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Marciak, Michał. "Hellenistic-Roman Idumea in the Light of Greek and Latin Non-Jewish Authors." Klio 100, no. 3 (December 19, 2018): 877–910. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/klio-2018-0132.

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Summary Although ancient Idumea was certainly a marginal object of interest for classical writers, we do possess as many as thirteen extant classical non-Jewish authors (from the 1st c. BCE to the 3rd c. CE) who explicitly refer to Idumea or the Idumeans. For classical writers, Idumea was an inland territory between the coastal cities of Palestine, Egypt, and Arabia that straddled important trade routes. Idumea is also frequently associated in ancient literature with palm trees, which grew in Palestine and were exported throughout the Mediterranean. In the eyes of classical authors, the Idumeans were a distinctive ethnos living in the melting pot of southern Palestine. Ancient writers emphasized the Idumeans’ ethnic and cultural connections with the Nabateans, the Phoenicians and Syrians, and, finally, the Judeans, and also indicated that a great deal of Hellenization occurred in western Idumea in an urban context.
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Marciak, Michał. "Idumea and Idumeans in the Light of the Pseudepigrapha." Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 27, no. 3 (March 2018): 163–203. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0951820718771234.

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This article offers the first-ever comprehensive philological and historical commentary on possible historical allusions to the Idumeans in the following Pseudepigrapha: Pseudo-Aristeas, Judith, Jubilees, the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs, the Apocalypse of Enoch, 1 Esdras, and 4 Ezra. This study argues that references to the Idumeans in the Pseudepigrapha (mostly hidden under the figure of Esau or sons of Esau) are of a very general character and as such are of little use to modern historians. Most passages are only literary expressions of the Judeans’ long-standing tradition of hostility towards the Edomites/Idumeans. Only in a few cases may we speak about general echoes of particular historical events. In 1 Esd. 4.50 and Jub. 37.1–38.14, an advanced Idumean settlement is reflected west of Arabah and south of Judea. Based on the archaeology, this settlement may have started as early as in the eighth century BCE and over time led to the emergence of a new province called Idumea in the Hellenistic period. The second-century BCE Maccabean–Idumean conflict is also echoed in several Pseudepigrapha. In general, the book of Judith reflects the strategic role of mountain passes and the use of lightly armed troops in Maccabean times. In turn, Jub. 37.1–38.14 and the T. Jud. 9.1–4 were written from a specific historical angle created by the Hasmonean conquest of Idumea, but their use of topography and chronology is so simplified that they cannot be employed by modern historians for the reconstruction of the course of the Hasmonean–Idumean conflict. Instead, both books express the ideology of territorial rights, disguised as patriarchal history. Finally, 1 Esd. 5.29 and 8.66 appear to express the ambivalent situation of the Idumeans after conversion: though they became part of the Judean community, the notion of their ethnic distinctiveness and inferiority survived.
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Marciak, Michal. "From Edom to Idumea Septuagint References to Edom and Idumea." Palamedes 12 (December 10, 2019): 5–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.5913/pal.2017.87652241.

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This paper compares Hebrew (MT) and Greek (LXX) Biblical references to the Edomites and their homeland. The key terms that have been taken into account in the present paper are Edom (אדום), Edomites (אדומים), Seir (שעיר), and Esau (עשו). The purpose of the comparison of the Hebrew and Greek references is to check whether the LXX passages contain any textual differences that may reflect historical events that occurred between the time of the composition of the Hebrew Bible and the time of the creation of the Septuagint, especially the formation of the province of Idumea directly south of Judea and increased cultural activity between the Judeans and Idumeans. In the most general terms, the LXX renderings of the Hebrew terms Edom Edomites (אדומים), Seir (שעיר), and Esau (עשו) do not contain any changes that would be important in terms of the historical geography of southern Palestine or the emotional attitude of Biblical writers towards the Edomites/Idumeans. The term אדום is rendered as either Ἐδώμ (mostly) or Ἰδουμαία, and in most cases the two Greek names are used as synonyms. In turn, the Greek equivalents of עשו, שעיר, and אדומי are Σηίρ, Ἠσαῦ, and Ἰδουμαῖος. Only in some cases may we speak about important differences. First, the LXX Job appendix (Job 42:17a and 42:17b-e) reflects the very specific historical context of when the Idumeans settled directly south of Judea and became more closely connected with the Judeans, either through actual conversion or increased cultural exchange. Second, although in most cases the Greek names Ἰδουμαία or Ἐδώμ are used interchangeably, one may notice a certain preference for the term Ἰδουμαία in some parts of the LXX, which may not always be a coincidence. For instance, the term Ἰδουμαία is used only for the genealogy of Eliphas (Gen. 36). Given the fact that Eliphas also plays an important role in the genealogy of Job in the LXX Appendix and this is also the only Idumean genealogy that was known to Josephus (in Ant. 2.4-6), it may be suggested that the names of the Eliphas chieftains were particularly well known in Hellenistic and Early Roman times, and the Judeans saw them as being connected with the contemporary Idumeans. Furthermore, the LXX Samuel tends to connect David with (the conquest of) Ἰδουμαία (2 Sam. 8:12-14; while Saul’s con-s quests are attributed to Ἐδώμ). Given the tendency of 1-2 Macc. to refer to David as a model of the Hasmoneans (1 Macc. 2:57, 4:30; 2 Macc. 2:13), this tendency may not be coincidental.
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Levin, Yigal. "The Religion of Idumea and Its Relationship to Early Judaism." Religions 11, no. 10 (September 24, 2020): 487. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/rel11100487.

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For several hundred years, from the late Iron Age to the end of the 2nd century BCE, the southern neighbor of Judea was “Idumea”, populated by descendants of Edomites, together with Qedarite and other Arabs and a mix of additional ethnicities. This paper examines the known data on the identity, especially religious identity, of these Idumeans, using a wide range of written sources and archaeological data. Within the Bible, “Edom” is presented as Israel’s twin and its harshest enemy, but there are hints that the Edomites worshipped the God of Israel. While the origins of the “Edomite deity” Qaus remain obscure, as does the process of their migration into southern Judah, the many inscriptions from the Persian period show that Qaus became the most widely worshipped deity in the area, even if other gods, including Yahweh, were also recognized. The Hellenistic period brought heightened Greek and Phoenician influence, but also the stabilization of “Idumea” as an administrative/ethnic unit. Some of the practices of this period, such as male circumcision, show an affinity to the Judaism of the time. This paper also discusses the outcome of the Hasmonean conquest of Idumea and the incorporation of its inhabitants into the Jewish nation.
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Sutrop, Urmas. "Livonian landscapes in the historical geography of Livonia and the division of Livonian tribes." Eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteaduse ajakiri. Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics 5, no. 1 (July 1, 2014): 27–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.12697/jeful.2014.5.1.02.

