Дисертації з теми "Guerrière"
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Zacaïr, Philippe. "Antonio Maceo Grajales (1845-1896) : biographie guerrière et politique." Paris 3, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA030134.
Повний текст джерелаDessart, Laurent. "Les Pachtounes : économie et culture d'une aristocratie guerrière (Afghanistan-Pakistan)." Paris, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000MNHN0024.
Повний текст джерелаNerich, Laurent. "Les New Zealand Wars : la culture guerrière maorie face à l’impérialisme britannique." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2020. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/ulprive/DDOC_T_2020_0248_NERICH.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаThe New Zealand Wars are the conflicts in which British fought Maori tribes for the control of New Zealand in the XIXth Century. Their origin can be traced back to the divergent interpretation of the Treaty of Waitangi, signed in 1840 with most prominent Maori chiefs. This treaty is in fact a taking of control of New Zealand by the United Kingdom. From the « Wairau Incident » in 1843 to the surrender of chief Te Kooti in 1872, these conflicts were fought almost exclusively in New Zealand’s North Island. One of the longest crises of the Victorian era, these conflicts were also the first open conflict between Europeans and a Polynesian people, and the only one with such a large scale. In this regard, these conflicts are meaningful because both sides had to implement deep changes in their strategy. Capitalizing on their warrior culture and the experience acquired during the intertribal wars of the beginning of XIXth Century, Maori adapted outstandingly. For example, the pa (Maori traditional fortifications) changed drastically and became the center of Maori strategy. As for British, they had to adapt the tactical procedures used in other colonial conflicts while using the might of their empire to prevail. This research focuses in particular on mutual adaptation processes in colonial conflicts and their legacy, since pa heralded trench warfare and dug out shelters
Oulés, Marie. "La guerrière dans l'estampe japonaise aux époques Edo et Meiji (1603 - 1912)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024SORUL118.
Повний текст джерелаFrom the beginning of the Edo period, the printmaking technique experienced a tremendous rise thanks to the development of the publishing industry. Artists experimented with this medium and multiplied their subjects, ranging from everyday life to classical literature and theatre, all of which came from what the population called ‘the floating world', or ukiyo. Among this great diversity of themes, one particular subject stands out, inspired by Japanese legends and history: prints of warriors. And among all these historical figures are those of women warriors, characters who are little studied yet abundantly represented.Print artists put a great deal of emphasis on depicting these women, whose lives combine historical veracity with legendary elements, adding to the keen interest shown in them by the Japanese population despite their lesser popularity compared with portraits of beauties and actors. It was thanks in no small part to the work of artists that the warrior woman aroused an immutable craze during the Edo and Meiji eras. Experimenting with the art of wood engraving, artists composed grandiose scenes in which female warriors were at the centre of the action. The main characters in exploits celebrated in both oral and written traditions, women warriors were depicted in all their glory in portraits, battle scenes and illustrations for books.Despite radical political change and extensive modernisation, the Meiji era and, above all, its artists continued to pay tribute to these warrior women through prints, despite strong competition from lithography and photography. Mixing Japanese traditions with Western techniques, these artists produced images of female warriors that were unprecedented, combining the heritage of the ukiyo-e schools with artistic models imported from abroad.The enduring nature of the subject of the female warrior and her depiction was underpinned by the constant enthusiasm of the public and print lovers for this multi-faceted female figure. Alternately wife, concubine, mother, aunt, empress, noblewoman or commoner, the female warrior is above all a woman in combat whose exploits still resonate today. The Japanese population of the Edo and Meiji eras saw them and their lives, like those of warriors, as models of virtues such as courage, loyalty and wisdom. Whatever their gender, rank in society or the era in which they lived, women warriors are illustrious historical figures whose representation in the Edo and Meiji eras testifies to their celebrity and the esteem in which they are held by the Japanese people
Rabinovich, Alejandro Martin. "La société guerrière : pratiques, discours et valeurs militaires au Rio de la Plata, 1806-1852." Paris, EHESS, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010EHES0155.
Повний текст джерелаAfter the legitimacy crisis opened by Ferdinand VII's capture was raged for more than half a century over the vas territory of Rio de la Plata. During this period, the local people was placed war at the very center of social life, which lead the alarming levels of military mobilization and eventually the terminal collapse of the central State. This dissertation raises questions about the social conditions of this total and protacted state of war. It first analyzes the transformation of social values, behavorial patterns, and institutional forms. Then it recreates the military practices that sustained the war effort decades via massively coercive recruiting systems, guerrilla tactics and a combat order that mimicked the rural population's way of life. Proper identification of the social mechanics that characterize this newly established "warrior society" proves a crucial fact : its constitutive elements were as much a consequence as a cause of the state of war
Alaperrine-Bouyer, Monique. "La vierge et la guerrière : rencontre de deux imaginaires dans le Pérou des XVIe et XVIIe siècles." Bordeaux 3, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994BOR30001.
Повний текст джерелаThe theme of this thesis is the study of the two essential antagonistic female figures of christian imagination which are the virgin mary and the amazons as they were envisaged at the time of the conquest, and see how they corresponded the female figures of the indigenous imagination in the xvith and xviith centuries. The amazon, the woman of the discovery and imprecise frontiers was a myth still very much alive for the men of orellana's expedition - a comparative study of the two manuscripts of the expedition will be found in the second part of the thesis - , and for the jesuit missionaries in the xviith century. This myth came into contact with that of "the country inhabited by women", an indigenous myth of the forest, but for the creole peruvian society as well as for the spaniards, the amazons were merely an allegory. The virgin mary, essential figure of the conquest, becomes more and more a warrior, and her apparition in cuzco where she thwarted the indians victory over the spaniards becomes a foundation myth of colonial order in the xviith century. The importance of the immaculate conception underlines the political role of the virgin mary in peru, just as the spanish crown sees her army's decline in europe. 51the indians subjected to evangelisation and victims of the policy of extirping idolatry, found comfort with her, but a way of resistance too
Holder, Gilles. "Le système politique Sama : parcours et relations d'une société guerrière dans la boucle du Niger : analyse comparative." Paris 10, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA100009.
