Дисертації з теми "HEMT AlN"
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Lundskog, Anders. "Characterization of AlGaN HEMT structures." Thesis, Linköping University, The Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-9729.
Повний текст джерелаDuring the last decade, AlGaN High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs) have been intensively studied because their fundamental electrical properties make them attractive for highpower microwave device applications. Despite much progress, AlGaN HEMTs are far from fully understood and judged by the number of published papers the understanding of advanced structures is even poorer. This work is an exploration of the electrical and structural properties of advanced HEMT structure containing AlN exclusionlayer and double heterojunctions. These small modifications had great impact on the electrical properties.
In this work, AlGaN HEMT structures grown on SiC substrates by a hot-wall MOCVD have been characterized for their properties using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, capacitance/voltage, eddy-current resistivity, and by homebuilt epi-thickness mapping equipment.
A high electron mobility of 1700 [cm2/Vs] was achieved in an AlN exclusion-layer HEMT. A similar electron mobility of 1650 [cm2/Vs] was achieved in a combination of a double heterojunction and exclusion-layer structure. The samples had approximately the same electron mobility but with a great difference: the exclusion-layer version gave a sheet carrier density of 1.58*1013 [electrons/cm2] while the combination of double heterojunction and exclusion-layer gave 1.07*1013 [electrons/cm2]. A second 2DEG was observed in most structures, but not all, but was not stable with time.
The structures we grew during this work were also simulated using a one-dimensional Poisson-Schrödinger solver and the simulated electron densities were in fairly good agreement with the experimentally obtained. III-nitride materials, the CVD concept, and the onedimensional solver are shortly explained.
Rajasingam, Srikaran. "Applications of Raman spectroscopy to AlxGaâ‚-xN technology : AlN substrates, high temperature annealing and HEMT devices." Thesis, University of Bristol, 2004. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.407018.
Повний текст джерелаSaid, Nasri. "Evaluation de la robustesse des technologies HEMTs GaN à barrière AlN ultrafine pour l'amplification de puissance au-delà de la bande Ka." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024BORD0425.
Повний текст джерелаThe GaN industry is strategic for the European Union because it enhances the power and efficiency of radar and telecommunication systems, especially in the S to Ka bands (up to 30 GHz). To meet the needs of future applications such as 5G and military systems, GaN technology development aims to increase frequencies to the millimeter-wave range. This requires optimizing epitaxy and reducing the gate length to less than 150 nm, as well as using ultrathin barriers (<10 nm) to avoid short-channel effects. Replacing the AlGaN barrier with AlN is a solution to maintain good performance while miniaturizing devices. In this thesis, several technological variants with an ultrathin AlN barrier (3 nm) on undoped GaN channels of various thicknesses, developed by the IEMN laboratory, are studied. The evaluation of the performance and robustness of these technologies, crucial for their qualification and use in long-term profil missions, is conducted in both DC and RF modes to define the safe operating areas (SOA) and identify degradation mechanisms.The DC and pulsed characterization campaign revealed low component dispersion after electrical stabilization, reflecting good technological control. This also allows for more relevant statistical studies and generic analyses across all component batches studied. The sensitivity analysis of the devices at temperatures up to 200°C demonstrated strong thermal stability in diode and transistor modes, following parametric indicators representative of the electrical models of the components (saturation currents and leakage currents, threshold voltage, gate and drain lags rates, ...). The addition of a AlGaN back-barrier on a moderately C-doped buffer layer resolved the trade-off between electron confinement and trap densities. Accelerated aging tests in DC mode at various biasing conditions and in RF mode by input power steps showed that the AlGaN back-barrier provides better stability in leakage currents and static I(V) curves, reduces trapping and self-heating effects, and extends the operational DC-SOA.Dynamic accelerated aging tests at 10 GHz on HEMTs with different gate-drain spacings showed that the RF-SOA does not depend on this spacing but rather on the gate's ability to withstand high RF signals before abrupt degradation occurs. Using an original nonlinear modeling method that considers the self-biasing phenomenon, devices with the AlGaN back-barrier proved to be more robust in RF as well. This is reflected in their later gain compression, up to +10 dB, without apparent electrical or structural degradation (as observed by photoluminescence). Regardless of the AlN/GaN variant, the RF stress degradation mechanism corresponds to the abrupt breakdown of the Schottky gate, leading to its failure. These results indicate that the components are more sensitive to DC bias conditions than to the level of injected RF signals [...]
Bradley, Shawn Todd. "Investigation of AlGaN films and nickel/AlGaN Schottky diodes using depth-dependent cathodoluminescence spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry." Columbus, Ohio : Ohio State University, 2004. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc%5Fnum=osu1078329692.
Повний текст джерелаTitle from first page of PDF file. Document formatted into pages; contains xxii, 182 p.; also includes graphics (some col.). Includes abstract and vita. Advisor: Leonard J. Brillson, Dept. of Electrical Engineering. Includes bibliographical references (p. 173-182).
