Дисертації з теми "Equivalent Material Model"
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Al-wattar, Tahseen Abdulridha Ali. "Developing equivalent solid model for lattice cell structure using numerical approaches." Wright State University / OhioLINK, 2020. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=wright1610335304435815.
Повний текст джерелаAydincak, Ilke. "Investigation Of Design And Analyses Principles Of Honeycomb Structures." Master's thesis, METU, 2007. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/12608998/index.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаEriksson, Anna. "Carbon dioxide and Energy flows in Jämtland’s waste sector." Thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Avdelningen för ekoteknik och hållbart byggande, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-29087.
Повний текст джерелаGuy, Philippe. "Contribution à l’étude et à la caractérisation des propriétés mécaniques de structures lattices métalliques obtenues par Fabrication Additive (fusion sur lit de poudre)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulouse, ISAE, 2025. http://www.theses.fr/2025ESAE0005.
Повний текст джерелаAdditive manufacturing technology has created new possibilities in design for aerospace components, particularly using lattice structures. The industrial challenge remains to size these structures within a reasonable lead time.This research aimed to improve the understanding and prediction of the mechanical performance of lattice structures that are increasingly used in spacecraft components.Thales Alenia Space – France provided lattice core sandwich beams manufactured by the powder bed laser beam melting process. The mechanical properties of two types of cell, BCC and Dode-Thin, were investigated for two metal alloys, AS7G06 aluminium and TA6V titanium. We performed a number of static and vibration tests and predicted the mechanical behaviour of the specimens using both analytical and numerical calculations.Various Finite Element (FE) models were developed to calculate the effective mechanical properties of a defect-free structure and compared with the beam theory. In particular, we established a theory of cross-sectional properties for the specific Dode-Thin strut. This allowed the Dode-Thin lattice cell to be modelled as a set of 1D beam elements or an equivalent 3D-orthotropic homogenised material. Tests were also carried out to measure the stiffness of the sandwich beams. Optical and SEM observations and X-ray computed tomography (CT) determined the actual cross-sectional properties of the struts.The experiments in this study generally showed that theoretical and numerical predictions significantly overestimated the stiffnesses. Porosity rate and geometrical imperfections were the main causes of the discrepancy between the prediction and the as-built parts. In addition, the 3D-printed materials exhibited a lower Young’s modulus. An in-house code was developed to calculate the cross-sectional properties directly from the CT data and compare them with the nominal properties. These observations and results helped to explain the differences in stiffness and mass and were used to update the predictive models, resulting in a better correlation with the experimental results for static and dynamic behaviour.Finally, this study provided the engineer with a simple method for replacing BCC and Dode-Thin cells with equivalent beams of solid circular cross-section, or with homogenised mechanical properties. This study also deepened the knowledge of the as-built lattice structures and their mechanical behaviour.Further research should explore the effect of strut waviness and the misalignment of the junction centres. Additional tests with other samples manufactured more recently and benefiting from developments in the SLM technique could be conducted. The in-house code we have started to develop for post-processing digital CT images could be enhanced with new functions. We could envisage the construction of a full FE tetrahedral volumetric mesh capturing the geometric imperfections of each strut. This could make it possible to identify the true effective stiffness of the strut geometry. This approach could pave the way for the creation of a digital twin consisting of a FE lattice model constructed directly from CT data
Lago, Nicolò. "Characterization and modelling of organic devices for simultaneous stimulation and recording of cellular electrical activity with Reference-Less Electrolyte-Gated Organic Field-Effect Transistors." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11577/3426781.