Повний текст джерелаWeissgerber, Eric. "Grevouse est la guere e dure l'endurer : Violence guerrière et narration de la Guerre en Angleterre, 1296-1485." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005STR20002.
Повний текст джерелаWar is a cultural phenomenon whose only redundant character is violence: its representation is a strong disclosure of human nature. Wars and battles exist only through their accounts. Omnipresent in medieval primary sources regarding England, they were perceived as fundamental elements of life by their contemporaries. While complying with specific stylistic requirements, the chronicles' narrative framework from the late 13th to the 15th century stands out as a coalescence of feats of arms, ethos or cultural ascendancy, martial knowledge and personal opinions. The peculiarity of the reporting of war in the Middle Ages relies on this symbiosis. Its representations stress the importance of those who fight: they are able to stimulate the collective memory or fascinate by the use of ideology or example, and follow a defined path. Nevertheless, this vision of war isn't necessarily precise nor unanimous. Skill and variable recourse to narrative impressionism create a relation dominated by human limits. A brutal clash of arms, which is part of the order of the world, defines battle and is sometimes used to represent annihilation. However, ambivalence towards warlike behaviors, rather than organized criticism, balances the idea of a monolithic martial mentality during the Middle Ages. Chronicles are indeed mainly full of praises when reporting feats of arms and powess. They construct a selective and mastered sequence of action based on a selective timescale, but they remain sensitive to a traumatism acquired by experience or fantasy. These representations also benefit from strong religious and literary references. A reflection on war and its violence ensues, acknowledging or proscribing their punctual practice. The account of violent action, despite its overall epic tone, finds its unity in these ambivalent arguments, rather than in a synoptic and commonplace tale of warlike and chivalric behaviors
Fathally, Jabeur. "Les principes du droit international musulman et la protection des populations civiles en cas de conflits armés : de la binarité guerrière au Droit de Genève. Histoire d’une convergence." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/20696.
Повний текст джерелаAlbertim, Alcione Lucena de. "A excelência guerreira do herói clássico." Universidade Federal da Paraíba, 2012. http://tede.biblioteca.ufpb.br:8080/handle/tede/6241.
Повний текст джерелаCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
La proposition de ce travail est d analyser l excellence guerrière du héros classique, qui concerne à « areté » dans le monde grec, et à « virtus » dans le monde latin. Le corpus à rechercher est l Éneide, de Virgile, cependant, nous ferrons une étude préliminaire sur le héros classique, en traçant son profil et en analysant les caractéristiques qui le composent. À cette fin, nous établirons une étude comparative à propos du processus de formation de celui que nous considérons le premier héros, Zeus, ainsi comme d autres grands héros, à savoir, Héraclès, Achille et Énée, afin d identifier les similitudes et les différences dans les étapes constitutives de ce processus de formation. Outre l Éneide, nous prendrons aussi comme base pour cette étude l Iliade, Le bouclier d'Héraclès, Théogonie et Les Travaux et les Jours. Nous verrons que « areté » et « virtus » expriment une valeur semblable, l excellence guerrière du héros, pourtant elles se configurent de façon différente. Nous montrerons, à partir de l analyse étymologique des mots, que les deux valeurs parcourent des chemins distincts pour arriver au sens guerrier qui leur est attribuée. Après cette discussion, nous procéderons à l étude la plus précise du corpus proposé, en analysant la « virtus » d Énée à partir de la structure binaire du poème proposé pour nous, qui a dans le VIe livre sa ligne de démarcation, où se produit la « katábasis » du héros, qui nous considérons sa « belle mort » symbolique.
A proposta do presente trabalho é analisar a excelência guerreira do herói clássico, que concerne a areté, no mundo grego, e a virtus, no mundo latino. O corpus a ser pesquisado é a Eneida, de Virgílio, no entanto, faremos um estudo prévio acerca do herói clássico, delineando o seu perfil e analisando as características que o compõem. Para isso, estabeleceremos um estudo comparativo acerca do processo de formação daquele que consideramos o primeiro herói, Zeus, e de outros grandes heróis, a saber, Heraclés, Aquiles e Eneias, de modo a identificar as semelhanças e as diferenças nas etapas constitutivas desse processo de formação. Tomaremos como subsídio para esse estudo, além da Eneida, a Ilíada, O escudo de Heraclés, a Teogonia, e Trabalhos e Dias. Veremos que a areté e a virtus exprimem valor semelhante, a excelência guerreira do herói, porém, configuram-se de maneira diferente. Mostraremos, a partir da análise etimológica dos vocábulos, que os dois valores percorrem caminhos distintos até chegar ao sentido guerreiro que lhes é atribuído. Após essa discussão, seguiremos ao estudo mais detido do corpus proposto, analisando a virtus de Eneias a partir da estrutura binária do poema por nós proposta, que tem no Livro VI a sua linha divisória, onde ocorre a katábasis do herói, que consideramos ser a sua 'bela morte' simbólica.
