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Ghedini, Giacomo. "I "moretti" : schiavitù e missioni tra Africa ed Europa (1824-1947)." Thesis, Université Paris Cité, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021UNIP7130.

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L'objectif de cette thèse est de reconstituer l'histoire du phénomène des moretti, filles et garçons d'origine subsaharienne, rachetés de l'esclavage par des missionnaires catholiques principalement au XIXe siècle et éduqués en Europe, souvent avec le but de les renvoyer après en Afrique comme missionnaires. Dans la première partie de ce travail, j'esquisse le contexte historique, notamment en référence aux macro-thèmes de l'esclavage et des missions. L'analyse des principales phases de développement du phénomène vient ensuite, à partir de sa dimension institutionnelle. J'ai choisi de commencer cette étude avec l'histoire de la missionnaire Anne-Marie Javouhey, qui amena en 1824 quelques enfants sénégalais en France. Le phénomène est en déclin à partir de la fin du XIXe siècle mais j'ai choisi comme date finale, celle de 1947, année de la mort de Joséphine Bakhita, une esclave soudanaise devenue religieuse et canonisée après sa mort. Dans la troisième partie de la thèse, je présente quelques trajectoires biographiques de moretti, afin d'illustrer par l'exemple les nombreux cas de vies et d'événements qui donnent corps à un phénomène unitaire mais diversifié. Une étude iconographique en Annexe achève la thèse. Cette recherche veut mettre en lumière une histoire restée jusqu'à'présent presque cachée : le travail ne se focalise pas seulement sur les trajectoires des missionnaires européens, mais surtout sur celles des moretti. La recherche s'inscrit donc dans le courant des 'études qui repensent l'histoire des missions dans une perspective' qui n'est plus euro-centrique. Les moretti, en effet, ne furent pas uniquement des victimes d'un système qui les relégait à être des acteurs de second plan, mais ils furent des individus qui contribuèrent à façonner la mission. Cette histoire, souvent douloureuse, des enfants africains éduqués en Europe au XIXe, est restée longtemps méconnue ; elle est l'une des premières pages de l'histoire du christianisme africain
The aim of this doctoral thesis is to reconstruct the historical phenomenon of the "moretti". They were generally girls and boys of sub-Saharan origin rescued from slavery by Catholic missionaries during the Nineteenth century. Once in Europe, they were often educated to become missionaries, to be later sent back to Africa to continue the christianization of the continent. In the first part of my work, I will attempt to outline the historical context, highlighting the references to the macro-themes of slavery and missions. Hence, I will also analyse the main stages of its development from its institutional dimension. I have decided to date the beginning of the phenomenon in 1824 when missionary Anne-Marie Javouhey brought some Senegalese children to France. Although it had already been in decline for several decades, I have chosen to consider 1947 as an ending point: this is when Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese slave girl turned nun and canonised after death, died. In the third and final part of the thesis I will present some biographical portraits of "moretti", in order to illustrate the wide case history of lives and events that make up to such a unitary but diversified phenomenon. An elaborate iconographic appendix closes the work. This research aims to bring to light a history that has so far been almost neglected, focusing not only on the trajectories of European missionaries, but especially on those of the "moretti". By doing so, it will fit into that field of studies that tries to rethink the history of missions abandoning a strictly Eurocentric approach. This research also wants to emphasize that "moretti" were not simply victims of a system which only classified them as second-rate roles, but rather individuals with their own agency, who directly contributed to shaping the mission itself
L'obiettivo di questa tesi dottorale è ricostruire il fenomeno storico dei "moretti", bambine e bambini d'origine subsahariana riscattati dalla schiavitù da missionari cattolici principalmente nel diciannovesimo secolo ed educati in Europa, spesso con lo scopo di rimandarli in Africa come missionari a loro volta. La prima parte cercherà di tratteggiare il contesto storico, in particolare in riferimento ai macrotemi della schiavitù e delle missioni. Seguirà l'analisi delle principali fasi di sviluppo del fenomeno, a partire anche dalla sua dimensione istituzionale. Si è optato per datarne l'inizio nel 1824, con l'azione della missionaria Anne-Marie Javouhey, che portò alcuni bambini senegalesi in Francia; la data scelta per la fine, invece, benché esso fosse in declino già da tempo, è il 1947, anno di morte di Giuseppina Bakhita, una bambina schiava sudanese divenuta suora e la più nota tra le "morette". Nella terza ed ultima parte della tesi si presenteranno alcuni ritratti biografici di "moretti", al fine di illustrare esemplarmente l'ampia casistica di vite e vicende che danno corpo a un fenomeno unitario ma diversificato. Chiude l'elaborato un'appendice iconografica. La ricerca vuole riportare alla luce una storia rimasta finora pressoché sommersa, focalizzando non solo le traiettorie dei missionari europei, ma specialmente quelle dei "moretti" e, così facendo, inserirsi nella corrente di studi volta a ripensare la storia delle missioni in chiave non più esclusivamente eurocentrica. I "moretti", infatti, non furono solo vittime di una serie di processi volti a relegarli ad un ruolo di secondo piano, ma individui dotati di una loro agency, che contribuirono a plasmare la missione stessa
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Corni, Gabriele. "Interfaccia utente per assegnamento missioni e monitoraggio di un trattore automatico." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/11312/.

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Il presente lavoro consiste nella realizzazione di un'interfaccia utente adibita all'assegnamento di missioni e al monitoraggio remoto di un rover agricolo autonomo. Sfruttando l'informatica per la sua implementazione, tale interfaccia trova invece applicazione nel campo dell'automazione e dell'agricoltura di precisione. L'utilizzatore ha perciò la facoltà di muovere il rover in campo aperto e di demandargli missioni specifiche, ricevendo allo stesso tempo un feedback continuo sul suo operato. L'applicativo software comunica quindi in maniera bidirezionale con il veicolo controllato ed è predisposto per sfruttare diversi canali di comunicazione (antenne seriali, pacchetti udp, socket tcp). La scrittura del codice è stata seguita da una serie di prove di comunicazione con il veicolo, effettuate indoor, e infine da alcuni test completi effettuati outdoor, con il rover in movimento.
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Marchesini, Gregorio. "Caratterizzazione della Sardinia Deep Space Antenna in supporto di missioni deep space." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2020. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/20809/.

