Дисертації з теми "International inheritance"
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Revineala, Svetlana. "Le droit des successions dans la Fédération de Russie : droit interne et droit international privé." Thesis, Paris 2, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA020043/document.
Повний текст джерелаThe international inheritance issues have recently gained importance in Russia, since the opening of the country and the liberalisation of private international exchanges. Indeed, since 1991, with the URSS disintegration, the Russian nationals began to have their borders open with the possibility to develop their trade in a global economy. As a known phenomenon in all the countries, the immigration is shared between the desire to set down roots in the host country, and unless there is a will to return, at least a desire to have their families left in the original country benefit from their savings. Most of the time, this immigrant population ages and dies in the host country. The rising immigration from and to Russian Federation, illustrates the need of a clear regulation and enforcement in the area of the international inheritance law. The Russian conflict-of-law rules are mainly governed by internal rules, because the few international conventions signed by Russia in this area are deliberately regional or bilateral. For this reason, the rules of Russian private international law and the internal rules reflect the specificity of its social, economic and legal system. This Ph.D. undertakes a global reflexion on the Russian rules of the international inheritance law area. The two main axis of this study are, on the one hand, the determination of the applicable law to the international inheritance and the exploration of the domain of the Russian law applicable to the international inheritance. The aim of this thesis is to bring support to the patricians called to apply the Russian international private law in the area of inheritance
Гончарова, Аліна В`ячеславівна, Алина Вячеславовна Гончарова та Alina Viacheslavivna Honcharova. "Зарубіжний досвід організації переходу прав власності на спадкове майно". Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2013. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/33989.
Повний текст джерелаGalle-From, Alex. "Death and Taxes : Analysis and Comparison of Bilateral International Succession TaxTreaty Structures Between the United States and Selected OECDStates." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Juridiska institutionen, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-384696.
Повний текст джерелаMartínez, Iglesias María. "Propietarias a la espera: migración internacional, herencia y género en dos comunidades indígenas oaxaqueñas." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/399534.
Повний текст джерелаEsta tesis se pregunta por qué en unas zonas de Oaxaca (México) la migración permanente de los hijos varones- los herederos preferentes de la tierra en el modelo mesoamericano- modifica los patrones de transmisión patrimonial para incluir a las hijas; mientras que en otras áreas los varones, a pesar de la ausencia, mantienen los privilegios hereditarios sobre el patrimonio familiar. A partir de dos estudios de caso en comunidades indígenas oaxaqueñas se muestra que las hijas se convierten en herederas porque pueden suplir o complementar a sus hermanos en los cuatro elementos que convertían a los hijos en herederos legítimos: la residencia, la provisión, la atención y la representación ante la comunidad de los padres ancianos. Esto implica una nueva definición social de adultez femenina basada en una mayor cooperación con los padres y autonomía frente al vínculo matrimonial. Por otro lado, las mujeres en el rol de hijas siguen ocupando un lugar residual en la transmisión patrimonial, a pesar de la ausencia de sus hermanos varones, porque aún en la distancia las familias transnacionales pueden recomponer el sistema tradicional de transmisión patrimonial, basado en la cooperación preferente con los hijos; también, porque las hijas se incorporan a elementos menos valorados de la cooperación inter-generacional, como el cuidado. Tratar de contestar la pregunta de investigación en contextos donde la tenencia de la tierra es comunitaria y está regida por sistemas normativos internos -usos y costumbres-conlleva adentrarse en debates vinculados a opciones distintas de intervención pública (tensiones entre propiedad privada y propiedad social así como entre la ley y la costumbre), que han sido tomados en cuenta y a los que se ha intentado dar una respuesta parcial.
This thesis analysis why the permanent migration of the sons - the preferred inheritors of family land under the Mesoamerican family model - has shifted inheritance patters to include daughters in some areas of Oaxaca (México), while in others men still maintain their privileges over family land even when they are not present. Based in two case studies conducted in Oaxaca indigenous communities, we argue that daughters, excluded from previous arrangements, have become heirs because they can replace or complement their brothers in the four elements that made men legitimate heirs: residence, provision, care and the capacity of representing elderly parents in community institutions. Along with these new daughters¨ contributions to parents, new social definition of what means to be an adult women has change the assumption that daughters, after marriage, must be dependent only in their husband economic provision. Women, as daughters, still excluded from family property transfers because parents and migrated sons can rebuild cooperation despite the distance; or daughters cooperate only as care-givers but not providing or representing their parents. As long as our research areas are ruled by usos y costumbres and the land tenure is communal, some other debates around the tensions between private-comunal land and law –costum needed to be answered.
