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Gaci, Dihia, Johann Huguenin, Mohamed Kanoun, Jean-Pierre Boutonnet, and Hacène Abdelkrim. "Nouvelles mobilités pastorales : cas des éleveurs d’ovins de la wilaya de Djelfa, Algérie." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 74, no. 1 (March 1, 2021): 3–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.19182/remvt.36324.

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Les évolutions socioéconomique, démographique, politique et climatique que la steppe algérienne a connues au cours des dernières décennies ont induit de profondes transformations au niveau des pratiques d’élevage, tout particulièrement en matière de mobilités pastorales. Cette étude décrit de nouvelles pratiques de mobilité adoptées actuellement par des éleveurs de la région de Djelfa. Elle s’est basée sur 59 entretiens semi-directifs réalisés entre 2014 et 2016 auprès d’éleveurs dans différentes zones d’accueil. Nos résultats ont mis en évidence une diversité de pratiques pastorales relative à la distance parcourue durant un cycle annuel, au calendrier, à l’itinéraire de transhumance et au passage ou non par le terroir d’attache. Ces mobilités pouvaient varier d’une année à l’autre ou au cours de la vie d’un éleveur. Cette étude a montré que de nouvelles formes d’adaptation au contexte changeant de la steppe algérienne pouvaient être mises en oeuvre par les éleveurs par le moyen de nouvelles mobilités de grande distance. Nos résultats soulignent le renouvellement des formes de mobilité pastorale malgré le resserrement de l’espace et montrent que la sédentarisation n’est pas l’unique forme d’adaptation des populations pastorales aux changements.
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Krätli, Saverio, Marie Monimart, Blamah Jalloh, Jeremy Swift, and Ced Hesse. "Accompagner la mobilité pastorale au Tchad." Afrique contemporaine 249, no. 1 (2014): 69. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/afco.249.0069.

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Bonnet, Bernard. "Vulnérabilité pastorale et politiques publiques de sécurisation de la mobilité pastorale au Sahel." Mondes en développement 164, no. 4 (2013): 71. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/med.164.0071.

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VALL, E., P. SALGADO, C. CORNIAUX, M. BLANCHARD, C. DUTILLY, and V. ALARY. "Changements et innovations dans les systèmes d’élevage en Afrique." INRAE Productions Animales 27, no. 2 (June 2, 2014): 161–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.20870/productions-animales.2014.27.2.3064.

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En Afrique, les productions animales font face à une évolution importante de la demande et sont en proie à de multiples changements. Les systèmes d’élevage du futur devront être à la fois plus productifs et respectueux de l’environnement et pour cela les éleveurs devront innover. Aujourd’hui les systèmes agro-pastoraux deviennent majoritaires, le pastoralisme se maintient notamment dans les zones arides, et les élevages périurbains et spécialisés prennent de l’importance. Les changements locaux et globaux survenus au cours des 50 dernières années créent davantage de contraintes mais offrent de nouvelles opportunités. Des innovations sont à l’oeuvre. En zone pastorale, elles concernent principalement la gestion des ressources et la mobilité du bétail, en zone agro-pastorale la diversification et l’intégration agriculture-élevage, en zone périurbaine la spécialisation et l’intensification de la production. Difficiles à déceler, lentes et progressives, les innovations favorisent la maîtrise du changement et doivent être encouragées et stimulées pour répondre aux enjeux de l’élevage. Les perspectives offertes par les réalités actuelles de l’élevage africain (faible productivité et progression rapide de la demande) devraient lui assurer un marché et des marges de progression significatives. Toutefois, ceci ne pourra se réaliser que moyennant la poursuite des réformes institutionnelles, une implication directe des organisations de producteurs, des termes du marché plus sécurisés et l’amélioration de l’appui technique.
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Diop, Amadou Tamsir. "La gestion des parcours de l'aire d'influence du forage de Tatki : relations entre données de végétation, taux d'exploitation et transhumance." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 45, no. 1 (January 1, 1992): 81–90. http://dx.doi.org/10.19182/remvt.8962.

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Cette étude vise à acquérir une meilleure connaissance de l'utilisation des parcours en saison sèche et de la mobilité des éleveurs en Zone Sylvopastorale du Sénégal. Elle s'est déroulée d'octobre 1989 à juillet 1990 au niveau de l'aire d'influence du forage de Tatki. Dans un premier temps, ont été déterminés les relations entre le taux d'exploitation des parcours et différents paramètres du milieu (biomasse et composition floristique de la strate herbacée en fin de saison des pluies, distance au forage et type de sol). Par la suite, l'incidence de la biomasse, de la composition floristique de la végétation herbacée et du taux d'exploitation des parcours sur les déplacements des éleveurs est envisagée. En conclusion, les limites de l'étude pour l'élaboration de modèles d'utilisation des parcours et pour une meilleure connaissance de la mobilité pastorale sont définies.
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Sy, Oumar. "Mobilité pastorale dans la Basse vallée du Ferlo dans le contexte de la remise en eau." Cahiers d'Outre-Mer 63, no. 249 (January 1, 2010): 31–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/com.5848.

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Guidimê, Léopold Sènouwa, Habirou Imorou Sidi, André Jonas Djènontin, Byll Orou Kpérou Gado, and Sévérin Babatoundé. "Effets de la complémentation à base de Vitanimal sur les performances laitières et économiques des vaches Borgou au Bénin." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 74, no. 1 (March 1, 2021): 43–48. http://dx.doi.org/10.19182/remvt.36322.

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L’objectif principal était d’évaluer l’impact d’un complément alimentaire, le Vitanimal (mélange de coques et de tourteau de coton), sur les performances laitières des vaches Borgou dans un contexte de rareté du fourrage en saison sèche et de réduction de la mobilité pastorale. L’évaluation a concerné un troupeau de 15 vaches ayant eu au moins deux mises bas à la Ferme d’élevage de l’Okpara. Les animaux ont été répartis en trois lots : le lot 1, lot témoin, a bénéficié uniquement du fourrage des parcours naturels et artificiels de la ferme, de pierres à lécher et d’eau ad libitum ; les lots 2 et 3 ont bénéficié de la même alimentation que les témoins avec en plus respectivement 2 et 4 kg du complément alimentaire. Les quantités de lait produites et les refus du complément ont été collectés et quantifiés chaque jour pendant 90 jours. Les analyses ont montré des différences significatives (p < 0,05) pour l’ingestion du complément alimentaire entre les lots 2 et 3, et pour les refus qui ont été plus importants dans le lot 3. Le Vitanimal a eu des effets significatifs sur les performances des vaches. Les productions journalières de lait ont été de 0,76 ± 0,35 kg, 1,04 ± 0,35 kg et 1,16 ± 0,46 kg respectivement pour les lots 1, 2 et 3. Ces quantités ont augmenté avec la quantité de complément servie. Toutefois, la ration du lot 2 a été plus rentable, soit 75 % de taux de rentabilité contre 25 % pour le lot 3.
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Adriansen, Hanne Kirstine. "Pastoral Mobility: A Review." Nomadic Peoples 9, no. 1 (January 1, 2005): 207–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.3167/082279405781826182.