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Nel seguente elaborato verranno analizzate le caratteristiche principali della Sardinia Deep Space Antenna, il radio telescopio italiano co-finanziato da INAF e ASI per supportare sia la ricerca nell’ambito dell’astronomia, sia le missioni planetarie attualmente in corso e quelle future. Nello specifico, si analizzeranno le capacità della SDSA nell’ambito delle missioni deep space partendo da un confronto con le Deep Space Antennas da 35-m e 34-m, che vengono attualmente impiegate rispettivamente da ESA e NASA. Particolare attenzione verrà data alle soluzioni che accomunano e differenziano le tre DSA per valutare quale potrebbe essere il contributo innovativo della SDSA nell’ambito delle missioni deep space.
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Rossi, Filippo. "Studio dell'applicazione di tecniche di navigazione GPS a missioni Cubesat in orbita bassa terrestre." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2020.

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Elaborato finale di laurea sviluppato in continuità con l’attività di tirocinio curriculare, svolta in modalità telematica presso l’Università di Bologna nel campo dei microsatelliti e dei microsistemi spaziali. L’Università di Bologna, negli ultimi anni, ha intensificato la ricerca nel campo dei microsatelliti e dei microsistemi, studiando e sviluppando componenti, sistemi e strutture sempre più all’avanguardia del processo tecnologico. Lo scopo di questo elaborato è proseguire il percorso di ricerca nel campo dei cubesat, analizzando la possibilità di ridurre ulteriormente le dimensioni dei componenti del payload. Partiremo studiando i sistemi di navigazione satellitare GNSS, nello specifico i sistemi GPS. In seguito, si studierà l’evoluzione dei satelliti sotto l’aspetto tecnico-scientifico, approfondendo il funzionamento e lo sviluppo dei piccoli satelliti, quali i Cubesat. Verranno descritti i sottosistemi principali e le loro funzioni, con un occhio di riguardo per il sottosistema GPS, analizzando le tre componenti principali del sistema: antenna, ricevitore e computer di bordo. Successivamente, con l’utilizzo di KiCad, un software per il design dei circuiti stampati (Printed Circuit Board – PCB), si tenterà di sviluppare le varie componenti del sottosistema. L'elaborato è volto all’analisi di microcomponenti, con l’ambizione di sviluppare nuove tecnologie per la navigazione satellitare.
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Povero, Chiara. "Missioni in terra di frontiera : la Controriforma nelle valli del Pinerolese, secoli XVI - XVIII /." Roma : Istituto Storico dei Cappuccini, 2006. http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/casalini03/06920600.pdf.

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Brighi, Giancorrado. "Indagine sulle possibilità di occultazione operate dal toro di Io sulle missioni Juno ed Europa Clipper." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2019. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/19077/.

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Questo elaborato si propone di valutare le opportunità di occultazione operate dal toro di plasma di Io sulle comunicazioni tra le sonde Juno ed Europa Clipper, in orbita attorno a Giove, con la Terra. Lo scopo ultimo della tesi è studiare la science phase di due missioni interplanetarie e ottenere dati quantitativi sulla presenza di un frequency shift nelle portanti dei segnali trasmessi dalle sonde, ottenerne un andamento nel tempo e localizzare le finestre temporali di missione in cui questo non sia nullo. Di tutte le reali possibili cause di un’alterazione frequenziale la sola di interesse è il plasma contenuto nel toro di Io, dunque il problema è stato affrontato trascurando fenomeni di multipath, interferenze prodotte dalla ionosfera di Giove o della Terra, o ancora il rumore di trasmettitore e ricevitore. Con l’ausilio del software MATLAB e del suo toolkit MICE si è ricreato il modello matematico del toro di Io proposto da Phipps, assialsimmetrico e tempo invariante, ottenuta un’evoluzione temporale della posizione di sonde e Terra nel tempo e integrata la densità elettronica locale dovuta al plasma lungo le diverse congiungenti, immaginate per semplicità coincidenti con le traiettorie del segnale elettromagnetico. Dal contenuto totale di elettroni tra sonda e Terra in un dato istante si è ottenuto il path delay, e poi il frequency shift, per poi passare all’istante successivo e ripetere il calcolo per un intervallo di tempo ampio a piacere. Il movimento del segnale elettromagnetico si è considerato infinitamente veloce (non si sono usati parametri correttivi relativi al light time), e si è usata una configurazione One-Way del link sonda-Terra.
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Guardi, Giorgia. "Studi di fattibilità di misure di radioprotezione per le missioni umane nello spazio profondo con l'esperimento FOOT." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2019. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/17796/.

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L'esperimento FOOT nasce con l'obiettivo di misurare la sezione d'urto differenziale per processi di frammentazione nucleare, al fine di descrivere con precisione l'interazione tra i fasci di ioni impiegati in adroterapia e i tessuti del paziente. La grande versatilità dell’esperimento permette di effettuare le stesse misure ad energie maggiori, in modo che le sezioni d’urto calcolate possano essere impiegate in studi di radioprotezione nello spazio. Queste misure sono di grande importanza per la progettazione delle future missioni umane nello spazio profondo. In questa tesi è stato svolto uno studio di fattibilità per misure di radioprotezione, con l'obiettivo di comprendere come modificare l'apparato sperimentale di FOOT al fine di mantenere una precisione simile a quella raggiunta per misure di adroterapia. Per valutare le prestazioni dell’apparato è stata simulata con il codice FLUKA la frammentazione di un fascio di ossigeno a 700MeV/u, picco massimo della radiazione cosmica di fondo nello spazio profondo, su un bersaglio di polietilene. Le grandezze prodotte sono state alterate per tenere conto delle risoluzioni dei rivelatori, ricavate da precedenti test beam. Si sono poi analizzate le distribuzioni delle due grandezze necessarie all'identificazione univoca dei frammenti: il numero atomico Z e il numero di massa A. I risultati ottenuti sono stati confrontati con quelli ricavati per un fascio incidente a 200MeV/u, energia tipicamente utilizzata in adroterapia. I risultati di questa analisi mostrano che il setup sperimentale di FOOT per misure di radioprotezione permette di mantenere una precisione nell'dentificazione dei frammenti pesanti confrontabile con quella che caratterizza il regime di adroterapia, con una risoluzione attorno al 3.5% per il valore di A e compresa tra il 2% (ossigeno) e il 3.7% (litio) per Z. La precisione raggiunta consente l'identificazione isotopica dei frammenti, necessaria per le misure di sezione d'urto differenziale.
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Primavera, Asia. "Studio e analisi orbitale per una missione Cubesat 2U." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2019.

