Дисертації з теми "Nitrogen fixation and transfer"
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Burity, Helio Almeida. "Nitrogen fixation, transfer and competition in alfalfa-grass mixtures." Thesis, McGill University, 1986. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=73959.
Повний текст джерелаJones, Clare. "Expression of FixAB : a putative member of the electron transfer flavoprotein superfamily." Thesis, University of East Anglia, 2001. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.365028.
Повний текст джерелаJayasundara, H. P. S. "Productivity, dinitrogen fixation and nitrogen transfer in some legume based cropping systems." Thesis, University of Reading, 1994. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.386547.
Повний текст джерелаWätjen, Florian. "Rhenium and Osmium PNP Pincer Complexes for Nitrogen Fixation and Nitride Transfer." Doctoral thesis, Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/21.11130/00-1735-0000-0005-12D8-3.
Повний текст джерелаChibwana, P. A. D. "Nitrogen fixation in pigeonpeas (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp) and transfer of nitrogen to associated ryegrass (Lolium perrene L.)." Thesis, University of Reading, 1992. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.317631.
Повний текст джерелаSarma, Ranjana. "Investigations of nucleotide-dependent electron transfer and substrate binding in nitrogen fixation and chlorophyll biosynthesis." Thesis, Montana State University, 2009. http://etd.lib.montana.edu/etd/2009/sarma/SarmaR1209.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаLedbetter, Rhesa N. "Electron Flow and Management in Living Systems: Advancing Understanding of Electron Transfer to Nitrogenase." DigitalCommons@USU, 2018. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/etd/7197.
Повний текст джерелаAngove, Hayley Clare. "Energy transduction by nitrogenase involving ATP hydrolysis coupled to proton and electron transfers." Thesis, University of Sussex, 1995. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.282081.
Повний текст джерелаSampson, Helen G. (Helen Grace). "Biomass and protein yields, N2-fixation and N transfer in annual forage legume-barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cropping systems." Thesis, McGill University, 1993. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=68257.
Повний текст джерелаWätjen, Florian [Verfasser], Sven [Akademischer Betreuer] Schneider, Sven [Gutachter] Schneider, Franc [Gutachter] Meyer, and Marinella [Gutachter] Mazzanti. "Rhenium and Osmium PNP Pincer Complexes for Nitrogen Fixation and Nitride Transfer / Florian Wätjen ; Gutachter: Sven Schneider, Franc Meyer, Marinella Mazzanti ; Betreuer: Sven Schneider." Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1201884640/34.
Повний текст джерелаBerntzon, Lotta. "Detection, transfer and role of an environmentally spread neurotoxin (BMAA) with focus on cyanobacteria and the Baltic Sea region." Doctoral thesis, Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för ekologi, miljö och botanik, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-118882.
Повний текст джерелаAt the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript.
Coquerel, Raphael. "Etude d'un appοrt en silicium sur le métabοlisme azοté et les perfοrmances agrοnοmiques du cοlza (Brasscia napus L.) et du trèfle (Τrifοllium incarnatum L.) cultivés en mοnοculture et en assοciatiοn". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024NORMC246.
Повний текст джерелаOver 3.7 million tonnes of N fertilizers are used in French agriculture every year. Although N fertilization is an essential element for the growth of crops, it is increasingly criticized for its harmful effects on ecosystems and biodiversity. rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is one of the most N requiring field crops, due to its low N use efficiency. To maintain optimum the growth and the yield of rapeseed with lower N fertilizer inputs, it is crucial to develop new cultural practices more respectful of environment. In this context, the combination of rapeseed-clover intercrops and biostimulants is an interesting alternative to the current cultivation practices of rapeseed. Considering its numerous beneficial effects under biotic and abiotic stresses, Silicon (Si) appears to be a relevant biostimulant. The aim of this PhD work was to observe the effects of Si supply on (i) the agronomic performance of monoculture rapeseed and clover grown under controlled conditions, and (ii) the possible potentiation of the functioning of the rapeseed-clover intercrop. Firstly, our work has shown that under sulfur (S) deficiency conditions, the supply of Si leads to a reduction in oxidative stress and modulation of the expression of genes encoding root sulfate transporters, allowing +Si plants to take up S more efficiently when it becomes available again. Secondly, the Si supply to crimson clover subjected under S-deficiency or or grown without N in the nutrient solution, had a positive impact on nodulation and atmospheric dinitrogen fixation capacities. Si induces a significant increase in the number of root nodules and their nitrogenase content. In addition, the study of the nodule ionome and proteome has enhanced our knowledge of the benefit effects of Si supply, particularly by showing the accumulation of elements and proteins directly or indirectly involved in the fixation of atmospheric dinitrogen. Finally, our work has highlighted the beneficial effects of Si supply on a rapeseed-clover intercrop, notably by increasing the N transfer from the Fabaceae to the Brassicaceae and improving the yield of the rapeseed
Rangel, Luiz Thibério Lira Diniz. "O papel de transferência horizontal de genes na história evolutiva de duas classes de genes em bactérias." Universidade de São Paulo, 2017. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/95/95131/tde-06122017-114559/.