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There is no exact consensus on the division and sub-division of the former Livonian territories at the end of the ancient independence period in the 12th century. Even the question of the Coastal Livonians in Courland – were they an indigenous Livonian tribe or a replaced eastern Livonian tribe – remains unsolved. In this paper the anonymously published treatise on the historical geography of Livonia by Johann Christoph Schwartz (1792) will be analysed and compared with the historical modern views. There is an agreement on the division of the Eastern Livonian territories into four counties: Daugava, Gauja, Metsepole, and Idumea. Idumea had a mixed Livonian-Baltic population. There is no consensus on the parochial sub-division of these counties.Kokkuvõte. Urmas Sutrop: Liivi maastikud Liivimaa ajaloolises geograafias ja liivi hõimude jaotus. Tänapäeval puudub täielik konsensus, kuidas liivlaste territoorium jagunes muinasmaakondadeks ja/või -kihelkondadeks muistse iseseisvuse lõpul 12. sajandil. Lahendamata on isegi küsimus sellest, kas Kuramaa rannaliivlased on muistsete liivlaste või sinna 16. sajandil ümber asunud liivlaste järeltulijad. Käesolevas artiklis vaadeldakse 1792. aastal Johann Christoph Schwartzi anonüümselt ilmunud käsitlust Liivimaa ajaloolisest geograafiast ning võrreldakse seda tollaste ja tänapäevaste arusaamadega. Kokkulepe teadlaste vahel on üldisem idapoolsete liivlaste territoriaalses suurjaotuses: Väina jõe liivlase alad, Koiva jõe liivlaste alad, Metsapoole ja Idumea. Neist viimast peetakse liivlaste ja balti hõimude segaalaks. Samas puudub konsensus nende liivi maakondlike alade edasisest kihelkondlikust jaotusest.Märksõnad: Johann Christoph Schwartz, ajalooline geograafia, liivi hõimud, LiivimaaKubbõvõttõks. Urmas Sutrop:Līvõ mōpālgõd Līvõmō istōrilis geogrāfijs. Tämpõ tuņšlijid äb ūotõ īdmēļizt, kui līvlizt terītori vȯļ jagdõd muinižiz mōgõniž ja/agā pagāstõdõksks muiniz īžpīlimiz lopāndõksõs 12. āigastsadā āigal. Äb ūo arāntõt, või Kurāmǭ līvlizt ātõ muinizt līvlizt tagāntuļļid agā 16. āigastsadā āigal sīņõ lǟnõd līvlizt tagāntuļļid. Sīes kēras um vaņţõltõd 1792. āigastõs ulztund Johann Christoph Schwartz tuņšlõkst iļ Līvõmǭ istōriliz geogrāfij (ulzõtuldsõ se tuņšlõks vȯļ anonīmi). Siedā um ītõltõd sīeaigizt ja paldīņizt arusǭmiztõks. Tuņšlijid ātõ dižānist īdmēļizt mǭgõrpūoļizt līvlizt teritorij jagdõksõs: Vēna joug līvlizt mō, Koiva joug līvlizt mōd, Mõtsāpūol ja Idūmō. Idumō um mō, kus um līvlizt ja baltõd sugūd jelīzt siegāmõl. Īdmīel äb ūo, kui mōgõnd jagīzt kīlgõniž.
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Brix, Michel. "«Je t’apporte l’enfant d’une nuit d’Idumée». Mallarmé et l’utopie hermaphrodite." Studi Francesi 202 (LXVIII | I) (2024): 154–58. http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/11wi7.

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«Je t’apporte l’enfant d’une nuit d’Idumée»: it is the first verse of a poem written by Stéphane Mallarmé at the beginning of 1865. This poem is known under various titles: “Don du poème”, “Le Jour”, “Le Poème nocturne”, “Dédicace du poème nocturne” or even “Don”. In 1931, Denis Saurat expressed an interesting hypothesis: “I bring you the child of a night from Idumea” would allude to Jewish Kabbalah, and the kings of Idumea would be hermaphroditic beings reproducing without the intervention of a woman. The reader would therefore be invited to think that, by analogy, a poem metaphorically resembles a child conceived outside of any carnal intercourse between two individuals. The hypothesis formulated by Saurat is today neglected, even forgotten, by Mallarmean criticism. This hypothesis was, however, relevant: this is what this article aims to show.
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Notarius, Tania. "The Syntax of Clan Names in Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea." Maarav 22, no. 1-2 (January 1, 2018): 21–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/mar201822105.

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KLONER, Amos. "Water Cisterns in Idumea, Judaea and Nabatea in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods." ARAM Periodical 14 (January 1, 2002): 461–85. http://dx.doi.org/10.2143/aram.14.0.504513.

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KLONER Almos. ""Water cisterns and reservoirs in Idumea, Judaea and Nabatea during the Hellenistic and Roman periods"." ARAM Periodical 13, no. 1 (April 14, 2005): 461–85. http://dx.doi.org/10.2143/aram.13.1.504513.

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Aḥituv, Shmuel, and Ada Yardeni. "Seventeen Aramaic Texts on Ostraca from Idumea: The Late Persian to the Early Hellenistic Periods." Maarav 11, no. 1 (January 1, 2004): 7–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/mar200411102.

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Winedt, Marlon. "A omissão de Séforis: uma estratégia de resistência contra o poder e a honra da Dinastia Herodiana." Ribla 78, no. 2 (June 28, 2018): 91. http://dx.doi.org/10.15603/1676-3394/ribla.v78n2p91-106.

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Séforis, cidade majestosa, construída pelo rei-cliente de Roma, Herodes Antipas, não aparece nos anais da igreja primitiva. Não aparece nos quatro evangelhos, nem nos atos dos Apóstolos, nem em outros escritos da coleção canônica. Séforis era uma continuação dos grandes projectos de construção de Herodes o grande, seu pai. Se localizarmos as construções herodianas dentro do paradigma sócio-cultural de honra-vergonha, do mundo greco-romano e culturas mediterrâneas, podemos ver que espaços públicos assumem importância na identidade coletiva dos povos, como uma expressão material e palpável de honra da elite. A omissão desta cidade, a 5 km da Nazaré, nos quatro Evangelhos e em todas as fontes orais e escritas, indica que a igreja primitiva continuou a atitude profética e desafiadora de Jesus frente ao poder herodiano. Ignorar uma cidade judaica como Séforis, embora com forte influência greco-romana, era ignorar um símbolo importante do poder e fama herodiana. Equivalia a censurar com dureza a dinastia idumea-judía, e ao mesmo tempo denunciar o abuso de poder.
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Notarius, Tania. "Bezalel Porten and Ada Yardeni, Textbook of Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea, Vol. 1: Dossiers 1–10: 401 Commodity Chits." Journal of Semitic Studies 62, no. 1 (2017): 263–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jss/fgw053.

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Notarius, Tania. "?q(n) 'wood' in the Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea: A Note on the Reflex of Proto-Semitic/*s/in Imperial Aramaic." Aramaic Studies 4, no. 1 (March 1, 2006): 101–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1477835106066038.

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Appelbaum, Alan. "“The Idumaeans” in Josephus' The Jewish War." Journal for the Study of Judaism 40, no. 1 (2009): 1–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/157006309x355204.

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Abstract“The Idumaeans” constitute a single, although collective, character in Josephus' The Jewish War. This article discusses whom Josephus meant by “the Idumaeans,” and considers whether, in his mind, they were, as others have suggested, “Jews” from Idumaea or a separate nation or ethnic group. It argues that the character “the Idumaeans” is not in fact a representative picture of Idumaeans of Josephus' time, but may be understood in terms of modern ethnic stereotyping, and that Josephus' stereotype of “the Idumaeans” as bloodthirsty hooligans is ultimately drawn from a continuous Idumaean military tradition. The article concludes by re-reading the War stripped of Josephus' ethnic prejudice against Idumaeans to learn more about the role of Idumaean fighting men in the first war against Rome.
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Zissu, Boaz, and Nurit Shtober-Zisu. "An Underground Rock-Cut Shrine near Amatsya, Judean Foothills, Israel." Cercetări Arheologice 30, no. 2 (November 1, 2023): 599–626. http://dx.doi.org/10.46535/ca.30.2.11.

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This article presents our documentation of a previously unidentified subterranean complex located near Amatsya, Israel. The study revolves primarily around an examination of the architecture, decorations, and letters carved on the walls of an underground rock-cut hall. The layout of the hall bears a striking resemblance to sacred architecture prevalent in the region since the Middle Bronze Age, while its decorative elements are linked to earlier artistic traditions dating back to the Iron Age, as well as the aniconic characteristics found in Idumean, Canaanite, Phoenician and Nabatean art of the Persian and Hellenistic periods. According to paleographic analysis, the Aramaic lapidary inscriptions, which possibly mention two deities, El and Adon, are tentatively dated to the 5th-4th centuries BCE. Our main thesis is that this hall functioned as a private shrine, possibly a funerary shrine adjacent to a rock-cut burial complex. We propose that both the shrine and the adjacent tomb were utilized by an Idumean landowner, showcasing influences from Phoenician / Canaanite iconographic traditions. Consequently, the site assumes significant importance, as it offers novel insights into the field of study by presenting, for the first time, a relatively well-preserved underground Idumean shrine from the Persian and Hellenistic periods. These finds contribute to a deeper understanding of the religious and cultural practices of the Idumeans during that specific era.
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Kopanski, Ataullah Bogdan. "The Nazarean Legacy." American Journal of Islam and Society 15, no. 2 (July 1, 1998): 1–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.35632/ajis.v15i2.2194.

