Дисертації з теми "Lateral source"
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MacInnes, Scott Charles. "Lateral effects in controlled source audiomagnetotellurics." Diss., The University of Arizona, 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/184322.
Повний текст джерелаHsiao, Tzu-Kan. "A single-photon source based on a lateral n-i-p junction driven by a surface acoustic wave." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2018. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/283189.
Повний текст джерелаBloom, Barthe [Verfasser], Holger [Gutachter] Diessel, Volker [Gutachter] Gast, and Steffen [Gutachter] Höder. "Lateral relations & multiple source constructions : the Old English subject relative clause and the Norwegian han mannen-construction / Barthe Bloom ; Gutachter: Holger Diessel, Volker Gast, Steffen Höder." Jena : Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 2021. http://d-nb.info/1238142249/34.
Повний текст джерелаRios, Mora Juan Sebastian. "Optimisation de la gestion de l’impact des polluants gazeux du sol sur la qualité de l’air intérieur." Thesis, La Rochelle, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021LAROS035.
Повний текст джерелаPolluted sites and most precisely vapor intrusion represents a potential risk for human health and its environment. Various screening-level and analytical models have been proposed in order to evaluate vapor intrusion and provide assessment tools for exposure risk. However, some in situ investigations show significant differences between predicted and measured indoor concentrations leading eventually to misleading conclusions and inappropriate solution implementations. These uncertainties are mainly associated with a poor characterization of the site, an incomplete modeling of transfer pathways and mechanisms, or by neglecting certain influencing parameters on this transfer. For example, ignoring the lateral source/building separation may serve as possible explanation of the uncertainties presented by the conventional models based on a homogeneous source distribution assumption. The authors agree that lateral migration plays an important role in the attenuation of the indoor concentration. In homogeneous or continuous source scenarios vapors may migrate mainly vertically towards the building. However, lateral source may promote lateral migration to the atmosphere and less into the building generating a greater attenuation of the indoor concentration. In this context, the main objective of this thesis work is to contribute to the improvement of the assessment and management risk tools in order to improve the accuracy of their estimations and increase their range of application. To do this, new vapor intrusion models are developed considering the lateral source/building separation. These models are built on a numerical experimentation and dimensionless analysis based on existing models (semi-empirical models considering a homogeneous source distribution). The combination of these two approaches allows, on the one hand, to maintain the aptitude of the existing models to consider the physical properties of the soil (permeability, diffusion coefficient, …) and the characteristics of the building (type of construction, building depression, volume,…), and on the other hand, to better precise the position of the source in the soil taking into account the influence of the lateral source/building separation in the estimations. From a comparative analysis, the accuracy of these new expressions is verified comparing to the proposed numerical model (CFD), experimental data and existing models in the literature. Finally, the proposed expressions were coupled with a ventilation code (MATHIS-QAI) allowing to better specify indoor characteristics (ventilation system, air permeability of the envelope, volume of the building, …) and estimate indoor air concentration levels as a function of environmental variations (wind speed, outside temperature, …) over time. From a parametric study it was shown that despite the significant impact of the characteristics of the building, the influence of the lateral source/building separation remains predominant on the attenuation of the indoor concentration (attenuation of several orders of magnitude when the source is laterally offset of the building compared to a homogeneous source). However, specifying the characteristics of the building (construction type, ventilation system, air permeability, …) and weather conditions may increase the accuracy of the estimation avoiding the implementation of extreme solutions or insufficient actions
Smith, Stuart James. "Lateral quantum well diodes for single photon sources." Thesis, University of Bristol, 2007. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.446188.
Повний текст джерелаSlađana, Škobić. "Могућност гајења иђирота (Acorus calamus L.) у циљу смањења притиска на природну популацију". Phd thesis, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Novom Sadu, 2016. https://www.cris.uns.ac.rs/record.jsf?recordId=101576&source=NDLTD&language=en.
