Дисертації з теми "Dynamique inélastique"
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Denis, alpizar Otoniel. "Calculs de dynamique inélastique pour des collisions moléculaires d'intérêt astrochimique." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014BORD0021/document.
Повний текст джерелаTha analysis of the physico-chemical conditons taking place in the interstellar medium (ISM) requires to know the inclastic rate coefficents of the detected interstellar molecules in collisions with the moste common colliders int the ISM. We have comuted the four dimensional potential energy surfaces, and the bound levels for the CS-H2, HCN-H2, HCN-He and C3 -He complexes. For the collisions of Cs with H2, we also determined the rst inelastic cross section and rate coefficeients<; Several recent observations suggest that the vibrational excitation of triatomic molecules in the ISM at least in the bending motion needs to be considered in the collision mechanismes. We present a nex theorical method to treat atom-rigid bender ineslastic collisions at close the coupling level (RBCC). The coupling between rotation and bending is treated exactly within the rigid bender approximation and we obtain the cross section for the rotational transition between levels belonging to dierent bending levels. This approach is applied to the study of HCN-He and C3-He. The results are compared with those obtained whenconsidering the molecules to be linear rigid rotors. In the case of HCN-He,they are also compared with the cross sections determined using the interactionpotential averaged over the bending wavefunction. We demonstratethat the cross sections involving vibrational transitions should be computedusing the RBCC method. For HCN-He, the linear rigid approach is foundto offer a good description of pure rotational transitions while for C3-Hethis method is shown to overestimate the cross section for collision energieshigher than the first excited bending threshold
Kawerk, Elie. "Dynamique subfemtoseconde de molécules isolées par diffusion inélastique résonante de rayons X." Paris 6, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA066237.
Повний текст джерелаThe absorption of an X-ray photon by a molecular system leads to the promotion of an electron occupying a core level to highly unoccupied virtual orbitals. Following the absorption, the system could evolve following different paths : an electronic path (ex :X-ray fluorescence, Auger decay), and a nuclear path (ex :molecular dissociation). In the first part of this thesis, we present a combined experimental and theoretical study of the X-ray absorption spectra around the chlorine L edge of the molecules C2H3Cl and iso-C2H2Cl2 in gas phase. The spectra of the two molecules were simulated numerically using a Configuration Interaction method (CI) taking into account the spin-orbit coupling. The numerical simulations are in good agreement with the experimental measurements, suggesting new assignements of the major observed spectal bands. The calculations extended to the cis and trans isomers of dichloroethylene, compared to C2H3Cl and iso-C2H2Cl2 show that the evolution of the spectral profile results from an increasing electronegativity scale of the radicals which seems to respect the following order : C2H2Cl/cis/trans/iso-C2H3. In the second part of this thesis, we have studied the Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS-K) spectra around the chlorine K edge of iso-C2H2Cl2 in gas phase. The following work enabled us to determine the nature of the core excited electronic states involved in the scattering, and to bring out particularly, some electronic transitions of weak intensity which are hardly observed with the use of traditional spectroscopies (X-ray absorption). We have also shown an evolution of the K emission spectra with the incoming photon energy. The evolution of the spectral profile of the K lines highlights the existence of nuclear dynamics occurring in the 1A’ state (elongation of the C-Cl bond) on a femtosecond timescale
Hermet, Patrick. "Modélisation de la dynamique vibrationnelle des oligothiophènes." Montpellier 2, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004MON20168.
Повний текст джерелаFerrand, Michel. "Etude des mouvements internes de la bactériorhodopsine par diffusion inélastique de neutrons et simulation de dynamique moléculaire." Grenoble 1, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991GRE10160.
Повний текст джерелаBeauvois, Ketty. "Etude de la dynamique de l'3He liquide et de l'4He superfluide par diffusion inélastique de neutrons." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016GREAY094/document.
Повний текст джерелаThe effect of correlations in quantum fluids is investigated in the present work by inelastic neutron scattering measurements of their elementary excitations.Recent theories provide us with a detailed description of the dynamics up to atomic wave vectors. In addition, the recent improvement of the time-of-flight IN5 spectrometer at the ILL opens new experimental possibilities in terms of neutron flux and resolution, as well as accessible energy and wave vector ranges. In the case of 4He, the bosonic isotope, the neutron measurements have been performed at very low temperatures, from the saturated vapor pressure up to the melting curve. The dispersion relations of the corresponding elementary excitations have been accurately determined. At higher energies, we observe in the dynamic structure factor a highly structured multi-excitation response, characterized by sharp thresholds due to the coupling of elementary excitations. In particular, we observe a ghost phonon related to phonon-phonon coupling. Our measurements on superfluid 4He confirm the predictions of the dynamic many body theory (2015), the agreement being quantitative up to an energy of 2 meV. The investigations on normal liquid 3He were carried out at temperatures well below 100 mK in a cell specially designed for this purpose. Ourmeasurements on this fermionic isotope yield a high precision determination of the collective modes, zero-sound and paramagnon, as well as the particle-hole band. Since they also cover an unexplored region, we were able to confirm the theoretical prediction of a roton-like excitation in bulk liquid 3He. This mode remains within the particle-hole band, contrarily to the case of two-dimensional 3He. A broad vision of the dynamics of interacting Bose and Fermi systems, going from the Landau quasi-particles and multi-excitations regimes up to the high-energy limit, where the independent particle dynamics is recovered, emerges from our work
Bencivenga, Filippo. "Dynamique à haute fréquence des systèmes liquides et supercritiques." Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00121509.