Edman, Tove, and Linnea Svantesson. "Europeiskt arvsintyg : En granskning av det internationella arvsintyget i EU:s arvsförordning." Thesis, Internationella Handelshögskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping, IHH, Institutet för utländsk rätt, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-27183.
Повний текст джерелаUppsatsens syfte är undersöka arvsintyget som rättshandling och diskutera dess följder på svensk arvsrätt. Det europeiska arvsintyget är en europeisk rättshandling som kommer införas i augusti 2015 i samband med EU:s nya arvsförordning. Arvsintyget är menat att förenkla processen vid gränsöverskridande arvsfrågor genom att legitimera de berörda parterna. Vilka enligt förordningen är: arvtagare, testamentstagare, boutredningsmän och testamentsexekutorer. I och med den nya arvsförordningen kommer hemvistprincipen få en större roll inom den europeiska arvsrätten och arvsintyget kan då användas för att förmedla ett domslut/bestämmande från en medlemsstat till en annan. Även universalitetsprincipen är av stor vikt vid behörighetsfrågor om gränsöverskridande arv, då den innebär att all kvarlåtenskap ska ingå i samma boutredning. Eftersom arvsintyget är en europeisk rättshandling kommer den ha rättsverkan i alla EU-länder som är bundna av arvsförordningen. Därför kommer ett beslut från myndighet/domstol i en medlemsstat även gälla i andra medlemsstater, vilket meddelas genom arvsintyget. Detta leder till att nationell lag i viss kapacitet blir gränsöverskridande, vilket kräver strikt reglering. Arvsintyget kan inte i sig självt räknas som en fördelning av kvarlåtenskap, lagvalsavtal eller liknande. Det kan dock ligga till grund för beslutande angående arvsskifte. Arvsintyget kan anses vara en kvittens av ett beslut från en medlemsstat, vilket ska gälla även i andra medlemsstater. Arvsintyget kommer i Sverige utfärdas av Skatteverket och kommer betydligt underlätta för EU-medborgare vid gränsöverskridande arvsfrågor.
De, Gourcy Raphaelle. "Le statut patrimonial du conjoint survivant en droit international privé." Thesis, Paris 2, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019PA020023.
Повний текст джерелаThe patrimonial status of the surviving spouse has always been exposed to a legislative “dépeçage”, entailing characterization and articulation difficulties, which had to be confronted to current evolutions known in private international law and substantive law. However, neither the implementation of EU Regulations (no.650/2012 on inheritance and no.2016/1103 on matrimonial property), nor the favour for the surviving spouse have eradicated the difficulties affecting his or her patrimonial status in private international law. Hence the interest, as a first step, to apply the techniques of qualification, substitution or adaptation in an attempt to overcome these difficulties on a case by case basis; then, as a second step, to pursue the reunification of the surviving spouse’s patrimonial status under only one legislation. Two ways would enable to reach or, at least, enhance the achievement of such a legislative unity. The first solution, involving the modification of the content of the relevant connection categories, either by merging them or by extending one of them, has been eliminated. However, the second one, based on the modification of matrimonial connection after death, either by judicial substitution, as now recognized by the EU regulation no.2016/1103, or through inter partes agreement, as already recognized under French law, has been upheld
Kson-Bouvet, Anna-Gaëlle. "Recherche sur les instruments de contournement de la réserve héréditaire des descendants." Thesis, Paris 2, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA020053/document.