Повний текст джерелаHorizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) is one of main mechanisms of bacterial evolution, affecting virtually all gene families. In this document we identified and assessed putative horizontal transfers of genes from two functional classes from two distinct taxonomic levels. We characterized the distribution and evolution of 45 genes important to N2 fixation among 479 Proteobacteria genomes. We identified five potential distinct acquisitions of such genes by Proteobacteria lineages. The distinct origins are consistently identified in 36 out of the 45 assessed genes. We computed possible horizontal transfers of the 45 genes among the 479 Proteobacteria genomes, and we identified enrichments of HGT, likely related to phylogenetic and ecological signals. We developed a semi-automated pipeline to identify effectors of the Type III Secretion System within Aeromonas, which reported 21 putative effector families distributed among 105 genomes. Among the 21 likely effectors 17 have been described in Aeromonas for the first time, highlighting the sensibility of our pipeline. Our colaborators performed cytotoxicity tests for the 21 likely effector families identified by in silico analysis, and only four did not inhibited Saccharomyces cerevisiae growth. Lastly, we developed a method to cluster gene families according to shared evolutionary history, without the requirement of phylogenetic tree reconstruction, increasing computational efficiency. We applied this proposed method during Aeromonas phylogenetic reconstruction, and it showed up compatible with data available on the literature.
Supeno. "Sonochemical fixation of nitrogen." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape3/PQDD_0016/MQ57783.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаSupeno, Carleton University Dissertation Chemistry. "Sonochemical fixation of nitrogen." Ottawa, 2000.
Знайти повний текст джерелаKlawonn, Isabell. "Marine nitrogen fixation : Cyanobacterial nitrogen fixation and the fate of new nitrogen in the Baltic Sea." Doctoral thesis, Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för ekologi, miljö och botanik, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-122080.
Повний текст джерелаAt the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript.
H, Boström Kjärstin. "Nitrogen fixation among marine bacterioplankton." Doctoral thesis, Högskolan i Kalmar, Naturvetenskapliga institutionen, 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hik:diva-24.
Повний текст джерелаÖstersjön är ett av världens största brackvattensystem. Den ekologiska balansen i detta hav är hotad på grund av övergödning. Mycket arbete har därför fokuserats på att reducera utsläppen av näringsämnen, speciellt kväve. Dessa ansträngningar kan dock motverkas av bakterier som har förmåga att omvandla luftens kväve till metaboliskt användbart ammonium (kvävefixering). På sommaren är Östersjöns primärproduktion begränsad av kväve, med följden att det årligen uppstår massiva blomningar av kvävefixerande bakterier, framför allt cyanobakterier. Dessa är främst Aphanizomenon och Nodularia, men inte endast de fototrofa cyanobakterierna har förutsättningar att fixera N2. NifH gener (genen som kodar för nitrogenas) bärs också av heterotrofa bakterioplankton, vilket har visats i studier i främst Atlanten och Stilla havet. Med hjälp av två olika odlingsmetoder lyckades vi isolera heterotrofa kvävefixerande bakterier tillhörande klassen γ-proteobakteria från Östersjön. Svårigheten med att finna dessa bakterier ligger i att de kräver en miljö med mycket låg syrehalt för att kunna fixera kväve. Resultaten från denna studie ledde oss vidare till att undersöka vilka organismer som uttrycker nifH genen (och då troligen även fixerar kväve) i Östersjön. En av de bakterier som isolerats kunde påvisas med Realtids PCR i ett relativt stort antal (3 x 104 nifH genkopior per liter) vid en av de ursprungliga provtagningsstationerna. För att söka rätt på de olika organismtyper som uttrycker nifH skapades ett klonbibliotek baserat på mRNA extraherat från havsvatten. Det visade sig då att alla de närmare 100 kloner som sekvenserades tillhörde antingen Aphanizominon eller Nodularia. De heterotrofa bakteriernas nifH genuttryck var troligen i jämförelse med dessa cyanobakterier alltför lågt för att kunna detekteras. Realtids PCR mätningar av Nodularias nifH genuttryck visade på en stor variation mellan de olika provtagningsstationerna samt mellan de olika provtagningstillfällena. Vi fann dock en kraftig ökning under juli med en nedgång igen i augusti. En dygnscykelstudie visade att Nodularia nifH genuttrycket ökade under förmiddagen med en topp mitt på dagen för att sedan minska