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After Pompey Magnus’s conquest of the Hellenistic East in 64 B.c., theRoman administrators of Asia Occidentalis divided the Arabian peninsulainto three realms: Arabia Petraea (Rocky Arabia), which stretchedfrom Greater Syria to the Gulf of Ayala (Aqaba), and whose capital inPetra (the Rock) was carved out by the Nabateans from sandstone on theslopes of Ain Musa; Arabia Deserta (desert Arabia) with Bostra (Busra)as the commercial capital in Hawran; and Arabia Felix (happy Arabia)or Yemen with the capital city of Mariaba (Ma’rib). Arabia Petraea,despite its wilderness, played a significant role in the political life of theempire.’ Because of the natural supply of pure water in the barren land,it was a midpoint on the ancient caravan route from Hadramaut to Egyptand Syria. A variety of goods-the myrrh and frankincense of theSabaean Arabia Felix, ivory, gold, and slaves of East Africa, spices,gems, and precious wood of India- were transported via Petra andGerasa (Jerash) to Damascus, Alexandria, and Rome. In Arabia Petraea,the Prophet Yusuf was cast into a well by his brothers from which he wasfound and brought to Egypt, where he was sold. Many readers of theBible believe that Ain Musa near Petra is the spring that the ProphetMusa caused to gush forth. In the time of the Prophet Sulayman, ArabiaPetraea was populated by the semitic tribes of Edom and Moab. Duringthe rule of the Babylonian Nabuchadnezzar who sacked Jerusalem in 587B.c. and deported Judean rebels to Babylon, the Edomites established akingdom of Sela in the land of Seir. But at the end of the sixth centuryB.c., the Nabateans forced them to migrate to Idumea. Under theNabatean rule, Petra was recognized as the ancient “duty-fire” city. TheNabatean desert kingdom survived as an independent state until the ...
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Jacobs, Sandra. "Textbook of Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea, vol. 1: Dossiers 1-10: 401 Commodity Chits, edited by Bezalel Porten and Ada Yardeni and with the assistance of Matt Kletzing and Eugen Han." Vetus Testamentum 70, no. 3 (August 5, 2020): 504–5. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/15685330-12341452-02.

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Gross, Andrew D. "Textbook of Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea, Vol. 1: Dossiers 1–10: 401 Commodity Chits, by Bezalel Porten and Ada Yardeni. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2014. liv + 472 pp., figures, tables, CD-ROM. Hardcover. $149.50." Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 379 (May 2018): 251–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.5615/bullamerschoorie.379.0251.

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Gzella, Holger. "Porten, Bezalel / Yardeni, Ada: Textbook of Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea. Vol. 5. Dossiers H–K: 485 Ostraca. Philadelphia: Eisenbrauns / University Park Press 2023. $ 169,95. ISBN 978-1-64602-240-3." Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 119, no. 1 (August 1, 2024): 33–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/olzg-2024-0011.

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Howlett, David. "Insular Latin idama, iduma." Peritia 9 (January 1995): 72–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.1484/j.peri.3.242.

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Frank, Annemarie. "Maeir, Aren M. / Berlejung, Angelika / Eshel, Esther / Oshima, Takayoshi M. (Hg.): New Perspectives on Aramaic Epigraphy in Mesopotamia, Qumran, Egypt and Idumea. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2021 (= Orientalische Religionen in der Antike 40). € 124,00. ISBN 978-3-16-159894-4." Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 119, no. 1 (August 1, 2024): 31–33. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/olzg-2024-0010.

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А.В., Заушинцена. "ИСТОЧНИКИ БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ СВОЙСТВ И ХОЗЯЙСТВЕННО ЦЕННЫХ ПРИЗНАКОВ ДЛЯ СЕЛЕКЦИИ ЯЧМЕНЯ". Bulletin of KSAU, № 12 (18 грудня 2019): 64–68. http://dx.doi.org/10.36718/1819-4036-2019-12-64-68.

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Цель исследования: выявление перспективных сортов для практической селекции ячменя. В Кемеровской области изучено 110 сортов (2013–2016 гг.). Из них из Швеции было 0,9 %; Франции – 0,9; Германии – 8,1; Чехии – 10,8; Латвии – 5,4; Эстонии – 0,9; США – 11,7; Беларуси – 4,5; Украины – 4,5; Казахстана – 2,7; России – 55 %. Их сравнили с контрольными сортами Биом, Никита (Западная Сибирь). По продолжительности вегетационного периода выделено 3 группы ячменя: 1-я группа с коротким вегетационным периодом (до 73 суток) – 14 %; 2-я группа имеет среднюю продолжительность (74–78 суток) – 56 %; 3-я группа с длинным периодом (более 78 суток) – 14 %. Представителями первой группы являются: Биом (Новосибирская обл.), Scarlett (Германия), Idumeja (Латвия), Нутанс 290 (Саратовская обл.), Рубикон (Краснодарский кр.), Тандем (Кировская обл.). В среднем за 4 года у стандартных сортов Биом и Никита формируется 243–282 продуктивных стеблей на 1 м2. Достоверно высокое число продуктивных стеблей на 1 м2 у сортов: Нутанс 553 (Украина), Адамовский 1 (Беларусь), Idumeja (Латвия), Madonna (Чехия). Их было на 10,2–28,3 % больше, чем у контрольных вариантов Биом и Никита. Масса 1000 зерен не превышает 47,0 г. Существенных различий между ними в среднем за три года не наблюдалось. По урожаю зерна выделены сорта: Нутанс 553 (Украина), Адамовский 1 (Беларусь), Idumeja (Латвия), Madonna (Чехия).
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Scholten, Clemens. "Zum Herkunftsort des Simon Magus." Vigiliae Christianae 69, no. 5 (October 28, 2015): 534–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/15700720-12341227.

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Antonio Reinaldo. "Pengaruh Implementasi Kurikulum Berbasis Iduka Terhadap Peningkatan Kompetensi Siswa di SMKN 5 Sijunjung." TADBIRUNA 4, no. 1 (August 22, 2024): 102–6. http://dx.doi.org/10.51192/jurnalmanajemenpendidikanislam.v4i1.964.

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Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk memaparkan: (1) konteks (context) Program Kurikulum berbasis IDUKA meliputi (a) kualitas kompetensi siswa, (b) kebijakan dan tujuan Program Kurikulum berbasis IDUKA, (c) kesiapan pengelolaan Program Kurikulum berbasis IDUKA Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Evaluasi terhadap konteks program IDUKA tergolong tinggi aspek ini terdiri dari: (a) Kualitas kompetensi yang dimiliki oleh siswa. (b) Kesesuaian pelaksanaan progam IDUKA dengan kebijakan dan tujuan yang ditetapkan oleh sekolah. (c) Kesiapan pengelolaan pelaksanaan yang dilakukan oleh sekolah tergolong tinggi. Kata Kunci: Kurikulum berbasis IDUKA, Kompetensi Siswa
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Garnadi, Andi, Helmawati Helmawati, and Ricky Yoseptry. "Manajemen Kelas Industri dan Industri Dunia Kerja (IDUKA) dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Siswa (Studi Kasus di SMK Wiraswasta dan SMK PGRI 3 Kota Cimahi)." JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan 4, no. 5 (April 2, 2022): 1047–58. http://dx.doi.org/10.54371/jiip.v4i5.496.

