Дисертації з теми "Forme de salle"
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Sprunck, Tom. "Peut-on entendre la forme d'une pièce ? : Reconstruction de la géométrie d'une salle à partir de mesures acoustiques par super-résolution et optimisation de forme." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024STRAD061.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis addresses the inverse problem of reconstructing the geometry of a room from acoustic measurements. Specifically, we focus on Room Impulse Responses. We develop two distinct approaches to tackle this problem. The first approach considers cuboid rooms with reflective walls and is based on the so-called Image Source Method. We propose a novel framework, utilizing the Frank-Wolfe algorithm, to reconstruct the 3D positions of image sources in a gridless manner by solving a convex optimization problem in the space of Radon measures. The second approach extends to more general room shapes. The inverse problem is formulated as a shape optimization problem, where the room geometry is refined by minimizing discrepancies between frequency-domain observations and the solution of the Helmholtz equation defined on the room domain
Kuo, Li-Chen. "Le noir comme invention du cinéma : matière, forme, dispositif." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018USPCA118/document.
Повний текст джерелаEven though black is the antipode of light it is nevertheless inseparable from the world of cinema. What is black in cinema? A figure of shadow or darkness in the image that is also present as such. Black without representation and with its singular physical reality. This blackness is above all a technical condition which is hidden but which plays a decisive role in the production of optical illusions and the creation of fiction. It is also omnipresent in the entire process of making the cinematographic image. Black plays with light and conditions visibility and invisibility. In this sense it invents cinema. Black also offers another way of understanding what cinema is and how it works. This study will first deal with the material aspect of photography: photochemical blackening and the ideas it suggests as a process of image formation and dissolution. I will then portray the different effects produced by black- the black shape a rhetorical and mechanical tool. When it intervenes as a form in the image, of the image, and between the image. Finally, I will discuss how black can be an invading device of the screen and the projection space and reveal its role as a visual spectacle apparatus: the construction of an access to illusion and revelation. Each part of this outline will be dealt with in a historical, technical and aesthetic way. We will see in particular in artistic and experimental attempts that the emphasis on black makes it possible to reveal the characteristics of the cinematographic medium or even to re-invent cinema. This quest for blackness is revealed as a quest for the nature of cinema. A nature that the film industry is trying to erase. Black makes you see but it makes you see differently
Lorenzon, Francesca <1997>. "International Sale and Force Majeure." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/20502.
Повний текст джерелаMorvillez, Éric. "Forme et évolution des salles de réception des grandes demeures tardives du bassin Méditerranéen occidental." Paris 4, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA040026.
Повний текст джерелаThe present doctoral thesis seeks to make an inventory of the various forms of reception rooms of large late residences in the western Mediterranean area, between the IVth and VIth centuries a. C. , in order to analyze the perceptible evolution of architectural modes. This study associates town houses and villas. The first part is based on the study of time related texts which illustrate the various types of reception given by the ruling classes in order to better understand the areas which accommodate them (clients audiences, banquets, receptions in towns and rural estates). Reception rooms descriptions were investigated to establish the criteria that were considered as important by contemporaries and also to extract complementary information on furniture and room decoration. The second part deals with the evolution problem of banquet furniture in late antiquity. It has been shown that traditional use of triclinium in t+u has lasted partly. But the diffusion of semicircular couches (stibadium) influenced the architectural forms. These apses feature the common form of triclinia. These may be added to former quadrangular rooms. To hold several couches, there was a trend to multiply apses in order to create ceremonial dining rooms. In some cases, with two apses (bichonches), more often with three apses (triconches), sometimes with five or more apses, in the cases of larger residences. Our third part successively discusses the various room forms showing their features, lasting quadrangular form, apsidal forms (apse rooms, triconch, polyapsidal rooms, semicircular exedrae) and. .
Louchet, Cindy. "Défense d'entrer : accès réservé aux femmes : Sociologie des salles de remise en forme "non mixtes"." Thesis, Lyon, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020LYSE2051.
Повний текст джерелаIf fitness centres have already given up many of their secrets, it is not the same for those who impose discrimination regarding gender. Yet, since 2004, they keep expanding on French territory, putting forward the fact that access is denied to men – a quite peculiar positioning in times of promotion of sexes coexistence in social spaces – ; selling their services offer allegedly specifically designed for their clientele, that is to say women, all women whatever their age, their morphology, their physical shape, their relation to their own body or with sport ; presenting themselves as places free from any stares, evaluative judgements, stigmatising situations. Basing us on an investigation combining (non) participating observations (350 hours), semi-structured interviews with the managers and coaches (43) of these establishments as well as the clients (27), and an analysis of their communication media (3235), we eventually managed to produce some new sociological knowledge. Willingly inclusive in spaces designed to be exclusive on sexes criteria, here is the paradox of these fitness centres of a new kind. However, this outward inclusion must not hide the practices that have been set in these institutions, aiming at evaluating their clients bodies in regards of the dominant norms, in order to make them lose weight, to reduce their fat, to tone up their muscles so that these bodies get closer and closer of the beauty standards that make femininity
EL, MANSOURI EL HASSAN. "Processus et formes d'urbanisation a la peripherie de rabat-sale (maroc)." Poitiers, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989POIT5016.