Vaquero-Nourrisson, Élodie. "Le factuel et le fictionnel dans "Ardor guerrero", "Sefarad" et "Ventanas de Manhattan" d'Antonio Muñoz Molina." Phd thesis, Université Toulouse le Mirail - Toulouse II, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00793006.
Повний текст джерелаToro, cardona Angelica. "Femmes de guerre et guerre de femmes." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020REN20026.
Повний текст джерелаThe relationship between psychoanalysis and femininity has always been tormented : often blamed for its phallocentrism ; psychoanalysis, on the other hand, would blame women for not revealing their mystery. This thesis examines the relationship between the Freudian apparatus and femininity, and this with a specific goal, to highlight the active and even combative nature of women in Freudian thought ; but also the fact that psychoanalysis has never resigned from facing the incredible challenge represented by the meeting with the feminine soul. Aggressiveness being in the center of his becoming as a gendered being, the Freudian woman maintains a close relationship between death drive and acting out. This proximity as well as the women’s question in Lancanian theory helps us to establish our hypothesis in which acting out may constitute an expression of the woman’s being. What comes out of it is a clinical approach of the acting out in the feminine, involving two major issues for psychoanalysis : First femininity conceived as a style which is inscribed in the heart of the psychic structure, through more or less particular acting out ; secondly a study of the inner logic of the act, involving a distinction between the basic structure of the act and the clinical structure of the subject. That allows us to combine the question of the psychosexual position of the subject and the one of the psychic structures. In the third part of our thesis, we illustrate that point by clinical vignettes about women in the setting of Colombian armed conflict. The figure of warrior woman is thus expanded to feminine clinic as such
Glamočak, Marina. "La transition guerrière yougoslave /." Paris ; Budapest ; Torino : l'Harmattan, 2002. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb38835232v.
Повний текст джерелаLafargue, Philippe. "Cléon : le guerrier d'Athéna." Bordeaux 3, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009BOR30062.
Повний текст джерелаCette étude porte sur le démagogue Cléon qui a occupé le devant de la scène politique athénienne après la mort de Périclès, durant les premières années de la Guerre du Péloponnèse (entre 429 et 422 av. J. -C. ). Autour de ce « nouveau politicien » - pour reprendre une formule qui s’est largement imposée depuis les années 1970 et qu’il convient de discuter désormais - qui n’appartiendrait pas aux cercles traditionnels - l’aristocratie - dont étaient issus la plupart des hommes politiques du V° siècle, s’est constituée une véritable « légende noire » qui a traversé les siècles : les sources contemporaines, comme Thucydide ou Aristophane, mais aussi les auteurs plus tardifs, l’ont volontiers présenté comme un personnage vulgaire, vénal et corrompu, un démagogue flattant habilement le peuple, le partisan d’un impérialisme démesuré et de la guerre à outrance. Le présent travail se propose de réévaluer l’œuvre politique de Cléon, notamment au regard de celle de son illustre prédécesseur – Périclès – dont elle ne diffère guère : maintien de l’empire (et non extension), consolidation des acquis démocratiques mis en place durant la période précédente (et non « radicalisation » politique), poursuite de la guerre en restant fidèle à la stratégie et aux objectifs définis par Périclès (et non bellicisme exacerbé). L’abandon de tout parti pris idéologique ou moral, souvent induit par les sources anciennes, autant que la restitution du contexte particulier d’Athènes à la fin du V° siècle avant J. -C. , engagée dans une guerre terrible pour préserver son intégrité impériale et démocratique, permettent d’envisager une figure historique moins sombre que celle que la tradition nous a léguée
Bianchi, Denise <1995>. "Più simile a un guerriero che un guerriero - La spada nella cultura e nell'arte giapponese." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/17414.
Повний текст джерелаDe, Marchi Lorenzo <1996>. "ANGLOSASSONI - Una stirpe di re guerrieri." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/17668.
Повний текст джерелаSTERNBERGER, JEAN PIERRE. "Aspects culturels de la fonction guerriere dans la bible hebraique." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998STR20031.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis reopens the pregnant question of the + holly war ; in the hebrew bible - through the study of four paired textes according to possible similarities when they relates the same or identical events : 2 kings chapter 3 and the stele of mesha, 2 samuel, chapter 20 and a letter from the royal archives of mari (a. R. M. Ii, 48). Each text is first investigated according to an history of the writting then to a structural study (rhetoric processes) and at last to a semiotic point of view. This studies set off that the stele of mesha illustrates the conception of the history impressed by the pattern of the come back of the god kamosh and a concept of times and space deeply dependant on a theology of the national god. The old version (preexilic) of 2 k 3 seems to depend on similaries approaches. Yhwh does not occur within a + holly war ; led by the prophet et performed by the people, except until the boarder of moab. After this threshold, the war is secular again. The letter arm ii, 48 allows to understand the ancient account of 2 sa 20 as the denunciation of the violence of a central power refusing to negociate the pay of auxiliaries troops. The insertion of the discurse of a woman from abel beth maaka turns this old narration into an apology of the compromise between the central power and power of the cities. The present version of this account may be a part of an initiatic epic of the warrior joab closed to the murder of the representative of the second function in the indoeuropean epics according to g. Dumezil analysis
Dabila, Antony. "L'affrontement guerrier. Une étude sociologique comparée." Thesis, Paris 4, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA040132/document.
