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Rochard, Lucie. "Cleanliness and Dirtiness in Seventeenth-Century Netherlandish Painting." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2024. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/ToutIDP/EDSHS/2024/2024ULILH056.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаThe Dutch and Flemish obsession for cleanliness in the seventeenth century is a well-known cliché, both in modern research and for people travelling in Flanders and in the Netherlands at the time. As a result, cleanliness is often brushed aside in Dutch and Flemish studies and seen as a platitude or a triviality. However, concerns for cleanliness at the time were at the core of an important cultural construction, so much so that the dichotomy between cleanliness and dirtiness seems to have shaped a significant part of Dutch and Flemish literature and visual culture. More than that, the words 'cleanliness' and 'dirtiness' were also used at the time in art criticism and writings on painting. Focusing mostly on daily-life scenes, which can be seen as a link between real life, pictorial representation and artistic practices, this work tackles the importance of cleanliness and dirtiness in seventeenth-century Dutch and Flemish painting, at each stage of the making of a picture and in the way painters think about their own practice. This study follows a cross-disciplinary method, combining art history, cultural and material history, as well as social history, and aims, inter alia, at understanding how these pictures, born from Dutch and Flemish culture, interrogate this culture in return. A broader perspective was also adopted with significant research into art theory, by confronting Dutch and Flemish texts between themselves, but also with European art theory
Dewaël, Stéphanie. "Splendeur, décadence et rémission : la représentation du Fils Prodigue dans la peinture et les arts graphiques à Anvers (1520-1650)." Thesis, Paris 4, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA040109.
Повний текст джерелаWhile the parable of the Prodigal Son was a support in the deep religious controversies which affected Antwerp during the 16th century, the artistic productions (paintings, prints and drawings) gave back a more consensual image of this history. Instead of representing the numerous contradictory theological exegeses about the message of Christ, the artists preferred to drawn their inspiration from profane culture (as plays) and to emphasize the scene of the waste with the courtesans or to insist on everyday and coarse details.This thesis studies the numerous reasons which led them to such choices (weight of censorship, search for a vast clientele, flattery of the spectator…) and analyses the choices of setting, episode by episode. It demonstrates how artist studios reproduced repetitive formulae and how the iconographic choices facilitated alternately the spiritual meditation, the visual enjoyment or the condescending thoughts to others
Lévy, Jean-Marc. "Médecins et malades dans la peinture européenne du XVIIe siècle." Strasbourg 2, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004STR20014.
Повний текст джерелаThe Patients and the physicians were often depicted by artists during the "golden age" of European art : the seventeenth century. After a brief reminder of the evolution of medical opinions of that time, pictures of diseases are analysed. Those concerning the plague, which was so feared and so lethal, will be the subject of a special chapter ; then examples of sick persons are considered in the historical paintings in the portraiture and in the genre paintings. .
Sarant, Mylène. "Histoires d'amours pastorales, iconographie de la pastorale narrative dans les arts du XVIIe siècle." Paris 4, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA040009.
Повний текст джерелаIn literature, the watershed between the 16th and 17th centuries was, in certain terms, the age of the pastoral. All over Europe, writers such as Torquato Tasso, Gian Battista Guarini, Guidobaldo Bonarelli, Philip Sidney, Honoré d'Urfé, Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft chose to set certain romantic works in an arcadian context. These novels and plays, because they were the symbol of a refined and aristocratic lifestyle while remaining easily accessible, were very successful. They gave rise to fashions, aroused the attention of musicians, painters and craftsmen. Although the literary works are well known to historians of literature, this is not the case of the numerous tapestries, engravings and paintings which were inspired by the texts. Artists who devoted themselves to these subjects, even though they did not always produce masterpieces, did however show imagination and knew how to translate into images the wealth of their subjects. Their production, deeply marked by the tragic-comic genre, offered to the public entertaining stories where events and romantic dramas succeeded and followed on from each other with great vitality and sometimes even humour. They are not devoid either of a certain eroticism for those who make the effort to take a second look at them
Decoudun-Gallimard, Frédérique. "La vie féminine dans la peinture française au XVIIIe siècle." Paris 10, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992PA100015.
