Дисертації з теми "Parentalités"
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Euillet, Séverine. "Développement socio-affectif et parentalités dans l’accueil familial : étude du développement des représentations d'attachement et des compétences sociales des enfants de 3 ans puis de 4 ans et analyse de l'implication des parents et de la parentalité de l'assistant familial." Toulouse 2, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007TOU20085.
Повний текст джерелаWith the purpose of analyse child's socio-emotional development, the dynamic of the foster care, and the psychological process of significant adults for the infant, we hypothesize that parent perception of his own implication, and foster parent parenting affect foster-infant socio-emotional development, especially child's attachment representation and social competences. The sample of this longitudinal and qualitative research was composed by 38 children in foster care, 32 foster-mother and 36 biological parents. In the first time the age of the children was 52 months and in the second time the age was 57 months. Tools used are: the “Attachment story completion task”, the “Social Competence and Behaviour Evaluation”, a “Questionnaire of parent-s implication” and a semi-directive interview. Results show that parent's, foster-mother and social assistance's representations of parental implication are different, especially with respect of parent-child interactions and parents competences. On the other hand, 19 of 32 foster-mothers show a parenting that make differences between the foster-child and theirs biological own children, especially in the education and the affective implication. Additionally, 70% of foster-children have a secure attachment representation (like non foster-children, Main & Solomon, 1990), and 30% of children have an insecure deactivated attachment representation. According to “Social Competence and Behaviour Evaluation” criteria, we found that 84% of the infants have and excellent socio-emotional adaptation
Chawbah, Myrna. "L’organisation des fantasmes originaires chez des enfants issus de la PMA." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015USPCD107.
Повний текст джерелаThe Medically Assisted Procreation results from a case complicated by sterility and the desire to have a child. It has its repercussions on the couple and the child conceived by dissociation between the parental sexual act and the procreation act, by the fact of having three triplets at once and the parents’ perplexity towards this all new situation. Of course this child’s primal scene fantasy which the other fantasies derive : seduction fantasy and the castration fantasy is the subject of assiduous researches: Where do I come from? How was I conceived? This mode of conception where the parental sexual act has failed will directly impact the oedipal structuration and organization of the original fantasies of the child. We will try to detect the fantasmatization of this child issued by the MAP and its effects of the oedipal organization and naturally through the psychoanalytical approach imposed throughout the case study of 9 triplets (4 boys and 5 girls of latency age) issued by this procreation mode. We organized our case study through a method that starts with the collection of anamnestic elements and continues after passing two projective tests: Family Aperception Test (FAT) and the Thematic Aperception Test (TAT)
Bania, Mélanie. "Pourquoi ne pas vouloir d’enfant ? Les déterminants sociaux de l’infécondité volontaire, entre le souci de soi et de la planète." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Limoges, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024LIMO0089.
Повний текст джерелаThe aim of this dissertation is to explore the idea that factors exogenous to the family can influence reproductive behavior and, more specifically, childfreeism. Based on a review of national and international literature, a secondary study of data from the 2011/2012 Fecond survey, biographical interviews and a lexicometric analysis, it emerges that the choice not to have children is motivated by ecological, social and economic concerns, as well as by ethical reflection on the implications of natality in a world in climate crisis.Although often perceived as an individual phenomenon due to more “traditional” discourses on this choice to remain childfree (refusal of parental activities and responsibilities, conservation of time for oneself and to oneself, selfishness, hedonism or even feminism), childfreeism reflects environmental, social and economic considerations.At a time of heightened awareness of ecological crises such as climate change, loss of biodiversity and depletion of natural resources, childfree believes that every new birth exacerbates existing environmental problems. Anti-natalist and overpopulation discourses - which argue that procreating in a world in peril is morally questionable - are gaining ground among childfree. For these women and men, giving up having children is a responsible act and a contribution to a more sustainable future.Nevertheless, these people who choose to remain childfree are confronted with social and family pressures, and stigmatization due to the family norm still dominant in France. Furthermore, while this phenomenon is increasingly on the media and scientific agenda, the representations offered of it remain polarized. Sometimes, we see interviews with people who have chosen to remain childfree as an example of courage and moral decisiveness, while at other times, we see critics who accuse these women and men of lacking solidarity with future generations, or of adopting too radical an approach to the ecological crisis.Childfreeism for ecological, social and economic reasons represents an increasingly assertive lifestyle choice, motivated by deep and sincere concern for the environment and society. This phenomenon reflects a change in values and priorities in terms of reproductive behavior that future research cannot deny
Bélanger, Sonia. "La parentalité un processus développemental : relations entre compétences parentales et conceptions de la parentalité." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/28275.
Повний текст джерелаBrachet, Sara. "Genre, parentalité et congé parental en Suède." Paris 10, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA100164.
Повний текст джерелаIn 1974, Sweden was the first country in the wor1d to set up a system of parental insurance, offering to mothers as well as to fathers exactly the same possibilities to take a parentalleave, paid according to the former wages. This new fami1y po1icy measure, included within a broader policy of gender equality, aimed to establish a better distribution of responsibilities between parents. Thirty years later on, the statistics show that this leave is still primarily the affair of women. This research proposes an analysis of the reasons of the persistence of the "traditiona1" behaviour. The use of parental leave is then a means of apprehending the gendered practices of parenthood. National statistics however are insufficient to analyse the take-up of parental leave from a gender perspective. This research thus is based on a quantitative and qualitative survey, carried out in 2000, on the use the parentalleave in the town of Uppsala in Sweden
Lalande, Denise. "Parentalité et incapacités intellectuelles : une étude pilote." Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2001. http://depot-e.uqtr.ca/2785/1/000680655.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаBeaudoin, Axelle. "Transition vers la parentalité : humour et résilience." Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2013. http://depot-e.uqtr.ca/6905/1/030586280.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаLafrenière, Myriam. "La parentalité chez les femmes survivantes d'inceste dans l'enfance." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/5608.