Повний текст джерелаLo studio delle malattie neuronali e neuro-degenerative richiede lo sviluppo di nuovi strumenti e tecnologie per creare dispositivi neuro-elettronici funzionali che consentano sia la stimolazione che la registrazione dell'attività elettrica cellulare. Nell'ultimo decennio l'elettronica organica sta emergendo nel campo della bioelettronica e diversi gruppi di ricerca hanno iniziato a sviluppare interfacce neurali basate su semiconduttori organici. L'interesse per tali tecnologie deriva dalle proprietà intrinseche dei materiali organici quali basso costo, trasparenza, morbidezza e flessibilità, nonché la biocompatibilità e l'idoneità nella realizzazione di sistemi stampati completamente organici. In particolare, i biosensori basati sulla tecnologia a transistor ad effetto campo organico (OFET) integrano il sensing e l'amplificazione del segnale in un singolo dispositivo, aprendo la strada a nuove interfacce neurali impiantabili per applicazioni in vivo. Per padroneggiare le proprietà di rilevamento e amplificazione dei sensori basati su OFET, è obbligatorio acquisire una conoscenza approfondita dei singoli transistor (senza la presenza di analiti e/o cellule) che vadano oltre le caratterizzazioni di base o modelli generali. Inoltre, i transistor organici sono caratterizzati da diversi principi di funzionamento e diverse proprietà rispetto alla loro controparte inorganica. In questo lavoro abbiamo svolto caratterizzazioni impulsate e transienti su diversi OFET (sia di tipo p che di tipo n) mostrando che, anche se i transistor possono accendersi e spegnersi molto velocemente, l'accumulo e/o lo svuotamento del canale conduttivo continua per tempi che possono superare le decine di secondi. Tale fenomeno deve essere attentamente considerato nella realizzazione di un biosensore e nelle sue applicazioni, poiché il punto operativo DC del dispositivo può andare alla deriva durante la registrazione dei segnali cellulari, alterando così i dati raccolti. Questo fenomeno viene ulteriormente approfondito caratterizzano i dispositivi a diverse temperature e per mezzo della tecnica DLTS. Abbiamo dimostrato che il lento accumulo (e svuotamento) del canale è dovuto alla densità di stati del semiconduttore organico che devono poter essere occupati per portare il livello energetico di Fermi vicino alla banda di conduzione. Questo è un fenomeno che può richiedere diversi secondi che possiamo descrivere introducendo una mobilità dipendente dal tempo. Per comprendere i processi di trasduzione elettrochimica tra cellule viventi ed il biosensore organico, abbiamo realizzato una struttura a due elettrodi (STACK) in cui una goccia di soluzione salina viene messa direttamente a contatto con il semiconduttore organico. Su questi dispositivi, abbiamo eseguito la spettroscopia di impedenza elettrochimica a diverse polarizzazioni DC e abbiamo sviluppato un modello circuitale equivalente per le strutture metallo/semiconduttore organico/soluzione che vengono tipicamente utilizzate per la realizzazione di bio-trasduttori. Il nostro approccio prevede di estendere il range standard delle tensioni operative per questo genere di dispositivi. Ciò ha permesso di investigare e distinguere i diversi fenomeni che si verificano nei diversi strati e interfacce: adsorbimento di ioni nel semiconduttore; accumulo e scambio di cariche di portanti all'interfaccia semiconduttore/elettrolita; percolazione delle specie ioniche attraverso il semiconduttore organico; diffusione di ioni attraverso l'elettrolita; adsorbimento di ioni e scambio di carica all'interfaccia col metallo. Abbiamo evidenziato la presenza di percolazione ionica attraverso lo strato di semiconduttore organico, che è descritto nel modello circuitale per mezzo di un'impedenza di de Levie. La presenza di percolazione è stata dimostrata mediante microscopia elettronica a scansione ambientale e analisi profilometrica. Sebbene la percolazione sia molto più evidente a valori di bias negativi elevati, risulta presente anche a basse condizioni di bias. L'ottimo accordo tra il modello e i dati sperimentali rende il modello un valido strumento per studiare i meccanismi di trasduzione tra film organici e l'ambiente fisiologico. Quindi questo modello può essere uno strumento utile non solo per la caratterizzazione e l'analisi dei guasti dei dispositivi elettronici, come water-gated transistor, interfacce elettrofisiologiche, celle a combustibile e altri sistemi elettrochimici, ma anche nel caso in cui una soluzione è in intimo contatto con un altro materiale per determinare e/o quantificare se si verificano meccanismi indesiderati come percolazione e/o processi corrosivi. Infine, il bagaglio di conoscenze ottenuto studiando i dispositivi OFET e STACK è stato messo utillizato per realizzare dispositivi EGOFET. Abbiamo quindi sviluppato un modello per descrivere gli EGOFET come interfacce neurali. Abbiamo dimostrato che il nostro modello può essere applicato con successo per comprendere il comportamento di una classe più generale di dispositivi, compresi i transistor sia organici che inorganici. Abbiamo introdotto l'RL-EGOFET (reference-less EGOFET) e abbiamo dimostrato che questa struttura può essere utilizzata con successo come interfaccia neurale flessibile per il recording extracellulare in vivo senza la necessità di un elettrodo di riferimento, rendendo l'impianto meno invasivo e più facile da usare. I nostri risultati aprono la strada all'utilizzo e all'ottimizzazione di EGOFET e RL-EGOFET come interfacce neurali.