Повний текст джерелаAt a time when the modern family is conceived in the plural, at a time when ascendants organize upstream transmission and devolution of their heritage, at a time when globalization advocates the standardization of law and the end of specificities States, it is necessary to question the future of the hereditary reserve. Parents no longer wish to be deprived of their power to freely dispose of their patrimony, even for reasons of death. What to answer to a father who is anxious about seeing his heritage squandered by an ungrateful child with whom he lives only conflicts ? What to say to this child who saw his brother favored by maternal decision, in an abusive and arbitrary way ? What advice can be given to those individuals who open the door of our offices every day to ask the help of their notary ? What to say to this husband who wants to protect his spouse from the angry of children from a first bed ? In order to answer them in practice, let us study ways of circumventing this hereditary reserve. Let's focus on checking their effectiveness. Beyond the classical mechanisms of the Civil Code such as the will and the gift, the interest of this thesis is to turn to more complex mechanisms, in order to answer the parents disappointed by their offspring, but also to them, children wronged to give them legal means to counter unfair deprivation. It is useful to understand and know what can be done to transmit one's heritage with a recovered freedom without risking the wrath of the law. Through the study of these instruments, their efficiency and their legal and family treatment, the question of the modernization of the reserve resurfaces. The family changes, and with it, the traditional conception of the hereditary reserve
Vidovic, Nikolina, and Carolina Brännmark. "Bröstarvingars arvsrätt i relation till svensk IP-rätt om ordre public : Ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv." Thesis, Internationella Handelshögskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping, IHH, Rättsvetenskap, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-23854.
Повний текст джерелаThe fact that Sweden is increasingly becoming more internationalized and developing a more multicultural society, stimulated an interest in writing about direct heirs inheritance rights from a national and international perspective, in which the outcome was intended to be set in relation to the Swedish Private International Law on public policy. Nowadays all children take equal shares according to chapter 2 paragraph 1 “Ärvdabalk”. If the deceased’s child passes away before him- or herself, the deceased’s grandchildren are entitled to inheritance through the Swedish istadarätt. The Swedish legal portion is enacted in chapter 7 paragraph 1 “Ärvdabalk” and entitles direct heirs half of his or her inheritance share. There has been discussion about whether the legal portion should be preserved or abolished in the law of Swedish inheritance. All the Nordic countries have a form of legal portion, as well as most of the European countries, apart from England and Wales, where there is a complete testamentary freedom. Even Muslim countries have no correspondence to the protection of legal portion. This may raise the question whether a country, which is lacking a protective rule that can be compared with the Swedish legal portion, may constitute a basis for public policy. According to the Swedish law there is an opportunity, through public policy, for Sweden to override a foreign law on the grounds that it is clearly incompatible with the foundations of the Swedish legal system. The Islamic inheritance law differs considerably from the Swedish inheritance law, in comparison to the right of inheritance in for example any Western European country. It is debatable whether any basis in the Islamic inheritance law of direct heirs may conflict with the fundamentals of the Swedish legal system and therefore actualize public policy. The Swedish right of inheritance for direct heirs is to a large extent of dispositive nature, which is why public policy can only become relevant in an international succession dispute, where a foreign law is applicable. The courts tend to strictly interpret public policy, probably because of the fear that the country's law, which gets overridden, could oppose. Future application of public policy may be further limited when the EU Succession Regulation enters into force. It is still up to the Swedish court to determine what in each case is deemed to be manifestly incompatible with public policy in Sweden, and what impact this may have on the succession of direct heirs.
Djiguiba, Dommo. "Le nouveau droit malien des successions : étude prospective pour l'application en France." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Nantes Université, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024NANU3014.