Повний текст джерелаEn allant de la phase liquide à la phase supercritique, une phénoménologie commune a été qualitativement observée. Les conclusions principales sont les suivantes : (i) Un affaiblissement de la dispersion positive associée à la relaxation structurelle. (ii) Un changement dans les mécanismes principaux responsables des interactions intermoléculaires à un niveau microscopique. Dans la phase liquide les interactions intermoléculaires sont surtout des liens intermoléculaires, d'autre part, dans la phase supercritique, ces interactions sont dominées par les collisions intermoléculaires.
Scheyer, Yannick. "Transition vitreuse dans les gels de polyuréthane : étude de la dynamique par diffusion inélastique de la lumière et des neutrons." Montpellier 2, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997MON20117.
Повний текст джерелаPanarin, Justin. "Dynamique de spin dans le supraconducteur non conventionnel CeCoIn¥." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00767160.
Повний текст джерелаSilva, Jr Humberto da. "Structure et dynamique des ions moléculaires froids : processus de formation et de destruction." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017SACLS401/document.
Повний текст джерелаThe work sheds light on the mechanisms, and their efficiency, for (i) formation, (ii) destruction and (iii) internal cooling of cold molecular ions by inelastic ultracold collisions, such as those studied in hybrid setups merging an ultracold atom trap and a laser-cooled ion trap. We have carried out a systematic and consistent analysis of light assisted binary collisions of many relevant atom/ion pairs using accurate effective core potential based quantum chemistry calculations. Radiative association is predicted to occur for all systems with a cross section two to ten times larger than the competitive channel of radiative charge transfer. Partial and total rate constants are also calculated and compared to available experiments. Narrow shape resonances are expected, which could be detectable at low temperature with an experimental resolution at the limit of the present standards. Vibrational distributions are also calculated, showing that the final molecular ions are not created in their internal ground state level. Once light-assisted formation of molecular ions is probed, we have checked their effective radiative lifetime due to the presence of several lasers in the experiments, which turns out to efficiently photodissociate the created ions. Moreover, besides an extremely slow internal relaxation due to the presence of a permanent electric dipole moment, at reasonably time scales, we have found evidences for the population of molecular levels being strongly influenced by collisions with surrounding ultracold atoms. We have further investigated the internal cooling of both H₂⁺ and Rb₂⁺ (with the respective isotopologues) in collisions with ultracold He and Rb atoms, respectively, due to their relevance for experimental implementations. We have described the calculation of the interaction potentials needed to obtain the coupling potential matrix elements used in a multichannel close coupling formalism. In particular, it is shown that the sum of the He-H₂⁺ state-to-state cross sections (with and without vibrational effects) accounting for the coupling between electronic spin and molecular rotation is dynamically equivalent to directly treating the collision problem of a molecular ion as a structureless spherical rotor interacting with the He atom. The additional difficulties of a close-coupling treatment for an effective internal cooling of sympathetically cold Rb₂⁺ ions in collisions with Rb atoms are discussed along the following lines: (i) the homonuclear nature of the problem, inducing trap losses from reactive collisions; (ii) the higher density of internal states due to the heaviness of the system; and, (iii) its long-range neutral-charged interaction. Nevertheless, strong evidence of an efficient internal cooling by inelastic collisions with Rb atoms is found, and may indicate a general trend for all similar heavy species currently found in hybrid trap experiments
Antoine, Georges. "Etude de la dynamique de chaînes hydrocarbonées, alkylenediammonium, alkylammonium et n-alcane en phases solides désordonnées par diffusion incohérente inélastique des neutrons." Bordeaux 1, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988BOR10631.
Повний текст джерелаGaimes, Nabil. "Etude de la dynamique vibrationnelle des milieux désordonnés par diffusion inélastique de la lumière : application à des verres stabilisés à différentes températures." Montpellier 2, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992MON20225.
Повний текст джерелаFrancoual, Sonia. "Phonons et phasons dans les quasicristaux de symétrie icosaédrique et dans leurs approximants 1/1 périodiques." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006GRE10037.
Повний текст джерелаThe static and dynamical responses associated with phonons and phasons are compared in icosahedral quasicrystals and their cubic 1/1 approximants. Quasicristals and approximants share a same local order within large atomic cIusters of icosahedral shape (diameter 1. 6 nm). However, the long rang order is quasiperiodic in the quasicrystal whereas it is periodic in the approximant. Quasiperiodicity yields new hydrodynamic modes called phasons. Phonons exist in the quasicrystal and in the approximant. We measured the distribution of the difuse intensity near Bragg peaks in the Zn-Sc approximant phase and in the i-Zn-X-Sc quasicristallinel phases with X = Mg, Ag, Co. Ln the Zn-Sc approximant, the thermal diffuse scattering due to phonons is observed. Ln the Zn-X-Sc phases, there is an additional diffuse intensity signal which one is due to phasons. The extracted phason elastic contants are shown to vary with the chemical nature of the element X. We studied the dynamics of long-wavelength phasons using coherent X-rays in the i-AI-Pd-Mn phase. Phasons are activated above 600°C. The dynamics is diffusive. At 650°C, for phasons having a wavelength of 90 nm, the typical relaxation time is of the order of 100 s. We investigated the phonon dynamics in the i-Zn-Mg-Sc and 1/1 Zn-Sc phases, and in the i-Cd- Yb and 1/1 Cd-Yb phases using neutron and X-ray inelastic scattering. The dynamical structure factors are similar in the quasicrystal and its approximant which shows the importance of the local order on the dynamical response ofvibrational modes in those structures. Sorne differences are nevertheless observed
Ruta, Béatrice. "Les propriétés vibrationnelles des verres : une étude expérimentale dans la région de transition entre le régime microscopique et macroscopique." Grenoble, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010GRENY034.