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L’elaborato finale di laurea nasce da un progetto dell’Università di Bologna volto alla realizzazione di una missione Cubesat 2U, il cui obiettivo è effettuare una navigazione seguendo il segnale GPS. Lo scopo di questa tesi è trovare l’orbita che sarà utilizzata per la missione, utilizzando il software GMAT. A seguito di uno studio approfondito del programma, si è passati all’implementazione delle orbite scelte, inserendo come input il passaggio del satellite sul Tecnopolo. La scelta finale si è basata su alcune ipotesi iniziali che dovevano essere rispettate, come la massimizzazione dei passaggi sulla stazione di terra e un intervallo di tempo il più elevato possibile in modo da poter raccogliere i dati in maniera completa ed efficiente. Dopo l’analisi dei dati si potrà concludere che l’orbita migliore è collocata ad un’altitudine di circa 700 km, e tali analisi definiranno la fattibilità della missione stessa definendo una configurazione del satellite.
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Musolesi, Nicolò. "Sviluppo di un software per la valutazione della porzione di sfera celeste osservabile da un satellite LEO con payload astronomico." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2020.

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Remor, Federica. "Analisi e implementazione del catalogo stellare della missione Gaia." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2019. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/18109/.

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La missione spaziale Gaia è una missione voluta dall’ESA (European Space Agency) per studiare ed analizzare i corpi presenti nella nostra galassia, la Via Lattea e non solo. Segue le orme della precedente missione Hipparcos, analizzando diversi parametri fondamentali per lo studio dei corpi celesti e ponendosi come obiettivo di realizzare un catalogo formato da più di un miliardo di stelle. Lo studio della missione, delle release pubblicate e, più in particolare, dei corpi catalogati in Gaia sono un ottimo punto di partenza per procedere con una ricerca più approfondita all’interno del catalogo stesso; inoltre, si rivolge particolare attenzione ai parametri fondamentali che caratterizzano un corpo celeste. La ricerca viene effettuata tramite l’implementazione di un codice all’interno di un dato linguaggio di programmazione. Questo risulta molto utile poiché permette di addentrarsi in modo diretto nei dati e nei risultati ottenuti da Gaia in questi anni di esplorazione. Il codice implementato, inoltre, consente la realizzazione di una serie di grafici volti allo studio e all’analisi più approfondita dei dati catalogati in Gaia e permette il confronto tra diversi sottoinsiemi di corpi celesti.
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Dipple, Bruce E. C. "A missiological evaluation of the history of the Sudan Interior Mission in French West Africa 1924-1962." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1994. http://www.tren.com.

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Mathye, Mokadi Max. "Becoming a missional church : the case of Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa (ELCSA)." Diss., University of Pretoria, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/24453.

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The topic of my study is: Becoming a missional church- the case of Evangelical Lutheran Church in South Africa (ELCSA). The lack of missional astuteness and intelligence emanating from Christendom mind-sets and agendas is detrimental to the growth of the church and is creating missional chaos and paralysis; this is what I am struggling with in my study. The challenge I am grappling with is that the ELCSA as a church has been exposed to a variety and multiplicity of missional cultures and mission settings through a diversity of missionaries operating from different missional landscape and backgrounds. The various and differing missional histories has created inconsistencies in the theological foundations that underpin and add force to her missional outlook and maturity. As the church considers becoming a missional church, there is an imperative need to radically revisit her traditional ecclesiologies in order to develop a clearer understanding of her missional vocation. The missional direction of the church is in quandary, partly because of the leadership failure to manage the contradictory and inconsistent missional attempts and missional immaturity within the ELCSA. Leadership development and formation within the Lutheran training institutes in Southern Africa, which are crucial in church life seems inadequate from a curriculum perspective. Failure to understand and appreciate the current missional language will inadvertently confuse the church’s understanding of God’s mission in the world (missio Dei). The challenge facing the ELCSA will therefore be an imperative and absolute need to move from a church with mission to a missional church. The study seeks to further explore and investigate insights from the ELCSA’s mission history with a view of determining the missional health and checking whether the church has a comprehension and understanding of the concept and language of a missional church and missional leadership. In this study I will also attempt to answer two possible sub-problems of the study viz. How does the ELCSA create a missional leadership aptitude environment and how does the ELCSA implement the missional conversation(s) to the operating landscape of the church? This study will also contrast the attractional and incarnational mindsets I reflect in the conclusion the significance and importance of a missional church and highlight the characteristics or indicators of such a church by applying it to the ELCSA. Recommendations are indicated for consideration by the ELCSA and are not presented as an answer or solution to the challenge that the church is facing.
Dissertation (MA(Theol))--University of Pretoria, 2012.
Science of Religion and Missiology
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Sauerwein, Astrid. "Mission und Kolonialismus in Simbabwe 1840-1940 : Kollisionen, Konflikte und Kooperation /." Giessen : Focus-Verl, 1990. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb36209285g.

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Bechtloff, Dagmar. "Madagaskar und die Missionare : technisch-zivilisatorische Transfers in der Früh- und Endphase europäischer Expansionsbestrebungen /." Stuttgart : Steiner, 2002. http://www.gbv.de/dms/bs/toc/345279883.pdf.

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Gagliardi, Nicolas. "Analisi delle prestazioni di sistemi GNSS per applicazioni su velivoli pilotati da remoto." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2022.