Повний текст джерелаAcorus calamus L. je višegodišnja zeljasta biljka vlažnih područja, čija su lekovita svojstva odavno poznata. Drogu iđirota čini rizom koji se upotrebljava kao čaj, prah, sok, gel, ulje ili krema. Zbog prekomerne eksploatacije i visokog stepena ugroženosti ove divlje lekovite biljne vrste u Srbiji je uvedena zabrana njegovog sakupljanja iz prirode. Da bi se zadovoljila povećana potražnja od strane industrija koje ga koriste, gajenje iđirota se nameće kao jedno od najpragmatičnijih rešenja. Za potrebe utvrđivanje načina gajenja, prvo se pristupilo istraživanju uslova uspevanja i variranje svojstava iđirota sa pet lokaliteta prirodnih staništa: Obedska bara, Deliblatska peščara, Zasavica, Rakovac i Dubovac. Potom je zasnovan dvogodišnji poljski ogled na kom je ispitivan uticaj primene osnovnih agrotehničkih mera, odnosno gustine sadnje i đubrenja azotom, na svojstva biljaka. Ogled je postavljen 2013. godine, na području zaseoka Ćumurane u naselju Ripanj. Kod biljka sa prirodnih staništa i sa oglednog polja praćena su sledeća svojstva: visina biljaka, dužina rizoma, broj i dužina bočnih grana na rizomu, broj pupoljaka na rizomu i bočnim granama, broj nodusa na rizomu i bočnim granama, procenat suve materije rizoma, masa svežeg i suvog rizoma, odnos mase svežeg i suvog rizoma. Kod gajenih biljaka praćen je i prinos svežeg i suvog rizoma. Kod svih uzoraka iđirota ispitivan je sadržaj i sastav etarskog ulja iz rizoma. Identifikovane su, takođe, najzastupljenije komponente i utvrđen je sadržaja β-azarona. Za utvrđivanje nivoa ploidije populacija iz Srbije rađeno je prebrojavanje hromozoma. Ispitivanjem biljaka sa prirodnih staništa, konstatovano je da na većinu njihovih morfoloških odlika, lokalitet nije imao uticaja. Uticaj lokaliteta ispoljen je samo na: broj nodusa na rizomu (najveći je bio u Dubovcu - 58 a najmanji na Obedskoj bari - 15), procenat suve materije (najveći je bio u Rakovcu - 50,2%, a najmanji na Deliblatskoj peščari - 37,9%) i odnos mase svežeg i suvog rizoma (najveći je na Deliblatskoj peščari - 2,64, a najmanji u Rakovcu - 1,90). U poljskom ogledu dobijeni su sledeći rezultati: visina biljaka je bila najveća pri najmanjoj gustini useva (35000 biljaka/ha) i najmanjoj dozi azota (60 kg/ha) dužina rizoma, kao i broj i dužina njihovih bočnih grana su najveći pri srednjoj gustini sadnje (48000 biljaka/ha) i najmanjoj dozi azota; broj pupoljaka na rizomu ima najveću vrednost pri najmanjoj gustini sadnje i najmanjoj dozi azota. Broj pupoljaka prve bočne grane je bio najveći na najvećoj gustini sadnje (62000 biljaka/ha) i pri najmanjoj dozi azota, a broj nodusa na rizomu nije zavisio od gustine sadnje, kao ni od doza đubrenja. Najveća masa svežeg i suvog rizoma ostvarena je pri srednjoj gustini sadnje (48000 biljaka/ha) i najmanjoj (62000 biljaka/ha) dozi azota, dok je procenat suve materije bio najveći pri najvećoj gustini i najmanjoj dozi azota (60 kg/ha). Na odnos mase svežeg i suvog rizoma uticaj nisu imali ni đubrenje ni gustinasadnje useva, dok su prinosi svežeg i suvog rizoma bili najveći na najvećoj gustini sadnje i pri najmanjoj dozi azota. Sadržaj etarskog ulja iđirota iz prirode nije pokazao značajna odstupanja između lokaliteta. Sadržaj etarskog ulja rizoma gajenog iđirota opadao je sa porastom gustine sadnje, dok različite doze azota nisu uticale na ovu osobinu. Maksimalna koncentracija β-azarona u etarskom ulju iđirota sa prirodnog staništa bila je 17,07 % (lokalitet Rakovac), dok je najveći sadržaj β-azarona kod gajenog iđirota bio 21,41 %. Povećana koncentracija β- azarona se objašnjava intenzivnijim metabolizmom azota, zbog povećane količine iz đubriva. obijeni rezultati potvrđuju da je koncentracija β-azarona u etarskom ulju rizoma iđirota slična rezultatima iz drugih zemalja Evrope. Brojanjem hromozoma utvrđeno je da iđirot pripada triploidnom, evropskom varijetetu Acorus calamus var. calamus.
