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Guyon, Yves. "Les groupements d'intérêt économique." Articles 22, no. 2 (April 12, 2005): 383–427. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/042442ar.

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Collaboration between different business enterprises has become a must in our days of financial, technical and commercial complexity. It is highly encouraged by governments and businessmen. The traditional legal techniques known and frequently used in Canada appear however to be inadequate in some cases. The French legislator has innovated in the field by creating, in 1967, the legal framework of the Groupement d'intérêt économique (G.I.E.) The G.I.E. is an institution that has the separate legal entity of the corporation while maintaining the joint, several and illimited liability of the partners. The G.I.E. is all the way neutral. It is not aimed to generate direct profits for itself or the partners but allows the involved partners to have a better overall performance. Since 1967, over 9000 G.I.E. have been created in France to cover fields as different as the Airbus joint venture, communal maintenance services, research publicity or marketing department, buying or export offices, etc. This article, written by a leading academic, discusses the different legal aspect of the G.I.E. and explains the pros and cons of the institution.
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Adam, Quentin. "Le cloud dans la chaîne de valeur industrielle du numérique." Annales des Mines - Enjeux numériques 27, no. 3 (September 27, 2024): 16–25. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/ennu.027.0016.

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À l’ère de la transformation numérique, la France et l’Europe occidentale sont confrontées à une révolution économique majeure. Les technologies numériques, et en particulier le cloud computing , transforment profondément notre manière de créer et de distribuer la richesse. Cette transformation numérique représente une opportunité sans précédent, mais également un défi de taille pour la France, qui doit jongler entre innovation technologique et souveraineté numérique. Malheureusement, ce sujet ne reçoit pas toujours l’attention nécessaire, et les impacts importants de cette révolution sont souvent minimisés.
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Chantrel, Laure. "Dépopulation et réforme de la fiscalité en France aux XVI-XVIIe siècles." Population Vol. 49, no. 2 (February 1, 1994): 457–79. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/popu.p1994.49n2.0479.

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Résumé Chantrel (Laure). - Dépopulation et réforme de la fiscalité en France aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles Dans la pensée économique du XVIIe siècle, un niveau élevé de la population apparaît comme une nécessité pour l'État fiscal mercantiliste et comme une arme contre la politique fiscale de cet État. La dépopulation de la France est la preuve qu'il faut réformer le système fiscal qui nuit au bien-être des populations. Sur la question de la dépopulation globale se greffe la question des flux migratoires entre la ville et la campagne ; des officiers du Roi aux marchands, tout le monde s'accorde à souhaiter une redistribution du fardeau fiscal de la campagne vers les villes afin de favoriser la production agricole et la consommation, conditions de la croissance économique. Les analyses des uns et des autres ont tantôt un aspect mythique, tantôt sont pleines d'enseignement sur le fonctionnement des économies pré-capitalistes.
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Didier, Emmanuel. "Introduction." Statistique et société 5, no. 2 (2017): 23–24. https://doi.org/10.3406/staso.2017.1035.

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«L’économie des conventions » est un important courant de la science économique hétérodoxe. Apparu en France au début des années 1980, il se propose de remettre en cause certains principes de base de la théorie économique standard et, en lien avec cet objectif, de repenser les propriétés épistémologiques et sociales des outils de quantification utilisés par ce même modèle standard. Ce deuxième aspect de son «credo » est ce qui le distingue d’un autre courant hétérodoxe, «l‘ école de la régulation » , qui est apparue à peu près au même moment. C’est aussi la raison pour laquelle nous souhaitons lui faire une place dans Statistique et société.
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Guillemin, Alain. "Rente, famille, innovation Contribution a la sociologie du grand domaine noble au XIXe siècle." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 40, no. 1 (February 1985): 54–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.3406/ahess.1985.283142.

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L'historiographie du xixe siècle, du moins en ce qui concerne la France, a généralement négligé l'étude des grands domaines et, de ce fait, mal évalué le rôle que leurs possesseurs ont joué dans la transformation de l'agriculture, minimisant, d'une part, le poids économique, politique et social de la grande propriété foncière après 1830, tendant, d'autre part, à enfermer la majorité de ces grands propriétaires, en particulier les représentants de la noblesse dans le stéréotype du rentier oisif et négligent. Or, si l'on ne considère plus, a priori, les membres de l'aristocratie foncière comme de simples percepteurs de rente, on observe que, même dans les régions où leur emprise sur la terre est faible, ils se soucient fréquemment d'amélioration agricole. C'est non seulement le cas dans la France du Nord et du Nord-Ouest, mais encore dans certaines régions méridionales, comme la Provence, en dépit des succès politiques du radicalisme .
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Vachon, André. "Mgr de Laval et la traite de l’eau-de-vie." Travaux 25 (January 12, 2012): 33–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/1007441ar.

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Une bonne étude de la querelle de l’eau-de-vie devrait porter sur les trois aspects suivants : le comportement de l’Indien face à l’eau-de-vie, le rôle de l’eau-de-vie dans le système économique de la Nouvelle-France et les positions respectives de l’Église et de l’État dans la querelle de l’eau-de-vie. L’auteur s’est limité, pour cette fois, au seul aspect de l’influence de l’eau-de-vie sur la société indienne, se réservant de traiter plus au long de cette querelle dans un ouvrage qui paraîtra prochainement.
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CORDONNIER, P., M. JOURNET, Y. CHILLIARD, and G. LIENARD. "Impact économique de l’utilisation de la somatotropine dans les systèmes laitiers français." INRAE Productions Animales 2, no. 5 (December 10, 1989): 313–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.20870/productions-animales.1989.2.5.4424.

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Grâce aux progrès récents de la biotechnologie, la somatotropine bovine, hormone naturelle de lactation sécrétée par l’hypophyse, peut être fabriquée industriellement. Elle apparaît aujourd’hui comme une nouvelle technique à la disposition des éleveurs, en même temps qu’un enjeu industriel considérable. Elle suscite, dans tous les milieux concernés, un mélange d’intérêt et de préoccupation. Que penser d’une innovation qui revient à stimuler la production laitière en pleine crise de surproduction, alors qu’on s’interroge, en France et en Europe, sur les moyens de résorber les excédents laitiers ? Peut-on refuser, retarder ou condamner une innovation sans essayer d’en connaître les effets et de mesurer les conséquences économiques de son application ? Le lait est d’abord source de revenus pour celui qui, par nécessité, expérience et engagement financier, gère un troupeau laitier. Les dispositifs des quotas, qui s’efforcent de contenir l’offre communautaire, obligent l’exploitant à limiter sa production, ce qui affecte, à technologie constante, la rentabilité de son atelier et, dans certains cas, en compromet la pérennité. Dès lors, ses efforts visent à mieux maîtriser son activité afin d’améliorer sa productivité. Dans ces conditions, les possibilités de la somatotropine bovine retiennent nécessairement son attention. Une étude micro-économique, menée par des chercheurs de l’INRA, tente d’apprécier l’impact économique de l’utilisation de la BST dans les systèmes laitiers français et d’apporter des éléments de réponse à l’interrogation des producteurs, en dégageant les conditions d’application optimales de cette innovation.
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Aubry, Nina. "Enjeux d’institutionnalisation de l’innovation sociale. L’exemple des schémas régionaux de développement économique d’innovation et d’internationalisation français." Canadian Journal of Regional Science 44, no. 2 (November 5, 2021): 30–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/1083328ar.

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L’intégration de l’innovation sociale dans les schémas régionaux de développement économique d’innovation et d’internationalisation (SRDEII) en France constitue une nouvelle étape dans le processus d’institutionnalisation de l’innovation sociale. Pour en saisir les enjeux, l’article étudie les modalités d’intégration de l’innovation sociale dans ces documents. Le propos démontre à quel point le poids accordé à l’innovation sociale diffère selon les régions et dresse une typologie des modalités d’intégration de l’innovation sociale. L’article souligne la prédominance de la conception entrepreneuriale de l’innovation sociale et la faible institutionnalisation de celle dite institutionnaliste. Ce travail révèle la nécessité de (re)conceptualiser la dialectique innovation-développement pour penser les initiatives citoyennes collectives et ascendantes.
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Tortajada, Ramón. "La Revue d’économie politique et la guerre de 1914 – 1918." Revue d'économie politique Vol. 133, no. 6 (January 4, 2024): 925–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/redp.336.0925.

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Les articles publiés par la Revue d’économie politique pendant ces quatre ans de guerre marquent son engagement immédiat et sans faille dans le cadre de « l’Union sacrée ». Année après année, l’enjeu de la Revue fut de rendre compte de la dimension économique du conflit. Les articles les plus notables portèrent sur comparaison entre la capacité financière des Empires centraux et celle de la France, car, en dernière instance, la capacité financière détermine la capacité militaire Si l’étalon-or fut le critère dominant pour apprécier cette capacité, néanmoins l’idée que la monnaie, en elle-même, n’était que l’expression d’un consensus social n’en fut pas moins affirmée ouvrant ainsi la voie à d’autres conceptions de la monnaie. Un autre aspect se manifesta, avant même que le conflit soit achevé et les traités signés, c’est qu’après la guerre (victorieuse pour les Alliés et Associés – cela va de soi), il ne convenait pas d’exclure les Empires centraux des relations économiques et commerciales. Comme le déclara Charles Gide dans un article de 1917, pour une paix durable il fallait écarter « toute préoccupation de guerre économique ».
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Albert, Anaïs. "Le crédit à la consommation des classes populaires à la Belle Époque: Invention, innovation ou reconfiguration ?" Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 67, no. 4 (December 2012): 1049–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0395264900009501.

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RésuméDurant la Belle Époque se construit en France une économie de la consommation de masse qui passe par l’accès massif au crédit des classes populaires. Ce phénomène ne peut pourtant se comprendre comme un simple changement d’échelle, car il s’agit d’un véritable réagencement de l’ordre social du crédit, de l’identification économique aux processus de sanction. Ces différentes facettes de la relation de crédit sont abordées successivement à travers deux dossiers documentaires : l’organisation du crédit à destination des classes populaires mise en place par les Grands Magasins parisiens Dufayel et les réformes introduites par la loi du 12 janvier 1895 sur la saisie-arrêt des salaires des ouvriers. La réorganisa- tion du système de crédit se traduit par l’apparition conjointe de nouvelles médiations et de nouvelles mises à distance, ainsi que par la multiplication des scènes sur lesquelles se joue la dette – entre espace commercial, tribunal et monde du travail.
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Suchet, André. "D'une pratique à contre-temps à une activité à contre-espace. Une interprétation géographique de l'emergence du wild-boaring en Pyrénées françaises." Geographicalia, no. 57 (May 22, 2014): 41. http://dx.doi.org/10.26754/ojs_geoph/geoph.201057809.

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La pratique du canyoning, représente une composante importantede l’activité sportive et du tourisme de montagne dans lesPyrénées, aussi bien en France qu’en Espagne. Après avoir étudié démographiquementles différentes modalités de la pratique du canyoningdans le sud de la France, il est apparu qu’un certain nombre d’individusse retrouvait pour descendre les canyons «le soir», notamment «après letravail». Il s’agit en particulier de fuir la fréquentation et les groupes detouristes avec leur moniteur. Par suite, une seconde étude réalisée dansle massif du Canigou, en Pyrénées françaises, révèle au sein de cesgroupes, l’émergence d’une pratique spécifique sous le nom de wildboaring.Le wild-boaring consiste à descendre des canyons encombrés,buissonnants et relativement peu intéressants selon les critères habituelsde l’activité canyoning.Cette transformation marque, selon nous, le passage d’une pratique àcontre-temps à une activité à contre-espace. Par cet aspect, se joue l’exacerbationd’une forme nouvelle de rejet du système économique marchandau sein des pratiques de nature et une forme particulière de relationsociale à l’espace. L’article discute également la possibilité d’uneélaboration géographique de contre-lieux par l’activité, mais cette hypothèsen’est pas validée.
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Aït-El-Hadj, Smaïl. "Marie-France Vernier (2023), Éco-conception et transition écologique : le modèle économique en question , Smart innovation, Londres, ISTE, 189 p." Innovations N° 74, no. 2 (June 7, 2024): 259–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/inno.074.0259.

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Cognard, Étienne. "Les politiques de formation professionnelle dans les services à domicile. Influence de la structure de marché et du dialogue social en France et en Belgique." Articles 70, no. 3 (October 5, 2015): 532–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/1033409ar.

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RésuméCet article étudie les politiques de formation professionnelle négociées par les partenaires sociaux des secteurs belge et français des services à domicile. Une attention particulière est accordée aux parcours professionnels offerts aux aides-ménagères à domicile. Ces parcours sont quasi-inexistants en Belgique, mais beaucoup mieux construits en France. Notre analyse comparative qualitative montre que deux principaux facteurs expliquent cette différence d’approche de la formation continue. Le premier est le type d’activités subsidiées par l’État dans le cadre des politiques d’emploi centrées sur le développement des services à domicile. La France se distingue de la Belgique par l’inclusion de l’aide à domicile et de la garde d’enfant. Dans la mesure où les prestataires « titres-services d’aide-ménagère » ne proposent pas ces deux types de services à domicile, ils n’ont pas intérêt à promouvoir des formations sectorielles qualifiantes. En France, les employeurs des services à la personne ont soutenu la mise en oeuvre de dispositifs sectoriels certifiant ou diplômant vers l’aide à domicile et la garde d’enfant, deux évolutions possibles pour les aides-ménagères. Le second facteur est la structure du dialogue social sectoriel. En Belgique, la concentration des aides-ménagères titres-services dans une seule commission paritaire spécifique rend plus difficile la construction de parcours professionnels par les partenaires sociaux sectoriels. En France, la concurrence économique et politique entre les trois branches des associations, entreprises et particuliers-employeurs stimulent, au contraire, la volonté des partenaires sociaux, employeurs en tête, de développer des politiques sectorielles cohérentes. L’effet pervers de cette concurrence est, toutefois, la réticence à organiser des mobilités interbranches.
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Singer, L., and T. Kapfer. "Psychosocial rehabilitation of schizophrenic patients in France." European Psychiatry 11, S2 (1996): 66s—70s. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0924-9338(96)84746-8.

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SummaryThe authors examine the situation of rehabilitation of schizophrenic patients in France. After describing the methodology of their survey, the results are given. The housing facilities include halfway houses, “therapeutic” flats. The rehabilitation facilities include outpatient clinics with vocational units and rehabilitation centres such as vocational centres and sheltered workshops. In addition, a few centres provide placement and follow-up in the workplace. This type of centre is a recent innovation which helps stabilized schizophrenic patients find a regular job. The Fondation Santé des Étudiants de France (the health foundation of French students) deserves particular mention because it provides rehabilitation to high school and university students. In the discussion, the authors emphasize the insufficient number of such facilities, due to French psychiatrists only quite recently becoming aware of the importance of rehabilitation, which in turn, leads to insufficient funding of public mental health. As a result, most of the rehabilitation facilities were created and are now managed by private associations such as Les Croix Marines, UNAFAM, MGEN, Fondation Santé des Étudiants, Route Nouvelle Alsace, CAPPA Clermont-Ferrand, etc. In addition, their administrative tutelage is so complex that very few new facilities are developed. In view of their experience, the authors suggest that a large number of vocational centres should be built since they provide an essential service. Thus schizophrenic patients could enjoy a decent life in our society and not become one of the already many homeless. The European Union and the Council of Europe ought to consider the increase of such centres as a significiant aspect of their mental health policy.
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Naziroglou, Georgios. "L’affaire Georgiou : les répercussions juridiques inédites de la statistique." Statistique et société 6, no. 2 (2018): 43–46. https://doi.org/10.3406/staso.2018.1074.

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La saga de la crise financière sévissant en Grèce depuis 2009 est à tel point connue qu’un rappel des faits qui l’émaillent s’avère superflu. Néanmoins, un aspect de cette histoire a fait moins parler en France : il s’agit de l’histoire rocambolesque de l’ancien directeur de l’Autorité statistique grecque (ELSTAT), Andréas Georgiou. En Grèce, son nom a été associé à la révélation du chiffre réel du déficit public en novembre 2010, qui a été estimé à 15,4 % du PIB. Si ce chiffre représentait pour certains l’image ternie de l’économie hellénique des années 2000, à laquelle il fallait à tout prix remédier, pour d’autres elle constituait la preuve d’un effort orchestré à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur du pays tendant à soumettre le peuple grec au «cauchemar » économique des programmes de sauvetage. On aurait pu imaginer que ces allégations relèvent des théories du complot bien ancrées dans les sociétés en temps de crise, et n’aient pas de suite. Or, il n’en fut rien. À cause de la révélation du chiffre du déficit public, A. Georgiou a été mis en examen en janvier 2013 pour fausse attestation, ayant provoqué un préjudice supérieur à 150,000 € à l’État grec ; une accusation qui pourrait aboutir à l’imposition d’une peine d’emprisonnement à perpétuité.
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Pinsolle, Dominique. "Pascal Griset (dir.). Les Ingénieurs des Télécommunications dans la France contemporaine. Réseaux, innovation et territoires ( xix e - xx e siècles) . Paris, IGPDE, Comité pour l’histoire économique et financière de la France, 2013, 376 p." Histoire, économie & société 34e année, no. 4 (December 18, 2015): VI. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/hes.154.0123f.

