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Wijers, Jean Paul, Isabel Amaral, William Hanson, Bengt-Arne Hulleman, and Diana Mather. Protocol to Manage Relationships Today. NL Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.5117/9789463724159.

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Protocol to Manage Relationships Today explains the contemporary value of protocol, not only for monarchies or diplomatic institutes, but for any non-profit or for-profit organisation. This book presents modern protocol as a tool to build strong, authentic networks of reciprocal relationships. When used effectively protocol can: - Increase the effect of the networking activities of an organisation. Protocol gives a professional structure to relationship management, to achieve access to the 'right' networks and a reciprocal relationship with the most valued stakeholders. - Deepen relationships. In our world there is so much focus on pragmatism in building relationships - protocol focuses on the common ground to gain value. - Be used as a valuable tool in a post COVID-19 era, where the need for space and time to build real and authentic relationships is well understood. The book defines how tested values perfectly fit in today's society, where modern organisations want to build effective relationships and communities. This book is focused on developing an increasingly vital expertise for professionals who deal with complex relationship management issues on a strategic and tactical operational level. They come from different fields, such as government institutions, non-profit organisations and commercial environments. This book also gives protocol officers a contemporary approach towards the application of protocol. It is not designed as a complete guide to all the rules of protocol, but it describes how to translate the context into a tailor-made protocol for each meeting or event. The book explains protocol as a flexible method to handle unique situations. Protocol is presented on four levels: the 'why' of protocol; the strategic and tactical level; the practical implementation; and the execution of protocol. Protocol to Manage Relationships Today is written by Europe's foremost protocol experts with collective years of experience with the management of networking meetings and events at the highest level.
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DeRemer, F. L., and J. Eickel. Compiler Construction: An Advanced Course. Springer London, Limited, 2013.

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Horton, Liza. Introduction Into Elementary Education a Reader Compiled for EDE 2511. Kendall Hunt, 2003.

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Santis, Pablo de. La Historieta En La Edad de La Razon / Reading and Writing in Complex Social Contexts. Ediciones Paidos Iberica, 1998.

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Sofronie, Valeriu. LOGICA. Bacalaureat 2021. Ghid complet. Editura Universitara, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.5682/9786062812348.

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Acesta este un ghid practic. Asa cum o spune definiția termenului, „practic” trebuie sa insemne ceva care se intemeiaza pe „simțul realitații” iar „realitate” inseamna aici testul la examenul de Bacalaureat. Exista pe piața acestor produse didactice doua direcții de indepartare de realitate. Prima, cea mai la indemana, este excesul de teorie, fara finalitați aplicative precise. Ghidurile de felul acesta, in cel mai bun caz, expliciteaza teoria din manual. Dar ele nu ajuta efectiv candidatul, ci doar ii dubleaza efortul de invațare. La sfarsitul lor, acesta se regaseste la fel de timid, de neajutorat, cum era la inceput, nestiind CUM sa faca ceea ce i se cere sa faca. A doua indepartare de realitatea de pe teren a examenului este ghidul cu multe teste, dar cu indicații de soluții la fel de sumare, precum cele intalnite in baremurile de evaluare de la subiectele examenelor naționale. Nici acestea nu ajuta prea mult, neavand un rol calauzitor-corector. Daca a gresit, candidatul nu ințelege unde a gresit; daca a raspuns corect, nu stie de ce a fost corect! Asadar, era necesara cea de-a treia cale: de la ce se cere la ce trebuie sa stiu pentru a rezolva. Motiv pentru care am recurs la teorie numai din necesitați minimale, conducand-o de fiecare data spre finalitați practice: rezolvarea testului. Nu am vizat teoria ca teorie, ci teoria ca o cale spre aplicație. Mai mult, am prezentat teoria in modalitați aplicative.
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Pavelec, S. Mike, ed. The Military-Industrial Complex and American Society. ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9798400686078.

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The first complete reference on the military-industrial complex, from its Cold War era expansion to the present. The Military-Industrial Complex and American Society addresses the broad subject of the political economy of defense research and its wide-reaching effects on many aspects of American life. Ranging from the massive arms buildup of the Cold War to the influx of private contractors and corporations such as Halliburton, it reveals the interconnectedness of the military, industry, and government within the history of this public/private enterprise. The Military-Industrial Complex and American Society offers over 100 alphabetically organized entries on a wide of range of significant research bodies and government agencies, as well as important people, events, and technologies. In addition, a series of essays looks at such essential topics as propaganda, think tanks, defense budgeting, the defense industry and the economy, and the breakdown of the military-industrial complex in Vietnam. With this work, students, policymakers, and other interested readers will understand the ramifications of the relationships between industry, scientific and technological communities, the government, and society.
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Anderson, Leslie K., Stuart B. Murray, and Walter H. Kaye, eds. Clinical Handbook of Complex and Atypical Eating Disorders. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/med-psych/9780190630409.001.0001.

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The aim of this book is to collate what is known about an array of complicating factors for patients with eating disorders, serving as an accessible introduction to each of the comorbidities and symptom presentations highlighted in the volume. The Handbook of Complex and Atypical Eating Disorders presents the available data about atypical and complex ED, in addition to what is known about treatment approaches. The first section contains chapters on the treatment of eating disorders with various psychiatric comorbidities, including trauma, borderline personality disorder, substance use, suicidality, anxiety disorders, and autism spectrum disorders, which may greatly complicate the application of standard treatment approaches. The second section contains chapters exploring treatment of eating disorders with atypical symptom presentations which (i) are not located as a specific diagnostic category in diagnostic criteria for ED’s, (ii) centrally feature ED pathology, and (iii) have emerging data suggesting the distinct nature of the syndrome, including purging disorder, muscle dysmorphia, night eating syndrome, and anorexia with a history of obesity. The final section has chapters which focus on how to adapt eating disorder treatment for atypical populations typically neglected in controlled treatment trials: LGBT, pediatric, male, ethnically diverse, and older adults.
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Chen, Eunice. Eating Disorders in Borderline Personality Disorder. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/med/9780199997510.003.0010.