Acorus calamus L. is a perennial herbaceous plant found in wet areas, whose medicinal properties have been long known. The drug of sweet flag is made from the rhizome which is used as tea, powder, juice, gel, oil or cream. Because of overexploitation and the high degree of endangerment of this wild medicinal plant species in Serbia collecting was banned. In order to meet the increased demand for this plant by industries that use it, cultivation of sweet flag is emerging as one of the most pragmatic solutions. For the purpose of determining the method for plant growth, the first approach was studying the growing conditions and the variation of properties of sweet flag from five natural habitats: Obedska pond, Deliblato Sands, Zasavica, Rakovac and Dubovac.After that a two-year field experiment was designed in which the effect of application of basic agrotechnical measures, i.e., different planting density and doses of nitrogen fertilization on the plants, was studied. The experiment was set up in 2013, in the area of the hamlet Ćumurana in the settlement Ripanj. In plants from natural habitats and the experiment, the following properties were measured: the height of the plants, the length of the rhizome, the number and length of lateral branches on the rhizome, the number of buds on the rhizome and lateral branches, the number of leaf scars on the rhizome and lateral branches, the percentage of dry matter of the rhizome, the mass of the fresh and the dry rhizome, the ratio of mass between the fresh and the dry rhizome. In the experiment with cultivated plants, the yield of the fresh and the dry rhizome was also measured. For all samples of sweet flag, the content and composition of the essential oil from the rhizome was measured. Also, the main components were identified and the content of the β-asarone was determined. For the purposes of identifying the ploidy, i.e., which varieties the sweet flag from Serbia belongs to, counting of chromosomes was done. By examining plants from natural habitats, it was noted that the site had no influence on the majority of morphological features of plants. The impact of the sites was manifested only in the number of leaf scars (the largest number was in Dubovac-58,0 and the smallest number was in Obedska pond-15,0), percentage of dry matter (the largest percentage was in Rakovac-50.2% and the smallest percentage was in Deliblato Sands-37,9 %) and the ratio of mass between a fresh and a dry rhizome (the largest ratio was in Deliblato Sands-2,6 and the smallest ratio was in Rakovac-2,2). In the field experiment, the following results were obtained: the height of the plants is the largest at the lowest planting density (35000 plants/ha) and lowest nitrogen dosage (60 kg/ha), the length of the rhizome, as well as number and length of lateral branches of the rhizome are largest at medium planting density (48000 plants/ha) and the lowest dosage of nitrogen (60 kg/ha), the number of buds on the rhizome has the highest value at the lowest planting density (35000 plants/ha) and the lowest dosage of nitrogen (60 kg/ha). The number of buds on the first lateral branch was largest at the largest planting density (62000 plants/ha) and the lowest dosage of nitrog (60 kg/ha) , and the number of leaf scars on the rhizome doesnot depend on the planting dosage or the dosage of fertilizing. The largest mass of the fresh and the dry rhizome is accomplished at medium planting density and the lowest dosage of nitrogen, while the percentage of dry matter was largest at the largest density and the lowest dosage of nitrogen. The fertilization and the crop density had no effect on the ratio of mass between the fresh and the dry rhizome, while the yields of the fresh and the dry rhizome were largest at the largest planting density and the lowest dosage of nitrogen. The content of essential oils of natural sweet flag showed no significant discrepancies between the sites. The content of essential oil of cultivated sweet flag rhizomes declined with the increase of planting density, while different nitrogen doses had no effect on this property. The maximum concentration of β-asarones in the essential oil of natural sweet flag was 17,07 % (Rakovac), while the largest content of β-asarones in cultivated sweet flag was 21,41 %. The larger concentration of β-asarones is explained through increased nitrogen metabolism, because of increased amounts of fertilizer. The results confirm that the concentration of β-asarone in the essential oil of sweet flag rhizomes is similar to the concentration of essential oil of sweet flag rhizomes from Europe. By counting the chromosomes it is established that sweet flag belongs to the triploid, European variety of Аcоrus cаlаmus vаr. cаlаmus.
Daubin, Vincent, Emmanuelle Lerat, and Guy Perriere. "The source of laterally transferred genes in bacterial genomes." BioMed Central, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/610144.
Повний текст джерелаBadhwar, Shruti. "Laterally confined THz sources and graphene based THz optics." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2014. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/246259.