Повний текст джерелаWar is twice a social process. On the one hand, the efficiency of the inner workings of each group involved defines what can be called, by extending a common sense word, the "strength" of an army. On the other hand, struggle and confrontation follow a social logic, the agon and violent opposition one, to achieving political goals. If the first aspect has been extensively treated by contemporary sociology, the second has not received the attention it deserved. According to the fundamental hypothesis that we unwind in this work, the opposition of forces created upstream by belligerent groups is not a mechanical opposition, as the opposition of two natural forces. To understand the military confrontation, we must add the logic of ruse (or artifice) to the logic of strength. Based on the division of the military activity as a triple dichotomy (Offensive/Defensive, Strategy/Tactic, Direct Approach/Indirect Approach), this work aims to establish a grammar of military action, detached from all political and diplomatic considerations. Its purpose is to understand what are the real ends of the military confrontation, ends for which the policy must build the means of its power
Vaquero-Nourrisson, Élodie. "Le factuel et le fictionnel dans "Ardor guerrero", "Sefarad" et "Ventanas de Manhattan" d'Antonio Muñoz Molina." Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012TOU20121/document.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis aims to examine the relationships between the factual and the fictional in "Warrior’s Rage", "Sepharad" and "Windows on Manhattan" by Antonio Muñoz Molina. Indeed, if these works are presented respectively as three modalities of factual writing, that is to say memories, testimonies and a travelogue, they can’t nevertheless be free of fictionality. Hybridization of facts and fiction in this corpus is not only inevitable but also meaningful in that it allows approaching on the one hand the author's personal vision of the world and on the other hand the stories of the Other in all its truth and intimacy
Esta tesis tiene como objetivo examinar las relaciones entre lo fáctico y lo ficticio en "Ardor guerrero", "Sefarad" y "Ventanas de Manhattan" de Antonio Muñoz Molina. De hecho, si estas obras se presentan respectivamente como tres modalidades de escritura fáctica, o sea como las memorias militares del autor, unos testimonios de perseguidos y un relato de viaje por Nueva York, no pueden sin embargo estar libres de ficcionalidad. La hibridación de los hechos y de la ficción en este corpus no sólo es inevitable, sino que permite también acercarse por un lado a la visión personal del autor sobre el mundo y por otro lado a las historias de los demás en toda su verdad y su intimidad
Jingand, Florian. "Guillaume et Rainouart : figures du guerrier démesuré." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014MON30013/document.
Повний текст джерела« Rainouart au tinel » and « Guillaume d'Orange » are figures, in their chanson de geste, ofexcessive warriors : supports of the monarchy, defenders of France, they are also troublemakers,each in their own way. Between epic and comic, paganism and Christianity, monstrosity andotherness, Guillaume and Rainouart draw both on a panel historical, literary and mythological.Burlesque and carnivalesque, Rainouart creates debate: based on extremes paradoxes, it is at oncepowerful knight and giant Saracen, turbulent monk and wacky cook. But the archetype on whichthis character is built is not exclusively medieval, and make considerable overlap with Dumezil'stheories, but also an expansion of these theories, as a bear, a kolbitr, but also a wild warrior
Regan, Dawn E. A. "La formazione della figura della donna guerriera rinascimentale." Thesis, McGill University, 1995. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=22625.
Повний текст джерелаSoubrier, Stéphanie. ""Races guerrières" : armée, science et politique dans l'empire colonial français (années 1850-1918)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 1, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019PA01H096.
Повний текст джерелаTheorized in 1910 by general Charles Mangin, who advocated the recruitment of a Force noire in French West Africa, the races guerrières category was used in France, between the 1850s and the end of the First World War, to designate colonized groups deemed especially warlike and prone to military service. This dissertation traces the emergence of this unique military and ethnographic category, during the second part of the XIXth century. It studies the ways in which it was put into practice, its imperial and transimperial circulations, as well as the role played by the races guerrières themselves in the construction of the category. Military archives, among which Mangin’s files, colonial officers and soldiers’ writings, and a selection of scientific sources offer insights into the internal definition of races guerrières, and its connection with races non guerrières. Although colonial officers and the military presented it as a recruitment tool, the races guerrières category was very unstable and was never used as a precise guide to select indigenous recruits. However, it gave birth to the ambiguous figure of the native soldier, both reassuring and threatening. The experience of the First World War, during which the category was first put to the test on European ground, offered both a confirmation and a refutation
Girotto, Elisa <1982>. "Il dominio della violenza: la regalità guerriera in Mesopotamia." Doctoral thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/4630.
Повний текст джерелаThis study deals with the representation of war and warrior figures (gods, heroes, kings) in Mesopotamian iconographic and textual sources from the second half of the 4th millennium to the first half of the 1st millennium BC. Chapter I is dedicated to the history of the studies on war and kingship in Mesopotamia and to the presentation of the methodology used in this research. Chapter II is devoted to the most important Mesopotamian warrior gods, heroes, and kings. In Chapter III the documentation is historically contestualised, with a special attention to the Late Chalcolitic, Protodynastic, Akkadian and Neo-assyrian periods, which appear to have been especially creative phases as far as the elaboration of “war imagery” is concerned. The remaining chapters are devoted to the analysis of the images used for the representation of the moment before the battle (Chapter IV), the conflict (Chapter V), and the triumph (Chapter VI). A detailed description of all iconographic documents used in the analysis is contained in the attached catalogue, while only the elements connected to the individual iconographic themes analysed in each chapter are discussed in the text. Selected textual sources are only mentioned in the text. Chapter VII offers a summary of the study and some final considerations. It is suggested that the precise correspondences in the way the king, supernatural heroes, and warrior gods were represented mirror the “cosmovision” of ancient Near Eastern cultures, according to which “war” (i.e. the conflict between opposite elements), often visualised as a storm, represents the driving force of life, and violence against the evil enemy was necessary in order to restore order, justice and wealth. As a consequence, the resulting imagery reflects a traditional code of expression (hence the persistence of some of these images over the centuries and millennia), while having had, at the same time, propagandistic and/or “magical” functions as well.