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Lindström, Olle, John Bull, Beverly Collins, Inger M. Mees, Michael Barnes, Alison E. Chapman, Arne Olofsson, et al. "Reviews and notices." Moderna Språk 84, no. 2 (November 13, 1990): 170–208. http://dx.doi.org/10.58221/mosp.v84i2.10444.

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Includes the following reviews: pp. 170-173. Olle Lindström. Wells, J.C., Longman Pronunciation Dictionary. pp. 174-175. John Bull. Banham, M., The Cambridge Guide to World Theatre. + Hodgson, T., The Batsford Dictionary of Drama. pp. 175-177. Beverly Collins & Inger M. Mees. Davidsen-Nielsen, N. & Ulseth, B., English Intonation. pp. 178-180. Michael Barnes. Kjellmer, G., Ordlista för språkvetare, Svensk-engelsk och engelsk-svensk. pp. 181-182. Alison E. Chapman. Honey, J., Does Accent Matter?-The Pygmalion Factor. pp. 182-183. Arne Olofsson. Larsson, B., At your service! Ordbok för turist- och resenäringen (Engelsk-svensk, svensk-engelsk). pp. 183-184. Linda Schenck. Bowen, D. & Bowen, M. (eds), Interpreting, Yesterday and Today, Tomorrow. p. 185. Joakim Nivre. Herslund, M. (ed.), Data and Linguistic Theory: Three Essays on Linguistic Methodology. pp. 185-188. Beatrice Warren. Dickson, P., What Do You Call A Person From...? pp. 188-189. Alistair Davies. Murray, D. (ed.), Literary Theory and Poetry: Extenting the Canon. pp. 189-192. Christine Räisänen. Technical Writing: A Survey of Some Textbooks. p. 192. Margareta Olsson. Miller, J., Mr. Teach. Metodbok för lärare. pp. 193-194. Gunnar Magnusson. Braun, P., Schaeder, B. & Volmert, J. (Hgg.), Internationalismen. pp. 195-196. Gustav Korlén. Stedje, A., Deutsche Sprache gestern und heute. + Wolff, G., Deutsche Sprachgeschichte. Ein Studienbuch. pp. 197-198. Jan Olsson. Rothstein, S., Der Traum von der Gemeinschaft. Kontinuität und Innovation in Ernst Tollers Dramen. pp. 198-200. Hartmut Böhme. Madsen, B., Auf der Suche nach einer Identität. Studien zu Hubert Fichtes Romantetralogie "Das Waisenhaus", "Die Palette", "Detlevs Imitationen 'Grünspan'", "Versuch über die Pubertät". pp. 200-202. Rüdiger Bernhardt. Hammarskjöld, G., Schuldlos schuldig sein. Zur Schuld und Freiheit in Hermann Kants Roman "Der Aufenthalt". pp. 202-205. Göran Bornäs. Lötmarker, R. & Mezieres, P., Parlons de la France. Aspects politiques, économiques et sociaux. + Berg-Compère, J., Pierre, Paul, Fatma et les autres... Les Français devant l'Europe. 207-208. Redaktionsmeddelande/A Message From the Editors.
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Kovalevskiy, Valeriy, Liudmila G. Klimatckaia, and Yulija Yu Bocharova. "The role of The University Center for Social Development in the regional innovation ecosystem of social assistance." Medical Science Pulse 13, no. 1 (April 25, 2019): 34–39. http://dx.doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0013.0385.

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The stable innovation system generation is one of the Russian economic policy priorities. Universities have the role of a central hub in the regional innovation systems formation. This article presents a study of factors influencing the formation and development of the university’s innovation environment and examples of innovation activities of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University V.P. Astafyev (KSPU) in the regional innovation ecosystem of social assistance. The second section of the article is devoted to the exchange of experience and the results of the university becoming the center of social development in the regional innovation ecosystem of social assistance. An important aspect of this part is a positive result in several key areas: Globalization - mobility and increased competition between universities in China, South Korea, Japan, Poland, Germany, France, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and the United States; Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary - the integration of science, technology and design, teams from different faculties and universities; and Corporatization - specialized institutes of applied research, and extension of stakeholders. The final section presents the Transformation Program of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University at the University Center for Social Development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for current and future operations. The program includes both initiatives and ongoing projects. Today, many successful examples prove that the Center for Social Development in the field of social assistance of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University plays an important role in the development of the region. Conclusion. Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University really stands on the route to the social entrepreneurship development and influx of new technologies, introduction of innovative approaches, and becomes the center of social and project competencies of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, one of the leading drivers of social development and of social assistance of the region.
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Abdel Fatah, A. S., and H. M. Ustinova-Boichenko. "Legal landscape of trade secret protection: Ukrainian-European aspect." Uzhhorod National University Herald. Series: Law 1, no. 77 (June 27, 2023): 143–49. http://dx.doi.org/10.24144/2307-3322.2023.77.1.22.

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The article is devoted to commercial secrets as a special object of intellectual property. The authors of the article conducted a comprehensive analysis of the current legal framework and problems related to the protection of trade secrets, focusing on the complexities associated with the protection of trade secrets in various jurisdictions, including Germany, France, United Kingdom and Ukraine.The authors found that as technology advances at an unprecedented rate, it becomes increasingly difficult for companies to protect their intellectual property from being stolen or used by competitors or employees seeking personal gain. Thus, there is an urgent need to strengthen laws and mechanisms to ensure effective protection of trade secrets. The authors make this point in their paper, noting how weak regulation can stifle innovation by preventing companies from investing in research and development out of fear that their ideas could be stolen.The analyzed regulatory framework and case law provided an understanding of the legal landscape related to the protection of trade secrets. The research process included a critical evaluation of each law to ensure its relevance and effectiveness.The article also sheds light on the challenges countries face in implementing effective trade secret protection policies. One of them is the lack of awareness among stakeholders about the importance of protecting intellectual property rights and the limited resources allocated to ensure compliance. It is possible to solve this problem by strengthening the current laws related to the protection of commercial secrets, or adopting new, more effective ones.In addition, there is an urgent need for international cooperation between governments to develop strong safeguards against misappropriation of trade secrets.The authors emphasize that the use of alternative dispute resolution methods beyond traditional ones (judicial, administrative) could provide more effective means of resolving conflicts between parties regarding the appropriation, distribution, and use of trade secrets.
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Kuchumov, A. V., and E. V. Pecheritsa. "DIGITAL INNOVATION, AML/CFT COMPLIANT AND RISK-BASED APPROACH." ECONOMIC VECTOR 4, no. 31 (December 2022): 56–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.36807/2411-7269-2022-4-31-56-63.

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The article analyzes a review of the best in- ternational practices in the field of AML/CFT, developed and adopted by such countries as Germany, Great Britain, USA, Singapore, France. These include the standards of the Intergovernmental Commission on Financial Monitoring (FATF), as well as the ongoing monitoring and risk-based approach that are being implemented to combat money laun- dering around the world. The following re- search methods were used in the article: an analysis of modern scientific literature by foreign authors, focused on the aspect of crimes related to money laundering in the international AML regime in accordance with FATF standards. The purpose of this study is to consider the possibility of introducing artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of AML/CFT based on an analysis of the best international practices. 13 sources were ana- lyzed, including 4 scientific articles, including those on the introduction of artificial intelli- gence in combating money laundering and terrorism financing, 5 websites of regional organizations like the FATF. The study iden- tified barriers to the introduction of digital innovations in the field of AML/CFT for both commercial organizations and supervisory authorities: the difficulties and costs associ- ated with replacing or updating outdated sys- tems, difficulties associated with the explain- ability and interpretability of digital solutions. It is concluded that, when used responsibly and proportionately, innovative AML/CFT technologies can help identify risks and fo- cus efforts on existing and emerging issues,while manual verification and human partici- pation remain critical, while developing, im- plementing and regulatory oversight of inno- vative technologies should reflect both threats and opportunities, and the use of innovative tools should be compatible with international data protection, privacy and cybersecurity standards.
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Bakkour, Mahmoud, Fatiha Fort, and Anne Mione. "Ownership Structure and Branding Strategies." International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 16, no. 2 (May 2015): 85–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.5367/ijei.2015.0179.

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The brand is the most important asset for enterprises. In a competitive marketplace, brand is considered the best way to differentiate products, to build corporate image and to develop bargaining power with retailers. Branding strategies are therefore a key aspect of corporate decision making. In this paper, the authors analyse the relationship between the ownership structure of agri-food SMEs and branding strategies. A conceptual model of how these variables are related is proposed and empirically tested using data from two surveys (2003 and 2010) of a representative sample of agri-food SMEs in the Languedoc–Roussillon region (South of France). The results show that ownership structure influences branding strategies in SMEs. This finding might be considered a challenge to the relevance of applying agency theory to a very particular form of enterprise and sector of activity.
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Geis, Lila, Francesco d’Errico, Fiona M. Jordan, Michel Brenet, and Alain Queffelec. "Multiproxy analysis of Upper Palaeolithic lustrous gravels supports their anthropogenic use." PLOS ONE 18, no. 11 (November 1, 2023): e0291552. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0291552.

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Upper Palaeolithic sites in southwestern France attributed to the Upper Gravettian and the Solutrean yielded sub spherical gravels with a highly shiny appearance that have intrigued researchers since the 1930s. In this work, we analyze specimens from five sites, including the recently excavated Solutrean site of Landry, to establish whether their presence in archaeological layers and peculiar aspect are due to natural processes or human agency. We study the spatial distribution of gravels at Landry and submit archaeological gravels from the five sites, natural formations, Landry sediment sieving, and polishing experiments with a rotary tumbling machine to morphometric, colorimetric, microscopic, and textural analyses. Our results indicate the lustrous gravels found at the five sites result from deliberate selection and suggest their shiny appearance is the consequence of human agency, possibly resulting from prolonged contact with a soft material such as animal skin. Ethnographic accounts indicate that these gravels may have been used for magico-religious ritual purposes (charms, sorcery, divination etc.), in games, as elements of musical instruments, and as items serving other social and personal purposes. We argue that these objects reflect a cultural innovation emerged during the Gravettian and continued into the Solutrean.
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Di Resta, Chiara, Chiara Sacco, Mladen Trbos, Massimo Locatelli, Rossella Tomaiuolo, and Giuseppe Banfi. "PP106 Links Between Accuracy And Effectiveness Of Laboratory Diagnostic Tests: Health Technology Assessment Of Two Analytical Approaches For Glycated Hemoglobin." International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 40, S1 (December 2024): S96. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0266462324002678.

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IntroductionIn the field of laboratory medicine, the evolution of knowledge and the innovation of technologies are the basis of analytic and diagnostic progress, leading to the development of new solutions based on innovative technologies. However, these advances must be accompanied by evidence of appropriateness, diagnostic effectiveness, and efficiency of organizational aspects, considering the impact of the test on patient outcomes.MethodsThis study is an exemplificative case of the application of health technology assessment (HTA), exploiting the EUnetHTA core model, on two analyzers able to determine the glycated hemoglobin (hemoglobin A1c, HbA1c), the Capillarys 2 Flex Piercing analyzer (by Sebia, Lisses, France), and the HLC-723G11 analyzer (by Tosoh Corporation, Shunan, Yamaguchi, Japan) in the Laboratory Medicine Service of the IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital (Milan, Italy).ResultsThe nine domains of the EUnetHTA model are assessed, comparing the two technologies of interest and highlighting their pros and cons. As described below, the main aspect to be considered is the impact of the testing results on the clinical effectiveness evidence, due to the two different detection methods while both analyzers respond equally to the clinical and organizational needs of the San Raffaele laboratory.ConclusionsThis study demonstrates how HTA can aid decision-makers in evaluating health technologies to achieve specific objectives of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
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Dufour, Christian, and Adelheid Hege. "L’évolution de la négociation collective et de ses acteurs dans six pays européens." Articles 66, no. 4 (January 17, 2012): 535–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/1007634ar.

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Comment évoluent depuis la fin 1970 les statut et pratiques de négociation collective ? Quelles transformations sont repérables dans le comportement des acteurs ? Les six pays retenus dans cet article – Allemagne, Espagne, France, Grande-Bretagne, Italie, Suède – disposent de systèmes de relations professionnelles originaux. Les bouleversements économiques et sociaux poussent à des transformations, parallèlement à l’enjeu de l’Europe en construction. Les difficultés nées de la longue crise économique ne déstructurent pas ces systèmes, ni ne nivellent leur diversité. Les acteurs se montrent adaptables et jouent sur une acceptation sociale historiquement acquise pour maintenir leur influence. Ils investissent de nouveaux thèmes (emploi) et de nouveaux espaces d’échange (comités d’entreprise européens, pactes sociaux). Réponse apparemment rationnelle et efficace dans la crise, la négociation collective voit plutôt renforcée son statut, son cahier des charges densifié – dans les pays du continent européen. La Grande-Bretagne fait exception ; la mise en cause frontale du système de négociation collective et du pouvoir syndical souligne par contraste la tendance commune aux autres pays.Progressivement la négociation collective est perçue comme le pivot des systèmes de relations professionnelles ; les acteurs collectifs tendent à s’identifier à leur fonction de négociateurs. La dissolution des anciennes alliances entre syndicats et partis inaugure un mouvement peu commenté de dépolitisation du projet syndical, avec recentrage sur l’espace des relations professionnelles. Avec le 21esiècle, des contradictions apparaissent. Les acteurs, patronaux et syndicaux, perdent en représentativité et en capacité d’intégration de bases hétérogènes. Les systèmes de négociation perdent en rendement ; les États les contournent ainsi que leurs acteurs pour piloter des transformations sociales. Plus qu’à une crise des systèmes, on a affaire à une crise des acteurs. Pour les syndicats, elle soulève la question de la revitalisation de leurs liens avec leurs mandants, comme celle des nouvelles alliances à construire.
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Breteshé, Sophie, and Sylvain Le Berre. "Les identités professionnelles des mineurs d’uranium au prisme des transitions industrielles : du régime d’exception au repli identitaire." Sommaire 76, no. 3 (November 10, 2021): 565–86. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/1083613ar.

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Du point de vue théorique, l’article examine le rapport à l’identité professionnelle dans des contextes de mutations de la filière nucléaire, ce qui requiert un regard rétrospectif sur ces transformations. Par ailleurs, il contribue à la connaissance empirique de la filière uranifère qui est restée pendant de longues années un secteur marqué du sceau du secret militaire. Cet article, qui s’appuie sur une enquête auprès de deux générations de mineurs de l’uranium de l’ouest de la France et l’étude d’archives, analyse l’évolution des identités professionnelles des mineurs d’uranium depuis l’après-guerre jusqu’à la fermeture des mines dans les années 1990. En effet, l’histoire des mines d’uranium n’est pas linéaire et la « mise en intrigue » (Ricoeur, 1983) du passé s’est faite tardivement autour des déchets laissés par l’exploitation, mais en omettant le travail à proprement parler de la mine. Depuis les témoignages d’époque qui présentent l’exploration puis l’exploitation sur le mode du développement économique, en passant par la fermeture puis l’oubli des mines, jusqu’à la prise en compte récente des risques inhérents, l’histoire se révèle plurielle et fragmentée (Brunet, 2004). Ce problème de linéarité repose en partie sur les discontinuités induites à la fois par l’oubli et le travail de mémoire partiel, fait très récemment. À partir de la question de la genèse des identités des mineurs, cet article montre, depuis l’exploration en 1945 jusqu’à la fermeture des mines en 1990, l’évolution de trois éléments structurants de l’identité professionnelle : le contexte institutionnel, le rapport au travail et la nature des relations professionnelles. Si le cas de mineurs d’uranium pose avec force la question du maintien d’une identité dans des contextes de transformation de la filière nucléaire, il met en perspective le rôle des contextes institutionnels sur la nature des relations professionnelles.
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Georgescu, Mircea Radu, Anca Elena Lungu, Ioana Andreea Bogoslov, and Eduard Alexandru Stoica. "European Efficiency or Inefficiency in Economic Growth Through Digital Transformation." Scientific Annals of Economics and Business 70, SI (February 6, 2023): 19–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.47743/saeb-2023-0010.

