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Medler, John T. "The types of Flatidae (Homoptera) in the Stockholm Museum described by Stat, Melichar, Jacobi and Walker." Insect Systematics & Evolution 17, no. 3 (1986): 323–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/187631286x00251.

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AbstractLectotypes and paralectotypes are designated for species of flatid planthoppers described by StÅl, Melichar, Jacobi and Walker. The location of other syntypes known to exist is given. The genitalia of lectotype males are illustrated. NEW SYNONYMY (junior synonym first), as follows: Colgaroides circumcincta Jacobi = Colgaroides acuminala (Walker); Mesophylla inclinala Melichar = Phylliana serva (Walker); Copsyrna leucophaea StÅl = Bythopsyrna lineoides (Olivier); Hypsiphanta minax Jacobi = Euphanta munda (Walker); Euphanta obscura Jacobi = Euryphantia tristis (Kirkaldy); Idume plicala Melichar = Idurne deducta (Walker); Phromnia rubescens StÅl = Flatida floccosa (Guérin-Ménèville. NEW COMBINATIONS (previous combination first), as follows: Poeciloptera cereris StÅl = Cromna sinensis (Walker); Paratella fusconigra Melichar = Sephena fusconigra (Melichar); Phyllyphanla hyalinata StÅl= Colgar peracuta (Walker); Paratella modesta Melichar = Sephena modesta (Melichar); Delostenopium rubripes Jacobi = Euphanta rubripes (Jacobi); Microflata stictica Melichar = Mimophantia sliclica (Melichar). NEW STATUS: Melicharia alba (Melichar) not a varitey of Melicharia deducta (Melichar); Lawana inornata (Melichar) not a variety of Lawana candida (Fabricius); Cerynia maria lutescens Melichar not a variety of Cerynia maria (White); Melicharia pallida (Melichar) not a synonym of Melicharia lactifera (Walker).
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Sutrop, Urmas. "Livonian landscapes in the historical geography of Livonia and the division of Livonian tribes." Eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteaduse ajakiri. Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics 5, no. 1 (July 1, 2014): 27–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.12697/jeful.2014.5.1.02.

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There is no exact consensus on the division and sub-division of the former Livonian territories at the end of the ancient independence period in the 12th century. Even the question of the Coastal Livonians in Courland – were they an indigenous Livonian tribe or a replaced eastern Livonian tribe – remains unsolved. In this paper the anonymously published treatise on the historical geography of Livonia by Johann Christoph Schwartz (1792) will be analysed and compared with the historical modern views. There is an agreement on the division of the Eastern Livonian territories into four counties: Daugava, Gauja, Metsepole, and Idumea. Idumea had a mixed Livonian-Baltic population. There is no consensus on the parochial sub-division of these counties.Kokkuvõte. Urmas Sutrop: Liivi maastikud Liivimaa ajaloolises geograafias ja liivi hõimude jaotus. Tänapäeval puudub täielik konsensus, kuidas liivlaste territoorium jagunes muinasmaakondadeks ja/või -kihelkondadeks muistse iseseisvuse lõpul 12. sajandil. Lahendamata on isegi küsimus sellest, kas Kuramaa rannaliivlased on muistsete liivlaste või sinna 16. sajandil ümber asunud liivlaste järeltulijad. Käesolevas artiklis vaadeldakse 1792. aastal Johann Christoph Schwartzi anonüümselt ilmunud käsitlust Liivimaa ajaloolisest geograafiast ning võrreldakse seda tollaste ja tänapäevaste arusaamadega. Kokkulepe teadlaste vahel on üldisem idapoolsete liivlaste territoriaalses suurjaotuses: Väina jõe liivlase alad, Koiva jõe liivlaste alad, Metsapoole ja Idumea. Neist viimast peetakse liivlaste ja balti hõimude segaalaks. Samas puudub konsensus nende liivi maakondlike alade edasisest kihelkondlikust jaotusest.Märksõnad: Johann Christoph Schwartz, ajalooline geograafia, liivi hõimud, LiivimaaKubbõvõttõks. Urmas Sutrop:Līvõ mōpālgõd Līvõmō istōrilis geogrāfijs. Tämpõ tuņšlijid äb ūotõ īdmēļizt, kui līvlizt terītori vȯļ jagdõd muinižiz mōgõniž ja/agā pagāstõdõksks muiniz īžpīlimiz lopāndõksõs 12. āigastsadā āigal. Äb ūo arāntõt, või Kurāmǭ līvlizt ātõ muinizt līvlizt tagāntuļļid agā 16. āigastsadā āigal sīņõ lǟnõd līvlizt tagāntuļļid. Sīes kēras um vaņţõltõd 1792. āigastõs ulztund Johann Christoph Schwartz tuņšlõkst iļ Līvõmǭ istōriliz geogrāfij (ulzõtuldsõ se tuņšlõks vȯļ anonīmi). Siedā um ītõltõd sīeaigizt ja paldīņizt arusǭmiztõks. Tuņšlijid ātõ dižānist īdmēļizt mǭgõrpūoļizt līvlizt teritorij jagdõksõs: Vēna joug līvlizt mō, Koiva joug līvlizt mōd, Mõtsāpūol ja Idūmō. Idumō um mō, kus um līvlizt ja baltõd sugūd jelīzt siegāmõl. Īdmīel äb ūo, kui mōgõnd jagīzt kīlgõniž.
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Marciak, Michał. "Hellenistic-Roman Idumea in the Light of Greek and Latin Non-Jewish Authors." Klio 100, no. 3 (December 19, 2018): 877–910. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/klio-2018-0132.

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Summary Although ancient Idumea was certainly a marginal object of interest for classical writers, we do possess as many as thirteen extant classical non-Jewish authors (from the 1st c. BCE to the 3rd c. CE) who explicitly refer to Idumea or the Idumeans. For classical writers, Idumea was an inland territory between the coastal cities of Palestine, Egypt, and Arabia that straddled important trade routes. Idumea is also frequently associated in ancient literature with palm trees, which grew in Palestine and were exported throughout the Mediterranean. In the eyes of classical authors, the Idumeans were a distinctive ethnos living in the melting pot of southern Palestine. Ancient writers emphasized the Idumeans’ ethnic and cultural connections with the Nabateans, the Phoenicians and Syrians, and, finally, the Judeans, and also indicated that a great deal of Hellenization occurred in western Idumea in an urban context.
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Marciak, Michal. "From Edom to Idumea Septuagint References to Edom and Idumea." Palamedes 12 (December 10, 2019): 5–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.5913/pal.2017.87652241.

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This paper compares Hebrew (MT) and Greek (LXX) Biblical references to the Edomites and their homeland. The key terms that have been taken into account in the present paper are Edom (אדום), Edomites (אדומים), Seir (שעיר), and Esau (עשו). The purpose of the comparison of the Hebrew and Greek references is to check whether the LXX passages contain any textual differences that may reflect historical events that occurred between the time of the composition of the Hebrew Bible and the time of the creation of the Septuagint, especially the formation of the province of Idumea directly south of Judea and increased cultural activity between the Judeans and Idumeans. In the most general terms, the LXX renderings of the Hebrew terms Edom Edomites (אדומים), Seir (שעיר), and Esau (עשו) do not contain any changes that would be important in terms of the historical geography of southern Palestine or the emotional attitude of Biblical writers towards the Edomites/Idumeans. The term אדום is rendered as either Ἐδώμ (mostly) or Ἰδουμαία, and in most cases the two Greek names are used as synonyms. In turn, the Greek equivalents of עשו, שעיר, and אדומי are Σηίρ, Ἠσαῦ, and Ἰδουμαῖος. Only in some cases may we speak about important differences. First, the LXX Job appendix (Job 42:17a and 42:17b-e) reflects the very specific historical context of when the Idumeans settled directly south of Judea and became more closely connected with the Judeans, either through actual conversion or increased cultural exchange. Second, although in most cases the Greek names Ἰδουμαία or Ἐδώμ are used interchangeably, one may notice a certain preference for the term Ἰδουμαία in some parts of the LXX, which may not always be a coincidence. For instance, the term Ἰδουμαία is used only for the genealogy of Eliphas (Gen. 36). Given the fact that Eliphas also plays an important role in the genealogy of Job in the LXX Appendix and this is also the only Idumean genealogy that was known to Josephus (in Ant. 2.4-6), it may be suggested that the names of the Eliphas chieftains were particularly well known in Hellenistic and Early Roman times, and the Judeans saw them as being connected with the contemporary Idumeans. Furthermore, the LXX Samuel tends to connect David with (the conquest of) Ἰδουμαία (2 Sam. 8:12-14; while Saul’s con-s quests are attributed to Ἐδώμ). Given the tendency of 1-2 Macc. to refer to David as a model of the Hasmoneans (1 Macc. 2:57, 4:30; 2 Macc. 2:13), this tendency may not be coincidental.
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Levin, Yigal. "The Religion of Idumea and Its Relationship to Early Judaism." Religions 11, no. 10 (September 24, 2020): 487. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/rel11100487.