Mele, Eugenio <1997>. "Invictus. L’evoluzione della figura del guerriero tra antichità e modernità." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/20259.
Повний текст джерелаLabelle, Galichet Marie-Louise. "Le guerrier Maasai : histoire d'un mythe, récit d'une rencontre." Paris, EHESS, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996EHES0098.
Повний текст джерелаFrom local governments. Having stayed in maasai land to undertake a study about traditional ornaments of maasai men and women, the author discuss the mechanisms of the ethnographic field research, while questioning the choice of her research topic, as being part of the exotic imagery. However, the author soon realizes that the question of personal appearance, as vain as it seems, leads her at the heart of the question of identity, presently experienced by maasai youngsters having reached the age of initiation : caught between the logic of modernity and national unification and the traditional wisdom of their elders, they suffer a low self-esteem and a feeling a guiltiness. The author, having shared the daily life of a traditional maasai village for initiates, is even more involved in the fight between "tradition" and "modernity", which she discovers later is an artificial opposition created by the first european missionaries in east africa. Later on, the ban by the kenyan government of the traditional initiation of morans, which the author witnesses closely, proves that this opposition, linked to the false image of the maasai warrior, helps the dislocation of the maasai society. This work, which mixes and opposes analysis, personal stories, and conversations with maasai elders, women and youngsters, is a metaphor about the boundless power of the western world, and its disastrous effects on a community which has nonetheless always tried to adapt itself to
Latella, Cecilia. "“Giovane donna in mezzo ’l campo apparse”. Figure di donne guerriere nella tradizione letteraria occidentale." Tesi di dottorato, Tours, 2009. http://opar.unior.it/34/.
Повний текст джерелаFrom Camilla to Bradamante, from Marfisa to Clorinda, women warriors are fixed characters in epic, chivalric poems and romances. Described from ancient times, they re-emerge in French epic of XII cent. before being integrated by XV cent. Italian poems, where they will know the height of their glory during the Renaissance. Imitations and rewritings of those poems are responsible for the great European diffusion of characters of woman warrior. After an introductory chapter about classical epic, the historical and geographical area of my thesis concentrate on Italian, French, English and Spanish texts dating from Middle Ages to early XVII cent. My research study the notable stages of this intertextual literary filiation and the changing significance of women warriors in the system of power between male and female characters
Da Camilla a Bradamante, da Marfisa a Clorinda, le donne guerriere costituiscono dei personaggi fissi dell’epica, dei poemi e dei romanzi cavallereschi. Presenti dall’età classica, esse riemergono nell’epica francese del XII secolo per poi inserirsi definitivamente nella poesia italiana del Quattrocento, conoscendo infine il loro apogeo nei grandi poemi cavallereschi del Rinascimento. Le imitazioni e le riscritture di tali poemi diffondono questi personaggi in tutta Europa. Dopo un primo capitolo dedicato all’epica classica, lo spazio storico-geografico della nostra tesi è formato da testi italiani, francesi, spagnoli e inglesi che vanno dal Medioevo agli inizi del Seicento. Il nostro studio analizza le fasi fondamentali di tale filiazione letteraria intertestuale e il cambiamento del significato delle guerriere nel sistema di rapporti di potere tra personaggi maschili e femminili
Latella, Cecilia. "« Giovane donna in Mezzo 'l campo apparse ». Figure Di Donne guerriere nella tradizione letteraria occidentale." Thesis, Tours, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009TOUR2003/document.
Повний текст джерелаFrom Camilla to Bradamante, from Marfisa to Clorinda, women warriors are fixed characters in epic, chivalric poems and romances. Described from ancient times, they re-emerge in French epic of XII cent. before being integrated by XV cent. Italian poems, where they will know the height of their glory during the Renaissance. Imitations and rewritings of those poems are responsible for the great European diffusion of characters of woman warrior. After an introductory chapter about classical epic, the historical and geographical area of my thesis concentrate on Italian, French, English and Spanish texts dating from Middle Ages to early XVII cent. My research study the notable stages of this intertextual literary filiation and the changing significance of women warriors in the system of power between male and female characters
Da Camilla a Bradamante, da Marfisa a Clorinda, le donne guerriere costituiscono dei personaggi fissi dell’epica, dei poemi e dei romanzi cavallereschi. Presenti dall’età classica, esse riemergono nell’epica francese del XII secolo per poi inserirsi definitivamente nella poesia italiana del Quattrocento, conoscendo infine il loro apogeo nei grandi poemi cavallereschi del Rinascimento. Le imitazioni e le riscritture di tali poemi diffondono questi personaggi in tutta Europa. Dopo un primo capitolo dedicato all’epica classica, lo spazio storico-geografico della nostra tesi è formato da testi italiani, francesi, spagnoli e inglesi che vanno dal Medioevo agli inizi del Seicento. Il nostro studio analizza le fasi fondamentali di tale filiazione letteraria intertestuale e il cambiamento del significato delle guerriere nel sistema di rapporti di potere tra personaggi maschili e femminili
Sciancalepore, Antonella. "Aspetti del teriomorfismo guerriero nella letteratura francese medievale (XII-XIII secolo)." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/1842/21710.