Taking, Sanna. "AlN/GaN MOS-HEMTs technology." Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2012. http://theses.gla.ac.uk/3356/.
Повний текст джерелаXiao, Xiao Mr. "Purification and Characterization of Rhodobacter sphaeroides Polyhistidine-tagged HemA and Comparison with Purified Polyhistidine-tagged HemT." Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2013. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=bgsu1371650467.
Повний текст джерелаJohn, Dylan Boone. "Atomistic Modeling of AlN/GaN HEMTs for Applications in Harsh Environments." OpenSIUC, 2011. https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/theses/572.
Повний текст джерелаCoulianos, Natalie N. G. "A comparison of ALA synthase gene transcription in three wild type strains of Rhodobacter sphaeroides." Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2011. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=bgsu1308169087.
Повний текст джерелаTilstra, Liesbeth. "Grenzen aan het stakingsrecht : het Nederlandse rechtsoordeel over collectieve actie van werknemers getoetst aan het Europees Sociaal Handvest /." Deventer : Kluwer, 1994. http://www.gbv.de/dms/spk/sbb/recht/toc/272312207.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаLibkind, Marianna. "SiaA: A Heme Protein." Digital Archive @ GSU, 2007. http://digitalarchive.gsu.edu/chemistry_hontheses/2.
Повний текст джерелаNelissen-de, Vos Yolande Catharina Magdalena. "Slaapklachten in de periode voorafgaande aan het hartinfarct." Maastricht : Maastricht : Universitaire Pers Maastricht ; University Library, Maastricht University [Host], 1994. http://arno.unimaas.nl/show.cgi?fid=6958.
Повний текст джерелаUrk, H. van. "Even stilstaan bij het werk aan de weg." [S.l.] : Rotterdam : [de auteur] ; Erasmus University [Host], 1992. http://hdl.handle.net/1765/7406.
Повний текст джерелаRede uitgesproken op 3 april 1992 bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van bijzonder hoogleraar in de Vaatchirurgie aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
Coulianos, Natalie N. G. "Regulation of hemT expression in Rhodobacter sphaeroides wild type strain 2.4.9." Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2018. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=bgsu1522070574933425.
Повний текст джерелаVaughan, Haydn. "Accelerated Corrosion Test with Operation Simulation of All-Aluminum Microchannel Heat Exchangers." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2016. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc849775/.
Повний текст джерелаAbou, Daher Mahmoud. "Réalisation et optimisation de transistors HEMT GaN forte puissance et haute fréquence par technologie de transfert de couches sur substrat hôte." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020TOU30046.
Повний текст джерелаWireless telecommunication market largely benefits from new nitride technologies, which reach outstanding performance compared with traditional technologies. Current research is opening up many new strategies and alternative solutions to address simultaneously antagonist considerations such as cost, performances and/or reliability. Most AlGaN / GaN HEMTs are fabricated on a low cost, highly resistive silicon substrate or on a much more expensive and supply sensitive SiC substrate. However, the electrical performance constraints required when these technologies are integrating into radar systems, satellites and in telecommunications systems make them dependent to the operating temperature parameter, mainly linked to the high power dissipation during static/dynamic energy transfer. Indeed, these components are capable of generating high power densities in the microwave range. However, the operating frequency increase leads an increase of the power dissipation, generating the self-heating phenomenon which influences the devices performance (ID,max,ft,fmax...). In this context, several solutions were already proposed in the literature (use of composite substrates, passivation of devices, etc.). Furthermore, the layer transfer technology to report HEMTs from growth substrate onto a host substrate with a good thermal conductivity (such as diamond substrate) is a promising solution, still poorly detailed to date. The objective of this thesis work is to improve the heat dissipation and thus the performance and reliability of high-frequency HEMT transistors by using a layer transfer technology. AlGaN / GaN heterostructures are grown on a silicon substrate by MOCVD at CHREA. After the fabrication of HEMTs on a silicon substrate, AlGaN / GaN devices (for which the silicon substrate has been removed) are transferred onto a CVD diamond substrate. This transfer is obtained by thermocompression bonding of sputtered AlN layers on each surface to be assembled (backside of the transistors and diamond substrate). This transfer process has not damaged the functionality of the transistors with short gate length (Lg = 80 nm). The AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with a 2x35 µm development transferred onto diamond of feature a current ID,max = 710 mA.mm-1, a cutoff frequency ft of 85GHz and an oscillation frequency fmax of 144GHz. However, this transfer technique requires optimization phases (especially to reduce thickness and improve the crystalline quality and thermal conductivity of AlN layers) in order to reduce the thermal resistance of this adhesion layer and to limit the self-heating phenomenon noted at the end of this thesis work
Simon, Henk. "Publiekrecht of privaatrecht? : Een geschiktheidsonderzoek aan de hand van het nutsmaximalisatiebeginsel toegespitst op het gebruik van het privaatrecht door het bestuur /." Zwolle : Tjeenk Willink, 1993. http://www.gbv.de/dms/spk/sbb/recht/toc/277912245.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаMeershoek, Agnes Maria. "Weer aan het werk verzekeringsgeneeskundige verzuimbegeleiding als onderhandeling over verantwoordelijkheden /." [Amsterdam : Maastricht : Thela Thesis] ; University Library, Maastricht University [Host], 1999. http://arno.unimaas.nl/show.cgi?fid=6867.
