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Leitwein, Maeva. "Génomique, repeuplement et conservation chez la truite (Salmo trutta) méditerranéenne." Thesis, Montpellier, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017MONTT070/document.
Повний текст джерелаThe brown trout Salmo trutta L. is the most widely distributed salmonid species in Europe. The species presents a high level of phenotypic diversity linked to its complex evolutionary history. An Atlantic hatchery lineage, which has been domesticated for decades, and more recently a domesticated Mediterranean strain, have been largely used for restocking and enhancement of wild Mediterranean populations in southern France, especially for recreational fishing. The impact of restocking practices on brown trout genetic diversity and population genetic structure has been extensively studied with allozyme and microsatellite markers. However, the small number of genetic markers used in these studies did not allow to get a genome-wide representation of introgression. The aim of this thesis was to assess the genome-wide impact of repeated introductions of Atlantic and Mediterranean domesticated strains into wild Mediterranean populations. First, a large number of SNP markers have been developed as well as a high density genetic map for S. trutta. Secondly, the molecular tools previously developed have been used to detect introgressed haplotypes and to provide a detailed picture of introgression frequency patterns across the genome of three wild populations from the Orb drainage. The length distribution of admixture tracts was used to determine the timing of introgression, taking variation in local recombination rate into account. Finally, this study focused on the positive or negative selective forces that modulate the genome-wide landscape of introgression. Our results suggest that the consequences of hybridization on individual fitness have to be considered separately over short and long timescales. This work shows that understanding the evolutionary consequences of stocking practices is of major interest for the conservation and management of natural populations
Boussarie, Germain. "Apports de l’analyse de l’ADN environnemental et de la génomique du paysage pour la conservation des requins de récif." Thesis, Montpellier, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019MONTG014.
Повний текст джерелаSharks represent one of the most diverse groups of predators, playing important functional roles in coastal and oceanic ecosystems. They are also one of the most threatened groups because of their vulnerability to anthropogenic pressures due to their particular life history traits. Shark populations are therefore collapsing with drastic decrease in abundance in all marine ecosystems. Even relatively common species are near- threatened. Despite the deployment of important resources for shark population assessments, 41% of the 482 shark species on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species lack a conservation status due to data deficiency. Improving our knowledge on such species is thus crucial for efficient protection to slow down their decline. More particularly, there is a necessity for a better characterization of presence, structure and connectivity of shark populations to define their conservation status, prioritize spatial management and optimize conservation efforts. This thesis relies on the emergence of new technologies to fill knowledge gaps on tropical coral reef sharks and to suggest conservation measures for better management. First, a method to survey shark communities has been developed during this thesis, based on the collection and sequencing of DNA present in the environment (environmental DNA metabarcoding; eDNA). Then, this method has been compared to exhaustive surveys of reef shark communities with traditional methods. This quick and non-invasive approach detected at least 21 shark species in waters of two distinct biogeographical areas (Caribbean and New Caledonia). Moreover, diversity and abundance patterns of DNA reads match with anthropogenic impact gradients and protected status of the sampled areas. The analysis of 22 eDNA samples detected more species in both remote reefs and impacted areas of the New Caledonian archipelago than 2758 scientific dives conducted during nearly 30 years and 385 baited remote underwater videos deployed over two years. Then, population structure and connectivity of a more common reef shark species, Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos, have been characterized using a seascape genomics approach. This thesis is based on a substantial genetic sampling in the archipelago of New Caledonia but also in several other sites in the Indo-Pacific (515 sharks in total). An isolation-by-resistance approach using circuit theory has been developed to explore what parameters are driving the genetic differentiation of C. amblyrhynchos. Here I show that deep oceanic areas act as strong barriers and proximity to habitat is a facilitator for dispersal. High-resolution modelling of genetic differentiation at the entire distribution range of the species (Indo-Pacific) led to the definition of hierarchical conservation units and a high number of isolated sites. Then, an approach taking into account the decline of abundance in impacted reefs showed an important fragmentation of shark populations and allowed the identification of remote reefs as refuges but also sources through dispersal towards impacted areas, insuring population persistence at a regional scale. This thesis demonstrates the potential of eDNA analysis for unveiling the presence of rare and elusive species such as sharks and for filling knowledge gaps in the conservation status of sharks. It also reveals the persistence of residual populations in impacted areas, that could show behavioral alterations like shifts in habitat use towards deeper waters or increased nocturnality. Finally, this thesis not only describes the population structure of a near-threatened species at high resolution and global scale, but also identifies conservation units and areas of high conservation priority that could help in the near future for the spatialization of marine management at multiple scales
Rutz, Christelle. "Assembly of the giant genome of the noble crayfish and genome evolution of Decapoda." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024STRAJ077.
Повний текст джерелаCrayfish are decapod crustaceans that play a decisive role in freshwater ecosystems, but many European species, particularly the noble crayfish Astacus astacus, are threatened by the crayfish plague. I took on the challenge of assembling the giant A. astacus genome (17 Gb) and obtained a preliminary genome of 21.8 Gb. This first European crayfish genome is one of the largest invertebrate genomes available. I also explored the evolution of decapod genomes. I was able to show the central contribution of repeated elements to the expansion and diversification of decapod genomes. A comparison of proteomes revealed a core-proteome of 7,000 proteins and the diversity of the evolutionary histories of their genes. My work paves the way for the sequencing and comparison of new crayfish genomes to identify markers of resistance to the plague and support strategies for reintroduction and sustainable aquaculture
Muller, Cédric. "Développement d'une méthodologie d'analyse de la conservation de synténie chez les plantes : du génome d'Arabidopsis à celui du Tournesol." Toulouse, INPT, 2005. http://ethesis.inp-toulouse.fr/archive/00000202/.
Повний текст джерелаSinama, Melthide. "Cinétique spatiale et temporelle de zones hybrides : unicité et diversité au sein du modèle Chondrostomes (Teleostei, Cyprinidés), : application pour la conservation d'espèces d'intérêt patrimonial." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013AIXM4726.
Повний текст джерелаIn the Cyprinidae family (Teleostei), Parachondrostoma toxostoma (the sofie) and Chondrostoma nasus (the nase) are respectively endemic and invasive species which are found in sympatry in the south of France. They form two distinct hybrid zones: the Durance River (a highly fragmented environment) and the Ardèche basin (an unfragmented area). The existence of these two different zones allow us to characterize the respective contributions of exogenous selection (environmental factors) and endogenous selection (genomic compatibility) to explain hybridization patterns between the two species.This PhD thesis highlights the complexity of hybridization phenomena. Each situation is highly dependent of the study context. We showed the resistance of the genome of the endemic species to introgression by the genome of the invasive species in some stations. In other cases, we demonstrated more complex scenarios of admixture that evolve over time. The evolutionary potential generated by hybridization is undeniable, and we recommend to take the hybridization process into account in management programs and conservation of biodiversity
Pérez, Rico Yuvia Alhelí. "Zebrafish as a model to determine conserved gene regulatory mechanisms in vertebrates". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2018. https://accesdistant.sorbonne-universite.fr/login?url=https://theses-intra.sorbonne-universite.fr/2018SORUS535.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаSuper-enhancers and CTCF are considered as central players in the organization of mammalian genomes that directly impact the regulation of gene expression. Here, to gain insight into their functional conservation, analyses of super-enhancers and CTCF in zebrafish were performed. Super-enhancers annotated in zebrafish show high cell and tissue specificity, and the main difference identified when compared to mammalian super-enhancers is their distribution relative to transcription start sites. Conservation analyses indicate that super-enhancers do not have higher sequence conservation than typical enhancers. By restricting the analysis to those super-enhancers associated with orthologs, a subset of super-enhancers that have higher sequence conservation than the rest was identified. Comparison of the expression patterns driven by constitutive regions of two of these super-enhancers enabled the identification of regions controlling similar expression patterns in spite of no evident sequence conservation. Analyses of CTCF peaks that overlap promoters indicate a correlation between the abundance of CTCF and gene expression, which could be explained by blockage of nucleosome deposition at those promoters. In summary, these results show evidence of conserved and divergent functions of gene regulators in vertebrates and set a precedent for studies of genome organization in zebrafish
Tzika, Athanasia. "Small steps and grand leaps: a study of micro- and macroevolutionary processes." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/210546.