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For several hundred years, from the late Iron Age to the end of the 2nd century BCE, the southern neighbor of Judea was “Idumea”, populated by descendants of Edomites, together with Qedarite and other Arabs and a mix of additional ethnicities. This paper examines the known data on the identity, especially religious identity, of these Idumeans, using a wide range of written sources and archaeological data. Within the Bible, “Edom” is presented as Israel’s twin and its harshest enemy, but there are hints that the Edomites worshipped the God of Israel. While the origins of the “Edomite deity” Qaus remain obscure, as does the process of their migration into southern Judah, the many inscriptions from the Persian period show that Qaus became the most widely worshipped deity in the area, even if other gods, including Yahweh, were also recognized. The Hellenistic period brought heightened Greek and Phoenician influence, but also the stabilization of “Idumea” as an administrative/ethnic unit. Some of the practices of this period, such as male circumcision, show an affinity to the Judaism of the time. This paper also discusses the outcome of the Hasmonean conquest of Idumea and the incorporation of its inhabitants into the Jewish nation.
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Ifire, Bonface Wanjala, Simon Gisege Omare, and Stephen Njure. "The Christian Contested Socio-Religious and Cultural Aspects of Idumi Ritual: A Catholic Perspective among Tirikis of Hamisi Sub-County." Eastern African Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 3, no. 2 (August 8, 2024): 84–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.58721/eajhss.v3i2.662.

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This study explains the Catholic perspective of the Christian–contested socio-religious and cultural aspects of Idumi circumcision rituals among the Tirikis. In some African communities, male circumcision rituals have persisted because of cultural beliefs. Christianity has struggled to discourage some of these cultural practices that contradict the Christian message in vain. This study aimed to explore the question; how has the Catholic Church perceived Idumi circumcision ritual? The study was guided by Niebuhr’s Consultative/Dialogical Critical approach to cultural transformation. Particularly, one of the five approaches, Christ against culture was used to identify the contested aspects of Idumi rituals. Purposeful sampling was used to select twenty – four (24) respondents for the study. Twelve (12) key informants were interviewed, and twelve (12) respondents participated in two focus group discussions of six (6) members each. Data collected was analyzed qualitatively using the thematic method and presented by reporting key findings using appropriate verbatim quotes as narrated. The study revealed that there has been an effort by the Catholic Church to identify some of the Christian - contested Aspects of Idumi that cause challenges to evangelization.
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Scholten, Clemens. "Zum Herkunftsort des Simon Magus." Vigiliae Christianae 69, no. 5 (October 28, 2015): 534–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/15700720-12341227.

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Obradović, Nadežda, and Ana Šomlo. "Iduće godine u Jerusalimu." World Literature Today 75, no. 1 (2001): 174. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/40156479.

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Howlett, David. "Insular Latin idama, iduma." Peritia 9 (January 1995): 72–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.1484/j.peri.3.242.

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Brix, Michel. "«Je t’apporte l’enfant d’une nuit d’Idumée». Mallarmé et l’utopie hermaphrodite." Studi Francesi 202 (LXVIII | I) (2024): 154–58. http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/11wi7.

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«Je t’apporte l’enfant d’une nuit d’Idumée»: it is the first verse of a poem written by Stéphane Mallarmé at the beginning of 1865. This poem is known under various titles: “Don du poème”, “Le Jour”, “Le Poème nocturne”, “Dédicace du poème nocturne” or even “Don”. In 1931, Denis Saurat expressed an interesting hypothesis: “I bring you the child of a night from Idumea” would allude to Jewish Kabbalah, and the kings of Idumea would be hermaphroditic beings reproducing without the intervention of a woman. The reader would therefore be invited to think that, by analogy, a poem metaphorically resembles a child conceived outside of any carnal intercourse between two individuals. The hypothesis formulated by Saurat is today neglected, even forgotten, by Mallarmean criticism. This hypothesis was, however, relevant: this is what this article aims to show.
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Ifire, Boniface Wanjala, Simon Omare, and Stephen Njure. "The Moral and Normative Foundation of Idumi Circumcision Ritual among the Tiriki of Hamisi Sub-County." Research Journal of Education, Teaching and Curriculum Studies 2, no. 2 (August 6, 2024): 1–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.58721/rjetcs.v2i2.660.

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This paper relates to the moral and normative foundation of Idumi circumcision ritual to explain the reasons for its persistence in many African communities. The main objective of the study was to explore the moral and normative foundation of Idumi circumcision ritual among the Tirikis. The study was guided by Stuarts Hall’s Cultural Identity Theory to explain its persistence and continuity. A qualitative exploratory design which was phenomenological was adopted for the study. Purposeful sampling was utilized to select twenty – six (26) respondents for the study including; four (4) Tiriki elders, four (4) initiates, four (4) ritual leaders, four (4) counselors, four (4) women, four (4) initiation chiefs and two (2) sub-chiefs. Twelve (12) key respondents were interviewed and fourteen (14) respondents participated in two focus group discussions of seven (7) members each. Data was analyzed qualitatively using the thematic method and presented by reporting key findings using appropriate verbatim quotes. The study revealed that there is a moral and normative foundation of Idumi circumcision ritual which contributes to the persistence and continuity of this cultural ritual.
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Dobreva-Yatseva, B., F. Nikolov, R. Raycheva, I. Manolov, P. Nikolov, N. Ivanova, D. Iovanovska, I. Kuchmov, and M. Tokmakova. "Characteristics of infective endocarditis according to the mode of acquisition – a single-center, retrospective analysis." Bulgarian Cardiology 29, no. 2 (July 19, 2023): 24–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/bgcardio.29.e108621.

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According to the mode of acquisition, infective endocarditis (IE) is classifi ed as community-acquired (CAIE), healthcareassociated (HAIE), and injection drug use&ndash;related IE (IDUIE). At this stage, there are no data for Bulgaria for these three groups of patients. Objective: We set ourselves the goal of investigating IE according to the mode of acquisition and to make a clinical-instrumental characterization of the groups. Material and methods: The study is single-center, retrospective and includes 270 patients treated at the UMHAT &ldquo;Sveti Georgi&rdquo; &ndash; Plovdiv for the period 01.2005-12. 2021. Results: Patients with CAIE were 64.8% (175), with HAIE 26.7% (72) and with IDUIE 8.5% (23). Patients with IDUIE are younger compared to the other two groups (33; 8 years) (p = 0.000), with low comorbidity (CCI &ndash; 1, IQR &ndash; 1; p = 0.000), with most frequent right-sided involvement (p < 0.001) and with the most common causative agent being Staphylococcus aureus (p < 0.01). Patients with HAIE were the oldest (69; 18 years;), with the most comorbidity (CCI &ndash; 4; IQR &ndash; 3), with no signifi cant difference with CAIE (66; 20 years; and CCI &ndash; 3; IQR &ndash; 3). The large proportion of portal of entry for them were manipulations/ procedures (62.5%) and hemodialysis (18.1%), with Enterococci being the most common causative agent (19.5%, p = 0.001). In-hospital mortality and early surgical intervention were without signifi cant difference in the three groups. Conclusion: Knowledge of the three groups of IE according to the mode of acquisition &ndash; CAIE, HAIE and IDUIE and their characteristics is important for the choice of initial empiric antibiotic treatment and for improvement of prevention.
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Lopukhova, Yulia, Elena Makeeva, and Kseniya Kuzovenkova. "INTERNALIZATION OF TEACHER EDUCATION AS A PART OF A UNIVERSITY INTERNALIZATION STRATEGY." SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference 1 (May 20, 2020): 510. http://dx.doi.org/10.17770/sie2020vol1.4986.