Повний текст джерелаThe central theme of our study is not the causes of expansion of the capital, rabat sale (morroko) but an attempt to better understand the phenomenum that are the result of it. So, this study is limited to the analyses of urbanisation forms and process that peculiary affect peripheral areas of rabat-sale. It embodies the following themes peripheral urbanisaion and "relations towns country". We have analysed the formation of the surall urban centers, the "douars" and the periurban shantytowns, the legal and illegal housing estate, the secondary home and the industrial establishements. We have insisted as the importance of the urban propriety and as its role in the extension of built spaces as the peripheral rural space, without forgetting the town influence over the rural acommodation. We have devoted our whole attention to the socio-professionnal evolution of the rural douars inhabitants between 1971 and 1982 to the attraction of emigrated people fromnear or far areas towards this periphery, to the installation of towns people who left rabat sale, for various reasons
Maria-Sube, Yves. "Structure et hétérogénéité d’une plate-forme récifale Miocène (Majorque) : implication pour les intrusions d'eau salée en zone côtière." Montpellier 2, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008MON20196.
Повний текст джерелаThe coastal intrusion of brine threatens populations. This is particularly prejudicial in carbonate environments. We have studied the Miocene coral reef of S-E Majorca for better understanding the relation between geological structure and intrusion. For that purpose, we have used multi-scalar and multi-disciplinary methods. The measurements in 25 boreholes over the whole coral platform have allowed defining the stratigraphic structure and some elements of the regional tectonic. At the experimental site scale, the study of the mineral composition, the texture, and the diagenesis have allowed characterization of the carbonate sequence heterogeneity. This study contributes to the knowledge of the world best documented site for the evolution of carbonate reef reservoirs, with applications for brine intrusion and for hydrocarbon extraction
Charliac, Chloé. "De la salle de spectacle à l'espace créatif : étude des formes de sociabilité à l'oeuvre dans le monde de la danse contemporaine." Paris 5, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA05H007.
Повний текст джерелаThe purpose of this thesis is to understand what are the social dynamics generated by the choreographic art in our society through the prism of the concept of sociality such as Michel Maffesoli develops. For that we will devote ourself to the study of sensory experience caused by the contemporary dance show and the places where is rooted this experience, the theater. After a first chapter devoted to the presentation of our field, we will consider the epistemological orientations (Chapter 2) and the methodology (Chapter 3) of our research. Then we will question the choreographic fundaments, especially the dancer's body, imagination and study of the choreographic spectacular process "side stage" (Chapter 4). Then we will approach the nature of sensory experience produced by the contemporary dance show by examining the interactional nature of the artistic moment, the sensitive relational configuration of the theater and the course of the spectacular process , but "side room" that time (Chapter 5). Finally, we will discuss the opening of the choreographic space of the city, in addressing the question of dance in situ, the investment of the urban space, and how can the contemporary dance make possible the development of the local social fabric (Chapter 6)
Bessy, Olivier. "De nouveaux espaces pour le corps : approche sociologique des salles de "mise en forme" et de leur public : le marché parisien." Paris 5, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990PA05H072.
Повний текст джерелаWith the eighties a new style of health facility has been springing up all over the communities: the "fitness center". Their success can be attributed to the fact they have passed from a cottage industry to an entrepreneurial model, a shift which differentiates them from the standart gymnasiums. Today's patrons are offered a wide array of new services, round-the-clock workouts of all kinds, adapted to their wishes or needs, they are introduced to a variety of exercice-condit ionning equipment-technology is keeping pace with the trend and different opportunities for socializing. This phenomenon has been fueled by a change in values and new concepts about the body which have turned the urge for self-bettement into a social must. It is thus not surprising that the results of a survey involving 800 persons should show that there are numerous females, males and youngsters of all ages and in all the walks of life among the clients of a Parisian "fitness center". Many centers promote themselves by offering different strategies by sex and age groups in the parisian fitness field. The quest for self-fulfilment through the means of the body and by the body lures more and more participants. While it was form ely the concern of a minority, the fitness theme is now a message with undeniable social appeal for the masses
Lebegue, Yves. "Fondations superficielles sur milieu homogène horizontal ou incliné et sur milieu hétérogène sable sur argile molle." Poitiers, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987POIT2023.
