Дисертації з теми "Différences femmes"
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Godard, Ornella. "Reconnaissance des visages, asymétrie hémisphérique et différences hommes / femmes." Paris 5, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA05H107.
Повний текст джерелаOur researches aim at having a better understanding of sex-related hemispherical differences during facial information processing. Five behavioral and one electrophysiological studies, using ERPs, have been conducted with a total of 132 women and 125 men. Results of three experiments show that men and women process differently facial information. Contrary to men, women are not influenced by emotional expression to process facial identity. Women are also faster than men to detect a subtle modification relative to an invariant distance in a face, consisted of increasing the inter-ocular distance. These results suggest that women might have better abilities to extract invariant facial traits compared to men which could explain, in part, their advantage in several tasks of face recognition. In addition, a strong hemispheric lateralization was found, at both behavioral and electrophysiological levels, in men, whereas, women presented a bilateral cerebral functioning. In men, a left visual field superiority and a larger N170 over the right hemisphere compared to the left have been shown. This hemispheric asymmetry was coupled with an asymmetric interhemispheric transmission times with faster transfer from the non specialized hemisphere to the specialized one than the reverse direction. In women, the bilateral functioning was coupled with symmetric interhemispheric transmission times and equivalent N170 amplitude over both hemispheres. Moreover, peak latencies of the P100, N170 and N250 were earlier in women than in men, without sex differences at a behavioral response times. We propose the "serial-parallel" model to give an account of the organization of the sequence of different stages involved in face recognition for both men and women
Niedzwiecki, Patricia. "Phénoménologie du langage des femmes : psychologie et philologie du discours : de la dépréciation du "langage des femmes" à sa revalorisation." Paris 7, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985PA070089.
Повний текст джерелаAncel, Pierre-Yves. "Différences sociales de grande prématurité en Europe." Paris 11, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA11T035.
Повний текст джерелаObjective: The seriousness of the consequences of very preterm deliveries requires the investigation of their risk factors. At the beginning of this research, the limited knowledge available suggested that very preterm deliveries were more strongly associated with medical factors than with social factors. The aim of this thesis was to analyse the relationship between social status of women and the risk to deliver before 33 completed weeks of amenorrhoea. In order to improve knowledge of these risk factors, statistical analyses have been performed in two European geographical areas, and in populations with different medical risk level. Methods: Two databases have been used. The first one is a case-control survey carried out in 15 European countries in 1996, the EUROPOP project. The study included 278 late abortions (14-21 weeks), 1675 very preterm births, 3652 moderate preterm births (33-36 weeks) and 7965 full-term births. In the second one, data from two French perinatal surveys, carried out in 1995 and 1998 arid based on national random samples of births, were combined. These surveys included 248 very preterm births, 1024 moderate preterm births and 24714 full-term births. The analysis of both databases bas been limited to single pregnancies (stillbirths and live births). Results: From Europop data, large social differences of very preterm births have been observed. These differences were larger in countries with high infant mortality (higher than 10 per thousand live births). French data showed a higher risk of very preterm births among under-privileged women. Social differences were larger among low risk women than among women with previous severe pregnancy outcome. The investigation of medical and social risk factors suggests continuity in the aetiology of late abortions, very and moderate preterm births. Conclusion: Social differences in very preterm births exist; they are clearly stated. Social environment contributes mostly in countries where the socioeconomic situation is difficult for pregnant women, and among women with a low medical risk. This study reinforces the need of further research on interactions between medical and social environments
Colas-Bucco, Delphine. "Femmes et criminalité : approche sociologique de la construction identitaire." Nantes, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007NANT3029.
Повний текст джерелаEach of us may know own identity owing to his/her identity card or professionnal position. As we exist, we are able to introduce ourselves. But how does this polymorphous identity concept build up ? Through the stories of 5 years of life-convicted women, we study their reidentification processes. Relying on these women's life experiences we try to understand the way they regard the story of their lives. To achieve this we met eight women in the utmost frame of the Prison for Women in Rennes and collected their stories. These lifestories hightlight the way they deal with their identities as they are in jail and lead us to a couple of questions : Does being in jail modify their relation to their own identity ? Which identity changes occur during their imprisonment ?
Lalem, Torkia. "Biomarqueurs de la fonction ventriculaire après un infarctus du myocarde : différences hommes-femmes." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LORR0173/document.
Повний текст джерелаCardiovascular disease is the first cause of mortality worldwide. Ischemic heart diseases among which myocardial infarction (MI), are responsible for half of these deaths. In order to cope with the loss of cardiomyocytes after MI and to attenuate the alteration of contractility, a repair process is implemented in the heart. If this repair process is dysregulated, it could lead to a maladaptive left ventricular remodeling (LVR) altering LV function and leading to heart failure. The discovery of novel biomarkers able to predict accurately the risk of LVR could lead to a better management of the patients at risk and reduce the incidence of heart failure. Many differences have been highlighted between men and women with MI, regarding the pathophysiology, the symptoms, levels of cardiac biomarkers and the process of LVR. These differences imply the discovery of novel sex-specific biomarkers for LVR prediction or the use of the known biomarkers in a sex-specific manner. The aim of this work was to discover novel biomarkers of left ventricular function (LVF) after an AMI, focusing on sex-differences. First, we aimed to validate the association between five genes previously found to be associated with LVF in small-scale studies. A panel of three genes (LTBP4, TGFBR1 and TNXB) was able to improve the ability of a clinical model to predict LVF. Second, we observed that the cardiac biomarker NT-proBNP was not predictor of LVF in women, whereas cardiac troponin was associated with LVF in this sex-group. A third study showed the association of the gene CDKN1C with LVF post-MI in a female-specific manner. In conclusion, our studies contribute to the discovery of novel biomarkers of LVF and draw the attention to sex differences in the clinical use of biomarkers towards the implementation of personalized medicine
Beauvarlet, Marie-Pierre. "Caractéristiques des malades alcooliques hospitalisés dans un service de médecine interne : différences hommes-femmes." Montpellier 1, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001MON11007.
Повний текст джерелаNiedzwiecki, Patricia. "Théâtralité des parlers et des comportements féminins et masculins." Paris 7, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992PA070093.