Повний текст джерелаTuttavia anche qui la relazione con il modello animale non era priva di ambiguità: l’aggressività del predatore, la sua sessualità irregolare, il suo comportamento asociale o addirittura antisociale, erano ammirati dai giovani cavalieri ma allo stesso tempo disapprovati dal loro ambiente sociale e dall’ideologia cavalleresca (Galloni 1993: 35-40). L’attitudine della classe guerriera medievale nei confronti dell’“animale interiore”, dunque, risulta in una doppia contraddizione: da una parte il generale conflitto di familiarità e paura verso gli animali e il selvatico, dall’altra la contraddizione specifica di ammirazione e condanna del comportamento animale nella costruzione dell’identità guerriera. Questa è la ragione per cui credo che valga la pena investigare più a fondo la rappresentazione dell’identità animale nella classe cavalleresca, e per cui ho scelto di farlo attraverso un approccio ai testi che sia filologico e antropologico assieme.
Mais, Carla <1992>. "Onna bugeisha La donna guerriera tra realtà storica e tradizione inventata." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/14609.
Повний текст джерелаDrici, Faïza. "Armes et guerriers de Kouch : de Kerma à Méroé, de l'objet à la tombe." Thesis, Lille 3, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LIL30018.
Повний текст джерелаKushite warriors were reputed to excel as archers, ancient Egyptians called the region Ta-Seti, “the land of bow”. Kush is the name of a district but also a political entity. As any political unit, the different kingdoms of Kush had a warrior force, which has continuously evolved over the centuries, due also to the series of Egyptian and Kushite occupations of the territory. This study consists of a description and a typological and technical classification of weapons produced and used during the Sudanese antiquity: knives, daggers, swords, battle axes, maces, spears, quivers, bows, arrows, archer braces, archer rings, etc. Adapted to the military context of each period, these weapons are tools of knowledge, witnessing a situation that has evolved based on multiple criteria such as the notion of “chaîne opératoire”, the organization of workshops, the skills of artisans, the technical, stylistic and cultural choices and influences, the distinction between imports and local manufacturing, the warriors status, the funerary deposits, and the political and religious symbols attached to it
Spillemaeker, Frédéric. "Valor et Fortuna : autorités guerrières, révolutions et indépendances en Nouvelle-Grenade et au Venezuela (1770-1831)." Thesis, Paris, EHESS, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020EHES0111.
Повний текст джерелаThe Age of Revolutions and Independence Wars in New Grenada and Venezuela (1770-1831) was a time of new politics and new forms of authority. Historiography has usually opposed institutional independence leaders to irregular caudillos. Yet this opposition is worthy of discussion. During the Independences, new men acceded to military command functions and, some of them, to political power. These ascents were made possible by a transformation of societies through war, which shook the power of the elites. These groups had actively participated in the juntas movement in 1808-1810. These assemblies had met in the cities, in the name of King Ferdinand VII, deposed by Napoleon Bonaparte. They were then divided between loyalists and independentists. The civil war began, but soon the cities and the elites no longer played the leading roles. New autonomous warlike authorities arose in the countryside and acquired an unexpected military power. The revolts of the colonial era had already demonstrated the ability of subordinates to challenge the existing powers, but this phenomenon took on a new dimension during the wars of independence. New men appeared, like José Tomás Boves in the great plains (the Llanos) of Venezuela who gathered thousands of men under his command. This phenomenon was not exclusive of one political camp. Some were royalists, like Boves or Agualongo in southern Colombia. Others were patriots, like José Antonio Páez, another man from the Llanos, or Manuel Piar in the province of Guayana. Their warlike authority did not come from an irrational charismatic domination, but from a deep work of logistical, strategic and political organization. This work of organization invites us to nuance the opposition between institutional leaders and guerrillas, because they shared practices. The tendency to empower an autonomous military command crystallized in war juntas, demonstrations of the officers’ power. In addition, the study of conceptions of honor and gender relations allows us to understand the fighting masculinities. Women played a fundamental role in certain areas such as logistics and intelligence. Outside the battlefield, war was also fought in pamphlets and newspapers, that were at times glory machines at the service of certain leaders, and also formidable instruments of delegitimization or stigmatization. At the end of the war, Caesarism imposed itself as the political organization capable of uniting the warlike culture, the constitutional culture, and the will of the elites to establish a new social order
Bourque, Jacques. "Le corps guerrier chez Yukio Mishima : la quête d'une identité virile." Paris 7, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992PA070074.
Повний текст джерелаThe topic of the thesis us centered on yukio mishima's quest of a male identity through his writings, and later through his own military actions. Virility, according to the author, is defined in terms of a combative ethics embodied in the image of the heroic soldier and symbolized by the phallus. As he was lacking the very signifier which constitutes it - in his works he perceives himself as lacking the name-fo-the father which should have transmitted to him the phallus-, y. Mishima attempted to constitute the image of his manliness through his novels. But he failed in his attempt and thereafter turned toward military action, defined accordingly as the only means for man to acquire his identity. The author grasped the notion of virility in purely imaginary terms, i. E. Not sympolically through the transmission by the father of the phallus but though his own perception of what it means to be a man. And as he held onto the image of the heroic warrior he emulated the ethics and actions of the romantic character, which brought him to attempt to die courageously as is dictated by militarist ideology. In his writings and through his actions, y. Mishima attempted to sustain the ideal of male virility. By doing so, he exposed the paradoxal rapport of the male subject to language and "jouissance", all the while pinpointing the mythical and fictitious dimension fo man's sexual identity
Beylier, Alexandre. "L' armement et le guerrier en Méditerranée nord-occidentale au remier âge du Fer." Aix-Marseille 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010AIX10114.