Повний текст джерелаFocusing to highlight the challenges associated to the coexistence within the Malian Law of the three sets of applicable inheritance rules (statutory law, religious law and customary law) and to contribute to resolving internal conflicts of law between codified law and competing normative systems. The goal is to reflect on possible solutions to make Malian legal pluralism work, which is characterized by a lack of visibility and clarity. In addition to the difficulties when it comes to identifying inheritance law under Malian domestic law, this thesis also emphasizes the challenges linked to the application of Malian law, particularly its religious and customary rules, first within the Malian context, considering the fundamental provisions of the Malian Constitution and international treaties ratified by the Republic of Mali. Therefore, after showing the existence of internal conflicts of law and the shortcomings of the current conflict-resolution systems, this thesis proposes offers strengthening the role of individual will in matters of religious and customary. This thesis suggest introducing a public order clause into domestic law to allow Malian judges to exclude traditional rules that are manifestly contrary to certain principles of modern law. This challenge faced by Malian law in the domestic context may also rise internationally when an international inheritance involving a Malian national is opened in France or handled by a French notary or judge. Many Malians travel and a many of them choose France as their country of residence. The settlement of their succession, which will have an international character, requires the application of French conflict of law rules to determine whether French law or Malian law should apply, depending on the relevant connections with the entry into force of Regulation (EU) No. 650/2012 of 4 July 2012, on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions, the acceptance and enforcement of authentic instruments in matters of succession, and the creation of European Certificate of Succession. The application of Malian law in France may become more frequent, particularly due to the choice of law option or if the deceased’s last residence was in Mali, even if the succession is opened in France, due to the presence of heirs ( children or surviving spouse ), or because of the principle of unity of the estate which governs the regulation process. The conflit of law rules, whether from national or European sources, designate Malian law as applicable in an international inheritance case, two major challenges arise : identifying the Malian domestic law that will ultimately apply and applying certain religious or customary rules in France. This situation leads us to consider the potential conflict between Malian law and the requirements of French international public order, especially regarding fundamental rights and therefore the risk of Malian law being set aside in France
Daumiller, Barbara von. "Die Rechtswahl im italienischen internationalen Erbrecht : und ihre Auswirkungen im deutsch-italienischen Rechtsverkehr /." Frankfurt am Main [u.a.] : Lang, 2003. http://www.gbv.de/dms/spk/sbb/recht/toc/367736756.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаKurzböck, Christoph. "Die Abwicklung deutsch-tschechischer Erbfälle /." Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2010. http://bvbr.bib-bvb.de:8991/F?func=service&doc_library=BVB01&doc_number=018993974&line_number=0001&func_code=DB_RECORDS&service_type=MEDIA.
Повний текст джерелаLeurquin, Pablo. "Protection de l'innovation par le droit brésilien de la concurrence et dialogue avec le droit de l'union européenne." Thesis, Paris 1, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA01D053.
Повний текст джерелаThe promotion of innovation is a value widely pursued by the most different countries, which implement various legal techniques to ensure the necessary incentives for companies that succeed in generating new products, services and technologies. In Brazil, intellectual property is considered one of the most suitable legal institutes to better preserve the interest of companies in continuing to innovate. However, the period following Brazil’s accession to the TRIPS Agreement revealed that it did not meet the expectations of consolidating the innovation development model in the country. This frustration is not a phenomenon restricted to Brazil, as one can perceive in evaluating other economies with inheritances of underdevelopment. In lieu of a broad technological diffusion, what was observed is the consolidation of a "knowledge cartel," with global influence. The "overprotection" of intellectual property rights is added to the narrative of a reduction in competitive intervention, resulting from the influence of the Chicago School. Thus, this thesis assumes that the context previously described is not in accordance with the constitutionally adopted ideology, making it necessary to promote a renewed action of the Brazilian Administrative Council of Economic Defense (CADE, in Portuguese). The research aimed to formulate a regulatory function of innovation by means of the Brazilian Competition Law mechanisms. The research had an interdisciplinary character, involving, especially, knowledge of Law and Economy. An analysis of cases judged by Brazilian and European competition authorities on the protection of innovation and intellectual property rights was carried out. The comparative analysis with the European experience showed that the contributions of the contemporary industrial economy can introduce more realistic economic analyzes, without losing sight of the legal security in the competitive intervention. Thus, it is understood that CADE has constitutional and legal powers to intervene, in a renewed way, in cases involving the high technology industry, prioritizing more inclusive economic structures and reducing high barriers to entry in the markets in question