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The current global changes bring to the fore the importance of the innovation and digital transformation for economic development. Under the previous assumption, an objective evaluation of the economic growth discrepancies, considering the digitalization process, is required. The main goal of the present research is to analyse the economic growth of the European countries, based to the digitalization process, by using an input-output method. Under these circumstances, a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was performed, considering the digitalization dimensions of DESI Index as input and the economic growth (annual %) as output. Based on the proposed model, the results highlighted the bidirectional relationship between economic growth and digitalization. Consistent with the research results, the European countries can be divided in two main categories: the efficient and the inefficient. On one hand, we can find the relatively efficient European states in terms of achieving the economic growth through digitalization (Ireland, Romania, Croatia and Greece). On the other hand, there is a numerous list of the inefficient ones, including important countries like Finland, Germany or France. Obviously, a remarkable aspect related to their situation is that, considering the national available inputs, an output maximization will be possible. According to the proposed model, the efficient countries can serve as peers or optimal benchmarks for solving the issue of relative inefficiency, by adapting and implementing their good practices.
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Scaringella, Laurent, and Rola Chami Malaeb. "Contributions Of Talented People To Knowledge Management." Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR) 30, no. 3 (April 24, 2014): 715. http://dx.doi.org/10.19030/jabr.v30i3.8556.

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This study focuses on major issues of talent management (TM) with respect to knowledge management (KM). Under the effect of the economic paradigm shift toward a knowledge-based economy, multiple human changes occurred and new challenges related to human capital and talent management requires new research in the field. The purpose of the article is to identify what are the contributions of People hold a Job that require a High Level of Talent (PJHLT) to knowledge management in terms of contribution to the value chain, to the creation, to the collective effort, to long distance dynamics, to absorption, transfer and learning, to innovation, and to the relationship with customers. This article develops a hypothetic-deductive study on individuals self-perception regarding talent requirements at their jobs. We used quantitative data collection in the cluster of Grenoble in France specialized in micro-nano technologies and software. 111 organizations and 566 people contributed to the study. We identified three main findings. First, PJHLT are also more likely to be involved in exploration rather than examination. Second, PJHLT are more likely to be able to absorb, transfer, and learn within long-distance and knowledge-rich dynamics. Third, PJHLT are more likely to be involved in the creation of knowledge rather than in the use of knowledge, which may lead to frustration due to a perception of an unfair distribution of wealth. We identified limitations in our study related to the measurement of subjective variables, the lack of generalization, and the focus on the contribution as one aspect of talent. Addressing an original topic related to both talent management and knowledge management; we finally identify paths for further studies.
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Yarovа, Nina, Olha Vorkunova, and Vira Baryshnikova. "FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF STATE SUPPORT OF INNOVATIVE ACTIVITIES (MACRO- AND MICROECONOMIC ASPECTS)." Development of Management and Entrepreneurship Methods on Transport (ONMU) 83, no. 2 (2023): 5–18. http://dx.doi.org/10.31375/2226-1915-2023-2-05-18.

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The foreign experience of state support for innovative activities of enterprises at both the macro and micro levels is discussed in the article.An important condition for the dynamic development of the country at the macro level is the accelerated introduction of modern innovative technologies in the economic, social and other spheres with the wide use of the achievements of science and technology.All rapidly developing spheres of public and state life of the country require close support of the reforms on the basis of modern innovative ideas, developments and technologies that ensure a quick and high-quality breakthrough of the country in this area of activity.State regulation of the economy and innovation processes on the macro level,according to scientists, is one of the main conditions for transferring the functioning of the economy to market relations. The main function of the state in the conditions of market relations is the protection of individual freedom, property and entrepreneurship. The government is obliged to work with the market in one harness.To overcome the crisis on the macro level, it is necessary to develop a strategy for maintaining and developing the scientific, technical and innovative potential of the country in the following areas: restructuring the scientific and technical potential in various sectors of the economy, taking into account the concentration of material, financial and intellectual resources; creation of a science and innovation property fund; development of a system for the use of leasing as an effective market mechanism for subjects of innovative activity; improving the mechanisms of the system for attracting bank loans to expand innovation and create conditions for the development of the capital market; creation in financial and industrial groups along with the system of consolidation of financial and production potentials of special innovation centers coordinating and implementing innovative projects; formation of an institute of developers of innovative projects from among scientific and technical workers, scientists and specialists; formation on the basis of funds supporting innovative activity, associations of funds with developed financial capital to help innovative projects; formation of a system for the targeted use of depreciation fund funds to finance activities related to R&D, experimental and other types of work, development of innovations, patenting of new solutions; improvements in tax legislation, which will increase innovation activity.In recent years, in the economically developed countries of the world, there has been a trend towards the widespread use of indirect stimulation methods on a par with direct ones. This is due to the fact that tax benefits involve much less intervention by the state in the economic life of an enterprise and they encourage already embodied actions, while subsidies only those that have yet to be implemented.An important role on the macro and micro level is played by tax incentives, which are used to develop the activities of enterprises that are aimed at stimulating scientific and technological progress and innovation.Some foreign countries use both types of tax discounts at the same time – both volumetric and incremental, but in relation to different types of expenses:in the USA, for private sector expenditures on fundamental research funding, the general incremental discount was supplemented by a volume discount of 20%;in France, newly established small and medium-sized companies are temporarily exempted from paying income tax or have a «tax holiday» with a reduction of 50% of the income tax they pay for the first five years of their activity;in Great Britain, the tax for innovative startups has been reduced from 20%to 1%.The experience of the USA, where the state encourages the interaction of enterprises and higher education institutions in the field of scientific and research work by providing tax benefits, should be used in Ukraine.Businesses provide necessary equipment to universities free of charge and are able to deduct the cost of this equipment from their gross income. This will make it possible to create powerful research centers on the basis of higher educational institutions of the country.In France, the state encourages personnel training:25% of the increase in personnel training costs are exempt from taxes;personnel training costs are not taxed at all if there is high unemployment.One of the methods that has the greatest value as a benefit is the accelerated depreciation method:in Germany, accelerated depreciation is applied in agriculture (up to 50% of the cost of equipment is written off in the first year, up to 80% in the first three years).Among the indirect economic measures of state regulation of innovative activity in the EU countries is the policy of industrial protectionism for the protection and implementation of innovations in the country.Keywords: state support, micro-macroeconomic aspect, innovation activity, strategy, world economy.
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Di Gruttola, Francesca, and Domenico Borello. "Analysis of the EU Secondary Biomass Availability and Conversion Processes to Produce Advanced Biofuels: Use of Existing Databases for Assessing a Metric Evaluation for the 2025 Perspective." Sustainability 13, no. 14 (July 14, 2021): 7882. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su13147882.

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Nowadays in Europe, the production of advanced biofuels represents a very important objective, given the strong interest in increasing sustainability throughout the transport sector. Production and availability of advanced biofuels are cited as a relevant issue in the most important international actions, such as the Sustainable Development Goals in UN Agenda 2030, EU RED II, and EU Mission Innovation 4, to cite a few of them. However, an important aspect to be considered is the prediction of feedstocks availability to produce advanced biofuel. The first aim of this paper is to assess the availability of European agricultural residues, forestry residues, and biogenic wastes in 2025. The data were collected through a deep review on open FAOSTAT and EUROSTAT databases and then elaborated by the authors. The analysis focuses on the fraction of feedstocks that can be used for advanced biofuels production, i.e., incorporating specific information on sustainable management practices, competitive uses, and environmental risks to preserve soil quality. An autoregressive model is developed to predict future availability, while also considering corrections due to the current pandemic. The results suggest that several European countries could produce enough sustainable advanced feedstocks to meet the European binding target. In particular, France, Germany, and Romania will have high production of agricultural feedstocks; while Austria, Finland, and Sweden will be rich of forestry residues; finally, Italy, France, and United Kingdom will have the highest availability of wastes. To complete the picture, a proper metric is introduced, aiming at generating a technology ranking of the examined alternative fuels, in terms of several relevant parameters such as biomass availability, Technology Readiness Level (TRL), quality of the biofuel, and costs. This analysis allows us to compare advanced biofuels and first-generation biofuels, whose utilization can impact the food market, while also contributing to the increase in the indirect land use change (ILUC). Although the first-generation biofuels remain the most common choice, the renewable (or green) diesel, pyrolysis bio-oil, green jet fuel, and the second-generation bioethanol are promising for different applications in the transport sector. Hydrotreated Vegetable Oils (HVO), Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA), Anaerobic Digestion (AD), and transesterification from vegetable oil represent the most widespread and mature technologies. Thus, it seems mandatory that the transport sector will rely more and more on such fuels in the future. For such reason, a specific support for advanced biomass collection, as well as specific programs for conversion technologies development, are strongly suggested.
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Burkynskyi, Borys, Natalya Andryeyeva, Nina Khumarova, and Katyeryna Konstetska. "An Innovative Approach to the Implementation of Sustainable Business Ideology in Ukraine." Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 77, no. 4 (December 9, 2021): 48–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.erem.77.4.29163.

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According to the Sustainable Development Goals (UN, 2015), making sustainable business decisions should be the driving force in achieving environmentally-oriented improvements. The key document that supports the 10 principles that ensure SDGs is the United Nations Global Compact Strategy 2021–2023 (UN, 2021). Achieving the goals of the Strategy requires the use of an improved business decision-making model that simultaneously increases revenues and revises the distribution of domestic funds for meeting the principles in the sphere of human rights, economic growth, satisfactory working conditions and the environment, and combating corruption as a key driver of corporate sustainability and responsible business practices. The authors have developed a methodological approach to the assessment of business sustainability, which is based on a combination of elements: analysis of world best practices and trends, determination of the impact of business on the social status and environment, quality assessment of relevant certification, and analysis of compliance with social indexes of sustainable development. The analysis of economic indicators of sustainable business (The B Impact Assessment, 2021) for 2020–2021 allowed singling out companies that finance the environmental sphere. Today, a quarter of the world’s countries carry on sustainable business and finance the environmental degradation impact. The 8 leaders include: France, USA, Brazil, India, Germany, Norway, Ireland and South Korea. Methods of rating and expert assessment constitute an applied aspect of research for identification of prospects of sustainable business formation in Ukraine in the regional context. The result shows that only 8 regions are suitable for sustainable business conduct, while the environmental criterion is more than 9.2 points of 10, the economic criterion does not exceed 5, and the social criterion is 4.02–5.02. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the organization of sustainable business according to the key strategic state priorities in formation of the mechanisms for the investment and the innovation policy of a sustainable development support system through the use of regulatory tools for reformation of existing business approaches to internationally regulated ones, such as business for nature.
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Segú Odriozola, Mabel, and Edurne González Goya. "Transfrontier Exchange for Modelling Good Practices in Social Intervention Based on PAR: The Case of the Sarea Project." Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science 8, no. 1 (February 22, 2019): 57–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.21664/2238-8869.2019v8i1.p57-71.

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Application of the Participatory Action Research methodology allows a reflective, systematic and critical scientific procedure that aims to study some aspect of the reality, of the problem situation, with the express purpose of transforming and freeing the community. This is the methodological design that the transfrontier project SAREA has selected to create synergies between practitioners from the social action field in Spain and France and search for the best practices to empower social services users. The opportunities for exchange that are created afford the possibility of actors sharing what is being done and how, based on a reflective and collaborative work to mutually learn the good practices presented. In their role as facilitators, the education bodies leading the project will seek to systematise the co-constructed knowledge in the exchange and prompt the emergence of the "good work model" that underpins the practices submitted. The value added of this inter-professional cooperation translates as conceptualisation of practices for their transfer at the territorial level as well as joint building of educational projects that provide our students with a background that addresses the reality they will be facing in their future careers in a creative, constructive and collaborative manner. PAR based research methodology not only allows participants to actively collaborate in the diagnostics and identification of good practices that may empower their Social Services users and families. It also generates synergies with extremely positive effects, in the socio-political context as well as the professional and personal spheres: Generating knowledge Contact and exchange between practitioners from both territories boosts acquisition of mutual knowledge and enriches the different professional practices and intervention types. Reflection-based action: At the present time, with the frenetic activity of our daily work, creating permanent networks gives practitioners the opportunity for continuous evaluation of their practice. Modelling good practices The PAR methodology enables co-generation of co constructed knowledge based on reflection and systematisation of daily practice. Training: These emerging models will be used as teaching resources to train practitioners, students from the social fields to prepare them for professional life, teaching staff, students and host families. Replicability These "good work" models for good practices will be collected and used to create theoretical premises for future dissemination and seek replicability in other contexts and territories to contribute to excellence in social intervention. And finally, Social transformation: Starting from shared and modelled action based on reflection, the intention is to provide services that guarantee the Social Services users' and their families' empowerment in their active role in social care processes. This co-construction working methodology implies social innovation in the Social Services field.
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Borodin, Yevhenii. "Establishment of public and administration education in Ukraine (the 90’s of the 20th century)." Universum Historiae et Archeologiae 2, no. 2 (October 3, 2020): 83. http://dx.doi.org/10.15421/26190206.

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The aim of the article was defined as the process of implementation of public and administration education in Ukraine after state independence gaining. Methods.The research was carried out on the basis of application of interdisciplinary approach with the use of historical-genetic, problematic-chronological, comparative, systemic- functional methods and periodization method. Main results of the research enable to reconstruct the events of the early nineties of the twentieth century in the field of training of personnel for public administration sector. The article makes the case that the process of establishment of public and administration education started in the beginning of the year 1992 and provided the training of the first professionals in 1993. The application of the institutional approach became the special aspect of the activity of the government authorities in the specified sector. This approach was implemented by the means of establishment of higher educational institution for professional training of public servants and local self-government officials without preliminary definition of the specialty “Public administration” in the list of specialties approved by the government. Establishment of public and administration education was carried out due to activity of the Institute of Public Administration and Self-Government under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine which existed in the 1992–1995. As a result, the national model of training of professionals for public sector was created with the use of the best experience of European democracies (in particular, France) and certain approaches of Soviet era (inclusion of institution for training of the officials into the chain of higher education institutions). The original training programs were created at the Institute of Public Administration and Self-Government under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in consultation with national and foreign professionals. Moreover, the innovation network of training unit was developed; the practical training of students in Ukraine and abroad was implemented. The main results lie in the fact that the process of implementation of public and administration education was duly prepared; it took into account the available possibilities; it occurred under the influence of international experience. The publication has the original nature; it was prepared on the basis of wide use of primary sources. The scientific novelty consists in address to poorly explored issue and application of author’s interpretation of the available historical facts. Practical meaning is determined by the possibility of reference to the detailed analysis of the roots of system of training and additional training of the public sector personnel by the professionals in the field of public and administration education. Type of the article. The article has the review nature; it covers the conceptual approaches and practical experience of public authorities of Ukraine.
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GUYOMARD, H., B. COUDURIER, and P. HERPIN. "Avant-propos." INRAE Productions Animales 22, no. 3 (April 17, 2009): 147–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.20870/productions-animales.2009.22.3.3341.