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Fontaine, Laurence. "Solidarités Familiales et Logiques Migratoires en Pays de Montagne à L'Époque Moderne." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 45, no. 6 (December 1990): 1433–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.3406/ahess.1990.278917.

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La mobilité, qui est un des phénomènes majeurs des sociétés de montagne, a fait l'objet de nombreuses analyses. Historiens et géographes s'accordent depuis longtemps pour lier ces migrations à l'écosystème montagnard parce que celui-ci conjugue à de maigres récoltes, un important besoin de main-d'oeuvre pendant la brève saison agricole. A ces données structurelles, s'ajoutent l'oisiveté forcée des hommes durant les hivers trop longs et la fiscalité, qui oblige à trouver le numéraire nécessaire pour acquitter l'impôt. En ce sens, ces analyses reprennent à leur compte les doléances des habitants.Toutefois, ces modèles classiques reposent sur plusieurs postulats, explicites ou implicites, qui influencent à leur tour les images données de la migration. Nous en retiendrons deux, essentiels pour comprendre les questions que posent ces approches de la mobilité. 1) La dépendance stricte entre système écologique et mobilité montagnarde sous-entend que la nature impose à l'homme une manière de l'exploiter et une seule ; elle renvoie au système agro-pastoral pratiqué dans les Alpes françaises au XIXe siècle ; à la « loi de transhumance » qui concerne hommes et bêtes, énoncée par Raoul Blanchard. 2) Dans ces sociétés agro-pastorales, les hommes sont égaux en pauvreté ; ce second postulat est d'ailleurs explicitement affirmé puisque les communautés montagnardes sont toujours décrites comme des « républiques » de petits propriétaires égaux dans la médiocrité.
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Nébié, Elisabeth Kago Ilboudo, Colin Thor West, and Todd Andrew Crane. "'Where's the map?': integrating ethnography with maps to understand the complementarity between pastoral mobility and border formation." Journal of Political Ecology 27, no. 1 (August 30, 2020): 795–818. http://dx.doi.org/10.2458/v27i1.23152.

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The resettlement of herders in pastoral zones is often criticized for hindering pastoral mobility, which is essential to survival. We integrate narratives of conflict and environmental change with maps to demonstrate the complementarity between pastoral mobility – porous borders – and border demarcation – rigid borders. We use evidence from the Sondré-Est Pastoral Zone in southern Burkina Faso, where herders were voluntarily resettled near agricultural villages following the droughts of the 1970s. Over time, however, farmers encroached on the borders of the pastoral zone and surrounding grazing areas declined. This increased land-use disputes. Tensions were exacerbated by the fact that these communities kept maps as community secrets. We re-created the administrative boundaries of the pastoral zone to map land-use/land-cover changes and conflict hot spots. The maps show that conflicts happened along porous borders where agricultural fields encroached. Herders called for a clear demarcation of the border of the pastoral zone to preserve exclusive access to resources within it. Simultaneously, they also wanted to maintain shared access to other resources outside the pastoral zone. The herders' desire for both border clarity and some form of flexibility underlines the complementary between both processes, especially in times of resource scarcity and land-use conflict. The mystery around the maps helps sustain ambiguity that is key for pursuing both goals. Keywords: GIS, land-use and land-cover change, farmer-herder border conflicts, pastoral mobility, Sahel, Burkina Faso
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Atwood, Christopher P. "Imperial Itinerance and Mobile Pastoralism." Inner Asia 17, no. 2 (December 9, 2015): 293–349. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/22105018-12340046.

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Mobility in pastoral societies has often been treated as either a necessity for efficient pastoral production or else as a method of avoiding state power. Yet both the examples of itinerance in medieval Europe and the attested itineraries of medieval Inner Asian rulers suggest that power projection, not power avoidance, was a key component of Turco-Mongolian imperial mobility. By using new historico-geographical evidence, the itineraries of several pre-Chinggisid and Mongol empire figures—Ong Qa’an, Batu, Ögedei, and Möngke—may be mapped. The results show that imperial itinerance must be distinguished from pastoral mobility. They also show that movement in vast agglomerations of mob-grazing herds was not just a temporary response to military crisis but continued long into the peacetime of the Mongol empire. These results challenge a functionalist understanding of mobility and state structures in Inner Asia.
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Rakowski, Tomasz. "“Urbanisation of the Steppe”. Sedentarization, Mobility, and Collective Business-Making Among the Torghuts in Post-transitional Mongolia." Prace Etnograficzne 49, no. 1-2 (2021): 1–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.4467/22999558.pe.21.002.14124.

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Drawing from Danuta Markowska’s notion of “urbanisation of the steppe” (1969) I present in this article some processes of transformation of pastoral life that occurred in postsocialist and post-transitional Mongolia. I focus especially on how some new forms of sedentarization, mobility and self-organization appeared among the new generation of the Torghuts from Bulgan district (soum) in western Mongolia, sons and daughters of the herders. Nowadays, they are developing their new businesses in Bulgan, and also in Ulaanbaatar, the capital city, where they have established a Torghut business-hub called the Torguud Town. In this article I will reconstruct some essential processes in which they rearrange their space of living and their patterns of mobility, and show that these reac­tions, the new patterns of sedentarization and mobility, are related to spatial dimensions of pastoral self-organization. Moreover, these reactions are still rooted in mobility, constant swapping and a “technology of solidarity”, and thus embody very specific pastoral practices and ideas.
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Byambaa, Bayarmaa, and Walter T. de Vries. "The Production of Pastoral Space: Modeling Spatial Occupation of Grazing Land for Environmental Impact Assessment Using Structural Equation Modeling." Land 10, no. 2 (February 20, 2021): 211. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/land10020211.