Повний текст джерелаPopulation genetics, conservation, and phylogeny inference. The Jamaican boa (Epicrates subflavus) is an endemic species, whose natural populations greatly and constantly declined since the late 19th century, mainly due to predation by introduced species, human persecution, and habitat destruction. Using species-specific nuclear microsatellite loci and mitochondrial sequences, we investigated the population structure of this endangered reptile. All analyses pinpointed to an Eastern versus (Western+Central) pattern of differentiation in agreement with geological data and patterns of differentiation uncovered in other vertebrate and invertebrate Jamaican species. The same molecular markers were employed on 80 Jamaican boas of the European captive breeding program. This approach allowed us to (i) clarify all ambiguities in the studbook, (ii) correct parental allocation errors and (iii) assess the genetic diversity and the level of inbreeding of the current captive population. These results provide important insights for guiding the development of proper ex-situ and in-situ species survival and habitat management plans for this vulnerable snake. In the same framework of classical evolutionary genetics, we performed preliminary analyses of cytochrome b-like sequences in representatives of all cetacean families (but one), and revealed the presence of at least four nuclear mitochondrial pseudogenes that were independently inserted into the nuclear genome.
Evo-Devo. The emergence of Evolutionary Developmental biology has caused a partial shift in the criteria for the selection of model species. Thus far, the main criterion was the relevance of a species for understanding human biology, whereas in the frame of the new discipline, it is the understanding of the generative mechanisms underlying biological diversity that is put forward. We discussed a few criteria and limitations of major relevance to the choice of model species for Evo-Devo studies, and applied a pragmatic approach to identify possible model species within Amniotes.
Moreover, we developed MANTiS, an application pipeline that aims at integrating genomic, functional and expression data with evolutionary concepts, thus constituting the missing link between multi-species genome comparisons and functional analyses. Using MANTiS, we proceeded in the analysis of 35 metazoan full genomes for identifying all lineage-specific gene gains and losses. These results were combined with functional and expression analyses, and we demonstrated the much higher performance of MANTiS against popular databases of ortholog clusters (InParanoid, OrthoMCL, RoundUp).
Finally, preliminary results of our attempt to adapt the new revolutionary technology of DNA sequencing in microfabricated high-density picoliter reactors (developed by 454/Roche) to the ultra-fast sequencing of brain full transcriptomes in multiple reptilian species are highly promising. As an example, the Crocodylus sample generated more than 72 Mbases (per run), which were successfully assembled in approximately 31,000 contigs. One third of the latter could be matched to known sequences in the transcriptome of related species. After fine-tuning of the in silico analyses, and incorporation of genomic sequence data, we expect our approach to provide important insights not only in the evolution of central nervous system novelties in vertebrates, but in transcriptomes in general as the brain transcriptome is one of the most complex among all organs.
Doctorat en Sciences
Dureu, Isabelle. "Cartographie génomique." Montpellier 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993MON11051.
Повний текст джерелаRaharijaona, Mahatsangy. "De la génomique fonctionnelle vers la génomique intégrative de pathologies humaines." Nantes, 2009. https://archive.bu.univ-nantes.fr/pollux/show/show?id=25b4b481-43e1-4f92-972a-91de3442828f.
Повний текст джерелаThe complete human genome sequence has contributed to the expansion of genomics. This field notably describes how a genome is expressed, how some sets of genes and their products work together in biological systems. High-throughput technologies for genome research, like microarrays which were used in this thesis, were set up. This work deals with transcriptomic variations observed in different physiological or pathological conditions. We appreciated the effect of genetic and environmental factors on expression profiles, to detect biomarkers specific to pathological subclasses of lymphoma and thyroid lesions. To understand molecular mechanisms underlying these gene expression modifications, we integrated gradually other genomic data. This included detections of genomic deletions or amplifications using CGH arrays, or the identification of transcription factor binding sites by sequence analysis or by ChIP-chip methodology. With this combined approach, modeling biological networks modeling is then conceivable. It will allow a better understanding of a biological system and to detect more reliable therapeutic targets
Tran, Dien Alicia. "Génomique épidémiologique de Salmonella." Thesis, Paris, Institut agronomique, vétérinaire et forestier de France, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018IAVF0001/document.
Повний текст джерелаOver a century has passed since the discovery of Salmonella and yet, this pathogen still intrigues researchers. Its ability to withstand many antibiotics is of increasing concern. The monitoring of this pathogen is based on a rapid and discriminatory typing to identify the sources of contaminated food as early as possible. The conventional methods are long, heavy and non-automatable. Understanding the emergence and evolution of Salmonella is the key to eradicate this pathogen, which has remained one of the leading causes of foodborne bacterial diarrhea in the world. During the last decades, spectacular progress has been made in the world of microbiology with the arrival of workbench sequencers, passing from a dozen to hundreds of millions of sequences processed. Facilitated access to numerous genome sequences and dedicated tools are mandatory. Tools currently available are not sufficiently discriminating for the subtype of S. enterica serotype Typhimurium, a predominant serotype of Salmonella. Throughout this study, we showed the interest of whole genome sequencing, a multidisciplinary tool, for the genomic study of Salmonella. (1) After sequencing over 300 S. enterica serotype Typhimurium genomes, we have developed an in silico subtyping tool for this serotype, based on the CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) polymorphism. High-throughput microbiological monitoring of salmonellosis has been routinely validated on over 800 genomes. The study of coevolution between the chromosome (SNPs of the core genome) and the two CRISPR regions made it possible to establish a nomenclature defining the different populations of this serotype. (2) Genomic analysis of 280 historical strains of S. enterica serotype Typhimurium showed that plasmids carrying beta-lactamase genes, which confer resistance to ampicillin, were widespread within this serotype in the late 1950s, years before ampicillin was first used for clinical purposes. The presence of penicillin G in the farming environment where these compounds were used as growth promoters, may have led to the selection of the first ampicillin-resistant strains. (3) The phylogenetic study of a genome from the corpse of a young woman who died over 800 years ago, probably due to enteric fever, and 219 historical and recent genomes of the serotypes Paratyphi C, Choleraesuis and Typhisuis have shown, despite the differences in host specificity, that their genomes were very similar over the past 4000 years. Thus, the combination of genotypic and phylogenetic approaches has increased our knowledge of the evolution of this pathogen.Key words: Whole genome sequencing, epidemiological monitoring, CRISPR, SNP, antibiotic resistance, phylogeny, evolution
Vignes, Conquere de Monbrison Frédérique. "Déterminisme génomique et post-génomique de la résistance de Plasmodium falciparum aux antipaludéens." Lyon 1, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003LYO1T005.
Повний текст джерелаFuchs-Gallezot, Magali. "Génomique, post-génomique : enjeux de formation et prise en charge curriculaire pour les SVT." Phd thesis, Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00463153/fr/.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis focuses on the learning content of the French secondary curriculum of a school subject, «life and earth sciences ». The thesis aims, more specifically, to study how genomics and post genomics, and their educational stakes, are taken into account in the «life and earth sciences » syllabuses. Many genomics and post genomics “social practices” have been identified and characterized: scientific research, industrial and agricultural applications, medical applications, citizenship's concerns. We study how these « social practices » have been taken into account by the school subject’s syllabuses on two standpoints: which “social practices” have been selected as a reference for the syllabuses’ learning contents and aims, and how these contents and aims are organised in the syllabuses. The results show that, if genomics and post genomics present scientific research has not been selected, scientific research practices contributing to a better understanding of genomics and post-genomics as well as industrial, agricultural, medical and citizen practices have been chosen as a reference for syllabuses’ contents or aims. The study of the organization of the syllabuses shows specific formulations and coherence, underlining the original character of “life and earth science” as a school subject
Marmiesse, Magali. "Génomique comparative chez les mycobacteries." Paris 6, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA066218.