Повний текст джерелаThe dissertation entitled "women's life through the french painting of eighteenth century" develops three essential parts : the pratical life, the private life and the professional life, and leans on contemporaneous pictural works in order to justify its assertions. It treats in its first part of women's diverse society activities, deals with the salon phenomenon, describes through the example of madame de pompadour the place of the theatre and the fine arts in women's universe (painting, pieces of china), and deals then with the theme of pleasures (games, love). In its second part, the private life of these women is related, the relations between the latter with their children during different periods of existence (feeling, raising, marrying) are evocated and the major social which rests of them is brought to the fore. Moreover it evocates the purely selfish activities to which these women give themselves over (wash, moments of oblivion, minor activities), and insists on the importance of the intimate pleasure. Finally, the third and last part is devoted to the theme of labor, where a very clear distinction is made between degrading tasks with which the majority of the female population is concerned (servants, workers) and rewarding and fulfilling occupations that have the artists, the craftswomen or the teachers. It deals lastly with the oldest profession in the world : the prostitution. To conclude, it notices the extreme diversity of women's life at that time, and insists on the very ambivalent position that they hold in the society
Bolard, Laurent. "Recherches sur la représentation de l'architecture vernaculaire dans le paysage français du XVIIe siècle." Paris 4, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA040018.
Повний текст джерелаFrench landscape of the seventeenth century is narrowly connected to the representation of architectures. Among them, vernacular architecture occupies a first rank place, which is revealed by the diversity of types, the precision of technical characters, the variety of models, the relationships with subjects and nature of landscapes, and the cultural references. The domination of Italian model sanctions the ambiguity of theses architectures, between myth and reality
Degenne, Sophie. "Difformités physiques et mentales : la représentation de la différence dans la peinture et la littérature espagnoles des XVIe et XVIIe siècles." Toulouse 2, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000TOU20007.
Повний текст джерелаVincent-Cassy, Cécile. "Les "chemins du ciel" : sainteté féminine, martyre et patronage en Espagne sous Philippe III (1598-1621) et Philippe IV (1621-1665)." Paris 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA030147.
Повний текст джерелаIn the XVIIh century, Virgin Martyrs worship in the Spanish royal court, and particularly in the Royal Convent of the Encarnación, funded by Queen Margaret of Habsburg in 1611, is linked to the “Catacombs spirit” which then dominates Rome. From this centre, this keen interest for these saints, pictured as members of God’s court, conquers Spain. Martyrdom is combined with the notion of patronage, first for specific churches at local and regional levels, but also in the representation of the power of royal family women. Royalty then forces its way as a new hagiographic criteria for profane feminine sanctity. These phenomenons are apparent in the theatrical, poetical and pictorial portrayal of Virgins and martyrs : their sanctity is shaped in images and the story of their vita portrayed
Bedard, Sylvain. "Les académies dans l'art français au XVIIe siècle (1630-1720)." Paris 4, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA040064.
Повний текст джерелаTapié, Alain. "Le sens cache des fleurs : symbolique et botanique dans la peinture du xviieme siecle." Caen, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000CAEN1304.
Повний текст джерелаVert, Xavier. "Le portrait-charge : image infamante, caricature et contre-figure en Italie, de la Renaissance à l'Age baroque." Paris, EHESS, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011EHES0101.