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Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus dengan teknik melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan, bahwa: 1) Aspek-aspek perencanaan sudah dijalankan menyesuaikan dengan kondisi dan kemampuan SMK yang bersangkutan, 2) Program-program dalam pelaksanaan kerjasama sudah masuk kriteria, 3) Uji Kompetensi Keahlian (UKK) sebagai cara evaluasi, siswa lulus mendapatkan sertifikat kompetensi keahlian, dan layak didistribusikan untuk bekerja di IDUKA melalui Bursa Kerja Khusus SMK, 4) Masalah yang dihadapi adalah ketidaksiapan siswa untuk terjun ke IDUKA, kurangnya kompetensi siswa dalam bidang produktif, tidak seriusnya IDUKA, kurangnya dana untuk program peningkatan mutu pembelajaran, sarana dan prasarana yang tidak sesuai dengan IDUKA, serta biaya untuk guru tamu, Upaya yang dilakukan untuk menghadapi masalah adalah meningkatkan kompetensi guru, kerjasama saling menguntungkan dan membangun kepercayaan dengan IDUKA, mencari donatur dari IDUKA. Kesimpulan penelitian ini bahwa Manajemen kelas industri SMK dan IDUKA di dalam meningkatkan kompetensi siswa, telah dilaksanakan sesuai dengan ketentuan standar operasional prosedur maajemen kelas industri, dalam pelaksanaannya sangat mendukung peningkatan kompetensi siswa walaupun masih belum optimal karena terbatasnya dukungan sumber daya, baik sumber daya manusia maupun sumber daya lainnya. Kebutuhan membangun dan meningkatkan kerjasama dengan IDUKA sebagai kebutuhan mutlak bagi sekolah menengah kejuruan dalam meningkatkan kompetensi siswa.
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Islamiah, Nia, Nunuk Hariyati, and Murtadlo Murtadlo. "Strategi SMK dalam menjalin kerjasama reciprocal dengan industri dan dunia kerja." Jurnal Akuntabilitas Manajemen Pendidikan 10, no. 2 (October 15, 2022): 180–89. http://dx.doi.org/10.21831/jamp.v10i2.53249.

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Mismatch antara SMK dengan industri dan dunia kerja (IDUKA) merupakan masalah klasik yang masih membumi hingga saat ini. Berbagai langkah berupaya dilakukan oleh SMK dengan harapan dapat membangun kerjasama yang saling menguntungkan dengan IDUKA. Namun, tidak sedikit SMK yang lupa bahwa mengetahui profil kompetensi lulusan merupakan suatu langkah mengenali diri sendiri untuk memudahkan dalam membangun kerjasama dengan IDUKA yang relevan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi profil kompetensi lulusan pada latar penelitian sebagai langkah strategis dalam menjalin kerjasama dengan IDUKA. Pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus dipilih peneliti dalam penelitian ini. Analisis dilakukan dengan aplikasi Nvivo 12 Pro yang menghasilkan output berupa wordcloud dan conceptmap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) profil kompetensi lulusan dirumuskan oleh sekolah dengan mengacu pada visi misi sekolah (2) identifikasi karakteristik IDUKA menjadi langkah kedua yang dilakukan sekolah dalam upaya membangun kerjasama (3) merelevansikan profil kompetensi lulusan dan karakteristik IDUKA dilakukan dengan tujuan merealisasikan kerjasama yang mutualis (4) menyusun strategi jitu dalam upaya membangun kerjasama perlu memperhatikan hubungan eksternal dan internal yang mengarah pada peningkatan mutu lulusan. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi profil kompetensi lulusan dari SMK yang menghasilkan lulusan siap kerja yang selanjutnya ditindak lanjuti dengan mengidentifikasi karakteristik IDUKA sehingga dapat disusun strategi dalam membangun kerjasama reciprocal antara SMK dan IDUKA.
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Wulaningsih, Rusti, and Ahmad Yani T. "Classroom Management in Industrial Settings and Industry-World of Work (IDUKA) in Enhancing Student Competence." Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains 5, no. 06 (June 18, 2024): 1284–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.59141/jiss.v5i06.1128.

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This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method with techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study show that: 1) planning aspects have been carried out according to the conditions and abilities of the vocational school concerned, 2) programs in the implementation of cooperation have entered the criteria, 3) Expertise Competency Test (UKK) as a way of evaluation, students pass get skill competency certificate, and deserves to be distributed to work at IDUKA through the Vocational Special Job Exchange, 4) The problems faced are the unpreparedness of students to enter IDUKA, lack of student competence in productive fields, not seriousness of IDUKA, lack of funds for learning quality improvement programs, facilities and infrastructure that is not in accordance with IDUKA, as well as fees for guest teachers. Efforts made to deal with the problem are increasing teacher competence, mutually beneficial cooperation, building trust with IDUKA, and seeking donors from IDUKA. The conclusion of this study is that the management of industrial class SMK and IDUKA in improving student competence has been carried out in accordance with the provisions of standard operating procedures for industrial class management, in its implementation, it is very supportive of increasing student competence, although it is still not optimal due to limited support resources, both human resources and other resources. The need to build and improve collaboration with IDUKA is an absolute necessity for vocational high schools in improving student competence.
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Bleidere, Māra, Ilze Grunte, and Linda Legzdiņa. "Performance and Stability of Agronomic and Grain Quality Traits of Latvian Spring Barley Varieties." Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B. Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences. 74, no. 4 (August 1, 2020): 270–79. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/prolas-2020-0042.

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AbstractThis study aimed to evaluate the performance and stability of agronomic and grain quality traits of 11 spring barley varieties from the Latvian breeding programme grown in two locations for four years. The study was carried out on 11 Latvian spring barley varieties: nine covered varieties ‘Abava’, ‘Ansis’, ‘Austris’, ‘Didzis’, ‘Gāte’, ‘Idumeja’, ‘Jumara’, ‘Kristaps’, and ‘Saule PR’ and two hull-less varieties ‘Irbe’ and ‘Kornelija’. Plants of the varieties were grown in field trials of the Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics, at two sites (Priekuïi and Stende) during 2014–2017. Varieties ‘Didzis’, ‘Jumara’, and ‘Ansis’ yielded significantly above the grand mean in eight environments (5.70 t·ha−1; LSD = 0.476 t·ha−1). ‘Didzis’ showed relatively high dynamic yield stability and broad adaptability to all environments (bi = 0.90; b = 1; s2d = 0.07). Grain yield for varieties ‘Jumara’ and ‘Ansis’ showed specific adaptability to unfavourable environments (bi = 0.48 and 0.55, respectively; bi < 1). Some covered spring barley varieties were considered to be the best in eight environments with stable and high 1000 grain weight (‘Austris’, ‘Idumeja’), test weight (‘Gāte’, ‘Jumara’, ‘Austris’), lodging resistance (‘Austris’, ‘Jumara’, ‘Didzis’), resistance to Pyrenophora teres (‘Didzis’, ‘Saule PR’) and Blumeria graminis (‘Saule PR’, ‘Didzis’). Both hull-less barley varieties ‘Irbe’ and ‘Kornelija’ were distinguished for high crude protein and ß-glucan content.
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Gzella, Holger. "Porten, Bezalel / Yardeni, Ada: Textbook of Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea. Volume 4: Dossiers B-G: 375 Ostraca. Including 54 Payment Orders (B) 77 Accounts (C) 74 Workers Texts (D) 62 Name Lists (E) 85 Jar Inscriptions (F) 23 Letters (G). University Park: Eisenbrauns 2020. XLVI, 523 S. m. Abb. 4°. Hartbd. 149,95. ISBN 978-1-57506-734-6." Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 116, no. 1 (March 1, 2021): 46–49. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/olzg-2021-0015.

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Hikmah, Luluk Zahrotul, Nurul Ulfatin, and Juharyanto Juharyanto. "Analyzing of IDUKA as Partner to Improve the Quality of Graduates." JMKSP (Jurnal Manajemen, Kepemimpinan, dan Supervisi Pendidikan) 9, no. 1 (March 23, 2024): 543–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.31851/jmksp.v9i1.14495.