Riesco, Refoyo Javier. "Development of battery models for on-board health estimation in hybrid vehicles." Thesis, KTH, Materialvetenskap, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-211680.
Повний текст джерелаGiljum, Stefan, Hanspeter Wieland, Franz Stephan Lutter, Nina Eisenmenger, Heinz Schandl, and Anne Owen. "The impacts of data deviations between MRIO models on material footprints: A comparison of EXIOBASE, Eora, and ICIO." Wiley, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jiec.12833.
Повний текст джерелаVENEZIANI, GLAUCO R. "Desenvolvimento de um objeto simulador "Canis Morphic" utilizando impressora 3D para aplicação em dosimetria na área de radioterapia veterinária." reponame:Repositório Institucional do IPEN, 2017. http://repositorio.ipen.br:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/27967.
Повний текст джерелаMade available in DSpace on 2017-11-08T16:10:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
O aumento na longevidade humana fez surgir uma série de doenças com a idade; em contrapartida o avanço da medicina possibilitou o diagnóstico precoce e o tratamento de várias doenças antes incuráveis. Esse cenário atual estendese também aos animais domésticos (cães e gatos - PETs) que dobraram sua expectativa de vida nas últimas décadas, fato que os humanos demoraram séculos para alcançar. Do mesmo modo que os humanos, esse aumento na longevidade dos animais veio acompanhado de doenças relacionadas com a idade, entre elas o câncer. Uma das terapias utilizadas atualmente no tratamento do câncer é a radioterapia, técnica que utiliza a radiação ionizante para destruir as células tumorais (volume-alvo) com mínimo prejuízo aos tecidos circunvizinhos sadios (órgãos de risco). Essa técnica exige a realização periódica de testes de controle de qualidade, incluindo a dosimetria com a utilização de objetos simuladores equivalentes ao tecido, de modo a verificar a dose de radiação recebida pelo paciente em tratamento e compará-la posteriormente com a dose de radiação calculada pelo sistema de planejamento. A rápida expansão do mercado de impressoras 3D abriu caminho para uma revolução na área da saúde. Atualmente os objetos simuladores por impressão 3D estão sendo usados em planejamentos de Radioterapia para a localização espacial e mapeamento das curvas de isodose, realizando, assim, um planejamento mais personalizado para cada campo de radiação, além da confecção de implantes dentais, customização de próteses e confecção de bólus. Diante do exposto esse trabalho projetou e desenvolveu um objeto simulador chamado de \"Canis Morphic\" utilizando uma impressora 3D e materiais tecido-equivalentes para a realização dos testes de controle de qualidade e otimização das doses na área de Radioterapia em animais (cães). Os resultados obtidos demonstraram-se promissores na área de criação de simuladores por impressão 3D, com materiais de baixo custo, para aplicação no controle de qualidade em Radioterapia veterinária.
Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear)
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
Ouedraogo, Boureima. "Modélisation du rayonnement acoustique dans les guides traités par des matériaux absorbants à réaction localisée ou non localisée en présence d'écoulement par la méthode des éléments finis." Phd thesis, Université de Bourgogne, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00674031.
Повний текст джерелаSjödin, Mattias. "Investigating Particle Cracking in Single- and Polycrystalline Nickel-Rich Cathodes using In Situ Impedance Spectroscopy." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Strukturkemi, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-449968.