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L’Agriculture Biologique (AB) se présente comme un mode de production agricole spécifique basé sur le respect d’un certain nombre de principes et de pratiques visant à réduire au maximum les impacts négatifs sur l’environnement. Elle est soumise à des interdictions et/ou des obligations de moyens, par exemple l’interdiction des Organismes Génétiquement Modifiés (OGM), des engrais de synthèse et des pesticides ou l’obligation de rotations pluriannuelles. Dans le cas de l’élevage, les critères portent sur l’origine des animaux, les conditions de logement et d’accès aux parcours, l’alimentation ainsi que la prévention et le traitement des maladies. Ainsi, la prévention des maladies est principalement basée sur l’utilisation de techniques d’élevage stimulant les défenses naturelles des animaux et, en cas de problème sanitaire, le recours à l’homéopathie ou à la phytothérapie ; l’emploi d’autres médicaments vétérinaires n’est pas exclu à condition de respecter des conditions réglementaires strictes1. L’AB s’inscrit dans des filières d’approvisionnement et de commercialisation incluant la transformation et la préparation des aliments, la distribution de gros et/ou de détail et le consommateur final. Dans tous les pays, agriculteurs, conditionneurs et importateurs doivent se conformer à des réglementations pour associer à leurs produits un étiquetage attestant de leur nature biologique. Les produits issus de l’AB sont certifiés et des mécanismes d’inspection assurent le respect des règlements. L’AB mondiale est aujourd’hui encore une activité marginale au regard des terres consacrées (moins de 2%), du nombre d’agriculteurs engagés ou des volumes concernés. Il s’agit toutefois d’une activité en forte croissance avec, par exemple, un triplement des surfaces mondiales dédiées entre 1999 et aujourd’hui. Le marché mondial des produits issus de l’AB était estimé à 25 milliards d’euros en 2006, soit deux fois plus qu’en 2000 (données IFOAM). La consommation est très fortement concentrée, à plus de 95% en Amérique du Nord d’une part, et en Europe de l’Ouest où les principaux marchés sont l’Allemagne, l’Italie, la France et le Royaume-Uni, d’autre part. Sur ces deux continents, les importations sont nécessaires pour pallier le déficit de l’offre domestique au regard de la demande intérieure. Ceci est particulièrement vrai en France. Selon le ministère en charge de l’agriculture (2009), «la demande [française] de produits issus de l’AB croît de 10% par an depuis 1999. Or, l’offre [nationale] de produits issus de l’AB est aujourd’hui insuffisante pour satisfaire cette demande croissante. Les surfaces des 11 970 exploitations agricoles françaises en AB ne représentent que 2% de la surface agricole. Par défaut d’organisation entre les producteurs et à cause de l’éparpillement des productions, une part significative des produits bio n’est pas valorisée». Et simultanément, 25% environ de la consommation française de produits bio est satisfaite par des importations. Cette situation a conduit le Ministre en charge de l’agriculture à proposer, dans le cadre du Grenelle de l’environnement, un plan visant le triplement à l’horizon 2012 des surfaces françaises en AB (6% de la surface agricole utile en 2012). Pour atteindre cet objectif, le plan inclut un soutien budgétaire à la structuration de la filière bio (sous la forme d’un fonds de structuration doté de 15 millions d’euros sur cinq ans), la mobilisation de la recherche (notamment sous la forme de crédits «recherche»), un soutien accru aux exploitations converties en AB (via le déplafonnement des 7 600 €/an/unité des aides agro-environnementales pour les exploitations en conversion vers l’AB et une augmentation de l’enveloppe dédiée, ainsi que la reconduction du crédit d’impôt en 2009, celui-ci étant par ailleurs augmenté) et enfin, l’obligation dès 2012 faite à la restauration collective de proposer dans ses menus 20% de produits issus de l’AB. Enfin, dans le cadre du bilan de santé de la Politique Agricole Commune (PAC) du 23 février 2009, une aide spécifique aux exploitations en AB d’un montant d’un peu moins de 40 millions d’euros a été adoptée. Le plan français en faveur de l’AB, popularisé sous le libellé «AB : objectif 2012», vise donc à développer la production domestique de produits issus de l’AB via la fixation d’un objectif quantitatif en termes de surfaces dédiées en jouant simultanément sur la demande (via une contrainte d’incorporation de produits issus de l’AB dans la restauration collective) et l’offre (via, de façon générale, un soutien augmenté aux exploitations en conversion vers l’AB et déjà converties à l’AB). Dans ce contexte, le comité éditorial de la revue Inra Productions Animales et la direction de l’Inra ont souhaité apporter un éclairage scientifique sur les acquis, les verrous et les perspectives en matière d’élevage AB. Ce numéro a été coordonné par J.M. Perez avec l’aide de nombreux relecteurs : que tous soient ici remerciés. Après une présentation du cahier des charges français et de la réglementation communautaire (Leroux et al), le numéro se décline en trois parties : une série d’articles sur différentes filières animales concernées (avicole, porcine, bovine allaitante, ovine allaitante), un focus sur deux approches à l’échelle des systèmes d’élevage (ovin allaitant et bovin laitier), et enfin des articles centrés sur les problèmes les plus aigus rencontrés dans le domaine de la gestion sanitaire et de la maitrise de la reproduction. L’article conclusif de Bellon et al fait le point sur les principales questions de recherche qui demeurent. En aviculture (Guémené et al), à l’exception de l’œuf, la production bio reste marginale, mais les filières sont bien organisées. Cette situation résulte d’une relative synergie avec les filières label rouge, avec lesquelles elles partagent plusieurs caractéristiques (types génétiques, longue durée d’élevage, parcours). Des difficultés multiples subsistent néanmoins. La production bio est pénalisée par le manque de poussins AB, des difficultés de maintien de l’état environnemental et sanitaire des parcours, la rareté de l’aliment bio et la difficulté d’assurer l’équilibre en acides aminés des rations (pas d’acides aminés de synthèse), élément susceptible d’expliquer la surmortalité constatée en pondeuse (liée à des problèmes comportementaux). Par suite, les performances sont inférieures à celles de l’élevage conventionnel (augmentation de la durée d’élevage et de l’indice de conversion) et l’impact environnemental, bien qu’amélioré quand il est rapporté à l’hectare, est moins favorable quand il est mesuré par unité produite, à l’exception notable de l’utilisation de pesticides. Prunier et al aboutissent aux mêmes conclusions dans le cas de la production de porcs AB. Relativement au conventionnel, les contraintes sont fortes sur le plan alimentaire (rareté de l’aliment AB, problème d’équilibre en acides aminés des rations) et de la conduite d’élevage (interdiction ou limitation des pratiques de convenance, âge des animaux au sevrage de 40 jours, difficultés de synchronisation des chaleurs et des mises bas, limitation des traitements vétérinaires). Ces contraintes et la grande diversité des élevages de porcs AB se traduisent par une forte variabilité des performances en termes de survie, reproduction, composition corporelle ou qualité des produits : autant de critères qu’il conviendra de mieux maîtriser à l’avenir pour assurer la pérennité de l’élevage porcin AB. Les performances zootechniques et économiques de l’élevage bovin allaitant bio sont abordées dans l’article de Veysset et al à partir d’un échantillon limité d’exploitations situées en zones défavorisées. Les caractéristiques des unités AB diffèrent peu de celles de leurs voisines en élevage conventionnel ; avec un chargement à l’hectare plus faible mais une plus grande autonomie alimentaire, les résultats techniques des élevages AB sont proches de ceux des élevages conventionnels et ce, en dépit d’une moindre production de viande vive par unité de bétail, en raison d’un cycle de production en moyenne plus long. Sur le plan économique, les charges plus faibles (pas de traitements antiparasitaires, pas de vaccinations systématiques) ne suffisent pas à compenser un moindre produit à l’hectare. Un verrou majeur est le déficit de gestion collective de la filière verticale (absence totale de débouché en AB pour les animaux maigres, en particulier) qui se traduit par un problème aigu de sous-valorisation puisque dans l’échantillon enquêté 71% des animaux sont vendus sans signe de qualité : nul doute qu’il s’agit là d’une priorité d’action. En élevage ovin (Benoit et Laignel), également sur la base d’un échantillon malheureusement restreint, les différences de performances techniques et économiques des élevages conventionnels versus bio varient sensiblement selon la localisation géographique, plaine ou montagne ; il est de ce fait difficile (et dangereux) de dégager des enseignements généraux valables pour l’élevage bio dans son ensemble. L’étude détaillée des adaptations des systèmes d’élevage aux potentialités agronomiques réalisée sur quatre fermes expérimentales montre néanmoins le rôle clé de la variable «autonomie alimentaire». Par suite, la situation économique des élevages ovins bio est plus difficile en zone de montagne où l’autonomie alimentaire, voire fourragère, est moindre (l’achat des aliments non produits sur l’exploitation représente 41% du prix de vente des agneaux dans l’échantillon enquêté). In fine, cela suggère que la variabilité des performances de l’élevage ovin bio, de plaine et de montagne, dépend plus du coût de l’aliment et de la valorisation des agneaux que de la productivité numérique. L’article de Benoit et al porte également sur l’élevage ovin biologique, plus précisément la comparaison de deux systèmes ovins allaitants AB différant par le rythme de reproduction des animaux. Cela montre que les performances de l’élevage ovin AB ne s’améliorent pas quand le rythme de reproduction est accéléré, le faible avantage de productivité numérique ne permettant pas de compenser l’augmentation des consommations d’aliments concentrés et la moindre qualité des agneaux. Au final, cela illustre la plus grande difficulté à piloter le système AB le plus intensif. L’article de Coquil et al relève aussi d’une approche systémique appliquée cette fois à l’élevage bovin laitier. Il porte sur l’analyse d’un dispositif original de polyculture-élevage mis en place à la Station Inra de Mirecourt reposant sur la valorisation maximale des ressources du milieu naturel et accordant une importance première à l’autonomie en paille et à la culture des légumineuses (protéagineux, luzerne). Le cheptel valorise les produits végétaux (prairies et cultures) et assure la fertilisation des parcelles en retour. L’autonomie alimentaire étant privilégiée, les effectifs animaux sont une variable d’ajustement, situation plutôt inhabituelle par comparaison avec des élevages laitiers conventionnels qui cherchent en premier lieu à maintenir les cheptels et les capacités de production animale. Les premiers retours d’expérience suggèrent une révision du dispositif en maximisant les synergies et les complémentarités plutôt que de considérer que l’une des deux activités, la culture ou l’élevage, est au service de l’autre. Cabaret et al proposent un éclairage sur les problèmes sanitaires en élevage biologique. Sur la base, d’une part, d’une analyse des déclaratifs des acteurs de l’élevage, et, d’autre part, d’évaluations aussi objectivées que possible, les chercheurs montrent qu’il n’y aurait pas de différence notable entre l’AB et le conventionnel sur le plan des maladies infectieuses et parasitaires (nature, fréquence). La gestion de la santé des cheptels AB repose davantage sur l’éleveur que sur les prescripteurs externes auxquels il est moins fait appel, et sur une planification sanitaire préalable privilégiant la prévention et une réflexion de plus long terme sur la santé globale du troupeau, l’ensemble des maladies qui peuvent l’affecter, etc. La planification n’est pas uniquement technique. Elle requiert aussi l’adhésion des éleveurs. De fait, l’enquête analysée dans cet article relative aux élevages ovins allaitants met en lumière l’importance de ces aspects individuels et culturels sur la gestion de la santé en élevage biologique. Les alternatives aux traitements anthelminthiques en élevage ruminant AB font l’objet de nombreux travaux (Hoste et al). Différents moyens de lutte contre les parasitoses sont mis en œuvre : gestion du pâturage de façon à limiter le parasitisme helminthique (rotations, mise au repos, assainissement), augmentation de la résistance de l’hôte (génétique, nutrition, vaccination), et traitements alternatifs des animaux infectés (homéopathie, phytothérapie, aromathérapie). Les protocoles d’évaluation objective de ces traitements alternatifs posent des problèmes méthodologiques non totalement résolus à ce jour. Mais traiter autrement, c’est aussi réduire le nombre de traitements anthelminthiques de synthèse via un emploi plus ciblé (saison, catégories d’animaux). Au total, de par la contrainte du cahier des charges à respecter, l’élevage biologique a recours à l’ensemble des moyens de lutte contre les maladies parasitaires. Dans le cadre de cette approche intégrée de la santé animale, l’élevage biologique peut jouer un rôle de démonstrateur pour l’ensemble des systèmes d’élevage concernés par le problème de la résistance et des alternatives aux anthelminthiques utilisés à grande échelle. Même si la réglementation n’impose pas de conduites de reproduction spécifiques en élevage AB, elle contraint fortement les pratiques, notamment l’utilisation des traitements hormonaux. L’impact de ces contraintes est particulièrement fort en élevage de petits ruminants (où le recours à des hormones de synthèse permet l’induction et la synchronisation des chaleurs et des ovulations) et en production porcine (où la synchronisation des chaleurs et des mises bas est très pratiquée). Néanmoins, Pellicer-Rubio et al rappellent que des solutions utilisées en élevage conventionnel peuvent également être mobilisées en élevage biologique, l’effet mâle et les traitements photopériodiques naturels notamment, et ce dans toutes les filières, en particulier celles fortement consommatrices de traitements hormonaux. De façon générale, les marges de progrès sont encore importantes et les solutions seront inévitablement multiformes, combinant diverses techniques selon une approche intégrée. Ici aussi, l’AB veut être valeur d’exemple, en particulier dans la perspective d’une possible interdiction des hormones exogènes en productions animales. L’article de Bellon et al conclut le numéro. Il met l’accent sur quatre thématiques prioritaires de recherche à développer, à savoir 1) la conception de systèmes d’élevage AB, 2) l’évaluation de l’état sanitaire des troupeaux et le développement d’outils thérapeutiques alternatifs, 3) la maîtrise de la qualité des produits et 4) l’étude des interactions entre élevage AB et environnement. A ces quatre orientations, on ajoutera la nécessité de recherches sur l’organisation des filières, la distribution, les politiques publiques, etc. dans la perspective de différenciation et de valorisation par le consommateur des produits issus de l’élevage biologique. Dans le droit fil de ces conclusions, l’Inra a lancé, ce printemps, un nouvel appel à projets de recherche sur l’AB dans le cadre du programme dit AgriBio3 (programme qui prend la suite de deux premiers programmes également ciblés sur l’AB). Les deux grandes thématiques privilégiées sont, d’une part, les performances techniques de l’AB (évaluation, amélioration, conséquences sur les pratiques), et, d’autre part, le développement économique de l’AB (caractérisation de la demande, ajustement entre l’offre et la demande, stratégie des acteurs et politiques publiques). Ce programme, associé à d’autres initiatives nationales (appel à projets d’innovation et de partenariat CASDAR du ministère en charge de l’agriculture) et européennes (programme européen CORE Organic en cours de montage, suite à un premier programme éponyme), devrait permettre, du moins nous l’espérons, de répondre aux défis de l’AB, plus spécifiquement ici à ceux de l’élevage biologique. Un enjeu important est aussi que les innovations qui émergeront de ces futurs programmes, tout comme des travaux pionniers décrits dans ce numéro, constituent une source d’inspiration pour faire évoluer et asseoirla durabilité d’autres formes d’élevage.
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Molina, Sergio Andrés Pulgarín, and Marleny Cardona Acevedo. "Caracterización del comportamiento emprendedor para los estudiantes de administración de la Universidad Nacional = Characterization of the enterpreneurial behavior of business administration students at Universidad del Rosario." Revista EAN, no. 71 (August 1, 2013): 22. http://dx.doi.org/10.21158/01208160.n71.2011.549.

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RESUMEN:El emprendimiento como campo de estudio ha cobrado una creciente relevancia en las agendas académicas y gubernamentales del último quinquenio por su capacidad para empujar el desarrollo económico y los procesos de innovación en los países. Un ejemplo de ello es Colombia, donde el nivel de impacto ha sido tan elevado que se han formalizado desde marcos regulatorios como la ley 1014 del 2006 para el fomento a la cultura empresarial , hasta instituciones de todo tipo para el fomento al emprendimiento empresarial. No obstante, los esfuerzos por estructurar espacios para estimular el emprendimiento deben trascender más allá del simple asistencialismo, para centrarse en la definición de planes estratégicos que permitan la formación de emprendedores de una manera articula y congruente con objetivos y políticas claramente identificadas.Por tal razón, desde el centro de emprendimiento de la Universidad de Rosario se impulsó el desarrollo de un estudio que permitiese la caracterización del perfil emprendedor de los estudiantes, a fin de identificar sus fortalezas y debilidades. Este estudio toma como base la metodología de características del comportamiento emprendedor o CCE para estudiar los alumnos de pregrado de la Facultad de Administración en cada uno de sus tres programas. Al final con estos resultados el Centro Emprendimiento podrá formular cada uno de sus planes, programas y proyectos, así como también políticas asociadas al desarrollo de las cualidades necesarias para formar mejores emprendedores.ABSTRACT:Entrepreneurship as a field of study has gained a significant role in the academic and government agendas stated at a five- year term as it consolidates economic development and innovation processes in different countries. One example of this is Colombia, in which the impact has been obvious to get regulatory formal frameworks as 1014 of 2006 Law to foment an entrepreneurial culture, as well as institutions for the development of entrepreneurship. However, all efforts to have spaces to stimulate this aspect should go further the design of strategic planning that allows the formation of entrepreneurs based on articulated aims and policies clearly identified.For this reason, in the entrepreneurship department of Universidad del Rosario a study was made which set up the characterization of the entrepreneur profile of students to identify weaknesses and strengths. This study used the methodology based on the characteristics of entrepreneur behavior to make the study involving Business Administration students in each of the three academic programs. Finally, considering the results of this study, this department can design its programs and projects as well as all the policies to develop the necessary qualities to form better entrepreneurs.RESUMÉÉL’entrepreneuriat a acquis en tant que champ d’étude, une importance croissante dans les universités et les programmes gouvernementaux de ces cinq dernières années pour sa capacité à améliorer le développement économique et les processus d’innovation des pays. Un exemple clair en est la Colombie, où l’impact de l’entrepreneuriat a été si fort qu’il a été officialisé dans le cadre réglementaire avec la Loi 1014 de 2006 pour la promotion de la culture entrepreneuriale, mais aussi dans différentes institutions pour la promotion de l’entreprise. Toutefois, les efforts pour structurer les espaces de stimulation del’esprit d’entreprise doivent aller au-delà de la simple assistance mais plutôt mettre en place des plans stratégiques permettant la formation des entrepreneurs de manière articulée et conforment aux objectifs et politiques établies. Pour cette raison, une étude permettant la caractérisation des forces et faiblesses du profil des étudiants–entrepreneurs a été entreprise par le Centre de Gestion de l’Université de Rosario.Cette étude prend comme base les caractéristiques du comportement entrepreneurial ou CCE pour étudier les élèves de premier cycle de la Faculté de Gestion dans chacun de ses trois programmes. Finalement et avec l’aide de ces résultats, le Centre de Gestion pourra mettre en oeuvre ses programmes et projets, ainsi que les politiques liées au développement des qualités requises pour former de meilleurs entrepreneurs.
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Kalashnikova, Olga L. "“SOMEONE ELSE”: THE GENRE PARADIGM OF DETECTIVES BY GUILLAUME MUSSO." Alfred Nobel University Journal of Philology 2, no. 28 (December 6, 2024): 58–75. https://doi.org/10.32342/3041-217x-2024-2-28-4.