Повний текст джерелаWeij, Jan-Willem van der. "Beweging en bewogenheid : het prozagedicht in de Nederlandse literatuur aan het einde van de negentiende eeuw /." Amsterdam : Thesis publ, 1997. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb391376807.
Повний текст джерелаHudson, P. T. W. "Neurale netwerken en het symbolisch paradigma bouwen aan de zesde generatie /." Maastricht : Maastricht : Rijksuniversiteit Limburg ; University Library, Maastricht University [Host], 1991. http://arno.unimaas.nl/show.cgi?fid=12952.
Повний текст джерелаHung, Ting-Hsiang. "Novel High-k Dielectric Enhanced III-Nitride Devices." The Ohio State University, 2015. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1437684419.
Повний текст джерелаBoorsma, Miranda. "Kunstmarketing : hoe marketing kan bijdragen aan het maatschappelijk functioneren van kunst, in het bijzonder van toneelkunst in Nederland /." Groningen : Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 1998. http://bibpurl.oclc.org/web/31615.
Повний текст джерелаGerards, Janneke Hilligje. "Rechterlijke toetsing aan het gelijkheidsbeginsel : een rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek naar een algemeen toetsingsmodel /." Den Haag : Maastricht : Sdu Uitgevers ; University Library, Maastricht University [Host], 2002. http://arno.unimaas.nl/show.cgi?fid=7521.
Повний текст джерелаDe, Lange Hanine. "Didaktiese hulpverlening aan leerders met 'n kogleêre inplanting wat taalagerstande ontwikkel het." Thesis, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11838/1888.
Повний текст джерелаWhen a child enters formal education a certain level of development and experience is expected. If there is a language deficit or shortfall upon entering formal schooling, a negative perception of schooling can develop, resulting in a low level of success in the classroom. Research has clearly shown that learners with a hearing deficit, and who received very little stimulation at an early age, tended to develop a language deficit which hampered their entrance into, as well as their performance in mainstream education. The ideal is thus that a child should experience success in the learning process at the earliest possible stage. Hereupon he can develop and realise his full potential as a human being. Children who experience early success should be more capable of coping with the challenges that schooling and learning present. If these learners receive early intervention to support their language development it could lead to being more successful in mainstream education. Learners with a cochlear implant must receive intensive hearing and communicative training. They are taught how to effectively interpret the sound relayed by the implant, and thereafter, if possible, be able to use this "hearing ability" to enter into interactive spoken language. Motivation and support from parents, family and friends is a determining factor in the successful use of the implant. This should lead to a learner being able to reach his full potential. From the research conducted it has become evident that the language deficit retrogression of the child leads to under-achievement when formal schooling begins.This is because of different hearing difficulties. However, if such a pre-school child is assisted and supported at an early stage through effective intervention strategies, language deficit can be decreased or even completely cured. In this study a learner who had received a cochlear implant, was closely observed. A significant improvement in his language ability was evinced. The action research study was an individualised teaching and learning situation with a learner who had a cochlear implant and with a language deficit. Over a period of 19 months different intervention strategies were used to improve the learner's language ability. The intervention strategies which were successful can be used as a possible point of departure for further research and study to give educators and parents a better insight into this problem. Through intensive research these findings can be developed as a possible support system or methodolgy for educators in the inclusive classroom.
Brinkman, Herman. "Dichten uit liefde : literatuur in Leiden aan het einde van de Middeleeuwen /." Hilversum : Verloren, 1997. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb376363875.
Повний текст джерелаBarnes, Javier. "Application of Cyclic Polarization of Aluminum 3003 Used in All-Aluminum Microchannel Heat Exchangers." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2015. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc801930/.
Повний текст джерелаKolluri, Sridevi. "Upregulation of Heme Pathway Enzyme ALA Synthase-1 by Glutethimide and 4,6-Dioxoheptanoic Acid and Downregulation by Glucose and Heme: A Dissertation." eScholarship@UMMS, 2004. https://escholarship.umassmed.edu/gsbs_diss/121.
Повний текст джерелаHeijs, Eric. "Van vreemdeling tot Nederlander : de verlening van het Nederlanderschap aan vreemdelingen 1813-1992 /." Amsterdam : Het Spinhuis, 1995. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb392015713.
Повний текст джерелаKawazoe, Yoshinori. "Proteasome inhibition leads to the activation of all members of the heat shock factor family." Kyoto University, 1999. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/181719.
