemical capacitive activities are primarily based on EDLC and further enhanced by pseudocapacitance, high-surface carbons are desirable for these applications. The porosity of carbons plays a crucial role in enhancing the performance as well. We have recently witnessed that metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) could be very effective self-sacrificing templates, or precursors, for new high-surface carbons for supercapacitors, or ultracapacitors. Many MOFs can be self-sacrificing precursors for carbonaceous porous materials in a simple yet effective direct carbonization to produce porous carbons. The constituent metal ions can be either completely removed during the carbonization or transformed into valuable redox-active centers for additional faradaic reactions to enhance the electrochemical performance of carbon electrodes. Some heteroatoms of the bridging ligands and solvate molecules can be easily incorporated into carbon matrices to generate heteroatom-doped carbons with pseudocapacitive behavior and good surface wettability. We categorized these MOF-derived porous carbons into three main types: (i) pure and heteroatom-doped carbons, (ii) metallic nanoparticle-containing carbons, and (iii) carbon-based composites with other carbon-based materials or redox-active metal species. Based on these cases summarized in this review, new MOF-derived porous carbons with much enhanced capacitive performance and stability will be envisioned.
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Yang, Jian, Zachary Hansen, Maruj Jamal, Kevin Mathew, Guanyi Wang, Jie Xiong, Tiffany Zhou, and Qingliu Wu. "Biomass-Derived Carbon for High-Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries." ECS Meeting Abstracts MA2022-02, no. 4 (October 9, 2022): 543. http://dx.doi.org/10.1149/ma2022-024543mtgabs.

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With the advantages of high conductivity and low cost, porous carbons have been considered as the most attractive materials as hosts of sulfur cathode in lithium-sulfur batteries (LSBs). However, LSBs always suffer short cycle life due to the “shuttle effect” of lithium polysulfide species (polysulfides), which are intermediate products during the charge/discharge processes. The weak interaction between carbon and polysulfides results in the dissolution of polysulfides from the cathodes, loss of active material and eventually fast capacity fading. To overcome these drawbacks, we employed a biomass-derived carbon as the host material in sulfur cathodes. Results from X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and nitrogen sorption reveals that this biomass-derived product is amorphous carbon and is composed of both large (>10 nm) and small (<5 nm) pores. Using as hosts of cathodes in LSBs, the biomass-derived carbons could deliver a high reversible capacity of > 800 mAh/g and retain >80% of initial capacity after 200 cycles. Especially, the activated carbons exhibited 80% capacity retention after 400 cycles. The promising LSB performance could be ascribed to the unique porous architecture of biomass-derived carbons. The meso/micropores in biomass-derived carbons could provide more sites to anchor sulfur and polysulfides, while macropores provide channels for fast transport of ions. This was corroborated by the results from the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), the thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and absorption measurements.
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Xing, Wei, Xiao Li, Jin Zhou, and Shu Ping Zhuo. "Nanoporous Carbon Derived from Rice Husk for Electrochemical Capacitor Application." Advanced Materials Research 239-242 (May 2011): 2101–6. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.239-242.2101.

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Nanoporous carbons were prepared from rice husk (RH) according to a three-step procedure that includes pre-carbonization, silica removal and chemical activation. The surface area and pore structure of the nanoporous carbons are characterized intensively using N2 adsorption technique. The as-prepared carbons have specific surface area of up to 3283 m2/g, and total pore volume of up to 1.8 cm3/g. The effect of activating agent dosage on the pore structure of carbons was investigated and elucidated clearly. As evidenced by electrochemical measurements, the as-prepared carbons have good capacitive performances and their specific capacitances are much higher than ordered mesoporous carbon, thus highlighting the success of preparing high performance electrode material for EDLC from a biomass waste, rice husk.
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Huang, Hui, Gui Ping Wu, and Chuan Yi. "Studying the Adsorption Performance in Binding of BTEX in the Air by Activated Carbon." Materials Science Forum 743-744 (January 2013): 427–33. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/msf.743-744.427.

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The adsorption experiment was carried out in an enclosed reactor in order to evaluate activated carbon, prepared by brewing yeast, which could remove benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) from air. Various experimental parameters were determined, and activated carbon adsorption performance was compared with some commercial activated carbons (CACs). The results showed that lots of carboxyl, amino-groups and hydroxyl were on the surface of activated carbon, which were chemical reaction centers. Adsorption was reached equilibrium after six hours. The isothermal data of biosorption followed the Langmuir and Freundlich Models. When the temperature was 25°C,the maximum adsorption capacity was greater than the commercial activated carbon. These adsorption performances indicate that the activated carbon is a potentially economical adsorbent for BTEX removal.
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Thirukumaran, Periyasamy, Raji Atchudan, Asrafali Shakila Parveen, Madhappan Santhamoorthy, Vanaraj Ramkumar, and Seong-Cheol Kim. "N-Doped Mesoporous Carbon Prepared from a Polybenzoxazine Precursor for High Performance Supercapacitors." Polymers 13, no. 13 (June 22, 2021): 2048. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/polym13132048.