Повний текст джерелаMiremont, Liliane. "Orienter, renseigner et former à la Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire de la Sorbonne élaboration d'une offre de nouveaux services à distance pour la salle de référence /." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2004. http://www.enssib.fr/bibliotheque/documents/dcb/M-2004-PRO-05-VOL1.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаCaplain, Bastien. "Etude expérimentale de l'érosion d'un massif de sable cohésif par une houle monochromatique." Thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011INPT0102/document.
Повний текст джерелаMost of the Earth coasts recedes and 80 % are rocky. Prediction of sea-cliff recession is essential to anticipate future risks for coastal development. However, it is difficult to understand this recession because many parameters control it. In addition, both the space and time scales are too big for the different mechanisms of cliff erosion to be fully analysed. Experiments in a small-scale wave flume were conducted in which a massif made of wet sand is submitted to wave attack. The aim is to understand how cliff erosion is wave-controlled. The technique of shadow graph measurements was used to detect the time evolution of sand and water surfaces. We have analyzed the influence of wave forcing (F, ξ) (where F is the incident offshore wave energy flux and ξ is the surf similarity parameter) on the cliff recession rate and on collapse event size. The cliff recession rate increases linearly with the wave energy flux F. The eroded cliff materials change the bottom morphology ; the types of bottom morphology strongly depend on the surf similarity parameter at the breaker point, or the Dean parameter Ω. Bottom profiles characterized by unsteady self-sustained sandbar oscillation were observed. In addition, we studied how sand granulometry change the system evolution. Finer the sand is, more cohesive is the cliff and bigger are cliff collapses. Contrary to what was expected, cliff recession is more important for a finer sand : this could be due to a more dissipative bottom morphology built by fine sands. The sand volume within the system changes following cliff collapses and a sandbar removal during particular experiments. The cliff recession rate is constant when the sandbar is removed and decreases with cliff height. It seems that the unsteadiness of the bottom profile is activated when the volume of eroded sand exceeds a threshold value
Jrolf, Mark Joseph, and Hanno Kai Alexander Schmidt-Gothan. "Privatization in the former German Democratic Republic : changing institutional roles in the governance and sale of industrial assets." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1992. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/12795.
Повний текст джерелаCaplain, Bastien. "Étude expérimentale de l'érosion d'un massif de sable cohésif par une houle monochromatique." Phd thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse - INPT, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00660811.
Повний текст джерелаPark, So-Hee. "Les formes du silence : gestes, contacts, empreintes : variations sur le moulage." Paris 1, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA010673.
Повний текст джерелаVanel, Loïc. "Etude expérimentale de l'équilibre mécanique d'un milieu granulaire : exemples du silo et du tas de sable." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 1999. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00258084.
Повний текст джерелаLa mesure de forces dans un milieu granulaire est délicate à cause d'un couplage fondamental entre les déformations du capteur et la mobilisation des forces de friction entre grains ou entre grains et paroi. Cependant, en définissant proprement le protocole de mesure, nous avons pu améliorer de façon très significative la reproductibilité des résultats en comparaison des mesures que l'on trouve dans la littérature.
Nous nous sommes intéressé aux liens qui existent entre la structure de l'empilement granulaire et la répartition des contraintes. Sous l'effet d'un cisaillement ou de vibrations, l'équilibre d'une colonne granulaire dans un silo évolue considérablement ainsi que la structure de l'empilement comme le révèlent des mesures de densité moyenne et locale. Sous le sommet d'un tas de sable formé par écoulement des grains en avalanches, j'ai observé très clairement un minimum ou "trou" de pression, alors que la pression est maximum si les grains sont déposés en couches horizontales. Nous avons aussi mesuré les fluctuations résiduelles de la pression en fonction de la taille des grains ou de la hauteur de remplissage du silo et ai observé que leur dépendance avec la taille des grains montrent une régression statistique anormale en comparaison de celle déduite de la distribution des forces à l'échelle du grain.
La plupart des observations sont qualitativement et quantitativement bien reproduites par le modèle OSL dans lequel les contraintes se propagent selon deux directions dont l'une s'identifie à la direction moyenne des chaînes de forces. La notion de propagation anisotrope de forces permet de comprendre la distribution de pression sous un tas ou la forme de la courbe de saturation de la pression dans un silo, y compris les oscillations de la pression en présence d'une surcharge.
Nous avons proposé en outre un modèle de durcissement d'arches qui permet d'expliquer l'existence d'un mode d'écoulement fragmentaire après renversement d'un tube rempli de grains et met en évidence le rôle non négligeable de l'élasticité des parois.