Повний текст джерелаVALERIANO, CAIO C. S. "Emprego de simulação computacional para avaliação de objetos simuladores impressos 3D para aplicação em dosimetria clínica." reponame:Repositório Institucional do IPEN, 2017. http://repositorio.ipen.br:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/28015.
Повний текст джерелаMade available in DSpace on 2017-11-16T18:08:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
O propósito de um objeto simulador é representar a alteração do campo de radiação provocada pela absorção e espalhamento em um dado tecido ou órgão de interesse. Suas características geométricas e de composição devem estar próximos o máximo possível aos valores associados ao seu análogo natural. Estruturas anatômicas podem ser transformadas em objetos virtuais 3D por técnicas de imageamento médico (p. ex. Tomografia Computadorizada) e impressas por prototipagem rápida utilizando materiais como, por exemplo, o ácido poliláctico. Sua produção para pacientes específicos requer o preenchimento de requisitos como a acurácia geométrica com a anatomia do individuo e a equivalência ao tecido, de modo que se possa realizar medidas utilizáveis, e ser insensível aos efeitos da radiação. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento de materiais impressos 3D quando expostos a feixes de fótons diversos, com ênfase para a qualidade de radiotherapia (6 MV), visando a sua aplicação na dosimetria clínica. Para isso foram usados 30 dosímetros termoluminescentes de LiF:Mg,Ti. Foi analisada também a equivalência entre o PMMA e o PLA impresso para a resposta termoluminescente de 30 dosímetros de CaSO4:Dy. As irradiações com feixes de fótons com qualidade de radioterapia foram simuladas com o uso do sistema de planejamento Eclipse™, com o Anisotropic Analytical Algorithm e o Acuros® XB Advanced Dose Calculation algorithm. Além do uso do Eclipse™ e dos testes dosimétricos, foram realizadas simulações computacionais utilizando o código MCNP5. As simulações com o código MCNP5 foram realizadas para calcular o coeficiente de atenuação de placas impressas expostas a diversas qualidades de raios X de radiodiagnóstico e para desenvolver um modelo computacional de placas impressas 3D.
Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear)
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
Torchio, Riccardo. "Extending the Unstructured PEEC Method to Magnetic, Transient, and Stochastic Electromagnetic Problems." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/11577/3422324.
Повний текст джерелаL'obiettivo principale di questa tesi è di estendere e migliorare l'applicabilità e l'accuratezza del metodo Partial Element Equivalent Circuit (PEEC) non strutturato (Unstructured PEEC). L'interesse riguardo tale argomento è stimolato dalla crescente necessità di metodi numerici rapidi ed efficienti, che possono aiutare gli ingegneri durante la progettazione e altre fasi della produzione di componenti elettrici ed elettronici di nuova generazione. Durante la prima fase della tesi, il metodo PEEC (nella sua forma non strutturata) è esteso ai mezzi magnetici. A questo proposito, vengono sviluppate e confrontate due formulazioni: la prima, basata sull'interpretazione amperiana dei fenomeni di magnetizzazione, deriva dalla letteratura esistente relativa alla versione standard (strutturata) del metodo PEEC; il secondo, basato sull'interpretazione coulombiana dei fenomeni di magnetizzazione, è proposto dall'autore con l'obiettivo di collocare il metodo PEEC nel contesto dei metodi di integrali di volume (Volume Integral Equation). Successivamente, la ricerca si focalizza sull’utilizzo di tecniche di compressione a basso rango al fine di risolvere problemi PEEC in maniera computazionalmente efficiente, salvaguardando tempo e memoria di calcolo. A tal proposito, vengono applicati due metodi diversi: il primo si basa su matrici gerarchiche (matrici H e H2 mentre il secondo si basa su matrici gerarchiche-semi-separabili (HSS). I due metodi vengono confrontati e vengono analizzati i principali problemi numerici che emergono applicando tali tecniche di compressione a basso rango al metodo PEEC. In seguito, il metodo PEEC non strutturato viene combinato con l’approccio Marching On-In Time (MOT) per lo studio di fenomeni transitori rapidi con un ricco contenuto armonico. Infine, sono stati sviluppati due diversi metodi PEEC stocastici per la quantificazione dell'incertezza. Il primo si basa sull'espansione Polynomial Chaos, mentre il secondo si basa sulla tecnica di riduzione d'ordine parametrica (Parametric Model Order Reduction) unita all'espansione spettrale.