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Supercapacitors store energy either by ion adsorption or fast surface redox reactions. The capacitance produced by the former is known as electrochemical double layer capacitance and the latter is known as pseudo-capacitance. Carbon materials are found to be attractive materials for energy storage, due to their various micro-structures and wide source of availability. Polybenzoxazine (Pbz) is used as a source to produce carbon materials, due to the fact that the obtained carbon will be rich in N and O species for enhanced performance. Moreover, the carbon materials were produced via template-free method. In general, activation temperature plays a main role in altering the porosity of the carbon materials. The main purpose of this study is to find the suitable activation temperature necessary to produce porous carbons with enhanced performance. Considering these points, Pbz is used as a precursor to produce nitrogen-doped porous carbons (NRPCs) without using any template. Three different activation temperatures, namely 700, 800 and 900 °C, are chosen to prepare activated porous carbons; NRPC-700, NRPC-800 and NRPC-900. Hierarchical micro-/ meso-/macropores were developed in the porous carbons with respect to different activation temperatures. PBz source is used to produce carbons containing heteroatoms and an activation process is used to produce carbons with desirable pore structures. The surface morphology, pore structure and binding of heteroatoms to the carbon surface were analyzed in detail. NRPCs produced in this way can be used as supercapacitors. Further, electrodes were developed using these NRPCs and their electrochemical performance including capacitance, specific capacitance, galvanic charge/discharge, impedance, rate capability are analyzed. The obtained results showed that the activation temperature of 900 °C, is suitable to produce NRPC with a specific capacitance of 245 F g−1 at a current density of 0.5 A g−1, that are attributed to high surface area, suitable pore structure and presence of heteroatoms.
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Proces, Pierre, Emilien Dubiez, Franck Bisiaux, Adrien Péroches, and Adeline Fayolle. "Production d’Acacia auriculiformis dans le système agroforestier de Mampu, plateau Batéké, République démocratique du Congo." BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 334 (January 2, 2018): 23. http://dx.doi.org/10.19182/bft2017.334.a31489.

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Géré par des communautés locales depuis plus de vingt ans, le massif agroforestier à Acacia auriculiformis de Mampu, sur le plateau Batéké en République démocratique du Congo (RDC), contribue à l’approvisionnement de Kinshasa en produits vivriers et en bois énergie. Grâce aux subventions internationales, ce système agroforestier, qui intègre la pratique de l’abattis-brûlis, est reproduit un peu partout en RDC, bien que sa performance n’ait jamais été évaluée. L’objectif de cette étude était d’estimer la production d’Acacia auriculiformis en biomasse totale et exploitable pour le charbon de bois (tige et branches de plus de 4 cm de diamètre) dans le système agroforestier. À cet effet, deux équations allométriques locales, portant sur la biomasse totale et exploitable, ont été ajustées à partir de données destructives. Des données d’inventaire existantes (n = 112 parcelles) ont permis d’identifier une grande hétérogénéité structurale sur l’ensemble de la rotation (8-10 ans) mais également entre parcelles du même âge. Malgré cette hétérogénéité qui peut s’expliquer par la diversité des conditions environnementales sur le site et/ou les disparités dans l’appropriation de l’itinéraire technique, la production reste néanmoins comparable à celle observée sur d’autres sites avec, en moyenne, 145 tonnes par hectare en 10 ans. Le système agroforestier de Mampu présente de nombreux avantages, des services directs avec la création d’emplois ruraux, et la production combinée de produits vivriers et de charbon de bois, mais aussi des services indirects, comme la déforestation évitée, et le stockage du carbone. La durabilité et la diffusion de ce système agroforestier peuvent néanmoins être discutées.
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Pavlovic, Diane, Phyllis Aronoff, and Howard Scott. "Theatre in the Museum: Rivage à l’abandon." Canadian Theatre Review 64 (September 1990): 38–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.3138/ctr.64.006.