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This article aims to analyze of Industri Dunia Usaha Dan Dunia Kerja (IDUKA) as partner to improve the quality of Graduates at Vocational High School PGRI 3 Malang. The aim of building a partnership between IDUKA with schools is to guide knowledgeable students into the industrial realm of IDUKA which is in line with the student's major. This research uses qualitative research methods with the research design used in this research is a case study which aims to describe IDUKA's search as a partner to improve the quality of graduates at SMK PGRI 3 Malang. Data was obtained through observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique is carried out in several steps, namely: data condensation, data presentation and drawing conclusions/verification. The results showed that the IDUKA search process was carried out by the Industrial Cooperation Division by submitting field work practice proposals, the school also attended activities at job fairs that followed the principles of link and match, the quality and quantity obtained by schools and industry in the world of business and work (IDUKA) is in accordance with what is expected and needed by partners.
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Obradović, Nadežda, and Ana Šomlo. "Iduće godine u Jerusalimu." World Literature Today 75, no. 1 (2001): 174. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/40156479.

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Stephen, Abebe E., Obaseki I. Flourish, Dongo E. Naomi, Idialu O. Perpetual, Uhomoibhi O. David, Omokaro J. Endurance, Ehizuelen G. Ehis, et al. "COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in a Rural Community of Nigeria." International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health 45, no. 6 (May 21, 2024): 178–89. http://dx.doi.org/10.9734/ijtdh/2024/v45i61550.

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Introduction: Vaccine hesitancy is a major challenge to public health, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. This research was aimed at examining COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the Idumebo Community, Irrua, Edo State, Nigeria, to understand the factors influencing vaccine acceptance and refusal. Objective: The primary objective of this research was to determine the level of knowledge, uptake, and reasons for vaccine hesitancy among residents of Idumebo, Irrua Edo State. By exploring these factors, the study aimed to provide insights that can inform targeted interventions to improve vaccine acceptance rates in the community. Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study was done among residents of age 18-60 years in Idumebo, utilizing structured questionnaires to gather data on socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge of COVID-19, and attitudes towards vaccination. Ethical considerations were prioritized, with institutional and community consent obtained before data collection. Results: The findings showed a high degree of awareness of COVID-19 among participants, with a majority acknowledging the contagious nature of the disease. However, vaccine hesitancy was observed among a subset of respondents, with reasons ranging from concerns about safety and efficacy to misinformation and mistrust. These results underscore the need for targeted educational campaigns and community engagement to address vaccine hesitancy effectively. Conclusion: It was concluded that the study brought to light the complex dynamics of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the Idumebo Community, revealing the necessity of tailored interventions to address barriers to vaccine acceptance. By fostering a better understanding of community attitudes and concerns, public health authorities can develop strategies to enhance vaccine uptake and combat the spread of COVID-19 in the region.
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Suherman, Asep Irwan, Suharyanto Suharyanto, and Supyan Sauri. "Manajemen Program Penyelarasan Kurikulum SMK 2013 dengan Industri, Dunia Usaha dan Dunia Kerja (IDUKA) dalam Meningkatkan Keterserapan Tenaga Kerja Lulusan SMK Kota Bandung." JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan 5, no. 2 (February 3, 2022): 460–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.54371/jiip.v5i2.430.

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Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dari data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) tahun 2020 Tingkat Pengangguran Terbuka (TPT) terbesar adalah jenjang pendidikan SMK sebesar 8,49%. SMK sebagai sekolah menengah yang tujuannya menyiapkan tenaga kerja untuk menempati bidang pekerjaan sesuai kompetensinya tentu sangat memprihatinkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan gambaran tentang manajemen program penyelarasan kurikulum SMK 2013 dengan Industri, Dunia Usaha dan Dunia Kerja (IDUKA) mulai dari perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi serta hambatan-hambatan yang muncul dengan solusi yang dilakukan oleh SMK Negeri 3 dan SMK Igasar Pindad Kota Bandung dalam upaya meningkatkan keterserapan lulusanya di IDUKA. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif (studi kasus), metode yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan data adalah observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi, sedangkan teknik analisa data menggunakan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi dilakukan sesuai prinsip dan teori manajemen penyelarasan kurikulum SMK 2013 dengan IDUKA. Salah satu solusi yang dapat dilakukan SMK Negeri 3 dan SMK Igasar Pindad Kota Bandung adalah dengan cara mendatangi secara langsung ke IDUKA dalam rangka memberikan gambaran tentang penyelarasan kurikulum yang akan dilaksanakan sehingga waktu pelaksanaan bisa lebih efektif.
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Ifire, Bonface Wanjala, Simon Gisege Omare, and Stephen Njure. "The Christian Contested Socio-Religious and Cultural Aspects of Idumi Ritual: A Catholic Perspective among Tirikis of Hamisi Sub-County." Eastern African Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 3, no. 2 (August 8, 2024): 84–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.58721/eajhss.v3i2.662.

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This study explains the Catholic perspective of the Christian–contested socio-religious and cultural aspects of Idumi circumcision rituals among the Tirikis. In some African communities, male circumcision rituals have persisted because of cultural beliefs. Christianity has struggled to discourage some of these cultural practices that contradict the Christian message in vain. This study aimed to explore the question; how has the Catholic Church perceived Idumi circumcision ritual? The study was guided by Niebuhr’s Consultative/Dialogical Critical approach to cultural transformation. Particularly, one of the five approaches, Christ against culture was used to identify the contested aspects of Idumi rituals. Purposeful sampling was used to select twenty – four (24) respondents for the study. Twelve (12) key informants were interviewed, and twelve (12) respondents participated in two focus group discussions of six (6) members each. Data collected was analyzed qualitatively using the thematic method and presented by reporting key findings using appropriate verbatim quotes as narrated. The study revealed that there has been an effort by the Catholic Church to identify some of the Christian - contested Aspects of Idumi that cause challenges to evangelization.
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Vallerie, Erwan. "Saint Idunet et le monastère de Tauracus." Etudes Celtiques 24, no. 1 (1987): 315–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.3406/ecelt.1987.1855.

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Lin, Cheng-Yung, Hsiang-Yu Lin, Chih-Kuang Chuang, Po-Hsiang Zhang, Yuan-Rong Tu, Shuan-Pei Lin, and Huai-Jen Tsai. "Quantification of Idua Enzymatic Activity Combined with Observation of Phenotypic Change in Zebrafish Embryos Provide a Preliminary Assessment of Mutated idua Correlated with Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I." Journal of Personalized Medicine 12, no. 8 (July 23, 2022): 1199. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/jpm12081199.

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Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) is an inherited autosomal recessive disease resulting from mutation of the α-l-Iduronidase (IDUA) gene. New unknown mutated nucleotides of idua have increasingly been discovered in newborn screening, and remain to be elucidated. In this study, we found that the z-Idua enzymatic activity of zebrafish idua-knockdown embryos was reduced, resulting in the accumulation of undegradable metabolite of heparin sulfate, as well as increased mortality and defective phenotypes similar to some symptoms of human MPS I. After microinjecting mutated z-idua-L346R, -T364M, -E398-deleted, and -E540-frameshifted mRNAs, corresponding to mutated human IDUA associated with MPS I, into zebrafish embryos, no increase in z-Idua enzymatic activity, except of z-idua-E540-frameshift-injected embryos, was noted compared with endogenous z-Idua of untreated embryos. Defective phenotypes were observed in the z-idua-L346R-injected embryos, suggesting that failed enzymatic activity of mutated z-Idua-L346R might have a dominant negative effect on endogenous z-Idua function. However, defective phenotypes were not observed in the z-idua-E540-frameshifted-mRNA-injected embryos, which provided partial enzymatic activity. Based on these results, we suggest that the z-Idua enzyme activity assay combined with phenotypic observation of mutated-idua-injected zebrafish embryos could serve as an alternative platform for a preliminary assessment of mutated idua not yet characterized for their role in MPS I.
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Sticker, Klaus, and Andreas Hoffjan. "Controlling bei der Signal Iduna." Controlling 20, no. 10 (2008): 558–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.15358/0935-0381-2008-10-558.