Parvathaneni, Keerthi Krishna. "Characterization and multiscale modeling of textile reinforced composite materials considering manufacturing defects." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Lille Douai, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020MTLD0016.
Повний текст джерелаThe influence of void-type manufacturing defects on the mechanical properties of textile composites was investigated both by experimental characterization and by multiscale modeling. In particular, voids characteristics such as not only void volume fraction but also its size, shape, and distribution have been characterized for textile composites and their effect on the mechanical properties have been analyzed. Several textile composite plates were fabricated by the resin transfer molding (RTM) process where 3D interlock glass textile reinforcement was impregnated by epoxy resin under a constant injection pressure to generate different types of voids. A series of mechanical tests were performed to examine the dependency of tensile modulus and strength of composites on the total void volume fraction, intra & inter-yarn void volume fraction, and their geometrical characteristics. Microscopy observations were performed to obtain the local information about fibers (diameter and distribution), and intra-yarn voids (radius, aspect ratio and distribution). Based on these results, a novel algorithm was proposed to generate the statistically equivalent representative volume element (RVE) containing voids. Moreover, the effect of void morphology, diameter and spatial distribution (homogeneous, random and clustering) on the homogenized properties of the yarns was also investigated by the finite element method. X-ray micro-computed tomography was employed to extract the real meso-scale geometry and inter-yarn voids. Subsequently, this data was utilized to create a numerical model at meso-scale RVE and used to predict the elastic properties of composites containing voids. A parametric study using a multiscale numerical method was proposed to investigate the effect of each void characteristic, i.e. volume fraction, size, shape, distribution, and location on the elastic properties of composites. Thus, the proposed multiscale method allows establishing a correlation between the void defects at different scales and the mechanical properties of textile composites
Moreau, Jean-Alain. "Mesures par thermocouple de la temperature superficielle d'un materiau semi transparent soumis a un environnement naturel. Developpement d'un modele analogique applique a la correctin de ces mesures." Toulouse, INSA, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991ISAT0023.
Повний текст джерелаLei, Lei. "Étude des matériaux poreux thermo compressés pour la modélisation des écrans acoustiques automobiles." Thesis, Compiègne, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018COMP2428/document.
Повний текст джерелаThis work was carried out in the framework of the project EcOBEx, whose main objective was to reduce the passby noise by mean of acoustic shields in the engine compartment of the vehicle. The acoustic shields are manufactured by thermocompression of uniform porous materials. The material’s properties and thickness evolve according to the degree of compression experienced by the material. The objective of this work is to propose some laws to predict the evolution of the materials properties from their initial non compressed values and the compression rate. Firstly, we focus on the parameters of the Johnson-Champoux-Allard-Lafarge (JCAL) equivalent fluid model : porosity, air-flow resistivity, tortuosity, viscous characteristic lengths, thermal characteristic length, static thermal permeability. Some analytical expressions are proposed to predict the variation of these parameters as a function of compression. They are derived from a physical model of cylindrical fibres where the fibre orientation variations induced by the thermocompression can be taken into account. The results are in good agreement with the measurements made two types of materials (open cell foam and fibrous). A generalized empirical model is finally proposed for the air-flow resistivity.In a second part, we focus on the elastic parameters, which are necessary to take into account the vibration of the skeleton. The quasi-static experimental method is first applied to study the evolution of the Young’s modulus along the compression rate for fibrous and open cell foams. A power law is then proposed to predict these variations. Finally, an inverse method for estimating the elastic properties of an orthotropic poro-elastic material from a vibratory measurement of a thermocompressed three layer sandwich structure is proposed. This method allows us to characterize the elastic properties of a porous material in a situation close to its actual application
Kader, Ammar. "Caractérisation et modélisation électromagnétique de multimatériaux composites : application aux structures automobiles." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015BORD0056.