A promoção da inovação é um valor amplamente perseguido pelos mais diferentes países, os quais se utilizam de diversas técnicas jurídicas para garantir os estímulos necessários às empresas que tenham sucesso em gerar novos produtos e serviços ou novas tecnologias. No Brasil, considera-se a propriedade intelectual como um dos institutos jurídicos mais aptos a preservar o interesse das empresas em continuar inovando. Entretanto, o período subsequente à adesão ao Acordo TRIPS revelou que este não cumpriu com as expectativas de consolidar o modelo de desenvolvimento via inovação no país. Essa frustração não é fenômeno restrito ao Brasil, conforme se percebe ao avaliar outras economias com heranças do subdesenvolvimento. No lugar da ampla difusão tecnológica, o que se verificou foi a consolidação de uma espécie de “cartel do conhecimento”, com influência global. Assim, a “superproteção” dos direitos de propriedade intelectual se soma à narrativa de redução de intervenção concorrencial, decorrente da influência da Escola de Chicago. A presente tese parte do pressuposto de que esse contexto descrito não está de acordo com a ideologia constitucionalmente adotada, fazendo-se necessário promover uma atuação renovada do Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE). A pesquisa teve como objetivo formular uma função reguladora da inovação por meio da aplicação do Direito Brasileiro da Concorrência. Para tanto, a investigação teve caráter interdisciplinar, envolvendo, especialmente, conhecimentos do Direito e da Economia. Foi realizada uma análise de casos julgados pelas autoridades da concorrência brasileira e europeias, versando sobre a proteção da inovação e de direitos de propriedade intelectual. Em face disso, a análise comparativa com a experiência europeia permitiu constatar que os aportes da Economia Industrial contemporânea podem introduzir análises econômicas mais realistas, sem perder de vista a segurança jurídica na intervenção concorrencial. Assim, infere-se que o CADE apresenta competências constitucionais e legais para intervir, de maneira renovada, em casos que envolvam a indústria de alta tecnologia, priorizando estruturas econômicas mais inclusivas e reduzindo as elevadas barreiras a entrada
蔡文萱. "Study of issues related to international inheritance----decision and application of the applicable law." Thesis, 2010. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/71459504669107657869.
Повний текст джерелаMoodie, Nicolette. "Denial of inheritance rights for women under indigenous law : a violation of international human rights norms." Diss., 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/17502.
Повний текст джерелаConstitutional, International & Indigenous Law
LL. M. (Law)
Rutar, Radka. "Dědění ze zákona." Doctoral thesis, 2018. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-389128.
Повний текст джерелаChikoc, Barreda Naivi. "Les dispositions spéciales de la lex situs en droit international privé des successions." Thèse, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/12715.
Повний текст джерелаThe « special inheritance rules » of the lex situs introduce a particular exception to the unitary system of the law applicable to succession. Its recognition by the recent Regulation (EU) No 650/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and acceptance and enforcement of authentic instruments in matters of succession and on the creation of a European Certificate of Succession demonstrates the importance and the current relevance of this legal provision. We find the immediate precedent of the rule in Article 15 of the Convention of 1 August 1989 on the Law Applicable to Succession to the Estates of Deceased Persons, which also inspired Article 3099 par. 2 of the Civil Code of Quebec. The original conception of the rule comes from Article 28 of the Introductory Act of the German Civil Code of 1896. These legislations acknowledged the necessity of giving effect to some special provisions on succession whose material content legitimates an exceptional breach of the unity in international successions. Therefore, the traditional conflict between the scission and the unitary system of the law applicable to succession finds a conciliatory factor in the observation of the “special provisions” of the lex rei sitae over some particular assets of the estate notwithstanding the conflict rule. The intention is to preserve a minimal content of the State’s law where certain assets are located against the threat that a foreign lex successionis brings about. This uncompromising set of rules presents itself as a bridge to close the gap between these two extreme solutions. It does not contemplate the classic meaning of scission based on the movable or immovable nature of the property (territorial scission), but it breaks nonetheless the principle of unity, in favor of certain substantial considerations derived from the economic, family or social function of some specific assets, by means of a special connection to the lex situs.
Krasniqi, Judita. "International Women’s Rights Law versus Traditional Societies: Practices of Exclusion of Women from the Right to Property and Inheritance in Kosovo." Doctoral thesis, 2021. https://depotuw.ceon.pl/handle/item/3914.