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The article explores the genre paradigm of the novels by Guillaume Musso, the most popular author of unique detective novels in today’s France, which have already been translated into more than forty languages but have not yet been studied by literary criticism. The dissimilarity from the traditional genre content and canons of detective prose in its various modifications makes Guillaume Musso “someone else” (quelqu’un d’autre), results in his marginalization by literary scholars, whose name is included in the annals of canonical detective literature but is not represented in modern encyclopedias and dictionaries of detective stories. An analysis of the main trends and reasons for such a paradoxical situation is presented in the article. The purpose of the article is to reveal the features of the genre paradigm of the writer’s extraordinary detective novels, which is relevant both in the aspect of building new typologies of detective prose, and in the broader context of understanding French literature in the third millennium, and in the literary study of the original work of the most popular detective in France today, and in the theoretical analysis of the nature of mass culture and the mechanisms of its influence on the reader. The combination of intertextual, biographical, and typological research methods made it possible to identify features of the genre paradigm of Guillaume Musso’s works that differ from the traditional detective genre paradigm. The writer changes the plot-forming situation when the center of the intrigue is not the anatomy of a crime, but the anatomy of society, the analysis of the socio-psychological causes of the crime. Canonical for the system of detective prose characters, the figures of the investigator or detective, who act as representatives of state institutions that restore the just order of things, introduces doctors, writers, psychoanalysts, experts in the history of culture, whom the author imbues with “axiological neutrality”. The emphasis on paranormal phenomena transforms the artistic space of his works, in which an important place is given to a fantastic other space, where the souls of the dead and the living communicate. The combination of two antinomic genre constructions becomes programmatic for the writer: the novel as a love story, where the love intrigue is the plot-creating factor, and the detective story as a narrative of crime-solving. This genre innovation fundamentally distinguishes the genre paradigm of Musso’s novels from traditional detective stories. Importantly, unusual for various modifications of the detective story but characteristic of Musso’s works, is the demonstrative and striking intertextuality that incorporates literature, cinema, music, and the graphics of modern digital texts into the orbit of the writer’s genotext. Musso’s “cinematic writing” is characterized by one of the canonical techniques of montage, the constant shifting of the “camera” focus and the redirection of the reader’s attention from one episode to another, with episodes unfolding in parallel across different locations and time zones. This is underscored by the complex graphics in the novels’ texts, which aim to create a cinematic frame, as Musso’s works essentially function as ready-made scenario plans for both the director and the cameraman. A distinctive feature of Musso’s novelistic prose is indispensable epigraphs, which start the mechanism of a complex game with the reader, who is forced to constantly maneuver between different senses in order to find the right answer. The frame text, atypical for a detective story and typical for Musso as a component of the genre paradigm of his novels, has important functions in the interactive dialogue of the author with the reader, who through the unraveling of cultural pretexts, through “writing in pictures”, the visualization of electronic forms of modern digital discourse, feels the illusion of complicity in events. “Оther’s text” in Musso’s novels is often represented by archetypes of “soap operas” and classic plots, which have become the part of the stereotypical layer of the collective unconscious of humanity and allow the writer to combine the “expectation horizons” of both elite and mass readers. Intertextuality enables the writer to engage in a “four-handed” interaction with the reader. The principles proposed by the writer destroy the hermeticity of the detective genre construction as one of the most canonical and regular genres, making it impossible to clearly define the genre of Musso’s works. A multi-layered discourse, uncharacteristic of a detective in its various genre modifications, combines different registers and codes from cultural genotexts – literary, advertising, scientific, cinematographic, musical, mass media – maximally expands the reader’s perception, marking the original style of G. Musso’s novels, fantasized in the form of criminal-psychoanalytic suspense. These works reflect processes of intermediality, genre hybridization, and the blurring of boundaries between elite and mass artistic discourse, all hallmarks of postmodernism.
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Pylypchuk, Oleh, Oleh Strelko, and Yuliia Berdnychenko. "PREFACE." History of science and technology 12, no. 2 (December 16, 2022): 194–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.32703/2415-7422-2022-12-2-194-196.

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The issue of the journal begins with an article on French sinology. French sinology takes a special place in the history of the sinological studies development. It was France that became the first country where the transformation of missionary sinology, which was common among a limited circle of researchers (mainly in a religious sphere), into the academic scientific discipline, which had already been taught and studied at a professional level in academic institutions, occurred. The Parisian type of sinology used to dominate the entire world for a long time, including such powerful centers of Chinese studies as Germany, Great Britain, the USA, and China itself. In order to form a complete picture of sinology development in France, the authors singled out and analyzed three historical periods covering the entire history of Chinese studies development, starting from its birth and flourishment to the process of stagnation. Modern scientific communication traditionally uses visual narratives, such as comics, for education, presentation of scientific achievements to a mass audience, and as an object of research. In the article by Oksana Hudoshnyk and Oleksandr P. Krupskyi, offers a three-level characterization of the interaction of comic culture and science in a diachronic aspect. Attention is focused not only on the chronological stages of these intersections, the expression of the specifics of the interaction is offered against the background of scientific and public discussions that accompany the comics–science dialogue to this day. Emphasis is placed on the unique phenomenon of the simultaneous concordance of various stages of the dialogue between comics and science, on the prolonged replication of successful inventions into modern experience, and the active testing of known narratives at new levels of a scientific presentation. The next paper assesses the topicality of Vernadsky's concept of the noosphere, coined over almost twenty years starting in the early 20th century. Emphasizing the uniqueness of Vernadsky's concept of the noosphere as the transformation of the biosphere by a man using reason, we concentrate on the assessment of the utopian or realistic nature of his vision of the future of humanity. Based on the philosophical case-studies analysis, it identifies the ideological roots of the noosphere concept, the development of views on the concept in time, the role of reason and scientific thinking, the opinions of its supporters and critics, and Moiseev's related concept of co-evolution. Lectures de Potentia Restitutiva or Of Spring: Explaining the Power of Springing Bodies (1678) is an important book for the history of science. This book is better known for Hooke’s presentation of the law that bears his name. In the article by Isadora Monteiro, seeks to study the Lectures de Potentia Restitutiva once again to better understand Hooke’s thoughts about the rule which bears his name and his conception of gravity, which the author considered a force. Here Hooke’s definitions of body and motion will be presented, as well as his actual objective when he formulated the so-called Hooke’s Law. As we will see, Hooke intended to create a “philosophical scale” to measure the gravitational attraction between bodies. By considering his previous publications, such as An attempt to prove the motion of the Earth from Observations or Micrographia: or some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies, or even unpublished works such as On the inflection of a direct motion into a curve by supervening Attractive principle, it becomes clear that Hooke was already opening a path toward an understanding of gravity before Newton’s Principia (1687) were published. By taking into account the controversy between Isaac Newton and Robert Hooke, we also intend to strengthen the idea that Hooke was an indispensable contributor to the elaboration of a law of universal gravitation. In 1915, the first occupational therapy school was founded by Jane Addams at Hull House (Chicago, USA). In that process, Addams inspired the first generation of occupational therapists, especially Eleanor Clarke Slagle. Thus, in the article by Rodolfo Morrisonseeks to highlight the contribution of Jane Addams to the development of Occupational Therapy through an in-depth bibliographic review, from primary sources. The next article presents the results of a study of the features of biographical and prosopographic materials about famous mathematicians and natural scientists, published in one of the most authoritative journals “Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics”, which was published in Kyiv and Odesa during 1886–1917. In fact, the journal was an unofficial periodical printed branch of the Mathematical Department of the Novorossiysk Society of Naturalists. The aim of the next research is to study the policy efforts conducted by the Indonesian government since the beginning of independence in 1945 to present, in advancing science and technology and innovation. A content analysis approach is employed to identify each stipulated regulation in Indonesia in the form of Laws, Government Regulations, Presidential Regulations, Presidential Decrees, and Presidential Instructions. There are 78 regulations in the field of science and technology and innovation that are analyzed. The results of the analysis are described based on the emergence of regulations and institutional implications generated as part of the ecosystem. In the article by Ihor Annienkov, based on the problem-chronological, comparative-historical, historiographical, and source-research methods, as well as the method of actualization, identifies the extent of borrowing foreign design and technological solutions in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic for projecting electrical machines in the second half of the 1930s, as well as the reasons for the absence of unambiguous information in historiography regarding the existence of this phenomenon in the republic at this chronological stage. The publication provides a general assessment of the quality of scientific support for the processes of creating electrical machines, establishes the ways of fulfilling the scientific-technical borrowings that were studiedand the dynamics of their development, analyzes their role in the growth of the technical level of products of the Ukrainian electrical machine-building branch. In the article by Mykola Ruban and Andrii Fomin, attempts to investigate the historical circumstances of the mastering and development of the industrial production of rolling stock in Ukraine from 1991 to 2021. In the course of the scientific development of the proposed research, materials from mass-circulation newspapers, industry publications of railway transport, as well as technical studies of employees of manufacturing plants were used. The next discusses the conditions and prerequisites for choosing the location of the plant; considers the stage of the establishment (foundation) of the plant; examines the stage of plant construction and equipping it with technological facilities in detail; analyzes the development and establishment of the plant between 1897 and 1914. A brief analysis of locomotive designs produced by the Kharkiv Locomotive Plant from 1897 to 1914 has been made. The article shows the significance of Consultative Congresses of Traction Engineers for the development of railway machinery both at Kharkiv Locomotive Plant and for the entire railway industry. The purpose of next study is to highlight the peculiarities of the development of the Russian aviation industry during the First World War. The focus is on analyzing production programs and matching their quantitative and qualitative parameters to war requirements. Production plans of leading Russian aviation factories as well as qualitative and quantitative parameters of products have been analyzed in the article.
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Cavarocchi, Francesca. "Le débat français des années 1930 face au modèle corporatif italien." Laboratoire italien 32 (2024). http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/122ld.

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L’article vise à reconstruire les différents canaux par lesquels l’Italie fasciste essaye de promouvoir en France l’idéologie, le débat et les « réalisations » de sa construction corporatiste. Les publications, les conférences, les cours et les congrès consacrés au sujet seront donc analysés, avec une attention particulière pour des événements tels que la conférence italo-française qui a lieu à Rome en 1935. Un aspect central, moins abordé par l’historiographie, est celui de la réception du projet fasciste et des différentes positions dans le monde politique et intellectuel français, entre manifestations d’intérêt et revendications d’une tradition autonome, alternative au centralisme autoritaire du régime mussolinien. Enfin, il est important de placer la réflexion française sur le modèle italien dans le cadre plus large du débat transnational qui se développe dans les années 1930 autour de la révision des principes libéraux et du rôle de l’intervention publique dans l’ordre économique.
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FOSTIER, Alexis. "Évolution de la place de l’animal et des points de vue sur son élevage dans la société française : quels enjeux pour la recherche agronomique ?" INRA Productions Animales, April 10, 2019, 221–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.20870/productions-animales.2019.32.2.2465.

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Plusieurs travaux sociologiques ont permis d’identifier des sujets de contestation des élevages en France. Cette contestation s’accompagne d’une baisse de la consommation moyenne par habitant des produits carnés, à l’exception de la volaille, avec une évolution des comportements alimentaires. Sans nier les effets du prix des produits carnés et du revenu des ménages sur les décisions d’achat des consommateurs, nous nous intéressons ici à d’autres éléments pouvant influencer les points de vue des citoyens sur les élevages. Avec quelques repères historiques, l’évolution de la place de l’animal dans la société est examinée. Sont ensuite passés en revue : poids économique de l’élevage, conditions d’élevage et de mise à mort de l’animal, débats philosophiques, choix religieux, choix alimentaires, choix culturels, coexistence des animaux et des citadins, intérêt des médias pour l’animal et son élevage, militantisme. Pour finir, nous évoquons brièvement les pistes explorées par la recherche agronomique, que ce soit au niveau de l’évolution des systèmes d’élevage et de leurs impacts négatifs et positifs, ou au niveau de la biologie de l’animal. Des données génériques sont acquises à ces différents niveaux et des approches interdisciplinaires sont développées pour mieux appréhender des phénomènes complexes et proposer des innovations. Enfin, plusieurs méthodologies sont utilisées pour différents types d’évaluation à différentes échelles permettant d’affiner les diagnostics, d’anticiper les conséquences d’une innovation technologique, de repérer objectivement les progrès ou les retards par rapport à des objectifs d’amélioration des systèmes, et aussi d’aborder la question des impacts de la recherche en agriculture sur la société.
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Alleblas, Joost. "Analyzing the Role of Values and Ideals in the Development of Energy Systems: How Values, Their Idealizations, and Technologies Shape Political Decision-Making." Science and Engineering Ethics 30, no. 2 (February 29, 2024). http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11948-024-00463-7.

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AbstractThis study examines an important aspect of energy history and policy: the intertwinement of energy technologies with ideals. Ideals play an important role in energy visions and innovation pathways. Aspirations to realize technical, social, and political ideals indicate a long-term commitment in the design of energy systems, distinguishable from commitment to other abstract goals, such as values. This study offers an analytical scheme that could help to conceptualize these differences and their impact on energy policy. In the proposed model, two spheres of interaction are highlighted: a material sphere in which values and technologies co-evolve, and an imaginary sphere in which ideals interact with idealized technologies. Furthermore, the relation between these two spheres can be understood in different ways. This study examines three cases that are illustrative of the different roles of ideals in the development of energy technologies and visions: (1) the evolution of safety in nuclear reactor design; (2) visions of atomic power in France; (3) the political idealization of a tidal power scheme in the Severn Estuary. Finally, the developed model implies more general insights for the development of sociotechnical systems. Amongst others, it shows why certain projects and technologies remain a political, but not a techno–economic option.
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"Global health." European Journal of Public Health 34, Supplement_3 (October 28, 2024). http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckae144.002.

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Abstract Global health emphasizes the importance of addressing health challenges that transcend national borders and require strong international collaboration and governance. This concept is grounded in collaborative transnational actions aimed at promoting health for all, reducing disparities, and protecting against threats. Strengthening health systems, public health infrastructure, improving health service delivery, and ensuring equal access to healthcare for all are key focus areas in global health. This plenary will address several major health challenges and critical issues, such as the rising burden of non-communicable diseases, re-emerging pandemics, environmental threats, and the suboptimal responses of national healthcare systems to manage these challenges. The need to focus on vulnerable and marginalized populations, particularly those affected by migration and ethnicity, will be highlighted. The discussion will also showcase the importance of including ethnic minority and Indigenous people’s perspectives in health policy and decision-making processes, as well as addressing the social determinants of health that disproportionately affect these communities. Central to the discussion on global health is the role of global health policy and diplomacy, focusing on how countries can collaborate to address health threats and challenges, shaping international strategies and frameworks. Innovation, including reverse innovation and the development of evidence-informed policies and effective public health strategies that can be implemented globally and is relevant also in resource-constrained contexts, is another critical aspect in addressing the intersection of health and development. Finally, strong public health leadership is needed to shape practices and policies, as well as fostering the next generation of global health leaders. The multifaceted nature of global health calls for a comprehensive approach to health—one that integrates policy, leadership, and equity into the core of public health strategies. The integration of health into all policies at the global level is vital for creating supportive environments, policies, services, and communications that promote better health for all. Moderators Iveta Nagyova President EUPHA Henrique Barros President ASPHER Speakers/Panellists Emma Rawson Te Patu President World Federation of Public Health Associations Charles Agyemang Professor of Global Migration, Ethnicity & Health, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands Agnès Buzyn Former Minister of Health and Social Affairs, France Moredreck Chibi Public Health Innovation Lead, WHO Regional Office for Europe
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Ripert, Christophe, and Michael Browne. "Urban goods transport, the city of paris new policy." Les Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport - Scientific Papers in Transportation 55 | 2009 (March 31, 2009). http://dx.doi.org/10.46298/cst.12079.