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The internationalization of University teacher education is very important today since teachers have to prepare students for living and working in the new global world. To prepare students for the globalization of the society, university teachers should have the opportunity to gain international experience – from traditional studies and internships to summer schools and degree theses abroad, blended learning formats, buddy programmes, international field trips to preparing English-language degree programmes together with international colleagues. In this paper the authors describe the IDUTE programme (International Dimension of University Teacher Education) designed to enhance the international dimensions of various components of University teacher education programmes, to transform courses in order to facilitate change and improvement in reaching the internationalization goals of their work and to help provide University teachers with greater global competence. This paper details the nature and specifics of the IDUTE programme and provides details of the programme’s outcomes and results. The authors have done extensive research to determine both the existing international content and programme practices for University teacher education and perceived needs for improvement. The IDUTE programme promotes internationalisation among technical teachers and students and expands intercultural competence into their studies and career through creation and development of separate 16/36/72-hour modules on international activities of University Teachers.
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Marciak, Michał. "Idumea and Idumeans in the Light of the Pseudepigrapha." Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 27, no. 3 (March 2018): 163–203. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0951820718771234.

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This article offers the first-ever comprehensive philological and historical commentary on possible historical allusions to the Idumeans in the following Pseudepigrapha: Pseudo-Aristeas, Judith, Jubilees, the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs, the Apocalypse of Enoch, 1 Esdras, and 4 Ezra. This study argues that references to the Idumeans in the Pseudepigrapha (mostly hidden under the figure of Esau or sons of Esau) are of a very general character and as such are of little use to modern historians. Most passages are only literary expressions of the Judeans’ long-standing tradition of hostility towards the Edomites/Idumeans. Only in a few cases may we speak about general echoes of particular historical events. In 1 Esd. 4.50 and Jub. 37.1–38.14, an advanced Idumean settlement is reflected west of Arabah and south of Judea. Based on the archaeology, this settlement may have started as early as in the eighth century BCE and over time led to the emergence of a new province called Idumea in the Hellenistic period. The second-century BCE Maccabean–Idumean conflict is also echoed in several Pseudepigrapha. In general, the book of Judith reflects the strategic role of mountain passes and the use of lightly armed troops in Maccabean times. In turn, Jub. 37.1–38.14 and the T. Jud. 9.1–4 were written from a specific historical angle created by the Hasmonean conquest of Idumea, but their use of topography and chronology is so simplified that they cannot be employed by modern historians for the reconstruction of the course of the Hasmonean–Idumean conflict. Instead, both books express the ideology of territorial rights, disguised as patriarchal history. Finally, 1 Esd. 5.29 and 8.66 appear to express the ambivalent situation of the Idumeans after conversion: though they became part of the Judean community, the notion of their ethnic distinctiveness and inferiority survived.
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Motta, G., E. Ordentlich, I. Ramirez, G. Seroussi, and M. J. Weinberger. "The iDUDE Framework for Grayscale Image Denoising." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 20, no. 1 (January 2011): 1–21. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/tip.2010.2053939.

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Notarius, Tania. "The Syntax of Clan Names in Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea." Maarav 22, no. 1-2 (January 1, 2018): 21–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/mar201822105.

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KLONER, Amos. "Water Cisterns in Idumea, Judaea and Nabatea in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods." ARAM Periodical 14 (January 1, 2002): 461–85. http://dx.doi.org/10.2143/aram.14.0.504513.

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Appelbaum, Alan. "“The Idumaeans” in Josephus' The Jewish War." Journal for the Study of Judaism 40, no. 1 (2009): 1–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/157006309x355204.

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Abstract“The Idumaeans” constitute a single, although collective, character in Josephus' The Jewish War. This article discusses whom Josephus meant by “the Idumaeans,” and considers whether, in his mind, they were, as others have suggested, “Jews” from Idumaea or a separate nation or ethnic group. It argues that the character “the Idumaeans” is not in fact a representative picture of Idumaeans of Josephus' time, but may be understood in terms of modern ethnic stereotyping, and that Josephus' stereotype of “the Idumaeans” as bloodthirsty hooligans is ultimately drawn from a continuous Idumaean military tradition. The article concludes by re-reading the War stripped of Josephus' ethnic prejudice against Idumaeans to learn more about the role of Idumaean fighting men in the first war against Rome.
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Dobbs-Allsopp, F. W. "Aramaic Ostraca of the Fourth Century B. C. from Idumaea. Israel Ephʾal and Joseph Naveh." Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 312 (листопад 1998): 84–86. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/1357678.

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KLONER Almos. ""Water cisterns and reservoirs in Idumea, Judaea and Nabatea during the Hellenistic and Roman periods"." ARAM Periodical 13, no. 1 (April 14, 2005): 461–85. http://dx.doi.org/10.2143/aram.13.1.504513.

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Aḥituv, Shmuel, and Ada Yardeni. "Seventeen Aramaic Texts on Ostraca from Idumea: The Late Persian to the Early Hellenistic Periods." Maarav 11, no. 1 (January 1, 2004): 7–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/mar200411102.

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Polak, Frank H. "Ancient Versions and Enigmatic Valleys." Textus 31, no. 1-2 (September 14, 2022): 136–58. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/2589255x-bja10029.

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Abstract This paper concerns the rendering of Hebrew “terebinth” as “valley,” and the mention of a “valley” near Hebron in a plus. In the Targums, the Vulgate and Aquila the “terebinths” of Moreh and Mamre (Gen 12:6; 18:1; Deut 11:30) are represented by a term meaning “valley.” According to the standard analysis this rendering avoids the association of these precincts with non-monotheistic cults. However, this theory fails to explain the use of the term “valley.” Midrashic comments point to anti-Samaritan polemics, based on Deut 11:30, where “terebinth” and “plain,” Arabah, meet. Furthermore, a plus of the Septuagint and the Samaritan mentions “the valley of Hebron” (Gen 23:2; cf. the gloss, 37:14). These constellations are related to a particular sensitivity for the status of the Mamre region in the Persian era and beyond as it belongs to Idumaea, and its religious practice includes non-monotheistic cults.
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Kasper, Katherine, Iswarya Manoharan, Dresden Glockler-Lauf, Laura Ball, Brian Hallam, Sharon Koivu, John McCormick, and Michael Silverman. "1023. A Controlled-Release Prescription Oral Opioid Can Prolong S. aureus Survival in Injection Drug Preparation Equipment and Potentially Increase Bacteremia Risk." Open Forum Infectious Diseases 5, suppl_1 (November 2018): S305. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/ofid/ofy210.860.

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Abstract Background S. aureus is the most common pathogen associated with injection drug use-associated endocarditis (IDUaIE). Our center has a high incidence of IDUaIE and the opiate of choice in our population is hydromorphone-controlled release (HCR), a prescribed oral opiate widely used in Canada and Europe. The complex technique for preparation for injection provides multiple opportunities for contamination of the solution and the controlled-release preparation contains several excipients (carbohydrates, protein, and iron), which could enhance Staphylococcal survival. A large amount of drug remains in the injection drug preparation equipment (IDPE) after each use and therefore, used IDPE is saved by people who inject drugs (PWID) for subsequent reuse by adding more water and then injecting the solution intravenously. Methods Used IDPE was collected from active PWID, rinsed with sterile water, aspirated into a syringe in a technique which mimicked reuse of equipment by PWID, and then plated on Mannitol salt agar (MSA). Bacterial isolates from local bacteremic PWID were used to test the survival of S. aureus (MRSA and MSSA) and S. pyogenes on unused IDPE with HCR or hydromorphone immediate release (HIR). The solutions were aspirated using techniques similar to that of local PWID and then plated on MSA and Blood agar. Results A total of 109 used IDPE samples were collected between March 2017 and March 2018. S. aureus was detected in 15/94 (16%) IDPE samples that had been used for injection of HMC (seven MRSA, seven MSSA, and two borderline resistant [one sample contained both MRSA and MSSA]), but 0/15 (0%) samples used for hydromorphone immediate release (HIR). HCR, but not HM, was associated with greater survival of MSSA and MRSA (but not S. pyogenes) in solutions of the drug when compared with sterile water vehicle control (Figure 1). There was a 2-log reduction in the number of viable S. aureus when IDPE containing HCR solutions spiked with MRSA or MSSA were heated with a cigarette lighter until bubbling (&lt;10 seconds). Conclusion IDPE that has been used in the preparation of HCR is frequently contaminated with S. aureus; and in vitro HCR, but not HM, prolongs the survival of MRSA and MSSA. Heating IDPE may be an effective harm-reduction strategy to reduce bacterial complications of injection of HCR. Disclosures All authors: No reported disclosures.
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Hasibuan, Abdi Satria, and Mustapa Khamal Rokan. "Analisis Strategi Bank dalam Menangani Restrukturisasi Pembiayaan PT Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Medan Pulo Brayan." El-Mal: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi & Bisnis Islam 4, no. 1 (April 25, 2022): 72–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.47467/elmal.v4i1.1313.

