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Нечипоренко, Іван Віталійович. "Оптимізація технологічного процесу отримання поршнів із сплаву АК12М2МгН". Master's thesis, Київ, 2018. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/23628.

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Мaгicтеpcькa диcеpтaцiя: 97 c., 8 pиc., 17 тaбл, 35 пocилaнь, додатків 1. Oб’єкт дocлiдження – теxнoлoгiчний пpoцеc вигoтoвлення пopшнiв iз cплaву A К12М2МгН. Метa poбoти – oптимiзaцiя теxнoлoгiчнoгo пpoцеcу виготовлення пopшнів iз cплaву A К12М2МгН нa бaзi AТ «Пoлтaвcький туpбoмехaнiчний зaвoд». Пpедмет дocлiдження – спосіб введення ультрадисперсних частинок нітридів і карбонітридів в металевий розплав за допомогою механічної суміші фторцирконату калію й нітриду, і сплавленої суміші фторцирконату калію, хлориду марганцю й нітриду титану. Метoди дocлiдження – у poбoтi викopиcтaнo cучacнi метoдики визнaчення влacтивocтей cплaвiв. Pезультaти дocлiджень – оптимізовано теxнoлoгiчний пpoцеc тa зaпpoпoнoвaнo теxнолoгiю oбpoблення poзплaву зa дoпo мoгoю cпocoбу введення ультpa диcпеpcниx чacтинoк нiт pидi в i кapбoнiтpид в в метaлевий poзплaв зa дoпoмoги меxaнічнoї cумiш i фторцирконату кaлiю й нiтpиду, i cплa вленoї cумiшi фтopциpкoнaту кaлiю, xлopиду мapгaнцю й нiтpиду титaну. Вивченo вплив paфiнувaльниx тa мoдифiкувaльниx елементiв на кoмплекc ливapни , меxaнiчних, екcплуaтaцiйниx влacтивocтей тa cтpуктуp у пopшневиx cплaвiв, щo дoзвoлилo oтpимaти без дефектнi виливки. Знaчущіcть poбoти – нa пiдcтaвi pезультaтiв дocлiджень зaпpoпoнoвaнo i впpoвадженo теxнoлoгiчнoлoгiчний пpoцеc oтpимaння пopшнiвi з cплaву A К12М2МгН. Гaлузі зacтocувaння – aвтoмoбiлебудiвнa пpoмиcлoвicть. Пpoгнoзнi пpипущення – зaпpoпoнoвaний теxнoлoгiчний пpoцеc вигoтoвлення пopшнiв i з cплaву A К12М2МгН мoже бути викopиcтaний в умoвax масового виpoбництвa
Master’s thesis: 97 p., 8 fig., 17 tab., 35 references , applications 1. Object of study – the technological process of manufacturing pistons from the AK12M2MgN alloy. The aim of the work – optimize the technological process of production pistons from the AK12M2MgN alloy on the basis of JSC Poltava turbomechanical plant. Subject of study – a method of introducing ultrafine particles of nitrides and carbonitrides into a metallic melt with the help of a mechanical mixture of potassium fluorocysine and nitride, and a fused mixture of potassium fluorocysine, manganese chloride and titanium nitride. Research methods – modern methods of determining the special properties of alloys are used in the work. Research results – optimize the technological process and proposed a technology for melt treatment with the method of introducing ultrafine particles of nitrides and car bonitrides into a metallic melt with the help of a mechanical mixture of potassium fluorocysine and nitride, and a fused mixture of potassium fluorocysine, manganese chloride and titanium nitride. The influence of refining and modifying elements on the complex of foundry, mechanical, operational properties and structure of piston alloys has been studied, which allowed to obtain without defective castings. Urgency of the research – based on the results of the research, the technological process of obtaining pistons from the AK12M2MnN alloy was proposed and introduced. Branch of production – automotive industry. Projected assumptions – the proposed technological process of manufacturing pistons from the AK12M2MgN alloy can be used in massive production.
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Говорун, Тетяна Павлівна, Татьяна Павловна Говорун, Tetiana Pavlivna Hovorun та А. І. Мартинов. "Застосування алюмінієвого сплаву АК5М7 для рудникового вибухобезпечного електрообладнання". Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2016. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/46153.