igen. Detta troligen med anledning av att den energikrävande kvävefixeringsprocessen sker under de ljusa timmarna då cellen får energi från fotosyntesen. I de molekylärbiologiska metoderna som används för att få information om identitet och aktivitet hos skilda organismer krävs att DNA och RNA kan extraheras från prover tagna i naturliga vattenmiljöer. Även om antalet bakterier tillsynes är högt, så är mängden DNA och RNA per liter havsvatten relativt låg, därför krävs ett väl fungerande protokoll för denna extraktion. I en inledande studie i denna avhandling optimerades en metod för att utvinna DNA. Ett antal sådana protokoll finns publicerade men dessa har ofta lågt utbyte. Det nya protokollet har hög effektivitet, vilket gör att små provvolymer kan användas (2 ml jämfört med tidigare flera liter) och därmed ökar hanterbarheten. Vi visar i denna studie att varje steg 7 i DNA-extraktionsprotokollet är viktigt för att ge en hög effektivitet. Detta protokoll kan med fördel användas som vägledning för många olika typer av studier. På grund av att många havsbakterier inte kan bilda kolonier och alltså inte växa på traditionella medier har det varit svårt att få en klar bild av artrikedomen. Molekylärbiologin har dock gjort det möjligt att identifiera bakterier med hjälp av 16S rRNA genen, en enorm mängd gensekvenser från världens alla hav har inkommit till den gemensamma databanken (GenBank). År 2002 gjordes en studie där man sammanställde informationen i denna databank, för att få en bild av artrikedomen i världshaven. Resultatet av denna studie var att det i världshaven fanns färre bakterietyper än vad många forskare har spekulerat i. I denna avhandlig har vi utfört en studie där vi gjorde en stor global provtagning för att se om denna undersökning överensstämde med den datainformativa. Provtagning från nio lokaliteter gjordes i de tempererade, tropiska och polarhaven. Ett genbibliotek från varje lokal gjordes och kloner sekvenserades. Resultatet visar i likhet med den datainformativa undersökningen på en begränsad artrikedom. 80% av gensekvenserna fanns redan i databanken, vilket tyder på att de flesta arter redan har blivit funna. Dessutom visade det sig att få av bakterierna återfanns på alla ställen och många återfanns endast på ett ställe. Utöver detta visade det sig att det fanns en ökad artrikedom ju närmare ekvatorn man kom, vilket tidigare har visats för större organismer. Studierna i denna avhandling har ökat förståelsen för hur sammansättningen av det kvävefixerande bakteriesamhället i Östersjön ser ut samt bidragit till diskussionen om den globala artrikedomen bland bakterioplakton och dess utbredning.
Crosswhite, F. S., and C. D. Crosswhite. "Nitrogen Fixation in Desert Legumes." University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/609108.
Повний текст джерелаMonteiro, Fanny. "Mechanistic models of oceanic nitrogen fixation." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/53104.
Повний текст джерелаIncludes bibliographical references (p. 163-185).
Oceanic nitrogen fixation and biogeochemical interactions between the nitrogen, phosphorus and iron cycles have important implications for the control of primary production and carbon storage in the ocean. The biological process of nitrogen fixation is thought to be particularly important where the ocean is nitrogen limited and oligotrophic. This thesis examines some of the mechanisms responsible for the distribution, rates and temporal variability of nitrogen fixation and its geochemical signature in the modern ocean. I employ simple analytical theories and numerical models of ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles, and closely refer to direct observations of the phytoplanktonic community and geochemical tracers of the marine nitrogen cycle. Time-series observations of geochemical tracers and abundances of nitrogen fixers (or diazotrophs) in the northern subtropical gyres suggest variability in nitrogen fixation on interannual and longer timescales. I use a highly idealized, two-layer model of the nitrogen and phosphorus biogeochemistry and ecology of a subtropical gyre to explore the previously proposed hypothesis that such variability is regulated by an internal biogeochemical oscillator. I find, in certain parameter regimes, self-sustained oscillations in nitrogen fixation, community structure and biogeochemical cycles even with perfectly steady physical forcing. The period of the oscillations is strongly regulated by the exchange rate between the thermocline and mixed-layer waters, suggesting a period of several years to several decades for the North Pacific subtropical gyre regime, but would likely be shorter (only a year or so) for the North Atlantic Ocean.