Повний текст джерелаBertrand, Stéphanie. "Génomique comparative des récepteurs nucléaires." Lyon, École normale supérieure (sciences), 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005ENSL0350.
Повний текст джерелаJaquemet, Gabrielle. "Sélection et génomique de souches naturelles provenant de fromages du Québec. Génomique comparative de Staphylococcus equorum." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/66555.
Повний текст джерелаThe natural microbiota of cheese has often been characterized to study their potential participation in the development of sensorial properties (taste, odour, texture) of the ripened cheeses. A better understanding of their role during cheese ripening is therefore essential in order to have a better control of its quality. Few in-depth genomic analyzes have been carried out on microorganisms of the natural microflora of cheese (non-inoculated microorganisms), while there is a greater interest for inoculated ferments. The genes possessed by bacterial strains of the Quebec terroir can be revealed by the characterization of their complete genome, leading to the prediction of the associated metabolic pathways. This also allows the establishment of the individual contribution of each strain to the production of aromatic compounds. As part of this work, the complete genome of four strains of Staphylococcus equorum were sequenced. Then, a detailed analysis of the genome of these four strains was completed by their assembly and the functional annotation of the ~ 2700 genes predicted in each of the studied strains. Genes potentially implicated in proteolysis, lipolysis and lactose degradation, were found in all S. equorum strains, revealing their potential metabolisms important for cheese. Several interesting attributes of S. equorum were also identified by comparative genomic analyses. First, the relation in between the phylogenetic grouping and the source of isolation of the strains, indicates a possible adaptation of the strains to their ecological niche. The presence of unique or barely shared genes is also a distinguishable characteristic of the studied strains and can have an impact on the metabolisms of the strains. The characterization of the genome of S. equorum strains and the phylogenomic analyzes have provided new information on their role in cheese and clues about their metabolic potential. The genomic data collected will allow during future validations the selection of strains with desirable properties in function of cheese variety to yield cheeses of optimal quality.
Diop, Gora. "Approche génomique du SIDA : étude de la cohorte GRIV et étude génomique des rétrovirus endogènes humains." Paris 6, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA066421.
Повний текст джерелаVillain, Adrien. "Étude génomique des interactions diatomées-bactéries." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018AIXM0202/document.
Повний текст джерелаDiatoms are ubiquitous microalgae that contribute approximately 25% to the primary production worldwide. Many interactions, either positive, neutral or negative, have been documented between diatoms and bacteria. Diatom genomes also harbor numerous genes of putative bacterial origin.We are studying Asterionella formosa, a freshwater pennate diatom. We characterized the community using a combination of omics and laboratory techniques. We reconstructed of the genome of the diatom as well as 30 individual genomes from co-cultured bacterial species and investigated metabolisms that could support diatom-bacteria interactions. 16S rRNA sequencing revealed that the abundance of some bacterial species was highly variable over the course of A. formosa growth. Some species seemed preferentially attached to the diatom while others were mainly free-living. Then, the reference sequence of the A. formosa genome was improved by additional long-read (Pacbio) sequencing. Last, relationships between diatoms and bacteria were investigated at a broader evolutionary scale, by looking at horizontal gene transfers using transcriptomic data of a hundred marine diatoms.This work is a first step in the study of the dynamic and complex bacterial community associated with the diatom A. formosa. The accurate identification and the reconstruction of the genome of these bacteria will enable further in silico predictions based on metabolic networks and new omics experiments using transcriptomic or metabolomic. This work already contributes to a global effort to study diatoms by the means of genomics
Marionneau, Céline. "Génomique fonctionnelle des canaux ioniques cardiaques." Nantes, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005NANT2133.
Повний текст джерелаFunctional genomics of cardiac ion channel genes consist in the study of ion channel gene expression and modulation in relation to various physiological and pathological conditions and its link with cardiac electrical activity. In an initial study, the distribution of ion channel gene expression in different regions of the normal adult mouse heart was evaluated. The regional distribution of transcription factor genes was then completed in the same regions to gain further insight into the molecular mechanisms regulating regional specialization in electrical function. Gene expression adaptation or remodelling as induced by various conditions was also the aim of several investigations. A gene to function study in SCN5A+/- mice first showed the differential expression of two transcription factor genes in relation with the myocardial remodelling associated with the age-related progressive deterioration of ventricular conduction defects. Pharmacogenomic investigations of amiodarone and ivabradine then suggested the ionic remodelling as a possible pharmacological action of drug
Sircoulomb, Fabrice. "Génomique fonctionnelle des cancers du sein." Aix-Marseille 2, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009AIX20726.
Повний текст джерелаHigh Troughput technologies dissect several aspects of cancer. Transcriptomic analyses have defined five breast cancer molecular subtypes. During my phD I analysed two molecular subtypes associated with agressive phénotype and bad prognosis : ERBB2 and Luminal B subtypes. Firstly, I caracterized genomic heterogenity of ERBB2 amplified tumors which is related to estrogen receptor (ER) expression. Integrated genomictranscriptomic analyses identified PVT1 and TRSP1 as candidate oncogenes in ER positive ERBB2 amplified tumors. On the contrary, RE négative tumors express Wnt/ß-catenin related genes, an other interesting therapeutic strategy. Secondly, genomic analyses of Luminal B tumors point 8p12 amplification as the major genomic évents. This amplification target several known putative oncogenes (RCP, ZNF703, PPAPDC1B…). ZNF703 overexpression induced cancer stem cells increase in MCF7 cell line. ZNF703 co-localise with SMRT and PHB-2 in the nucleus. Finally, ZNF703 overexpression reduce RE transcriptionnal activity. These results are concordant with others showing that ZNF703 as un HDAC dependant transcriptionnal répression activity. Thus, HDAC inhibitors could be a interesting therapeutic strategy for luminal B tumors. Together, these studies show importance of combination of several aspect to define potential therapeutic strategy associated with breast cancer molecular subtypes
Faillot, Simon. "Génomique intégrée des tumeurs bénignes corticosurrénaliennes." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017USPCB261/document.