Повний текст джерелаChapon-Crouzet, Nathalie. "Relations affectives et parentalité en situation de placement familial." Paris 10, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA100143.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis proposes to take a different approach compared to classical family models, focussing on emotional relationships occurring during child placement, and positioning foster-homes at the centre of pluri-parenthood. The thesis concentrates on theoretical stakes using three complementary approaches : the family substitute, the multi-disciplined approach of parenthood and the attachment theory. The empirical study analyses : family relationships between the original family and the child placed in foster-homes, based on the frequency and the evolution of the meetings. The emotional relationships between foster-home families and the placed child, based on day to day analysis. Substitute modes present varied ways of family placement bond building, functioning from a continuum between two opposite poles, substitution and doubt. Beyond all this, other approaches appear based on division between the two families or on the contrary the family dominance
Lalande, Denise. "Parentalité et incapacités intellectuelles : une étude pilote /." Thèse, Trois-Rivières : Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2001. http://www.uqtr.ca/biblio/notice/resume/03-2228397R.html.
Повний текст джерелаDescoutures, Virginie. "Les mères lesbiennes : contribution à une sociologie de la parentalité." Paris 5, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA05H092.
Повний текст джерелаThis dissertation is based on an investigation made of interviews with forty-eight lesbian mothers. These interviews took place in their houses. They bring to light a reality of same sex parenthood anchored in its practices. Beyond the individuals, it is both members of a couple that were met. Their parental plans lead to diverse family layouts organized around adoption, co-parenting, donor insemination, or heterosexual intercourse. The purpose of this study is to reveal, through parenting, these mothers' everyday life, often denied by the stigma on homosexuality. It also seeks to undo « the » family and its heteronormative frame. Indeed to work on lesbian parenting is to question from an extra-ordinary point of view a set of norms that govern conjugality and filiation with regard to sexuality and masculine domination. It is to ask questions such as : how is it to be a mother being a lesbian in a heteronormative world ? How it is to be a mother living with another woman ? that is not only without « sex difference » but also without the legal status of mother ? And finally : how is it to be a mother generally speaking in contemporary society ?
Lecarpentier, Damien. "La parentalité désemparée : séparations conjugales et militantisme paternel (1970-2007)." Paris, EHESS, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008EHES0058.
Повний текст джерелаThis research contributes to the study of militant fathers groups, and of the controversies surrounding the organisation of post-separation parenthood, since the 1970s. The notion of "parenthood adrift" is proposed and deployed here in order, firstly, to signify the weakening of the usual reference points for the normative foundation and practical organisation of parenthood, which has freed itself from its traditional "anchor" of the conjugal relation; and, secondly, on a more individual level, to de scribe the manner in which certain parents can come to feel disoriented when confronted with the need to reorganise parental links following the breakup of a relationship, and to submit this reorganisation to the judgment of the courts. In this work, fathers movements are analysed as illustrative of the different paths that parental disappointments and demands can take following conjugal separation, and as sites for the discussion and for the reconfiguration of individual expenences
Lovato, Marie-Annick. "Parentalité, parents entendants d’un enfant sourd porteur d’un implant cochléaire : stratégies de coping, représentations sociales de la parentalité, rôle de l’implant dans la transmission intergénérationnelle." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017AIXM0138.
Повний текст джерелаThe main objective of this work is to gather the voice of hearing parents of a deaf child with cochlear implant, on the representations of their parenthood from their point of view and on the role played by the implant at communication and intergenerational transmission levels within these family constellations.The study group was composed of 55 parents of a cochlear implanted deaf child and 31 parents of children without disabilities. The coping strategies were explored using the WCC-R scale, favoring the transactional dimension according to the Lazarus and Folkman theory. The representations of parenthood and the role of the implant in the intergenerational transmission were analyzed through semi-directive interviews. The results show that these families tend to mobilize a more active coping than the parents of children without disabilities. They generally position themselves on knowledge-action enabling them to deal with potentially aversive situations due to the deafness of their child. Furthermore, the parents of the study group express a satisfaction with their parenting of a deaf child with implants, which, despite the ordeal experienced at the time of the diagnosis, is being shaped over time and through experiences shared with their child. They fully embrace themselves as parents responsible for the implant project chosen – among other reasons – for their child's future and to share a sense of apperception, while cultivating for some of these parents, through the learning and practice of the LSF, the natural cultural dimension of their child
Defalque, Céline. "Mineurs dont le parent est incarcéré au Canada ou en Belgique : quels sont les motifs qui sous-tendent la mise en place d’interventions et de services à l’égard de ces enfants dans le discours des intervenants ?" Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/42244.
Повний текст джерелаBriend, Cynthia Ducros Claire. "Déficience intellectuelle de la sexualité à la parentalité /." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2006. http://theses.univ-nantes.fr/thesemed/SFbriend.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаBoutinaud, Jérôme. "La parentalité à l'épreuve de l'adolescence : enjeux psychiques et explorations groupales." Paris 7, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA070032.
Повний текст джерелаThis research work proposes a reflection on the peculiarities of the psychic life of the parents, provoked by the contact with their children become teenagers. Using a clinical varied experience (animation of talking groups with teenagers'parents. . . ), we shall be interested with analysis of the unconscious and conscious movements which go through parental psyché, this one getting in connection with the own teenager's psychic work. Thanks to the psychoanaiytical theories, we shall underline various qualities of the parental commitment, where certains elements can be emphasized. This last ones supply supports which allow the symbolisation and the conversion of the impulsives fates, producing effects not only at an intrapsychic leyel but also sometimes in the direct relation with the teenager
Piesen, Alexandra. "Redéfinition du rôle parental au regard de la parentalité solo contemporaine." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017USPCB234.
Повний текст джерелаSince the 1970's, there has been a great diversification of family structures. Every one of those "new" configurations has sparked questions and controversies as to what "family" meant. To complete this thesis, we focused on a particular type of family, the one composed of a single-parent living alone (without any other spouse cohabiting partner) and caring for one or more children under 18. Even though the daily care has been given to the "custodial parent", the children maintain a relationship with the other parent to various extent. To name those parents, we chose the term "solo parent" rather than the sociologocal term of single-parent family. Being in a comprehensive approach, we decided it was better to choose a term that investigated parents liked and used. Moreover, the term "solo" illustrates the situation of those parents. They stand alone on a daily basis on a stage (just as a soloist) yet, they are supported by other people from the back of the stage (members of the orchestra). We started this study from the hypothesis that being a solo parent changes what it means to be a parent. How do these parents (re) build their parenting roles ? What do they keep, what do they reject from former practises ? What are the main factors (age, gender, SPC...) at play in this transition ? From an interview-based study of 54 solo parents (36 mothers and 18 fathers), we have been able to identify persistences and disruptions in parenting roles, due to single-parenthood. From this study emerge new profiles of motherhood and fatherhood
Pajot-Laforet, Élodie. "Éthique de la parentalité : acceptabilité du désir de parentalité chez des personnes présentant un handicap mental ou dans le cas d'une demande de procréation médicalement assistée post-mortem." Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017TOU20055.