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L’obbiettivo del presente elaborato è di fornire una comparazione tra le stime di posizione da parte di utenti che sfruttano la tecnologia RTK, che ad oggi ha applicazioni nei rilievi topografici/idrografici e nella navigazione tramite UAV, e da parte di utenti che sfruttano la modalità GPS classica, presente ormai nella maggior parte dei dispositivi mobili, tramite dei semplici esperimenti condotti avvalendosi di un esacottero coassiale, dotato di un autopilota e di un’antenna per la ricezione di segnali GPS, e di un’antenna fissa posizionata a terra. Dopo una breve introduzione sul concetto di navigazione e come si è passati dall’antica navigazione marittima alla più moderna radionavigazione, verranno trattate nel successivo capitolo la teoria del GPS (come avviene il calcolo delle pseudodistanze, come si eliminano gli errori di sincronismo dei vari orologi ecc.), la sua architettura di base, le molteplici fonti di errore che ne compromettono la precisione nella stima della posizione e come si è cercato di risolvere tali problematiche attraverso la cosiddetta modalità differenziale, che comprende anche la modalità Real Time Kinematic. Nel terzo capitolo, infine, verranno illustrati il mezzo impiegato, la strumentazione installata su di esso e, per concludere, gli esperimenti condotti ed i relativi risultati ottenuti, con l’ausilio di grafici ottenuti analizzando i dati delle missioni con il software Matlab.
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Grandi, Elisa. "Reti di esperti e attori politici nelle missioni della Banca Mondiale : l programmi in Colombia e i loro effetti globali sull’assistenza allo sviluppo (1940-1966)." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017USPCC103/document.

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Crée en 1944, la Banque Internationale pour la Reconstruction et le développement entre en activité en 1947. Parmi les premières activités auxquelles elle se consacre au cours des années quarante, les missions et prêts de la Banque Mondiale en Colombie représentent un moment clef dans l’évolution de cette institution vers la forme d’organisation, l’articulation des procédures et la définition des objectifs qui la caractérisent encore aujourd’hui. Notre recherche porte sur ce processus, en se concentrant en particulier sur la mission organisée en 1949 et sur les conséquences de cette celle-ci sur l’évolution de la Banque, ainsi que sur la politique économique colombienne. Nous avons étudié l’ensemble des pratiques liées à l’évolution des politiques de la Banque mondiale dans les premières années d’activité, en soulignant en particulier le caractère émergent de cette organisation. Dans cette évolution, les missions représenteraient un moment d’interaction entre experts internationaux et experts locaux, fondamental pour comprendre l’évolution de l’action de la Banque mondiale. À partir de cette hypothèse, le défi principal de la recherche a été celui d’élaborer une méthode d’analyse permettant de saisir les stratégies et les pratiques mises en place au cours des missions de la Banque Mondiale et de les mettre en relation avec les résultats de ces missions. Pour saisir ces stratégies nous avons analysé les liens mises en place entre les acteurs, locaux et transnationaux, au cours des missions et en observer l’évolution dans le temps. La reconstruction de ces liens nous a permis de mieux comprendre l’émergence de certaines institutions à la base de la demande et de la gestion des prêts, ainsi que des critères d’évaluation et d’intervention des experts internationaux dans les pays en développement. Nous essayons donc d’étudier un phénomène transnational par une approche micro historique
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development was founded in 1944 and began its operations in 1947. Among the first activities the Bank carried out in the 1940s, the missions and loans in Colombia represented a key moment in the evolution of this institution towards the form of organization, the articulation of procedures and the definition of the objectives that characterize the Bank still today. Our research focuses on this process, focusing in particular on the General Survey mission organized in 1949 and its implications for the evolution of the Bank, as well as Colombian economic policy. Through this mission, we examined the practices related to the evolution of the World Bank's policies during the first years of activity, highlighting in particular the emergent nature of this organization. These missions, analyzed as a moment of interaction between international experts and local experts, are fundamental to understanding the evolution of the World Bank's work. Based on this assumption, one of the main challenge of the research was to develop a method of analysis to capture the strategies and practices developed during the World Bank missions and to relate them to the results of these missions. In order to understand these strategies, we analyzed the links established among the actors, local and international, and observed their evolution over time. Crafting and studying these links allowed us to better understand the emergence of certain institutions related to the demand and management of the loans, as well as the criteria the Bank established for the evaluation and intervention of international experts in developing countries. This implied the study of a transnational phenomenon by a micro-historical approach
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Smith, Eurvin Elbert. "Using a foreign missions project to renew the commitment to missions of a local church." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1991. http://www.tren.com.

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Pabst, Martin. "Mission und Kolonialpolitik : die Norddeutsche Missionsgesellschaft an der Goldküste und in Togo bis zum Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkrieges /." München : Verlagsgemeinschaft Anarche, 1988. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb356021821.

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Ruffilli, Davide. "Studio e progettazione di un sottosistema di telecomunicazione di bordo per piattaforme satellitari Cubesat." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018.

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Questa tesi porta ad un'idea di architettura del sottosistema di telecomunicazioni, in particolare alla progettazione della scheda elettronica. Attraverso una fase di studio e, poi, di progetto, si è giunti ad una possibile conclusione, che dovrà essere verificata e testata adeguatamente. Il satellite su cui sono stati effettuati calcoli e ipotesi è un Cubesat 1U di dimensioni 10x10x10 cm. Ovviamente, per procedere con la progettazione, si sono dovute studiare le condizioni ambientali in cui il satellite andrà a posizionarsi. Dopo una introduzione dedicata all'ambiente spaziale, si è passati a spiegare missioni spaziali in generale ed equazione del link budget. Poi, sono stati descritti i principali componenti interni al progetto e le interfacce di comunicazione utilizzate all'interno della scheda elettronica. Infine, si è deciso di passare alla descrizione dei pin dei componenti. Ciò che è stato elaborato prenderà parte a progetti futuri, che andranno a creare la scheda elettronica vera e propria del sottosistema di telecomunicazioni di bordo per piattaforme satellitari Cubesat, in quanto primo approccio riguardo alla progettazione del satellite. Il progetto sviluppato è stato molto utile avendo permesso di toccare con mano le varie problematiche che possono insorgere durante la progettazione di un satellite e, quindi, di migliorare la capacità di cercare soluzioni alternative, cambiando, a volte, l’intero progetto ideato.
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Ho, Yun Kim. "Mission in synoptic gospels a fresh look at the implications that the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke had on the mission of the South Korean church in the 21st century /." Pretoria : [s.n.], 2006. http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-10292007-152203/.