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Livage à l’abandon (Despoiled Shore), mounted by Carbone 14 in February 1990, was born of a double impetus, museological and theatrical: the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal had asked Gilles Maheu to create a finale to the Blickpunkte event, exhibitions which focused on various facets of contemporary German art, and Maheu chose for the occasion to go back to Heiner Müller, by whom he is fascinated and whose Hamlet-Machine he had already staged in 1987. The entire museum was offered to Maheu. Inspired by this huge empty space filled with connotations, he decided to present the trilogy Rivage à l’abandon I Matériau-Medée / Paysage avec Argonautes (Despoiled Shore / Medeamaterial / Landscape with Argonauts). An unusual place for theatre, the museum itself would become an integral part of his project. His vision coincided with the museum’s desire to broaden its role, and he conceived a work between performance and opera, pursuing the multidisciplinary path he had already chosen for himself and trying to push back a little further the boundaries of traditional theatricality. Having chosen people for conception and design and the cast in the same spirit of opening up the boundaries between genres, he also wanted to try a new kind of experiment, and he asked me, who had become very familiar with his work through my activities as a critic, to assist him in the conception and direction of the production. It is thus as a participant and privileged observer that I give this account of the process of creation of the show.
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Albernaz, Danilo Fernandes, and Risely Ferraz-Almeida. "English PERFORMANCE AND EFFICIENCY OF GLASS AND CARBON FIBER BARS FOR SELF-PROPELLED SPRAYERS." ENERGIA NA AGRICULTURA 35, no. 3 (September 29, 2020): 330–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.17224/energagric.2020v35n3p330-338.

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PERFORMANCE AND EFFICIENCY OF GLASS AND CARBON FIBER BARS FOR SELF-PROPELLED SPRAYERS DANILO FERNANDES ALBERNAZ1, RISELY FERRAZ-ALMEIDA1 1Luiz de Queiros College of Agriculture, Departament of Soil Sciente, University of São Paulo, Avenida Pauda Dias, 11, 13418-900, Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil, albernazdanilof@hotmail.com; rizely@gmail.com ABSTRACT: Agribusiness has a fundamental role in the Brazilian economy, responsible for stimulating the Gross Domestic Product, creating investment and development opportunities. High yields have been faced in pest-free areas in different crop regions. However, pest control with high efficiency is a challenge for many farmers. In this context, self-propelled sprayers with a high efficiency are necessary to increase the quality and speed of application with a direct decreasing equipment's operational cost. This work aims: (i) present the advantages of using carbon fiber booms in the performance of self-propelled sprayers; (ii) compare weight and fuel consumption of self-propelled sprayers with carbon fiber booms and conventional carbon steel booms. The results showed that the self-propelled sprayers with glass/carbon fiber boom presented better application performances, considered 6% more productive, 1.8% lighter, and 44% more economical in fuel consumption than the conventional carbon steel boom. Based on the results, the self-propelled glass/carbon fiber boom is a better alternative to increase agricultural spraying productivity. Keywords: efficiency of the application, carbon fiber, composite, fuel consumption. DESEMPENHO E EFICIÊNCIA DE BARRAS DE VIDRO E FIBRA DE CARBONO PARA PULVERIZADORES AUTO-PROPELIDO RESUMO: O agronegócio tem papel fundamental na economia brasileira com significante participação no Produto Interno Bruto, criando oportunidades de investimento e desenvolvimento no Brasil. Em todas as culturas, altas produtividades estão associadas a áreas livres de pragas, no entanto, o controle de pragas é um desafio para muitos agricultores. Nesse contexto, a escolha de pulverizadores eficientes para aplicação de pesticidas torna-se uma necessidade para aumentar a qualidade e velocidade da aplicação, e diminuir o custo operacional deste equipamento. Este trabalho tem como objetivos: (i) apresentar as vantagens do uso de barras de fibra de carbono no desempenho de pulverizadores; (ii) comparar o peso e o consumo de combustível de pulverizadores com barras de fibra de carbono, e pulverizadores com barras convencionais de aço carbono. Os resultados mostraram que os pulverizadores com barra de fibra de vidro/carbono apresentaram melhores desempenhos de aplicação, considerado 6% mais produtivo, 1,8% mais leve, e 44% mais econômico em consumo de combustível em comparação com a barra de aço carbono convencional. Portanto, pode-se concluir que para otimizar a pulverização de culturas agrícolas, a barra de fibra de vidro/carbono é uma alternativa mais eficiente para aumentar a produtividade na pulverização agrícola. Palavras-chaves: eficiência de aplicação, fibra de carbono, composto, consumo de combustível.
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Luo, Xianyou, Ping Yuan, Junhui Luo, Haoming Xiao, Junyi Li, Heng Zheng, Baodong Du, De Li, and Yong Chen. "The Enhancing Effect of Stable Oxygen Functional Groups on Porous-Carbon-Supported Pt Catalysts for Alkaline Hydrogen Evolution." Nanomaterials 13, no. 8 (April 20, 2023): 1415. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/nano13081415.