Повний текст джерелаThe adrenal cortex produces steroid hormones, mainly cortisol, aldosterone and androgens. The adrenal cortex can be the site of tumors - adenomas or cancers -, hyperplasias and dysplasias. These lesions are in their great majority benign. They may be associated with hypersecretion of steroid hormone, most commonly cortisol (Cushing's syndrome) or aldosterone. There are also non-secreting tumors. Although molecular classifications have been established for carcinomas, to date there is no genome-wide classification of benign adrenocortical tumors, which could provide information on the mechanisms of autonomic secretion and proliferation of these lesions. Finally, the genetic determinism of dysplasia and hyperplasia is only partially known. During my thesis, I analyzed a complete "omics" dataset of benign adrenocortical lesions for more than a hundred samples, including high-throughput sequencing (exome / targeted for mutations, RNA-seq for microRNA analysis), transcriptome and methylome microarrays, and SNP microarrays for chromosomal alterations. I was able to identify a relatively convergent genome-wide molecular classification between the different "omics", which is consistent with the tumor and secretory types, but also identifies new subgroups within these lesions. In particular, it appears that mutations in these lesions are essential determinants of molecular classification. Thus, the lesions are grouped according to the signaling pathway or the altered gene, in particular the PKA / cAMP pathway for lesions producing cortisol, the Wnt / beta-catenin pathway for adenomas that do not secrete little or no cortisol, and ARMC5 for a subgroup of macronodular hyperplasia. These very distinct groups also contain lesions with no identified mutation, presumably with alternative mechanisms of alteration of these signaling pathways. In the group of ARMC5 mutated macronodular hyperplasia, the comparison with all other benign lesions shows a strong ovarian expression signature, marked by the expression of FOXL2 and its targets CYP19A1 and PTHLH. This mark of specifically gonadal differentiation in the adrenal gland causes a development anomaly to be discussed. This integrated genomic analysis also identifies epigenetic alterations of steroidogenesis. In particular, tumors secreting a lot of cortisol are globally hypermethylated in their CpG islands. In addition, hypermethylation of CYP21A2 is probably a mechanism of intratumoral 21-hydroxylase deficiency. MiRNA signatures also appear to have an impact on steroidogenesis. During my thesis I also analyzed the exome of unmutated macronodular hyperplasia ARMC5. I did not identify a new recurrent somatic mutation. At the level of the germinal exome, I identified several recurrent candidate genes, which open the way for complementary genetic analyzes (cohort extension) and cell biology. This work is the first major genomic characterization of benign lesions of the adrenal cortex. Although not all mechanisms are fully elucidated, these data represent an important resource for guiding future research into benign adrenal tumorigenesis and steroidogenesis
Carat, Solenne. "Génomique intégrative du coactivateur transcriptionnel PRC." Nantes, 2010. https://archive.bu.univ-nantes.fr/pollux/show/show?id=e47e15ea-a685-4ec3-9239-0a8bf6758367.
Повний текст джерелаEmergence over the last few years of high throughput technologies like DNA microarray and more recently next generation sequencing now allows an exhaustive analysis of genome with several regulation levels including expression measure of all cell genes, DNA – transcription factors interactions, and also DNA methylation. It thus becomes indispensable to integrate these different data to be able to understand and then to model all these mechanisms involved in global cell function. This understanding will then enable to apprehend the sources of deregulation involved in many pathologies. The goal of my PhD is to understand the impact of PRC (PGC-1 Related Coactivator) transcriptional coactivator on the coordination of mitochondrial and cellular proliferation, from human tumor cell line XTC. UC1, rich in mitochondria. To do so, PRC and transcription factors ERRa, NRF1, GABP, CREB and YY1 involved in these two processes have been studied with ChIP-chip. Positive genes for these transcription factors are then compared with transcriptome of the same cells under siRNA PRC effects. Integration of these different data of transcriptome and ChIP-chip, coupled with study of motifs discovery, will allow to construct the transcriptional regulatory networks necessary to the understanding of PRC pathways. These networks will make possible the detection of therapeutic targets allowing to correct pathological condition
Wawrzyniak, Ivan, and Ivan Wawrzyniak. "Génomique et post-génomique du parasite intestinal Blastocystis sp. sous-type 7. Evaluation de son pouvoir pathogène." Phd thesis, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00741967.
Повний текст джерелаWawrzyniak, Ivan. "Génomique et post-génomique du parasite intestinal Blastocystis sp. sous-type 7. Evaluation de son pouvoir pathogène." Thesis, Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012CLF22243/document.
Повний текст джерелаBlastocystis spp. is a highly prevalent anaerobic Stramenopile parasite found in the intestinal tract of humans and various animals. This parasite is associated with non specific intestinal disorders, and could be involved in functional disorders such as the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). In this work, the Blastocystis sp. ST7 genome sequencing project was carried out in collaboration with the Génoscope of Evry, the National University of Singapore, the Pasteur Institute of Lille and the University of Provence. This genome consists in a nuclear genome of 18,8 Mpb encoding 6020 genes, and a mitochondria‐like genome of 29 kpb localised in the mitochondrion‐like organelles. The analysis of this genome brings information about the evolution of this micro‐organism, its adaptation to the intestinal environment and its potential virulence factors. Blastocystis sp. ST7 was predicted to harbor several genes coding proteins that could act at the parasite‐host interface, and that are known to be involved in the pathogeny of many protozoa. They are PKS, NRPS, and hydrolases among them proteases. In addition, proteolytic activities were highlighted in the parasite culture supernatants. Two cysteine proteases (a cathepsin B and a legumain) were identified and characterized from the supernatants and could play a role in the physiopathology of the parasite, that confirm our in silico analyses. This work opens new ways to evaluate the impact of this parasite in human health
Jung, Paul. "Réarrangements chromosomiques et génomique fonctionnelle chez la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae : génomique comparative des génomes mitochondriaux des levures hémiascomycètes." Strasbourg, 2010. https://publication-theses.unistra.fr/public/theses_doctorat/2010/JUNG_Paul_2010.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаPoint mutations and gross chromosomal rearrangements (GCRs) such as insertions, duplications or translocations are key parameters of genome evolution. Two approaches have becn used in this study. The first one focused on the impacts of GeRs and fusion genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In our laboratory, a positive selection screen based on a mutated allele of the URA2 gene was used to obtain a set of mutants possessing different GCRs. In ail cases, GCRs are Iinked to the fusion of the ATCase part of URA2 with other genes. During this work, we have first precisely determined the impacts of GCRs and gene fusions on cell function. Main results show that GCRs impair ccli function according to ploidy rather thal1 the kind of rearrangement. Fusion genes can also lead to dysfunctions because functions associated to genes implicated in this fusion can be impaired as it is the case for the ATCase activity. The second approach of this study focused on the analysis of mitochondrial genomes of the osmotolerant yeasts Pichia sorbitophila and Pichia farnosa and their comparison with other mitochondrial sequences of hemiascomyceteous yeasts. This study indicates that P. Sorbitophila and P. Jarinosa are two phylogeneticaUy distant species
Limasset, Antoine. "Nouvelles approches pour l'exploitation des données de séquences génomique haut débit." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017REN1S049/document.
Повний текст джерелаNovel approaches for the exploitation of high throughput sequencing data In this thesis we discuss computational methods to deal with DNA sequences provided by high throughput sequencers. We will mostly focus on the reconstruction of genomes from DNA fragments (genome assembly) and closely related problems. These tasks combine huge amounts of data with combinatorial problems. Various graph structures are used to handle this problem, presenting trade-off between scalability and assembly quality. This thesis introduces several contributions in order to cope with these tasks. First, novel representations of assembly graphs are proposed to allow a better scaling. We also present novel uses of those graphs apart from assembly and we propose tools to use such graphs as references when a fully assembled genome is not available. Finally we show how to use those methods to produce less fragmented assembly while remaining tractable
Tremblay, Denise. "Caractérisation génomique d'un phage de Streptococcus thermophilus." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape7/PQDD_0004/MQ44975.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаThézé, Julien. "Diversification et adaptation génomique des virus entomopathogènes." Thesis, Tours, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013TOUR4006.