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Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a key tool for both environmental and land management. It identifies potential adverse and unintended consequences of the projects on land use and the environment and derives possible mitigation measures to address these impacts. Calculating the volume and severity of impacts is complex and often relies on selections and simplifications. Moreover, calculating impacts associated with nomadic-pastoral (dynamic) land use is still an unresolved methodological problem. A full understanding of the patterns of dynamic land use in nomadic pastoralism is still lacking. Consequently, EIAs are currently able to predict the negative impacts associated with dynamic land use insufficiently. This article addresses this lacuna by modeling the spatial occupation of grazing land using a statistical modeling technique of structural equation modeling (SEM) and the R package lavaan for SEM, in order to explain the behavior of dynamic land use for EIA. Based on the concepts of the production of space and pastoral spatiality, we specified and tested a model of spatial occupation of grazing areas hypothesizing interrelationships between factors influencing the pastoral space using empirical data from two different ecological zones in Mongolia. The findings suggest that grazing areas, herd mobility, and herd size and composition have direct positive effects on each other. Compared to broad-scale pastoral movements, the herd size and composition significantly affect the size of grazing areas and the extent of fine-scale herding mobility. Herders occupy more pastoral space and increase their daily herding movements at their campsites when the population of livestock increases. By contrast, the herd size and composition do not considerably affect the herders’ decision to migrate for extensive grazing between their seasonal campsites. Likewise, the scale of grazing areas and fine-scale pastoral mobility do not affect significantly the broad-scale herding mobility between campsites. The broad-scale herding mobility is relatively independent of the fine-scale mobility; however, they covary. This is the first study to analyze and quantify the effects of grazing areas, herding mobility, and herd size and composition in the same study. EIA impact prediction should consider grazing areas as a dynamic space that is influenced by grazing orbits, fine and broad-scale herding movements including otor, livestock species, the number of animals as well as households at campsites.
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Marinucci, Roberto. "Caminhos da Igreja junto a migrantes e refugiados. Representações sociais e desafios pastorais." Revista Eclesiástica Brasileira 70, no. 278 (February 26, 2019): 331. http://dx.doi.org/10.29386/reb.v70i278.1165.

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Este artigo se propõe analisar a presença evangelizadora eclesial no mundo da mobilidade humana, a partir de um conjunto de representações sociais de migrantes e refugiados. Tendo como pressuposto que todo conhecimento da realidade é mediado e condicionado por fatores culturais e esquemas tipificadores, o artigo apresenta algumas tipificações mais comuns no contexto contemporâneo – migrante como invasor, ameaça, mal menor, necessitado, católico vulnerável, não-católico, injustiçado, protagonista, recurso e “outro” –, mostrando as consequências que essas representações comportam para a ação evangelizadora. Na parte final, de maneira sucinta, apontam-se algumas pistas de ação para as Pastorais da Mobilidade Humana.Abstract: The objective of this article is to analyse the ecclesial evangelizing presence in the world of human mobility through a set of social representations of migrants and refugees. Assuming that all knowledge of reality is mediated and conditioned by cultural factors and typifying schemes, the article presents some of the commonest typifications in the contemporary context – the migrant as an invader, a threat, a lesser evil, a needy person, a vulnerable Catholic, a non-Catholic, a victim of injustice, a protagonist, a resource and “other” – showing the consequences that these representations bring for the evangelizing action. In the final part of the text, the Author briefly outlines some lines of action for the Human Mobility Pastorals.
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Orczykowski, Andrzej. "Rola osób konsekrowanych w duszpasterstwie migrantów." Prawo Kanoniczne 48, no. 3-4 (December 10, 2005): 67–85. http://dx.doi.org/10.21697/pk.2005.48.3-4.04.

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Congregazione per gli Istituti di Vita Consacrata e le Società di Vita Apostolica, assieme al Pontificio Consiglio della Pastorale per i Migranti ed I’Itineranti, hanno rivolto una lettera congiunta alle superiore ed ai superiori generali degli istituti di vita consacrata. Questa lettera deve incoraggiare, un sempre maggiore l’impegno, le persone consacrate sui vari aspetti di mobilità della Chiesa secondo l’Istruzione del Pontificio Consiglio della Pastorale per i Migranti ed I’Itineranti Erga migrantes caritas Christi (La carità di Cristo verso i migranti). Il documento invita ad una sfida particolare, specialmente per le persone consacrate, perché abbiano sempre nella pastorale dei migranti, un ruolo di primo piano sia per il carisma di congregazioni volto a tale specifico settore, che per l’apporto personale di singoli consacrati o di singole comunità appartenenti a vari istituti di vita religiosa e società di vita apostolica. Tutti e due documenti sottolineanno che, la Chiesa fa, e continua a fare, grande affidamento sul contributo dei consacrati a tale pastorale specifica.
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Gonin, Alexis. "Le foncier pastoral au Sahel, des mobilités fragilisées." Bulletin de l'Association de géographes français 95, no. 2 (July 27, 2018): 175–86. http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/bagf.3049.

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ADRIANSEN, HANNE KIRSTINE. "Understanding pastoral mobility: the case of Senegalese Fulani." Geographical Journal 174, no. 3 (September 2008): 207–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-4959.2008.00278.x.

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Wario, Hussein T., Hassan G. Roba, Mareike Aufderheide, and Brigitte Kaufmann. "Reproductive performance and herd growth potentials of cattle in the Borana pastoral system, southern Ethiopia." Animal Production Science 57, no. 1 (2017): 161. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/an15215.

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The pastoral communities in the Borana rangelands of southern Ethiopia mainly rely on cattle (Bos indicus) for their livelihoods. The reproductive performance of cattle is affected by environmental variability and mobility practices that affect fodder availability. This study was conducted to investigate the reproductive performances and herd growth potentials of cattle reared in three ecologically varied zones of Golbo, Malbe and Dirre in the Borana rangelands with different levels of mobility constraints. Using the progeny history technique we gathered life histories of 95, 44, and 138 breeding females and their 411, 203, and 448 calves from the pastoral zones of Golbo, Malbe and Dirre, respectively. The average number of breeding females per household showed a declining trend over the past 10 years. The age at first calving was 53 ± 1 (mean ± s.e.), 52 ± 2 and 56 ± 1 months for the cows from Golbo, Malbe and Dirre, respectively. The mean calving interval was 18. ± 0 for Golbo, 17 ± 0 for Malbe and 19 ± 0 for Dirre. The average number of calves per cow was 3.8 ± 0.1 and was highest in Golbo. Dirre had the lowest calving rate and higher calf mortality than Malbe and Golbo. A simulation of herd growth showed that in Golbo and Malbe the average number of females were 100% higher after 20 years than in Dirre. It is concluded that reduced pastoral mobility that affected resource access across ecological zones can compromise the reproductive performance and hence the growth potential of cattle populations. These findings underscore the importance of policy frameworks such as those by the African Union that call for upholding of pastoral land rights and enabling of mobility practices.
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McAllister, R. R. J. "Livestock mobility in arid and semiarid Australia: escaping variability in space." Rangeland Journal 34, no. 2 (2012): 139. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/rj11090.

