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Статті в журналах з теми "Diamant implanté"


Penha, Nilton, Dirk Duddeck, Sonia Groisman, Odair Dias Gonçalves, and Jack Ng. "Análise qualitativa do interior de imperfeições presentes em 5 marcas de implantes brasileiros por microscopia eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia por energia dispersiva." Revista de Odontologia da Universidade Cidade de São Paulo 29, no. 2 (November 28, 2017): 140. http://dx.doi.org/10.26843/ro_unicid.v29i2.272.

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O titânio é um dos 10 mais comuns elementos da terra, existem diferentes pesos atômicos, isótopos estáveis e radioisótopos conhecidos, está presente em ligas comerciais e semicomerciais, sendo que o titânio puro apresenta diferentes graus de pureza. Além disso, as ligas possuem classificações que agregam outros elementos neutros e/ou estabilizadores, são submetidas a diferentes tipos de tratamento de superfícies. Na fabricação dos implantes, o processo industrial da extração da rocha até a colocação na boca pode corromper o grau de pureza. A proposta do presente estudo foi avaliar qualitativamente buracos presentes em 5 implantes dentários brasileiros. As amostras foram preparadas em resina acrílica e realizados cortes sagitais com lâmina de diamante e analisadas no Microscópio Eletrônico de Varredura TM 3030 PLUS TABLESTOP MICROSCOPE HITACHI e reanalisadas no Microscópio Fei Quanta 400. Os resultados evidenciaram que os implantes apresentaram impurezas e estas impurezas podem ser os estabilizadores ou elementos neutros presentes no titânio ou nas ligas utilizadas. Implantodontistas devem ficar alertas sobre a qualidade do implante.
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Gomez, Arturo, Guillermo Mondragón, Juan Manuel Alvarado, and Nayeli Camacho. "RETOS ACTUALES Y FUTUROS EN IMPLANTES DE RODILLA Y CADERA." Revista Colombiana de Materiales, no. 16 (January 29, 2021): 29–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.17533/udea.rcm.n16a02.

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En este trabajo se realizó un análisis de la artroplastia de rodilla y de cadera con el fin de identificar los avances más recientes en estos tópicos, así como los retos y perspectivas futuras que se presentan tanto en el ámbito quirúrgico como en el desarrollo de los reemplazos articulares y sus materiales. México cuenta con una gran experiencia clínica en la colocación de prótesis para reemplazo articular de rodilla, cadera, hombro, mano, y tobillo. Asimismo, la experiencia clínica en la colocación de implantes maxilo- y craneo-faciales es extensa. Sin embargo, el resultado del Simposio Nacional - Prótesis ortopédicas: Estatus actual en México (https://protesismexico.com/) mostró que hay una necesidad imperante de diseñar y fabricar implantes que se adapten a la población mexicana, buscando la personalización. Por su parte, en México, la investigación de los materiales para implantes ortopédicos se encuentran en un estado incipiente, pero con perspectivas muy prometedoras en diseño y manufactura aditiva de componentes personalizados, así como sistemas auto-lubricantes que prometen mejores resultados en comparación con sistemas actualmente ofertados en el mercado. El desarrollo de materiales como polímeros de alto peso molecular modificados con nanotubos de carbón o grafeno, así como superficies funcionalizadas con recubrimientos a base de carbón y compuestos tipo diamante, que presentan características auto-lubricantes, podrían incrementar la durabilidad de los implantes, mejorando la calidad de vida para los pacientes.
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Karer, Matthias, Marlene Rager-Resch, Teresa Haider, Karin Petroczi, Elisabeth Gludovacz, Nicole Borth, Bernd Jilma, and Thomas Boehm. "Diamine oxidase knockout mice are not hypersensitive to orally or subcutaneously administered histamine." Inflammation Research 71, no. 4 (March 18, 2022): 497–511. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00011-022-01558-2.

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Abstract Objective To evaluate the contribution of endogenous diamine oxidase (DAO) in the inactivation of exogenous histamine, to find a mouse strain with increased histamine sensitivity and to test the efficacy of rhDAO in a histamine challenge model. Methods Diamine oxidase knockout (KO) mice were challenged with orally and subcutaneously administered histamine in combination with the β-adrenergic blocker propranolol, with the two histamine-N-methyltransferase (HNMT) inhibitors metoprine and tacrine, with folic acid to mimic acute kidney injury and treated with recombinant human DAO. Core body temperature was measured using a subcutaneously implanted microchip and histamine plasma levels were quantified using a homogeneous time resolved fluorescence assay. Results Core body temperature and plasma histamine levels were not significantly different between wild type (WT) and DAO KO mice after oral and subcutaneous histamine challenge with and without acute kidney injury or administration of HNMT inhibitors. Treatment with recombinant human DAO reduced the mean area under the curve (AUC) for core body temperature loss by 63% (p = 0.002) and the clinical score by 88% (p < 0.001). The AUC of the histamine concentration was reduced by 81%. Conclusions Inactivation of exogenous histamine is not driven by enzymatic degradation and kidney filtration. Treatment with recombinant human DAO strongly reduced histamine-induced core body temperature loss, histamine concentrations and prevented the development of severe clinical symptoms.
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Dwijaya, Made Subekti, Muhammad Satrio Utomo, Syafira Nur Ajeng Ramadhanti, Fendy Rokhmanto, Ibrahim Purawiardi, Galih Senopati, Aprilia Erryani, and Inti Mulyati. "Deposisi Kalsium Karbonat pada Ti-6Al-6Mo[CALCIUM CARBONATE DEPOSITION ON TI-6AL-6MO]." Metalurgi 36, no. 1 (April 29, 2021): 17. http://dx.doi.org/10.14203/metalurgi.v36i1.583.