Повний текст джерелаAt different timescales, the purpose of my PhD was to understand insect virus evolution through the study of the genomic diversification and adaptation of insect large DNA viruses. Firstly, I was able to estimate the ages of baculovirus and nudivirus diversifications, and to propose a long-term coevolutionary scenario between these viruses and their insect hosts. Then, on a narrower timescale, I showed that insect hosts are the major factor in baculovirus diversification, and surprisingly, I also observed that the virus biotic environment, i.e. insect host plants, plays a central role in their evolution. Secondly, punctual mutations have been linked to the local adaptation of differentiated populations of the baculovirus SeMNPV. Finally, the study of convergent genomic adaptation between entomopoxviruses and baculoviruses highlighted that horizontal gene transfers are an important source of variability for large DNA viruses, for the adaption to the same ecological niches. Genes and mechanisms identified in this PhD work provide new insights to understand how genomes are shaped by ecology
Strubbia, Sofia. "Norovirus et huître : infectiosité et approche génomique." Thesis, Nantes, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019NANT4077.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis is part of the H2020 COMPARE project, which aims to accelerate the detection and decision-making of humans and animals outbreaks through the use of new genomic sequencing tools. My research focused on noroviruses, known as the main agents of human viral gastroenteritis. Their great genetic variability, the recurrence of new recombination and the high resistance in the environment contribute to the regular occurrence of winter gastroenteritis outbreaks. Oysters farmed in contaminated coastal areas may accumulate noroviruses during their filtration activity. The use of new high throughput sequencing techniques and the novel cell culture approach to study norovirus infectivity has enabled us to progress in understanding the mechanisms of survival and dissemination of norovirus strains. Sample preparation (sewage or shellfish), is essential to concentrate and purify noroviruses before applying metagenomic methods. The methods developed and optimized in this thesis for theses matrices, allowed us to characterize complete genomes of norovirus. Having a sensitive method for identifying noroviruses but also other human, emerging or re-emerging, enteric viruses will help in the future to limit their transmission. The use of intestinal stem cells has allowed us to demonstrate, for the first time, the persistence of noroviruses in seawater
Vincent, Antony, and Antony Vincent. "Génomique d'Aeromonas salmonicida et de ses phages." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/30254.
Повний текст джерелаDepuis la découverte de la pénicilline par Sir Alexander Fleming, les antibiotiques ont joué un rôle primordial et incontestable en médecine moderne en aidant à combattre les infections bactériennes. Cependant, les bactéries ont la capacité de se protéger par différents moyens des molécules antibiotiques. La surutilisation de ces molécules a accéléré le phénomène de résistance aux antibiotiques, rendant difficile, voire impossible, le traitement de certaines maladies infectieuses par cette approche. La résistance aux antibiotiques est une problématique d’envergure mondiale qui touche aussi négativement l’aquaculture, où les infections bactériennes peuvent causer d’importantes pertes économiques. L’une de ces bactéries est Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, l’agent étiologique de la furonculose. Bien qu’il fût déjà connu que plusieurs souches de cette bactérie étaient porteuses de plasmides conférant des résistances aux antibiotiques, l’ampleur de la problématique était encore inconnue. Les bactériophages (phages) sont des virus infectant spécifiquement les bactéries. Cette capacité à lyser les bactéries leur a valu d’être utilisés dans un contexte thérapeutique presque dès leur découverte au début du 20e siècle. Cependant, l’avènement des antibiotiques a fait en sorte que la thérapie par les phages a été oubliée dans plusieurs pays occidentaux. Maintenant que la résistance aux antibiotiques est devenue une inquiétude pour la pérennité de notre société, plusieurs études suggèrent que la thérapie par les phages pourrait être une alternative ou un complément aux traitements par antibiotiques. La présente thèse avait comme objectifs : (1) d’explorer la diversité génomique causant une résistance aux antibiotiques chez A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida et (2) d’investiguer le potentiel d’un traitement par les phages pour contrer les infections causées par cette bactérie. Il a été possible de mettre à jour et de caractériser cinq nouveaux plasmides avec des gènes de résistance aux antibiotiques chez A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida. De plus, la présence de deux de ces plasmides (pAB5S9b et pSN254b) causent une résistance à tous les antibiotiques approuvés par le gouvernement canadien pour une utilisation par l’industrie piscicole. Avant d’investiguer la diversité des phages infectant A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, il était crucial de mieux connaître la bactérie d’intérêt. Plusieurs phages sont connus pour avoir un spectre lytique étroit, n’infectant ainsi que certaines souches ou certaines sousespèces d’une bactérie. Or, la structure intra-espèce d’A. salmonicida était encore mal définie. De plus, l’une des sous-espèces d’A. salmonicida, pectinolytica, est considérée comme mésophile avec la capacité de croître à 37°C, alors que les autres sous-espèces, comme salmonicida, sont limitées à des températures d’environ 20°C et sont par conséquent qualifiées de psychrophiles. En caractérisant de nouvelles souches mésophiles, mes travaux ont mis en lumière que les séquences d’insertion peuvent être une raison pour expliquer cette dichotomie. De plus, il a été possible de démontrer une grande diversité génétique chez les souches mésophiles, comparativement à celles psychrophiles. Afin de vérifier le potentiel d’un traitement par les phages contre la furonculose, trois phages spécifiques à A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida ont été isolés de l’environnement. L'ADN de ces phages, en plus de celui de neuf autres disponibles à la collection Félix d’Hérelle, a été séquencé à haut-débit sur un appareil MiSeq d’Illumina. En comparant ces séquences génomiques à celles déjà disponibles publiquement, il a été possible de déterminer six groupes génomiques de phages contre A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida. Les 12 phages disponibles pour la présente étude ont été testés sur 65 souches d’A. salmonicida (incluant des sous-espèces autres que salmonicida), permettant de dresser un portrait de la capacité lytique de chacun de ces virus. Cette analyse a mis en lumière trois groupes de phages ayant des capacités lytiques variables. De plus, il a été possible de montrer que d’autres sous-espèces d’A. salmonicida psychrophiles peuvent être infectées par les phages isolés à partir de la sous-espèce salmonicida. Cependant, les souches mésophiles d’A. salmonicida sont insensibles à ces phages. Cette étude doctorale a montré que la résistance aux antibiotiques est un problème d’envergure dont l’ampleur était insoupçonnée chez A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida. Elle a aussi permis d’investiguer le potentiel de la thérapie par les phages.