Повний текст джерелаKraan-Jetten, Andrea. "Effectiviteit van overheidsbeleid : systematisering van inzichten getoetst aan het beleid ter bevordering van het eigen-woningbezit = Effectiveness of public policy /." [S.l. : s.n.], 1991. http://bvbr.bib-bvb.de:8991/F?func=service&doc_library=BVB01&doc_number=003422846&line_number=0001&func_code=DB_RECORDS&service_type=MEDIA.
Повний текст джерелаKamp, Hendrik Rijk van de. "Israël in openbaring : een ondeerzoek naar de plaats van het joodse volk in het toekomstbeeld van de Openbaring aan Johannes /." Kampen : J. H. Kok, 1990. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb392897926.
Повний текст джерелаRezaie, Navaie Ali [Verfasser], George [Akademischer Betreuer] Tsatsaronis, George [Gutachter] Tsatsaronis, and Udo [Gutachter] Hellwig. "Thermal design and optimization of heat recovery steam generators and waste heat boilers / Ali Rezaie Navaie ; Gutachter: George Tsatsaronis, Udo Hellwig ; Betreuer: George Tsatsaronis." Berlin : Technische Universität Berlin, 2017. http://d-nb.info/1156187052/34.
Повний текст джерелаBlom, Sarah. "Intellectuele vorming in Nederland en Frankrijk : een vergelijkend onderzoek naar deelname aan intellectuele vorming in het Franse en het Nederlandse voortgezet onderwijs /." Groningen : Wolters-Noordhoff, 1995. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb401662524.
Повний текст джерелаLi, Letian. "Microstructural evolution in 9 wt.% Cr power plant steels." Thesis, Loughborough University, 2013. https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/2134/11980.
Повний текст джерелаCrippa, V. "MISFOLDING PROTEICO E NEURODEGENERAZIONE : STUDIO DEL COINVOLGIMENTO DELLA PROTEINA CHAPERONE HEAT SHOCK PROTEIN B8." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2434/58000.
Повний текст джерелаCoppens, Herman. "De financiën van de centrale regering van de Zuidelijke Nederlanden aan het einde van het Spaanse en onder Oostenrijks bewind (ca. 1680-1788) /." Brussel : AWLSK, 1992. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb35615030f.
Повний текст джерелаHartog, Anita den. "Artikel 6 EVRM : grenzen aan het streven de straf eerder op de daad te doen volgen /." Antwerpen [u.a.] : Maklu Uitg, 1992. http://www.gbv.de/dms/spk/sbb/recht/toc/27796718X.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаPouwelse, Willemina Johanna. "Haar verstand dienstbaar aan het hart : middelbaar onderwijs voor meisjes : debatten, acties en beleid, 1860-1917 /." Tilburg, 1993. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb401238976.
Повний текст джерелаBerger, Claire. "Propriétés électroniques des alliages quasicristallins AlMn." Grenoble 1, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987GRE10067.
Повний текст джерелаMiró, Jané Arnau. "Flow and heat transfer of impinging synthetic jets." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/667300.
Повний текст джерелаEls jets sintètics (SJ) són produïts pel moviment oscil·latori d'una membrana a l'interior d'una cavitat, cosa que fa que el líquid entri i surti per un petit orifici. Això es tradueix en un jet que és capaç de transferir energia cinètica i impuls a un medi fluid sense la necessitat d'una font externa. És per això que els SJ són interessants i tindran un paper clau en una àmplia gamma d'aplicacions rellevants, com ara el control actiu de flux, el refredament tèrmic o la barreja de combustible. Des del punt de vista fenomenològic, els SJ estan formats per patrons de flux elaborats per la seva naturalesa no lineal i, sota certes condicions, es poden observar fluxos complexos i inestables. Aquesta tesis està centrada en la investigació del flux de fluids i el rendiment tèrmic dels jets sintètics. S'estudien dues geometries diferents d’actuadors de SJ (és a dir, ranurats i circulars). Els jets en ambdues configuracions estan confinats per dues plaques isotèrmiques paral·leles amb una diferència de temperatura imposada i afecten a una placa escalfada situada a una certa distància de l'orifici de l'actuador. Les equacions tridimensionals inestables de Navier-Stokes es resolen per un nombre de Reynolds utilitzant simulacions numèriques precises en el temps. A més, es desenvolupa un model detallat de l'actuador que utilitza la formulació arbitrària lagrangiana-euleriana (ALE) per explicar el moviment de la membrana de l'actuador. Aquest model, basat en els números de govern del flux, s'utilitza per realitzar els anàlisis numèrics. Els fluxos obtinguts en ambdues configuracions són notablement diferents i tridimensionals per a gairebé tots els números de Reynolds considerats. El jet en la configuració ranurada està format per un parell de vòrtexs que experimenten una transició turbulenta que finalment formen el jet. El flux extern està dominat per dues recirculacions principals amb els seus homòlegs dins de la cavitat de l'actuador. Una nova estructura, observada en els jets ranurats confinats, apareix com una interacció del flux amb la paret inferior i provoca un canvi en els mecanismes de transferència de calor del jet. D'altra banda, el jet en la configuració circular presenta tres regions de flux diferents que s'han identificat segons la literatura: l'anell de vòrtex principal, el jet final i el nucli potencial. En aquest cas, el flux extern està dominat per l'anell de vòrtex principal i el jet de