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Eating disorders (EDs) often arise from a complex interplay of biological, psychological, and social processes in which there is a dialectical tension between the overabundance of food and an obsession with thinness. The DSM-5 recognizes three specific types of EDs that are common in borderline personality disorder (BPD): anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN), and binge eating disorder (BED). The impulsive, self-destructive tendencies of those with BPD may also make them particularly vulnerable to developing an ED. Recent advances in neuroscience have resulted in great understanding of the brain mechanisms and processes that control behavior associated with EDs and BPD. Research has supported the idea that the co-occurrence of both disorders may be caused by an inability to tolerate and skillfully manage negative or unpleasant emotions. Other possible commonalities between EDs and BPD involve shared risk factors, such as a history of childhood trauma.
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Martínez Gutierrez, Rubén, ed. Datos abiertos y reutilización de la información del sector público. Comares, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.55323/edc.2022.11.

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La Unión Europea está llevando a cabo una decidida apuesta estratégica para liderar una sociedad digital basada en la apertura de los datos con pleno respeto a los derechos y libertades fundamentales. Para ello ha impulsado una reforma del marco normativo aplicable a los datos abiertos y la reutilización de la información en manos del sector público que ha tenido lugar a través de la Directiva (UE) 2019/1024 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 20 de junio de 2019, regulación complementada en España mediante el Real Decreto-Ley 24/2021, de 4 de noviembre. La innovación tecnológica que estamos viviendo en los últimos años ha motivado la necesidad de actualizar el marco normativo en este ámbito. En concreto, la reforma se ha planteado con la finalidad de impulsar decididamente la disponibilidad de la información en manos del sector público y potenciar la utilización de tecnologías destinadas al tratamiento de los datos, en particular para la aplicación de soluciones basadas en la automatización y la Inteligencia Artificial. En este libro se realiza un análisis completo y exhaustivo de las principales novedades que incorporan dichas normas, convirtiéndose en la primera obra publicada en España donde se estudia monográficamente esta regulación. Con este trabajo se ha pretendido, además, ofrecer criterios interpretativos que faciliten su aplicación práctica en el proceso de apertura de la información por parte de las Administraciones y entidades del sector público. Asimismo, se formulan propuestas de regulación para la futura evolución del marco normativo en este ámbito que, sin duda, van a ser de utilidad inmediata teniendo en cuenta las reformas anunciadas por la Comisión Europea en el marco de la Estrategia Europea de Datos.
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de Román Pérez, Raquel. Guía de la propiedad intelectual en el ámbito universitario. Comares, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.55323/edc.2022.5.

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En el ámbito universitario el profesorado y los estudiantes crean obras, fonogramas, audiovisuales, bases de datos y otras prestaciones por las que les corresponden derechos de propiedad intelectual. En el proceso de obtención de estas obras y prestaciones o en sus actividades académicas utilizan creaciones y trabajos ajenos. En relación con ello muchas veces desconocen hasta qué punto quedan protegidos como titulares de derechos de propiedad intelectual. También resulta difícil para ellos averiguar en qué casos el uso de materiales ajenos es libre o hace falta solicitar el consentimiento de sus titulares. Esta guía pretende facilitar la comprensión de tales cuestiones al profesorado y al alumnado universitarios, aunque también puede resultar útil en educación secundaria o bachillerato. En la primera parte explica en qué consiste el derecho de propiedad intelectual, la diferente naturaleza y duración de las facultades que lo integran o las distintas categorías de objetos protegidos. También analiza los procesos de creación en que participan varias personas y a quién corresponde el ejercicio de los derechos en cada caso. En el resto de capítulos trata de la utilización de las obras y prestaciones ajenas: Examina las obras y prestaciones que están en el dominio, y describe los usos que no requieren de autorización por encajar en límites como el de cita o ilustración de la enseñanza. En esta parte se tienen en cuenta los hábitos del profesorado y del alumnado universitarios y se clasifican los distintos modos de proceder aclarando cuándo se trata de usos que se pueden realizar con seguridad porque se ajustan a la Ley, cuándo resulta dudosa su legalidad por no estar previstos o por otras circunstancias, y cuándo los usos están claramente prohibidos. La guía se completa con una reseña bibliográfica, direcciones de internet y con un extracto de los preceptos del Texto Refundido de la Ley de propiedad intelectual.
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Dorrian, Mark, and Adrian Hawker. Metis : On the Surface. University of Edinburgh, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.2218/ed.9781836450153.

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Metis : On the Surface is an exhibition of seven projects that range from installations to large urban restructuring proposals. The exhibition and the projects are by Metis, an atelier for art, architecture and urbanism founded by Mark Dorrian and Adrian Hawker at the University of Edinburgh in 1997. The projects aim to connect architectural research, teaching and practice. As this exhibition attests, the projects research the city and the complex ways in which it is imagined, inhabited, and representationally encoded. The research produces rich, multi-layered outputs that resist immediate consumption and that are instead gradually unfurled over time through interaction with them. The work demonstrates a poetic but critical approach to the city that is sensitive to the city’s cultural memory but is also articulated in relation to its possible futures. Working between two contrasting scales, the exhibition itself constitutes an original research output. The seven projects have been redrawn, crafted, reinterpreted and combined into a complex topographical surface. Visitors entering the exhibition encounter a vast drawing on which they walk, carpeting the floor of the gallery. Through this, an internal terrain is inserted within the display space, which is then inhabited by glass display tables that hold detailed drawings and models. The viewers of the exhibition thus not only see a series of projects, but find themselves – as they travel across scale and space – active participants in a speculative architectural imaginary, one in which the architectural object is always in communication with the broader historical, cultural, material and representational conditions of the city or landscape within which it is positioned. The exhibitions ran from: 10 October – 14 November 2014. Arkitektskolen Gallery, Aarhus, Denmark. 27 March – 6 April 2015. Sculpture Court, Edinburgh College of Art, (ECA), Edinburgh, UK.
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Maria Campos Vasconcelos Chehab, Isabelle, Mércia Cardoso de Souza, Fabiana de Paula Lima Isaac Mattaraia, Priscila Nottingham de Lima, Neide Aparecida de Souza Lehfeld, Andressa Regina Bissolotti dos Santos, Sara França Eugênia, et al. Os Novos Desafios dos Feminismos na Era Pós-Democrática. Lutz, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.47658/20210100.