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Livestock mobility is practised by pastoralists to cope with some of the variability and unpredictability of limited forage resources and because a diverse portfolio of strategies is needed to manage risk. The global trend towards rangeland privatisation, fragmentation and land-use intensification is eroding many of the institutions that have traditionally facilitated pastoral mobility. While Australia’s pastoral industry was developed as a European private-property system, livestock mobility has recently been increasing, indicating an important response to variability regardless of a nation’s wealth or development. This paper discusses how opportunistic movements of livestock over large scales by trading grazing rights between enterprises are effective but imperfect. Knowledge about the trustworthiness of individuals and local environments is often limited and poorly monitored. There is scope for policy to support mobility by targeting these institutional failures. The Australian system of trading grazing rights can inform efforts to maintain spatial flexibility in the industrial era.
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Chang, Claudia. "Nomadic Subjects: Sexual Difference in Ancient and Ethnographic Studies of Pastoral Mobility." Cambridge Archaeological Journal 32, no. 2 (March 1, 2022): 321–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0959774321000536.

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This essay explores Braidotti's nomadic subject as the starting point for a posthumanist perspective for the interpretation of ethnographic and ancient pastoral societies. Why has women's labour and positionality in such societies tended to be ignored by archaeology? The author's autobiographical discussion of her earlier work on village and transhumant pastoralists in Greece frames her personal discovery of gender and power dynamics in mobile societies. The main case study, however, examines the household archaeology of Iron Age Saka (eastern variants of Scythians) and later pastoral groups in order to put forth hypotheses about gendered production in semi-sedentary societies. Haraway's concept of the cyborg and Braidotti's concept of the nomadic subject are examined. Material studies of ceramic serving dishes, household debris and house form at an Iron Age agropastoral settlement apply some of the concepts of new feminisms. A comparison is drawn between the philosophy of nomadology and the anthropological archaeology of pastoral nomads.
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El Aayadi, Soufiane, Abdelilah Araba, and Magali Jouven. "Resilience of the pastoral component of Moroccan small ruminant systems in mountain areas." Rangeland Journal 43, no. 4 (2021): 257. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/rj21039.

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Small ruminant farming is the main rural occupation in mountain areas of Morocco. This activity is subject to numerous pressures, including repeated climatic hazards that modify pastoral resource availability and trigger changes in production systems. This study aimed to identify and analyse changes in availability and utilisation of pastoral resources acknowledged by farmers over the past 40 years for the small ruminant farming systems of the Central High Atlas region of Morocco. We hypothesised, on the basis of previous research, that resilience of the pastoral component of such systems increases with elevation. We interviewed 50 farmers in three municipalities of Azilal province, at moderate (800–1400 m), medium (1400–1800 m) and high (1800–3000 m) elevations. In the 1970–1980s, pastoral resources were abundant and mobile flocks grazed collective rangelands. Subsequently, repeated droughts and the increased stock numbers promoted by agricultural policies led to the deterioration of resource abundance and quality, especially palatable plants. At moderate elevations, wooded areas and phytomass declined; erosion occurred at high elevations. Traditional systems diversified by including agricultural activities. At moderate elevations, livestock farming intensified, with the adoption of a productive breed, concentrate distribution and the grazing of fallow land. Currently, flock mobility is limited and rangelands provide less than 60% of sheep requirements. At high elevations, the pastoral component persisted at the cost of a diversification of pastoral areas and greater flock mobility. Rangelands are still collectively managed and provide almost 90% of sheep requirements. Since rangelands remain a major feed source, changes in pastoral resources can be considered as a major driver of change in livestock systems. The sustainability of small ruminant farming systems at these elevations thus depends on the conservation of rangeland.
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Meister, Julia, Daniel Knitter, Jan Krause, Bernd Müller-Neuhof, and Brigitta Schütt. "A pastoral landscape for millennia: Investigating pastoral mobility in northeastern Jordan using quantitative spatial analyses." Quaternary International 501 (January 2019): 364–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2017.08.038.

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Fernandez-Gimenez, Maria E., and Sonya Le Febre. "Mobility in pastoral systems: Dynamic flux or downward trend?" International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 13, no. 5 (October 2006): 341–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13504500609469685.

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Schmaus, Tekla M., Claudia Chang, and Perry A. Tourtellotte. "A model for pastoral mobility in Iron Age Kazakhstan." Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 17 (February 2018): 137–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2017.10.029.

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Toding, Sarah Priska, and Simon Simon. "Problematika Yang Dihadapi Pendeta Dalam Pelayanan di Masa Pandemi Covid-19." Sabda: Jurnal Teologi Kristen 2, no. 2 (December 13, 2021): 83–98. http://dx.doi.org/10.55097/sabda.v2i2.32.

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This study specifically details what problems priests experience in ministry during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The current ongoing outbreak certainly causes the complexity of probematics caused by the corona virus. Using qualitative methods with literary and phenoological approaches in presenting this topic. The review of this article outlines that the corona virus causes problems with the drastic decrease in the mobility rate of mankind. Concrete from the decline in the mobility of the global community including aspects of work, aspects of education, aspects of the character, aspects in carrying out religious rituals. This outbreak also causes problems in the psychological side that is characterized by the ease of stressed people and the lack of empathy towards others. This difficult condition is also experienced by pastors, as a result of which makes it more difficult for them to carry out ecclesiastical ministry activities. As for the probematics that were surpassed by the priest during this pandemic, limited access and problems making pastoral care visits to sick congregations, especially in hospitals. Although pastors are faced with this reality, church ministry and ministry to the congregation must be pursued. Keywords: Covid-19 Pandemic, Pastors, Church Services ABSTRAK Kajian ini menyororoti secara spesifik problematika apa yang dialami oleh para pendeta dalam pelayanan di masa Pandemi Covid-19. Wabah yang sedang berlangsung saat ini tentu menyebabkan kompleksitasnya probematika yang diakibatkan oleh virus corona. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan literatur dan fenomologis dalam memaparkan topik ini. Ulasan pada artikel ini menguraikan bahwa virus corona mengakibatkan problematika dengan menurunnya tingkat mobilitas umat manusia secara drastis. Kongkrit dari penurunan mobilitas masyarakat global diantaranya aspek dalam bekerja, aspek pendidikan, aspek berelasi, aspek dalam menjalankan ritual keagaman. Wabah ini juga menyebabkan problematika dalam sisi psikologi yang ditandai mudahnya orang stress serta makin minimnya sikap empati terhadap sesama. Kondisi yang serba sulit ini turut dialami oleh para pendeta, akibatnya makin menyulitkan mereka melakukan aktivitas pelayanan gerejawi. Adapun probematika yang dilami oleh pendeta dimasa pandemi ini, akses yang terbatas serta problem melakukan kunjungan pelayanan pastoral pada jemaat yang sakit khususnya di rumah sakit. Walau para pendeta diperhadapkan pada realita ini, pelayanan gereja dan pelayanan kepada jemaat harus diupayakan tetap berjalan. Kata Kunci: Pandemi Covid-19, Pendeta, Pelayanan Gereja
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Pelican, Michaela. "Mbororo on the move: from pastoral mobility to international travel." Journal of Contemporary African Studies 29, no. 4 (October 2011): 427–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02589001.2011.607015.