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The oxygen functionalization of carbon materials has widely been employed to improve the catalytic performance of carbon-supported Pt (Pt/C) catalysts. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) has often been employed to clean carbons during the preparation of carbon materials. However, the effect of oxygen functionalization through a HCl treatment of porous carbon (PC) supports on the performance of the alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) has rarely been investigated. Herein, the impact of HCl combined with the heat treatment of PC supports on the HER performance of Pt/C catalysts has been comprehensively investigated. The structural characterizations revealed similar structures of pristine and modified PC. Nevertheless, the HCl treatment resulted in abundant hydroxyl and carboxyl groups and the further heat treatment formed thermally stable carbonyl and ether groups. Among the catalysts, Pt loading on the HCl-treated PC followed by a heat treatment at 700 °C (Pt/PC-H-700) exhibited elevated HER activity with a lower overpotential of 50 mV at 10 mA cm−2 when compared to the unmodified Pt/PC (89 mV). Pt/PC-H-700 also exhibited better durability than the Pt/PC. Overall, novel insights into the impact of the surface chemistry properties of porous carbon supports on the HER performance of Pt/C catalysts were provided, which were useful for highlighting the feasible improvement of HER performances by regulating the surface oxygen species of porous carbon supports.
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Yu, Qiyun, Jiali Bai, Jiamei Huang, Muslum Demir, Bilge Nazli Altay, Xin Hu, and Linlin Wang. "One-Pot Synthesis of N-Rich Porous Carbon for Efficient CO2 Adsorption Performance." Molecules 27, no. 20 (October 12, 2022): 6816. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/molecules27206816.

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N-enriched porous carbons have played an important part in CO2 adsorption application thanks to their abundant porosity, high stability and tailorable surface properties while still suffering from a non-efficient and high-cost synthesis method. Herein, a series of N-doped porous carbons were prepared by a facile one-pot KOH activating strategy from commercial urea formaldehyde resin (UF). The textural properties and nitrogen content of the N-doped carbons were carefully controlled by the activating temperature and KOH/UF mass ratios. As-prepared N-doped carbons show 3D block-shaped morphology, the BET surface area of up to 980 m2/g together with a pore volume of 0.52 cm3/g and N content of 23.51 wt%. The optimal adsorbent (UFK-600-0.2) presents a high CO2 uptake capacity of 4.03 mmol/g at 0 °C and 1 bar. Moreover, as-prepared N-doped carbon adsorbents show moderate isosteric heat of adsorption (43–53 kJ/mol), acceptable ideal adsorption solution theory (IAST) selectivity of 35 and outstanding recycling performance. It has been pointed out that while the CO2 uptake was mostly dependent on the textural feature, the N content of carbon also plays a critical role to define the CO2 adsorption performance. The present study delivers favorable N-doped carbon for CO2 uptake and provides a promising strategy for the design and synthesis of the carbon adsorbents.
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Moradian, Jamile Mohammadi, Songmei Wang, Amjad Ali, Junying Liu, Jianli Mi, and Hongcheng Wang. "Biomass-Derived Carbon Anode for High-Performance Microbial Fuel Cells." Catalysts 12, no. 8 (August 13, 2022): 894. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/catal12080894.

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Although microbial fuel cells (MFCs) have been developed over the past decade, they still have a low power production bottleneck for practical engineering due to the ineffective interfacial bioelectrochemical reaction between exoelectrogens and anode surfaces using traditional carbonaceous materials. Constructing anodes from biomass is an effective strategy to tackle the current challenges and improve the efficiency of MFCs. The advantage features of these materials come from the well-decorated aspect with an enriched functional group, the turbostratic nature, and porous structure, which is important to promote the electrocatalytic behavior of anodes in MFCs. In this review article, the three designs of biomass-derived carbon anodes based on their final products (i.e., biomass-derived nanocomposite carbons for anode surface modification, biomass-derived free-standing three-dimensional carbon anodes, and biomass-derived carbons for hybrid structured anodes) are highlighted. Next, the most frequently obtained carbon anode morphologies, characterizations, and the carbonization processes of biomass-derived MFC anodes were systematically reviewed. To conclude, the drawbacks and prospects for biomass-derived carbon anodes are suggested.
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Frilund, Christian, Ilkka Hiltunen, and Pekka Simell. "Activated Carbons for Syngas Desulfurization: Evaluating Approaches for Enhancing Low-Temperature H2S Oxidation Rate." ChemEngineering 5, no. 2 (May 11, 2021): 23. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/chemengineering5020023.