Повний текст джерелаThe main concern of this thesis is the characterization of the impacts of some composite materials on the main electromagnetic compatibility issues in a vehicle. The surface models of the dielectric materials are validated by confronting their simulated and measured permittivity. The surface model of the studied conductive material is validated by confronting it to a wire model and by measuring and simulating the S parameters on a structure constituted by such a material. It appears in both cases of dielectric and conductive composite materials that the surface impedance modeling technique gives a good description of the materials. The analysis of the effects of these materials on the EMC issues within a vehicle is done by use of a demonstrator representing the car body. The different equipment and harnesses embedded in a vehicle are represented in the demonstrator by some wires and monopoles. The evaluation of the impact of the composite materials on the EMC issues is done by measuring and simulating the different couplings within the demonstrator and between the demonstrator and a test antenna. The analysis of the different couplings confirms that the surface impedance material modeling approach describes well the materials under test. Concerning the impact of the composite materials on the EMC issues at a vehicle level, this analysis fulfills two main results. The first one concerns the dielectric materials. Indeed the use of these materials increases the different coupling by a value varying between at least 5 dB to 30 dB. The second conclusion concerns the use of conductive composite materials. It appears that they have no effect on the different couplings in comparison to the full steel structure
Lee, Shang-Ta, and 李尚達. "3-D Equivalent Uniaxial Strain of Concrete Material Constitutive Model." Thesis, 2016. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/67322893075674342106.
Повний текст джерела國立中央大學
In this research, focus on non-linear behavior of concrete by using concept of “Equivalent Uniaxial Strain” proposed by Darwin & Pecknold and concept of “Hypo-plastic Model” proposed by Balan, concept of “Equivalent uniaxial strain” degenerate muti-axial which react upon each other into multiple uniaxial, also simplify mathematic calculation. Though, in traditional plastic mechanics, flow rule and hardening rule commonly use plastic material model, those rules are not used in hypo-plastic model. Method of this research is different from traditional way. Hypo-plastic model can be classified into two parts, one is “Ultimate Surface”, the other one is “Equivalent uniaxial strain envelope”. In regard of using ultimate surface model, choose Willam-Warnke which revised by Menetrey & Willam and named Menetrey-Willam Model. Meanwhile, in consideration of ultimate strength in tri-axial compress, we adding “Cap Model” to revise and named this model “Closed Menetrey-Willam” model, this contain both meridian and cap model. Second part of hypo- plastic model is using Equivalent uniaxial strain envelope of concrete proposed by Saenz. In this study, uniaxial, biaxial, tri-axial experiments are applied to verify analysis. Especially tri-axial loading test, because of loading path along three principal directions, strength of concrete will be lifted up to another level, in order to solve this, propose a method of revising failure surface to predict ultimate state in tri-axial loading test.
Lai, Yu-Ju, and 賴昱儒. "3D Concrete Material Model with Concept of Equivalent Uniaxial Strain." Thesis, 2014. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/z82957.
Повний текст джерела國立中央大學
Inelastic material model of concrete is a general used model for describing the behavior over the linear range. Based on concept of equivalent uniaxial strain proposed by Darwin and Pecknold, triaxial response can be de-coupled into three uniaxial relations. As this concept is used, calculation with plastic method including hardening rule and flow rule can be avoided. The effect of plastic behavior still be considered and appear in the stress-strain curve. On determination of current material strength, ultimate strength surface is used to complete the whole system with equivalent uniaxial strain. With combination of equivalent uniaxial strain and ultimate strength surface, “hypoplastic” is named to describe this systematized method. In this research, some failure surfaces is considered as the ultimate surface including Ottosen 4-parameter model, Hsieh-Ting-Chen 4-parameter model and Willam-Warnke 5-parameter model. Finally, Menetrey-Willam model which modified by Willam-Warnke 5-parameter model is used as ultimate strength surface in this research. Furthermore, the cap model is applied to describe the triaxial compressive ultimate strength and closed the ultimate strength surface. Combining Menetrey-Willam model and cap model together as a closed surface and named Closed Menetrey Willam model to attain the completeness and Closure of geometry. The equation of uniaxial envelope, proposed by Saenz, is convenient to use with only one equation describes ascending and descending branches. In case study, uniaxial, biaxial and triaxial experiments are applied to verify the analysis. By combining the hypoplastic model and finite element method, prediction of dynamic problems of nonlinear concrete structure are expected to be well.