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На вугільних, сланцевих і рудних шахтах застосовується рудникове електрообладнання: електричні машини та апарати для перетворення, розподілу і споживання електричної енергії; електричні прилади і пристрої (магнітні пускачі, фідерні автомати), що використовуються для управління, захисту та вимірювання в електричних мережах шахт. Таке електрообладнання відноситься до вибухозахищеного, у якому вибухозахист забезпечується як при нормальному режимі роботи, так і при ймовірних пошкодженнях чи у разі аварії. Це виключає небезпеку вибуху при появі електричних іскор і дуг, здатних запалити повітряну суміш або вугільний пил.
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Bagherian, Ehsaan-Reza. "To enable the processing of new complex high performance alloys by improving the capacity and performance of continuous casting equipment." Thesis, University of Dundee, 2017. https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/en/studentTheses/180193a3-ef99-4d4f-a56a-78c69d8f35af.

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In a high competitive market, the development of new alloys, new applications, price pressure and increases in product forces quality wire manufacturers to ask for increased mechanical characteristics without losing conductivity. As a particular example, development of new copper alloys such as CuZr, CuSn, CuMg and CuAg have been developed for automotive cables. Continuous extrusion is currently the most prevalent manufacturing technology in terms of chemical composition, mechanical properties and electrical properties, resulting in the production of high quality rods. However, continuous casting has good potential to also be adapted to the mass production of various copper alloy wires. Comparison of the continuous casting process to other thermal methods such as continuous extrusion highlighted that, in general, the mechanical properties of continuous cast materials are lower than that of material from thermomechanical methods. However, continuously cast alloys rods are cheap to produce and simple to manufacture. So, the key aims of this research were (a) to increase the understanding of the solidification behaviour of some industrially important continuously cast non-ferrous alloys, (b) to define an increased range of alloys and downstream processing techniques which could be performed using continuous casting technology, (c) to determine improved continuous casting process validation capabilities and (d) to define new capabilities in terms of casting equipment. The majority of this PhD thesis was focused on improving the current continuous casting technologies and development of casting capability of a range of copper and non-copper alloys. The analysis in this PhD thesis illustrated that the metallurgical and mechanical properties of components mainly produced by continuous casting are acceptable, and that this method could be a replacement production method for materials such as lead alloys and various copper alloy rod, e.g. CuMg and CuAg. However, in the case of Deoxidized High Phosphorus (DHP) copper tubes, the performance of the as-cast material was significantly lower than that of from extrusion or planetary rolling process. This PhD thesis also makes comment on the parameters controlling the solidification process in order to improve the quality of as cast alloys rods/tubes. Using specific casting parameters, a significant difference based on tensile strength and elongation percentage has been illustrated, and it was found that these parameters could improve the mechanical properties of continuously cast copper rods and tubes. This significant difference is as a result only of the change in casting parameters, with no difference in the chemical composition of the material, or the general method of production. These parameters were (1) water flow rate, (2) casting speed, (3) pull distance, (4) melt temperature, (5) cleanout cycle, (6) continuous casting direction and (7) super-cooler size. The new knowledge created and understanding gained during the course of this research improved the company’s capability in the marketplace, enabling it to supply equipment with improved competitive capabilities and the potential to enter new markets, leading to sales growth in existing sectors and significant longer-term growth into new technically challenging application areas.
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Buys, Alexander George. "Performance evaluation of aluminium alloy 7075 for use in tool design for the plastic industry." Thesis, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11838/1246.

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Thesis (MTech (Mechanical Engineering))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2009.
The objective of this project was to measure the performance of high-strength aluminium alloys as injection mould material compared against conventionally used tool steel.
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SAFRA, LEANDRO C. P. G. "Obtenção de fios em ligas de cobre para utilização em linhas de transmissão e em eletrodos para contatos elétricos." reponame:Repositório Institucional do IPEN, 2011. http://repositorio.ipen.br:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/10052.