Повний текст джерелаThe purpose of this research is to assess the factors influencing the level of acceptability ofparenthood in two situations: people with learning disabilities who wish to have a child, and medically assisted post-mortem procreation. This study is based on the Functional Theory of Cognition of Norman Anderson (1981). Regarding the study on people with learning disabilities who wish to have child: 304 participants evaluated the acceptability of each of the 60 proposed scenarios resulting from a combination of five factors: "level of mental retardation", "family circle", "stability of the relationship", "partner" and "parents attitude". Concerning the study on parenthood via medically assisted post mortem procreation: 166 participants assessed the acceptability of the 48 proposed scenarios resulting from the combination of four factors: "marital status", "in-laws parent agreement", "sperm use period" and "wish of the spouse". Regarding the study on parenting for people with learning disabilities, it appears that all five factors play a role in the degree of acceptability: in ascending order "family circle", "partner", "degree of mental retardation", "stability of the relationship" and "parents attitude". Concerning the study of parenthood in cases of medically assisted post-mortem procreation; three of the four factors studied had an influence on the participants' acceptability. In order of importance, "wish of the spouse", "in-laws parents’ agreement" and "marital status" were mostly decisive. The "sperm use period" factor had no significant effect
Allegrezza-Carvoyeur, Laure-Suzanne. "A. P. I. Et dynamique des comportements individuels : activité, conjugalité et parentalité." Nancy 2, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992NAN20009.
Повний текст джерелаBardeau-Garneret, Jean-Marc. "L'élaboration du complexe de parentalité face à l'enfant atteint de déficiences motrices." Paris 10, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA100138.
Повний текст джерелаThe elaboration of the parenting complex accounts first of all for the way in which men and women succeed in reorganizing their social life with to the existence of their child, secondly y for the different modes of identification that they attribute to the in the course of his upbringing and finally for the links between these fathers and mothers and those working in the field of education (teachers, educators, possibly doctors and health professionals). Being the parent of a physically disabled child results in a narcissistic trauma whose consequences are examined by this study in relation to the three dynamics outlined above. The positions of nine fathers and twenty three mothers of physically disabled children, five of whom also suffer from mental deficiency are identified and described in relation to these three dynamics. These positions are analyzed according to the mode of narcissistic identification when they appear to be determined by the suffering of the parent or according to the secondary personalizing identification mode when they appear to be determined by the recognition of the child as a subject, a subject who suffers a subject with abilities and limitations
Paltineau, Maya-Merida. "La parentalité identitaire : un nouveau type de famille, de nouvelles manières d'être parent ?" Paris, EHESS, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016EHES0056.
Повний текст джерела"Identity parenting is the way individuals assert through their parental roles. It starts developing during pregnancy and lasts until the child reaches pre-school age. It occurs through attachment parenting practices, such as homebirth, co-sleeping, longterm breastfeeding, etc. Women mainly adopt these kinds of behavior, but fathers increasingly adopt them too; the parents acting accordingly belong for most of them to the upper social classes, but this trend is spreading to other social classes as well. I have conducted a sociological study composed of 71 interviews, the analysis of 19 parental blogs, and many in situ observations, in order to point out the social transformations which enable identity parenting to develop, and to reciprocally analyze what social changes occur as a result of this kind of parenting. This thesis reveals transformations within the family : parental roles are redefined -gender differences tending to disappear -, and the emphasis is increasingly put on the familial cell. The relationship between individuals and institutions is changing as well: identity parents claim their knowledge related to experience, and assert their normative power opposing it to the State. Besides, the body is approached in a very innovative way, since identity parenting redefines the body governance as known so far. Moreover, the division between the private and the public spheres is questioned, and identity parenting also raises very topical questions, such as quality of life, ecology and degrowth
Beauquier-Maccotta, Bérengère. "La conception par don d'embryon : représentations de l'embryon et émergence de la parentalité triadique." Paris 7, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA070073.
Повний текст джерелаWe present an exploration of representations of the embryo and parenthood in the embryo donation, authorized in France since 2004 for couples with a double sterility. Our work focused on an approach to representations of the embryo, among health profesionnals, donor couples and couples awaiting an embryo. We then described the issues raided by four couples making embryo donation, and 29 couples waiting for a donated embryo. The last part of our work consists of a perinatal study. We recruited families with children born by natural conception, for egg donation and embryo donation. A meeting was proposed at 8 months of pregnancy with assessement maternal representations IRMAG, and self-questionnaires assessing prenatal attachment (Prenatal Attachment Inventory), anxiety (STAI), depressiveness (EPDS) and couples satisfaction (Dyadic Adjustment Scale) and an interview at three months of the child (Interview r) with a sequence of Lausanne Triadic Play (LTP) and self-administered questionnaires (EPDS, STAI and DAS). Three families have given birth to children by embryo donation of the recruiting period 2006-200ç at CECOS Cochin. Our results highlight the complexity in building a cooperative alliance family. Difficulty in support of the identifications to parental figures and deployment of aggression by the rivalry between the couple may hinder it. We will develop what is condensed representation of the embryo and the psychic work that represents the conjunction of the potentiality and the malleability of the embryo
Trellu, Hélène. "Expériences de pères en congé parental d’éducation : recompositions de la parentalité et du genre ?" Brest, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010BRES1010.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis focuses on fathers who have stopped or cut down their professional activity to focus on raising their children. The heart of the research consists in a qualitative survey, based on interviews of fathers. I have also met their partners. The analysis led shows the relation between the decision made by those men with the other parameters of their life (family situation and family projects, academical and professional backgrounds, social origins, family history. . . ). It also shows how couples share and manage their professional, parental and household agendas. Confrontations between on one hand mens practices and theirs of their partners’, and on the other hand has parental role’s representations allow us to detect progress concerning gender equality but also logics of resistances which reinforce male and female respective characterïstics
Herminia, Oliveira Souza Fernanda. "Parentalité, pour qui ? : la relation parent-enfant dans le placement en institution au Brésil." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017TOU30128.