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Banking iis ione iof ithe ifinancial iinstitutions ithat iplays ian iimportant irole iin ithe idevelopment iof ia icountry's ieconomy, iespecially inow ithat iIndonesia iis ia icountry ithat iis ideveloping itowards iprogress. iSharia-based iinstitutions. iOne iof ithe iIslamic-based ifinancial iinstitutions iis iBank iSyariah iIndonesia i(BSI). iLike ibanking ifunctions iin igeneral, iIndonesian iIslamic ibanks iare ialso iintermediary iinstitutions ibetween ipeople iwho ineed icapital ifor ia ifinancing. iresults ithat ihave ibeen iagreed iupon iby iboth ithe iBank iand ithe iCustomer. iHowever, ifrom ithis ifinancing, iit iis inot iuncommon ifor icustomers ito iexperience idefault iin iinstallment ipayments ithat ihave ibeen iagreed iupon. iOne iof ithe icauses iof ibad ifinancing i(restructuring) iitself iis ilargely idue ito ithe ibusiness iconditions ibeing irun, iperhaps idue ito ideclining iincome iresults. iTo iminimize ithe ioccurrence iof ibad ifinancing i(restructuring) i) iBanks icreate iclear iregulations iand ilook ifor iclear iways ito ihandle ithem. iIn ithis iarticle/journal, iit iwill ibe iexplained ior idiscussed ihow ithe istrategy iof iBank iSyariah iIndonesia iKcp iMedan iPulo iBrayan iin idealing iwith inon-performing ifinancing. Keywords: iIndonesian iIslamic iBank iRestructuring, iAnalysis
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Milković, Kristina. "The Basic Law of the Military Frontier from 1807 in the Light of Existing Studies and Research Perspectives." Povijesni prilozi 42, no. 65 (December 20, 2023): 137–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.22586/pp.v42i65.27516.

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U članku je problematiziran Osnovni krajiški zakon iz 1807. koji je Franjo I. (1792. – 1835.) proglasio za područje Hrvatsko-slavonske i Banatske vojne krajine. Analiziran je sadržaj zakona raspoređen u sedam poglavlja i 155 zakonskih članaka te izvorno objavljen na njemačkom i preveden već iduće godine na hrvatski i slavenosrpski jezik. Zakon je donesen u specifičnim povijesnim okolnostima koalicijskih ratova i u duhu reformi dvorskoga kruga oko vladara Franje I. Njegov sadržaj rezultat je višegodišnjega rada nekoliko dvorskih povjerenstava, pri čemu se osobito nastojalo steći uvid u konkretne probleme sustava kao i vojnokrajišku svakodnevicu da bi novim zakonom ponudila trajnija rješenja koja bi obuhvatila interese države, ali i krajiškoga puka. Zbog potrebe očuvanja vojnokrajiškoga sustava ta su rješenja ipak morala biti ograničena.
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Winedt, Marlon. "A omissão de Séforis: uma estratégia de resistência contra o poder e a honra da Dinastia Herodiana." Ribla 78, no. 2 (June 28, 2018): 91. http://dx.doi.org/10.15603/1676-3394/ribla.v78n2p91-106.

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Séforis, cidade majestosa, construída pelo rei-cliente de Roma, Herodes Antipas, não aparece nos anais da igreja primitiva. Não aparece nos quatro evangelhos, nem nos atos dos Apóstolos, nem em outros escritos da coleção canônica. Séforis era uma continuação dos grandes projectos de construção de Herodes o grande, seu pai. Se localizarmos as construções herodianas dentro do paradigma sócio-cultural de honra-vergonha, do mundo greco-romano e culturas mediterrâneas, podemos ver que espaços públicos assumem importância na identidade coletiva dos povos, como uma expressão material e palpável de honra da elite. A omissão desta cidade, a 5 km da Nazaré, nos quatro Evangelhos e em todas as fontes orais e escritas, indica que a igreja primitiva continuou a atitude profética e desafiadora de Jesus frente ao poder herodiano. Ignorar uma cidade judaica como Séforis, embora com forte influência greco-romana, era ignorar um símbolo importante do poder e fama herodiana. Equivalia a censurar com dureza a dinastia idumea-judía, e ao mesmo tempo denunciar o abuso de poder.
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Nekić, Antun. "„Iustos ab iniustis fidelesque ab infidelibus sequestrare et manifeste propallare“." Miscellanea Hadriatica et Mediterranea 8 (March 24, 2022): 65–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.15291/misc.3613.

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Razumijevanje lokalnih prilika u srednjovjekovnoj Slavoniji u prvom desetljeću 15. stoljeća zapravo je nemoguće bez uvida u reperkusije krize koja je izbila 1402. i kulminirala iduće godine, odnosno bez uvida u načine na koje je pobjednička strana ponovno uspostavila svoj narušeni autoritet. U radu se stoga sagledavaju mehanizmi saniranja političke krize kroz prizmu uloge administrativnih praksi utemeljenih na pisanoj riječi u tom procesu, odnosno kroz prizmu registra nevjernih nastalog na općem shodu održanom u Križevcima krajem 1403. i početkom 1404. godine. Štoviše, potraga za slavonskim registrom nevjernih otvorila je uvid i u vrlo sličan mehanizam rješavanja posljedica krize 1403. i na razini čitave Ugarske, gdje je također, početkom drugog desetljeća 15. stoljeća, napravljen registar nevjernih. Oba dokumenta, makar nisu sačuvana, dragocjeni su stoga tragovi za razumijevanje funkcioniranja kraljevskog aparata početkom 15. stoljeća te za sagledavanje modaliteta interakcije lokalnih društava i političkog središta.
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Notarius, Tania. "Bezalel Porten and Ada Yardeni, Textbook of Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea, Vol. 1: Dossiers 1–10: 401 Commodity Chits." Journal of Semitic Studies 62, no. 1 (2017): 263–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jss/fgw053.

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Barač, Željko, Ivan Plaščak, Mladen Jurišić, Goran Heffer, Ivan Vidaković, Monika Marković, and Domagoj Zimmer. "Utjecaj vibracija na trup rukovatelja pri agrotehničkim operacijama." Glasnik zaštite bilja 40, no. 4 (2017): 8–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.31727/gzb.40.4.10.

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U radu su prikazana mjerenja obavljena tijekom dvije agrotehničke sezone. Mjerene su razine vibracija koje utječu na trup rukovatelja prilikom korištenja dva različita poljoprivredna stroja (malčer i raspršivač). Koristi se traktor Landini Powerfarm DT 100. Mjerenje je ponovljeno tri puta u trajanju 30 minuta. Istraživanje je obavljeno na poljoprivrednoj površini Poljoprivredne i veterinarske škole Osijek. Mjerenja su obavljena sukladno normama HRN ISO 2631-1 i HRN ISO 2631-4. Pri radu malčera izmjerena je veća razina vibracija u smjeru osi x i y, dok je pri radu raspršivača veća u smjeru z osi. Razine vibracija izmjerene iduće godine (traktor u eksploataciji sa dodatnih 1000 radnih sati) prilikom korištenja malčera razine vibracija povećane su u smjeru osi y, dok su u smjeru osi x i z smanjene. U drugoj godini rada s raspršivačem izmjerene vibracije u smjeru x i z osi ostale su podjednake, dok se razina vibracija u smjeru osi y smanjila.
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Duyrat, Frédérique. "Money in Southern Transeuphratene during the Fourth Century B.C.E." Phoenix 76, no. 1 (2022): 228–49. http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/phx.2022.a914296.