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Dissertação (Mestrado)
Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Persaud-Sharma, Dharam. "An Assessment of Novel Biodegradable Magnesium Alloys for Endovascular Biomaterial Applications." FIU Digital Commons, 2013. http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/etd/950.

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Magnesium alloys have been widely explored as potential biomaterials, but several limitations to using these materials have prevented their widespread use, such as uncontrollable degradation kinetics which alter their mechanical properties. In an attempt to further the applicability of magnesium and its alloys for biomedical purposes, two novel magnesium alloys Mg-Zn-Cu and Mg-Zn-Se were developed with the expectation of improving upon the unfavorable qualities shown by similar magnesium based materials that have previously been explored. The overall performance of these novel magnesium alloys has been assessesed in three distinct phases of research: 1) analysing the mechanical properties of the as-cast magnesium alloys, 2) evaluating the biocompatibility of the as-cast magnesium alloys through the use of in-vitro cellular studies, and 3) profiling the degradation kinetics of the as-cast magnesium alloys through the use of electrochemical potentiodynamic polarization techqnique as well as gravimetric weight-loss methods. As compared to currently available shape memory alloys and degradable as-cast alloys, these experimental alloys possess superior as-cast mechanical properties with elongation at failure values of 12% and 13% for the Mg-Zn-Se and Mg-Zn-Se alloys, respectively. This is substantially higher than other as-cast magnesium alloys that have elongation at failure values that range from 7-10%. Biocompatibility tests revealed that both the Mg-Zn-Se and Mg-Zn-Cu alloys exhibit low cytotoxicity levels which are suitable for biomaterial applications. Gravimetric and electrochemical testing was indicative of the weight loss and initial corrosion behavior of the alloys once immersed within a simulated body fluid. The development of these novel as-cast magnesium alloys provide an advancement to the field of degradable metallic materials, while experimental results indicate their potential as cost-effective medical devices.
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KUNIOSHI, CLARICE T. "Estudo do comportamento de erosao-oxidacao de materiais compositos de NiCr com WC e Crsub(3)Csub(2)." reponame:Repositório Institucional do IPEN, 2004. http://repositorio.ipen.br:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/11239.

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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Tese (Doutoramento)
Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP
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FERREIRA, ELINER A. "Estudo da hidrogenação para pulverização de ligas à base de terras raras com Nb para eletrodos de hidreto metálico." reponame:Repositório Institucional do IPEN, 2013. http://repositorio.ipen.br:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/26390.

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Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2016-06-22T13:51:24Z No. of bitstreams: 0
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-22T13:51:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear)
Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Fernández, Reyes Pablo. "Metallurgical characterisation of 1st and 2nd century AD Roman copper-alloy military equipment from north-western Europe." Thesis, University of Liverpool, 2014. http://livrepository.liverpool.ac.uk/2003529/.

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Roman military equipment has traditionally been studied from a typological perspective based on a linear concept of change. Whilst Roman alloys have been analysed scientifically and general studies on them have been published, analysis of military equipment has been scarce and mostly secluded as part of excavation reports of individual sites. Scientific analysis though, can provide independent ways of studying military equipment. It can answer questions about production and distribution of the raw materials and finished objects and is capable of informing on reasons for technological choices (the intention of obtaining determinate colours, for example), and identification of military units. A total of 216 copper-alloy military objects from the British sites of South Cadbury Castle, Ham Hill, Usk, Carlisle, Chester and Kingsholm, and the German site of Kalkriese were selected for obtaining metallurgical characterisation: chemical analysis at major, minor and trace element level and microstructural analysis to obtain fabrication history and identifying any plating. The analytical techniques employed were atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDS), optical microscopy and multivariate statistics methods such as principal component analysis (PCA), discriminant analysis (DA) and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The aim of the project was to characterise the chemical and physical make-up of Roman military copper-alloy metalwork from the 1st century AD, with especial interest in the immediate post-conquest period. The results of the analysis show a difference between the Roman military equipment from British sites and the equipment from Kalkriese, based on trace element patterns. This difference can be explained by a large input of material into Britain that had been made in the years before AD43 in preparation for the conquest. Contrary to recent scholarship, and based on compositional and microstructural evidence, some lorica segmentata brass fittings seem to have been centrally produced. Primary brass and specific gunmetal compositions seem to be associated with the military and probably chosen primarily for their appearance and resemblance to gold, rather than for their mechanical properties. The possibility of mechanised production of brass is explored based on the brass ingot from Sheepen.
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Björk, Lars. "Construction of cooling rig and investigation of cooling sensitivity for aluminum crash alloy." Thesis, KTH, Materialvetenskap, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-160902.