Повний текст джерелаW niniejszej pracy autorka skupiła się na prawach kobiet w sprawach majątkowych i spadkowych, analizując sposób, w jaki prawa te ujęte zostały w prawie międzynarodowym i prawie krajowym Kosowa, oraz jak wygląda praktyka hamująca implementację tych praw. Poprzez analizę wykluczeń kobiet z praw majątkowych oraz praw spadkowych w Kosowie, autorka formułuje tezę skupiającą się na roli państwa i społeczeństwa w owej dyskryminacji oraz jej wpływu na rolę kobiety w społeczeństwie. Ponadto, autorka stawia tezę dotyczącą wpływu prawa zwyczajowego na życie społeczeństwa w demokratycznym państwie, które dąży do równość płci, jednak ograniczenia związane z tradycją są wciąż zbyt mocne. Zarówno teorie, jaki uczeni poddawali pod debatę temat praw majątkowych i spadkowych kobiet oraz rolę praw majątkowych w równości płci, jednakże ów debata dotyczy głównie konsekwencji dyskryminacji kobiet w tych prawach. Autorka dokonała analizy przyczyn dyskryminacji płci w Kosowie, a także sposobu wykluczenie kobiet z praw majątkowych i spadkowych, wpływającego na ich pozycję w społeczeństwie. Poprzez teorię feminizmu oraz antropologię, autorka zwróciła uwagę na związek pomiędzy tradycją i patriarchalnymi normami, a także zachowaniem społeczeństwa w Kosowie w związku z prawami majątkowymi i spadkowymi kobiet, jak również praktykami wykluczającymi kobiety z tych praw, pomimo istnienia norm, w tym zakresie zarówno w prawie krajowym, jaki międzynarodowym. Ponadto, dzięki zbadaniu prawa międzynarodowego i krajowego w celu porównania danych przepisów do obecnej sytuacji praw właśności kobiet w Kosowie, autorka ukazała, że normy obyczajowe dyskryminujące kobiety, są wciąż aktualne w społeczeństwie. Takie praktyki, poza tym że poddają pod wątpliwość istnienie państwa prawa, wykorzystują instytucje państwowe w celu dyskryminacji kobiet w sprawach majątkowych i spadkowych poprzez niedoprecyzowane prawo i słaby wymiar sprawiedliwości, dzięki którym tradycja dominuje. Według autorki, czynniki wpływające na pozycję kobiet w społeczeństwie nasiąknięte są dyskryminacją kobiet w sferze praw majątkowych i spadkowych, zatem wszystkie inne aspekty, takie jak: przemoc domowa, mały współczynnik kobiet na rynku pracy, mały udział w życiu politycznym, są oznaką dyskryminacji poprzez tradycyjne i kulturowe normy dotyczące płci. W niniejszej pracy, autorka przedstawiła dane oraz statystki popierające tę tezę , a także dzięki istniejącym badaniom, jak również poprzez przegląd kazusów kobiet, które przeszły przez batalie prawne o rodzinne dziedzictwo oraz przeszkody, z którymi musiały się w ich trakcie zmierzyć. Zdaniem autorki, kluczową rolę w eliminowaniu dyskryminacji kobiet odgrywa państwo, którego narzędziami mogą być egzekwowanie prawa oraz środki zachęcające kobiety do walki o swe prawa oraz zapewnienie, że dane im prawa będą egzekwowane.
Ghozlan, Stéphanie. "La désignation de la loi applicable en matière de successions internationales : la professio juris en droit international privé québécois et comparé." Thèse, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/9039.
Повний текст джерелаWhile an endless debate opposes the proponents of scission with the proponents of unity of succession, the professio juris offers a new option. The professio juris allows for the determination of the law applicable to an international succession to be evaluated through the perspective of a will’s autonomy and of legal predictability. By conferring to the deceased the ability to designate the law which would govern their succession, they may circumvent the rule of objective conflict in favour of one or more of the Connecting factors of their choice, and thus to avoid the incertitude linked to the evaluation of the objective Connecting factors upon their death. This institution, established in Quebec in 1994, exists only in certain states. Though advantageous in estate planning, the professio juris raised the apprehension that the deceased may use it in order to circumvent imperative rules of the objectively applicable law, and particularly its protective dispositions such as the hereditary reserve. Two limitations of the professio juris then emerged, firstly, restricting the number of laws from amongst which the deceased can choose, and secondly, limiting some of the possible consequences of said choice. This report is a comparative study of the limitations in effect in legislations that recognize the professio juris, in an attempt to clarify Quebec’s. Moreover, this study will analyse how the professio juris has been implemented in other states, observing that it can offer planning possibilities that are unavailable in Quebec, and, finally, to take a critical assessment of those limitations.
Vavříková, Štěpánka. "Řízení o pozůstalosti - vybrané otázky." Master's thesis, 2020. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-434614.
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