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Milva, Caro. "Pastoral intercultural. Em prol dos jovens e dos migrantes." Revista Eclesiástica Brasileira 70, no. 278 (February 26, 2019): 355. http://dx.doi.org/10.29386/reb.v70i278.1167.

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Organizado em três partes, o artigo aborda primeiramente o tema da interculturalidade, mantendo a reflexão bíblico-teológico-filosófica focada na importância e na pertinência teórica e prática das migrações, hoje, na Igreja e na sociedade. Em seguida, sempre em chave intercultural, são indicadas algumas perspectivas para uma pastoral da juventude, levando em conta o contexto da mobilidade humana. Enfim, a terceira parte apresenta uma proposta metodológica de pastoral intercultural da juventude e delineia algumas questões para a continuidade do debate.Abstract: Organized into three parts, the article first deals with the theme of interculturality, keeping the Biblical-theological-philosophical reflexion focused on the theoretical and practical importance and pertinence of migrations today, in the Church and in society. Then, always in an intercultural approach, some perspectives for a young people’s pastoral are suggested, taking into account the context of human mobility. Finally, the third part presents a methodological proposal for a youth’s intercultural pastoral and outlines a few issues for further debates.
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KIMA, Sophie A., A. A. OKHIMAMHE, and Andre KIEMA. "Assessing the Impacts of Land Use and land cover change on Pastoral Livestock Farming in South-Eastern Burkina Faso." Environment and Natural Resources Research 6, no. 1 (February 29, 2016): 110. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/enrr.v6n1p110.

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<p class="1Body">Conversion of pastures to cropland is one of the most important issues facing livestock farming in Burkina Faso. This study examined the impact of land use/cover change on pastoral livestock farming in Boulgou province between 1980 and 2013. Landsat satellite images (1989, 2001 and 2013) and socio-economic data were analysed. The interpretation of the classified Landsat images revealed an increase in cropland from 20.5% in 1989 to 36.7% in 2013. This resulted mainly from the conversion of woody savannah and shrub and grass savannah to cropland. Pastoral livestock farmers reported that the major drivers of vegetation loss were drought (95.1 %), population growth (91.8%), cropland increase (91.4%), extraction of fuel wood (69.8%) and increase in livestock population (65.4). These changes affect livestock farming through reduction of pasture, poor access to water and reduction of livestock mobility routes according to the farmers. This calls for regional and national policies to protect grazing areas in Burkina Faso that are similar to policies being implemented for forest and other types of vegetation cover in other countries. For such pastoral policies to be successful, issues concerning the mobility of livestock farmers must be enshrined into such policies and this study is an example of information source for these policies.</p>
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MCCARTHY, NANCY, and MONICA DI GREGORIO. "Climate variability and flexibility in resource access: the case of pastoral mobility in Northern Kenya." Environment and Development Economics 12, no. 3 (June 2007): 403–21. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1355770x07003609.

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In many regions of the world, property rights to natural resources are held under various forms of communal ownership, which often exhibit flexibility for users to access different resources depending on relative need. This paper explores the links between climate variability, transactions costs associated with resource access, and patterns of herd mobility in northern Kenya. Results indicate that greater spatial variability of vegetation leads to greater herd mobility, and that higher transaction costs reduce mobility for herds engaged in long-distance movements. Moreover, long-distance mobility is higher in drought years only in those communities with greater spatial and seasonal variability of vegetation.
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Tinsley, Jonathan H. I., and Lovemore C. Gwiriri. "Understanding the Representation of Pastoralism in Livestock-Related Climate Adaptation Policies in Ghana and Nigeria: a Review of Key Policy Documents." Nomadic Peoples 26, no. 1 (March 1, 2022): 83–105. http://dx.doi.org/10.3197/np.2022.260105.

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Within Nigeria and Ghana, pastoralists face increasing adversity from climate change and marginalisation due to a complex combination of factors, further amplified by highly sensitive and increasingly violent conflicts with farmers. While climate change exacerbates the vulnerability of pastoralists, this remains largely unaccounted for in current Nigerian and Ghanaian pastoral livestock policy. Employing a thematic analytical approach, the article assesses the representation of pastoralists within climate change adaptation strategies in Ghana and Nigeria, and the impact of this on their livelihoods. Our findings indicate that pastoralists are poorly represented in current policy, which is inclined towards transitions to intensive sedentary systems. This risks enhancing the vulnerability of pastoralists to climate impacts by constraining mobility. We conclude that improved clarity on how these policies account for climate change in transitioning pastoral systems into intensive sedentary systems could encourage compliance and buy-in by pastoralists and farmers. It is recommended that future livestock policies address climate change and bolster producer mobility to better support the livelihoods of pastoralists.
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Kebede, Sisay, Zewdu K. Tessema, Mengistu Urge, Mehari Alebachew, and Abule Ebro. "Impact of Bush Encroachment on Livestock Production and Pastoral Livelihoods in Fentale District, Eastern Ethiopia." Sustainable Agriculture Research 9, no. 4 (October 29, 2020): 56. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/sar.v9n4p56.