Повний текст джерелаThe 1st part of this 2nd phd about "women's" and men's language" (the very 1st one dating from april '85 mainly dealing with analysing 13 taped conversation groups all female-all male, mixed - in english & dutch & french, univ. Paris 7) is partly based on some of the results of my 1st study "phenomenology of women's language"). It also examins sexism in speech & behaviour, gender, sex, feminity, masculinity, but from a more literary point of view, since it does not use any taped material but written documents. The 2nd part consists of a code of practice for the correct use of female language forms, which could be applied to virtually all languages, since it is clear there is no shere linguistic reason for ingoring female language forms other than biases. Indeed, through analysing the principles of femininity & masculinity, one comes to realise how fabricated our images of the world are, from infancy onward. Deciphering etymology also makes clear that our symbolic representations of life can easily be altered by bad habits. At the outset of life on earth, the powerful sun seems to have been feminine, and the moon masculine, whereas in the 17th cy, english & other european grammarians imposed their own masculine ideas puon society, so that the sun became masculine, and the moon feminine. The same probably happened to female & male voice pitches & behavioural patterns. But how feminine & or masculine are women's & men's speech & behaviour? This study mainly focuses on such question
Havet, Nathalie. "Analyse théorique et pratique des différences de salaire et de carrière entre hommes et femmes." Orléans, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002ORLE0508.
Повний текст джерелаLeblanc, Vicky. "Adoption de l'alimentation méditerranéenne basée sur la théorie de l'autodétermination : différences entre les hommes et les femmes." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/26266.
Повний текст джерелаL’alimentation méditerranéenne est reconnue comme un modèle de saine alimentation et ses bienfaits sur la santé cardiovasculaire sont bien documentés. Puisque des différences entre les hommes et les femmes ont été rapportées quant aux habitudes alimentaires et à la modification de celles-ci en réponse à des interventions, on peut se questionner à savoir si les hommes et les femmes peuvent retirer les mêmes bénéfices en adoptant cette alimentation. D’autre part, la motivation constitue un facteur déterminant dans les changements alimentaires et des évidences suggèrent que la motivation autodéterminée est associée à l’adoption et au maintien de comportements alimentaires sains. Peu d’études ont cependant évalué l’importance de la qualité de la motivation impliquée dans les changements alimentaires, et aucune ne semble avoir considéré les différences potentielles entre les hommes et les femmes. L’étude présentée dans cette thèse visait à déterminer l’influence du genre dans l’adoption d’une alimentation de type méditerranéen en réponse à un programme d’éducation en nutrition basé sur une approche motivationnelle auprès d’individus présentant certains facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire. Afin de rencontrer cet objectif, 64 hommes et 59 femmes préménopausées ont participé à un programme d’éducation en nutrition de 12 semaines basé sur l’approche de l’entretien motivationnel. L’intervention nutritionnelle visait à promouvoir la motivation autodéterminée, plus particulièrement en soutenant la satisfaction des besoins d’autonomie, de compétence et du sentiment d’attachement des individus dans la détermination d’objectifs alimentaires et de stratégies favorables à adopter. L’intervention comportait trois rencontres de groupe, trois rencontres individuelles et quatre suivis téléphoniques avec une nutritionniste. Une amélioration similaire de l’adhésion à l’alimentation méditerranéenne a été observée chez les hommes et les femmes en réponse à l’intervention, mais avec des changements plus prononcés de certaines composantes alimentaires chez les hommes. Une augmentation de la motivation autodéterminée était associée à une amélioration de l’adhésion à l’alimentation méditerranéenne chez les hommes seulement. Des changements métaboliques plus prononcés ont été observés chez les hommes. En conclusion, nos résultats indiquent que le programme d’éducation en nutrition basé sur une approche motivationnelle a contribué à l’amélioration des apports alimentaires et à la diminution de facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire, plus particulièrement chez les hommes.
The Mediterranean diet is now recognized as one of the best models of food patterns and its cardioprotective effects are well established in the literature. As evidence suggests differences between men and women in eating habits and in dietary changes in response to interventions, it can be questioned whether men and women could get the same health benefits from the adoption of the Mediterranean diet. It has also been suggested that motivation is an important factor in the context of dietary changes and some studies indicate that self-determined motivation toward eating is associated with the adoption of healthy dietary behaviors and long-term adherence to those changes. However, few studies assessed the importance of quality in motivational factors related to dietary changes, and to our knowledge, none has considered potential differences between men and women. This study aimed at assessing the impact of gender in the adoption of a Mediterranean diet in response to a nutritional education program based on a motivational approach, in men and women presenting risk factors for cardiovascular disease. To meet this objective, 64 men and 59 premenopausal women were recruited into our 12-week nutritional education program based on the motivational interviewing approach. The nutritional intervention aimed at promoting self-determined motivation, more precisely in a context that fosters satisfaction of basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness in the determination of dietary changes and potential strategies. The nutritional intervention included three group sessions, three individual sessions and four follow-up telephone calls with a registered dietitian. Both men and women increased their adherence to the Mediterranean diet in response to the nutritional intervention, although men showed more pronounced changes in some specific food groups. A positive association between increases in self-determined motivation and increases in the adherence to the Mediterranean diet was observed in men only. Men also showed more pronounced changes in metabolic variables. In conclusion, our results indicate that the nutritional intervention program based on a motivational approach led to improvement in dietary intakes and to decreases in cardiovascular risk factors, more particularly in men.
LaRue, Andrée. "L'accès des femmes aux savoirs rentables." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 1986. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/29155.
Повний текст джерелаSénac, Réjane. "Identités sexuées et altérité démocratique : les représentations des différences hommes-femmes dans la société française aujourd'hui." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004IEPP0010.
Повний текст джерелаLaviolette, Louis. "Les femmes et la maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique (MPOC)." Thesis, Université Laval, 2006. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2006/23752/23752.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаLongpré, Verret Léamaude. "L'écart salarial entre les hommes et les femmes immigrants qualifiés au Québec." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/25731.
Повний текст джерелаBédard, Alexandra. "Impact du mode alimentaire méditérranéen sur la santé cardiovasculaire : étude des différences entre les hommes et les femmes." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/26018.