sortida, presentant així un comportament diferent de morfologia i transferència de calor que la configuració ranurada. Un anàlisi detallat de les trajectòries de vòrtex ha demostrat que els vòrtexs de la configuració circular arriben a la paret superior abans que els seus homòlegs ranurats. Les distribucions d'energia cinètica turbulenta a l'expulsió, entre altres, han revelat que el flux del jet circular es concentra majoritàriament a prop de la línia central del jet, mentre que és més estès per a la configuració ranurada. Per aquestes raons, a la mateixa velocitat d'ejecció del jet i geometria de l'actuador, la formació de SJ en la configuració circular pot produir-se a freqüències més altes que a la configuració ranurada. L'anàlisi de la temperatura de sortida dels SJ ha demostrat que assumir un perfil uniforme és raonable si el nombre de Reynolds és prou elevat. A més, la temperatura del jet de sortida és significativament superior a la temperatura de la placa freda. Les dues configuracions presenten diferents comportaments a causa de les diferències en el flux. L’anàlisi de la transferència de calor a la paret calenta ha revelat que la configuració circular arriba a un màxim de transferència de calor més gran que la configuració ranurada, però, la transferència de calor es desaccelera més ràpidament en la configuració circular quan s’allunya de la línia central. Finalment, es proposen correlacions per a la transferència de calor a la paret calenta i la temperatura de sortida amb el nombre de Reynolds. Poden ser útils per incloure els efectes de la cavitat quan s’utilitzen models simplificats que no tenen en compte la cavitat de l’actuador.
Lench, Martyn John. "Direct contact heat transfer between an evaporating fluid and an immiscible liquid." Thesis, University of South Wales, 1991. https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/studentthesis/direct-contact-heat-transfer-between-an-evaporating-fluid-and-an-immiscible-liquid(972548ab-c177-40e4-8800-4c24d6021f67).html.
Повний текст джерелаBenevides, Matos Najla. "Rôle des protéines paralogues TonB et HasB dans le transport de l'hème par le récepteur de membrane externe HemR de Serratia marcescens." Paris 7, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA077163.
Повний текст джерелаIn Gram-negative bacteria, molecules, including ferri-siderophores, iron, vitamin B 12 or heme, are transported through the outer membrane by specific receptor. This transportation activity requires the energy provided by the inner membrane complex TonB/ExbB/ExbD. Two components, ExbB, and ExbD use the proton motive force to produce energy. The third component, TonB, which transmit energy, interacts with the outer membrane receptors by peptide sequence located near their N-terminus end. This preserved consensus sequence DTLWTA, is named TonB box. Serratia marcescens has 2 functional TonB paralogs, TonB and HasB. TonB is able to transmit the energy of the complex TonB/ExbB/ExbD to receptors involved in the transport of iron or heme in Serratia marcescens or Escherichia coll. On the other hand HasB, whose gene is located in an operon encoding for the component of the Has heme uptake System (has operon), is functional for the heme acquisition via the HasR receptor but cannot substitute TonB for the transporter the ferrisiderophores in Escherichia coli and Serratia marcescens. This raises the question of the level of the HasB specificity: is this a specificity with respect to the various heme transport Systems of Serratia marcescens or a strict specificity with respect to HasR? To answer this question, the second heme receptor (HemR) of S. Marcescens, was cloned and its activity characterized in Escherichia coli. HemR was shown to be active in the presence of TonB, but not with HasB. This result shows that HasB and HasR form a specific pair. Using mutants we studied, the contribution of the various Systems to the heme uptake process in Serratia marcescens. The Has and Hem Systems are the only functional heme transporter in Serratia marcescens. The Has System is more efficient but requires a higher iron deficiency. In absence its cognate hemophore, the heme uptake activity of the HasA System is dramatically, decreased. The Has System activity is almost completely abolished in absence of HasB. The quantity of HasR receptor in Serratia marcescens is strongly decreased in hasB mutant similarly with a hasA mutant. Using a transcriptional fusion between the has operon promoter and the lacZ gene, we showed that the has operon expression level is strongly decreased in a hasB mutant. The absence of activity of heme transport activity of the Has System in hasA and hasB mutants, is correlated with a sharp decrease of the has operon expression level. We propose the following scénario for the heme transport in Serratia marcescens. In an iron containing medium has, and hem operons are not expressed. In the presence of iron depletion, the Hem System can transport heme. In the presence of iron deficiency, and when the heme concentration is very low, the Has System transports heme thanks to thé activity of the hemophore HasA
Grönkvist, Stefan. "All CO2 molecules are equal, but some CO2 molecules are more equal than others." Doctoral thesis, KTH, Energiprocesser, 2005. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-452.