Повний текст джерелаHultin, Eriksson Elin. "Quantification of Terrestrial CO2 Sources to a Headwater Streamin a Boreal Forest Catchment." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för geovetenskaper, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-305435.
Повний текст джерелаEn signifikant mängd koldioxid (CO2) är lagrad i skog och marken. Marken i barrskogsregionernaförvarar en signifikant mängd CO2 där det partiella trycket av CO2 varierar mellan ~10 000 – 50 000 ppm i jämförelse med atmosfären (400 ppm). Mättnaden av CO2 gör att mycket avdunstar tillbaka till atmosfären. Dock absorberas en del CO2 av grundvattnet; vilket resulterar i en naturlig transport av CO2 vidare till ytvattnen där det kapillära nätverket av bäckar är största recipienten. Det är fortfarande oklart hur transporten av CO2 är distribuerad i ett vattenavrinningsområde vilket medför brister i förståelsen av en viktig processväg som kan komma att spela en större roll i framtidens kolkretslopp på grund av den globala uppvärmningen. Därför är en kvantifiering av olika områdens bidrag av CO2 till bäckarna nödvändig. Två betydande zoner i ett vattenavrinningsområde som troligen bidrar olika är: the riparian zone som är närmast bäcken och består av fina sediment med hög organisk halt och, the hillslope som är resterande område och består av grovkorniga jordar med låg organisk halt. Den förstnämnda misstänks transportera mer CO2 via grundvattnet på grund av dess närhet till bäcken, höga halter av CO2 och höga vattenmättnad men detta är ännu inte verifierat. Jag evaluerar the riparian zone som en viktig källa till CO2 i ett vattenavrinningsområde genom att kvantifiera transporten av CO2 från de två zonerna. För att förklara varför transporten varierar presenterar jag en ny modell (GVR) som beräknar den månatliga fluktuationen av den del av CO2-produktionen som absorberas i grundvattnet i the riparian zone. Mätningar av data utfördes i Västrabäcken, ett mindre vattenavrinningsområde i ett större vid namn Krycklan, i norra Sverige. En transekt av tre mätstationer (i bäcken, the riparian zone och the hillslope) installerades i den förmodade grundvattenströmningsriktningen. Resultaten visar på en hög produktion av CO2 under vårfloden (maj) då en hög grundvattenyta troligen absorberar en signifikant mängd CO2. Detta kan betyda att jordrespiration under våren underskattas då dagens mätmetoder är begränsade till mätningar i jorden av CO2 ovan grundvattenytan. Fortsatta studier rekommenderas där GVR-modellen och andra mätmetoder utförs samtidigt för att vidare utröna den kvantitativa underskattningen under perioder med hög grundvattenyta (speciellt under våren). Bidraget från the riparian zone till den totala laterala transporten av CO2 till bäcken under ett år varierar mellan 58-89 % och det månatliga transportmönstret kunde förklaras med resultaten från GVR-modellen. Resultaten verifierar att oberoende av säsong så är the riparian zone den huvudsakliga laterala koltransporten från landvegetationen; medan the hillslope procentuellt bidrar med mer CO2 under höga grundvattenflöden.
Patel, Priyanka. "Development of new therapeutic approaches in mouse models of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/25851.
Повний текст джерелаAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease associated with motor neuron degeneration, muscle atrophy and paralysis. Although numerous pathological mechanisms have been elucidated, ALS still remains a medical mystery in the absence of any effective therapy. Riluzole is the only therapeutic drug approved for ALS with regard to prolonging survival. Here, we have developed two strategies for treatment of ALS, first targeting the misfolded SOD1 (chapter 2) and other targeting neuroinflammation (chapter 3). In chapter 2, we aimed to reduce the level of misfolded SOD1 species in the nervous system. We tested a novel therapeutic approach based on adeno-associated virus (AAV)-mediated tonic expression of a DNA construct encoding a secretable single chain fragment variable (scFv) antibody composed of the variable heavy and light chain regions of a monoclonal antibody (D3H5) binding specifically to misfolded SOD1. A single intrathecal injection of the adeno-associated virus encoding the single chain antibody in SOD1G93A mice delayed disease onset and extended the life span by up to 28%, in direct correlation with scFv titers in the spinal cord. Our second treatment strategy which is aimed to target neuroinflammation is based on previous reports from our lab where it has been shown that Withaferin A (WA), an inhibitor of NF-κB activity was efficient in reducing disease phenotype in TDP-43 transgenic mouse model of ALS. We tested WA in mice from two transgenic lines expressing different ALS-linked SOD1 mutations, SOD1G93A and SOD1G37R. The beneficial effects of WA in SOD1G93A mice model was accompanied by alleviation of neuroinflammation, decrease in level of misfolded SOD1 species in spinal cord, a reduction in loss of motor neurons, resulting in delayed disease progression and mortality. Based on these evidences, AAV encoding a secretable scFv against misfolded SOD1 and WA should be considered as a potential treatment for ALS.