Повний текст джерелаOne of the most challenging issue in condensed matter physics concerns the understanding of the vibrational properties of glasses. In particular, an anomaly present in the vibrational density of states (VDOS) at energies of few meV has attracted much interest due to its universal occurrence in glasses. This anomaly, called ”boson peak” (BP), appears as a peak in the reduced VDOS over the Debye, elastic continuum prediction in an energy range where the Debye model still works reasonably well for the corresponding crystals. In this PhD work we present the results of an experimental study of the vibrational dynamics in glassy sorbitol and sulfur by means of inelastic scattering of light, x-ray and neutron. In the case of sorbitol, these results show that the boson peak is clearly related to anomalies observed in the acoustic dispersion curve in the mesoscopic wavenumber range of few nm−1. Moreover, the study of the temperature dependence of these properties shows that this connection is kept under temperature changes. Finally, the behavior of the high frequency modes can be used to quantitatively account for the BP, suggesting a strong connection between acoustic properties in the mesoscopic range and boson peak. This behavior seems to be universal in glasses. In the case of glassy sulfur the BP is located at energies outside the window which can be probed by IXS and it is not possible experimentally to investigate the character of the corresponding collective excitations
Wehinger, Björn. "Combinaison de la diffusion diffuse thermique de la diffusion inélastique des rayons X et des calculs ab inito pour l'étude de la dynamique de réseau." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00961602.
Повний текст джерелаGarcía, Vázquez Ricardo Manuel. "Étude théorique de la relaxation vibrationnelle de l’eau par collisions avec quelques uns des constituants les plus abondants des atmosphères des étoiles évoluées." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024BORD0441.
Повний текст джерелаThe existence of water molecules in space was confirmed in 1964 when the presence of spectral lines of water vapour was detected in the atmosphere of O-rich stars. Subsequently, water has been identified as a prevalent molecule across the universe. Rotational lines have now been observed in a variety of environments, including molecular clouds and star-forming regions. For many years, the astrophysical models used to model the physical conditions prevailing in these environments have only considered the water molecule rotation. However, studies of warmer environments, such as the envelopes and atmospheres of evolved stars, have led to the detection of vibrationally excited H2O molecules. Also, vibrational de-excitation rate coefficients for the collisions of H2O with the most abundant elements in the interstellar media, including H2, He, H and e− are needed to model these environments. Unfortunately, most of the currently available theoretical collisional data are limited to rotational transitions. Experimental studies suffer from the same limitation but offer the opportunity to validate the accuracy of the theoretical model employed. Furthermore, when the relevant astrophysical systems are too challenging to measure, experimentalists often turn to similar systems as a proxy for the systems of interest. The present work, in addition to providing new vibrational data, then also includes rotational (de)excitation studies of systems which are compared with available experimental data. This is the case of the rotational (de)excitation of H2O, HDO and D2O molecules by collisions with Ne. An excellent agreement between theory and a new recent experiment is obtained for the collisions of HDO with Ne validating the new PES developed for this system, which was then used to infer collisional propensity rules for these collisions. Similarly, as the differential cross section (DCS) offers the most detailed information about a collisional process, the collisions of H2O with Ne, Ar and Xe are also studied, and a very good agreement is obtained with the experimental results. The second main objective of this work is to study the collisional relaxation of vibrationally excited levels of water. The first systems to be studied using the Rigid Bender Close Coupling method (RBCC) were the bending relaxation of H2O by collision with Ar and of D2O by collision with He and Ar atoms. The subsequent comparison with experimental data allowed validating this approach. The last part of this manuscript is dedicated to the vibrational relaxation of H2O by collisions with the most abundant astrophysical collider, H2. The RBCC method is extended to include all the vibrational modes of H2O and the collisions with a linear molecule instead of an atom. A new code, called "Divitas," is developed allowing to perform both close coupling (CC) and coupled states (CS) calculations to study the rovibrational relaxation of triatomic molecules, such as H2O, in collision with linear molecules, such as H2. The new code is first employed to investigate the bending relaxation of H2O by collisions with H2 utilising the CC method and a new set of rate coefficients including ro-vibrational transitions is produced. Our global bending relaxation rate is in excellent agreement with the experimental value reported at 295 K. Nevertheless, the high computational cost of the CC method represents a significant obstacle to the study of more excited vibrational states. To circumvent this difficulty, the use of the CS approximation is first validated by comparison with the CC results. It is then subsequently employed to investigate the relaxation of the first bending overtone utilising a H2O basis set incorporating the first five vibrational states of the water molecule
Bulou, Alain. "Transitions de phases structurales et dynamique du réseau des tétrafluoroaluminates bidimensionnels AAIF4 (A=Rb, Tl, K , NH4)." Le Mans, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985LEMAA001.
Повний текст джерелаMouche, Emmanuel. "Contribution à l'étude du comportement dynamique d'une molécule de méthane adsorbée dans une cavité de la zéolite naA par calcul de potentiel et diffusion de neutrons." Paris 11, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985PA112159.