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Every year, around 31,5 million tonnes of goods are required to ensure that Paris functions economically and socially. A goods movement as a whole generates significant negative external effects, both in terms of environment and health. As far as Paris is concerned, it was in 2001 that attention was focused on the transport of goods as part of the implementation of new policy regarding mobility and the sharing of public spaces. A consultation exercise involving stakeholders conducted over a period of more than 6 years led to the emergence of a new goods transport policy for the City of Paris. The policy is based on a dual approach, with a regulatory aspect and a commitment aspect and includes a new simplified set of goods regulations, the introduction of the environmental principle, a new definition of delivery areas, a signature of the charter of good practices for goods transport and deliveries in Paris, incorporating goods transport into urban development documents and several examples of green logistics operations. However, there is still a lot to do. A priority is to keep the political will alive. Besides, the rather restricted geographic area of Paris brings limitations to the actions which have been implemented. At the same time, it is important to develop a goods transport policy for logistics encompassing whole of the Paris region (Paris basin) with the creation of a goods transport organising authority that can operate on a regional scale. The Paris experience can be reproduced mostly in their methodological aspects, and in a lesser degree as far as the actual policies are concerned. Tous les ans environ 31,5 millions de tonnes de marchandises sont nécessai-res au fonctionnement économique et social de Paris. Dans le même temps, le transport des marchandises génère des effets externes négatifs en termes d’environnement et de santé. Bien que la Ville de Paris ait été concernée depuis longtemps, ce n’est qu’à partir de 2001 qu’une attention particulière a été portée aux marchandises avec la mise en oeuvre d’une politique englobant la mobilité et le partage de l’espace public. La concertation public/privé, menée sur une période de plus de 6 ans, a débouché sur un nouveau dispositif marchandises reposant sur une approche globale combinant les aspects régle-mentaires et engagements. Ce dispositif est constitué d’un règlement « livrai-son et enlèvement » simplifié dans lequel le principe environnemental a été introduit, d’une redéfinition des aires de livraison, de la signature d’une charte des bonnes pratiques des transports et des livraisons de marchandises dans Paris, de la lecture « marchandises » des documents d’urbanisme et de la mise en oeuvre d’opérations exemplaires. Toutefois, beaucoup reste encore à accomplir. Pour cela il est recommandé de maintenir une volonté politique, d’élargir l’approche marchandises au bassin logistique de la région Ile-de-France et enfin de mettre en place une autorité organisatrice marchandises à l’échelle de ce territoire. La reproductibilité de l’action menée par la Ville de Paris semble possible sur sa partie méthodologique, mais plus difficile sur les recommandations issues de la concertation.
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"Preface." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 948, no. 1 (December 1, 2021): 011001. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/948/1/011001.

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The 4th International Conference on Biosciences (The 4th ICoBio) https://biologi.ipb.ac.id/web/en/page/icobio/ Introduction of the 4th ICoBio 2021 The International Conference on Biosciences (ICoBio) is a biennial international conference organized by the Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB University, Indonesia, since 2015. For this year, the 4th ICoBio 2021 was held in conjunction with the 17th National Congress of the Indonesian Biological Society (PBI), and it also collaborated with Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia. The conference was held on 10-12th August 2021. This conference was designed to facilitate academicians, researchers, students, and practitioners related to the field of biosciences worldwide to gather and share information, ideas, knowledge, and research results as well as to strengthen research network and collaboration in a fruitful scientific environment. This year’s conference was held virtually due to COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown in several areas around the world that limited the travelling permit issue. It is beyond doubt that biosciences play a central role in every aspect of life. Bioscience and innovations are closely related with various inter and trans-disciplinary fields, leading to practical solutions which may contribute to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) strategic issues occurring in the disruptive era of industrial revolutions 4.0. Indeed, today we are facing serious issues including food and feed security, energy scarcity, healthcare issues, global warming, and others. Integration of biological fields with engineering, information technology, economy, and social sciences may serve as potential strategies to combat such challenging issues. Therefore, this kind of innovation and finding urgently needs to be informed to the science society this year. The 4th ICoBio 2021 was taking the theme “Bioscience Innovations for Sustainable Development Goals”. This conference was intended to gain insight into current trends in research and development related to biology, such as interdisciplinary approaches that are important for understanding biology and its applications. Research topics in this conference were divided into five main groups focusing on (1) Biodiversity, Conservation Biology and Climate Change; (2) Bioprospecting, Health Issues, and Industrial Biology; (3) Omics, Bioinformatics, and Computational Biology; (4) Techno-biology and Bioengineering; and (5) Smart and Sustainable Agro-maritime. The 4th ICoBio 2021 also served as a place for realizing existing collaboration between the Department of Biology, IPB University with its national and international partners, such as Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia, and Kasetsart University, Thailand, Tottori University, Japan, and also strengthening collaboration with University of Missouri, Colombia, USA; and Iowa State University, USA. We also expect to build partnerships with China Agricultural University, China; Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology, Chatha Jammu, India; Mariano Marcos State University, Philippines; and CNRS - Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Universite de Paris, France in the near future. The 4th ICoBio 2021 invited two prominekeynotes and six well known invited speakers related to the theme. The conference was attended by prominent speakers and participants from several countries, including Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, India, China, Japan, the USA, France and Indonesia. In total, there were 217 registered participants consisting of 181 oral presenters and 36 participants only. The oral presenter has a 10 minutes presentation and a five minutes discussion with peers in the parallel classroom. LIST OF COMMITTEE ICOBIO 2021 are available in this pdf.
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Vi, Nguyen Huy. "Private Higher Education Model- World Practices and Lessons for Vietnam." VNU Journal of Science: Education Research 34, no. 3 (July 18, 2018). http://dx.doi.org/10.25073/2588-1159/vnuer.4147.

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The private higher education system has been facing many challenges in the history of its development, which was harshly handled by the different points of view of political regimes. The system in the general higher education system in all over the world has slowly and weakly improved. Until the 80s of the 20th century, the system revived and obviously developed thanks to the increasing educating demand although many countries were facing financial difficulties to support it. In Vietnam, the private higher education system appeared by 1975 in the south, but this model and the its regulations had been forgotten until the beginning of the 90s of 20th century. This research is evaluating the present higher education system in different aspects that are the international definition of private higher education, brief history and the development of the system in Republic of France as an example, privatization forms and finance for the system, and suggestions to define policies for the system in Vietnam. Keywords Model, Private Higher Education, Privatization References [1] Altbach, Philip et T. Umakoshi (éd.) (2004), Asian Universities – Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Challenge s; John Hopkins Press. [2] Ball, J.S et Youdell,D. (2007), Higher privatisation in public education, Education International 5th World Congress July 2007. [3] Banque Mondiale (2009), Statistiques de la Banque Mondiale, consulté le 15 juillet 2009, http:// go.worldbank.org/RQBDCTUXW0. [4] Blöndal S., S. Field et N. 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Blackwood, Gemma. "X-Rated Indie Film and A24." M/C Journal 27, no. 4 (August 7, 2024). http://dx.doi.org/10.5204/mcj.3076.

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This article investigates the ways that Ti West’s X horror film series uses the premise of pre-Internet American porno filmmaking as a grimy yet cool marker of American independent cinematic authenticity. The trilogy – composed of X (2022), Pearl (2022), and MaXXXine (2024) – uses the slasher horror genre to examine the porn industry and the history of twentieth-century cinema, with a particular focus on the so-called “golden age” (1969–1984) of 35mm feature film American pornography (Paasonen and Saarenmaa). Arguably, in these films the slasher horror genre reflects conventions previously associated with pornography. West’s retrospective gaze on the American porn industry’s past – mostly centring on the trials and tribulations of adult film actress Maxine Minx (Mia Goth) – serves to invite nostalgic comparisons with more progressive times for American filmmaking, with the porn industry serving as a proxy for distinctive and fully independent film production. For example, the famed New Hollywood era in the 1960s/1970s becomes analogous to the era when pornography went mainstream in the 1970s, a time when notorious porno films such as Deep Throat (1972) and Debbie Does Dallas (1978) were able to obtain audience acclaim and even receive limited mainstream exhibition and distribution (Paasonen and Saarenmaa; Kleinhans 156). The mainstream and commercial legitimacy of porno films was seemingly sanctified through the acceptance of the “adult” section in the video store culture of the 1980s, which is dramatised effectively in third film MaXXXine. Yet at the same moment, the dramatic feature-length film of the 1970s disappeared as cheaply made and short form video pornography became the dominant new form (Kleinhans). Ti West has noted the diversity of cinema that was available in the 1970s as a reason for setting X in this milieu: a big part of this to me is that in the ’70s, there’s whatever Hollywood system there was, you also started to have a larger rise of exploitation and porn movies. You could make them without any relationship to the movie business whatsoever and there was an outlet to do that. In addition to that, it was the cusp of VHS showing up. (Kohn) In many respects, these liberal shifts in the 1960s and 1970s for both industries can be considered offshoots of counter-cultural dreams about societal progressiveness, and in the X series pornography is used cleverly as a storytelling device that precipitates much of the violence and horror, through arguably through a derisive lens (and in the first two films, the primary pornographer creators, producers, and exhibitors all have their comeuppance). West’s focus on earlier forms of film pornography as being worthy of visual and narrative attention in his more “legitimate” form of auteur horror cinema doubly serves as a kind of taste-making exercise, serving to elevate the position of older porn films and historically locate them by revealing the cultural and stylistic innovations they enacted for American culture, especially as his films are themselves earning the “prestige horror” status given to other auteurs such as Jordan Poole and Ari Aster (Thompson). Indeed, I would even argue that the X series’ role of extolling earlier eras of cinema is key to the broader brand-building objectives of its producing film company A24 itself, which is centred around a David and Goliath myth of being the “cool’ underdog” within the movie business, doing things differently and having very good taste (Kampers 17). As Nate Jones suggested in his Vulture article about the rise of A24, the fandom that has been built for the company has taken on a cult-like fervour in contemporary culture. Returning to film in 2020 after a seven-year hiatus directing for television, the announcement of Ti West’s new directing deal with A24 received critical attention from horror fans (Kroll). West had established a reputation as a horror director with the release of The Roost (2005), Trigger Man (2007), The House of the Devil (2009), Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever (2009), The Innkeepers (2011), and The Sacrament (2013). The new films X and Pearl were filmed back to back and released six months apart: this was due to X’s New Zealand shoot and West’s decision to make the most of its farm set before its destruction. The willingness for A24 to support a sequel to the first film at the point of production demonstrates the studio’s trust in the filmmaker, as well as their ability to innovate. At this point it was highly unusual for A24 to greenlight a sequel film, as they wanted to differentiate from the economic logic of mainstream cinema with standalone films (Kampers). The first film in the series X is set in 1979, following the story of a pornographic film production that travels from Houston to rural Texas for an on-location farm shoot. The country, American gothic setting of the deep south evokes rural horror films such as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), and certainly Alfred Hitchcock’s breakthrough thriller Psycho (1960), which is literally referenced by one of the characters, and poised its horror setting in a rural hamlet far from metropolitan surveillance mechanisms. When the porn actress Bobby-Lynne notes that her next stop will be Hollywood, the producer Wayne notes that “we don’t need Hollywood. These type of pictures turn regular folks into stars. We’re going to do it all ourselves”. In the era before reality television and the Internet, here the promise of fame and notoriety for “regular folks” that is these days linked with online and social media fame is enacted by the porno film – and perhaps even better than today’s online Web celebrity, the porno film of the 1970s offered the possibility of creating legitimate stardom, rather than short-term celebrity of temporary prominence. The farm is owned by an old woman called Pearl with her husband Howard, and it soon becomes clear that porno shoot is not received well by the aged couple, who go on a sex-fuelled rampage. Eerily, Pearl resembles the older version of Maxine (both characters played by Mia Goth), and therefore plays a doppelgänger to the younger girl, which also explains why the young porn actress is ultimately able to defeat the older woman, as their kinship is recognised. At the end of the film, after the murders of the entire cast and crew, Maxine emerges as sole survivor of the massacre. As Kohn has suggested, the film is a “doused in ample nostalgia for a grimier era of American cinema”. As a film à clef, the movie provides a commentary about the process of filmmaking, especially through the character of the porno director RJ. He notes about the film he plans to make, “I intend on experimenting a lot with the film’s editing. Giving it a certain sense of the avant-garde, like they’re doing in France”. In response, Bobby-Lynne suggests “you know, if you tilt the camera up … it’ll look like he’s using his cock”. The differing perspectives of RJ and Bobby-Lynne demonstrate the ways by which a film production can be imagined. While this example is about the pornographic gaze – and more specifically, the “money shot” – it can also be read as the difficult interplay between choosing aesthetics versus the film’s true commercial imperative. When RJ’s girlfriend chastises him for making a “smut” film, RJ responds that “it is possible to make a good dirty movie”. When Wayne praises him on the visual content that he’s seen, RJ suggests “that’s ‘cause I’m not treatin’ it like pornography, but as cinema”. The small, travelling film crew represent the optimism and inventiveness of mid-century American independent cinema. The second film Pearl is an origin story and a prequel for the elderly “psychobiddy” character that we meet in X: this time it is 1918, an era of Spanish flu and the end of World War I. While the farm location is the same as in X, the earlier era and internalised perspective of the central character as a young woman shows the Texan landscape represented in a very different way, taking on the vivid colours and fantasy-like version of the country, akin to the reimagining of Kansas in Victor Fleming’s The Wizard of Oz (1939). In this era, Pearl is newly married, but her husband Howard is away at war, so she lives with her austere German parents: her father incapacitated with Spanish flu and her mother a domineering figure (reminiscent of the mother in Carrie, 1976). Meanwhile, she dreams of escape, with a career as a dancer and movie actress her main fantasy. Interestingly, Hollywood movies and pornographic cinema are both a feature of the prequel. The film theatre in the small town near her farm, originally a place of solace for Pearl as it let her escape from the difficulties of life, becomes a location for twinning desires – sexual appetite and fame – with the projectionist fulfilling a dual role as facilitator for both. She visits the movie theatre and watches a film called Palace Follies. Outside the theatre, a poster for Cleopatra (1917) is clearly displayed, showing its vampish star Theda Bara clearly (whom Pearl names her alligator after, potentially a reference to Bara’s Egyptian femme fatale status, a female who can cause much damage to the symbolic phallus). In the third film MaXXXine, we will find that Theda Bara’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is featured poignantly as well, mirroring Maxine’s dream of finding stardom herself. Pearl lets the projectionist know that she dreams of stardom and escape, with Hollywood the brand-new venue for such dreams. In Pearl, pornographic cinema becomes a tipping point for the young woman’s loss of sanity. The projectionist plays her the stag film A Free Ride (1915) – acquired from France but made in the United States. Linda Williams writes that stag films are “anonymously made, short, undated silent films displaying one or more hard-core sex acts” (108), which flourished in underground circuits from the emergence of cinema until the late 1960s and the “golden age”, when the porn industry became more accessible and quasi-legitimate. According to the intertitle, the film is directed by “A. Wise Guy”, photographed by “Will B. Hard”, with titles by “Will She”. Sometimes known by the alternative name A Grass Sandwich, A Free Ride has an important status in the history of American cinema, as it is considered to be the oldest extant pornographic film made in the US (Slade). When Pearl asks the projectionist if the film is legal, he responds: Filming it, no. Not here, anyway. It will be eventually. People would pay an arm and a leg to see this. Pictures like this are going to revolutionise the industry, and I for one, plan on capitalising early. It’s reality. There’s no denying we all share a fascination in seeing people as they truly are. The stag film cements her relationship with the projectionist, whom she sleeps with after killing her mother. After their liaison, she will kill him when he approaches her house and the reality of her psychotic life at the farm. Evocative of Norman Bates in Psycho – a recurring aspect of all three films – part of Pearl’s psychosis comes from her internalised re-enactment of her own mother’s disgust and subsequent repudiation of sexual fulfillment. While she represses this drive, it becomes clear that her perverted sexual energy will continue to resurface, enabled by her husband. Finally, the third film MaXXXine returns to the continuing story of Maxine Minx. Here, the porn starlet is living in Los Angeles and trying to switch from her widespread porn celebrity to “legitimate” stardom in mid-1980s Hollywood, as well as trying to forget about her bloody past. Her big break to transition into greater Hollywood stardom comes when she lands a role in a sequel horror film called “The Puritan II”. Interestingly, the female director of the film series, Elizabeth Bender (Elizabeth Debicki), is also keen for more legitimate mainstream success for this film, especially trying to avoid the “video nasty” appellation that was being given to the first film. Maxine’s film “The Puritan II” will end up premiering in Hollywood’s Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, the epitome of legitimate Hollywood fame. She visits the Universal Studios lot – a salient site for the development of the horror genre in the 1930s – and she is stalked at the Norman Bates house from Psycho. The intertextual allusions to Psycho (1960) are also notable given the movie arguably set the scene for the slasher film in positioning the killer as the film’s protagonist, which would later become a core trait of the slasher film multi-sequel series. This time, the Hitchcockian film set – as the director notes, a set made for a recent sequel of the original film – becomes a reminder of Maxine’s past at the homestead in Texas, while the Hollywood film industry itself comes across as sordid through its uncaring treatment of young female starlets: arguably, another critique of the contemporary film industry as being formulaic and the “killer” of originality and innovation. Utilising a neo noir thriller aesthetic in downtown Los Angeles – linking to films of the era such as Body Heat (1981), Body Double (1984), and To Live and Die in L.A. (1985) – the cinematography of MaXXXine literally shows the struggle playing out between the two types of film industries, with “XXX” theatres and peep shows jostled against larger film theatres (with brat-pack coming-of-age film St Elmo’s Fire (1985) on the mainstream cinema marquee). The video store – perhaps one of the most democratic film places to access both explicit and mainstream film – is another key cinematic space in the film, and it demonstrates the unlikely association that exists between these cinematic genres. Video is symbolic of how changing cinematic technologies would alter cinematic reception irrevocably. While home video expanded the market for pornographic film – as it opened the possibility for viewers to consume adult content in full privacy for the first time – it also spelt the end of the dominance of the feature film, and hence its link to the grandiose dream of stardom. This is why in MaXXXine the protagonist hustles to find an alternative route to stardom, which here eventually takes place through her sudden notoriety and celebrity caused by surviving the real-life attack of her father and his religious comrades. Together, the three fun films of the X trilogy comprise a loose cultural history of twentieth-century cinematic pornography, stretching from the stag films of the early twentieth century to its new life in the home via video. This in turn creates a shadow history of the ways by which media technology helps to shape the tastes and desires of different periods. West uses the horror franchise to take a nostalgic lens onto porno, but it is predominantly used as a commentary for celebrating fluid, dynamic, and independent cinema, and genre movies that defy conventions and create alternative stars. Ultimately, this nostalgic and film-literate trilogy turns to the past to offer an alternative vision of contemporary cinema that may be characterised by bravery, innovation, and authenticity, which just happens to also link back to the broader brand objectives of A24 and their championing of new indie cinema. References Jones, Nate. “The Cult of A24.” Vulture 24 Aug. 2022. <https://www.vulture.com/article/a24-movies-cult.html>. Kampers, Loren. “‘Cool’ Cinema Sells: Examining the Role of Indie Film Company A24 in the Contemporary Neoliberal US Film Industry.” Master’s Thesis. Stockholm: Stockholm University, 2023. Kohn, Eric. “Ti West on the Relationship between Porn and Horror That Inspired ‘X,’ His First Movie in 6 Years.” IndieWire 18 Mar. 2022. <https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/ti-west-x-interview-porn-horror-1234709183/>. Kroll, Justin. “Ti West’s New Horror Pic X Taps Mia Goth, Scott Mescudi and Jenna Ortega to Star.” Deadline Hollywood 2 Nov. 2022. <https://deadline.com/2020/11/ti-wests-horror-x-mia-goth-scott-mescudi-and-jenna-ortega-1234605695/>. McMahon, James. “Primal Screams: Did A24 Save Horror?” The Face 24 June 2021. <https://theface.com/culture/a24-horror-films-midsommar-hereditary-false-positive>. Newman, Michael Z. Indie: An American Film Culture. New York: Columbia UP, 2011. Paasonen, Susanna, and Laura Saarenmaa. “The Golden Age of Porn: Nostalgia and History in Cinema.” Eds. Susanna Paasonen et al. Pornification: Sex and Sexuality in Media Culture. Oxford: Bloomsbury, 2007. 23–32. Slade, Joseph. “Eroticism and Technological Regression: The Stag Film.” History and Technology 22.11 (2006): 27–52. Thompson, Kristin. “A24: The Studio as Auteur.” David Bordwell’s Website on Cinema 10 Oct. 2022. <https://www.davidbordwell.net/blog/2022/10/10/a24-the-studio-as-auteur/>. West, Ti, dir. Pearl. A24, 2022. West, Ti, dir. X. A24, 2022. West, Ti, dir. MaXXXine. A24, 2024. Williams, Linda. “‘White Slavery’ versus the Ethnography of ‘Sexworkers’: Women in Stag Films at the Kinsey Archive.” The Moving Image 5.22 (2005): 107–134.
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Giordano, Christian. "Nation." Anthropen, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.17184/eac.anthropen.048.