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Abstract: The southern Levant provides two main bodies of documents to examine the use of silver money during the fourth century b.c.e.: ca 1,100 Idumaean ostraca reveal the activities of a rural region and a collection of Aramaic papyri found in the caves of Wadi Daliyeh and the Ketef Jericho ridge in the vicinity of Jericho render witness to more urban behaviours. They deliver contrasting views on the use of silver money—weighed silver or coins—that can be interpreted in light of what we know of the history of the region in the context of the wider Achaemenid imperial space. Abstract: Le Levant Sud a livré deux ensembles documentaires permettant de mieux comprendre l'usage de la monnaie d'argent au ive siècle: environ 1100 ostraca iduméens dévoilent les activités d'une région rurale tandis qu'un ensemble de papyri trouvés dans les grottes du Wadi Daliyeh et à Ketef Jéricho, dans la région de Jéricho, témoignent de pratiques plus citadines. Ils livrent une vision contrastée de l'usage de la monnaie d'argent — pesée ou sous forme de numéraire — qui peut être interprétée à la lumière de ce que nous savons de l'histoire de la région dans le cadre plus general de l'espace impérial achéménide.
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Stewart, Danielle. "Review: The Metropolis in Latin America, 1830–1930: Cityscapes, Photographs, Debates, edited by Idurre Alonso and Maristella Casciato." Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture 5, no. 1 (January 1, 2023): 88–89. http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/lavc.2023.5.1.88.

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Joseph Umuerhi, Friday, and Lucky Oghenetega Urhiewhu. "Jumping the Gun: Relevance of Past Questions Paper." Library Progress (International) 43, no. 1 (June 21, 2023): 39–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.48165/bpas.2023.43.1.5.

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This study examined the use of past examination question papers (PEQPs) among students and their overall recall rate during examinations. It employed the descriptive survey research design and used all the 255 undergraduate students who visit the library in Private Universities such as Novena University Library Ogume, Western Delta University, Oghara, Michael and Cecilia Ibru University, Library, Agbrha -Otor James Hope University, Edwin Clak University Library, Kaigbodo; Sports University , Library Idumuje, Ugboko, Margaret Lawrence University, Umunede Library, and Admirality University of Nigeria, Library Ibusa Ugwashi-Uku for PEQPs. Data for the study were collected in two phases over a period of two academic semesters with the first phase focusing on respondents’ collection of PEQPs, and the second phase requiring them to complete a questionnaire designed to elicit information on why they use PEQPs, what they gain and the overall outcome of their reliance on same. The study found that fresher rely more on (PEQPs), and most students use PEQPs as study guides as against pretesting themselves before an examination, the respondents do not see reliance on PEQPs as a major factor leading to improved academic performance of undergraduate students and this affects their perception of the effect PEQPs on their overall academic outcome. The study therefore concludes that as important as PEQPs usage seems to be, improper usage of same could be detrimental to the undergraduate users.
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Pardee, Dennis. "Aramaic Ostraca of the Fourth Century BC from Idumaea. Israel Ephʿal , Joseph NavehNouvelles inscriptions araméennes d'Idumée au Musée d'Israël. A. Lemaire". Journal of Near Eastern Studies 59, № 2 (квітень 2000): 128–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/468807.

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Notarius, Tania. "?q(n) 'wood' in the Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea: A Note on the Reflex of Proto-Semitic/*s/in Imperial Aramaic." Aramaic Studies 4, no. 1 (March 1, 2006): 101–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1477835106066038.

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Ćorić, Domagoj. "Financijske krize i uloga MMF-a – pouke slučaja Južne Koreje 1997. – 2000." Acta economica et turistica 10, no. 1 (June 14, 2024): 75–92. https://doi.org/10.46672/aet.10.1.4.

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Južna Koreja danas je dvanaesta ekonomska sila svijeta i jedna od glavnih izvoznikavisoke tehnologije. Rapidan uspon Koreje prema toj poziciji krenuo je devedesetih godina prošloga stoljeća, ali se već 1997. pokazalo da nedostaje strukturna podloga za ubrzani rast. Loša ekonomska regulacija i manjak tržišnih mehanizama doveli su Koreju do kraha i stand-by aranžmana. Rad prati ključnu ulogu MMF-a u Južnoj Koreji prilikom njezina oporavka od krize iz 1997. Autor najprije pokazuje kako je liberalizacija kapitalnih tijekova pridonijela rješavanju problema likvidnosti, ali i potaknula strane investitore na povratak u zemlju. Iduće se prikazuje pozitivan utjecaj stand-by aranžmana na cjelokupan bankovni sustav te niz reformi koje su dovele do poboljšanja njihovih bilanca. Prikazuje se i kako je restrukturiranje korporativnog sektora dovelo do porasta njegove profitabilnosti i učinkovitosti, ali i kako je postavljen niz regulacija koje sprječavaju njegovu novu krizu. Dokazuje se da je prijedlog MMF-a za restriktivnu monetarnu politiku bio pravi odabir za stabilizaciju valute, ali i to da je odluka o povećanju proračunskog deficita pozitivno utjecala na brži oporavak. Na kraju se prikazuje niz lekcija koje su iz krize izvukle Koreja i MMF, ali i onih koje može primijeniti ostatak svijeta.
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Bukharin, Mikhail D. "Looking for Arabia Nova." Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. History 66, no. 2 (2021): 438–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu02.2021.207.

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The administrative structure of the Roman Empire is still not fully understood. Some questions remain unanswered due to the unique nature of historical sources. A number of notions are mentioned only once or in a very unclear context. For example, the notion of “New Arabia” (ἡ νέα (ἐπαρχεία) Ἀραβία) is raised in a several papyri of the 2nd and 4th century AD. The explanation for the earlier documents is clear: the newly created province of Arabia is mentioned there. A letter P. Oxy 50. 3574 (beginning of the 4th century AD) is a much more complicated example of such denomination. Scholars believe that it refers to a province although Roman sources do not mention any province called “Arabia”, except for the one created in 106 AD under Trajan. In fact, “New Arabia” in P. Oxy 50. 3574 does not allude to a newly created province (ἐπαρχία) around Eleutheropolis instead of the former nomos Arabia in Egypt or in Idumaea, as is assumed in contemporary studies. “New Arabia” in this document most likely refers to τοπαρχία (“district”, normally, a part of a nomos). The borders of this τοπαρχία had changed several times, and it moved from Lower to Upper Egypt. The enigmatic notion of “ἀπὸ ὁρίων Ἐλευθεροπόλεως τῆς Νέας Ἀραβείας” maybe interpreted that the “New Arabia” did not refer to the city of Eleutheropolis but rather to its borders: “…from the Eleutheropolis — the border of New Arabia”. Whether Eleutheropolis lay inside or outside this border, remains an open question. “New Arabia” cannot be connected with information of Laterculus Veronensis or Tabula Peutingeriana either.
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Smolej, Tone. "Van Tieghem, Hergešić i Ocvirk." Umjetnost riječi 68, no. 2 (2024): 211–25. https://doi.org/10.22210/ur.2024.068.2/04.

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Autor u svome prilogu obrađuje prva tri teorijska djela o poredbenoj književnosti na svijetu, objavljena tridesetih godina XX. stoljeća. Nakon monografije La littérature comparée Paula Van Tieghema (1931) već iduće godine uslijedila je knjiga Poredbena ili komparativna književnost Ive Hergešića, koji je prije toga pohađao seminar Fernanda Baldenspergera na pariškoj Sorboni. Obje knjige detaljno je poznavao Anton Ocvirk, slovenski doktorand, koji je 1936. godine nakon dvogodišnjeg studija na Sorboni i Collège de France objavio i vlastitu Teoriju poredbene povijesti književnosti (Teorija primerjalne literarne zgodovine). Hrvatski i slovenski komparatist podosta slijede francusku knjigu. U sačuvanom Ocvirkovu primjerku Hergešićeve knjige nalazimo zanimljive opaske slovenskog komparatista. Baš kao Van Tieghem, Hergešić i Ocvirk također proučavaju tematologiju (Stoffgeschichte), spram koje su manje suzdržani nego francuski komparatist. Valja istaknuti kako Hergešić također preuzima Van Tieghemovo trojstvo pošiljatelj (émetteur) – posrednik (transmetteur) – primatelj (récepteur), a koje nalazimo i kod Ocvirka. On Van Tieghemovu doksologiju naziva linearnim ispitivanjem, koje se također bavi uspjehom i utjecajem nekog autora ili djela u inozemstvu. Jednako kao Van Tieghem, i Hergešić proučava strane izvore nekog pisca, ali za to ne upotrebljava pojam krenologija, koji Ocvirk pak zamjenjuje pojmom koncentrično proučavanje. Hergešićevo naročito domišljato navođenje hrvatskih književnih primjera zasigurno je plodno utjecalo na Ocvirka da za svoju knjigu potraži brojne slovenske primjere.
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Kopanski, Ataullah Bogdan. "The Nazarean Legacy." American Journal of Islam and Society 15, no. 2 (July 1, 1998): 1–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.35632/ajis.v15i2.2194.