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The work presented in this master thesis deal with the issue of quenching, investigation regarding different cooling rates and its effect on the material properties of aluminum alloy in the 6xxx series used for crash purposes in cars, such as crash boxes, beams and other crash relevant parts. Precipitation of Mg2Si due to different cooling rates affects the material properties such as crash performance, thus the aluminum alloy used is sensitive to different cooling rates. In order to perform tests with different cooling rates a cooling rig was constructed. In order to evaluate the different cooling rates both mechanical testing such as tensile test and 3-point bending test and compression test were performed. Also analyses with scanning electron microscope/energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy were performed to estimate grain boundary decoration of Mg2Si due to the different cooling rates. Furthermore LOM analyses were performed to evaluate if the experimental setup had any effect on material properties such as grain size. The constructed cooling rig produced different cooling rates with reliable repeatability as intended. Cooling rates between 130 ̊C/s and 20 ̊C/s were accomplished. Mg2Si occurred in all investigated test samples with various amounts. Higher cooling rates decreases the precipitation of Mg2Si to the grain boundaries, higher cooling rates also increased the bending angle achieved from the 3-point bending test. Furthermore, extensive solution heat treatment at elevated temperatures leads to grain growth.
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Skoglund, Björn. "Following the mevalonate pathway to bone heal alley /." Linköping : Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Materials in Medicine, Section of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Linköping University, 2007. http://www.bibl.liu.se/liupubl/disp/disp2007/med1033s.pdf.

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Skoglund, Björn. "Following the mevalonate pathway to bone heal alley." Doctoral thesis, Linköpings universitet, Ortopedi och idrottsmedicin, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-11282.

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The mevalonate pathway is an important biosynthetic pathway, found in all cells of virtually all known pro- as well as eukaryotic organisms. This thesis is an investigation into the use of two drugs, originally developed for different applications, but both affecting the mevalonate pathway, in to models of fracture repair. Using two different rodent models of fracture repair, a commonly used cholesterol lowering drug (statin) and two drugs used to treat osteoporosis (bisphosphonate) were applied both systemically as well as locally in order to enhance fracture repair. Papers I and II investigate the potential of simvastatin to improve the healing of femoral fractures in mice. Papers III and IV explore the use of two bisphosphonates to improve early fixation of stainless steel screws into rat bone. The statin simvastatin lead to an increased strength of the healing cellus. The application of bisphosphonates increased early screw fixation. It seems clear that both drugs have uses in orthopaedic applications. One interesting avenue of further research would be to combine the two classes of drugs and see if we can get the benefits while at the same time diminishing the drawbacks.
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Fenollosa, Artés Felip. "Contribució a l'estudi de la impressió 3D per a la fabricació de models per facilitar l'assaig d'operacions quirúrgiques de tumors." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/667421.