Повний текст джерелаIl est maintenant bien admis que l’adhésion au mode alimentaire méditerranéen réduit l’incidence des maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV) et la mortalité en découlant. Ce mode alimentaire exerce des effets bénéfiques sur les facteurs de risque traditionnels des MCV, mais aussi sur les facteurs de risque non traditionnels et sur certaines conditions prédisposant aux MCV, notamment le syndrome métabolique, la résistance à l’insuline et l’obésité. Il n’a toutefois pas été démontré si les hommes et les femmes retirent les mêmes bénéfices du mode alimentaire méditerranéen. Dans le cadre de mes travaux de maîtrise, nous avions rapporté que les hommes et les femmes ont des effets similaires en lien avec le profil lipidique. Cependant, une grande variabilité dans la réponse a été notée. Par conséquent, le premier volet de cette thèse de doctorat avait comme objectif d’expliquer cette variabilité. Nos travaux ont démontré que la présence d’obésité abdominale n’influence pas ces effets. D’autre part, ce mode alimentaire a des effets hypocholestérolémiants plus limités chez les individus ayant une histoire familiale de dyslipidémie comparativement à ceux sans histoire familiale. Le deuxième volet de cette thèse visait à documenter davantage les différences entre les hommes et les femmes quant à l’impact du mode alimentaire méditerranéen sur la santé cardiovasculaire. Nos travaux ont démontré que la consommation d’une diète méditerranéenne diminue le score de Framingham, améliore les composantes du syndrome métabolique, réduit marginalement les lipoprotéines de faible densité (LDL) oxydées et n’a aucun effet sur la protéine C-réactive et la leptine chez les hommes et les femmes. Toutefois, cette diète entraîne une redistribution favorable des sous-classes des LDL, réduit l’adiponectine et améliore la sensibilité à l’insuline seulement chez les hommes. D’un autre côté, les femmes seraient plus sensibles aux effets rassasiants du mode alimentaire méditerranéen. Enfin, l’exposition répétée à ce mode alimentaire augmente son adhésion à long terme (~6 mois post-intervention) chez les hommes et les femmes, mais favorise une perte de poids à long terme seulement chez les femmes. Bref, l’adhésion au mode alimentaire méditerranéen exerce plusieurs bénéfices sur la santé cardiovasculaire; toutefois, certains effets seraient plus spécifiques aux hommes ou aux femmes.
It is now recognized that the adoption of the Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) is associated with a lower risk of morbidity/mortality from cardiovascular disease (CVD). The MedDiet exerts beneficial effects on traditional risk factors, but also on non-traditional risk factors as well as on conditions which predispose individuals to CVD, namely the metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance and obesity. However, it remains unknown whether men and women have similar cardioprotective effects from the MedDiet. As part of my master’s work, we have shown that men and women have similar lipid-lowering effects from the MedDiet. However, a large inter-individual variability in the response was noted in both men and women. Therefore, the first part of this thesis aimed to explain this variability. Our results showed that the abdominal obesity status does not influence these effects. However, compared with individuals with no family history of dyslipidemia, those with a positive family history have limited lipid-lowering effects from the MedDiet. The second part of this thesis had as objective to further document differences between men and women in the impact of the MedDiet on the cardiovascular health. Our results suggest that the short-term consumption of the MedDiet reduces the Framingham risk score, improves the components of the metabolic syndrome, reduces modestly oxidized low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and has no effect on C-reactive protein and leptin in both men and women. However in men, but not in women, the consumption of the MedDiet leads to a favorable redistribution of LDL subclasses from smaller to larger LDL, reduces adiponectin concentrations and improves insulin sensitivity. Moreover, our results indicated that women are more sensitive to the satiating effects of the MedDiet than men. Finally, repeated exposure to the MedDiet promotes the long-term adherence to this food pattern (i.e. ~6 months post-intervention) in both men and women and helps for the long-term management of body weight especially in women. In summary, the consumption of the MedDiet leads to several beneficial effects on the cardiovascular health; however some effects appear to be more specific to men or women.
Trotzier, Christian. "L'avenir inégal : trajectoires de femmes et d’hommes après un licenciement collectif." Paris 8, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA082912.
Повний текст джерелаThis work deals with the becoming of 258 workers and employees dismissed for economical grounds in the early eighties by the management of two firms located in an Alsacian Vosges valley. Their developments are studied in a retrospective way during about 20 years on the basis of either phone or face to face interviews. Its aim is to produce, through observation, a series of hypothesis related to the employment of dismissed workers and of manual wage-earners in general, in the framework of a gender and class relations analysis. Dismissal is a choc which throws plenty of dismissed people into confusion. The educational background weighs on the career of men and women. Former female workers are sensitive to socio-demographic characteristics, decisive on the withdrawal, definitive or temporary, of the professional activity and also of the new career advice. Careers of men, independent of family life events and of domestic constraints are, on the contrary, linked to age and to matrimonial standing. Post-dismissal developments have been subjected to the transformations that have had an impact on the wage-earners since the end of the 1970s: a majority of dismissed employees has entered the process of atomization and of drop in statues; a large minority has experienced a professional instability over a long period. For men, this sometimes goes with the development of vulnerability. Mass dismissals lead to the destruction of individuals, of careers and of worker’s world
Allore, Tatiana. "Associations entre les caractéristiques physiques et nutritionnelles et les concentrations circulantes de caroténoïdes chez les hommes et les femmes." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/31687.
Повний текст джерелаAdherence to nutritional recommendations is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle and preventing chronic diseases. However, health professionals consider the evaluation of eating habits to be a challenge given the potential biases of dietary questionnaires which are frequently based on self-reported data. Circulating carotenoid concentrations, which are considered reliable biomarkers of dietary carotenoid intake as well as of fruits and vegetables consumption, are often used in the validation of dietary assessment tools. However, our group demonstrated the presence of a sex difference in circulating carotenoids as women have been reported to display higher concentrations compared to men. Therefore, the aim of our study was to identify determinants of plasma carotenoid concentrations. We compiled data from men and women enrolled in a series of fully-controlled dietary interventions we conducted in recent years. This data allowed us to evaluate the physical and metabolic determinants, beyond fruit and vegetable intake, which predicted circulating carotenoid concentrations in men and women. and determined the contribution of various physical and metabolic determinants to circulating carotenoids in men and women. We found that body weight and circulating high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations contribute to the difference in circulating carotenoid concentrations noted between men and women. Our results suggest that variations in physical characteristics and the plasma lipid profile should be taken into account when using plasma carotenoids as biomarkers of food intake in men and women.