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La meilleure définition de la nation est sans doute celle que propose Benedict Anderson lorsqu’il parle de communauté politique imaginée (Anderson, 1983). Ce faisant Anderson met en doute la validité de certaines caractéristiques mystificatrices, quoique considérées comme objectives, attachées au concept de nation. Cette critique s’adresse à Ernest Gellner et à Eric J. Hobsbawn qui eux mettent en évidence l’invention et donc le caractère mystificateur attaché à l’idée de nation (Gellner, 1983, Hobsbawm and Ranger, 1983). La posture théorique spécifique qu’adoptent Gellner et Hobsbawn ne saurait surprendre, car le premier est issu d’un terreau philosophique et méthodologique de type néopositiviste, tandis que Hobsbawm est notoirement associé à un marxisme modéré. Anderson, avec son idée de nation comme communauté politique imaginée, se trouve être très proche des positions de type interprétatif. Il évoque de ce fait indirectement Max Weber selon lequel il est fondamental de reconstruire le sens que les acteurs eux-mêmes, en tant que membres d’une société, donnent à leur comportement. Lorsque Anderson définit la nation comme une communauté politique imaginée, il insiste sur le fait que les membres individuels de ces groupes sociaux, bien que ne se connaissant pas personnellement et que n’ayant fort probablement pas l’occasion de se rencontrer durant leur vie, partagent le même sentiment d’appartenance (Anderson, 1983: 15). La nation est imaginée comme une entité circonscrite et par conséquent démographiquement définie, même si ses frontières peuvent varier en fonction de circonstances historiques particulières. En fait une nation peut s’étendre ou se rétrécir du point de vue de son territoire comme c’est le cas de certaines nations d’Europe centrale et orientale (Hongrie, Roumanie, Bulgarie etc.). L’essentiel de ce caractère limité du point de vue structurel et démographique réside cependant dans le fait qu’aucune nation ne souhaite inclure l’humanité entière. En reprenant une réflexion de Max Weber, on peut remarquer que la nation est imaginée comme une communauté partiellement ouverte vers l’extérieur parce qu’il est inacceptable que n’importe quel membre du genre humain en fasse partie. La nation est en outre imaginée comme une communauté d’égaux, liés entre eux par d’étroites relations de fraternité et de parenté réelle, rituelle ou symbolique, même si cela ne correspond pas à la réalité socio-structurelle et à la dimension de la société. Car dans toute société nationale il existe d’évidentes inégalités sociales et des divisions entre couches, classes, castes ou milieux. Enfin la nation est imaginée comme étant souveraine, à savoir comme une communauté politiquement indépendante, même si ce n’est pas toujours le cas. De fait il existe encore aujourd’hui des nations sans État mais qui aspirent à l’indépendance et donc à se constituer en société souveraine pourvue d’un État propre. Le débat au sujet du rapport entre nation et nationalisme est encore vif. Anthony D. Smith pense que la nation précède le nationalisme et que ce dernier est la conséquence logique de l’émergence des nations même dans des époques fort lointaines (Smith, 1998). A cause de son point de vue, Smith s’est vu reprocher d’être primordialiste dans la mesure où il voit l’origine de la nation dans des temps archaïques. Gellner pour sa part a pris le contrepied de cette perspective, en mettant en évidence le fait que la nation est un phénomène social issu de la modernité occidentale, grâce aux inventions industrielles et en premier lieu grâce à l’imprimerie, mais également à son nouveau système économique capitaliste allant de pair avec l’émergence de classes entrepreneuriales à la recherche de nouvelles ressources primaires et de nouveaux marchés (Gellner 1983) Les nouveaux États-nations issus de ces mutations ont obtenu leur légitimité grâce à la rhétorique nationaliste. C’est donc le nationalisme qui génère l’idée de nation et non l’inverse, ainsi que le prétendent la majorité des auteurs de tendance primordialiste. Le nationalisme est l’instrument idéologique essentiel pour les nations sur lesquelles viennent se fonder les nouveaux États, en tant qu’institutions politiques de la modernité. Selon la thèse de Gellner, le nationalisme représente la formule politique nécessaire pour justifier l’exercice du pouvoir de la part des classes politiques dans les États-nations (Mosca 1966). L’organisation politique spécifique de la nation en tant que communauté imaginée est l’État-nation qui trouve sa source dans l’Europe de la fin du 18e siècle. Toutefois il serait faux de parler d’un modèle d’État-nation universel. On peut en effet distinguer deux types idéaux d’État-nation, à savoir le modèle français et le modèle allemand (Brubaker 1992). On a souvent observé que le modèle français de l’État-nation est fondé sur l’idée de nation politique. Selon cette vue l’État-nation serait le résultat d’un pacte politique, voire d’un contrat entre les citoyens de cet État-nation. C’est dans ce sens que Jules Renan a défini la nation et son organisation politique comme le résultat d’un plébiscite de tous les jours. Il s’agit de souligner par cette formule que la nation française et son État consistent en théorie en une communauté élective. Ce type d’État-nation est donc une patrie ouverte au sein de laquelle les différences religieuses et ethniques n’ont, du moins en théorie, aucune importance (Dumont 1991: 25). On sait bien que cette conception non ethnique de la nation, postulée par la Révolution française a été modifiée plusieurs fois jusqu’à présent. En fait les Constitutions de 1791 et 1793 garantissaient la citoyenneté à toute personne étrangère habitant la France et par conséquent il n’était pas nécessaire d’avoir acquis l’identité française. Autrement dit il était possible d’obtenir la citoyenneté sans avoir acquis auparavant la nationalité, à savoir avant d’adopter certains traits culturels particuliers et certains comportements passant pour typiquement français (Weil, 2002). La séquence citoyenneté-nationalité sera pourtant inversée déjà au 19e siècle avec l’introduction de certains prérequis culturels comme la connaissance de la langue nationale, sans compter l’adoption d’un style de vie considéré comme français. Bien qu’affaiblie par les diverses modifications du code de la nationalité dans les années quatre-vingt-dix (Loi Pasqua de 1993 et Loi Guigou de 1998), l’idée originale de citoyenneté n’a jamais vraiment été abandonnée jusqu’à maintenant. L’État français se fonde sur une conception subjective, voire individualiste de la nation en fonction de laquelle tout étranger habitant l’hexagone peut encore aujourd’hui devenir citoyen français grâce au processus d’assimilation. Les différences, les identités et les frontières ethnoculturelles ne sont jamais définitivement insurmontables. Du moins en théorie, tout être humain est intrinsèquement capable de devenir membre de la nation. Le revers de la médaille est que, en fait, l’État-nation français a toujours eu de grandes difficultés à reconnaître les minorités ethnoculturelles. Ces dernières furent systématiquement assimilées de force durant tout le 19e siècle et sont aujourd’hui encore ignorées. La conception allemande de la nation a été définie comme ethnique. Il en est issu un modèle d’État-nation fondé sur la généalogie et sur l’origine commune de ses citoyens. L’idée de nation et partant d’État-nation, a souvent été mise en relation avec le concept de Volk, en tant que peuple synonyme de nation. Toutefois durant le 18e siècle la notion de Volk ne possédait pas encore cette connotation ethnique qui, selon certains auteurs, devient « l’explosif le plus dangereux des temps modernes » (Finkielkraut, 1987: 56 ss.). L’ethnicisation du Volk a lieu au milieu du 19e siècle grâce à un important groupe d’intellectuels parmi lesquels il faut compter des politiciens, des artistes, des juristes, des philosophes, des historiens, des folkloristes etc. Cependant, la véritable transformation politico-légale intervient avec l’introduction d’un concept restrictif du jus sanguinis (Pierre-Caps 1995: 112). Le nationalisme radical de l’après Première Guerre mondiale a favorisé l’ethnicisation graduelle du modèle allemand qui a connu son apogée durant le national-socialisme avec les lois de Nürenberg dans lesquelles la racialisation du Volk et de l’État-nation allemand est légalisée. Cependant, après le Deuxième Guerre mondiale, dans l’Allemagne divisée, la République fédérale allemande (RFA) aussi bien que la République démocratique allemande (RDA) ont conservé les marques de la conception unitaire et ethnique du Volk et du jus sanguinis bien visibles, même après la réunification de 1990. Il est symptomatique à cet égard que les descendants d’Allemands « rentrés » de l’Europe orientale et de l’ex-URSS aient obtenu la nationalité, grâce à l’idée de Volk et de jus sanguinis, en un rien de temps, au contraire des millions d’immigrés, notamment d’origine turque, qui étaient confrontés aux plus grandes difficultés sur le chemin de l’acquisition de la nationalité allemande. On n’observe un léger assouplissement de l’ethnicisation qu’après 1999, principalement durant le gouvernement du chancelier social-démocrate Gehrard Schröder. Ce n’est cependant qu’aux enfants d’immigrés nés en Allemagne que les lois adoptées par ce gouvernement ont accordé certaines facilités pour obtenir la nationalité allemande Les deux prototypes cités ont inspiré de nombreux États-nations, européens ou non, ce qui en a fait des modèles de référence au niveau mondial. Le modèle français comme le modèle allemand poursuivent tous les deux le projet d’une nation cherchant à se procurer une organisation politique - l’État-nation - capable de garantir une homogénéité culturelle qui, à son tour, garantit la stabilité politique. La différence se trouve dans les deux manières de procéder pour y parvenir. Le modèle français, étant fondé sur le caractère subjectif et individualiste de la nation, rend accessible à l’étranger, du moins en principe, la voie de l’acculturation et par conséquent de sa pleine intégration et inclusion dans la communauté nationale grâce notamment à l’institution du jus soli. Le modèle allemand en revanche, est fondé sur le caractère objectif et collectif de la nation, selon une vision essentialiste et très rigide de l’appartenance ethnique, soumise au jus sanguinis. L’appartenance à la nation allemande comporte, du fait qu’elle est extrêmement restrictive, une forte tendance à l’exclusion de qui ne possède pas les requis ethniques. Les deux modèles ont tous deux connu depuis toujours de grandes difficultés à reconnaître la diversité culturelle, et ils présentent par conséquent une certaine incompatibilité avec la pluriethnicité et la multiculturalité. Cela n’est pas surprenant puisque les deux modèles se proposent de réaliser le projet d’une nation, d’un État souverain, d’un territoire monoethnique. Pour un tel projet la diversité ethnico-culturelle est forcément dysfonctionnelle. Dans les années quatre-vingts et quatre-vingt-dix du siècle passé, dans le cadre d’une globalisation galopante, plus apparente d’ailleurs que réelle, et avec l’ouverture des frontières qui suivit la chute de l’Union soviétique, de nombreux auteurs bien connus, en sciences sociales comme en anthropologie, pensaient que l’idée de nation appartenait davantage au passé qu’au présent ou au futur. On croyait que les sociétés étaient devenues transnationales, à savoir qu’elles deviendraient plus fluides, ou comme le remarquait le philosophe Zygmunt Bauman, qu’elles allaient proprement se liquéfier (Bauman 2000) C’est la notion de transnationalisme qui apparaît le plus souvent pour indiquer la capacité personnelle ou collective de dépasser les barrières culturelles et les frontières nationales et de passer d’une appartenance et d’une identité à l’autre avec la plus grande facilité. Ceux qui adoptent l’approche du transnationalisme considèrent ainsi la société comme un œcoumène global dans lequel les individus aux identités devenues désormais nomades, vivent et interagissent dans des milieux cosmopolites (ceux que l’on appelle les ethnoscapes) marqués par l’hybridation et la créolisation culturelle (Appadurai 1996). Cependant, cette vision suggestive et optimiste, inhérente à l’utilisation du préfixe trans, ne semble adéquate que pour l’analyse de certains groupes minoritaires au statut social élevé, comme par exemple certaines élites migrantes dîtes aussi expats (managers allemands à Tokyo, opérateurs financiers américains à Hong Kong, correspondants de presse au Moyen-Orient, spécialistes en informatique indiens à la Silicon Valley, etc.). Vouloir étendre à la société globale cet aspect spécifique de la complexité culturelle, voire même lui donner une orientation normative, serait entreprendre une nouvelle et dangereuse réification de la vision utopique du métissage universel. En fait, la réalité est bien différente de ce scénario global si optimiste. Les guerres en ex-Yougoslavie ont mis en évidence déjà dans les années quatre-vingt-dix du siècle dernier que l’idée de nation était encore importante et que la fin de l’histoire évoquée par Francis Fukuyama (Fukuyama 1992), comme réalisation d’une unique société globale sans différences nationales, était bien loin de la réalité. A vrai dire les deux premières décennies du vingt-et-unième siècle ont vu, surtout en Europe, le retour inattendu de la nation avec la montée des mouvements régionalistes d’une part et du populisme nationaliste d’autre part, ce que l’on peut interpréter comme deux expressions et stratégies de la résistance contre certaines conséquences des processus de globalisation. Les premiers ont réinterprété le concept de nation pour des revendications régionales à l’intérieur d’entités pluriculturelles de vieille date (Catalogne et Ecosse s’opposant respectivement à l’Espagne et à la Grande Bretagne). Les seconds utilisent en revanche le concept de nation pour mobiliser la population contre les immigrants et les réfugiés, ces derniers étant considérés par les mouvements populistes comme une menace contre l’intégrité nationale.
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Lavers, Katie, and Jon Burtt. "Briefs and Hot Brown Honey: Alternative Bodies in Contemporary Circus." M/C Journal 20, no. 1 (March 15, 2017). http://dx.doi.org/10.5204/mcj.1206.