Nwafor, Ndubuisi Augustine. "Comparative and critical analysis of the doctrine of exemption/frustration/force majeure under the United Nations Convention on the Contract for International Sale of Goods, English law and UNIDROIT principles." Thesis, University of Stirling, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/1893/21805.
Повний текст джерелаANJOS, Wesley Silva dos. "Metodologia para precifica??o e determina??o do resultado da comercializa??o: forma??o do pre?o de venda." Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, 2004. https://tede.ufrrj.br/jspui/handle/tede/1023.
Повний текст джерелаThis work treats of the price in the commodities that are commercialize by small and middle companies, which the real object consists in the resell of these commodities. This kind of methodology allows seeing how is the economical results that came from the each unit which is commercialize. This theme is very important to companies success as same authors says like Porter (1990:469) and Catelli (2001:344). They affirm that the economics result is the best way to identify how are destined to resell, aren?t object of a consensus in the literary middle, and because of this the national?s literature is very shortage in the practical level. Basically the difference between these methodologies that are found in this application of rates and applications, as usual then definition of the local dates. Some authors like Assef (2003) in his book Practice manual of the formation in the sales price (2003), takes in consideration the application tax to being then taxes that incidents in the present sales value, already the KPMG Peat Marwick Dreyfuss?, which is expose in the book Course of Manager Accountancy ,CRC-SP, (1993), takes in consideration the discount taxes. The methodology that are proposal in this work, made use of 3 rates to can put a price where takes in consideration the application tax when the company has excess resorts and pick up tax when the company requires some resorts. The third tax is utilized to analysis the comparative of the economic viable of the rate title. Other difference found between these methodologies is the consideration of the focal date to take the taxes to the present value, where they considerate are the day of the invoice. The oscillation of the results with the found literature in relation to the proposal methodology is to 20%. The principal purpose of this work is to show that purpose methodology is most correct than the others methodologies that are found in the commerce and literary market. Considering the practice need of the mathematics, like a rational speech, and the best method the proposal methodology is more precise and is the best to adapt with the commerce reality inside the methodologies that are researched.
O trabalho trata da precifica??o de mercadorias comercializadas por empresas cujo objeto real consiste na revenda destas mercadorias. A metodologia proposta permite verificar o resultado econ?mico de cada item comercializado. O tema precifica??o ? de suma import?ncia para o sucesso das empresas conforme os autores Porter (1990:469) e Catelli (2001:344). Os autores alegam que o resultado econ?mico ? o melhor indicador de efic?cia empresarial. Por?m, o c?lculo do resultado da venda e da precifica??o de mercadorias destinadas a revenda n?o ? objeto de consenso no meio liter?rio, sendo escassa a literatura nacional que dela trata no modo pr?tico. Basicamente a diferen?a entre as metodologias encontradas esta na aplica??o de taxas de juros e taxas de aplica??o bem como defini??o de datas focais. Alguns autores como Assef em seu livro Manual pr?tico e Forma??o de Pre?o de Venda ,(2003) leva em considera??o a taxa de aplica??o para trazer as taxas incidentes na venda a valor presente, j? a metodologia da KPMG Peat Marwick Dreyfuss, exposto no livro Curso de Contabilidade Gerencial do Conselho Regional de Contabilidade de S?o Paulo (1993:100) leva em considera??o a taxa de desconto (capta??o). A metodologia proposta neste trabalho, utiliza-se de 3 taxas de juros para poder precificar onde leva em considera??o a taxa de aplica??o quando a empresa possui recursos excedentes e a taxa de capta??o quando a empresa necessita de recursos. A terceira taxa ? utilizada para an?lise de compara??o da viabilidade econ?mica de desconto de t?tulos. Outra diferen?a entre as metodologias encontradas ? a da considera??o da data focal para levar as taxas a valor presente onde elas consideram a data do faturamento. A oscila??o dos resultados obtidos com as literaturas encontradas em rela??o a metodologia proposta oscilou em at? 20%. O objetivo principal deste trabalho ? propor uma metodologia diferente das metodologias encontradas no mercado comercial e liter?rio.Considerando a matem?tica, como uma linguagem l?gica, e a necessidade pr?tica do mercado comercial para definir o melhor m?todo de se precificar e calcular a margem de contribui??o de uma venda, conclui-se que a metodologia proposta ? mais precisa e a que melhor se adapta a realidade comercial dentre as metodologias pesquisadas.
Maisonnet, Jérôme. "Optimisation et réalisation d'un micro-gyromètre deux axes à poutres vibrantes en silicium." Phd thesis, Université de Franche-Comté, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00476857.