Ouellet, St-Hilaire Geneviève. "Différences liées à la récompense alimentaire, au statut pondéral et aux comportements alimentaires chez la femme." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/27144.
Повний текст джерелаThis master’s project presents a study whose objective was to examine the associations between food reward for high-fat sweet foods, weight status and eating behaviour traits. One hundred and fifty normal-weight or obese women were asked to complete two questionnaires: one on food reward (explicit liking, explicit wanting and implicit wanting) and the other on eating behaviour traits [cognitive dietary restraint (total, flexible and rigid), disinhibition (total, habitual, emotional and situational) and susceptibility to hunger (total, internal and external)]. No associations were observed between food reward and weight status. However, higher explicit liking and wanting for foods in general were noted in women with a higher score of flexible restraint. Moreover, higher implicit wanting for high fat foods tended to be associated with a higher score of emotional susceptibility to disinhibition and was significantly associated with a higher score of external hunger. These results suggest that eating behaviour traits have a greater influence on food reward than weight status.
Uwizeye, Claude Bernard. "Tuberculose moins fréquente chez les femmes que chez les hommes du Rwanda: Épidémiologie différente ou biais de détection ?" Thesis, Université Laval, 2009. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2009/26497/26497.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаTremblay-Breault, Martin. "Portrait évolutif et comparatif de la mobilité quotidienne des hommes et des femmes de la région urbaine de Québec : des changements entre 1996 et 2006?" Thesis, Université Laval, 2013. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2013/30189/30189.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаAssy, Edmond Paul. "Pratiques éducatives maternelles selon le sexe de l'enfant et de l'adolescent : le cas des femmes ivoiriennes." Paris 10, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA100030.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis tries to establish a relation between educational practice maternal and the variable sex. We put the following hypothesis then: the different maternal educational practices according to the sex of the child and the teenager. The population of our survey concerns the literate of the Ivory Coast women. In relation to our objective we used like method of research the questionnaire. She/it permitted to have information on the practices educational of the intellectual of the Ivory Coast women to the consideration of the boy and the girl. We verified our hypothesis with the indication statistical khi two (x2). Results of this investigating show that the variable sex misleads two types of behaviour at the literate of the Ivory Coast women. First, they differentiate their educational practices according to the child's sex. Secondly the literate of the Ivory Coast women don’t discriminate their educational practices according to the child's sex
Shanoor, Salime Nazaraly. "Effets différentiels de la chirurgie bariatrique sur la composition corporelle, la distribution du tissu adipeux et la résolution des comorbidités entre les hommes et les femmes." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/33313.
Повний текст джерелаObesity is a chronic disease with an increasing prevalence. Several comorbidities are associated with obesity such as systemic hypertension, type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, dyslipidemia, stroke, cardiovascular diseases and certain types of cancer. The risk of these diseases increases with the severity of obesity and may even result in death. Indeed, development of these comorbidities can be attributed to excessive accumulation and distribution of adipose tissue, as well as ectopic adipose tissue deposition. Distribution of adipose tissue happens in a different manner in both sexes and acts as a determining factor in the predisposition to health risks in severely obese men and severely obese premenopausal women. Knowing that consequences of obesity are multiple, it is therefore necessary to manage and treat this disease appropriately. Management of obesity includes non-pharmacological, pharmacological as well as surgical approaches. In the context of severe obesity, bariatric surgery is the only treatment which allows both significant and sustained weight loss in addition to resolution of obesity related comorbidities. The first aim of this study was to assess the differences between severely obese men and women, in body composition, abdomen and mid-thigh body fat distribution and presence of comorbidities, such as systemic hypertension, type 2 diabetes and obstructive sleep apnea. The second aim was to compare between men and women, the 6 and 12-month postoperative evolution of biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD-DS) bariatric surgery, in terms of weight loss, body fat mobilization and resolution of the mentioned comorbidities. Our study results showed that 12 months following BPD-DS, there was no differences between men and women in terms of weight loss and resolution of comorbidities. However, men benefited from a greater decrease in body fat and in adipose tissue at both abdomen and mid-thigh level.
Ge, Jingwen. "Trois essais sur les différences de genre des analystes financiers." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018GREAG007/document.
Повний текст джерелаThis PhD dissertation consists of three essays relating to gender concerns among financial analysts. The empirical results of the first study provide evidence for under-representation of female analysts and confirm that national culture exerts a material impact on female representation among financial analysts across European countries under study. In the second study, I document evidence that male analysts are more likely to issue innovative recommendations than female analysts, due to their relative overconfidence. Finally, the findings of third study suggest that innovative recommendations trigger larger market reactions but there is no gender difference in market reactions to innovative recommendations. The empirical findings of my dissertation complement prior literature on financial analysts, more specifically, gender-based difference in financial market decision making
Pépiot, Erwan. "Voix de femmes, voix d'hommes : différences acoustiques, identification du genre par la voix et implications psycholinguistiques chez les locuteurs anglophones et francophones." Phd thesis, Université Paris VIII Vincennes-Saint Denis, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00821462.
Повний текст джерелаDespres, Virginie. "Les différences entre les sexes dans la justice criminelle au XIXème siècle : Les femmes devant la cour d'assises du Nord (1811-1914)." Lille 2, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004LIL20013.
Повний текст джерелаIn history, criminality is a field where inequality in terms of sex is most marked. However no comprehensive, juridical study has ever been conducted on the disparities between females and males in the nineteenth century's criminality. The example of the Assize Court has proven relevant due to its numerous cases and a marked slump in the female criminality compared, to the whole country. At the beginning of the century, it reflected the conflicts and difficulties experienced by women as well as men in social life. Conversely, with the third Republic it was limited to the violation of their duties towards their children. Moreover, if women may appear less guilty than men with regards to their alleged weakness, this apparent leniency is noticeable in sentences tailored in accordance to their personality, their crime and a wish to choose the sentence best adapted to each individual
Gard, Constance. "Approche lacanienne de la psychose chez la femme à partir de la dissymétrie des sexes : Compensation, suppléance et sinthome." Paris 7, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA070116.