Повний текст джерелаIntegral protection for children and adolescents has been a highlighted theme in the national scene since the promulgation of the Child and Adolescent Statute (1990). Several protective measures are established in cases of violation or threat of children and adolescent's rights, such as the institutionalization in shelter units. This kind of care is provisional, exceptional and it should be used as a transitional period between family reintegration or adption. The entrance into the institutional environment implies a separation from the family and in turn, generates many discussions about the prolonged institutionalization, the split of affective relations and the violation of the right to live in a family. Thus, in order to contribute to the debate in order to ensure the right of living in a family, the present thesis has had the objective of investigating the senses and interpretations that the right to live among family members acquires in shelters. The research method was based on bibliographic research in books, articles, national and regional investigations, legislation, practical guidelines, manuals, news, bills, recommendations of the National Council of Justice, the Brazilian Institute of Family Law, the National Council of Public Prosecution and decisions of the Federal Supreme Court that expatiate on the right to live among family members. National and regional surveys on institutional reception in Brazil were reviewed, as well as studies about families of institutionalized children and adolescents, destitution of family power and adoption. It was possible to note the absence of information about the family of sheltered children and adolescents in the national surveys and the culpability of the family by means of an individualization of the reasons that caused the institutionalization. The categories "risk", "protection", "negligence" and "abandon" are commonly attributed to families and to the situation experienced by institutionalized children and adolescents. There was a scenario of difficulties to ensure the right to live in a family and family reintegration, which include among other problems, the precariousness of the child and youth protection network, the lack of accompaniment to the family and visits as the main action for family reinsertion. It was possible to notice the existence of a great gap between the right to live among family members and the families of children and adolescents, despite the exaltation of parenthood in publications in the field of Law and Psychology. Parenthood is discussed as a device for collective intervention on family relationships. In the context of shelters, not all forms of exercise of parenthood are considered, which allows us to identify a contradiction between the value awarded to family life and the definition of what would be an appropriate parenthood. It was noticed double bias regarding the use of parenthood, used either as a justification for adoption or to disqualify the family of origin. It is concluded that the ensure of the right to live in a family for sheltered children and adolescents is seen primarily as an insertion in a substitute family, through adoption. Consequently, it was possible to note that in spite of family life being established by law, the possibilities of its implementation are retracted since adoption is considered a solution to the high number of children and adolescents living in shelters and to the prolonged institutionalization
Iblova, Petra. "Transmission intergenerationnelle de l'attachement : étude de la parentalité chez des personnes ayant été placées." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011LYO20122/document.
Повний текст джерелаThis study suggests studying the transmission of the attachment from one generation to another in a specific population, and the role of resilience in this transmission. In a psychodynamic and systemic approach, we observe the impact of the past of the first generation to their parenthood and to their children. Our research relies on two premises. The first is that the family history and the context of foster care is a traumatic experience. According to the second postulate, the people of our clinical corpus are founded in a process of resilience. Our population is composed of 24 subjects of the first generation (G1) whose peculiarity consists in the fact that in their infancy, they were separated from their families of origin and lived in a foster care. The research also includes 20 adult subjects (G2), who are children of the foster persons (G1).A semi-structured interview and the test of Ca-MIR Pierrehumbert et al. (1996) represent the main tools. The data collected were subject to a category-specific analysis, statistical processing and analysis software with Alceste Reinert (1993). Our results confirm our assumptions and indicate a marked improvement in the quality of attachment to the second generation. While over 70% of the G1 are insecure, 95% of the G2 use the secure primary strategy. However, the attachment of subjects who suffered trauma remains unchanged despite subsequent relations reassuring. The second generation, although secure, holds the injury done to the parent. These results lead us to reconsider the intergenerational transmission of attachment and to adjust the parenting support offered to the people who came from foster care
Artigas, Burr Maria Fernanda. "Femme, lesbienne, mère : reconfigurations identitaires dans l’expérience de la parenté et de la parentalité." Thesis, Paris, EHESS, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017EHES0026.
Повний текст джерелаIt almost looks like queer parenting did not (yet) exist in Chile. Indeed, it is erased from the public sphere, both from the political and the media scenes. However, while lesbians are excluded from kinship and parenthood, the centrality of motherhood in Chilean society creates an opening for them. This dissertation aims to understand the participation and evolution of lesbian mothers in the social context of Chili where a combination of conservatism and neoliberalism makes such family configurations at the same time unthinkable and possible. This ethnographic study sheds light on processes of construction and deconstruction of categories of identity that lead to reconfigurations, as motherhood makes it possible to include lesbians in the category of women. The interviews reveal that transgressing procreative rules or those of heterosexual parenting is in no way incompatible with normative mechanisms
Al margen de la esfera pública, política y mediática, la homoparentalidad en Chile parece aún no tener existencia. Sin embargo, mientras que las lesbianas permanecen excluidas del parentesco y de la parentalidad, la centralidad de la maternidad en la sociedad chilena les abre una brecha. Esta tesis se propone analizar la inscripción y la evolución de las madres lesbianas, en un contexto social donde conservadurismo y neoliberalismo vuelven impensables a la vez que posibles estas configuraciones familiares. La etnografía destaca los procesos de construcción y de deconstrucción identitarias, así como las reconfiguraciones que resultan de ellos; en efecto, la maternidad permite la inclusión de las lesbianas a la “clase” de las mujeres. Como los relatos de las entrevistadas lo sugieren, la transgresión a las normas procreativas o a aquellas de la parentalidad heterosexual no impide la reproducción de mecanismos normativos
Cognard, Marion. "L'expérience de la parentalité de mères psychotiques : perspective des mères et des professionnels de santé La parentalité des mères psychotiques : une revue des facteurs de risque et de protection facteurs de protection dans les familles où les parents sont en prises avec des problèmes de santé mentale L’expérience de la parentalité de mères psychotiques La parentalité des mères psychotiques et sa prise en charge en psychiatrie vue par les professionnels de santé La perception des professionnels de santé face à la parentalité des mères présentant un trouble psychique." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018USPCB152.