(cont.) Geochemical tracers such as DINxs (=NO3--16PO3-) measure the oceanic departure from the Redfield ratio. DINx, is often used to estimate the rate of nitrogen fixation in the ocean, by quantifying the tracer accumulation along isopycnals. However this tracer reflects an interwoven set of processes including nitrogen fixation, but also denitrification, atmospheric and riverine sources, differential remineralization and complex transport pathways. I examine analytical solutions of the prognostic equation of DINx, and an idealized three-dimensional model of the basin-scale circulation, biogeochemical cycles and ecology of the North Atlantic Ocean. The two approaches demonstrate that the observations of a subsurface maximum in the North Atlantic Ocean and the temporal variability at the station BATS of DINxs can be explained simply by preferential remineralization of organic phosphorus relative to nitrogen. A further analysis reveals that the current geochemical estimates based on inorganic forms of phosphorus and nitrogen underestimate integrated nitrogen fixation rates by a factor of two to six, by neglecting the preferential remineralization effect. Most current understanding of oceanic nitrogen fixation is based on the Trichodesmium, though unicellular cyanobacteria, diatom-diazotroph associations (DDA) and heterotrophic bacteria might be as important in adding nitrogen into the ocean. I employ a self-assembling global ocean ecosystem model to simulate diverse phytoplanktonic diazotrophs in the global ocean and examine how temperature, oligotrophy, iron and phosphate limitations influence the global marine diazotroph distribution.
(cont.) Analogs of Trichodesmium, unicellular diazotrophs and DDA are successful in the model, showing very similar distributions with observations. The total diazotrophic population is distributed over most of the oligotrophic warm (sub)tropical waters in the model. The model demonstrates that temperature is not the primary control, but suggests instead that diazotroph biogeography is restricted to the low fixed nitrogen oceanic regions which have sufficient dissolved iron and phosphate. The theory of resource competition is used to map out regions of iron and phosphate regulation of diazotroph distribution. The theory suggests that diazotrophs are largely regulated by iron availability, in particular in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The iron cycle is currently not well enough constrained to confidently predict the diazotroph distribution in global ocean models.
by Fanny Monteiro.
Abdel, Magid H. M., P. W. Singleton, and J. W. Tavares. "Sesbania-Rhizobium Specificity and Nitrogen Fixation." University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/609114.
Повний текст джерелаNagel, Eric Dale. "Nitrogen fixation in benthic microalgal mats." College Park, Md. : University of Maryland, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/1903/2092.
Повний текст джерелаThesis research directed by: Marine, Estuarine, Environmental Sciences Graduate Program. Title from t.p. of PDF. Includes bibliographical references. Published by UMI Dissertation Services, Ann Arbor, Mich. Also available in paper.
Cheng, J. "Interactions between nitrogen fixation and alternative sources of nitrogen in Gloeothece." Thesis, Swansea University, 1995. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.636244.
Повний текст джерелаMansur, Irdika. "Nitrogen uptake dynamics and biological nitrogen fixation in a silvopastoral system." Thesis, University of Canterbury. Department of Forestry, 1994. http://hdl.handle.net/10092/4243.
Повний текст джерелаKahindi, James H. P. "Efficiency of nitrogen fixation in Azotobacter chroococcum." Thesis, University of Sussex, 1994. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.358929.
Повний текст джерелаAllan, Caroline Elizabeth. "Nitrogen fixation in riverine wetland plant communities." Thesis, University of Glasgow, 1996. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.297033.
Повний текст джерелаPakseresht, Nima. "An in silico investigation into nitrogen fixation." Thesis, University of East Anglia, 2010. https://ueaeprints.uea.ac.uk/19406/.
Повний текст джерелаSanyal, Debankur. "Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in Dry Bean Cultivars." Diss., North Dakota State University, 2018. https://hdl.handle.net/10365/27850.
Повний текст джерелаSpecialty Crop Block Grant
Zhou, Maoqian 1961. "Nitrogen fixation by alfalfa as affected by salt stress and nitrogen levels." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1989. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/277231.
Повний текст джерелаKarriem, Fatiema. "Oxidative fixation of dinitrogen by photocatalysis." Thesis, University of Western Cape, 2000. http://etd.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=etd&action=viewtitle&id=gen8Srv25Nme4_5777_1267648612.
Повний текст джерела
The heterogeneous photocatalytic oxidation of dinitrogen to nitrate, NO3 and/or nitrite, no2 using peroxy species of titanium (IV) in aqueous suspensions has been investigated. The photocatalysts used were titanium peroxide and Degussa p25 TiO2 pretreated with H2O2. These photocatalysts were investigated by SEM and FTIR spectroscopy.  