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Jeong, Paul Yonggap. "Mission from a position of weakness /." New York : P. Lang, 2007. http://opac.nebis.ch/cgi-bin/showAbstract.pl?u20=9781433100963.

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Viggiano, Maria Rosaria <1958&gt. "Analisi e valutazione degli effetti dell'esposizione a nanoparticelle di minerali pesanti e sostanze inquinanti sul personale italiano impiegato selle missioni di pace all'estero. Evoluzione delle ipotesi etiopatogenetiche." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2010. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/2487/.

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This study focus on pathologies - caused by impoverished uranium and other heavy-metals’ nanoparticles environmental pollution - developed in international military personnel deployed in critical areas; the pathologies are then placed in a general and chronological schema. This study shows an impressive collection of data on impoverished uranium characteristics and its employment in civil and military context and a map of impoverished uranium most polluted areas. The studies on this subject commissioned by two Italian Parliamentary Court of Inquiry and by other nations are then analyzed. Further etiopathogenetic hypothesis are assessed – as multivaccination – comparing vaccination protocols adopted by different NATO nations and their possible effects. Finally the study defines the objectives and the operational protocols of an ongoing epidemiological serial prospective study (time-frame scheduled of 30 years) on military personnel deployed in critical areas for the possible presence of genotoxic agents.
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Hinckley, David William. "Multi-Objective Optimization Mission Design for Small-Body Coverage Missions." ScholarWorks @ UVM, 2019. https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/graddis/1132.

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Missions concerning small-body celestial objects are of growing interest due to the resources and information they can provide. Such missions require detailed information about the surface of the body for interactions, such as landing on the surface, as well as predicting the gravity field of the object. This work provides a means of optimizing the mission elements of trajectory and imaging target schedules so that the level of knowledge of the surface can be increased. The information required to increase one's knowledge of the surface is described as a set of conditions placed on the collection of images taken of each facet of the surface; these requirements constitute the concept of "coverage" and were provided by NASA. Currently, no comparable optimization capability exists. The trajectory optimization task is done using an adapted form of the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-2 (NSGA-2) in which the genetic mutation and recombination operators are replaced with operators inspired by a different Evolutionary Algorithm, Differential Evolution. Since small-body objects have irregular distributions of mass, this optimization accounts for this by using a higher fidelity gravity model; the expense of the calculation causing a significant increase in fitness evaluation time. The trajectory optimization uses the maximization of possible coverage (the coverage achieved is every surface element were targeted for imaging at every opportunity) and minimization of a time quantity that typifies covering less but doing so quickly as the primary optimization objectives with an additional ancillary objective which rewards the fulfillment of the individual aspects of coverage so as to better condition improvement in the first objective. The optimization of imaging schedules is handled using a less adapted version of NSGA-2 in which the base operations were only tailored slightly. This differs from the previous task in that limitation are placed on the imaging process; namely that the camera may only target a single surface element at each opportunity and is thus only able to observe the faces caught within the narrow field-of-view. This optimization trades the minimization of time objective and the ancillary objective for the minimization of the required rotational effort of the imaging spacecraft. Both works result in sets of solutions to their respective problems that capture the trade-space between the considered objectives. The last work detailed here examines the consequences of how velocity domains are phrased in space trajectory optimization problems. Multiple means of framing the optimization domain are examined and the results detail the complications encountered by the more common formulations for a set of test problems.
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Dickel, Volker. "Die Geschichte der Allianz-Mission 1890-1990." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1991. http://www.tren.com.

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Wilson, Fred A. "A new paradigm for cross-cultural missions." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1994. http://www.tren.com.

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Britt, Joshua Edward. "Enlightenment on the Margins: The Catholic Enlightenment as Reflected in Ludovico Antonio Muratori's Il Cristianesimo Felice nelle Missioni De' Padri della Compagnia di Gesù nel Paraguai." Scholar Commons, 2014. https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/5349.

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My research analyzes the way in which Ludovico Antonio Muratori portrayed marginal peoples of the New World in his Il Cristianesimo Felice nelle Missioni De' Padri della Compagnia di Gesù nel Paraguai, published in 1743. I argue that Muratori used his portrayal of the native people of Paraguay as a means to express his ideas of how to reform the Catholic Church, at a time when Catholicism was just experiencing the first waves of enlightened influence from the north. I engage with scholarship on the Enlightenment that has addressed specifically the cultural impact of what has been called the Catholic Enlightenment in Italy. In this scholarship Il Cristianesimo Felice has been virtually unrepresented, and I argue that it is a valuable resource in gaining a better understanding the reform agendas of Muratori and the Catholic Enlightenment movement in Italy. I center my analysis on two specific elements in Il Cristianesimo Felice. First, I address Muratori's assessment of the four political systems administered simultaneously by the native population, the Spaniards, the Mamelusses, and the Jesuits. Through my analysis of Muratori's representation of these systems, I situate him in the politically conservative Catholic Enlightenment and establish his commitment to the paternalistic social order prevailing in Europe in the eighteenth century. Second, I show that Muratori reveals broader ideas about religion and superstition as conceived by the Catholic Enlightenment movement in his account of the interaction between the Jesuit missionaries and the Paraguayans in the reductions. In conclusion, this study shows that Il Cristianesimo Felice is a source that historians of the Catholic Enlightenment movement should revisit, as it represents Ludivico Antonio Muratori's Pubblica Felicita in the flesh.
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Magnani, Mattia. "Analisi di una piccola missione satellitare per lo studio Phobos: studi orbitali, definizioni delle modalità di raccolta dati e dimensionamento sottosistemi." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2020. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/21516/.