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Its relatively low cost and high surface area makes activated carbon an ideal adsorbent candidate for H2S removal. However, physical adsorption of H2S is not very effective; therefore, methods to facilitate reactive H2S oxidation on carbons are of interest. The performance of H2S removal of non-impregnated, impregnated, and doped activated carbon in low-temperature syngas was evaluated in fixed-bed breakthrough tests. The importance of oxygen content and relative humidity was established for reactive H2S removal. Impregnates especially improved the adsorption rate compared to non-impregnated carbons. Non-impregnated carbons could however retain a high capture capacity with sufficient contact time. In a relative performance test, the best performance was achieved by doped activated carbon, 320 mg g−1. Ammonia in syngas was found to significantly improve the adsorption rate of non-impregnated activated carbon. A small quantity of ammonia was consumed by the carbon bed, suggesting that ammonia is a reactant. Finally, to validate ammonia-enhanced desulfurization, bench-scale experiments were performed in biomass-based gasification syngas. The results show that when the ammonia concentration in syngas was in the tens of ppm range, 40–160 ppm H2S oxidation proceeded rapidly. Ammonia-enhanced oxidation allows utilization of cheaper non-impregnated activated carbons by in situ improvement of the adsorption kinetics. Ammonia enhancement is therefore established as a viable method for achieving high-capacity H2S removal with unmodified activated carbons.
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Funke, Henrik L., Sandra Gelbrich, and Lothar Kroll. "High performance lightweight noise barrier with carbon fibre reinforced concretes." Epitoanyag - Journal of Silicate Based and Composite Materials 67, no. 3 (2015): 90–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.14382/epitoanyag-jsbcm.2015.14.

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Maama, Haruna, and Shenaaz Gani. "Carbon accounting, management quality, and bank performance in East Africa." Environmental Economics 13, no. 1 (November 28, 2022): 114–25. http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ee.13(1).2022.10.

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Does it pay to report green activities? This question has dominated academic discussion and has further spiraled into the industry. Questions exist about the value relevance of carbon accounting, given that such practice is voluntary and consumes resources. The question becomes more legitimate when banks whose activities do not negatively affect the environment adopt carbon accounting. Given this perplexing phenomenon, the study examined the impact of carbon accounting on the performance of banks in East Africa. Moreover, the effect of management quality on such a relationship was analyzed. The study relied on eight years of integrated, sustainability, and annual reports of 79 banks in East Africa, collecting the carbon accounting data. A multiple regression estimation technique was employed to estimate the models. The study demonstrated that carbon reporting had a negative and insignificant relationship with the financial performance of banks. In addition, the study showed that management quality turned the relationship between carbon disclosure and firm performance positive, suggesting that the banks with high quality of management benefited financially from carbon reporting. The study concludes that carbon accounting does not benefit East African banks. However, banks that had high quality of management financially benefited from carbon accounting. The significant implication of these results is that banks can benefit from adopting carbon accounting but only when they have high management quality. This study contributes to the debate on the conflicting empirical findings on the value relevance of carbon accounting in Africa, which is scarce.
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Kurnia, Shafira, Teguh Ariyanto, and Imam Prasetyo. "Jaranan Wood (Lannea coromandelica)-Derived Porous Carbon and its Performance for Anionic Surfactant Adsorption." Key Engineering Materials 840 (April 2020): 3–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/kem.840.3.

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Alkylbenzene sulfonates (ABS) is used widely in many industrial and commercial products as surfactants. However, their appearance could cause side effects when released to the environment without treatment. Adsorption method using porous carbon is one of the effective methods to reduce its presence in nature. The aim of this research is to investigate the characters and performances of new type of porous carbon of Jaranan wood carbon (Lannea coromandelica) for ABS removal. Commercial carbon from coconut shell was also used as a comparison. Porous carbons were characterized using scanning electron microscopy SEM and N2-sorption analyzer. From characterizations, Jaranan wood carbon obtained a higher specific surface area (ca. 1080 m2 g‒1) than the commercial one (ca. 974 m2 g‒1). In the ABS removal test, a lower temperature adsorption is more favorable. The performance of Jaranan wood carbon is comparable to that of commercial porous carbon with uptake capacity up to 3036 mg g‒1 carbon at 30 °C.
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Liu, Yang, Jiareng Chen, Bin Cui, Pengfei Yin, and Chao Zhang. "Design and Preparation of Biomass-Derived Carbon Materials for Supercapacitors: A Review." C 4, no. 4 (September 25, 2018): 53. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/c4040053.