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Uma coletânea plural, pautada sobre uma miríade de olhares, possibilidades e perspectivas, por intermédio de autoras que partem de múltiplos saberes, como o Direito, a Antropologia, o Serviço Social e as Ciências da Saúde, os quais, em alguma medida, se entrecruzam, reverberam e contribuem entre si – e para além de si, com o objetivo de lançar luz aos desafios dos feminismos nesta era pós-democrática tão complexa, representada, sobretudo, e infelizmente, pela centralidade da lógica mercantil e pelo parco apreço – ou completo desapreço – aos direitos humanos e à democracia substancial.
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Hood, Beverley. We began as a part of the body. University of Edinburgh, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.2218/ed.9781836450474.

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We began as part of the body was a practice research project that interrogated the impact of technology and science on the body and human experience and ethical questions concerning these dynamics. It was developed with Professor Sara Brown, in the laboratory at the School of Medicine, University of Dundee, Scotland, and ASCUS Art & Science, Scotland’s first non-profit organisation connecting art and science. The project resulted in a multi-component body of outputs, including: 1. A 6 minute spoken word sound piece. 2. A set of thirty eight 3D printed skin cell models. 3. Three 360 degree photographs. 4. A Mixed Reality (MR) immersive experience for Magic Leap headset. 5. An 8 minute film. 6. An Augmented Reality app for iOS. The project sought to bring together scientific rigour with poetic methods, and make complex genetic research more accessible. It challenged audiences to think critically about science, their role and responsibility within genetic research, and the impact such engagement might have on our understanding of what it means to be human. We began as part of the body extends Hood’s interests in creating sophisticated, experimental and challenging, yet accessible creative research projects that explore the relationship between the body, technology and science, where research, practice and impact are intertwined.
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Munro, Gordon. Iron: Mapping Material Practice. University of Edinburgh, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.2218/ed.9781836450276.

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The output consists of a body of 19 sculptural works made of iron, produced by Gordon Munro in collaboration with Ewan Robertson. The works were presented in two solo exhibitions – Iron: Origins and Destinations at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, 2017, and Iron: Artefacts and Actions at Park Gallery, Callendar House, Falkirk, 2018. The research explores the historical, geological, social, cultural and aesthetic registers of iron and brings these findings to the contemporary practice of sculpture. By examining iron’s multiple facets and roles within and beyond art, Munro and Robertson map the diverse territories that tie the art object into an expanded domain of inquiry. The research seeks to unveil diverse perspectives on and understandings of the physical world and bring new light to the complex creative potential of a singular material. The exhibition Iron: Origins and Destinations was accompanied by a series of public events including a symposium, publication, practice workshops, archival film screenings and a documentary film about Munro and Robertson’s practice (see Appendix, page 28). The artists were subsequently invited to stage Iron: Artefacts and Actions at the historic Callendar House in Falkirk. The brief was to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Falkirk’s iron industry and its global impact by creating work that responded to and explored Falkirk Community Trust’s extensive Carron Works archive. A publication and public workshops accompanied the exhibition.
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Christian, David. World Environmental History. Edited by Jerry H. Bentley. Oxford University Press, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199235810.013.0008.

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How can one best manage the unpredictable and rapidly evolving relationship between human beings and the biosphere? This question provides one of the great research agendas for the early twenty-first century. It is no longer enough to track human environmental impacts at the local or national level, a task taken up within the flourishing field of environmental history. This article explores how each thread in this complex story is woven throughout human history and how it covers the entire world. At its most ambitious, the new scholarly field of world environmental history aims at a comprehensive historical understanding of the complex and unstable patchwork of relations between humans and the biosphere. The discussion argues that current environmental issues have their roots in the very nature of the human species and history. The article also describes the Paleolithic era, the agrarian era, and the modern era.
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O' Dochartaigh, Killian. Uppland. University of Edinburgh, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.2218/ed.9781836450290.

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Uppland is a 30-minute research film tracing the complex relationship between landscape, displacement and the global extractive industries within, and beyond, sub-Saharan Africa. The film documents a new-town called Yekepa, designed and built by and for a mining company prospecting for iron-ore in the late 1950s, that exploited and transformed the indigenous landscapes of Yeke’pa. The film represents an original collaboration between an architect and a filmmaker. This research took them to the remote highlands of Liberia, once a thriving mining community, now a concrete ruin in the West African bush. Exploring the town, the researchers discovered promises of prosperity, abandonment and forgotten injustices. They revealed insights about western architecture, the remnants of colonialism, and the spiritual costs of mining. The main outputs from this work are a number of international screenings at major film festivals, architectural biennales, as well as contributions to an international conference in Sweden. Educational rights to the film were acquired for the distributing to international research institutions and universities across Europe and North-America. ‘It is a galling portrait of the harvesting of African resources and the damage done to both land and people... Uppland avoids most of the pitfalls of the narrated, exploitation documentary genre, its disembodied voice- over never becoming too authoritative, outraged, or self-indulgent – a rare achievement in this ever-expanding field.’ Danny Hoffman, Africa’s a Country, May 2019.
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Isaacs, Dee. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. University of Edinburgh, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.2218/ed.9781836450177.