Повний текст джерелаWe present a theoretical and experimental study of the orientation and the external frequencies of a CH 4 molecule trapped by a Na+ cation of the NaA zeolite. A semi empirical calculation of CH 4 with Na shows that there is a favourable molecular orientation. We obtain the expression for the incoherent neutron scattering cross section. This expression gives the experimental conditions for obtaining the molecular orientation and dynamics. A neutron scattering experiment enabled a measurement of the external frequencies for comparison with those given by the calculation
Launois, Pascale. "Étude par diffusion inélastique de neutrons et sous pression hydrostatique de la dynamique des phases cristallines des parapolyphényles : phasons et amplitudons dans la phase incommensurable II du biphényle, changement de nature des transitions de phasess tructurales du P-terphenyle." Paris 11, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA112308.
Повний текст джерелаCrystalline p-polyphenyls exhibit structural phase transitions associated to a change of the mean molecular conformation. They result from competition between intra and intermolecular interactions. Pressure increases the relative strength of intermolecular interactions: it has therefore drastic effects on the structural phase transitions. The incommensurate phase II of biphenyl has a four dimensional order parameter (n=4). Lt is characterized by the appearance of four satellites inside the first Brillouin zone of the high temperature phase, called “phase I” The modulation wave is associated to the torsion of the molecule. Till now, direct observation (by inelastic neutron scattering) of specific excitations of incommensurate phases (phasons and amplitudons) has only been achieved in a few "n=2" incommensurate systems, which are less complex than biphenyl phase II. But pressure lowers the temperature range of existence of phase II, which gave us the opportunity to study its phasons and amplitudons at very low temperature (T=JK), where they are weil resolved. We have observed three propagating modes of low damping and we have studied the evolution with pressure of their frequencies and dispersion curves from 1. 05 to 1. 8 kbar (Pc lI 1. 85 kbar). The comparison between these results and the same ones concerning the soft mode which drives the Hl transition in phase 1, allows us, in the scope of the Ginzburg-Landau theory, to identify the three modes observed in phase Il (one of which is doubly degenerate} as its phasons and amplitudons. So we have characterized the phasons and amplitudons of an"n=4" incommensurate system. Phase Il of biphenyl, which is a four ray star incommensurate system, could present a monodomain or a two domain structure. The comparison between the inelastic intensities of its phasons and amplitudons shows that it seems to have a two domain structure. The high temperature phase of deuterated p-terphenyl is called phase 1. Crystalline p-terphenyl has two low temperature phases: phases II and III. The triple point is at: Tt = 71. 5 K and Pt= 3550 bars. Below Pt, one should observe the I-II and II-III transitions, and above Pt, the II-III transit ion. Phase Ill exists only under pressure. We have determined its super-structure Bragg peak position and studied the II-III transition which is first order with an hysteresis. The I -II transition is of the order-disorder type at atmospheric pressure. Within the mode! of competing intra and intermolecular interactions, one predicts a changeover with pressure from the order-disorder regime towards a displacive one. Lndeed, we established that under pressure the transition is driven by an underdamped soft mode which frequency decreases as the transition point cornes nearer. The I-III transition is driven by the same soft mode. Weil, this mode is principally related to a twisting of the molecule: in phase Ill, a molecule of p-terphenyl probably has the same torsional conformation as in phase II
El, Khoury Lara. "Diffusion Raman résonante des rayons X de molécules excitées en couche profonde." Paris 6, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA066305.
Повний текст джерелаLory, Pierre-François. "Dynamique de réseau et conductivité thermique dans les alliages métalliques complexes." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015GREAY042/document.
Повний текст джерелаComplex metallic alloys are long range ordered materials, characterized by large cells, comprising several hundreds of atoms and cluster building blocks. A key property of CMAs is the low lattice thermal conductivity (1.3 W/m. K), which suggests a potential application for CMAs for thermoelectricity. Despite recent advances structure determination, the nature of the phonons modes remains an open question: do the clusters playing a role? Are there critical modes? To tackle this problem, my PhD project aims to understand the vibrational modes at atomic scale and the relation to lattice thermal conductivity in o-Al13Co4 which is an approximant of the quasicrystal, decagonal phase AlNiCo and the clathrate Ba8Ge40.3Au5.25. In this worked we have used Inelastic Neutron and X-ray Scattering experiments and atomic scale simulations, based on density functional theory and empirical pair potentials.A detailed analysis of the results of inelastic scattering experiments on monocrystals for the acoustic branches have shown, for the first time, a finite lifetime for acoustic phonons when they interact with the low-lying dispersion-less excitations due to atoms in the cluster. In both systems, we observe that when an acoustic branch flattens near the zone boundary, the phonon lifetime is a few picoseconds. The phonon lifetime is approximately independent of temperature like the lattice thermal conductivity. Lattice and molecular dynamics simulations with DFT and empirical, oscillating pair potentials show that the finite phonon lifetime is an anharmonic effect, due to structural disorder, explaining the weak temperature of the phonon lifetime. For o-Al13Co4, we have calculated the thermal conductivity with the Green-Kubo method based on equilibrium MD simulations. For Ba8Ge40.3Au5.25 we have developed a phenomenological model based on individual phonon modes. In conclusion, we have demonstrated how structural complexity affects thermal conductivity through the lattice dynamics
Sapede, Daniel. "Contributions à la compréhension de la structure et de la dynamique hiérarchiques du fil de traîne de l'araignée." Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00011700.