Повний текст джерелаIn psychotic patients, the distribution between the sexes highlights a disparity of clinical expression and raises the issue of the recognition of psychosis in women. Tins sex distribution frames a number of clinical, social and pharmacological treatment strategies. From Freud to Lacan, the argument is that the evidence of this dissymmetry depends on the subject's articulation to the signifier, this very dependence being in itself essentially linked to culture. For men or women, access to the symbolization of their respective sex does not entail the same kind of dialectic. This fact has a definite clinical incidence, one the one hand, on the destiny of the preoedipal bond to the mother and, on the other hand, on the castration complex. For delusion in women is rather envisioned from the point of view of the logic of transference, in which the major issue raised is the status of the object, and much less from the viewpoint of the delusional metaphor. Because women confront more the real, we offer a series of distinct modalities of psychotic outbreak, compensation and j stabilization. A certain interrelation of jouissance with the real and the imaginary body endows the imaginary compensation \\iththe characters of passion. The disjunction between the Name-of-the-Father and the phallus have thus led to discriminate between an imaginary use of the father, and the knotting to the father as a noun. Finally, a clinical approach of the sinthome highlights a relationship to knowledge and to the incompleteness of the Other which differs between the sexes. The engagement of the body in the sinthome is shown to be prevalent in women. The facilitation effects entailed by a number of mediations between body and sinthome pave the way for a specific mode of functioning of the objet (a) in a not-all jouissance to the Other
Vandersmissen, Marie-Hélène. "Mobilité géographique et professionnelle des femmes dans la région urbaine de Québec, 1977-1996." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape4/PQDD_0017/NQ56847.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаGalerand, Elsa. "Les rapports sociaux de sexe et leur (dé)matérialisation : retour sur le corpus revendicatif de la marche mondiale des femmes de 2000." Thèse, Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2007. http://www.archipel.uqam.ca/2456/1/D1831.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаSchoch, Lucie. "Journalisme sportif dans la presse quotidienne : différences et inégalités sexuées dans les carrières, pratiques et productions en Suisse romande." Strasbourg, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011STRA1015.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis develops a sociological approach of sports journalism in the Swiss-French daily press. The production of news is analyzed, and its effect on the content of the news is examined through interviews, ethnographic observations and an analysis of a corpus of sports articles. It reveals that the professional styles of sports journalists depend on several mechanisms imbricated at a structural level (ways of recruitment of journalists, division of labour, organizational constraints in the newsrooms, etc. ), and an interactional level (in the newsroom and in the field) at which the journalists tastes and biographical experiences also interfere. Nevertheless, sports sections are gendered organisations, not only leading most male and female journalists to have different careers, but also to the production of different texts and follow different journalistic practices. This explains why the recent feminization of sports journalism in Swiss-French daily press, a male dominated domain, seems to have encouraged the development of a new journalistic style
Pilote, Anne-Marie. "L’appropriation des technologies de l’information et de la communication dans le processus d’autonomisation des jeunes femmes d’Afrique de l’Ouest." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/25470.
Повний текст джерелаLes femmes ont globalement un tiers de chance en moins que les hommes de bénéficier des avantages de la société de l’information en Afrique de l’Ouest francophone. Pourtant, plusieurs travaux montrent que les progrès réalisés dans les domaines des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) pavent la voie à une plus grande contribution des Africaines, particulièrement pour celles âgées de 18 à 35 ans, aux sphères politiques, économiques et sociales (PNUD, 2012). Notre projet a consisté à étudier les modalités d’appropriation des TIC de jeunes professionnelles de cette tranche d’âge issues de cette région du monde, regroupées au sein de coopératives et utilisant les outils technologiques dans leurs activités quotidiennes. S’appuyant sur 16 entretiens individuels semi-dirigés menés à Cotonou au Bénin de juin à août 2013, les résultats de notre recherche révèlent que les jeunes femmes interrogées se servent des TIC de multiples façons et que les usages développés favorisent leur autonomisation. Si l’appropriation de ces outils leur donne des moyens efficaces d’améliorer leurs conditions de vie, elle ne permet toutefois pas nécessairement de transformer une structure sociale qui les désavantage traditionnellement.
Debray-Duhamel, Anne. "Le travail des femmes élues à la Chambre des Représentants américaine : 1990-1996." Nice, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999NICE2022.
Повний текст джерелаCool, Frédérique. "L'interaction dans les espaces communs au lycée : étude des modalités de réévaluation de l'ordre sexué." Rouen, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012ROUEL001.
Повний текст джерелаThis dissertation examines daily face-to-face interactions and experience, in shared spaces, in senior high schools (general and technological teaching). This is an attempt to apprehend how gender relationships are expressed, by observing everyday practices and displays – along the lines of E. Goffman’s sociology – on the one hand, by studying the discourses delivered by the actors, on the other, and lastly, by interpreting the data collected from a survey on everyday experiences. Since the expressions of masculine and feminine are shaped by the school as institution – even in the so-called free spaces – it is as such that this institution is included in our questioning. By crisscrossing these angles of analysis, collective expressions are made to appear, which are strongly influenced by genders and are as many processes of gender assignment – as the group goes through a recurring use of a whole display of violent acts, so they might result in the conformity to these collective forms. Although the interactions strongly express the hierarchical dimension of the social, the actors nevertheless mobilize up to some degree, resources to free themselves from the gender order
Bencivenga, Rita. "Femmes et hommes face à l’ordinateur : histoires du développement d’une relation positive." Thesis, Paris 10, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA100212/document.
Повний текст джерелаWhen we talk about adults using computers, inequalities between women and men very often emerge, and particular emphasis is placed on the negative relationship which women supposedly have with computers. Studies on ways of reducing these inequalities have often been based on information collected by IT professionals or expert users. This leaves out the majority of normal users (both women and men). Therefore we have very little information on people who, although they are not experts or professionals, appreciate computers and use one regularly and confidently. This thesis is aimed at this particular group of people. The main objective was to gather information on how women and men who are regular but non-professional users can form positive relationships with ICT computers. Twenty-five narrative interviews were conducted with this aim in mind. Based on a comparison between the sexes, the study explores potential inequalities between women/men and examines the potential role of gender, that is, a “hierarchical system of norms for each sex”. The results show that positive relationships are based on the same aspects for both women and men. The influence of gender depends on power games and on recognising situations which defy the imagination, in which men are much closer to technology than women
Krier, Isabelle. "Différence des sexes et scepticisme chez Montaigne." Besançon, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008BESA1016.