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The BASCA-nominated Rime of the Ancient Mariner is a 3-act site-specific opera for large ensemble, SATB choir, and children’s chorus involving multi-staged performance and video projection, performed in the University of Edinburgh’s Old College Quad and Playfair Library.A collaborative project by composer Dee Isaacs, writer Gerda Stevenson, theatre director John Bett, and film-maker Ian Dodds, the project was conceived and produced as part of the University of Edinburgh’s Music in the Community programme in collaboration with teachers and pupils of Leith Walk Primary School and two professional musicians from West Africa, Gibril Camara and Aboubacar Sylla. Isaacs and Stevenson retell the story of Coleridge’s epic poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner for our times. The opera explores the issues raised by the current refugee crisis in partnership with 25 university music students and 60 school children in a multi-lingual primary school with a high proportion of immigrants in an area of deprivation within the City of Edinburgh. In this multi-cultural environment, the participants’ experiences became an integral part of the production process, allowing a complex of interactions to arise through the media of music and theatre. The video and scenic components were devised to immerse both audience and participants in contemporary experiences of flight and diaspora. The production process was monitored and a final evaluation report was produced, allowing the stake-holders to assess the social and educational impacts of the project.
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Henken, Ted A., Miriam Celaya, and Dimas Castellanos, eds. Cuba. ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9798400634741.

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Written by some of the best-known independent scholars, citizen journalists, cyber-activists, and bloggers living in Cuba today, this book presents a critical, complete, and unbiased overview of contemporary Cuba. In this era of ever-increasing globalization and communication across national borders, Cuba remains an isolated island oddly out of step with the rest of the world. And yet, Cuba is beginning to evolve via the important if still insufficient changes instituted by Raul Castro, who became president in 2008. This book supplies a uniquely independent, accurate, and critical perspective in order to evaluate these changes in the context of the island's rich and complex history and culture. Organized into seven topical chapters that address geography, history, politics and government, economics, society, culture, and contemporary issues, readers will gain a broad, insightful understanding of one of the most unusual, fascinating, and often misunderstood nations in the Western Hemisphere.
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Theory and practice of archaeological research. Vol. 3, Dialogue with the data: the archaeology of complex societies and its context in the `90s/Ed. S.Tabaczynski. Warszawa: Naukowa oficyna wydawnicza "Scientia", 1998.

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LeMay, Michael C. U.S. Immigration Policy, Ethnicity, and Religion in American History. ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9798216028475.

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This invaluable resource investigates U.S. immigration and policy, making links the ethnic and religious affiliations of immigrants to the United States to trends in immigration, both legal and unauthorized. U.S. Immigration Policy, Ethnicity, and Religion in American History is rich with data and document excerpts that illuminate the complex relationships among ethnicity, religion, and immigration to the United States over a 200-year period. The book uniquely organizes the flow of immigration to the United States into seven chapters covering U.S. immigration policy making; the Open Door Era, 1820-1880; the Door Ajar Era, 1880-1920; the Pet Door Era, 1920-1950; the Dutch Door Era, 1950-1985; the Revolving Door Era, 1985-2001; and the Storm Door Era, 2001-2018. Each chapter analyzes trends in ethnicity or national origin and the religious affiliations of immigrant groups in relation to immigration policy during the time period covered.
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Sharma, Dr Aarti, and Dr Sanjay Kaushal. Building the New Trends and Prospects in Business Management. KAAV PUBLICATIONS, DELHI, INDIA, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.52458/9789391842222.2021.ed.

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COVID-19, with its evolving concurrent variants, has been disrupting the working environments and every sphere of lives of individuals making the overall management in various field challenging. The first phase of the spread of virus in 2020, which led to complete lockdowns in many countries, had taught many lessons to all the sectors, organizations, and institutions. Though the initial impact of the pandemic largely had a negative impact on individuals and organizations, the following phases, especially with the discovery of multiple anti-COVID vaccines, saw greater and improved adaptability and efficient management among individuals, organizations, as well as international relations. It is evident that this disruption caused by the pandemic is fundamentally different from recessions; this situation requires break from the normal status quo and a new normal needs to be inculcated in various areas. To overcome the challenges posed by the pandemic, individuals and organizations need to be more vigorous and positive in their overall approach towards personal and professional management respectively. This book provides insights on trends and prospects in health, culture, business management, finance, design, architecture, education and technology that have occurred during the pandemic.
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Wilson, Harry. Gun Politics in America. ABC-CLIO, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9798400660757.

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Covering the history of firearms and gun control in America, this two-volume work presents original documents and helps readers understand these documents in relation to the social and political context in which they were written. Offering the most complete collection of primary documents on the subject of guns and gun politics, this two-volume set will give readers a comprehensive, unbiased understanding of the complex and often-surprising evolution of gun ownership, gun culture, and gun politics in the United States. This fascinating history is examined through approximately 150 primary source documents from the Colonial era to the present day. Each section opens with an informative headnote that provides important context for understanding the social and political milieu in which the document was created. The chronologically arranged set begins with Colonial laws regulating firearms, then proceeds through debates regarding the Second Amendment and laws that prohibited slaves from possessing guns. The use and regulation of firearms in the "Wild West" is explored, as is the era of Prohibition and organized crime in the 1930s. Later chapters cover the impact of 1960s-era racial and political violence and assassinations on gun laws and attitudes; the struggles over gun control and gun rights in the Reagan, Bush, and Clinton administrations; the increased clout of the NRA during the Bush administration; and the impact of events ranging from the Sandy Hook Massacre to the Supreme Court'sDistrict of Columbia v. Hellerdecision. Documents include laws, speeches, court decisions, Congressional debates, and more, giving college students and other interested readers the opportunity to evaluate each document—and each period—for themselves.
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Stevenson, Jane. Silver Paper. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198808770.003.0013.