Повний текст джерелаCalisti, Sara. "Bushidō. Breve analisi della "via del guerriero" tra cultura popolare e realtà storica." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/16421/.
Повний текст джерелаTouahri, Ouardia. "Paroles de guerriers avant le combat dans l'épopée latine de Naevius à Claudien." Montpellier 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004MON30054.
Повний текст джерелаOur step consisted in searching what the warlike word battle, in the Latin epic, owes, on the one hand, to Homeric tradition, and, on the other hand, to the historiographic one. In Rome, war is realized within the citizenship framework ; for this activity, legal and religious precautions are thus necessary. That's why we can find, in historiography, a rhetoric about the justification befor battle. This rethoric does not exist in the Iliad. In a first part, we are showing that the warlike word before battle, in the Latin epic, for an historical or mythological subject, benefited from that rhetoric about the justification, especially when the poem is about civil war. In a second part, we are showing that the Latin epic poets have given a tragic dimension to war councils and to the preparations for warlike operations. Lastly, in a third part, we are treating of the battlefield exhortation. This speech is the center of a thought about the chief's figure. From Virgil, when foreign war and civil war are mixed, the chiefis not any longer the perfect model that we could find in Naevius' and Ennius' poems. Latin's epic warlike word thus sends us back to the moral tearings raised up, in the Roman consciences, by the warlike violence
Zarpellon, Chiara <1994>. "Il personaggio di Bradamante tra Boiardo e Ariosto. Avventure di una donna guerriero." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/14396.
Повний текст джерелаSamson, Vincent. ""De furore Berserkico" : les guerriers-fauves dans la Scandinavie ancienne : de l'âge de Vendel aux Vikings : VIème-XIème siècle." Lille 3, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008LIL30007.
Повний текст джерелаThe aim of this study is to establish that the tradition of "wild warriors" (French "guerriers-fauves") belonged to the historical reality of old Scandinavian society from the VIth to the XIth century. The term "guerrier-fauve" has been used some seventy years ago by Georges Dumézil to tranlate the old Norske berserkr (plural berserkir). In the medieval literature, this word describes a warrior endowed with an uncommon strength, especially feared for its irrepressible outburste of battle rage (berserksgangr). According to Snorri Sturluson, the behaviour of the berserkir must be related to the mythical powers attributed to the god Okin. The examination of old Norse sources, joined to the evidence of the archaeological materials, leads to link these warlike tradition with the religious beliefs of the ancient Nordic aristocracy. This thesis is dealing with etymological interpretation before investigating carefully the whole spectrum of old Norse sources (skaldic and eddic poetry, sagas, laws). A particular attention has been given to the critical review of Haraldskvœđi ("Song for Harald"), which must be seen as a primary source. These analysis results in an interpretation which differs to some extents from the stereotypical pattern displayed by the Icelandic literature (where berserkir are frequently depicted as outlaws) : even the oldest sagas have been written a long time after the events they are referring to. The early medieval Germanic iconography and the runic inscriptions are both providing a strong support to this conclusion : the tradition of the berserkir is intimately connected with the sacral kingship and the institution of warlord's retinue
Tommasi, Pier Carlo <1990>. "Lo “specchio” del guerriero: L’immagine del bushi ideale riflessa nei precetti di famiglia (kakun)." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/6468.
Повний текст джерелаLo, Piccolo Luana <1992>. "La scultura arcaica in marmo siceliota dal "Kouros di Sombrotidas" al "Guerriero di Agrigento"." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/9136.
Повний текст джерелаRinaldi, Sandrine. "Les hétairoi, compagnons guerriers et amis, images et réalités politiques d'Homère à Alexandre le Grand." Thesis, Paris 10, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA100196/document.
Повний текст джерелаAmongst warriors, the hetairoi are a group of men around a leader, with the main purpose of serving him. In Homeric poems, the hetairos may either be a warrior setting out with his king or chief, or a companion remaining at the oikos and taking care of his property during his absence. In Macedonia, the hetairoi are at once the men forming the Macedonian cavalry and the hegemons forming the king’s staff. The hetairoi fight alongside their leader, confer with him, and share his meals. Some are his close friends, where there are stronger affinities or personal friendship ; age usually accounts for these closer relationships. Thus many of the principal hetairoi of a chief are men of his own age group, and therefore grew up with him.The notion of hetairos refers to values such as courage and loyalty, and therefore to the heroic ideal. Thus, the strength of such a community lies in respect for these values, mutual support, and bonds of friendship but also in social practices such as gift-and-counter-gift exchanges.However, this ideal, when taken to extremes, becomes hybris, excess, and turns the valiant hetairoi into arrogant men, caring no more for their leader, but for themselves. As a result, such hetairoi come to be a danger to the rest of the community, or to the king, who is then compelled to wish for, and sometimes even to contrive their death
Crouzet, Denis Richet Denis Chaunu Pierre. "Les guerriers de Dieu : la violence au temps des troubles de religion, vers 1525-vers 1610 /." Seyssel : Champ Vallon, 2005. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb40056676v.
Повний текст джерелаBräuning, Andrea. "Untersuchungen zur Darstellung und Ausstattung des Kriegers im Grabbrauch Griechenlands zwischen dem 10. und 8. Jahrhundert v. Chr. /." Espelkamp : M. Leidorf, 1995. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb39277847z.
Повний текст джерелаTommasi, Pier Carlo <1990>. "Tracciare la via, contendere il potere : verso una ermeneutica del soggetto guerriero nel Giappone di epoca Sengoku." Doctoral thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/15581.