Повний текст джерелаQC 20101015
Zorzi, Elisa. "Heat Shock Protein 70 nel linfoma anaplastico a grandi cellule: ruolo, espressione e correlazione con la tirosin chinasi NPM-ALK." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/11577/3426040.
Повний текст джерелаI linfomi anaplastici a grandi cellule (ALCL) pediatrici sono caratterizzati, per più dell’90%, dalla presenza della caratteristica traslocazione cromosomica t(2;5) da cui origina il trascritto codificante per NPM-ALK, chinasi oncogena essenziale per la trasformazione della cellula linfoide normale e per la sopravvivenza della cellula neoplastica. Oltre al suo potenziale promitogenico e antiapoptotico mediato dall’attivazione dei pathway di PI3K/Akt e STAT3, studi recenti hanno dimostrato il ruolo di NPM-ALK nell’attivazione di MEK, ERK1/2 e p38- MAPK. Tuttavia, nonostante le numerose conoscenze sull’attività trasformante di NPM-ALK sia in vivo che in vitro, poco è noto sui meccanismi di chemioresistenza indotti dalla stessa chinasi, anche se forte rimane l’interesse per lo sviluppo di strategie terapeutiche mirate per la cura dell’ALCL. In un nostro studio precedente abbiamo dimostrato che in linee cellulari di ALCL NPM-ALK positive (NPM-ALK+) l’inibitore proteosomale Bortezomib (BZ) provoca l’induzione di Hsp70, una heat shock protein normalmente coinvolta nella maturazione e nella preservazione della conformazione della maggioranza delle proteine cellulari ma che induce anche fenomeni di chemioresistenza in molti modelli sperimentali tumorali. In questo studio abbiamo quindi valutato lo stato e la funzione di Hsp70 in linee cellulari e in preparati istologici di pazienti pediatrici affetti da ALCL, e i possibili meccanismi di resistenza al trattamento farmacologico (BZ) o allo stress cellulare (heat shock, HS) che favorirebbero la sopravvivenza delle cellule NPM-ALK+. Abbiamo dimostrato che Hsp70 risulta espressa ad alti livelli nelle linee cellulari NPM-ALK+ grazie alla capacità di queste cellule di attivare efficacemente il fattore di trascrizione delle hsp, HSF1. Dalle nostre analisi è emerso inoltre che Hsp70 interagisce con HSF1 nella sua forma fosforilata e attiva, ma solo nelle linee cellulari NPM-ALK+. Ciò lascia supporre che Hsp70 possa regolare positivamente la trascrizione delle hsp mediante un meccanismo a feed-back. Inoltre abbiamo dimostrato che, quando indotta dopo trattamento con BZ o shock termico, in linee cellulari NPM-ALK+ Hsp70 previene la perdita dell’omeostasi mitocondriale e il rilascio transmembrana di fattori apoptogenici, attraverso l’inibizione della proteina pro-apoptotica mitocondriale Bax. Questo giustificherebbe la resistenza al trattamento farmacologico evidenziata nelle linee cellulari NPM-ALK+ rispetto alla linea di ALCL che non esprime NPM-ALK. L’analisi dell’espressione di Hsp70 e’ stata quindi estesa a 23 preparati istologici di pazienti pediatrici affetti da ALCL, 20 NPM-ALK+ e 3 NPM-ALK-. Mediante analisi 2 immunoistochimica, abbiamo verificato che la totalità delle biopsie NPM-ALK+ è risultata positiva ad Hsp70, rispetto a solo uno su tre dei casi NPM-ALK-, confermando statisticamente (p=0.019) una correlazione tra la presenza di NPM-ALK e Hsp70. Data la limitata numerosità dei campioni non è stato possibile correlare in maniera statistica l’espressione di Hsp70 con l’andamento della malattia, ma è da sottolineare come il 67% dei casi (4/6) con elevata espressione di Hsp70 (valore attribuito pari a 3, in una scala di espressione crescente da 0 a 3) siano recidivati o deceduti, contro solo il 25% (3/12) dei casi con espressione della proteina assente o intermedia (compresa tra 0 e 2, nella stessa scala). Abbiamo verificato poi, che l’espressione del trascritto Hsp70 in biopsie linfonodali di bambini affetti da ALCL NPM-ALK+, è significativamente più elevata rispetto a quella riscontrata nei linfonodi reattivi non patologici (p=0.049). Per valutare il possibile ruolo di NPM-ALK nell’induzione di Hsp70, prima di esporre le cellule di ALCL in studio a trattamento con BZ o a calore (HS), la sua attività chinasica è stata inibita farmacologicamente (WHI-P154). I nostri studi dimostrano che nelle cellule trattate con WHI-P154, sia singolarmente che in combinazione con BZ o HS, HSF1 rimane localizzato nel citoplasma con conseguente calo del trascritto e dell’espressione di Hsp70. Infine abbiamo dimostrato che la combinazione di dosi singolarmente non citotossiche, o al più citostatiche di BZ e WHI-P154, inibisce la proliferazione cellulare e induce apoptosi nelle linee cellulari che esprimono NPM-ALK, effetto al quale concorre l’inibizione della trascrizione e dell’espressione di Hsp70, oltre ad altri numerosi fattori dipendenti dall’attività della chinasi.