Повний текст джерелаDans ce travail de thèse, les techniques de diffusion neutronique ont été pour la première fois utilisées pour l'étude de la soie d'araignée. La forte contribution de l'hydrogène en diffusion des neutrons ainsi que la différence des longueurs de diffusion de l'hydrogène et du deutérium ont permis de porter un regard nouveau sur les propriétés structurales et dynamiques des soies d'araignée. Ainsi les résultats appuient un modèle hiérarchique à trois phases de nanofibrilles composées de domaines cristallins et d'ordre à courte portée, contenues dans une matrice amorphe. Des expériences complémentaires de diffusion du rayonnement synchrotron suggèrent que l'eau absorbée par la matrice amorphe forme une glace amorphe à basses températures. Des expériences de diffraction de neutrons (abréviation anglaise : WANS) ont montré un pic méridional hors réseau -non observé par les expériences en rayons X (abréviation anglaise : WAXS)- attribué à une structure smectique de feuillets beta dans les domaines d'ordre à courte portée. L'échange de H2O contre D2O pour les expériences de diffusion de neutrons aux petits angles (abréviation anglaise : SANS) a permis d'observer la variation de contraste à l'intérieur des nanofibrilles et entre les nanofibrilles et la matrice. La mobilité moléculaire a été sondée par des techniques de diffusion inélastique et quasiélastique des neutrons. Il semble qu'une hiérarchie de phénomènes de relaxations décrive la soie hydratée, tandis que la soie native a un comportement vitreux à température ambiante.
Hamadouche, Mohand Ameziane. "Analyse dynamique des structures inélastiques par la théorie de l'adaptation." Lille 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997LIL10223.
Повний текст джерелаLeininger, Philippe. "Propriétés électroniques et dynamiques de Na0,7CoO2 et du supraconducteur Na0,35CoO2. YH2O." Paris 6, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA066640.
Повний текст джерелаLee, Sang-Ho. "Analyse dynamique simplifiée des structures inélastiques : évaluation directe de l’état maximal et de l’état limite." Marne-la-Vallée, ENPC, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990ENPC9003.
Повний текст джерелаAguer, Bénédicte. "Comportements asymptotiques dans des gaz de Lorentz inélastiques." Thesis, Lille 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010LIL10047/document.
Повний текст джерелаWe study the hamiltonian dynamics of free particles in inelastic Lorentz gases, which are environments with an infinite number of degrees of freedom randomly or periodically distributed in space. We exhibit two differents asymptotic behaviours, depending on if the particles undergo dissipation or not.The model is called non-dissipative when the action of the particles on the degrees of freedom of the gas is neglected. We determine, numerically and analytically, the asymptotic behaviour in time of the averaged kinetic energy and the mean squared displacement of fast particles. The analysis is based on the approximation of the particles' dynamics by a random walk where one step corresponds to a unique collision of the particle with a particle of the Lorentz gas. We find different asymptotics, depending on whether the force exerted by the scatterer is or not a gradient field. These results are proved by probabilistic arguments, bringing into play convergence theorems of Markov chains and Bessel processes. We also derive the asymptotic behavior of the main squared displacement in these different cases.In dissipative models, the evolution of the degrees of freedom of the Lorentz gas is affected by the particle and the dynamical system considered is constituted of the particle and the environment. It then has an infinite number of degrees of freedom. We prove, on an appropriate phase space, the global existence of solutions and build a Gibbs measure describing the system's thermodynamic equilibrium. This enables us to prove the Einstein relation at finite time in the presence of an exterior force
Bahn, Emanuel. "Molecular diffusion on surfaces of carbon materials : Spectroscopic and theoretical studies." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015GREAY055/document.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis presents my PhD work about molecular diffusion on surfaces of carbon materials. The main research has been undertaken in the form of neutron and helium spectroscopy studies and theoretical models have been developed for an interpretation of experimental data.In the first part, the growth procedure of an epitaxial graphene layer on the (111) surface of a nickel crystal is described and the adsorption and diffusion of water and of benzene on the graphene surface are discussed. Results from helium spin-echo spectroscopy studies are presented with the aspiration to obtain a detailed qualitative and quantitative description of the structure of the adsorbate and the molecular diffusion on the surface.In the following chapters, the diffusion of molecular hydrogen adsorbed in carbon aerogel, in a novel porous carbon D-96-7, and in exfoliated graphite is discussed, based on results from neutron time-of-flight spectroscopy. The aim is a detailed understanding of the connection between porosity, surface chemistry, and the molecular diffusion
Altimiras, Martin Carles Oriol. "Mécanismes inélastiques dans des circuits mésoscopiques réalisés dans des gaz bidimensionnels d'électrons." Paris 11, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA112338.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis presents an experimental investigation of inclastic interaction effects in mesocopic circuits, realized in two dimensional electron gases. We explore the regimes of the integer and fractional quantum Hall effect, and the interactions between a coherent conductor and the circuit in whish it is embedded. We investigate the quantum Hall regimes under the point of view of energy transport. We demonstrate the non-equilibrium spectroscopy of th electronic energy distribution of an edge channel, using a quantum dot as an energy filter, while the edge channel is driven out of equilibrium with a voltage biased quantum point contact. With these tolls, we probe the non equilibrium dynamics along two co-propagating edge channels (nu=2). We observe a strong energy relaxation, challenging the widespread picture of non-interacting channels, and identify inter-channelinteractions, without particleexchanges, as the dominant inclastinc mechanism. We further demonstrate two techniques permitting us to increase, and freeze, the energy relaxation. Similar experiments performed in the fractional regime at nu=4/3, reveal an antichiral energy flow , while the electric current is found to follow the expected chirality. Weshow that the antichiral energy flow is carried by neutral bulk excitations. The impedance of coherent conductor is modified by its environment, modifying the usual impedance composition laws. This effect, know as dynamical Coulomb blockade, has been predicted to be renormalized by the Fano factor emerging in the conductorés shot noise. We demonstrate this strag link by measuring the condtance of aquentum point contact embedded in a tunable circuit
Falcon, Eric. "Comportements dynamiques associés au contact de Hertz : processus collectifs de collision et propagation d'ondes solitaires dans les milieux granulaires." Lyon 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997LYO10191.