Повний текст джерелаThe portrait-charge defines itself at the crossroads of historical, anthropological and philosophical disciplines, on the hypothesis of going beyond caricature history into an anthropology of charge. On the one hand, this implies re-examining caricature on the basis of the operations to which it submits the effigy in mobilizing a pragmatic conception of the instance of the viewer. On the other hand, this implies reconceiving the notion of charge, by questionning its status and implementation as well as its various relationships with social practices, beliefs, law, and theology. The general framework of this thesis is the study of the afflictive portrait from the Renaissance up to the threshold of the baroque period. It is, therefore, necessary to consider the charge of images in the perspective of a figurability of outragous and infamous practices. The next step is to assess an element of ambiguity and derision within an aggressive use of the image. The phenomenon of derision is indeed one of the most complex, if one does not strip its individual and social manifestations of its theological implication. Linking caricature to this phenomenon does not simply mean to see in it the opposite of an aesthetic and heroic ideal, but also and above aIl, one of the major forms of comic inversion
Quaranta, Gabriele. "L'art du roman : peintures à sujet littéraire en France au XVIIe siècle (du règne de Henri IV à la régence d'Anne d'Autriche)." Thesis, Paris 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA010615/document.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis investigates a number of pictorial decorations with literary subject in French aristocratic houses during the period from the reign of Henry IV to the beginning of the regency of Anne of Austria, especially during the 1620's and 1630·s. Critical literature has shown the important reference to the literature in pictorial patronage of Henry IV and Marie de 'Medici: from the Franciade to the Ethiopiques, from the Jérusalem Dclivercd, to the Pastor Fido. In a larger part, those subjects enjoyed a great fortune also in aristocratic patronage of crown ministers as weil as of some rebel "frondeur". During the same years, with the publication of Honoré dUrfé's .Astrée, Cervantes ' Don Quixote and many others, the novel began to impose itself as autonomous genre, to becorne an important instrument of representation but also a way of training and reflection on society and culture of modern Europe. Indeed as the epic heroes. who appeared in painting but even on stage - as protagonists of court ballets, tragedies and tragicomedies - were increasingly read and interprete in a "novel' light. So, figurative arts were involved - in their way - to this development, which is one of the nodal points of our cultural history. Starting from the specific case sets a literary subject, the ultirnate goals of this work are the analysis of the different cornmands, the different way to "read" these "histories" and to translate them in images, and the relationships between artistic patronage. literarv patronage and, in general, the links between culture and painting
Rabier, Delphine. "La pensée dévotionnelle et mystique dans la peinture des anciens Pays-Bas : XVè siècle - première moitié du XVIè siècle." Thesis, Tours, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015TOUR2018.
Повний текст джерелаThis study intends to investigate and clarify the links between the Early Netherlandish pictorial tradition (15th and 16th centuries) and mystical literature as exemplified by Ruysbroeck the Admirable and the authors associated with the Modern Devotion (devotio moderna). Focusing on a corpus of works by Jan van Eyck, Rogier van der Weyden, Petrus Christus, Hans Memling, Hugo van der Goes, the Master of the View of St Gudule, the Master of 1499, the Master of Alkmaar, Hieronymus Bosch, Gerard David and Jan Mostaert, this analysis brings to light that painting and writing enrich each other’s meaning. In the first part, we shall observe the ways in which the painters captured the dynamic progression of the various types of vision (active, internal and contemplative) as well as the ways in which they addressed the phenomenon of disimagination. The second part of this study will highlight the fact that the image supports the spiritual and meditative practices of the faithful through various processes and techniques (mnemonic, participative etc.). The third part of the analysis will focus on the visual treatment of a key idea defined by Ruysbroeck the Admirable, and adapted by the authors of the Modern Devotion: dat ghemeine leven (the common life)
Ruiz, Soto Héctor. "Apariencia ou l’instant du dévoilement : théâtre et rituels dans l’Espagne du Siècle d’or." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SORUL161.
Повний текст джерелаThe apariencia, a typically Iberian special effect, is defined in 1611 as ‘a mute representation shown by drawing a curtain in front of people, and immediately hiding it again’ (Covarrubias, Tesoro lexicográfico). In other words, it is a performance of unveiling, used mostly in theatre, but also in liturgy – where it displays relics and sacred images – and in royal ceremonies – both in public pageant and inside the royal chapel. Apariencia also innervates private collections of paintings, where some masterpieces or cultural images are shown by pulling a curtain and closing it soon thereafter. A topic coming from the Naturalis Historia by Pliny the Elder gives a model of interpretation: the victory of Parrhasios against Apelles is the result of the illusionism of a painted curtain, that everyone would want to unveil. In his definitions of apariencia and cortina (curtain), Covarrubias describes this visual device, and he mentions spectacular unveilings both in theatre and in the royal chapel. He also reveals that the common language associates the unveiling with something that produces wonder. The theatrical apariencias, which sometimes imitate ritual, also open to the fields of painting, royal ritual and liturgy. Therefore, a concept emerges : the apariencia becomes a visual effect used to unveil something striking for a few moments, in the fields of theatre, painting, royal ritual and liturgy. This PhD dissertation deals with these spheres, and it combines history of the theatre and cultural history in order to understand the emotional and symbolic connotations of this act of unveiling in the early modern Iberian peninsula
Rosenfeld, Pierre-Louis. "Les tragi-comédies de Georges de Scudéry, un théâtre donné à voir : l’œil entre le monde, le spectacle et la peinture." Thesis, Paris 3, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019PA030067.