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After Pompey Magnus’s conquest of the Hellenistic East in 64 B.c., theRoman administrators of Asia Occidentalis divided the Arabian peninsulainto three realms: Arabia Petraea (Rocky Arabia), which stretchedfrom Greater Syria to the Gulf of Ayala (Aqaba), and whose capital inPetra (the Rock) was carved out by the Nabateans from sandstone on theslopes of Ain Musa; Arabia Deserta (desert Arabia) with Bostra (Busra)as the commercial capital in Hawran; and Arabia Felix (happy Arabia)or Yemen with the capital city of Mariaba (Ma’rib). Arabia Petraea,despite its wilderness, played a significant role in the political life of theempire.’ Because of the natural supply of pure water in the barren land,it was a midpoint on the ancient caravan route from Hadramaut to Egyptand Syria. A variety of goods-the myrrh and frankincense of theSabaean Arabia Felix, ivory, gold, and slaves of East Africa, spices,gems, and precious wood of India- were transported via Petra andGerasa (Jerash) to Damascus, Alexandria, and Rome. In Arabia Petraea,the Prophet Yusuf was cast into a well by his brothers from which he wasfound and brought to Egypt, where he was sold. Many readers of theBible believe that Ain Musa near Petra is the spring that the ProphetMusa caused to gush forth. In the time of the Prophet Sulayman, ArabiaPetraea was populated by the semitic tribes of Edom and Moab. Duringthe rule of the Babylonian Nabuchadnezzar who sacked Jerusalem in 587B.c. and deported Judean rebels to Babylon, the Edomites established akingdom of Sela in the land of Seir. But at the end of the sixth centuryB.c., the Nabateans forced them to migrate to Idumea. Under theNabatean rule, Petra was recognized as the ancient “duty-fire” city. TheNabatean desert kingdom survived as an independent state until the ...
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Horvat, Dijana, Helena Tomić-Obrtalj, Marina Palfi, Ivana Koprivnjak, and Iva Rojnica. "Utjecaj uvjeta skladištenja na klijavost sjemena povrtnih vrsta." Sjemenarstvo 31, no. 1-2 (January 30, 2021): 29–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.33128/s1.31.1-2.4.

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Sjeme povrtnih vrsta namijenjeno vrtlarima hobistima uglavnom je iz uvoza, kategorije standard i pakirano u sitnim pakiranjima. Uvoznici koji prepakiravaju sjeme obavezni su nakon pakiranja ispitati klijavost. Neprodane količine sjemena povlače se s tržišta na kraju sezone i plasiraju u iduće dvije do tri sezone bez kontrole klijavosti te se događa da sjeme u prodaji ima lošu klijavost ili uopće nije klijavo. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati klijavost sjemena 24 povrtne vrste na uzorcima partija sjemena skladištenih u klimatiziranom skladištu i na uzorcima istih partija koje je na tržištu dvije vegetacijske sezone te usporediti s ispitanom klijavosti nakon uvoza. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da klijavost sjemena celera listaša (Apium graveolens var. secalinum L.), celera korjenaša (Apium graveolens L.), peršina listaša (Petroselium crispum ssp. crispum L.), poriluka (Allium porrum L.), boba (Vicia faba L.), paprike (Capsicum annuum L.) i špinata (Spinacia oleracea L.)pada neovisno o uvjetima skladištenja, dok uvjeti skladištenja značajno utječu na klijavost kupusa (Brassica oleracea L.), brokule (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica), salate (Lactuca sativa L.) i cikle (Beta vulgaris L. var. conditiva). Od ukupno 24 partije sjemena povrtnih vrsta uzorkovanih u skladištu dorađivača (uvoznika) njih 46% nakon 20 mjeseci ne zadovoljava propisanu minimalnu klijavost, dok od istih partija sjemena uzorkovanih u skladištu laboratorija (kontrolirani uvjeti) ne zadovoljava njih 29%. Skladištenjem sjemena na temperaturi 15° C na tamnom i suhom mjestu te kontrolom klijavosti nakon svake vegetacijske sezone može se značajno utjecati na kvalitetu sjemena povrtnih vrsta na tržištu.
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Sabol, Marija, Zrinka Matana Kaštelan, Tiana Grubešić, Nikša Petrović, and Damir Miletić. "Koštica trešnje kao uzrok ileusa kod stenozirajućeg karcinoma kolona - prikaz slučaja." Medicina Fluminensis 60, no. 1 (March 1, 2024): 121–25. http://dx.doi.org/10.21860/medflum2024_313705.

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Cilj: Cilj ovog rada je podići svijest o tome kako koštice trešnje mogu uzrokovati opstrukciju crijeva kod pacijenata koji boluju od karcinoma debelog crijeva. Prikaz slučaja: Muškarac starosti 68 godina javio se u hitnoći s anamnezom konstipacije i boli paraumbilikalno lijevo. Nativni radiogram abdomena u stojećem stavu pokazuje aerolikvidne nivoe tankog i debelog crijeva koji upućuju na ileus te se indicira CT pregled na kojem se potvrdi distenzija vijuga tankog i debelog crijeva s aerolikvidnim nivoima te stenozirajuća neoplazma silaznog kolona. Uzak, nepravilan lumen tumora bio je opstruiran okruglim stranim tijelom. Na CT pregledu okruglo strano tijelo ima hipodenzno ovoidno središte i hiperdenzni pokrov, što po opisu odgovara koštici trešnje. Napravljen je kirurški otvor na trbušnoj stijenci kroz koji je izveden segment crijeva (anus praeter) te je pacijent nakon oporavka otpušten iz bolnice. Dva mjeseca kasnije pacijent je zaprimljen na odjel kirurgije. Nakon učinjene prijeoperacijske obrade pristupilo se planiranom operacijskom zahvatu. Međutim, intraoperacijski je pronađena karcinoza peritoneuma te se odustalo od planiranog radikalnog zahvata. Upućen je na Kliniku za radioterapiju i onkologiju gdje su uvedeni ciklusi kemoterapije. Iduće godine u rujnu pacijent dolazi na aplikaciju 12. ciklusa. Osjećao se dobro te je otpušten kući uz preporuku da nastavi s dosadašnjom terapijom. Zaključak: Ileus izazvan košticom trešnje rijetko je stanje, ali treba biti uključeno u diferencijalnu dijagnozu u pacijenata s rizičnim čimbenicima kao što je zloćudna novotvorina debelog crijeva. Karcinom debelog crijeva ozbiljna je bolest koja zahtijeva pažljivu prehranu i brigu o prohodnosti crijeva.
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Šević, Ana, Dragan Javoran, Felina Anić, and Srđan Novak. "Hipertrofični pahimeningitis i aortitis kao manifestacije bolesti povezane s imunoglobulinom G4 i uspješno liječene rituksimabom." Medicina Fluminensis 57, no. 3 (September 1, 2021): 315–21. http://dx.doi.org/10.21860/medflum2021_261195.