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Sviluppo del progetto di missione small-sat volta all'osservazione di Phobos e all'analisi dell'ambiente radiativo nel viaggio interplanetario e nell'orbita presso Phobos. La trattazione sviluppa lo studio delle orbite, il conseguente concept of operations ed un'analisi preliminare delle condizioni termiche a cui sarà sottoposto il satellite, ed espone il progetto esaminando differenti considerazioni preliminari, così da presentare differenti concept alternativi che potranno poi essere sviluppati o scartati a seguito di successive analisi. Durante la trattazione, inoltre, vengono presentati ed utilizzati i risultati derivanti dall'analisi tramite i programmi GMAT e MATLAB.
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Harlow, Richard. "Two missions, one secret service : the value of the investigative mission." Thesis, Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10945/5587.

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CHDS State/Local
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited
The dual missions of the United States Secret Service, investigations and protection, appear to be without relationship or value to the other, and as a result, support and attention for the investigative mission has waned. This lack of attention to investigations is dangerous for the Secret Service and for the country it serves. To make this argument, this thesis attempts to determine whether the investigative mission is actually important to the successful performance of its protective mission. Through the use of a hybrid research methodology, with quantitative and qualitative aspects, this thesis argues that the types of investigations performed by the Secret Service are not as important as the experiential learning, respite from the hyper-vigilance of protection, and surge capacity provided by the investigative mission. Since the investigative mission supports the protective mission in these three important ways, the Secret Service requires a robust, well-funded and substantial investigative mission to continue to properly provide protection to this nation's leaders.
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Mutavhatsindi, Muthuphei Albert. "Church planting in the South African urban context with special reference to the role of the Reformed Church Tshiawelo /." Thesis, Pretoria : [S.n.], 2009. http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-04222009-113828/.

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Nyuyki, Peter Siysi. "A missional approach to the traditional social associations of the NSO’ people of Cameroon." Thesis, University of Pretoria, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/59094.

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This research deals with Christian missions and African cultures. It focuses on the traditional social associations of the Nso’ people of Cameroon. The main problem the research addresses is that missionaries who came to Nso’ mostly imposed their culture on the Nso’ and by extension Africa in the name of Christianity. What this research refers to as traditional social associations is what the missionaries prejudicially termed secret societies. The research argues that these traditional social associations are not secret societies. They are rather custodians and preservers of Nso’ culture. Their activities are largely social, and revolve around eating and drinking. The research compares the case of Nso’ with missionary endeavours in North Africa: Egypt, Axum and Nubia and in Sub-Saharan Africa. In all these areas, the following commonalities are found: insufficient interest in the indigenous languages, syncretism, the tendency of mission to always link with colonialism and to despise the African worldview. In all these areas, the result was conflict between mission and indigenous culture, and conflict within the traditional cultures. In order to appropriately engage contexts in Africa that have traditional social associations like Nso’, the researcher proposes the use of an integrated missional approach. By integrated missional approach the researcher means a perspective that takes theology, anthropology, sociology and culture seriously when carrying out the mission of God (missio Dei). The researcher presents an integrated missional approach that is constructed in the light of contextualisation. This approach is based on Niebuhr’s typology that is described in his book Christ and culture and as analysed by Kraft in his Anthropology for Christian witness. The following sociological theories: functionalism, conflict theory, phenomenology and social identity theory are used to discuss how certain realities operate in human communities. Using content analysis as his predominant methodological approach to the data collected, the researcher concludes that culture has been, is, and will continue to be the main vehicle for mission. Hence, the traditional social associations of the Nso’ people, which form the core culture of Nso’ need to be seen as an opportunity for evangelisation. The research shows that the missionary era in Nso’ in particular and Africa in general has ended and that the era in which the local church is finding its own identity is underway.
Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2017.
Methodist Church Britain
Science of Religion and Missiology
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Arnold, Charles A. "The role of the local church in world missions." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1990. http://www.tren.com.

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Dehn, Wilfried. "Principles and development of the Liebenzell Mission." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1990. http://www.tren.com.

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Cotton, Richard Alan. "A critique of contemporary missionary hermeneutics." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1994. http://www.tren.com.

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Martin, R. W. Bobby. "Developing a marketing strategy for the Dallas Baptist Association annual mission offering." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 2002. http://www.tren.com.

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Mutorwa, John. "The establishment of the Nyangana Roman Catholic Mission Station during the reign of Hompa (Chief) Nyangana an historical enquiry /." Windhoek : Gamsberg Macmillan, 1996. http://catalog.hathitrust.org/api/volumes/oclc/36783024.html.

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Whipple, Don. "Helping Evangelical Baptist Missions serve churches in global ministry." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 2007. http://www.tren.com/search.cfm?p006-1555.

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Mitchell, Robinson W. "Mission, a mark of the church? toward a missional ecclesiology." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN) Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN) Access this title online, 2008. http://www.tren.com.

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Lee, Yoon Woo. "An evaluation of the mission strategy effectiveness in Vietnam /." Free full text of English translation is available to ORU patrons only; click to view:, 2006. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1303290311&sid=1&Fmt=2&clientId=456&RQT=309&VName=PQD.

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Applied research project (D. Min.)--School of Theology and Missions, Oral Roberts University, 2006.
Includes abstract and vita. Translated from Korean. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 192-197).
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Boyd, Miles F. "Training a local church task force in ecclesiology resulting in missions involvement." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1990. http://www.tren.com.

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Salter, Martin C. "An exegetical definition of missional ethics." Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2017. http://digitool.abdn.ac.uk:80/webclient/DeliveryManager?pid=233895.

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Missional ethics is a relatively new and unexplored theme emerging within missiology. Thus far the meaning of the term, 'missional ethics,' has been assumed rather than explicitly defined. This thesis provides an exegetical definition of missional ethics arrived at by exploring key biblical texts relevant to the theme—Deuteronomy, the Major Prophets and Luke-Acts. A canonical, narratival, missional, and performative hermeneutic was employed in the exploration of the nature, content, purpose, and development of missional ethics within the biblical texts. The exegesis demonstrated that missional ethics is an inherently community based project with emphases in justice, charity, and worship. Within the wider missiological discussion, this definition provides challenges and proposals to contemporary theory and praxis. The most significant contribution of this thesis is the proposal of a definition of missional ethics as follows: Missional ethics refers to the ways in which the believing community's behaviour—in particular their love for God, and love for neighbour, expressed in the exercise of justice, charity, and worship—bears witness, in the imitatio Dei, to the nature and character of God before a watching world.
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Riedel-Spangenberger, Ilona. "Sendung in der Kirche : die Entwicklung des Begriffes "missio canonica" und seine Bedeutung in der kirchlichen Rechtssprache /." Paderborn : F. Schöningh, 1988. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb35537158t.