Bradburn, Mark James. "Light and planktonic nitrogen fixation in Colorado reservoirs." Connect to online resource, 2007. http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?url_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&res_dat=xri:pqdiss&rft_dat=xri:pqdiss:1442959.
Повний текст джерелаGhalamboran, M. R. "Symbiotic nitrogen fixation enhancement due to magnetite nanoparticles." Thesis, Cranfield University, 2011. http://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/8172.
Повний текст джерелаChan, Y. S. Gilbert. "Nitrogen fixation by leguminous plants under landfill conditions." Thesis, Durham University, 1994. http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/1702/.
Повний текст джерелаWang, He. "Metabolic regulation of nitrogen fixation in Rhodospirillum rubrum /." Stockholm : Department of biochemistry and biophysics, Stockholm university, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-29404.
Повний текст джерелаAt the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Submitted. Paper 4: Submitted. Härtill 4 uppsatser.
Amiri, Alireza Agha. "Regulation of nitrogen fixation in rhizobia-legume symbioses." Thesis, Amiri, Alireza Agha (2021) Regulation of nitrogen fixation in rhizobia-legume symbioses. Honours thesis, Murdoch University, 2021. https://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/id/eprint/63559/.
Повний текст джерелаHorak, Rachel Elizabeth Ann. "Controls on nitrogen fixation and nitrogen release in a diazotrophic endosymbiont of shipworms." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/37238.
Повний текст джерелаLestari, Yulin. "Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in Medicago species at low pH." Title page, contents and summary only, 1993. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09PH/09phl6418.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаDenton, Matt. "The influence of naturalised Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii populations on the nodulation of alternative clovers (Trifolium spp.) in alkaline soils / Matt Denton." Thesis, Adelaide, Sth. Aust, 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/2440/22423.
Повний текст джерелаDenton, Matt. "Influence of naturalised Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii populations on the nodulation of alternative clovers (Trifolium spp.) in alkaline soils / Matt Denton." Adelaide, Sth. Aust, 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/2440/22423.
Повний текст джерелаxiii, 218 leaves : ill. (some col.), 1 col. map ; 30 cm.
Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Adelaide University, Dept. of Agronomy and Farming Systems, 2000
Abi-Ghanem, Rita. "Optimizing biological nitrogen fixation and evaluating Iraqi extension education." Pullman, Wash. : Washington State University, 2009. http://www.dissertations.wsu.edu/Dissertations/Summer2009/R_Abi-Ghanem_070909.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаGier, Jessica [Verfasser]. "Benthic nitrogen fixation in oxygen minimum zones / Jessica Gier." Kiel : Universitätsbibliothek Kiel, 2016. http://d-nb.info/1098185048/34.
Повний текст джерелаSanders, Ian. "Factors affecting symbiotic nitrogen fixation in organic farming systems." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/1842/27337.
Повний текст джерелаCarlsson, Georg. "Input of nitrogen from N2 fixation to northern grasslands /." Umeå : Dept. of Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2005. http://epsilon.slu.se/200576.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаRajab, T. M. A. "Studies on carbon metabolism and nitrogen fixation by Gloeothece." Thesis, Swansea University, 1985. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.638610.
Повний текст джерелаOagile, Otsoseng. "African yam bean : morphology, clonal propagation and nitrogen fixation." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2005. http://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/12946/.
Повний текст джерелаIslam, M. D. Rafiqul. "Nitrogen fixation by a Bangladesh deepwater rice-field Calothrix." Thesis, Durham University, 1990. http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/6180/.
Повний текст джерелаWebb, Isabel. "Characterisation of the fixABCX operon in symbiotic nitrogen fixation." Thesis, University of East Anglia, 2016. https://ueaeprints.uea.ac.uk/63286/.
Повний текст джерелаKessler, Peter S. "Nitrogen fixation in the mesophilic marine archaeon Methanococcus maripaludis /." Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 1998. http://hdl.handle.net/1773/11520.
Повний текст джерелаCrank, Susan Frances. "A host specific nitrogen fixation mutant of Bradyrhizobium (Arachis)." Thesis, Imperial College London, 1991. http://hdl.handle.net/10044/1/46732.
Повний текст джерелаLok, Eng Hai. "Nutrition and nitrogen-fixation in Malaysian Pterocarpus Indicus willd." Thesis, Lok, Eng Hai (2011) Nutrition and nitrogen-fixation in Malaysian Pterocarpus Indicus willd. PhD thesis, Murdoch University, 2011. https://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/id/eprint/5831/.
Повний текст джерела