Romo, Vladimir Canudas. "Decomposition methods in demography : proefschrift ter verkrijging van het doctoraat in de Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen." Amsterdam : Rozenberg Publishers, 2003. http://dissertations.ub.rug.nl/faculties/rw/2003/v.canudas.romo/.
Повний текст джерелаElbanhawy, Amr Yehia Hussein. "On numerical investigations of flow-induced vibration and heat transfer for flow around cylinders." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2011. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/on-numerical-investigations-of-flowinduced-vibration-and-heat-transfer-for-flow-around-cylinders(6722ba6d-80de-47f4-a14d-191d4e9ed7fb).html.
Повний текст джерелаZenclussen, Maria Laura [Verfasser], Hans-Dieter [Gutachter] Volk, Alf [Gutachter] Hamann, and Barbara [Gutachter] Tzschentke. "Role of Heme oxygenase-1 in the feto-maternal tolerance / Maria Laura Zenclussen ; Gutachter: Hans-Dieter Volk, Alf Hamann, Barbara Tzschentke." Berlin : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2009. http://d-nb.info/1208078771/34.
Повний текст джерелаApitz, Janina. "Charakterisierung von Arabidopsis HEMA-Mutanten und in vivo-Analyse funktioneller Domänen der pflanzlichen Glutamyl-tRNA-Reduktasen." Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.18452/17527.
Повний текст джерелаIn plants 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) is the common precursor of all tetrapyrrols and formed from glutamate via the C5 pathway. Glutamyl-tRNA reductase (GluTR) is the initial enzyme of ALA synthesis and thus tetrapyrrole biosynthesis (TBS). The most important control point of the TBS is the synthesis of ALA and GluTR is the key enzyme, that is tightly regulated. Due to the different expression of HEMA genes in Arabidopsis, a differential contribution to endproducts of the TBS is proposed for GluTR isoforms. Analysis of knockout mutants gave some indications of how the isoforms can compensate each other. I introduced a new knockout mutant of HEMA1 that was pale-green and not able to grow photoautotrophically, indicating that the remaining GluTR2 does not sufficiently compensate ALA synthesis for the extensive needs of chlorophyll. In contrast, hema2 mutants were wild-type-like. The function of the N-terminal region of GluTR1 in posttranslational regulation has been analyzed by BiFC analysis and complementation experiments of hema1. BiFC analysis showed an interaction of the N-terminal region of GluTR1 with the GluTR binding protein (GBP) and with proteins of the Clp proteases. Mutants of GBP revealed a decreased GluTR1 stability during the dark period, indicating a protective role of GBP against proteolysis of GluTR1 in darkness. The expression of a GluTR1 lacking the N-terminal amino acid residues successfully complemented hema1. These plants as well as clp mutants revealed an increased GluTR1 stability in darkness, suggesting a degradation of the protein through Clp proteases. Thereby, the N-terminal region of GluTR1 seems to be necessary for the recognition by Clp proteins. The observed high amount of truncated GluTR1 in transformed hema1 mutants was caused by the increased GluTR1 stability and lead to an accumulation of Pchlide in prolonged dark periods, demonstrating the importance of a controlled proteolysis of GluTR in the regulation of ALA synthesis.
Geloven, Anna Adriana Wilhelmina van. "Spoedeisende hulp bij buikklachten evaluatie van het functioneren van de spoedeisende hulpafdeling aan de hand van patiënten met buikklachten /." [S.l. : Amsterdam : s.n.] ; Universiteit van Amsterdam [Host], 2000. http://dare.uva.nl/document/84086.
Повний текст джерелаBeukes, Wynand J. "Dorpsondernaam : 'n kultuurhistoriese ondersoek na die dambouersgemeenskap wat aan die einde van die 19de eeu op Tafelberg ontstaan het." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/6665.