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La present tesi doctoral s’ha centrat en el repte d’aconseguir, mitjançant Fabricació Additiva (FA), models per a assaig quirúrgic, sota la premissa que els equips per fer-los haurien de ser accessibles a l’àmbit hospitalari. L’objectiu és facilitar l’extensió de l’ús dels prototips com a eina de preparació d’operacions quirúrgiques, transformant la pràctica mèdica actual de la mateixa manera que en el seu moment ho van fer tecnologies com les que van facilitar l’ús de radiografies. El motiu d’utilitzar FA, en lloc de tecnologies més tradicionals, és la seva capacitat de materialitzar de forma directa les dades digitals obtingudes de l’anatomia del pacient mitjançant sistemes d’escanejat tridimensional, fent possible l’obtenció de models personalitzats. Els resultats es centren en la generació de nou coneixement sobre com aconseguir equipaments d’impressió 3D multimaterials accessibles que permetin l’obtenció de models mimètics respecte als teixits vius. Per facilitar aquesta buscada extensió de la tecnologia, s’ha focalitzat en les tecnologies de codi obert com la Fabricació per Filament Fos (FFF) i similars basades en líquids catalitzables. La recerca s’alinea dins l’activitat de desenvolupament de la FA al CIM UPC, i en aquest àmbit concret amb la col·laboració amb l’Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Barcelona (HSJD). El primer bloc de la tesi inclou la descripció de l’estat de l’art, detallant les tecnologies existents i la seva aplicació a l’entorn mèdic. S’han establert per primer cop unes bases de caracterització dels teixits vius -sobretot tous- per donar suport a la selecció de materials que els puguin mimetitzar en un procés de FA, a efectes de millorar l’experiència d’assaig dels cirurgians. El caràcter rígid dels materials majoritàriament usats en impressió 3D els fa poc útils per simular tumors i altres referències anatòmiques. De forma successiva, es tracten paràmetres com la densitat, la viscoelasticitat, la caracterització dels materials tous a la indústria, l’estudi del mòdul elàstic de teixits tous i vasos, la duresa d’aquests, i requeriments com l’esterilització dels models. El segon bloc comença explorant la impressió 3D mitjançant FFF. Es classifiquen les variants del procés des del punt de vista de la multimaterialitat, essencial per fer models d’assaig quirúrgic, diferenciant entre solucions multibroquet i de barreja al capçal. S’ha inclòs l’estudi de materials (filaments i líquids) que serien més útils per mimetitzar teixits tous. Es constata com en els líquids, en comparació amb els filaments, la complexitat del treball en processos de FA és més elevada, i es determinen formes d’imprimir materials molt tous. Per acabar, s’exposen sis casos reals de col·laboració amb l’HJSD, una selecció d’aquells en els que el doctorand ha intervingut en els darrers anys. L’origen es troba en la dificultat de l’abordatge d’operacions de resecció de tumors infantils com el neuroblastoma, i a la iniciativa del Dr. Lucas Krauel. Finalment, el Bloc 3 té per objecte explorar nombrosos conceptes (fins a 8), activitat completada al llarg dels darrers cinc anys amb el suport dels mitjans del CIM UPC i de l’activitat associada a treballs finals d’estudis d’estudiants de la UPC, arribant-se a materialitzar equipaments experimentals per validar-los. La recerca ampla i sistemàtica al respecte fa que s’estigui més a prop de disposar d’una solució d’impressió 3D multimaterial de sobretaula. Es determina que la millor via de progrés és la de disposar d’una pluralitat de capçals independents a fi de capacitar la impressora 3D per integrar diversos conceptes estudiats, materialitzant-se una possible solució. Cloent la tesi, es planteja com seria un equipament d’impressió 3D per a models d’assaig quirúrgic, a fi de servir de base per a futurs desenvolupaments.
La presente tesis doctoral se ha centrado en el reto de conseguir, mediante Fabricación Aditiva (FA), modelos para ensayo quirúrgico, bajo la premisa que los equipos para obtenerlos tendrían que ser accesibles al ámbito hospitalario. El objetivo es facilitar la extensión del uso de modelos como herramienta de preparación de operaciones quirúrgicas, transformando la práctica médica actual de la misma manera que, en su momento, lo hicieron tecnologías como las que facilitaron el uso de radiografías. El motivo de utilizar FA, en lugar de tecnologías más tradicionales, es su capacidad de materializar de forma directa los datos digitales obtenidos de la anatomía del paciente mediante sistemas de escaneado tridimensional, haciendo posible la obtención de modelos personalizados. Los resultados se centran en la generación de nuevo conocimiento para conseguir equipamientos de impresión 3D multimateriales accesibles que permitan la obtención de modelos miméticos respecto a los tejidos vivos. Para facilitar la buscada extensión de la tecnología, se ha focalizado en las tecnologías de código abierto como la Fabricación por Hilo Fundido (FFF) y similares basadas en líquidos catalizables. Esta investigación se alinea dentro de la actividad de desarrollo de la FA en el CIM UPC, y en este ámbito concreto con la colaboración con el Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Barcelona (HSJD). El primer bloque de la tesis incluye la descripción del estado del arte, detallando las tecnologías existentes y su aplicación al entorno médico. Se han establecido por primera vez unas bases de caracterización de los tejidos vivos – principalmente blandos – para dar apoyo a la selección de materiales que los puedan mimetizar en un proceso de FA, a efectos de mejorar la experiencia de ensayo de los cirujanos. El carácter rígido de los materiales mayoritariamente usados en impresión 3D los hace poco útiles para simular tumores y otras referencias anatómicas. De forma sucesiva, se tratan parámetros como la densidad, la viscoelasticidad, la caracterización de materiales blandos en la industria, el estudio del módulo elástico de tejidos blandos y vasos, la dureza de los mismos, y requerimientos como la esterilización de los modelos. El segundo bloque empieza explorando la impresión 3D mediante FFF. Se clasifican las variantes del proceso desde el punto de vista de la multimaterialidad, esencial para hacer modelos de ensayo quirúrgico, diferenciando entre soluciones multiboquilla y de mezcla en el cabezal. Se ha incluido el estudio de materiales (filamentos y líquidos) que serían más útiles para mimetizar tejidos blandos. Se constata como en los líquidos, en comparación con los filamentos, la complejidad del trabajo en procesos de FA es más elevada, y se determinan formas de imprimir materiales muy blandos. Para acabar, se exponen seis casos reales de colaboración con el HJSD, una selección de aquellos en los que el doctorando ha intervenido en los últimos años. El origen se encuentra en la dificultad del abordaje de operaciones de resección de tumores infantiles como el neuroblastoma, y en la iniciativa del Dr. Lucas Krauel. Finalmente, el Bloque 3 desarrolla numerosos conceptos (hasta 8), actividad completada a lo largo de los últimos cinco años con el apoyo de los medios del CIM UPC y de la actividad asociada a trabajos finales de estudios de estudiantes de la UPC, llegándose a materializar equipamientos experimentales para validarlos. La investigación amplia y sistemática al respecto hace que se esté más cerca de disponer de una solución de impresión 3D multimaterial de sobremesa. Se determina que la mejor vía de progreso es la de disponer de una pluralidad de cabezales independientes, a fin de capacitar la impresora 3D para integrar diversos conceptos estudiados, materializándose una posible solución. Para cerrar la tesis, se plantea cómo sería un equipamiento de impresión 3D para modelos de ensayo quirúrgico, a fin de servir de base para futuros desarrollos.
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Van, der Merwe Ryno. "Corrosion characteristics of steels and metallic alloys used as construction materials in plants exposed to fluorine containing acids." Thesis, 2018. https://hdl.handle.net/10539/26652.