Повний текст джерелаThis study is indebted to recent works about gender, object of thought which is still not well-known in France. Why Montaigne ? Is his discourse on women a simple reflexion on the mentalities of the Renaissance or does it constitute an heterodoxy ? The difference of sexes acquires in the Essays a singular philosophical content. This originality cannot be understood if a deep link between these themes and modern scepticism is not taken into account. Montaigne approaches this problem as a part of the criticism of power. He questions the preconceived ideas. He writes a satire of the traditional authoritarian family. The change is considerable. It consists mainly on defending the freedom of the subject. For the sceptic, imagination plays a considerable role, in the light of the appartenance to a gender. Denouncing the power of scholars, Montaigne offers a new pedagogy which does not exclude females. The criticism of despotism leads to an economy of transmission and sharing. The Inquisition trials against the witches show abuses of reason and of politics. Montaigne opposes to them clemency. Generosity characterizes the sceptical ethics. It has the effect of liberating the marriage of hypocritical conventions. It is found in erotics as a form of respect of alterity. Are we capable today of hearing this urge to freedom without reducing it ?
Rodrigues, Claire. "L’hystérie : existe-t-il des différences entre les femmes hystériques et les hommes hystériques ? : Etude à travers l’épreuve de Rorschach et le MMPI-2." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LORR0283/document.
Повний текст джерелаThis study is about hysteria. This personality structure for some, or pathology for others, has been at the heart of many controversies and has been subject to many clichés, the main one being that only women would be prone to hysteria. The aim of this research is to demonstrate that men, like women, can be prone to hysteria and that its manifestations are relatively similar for both sexes.After a presentation of hysteria, five hypotheses are posed, dealing respectively with gender identity issues, castration anxiety, non-resolution of the oedipal conflict, genital love and the use of hystero-phobic defense mechanisms. To test these hypotheses, a sample of ten women and ten men, each with a hysterical personality structure, was formed. To each participant was offered several clinical interviews according to their history, as well as the Rorschach test and the MMPI-2. Analysis of all the data collected only revealed little difference between the two groups. The general hypothesis that many common points exist between hysterical women and men seems to be verified.The research was carried out with a limited number of participants, all of which were going through a period of suffering. Several other studies could be carried out in the future to collect data on a larger sample and on people with a more compensated personality structure, allowing perhaps a better understanding of hysteria and a better psychotherapic follow up
Bertrais, Sandrine. "Marqueurs du risque cardiovasculaire dans une population féminine française : approche épidémiologique des différences liées au sexe et au statut hormonal." Paris 11, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA11T007.
Повний текст джерелаCardiovascular diseases related to atherosclerosis are one of the main causes of death in industrialized countries. The aim of this work was to summarize the known sex differences in cardiovascular risk and to compare cardiovascular risk markers (CVRM) according to pubertal stage, use of oral contraceptives (OC), menopausal status and use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in the French context. CVRM varied according to sexual maturity among girls of the same age. Taking into account the puberty stage appears important for the interpretation of high cholesterol concentrations. Among adults, OC use was associated with a more or Jess unfavourable profile according to CVRM and sorne results suggested an healthy user effect. In comparison with women who used 2nd generation pills containing levonorgestrel, 3rd generation contraceptive users bad higher mean levels of total cholesterol level, triglycerides, fasting insulin, HDL-cholesterol and apo-Al. After adjustment on confounding factors, the cardiovascular risk profile was similar among non-menopausal and postrnenopausal women. HRT use in postmenopausal women was associated with favourable levels for lipoproteins and fibrinogen. Finally, in men and non-menopausal women, there were gradual relationships between abdominal adiposity and the levels of most lipoproteins, of fasting glucose and insulin, and to lesser extent of blood pressure. The sexual dimorphism in body fat distribution partially explained the relative unhealthier cardiovascular risk profile of men, independently of the sociodemographic and lifestyle characteristics. To conclude, all these results are discussed, it remains uncertain whether the observed relationships are due to sex hormones. It is also necessary to determine the clinicat significance of the observed differences and to assess how cardiovascular risk markers could be modified during perimenopause
Theoden, Haude. "Les cycles de l’écriture dans l’œuvre poétique d’Alfred Tennyson : répétitions et différences." Thesis, Paris 4, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA040246.
Повний текст джерелаAlfred Tennyson’s poetical work is cyclical. The recurrence of words, themes and characters confers a self-referential dimension on it. The return of refrains creates a sense of formal repetitiousness. As they concentrate on their own working, the texts free themselves from existing poetical forms and genres, looking for a language of their own. The recurring theme of melancholy becomes a pretext to keep writing: the sublimation of the impossible work of mourning reveals something of the essence of poetical language as the proliferation of signs around a void. The poet’s critical vision of his society nevertheless appears behind his delight in the resources of language as he focuses on feminine characters. The poetical text is finally redefined as a space of difference where the feminine (pro)creative power of Tennyson’s poetical language can be heard and seen
Bérubé, Elsa. "L'expérience des femmes avec les jeux de hasard et d’argent : parcours de vie et identité." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/68777.
Повний текст джерелаMillán, Game Elena. "Le cours de la vie selon le sexe : une étude sur les différences d'attitudes et de comportements des hommes et des femmes d'Europe suivant leurs âges." Paris 5, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985PA05H043.
Повний текст джерелаBencivenga, Rita. "Femmes et hommes face à l'ordinateur. Histoires du développement d'une relation positive." Phd thesis, Université de Nanterre - Paris X, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00858684.
Повний текст джерелаBonneau, Marion. "Les femmes dans la médecine hippocratique en dehors des traités gynécologiques." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020SORUL080.
Повний текст джерелаMy research is devoted to how hippocratic medicine considers and treats the female body ; but, instead of looking to the texts on ‘diseases of women’, commonly referred to as ‘gynaecological Corpus’, which have been extensively studied, this study examines the hippocratic works which apply to no sex in particular, that is which are not based on a obvious gender difference. In point of fact, the idea that there are female constitution and diseases, requiring a medicine for women only is discussed within the hippocratic physicians. The nosological and theoretical treatises do set out a shared body, the humans’-ἄνθρωποι body : female body, including in regard to what it does not share with male body, is in them considered in a common framework, disease on the one hand, anatomy on the other hand. In the treatises known as ‘Epidemics’, the clinical manifestations of diseases common to both genders, when a woman is falling ill, are to be found in male patients with the same disease, also in the nosological works which don’t draw distinction between genders. General treatises with a gynaecological section, although these sections contain some of the knowledge exposed in the gynaecological Corpus, subordinate this specialized content to the general prognostic framework. From this perspective, female body is an access to the common hippocratic body
Lassel, Djaouida. "Les associations de femmes face aux inégalités de genre en Algérie." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018AIXM0292.