Повний текст джерелаENGLISH ABSTRACT: Table Mountain is one of the world’s most well-known natural landmarks. For more than a half million years the mountain played a role in human cultural activities. The water flowing off Table Mountain resulted in the establishment of Cape Town in 1652. During the first 240 years of the city’s existence until 1891, everything possible was employed to make the most of the water cascading down the northern slopes of the mountain. In 1891, the city commenced with the utilising of the mountain’s water running southwards to waste. This course of action to maximise the supply of water from Table Mountain to the city, extended over a period of more than seven decades and included the construction of dams, tunnels and pipelines. Towards the end of the nineteenth century and at the beginning of the twentieth century, two dams were built in the Disa Stream to the east of Kasteels Poort’s upper end. The construction work on the Woodhead Dam commenced in 1892 and continued until 1897. Building operations on the Hely-Hutchinson Dam started shortly after the completion of the Woodhead Dam and was concluded in 1904. The dam builders were settled as a community in the vicinity of the construction sites. The housing comprised permanent as well as temporary structures. The dwellings did not form a unit, but were scattered in the proximity of the construction terrains. The majority of the structures were demolished after the completion of the work. Only four dwellings still exist today. A feature of the accommodation was the separate housing for the white and black workers. The dam builders’ backgrounds were very diverse. Some of them were highly skilled artisans from Britain whereas the majority of the untrained labourers were black people from the Eastern Cape. Also included in the work force, were people from Cape Town and environs. The number of workers on the mountain varied to a high degree. The largest number at any stage totaled 470. Information on the mountain dwellers’ material culture, for example their clothing, foodstuffs and compensation, and spiritual life, for example religion, communication and leisure-time activities, is analysed in this study. Fragments of the dam builders’ cultural heritage is preserved in the Waterworks Museum next to the wall of the Hely-Hutchinson Dam. The exhibition of implements and equipment is disorganised and neglected. The transfer of the museum to another more efficient building in the area is vitally important in order that proper justice can be done to the dam builders who rendered an essential service to Cape Town in difficult circumstances.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tafelberg is een van die wêreld se bekendste natuurbakens. Die berg speel al langer as ‘n halfmiljoen jaar ‘n rol in menslike kultuurbedrywighede. Die water wat vanaf Tafelberg vloei, het in 1652 tot die ontstaan van Kaapstad gelei. In die eerste 240 jaar van die stad se bestaan tot 1891 is alles moontlik gedoen om die water wat aan die noordekant teen die berg afvloei, ten beste te benut. In 1891 is begin om ook die berg se water wat onbenut suidwaarts vloei vir die stad se gebruik aan te wend. Dié proses om Tafelberg se water maksimaal tot die beskikking van die stad te stel, het oor ‘n tydperk van meer as sewe dekades gestrek en het die konstruksie van damme, tonnels en pypleidings ingesluit. Twee damme is aan die einde van die negentiende eeu en die begin van die twintigste eeu in die Disastroom ten ooste van die bo-punt van Kasteelspoort gebou. Die bouwerk aan die Woodhead-dam het in 1892 begin en het tot 1897 geduur. Die konstruksie aan die Hely-Hutchinson-dam is net ná die voltooiing van die Woodhead-dam van stapel gestuur en is in 1904 voltooi. Die dambouers is as ‘n gemeenskap in die omgewing van die dambouterreine gevestig. Die akkommodasie het uit stewige en tydelike wonings bestaan. Die wonings het nie ‘n eenheid gevorm nie, maar is verspreid in die nabyheid van die konstruksiewerk opgerig. Die meeste van die geboue is na afhandeling van die bouwerk gesloop en net vier wonings bestaan vandag nog. ‘n Kenmerk van die akkommodasie was dat die blanke en swart werkers apart gehuisves is. Die dambouers se agtergrond was baie uiteenlopend. Sommige van hulle was hoogs geskoolde vakmanne van Brittanje, terwyl die meeste ongeskoolde arbeiders swart mense van die Oos-Kaap was. Die res van die werkspan het uit mense van Kaapstad en die omgewing bestaan. Die getal werkers op die berg het baie gewissel. Die grootste getal werkers wat op een tydstip betrokke was, het 470 beloop. Inligting oor die bergbewoners se materiële kultuur, byvoorbeeld hul kleredrag, lewensmiddele en vergoeding, en geestelike kultuur, onder meer godsdiens, kommunikasie en vryetydsbesteding, word in dié ondersoek ontleed. Fragmente van die dambouers se kulturele nalatenskap word in die Waterwerke Museum by die wal van die Hely-Hutchinson-dam bewaar. Dié uitstalling van implemente en toerusting is baie ongeorden en verwaarloos. Dit is noodsaaklik dat die museum na ‘n doeltreffender gebou in die omgewing skuif sodat behoorlik eer betoon kan word aan die mense wat in moeilike omstandighede ‘n onontbeerlike diens aan Kaapstad gelewer het.
Balabani, Stavroula. "An experimental investigation of the crossflow over tube bundles." Thesis, King's College London (University of London), 1996. https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/an-experimental-investigation-of-the-crossflow-over-tube-bundles(27c20ab8-798a-4a07-b1cd-b31fbd77578e).html.
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