Since the discovery of penicillin by Sir Alexander Fleming, antibiotics have played a paramount and indisputable role in modern medicine in helping to treat bacterial infections. However, bacteria have the ability to protect themselves against antibiotics by various mechanisms. The overuse of these molecules has accelerated the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance, making it difficult, if not impossible, to treat certain bacterial infections. Antibiotic resistance is a global problem that also negatively affects aquaculture, where bacterial infections can cause significant economic losses. One of these bacteria is Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, the etiologic agent of furunculosis. Although it was already known that several strains of this bacterium were carriers of plasmids conferring resistance to antibiotics, the extent of the problem was still unknown before this study. Bacteriophages (phages) are viruses specifically infecting bacteria. Their ability to lyse bacteria has been used in a therapeutic context almost as soon as they were discovered at the beginning of the 20th century. However, the advent of antibiotics has meant that phage therapy was forgotten in several Western countries. Now that antibiotic resistance has become a significant concern for the sustainability of our society, several studies suggest that phage therapy could be an alternative or supplement to antibiotic treatments. The objectives of this thesis were: (1) to explore the genomic diversity causing resistance to antibiotics in A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and (2) to investigate the potential of phage therapy to treat infections caused by this bacterium. Five new plasmids conferring antibiotic resistance to A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida were discovered and characterized. Two of these plasmids, pAB5S9b and pSN254b, cause resistance to all antibiotics approved by the Canadian government for use in the fish industry. Before investigating the diversity of phages infecting A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, it was crucial to better know the bacterium of interest. Several phages are known to have a narrow host spectrum, infecting certain strains or subspecies. Until the present doctoral study, the intra-species structure of A. salmonicida was poorly defined. In addition, one of the subspecies of A. salmonicida, pectinolytica, is considered mesophilic with the ability to grow at 37°C, while other subspecies, such as salmonicida, are limited to growth temperatures around 20°C and are therefore considered psychrophilic. By characterizing new mesophilic strains, we found that insertion sequences may be a reason for this dichotomy. In addition, it was possible to demonstrate a high genetic diversity in mesophilic strains compared to psychrophilic strains. In order to verify the potential of phage treatment against furunculosis, three phages specific to A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida were isolated from the environment. The genomic DNA of these phages, in addition to that of nine other phages available at the Felix d'Hérelle collection, was sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq device. By comparing these genomic sequences to those already available publicly, it was possible to determine six genomic groups of phages infecting A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida. The 12 phages available were tested on 65 strains of A. salmonicida (including subspecies other than salmonicida), providing the host range of each virus. This analysis revealed three groups of phages with variable lytic capacities. In addition, it was possible to show that other psychrophilic subspecies of A. salmonicida can be infected by phages isolated from the subspecies salmonicida. However, the mesophilic strains of A. salmonicida are insensitive to these phages. This doctoral study showed that resistance to antibiotics is a large-scale problem in A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, and that phage therapy may represent one of the solutions to the growing concern
Since the discovery of penicillin by Sir Alexander Fleming, antibiotics have played a paramount and indisputable role in modern medicine in helping to treat bacterial infections. However, bacteria have the ability to protect themselves against antibiotics by various mechanisms. The overuse of these molecules has accelerated the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance, making it difficult, if not impossible, to treat certain bacterial infections. Antibiotic resistance is a global problem that also negatively affects aquaculture, where bacterial infections can cause significant economic losses. One of these bacteria is Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, the etiologic agent of furunculosis. Although it was already known that several strains of this bacterium were carriers of plasmids conferring resistance to antibiotics, the extent of the problem was still unknown before this study. Bacteriophages (phages) are viruses specifically infecting bacteria. Their ability to lyse bacteria has been used in a therapeutic context almost as soon as they were discovered at the beginning of the 20th century. However, the advent of antibiotics has meant that phage therapy was forgotten in several Western countries. Now that antibiotic resistance has become a significant concern for the sustainability of our society, several studies suggest that phage therapy could be an alternative or supplement to antibiotic treatments. The objectives of this thesis were: (1) to explore the genomic diversity causing resistance to antibiotics in A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and (2) to investigate the potential of phage therapy to treat infections caused by this bacterium. Five new plasmids conferring antibiotic resistance to A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida were discovered and characterized. Two of these plasmids, pAB5S9b and pSN254b, cause resistance to all antibiotics approved by the Canadian government for use in the fish industry. Before investigating the diversity of phages infecting A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, it was crucial to better know the bacterium of interest. Several phages are known to have a narrow host spectrum, infecting certain strains or subspecies. Until the present doctoral study, the intra-species structure of A. salmonicida was poorly defined. In addition, one of the subspecies of A. salmonicida, pectinolytica, is considered mesophilic with the ability to grow at 37°C, while other subspecies, such as salmonicida, are limited to growth temperatures around 20°C and are therefore considered psychrophilic. By characterizing new mesophilic strains, we found that insertion sequences may be a reason for this dichotomy. In addition, it was possible to demonstrate a high genetic diversity in mesophilic strains compared to psychrophilic strains. In order to verify the potential of phage treatment against furunculosis, three phages specific to A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida were isolated from the environment. The genomic DNA of these phages, in addition to that of nine other phages available at the Felix d'Hérelle collection, was sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq device. By comparing these genomic sequences to those already available publicly, it was possible to determine six genomic groups of phages infecting A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida. The 12 phages available were tested on 65 strains of A. salmonicida (including subspecies other than salmonicida), providing the host range of each virus. This analysis revealed three groups of phages with variable lytic capacities. In addition, it was possible to show that other psychrophilic subspecies of A. salmonicida can be infected by phages isolated from the subspecies salmonicida. However, the mesophilic strains of A. salmonicida are insensitive to these phages. This doctoral study showed that resistance to antibiotics is a large-scale problem in A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, and that phage therapy may represent one of the solutions to the growing concern
Mortz, Mathieu. "Flexibilités bioénergétique et génomique mitochondriales chez l’oiseau." Thesis, Lyon, 2019. https://n2t.net/ark:/47881/m6v40tjz.
Повний текст джерелаBirds are endotherms that exhibit a remarkable metabolic flexibility in response to energetic constraints related to their lifestyles. This flexibility is notably involved during nutritional transitions in order to adjust metabolic intensity to the available energy resources, a prerequisite for survival. Mitochondria, that produce most of cellular ATP production, are involved in the modulations observed during a fast and during refeeding. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the flexibility of mitochondrial functions in response to fasting and refeeding in Muscovy ducks (Cairina moschata). Several aspects, ranging from bioenergetics and anatomical organization to genomics and evolution of species, were analysed to better understand the modulations involved to adjust mitochondrial functioning to energy constraints. A first study described the kinetics of the installation of fasting-induced muscle hypometabolism and the associated improved mitochondrial bioenergetics efficiency and showed that maximum acclimation was reached after 3 days. Mitochondrial networks remodelling, investigated by antibodies (Western blot) and confocal microscopy, showed a bidirectional flexibility with an increased fusion at the beginning of the fast preceding an increased fragmentation observable after 4 days of fasting. A second study suggested the potential involvement of a nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity detected in mitochondrial fractions in the modulations of mitochondrial bioenergetics induced by fasting. The activity of mitochondrial NOS was found to be increased by fasting and its in vitro modulation mimicked the effects induced by fasting in nourished birds, in a rapid and reversible manner. A third study explored the flexibility of the mitochondrial genome in order to detect the presence of open reading frames (ORF) potentially encoding bioactive peptides similar to those described in mammals and that are encoded by small regions included in the 12S and 16S genes. Our genetic analyses demonstrated the presence of ORFs incorporated into the 16S rRNA coding gene of most avian species. The molecular evolution of these ORFs among bird species was found to be similar to that calculated for all mitochondrial genes coding for subunits of the respiratory chain. Among the detected ORFs, some corresponded to those described in mammals (humanin and SHLP6) but others had never been described. A fourth study showed that the very strong nucleotide conservation of ORFs located in the 16S gene, and observed in mammals, birds and terrestrial ectotherms, was not an artifact linked to a constraint imposed by the structure of the encoded rRNA. Indeed, the strong nucleotide conservation was not found on alignments of sequences generated by simulations of evolution that took into account the secondary and tertiary structures of 16S rRNA. In the 3 groups of vertebrates, the ORF coding humanin, a peptide identified in humans, underwent a specific negative selection pressure in order to maintain its amino-acid composition during evolution. In conclusion, this thesis highlighted the remarkable bioenergetics and genomic flexibilities of mitochondrial function in birds, which could contribute to the metabolic adjustments required during nutritional transitions. Our results have also opened up a new field of investigation concerning the putative peptides encoded by the mitochondrial genome and their biological roles remain to be explored
Tayrac, Marie de. "Analyse génomique et transcriptomique des glioblastomes multiformes." Rennes 1, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009REN1B126.
Повний текст джерелаGlioblastomas are among the most devastating of human nervous system tumors. Advances in Functional Genomic and particularly in the development of high-throughput technologies - such as microarrays -, allow the analysis of both DNA alterations and gene expression changes on a genome-wide scale. They make possible the identification of molecules involved in tumor initiations, development and progression as well as the discovery of useful biomarkers to improve patient care. The present research takes place in such a context. Our initial objective was to provide genomic and transcriptomic characterization of glioblastomas. We had specificially to identify the DNA alterations that directly drives the disease process - i. E. Alterations that may exert their tumor-promoting effect by modifying the expression or function of distinct genes, so as to deregulate growth factor signaling and survivor pathways. Completion of this project has firstly required a methodological development to allow the simultaneous analysis of large scale data sets coming from different "-omic" areas. Glioblastoma genome and transcriptome profiling were obtained and combined to provide a robust molecular signature characterizing these tumors. We have also expanded our work to search for biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis of patient with malignant gliomas. This thesis has been driven by a multidisciplinary approach - such an approach being necessary to the analysis of high throughput studies. We therefore wished to provide a substantial introduction, which would help everyone - clinicians, biologists, and statisticians - to get the fundamentals required to understand our work
Nyathi, Nongezile Sibhekile. "Water conservation through energy conservation." Diss., Pretoria : [s.n.], 2006. http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-08282007-124154.