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Cilj: Prikazati pacijenta s bolesti povezanom s imunoglobulinom G4 (engl. immunoglobulin G4-related disease; IgG4-RD) te dijagnostičke izazove vezane uz ovu bolest, kao i terapijske mogućnosti s naglaskom na liječenje rituksimabom. Prikaz slučaja: Šezdesetogodišnji pacijent primljen je na hospitalnu obradu nakon pregleda u gastroenterološkoj ambulanti u koju je zaprimljen zbog neredovite stolice, slabosti i gubitka 20 kg unutar dva mjeseca. U statusu je ustanovljena lezija desnog ličnog živca, ptoza, lagoftalmus i otežano gutanje. Obradom su potvrđene lezije desnog oculomotoriusa, facialisa i trigeminusa, a otorinolaringološkim pregledom utvrđena je pareza desne glasnice. Laboratorijski nalazi pokazali su anemiju i povišene upalne pokazatelje. Ultrazvukom otkrivena lezija jetre definirana je kao hemangiom. Kompjutorizirana tomografija (engl. computed tomography; CT) i magnetska rezonancija (MR) mozga pokazale su hipertrofični pahimeningitis u području srednje i stražnje lubanjske jame, uz desni tentorij, kavernozni sinus, Meckelovu jamu i gornju orbitalnu fisuru. CT aortografija pokazala je aortitis infrarenalne aorte. Serumska razina IgG4 protutijela bila je povišena te su zadovoljeni kriteriji za moguću dijagnozu IgG4-RD i započeta je terapija metilprednizolonom. Iduće je godine ponovno hospitaliziran radi reevaluacije bolesti. MR mozga pokazao je dobru regresiju hipertrofičnog tkiva dure, ali CT aortografija nepotpunu regresiju bolesti te su upalni pokazatelji i dalje bili visoki. Uvedena je terapija rituksimabom koja je dovela do remisije. Zaključak: IgG4-RD je rijetka i složena bolest koja često oponaša druge i predstavlja velik dijagnostički izazov, stoga bi poznavanje ove bolesti uvelike pridonijelo njezinom ranom otkrivanju i boljim terapijskim ishodima. Iako su glukokortikoidi standardna terapija, često ne daju željene rezultate, a inovativna terapija rituksimabom pokazuje odličnu učinkovitost.
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Egbadju, Lawrence. "Corporate Governance Characteristics and Earnings Management of Quoted Non-Financial Firms in Nigeria." FUDMA Journal of Accounting and Finance Research [FUJAFR] 1, no. 3 (December 31, 2023): 100–114. http://dx.doi.org/10.33003/fujafr-2023.v1i3.65.100-114.

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This study investigates the relationship between some corporate governance attributes and earnings management of listed firms in Nigeria. This study uses the correlational research design and purposively sampled secondarily sourced data over the period from 2005 to 2020 of 75 non-financial firms listed on the floor of the Nigerian Exchange Group (NXG). The Robust Least Squares Estimators results reveal that board independence (BODI) is positively significant with earnings management; board size (BODS board gender diversity (BGDIV) and audit committee size (ACS) are negatively significant with it while managerial ownership (MOWN); chief executive officer with military experience (CEOME) and number of foreign directors (NFODIR) are insignificant. While foreign income (FINCOME), year fixed effects (YDUM) and industry fixed effects (IDUM) dummies are negatively and statistically significant, the Big4 auditors is positively insignificant. The study concludes with some recommendations that management, among others, should maintain or increase the present level of board size, audit committee size and the number of females in the board since these variables deter management in managing earnings for the period under review.
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Mašić, Amina. "Žene u šumarstvu u Bosni i Hercegovini." Šumarski list 144, no. 11-12 (December 26, 2020): 572. http://dx.doi.org/10.31298/sl.144.11-12.4.

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U većini europskih zemalja ne postoje pouzdana saznanja o zastupljenosti i ulozi žena u šumarstvu. Lewis (2005) navodi da su u SAD-u, u šumarstvu 1981. godine u tehničkom radu zaposleno 17,5%, a u administraciji 31,8%, 1991. godine je zaposleno u tehničkom sektoru 33,5%, a u administraciji 32,7%. Na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu prva žena stekla je diplomu inženjera šumarstva 1955. godine, iduće godine dvije žene, a 1957. pet žena. Anketno istraživanje provedeno je u cilju utvrđivanja zastupljenosti žena u šumarstvu, kao i pokušaja razumijevanja osnovnih razloga odabira ove profesije, s ciljem eventualnih poboljšanja uvjeta ili motiviranja novih generacija žena u šumarstvu. Uzorak je činilo 78 ispitanica, koje su uposlenice poduzeća: “Bosanskohercegovačke šume” Federalno ministarstvo poljoprivrede, vodoprivrede i šumarstva, Srednjobosanske šume d.o.o. Donji Vakuf, Unsko – sanske šume d.o.o. Bosanska Krupa, Zeničko - dobojske šume d.o.o. Zavidovići, KJP ,,Sarajevo-šume d.o.o. Sarajevo, JPŠ ” Šume Republike Srpske” a.d. Sokolac. Stalno zaposlenih žena sa diplomom Šumarskog fakulteta u Federaciji je 83, a u Republici Srpskoj 151. Samo u Šumama SBK rade žene sa SSS-III stupnja šumarske struke, što ukazuje da ne postoji interes za obavljanje takvog posla. Tijekom studije anketirano je ukupno 78 žena zaposlenih u šumarstvu, od čega je 19 završilo poljoprivrednu ili šumarsku školu, što čini &frac14; u odnosu na žene koje su završile druge srednje škole. To ukazuje da je šumarstvo kao struka privlačnije ženama koje su završile druge srednje škole npr. umjetničke škole ili druge tehničke škole. Od 1981.godine šumarstvo postaje interesantnije ženama, od 522 diplomanta, 142 su žene. U Federaciji devet žena se nalazi na rukovodećim pozicijama, a u Republici Srpskoj 21.
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Hawik, Hawik Ervina Indiworo. "ANALISIS KINERJA KARYAWAN PERUSAHAAN TEXTILE PADA MASA PANDEMI." Kompak :Jurnal Ilmiah Komputerisasi Akuntansi 14, no. 2 (December 15, 2021): 428–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.51903/kompak.v14i2.575.

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The ipurpose iof ithis istudy iwas ito idetermine ithe ieffect iof icompensation, iwork istress iand ileadership ion iemployee iretention idue ito ia idecrease iin iturnover iintention iat iPT. iApparel iOne iIndonesia iSewing iSection. iThe itype iof iresearch ithat iwill ibe iused iis iassociative iwith ia iquantitative iapproach. iThe ipopulation iin ithis istudy iwere iemployees iof ithe isewing isection iof iPT. iApparel iOne iIndonesia, itotaling i478 ipeople, iwhile ithe isample iused iin ithis istudy iwas i100 irespondents iusing ia inon-probability isampling itechnique iwith ipurposive isampling itype. iThe imethod iof idata icollection iis ithrough ithe idistribution iof iquestionnaires iwhile ithe ianalysis iused iin ithis istudy iis imultiple ilinear iregressio The iresults ishowed ithat ithe ivariable iinfluence iof icompensation, ijob istress iand ileadership ihad ia ipositive iand isignificant ieffect ion iturnover iintention iand ithe iresult iof ithe iadjusted iR isquare ivalue iin ithe iregression imodel iwas iobtained iat i0.785, iwhich imeans ithat i78.5 ipercent iof ithe ivariable iturnover iintention ican ibe iexplained iby ithe ivariables iof icompensation, iwork istress iand ileadership. iwhile ithe iremaining i21.5 ipercent iis iexplained iby iother ivariables ioutside iof ithis istudy.
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Egbadju, Lawrence. "Corporate Governance and Accounting Conservatism of Quoted Non-Financial Firms in Nigeria." FUDMA Journal of Accounting and Finance Research [FUJAFR] 2, no. 1 (February 6, 2024): 1–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.33003/fujafr-2024.v2i1.66.1-15.