Повний текст джерелаBouhafs, Nezha. "Excitation des hydrures d’azote par l’hydrogène atomique et moléculaire." Thesis, Normandie, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017NORMLH15/document.
Повний текст джерелаObservation and study of interstellar molecular clouds require the knowledge of molecular data to derive the physical conditions (temperature, gas density, molecular abundance) of these media. Nitrogen hydrides are highly abundant species in the interstellar medium and they are found to be important reaction intermediates in the nitrogen chemistry. The interpretation of nitrogen hydrides observations from the HERSCHEL spatial observatory and the ALMA interferometer, requires accurate collisional rate coefficients of these molecules. The present thesis focuses on the determination of new rate coefficients for NH, NH2 and NH3 molecules in collision with Ne, H2 et H, respectively. Inelastic cross sections for the rotational excitation of all the studied systems have been computed with a close coupling method using the molecular dynamic codes MOLSCAT and HIBRIDON. The cross sections are then used to calculate the collisional rate coefficients for temperatures ranging from 5 to 200 K. The new rate coefficients were included in radiative transfer calculations in order to model the observed transitions of NH2 towards high-mass star-forming region W31C. We show that using the previously published rate coefficients instead of these new ones have a significant impact on the modeling, leading to important differences on the density, abundance and on the OPR of NH2. The new data will allow to put interesting constraints on the physical condition of the molecular cloud
Santucci, Silvia. "Propriétés dynamiques de l'eau et de la solution LiCl-6H2O, éetudiées par diffusion inélastique du rayonnement synchrotron et de la lumière visible." Phd thesis, Grenoble, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010GRENY026.
Повний текст джерелаThe eccentric phase diagram of the stable and metastable states of water is a long backdated puzzle. Several theories have been proposed to explain the apparent divergenges of thermodynamic and transport properties of supercooled water but an unified picture is still lacking, basically because the divergence temperature is located below the nucleation temperature, in the so-called no-man's land. We have lead an experimental approach to the relaxational properties of liquid and supercooled water, measured by means of inelasticscattering of ultraviolet synchrotron radiation for the first time and also light scattering. By analyzing the spectra in the formalism of memory functions we have found a good agreement with previous molecular dynamics simulations and with mode coupling theory, which attributes to the singularities of water a dynamical origin. We have also made a first step into the no-mans land by investigating the dynamics of the LiCl-6H2O solution. Indeed, the progressive dilution of aqueous solutions can be an indirect method to obtain information about the pure solvent below its homogeneous nucleation temperature. We have lead inelastic scattering experiments of light and synchrotron ultraviolets and X-rays. We have found that, on cooling the solution, a single relaxation process, which at high temperatures owns features similar to those of the structural relaxation of pure water, starts splitting into a structural and a secondary relaxations. The splitting occurs at around the temperature where the properties of water seem to diverge. According to recent theories and experiments about the dynamics and phase diagram of water and of dilute ion solutions at low temperatures and high pressures, the dynamical splitting that we observe could be possibly connected with the onset of the hypothetical liquid-liquid phase transition at pressures much higher than those investigated. Further investigations at a function of pressure and concentrations are highly desirable to shed light on these fascinating coincidences
Santucci, Silvia. "Propriétés dynamiques de l'eau et de la solution LiCl-6H2O, éetudiées par diffusion inélastique du rayonnement synchrotron et de la lumière visible." Phd thesis, Grenoble, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00526125.
Повний текст джерелаLanza, Mathieu. "Collisions inélastiques et réactives pour les milieux astrophysiques et pour les plasmas froids : théorie et modélisation." Thesis, Le Havre, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LEHA0008/document.
Повний текст джерелаThe determination of the physical conditions in energetic media such as interstellar molecular clouds and cold plasmas (temperature, gas density, molecular abundance) requires the knowlegde of collisional rate coefficients of molecules in collisions with the dominant species which are e, H, He and H2. In this context, quantum chemistry calculations and collisional dynamics were performed for HCl in collision with He and H2 and the electron-ion collisions for BeH+ (and its isotopes) and H2+ were studied. The consequences of these calculations on the energetic media are presented
Daniel, Fabien. "Etude de la dynamique collisionnelle des molécules N2H+ et H2O : implication sur la caractérisation des régions de formation d'étoile." Paris 6, 2007. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00445536.
Повний текст джерелаLique, François. "Excitation collisionnelle de molécules d'intérêt astrophysique : théorie et interprétation d'observations." Paris 6, 2006. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00172004.
Повний текст джерелаLequien, Stéphane. "Étude par diffusion de neutrons des propriétés dynamiques des systèmes métalliques réentrants." Paris 11, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA112036.