Повний текст джерелаSmyth, Kevin Barry. "An Exploration of and Case Studies in Demand Forecast Accuracy: Replenishment, Point of Sale, and Bounding Conditions." The Ohio State University, 2017. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1506682418566979.
Повний текст джерелаČípa, Petr. "Nové formy distribuce kapacit ubytovacích zařízení a jejich využití v praxi." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2015. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-205201.
Повний текст джерелаPohl, Toralf. "The 'Battle of the Forms' under the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: A Comparison with the UNIDROIT Principles, the European Principles and some domestic laws." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/4537.
Повний текст джерелаDebeauquesne, Diane. "Analyse des différentes formes sociales de pratiques physiques et sportives sur sable : Regard singulier sur quatre pratiques et leurs pratiquants : le beach volley, le beach tennis, le beach rugby et le char à voile." Thesis, Paris 5, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA05L003.
Повний текст джерелаPas de résumé en anglais
Guertault, Lucie. "Évaluation des processus hydro-sédimentaires d’une retenue de forme allongée : application à la retenue de Génissiat sur le Haut-Rhône." Thesis, Lyon 1, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LYO10143/document.
Повний текст джерелаThis PhD thesis aimed to characterize the main processes responsible for the morphological evolution of an elongated reservoir, characterized by predominant longitudinal dimensions. It was based on the case study of the Genissiat reservoir, located in a series of hydropower plants on the French Upper Rhone River and regularly subjected to flushing operations. A fluvial geomorphological analysis based on morphological evolutions and hydraulic conditions was performed. A longitudinal delineation of the reservoir allowed to highlight the spatial dynamics of the reservoir. Sediment fluxes in the reservoir and their uncertainties were quantified and qualified and evidenced the contribution of transport processes associated to sand and fine sediments. Two one-dimensional numerical models were developed to simulate the main processes for fine sediment and coarse sediment transport, respectively. Numerical results showed that these models were able to reproduce morphological evolutions and sediment fluxes, with differences between simulated and measured values lower than the measurement uncertainties. It appeared that the upstream part of the reservoir is dominated by sand transport while the downstream part of the reservoir is dominant by silt and clay sediment transport. Finally, the models were used to simulate predictive scenarios and to evaluate the impact of the operating rules on sediment dynamics. Some enhancements to current operating rules were proposed to limit reservoir sedimentation and downstream ecological impacts related to flushing events and long-term management
Trentesaux, Alain. "Enregistrement de processus sédimentaires pléistocènesExemples de plates-formes détritiques et de bassins profondsMer du Nord et mers de Chine." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00140889.
Повний текст джерелаL'objectif des travaux présentés dans ce mémoire est, par une approche sédimentologique, de reconstituer les conditions environnementales, tant sur les continents que sur les plates-formes, ayant conduit aux dépôts étudiés. Sur cette base, nous avons entrepris des études sur des dépôts du Pléistocène en mer du Nord ainsi que dans les mers de Chine de l'Est et du Sud. Cette époque, par sa proximité, permet des études à très haute résolution temporelle tandis qu'elle est caractérisée par des oscillations climatiques et eustatiques importantes et rapides. De plus, les dépôts les plus récents portent la trace de l'Homme.
Sur la plate-forme, l'étude des grands corps sableux, bancs et très grandes dunes, a permis de préciser les mécanismes de leur mise en place. A court terme, même dans les environnements dominés par la marée, l'importance de phénomènes sporadiques tels que les houles de tempêtes, a été démontrée. Ils impriment aux formes et à la structure des fonds marins leur marque tandis que les agents tidaux sont les pourvoyeurs du matériel sédimentaire. A plus long terme, ce ne sont plus les agents dynamiques qui conditionnent la préservation des corps sédimentaires mais la création d'espace disponible et l'importance des apports sédimentaires. Au niveau de l'estuaire de l'Authie, des séries de carottages nous ont aidé à mesurer les conséquences du mouvement vers le nord des divers ensembles sédimentaires sur le type de sédiment rencontré ainsi que sur les modifications d'un espace naturel convoité par l'Homme.
Dans les bassins profonds, en mer de Chine du Sud, nos études ont permis de préciser les sources du matériel sédimentaire et son transport en faisant la part des contributions éolienne, fluviatile et marine. L'étude des caractères sédimentologiques de la fraction détritique a permis également d'étudier la balance ntre l'érosion et l'altération sur les zones émergées ainsi que de voir quelle est la réponse des marqueurs détritiques aux changements climatiques globaux depuis 2 millions d'années.