Boucher, Aurélie. "Intéractions entre les cannabinoïdes et le gène de la neuréguline 1 comme modèle animal de vulnérabilité à la schizophrénie." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008BOR13668/document.
Повний текст джерелаCannabis use may precipitate schizophrenia, especially in individuals who have a genetic vulnerability to the disorder. Human and animal researches indicate that neuregulin 1 (Nrg1) is a susceptibility gene for schizophrenia. This thesis aim at investigating if partial deletion of Nrg1 in mutant mice modulate the neuronal and behavioural effects cannabinoids after acute or chronic treatment. In addition, this thesis examine the effects of a pre-treatment with delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoactive constituent of cannabis, in a model of cognitive flexibility in the mice
Azzouz, Mimoun. "La souris transgenique pour la sod1 humaine mutee (ga), un modele de sclerose laterale amyotrophique familiale ; approche fonctionnelle et etude de la physiopathologie de la maladie." Strasbourg 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997STR15063.
Повний текст джерелаKim, Jea Soo 1959. "Radiation from directional siesmic sources in laterally stratified media with application to Arctic ice cracking noise." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1989. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/58334.
Повний текст джерелаGRSN 405710
Title as it appears in the M.I.T. Graduate List, June 1989: Radiation from directional seismic sources in horizontally stratified media with application to Arctic ice cracking noise.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 168-171).
by Jea Soo Kim.
MOREL, GILDAS. "Instabilite lombaire douloureuse : traitement par stabilisation souple postero-laterale (systeme du docteur h. graf) ; a propos de 27 cas." Rennes 1, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992REN1M090.
Повний текст джерелаBritain-Renecke, Cézanne. "Potential alternative sources of funding South Africa's land redistribution programme in its agricultural sector." University of the Western Cape, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/11394/3048.
Повний текст джерелаHanna, Elizabeth H. "Arthur and the Scots : narratives, nations, and sovereignty in the later Middle Ages." Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10023/9750.
Повний текст джерелаBarenghi, Maddalena [Verfasser], and Hans van [Akademischer Betreuer] Ess. "Historiography and narratives of the later Tang (923-936) and later Jin (936-947) dynasties in tenth- to eleventh-century sources / Maddalena Barenghi ; Betreuer: Hans van Ess." München : Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 2014. http://d-nb.info/1130587355/34.
Повний текст джерелаBaigent, Elizabeth. "Bristol society in the later eighteenth century with special reference to the handling by computer of fragmentary historical sources." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1985. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:1c29c607-abe8-486b-9694-e11682413a3a.
Повний текст джерелаEdwards, Jane Marian. "'Bettered by the borrower' : the use of historical extracts from twelfth-century historical works in three later twelfth- and thirteenth-century historical texts." Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10023/7247.
Повний текст джерелаPambo-Pambo, Arnaud Brice. "Etude du développement postnatal des motoneurones lombaires de deux souches de souris transgéniques, modèles de la sclérose latérale amyotrophique." Thesis, Aix-Marseille 2, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010AIX20716.