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Photography acquired a peculiar importance between the wars, since the development of halftone printing in the late nineteenth century meant that black-and-white photographs could be easily and cheaply reproduced and put into mass circulation. Glamour therefore became monochrome and focused on catching light in complex ways. The twenties is the era in which it became possible to be famous for being photographed. Equally, ideas in architecture were primarily distributed through magazines, and concrete, steel, and glass were also camera-friendly. The relations of celebrities and photographers were complex, and the chapter argues the importance of Cecil Beaton, whose capacity for creating iconic images was of considerable help to the Sitwells and the British royal family, among others.
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Williams, Gareth. The 306. University of Edinburgh, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.2218/ed.9781836450597.

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The 306 is a trilogy of music-theatre works co-created by composer Gareth Williams and writer Oliver Emanuel that explore the stories of the 306 British soldiers executed during World War 1. Many of these 306 men, executed for cowardice, desertion and mutiny are not listed on any official memorials, even after they were conditionally pardoned by the British Government in 2006. This work gathered all of these names for the first time, listing them in song to complete the trilogy. As a part of 14-18 NOW (the UK-wide commemorative cultural program of work from 2016 – 2018) The 306 explored ideas of heroism and protest, by looking at this lesser known, deliberately forgotten, part of our national storyabout the cultural legacy of World War 1. Drawing on primary documents such as letters and telegrams from the front lines, protest songs and documents describing the women’s peace movement in Glasgow, music hall and classical repertoire, as well as contemporary interviews with family members of those executed for cowardice during WW1, the stories and songs were developed continuously from 2013 through to 2018, in residencies, workshops, and rehearsals. 306 Dawn and 306 Day were written for an ensemble of singing actors, and Red Note Ensemble (piano, violin and cello), while 306 Dusk was created for three singing actors, piano, string quartet, and community choir of 40 singers formed in Perth for the production. Throughcomposed across different productions in three consecutive seasons, the work challenges and progresses the role and status of live music in Scottish theatre. The music has been recorded as an album, funded by the Imperial War Museum, and was released by the National Theatre of Scotland in 2020.
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Holly, Georgia, Hannah Cocks, Annie Edwards, Amber Carter, and Carla Leone. SeaVoice. University of Edinburgh, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.2218/ed.978-1-83645-063-4.

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The SeaVoice Annual: Issue 01 is the first-ever SeaVoice book, featuring a curated selection of 20 stories from 16 countries which highlight the voices of ocean advocates, scientists, artists, and community members working and living around the ocean. Through thought-provoking articles, captivating stories, and insightful narratives, our articles shed light on the intersection between the ocean and culture, inspiring collective responsibility for our blue spaces. SeaVoice is a recognised action of the UN Decade for Ocean Science (2021-2030) under the Ocean Decade Heritage Network’s Cultural Heritage Framework Programme. With a focus on the key global challenges of the UN Ocean Decade, SeaVoice emphasises the importance of understanding the complex interplay between culture, heritage, and the environment in tackling the pressing issues we face today.
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Harrison, Amy. Cognitive Remediation Therapy for Eating Disorders. Edited by W. Stewart Agras and Athena Robinson. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190620998.013.21.

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Eating disorders (EDs) have been described as among the most difficult psychiatric disorders to treat. Intervening early appears to be associated with better prognosis, although a subgroup of 20% of individuals may develop a more severe and enduring form of illness, which is associated with higher rates of mortality. Many patients with EDs who come into contact with clinical services may have extreme ambivalence toward change, which is often observed through high treatment dropout rates and difficulties engaging in treatment. This chapter outlines cognitive remediation therapy (CRT) for eating disorders, a treatment enhancer designed to support individuals with severe and complex forms of illness. This chapter explores how CRT has been used, examines its efficacy, reflects on its place as part of an overall treatment package for patients with EDs, and finally, explores options for future research in the field.
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Steadman, Sharon. The Early Bronze Age on the Plateau. Edited by Gregory McMahon and Sharon Steadman. Oxford University Press, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195376142.013.0010.

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This article presents data on the Early Bronze Age (EBA) of the Anatolian plateau. The EBA on the plateau has been identified as a period of “urbanization,” or at least the age in which complex society emerged, including the rise of an extensive trade network, established by the second half of the third millennium BCE. Chalcolithic period interregional trade with regions as far afield as Transcaucasia and possibly southeastern Europe was strengthened by connections ranging across the plateau, stretching into the Aegean, and southeastward to northern Mesopotamia and beyond. Monumental architecture appears, and metallurgy not only serves to change the utilitarian household assemblage but also becomes an important indicator of wealth and social position.
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García, María Cristina. The New Asylum Seekers. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190655303.003.0005.

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Chapter 4 discusses the US asylum bureaucracy. The number of asylum petitions increased in the post–Cold war era, creating a backlog of cases. This backlog, as well as growing concerns over the permeability of US borders, led to several reforms of the asylum system in the interest of national security. By the first decade of the twenty-first century, asylum seekers navigated a complex and impersonal bureaucracy that seemed more intent on deterring and deporting than in granting refuge. Today, the majority of asylum seekers navigate this complex bureaucracy without the benefit of legal counsel or even translators, minimizing their chances of a successful outcome. Many asylum seekers fall outside the defined categories of persecution, and their struggles to secure asylum raise important ethical and moral questions about who is deserving of protection.
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Kholikov, A. A., and O. I. Shapkina. Russian Literature and Journalism in the Pre-revolutionary Era: A Bibliographic Index. ALMAVEST, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.20339/978-5-905998-11-9-2022-5-166hb.

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The published materials are the first such large-scale special bibliographic index of Russian-language scientific research on the interaction between Russian literature and journalism in the pre-revolutionary era (mainly 1900–1917). The index does not claim to be exhaustive, but basic. It is aimed at philologists and other humanities scholars who are interested in such a complex, dispersed, diffuse and multi-genre phenomenon as the Russian periodical press, whose role in the literary life of the early twentieth century is enormous.
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Burke, Devin. “Good Bye, Old Arm”. Edited by Blake Howe, Stephanie Jensen-Moulton, Neil Lerner, and Joseph Straus. Oxford University Press, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199331444.013.21.