Повний текст джерелаAccompanied by a CD-ROM: Appendix B. Cooling tower model results. Includes bibliographical references. Available on the Internet via the World Wide Web.
Seitz, Hervé. "Empreinte génomique parentale et petits ARN non-codants." Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2004. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00007781.
Повний текст джерелаGrimplet, Jérôme. "Génomique fonctionnelle et marqueurs de qualité chez l'abricot." Phd thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2004. http://oatao.univ-toulouse.fr/7294/1/grimplet.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаSchmitt, Louise-Amelie. "Développement de modèles spécifiques aux séquences génomique virales." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017BORD0649/document.
Повний текст джерелаDNA sequencing of complex samples containing various living species is a choice approach to study the viral landscape of a given environment. Viral genomes are hard to identify due to their extreme variability and the tight relationship they have with their hosts. We hereby provide new leads for the development of a virusesspecific solution to the need for accurate identification that hasn't found a satisfactory solution in the existing universal software so far
Barbier, Paul. "Diversité génomique des espèces bactériennes du genre Flavobacterium." Thesis, Evry-Val d'Essonne, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013EVRY0040/document.
Повний текст джерелаFlavobacterium species occur in a wide range of habitats. This genus includes three fish-pathogenic species, namely F. columnare, F. branchiophilum and F. psychrophilum. The latter is responsible for serious economic losses for salmonids farming in France and worlwide. A comparative genomics project including several fish-pathogenic flavobacteria as well as various environmental species has been set up in order to improve the knowledge on this poorly studied genus. Our aims were the identification of virulence determinants associated with pathogenicity and the characterization of various molecular elements reflecting phenotypes associated with their life-style. Analysis of the genomes of several F. psychrophilum isolates revealed the diversity of chromosomal structures within the species and identified in silico promising molecular targets for the development of diagnostic tests as well as potential vaccines targets. Analysis of the F. branchiophilum genome enabled to identify particular molecular virulence mechanisms. The features of the F. indicum genome reflected its environmental lifestyle : its small size and its limited bio-polymers degrading abilities suggested that F. indicum is adapted to a quite narrow ecological niche. These new data have allowed the in silico identification of many molecular elements reflecting phenotypic traits. In particular, a rare gene cluster (dnd) responsible for an unusual DNA structure modification was described for the first time within members of the family Flavobacteriaceae. This project enriched the knowledge on Flavobacterium species and contributed to the development of tools for animal health
Blanchard, Geneviève. "Versatilité nutritionnelle de l'espèce génomique "Escherichia Coli-Shigella"." Paris 5, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990PA05P055.
Повний текст джерелаEmonet, Sébastien. "Arénavirus à potentiel bioterroriste : génomique, évolution et diagnostic." Aix-Marseille 2, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006AIX20680.
Повний текст джерелаRuault, Myriam. "Région juxtacentrométrique du chromosome 21 et plasticité génomique." Montpellier 1, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002MON1T006.
Повний текст джерелаRoselli, Sandro. "Génomique fonctionnelle de la dégradation microbienne du chlorométhane." Strasbourg, 2009. https://publication-theses.unistra.fr/public/theses_doctorat/2009/ROSELLI_Sandro_2009.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаChloromethane (CH3Cl) is a volatile organic compound of mainly natural origin. It accounts for at least 15% of chlorine-catalysed stratospheric ozone depletion. Obtaining reliable estimates of the global CH3Cl budget is difficult due to the incomplete inventory of CH3Cl sources and sinks, including plant emissions and microbial degradation. The aim of this PhD thesis was to better understand the molecular basis of microbial degradation of CH3Cl, also with the perspective of applying microbial and genetic resources to bioremediation of polluted environments. Approaches involving comparative and functional genomics were developed to study the adaptation to CH3Cl of Methylobacterium extorquens CM4, the aerobic bacterial strain in which a degradation pathway for CH3Cl was previously identified, and whose genome sequence is now known. Analysis of the genome of strain CM4 revealed the presence of a 380 kb plasmid harbouring the already characterised genes of the known pathway for CH3Cl utilisation, as well as genes involved in the biosynthesis of cobalamin and tetrahydrofolate, two cofactors essential for CH3Cl degradation by this pathway. Differential proteomic analysis of strain CM4 grown in the presence or the absence of CH3Cl confirmed this pathway and also enabled the identification of new proteins associated with CH3Cl metabolism. In addition, the diversity of CH3Cl-degrading bacteria associated with the phyllosphere was investigated. Three CH3Cl-degrading strains of the phyllosphere were isolated from leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana, a plant known to emit CH3Cl. The obtained results will serve as the basis for future studies of bacterial CH3Cl degradation
Picard-Druet, David. "Précision de l'évaluation génomique chez la poule pondeuse." Thesis, Rennes, Agrocampus Ouest, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020NSARB337.
Повний текст джерелаSelection is very important for the egg production domain, which is a growing market worldwide. This market has a very segmented nature, with every country having special specifications, depending on consumers expectations. This means that breeding companies have to produce birds which are adapted, or adaptable, to various breeding conditions, while still being able to produce eggs suitable for consumers expectations. Egg production market is also a very competitive, detained worldwide by only 3 enterprise groups. This means that the selection of the different lines, which are dedicated to fulfill differents production criteria, is a critical step. The genetic progress of selected populations is distributed worldwide, and optimize it is a way to stand out from the competitors.For the last few years, genomic selection is put in place in different sectors. Among other things, this methodology allowed to improve genetic progress in cattle industry, which was a precursor in the utilisation of it. This evaluation methode seems highly promising for the avian sector. To precisely estimate the effect of using it, it is necessary to know the accuracy of genomic evaluation. The main objective of this work is to estimate the precision of genomic evaluation on layers egg quality traits under different scenarios, in comparison with what is observed when using genetic evaluation
Blanc-Pedeutour, Florence. "Chromosomes porteurs d'amplification génomique et tumeurs solides humaines." Aix-Marseille 2, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994AIX22066.
Повний текст джерелаDerory, Jérémy. "Génomique et diversité du débourrement chez les chênes." Bordeaux 1, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005BOR12982.
Повний текст джерелаHadjadj, Linda. "Analyse génomique et fonctionnelle de bactéries multi-résistantes." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019AIXM0242.
Повний текст джерелаAntibiotic resistance is a major global issue. The alarming nature of this situation has led to active surveillance of bacteria resistant to carbapenems and/or colistin. This thesis project entitled "Genomic and functional analysis of multidrug resistant bacteria" was thus divided into three objectives: (i) to provide an overview of the different approaches to be used and the new approaches to be considered in order to discover new antibiotic resistance genes, (ii) to present the contribution of molecular biology and genomics in the detection and study of carbapenem resistance, (iii) to describe the contribution of these approaches in studying chromosome and plasmid resistance to colistin in various countries and ecosystems. Synergistic combinations of antibiotics capable of reversing this resistance have also been proposed as a therapeutic alternative
Roncalli, Jérôme. "Analyse génomique et métabolomique du cœur de l’obèse." Toulouse 3, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007TOU30026.