Kadkhodamohammadi, Abdolrahim. "3D detection and pose estimation of medical staff in operating rooms using RGB-D images." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016STRAD047/document.
Повний текст джерелаIn this thesis, we address the two problems of person detection and pose estimation in Operating Rooms (ORs), which are key ingredients in the development of surgical assistance applications. We perceive the OR using compact RGB-D cameras that can be conveniently integrated in the room. These sensors provide complementary information about the scene, which enables us to develop methods that can cope with numerous challenges present in the OR, e.g. clutter, textureless surfaces and occlusions. We present novel part-based approaches that take advantage of depth, multi-view and temporal information to construct robust human detection and pose estimation models. Evaluation is performed on new single- and multi-view datasets recorded in operating rooms. We demonstrate very promising results and show that our approaches outperform state-of-the-art methods on this challenging data acquired during real surgeries
Váchová, Jana. "Manažerský pohled na formy přechodu podnikání z fyzické osoby na společnost s ručením omezeným." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2011. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-165320.
Повний текст джерелаKrčálová, Kristýna. "Uzavírání kupní smlouvy podle Úmluvy OSN o smlouvách o mezinárodní koupi zboží v komparaci s českou právní úpravou." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-261759.
Повний текст джерелаHebert, Vanessa. "Analyses multi-échelles de la structure d'un réservoir carbonaté littoral : exemple de la plateforme de Llucmajor (Majorque, Espagne)." Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011MON20234/document.
Повний текст джерелаThe study of heterogeneous and karstified carbonates is important in many environmental issues, like the detailed description of a coastal reservoir structure containing an aquifer affected by saline intrusion. At the south of the island of Mallorca (Spain), the Llucmajor carbonate platform represents a typical site for such researches. Characterization of heterogeneities requires a better knowledge of the carbonate reservoir properties and the various factors affecting the structure. One of the key parameters defining the heterogeneous structure is the porosity. According to the wide range of heterogeneity sizes from micrometer to hundreds of meters, the use of multiscale methods is required.This thesis focused on the determination of multiscale porosities from the microporosity to karstic porosity, and of relationships between observation scale changes of these properties. Firstly, the application of X-ray microtomography allows to extract the microporosity and the microporous network connectivity. Then, X-ray tomography was used with a lower resolution to study the micro- and macro-porous network at the core scale. At the borehole scale, the borehole wall images are used to determinate macrostructures from centimeter pores to karsts. Finally, surface geophysics allows to observe the extension of karst and heterogeneities at the site scale.Finally, the porous structure of the study site is integrated into the regional geology of the platform. A hydrogeophysical observatory was installed on site to monitor the spreading of salt water in the aquifer. The interpretation of its salinity measurements can take into account the geological and petrophysical context
Brun-Dhaouadi, Dora. "De la construction à la vente du navire." Thesis, Paris 1, 2020. https://ecm.univ-paris1.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/c0f3bba9-1d8a-4323-8996-739a01aed770.
Повний текст джерелаThe maritime community appears to be populated by actors who are involved in the ship field while interacting for its sale, its future performance in operation. These operators are given for logistical and financial challenges, hence this diversity of lawsuits which reveal the complexity of the relationships regarding the contracts linked to the ship, from its construction, its sale to its operation implementation. The shipbuilder is the key operator in this field. The obligations of the shipyard, so far constrained by the guarantee of the latent defect legal framework, are numerous and tough so well that the shipbuilder is deemed to ensure the vessel seaworthiness from its delivery to its performance in operation. The cleverness of the ship's legal regime lies in its very special status, which borrows rules derived from bath special and common French law, so that the contractual framework reveals the particularism of maritime law. Thus, the ship represents a large-scale operation because it’s subject to major financial challenges and spin-offs. That’s obvious that the vessel is more sophisticated, more expensive, and therefore, the resulting operations are a source of cumbersome litigation which are solved by complex procedural mechanisms that State and Arbitration courts strive to control
Maria-Sube, Yves. "Structure et hétérogénéité d'une plate-forme récifale Miocène (Majorque) ; implication pour les intrusions d'eau salée en zone côtière." Phd thesis, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00440019.
Повний текст джерелаHuang, Chun-You, and 黃軍祐. "A New Recruiting Process of Sale Force and Its Impacts on Sale Business and Staff Turnover rate in A Life Insurance Company." Thesis, 2017. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/acpf59.
Повний текст джерела逢甲大學
This thesis studies a new recruiting system of sale force and its impacts on sale business and the sale force turnover rate in a life insurance company. The new system was implemented in 2013. To account for the effect, the data ranges three-year before and after the system, and thus, it is a seven-year dataset. This data includes 20265 observations of new sale force yearly performance and their continuity on the job. The linear and generalized linear model are used for the new sale force performance and turnover rate, respectively. The results show that, after implementing two years, the new system significantly improves the sale business and reduces the turnover rate. In addition, the institutions which seriously adapt the new system benefit more. This implies the new system effectively raised the high quality of sale force.