Повний текст джерелаThis dissertation focuses on the action of two types of women's associations, presented in four rural and urban areas of Algeria: Algiers, Oran, and Tipaza, whose creation is between 1991 and 2002. Their history is closely linked to the dynamics of Algerian social and political movements during this period.This research is part of a feminist perspective and is distinguished by the mobilization of the concept of empowerment introduced by William Ninacks.Through the semi-directive interviews and additional information gathered during the participant observation, methodology used for the first time to study women's associations in Algeria, two types of associations were Examined. The first includes two associations for women victims of violence. They also exert pressure on the three powers : political, legislative, and legal, to change family laws and those relating to violence against women. The second type of association studied supports rural and artisanal women.Five associations have been observed. This thesis contributes to the knowledge of the many challenges they face in the establishment of practices and actions enabling rural and urban women in situations of violence, need, and exclusion to establish themselves as actresses to act together in order to change their social and economic status
Mespoulet, Valérie. "Femmes et espace social : un état de la question à Taïwan : des structures sociales traditionnelles aux changements récents : quelle appropriation légitime de cet espace par les Taïwanaises contemporaines ?" Aix-Marseille 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010AIX10007.
Повний текст джерелаMasse, Johanna. "Femmes de/en guerre : voi(es)x de l’engagement féminin face à la violence armée dans le nord de l’Irlande (1968-1998) et en Palestine (1967-2000)." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/69527.
Повний текст джерелаWhen it comes to political violence, the way in which women are represented very often betrays problematic, essentialist gendered representations. The idea that women, because of their reproductive capacities, are naturally opposed to violence and inherently peaceful has long prevailed. Unlike men, for whom the use of violence for political purposes has been widely accepted as rational, women are often depoliticized in the event of violent action. This depoliticization of actions then passes either by a privatization of the field of action (from the public sphere to the private sphere), or by a disempowerment of the author of the action (pathologization of the personality and thus of the causes). Even today, this biological justification persists, consciously or unconsciously, tending not only to favor an invisibilization of the political dimension of women's action, but more specifically an invisibilization of female political violence. This is characterized by an almost automatic assimilation of women to the category of "victims." This is particularly the case in situations of armed conflict where this invisibilization is reinforced by what is perceived as a very minor participation of women. Based on the case studies of the Northern Irish (1968-1998) and Palestinian (1967-2000) conflicts, the objective of this thesis is to question this representation of female participation by analyzing the multiple ways in which it has been expressed, in space and in time. Thus, borrowing a symbolic interactionist approach in an interpretive orientation of social reality, we are interested in women's political engagement during armed conflict through the methodology of life stories. More specifically, based on interviews with women who have - directly or indirectly - experienced the conflict, as well as autobiographical testimonies collected in the literature, we have analyzed the processes of politicization and female trajectories during these conflicts. We have done so both through their spatial and temporal dimensions. Thus, it is firstly from the spaces of the house and the street, allowing us to question the traditional dichotomy between private sphere and public sphere, then from the space of the prison, as a closed institution, that we apprehended the female commitment in its spatial dimension. Then, using the notion of biographical availabilities and the concepts of repertoire of actions and political opportunity, we examined women's commitment in its temporal dimension. Together, the two dimensions allow us to put forward the agential capacity of women in times of armed conflict, which is expressed in a complex and entangled manner.
Souyris, Mélanie. "Echappement à l'inactivation du chromosome X du gène TLR7 dans les lymphocytes B de femmes : mise en évidence et conséquences fonctionnelles." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017TOU30169.
Повний текст джерелаWomen develop stronger immune responses than men, with positive effects on the resistance to viral or bacterial infections but magnifying also the susceptibility to autoimmune diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), which affects 9 women per 1 man. Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) is an endosomal single-stranded RNA sensor that plays a key role in the initiation of the antiviral response. TLR7 dosage, however, is also a crucial determinant in SLE, and Tlr7 overexpression suffices to induce spontaneous lupus-like disease. Conversely, Tlr7 knock-out abolishes SLE development in lupus-prone mice. In humans, TLR7 is expressed in plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs), monocytes and B lymphocytes. TLR7 engagement increases B cell maturation and production of antibodies, but also the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines by pDCs and monocytes. Human TLR7 is encoded on the short arm of the X chromosome. The cells of female mammals randomly inactivate one X chromosome in the course of embryonic development to equalize gene dosage between the sexes. However, 15% of X-linked human genes consistently escape inactivation so that both alleles are expressed in individual cells. Because increased dosage of TLR7 expression due to non-inactivation could contribute to autoimmunity, we investigated allelic expression of TLR7 in individual immune cells from women using a TLR7 allelic marker observable on mRNA molecules. Our results show that TLR7 escapes X chromosome inactivation in about 30% of B cells, pDCs and monocytes. TLR7 bi-allelic expression was observed also in situ by RNA-FISH. Naive B cell TLR7 bi-allelic expression is accompanied by higher TLR7 mRNA expression. Our results demonstrate that TLR7 escape from X-inactivation is associated with an enhanced plasma cell proliferative response to TLR7 ligands, and promotes immunoglobulin class switch induced by T cell help and TLR7 engagement. Our study provides proof of principle that TLR7 escapes from X chromosome inactivation in several types of immune cells of women and results in greater transcriptional expression, and shows also that cellular function in bi-allelic B cells is augmented in a TLR7-specific manner. Bi-allelic expression of TLR7 in women is thus a potential risk factor in the pathogenesis of SLE. Our initial results show also that TLR7 escapes from X inactivation in the immune cells of men with Klinefelter syndrome (47, XXY), which may explain a risk of SLE equivalent to women's
Fontanini, Christine. "Les filles face aux classes de mathématiques supérieures et spéciales : analyse des déterminants des choix d'une filière considérée comme atypique à leur sexe." Dijon, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999DIJOL006.