Повний текст джерелаObesity alone is the cause of 11% of cases of cardiac failure in men and 14% of cases in women in the United States. It is expected that obesity will become an important cause of cardiac failure in the upcoming years. The adipocyte secretes a number of hormones which act directly or indirectly on the myocardium. Haemodynamic and hormonal changes occurring as a result of obesity profoundly modify the genetic expression in the myocardium, leading to hypertrophy of the myocytes and the development of interstitial fibrosis. Paradoxically, in the global population of patients with cardiac failure, obesity improves survival. We present here results of genomic and metabolomic assessments in order to better understand the relationship between obesity and heart failure. Our results show that obesity hypertension is associated with continuous cardiac transcriptome adaptation and suggest some novel regulatory pathways for cardiac adaptation to obesity in animal and human experiments. An increase of unsaturated lipids and a new apolipoprotein may be involved in myocardium protective mechanisms against lipid accumulation in the setting of obesity. These results can provide explanations to the obesity paradox
Passerini, Delphine. "Diversité génétique, génomique et fonctionnelle de Lactococcus lactis." Thesis, Toulouse, INSA, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011ISAT0041/document.
Повний текст джерелаThe Lactococcus lactis species belong to lactic acid bacteria group widely used for their ability to produce lactic acid in fermented dairy products. The study of the global diversity of L. lactis ssp. lactis was carry out by the integration of biological data obtained from genetic, genomic, physiological, transcriptomic and metabolic analyses. The genetic variability investigated by MLST (MultiLocus Sequence Typing) describe two strains groups according to their phylogeny : the “environmental” strains, displaying high genetic diversity and isolated from different natural environments such as raw milks, plants and animals and the “domesticated” strains, genetically closely related, isolated from starters in dairy industries. Despite the lost of genetic diversity in domesticated strains, probably associated to a specialisation process, the integrative approach showed a genomic and functional diversity as huge as in environmental strains. The characterization of chromosome size and plasmidic content of the lactis subspecies revealed a variation higher than 300 kb in genetic coding capacity for domesticated and environmental strains. Moreover, the domesticated strains belonging to the biovar Diacetylactis showed different physiologies and metabolic regulations resulting in variable amount of aroma produced according to the strains. Finally, the genome sequencing of the A12 strain isolated from sourdough bread and its comparison with 4 other L. lactis genomes already sequenced revealed a spread pangenome (all the genes of a species). Approximately 20 % of each genome correspond to strain specific genes, showing large adaptive capacities of the subspecies. The in-depth study of the A12 strain by transcriptomic analysis allows to highlight mechanisms involved in the adaptation of a strain to a complex ecosystem
Zhang, Shengda. "Caractérisation génomique et physiologique des bactéries magnétotactiques marines." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013AIXM4052.
Повний текст джерелаMagnetotactic bacteria (MTB) consist of a phylogenetically, morphologically and physiologically diverse group of gram-negative bacteria. They have the unique capacity of synthesizing magnetic crystal enveloped with membrane, referred to as magnetosomes, which allow the bacteria swimming along magnetic fields lines (magnetotaxis) to seek optimal oxygen concentration with maximal efficiency. Current knowledge of magnetosome formation and magnetotaxis mainly steams from the study of freshwater magnetospirillum strains. In this thesis, I participated to the expert annotation and performed genomic, physiological and genetic analyses of two marine MTB. I revealed the adaptation of marine magnetospirillum strain QH-2 to the intertidal habitat and metabolic pathways (autotrophy, N2-fixation, iron-transport) and environmental sensing mechanism distinct from those of the freshwater magnetospirilla. In addition, the genome of the marine ovoid strain MO-1 is composed of high proportions of genes with possible origins of gamma- (23.6%), delta- (16.8%), alpha- (13.2%) and beta- (9.1%) proteobacteria. This finding suggests that MO-1 is either a fossil ancestor or a new subclass of the Proteobacteria. I characterized the magnetotactic behavior of the strain MO-1 and showed that magnetotaxis is beneficial and even essential for the growth of MTB. In addition, I carried out proteomic and biochemical studies of glycol-proteins being components of the MO-1 flagellar apparatus or possibly serving as lubricants for the flagellar motor. Together these results contribute to our understanding of the diversity and evolution of MTB as well as the environmental significance of magnetotaxis
Baklouti, Amal. "Etude génomique et structurale de virus Toscana (TOSV)." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016AIXM5059.
Повний текст джерелаThe first part of my work consisted (i) of genomic sequencing of 10 TOSV strains to increase the total number of complete sequences (at the outset, 6 complete sequences were accessible in Genbank). (ii) to use the 16 sequences to design and evaluated the first lineage-specific real-time RT-PCR assay (Lisp-TOSV) to discriminate between strains of lineages A and B Complete sequencing of the 10 strains was achieved. The second part of this project was dedicated for structural and functional studies of the TOSV N protein in order to decipher viral RNA encapsidation. TOSV Nucleoprotein (N) is a protein of 28 KD, is encapsidating the viral RNA genome and serves as a co-factor the RNA trancription/replication. The crystal structures of TOSV N protein , and the complex N-RNA were already determined (Olal D and al; 2014) while we just obtained diffracting crystal of the N free RNA at 3,7 Å (PDB code : 5FVA ). Crystallographic structures show an hexameric rings whereas N encapsidates the RNA in a filamentous organization. We therefore decided to combine these results with complementary studies, such as electron microscopy (EM) and samll angle X-ray scattering to build a low resolution structure model in solution describing properly the encapsidation mechanism. The N behaves mainly as an opened, deformed pentamer that shed light on how the N can be organized in filaments
Poaty, Henriette. "Etude génomique du choriocarcinome gestationnel par aCGH 244K." Paris 6, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA066641.
Повний текст джерелаGestational Choriocarcinoma, a metastasing tumor, is the major complication of hydatidiform moles (HM) which belong to trophoblastic diseases. The complete HM are diploid and for ten of them, studied by metaphasic CGH, no chromosomal abnormalities were observed. Eleven CC had their diagnosis confirmed by histopathology, and the androgenic etiology by a microsatellite marker analysis, that also confirmed the absence of contamination of tumor DNA by maternal DNA. The samples of DNA from these CC and three cell lines, BeWo, JAR, and JEG were studied by metaphasic CGH and by high resolution 244K aCGH. FISH verifications of chromosomal abnormalities were performed. According to aCGH analysis, the de novo CC exhibited simple chromosomal rearrangements or normal profiles. The cell lines showed various and complex chromosomal aberrations. Chromosomes 1, 11, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, X Copy Number Anomalies (CNA) were observed in tumors and cell lines, while 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16 CNAs were only found in cell lines. Minimal Critical Regions were defined, that allowed to list the genes that were potentially implicated. Testing the expression of several genes by Immunohistochemistry showed a correlation with CNA. Among the MCR, unusually high numbers of microRNA clusters and imprinted genes were observed. Gene disorders caused by abnormal chromosomal imbalances could be superimposed to the initial abnormal expression of imprinted genes
Keller, Jenny. "Génomique structurale de virus et plasmides d'archées hyperthermophiles." Paris 11, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA112032.
Повний текст джерелаThe living world is divided into three cellular lineages: Bacteria, Archaea and Eukaryotes. Archaea are procaryotic micro-organisms which possess specific characters and a mixture of bacterial and eukaryotic characters. Reversed genetic tools have not been extensively developed for these organisms and therefore the characterization of their extra-chromosomal elements (viruses and plasmids) is fundamental. New viruses having unique forms were discovered in hot springs having temperatures above 80°C. The vast majority of these viruses infect aerobic hyperthermophilic archaea whereas a single virus was identified as infecting anaerobic hyperthermophilic archaea. However, numerous plasmids were isolated from the latter. 90% of the genes encoded by these viruses and plasmids have no homologues in sequence databases suggesting unknown mechanisms for their biological functions. The objective of this thesis was to obtain information on proteins and enzymes of viruses and plasmids from hyperthermophilic archaea. In the absence of any information deductible from the sequence, protein structure may provide functional information, crucial for the understanding of the biological mechanisms of the organisms. This information will also be essential to establish evolutionary relations among viral families. Another crucial aspect of this project is to determine if these orphan proteomes are enriched in original protein folds