MACHERELLI, MATTIA. "Analisi delle forze ruota-rotaia mediante sale montate strumentate. Progettazione e validazione sperimentale di sistemi basati su strumentazione estensimetrica." Doctoral thesis, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/2158/1087514.
Повний текст джерелаWang, Chin-Hsing, and 王進興. "The Study of Strategic Designing The Sale Force – An Example of An Office of A Petroleum Corporation in Taiwan." Thesis, 2012. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/5gp477.
Повний текст джерела國立中興大學
The oil quality market has reached the like a raging fire competition condition, not only for sells the oil quality to provide adds the value service, wins over the customer to approve, but the strategical sale manpower design matter sale manpower''s service''s nature and the quantity, decided that consumer''s satisfaction, this research attempt by the customer demand primarily, the discussion case place of business the strategical sale manpower design, according to the sales strategy, enters the market strategy and the sales manpower design and so on three steps: First sells the strategy, separates including the customer area to give with the customer and the sales flow; Next, explained that enters the market strategy, explained that sells and sells the pipeline; Finally, elaboration sale manpower design, including sales manpower structure, sales manpower scale and responsibility assignment. This research discovery, along with the oil quality market''s opening, the case business place role playing unceasing again change, eliminates continues to carry out the management by objectives, to improve the oil quality quality positively, executes the implementation because of the responsibility center system, the sales strategy localization adjustment, sells pipeline''s expansion, and the sales manpower structural adjustment, the sales manpower role localization, awards the manager the suitable jurisdiction and the relative responsibility, by the staff participation and the coordinated communication''s procedure, take meets the customer need as being converted to, decides the responsibility goal together, chooses the suitable achievements weight target, by takes the inspection basis the control reference, succeeds models the sales manpower from the internal line the organization value. The case place of business provides the variation service and the high-quality service to the customer, carries out the gas station fine service quality comprehensively, impels the customer to relate the management, the improvement public toilet equipment, the gas station beautification to afforest, and promotes the self-service type to refuel and so on multi-dimensional service and so on, the success creates the customer value. Finally provides the related suggestion, expected that by the theory and the practice union discussion, provides intends to discuss company or enterprise reference the sales manpower design research.
Huang, Yu-Jyun, and 黃羽駿. "To Resale the Intangible Form of Digital Copies of the Copyrighted Works-Focus on the First Sale Doctrine." Thesis, 2017. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/31618396496613383682.
Повний текст джерела國立中興大學
The first sale doctrine has an irreplaceable value of blanace the copyright owner’s exclusive right of distribution and consumer’s right of ownership of the copies of the copyrighted works under copyright law. However, when users transfer the intangible form of digital copies to somebody, it results in reproduction. Additionally, the copyright owner usually uses license agreement to retain the ownership and restricts the consumer’s ability to transfer that copies, in order to circumvent the first sale doctrine. Consequently, the first sale doctrine can not be applied to the intangible form of digital copies. Therefore, the spirit of the first sale doctrine may be undermined, when consumers can’t resale the intangible form of digital copies that they download from the copyright owner’s website. But this situation whether is consistent with the spirit of copyright law, which is to promote the progress of culture. This study will focus upon the discussion about the application of the first sale doctrine in the digital era, especially about the intangible form of digital copies. One of aims of this study is trying to analyze whether the first sale doctrine must apply to the intangible form of digital copies. If the reply to this question is in the affirmative, the characteristic of the digital transmission must be considered. On the other hand, what factors must be had when the first sale doctrine apply to the digital copies? The other aim of this study is trying to analyze the contractual relationship between the copyright owner and its consumer, when the copyright owner uses the license agreement to retain the ownership. And this study also analyzes the effectiveness of the nontransferable clause of the license agreement whether or not should be deemed invalid.
Wang, Chung-Jen, and 王崇任. "The Forms and Meanings of the Model Houses and Reception Centers in Taipei under the Pre-sale Scheme of Housing." Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/77880870309527424764.