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This study investigates the impact of some corporate governance attributes on accounting conservatism in Nigeria. The study covers the period from 2005 to 2020 of 75 non-financial firms listed on the floor of the Nigerian Exchange Group (NXG). The results of the generalized method of moments (GMM) reveal that while four of the variables board size (BODS), managerial ownership (MOWN), audit committee size (ACS) and number of foreign directors (NFODIR) are positively significant with accounting conservatism; two of the variables chief executive officer with military experience (CEOME) and board independence (BODI) are negatively significant with it but board gender diversity (BGDIV) is insignificant. Again, while the Big4 as well as the number of foreign directors (NFODIR) are positively significant; foreign income (FINCOME) as well as the industry (IDUM) and yearly (YDUM) dummy variables are positively insignificant. The study makes some recommendations such as management should maintain or increase the present level of board size, managerial ownership, audit committee size and the number of foreigners in the board since these variables allowed management to stick to prudence in financial reporting for the period under review.
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Jacobs, Sandra. "Textbook of Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea, vol. 1: Dossiers 1-10: 401 Commodity Chits, edited by Bezalel Porten and Ada Yardeni and with the assistance of Matt Kletzing and Eugen Han." Vetus Testamentum 70, no. 3 (August 5, 2020): 504–5. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/15685330-12341452-02.

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Díez-Gutiérrez, Enrique-Javier, and Mauro-Rafael Jarquín-Ramírez. "Políticas educativas comparadas de la extrema derecha en Europa." Revista Española de Educación Comparada, no. 46 (December 28, 2024): 326–42. https://doi.org/10.5944/reec.46.2025.41869.

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Este artículo compara las propuestas educativas de los partidos de extrema derecha que han tenido representación significativa en las últimas elecciones europeas celebradas en junio de 2024, con el fin de analizar si comparten un mismo proyecto o difieren en sus líneas estratégicas. La metodología utilizada ha sido el Análisis Crítico del Discurso (ACD). La muestra analizada han sido los programas electorales, los documentos de campañas y las declaraciones públicas, en materia de educación, de los líderes de los partidos de ultraderecha europeos que más representación han obtenido en las elecciones europeas de 2024. Los resultados muestran que el modelo educativo que defienden sigue patrones similares que se replican, con diferente énfasis en algunos aspectos, pero bajo los mismos parámetros generales que incluyen no solo recuperar planteamientos tradicionales y xenófobos, sino también la defensa de políticas educativas neoliberales radicales. Se concluye que hay una agenda política común en materia educativa. Que podemos considerar que se está constituyendo una Internacional de Ultraderecha en Educación (IdUE), aunque con diversos matices y énfasis. Se discute si la educación pública y la política educativa aún se puede configurar como espacio de disputa para prevenir el auge del neofascismo y su progresiva “normalización” por parte de la sociedad civil.
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Gross, Andrew D. "Textbook of Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea, Vol. 1: Dossiers 1–10: 401 Commodity Chits, by Bezalel Porten and Ada Yardeni. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2014. liv + 472 pp., figures, tables, CD-ROM. Hardcover. $149.50." Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 379 (May 2018): 251–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.5615/bullamerschoorie.379.0251.

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Idumah, Gideon, Lin Li, Haider Mahdi, and Ying Ni. "Abstract 7036: Integrative biomarker profiling for predicting immunotherapy outcomes in gynecologic cancers." Cancer Research 84, no. 6_Supplement (March 22, 2024): 7036. http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1538-7445.am2024-7036.

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Abstract Immunotherapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) has proven effective for various solid tumors, such as those in the lungs, urinary tract, and skin. However, its efficacy in gynecologic (GYN) cancers has been limited, with response rates of 11-17% in recurrent cases. Only a minority of patients with DNA mismatch repair deficiencies exhibit favorable responses to PD-1 inhibitors. The predictability of PD-L1 expression in GYN cancers remains inconsistent. Our research aimed to identify and prioritize biomarkers and mechanisms linked to ICI resistance in GYN oncology, targeting those who could benefit from these treatments.We gathered clinical and pathological data from 49 patients with ovarian, endometrial, and cervical cancers at various stages, all treated with ICI. We performed comprehensive analyses, including transcriptome-based immune cell abundance estimation, signaling pathway enrichment, and correlation with ICI treatment responses and survival outcomes. Our previous work highlighted TGF-β and CD47's roles in immunotherapy resistance, facilitating an immunosuppressive environment within our GYN cancer cohort. Moreover, we conducted a stoichiometry constraint-based genome-scale metabolic model and computed correlation-grouped metabolic activity scores (cgScore) using metabolic enzyme gene expression as constraints. Among 1533 metabolic reactions, pyruvate transport and folate metabolism stood out as the most upregulated in responders versus those who progressed.Upon identifying several promising biomarkers, we used logistic regression classifiers to decipher the predictive value of each. Our model included clinical-demographic (age, BMI, cancer type, stage) and molecular-genomic features (immune marker gene expression, TopTGF-β score, immune cell abundance from transcriptomic deconvolution, and the top 2 cgScores). Analysis divided into training and testing sets highlighted features such as stage, BMI, eosinophils, CD274, CD47, and the pyruvate transport reaction as significant predictors of ICI response. The model achieved an 80% accuracy rate on the test set, confirmed by permutation importance from scikit-learn. We also used a Regularized Cox model to link predictors with progression-free survival, emphasizing the roles of BMI, plasma cells, CD276, pyruvate transport reaction, and folate metabolism. In conclusion, there are immunological and metabolic markers have the potential to serve as predictive indicators for ICI treatment response and survival in GYN cancers. Understanding these predictors can profoundly influence clinical decision-making in immunotherapy, ultimately leading to enhanced patient outcomes and personalized treatment approaches. Citation Format: Gideon Idumah, Lin Li, Haider Mahdi, Ying Ni. Integrative biomarker profiling for predicting immunotherapy outcomes in gynecologic cancers [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting 2024; Part 1 (Regular Abstracts); 2024 Apr 5-10; San Diego, CA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Res 2024;84(6_Suppl):Abstract nr 7036.
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PERKINS, PHILIP D. "Taxonomy of water beetles in the genus Hydrochus Leach, 1817, from Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay (Coleoptera: Hydrochidae)." Zootaxa 4994, no. 1 (June 28, 2021): 1–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4994.1.1.

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The taxonomy of Bolivian, Brazilian and Paraguayan water beetles in the genus Hydrochus Leach, 1817 is presented. The known fauna now consists of 77 species, 37 of which are described as new species. The new species are diagnosed, and high-resolution images of the habitus and male genitalia of each species are given, as are distribution maps. The following new species of Hydrochus are described: H. accinctus n. sp., H. amazonicus n. sp., H. ampliarmus n. sp., H. argutulus n. sp., H. artus n. sp., H. austrinus n. sp., H. canalis n. sp., H. casuarius n. sp., H. clandestinus n. sp., H. colossus n. sp., H. compactus n. sp., H. constrictus n. sp., H. curvus n. sp., H. diffusus n. sp., H. distinctulus n. sp., H. distinctus n. sp., H. diversus n. sp., H. forcipuloides n. sp., H. forcipulus n. sp., H. fritillus n. sp., H. irregularis n. sp., H. liquidus n. sp., H. longissimus n. sp., H. membraneus n. sp., H. personatus n. sp., H. potenspiculatus n. sp., H. pronotulus n. sp., H. quinarius n. sp., H. rectus n. sp., H. reticulatus n. sp., H. robustus n. sp., H. sculptissimus n. sp., H. triangularis n. sp., H. trituberculatus n. sp., H. usualis n. sp., H. velatus n. sp., H. xingu n. sp. New locality data are provided for the following species: H. alternatus Perkins, H. argutus Knisch, H. astrictus Perkins, H. baloghi Makhan, H. basilaris Perkins, H. bicarinatus Perkins, H. bisinuatus Perkins, H. bituberculatus Perkins, H. choennii Makhan, H. coeneni Makhan, H. collaris Perkins, H. cracentis Perkins, H. denarius Perkins, H. drakei Knisch, H. drechseli Makhan, H. ducalis Knisch, H. elsjeae Makhan, H. formosus Perkins, H. hellmani Perkins, H. iduae Makhan, H. jenniferiduae Makhan, H. kellymilleri Perkins, H. leei Perkins, H. lobatus Perkins, H. lobissimus Perkins, H. merkli Makhan, H. obscurus Sharp, H. pietersenae Makhan, H. piroei Makhan, H. pumilio Knisch, H. pupillus Orchymont, H. purpureus Knisch, H. radhakishunae Makhan, H. richteri Bruch, H. secretus Knisch, H. shorti Perkins, H. soekhnandanae Makhan, H. spanglerorum Perkins, H. tarsalis Chevrolet, H. variabilis Knisch, H. zicsii Makhan.
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