Повний текст джерелаReentrant magnetic systems are disordered alloys where the competition between ferro and antiferromagnetic interactions gives rise to the successive phases paramagnetic-(anti) ferromagnetic spin glass like. We have studied the temperature dependence of the magnetic collective excitations in two ferromagnetic reentrant systems (Fe1- xMnx) ₇ ₅ P ₁₆ B ₆ Al₃ et Cr1-xFex• The excitations are spin waves obeying the dispersion relation w = Δ + Dq2, where D is the magnetic stiffness constant of the system. Our measurements, using inelastic neutrons scattering, evidenced large anomalies on the thermal evolution of the magnetic dynamics the concentration dependence of which is also reported. At a given concentration, when the temperature is lowered from the paramagnetic phase, damped spin waves appear below Tc. The constant D increases while the critical damping vanishes. But instead of a continuous increase with decreasing temperature, as in usual ferromagnets, D goes through a maximum and starts to decrease while a new kind of damping takes place and the static susceptibility increases. In the temperature range where the a. C. Susceptibility drop off, there is a new inversion and an increase of D may be observed, together with a decrease of the damping and a levelling of the static susceptibility. The temperature where D reaches its minimum value varies with the concentration and is higher when the frustration increases. On the other hand this behaviour presents no appreciable change when a static magnetic field is applied, high enough to induce the technical saturation of the magnetization. The concentration dependence determined on a-FeMn allows us to understand better the behaviour reported for other systems where less precise measurements lead to erroneous conclusions. This point of view has been corroborated by a reexamination of the CrFe, first compound of this kind which had been studied by inelastic neutron studies. Our observations allow an interesting check for mechanism, homogeneous or inhomogeneous, which may be put forward in these systems. Associated to the observations by elastic neutron scattering they provide a new material for theoretical models
Chefdeville, Simon. "Dynamique de collisions moléculaires à très basse énergie : mise en évidence expérimentale de résonances quantiques." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014BORD0340/document.
Повний текст джерелаTheoretical calculations predict that the dynamics of rotational excitation of CO or O2molecules, induced by collisions with H2, are dominated by quantum scatteringresonances at very low energies. However, experimental observation of these effectsis challenging: very low collision energies and high energy resolution are bothrequired. Experiments performed with a crossed molecular beam apparatus withvariable intersection angle allow us to observe the thresholds of the CO (j = 0 1)transition at 3.85 cm-1 and the O2 (Nj = 10 11) transition at 3.96 cm-1, whichcorrespond to the average kinetic energy of a gas below 4 K. The peaks in theintegral cross section’s collision energy dependence constitute the first experimentalobservation of resonances in an inelastic process. The good agreement betweentheory and experiment reinforces the confidence in the interaction potentials used todeduce rate coefficients for modeling the interstellar medium in the 1-20 K range. Ourexperimental results highlight the quantum nature of molecular interactions at verylow energies
Guéry-Odelin, David. "Dynamique collisionnelle des gaz d'alcalins lourds : du refroidissement évaporatif à la condensation de Bose-Einstein." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 1998. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00001134.
Повний текст джерелаété rendue possible grâce à l'utilisation du refroidissement évaporatif dans les
pièges magnétiques. Cette technique repose sur les collisions élastiques entre atomes
froids. Pour étendre cette méthode au cas des atomes de césium 133, nous avons
étudié la section efficace de collision élastique de ces atomes. Nous avons mis
en évidence une forte variation de cette dernière avec la température, traduisant
l'existence d'une résonance à énergie nulle. Nous avons ensuite montré la limitation
du gain dans l'espace des phases, due aux collisions inélastiques qui prennent place
au sein du gaz. Pour les deux états a priori bien adaptés à une expérience de
condensation, l'état foublement polarisé F=m=4 et l'état hyperfin inférieur F=-m=3, nous
avons mesuré des taux de collisions inélastiques exceptionnellement élevés en comparaison
de ceux des autres alcalins. Dans les deux cas, la dépendance en température de ces taux
a été systématiquement étudiée. Pour l'état hyperfin inférieur, un emballement du refroidissement évaporatif a néanmoins permis de gagner plus de cinq ordres de grandeur dans l'espace des
phases, mais les collisions inélastiques ne nous ont pas permis d'atteindre le seuil de
condensation de Bose-Einstein. Pour cet état, une forte dépendance en champ magnétique du taux
inélastique a de plus été observé. L'expérience a ensuite été adaptée aux atomes de rubidium 87,
et a conduit à l'observation de la condensation de Bose-Einstein. La caractérisation du condensat
et sa durée de vie sont détaillées dans la thèse.
Lique, François. "Excitation collisionnelle de molécules d'intérèt astrophysique : théorie et interprétation d'observations." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00172004.
Повний текст джерелаGuillon, Grégoire. "Etude théorique de collisions inélastiques intervenant dans les domaines de la chimie froide et de l’astrochimie : applications au refroidissement et au piégeage moléculaire." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009BOR13795/document.
Повний текст джерелаAbstract
Bolte, Jérôme. "Sur des systèmes dynamiques dissipatifs de type gradient : applications en optimisation." Phd thesis, Université Montpellier II - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 2003. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00002568.
Повний текст джерелаde type gradient sont l'objet central de cette thèse. Le
caractère dissipatif de telles dynamiques est au coeur de
nombreux domaines en mathématiques : optimisation,
mécanique, équations d'évolutions en dimension infinie.