Повний текст джерелаThe parenting of psychotic mothers has become a social reality more frequent since the advent of neuroleptics and the development of extra-hospital care, but it remains little studied. Most research focuses on the risk factors and disabilities of mothers with psychotic disorders. To better understand the experience of parenting psychotic mothers, we conducted a research, combining qualitative and quantitative methods, with 18 mothers diagnosed with psychotic disorder and followed in adult psychiatry. We also interviewed 16 health professionals practicing in psychiatry to know their point of view and their representations on these parenting and their follow-up. We took a new perspective, focusing on the protective factors and the resilient process of psychotic mothers. We wanted to highlight the environmental factors that can help these mothers in their parenting role and explore their specific needs. Psychotic mothers and health professionals responded to a semi-directive interview. 6 scales were also submitted to the mothers to provide additional results to their testimony (SUMD disorder awareness scale, PSI parental stress scale, SSQ6 social support scale, RQ relationship attachment scale, PACOTIS parenting competence scale and RSA resilience scale). The results show that despite difficulties in managing the symptoms and the daily lives of their children, these mothers say they are satisfied with their parenting role. Nevertheless, the score on the parental stress scale is high among all of these mothers interviewed and the majority of mothers feel lonely and stuck in their role, while they all benefit from a particular support (family or professional). Although these aspects may be a negative aspect of their parenthood, it seems to be a protective factor in itself. Indeed, it promotes the search for social support, the monitoring of medical treatment and the feeling of having meaning in their lives. The results also show a strong positive correlation between the resilience score and the impression of being a good parent. The role of the environment is paramount in these situations. Yet many judgments are felt, especially during the announcement of pregnancy and can slow down the demand for help. The testimony of the professionals shows the representations existing around this question. While all professionals perceive the difficulties of these mothers, parenting skills are difficult to identify. This question seems little mentioned by adult psychiatry professionals for lack of interest or knowledge. However, as for the interviewed mothers, the professionals confirm the importance that this problem be treated by the psychiatric services. Specific accompaniments around parenting or training schemes were considered. The confrontation of the experiments also shows the limits related to the organization of the services and representations which make the handling of this problematic complex. These results therefore suggest the importance of an ecosystem approach to these parenting situations in order to foster a process of resilience for these mothers and families. Finally, they highlight the need to question new approaches that focus on the individual rather than the symptom such as empowerment or recovery programs so that mothers can develop their full inner potential
Bélanger-Lévesque, Marie-Noëlle. "La spiritualité en salle de naissance exploration de l'expérience du parent." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/5577.
Повний текст джерелаLandour, Julie. "S'engager en parentalité et créer son activité : l'entreprise paradoxale des Mompreneurs en France (2008-2014)." Paris, EHESS, 2015. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01317055.
Повний текст джерелаAs they gathered in organizations that appeared in 2008 in France, Mompreneurs describe themselves as executives who created their own independent business after having a child. Thanks to an investigation combining various methods among one of the French Mompreneurs organizations (an online and offline three-year ethnography, a quantitative study and biographies) and a secondary investigation among actors of the field of the cause of women leaders, this thesis asks to what extent self-employment may foster a better work/life balance and redefine gender. The scrutiny of public policies sustaining business creation, of the work to identify the Mompreneurs as a social group and of the characteristics of its members reveal the mirage that constitutes the democratization of individual economic initiative. The second part shows that after the degradation of their links to waged-employment, unrelated to the process of becoming a parent, Mompreneurs lead businesses that are more a reflection of their own Self than a wish to be economically thriving. It helps them to put away the stigmas of inactivity. If some of them do succeed in better articulating their engagements thanks to the mobilization of many resources, Mompreneurs firstly gather around parental practices that are child-centered, demanding and essentialized. Their pervading conservative morals reveal some distinctive effects that they stay limited : they show how downgrading and weakening this so-called access to economic responsibility can be, added to the gender performance infused in the way they intend to be parents
Sas-Barondeau, Martine. "La face cachée de la parentalité : une approche sociologique de l'accompagnement de la fonction parentale." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LORR0124.
Повний текст джерелаContemporary society is characterized by a high rate of divorce. This raises the concern of the authorities, for they are anxious to preserve social cohesion. Co-parenting, i.e. authority exercised jointly by both parents, is enshrined in law. Social centres help spread this message to families living in deprived areas, in exchange for which they receive funding from pro-parenthood organizations. In spite of their self-professed neutrality, is it not possible that these schemes advocate their own specific representation of the role of families within our society ?The current concerns of those who govern us have to be situated in their historical perspective. We may ask ourselves whether these concerns are always neutral, or indeed if they echo the ideologies of the era. An analysis of parenthood support is necessary in order to find out which values are advocated.We will then assess the scope of social and family ties amongst inhabitants of a working-class area, the level of mutual assistance from which they benefit and the extent of their involvement in social life. We shall study the influence of living conditions on the state of these relations and compare them with the expectations of the scheme.Finally, we shall analyse the behaviour of families in the light of the idea of gratitude, which lies at the core of the concepts of solidarity, sociability and responsibility. Various social problems cause the withdrawal of the individual into the family cell and distancing from his or her neighbours. The parenthood support schemes offer a typical and ideal behavioural model, regardless of the families' living conditions
Rivier, Sabine. "Parentalité et travail familial en France et en Allemagne : le parentalisme, nouveau mode de régulation ?" Paris 1, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA010574.
Повний текст джерелаSiemushyna, Mariia. "Parents immigrés dans quelle(s) langue(s) vivez-vous votre parentalité ? : évaluation biographique des effets des politiques linguistiques familiales et institutionnelles sur la parentalité des parents immigrés à Strasbourg (France) et Francfort-sur-le-Main (Allemagne)." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020STRAG024.
Повний текст джерелаThis research focuses on the effects of family and institutional language policies on different dimensions of parenting of migrant parents (exercice, practice, experience (Houzel, 1999)). The analysis is based on non-directive interviews and life stories of immigrant parents and children, as well as testimonies of professionals and volunteer resource persons in Strasbourg (France) and Frankfurt-on-the-Main (Germany). By positioning parents as the main focus of this study, we endeavour to make a contribution to the research on family language policies, and through conducting a biographical evaluation of institutional language policies, we also seek to contribute to studies on policy evaluation, and in particular to those on the evaluation of language policies
Jaco, Castellanos Sonia Guadalupe. "Trois parents et un couffin : parentalité adolescente en contexte de cohabitation avec la gand-mère maternelle." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2014. http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/5339.