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Over 45,000 soldiers became amputees during the Civil War. The scale of wartime disability challenged American beliefs that masculinity and patriotism were virtually inseparable from able-bodiedness. By the war’s end, the amputated limb had become a recurring subject in music, photography, and literature. This essay discusses representative Civil War era songs about amputee veterans and analyzes how they musically and lyrically negotiated the cultural scripts of disability, masculinity, and patriotism. These scripts became especially complex when able-bodied women performed the songs in the voices of disabled veterans. Three songs are discussed in detail, including the song “Old Arm, Good Bye,” in which a soldier sings a love ballad to his freshly amputated arm, thanking the arm for its strength and loyalty to the Union. These songs reconstructed the disabled veteran, and indeed the amputated arm itself, as complex symbols of both patriotism and Victorian masculinity.
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Berliner, Todd. Complexity and Experimentation in the Western. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780190658748.003.0012.

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Chapter 12 explains the aesthetic value of increased complexity in genre filmmaking by examining filmmakers’ efforts to continually complicate the figure of the western hero. The chapter studies the appeal, for western cinephiles, of Hollywood’s most complex westerns of the studio era. It also demonstrates how more recent filmmakers have kept the western alive by revitalizing outdated conventions and mining new material from the genre. The western is so solid and reliable that filmmakers found they could sledgehammer its foundational myths without cracking its structure.
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Santos-Marques, Ivoneide, Magda Diniz, and Marília Silveira. Práticas de ensino de Língua Portuguesa e Matemática: da formação docente na EaD à transposição didática em sala de aula. Editora IFRN, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.15628/editoraifrn.2022.2214.

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Este livro apresenta uma coletânea de artigos científicos produzidos por docentes, alunos de três cursos de especialização ofertados pelo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) — Campus Avançado Natal - Zona Leste na modalidade de Educação a Distância (EaD). A obra se compõe de 18 capítulos que discutem questões teóricas e práticas do ensino de Língua Portuguesa e Matemática na educação básica. Tem por fim divulgar resultados de pesquisas, experiências pedagógicas e práticas de ensino desenvolvidas na sala de aula a partir da transposição didática de conhecimentos construídos no processo de formação continuada, visando à melhoria da qualidade do ensino. Nesse sentido, discute novas formas de ensinar e aprender, pensando a escola como espaço de formação de cidadãos críticos e participativos que atendam às demandas de uma sociedade em permanente estado de mudança.
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Catapan, Dariane Cristina, ed. Temáticas contemporâneas das ciências sociais aplicadas. Latin American Publicações, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.47174/lap2020.ed.0000082.

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O livro “Temáticas contemporâneas das ciências sociais aplicadas vol. 1”, editado e publicado pela Latin American Publicações Ltda., reúne sete capítulos que tratam sobre temas de relevância no contexto das ciências sociais aplicadas. Assim, os trabalhos deste livro abordam o cuidador familiar na relação familiar e a satisfação/insatisfação nagestão do cuidado, como forma de verificar os principais motivos de satisfação e/ou insatisfação dos cuidadores informais em relação à tarefa de cuidar. O próximo trabalho discute a velhice pelo olhar do adulto contemporâneo, analisando as imagens visuaisde idosos na mídia, com o objetivo de mostrar como o sonho social de envelhecer mantendo a juventude é explorado publicitariamente, apoiado por vários segmentos profissionais e institucionais que oferecem produtos e recursos para a conversão desse sonho em realidade. O próximo trabalho discute a ação empresarial na escola e os impactos no trabalho docente e as suas resistências associadasà cultura escolar, que analisa a introdução da lógica empresarial na gestão da escola pública estadual entre os anos de 2015-2020. Em seguida, analisa-se o estabelecimento da tradição de investigação mendeliana sob a perspectiva epistemológica de Larry Laudan, e tem o objetivo apresentar aos leitores alguns aspectos da epistemologia de Larry Laudan, contextualizando seu ponto de vista de que a ciência avança por meio da resolução de problemas. Depois, o próximo trabalho discute a cobertura da guerra de Angola pelos jornais brasileiros, estudo que procura destacar o papel do jornalismo de guerra, que vem mitificando a profissão do jornalista. O penúltimo trabalho discute a gestão do risco no setor público, por meio de uma revisão de pesquisa empírica que pretende abordar com maior primazia a gestão do risco no setor público, uma vez que, o setor público apresenta uma estrutura muito mais alargada e complexa do que o setor privado. E, por fim, o último trabalho discute a gestão por competências , pois cada vez mais o mundo corporativo exige rapidez na prestação dos serviços públicos e privados, exige colaboradores menos burocráticos que utilizem a comunicação na realização de suas tarefas e na resolução dos problemas organizacionais Desta forma agradecemos todos os autores e autoras pelo esforço colocados em seus trabalhos e esperamos contribuir com a comunidade científica, no avanço do conhecimento científico.
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Wimbush, Vincent L. “Aru Oyim de de de Dei!”. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780190664701.003.0002.

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Things Fall Apart, with its thick and complex and rich representation of traditional village life, especially its central/centering rituals, sensibilities, and orientation, opens a window onto a world with a particular type of collective consciousness and politics and dynamics. In this chapter the Umuofia village in what we know today as Nigeria is introduced as the semi-fictional setting for the ongoing dynamics of a socially complex and richly textured society of local customs and traditions. Among these traditions is the masking ritual and the gendered, class, and interpersonal relations that it reflects and structures. Set at the end of the nineteenth century, at the height of the consolidations of the colonial era, Achebe’s story offers us an honest and realistic picture of a black world that represents a particular orientation to the world, a sensibility and mood, an epistemic system, including a certain felt anxiety and fear, symbolized by and managed through the mask worn in rituals.
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Ross, Kenneth R., Asiyati Lorraine Chiweza, and Wapulumuka O. Mulwafu. Beyond Impunity: New Directions for Governance in Malawi. UCT Press, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.15641/0-7992-2553-2.