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Crouse, Carl Peter. "DRC : Grasvoelkop : moving from a missions-minded to a missional focus." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/95807.

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Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: DRC Grasvoëlkop is a small urban congregation that can, in the light of Galatians 6:4, be proud of its involvement in local and global missions as a partner in the proclamation of God’s Word. Demographic and cultural changes have, however, forced the congregation to look afresh at its identity and calling as declining membership, financial pressure, and self-questioning of its relevance within its immediate context arise. The researcher has been a minister of this congregation for 24 years. The researcher undertakes an empirical study of the congregation, together with a description of the changing context, that aims to expose the impotence of an institutional hermeneutic to move the congregation forward into growth and fruitful ministry. Part I will describe additionally the changes that have taken place in Western culture and how these cultural shifts have unwittingly influenced the church. Rather than being merely missions-minded, a congregation needs to be missional. This requires the church to recognise false accommodations to Western culture, and to transition from an institutional to a missional hermeneutic. The research aims to show how an understanding of missional theology can assist the congregation in moving to a more biblical understanding of culture, calling and identity; and how a fruitful future lies in rejecting self-preservation to embrace the missio Dei. This is undertaken in Part II, which distinguishes three key aspects of missional theology: 1. The Trinity, with the possibilities that a fuller and more faithful view of God may bring to bear on a struggling congregation through a renewed faith; 2. The Kingdom of God, and what it means in terms of salvation and hope, showing how a struggling congregation can interact fruitfully with the world; and 3. The call to discipleship, and how love can help the congregation rediscover identity and calling. The study fleshes out these three aspects by describing how missional theology corrects an unbiblical accommodation to Western culture (secularisation, spiritual escapism and individualism) and supplies a healthy corrective. The study shows how the church can err through a reactionary response to these errors that then swings to an opposite, equally unbiblical pole. Together with an appreciation of missional thought, the study endeavours to offer a fresh contribution to the missional conversation by highlighting the important place of proclamation (and how missionmindedness can be developed further) and the vital but underappreciated role that vocation can play as a missional calling. The growing mystical emphasis within the denomination is questioned and an alternative, found in Puritan spirituality, is advocated. This study underlines the inadequacy of a missions-focus that does not spring from a missional ecclesiology and finds in missional theology the parameters to transform the congregation as a participant in the missio Dei, able to minister and thrive within a changed context.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die NGK Grasvoëlkop is 'n klein stedelike gemeente wat, in die lig van Galasiërs 6:4, trots kan wees op haar betrokkenheid in plaaslike en globale sending deur vennoot te wees in die uitdra van God se Woord. Demografiese en kulturele veranderings het egter die gemeente gedwing om nuut te kyk na haar identiteit en roeping soos 'n dalende lidmaattal, finansiële druk en die bevraagtekening van haar eie relevansie binne haar onmiddellike konteks ontstaan. Die navorser is die afgelope 24 jaar leraar van hierdie gemeente. Hierdie navorsing onderneem ʼn empiriese studie van die gemeente en 'n beskrywing van die veranderende konteks wat ten doel het om die onmag te beskryf van die heersende institusionele hermeneutiek om die gemeente na groei en ʼn vrugbare bediening te neem. Deel I beskryf die veranderings wat in Westerse kultuur plaasgevind het, en hoe die kerk onbewustelik deur hierdie kulturele kenmerke gevorm is. Eerder as om bloot ʼn sendingbetrokkenheid te hê, is dit nodig dat 'n gemeente missionaal moet wees. Dit vra dat die gemeente sal herken waar daar onskriftuurlike akkommodasie gemaak is vir Westerse kultuur en om te skuif van 'n institusionele na 'n missionale hermeneutiek. Die navorsing wys hoe 'n begrip van missionale teologie die gemeente kan begelei na 'n Bybelse begrip van kultuur, roeping en identiteit, en hoe 'n vrugbare toekoms ontdek word deur weg te beweeg van selfbehoud na deelname in die missio Dei. Dit word onderneem in Deel II, wat drie sleutelaspekte van missionale teologie onderskei: 1. Die Drie-eenheid, met die moontlikhede wat 'n voller Godsbegrip bring vir 'n sukkelende gemeente deur ʼn hernude geloof; 2. Die Koninkryk van God, en wat dit in terme van verlossing en hoop beteken, soos dit vir die gemeente toon hoe sy in die wêreld vrug kan dra; 3. Die roeping tot dissipelskap, en hoe liefde die gemeente kan help om haar roeping en identiteit te herontdek. Die studie beskryf hierdie drie aspekte en hoe missionale teologie dien as korrektief op die foutiewe akkommodasies van Westerse kultuur (sekularisasie, wêreldversaking en individualisme) en bied 'n nodige korrektief. Die studie wys verder hoe die kerk kan fouteer deur, in reaksie op hierdie misvattings, oor te hel na 'n teenoorgestelde en ewe onbybelse pool. Saam met 'n waardering van missionale teologie wil hierdie navorsing ook 'n vars bydrae tot die missionale gesprek maak deur klem te lê op die belang van verkondiging (en die plek wat sendingbetrokkenheid binne die gemeente behoort te hê), asook die belangrike maar onderwaardeerde rol van roeping (“vocation”) in die daaglikse lewe van die lidmaat. Die groeiende klem op mistiek binne die denominasie word ondersoek en 'n alternatief vanuit Puriteinse spiritualiteit word voorgestel. Die studie onderstreep die onvermoë van 'n sendingbewustheid wat nie gebore is uit ʼn missionale ekklesiologie nie, en vind in missionale teologie die nodige parameters vir die gemeente om te transformeer as 'n deelnemer in die missio Dei, en om te bedien en te groei binne 'n veranderde konteks.
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Aderholdt, K. David. "Missional partnership in the former Yugoslavia." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 2006. http://www.tren.com/search.cfm?p068-0609.