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Wang, Raymond Yu-Jeang, Shih-Hsin Kan, Haoyue Zhang, Jodi D. Smith, Afshin Aminian, Elizabeth Snella, Jackie K. Jens, Sarah P. Young, Patricia I. Dickson та N. Matthew Ellinwood. "Intra-Articular AAV9 α-l-Iduronidase Gene Replacement in the Canine Model of Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I". Advances in Cell and Gene Therapy 2023 (14 вересня 2023): 1–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2023/7419017.

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Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I), an inherited lysosomal storage disorder characterized by deficiency of α-l-iduronidase (IDUA) activity, causes multisystemic pathology due to sequelae of accumulated heparan and dermatan sulfates (HS and DS), the substrates of IDUA. Current treatments, though life-prolonging, inadequately address skeletal dysplasia and do not forestall progressive and painful degenerative joint disease. Previous studies demonstrated that intra-articular enzyme replacement cleared cellular lysosomal storage and reduced joint inflammation. Three nontolerized MPS I canines were studied to assess safety, efficacy, and durability of IDUA gene replacement therapy delivered via intra-articular injection. After baseline joint tissue biopsies, the right shoulder and stifle of each animal were injected in the intra-articular space with AAV9-IDUA and contralateral joints with AAV9-eGFP. Animals received either 5E11 or 5E12 vector genomes/joint. Necropsy was performed at 2- or 52-week postinjection. All animals tolerated injections without adverse effects. At two weeks, supraphysiologic IDUA enzyme activity was measured in AAV9-IDUA-treated but not AAV9-eGFP-treated synovium, with corresponding normalization of HS content and synoviocyte morphology. The AAV9-IDUA-treated cartilage had normal physiologic levels of IDUA enzyme, reduced but not normalized HS and DS levels compared to untreated MPS I cartilage, and healthy chondrocyte morphology. Liver IDUA transgene and IDUA enzyme activity were identified, as was serum IDUA activity which was 40% of wild-type serum enzyme activity. At 52-week postinjection, AAV9-IDUA-treated synovium and cartilage IDUA enzyme activity declined in both animals, corresponding to high tissue HS and DS levels and severe lysosomal storage. Liver and serum IDUA activity levels were undetectable. A dose-dependent serum anti-IDUA antibody response was observed which, together with loss of transgene with age, likely contributed to decline in tissue enzyme activity and treatment efficacy. Our study demonstrates successful proof-of-concept for intra-articular gene replacement therapy as a treatment for MPS-related joint dysplasia. Our observations suggest the possibility of multimodal gene replacement therapy to address multiple refractory manifestations of MPS I. Subsequent studies, in conjunction with immune tolerization and functional assessments of joint pathology, will investigate this possibility.
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Dobbs-Allsopp, F. W. "Aramaic Ostraca of the Fourth Century B. C. from Idumaea. Israel Ephʾal and Joseph Naveh." Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 312 (листопад 1998): 84–86. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/1357678.

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Ifire, Boniface Wanjala, Simon Omare, and Stephen Njure. "The Moral and Normative Foundation of Idumi Circumcision Ritual among the Tiriki of Hamisi Sub-County." Research Journal of Education, Teaching and Curriculum Studies 2, no. 2 (August 6, 2024): 1–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.58721/rjetcs.v2i2.660.

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This paper relates to the moral and normative foundation of Idumi circumcision ritual to explain the reasons for its persistence in many African communities. The main objective of the study was to explore the moral and normative foundation of Idumi circumcision ritual among the Tirikis. The study was guided by Stuarts Hall’s Cultural Identity Theory to explain its persistence and continuity. A qualitative exploratory design which was phenomenological was adopted for the study. Purposeful sampling was utilized to select twenty – six (26) respondents for the study including; four (4) Tiriki elders, four (4) initiates, four (4) ritual leaders, four (4) counselors, four (4) women, four (4) initiation chiefs and two (2) sub-chiefs. Twelve (12) key respondents were interviewed and fourteen (14) respondents participated in two focus group discussions of seven (7) members each. Data was analyzed qualitatively using the thematic method and presented by reporting key findings using appropriate verbatim quotes. The study revealed that there is a moral and normative foundation of Idumi circumcision ritual which contributes to the persistence and continuity of this cultural ritual.
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Deddy, Hasanah Nur, and Anas Arfandi. "Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL) di SMK Negeri 2 Toraja Utara." SEMINAR NASIONAL DIES NATALIS 62 1 (July 30, 2023): 377–86. http://dx.doi.org/10.59562/semnasdies.v1i1.1010.

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This study aims to evaluate and analyze the implementation of the Prakerin Program at SMK Negeri 2 Toraja Utara and to identify the factors that influence the success of the program. This research is a qualitative research using the CIPP model evaluation. Data was collected through observation, interviews and document study. The research respondents consisted of PKL supervising teachers, street vendor participant students, and related parties at school. The results of the study show that (1) context aspects: vision and mission have been translated into the formulation of graduate competencies, objectives have not been fully achieved, the curriculum has been synchronized with market needs by involving IDUKA, (2) input aspects: implementation strategy, placement procedures, scheduling and budget management has been carried out according to procedures, communication with IDUKA has been improved, (3) Process aspects: implementation has been according to procedures only monitoring has been intensified, (4) Product aspects: good results, street vendors program is beneficial to students, schools and IDUKA, impact the street vendors program has not been significant for graduate absorption, cooperation with IDUKA needs to be improved. North Toraja 2 Public Vocational School has not yet carried out a thorough evaluation of the implementation of the street vendors program. This research is expected to provide useful input for SMK Negeri 2 Toraja Utara in improving the quality and effectiveness of the implementation of the street vendors program. In addition, this research can also be a reference for other vocational education institutions in optimizing the PKL Program in order to prepare students to enter the world of work.
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Dwiyanti, Vina, Hanissa Okitasari, Davin Arkan Admoko Putra, and Nur Aini Alhamda. "Interactive learning: Designing inventory e-module interactive for logistics vocational school." INVOTEC 19, no. 2 (January 12, 2024): 144–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.17509/invotec.v19i2.63211.

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One of the awareness that has arisen in Indonesia in response to the challenges of Industry 4.0 is the awareness to be able to meet domestic logistics needs through improving and strengthening the national logistics system. This is mandated through the Center of Excellence, where Logistics is one of the areas of expertise included as a target for the Indonesian government. The socialization and demands of Industry and the World of Work (IDUKA) continue to develop and change so the Vocational High School (SMK)'s ability to fulfill them needs to be improved. The purpose of this research is to compile SMK E-modules that need to be aligned with the needs of IDUKA, especially in the field of logistics. This study used a mixed methods approach by conducting interviews (qualitative) and using questionnaires (quantitative) and studies using secondary data in the form of the SMK Logistics curriculum. The output of this research is in the form of the results of graduate training needed by IDUKA in the form of scientific articles published in indexed international journals for the dissemination of results at international scientific seminars, IPRs, and E-modules.
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do Nascimento, Cinthia Castro, Odair Aguiar, Gustavo Monteiro Viana, and Vânia D'Almeida. "Evidence that glycosaminoglycan storage and collagen deposition in the cauda epididymidis does not impair sperm viability in the Mucopolysaccharidosis type I mouse model." Reproduction, Fertility and Development 32, no. 3 (2020): 304. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/rd19144.