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"The events of 2019/2020 were momentous not just for democracy in Malawi but for the wider region. This book is essential reading for anyone working on Malawian politics or democratic consolidation more broadly." Nic Cheeseman, Professor of Democracy, University of Birmingham "Comprehensive, compelling. accessible and timely ... the best book I have read recently on the country's complex, contradictory, messy and disappointing political and socio-economic dispensation since the dawn of the era of multi-party democracy in 1994." Paul Tiyambe Zeleza, Vice Chancellor, United States lnternational University-Africa
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Kholikov, Aleksey A., ed. Russian Literature and Journalism in the Pre-revolutionary Era: Forms of Interaction and Methodology of Analysis. A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.22455/978-5-9208-0661-1.

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This collective monograph is the second issue of a new scientific series devoted to the study of the forms of interaction between Russian literature and journalism in the crisis era of the early twentieth century. The main authors are the executors of RSF project (No. 20-18-00003), as well as specially invited scholars and experts in this field. The structure of the book is subordinated to the solution of the tasks facing the creative team and includes research of a fundamental nature; analytical reviews of not only national but also regional newspapers; publications of little-known and forgotten texts from periodicals and archives. These are accompanied by commentary; and bibliographic and reference materials. The publication is intended for philologists and for representatives of other humanitarian disciplines interested in such a complex, dispersed, diffuse and polygenre phenomenon as the Russian periodical press of the pre-revolutionary era.
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Finseth, Ian. The Civil War Dead and American Modernity. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190848347.001.0001.

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Tracing the Civil War dead’s representational afterlife acroᶊ an array of historical, visual, and literary documents from 1861 to 1914, this book shows that they played a central, complex, and paradoxical role in how Americans understood the “modernity” of the United States. Amid the turbulence of the postbellum era, the dead provided an illusion of coherence, intelligibility, and continuity in the national self, and yet they also focalized American society’s central philosophical and moral conflicts. Recirculated through the networks of information and meaning by which a culture understands and creates itself, they functioned, and continue to function, as a form of symbolic currency in a memorial economy linking the Civil War era to the present. Reconstructing the strategies by which postwar American society reimagined the Civil War dead, this book argues that a strain of critical thought was alert to this necropolitical dynamic from the very years of the war itself.
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Topich, William J., and Keith A. Leitich. The History of Myanmar. ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9798400665110.

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This text provides a thorough examination of the history of Myanmar from Neolithic times to the present. Myanmar has experienced a seemingly endless series of conquerors, dating from prehistoric times through the reign of Kublai Khan's Mongol forces beginning in the late 1200s, all the way through the modern era, when it was subject to both British colonial control and invasion by the Japanese during World War II. The History of Myanmar provides a detailed, historical overview of the key people, places, and events in this often-overlooked country's past and present. It examines the history of Myanmar, from Neolithic times to all of its ruling dynasties to the modern era in a chronological manner, providing a contextual framework for the further exploration of its complex history. This text pays special attention to the unique circumstances that led to the formation of the modern nation of Myanmar.
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Drakeley, Steven. The History of Indonesia. Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9798400664908.

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Culturally and politically, Indonesia is one of the more complex countries in the world, with 336 ethnic groups speaking 583 languages and dialects. It is only recently that these people have been contained within one political framework. Throughout most of history, Indonesia's inhabitants were divided politically in many different ways as a bewildering array of kingdoms and empires rose and fell within the region. Since independence in 1945, one of the challenges Indonesia faces is constructing a unified national identity. Through six chapters, Drakeley discusses Indonesian history beginning with settlement and social development in 5,000 BCE, through the Colonial Era, the Independence Movement, the Sukarno Era, and the Soeharto Era, to the 2004 elections. Ideal for students and general readers, the History of Indonesia is part of Greenwood's Histories of Modern Nations series. With over thirty nation's histories in print, these books provide readers with a concise, up-to-date history of countries throughout the world. Reference features include a biographical section highlighting famous figures in Indonesian history, a timeline of important historical events, a glossary of terms, and a bibliographical essay with suggestions for further reading.
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Mehl, Scott. The Ends of Meter in Modern Japanese Poetry. Cornell University Press, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.7591/cornell/9781501761171.001.0001.

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This book analyzes the complex response of Meiji-era Japanese poets and readers to the challenge introduced by European verse and the resulting crisis in Japanese poetry. Amidst fierce competition for literary prestige on the national and international stage, poets and critics at the time recognized that the character of Japanese poetic culture was undergoing a fundamental transformation, and the stakes were high: the future of modern Japanese verse. The book documents the creation of new Japanese poetic forms, tracing the first invention of Japanese free verse and its subsequent disappearance. The book examines the impact of the acclaimed and reviled shintaishi, a new poetic form invented for translating European-language verse and eventually supplanted by the reintroduction of free verse as a Western import. The book draws on materials written in German, Spanish, English, and French, recreating the global poetry culture within which the most ambitious Meiji-era Japanese poets vied for position.
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Monshipouri, Mahmood. Pipeline Politics in Iran, Turkey, and the South Caucasus. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190673604.003.0003.

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The relationship between Iran, Turkey and the South Caucasus states have been influenced by an array of geopolitical, strategic, cultural, and economic factors. The competition between Iran and Turkey and their roles in the South Caucasus are best defined by traditional balance-of-power relations and the broader context of the post-Soviet era. This chapter unpacks the complex dynamics of pipeline politics in the South Caucasus region by underlying the need to understand the “Great Power Game” involving geostrategic and geo-economic interests of local governments, regional actors, global powers, and international oil companies. The larger focus turns on underscoring the importance of the region’s large oil and gas reserves; its land connection between the Caspian Sea, South Caucasus, and Europe; and its long-standing territorial conflicts in the post-Soviet era. Iran and Turkey have fought for influence in the South Caucasus while maintaining relatively good bilateral relationships in the region.
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Branaghan, Sim. British Film Posters. Edited by Stephen Chibnall. Bloomsbury Publishing(UK), 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781838711252.