Повний текст джерелаAzzolini, Mauro. "Una gioiosa baldanza: immagini, modelli e lessico della giovinezza guerriera nelle letterature galloromanze dei secc. XI-XIII." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11577/3425875.
Повний текст джерелаIl presente lavoro si configura come uno studio sul particolare statuto attribuito alla giovinezza dalle letterature galloromanze dei secc. XI-XIII. Le immagini collegate a que-sta età della vità tanto nei testi antico-francesi quanto in quelli provenzali sono, infatti, riconducibili all’archetipo della giovinezza guerriera e ad una sua rifunzionalizzazione in epoca feudale. Dopo un’introduzione dedicata alla ricostruzione del dibattito storico-critico sulla questione la tesi si articola in tre capitoli: il primo è dedicato all’indagine sul lessico riguardante i giovani; nel secondo vengono analizzate le più interessanti ma-nifestazioni letterarie del rapporto tra giovane e funzione guerriera; il terzo, infine, è de-dicato alla relazione tra racconto giovanile e strutture narrative e ad un tentativo di in-terpretazione complessiva del fenomeno.
Tranchant, Bruno. "L'Image du guerrier celte dans l'érudition française de 1805 à 1914 : ses répercussions littéraires et iconographiques." Paris, EHESS, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992EHES0074.
Повний текст джерелаThe 19th century shows us a political image of celtic warrior. During this period, french literary men and historians always try to justify a particular nationalist feeling. Many texts, iconographies and poetries try to explain our specific tradition, troughout the ancient french warriors habits. This pratice will often be the fact of republicans intellectuals. They'll try to build an archetypal image wich is totaly different than catholics writings. Gaulois or celtic warrior (difference tend to disappear at the end of the century) are totaly different than francs in there way of life. Also, the celtic society's organisation and it's spirit, especialy during the vercingetorix period, looks like the french one, just after 1789. Many references to the revolution and it's repercussions introduce the republicans school books. In that case, celtic warrior is a revolutionary ; franc warrior is his eternal opponent. He represents conservatives and catholics ideas, beyond anything else. After 1870, he'll also be our german ennemy. .
Crawford, Glenda S. "A Conductor's Guide to Selected Concerted Madrigals from Madrigals Book 8 (Madrigali Guerrieri et Amorosi) by Claudio Monteverdi." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2011. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin1321367858.
Повний текст джерелаDumais, Nathalie. "De l'armure contrôlante à la découverte du coeur de la guerrière une quête de satisfaction et de transformation /." Thèse, [Rimouski, Québec] : Université du Québec à Rimouski, 2006.
Знайти повний текст джерелаTitre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 26 février 2007). Mémoire présenté à l'Université du Québec à Rimouski comme exigence partielle du programme de maîtrise en étude des pratiques psychosociales. CaQRU CaQRU Bibliogr.: f. 129-135. Paraît aussi en éd. imprimée. CaQRU
Ricard, Jannick. "Représentation du guerrier gaulois à travers les restes osseux découverts dans le sanctuaire de Ribemont-sur-Ancre." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LYO20143/document.
Повний текст джерелаThe Iron Age sanctuary at Ribemont-sur-Ancre (Somme) is interpreted as a place devoted to cult establish after warlike events which took place during 3rd B. C. century. Metallic pieces (weapons, swords, harness fitting), ceramics, faunal remains, and humans bones, remains of the body of more 500 individuals, with an absence of skulls, have been recovered. We identified lot of violence marks on the surface bones: warfare, beheading, defleshing, amputation. The ostéometric analysis highlighted features in physical characteristic of gauls individuals. Examinations of numerous traces allow to put forward hypothesis on the process of war and body remains treatments. The approach and the large corpus at Ribemont-sur-Ancre, allow to put forward new interpretation on the sanctuary organization and about anthropology of war and gaul warriors
Bertaud, Alexandre. "Des guerriers au contact : transferts de technologie et évolutions tactiques en Europe occidentale du IIIème au Ier s. a.C." Thesis, Bordeaux 3, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017BOR30002.
Повний текст джерелаDuring the last centuries BC, late prehistorical societies were struggled against great Mediterranean Powers. With this proximity, some weapon modifications has been seen as a one way exchange: between one people and Rome. We want to study the warfare interactions in Western Europe in a large range of possibility by the analyses of all the warlike artefacts exchanged without focusing on the Mediterranean Powers against the prehistorical peoples. Through this we can understand the warfare interactions mechanisms. Introducing the main cultural groups and discussing the history of weaponry research, we propose to understand the place of the weapon in the late prehistorical societies. Through the trustworthy discovery contexts (around 900), we want to understand the socio-cultural dynamics of each group in relation to warfare behavior. This relation will be seen during the long time to approach the modifications that are strictly from the prehistorical people or that are deliberate conducted by Rome. Through analyses of several weapons (more than 3500), we can highlight the choices of each cultural group and the adoptions. The fighting techniques are essential in the choices to adopt some weapons. This analyses leads us to propose some new ways to think about ancient issues as the roman gladius. We must use several kind of data to apprehend the warfare interaction in Western Europe. These analyses are useful to understand the warlike behavior in the societies and so the mechanics of weapon exchanges. They also permit to realize and relativize the impact of Rome, as in the rapport of the prehistorical societies to warfare, as the fighting techniques in the roman military system
Skoulas, Basile. "La disposition des saints guerriers dans les programmes décoratifs à partir de l'iconoclasme et jusqu'à la chute de Constantinople." Paris 1, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA010604.
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