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Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) is a lysosomal storage disease caused by a deficiency of the lysosomal hydrolase, α-L-iduronidase (IDUA). IDUA degrades heparan and dermatan sulfates, two types of glycosaminoglycan (GAG), important signalling and structural molecules of the extracellular matrix. Because many cell types store GAGs, MPS I has been investigated in human and animal models. Enzyme replacement therapy is available for MPS I patients and has improved their life expectancy, allowing them to achieve reproductive age. The aim of this study was to evaluate epididymal and sperm morphology and function in a murine model of MPS I. We used C57BL Idua+/+ and Idua−/− adult male mice (6 months old) to investigate epididymal morphology, sperm ultrastructure, GAG characterisation and mating competence. Epithelial GAG storage, especially in the cauda epididymidis, was seen in Idua−/− mice. Regardless of the morphologic change and GAG storage found in the cauda epididymis, sperm morphology and motility were normal, similar to wild types. In the interstitium, vacuolated cells were found in addition to deposits of GAGs. Mating was not impaired in Idua−/− males and litter sizes were similar between groups. At the time point of the disease evaluated, the deficiency in IDUA affected the morphology of the epididymis in male Idua−/− mice, whereas sperm appearance and motility and the male’s capacity to mate and impregnate females were preserved.
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Dobreva-Yatseva, B., F. Nikolov, R. Raycheva, I. Manolov, P. Nikolov, N. Ivanova, D. Iovanovska, I. Kuchmov, and M. Tokmakova. "Characteristics of infective endocarditis according to the mode of acquisition – a single-center, retrospective analysis." Bulgarian Cardiology 29, no. 2 (July 19, 2023): 24–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/bgcardio.29.e108621.

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According to the mode of acquisition, infective endocarditis (IE) is classifi ed as community-acquired (CAIE), healthcareassociated (HAIE), and injection drug use&ndash;related IE (IDUIE). At this stage, there are no data for Bulgaria for these three groups of patients. Objective: We set ourselves the goal of investigating IE according to the mode of acquisition and to make a clinical-instrumental characterization of the groups. Material and methods: The study is single-center, retrospective and includes 270 patients treated at the UMHAT &ldquo;Sveti Georgi&rdquo; &ndash; Plovdiv for the period 01.2005-12. 2021. Results: Patients with CAIE were 64.8% (175), with HAIE 26.7% (72) and with IDUIE 8.5% (23). Patients with IDUIE are younger compared to the other two groups (33; 8 years) (p = 0.000), with low comorbidity (CCI &ndash; 1, IQR &ndash; 1; p = 0.000), with most frequent right-sided involvement (p < 0.001) and with the most common causative agent being Staphylococcus aureus (p < 0.01). Patients with HAIE were the oldest (69; 18 years;), with the most comorbidity (CCI &ndash; 4; IQR &ndash; 3), with no signifi cant difference with CAIE (66; 20 years; and CCI &ndash; 3; IQR &ndash; 3). The large proportion of portal of entry for them were manipulations/ procedures (62.5%) and hemodialysis (18.1%), with Enterococci being the most common causative agent (19.5%, p = 0.001). In-hospital mortality and early surgical intervention were without signifi cant difference in the three groups. Conclusion: Knowledge of the three groups of IE according to the mode of acquisition &ndash; CAIE, HAIE and IDUIE and their characteristics is important for the choice of initial empiric antibiotic treatment and for improvement of prevention.
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Amiruddin, Erwin Gatot, Hamsu Abdul Gani, and Faisal Syafar. "A Frame Work for Development of Hybrid-teaching Factory (H-TEFA) Model on Virtual Lab application." Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies 50, no. 5 (April 16, 2024): 432–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.9734/ajess/2024/v50i51373.

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The core of Industry 4.0 is the extensive use of Information System in organizational business processes. The competency of System Analysis and Design is required by companies as an expert in Information System development. UNITAMA, a higher education institution, is developing a program of study in Information Systems that produces competent professionals with a discipline in Analysis and Information System Design. The university will strengthen student competencies through a collaborative approach between the learning process and IDUKA. The type of research is Research & Development (R&D) research so that the process of developing virtual learning media technology media for the Hybrid Teaching Factory (H-TEFA) model is directed and systematic, so in this research and development using the ADDIE development model which consists of five development stages (analysis, design, product manufacturing, implementation and evaluation). The Virtual Lab is a modern learning method based on the Learning Management System (LMS) that provides students with more dynamic and customized educational materials for practical learning. The Virtual Lab UNITAMA is the development of a practical learning method designed and adapted to the needs of the Analysis and Information System Design course based on the IDUKA Information System, utilizing web-based IT technology that allows learning to take place remotely, not limited to the classroom and specific hours. The model of collaboration between teachers, students, and IDUKA in the Analysis and Information System Design course is enabled by the rapid development of technology and information systems in the era of Industry 4.0, using e-learning/LMS systems that are integrated with Virtual Lab. The Link & Match policy between the education sector and IDUKA is expected to improve the competencies of graduates and align them with IDUKA's specific needs.
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Lopukhova, Yulia, Elena Makeeva, and Kseniya Kuzovenkova. "INTERNALIZATION OF TEACHER EDUCATION AS A PART OF A UNIVERSITY INTERNALIZATION STRATEGY." SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference 1 (May 20, 2020): 510. http://dx.doi.org/10.17770/sie2020vol1.4986.

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The internationalization of University teacher education is very important today since teachers have to prepare students for living and working in the new global world. To prepare students for the globalization of the society, university teachers should have the opportunity to gain international experience – from traditional studies and internships to summer schools and degree theses abroad, blended learning formats, buddy programmes, international field trips to preparing English-language degree programmes together with international colleagues. In this paper the authors describe the IDUTE programme (International Dimension of University Teacher Education) designed to enhance the international dimensions of various components of University teacher education programmes, to transform courses in order to facilitate change and improvement in reaching the internationalization goals of their work and to help provide University teachers with greater global competence. This paper details the nature and specifics of the IDUTE programme and provides details of the programme’s outcomes and results. The authors have done extensive research to determine both the existing international content and programme practices for University teacher education and perceived needs for improvement. The IDUTE programme promotes internationalisation among technical teachers and students and expands intercultural competence into their studies and career through creation and development of separate 16/36/72-hour modules on international activities of University Teachers.
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Sugianto, Sugianto, and Casmudi Casmudi. "TEACHING FACTORY DALAM MENGHASILKAN LULUSAN SIAP BEKERJA DAN BERWIRAUSAHA." Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI) 7, no. 1 (August 18, 2022): 171–83. http://dx.doi.org/10.31932/jpe.v7i1.1573.

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This research is motivated by the low ability of students who are ready to work and ready to be entrepreneurs. The purpose of this study is to describe the school's efforts in preparing graduates who are ready to work and ready for entrepreneurship through the Teaching Factory (TEFA) model learning. This research method uses a qualitative case study approach. Data collection was done by interview and observation. Interviews were conducted by means of FGDs with selected resource persons according to their roles and functions, while observations were carried out in class. The results showed that schools made efforts to apply for the Vocational Center of Excellence (VCE) program through the Directorate of Vocational Education at the Ministry of Education and Culture. The success of achieving the PK-SMK program was continued in collaboration with the retail company Alfamidi, the East Kalimantan Province branch. Implementation of learning with an integrated school curriculum with Industry and Work World Industry (IDUKA). The obstacles to implementing TEFA are psychological barriers for teachers who feel that their role has been reduced. Alignment of competency standards with IDUKA. Implementing teacher internships in overcoming barriers to an integrated curriculum and presenting guest teachers in classes from IDUKA.
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Zeng, Ying, Xu He, Tatyana Danyukova, Sandra Pohl, and Allison R. Kermode. "Toward Engineering the Mannose 6-Phosphate Elaboration Pathway in Plants for Enzyme Replacement Therapy of Lysosomal Storage Disorders." Journal of Clinical Medicine 8, no. 12 (December 12, 2019): 2190. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/jcm8122190.