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Briefs and Hot Brown Honey are two Brisbane based companies producing genre-bending work combining different mixes of circus, burlesque, hiphop, dance, boylesque, performance art, rap and drag. The two companies produce provocative performance that is entertaining and draws critical acclaim. However, what is particularly distinctive about these two companies is that they are both founded and directed by performers from Samoan cultural backgrounds who have leap-frogged over the normative whiteness of much contemporary Australian performance. Both companies have a radical political agenda. This essay argues that through the presentation of diverse alternative bodies, not only through the performing bodies presented on stage but also in the corporate bodies of the companies they have set up, they profoundly challenge the structure of the Australian performance industry and contribute a radical re-envisaging of the potential of circus to act as a vital political force.Briefs was co-founded by Creative Director, Samoan, Fez Fa’anana with his brother Natano Fa’anana in 2008. An experienced dancer and physical theatre performer, Fa’anana describes the company’s performances as the “dysfunctional marriage of theatre, circus, dance, drag and burlesque with the simplicity of a variety show format” (“On the Couch”). As Fa’anana’s alter ego, “the beautiful bearded Samoan ringmistress Shivannah says, describing The Second Coming, the Briefs show at the Sydney Festival 2017, the show is ‘A little bit butch with a f*** load of camp’” (Lavers). The show involves “extreme costume changes, extravagant birdbath boylesque, too close for comfort yo-yo tricks and more than one highly inappropriate banana” (“Briefs: The Second Coming”).Briefs is an all-male company with gender-bending forming an integral part of the ethos. In The Second Coming the accepted sinuous image of the female performer entwining herself around the aerial hoop or lyra is subverted with the act featuring instead a male contortionist performing the same seductive moves with silky smooth sensuousness. Another example of gender bending in the show is the Dita Von Teese number performed by a male performer in a birdbath filled with water with a trapeze suspended over the top of it. Perhaps the most sensational example of alternative bodies in the show is “the moment when performer Dallas Dellaforce, wearing a nude body stocking with a female body drawn onto it, and an enormously long, curly white-blond wig blown by a wind machine, stands like a high camp Botticelli Venus rising up out of the stage” (Lavers). The highly visible body of Fez Fa’anana as the gender-bending Samoan ringmistress challenges the pervasive whiteness in contemporary circus. Although there has been some discourse on the issue of whiteness within the context of Australian theatre, for example Lee Lewis arguing for an aggressive approach to cross-racial casting to combat the whiteness of Australian theatre and TV (Lewis), there has however been very little discussion of this issue within Australian contemporary circus. Mark St Leon’s discussion of historical attitudes to Aboriginal performers in Australian circus is a notable exception (St Leon).This issue remains widely unacknowledged, an aspect of whiteness that social geographers Audrey Kobashi and Linda Peake identify in their writing, whiteness is indicated less by its explicit racism than by the fact that it ignores, or even denies, racist indications. It occupies central ground by deracializing and normalizing common events and beliefs, giving them legitimacy as part of a moral system depicted as natural and universal. (Kobayashi and Peake 394)As film studies scholar, Richard Dyer writes,the invisibility of whiteness as a racial position in white (which is to say dominant) discourse is of a piece with its ubiquity … In fact for most of the time white people speak about nothing but white people, it’s just that we couch it in terms of ‘people’ in general. Research – into books, museums, the press, advertising, films, television, software – repeatedly shows that in Western representation whites are overwhelmingly and disproportionately predominant, have the central and elaborated roles, and above all, are placed as the norm, the ordinary, the standard. Whites are everywhere in representation … At the level of racial representation, in other words, whites are not of a certain race, they’re just the human race. (3)Dyer writes in conclusion that “white people need to learn to see themselves as white, to see their particularity. In other words whiteness needs to be made strange” (541). This applies in particular to contemporary circus. In a recent interview with the authors, ex-Circus Oz Artistic Director and CEO, Mike Finch, commented, “You could make an all-round entertaining family circus show with [racial] diversity represented and I believe that would be a deeply subversive act in a way in contemporary Australia” (Finch).Today in contemporary Australian circus very few racially diverse bodies can be seen and almost no Indigenous performers and this fact goes largely unremarked upon. In spite of there being Indigenous cultures within Australia that celebrate physical achievement, clowning and performance, there seem to be few pathways into professional circus for Indigenous athletes or artists. Although a considerable spread of social circus programs exists across Australia working with Indigenous youth at risk, there seem to be few structures in place to facilitate the transitioning between these social circus classes and entry into circus training programs or professional companies. Since 2012 Circus Oz has set up the program Blakflip to mentor and support young Indigenous performers to try and redress this problem. This has led to two graduates of the program moving on to perform with the company, namely Dale Woodbridge Brown and Ghenoa Gella, and also led to the mentorship and support of several students in gaining entry into the National Institute of Circus Arts in Melbourne. Circus Oz has also now appointed an Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Program Officer, Davey Thomson, who is working to develop networks between past and present participants in the Blakflip program and to strengthen links with Indigenous Communities. However, it could be argued that Fez Fa’anana with Briefs has in fact leapfrogged over these programs aimed at addressing the whiteness in contemporary circus. As a Samoan Australian performer he has not only co-founded his own contemporary performance company in which he takes the central performing role, but has now also established another company called Briefs Factory, which is a creative production house that develops, presents, produces and manages artists and productions, and now at any one time employs around 20 people. In terms of his performative physical presence on stage, in an interview in 2015, Fa’anana described his performance alter ego, Shivannah, as the “love child of the bearded lady and ring master.” In the same interview he also described himself tellingly as “a Samoan (who is not a security guard, football player nor a KFC cashier),” and as “an Australian … a legal immigrant” (“On the Couch”). The radical racial difference that the alternative body of Shivannah the ringmistress presents in performance is also constantly reinforced by Fa’anana’s repartee. At the beginning of the show he urges the audience “to put their feet flat on the floor and acknowledge the earth and how lucky we are to be in this beautiful country that for 200 years now has been called Australia” (Fa’anana). Comments about his Samoan ancestry are sprinkled throughout the show and are delivered with a light touch, constantly making the audience laugh. At one point in the show resplendent in a sequined costume, Fa’anana stands downstage in front of two performers on their knees cleaning up the mess left on the stage from the act before, and he says, “Finally, I’ve made it! I’ve got a couple of white boys cleaning up after me” (Fa’anana). In another part of the show, alluding to white stereotypes of Indigenous performers, Fa’anana thanks the drag artist who taught him how to put his drag make-up on, saying “I used to put my make-up on with a burnt stick before he showed me how to do it” (Fa’anana).In his book on critical pedagogy, political activist and scholar Peter McLaren writes on approaches to developing the means to resist and subvert pervasive whiteness, saying, “To resist whiteness means developing a politics of difference […] we need to re-think difference and identity outside a set of binary oppositions. We need to view identity as coalitional, as collective, as processual, as grounded in the struggle for social justice” (213). One example of how identity outside binary oppositions was explored in The Second Coming was in an act by drag artist Dallas Dellaforce, who dressedin a sumptuous fifties evening dress with pink balloon breasts rising out of the top of his low cut evening dress and wearing a Marilyn Monroe blonde wig, camped it up as a fifties coquette, flipping from sultry into a totally scary horror tantrum, before returning to coquette mode with the husky phrase, ‘I love you.’ When at the end of the song, stripped naked, sporting a shaved bald head and wearing only a suggestive long thin pink balloon, the full potential of camp to reveal different layers of artifice and constructed identity was revealed. (Lavers)Fez Fa’anana comments at the end of the show that The Second Coming was not aimed at any particular group of people, but instead aimed to “celebrate being human.” However, if this is the case, Fa’anana is demanding an extended definition of being human that through the inclusion of diverse alternative bodies pushes for a new understandings of what constitutes being human and how human identity can be construed. His work demands an understanding that is not oppositional nor grounded in binary opposition to normative whiteness but instead forms part of a re-thinking of human identity through alternative bodies that are presented as processual, and deeply grounded in the struggle for the social justice issue of acceptance of difference and alternatives.Hot Brown Honey is another Brisbane based company working with circus in conjunction with other forms such as burlesque, hip hop, and cabaret. The all-female company was recently awarded the UK 2016 Total Theatre Award for Innovation, Experimentation and Playing with Form. The company was co-founded by dancer and choreographer Lisa Fa’alafi, who is from the same Samoan family as Fez and Natano Fa’anana, with sound designer Kim “Busty Beatz” Bowers, a successful hip hop artist, poet and record producer. From the beginning Hot Brown Honey was envisaged as providing a performance space for women of colour. Lisa Fa’alafi says the company was formed to address the lack of performance opportunities available, “It’s plain knowledge that there are limited roles for people of colour, let alone women of colour” (quoted in Northover).Lyn Gardner, arts critic for The Guardian in the UK, describing Hot Brown Honey’s performance, writes that the company fights “gender and racial stereotypes with a raucous glee, while giving a feminist makeover to circus, hip-hop and burlesque” (Gardner). The company includes women mainly “of Indigenous, Pacific Islander and Indonesian heritage taking on colonialism, sexism, gender stereotypes and racism through often confronting performance and humour; their tagline is ‘fighting the power never tasted so sweet’” (Northover).In their show Hot Brown Honey present a straps act. Straps is a physically demanding aerial circus act that requires great upper body strength and is usually performed by male aerialists. However, in the Hot Brown Honey show gender expectations are subverted with the straps act performed by a female aerialist. Gardner writes of the performance of this straps act at the 2016 Edinburgh Festival Fringe as a “sequence that conjures the twisted moves of a woman trying to escape domestic violence,” and “One of the best circus sequences I’ve seen at this festival” (Gardner). Hula hoops, a traditionally female act, is also subverted and used to explore the stereotypes of the “exotic notion of Pacific culture” (Northover). Gardner writes of this act that the hoola hoops “are called into service to explore western tourists’ culture of entitlement”. Company co-founder Kim “Busty Beatz” Bowers, talks about the group’s approach to flipping perceptions of women of colour through investigating the power dynamics in gender relations, “We have a lot of flips around sexuality,” says Bowers. “Especially around the way people expect a black woman to be. We like to shift the exploitation and the power” (quoted in Northover).Another pressing issue that Hot Brown Honey address is a strange phenomenon apparent in much contemporary circus. In addition to the pervasive whiteness in contemporary circus, relatively few women are visible in many contemporary circus companies. Suzie Williams from Acrobatic Conundrum, the Seattle-based circus company, writes in her blog, “there are a lot of shows that feature many young, fit, exuberant guys and one flexible girl who performs a sensual/sentimental/romantic solo act” (Williams). Writing about Complètement Cirque, Montreal’s international circus festival which took place in July 2016, Williams says, “this year at the festival, my least favorite trend was … out of the 9 ticketed productions only one had more than one woman in it” (Williams, emphasis in original).Circus scholars have started to research this trend of lack of female representation both in contemporary circus schools and performance companies. “Gender in Circus Education: the institutionalization of stereotypes” was the title of a paper presented at the Circus and Its Others Conference in Montreal in July 2016 by Alisan Funk, a circus choreographer, teacher and director and an MA candidate at Concordia University in Montreal. Funk cited research from France showing that the educational programs and the industry are 70% male dominated. Although recreational programs in France have majority female populations, there appears to be a bottleneck at the level of entrance exams to superior schools. The few female students accepted to those schools are then frequently pushed towards solo aerial work (Funk). This push to solo aerial work means that the group floor work and acrobatics are often performed by men who create acrobatic groups that often then go on to form the basis for companies. (In this context the work of Circus Oz in this area needs to be acknowledged with the company having had a consistent policy over its 39 year existence of employing 50% female performers, however in the context of international contemporary circus this is increasingly rare).Williams writes in her blog about contemporary circus performance, “I want to see more women. I want to see women who look different from each other. I want to see so many women that no single women has to stand as a symbol of what all women can be” (Williams).Hot Brown Honey tackle the issue Williams raises head on, and they do it in the form of internationally award winning circus/cabaret that is all-female, where the bodies of the performers offer a radical alternative to the norms of contemporary circus and performance generally. The work shows women, a range of women performing circus-women of colour, with a wide range of bodies of varying shapes and sizes on stage. In Hot Brown Honey no single women in the show has to stand as a symbol of what all women can be. Briefs and Hot Brown Honey, through accessible yet political circus/cabaret, subvert the norms and institutionalized racial and gender-based biases inherent in contemporary circus both in Australia and internationally. By doing so these two companies have leap-frogged the normative presentation of performers in contemporary circus by speaking directly to a celebration of difference and diversity through the presentation of radical alternative bodies.ReferencesAlthusser, L. For Marx. Trans. Ben Brewster. London: Verso, 1965/2005.Beeby, J. “Briefs: The Second Coming – Jack Beeby Chats with Creative Director Fez Faanana.” Aussie Theatre 2015. <http://aussietheatre.com.au/features/briefs-the-second-coming-jack-beeby-chats-with-creative-director-fez-faanana>.“Briefs: The Second Coming.” Sydney Festival 2016. <http://www.sydneyfestival.org.au/2017/briefs>.Dyer, R. White: Essays on Race and Culture. New York: Routledge, 1997. Fa’anana, F. Repartee as Shivannah in The Second Coming by Briefs. Magic Mirrors Spiegeltent, Sydney Festival, 7 Jan. 2017. Performance.Finch, M. Personal communication. 13 Dec. 2016.Funk, A. “Gender in Circus Education: The Institutionalization of Stereotypes.” Paper presented at Circus and Its Others, July 2016.Gardner, L. “Shameless and Subversive: The Feminist Revolution Hits the Edinburgh Fringe.” The Guardian Theatre Blog 14 Aug. 2016. <https://www.theguardian.com/stage/theatreblog/2016/aug/14/feminist-revolution-edinburgh-stage-fringe-2016-burlesque>.Kyobashi A., and L. Peake. “Racism Out of Place: Thoughts on Whiteness and an Antiracist Geography in the New Millennium.” Annals of American Geographers 90.2 (2000): 392-403.Lavers, K. “Briefs: The Second Coming.” ArtsHub Reviews 2017. <http://performing.artshub.com.au/news-article/reviews/performing-arts/katie-lavers/briefs-the-second-coming-252936>.Lewis, L. Cross-Racial Casting: Changing the Face of Australian Theatre. Platform Papers No. 13. Strawberry Hills, NSW: Currency House, 2007. McLaren, P. Life in Schools: An Introduction to Critical Pedagogy in the Foundations of Education. 6th ed. New York: Routledge, 2016. McLaren, P., and R. Torres. “Racism and Multicultural Education: Rethinking ‘Race’ and ‘Whiteness’ in Late Capitalism.” Critical Multiculturalism: Rethinking Multicultural and Antiracist Education. Ed. S. May. Philadelphia, PA: Falmer Press, 1999. 42-76. Northover, K. “Melbourne International Comedy Festival: A Mix of Politically Infused Hip Hop and Cabaret.” Sydney Morning Herald 3 Apr. 2016. <http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/comedy/melbourne-international-comedy-festival-hot-brown-honey-a-mix-of-politicallyinfused-hiphop-and-cabaret-20160403-gnxazn.html>.“On the Couch with Fez Fa’anana.” Arts Review 2015. <http://artsreview.com.au/on-the-couch-with-fez-faanana/>.“Outrageous Boys’ Circus Briefs Is No Drag.” Daily Telegraph 2016. <http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/archive/specials/outrageous-boys-circus-briefs-is-no-drag/news-story/7d24aee1560666b4eca65af81ad19ff3>.St Leon, M. “Celebrated at First, Then Implied and Finally Denied.” The Routledge Circus Studies Reader. Eds. Katie Lavers and Peta Tait. London: Routledge, 2008/2016. 209-33. Williams, S. “Gender in Circus.” Acrobatic Conundrum 3 Aug. 2016. <http://www.acrobaticconundrum.com/blog/2016/8/3/gender-in-circus>.
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