Повний текст джерелаDelawarde, Cécile. "Les pratiques parentales comme outil de prévention : l'adaptation française de programmes de parentalité américains scientifiquement fondés." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA05H006.
Повний текст джерелаIn France, various recommendations have been made these last few years to support the implantation of preventive evidence-based programs in the field of parenting and early childhood. If their diffusion is perceived by governmental authorities as an opportunity to reduce a number of health and social risk factors and to promote the health and well-being of populations, their appropriation is not established and is at the core of numerous debates. The present PhD research consists in a descriptive sociological study providing perspectives on the French translation of these American evidence-based programs. Carrying out ethnographical field inquiries (observations and interviews) in France and in the United-States, this research aims to highlight the way these evidence-based programs are developed in their country of origin and readapted in France, from their institutional elaboration to their practical application in the field. The manuscript, written in a narrative format, consists in two parts. The first part takes interests in the production process of parenting and early childhood evidence-based policies in an American economic research centre and their adaptation in a scientific department of a French public health institute. The second part approaches the practical setting of two evidence-based interventions, and highlights the way in which they are impacting professional practices and family educative strategies, shaping and forming a different conception of parenting in both countries. The results of this exploratory study emphasize national specificities in regard to the appropriation of parenting programs by these two countries, and allow to learn a number of lessons regarding public health expertise in the field of parenting
Mazuy, Magali. "Être prêt-e, être prêts ensemble ? : entrée en parentalité des hommes et des femmes en France." Paris 1, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA010594.
Повний текст джерелаGrandval, Manon. "Protection de l'enfance : penser un environnement capacitant pour la parentalité. : par l'espace, le temps et l'interrelationnel." Thesis, Mulhouse, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019MULH2801.
Повний текст джерелаIn this thesis, we seek to a better understanding about the potential place of parents in child protection institutions, through a developmental aim. Through historical, legislative, and conceptual contextualization, we found that working with families can be divided into four areas: substitute, support, family education, and coeducation. A paradigm change appears: the empowerment. By refocusing on the environmental aspect of the accompanying, we ask ourselves: Under what conditions can child protection institutions be enabling environments for parenthood?We hypothesize that two conditions must be met to create an enabling environment for parenthood: parents and their power to act must both have a symbolic place and a physical place in the relationship with professionals.In a hermeneutical and phenomenological approach, we opt for a research-intervention process with five institutions of the same Alsatian association. To verify our hypotheses, we use three methodological tools: a collection of data in the families' files, focus groups with professionals, semi-structured interviews with parents. Results show space, time and interrelation at the heart of designing of an enabling environment for parenthood, where the implicit meets the explicit
Ross-Plourde, Mylène. "La théorie du comportement planifié appliquée à l'engagement paternel lors de la transition à la parentalité." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/27201.
Повний текст джерелаL’engouement de la recherche pour la paternité, observé depuis les années 80, a permis d’identifier une liste de variables considérées comme déterminant l’engagement paternel. Toutefois, peu d’efforts ont été faits pour comprendre le processus par lequel les hommes deviennent pères et comment ces différents facteurs interagissent pour mener aux comportements des pères. À cet égard, la théorie du comportement planifié (Ajzen, 1991), postulant que le comportement est déterminé par l’intention d’un individu, elle-même déterminée par les attitudes envers le comportement, la norme subjective et la perception de contrôle sur le comportement, constitue une avenue intéressante et peu étudiée afin d’expliquer les comportements d’engagement paternel de nouveaux pères. Ainsi, 300 couples hétérosexuels attendant leur premier enfant ont complété des questionnaires pré et postnataux évaluant les différentes composantes de la théorie du comportement planifié. Les résultats suggèrent que la présence de croyances d’essentialisme biologique chez les hommes et leur perception que des éléments de leur environnement limitent leur engagement sont associés négativement avec leur intention de participer aux tâches de soin. Il apparait également que les intentions des hommes à être engagés auprès de leur enfant, formulées avant la naissance de leur premier enfant, permettent de prédire leurs comportements postnataux. De plus, des variables postnatales maternelles sont liées à la participation des pères aux tâches de soin, plus particulièrement les attitudes d’essentialisme biologique des mères, qui de surcroît interagissent avec l’intention prénatale des pères dans la prédiction des comportements paternels. Ainsi, de plus faibles croyances essentialistes chez les mères sont associées à une plus grande participation des pères, particulièrement dans le contexte où ceux-ci avaient de plus faibles intentions prénatales. Il est donc important de considérer davantage les croyances et attentes des hommes avant qu’ils deviennent pères et l’interaction de ces caractéristiques avec celles des mères, afin de mieux comprendre les comportements d’engagement paternel dans des familles biparentales. Des interventions visant à réfuter les croyances essentialistes de futurs ou nouveaux parents quant aux compétences des hommes et des femmes s’avèrent une piste prometteuse pour favoriser un plus grand engagement paternel.
Growing research interest in fatherhood, since the 1980s, has helped identify several potential determinants of father involvement. However, few attempts have been made to understand the process through which men become fathers, and how different factors interact to predict father involvement. In this respect, the Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1991), which postulates that an individual’s behavior is determined by his intention with regards to the target behavior, itself predicted by his attitudes, perceived norms and behavioral control over this behavior, constitutes an interesting and novel way of explaining the involvement of new fathers in childcare. With this premise, 300 heterosexual couples expecting their first child completed prenatal and postnatal questionnaires assessing the different components of the Theory of Planned Behavior. Results suggest that the more future fathers endorse biological essentialist beliefs and perceive obstacles to their involvement in their environment, the less they intend to participate in childcare. Additionally, it appears that fathers’ intentions to be involved in childcare tasks, prior to the birth of their first child, contribute to the prediction of their postnatal behaviors. Moreover, mothers’ postnatal variables are also associated with fathers’ involvement behaviors, particularly mothers’ biological essentialist beliefs, which also interact significantly with fathers’ prenatal intentions to predict father involvement. Weaker essentialist beliefs in mothers are associated with greater father involvement, particularly for fathers with lower prenatal intentions regarding childcare involvement. To understand fathers’ involvement behaviors in two-parent families, it is thus necessary to take into account men’s prenatal beliefs and expectations as well as their interaction with those of mothers. Future parents’ essentialist beliefs regarding the childcare competence of men and women appears to be a promising intervention target to facilitate greater paternal involvement.