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Gleiss, Dagmar. "Geschichte der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Evangelikaler Missionen, AEM 25 Jahre AEM, 1969-1994 /." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1994. http://www.tren.com.

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FISOGNI, COSTANZO. "Il civilian crisis management nell'Unione Europea." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/120.

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La gestione civile delle crisi (GCC) si inserisce nel contesto della Politica Europea di Sicurezza e Difesa (PESD) che, a sua volta, è uno degli elementi della più ampia PESC (Politica Estera e di Sicurezza Comune). GCC, PESD e PESC sono componenti delle relazioni esterne dell'Unione europea (UE). La gestione civile delle crisi è una policy dell'UE la cui analisi richiede di rispondere a diversi quesiti teorico pratici: 1) cosa è esattamente la gestione civile delle crisi e a cosa essa corrisponde in ambito UE (Capitolo I); 2) quali sono le caratteristiche generali delle iniziative civili per il mantenimento della pace e della sicurezza internazionali realizzate dalle Nazioni Unite (NU), dall'Organizzazione per la Sicurezza e la Cooperazione in Europa (OSCE), dall'Unione dell'Europa Occidentale e dalla NATO (Capitolo I), 3) come si è sviluppata la GCC dal trattato di Maastricht a oggi (Capitolo II e Capitolo III); 4) come si concepisce, pianifica e lancia una missione di GCC (Capitolo iv); quali sono le missioni di GCC realizzate dall'UE dal 1997 al 2006 (capitolo v); 5) quale è la relazione tra PESC, PESD E GCC e il valore aggiunto della GCC dell'ue rispetto ad altre organizzazioni internazionali (Conclusioni)
Civilian Crisis Management (CCM) is part of the European security and defence policy (ESDP), which is, on its own, an element of the broader common foreign and security policy (CFSP). CCM, ESDP and CFSP are tools of the external relations of the European Union (EU) . Civilian crisis management is a policy of the EU whose analysis requires both a theoretical and practical approach. It is indispensable to understand what civilian crisis management is, in general, and specifically in the framework of the European Union (Chapter I). Afterwards, some attention has been devoted to the investigation of the civilian crisis management initiatives of the United Nations (UN), of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), of the Western European Union (WEU) and of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (Chapter I). A further step in the understanding of the CCM of the EU is the evaluation of its historical evolution from the Treaty of Maastricht up to 2006 (Chapter II and III). It is also paramount to consider how CCM missions are designed, planned and deployed (Chapter IV) and which missions have been carried trough until 2006 (Chapter V). Finally, it has been evaluated which is the current relations in-between CCM, ESDP and CFSP and which is the added value of EU's CCM compared to the initiatives of other international organizations (Conclusions).
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Boyles, Morgan Dane. "Evangelism through mission an outreach model for a target community." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 2009. http://www.tren.com/search.cfm?p075-0081.

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Han, Kang-Hee. "Empires, missions, and education : mission schools and resistance movements in modern Korea, 1885-1919." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/1842/17074.

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This thesis discusses the emergence of anti-Japanese resistance movements based on mission schools in Seoul and Pyongyang established by American Northern Presbyterian missionaries in turn-of-the-twentieth-century Korea. It examines how Korean elites from the schools, despite Japanese surveillance, took part in national independence activities by orchestrating diverse systematic anti-Japanese organizations at home and abroad. It is also explored how educational missionaries influenced the formation and development of Koreans’ national consciousness and anticolonial activism, thereby unveiling missionary attitudes toward Korean independence and the Japanese colonial regime. This thesis broadly explores three key issues. Firstly, this research demonstrates the subtle interplay between mission education and socio-political dimensions of Korea in the imperialist milieu of East Asia. This issue pays particular attention to hegemonic contest between American missionaries and Japanese colonialists over mission schools, emerged in the imperialist landscape of Western powers. This study traces how the unique but mutually incompatible projects of evangelization and colonization pursued by missionaries and colonialists respectively encountered in a site of mission education. It is also important to note the clash between American democratic ideas and Japanese values, each in their own way trying to civilize the Koreans. Secondly, this study illuminates the connection between Koreans’ expectation of mission education amidst foreign imperialist threats to Korea and their collective vision of making a sovereign nation. Especially, pro-Protestant Korean reformers attributed Korea’s inability to check the imperialist intrusion to Confucian civilization and sinocentrism deeply rooted in Korea. Therefore, under an epoch-making slogan of ‘civilization and enlightenment’, the reformers sought modern Western elements derived from mission education in order to protect Korea from imperialism and simultaneously to develop it into a strong ‘civilized’ nation. For them, mission schools were not simply religious institutions for evangelism, but incubators to produce national leaders for Korean independence and restoration of sovereignty by diffusing liberating knowledge and patriotic sentiment throughout Korea. Mission education thus had multiple objectives and roles in a particular historical condition of Korea. Lastly, this thesis considers the anticolonial discourse and praxis of mission-educated Koreans during Japan’s early colonial era of Korea. The modernizing vision of Korean reformers flowed into the curricula and contents of mission education, Korean students imbibing Western concepts such as democracy, equality, and freedom related to Korean nationalism. This intellectual interaction imbued the students with critical consciousness reflecting their colonial reality, leading them to form anti-Japanese organizations intended to subvert the colonial regime. The anticolonial activism of Korean students reinforced the tense interaction between missionaries and colonialists. The principle of political non-interventionism taken by the missionaries crumbled away when the students engaged in anti-Japanese movements, and the missionary involvement in colonial politics resulted in the colonialists’ policies to eliminate missionary power in mission education. Observing the advent of anticolonial activism in mission schools, this research elucidates the unintended missionary links with Korean resistance movements against Japanese colonialism and for Korean independence.
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Kanyi, Peter Muraguri. "Agîkûyû na micheni the relationships, conflicts and resolutions between the Africa Inland Mission (A.I.M.) and Agîkûyû people of Kenya /." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN) Access this title online, 2004. http://www.tren.com.

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Walter, Paul R. "The love of Christ compels us an apology for voluntary missionary sending agencies within the Episcopal Church /." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1988. http://www.tren.com.

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Simkins, Andrew John. "Developing a mission policy for Northview Christian Church." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1992. http://www.tren.com.

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