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The threat of bush encroachment on community livelihoods and economy in range lands of Fentale district in Ethiopia is not well known. So, this study was conducted to evaluate the impact of bush encroachment and its stress on livestock daily milk yield and pastoral livestock production of the district. The data of household livestock holding and its production, household income sources, expenditure, etc. was obtained from district pastoral and agro-pastoral office and the respective pastoral communities. The data was collected through semi-structured questionnaires, focus group discussion and key informant interviews. The data was analyzed through descriptive statistics and regression analysis using Minitab Software. The result revealed that there was an alarming rate increasing of bush encroachment coverage and positive association (P &lt; 0.05) with camel and goat population than cattle and sheep population (P &gt; 0.05) in the study district. Results of current study also revealed that a positive correlation between increasing coverage of bush encroachment and mean daily milk yield of livestock (i.e. cattle, goat and camel) in the study areas. Pastoral producers also perceived the impact of bush encroachment on livestock population trend and milk production in all study sites and applied different adaptation strategies (like feed supplementation and mobility). It is recommended that appropriate intervention options (like bush thinning) of government and other stakeholders is needed to alleviate the current economic bush related challenges of pastoral producers and save the loosing natural resources, even by amendment of pastoral production related policies and its implementation
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Maru, Natasha. "A Relational View of Pastoral (im)mobilities." Nomadic Peoples 24, no. 2 (October 1, 2020): 209–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.3197/np.2020.240203.

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Pitched against the apparently more civilised and modern 'settled' folk, pastoralists have historically been penalised for the seemingly primitive and outdated practice of mobility. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork in western India, this article challenges this reductive dichotomy and unpacks the many (im)mobilities produced, accessed, experienced and imagined by pastoralists. Adopting a relational lens, it shows how mobilities and immobilities co-constitute and are contingent on each other across social, geographical and temporal scales. Embedded within their own social and political history, the many forms of (im)mobilities can not only ontologically dispel the homogenizing effects of rigid typologies, but also but also practically offer pastoralists the capacity to adapt to changing times.
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Hiernaux, Pierre, and Mohamed Habibou Assouma. "Adapting pastoral breeding to global changes in West and Central tropical Africa: Review of ecological views." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 73, no. 3 (September 23, 2020): 149–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.19182/remvt.31893.

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Pastoral livestock is defined as a reproduction-oriented, grazing-based familial livestock system with community-managed resources. Pastoral breeders differ from one another in the diversity of species and breeds raised, the size and management of herds and the extent of their regional mobility. The social, economic and environmental weight of pastoralist livestock in West and Central sub-Saharan Africa is evoked together with its imputation of environmental degradation. Global changes faced by pastoral livestock are sorted out by domains, climatic and societal, and by time scales, short or long. The incriminated impacts of livestock on ecosystems are assessed in the short and long terms. The functions of pastoral breeding already affected by global changes whether climatic or societal are analyzed. The capacity of two alternative livestock breeding systems, ranching and stall-feeding, to respond to these constraints is reviewed. Finally, pastoral breeding has been recognized as being able to adapt best to long-term climate change and to short- and long-term societal changes, provided that national and international investments are made. Civil security must be restored and pastoralists’ access to water and fodder resources must be secured. Professional organizations and associations should be empowered to negotiate grazing rights, and their skills should be enhanced. There is the need to complete, rehabilitate and manage hydraulic and veterinary infrastructures, but also to invest significantly in adapted health, education and communication infrastructures in long-neglected pastoral areas.
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Benti, Derib Woldeyohannes, Worku Tuffa Birru, Workneh Kassa Tessema, and Messay Mulugeta. "Linking Cultural and Marketing Practices of (Agro)pastoralists to Food (In)security." Sustainability 14, no. 14 (July 6, 2022): 8233. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su14148233.

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Many pastoralist communities around the world rely on the traditional livestock farming sub-sector for a living and to meet their food consumption needs. Food insecurity, on the other hand, is a growing concern in these communities, and the reasons for this must be understood in order to implement appropriate policy measures to improve food security. Based on data collected from Aramis-Adaar and the Asale pastoralist and agro-pastoralist (hereafter (agro)pastoralist) communities in Afar, Ethiopia, this study investigates the relationship between social–cultural–economic characteristics and food (in)security. To measure the severity of food insecurity and assess the associations, we used the household food insecurity access score (HFIAS) and ordered logistic regression, respectively. Our findings show that food insecurity in the study area is persistent where improvement in food security is significantly constrained by some culture elements (the (agro)pastoralists’ cultural orientation). It has also been found that the (agro)pastoralists’ market exchange practices, as well as the centuries-old practice of guro (livestock mobility as a traditional coping strategy), help to reduce food insecurity. These findings contribute to our understanding of food insecurity in the (agro)pastoralist context and thereby add to the ‘move-up’ or ‘move-out’ pastoralist development policy debate. Therefore, the results suggest that there is a need for a combination of approaches that combine pastoral production services and market production orientation and capitalize on (agro)pastoralist traditions, such as mobility, to promote sustained (agro)pastoral livelihoods and ‘move-up’ the pastoral production system.
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Orczykowski, Andrzej. "Problemy migracji w Kodeksie Jana Pawła II." Prawo Kanoniczne 39, no. 1-2 (June 5, 1996): 157–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.21697/pk.1996.39.1-2.06.

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II Codice di Giovanni Paolo II si distingue per il suo carattere pastorale. Il suo scopo principale consiste nella realizzazione, al modo suo, della missione salvifica della Chiesa. Nel Codice la persona ci viene presentata in modo seguente: dimorante (advena) - nel luogo in cui ha il quasi-domicilio; forestiero (peregrinus) - se si trova fuori del domicilio e del quasi-domicilio che ancora ritiene; girovago ( vagus) - se non ha in alcun luogo il domicilio o il quasi-domicilio (can. 100). Vengono usati anche gli altri concetti che vogliono rilevare la multiforme situazione umana di essere in cammino. Il Codice di Diritto Canonico del 1983 non presuppone di presentare dei precetti particolari e ben sistemati in campo della pastorale dei migranti. In questo Documento troviamo soltanto le regole universali e ordinari che esigono una esplicazione e specificazione dentro la legge speciale. II Codice quindi ci offre solo la base per i chiarificazioni ulteriori che competono alla legislatura più specifica. Cosi si impone come lo strumento che sollecità constantemente la nostra sensibilità ai problemi della migrazione e ai diritti dei singoli migranti. Il Codice espone simultaneamente i principi che sono stati recentemente riesaminati in vista della mobilita umana. Quest’ insieme dei fatti fa percepire il nuovo Codice di Diritto Canonico come il Documento Ecclesiale in cui la pastorale dei migranti ha ottenuto il suo posto ben preciso e rilevante. Cosi è stata formulata e garantita la base solida per i futuri soluzioni giuridici in questo campo.
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BUTT, B. "Ecology, mobility and labour: dynamic pastoral herd management in an uncertain world." Revue Scientifique et Technique de l'OIE 35, no. 2 (August 1, 2016): 461–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.20506/rst.35.2.2530.