Yen, Yu-Cheng, and 顏昱丞. "Equivalent Uniaxial Strain And Stress Material Constitutive Model Under Dynamic Loading." Thesis, 2018. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/jyt44t.
Повний текст джерела國立中央大學
This research presents a dynamic three-dimensional constitutive model of material equivalent uniaxial strain and stress. The purpose is to study the behavior of concrete materials under dynamic loading, because most of the structures in daily life are subject to dynamic loading such as earthquakes, impacts and explosions. This research uses the equivalent uniaxial strain concept proposed by Darwin & Pecknold to separate the Poisson's ratio of multi-axial forces. The equivalent uniaxial strain is a fictitious material index which is invented to compute the parameters such as material stiffness modulus and Poisson’s ratio. This research proposes a dynamic material failure model, which combines the three-parameter failure criterion proposed by Menetrey and Willam with the cap model proposed by Balan et al. to form the Close-Menetrey-Willam model. The dynamic failure model is expanded by the DIF (Dynamic Increase Factor). The dynamic failure model under different strain rate loading states is established, and the stress state at different moments on the dynamic material failure model to define the ultimate strength parameters at the current moment. Using the uniaxial stress-strain model proposed by Saenz, this formula only needs to define the ultimate strength parameters to describe the hardened and softened sections in concrete behavior. It is quite simple and convenient to use in numerical simulation. This study proposes a concrete deterioration model. The combination of the concrete deterioration strength formula proposed by Du Jian-min and the Close-Menetrey-Willam model, establishes a deterioration model with different damage levels, defines the ultimate strength parameters of deterioration model. The numerical examples in this study verify the high strain rate, low strain rate loading of concrete, low strain rate loading of ice, the low strain rate loading of ice at different temperatures and concrete deterioration.
Знайти повний текст джерелаJiao, Yang. "On the Equivalence between the Additive Hypo-Elasto-Plasticity and Multiplicative Hyper-Elasto-Plasticity Models and Adaptive Propagation of Discontinuities." Thesis, 2018. https://doi.org/10.7916/D8JW9SBC.
Повний текст джерелаLEE, CHAO-KUEI, and 李肇魁. "Applying ADDIE Model to Develop a Multimedia Teaching Materials to Enhance Learning Performance of Junior High School Students-An Example of Basic Hakka Language Equivalency Certification Requirements." Thesis, 2014. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/5ey96h.
Повний текст джерела國立聯合大學
Abstract In the current Taiwan, the number of people who are able to fluently speak Hakka language is reducing. In particular, this situation is worse among the young generations, which could result in the extinction of Hakka language in about 40 years.In order to prevent the loss of Hakka language, Taiwan’s Hakka Commission has published “Basic Hakka Language Certification Learning Materials”, which embraces both traditional and digital means allowing Hakka Language teachers to effectively teach Hakka language and carry on Hakka heritiage. After the completion of studying the basic learning materials, most students passed the certification test, while few did not. Those who did not pass the test was due to the difficulty of recognizing “figure speech photos”. As there are 32 photos with no supplemental information, it is inconvenience for teaching and learning.In order to improve students’ ability of “figure speech”, the researcher designed the “ADDIE” teaching model which added notations, audio, and related multi-media learning theories, skills and experts’ comments aiming to better deliver Hakka language education.Using experimental test, research sample (31 participants) was recruited from volunteers at 7th or 8th grade level who attended the language training course. The researcher scientifically designed an evaluation form to measure the difference before and after the training. Using T-test, the result has discovered that the ADDIE is a better training model.In all, based on the result of this study, the researcher could provide suggestions to the educational authority or Hakka Commission for the future policy-making and to improve learning materials. Keywords: ADDIE model, basic Hakka language equivalency certificate test, Figure Speech, multimedia teaching materials
Знайти повний текст джерелаSantos, Ângelo Emanuel Neves dos. "Design and simulation of a smart bottle with fill-level sensing based on oxide TFT technology." Master's thesis, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10362/19593.
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