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A dissertation submitted in fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering, to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2018
The two hydrofluoric acid (HF) storage tanks used for holding 70% technical grade HF product at the HF plant at Necsa started leaking in March 2012. An evaluation of the failure was conducted in the form of a corrosion failure analysis. It was confirmed that a higher than usual nitric acid (HNO3) content in the technical grade HF stream changed the corrosion mechanisms typically experienced within the HF storage vessels, which then caused the tanks to fail. Immersion type corrosion experiments were done to safely simulate the corrosive environment experienced by the mild steel, stainless steel and nickel alloys used on site, and to predict the change in corrosion rates and characteristics associated with the HNO3 contamination in the HF production plant circuit. Since the corrosion resistance of mild steel in HF is heavily dependent on the thickness of the protective scale on the steel, a series of planned interval corrosion tests (PICTs) was done to reproduce and then examine the oxidefluoride barrier on mild steel coupons in pure 70% HF prior to corrosion tests. These shorter PICTs were also done on the stainless steel and nickel alloys and showed that the prepassivation step had a surface cleaning effect when exposed for only 24 h. Eleven day corrosion tests were conducted to establish the effect of HNO3 concentration and temperature on mild steel corrosion in 70% HF, and to determine the change in corrosion rates and mechanisms associated with HNO3 contamination (0.1-1% HNO3) of the downstream HF products. The corrosion was characterized by analysing the corroded coupons for mass loss, apparent corrosion rates, acid consumptions, visual observations of scale formation and pits, as well as depth profiles from scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy analyses. Linear relationships were frequently observed when analysing mass losses for the coupons over time, making it possible to define corrosion rates in terms of first order reaction kinetics. The harshest corrosive condition for mild steel in HF was determined to be 1% HNO3 in 70% HF at a constant temperature of 25ºC. The corrosion characteristics of alloys used in the HF plant, as affected by HNO3 impurities (in the range 50–10000 ppm) in the final HF acid product (70% Technical grade) were successfully established. Normalized SA516 Grade 70 mild steel and Monel 400 were found not adequate for use as construction materials in a plant where HNO3 contamination was >100 ppm. However, the corrosion resistance of SS 904 L was suitable under these conditions and was recommended for applications in HF solutions where the presence of an oxygen-containing acid (e.g. HNO3) is consistent. It was recommended that Alloy 31, Alloy 33 or Nirosta 4565S, with higher chromium content (>20 wt% Cr), should be considered for construction material of the HF plant when HNO3 contamination becomes unavoidable. However, if the continued use of mild steel at the plant cannot be avoided, other inhibition strategies tailored to the selective consumption of HNO3 in the HF product stream need to be investigated.
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Gonçalves, Sérgio Filipe Martins. "Projecto e construção de um forno de baixa pressão laboratorial para ligas de alumínio e de magnésio." Master's thesis, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/1822/21848.