Повний текст джерелаOne of the components of the theater is what Aristotle calls opsis in Poetics : the spectacle, the donné à voir. In the first seventeenth century, a genre and an author illustrate this component. Under the reign of Louis XIII and the government of Richelieu, tragi-comedy is fashionable and characterized by its spectacular size. Among the authors who practice this genre and defend its specificity, Georges de Scudéry is one of the most prolific and more closely interested in painting, the art of vision par excellence. Our study focuses on the construction of the spectatorial gaze in the tragi-comédies of Georges de Scudéry. Four aspects are examined : the relationship between tragi-comedies and current affairs through a common imaginary, the driving forces of the spectacular as stated by the theoreticians and dramatic authors of the 1630s, the way Scudéry gives his plays to see and finally three traits of his dramaturgy (visual suspense, circulation of looks, reference to painting). The prologue examines a founding scene of the reign of Louis XIII, the "coup de majesté" of April 1617 that brought effectively the king to power. This scene was first rehearsed, then danced before the court, finally performed for real with the death of the Concini couple. But it was not over, the theater took it and continued to play it. The first part deals with the emblematic events of the reign of Louis XIII and the government of Richelieu, and analyzes the reflections that he could have left in the dramatic production of the time, especially in tragi-comedies. The second part establishes an inventory of the various forms of entertainment that were current during this period and the comments they generated. The third part analyzes the spectacular dimension of Scudery's tragi-comedies, first from the didascalies, then according to four criteria (the subject of the play and its reference to the world, the visual apparatus put in place, the visual initiatives that emanate from the show, the experience of the risk to which the show is sensitive), finally through the frontispieces of the editions. The fourth part examines in the donné à voir what is no longer related to surprise, but to the deepening of the vision in three aspects : the visual mechanics of suspense, the circulation of the gaze and its functions (admiration, power exercising, knowing), references to the world of painting and to the use of pictorial techniques (portrait, landscape). Keywords
Hue, Cécile. "Apelle, saint Luc et le singe : trois figures du peintre dans l'Espagne des XVIème et XVIIème siècles [fonctions littéraires, théoriques et artistiques]." Phd thesis, Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris III, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00951404.
Повний текст джерелаPouy-Engler, Léonard. "Luctor et Emergo. Développement et réception de la scène de corps de garde dans l’art néerlandais du XVIIe siècle." Thesis, Paris 4, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA040073.
Повний текст джерелаAmid a climate of overall reformation, which encompassed the whole of Dutch society, a group of ambitious young artists from Amsterdam developed a new kind of compositions during the first half of the XVIIth century. These painters were mostly known in the Netherlands for their depictions of relaxing soldiers in dark interiors. Those works were quickly given the label cortegaerd by art experts and theorists from the time, a term that derives from the French military term corps de garde, or guardroom. While initially referring to the brutal actualities of the Eighty Years War (1568-1648) in their art, these artists seem to have quickly moved away from the image of the pillaging mercenary towards a radically different iconography. Indeed, the Dutch soldier rapidly started to leave behind its sad rags for the luxurious attire of the enlightened officer and amateur. Mirroring this painted transformation of the officer into the art lover, painters similarly created visual parity between themselves, as masters reigning over their workshop. Beginning in the 1630s, this twofold transformation testifies to the existence of an intensity of ambition. If a war of art really did take place in Holland during the first half of the XVIIth century, it was therefore a war of conquest of new markets and social statuses by young artists who saw themselves as members of a modern painting corps. This desire for artistic legitimacy was launched by an emerging class of painters who were not only eager to establish their independence from a dominant form of painting, but also become the standard-bearers for a new theoretical discourse