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The first complete history of illustrated film posters in the UK covers every aspect of design, printing and display from the Victorian era to the arrival of DeskTop Publishing in the 1980s. British Film Posters examins the contribution 'vintage' film posters have made to British popular art of the 20th century.
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Renker, Elizabeth. Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198808787.003.0001.

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The terms “poetry” and “realism” have a complex and mostly oppositional relationship in American literary histories of the postbellum period. The core narrative holds that “realism,” the major literary “movement” of the era, developed apace in prose fiction, while poetry, stuck in a hopelessly idealist late-romantic mode, languished and stagnated. Poetry is thus almost entirely absent from scholarship on American literary realism except as the emblem of realism’s opposite: a desiccated genteel “twilight of the poets.” The typical tale held that, while poetry sputtered into decline, William Dean Howells, Henry James, and Mark Twain towered over literary culture as “major realists,” with 1885 standing as the ...
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Martin, Keith M. Control of Cryptography. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198788003.003.0014.

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In this chapter, we will discuss the complex issue of controlling the use of cryptography. We will identify a societal dilemma that arises from the use of cryptography. We will present arguments for and against control of use of cryptography, as well as identifying a number of different strategies for doing so. We will then review various historical approaches that have been adopted for trying to control the use of cryptography, including backdoors, export controls, and key escrow. We then consider the control of cryptography in the modern era, illustrating that the ubiquity and complexity of technology using cryptography provides both challenges and opportunities for undermining cryptographic protection.
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Svantesson, Dan Jerker B. Final Remarks. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198795674.003.0013.

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This chapter summarises the discussions and proposals of the previous chapters without attempting to add any additional arguments. It highlights the importance of tackling the complex issues of Internet jurisdictions, not only for the disciplines of private international law and public international law (as they are traditionally defined), but for society more broadly. Emphasis is also placed on the need for immediate action. In addition, it links the discussion of international law concepts to the Swedish word lagom, said to stem from Viking-era drinking etiquette. It is suggested that the idea of ‘lagom jurisdiction’ nicely brings together much of the arguments presented in this book.
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Beutler, Ralf, and Frank-Harald Greß, eds. Jazz/Rock/Pop - Das Dresdner Modell. Tectum – ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.5771/9783828874589.

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The jazz/rock/pop programme at the Dresden College of Music developed into a multifaceted educational complex during the GDR era, despite reservations by cultural politicians, and gained international recognition after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Contemporary witnesses, current teachers and graduates report in 25 essays on their work, experiences, individual views and the interaction between artistic practice and pedagogical activity. This richly illustrated volume provides unique insights into the structure and goals of this field of study in all its breadth, from the children's class and the cooperation with the Saxon State Grammar School for Music to the Bachelor's, Master's and graduate programmes.
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Mizruchi, Susan L. Henry James: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/actrade/9780190944384.001.0001.

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Henry James: A Very Short Introduction places Henry James’s notoriously difficult writings in their historical and biographical context. Henry James had a major impact on the literary culture of his time and ever since. From his childhood through his mature life, James created a unique body of fiction, travel writing, reviews, and theory that represents one of the greatest achievements in America’s literary history. This VSI studies various fictional and nonfictional works by James. These complex accounts of human experience engage with the vital issues of both James’s era and our own, including gender relations, sexuality, the nature of modernity, the threat of relativism, and the role of art.
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Seylon, Raman N., William B. Ashbaugh, and Nancy Sullivan. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Global Medieval Life and Culture. Greenwood Press, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9798216185635.

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The period we know as the Middle Ages, roughly the years 400-1400, saw the formation of ideas and institutions that mark our modern societies. Developments as disparate as the foundation of Islam and the emergence of the middle class occurred during this pivotal millennium. Although historical study of the Middle Ages has traditionally focused on Western Europe, modern historians recognize the complex global nature of this era. For all major world regions, this important reference work offers in-depth essays on broad themes, short entries on specific topics, and carefully selected primary documents to help readers more fully understand this critically important period.
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Callaghan, Madeleine. Standard Abbreviations and Note on Texts. Liverpool University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.5949/liverpool/9781786940247.003.0102.

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CPPBSThe Complete Poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley, ed. Donald Reiman, Neil Fraistat, and Nora Crook. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000, 2004, 2012. 3 vols to date.Letters: PBSThe Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley, ed. Frederick L. Jones. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1964. 2 vols....
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James, Simon, and Stefan Krmnicek, eds. The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Roman Germany. Oxford University Press, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199665730.001.0001.

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Germania was one of the most important and complex zones of cultural interaction and conflict between Rome and neighbouring societies. A vast region, it became divided into urbanized provinces with elaborate military frontiers and the northern part of the continental ‘Barbaricum’. Recent decades have seen a major effort by German archaeologists, ancient historians, epigraphers, numismatists, and other specialists to explore the Roman era in their own territory, with rich and often surprising new knowledge. This Handbook aims to make the results of this great effort of modern German and overwhelmingly German-language scholarship more widely available to Anglophone scholarship on the empire. Archaeology and ancient history are international enterprises characterized by specific national scholarly traditions; this is notably true of the study of Roman-era Germania. This volume compromises a collection of essays in English by leading scholars working in Germany, presenting the latest developments in current research as well as situating their work within wider international scholarship through a series of critical responses from other, very different, national perspectives. In doing so, this book aims to reveal the riches of the archaeology of Roman Germany, promote the achievements of German scholars in the area, and help facilitate continued English and German language discourses on the Roman era.
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