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The synthesis and application of biomass-derived carbon in energy storage have drawn increasing research attention due to the ease of fabrication, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability of the meso/microporous carbon produced from various biological precursors, including plants, fruits, microorganisms, and animals. Compared to the artificial nanostructured carbons, such as fullerene, carbon nanotube and graphene, the biomass-derived carbons may obtain superior capacitance, rate performance and stability in supercapacitor applications ascribing to their intrinsic nanoporous and hierarchical structures. However, challenges remain in processing techniques to obtain biomass-derived carbons with high carbon yield, high energy density, and controllable graphitic microstructures, which may require a clear understanding over the chemical and elemental compositions, and the intrinsic microstructural characteristics of the biological precursors. Herein we present comprehensive analyses over the impacts of the chemical and elemental compositions of the precursors on the carbon yield of the biomass, as well as the mechanism of chemical activation on the nanoporous structure development of the biomass-derived carbons. The structure–property relationship and functional performance of various biomass-derived carbons for supercapacitor applications are also discussed in detail and compared. Finally, useful insights are also provided for the improvements of biomass-derived carbons in supercapacitor applications.
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Liu, Yu Rong. "Supercapacitive Performance of Mesoporous Carbon Materials Co-Templated by F127 and PDMS-PEO." Advanced Materials Research 1096 (April 2015): 325–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.1096.325.

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Ordered mesoporous carbons are synthesized by using the triblock copolymer F127 (EO106-PO70-EO106) and diblock copolymer PDMS-PEO (DMS32-EO20) as co-templates. KOH is utilized to improve the surface area and tailor the pore texture of the ordered mesoporous carbon. KOH activation significantly increases the surface area of mesoporous carbon due to the generation of micropores in mesopore walls. The obtained activated mesoporous carbons have high surface area (1592 m2 g-1) and large pore volume (0.79 cm3 g-1). The activated carbons also exhibit improved electrochemical behavior with a specific capacitance of 218.9 F g-1 at the current density of 1 A g-1, excellent rate performance and good cycling stability, revealing a promising application in supercapacitors.
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Skorupska, Malgorzata, Piotr Kamedulski, Jerzy P. Lukaszewicz, and Anna Ilnicka. "The Improvement of Energy Storage Performance by Sucrose-Derived Carbon Foams via Incorporating Nitrogen Atoms." Nanomaterials 11, no. 3 (March 17, 2021): 760. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/nano11030760.

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This paper addresses the problem of improving electrochemical energy storage with electrode materials obtained from common raw ingredients in a facile synthesis. In this study, we present a simple, one-pot route of synthesizing microporous carbon via a very fast reaction of sucrose and graphene (carbon source), chitosan (carbon and nitrogen source), and H3PO4. Porous carbons were successfully produced during high temperature carbonization, using nitrogen as a shielding gas. Samples were characterized using X-ray powder diffractometry, elemental analysis, N2 adsorption-desorption measurements, scanning electron microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. The developed carbon material possessed a high surface area, up to 1313 m2 g−1, with no chemical or physical activators used in the process. The structural parameters of the microporous carbons varied depending on the ratio of reagents and mass composition. Samples were prepared both with and without chitosan. The present synthesis route has the advantages of being a single-step approach and only involving low-cost and environmentally friendly sources of carbon. More importantly, microporous carbon was prepared without any activators and potentially offers great application in supercapacitors. Cyclic voltammetry and constant current charge–discharge tests show that sucrose-based porous carbons show excellent electrochemical performance with a specific capacitance of up to 143 F g−1 at a current density of 1 A g−1 in a 6 M KOH electrolyte.
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Wang, G. X., L. S. Xia, X. S. Zhu, J. X. Wu, and X. Liu. "Study on electrochemical supercapacitor performance of modified lavender biochar." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2639, no. 1 (November 1, 2023): 012002. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2639/1/012002.

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Abstract In this study, we proposed a simple and low-cost method for the synthesis of heteroatom-doped porous carbons. Lavender waste residue as biomass precurso, using hydrothermal method synthesized N and S doped nano-layered porous carbon (NLPC-N/S) with high conductivity triumphantly. In the three-electrode system, NLPC-S showed an excellent capacitance (0.5A·g−1, 637.5 F·g−1) in 6 M KOH aqueous solution, which exceeded the specific capacitance of many reported biomass-derived porous carbons, and elucidated charge transfer mechanism and energy storage mechanism were both typical double-layer capacitance characteristics and pseudo-capacitance characteristics. The results of this study provide a cost-effective strategy for the recycling of biological waste, and that biomass carbon materials have high electrochemical performance potential in the field of energy storage.
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Lestari, Sri, Mukhamad Nurhadi, Ratna Kusuma Wardani, Eko Saputro, Retno Pujisupiati, Nova Sukmawati Muskita, Nezalsa Fortuna, et al. "Comparative Adsorption Performance of Carbon-containing Hydroxyapatite Derived Tenggiri (Scomberomorini) and Belida (Chitala) Fish Bone for Methylene Blue." Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 17, no. 3 (September 1, 2022): 565–76. http://dx.doi.org/10.9767/bcrec.17.3.15303.565-576.