Повний текст джерелаThe SOD1 murine models of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) allowed major progress in the understanding of mechanisms which could lead to a selective loss of motoneurons (Mns), but these models display differences in the severity and time course of the disease. Changes in intrinsic properties of motoneurons may induce changes in excitability and intracellular calcium homeostasis leading to motoneuron death.Therefore, we studied electrophysiological properties of lumbar Mns from SOD1G85R and SOD1G93A mice, low expressor lines, during the first two postnatal weeks in order to identify possible early presymptomatic abnormalities. Our studies were carried out on two in vitro preparations: the whole isolated spinal cord and acute spinal cord slices. Mutant Mns display, in the two preparations, a modified action potential characterized by an increased duration due to a decrease of the maximal speeds of depolarisation and repolarisation and a reduction of the spike amplitude. These alterations appeared between P2-P5 in SOD1G85R Mns and between P6-P10 in SOD1G93A Mns and suggest a decrease of the density of sodium and potassium channels related to action potential. We also showed on spinal cord slices between P6-P10 that the gain of frequency decreases for SOD1G85R Mns and increases for SOD1G93A Mns without any change in the density of persistent inward sodium or calcium currents in these different mutant Mns. We observed also that the resting membrane potential of SOD1G93A Mns on spinal cord slices is decreased. The membrane properties of SOD1G85R Mns between P6-P10 were less susceptible to changes in presence of an extracellular calcium overload. Differential effects of this extracellular calcium overload on membrane properties of WT and SOD1G85R Mns could be due to different alterations of the potential dependence of voltage-gated channels and/or to the modulation of some types of channels sensitive to extracellular calcium. An over-branching of dendritic arborization, similar to that previously described in SOD1G85R Mns, was observed in SOD1G93A at P8-P9 with the above-mentioned action potential alterations and a weak rheobasic current. These morphogical and electrical changes could indicate together alterations of kinetics and/or density of channels on different sites on these Mns. In conclusion, our work shows on one hand that SOD1G85R and SOD1G93A mutations induce similar alterations of lumbar Mns properties but time-shifted in these two murine models and on the other hand that some alterations seem to be specific to a given SOD1 mutation
Cosme, Emmanuel. "Cycle du soufre des moyennes et hautes latitudes Sud dans un modèle de circulation générale atmosphérique." Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2002. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00705168.
Повний текст джерелаSchmitt, Florent. "Rôle de la stéaroyl-coenzyme A désaturase 1, une enzyme de synthèse des acides gras mono-insaturés, dans un modèle transgénique d’étude de la Sclérose Latérale Amyotrophique." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013STRAJ085/document.
Повний текст джерелаAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a neurodegenerative disease, associated with metabolic dysfunction. Alteration of lipid metabolism has been documented in ALS patients and animal models, and could participate to the first pathological steps of the disease. The objective of this thesis was to study the role of stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (SCD1), a key enzyme of lipid metabolism, in ALS. By studying the profile of peripheral fatty acids in an animal model of ALS, the SOD1 mice, we found that SCD1 activity was strongly reduced at early (sub-clinical) disease stage, and that this reduction could explain in itself the alteration of lipid metabolism characteristic of ALS. The impact of loss of SCD1 activity for the motor axis was then studied. Genetic deletion or pharmacological inhibition of SCD1 enhanced functional recovery after sciatic nerve injury in mice. Wefurther explored if the loss of SCD1 activity found in SOD1 mice is a protective mechanism elicited in response to ALS. We treated SOD1 mice with an inhibitor of SCD1 activity. The treatment resulted in exacerbated muscular oxidative metabolism,preservation of neuromuscular integrity and enhanced motor neuron survival. We conclude that inhibition of SCD1 represents a promising therapeutic target for ALS
Waegaert, Robin. "Etude du continuum mécanistique et physiopathologique entre la sclérose latérale amyotrophique et la démence frontotemporale." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019STRAJ110.
Повний текст джерелаAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and FrontoTemporal Dementia (FTD) are two fatal and incurable neurodegenerative diseases. These two diseases share a clinical continuum supported by genetic and histological arguments. Today, about 15% of ALS patients develop later FTD symptoms and reversely. In 2006, mutations in the CHMP2B gene were discovered in ALS-FTD patients. Twelve years later, pathological mechanisms associated with mutations of this gene in the ALS-FTD syndrome are poorly understood. For a better understanding of CHMP2Bintron5-related pathological mechanisms, we studied by different approaches the impact of this mutation in a mouse model. Transcriptomic analysis on lumbar spinal cord highlighted a panel of deregulated cellular pathways, including the inflammatory response and the lipid metabolism. In addition, we showed an early disturbance of macroautophagy, with a blockage of final degradation step associated with a repression of autophagy initiation. Finally, our results show that neuron specific expression of CHMP2Bintron5 leads to muscular atrophy and structural and functional alterations of neuromuscular junctions
HUANG, Cheng-Huei, and 黃丞輝. "Numerical study of lateral push-pull ventilation system for hot vapors from wide plane source." Thesis, 2011. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/zw8p55.