Повний текст джерела中國文化大學
Due to the marketing strategy of the real estate agents in the early housing market, the average consumers and researchers of real estate hold a negative attitude against those model houses and reception centers. However, even with the economic development, advances of information and consumers gradually understanding their own rights as well as the operation mechanism in the real estate business, model houses and reception centers still remain the predominant marketing tactics, which shows that the developmental process, like the permanent architecture, has reflected different facts and changes in different times and spaces since the first construction of model houses by Wah Mei United Construction in 1972. Following the trend toward commodification of residence and under the operation of marketing strategy by the sale-agent, the forms of models houses and reception centers are combined to represent a specific symbol and meaning, instill certain sentiment into the commodity, and thus create high performance in the highly competitive real estate market. This thesis aims to focus on the "forms and meanings" of the model houses and reception centers. It initially makes an analysis on the background contexts of different developmental stages of the model houses and reception centers, and thus concludes three developmental stages of the model houses and reception centers in the real estate market of Taiwan, which will be discussed respectively from Chapter 2 to Chapter 4. The three stages are summarized as the follows: From 1958 to 1980 was the initial period of the development of model houses and reception centers. From the worksite office serving as the reception center before the formation of the model houses and reception centers to the combination of the model houses and reception centers, the process truly reflects the economic and social changes in Taiwan. Under the development of transplanting the "residential flat" from the western culture to serve as the sales presentation, the continuity of "Form Follows Function" or reflections of a facade of the pre-sale residence may represent a simple style of modern architecture, emphasize the symbolic meaning of the western modernization and progress, and make a contrast between the west and Taiwan, which was in the initial stage to develop its economy. Thus, the flat floor or vertical surface of the house transplanted from the west definitely serves as the key sales demand. From 1981 to 1999, the second period of developing model houses and reception centers, with the gradual political and social liberation in Taiwan as well as prosperous economic development, Taiwanese society and the social values turned multi-cultural, which offered possible opportunities for the construction industry. The developments of model houses and reception centers perfectly reflected the multiple faces of the architectural forms. However, since this period was full of replication and collage of the western architecture, traditional Chinese architectural styles with cultural reflections and classic significance emerged and applied to the construction forms of the model houses and reception centers. The forms of this periods were: modern architectural style, post modern architectural style, Chinese classic architectural style, western classic architectural style, and other diversities. Following the trend of social diversification, the indoor facilities of the reception centers also increase the required space for SP (show promotion) to attract more people and create residential values, which influenced the development of flat and vertical surfaces of the model houses and reception centers. From 2000 to now is the third stage of developing model houses and reception centers. Owing to the continued high vacancy rate in Taiwan's recessing pre-sale housing market in the beginning of 2000 and the admission of "Regulations for the Real Estate Management" in 1999, the sales-agents acquired a legal basis. With an emphasis on the business image and substantial management, the forms of the model houses and reception centers become a concrete image of the actual residence and substantial ecological management. The fact that there have been numerous designers being awarded more than often also prove that this is a stage of mature and high-level designs, and that it carries out the marketing strategy of the sales-agents. Current sales-agents no longer target at customers at random but provide them with a huge variety of model houses and reception centers equipped with customerized, thematic design, stylish decoration, and exquisite details. Even the appearance of model houses and reception centers will share "specific feelings" with the consumers.
Hung, Kuo-Hsin, and 洪國馨. "Key Factors Extracting in Weapons Acquisitions through Foreign Military Sale or Direct Commercial Sale:A Case Study of Air Force Helicopter Acquisition." Thesis, 2010. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/61930957511446493956.
Повний текст джерела國防大學管理學院
ROCAF main weapons acquisition evaluation is according to USAF model and ROCAF program buildup plans to complete acquisition procedures after Executive Yuan’s approval. During program buildup procedure, it is divided into 5 phases such as Operation Requirement Document, System Analysis Report, Outline Plan, Overall Work Plan and Acquisition Plan. Based on ROCAF program buildup plan, the weaponry acquisition model is determined during System Analysis Report ohase. It is very difficult for a policy maker to face the dilemma no matter through Forien Military Sales(FMS) or Direct Commercial Sales(DCS). However, there are few reports to discuss key factors extracting in weapons acquisistion through FMS or DCS. We take ROCAFhelicopters acquisition for case study to solve this problem. First, use Modified Delphi Method to extract key factors. Then take use of AHP to analyze the key factors and the best acquisition model. Finally, we hope policy maker will take this conclusion for reference for future similar program builfup cases.
Manrique, Rueda Gabriela. "Travailler dans la violence : le sale boulot paramilitaire en Colombie." Thèse, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/21125.
Повний текст джерелаViejobueno, Sonia Alejandra Maria. "The role and meaning of trade usages in the 1980 United Nations convention on contracts for the international sale of goods." Diss., 1994. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/17809.
Повний текст джерелаConstitutional International & Indigenous Law
Terblanche, Francis Stephen. "Simulated contracts and the transfer of ownership as a form of real security in South African law." Diss., 1997. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/6770.
Повний текст джерелаPrivate Law