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The utilization of fishbone as the carbon source for methylene blue adsorption has been successfully studied. Fishbone was prepared from two kinds of fish such as marine fisheries (ex. Tenggiri) and freshwater fisheries (ex. Belida). The carbons were prepared by carbonation of fishbone powder at 500 °C for 2 h. Physical properties of carbons were characterized using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), and hydrophobicity. The carbons were utilized as the adsorbent for removing methylene blue by varying the contact time, initial dye concentration, and temperature. It is concluded that both carbons can very good adsorb the methylene blue. The adsorption performance of carbon (TFC) from Tenggiri fish is better than carbon (BFC) from Belida fish. The adsorption was well fitted with the Langmuir adsorption model (R2 ~ 0.998) and the pseudo-second-order model. This indicated that the dye molecules were adsorbed on the surface-active site of carbon via chemical binding, forming an adsorbate monolayer. Thermodynamic parameters, including the Gibbs free energy (ΔG), enthalpy (ΔH), and entropy (ΔS), indicated that the adsorption of methylene blue onto the carbon from fishbone was spontaneous. Thus, carbon from fishbone can be applied as a low-cost adsorbent to treat industrial effluents contaminated with methylene blue. Copyright © 2022 by Authors, Published by BCREC Group. This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0).
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Negara, Dewa Ngakan Ketut Putra, Tjokorda Gde Tirta Nindhia, Made Sucipta, I. Made Widiyarta, and I. Putu Hariwangsa. "Characteristics and performance analysis of different grain sizes bamboo-activated carbons for motorcycle flue gas adsorption." EUREKA: Physics and Engineering, no. 5 (September 30, 2022): 21–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.21303/2461-4262.2022.002206.

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The use of fossil fuels in human activities such as motorcycles has led to an increase in the concentration emitted in the atmosphere. Various efforts and methods such as adsorption using activated carbon have been developed and applied to reduce the emission. Therefore, this study focuses on the characteristics and performance of bamboo-activated carbons in the adsorption of motorcycle flue gases. This was carried out using different grain sizes (z) of activated carbons AC-M1, AC-M2, and AC-M3 for grain sizes of z≤250, 250<z≤420, and 420<z≤590 microns, respectively, which were derived from swat bamboo and carbonized at a temperature of 750 ○C. Furthermore, physical activation was applied by heating the charcoal at the same temperature under a nitrogen flow rate of 150 mL/min nitrogen. The Thermogravimetric (TGA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and adsorption isotherm tests were employed for the characterization of activated carbons. Additionally, the performances of activated carbons for motorcycle flue gas adsorption (CO2, CO, and HC) were carried out by a motorcycle emission test. According to the results, activated carbon AC-M1 produced the best characteristics and performance for adsorption of motorcycle flue gas, as it has a pore volume of 0.135 cm3/g, a specific surface area of 244.69 m2/g, and a nitrogen adsorption capacity of 87.047 cm3/g. These characteristics prove to have good adsorption efficiencies at 100 %, 87.30 %, and 100 % for adsorption of CO2, CO, and HC, respectively.
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Wu, Jimmy, Matthew A. Hughes, Neeraj Sharma, and Jessica Allen. "Influence of Growth Parameters on the Electrochemical Performance of Electrodeposited Carbons." Batteries 8, no. 8 (July 29, 2022): 81. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/batteries8080081.

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Generating useful chemicals from CO2 is driving research into carbon capture and utilization. In this work, hard carbons are electrodeposited on various substrates from molten carbonate melts in CO2 atmospheres. These electrodeposited carbons are subsequently used as anodes in sodium-ion batteries, with preliminary investigations into their performance in potassium-ion batteries. The hard carbons were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy. Hard carbons grown on graphite substrates produced initial reversible capacities of 405 ± 29 mAh/g and capacity retention of 85.2 ± 1.1% after 50 cycles when cycled at 10 mA/g which are amongst the highest capacities reported for hard carbons to date. This work clearly illustrates that the carbons generated via CO2 mediated electrodeposition are suitable for application in next generation batteries.
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Shrestha, Ram Lal, Timila Shrestha, Birendra Man Tamrakar, Rekha Goswami Shrestha, Subrata Maji, Katsuhiko Ariga, and Lok Kumar Shrestha. "Nanoporous Carbon Materials Derived from Washnut Seed with Enhanced Supercapacitance." Materials 13, no. 10 (May 21, 2020): 2371. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ma13102371.