Bapst, Mylène. "Opérationnalisation et transmission de la fonction paternelle dans la parentalité lesbienne : la PMA pour devenir mères." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020STRAG010.
Повний текст джерелаLesbian parenthood is part of the evolution of our kinship system and our medical reproductive technology. It raises debates about the effects of the absence of a father in the everyday life on the development of the child. The objective of our thesis is to understand how the paternal function operates and is transmitted in lesbian parenthood with ART. In order to answer our question, we carried out a qualitative content analysis of 14 research interviews by associating with the Free Realization of a Family Tree. The results reveal that the paternal function is effective in lesbian parenting. It operates from the reactivation of the oedipal issues at work in becoming a parent, conjugality and the place occupied by the donor in transmission fantasies. The paternal function is established by the psychic and legal recognition of places. Finally, it is transmitted and is transmitted through fantasies of transmission, the inscription of the child in a double filiation and a symbolic permutation of the operating places
Dion-Lessard, Geneviève. "Influence de l'environnement physique et social du milieu HLM sur l’expérience de la parentalité en contexte d'immigration." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/11400.
Повний текст джерелаCailleau, Françoise. "D'une matrice à l'autre: dialogique de la filiation et de la parentalité dans la gestation pour autrui." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/209817.
Повний текст джерелаDoctorat en Sciences Psychologiques et de l'éducation
Megne, Me Ndong Annicet Emmanuel. "La parentalité chez la femme en grossesse et séropositive en PTME à Libreville : approches clinique et anthropologique." Thesis, Besançon, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016BESA1026/document.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis seeks to know what is playing psychologically in a pregnant HIV- positive woman after the announcement of her being HIV infected. We start from the fact that pregnancy is a special time during which a woman is open to both physical and psychological changes.The thesis is based on clinical and anthropological approaches. The first quoted approach enables us to highlight psychological processes and mechanisms that the surveyed pregnant HIV- positive women use. The second helps us understand concepts of motherhood and child in Gabon. Furthermore, it allows us to verify the representation by a woman of her unborn baby as is the case in Gabon. The complementarity of the two approaches is an attractive way to understand what a woman plans to cope with HIV and carries on being a mother.The tools we have used for data collection are:• A semi-structured interview based on the CREA questionnaire on the study of maternal representations.• The second is the shouting-and-crying interview by Lester B,• The third and the last one is the drawing of the baby.The data we have obtained from these tools are supplemented by interviews we had with the mediators who follows pregnant HIV-positive women in MCH centres.After obtaining the results, their interpretation and analysis show that a pregnant HIV-positive woman, informed of her HIV status during pregnancy, creates and builds up the "divine grigri child." In her imagination, this child is a gift from God, and cannot thereby be contaminated. The child is also a narcissistic generator to his mother as he restores her. The pregnant HIV-positive woman imagines being her child, and projects with him in a dream for the latter to have a better future, far better than her own. However, the situation is not as simple and easy as these lines can suggest. The pregnant HIV-positive woman is in distress. The material shows an unaccommodating cohabitation of the fetus and the HIV. HIV is parasitical upon the mother’s reverie. It is the latter that the woman seeks to escape by creating the "divine grigri child."
Tremblay, Pascale. "Rôles des attributions et des attentes concernant le partage des tâches dans la transition à la parentalité." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/tape15/PQDD_0025/MQ38202.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаPerrin, Ségolène. "Parenté et parentalité : le rôle du tiers dans la vie de l'enfant : étude de droit comparé européen." Strasbourg, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009STRA4019.
Повний текст джерелаSignificant societal changes have led more and more children to live in a family setting in which one a third party has exercised or exercises a parental duty. The concept of parenting helps to understand the role of the third party with the child. Neologism derived from the parental adjective, it can be defined as parenthood. In a broad sense, it covers all aspects of parenting: the conception and birth of the child, his education, his material support, that is to say all aspects of parenting from the moment a child is born until he reaches adult status. Kinship and parenthood, normally associated in a traditional family setting, tend to dissociate in certain family configurations. This leads to a plurality of relationships between children and adults outside the legal framework of kinship. These additional relationships raise the problem of the role of third parties. The French law, like other European laws, does not give one single status across the board to the third party because of the diversity of situations. However, the law sometimes takes the third party into consideration. This consideration varies and is imperfect. However, it is in the interest of the child to secure his family configuration. The recognition of the third party’s parenthood must result from an express act of will. The use of kinship can be a satisfactory solution but shows its limits. We therefore have to consider other arguments to legally recognize the role of third parties outside of this rigid framework
Bernard, Marie-Laure. "Psychologie clinique et projective de la parentalité en Guadeloupe : étude de la relation mère-enfant en CMPP." Amiens, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012AMIE0030.
Повний текст джерелаFor the child, the first parental function is to place him in a lineage which enables him to web his identity in the frame of a filiation. Under the light of the intra psychological interactions in mother-child groups under study in CMPP, and starting from analysis of projective and thematic test, our objective is to study parenthood in Guadeloupe. In Guadeloupe, family organizes itself around and extremly codified model : the matrifocal system which is prevalent and whose main feature is the mother. This system is characterize by the father, an evanescent person, frequency of children out of wedlock, siblings from, different fathers are the consecutive features of matrifocal family. This family shaken and weakened due to changes society. Increase of split families, weakening in of parents' power, augmentation in suicide amond teenagers, abortion amid adolescent mothers as well as serious pathologies are the trends of those patients we are dealing with in our medical centers. These symptomatic compel us to pay attention as therapist. But during several centuries, breaks in the parent's functions and rights had consequences on the behavior and the psyche of those in their parenting role. According to Dr Houzel, the circle in which the child grows is a mixed combination of conscious and unconscious representations the mother brings to the child. It is a relationnal system between two beings oneself and another, between generations and sexes and in-between the impact of the relationship within the couple and finally the mother-father's child relationship. Our hypothesis is that ability of the mother to convey constructive parental images to her child trough identification depends of the quality of her own parental imago
Hamerlinck, Céline. "Le Staff de parentalité PMI-hôpital Jeanne de Flandre à Lille : bilan de fonctionnement de l'année 2007." Antilles-Guyane, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010AGUY0336.