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Janzen, Anneke, Marie Balasse, and Stanley H. Ambrose. "Early pastoral mobility and seasonality in Kenya assessed through stable isotope analysis." Journal of Archaeological Science 117 (May 2020): 105099. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2020.105099.

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Mientjes, Antoon C. "Pastoral Communities in the Sardinian Highlands (Italy): A View on Social Mobility." Ethnos 75, no. 2 (June 2010): 148–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00141841003678759.

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Butt, Bilal, Ashton Shortridge, and Antoinette M. G. A. WinklerPrins. "Pastoral Herd Management, Drought Coping Strategies, and Cattle Mobility in Southern Kenya." Annals of the Association of American Geographers 99, no. 2 (April 22, 2009): 309–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00045600802685895.

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Moritz, Mark, Sara Handa, Yu-Jen Chen, and Ningchuan Xiao. "Herding Contracts and Pastoral Mobility in the Far North Region of Cameroon." Human Ecology 43, no. 1 (February 2015): 141–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10745-015-9732-6.

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Collier, Peter. "Ireland's Rurban Horizon: New Identities from Home Development Markets in Rural Ireland." Irish Journal of Sociology 13, no. 1 (May 2004): 88–108. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/079160350401300107.

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Estyn Evans (1973) described the principal heritage of the Irish countryside as pastoral. This way of life evolved alongside different agrarian populations and field systems. Its history is characterised by the abundance of people and the scarcity of land. This heritage still traces its characteristics on contemporary rural morphologies. The traveller sees new houses on almost every by-road. It seems that the Irish prefer to live in small fields bordering roadways than in towns or cities. Traditionalists argue that this phenomenon, known popularly as ‘one-off’ housing, is part of the nation's pastoral heritage going back thousands of years. This paper shows that home development markets are layering new identities across rural spaces. It looks at rurbanisation as a phenomenon of Ireland's post-agricultural transformation, increased affluence and faster spatial mobility.
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Massoi, Lucy Willy. "Land conflicts and the livelihood of Pastoral Maasai Women in Kilosadistrict of Morogoro, Tanzania." Afrika Focus 28, no. 2 (February 26, 2015): 107–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/2031356x-02802007.

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This summary of my PhD thesis analyses conflicts around land in relation to pastoral Maasai women livelihoods in Tanzania. Issues of pastoralism and land use conflicts in Tanzania are well documented in literature. However, a gendered analysis of conflicts around land in relation to land reforms (changes in the use and ownership of, and access to land and land resources), prolonged climate variability and change, and food insecurity, hardly exists in the literature. Of particular concern is the rudimentary analysis of these conflicts as it relates to pastoral Maasai women, the primary and secondary users of land in pastoral livelihoods. Data analysed in this report were collected in Kilosa district, located in Morogoro, Tanzania, one of the renowned hotspots for pastoral-farmer conflicts in Tanzania. Within Kilosa, data were collect in pastoral Maasai settlements [villages] of Twatwatwa, Kiduhi, Ngaiti, and Mabwegere, and pastoral Maasai women were central focus. Through ethnographic research methods namely focus group discussions, interviews, and participant observations, I have found that vulnerabilities to conflicts around land are gender differentiated, and that pastoral Maasai women experience climate change, food insecurity, and land reforms differently from men. An overall conclusion in this report is that, conflicts around land in Kilosa are intricate in nature and cannot be analysed from a single narrative, and pastoral Maasai women by virtue of their specific gender roles and the gender relations are hit hard. I therefore argue that, (1) for secure land reforms, the political, economic, and social structures through which land access is mediated must also be reformed; (2) there should be a holistic conflict mitigation approach and strategies in resolving conflict around land in Kilosa. The ap¬proaches should focus at engaging pastoralists and pastoralist women in particular, and their institutions and making them an integral part of the solutions. (3) Decisions dealing with climate change mitigation strategies such as the Kilosa eviction of 2009 should also involve pastoralist women whose livelihood depends directly and/or indirectly on climate sensitive resources; (4) the introduction of forage crops production [such as grasses and legumes] in Kilosa is imperative. This will assist in increasing pasture production, which eventually will boost livestock produc¬tion [livestock, the main preferred food source among the pastoral Maasai]. Equally, availability of forage crops within pastoralists reach reduces unplanned herd mobility, and at the same time lessens challenges that pastoralist women face in their responsibilities as default food managers.
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Humphrey, Caroline. "‘Fast’ and ‘Slow’: Abstract Thinking and ‘Real Experience’ in Two Mongolian Non-Pastoral Modes of Travel." Inner Asia 22, no. 1 (April 24, 2020): 6–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/22105018-12340133.

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Abstract This paper discusses two non-nomadic modes of transport in 1930s–60s Mongolia: the horse relay system and the goods caravan. It suggests that each of these should be seen as a ‘mobility constellation’ involving entanglements of mobility, narrative and practice, and implying different social relations and experience of the environment. It is argued that the relay system in particular involved abstract distance–speed calculation and that this enabled the conception of extensive cross-border geographies. The paper also explains why herders who took part in (fast) relay and (slow) caravan duties greatly preferred the latter.
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Grémont, Charles. "Mobility in pastoral societies of Northern Mali: Perspectives on social and political rationales." Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines 48, no. 1 (January 2, 2014): 29–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00083968.2014.918322.

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Salpeteur, M., M. Madella, H. R. Patel, and V. Reyes-García. "Adaptation, Access to Resources and Mobility: From Contemporary Pastoral Systems to Ancient Societies." Nomadic Peoples 21, no. 2 (January 1, 2017): 191–213. http://dx.doi.org/10.3197/np.2017.210203.

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Sakamoto, Takuto. "Mobility and Sustainability: A Computational Model of African Pastoralists." Journal of Management and Sustainability 6, no. 1 (February 26, 2016): 59. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/jms.v6n1p59.

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<p>This article offers a simple computational model of mobile pastoralists. Employing an agent-based modeling (ABM) approach, the model explicitly simulates the movement patterns of pastoralists and computes the resultant natural resource access for a landscape that shows the typically unpredictable dynamics of African rangeland ecology. Extensive simulations reveal a striking level of efficiency in the exploitation of resource endowments that mobile pastoralists can achieve in otherwise inhospitable environments. The simulations also illuminate the serious welfare consequences of the disruption of pastoral mobility under tight land constraints. These quantitative results are consistent with the rich qualitative evidence from the empirical literature on African pastoralism. Moreover, the article reports on several sets of ‘policy experiments’ that evaluate the effect of rangeland interventions on the mobility and livelihoods of pastoralists. These endeavors will pave the way for empirically richer and more policy-relevant analyses of dryland pastoralism.</p>
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Diawara, Mamadou Oumar, Pierre Hiernaux, Eric Mougin, Sory Sissoko, Laurent Kergoat, Hawa Salif Diakite, Abdoulaye Diallo, and Nogmana Soumaguel. "Joint monitoring of livestock stocking rates and rangeland vegetation of Hombori district in Mali during the 2010-2011 dry season." International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 14, no. 6 (October 6, 2020): 1941–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ijbcs.v14i6.2.