Повний текст джерелаIn spite of the official coeducational system for all superior teaching formations for the past twenty years or so, the scientific preparatory classes for math-physical sections remain a masculine bastion since girls represent less than a quarter of the students. In the first part of this thesis, we tried to explain why girls with a scientific final exam choose less than boys possessing the same final exam to follow a math-physical scientific preparatory section. For this, we led an investigation on the potential " fishpond " of this path with pupils from scientific high schools in Paris and it's region. In the second part, our work consisted of putting into evidence the conditions that make this orientation so unlikely for a minority of girls who choose to pursue it. Our next goal was to study how girls live the two years preparation and how they construct their future from their school and personal experiences. Our work is also based on a longitudinal analysis of feminine and masculine pupils from special math sections of 3 scientific preparatory classes of 3 high schools in Paris region
Jean, Louis Katia. "Genre et musique populaire en Haïti : vers une compréhension sociologique de la réception du rabòday par des femmes." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/66899.
Повний текст джерелаThis master’s thesis deals with the reception of rabòday music - a popular musical style known for its obscenity and sexism - by Haitian women. Drawing from a theoretical framework combining Cultural Studies and intersectional feminism, the analysis highlights the ways in which gender and social class shape the reception of this musical style by its female fans. Following Janice Radway’s (2000 [1984]) method, the thesis presents, on the one hand, a content analysis of ten rabòday songs and, on the other hand, a discourse analysis carried out from a series of semi-structured interviews and focus groups with 21 women from the lower working-class neighborhoods of Port-au-Prince. The results show that stereotypes, violence and gender inequalities are at the heart of rabòday music. However, rabòday music describes a social reality to which young women from lower social classes identify. Although they are aware of the sexist and even misogynistic character of rabòday music, the participants in the study believe that rabòday gives visibility to people who, like them, live in precarious conditions. The reception of rabòday music by these Haitian women is thus understood as a “negotiated position” (Hall, 1994 [1973]).
Valiente, Noailles Carlos. "Les sexes chez les Kúa (Bochiman) du centre, du sud et de l'est de la réserve centrale du Kalahari, au Botswana : relations, différences et complémentarités dans les rôles et les symboles." Paris, EHESS, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994EHES0032.
Повний текст джерелаSociety reflects the way the relationship between man and woman is established: roles, sexual relations, mariage, relatives and family. . . The author based his tesis on data collected during his 12 expeditions realised during 1977 and 1992. After having covered the common of an ethnoghraphic monograph, it appeard relevant to deepen in the actual subject of his tesis. This latter has to be seen as the key of social organization and as the main tendancy of this society. The author chose also to pay a special attention to the importance of feelings: "love between each other" according to the kua, but also the narrow links build up between the investigator and the people during his expeditions. The tesis shows the kua in their own context : the desert of kalahari in botswana. The author depicts the ecological aspcts of the area, explains his owns ethnographic working methods and speeks about the scarcely known bakgalagadi people. The main development of this study is founded on the description of the life of men and women. Reveals the roles played by each one of them, the harmonization in the couple and the importance attributed to children's welfare. The author speaks about union, rituals and family bounds in a same goup throughout his entire study. Virility and feminity symbols are also analysed, as well as sexual mythology
Minkoue, pira Liziane. "Leadership au masculin et au féminin, les différences entre les hommes et les femmes dans la manière de diriger : étude comparative dans le secteur tertiaire en France et au Gabon." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018GREAH044.
Повний текст джерелаIn view of the unequal distribution of men and women in certain positions and the under representativeness of women at certain hierarchical levels, the question of the difference between male leadership and female leadership is very acute. Indeed, wondering what are the differences between men and women in the way of directing and what influence these differences have on the level of satisfaction of the subordinates led us to carry out this comparative research in the tertiary sector between France and Gabon. To do this, three studies were conducted. The first study focuses on the analysis of the activities of senior managers (Guilbert & Lancry, 2007) on the issue of management of employees. This study has the particularity of being geared towards managers and aims to highlight the differences in terms of leadership and activities that exist between men and women managers. The second study deals with the description by subordinates of men and women in a leadership position. The aim here is to find out which characteristics, male or female (Tostain, 1993, Bem, 1974) describe these two heads, on one hand. On the other hand, which of these descriptions is closest to their description of the ideal manager? The third study focuses on the analysis of the leadership style of men and women managers in our sample by their subordinates and the influence of these leadership styles on the job satisfaction of the latter. Guided by samples of 20 participants (study 1), 444 participants (study 2) and 433 participants (study 3), the results show us, on the one hand, that there are no significant differences between men and women in the management of subordinates. It appears that men and women leaders maintain close relations with their subordinates with a small hierarchical distance. Men leaders adopt feminine specificities (listening, democracy ...) and women adopt masculine specificities (individualism, firmness ...). On the other hand, it also appears that the ideal leader is presented with more feminine than male characteristics and that men and women leader in leadership positions are presented with masculine and feminine characteristics in Gabon, and masculine characteristics in France. Finally, regarding the leadership style, the results show that in Gabon there are differences between men and women because men are transactional in their leadership style and women make a mix of transactional and transformational styles. And in France, there are no differences between men and women in terms of leadership style. These results allow us to show that the differences between the northern countries, such as France, and the southern countries, such as Gabon, seem to be due to the cultural variable, therefore related to the environmental and cultural context as might think Tedongmo Teko and Bapes Ba Bapes (2010). It would therefore be interesting to bring into play the cultural variable and the leadership in a post-thesis research
Melki, Sandrine. "Être femme à Beyrouth : perspectives spatiales dans quatre quartiers de la ville." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SORUL154.
Повний текст джерелаIn our research, we study a specific entry of disparities and social evolutions - one related to gender - in its effect on urban spatial dynamics in Lebanon. Our work is based on a case study of four different neighborhoods in Greater Beirut (Hamra, Sassine, Bourj Hammoud, Zalqa), while focusing on the role of women as users or producers in their experience of space and their implication in urban matter. Currently, radical changes in urban and social gender roles have affected space, in face of a previously stagnant reality. Despite these changes, inhabitants continue to live in an inherited model of urban planning, adapted to the old roles, but also in a social structure largely dominated by patriarchy. The approach of such subject is relatively new on a world scale, but especially for an Arab country like Lebanon
Makay, Zsuzsanna. "Politiques familiales, activité professionnelle et fécondité en Hongrie et en France : différences de mentalités et de comportements." Phd thesis, Université de Nanterre - Paris X, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00748516.
Повний текст джерела