Dans une première partie, les champs de gradients (ou de sous-différentiels
de fonction convexe) sont contrôlés à l'aide d'opérateurs-barrières.
La motivation essentielle est d'obtenir
des méthodes intérieures de descente en vue d'optimiser
une fonction sous des contraintes convexes. Le cadre
d'étude proposé permet d'unifier dans un même formalisme de nombreuses
méthodes continues : gradient projeté, plus grande pente riemannienne,
méthode continue de Newton... Parmi les conséquences de
la généralisation proposée, on peut, par exemple, évoquer des
résultats abstraits de viabilité et de convergence globale. Toujours
dans cette
perspective, les fonctions de Legendre jouent un rôle crucial~:
elles permettent d'une part de donner lieu à des structures
riemanniennes possédant de nombreuses propriétés - parmi lesquelles une
propriété d'intégration caractéristique remarquable -, et d'autre part,
elles fournissent en dimension infinie un cadre intéressant
pour l'étude de certaines équations d'évolution de type
La deuxième partie est consacrée à l'étude de systèmes
dynamiques du second ordre en temps avec une dissipation géométrique
de type hessien. Outre leur intérêt en optimisation
et leurs liens avec les méthodes de type Newton, ces systèmes
sont d'une grande souplesse et permettent d'approcher certains
phénomènes non-lisses en mécanique unilatérale. En guise d'application,
il est en effet prouvé que les systèmes considérés permettent
d'obtenir à la limite des dynamiques
satisfaisant des lois de chocs inélastiques. Les
perspectives de cette étude ouvrent en particulier la voie à une approche
alternative de certains systèmes d'inégalités variationnelles de type
L'une des préoccupations majeures de cette thèse est la question
de la convergence des orbites des systèmes étudiés. Dans le
cadre de la minimisation convexe, quasi-convexe, ou analytique, de nombreux
résultats sont proposés : convergence globale, ,
vitesse de convergence, contrôle asymptotique, attractivité des
minima sous contraintes en dimension infinie.
Ruta, Beatrice. "Les propriétés vibrationnelles des verres : un étude expérimental dans la region de transition entre le régime microscopique et macroscopique." Phd thesis, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00542324.
Повний текст джерелаFrancoual, Sonia. "Phonons et Phasons dans les quasicristaux de symetrie icosaedrique et dans leurs approximants 1/1 periodiques." Phd thesis, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00142770.
Повний текст джерелаcomparées dans des quasicristaux de symétrie icosaédrique et dans leurs approximants 1/1
cubiques. Quasicristaux et approximants partagent un même ordre local caractérisé par des amas
atomiques icosaédriques de grande taille (diamètre ~ 1.6 nm). L'ordre à longue portée est
quasipériodique dans le quasicristal alors que périodique dans l'approximant. Les phasons sont de
nouveaux modes hydrodynamiques induits par la quasipériodicité. Les phonons existent dans le
quasicristal et dans l'approximant.
Nous avons mesuré la distribution de l'intensité diffuse autour des pics de Bragg dans la
phase approximante Zn-Sc et dans les phases quasicristallines i-Zn-X-Sc (X = Mg, Ag, Co). Dans
la phase Zn-Sc, la diffusion diffuse thermique due aux phonons est seule observée. Dans les phases
i-Zn-X-Sc, il y a un signal diffus supplémentaire dû aux phasons. Les constantes élastiques de
phason déterminées varient avec la nature de l'élément X.
La dynamique des phasons est étudiée en diffusion cohérente des rayons X dans la phase i-
Al-Pd-Mn. Les phasons sont activés au-dessus de 600°C. La dynamique est diffusive avec, à
650°C, des temps de relaxation de 100 s une longueur d'onde des modes de 90 nm.
La dynamique des phonons est mesurée dans les phases i-Zn-Mg-Sc et 1/1-Zn-Sc puis dans
les phases i-Cd-Yb et 1/1-Cd-Yb en diffusions inélastiques des neutrons et des rayons X. Les
facteurs de structure dynamiques sont similaires dans le quasicristal et son approximant ce qui
révèle l'importance de l'ordre local sur la réponse dynamique des modes de vibration dans ces
structures. Des différences sont néanmoins observées.
Floare, Calin Gabriel. "Dyamique réactionnelle dans des environnements restreints." Phd thesis, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00011550.
Повний текст джерелаDans une deuxième étape, pour répondre aux mêmes questions, à savoir l'influence d'un environnement restreint sur les mouvements moléculaires, notre travail a été consacré à l'étude du système a-cyclodextrine/4-méthyle-pyridine (aCD/4MP). L'idée initiale était d'utiliser la mesure de l'éclatement tunnel du groupement méthyle de 4MP comme une sonde quantitative sensible de la surface d'énergie potentielle (SEP) de la cavité de aCD. Cette voie a été suivie dans une première expérience de diffusion inélastique des neutrons sur un complexe aCD/4MP cristallin à basse température. Toutefois, pour ce système, une grande partie de notre travail a été dédiée à l'analyse de la transition de phase réversible liquide-solide découverte dans la solution de 4MP contenant différentes quantités de aCD, en augmentant la température dans le domaine 40 - 70 °C.
Oropeza, Rodriguez Damian. "Etude des états liés et de diffusion par la théorie quantique des champs sur le cône de lumière." Phd thesis, 2004. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00007808.
Повний текст джерела