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and wide seasonal and interannual variations. Pastoral livestock systems adapt to these patchy and variation resources by herd mobility and some supplement feeding that only partially overcome seasonal forage shortages in dry years. This study aimed at analyzing the relationship between livestock stocking rates and forage availabilities during the 8-9 month dry season at the scale of the Hombori district. Stocking rates were estimated by monthly count of livestock by species, sex and age classes at the main pastoral water points. Herbaceous forage over the district was assessed at the onset of the dry season over using NDVI-MODIS remote sensing calibrated with in situ measurements. In addition, forage availabilities were monitored monthly in the service area of three selected water points as a function of distance from the water point up to 12 km. The results indicated that despite the large numbers of livestock and the weak mobility of the resident herds, the overall stocking rate in the Hombori district remains low, as it entails an average grazing exploitation rate of only 9.4% of the fodder resource during the dry season. The grazing exploitation rate invalidates the statement of widespread 'overgrazing' of forage resources by livestock in the Sahel often advanced in rangeland ecology and management projects. Keywords: Rangelands, stocking rate, dry season, degradation rate, overgrazing, Sahel.
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Duteurtre, Guillaume, and A. Atteyeh. "Le lait à Moundou, témoin de l'intégration marchande des systèmes pastoraux au sud du Tchad." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 53, no. 3 (March 1, 2000): 299. http://dx.doi.org/10.19182/remvt.9728.

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Depuis 1980, l'importance de l'élevage dans la zone soudanienne du Tchad n'a cessé de croître à cause, notamment, de la descente de troupeaux transhumants du centre du pays vers le sud. L'approvisionnement des villes et des villages de la zone en produits laitiers représente une activité importante pour ces élevages. C'est sur cette base que se sont stabilisées des populations d'éleveurs pastoraux autour de la ville de Moundou. Ces élevages peuvent-ils répondre de manière durable à l'augmentation rapide de la demande urbaine ? Ces systèmes d'élevage se modifient-ils sous l'effet de l'intégration au marché ? Des enquêtes auprès de producteurs laitiers périurbains, de transformateurs laitiers, de commerçants et de consommateurs ont permis de mieux comprendre l'organisation de la filière. Les résultats ont souligné le dynamisme du commerce des produits laitiers traditionnels et l'importance des flux de produits entre les campements périurbains Peuls et les marchés de la ville (plus de 5 000 litres par jour). Ces systèmes d'élevage ont d'ailleurs révélé des capacités d'adaptation au nouveau contexte marchand, tout en restant attachés à leur mobilité, même sur de faibles distances. D'autre part, la filière est apparue fortement dynamisée par le secteur de la transformation laitière urbaine (fromagers et bars laitiers). Enfin, la concurrence des importations est assez faible en raison de l'enclavement de la zone et de la préférence des consommateurs pour les produits traditionnels. Cette présence de l'élevage pastoral n'est cependant pas exempte de problèmes, comme celui concernant l'occupation de l'espace. Les résultats de cette étude soulignent les besoins de renforcer les initiatives de concertation entre éleveurs et agriculteurs, de favoriser une organisation plus efficace du marché du tourteau de coton et le développement des petits ateliers de transformation.
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Weissbrod, Lior, Fiona B. Marshall, François R. Valla, Hamoudi Khalaily, Guy Bar-Oz, Jean-Christophe Auffray, Jean-Denis Vigne, and Thomas Cucchi. "Origins of house mice in ecological niches created by settled hunter-gatherers in the Levant 15,000 y ago." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114, no. 16 (March 27, 2017): 4099–104. http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1619137114.

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Reductions in hunter-gatherer mobility during the Late Pleistocene influenced settlement ecologies, altered human relations with animal communities, and played a pivotal role in domestication. The influence of variability in human mobility on selection dynamics and ecological interactions in human settlements has not been extensively explored, however. This study of mice in modern African villages and changing mice molar shapes in a 200,000-y-long sequence from the Levant demonstrates competitive advantages for commensal mice in long-term settlements. Mice from African pastoral households provide a referential model for habitat partitioning among mice taxa in settlements of varying durations. The data reveal the earliest known commensal niche for house mice in long-term forager settlements 15,000 y ago. Competitive dynamics and the presence and abundance of mice continued to fluctuate with human mobility through the terminal Pleistocene. At the Natufian site of Ain Mallaha, house mice displaced less commensal wild mice during periods of heavy occupational pressure but were outcompeted when mobility increased. Changing food webs and ecological dynamics in long-term settlements allowed house mice to establish durable commensal populations that expanded with human societies. This study demonstrates the changing magnitude of cultural niche construction with varying human mobility and the extent of environmental influence before the advent of farming.
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Kakinuma, Kaoru, Aki Yanagawa, Takehiro Sasaki, Mukund Palat Rao, and Shinjiro Kanae. "Socio-ecological Interactions in a Changing Climate: A Review of the Mongolian Pastoral System." Sustainability 11, no. 21 (October 23, 2019): 5883. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su11215883.

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Coping with climate change in socio-ecological systems is one of the most urgent issues facing the world. This is particularly true in socio-ecological systems, where climate not only influences social and ecosystem dynamics, but also modulates their interaction. In this paper, we presented a conceptual framework through a literature review and a trend analysis for assessing the impact of climate change that incorporates socio-ecological interactions. In particular, we focused on the Mongolian pastoral system, which has tightly coupled socio-ecological interactions, as a model for describing the framework. Our framework suggests that the flexibility in mobility of herders is the principal factor in determining the vulnerability of the socio-ecological system to climate change. The flexibility varies along a climatic gradient and socio-ecological interactions in each region have evolved to be suited to its local climate regime. Herders in northern and central regions of Mongolia move shorter distances, and less flexible, than those in southern (Gobi) region. Climatic hazards, on the other hand have been increasing across Mongolia with a trend toward warmer and drier conditions since the 1960s. We suggest that further warming and drying would have the greatest impact on northern and central regions due to lower flexibility in mobility among herders there coupled with the much higher livestock density in the regions. The findings support that maintaining flexibility of mobile herding will likely be crucial to reducing the vulnerability of the Mongolian pastoral system to climate change.
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