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Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica
Este relatório técnico tendo como tema a construção de um forno de fundição de baixa pressão para ligas de magnésio e alumínio foi desenvolvido com a principal tarefa de responder a todas as necessidades que poderão ocorrer aquando do fabrico do equipamento, apresentando assim um conjunto de soluções mecânicas simples que respondem aos requisitos do projecto. Quanto à estrutura do relatório, tendo em atenção as etapas de construção do forno e processamento de ligas de magnésio, estabeleceu-se uma base de dados para consulta, onde se poderá obter informações sobre o vário tipo de ligas, características, elementos de liga e processamento tendo em vista uma rápida integração com as características gerais da matéria-prima do forno. Indo de encontro aos requisitos especiais de que deve ser munido o forno de baixa pressão, é desenvolvida uma pesquisa sobre os principais gases de protecção existentes no mercado, enquadrando as suas características de protecção com as ligas de magnésio. Com vista a realizar um projecto mecânico bem estruturado, estabelece-se um conjunto de atributos que definem os requisitos específicos do equipamento, segundo os quais são desenvolvidos vários tipos de soluções que respondem às necessidades especiais do magnésio. Estabelecido o corpo do forno, é por fim realizada uma análise que se enfoca na viabilidade técnica do equipamento a nível energético e térmico.
Having this technical report as theme the construction of a low pressure furnace for magnesium and aluminum alloys was developed with the main task of answering to all the needs that may occur in the equipment manufacture stage, developing a set of simple mechanical solutions that respond to all the requirements of the project. As for the structure of the report, taking into account the stages of construction of the furnace and magnesium alloys processing, is established a database to query, where is possible to learn about the various type of alloys, features, processing and alloying elements. Having in mind the special requirements that must be provided with the oven of low pressure is developed a survey on the main shielding gases on the market, adjusting its characteristics to the protection of magnesium alloys. To achieve a mechanical design project well structured, it establishes a set of attributes that define the specific requirements of the equipment, which are developed according to various types of solutions that address the special needs of magnesium. Set the furnace body, is finally performed an analysis that focuses energy and thermal behavior of the equipment.
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Wolfe, Tonya Brett Bunton. "Homogeneity of metal matrix composites deposited by plasma transferred arc welding." Phd thesis, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10048/1108.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Alberta, 2010.
Title from pdf file main screen (viewed on July 8, 2010). A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Engineering, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Alberta. Includes bibliographical references.
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