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Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) I is a severe lysosomal storage disease caused by α-L-iduronidase (IDUA) deficiency, which results in accumulation of non-degraded glycosaminoglycans in lysosomes. Costly enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) is the conventional treatment for MPS I. Toward producing a more cost-effective and safe alternative to the commercial mammalian cell-based production systems, we have produced recombinant human IDUA in seeds of an Arabidopsis mutant to generate the enzyme in a biologically active and non-immunogenic form containing predominantly high mannose N-linked glycans. Recombinant enzyme in ERT is generally thought to require a mannose 6-phosphate (M6P) targeting signal for endocytosis into patient cells and for intracellular delivery to the lysosome. Toward effecting in planta phosphorylation, the human M6P elaboration machinery was successfully co-expressed along with the recombinant human IDUA using a single multi-gene construct. Uptake studies using purified putative M6P-IDUA generated in planta on cultured MPS I primary fibroblasts indicated that the endocytosed recombinant lysosomal enzyme led to substantial reduction of glycosaminoglycans. However, the efficiency of the putative M6P-IDUA in reducing glycosaminoglycan storage was comparable with the efficiency of the purified plant mannose-terminated IDUA, suggesting a poor in planta M6P-elaboration by the expressed machinery. Although the in planta M6P-tagging process efficiency would need to be improved, an exciting outcome of our work was that the plant-derived mannose-terminated IDUA yielded results comparable to those obtained with the commercial IDUA (Aldurazyme® (Sanofi, Paris, France)), and a significant amount of the plant-IDUA is trafficked by a M6P receptor-independent pathway. Thus, a plant-based platform for generating lysosomal hydrolases may represent an alternative and cost-effective strategy to the conventional ERT, without the requirement for additional processing to create the M6P motif.
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Janson, Christopher G., Liudmila G. Romanova, Paola Leone, Zhenhong Nan, Lalitha Belur, R. Scott McIvor та Walter C. Low. "Comparison of Endovascular and Intraventricular Gene Therapy With Adeno-Associated Virus–α-L-Iduronidase for Hurler Disease". Neurosurgery 74, № 1 (30 вересня 2013): 99–111. http://dx.doi.org/10.1227/neu.0000000000000157.

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Abstract BACKGROUND: Hurler disease (mucopolysaccharidosis type I [MPS-I]) is an inherited metabolic disorder characterized by deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme α-L-iduronidase (IDUA). Currently, the only therapies for MPS-I, enzyme replacement and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, are generally ineffective for central nervous system manifestations. OBJECTIVE: To test whether brain-targeted gene therapy with recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV5)-IDUA vectors in an MPS-I transgenic mouse model would reverse the pathological hallmarks. METHODS: Gene therapy approaches were compared using intraventricular or endovascular delivery with a marker (rAAV5-green fluorescent protein) or therapeutic (rAAV5-IDUA) vector. To improve the efficiency of brain delivery, we tested different applications of hyperosmolar mannitol to disrupt the blood-brain barrier or ependymal-brain interface. RESULTS: Intraventricular delivery of 1 × 1011 viral particles of rAAV5-IDUA with systemic 5 g/kg mannitol co-administration resulted in IDUA expression throughout the brain, with global enzyme activity &gt;200% of the baseline level in age-matched, wild-type mice. Endovascular delivery of 1 × 1012 viral particles of rAAV5-IDUA to the carotid artery with 29.1% mannitol blood-brain barrier disruption resulted in mainly ipsilateral brain IDUA expression and ipsilateral brain enzyme activity 42% of that in wild-type mice. Quantitative assays for glycosaminoglycans showed a significant decrease in both hemispheres after intraventricular delivery and in the ipsilateral hemisphere after endovascular delivery compared with untreated MPS-I mice. Immunohistochemistry for ganglioside GM3, another disease marker, showed reversal of neuronal inclusions in areas with IDUA co-expression in both delivery methods. CONCLUSION: Physiologically relevant biochemical correction is possible with neurosurgical or endovascular gene therapy approaches for MPS-I. Intraventricular or endovascular delivery of rAAV5-IDUA was effective in reversing brain pathology, but in the latter method, effects were limited to the ipsilateral hemisphere.
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Dai, Mei, Phuong Cao, and Dao Pan. "Platelets: An Efficient Depot for Generation and Distribution of Lysosomal Idua in Enzyme-Deficient MPS I Mice." Blood 120, no. 21 (November 16, 2012): 3157. http://dx.doi.org/10.1182/blood.v120.21.3157.3157.

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Abstract Abstract 3157 Proviral integration into hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) by lentivirus vector (LV)-mediated gene transfer can provide the benefit of life-long therapeutic effect, yet it can also bring the risk of insertional oncogenesis. Platelets are terminally differentiated, enucleated cells full of secretory granules. Restricting transgene expression to platelets may reduce the risk for activating oncogenes in HSCs and most of their progeny, and take advantage of their rapid turnover and professional secretion function. In this study, we evaluated the feasibility of employing megakaryocyte-platelet as a depot for the over-expression and release of alpha-L-iduronidase (IDUA), the lysosomal enzyme deficient in patients with Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I, or Hurler Syndrome). Utilizing a human megakaryocytic DAMI cell line, we found that a hybrid human ankyrin-1 promoter (K) containing ALAS2 intron 8 enhancer and HS40 core element from human alpha LCR could introduce robust intracellular IDUA expression (over 500-fold of background) and significant enzyme release (120-fold). Upon introduction to megakaryocytic differentiation as verified by FACS analysis with PI staining and morphologic evaluation, the elevated intracellular IDUA levels remained unchanged, while released IDUA increased steadily by 30-fold. We then evaluated in vivo IDUA production/release from platelets in an enzyme-deficient MPS I mouse model. Lineage-negative bone marrow (BM) cells were isolated from MPS I mice using immunomagnetic cell sorting, and transduced twice with LV-K-IDUA-ires-GFP (KIiG) for a total multiplicity of infection at 30. Five-months after 1° transplantation, GFP+ platelets were detected by FACS analysis with CD41-PE staining and observed by Image X analysis. To generate animals with various transgene-dosages, 2° transplantation was performed into MPS I mice using a serial dilution of BM from 1° MPS/KIiG (51–65% transduction efficiency) with BM of MPS I. FACS analysis revealed that the percentage of GFP+ platelets was correlated directly to transduction efficiencies in 2° recipients as determined by real-time qPCR of BM 5 months post transplantation. Moreover, the intra-platelet IDUA enzyme activities were associated linearly with the changes of GFP+% platelets (r2=0.95) among MPS I mice with different transgene-dosages, suggesting that the lysosomal IDUA from transgene overexpression could be sorted and packaged into platelets with proper catalytic function. Noticeably 1% gene transfer efficiency as shown by 1% GFP+ platelets was sufficient to introduce the IDUA levels comparable to those found in wild-type platelets. To determine if platelet-derived IDUA could be released, we conducted Ca-induced platelet activation as verified by FACS analysis with Annexin V-APC and CD41-PE staining, resulting in linear correlation (r2=0.98) of released IDUA with intra-platelet IDUA. Interestingly, the plasma IDUA levels were also linearly correlated with GFP+% platelets (r2=0.96) among MPS I with different transgene-dosages. Competitive uptake assay using lymphoblastoid cells derived from a MPS I patient (LCLmps) demonstrated steady increase of intracellular IDUA with increasing amounts of extracellular enzyme levels, which was blocked by the presence of mannose-6-phosphate (M6P). This suggested that platelet-released IDUA retained its intercellular trafficking capability via M6P receptor. Finally normalization of aberrant lysosomal morphology was observed in LCLmps exposed to platelet-released IDUA as determined by in situ immunostaining with LysoTracker, indicating functional proficiency of platelet-derived IDUA to cross-correct deficit in patient's cells. These results demonstrate for the first time that megakaryocytes/platelets are capable of over-producing, packaging and storing a lysosomal enzyme which retains proper catalytic activity, lysosomal enzyme trafficking and endogenous M6PR-mediated uptake, as well as the ability of cross-correction in patient's cells. This data warrants further evaluation for the potential application of megakaryocytes/platelets in treating lysosomal storage diseases, especially for those, such as Gaucher disease, when the desirable enzyme is sensitive to neutral pH in serum and protection of enzyme in platelets may provide continuous, real-time enzyme release by low physiological levels of platelet activation. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
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