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Nanoporous activated carbons-derived from agro-waste have been useful as suitable and scalable low-cost electrode materials in supercapacitors applications because of their better surface area and porosity compared to the commercial activated carbons. In this paper, the production of nanoporous carbons by zinc chloride activation of Washnut seed at different temperatures (400–1000 °C) and their electrochemical supercapacitance performances in aqueous electrolyte (1 M H2SO4) are reported. The prepared nanoporous carbon materials exhibit hierarchical micro- and meso-pore architectures. The surface area and porosity increase with the carbonization temperature and achieved the highest values at 800 °C. The surface area was found in the range of 922–1309 m2 g−1. Similarly, pore volume was found in the range of 0.577–0.789 cm3 g−1. The optimal sample obtained at 800 °C showed excellent electrochemical energy storage supercapacitance performance. Specific capacitance of the electrode was calculated 225.1 F g−1 at a low current density of 1 A g−1. An observed 69.6% capacitance retention at 20 A g−1 indicates a high-rate capability of the electrode materials. The cycling stability test up to 10,000 cycles revealed the outstanding stability of 98%. The fascinating surface textural properties with outstanding electrochemical performance reveal that Washnut seed would be a feasible agro-waste precursor to prepare nanoporous carbon materials as a low-cost and scalable supercapacitor electrode.
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Li, Zhenyu, Omid Zabihi, Jinfeng Wang, Quanxiang Li, Jiemin Wang, Weiwei Lei, and Minoo Naebe. "Hydrophilic PAN based carbon nanofibres with improved graphitic structure and enhanced mechanical performance using ethylenediamine functionalized graphene." RSC Advances 7, no. 5 (2017): 2621–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c6ra24719a.

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Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) reinforced with nano-carbons such as graphene (Gr) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) provides great opportunity for the development of low-cost and high-performance carbon materials.
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Mao, Lu, Yu Zhang, Yating Hu, Kuan Hung Ho, Qingqing Ke, Huajun Liu, Zhigang Hu, Dan Zhao, and John Wang. "Activation of sucrose-derived carbon spheres for high-performance supercapacitor electrodes." RSC Advances 5, no. 12 (2015): 9307–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c4ra11028e.

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Mesoporous carbons were prepared from carbon spheres derived from hydrothermal carbonization of sucrose, followed by KOH activation. Good electrochemical performance was achieved in both aqueous and organic electrolytes.
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Shrestha, Lok Kumar, Rekha Goswami Shrestha, Rashma Chaudhary, Raja Ram Pradhananga, Birendra Man Tamrakar, Timila Shrestha, Subrata Maji, Ram Lal Shrestha, and Katsuhiko Ariga. "Nelumbo nucifera Seed–Derived Nitrogen-Doped Hierarchically Porous Carbons as Electrode Materials for High-Performance Supercapacitors." Nanomaterials 11, no. 12 (November 23, 2021): 3175. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/nano11123175.

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Biomass-derived activated carbon materials with hierarchically nanoporous structures containing nitrogen functionalities show excellent electrochemical performances and are explored extensively in energy storage and conversion applications. Here, we report the electrochemical supercapacitance performances of the nitrogen-doped activated carbon materials with an ultrahigh surface area prepared by the potassium hydroxide (KOH) activation of the Nelumbo nucifera (Lotus) seed in an aqueous electrolyte solution (1 M sulfuric acid: H2SO4) in a three-electrode cell. The specific surface areas and pore volumes of Lotus-seed–derived carbon materials carbonized at a different temperatures, from 600 to 1000 °C, are found in the range of 1059.6 to 2489.6 m2 g−1 and 0.819 to 2.384 cm3 g−1, respectively. The carbons are amorphous materials with a partial graphitic structure with a maximum of 3.28 atom% nitrogen content and possess hierarchically micro- and mesoporous structures. The supercapacitor electrode prepared from the best sample showed excellent electrical double-layer capacitor performance, and the electrode achieved a high specific capacitance of ca. 379.2 F g−1 at 1 A g−1 current density. Additionally, the electrode shows a high rate performance, sustaining 65.9% capacitance retention at a high current density of 50 A g−1, followed by an extraordinary long cycle life without any capacitance loss after 10,000 subsequent charging/discharging cycles. The electrochemical results demonstrate that Nelumbo nucifera seed–derived hierarchically porous carbon with nitrogen functionality would have a significant probability as an electrical double-layer capacitor electrode material for the high-performance supercapacitor applications.
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