Повний текст джерелаContext: ln the maternity hospital of the CHRU of Lille, there's a PMI department ( Service for the Protection and Care of Mothers and Children) who finalized a parental unit to help pregant women in socially or psychologically difficult situation. Method : Our study is based on the 2007 parental unit which made it possible for us to work on 51 women expecting children. For each case, we focused on the psychological and social charaterictics, the mobitoring of the pregnant patients, thier return to home and we followed the new-born children until the age of 2. Moreover, we made a survey to get the satisfaction level of the staff working in the parental unit. Results: We compared the results to the 2003 National Perinatal Survey. In other respects, we noticed that, after 2 years, almost 3 children out of 5 were temporarily withdrawn from their family and placed in substitue families either by administrative or judicial decision. Ln addition to that, almost one third of these children had a disease, a behavioral disorder or a significant delay in early learning acquisitions. Conclusion: After 10 years, the staff of Lille maternity hospital has made a real improvement in the care of patients in fragile social or psychological situation. However the staff involved in this programme have to cope with harsh and difficult situations. Despite the work of early prevention, the withdrawal of the chiId is sometimes the only way to protect him. A new doctor recentiy arrived at the head of the PMI service and so did a midwife, who's dedicated to the case of these patients. These events offer new prospects for the prevention and for the help of these families in difficulty
Duprat-Kushtanina, Veronika. "La grand-parentalité au prisme du care : une étude comparative des figures sexuées et temporelle (France - Russie)." Paris, EHESS, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013EHES0045.
Повний текст джерелаThis dissertation studies grandparenthood, a set of relationships concerning tree generations -grandparents, their children and their grandchildren. Grandparenthood is analyzed as caring relations that conjugate instrumental, relational and moral aspects. Those are multiple relationships that are part of life courses of the three generations trough different ages. While adopting a comparative perspective (France-Russia), I analyze grandparenthood in quite different demographic, social, economic, and historical contexts. Family monographs, consisting of biographical interviews with several member of the same family, were completed with statistics based on Gender and Generation Survey. This dissertation contains two transversal questions: the one on mechanisms of family reciprocity and the other on relations between the different aspects of caring between family generations. My analysis is constructed in three times. Firstly, I study how the norm of "new" grand-parenting, dynamic and involved with grand-children, common for the both countries, is realized in practice and modified by gender and social class. Two types of grandparenting can be distinguished here. The first, a "mothering" one, is characteristic for some poorly educated grandmothers in the both countries and for "old" grandparents in Russia. The second one, focalized on leisure, is the one of grandfathers and educated social groups. Secondly, dynamics of relationships between grandparents and grandchildren are analyzed in their development through adolescence and adulthood. These evolutions can be placed on two axes : subjective intensity of relationship and their shift comparing to the previous life stage
Freire, Fonseca da Luz Rita Alexandra. "Un début différent : étude de l’adaptation psychologique du couple à la parentalité et au diagnostic prénatal d’une pathologie fœtale, de la grossesse à la première année de vie de l’enfant." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LORR0347/document.
Повний текст джерелаTransition to parenthood is an important period for personal and familial development. To become a parent is a long term project that implies the reconstruction of psychological and social roles by both parents.Different elements may influence the way parents assimilate this reality and adjust to the psychosocial context of parenthood. Hence, it is important to understand the process by which individual and dyadic factors contribute to the couples’ psychological adjustment to transition to parenthood and to evaluate the conditions that may be risk factors altering this developmental transition.The antenatal diagnosis of a fetal anomaly is a very specific situation in the context of parenthood that received little attention. The stress associated to this demanding, even traumatic, situation increases the risk of emotional and relational problems and may jeopardise the development and functioning of the family system.In order to study the process of psychological adaptation of couples to parenthood, specifically after the antenatal diagnosis of a fetal anomaly, we first evaluated the “normal” psychological evolution during pregnancy and postnatal period. Afterwards, using the same research protocol, we studied the process of psychological adaptation of couples who received the diagnosis of a fetal anomaly from pregnancy to one year after childbirth.This work may allow better understanding of the risk and protection factors for the psychological adjustment of parents during the transition to parenthood and after the antenatal diagnosis of a fetal anomaly. From a clinical and preventive perspective, this study may allow to increase knowledge on the elements perinatal healthcare professionals must take into account during the transition to parenthood and after the antenatal diagnosis of a fetal anomaly in order to promote psychological adjustment of the couple system
Maron, Leila. "La parentalité et l'emploi: quel défi pour les politiques publiques belges au regard de la situation en Europe?" Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/210076.
Повний текст джерелаIl s’agit de mettre en évidence la capacité des politiques à relever les nouveaux défis en matière d'emploi et de fécondité auxquels sont confrontés les pays européens aujourd'hui. En effet, l'objectif est d'identifier les dispositifs qui sont en faveur des familles bi-actives, et de déterminer quels sont les instruments politiques favorisant ou défavorisant la situation des femmes et des hommes sur le marché du travail (et plus particulièrement lorsqu'ils ont des enfants). Pour ce faire, nous analysons les politiques publiques visant à favoriser l'emploi des parents et couvrant plusieurs dimensions de la prise en charge de l'enfance: services de garde d'enfants, congé de maternité, congé de paternité, congé parental, mode d'imposition du système fiscal et possibilité de déduire les frais liés à la garde d'enfants.
Cette thèse vise à montrer la position relative de la Belgique au sein de l'Union Européenne afin d'identifier des exemples de bonnes pratiques qui pourraient aider à la formulation de recommandations politiques.
Doctorat en sciences sociales, Orientation sciences du travail
Poisson, Danielle. "La trajectoire de vie d'une femme ayant projeté et vécu la parentalité seule saisie selon une méthode descriptive." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape3/PQDD_0018/MQ56961.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаPoisson, Danielle. "La trajectoire de vie d'une femme ayant projeté et vécu la parentalité seule saisie selon une méthode descriptive." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 1999. http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/486.
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