Повний текст джерела國立臺灣科技大學
Hot vapors such as oil fumes are often found in a food factory. For example, deep frying which is a common way to cook food generates tremendous oil fumes in a very hot and wide surface oil tank. In order to capture those hot oil fumes, a novel ventilation system which is called the lateral push-pull ventilation hood for hot toxic vapors from a wide area is proposed in this study. The comparison between the conventional hood and the lateral push-pull ventilation hood on capture performance is undertaken using the finite volume method. The hydrogen sulfide (H2S) which is one of toxic substances in oil fumes is chosen as a pollutant in this study. Moreover, the influence of a manikin standing in front of hood on the capture performance of those two hoods is also explored. According to the numerical results without a manikin presence, a primary vortex occurs in the fully open conventional hood and the entire space inside the hood is filled with H2S. Meanwhile, leakage of H2S to the indoor environment is found in the edge between the side walls and the environment. For the fully open lateral push-pull ventilation hood, three dominant flow modes which are called dispersion, transition, and encapsulation are determined by the variation of speed ratio of the pull flow to the push flow. In the encapsulation mode, H2S is captured completely by the push-pull capture flow and the concentration values at selected twelve points are far below the criterion of 10 p.p.m.. When a manikin stands in front of the conventional hood, the lifting airflow comes from the gap between the hood and the manikin carries H2S to the breathing zone of the manikin. In contrast, the capture performance of the lateral push-pull hood is not reduced due to a manikin presence but enhanced in the encapsulation mode. H2S also can be expelled and the concentration values at twelve selected points on the sash opening are close to null. In conclusion, the lateral push-pull ventilation hood can effectively prevent the leakage of H2S and protect an operator from those pollutants.
AmerthaSanjiwani, I. Dewa Made, and 余德華. "The Seismogenic Source on the Deep Lateral Ramp of Sumatra Accretionary Wedge Inferred From the Source Model of the 2009 Mw 7.6 Padang, Indonesia, Earthquake." Thesis, 2019. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/k8q544.
Повний текст джерела國立成功大學
The 2009 Mw 7.6 Padang earthquake has been inferred as an intraslab event because it locates at approximately 80 km depth which is within the oceanic slab with maximum curvature. However, the major trench-parallel-striking normal faulting event usually occurs at this tectonic environment but not the trench-normal-striking reverse event like this 2009 Padang earthquake. To solve this enigma, the coseismic displacements were estimated based on the analysis of daily coordinate time series calculated by GAMIT software from 15 continuous GPS stations along the Sumatra region. The maximum horizontal displacement is approximately 40 mm toward SW at the MSAI station while the maximum vertical displacement reaches 13 mm. The optimized geometry parameters of the source fault were determined by the Markov Chain Monte Carlo using the uniform-slip dislocation model. The optimized strike and dip of fault plane are 72° and 54°, respectively. The coseismic slip distribution was then estimated using the distributed-slip dislocation model in terms of optimized fault geometry. The geodetic moment of 1.35 × 1027 dyne-cm in our best-fit model is equivalent to Mw 7.39. The coseismic slip mainly ranges 40 - 75 km in depth with the maximum slip of 2000 mm. The optimized source fault plane is also comparable to the relocated aftershock distribution. Comparing to the location of interface, our source fault is mainly located at the place above the interface. We therefore proposed that this 2009 Padang earthquake occurred in the deep part of accretionary wedge, but not with the slab. In addition, we also proposed this 2009 event as a lateral ramp event because its strike is normal to the trench, such as the 2010 Jaishian earthquake in Taiwan. Finally, we proposed that a thick-skinned deformation may be also represented in the prism of Sumatra subduction zone.
Tersigni, Andrew. "Structural Characterization of Tetracene Films by Lateral Force Microscopy and Grazing-Incidence X-Ray Diffraction." Thesis, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10214/3496.
Повний текст джерелаNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI), Ontario Innovation Trust (OIT).
Huang, Wei-Ru, and 黃偉儒. "The Development and Characteristic Measurement of Lateral THz Sources and Tapered Teflon Waveguides." Thesis, 2001. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/13531600758792189691.
Повний текст джерелаBritain-Renecke, Cézanne. "Potential alternative sources of funding South Africaâs land redistribution programme in its agricultural sector." Thesis, 2011. http://etd.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=etd&action=viewtitle&id=gen8Srv25Nme4_5348_1366188206.
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