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Osseointegration is one of important property in development of implant materials for orthopedic applications. While biocompatible metallic materials such as titanium alloys should already have adequate biocompatibility properties as implant materials, their osseointegration property could be further improved by bioceramic coating. Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and hydroxyapatite are two major bioceramics in bones that can be utilized to improve the osseointegration property of metallic implant materials. Current challenge on bioceramic coating of metallic implant materials is to obtain coating method that is facile and economically feasible for implementation in the industry. Here we propose a simple and straightforward method to deposit calcium carbonate on Ti-6Al-6Mo. We utilize two common biomimetic solutions, the phosphate buffer saline (Dulbecco’s PBS) and supersaturated calcification solution (SCS) to induce the calcium carbonate formation on the Ti-6Al-6Mo surface. Microstructural and elemental observations by scanning electron microscope (SEM) – energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) has shown the presence of calcium carbonate on the surface of the Ti-6Al-6Mo immersed in SCS. Moreover, the crystallography analysis by x-ray diffraction (XRD) also confirmed the formation of calcium carbonate on the surface of Ti-6Al-6Mo. We also studied the proposed method on pure Ti (>95%) as comparison and similar outcomes were also observed. The effect on duration of immersion was also accounted in current setting. The outcomes of immersion duration for 7 and 10 days were not significantly different. ABSTRAKOsseointegrasi adalah salah satu properti penting dalam pengembangan material untuk aplikasi implan tulang. Meskipun material logam biokompatibel seperti paduan titanium sudah memiliki properti biokompatibel bawaan yang sudah mencukupi sebagai material implan tulang, sifat osseointegrasi -nya masih dapat ditingkatkan dengan pelapisan biokeramik. Kalsium karbonat (CaCO3) dan hidroksiapatit adalah dua biokeramik utama pada tulang yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan sifat osseointegrasi pada material implan. Tantangan saat ini pada pelapisan biokeramik pada material implant adalah memperoleh metode pelapisan yang mudah diterapkan dan ekonomis untuk selanjutnya diterapkan di industri. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan sebuah metode yang sederhana untuk mendeposisi kalsium karbonat pada permukaan Ti-6Al-6Mo. Kami menggunakan dua larutan biomimetik yang sudah secara luas digunakan, yaitu Dulbecco’s PBS (phosphate buffer saline) dan SCS (supersaturated calcification solution) untuk membuat pembentukan kalsium karbonat pada permukaan Ti-6Al-6Mo. Pengamatan struktur mikro dan elemental dengan scanning electron microscope (SEM) - energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) menunjukkan keberadaan deposit kalsium karbonat pada permukaan Ti-6Al-6Mo. Lebih lanjut, analisa kristalografi dengan difraksi x-ray (XRD) juga menguatkan keberadaan deposit kalsium karbonat pada permukaan Ti-6Al-6Mo. Kami juga mempelajari metode yang diajukan pada Ti murni (>95%) sebagai perbandingan dan diperoleh hasil yang serupa. Pengaruh durasi perendaman juga diamati dalam penelitian ini. Hasil dari imersi dengan durasi 7 dan 10 hari tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan
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Meireles, George César Ximenes, Luciano Mauricio de Abreu, Antonio Artur da Cruz Forte, Marcos Kiyoshi Sumita, Jorge Hideki Sumita, and Jose Del Carmen Solano Aliaga. "Estudo comparativo randomizado do implante de Stent de aço inoxidável recoberto por carbono semelhante ao diamante versus não recoberto em pacientes com doença arterial coronariana." Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 88, no. 4 (April 2007): 390–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/s0066-782x2007000400004.

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Manda, Arafat Mallapiseng, and Sudirman Baso. "Efektivitas Program Kampung Keluarga Berkualitas dalam Menekan Laju Pertumbuhan Penduduk Kecamatan Iwoimendaa Kabupaten Kolaka." Arus Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora 4, no. 3 (December 21, 2024): 1456–67. https://doi.org/10.57250/ajsh.v4i3.774.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskrifsikan tentang Efektivitas Program Kampung Keluarga Berencana Dalam Menekan Laju Pertumbuhan Penduduk Kecamatan Iwoimendaa Kabupaten Kolaka. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Metode kualitatif adalah prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis dan lisan dari orang-orang dan perilaku yang dapat diamati. Teknik pengumpulan datanya adalah wawancara dengan informan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah data kualitatif yaitu mendeskripsikan dan menafsirkan data yang diperoleh di lapangan dari informan. Teknik analisis data ini didasarkan pada kemampuan nalar dalam menghubungkan fakta, data dan informasi, sehingga data yang diperoleh akan dianalisis sehingga diharapkan akan muncul gambaran yang dapat mengungkap permasalahan penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa efektivitas program kampung keluarga berencana dalam menekan laju pertumbuhan penduduk Kecamatan Iwoimendaa Kabupaten Kolaka belum terlaksana dengan baik hal ini dilihat dari masih banyaknya masyarakat belum memahami tujuan dari pada program Kampung KB. Sasaran dari program Kampung KB yakni masyarakat pus yang aktif ber-KB dan masyarakat yang belum mengikuti program KB. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan sudah sesuai jadwal yang telah ditetapkan. Tercapainya Tujuan daripada program KB sudah mampu menurunkan tingkat kelahiran dengan mengurangi jumlah rata-rata anak yang dilahirkan per wanita selama masa repoduksinya, meningkatnya persentase PUS yang menggunakan metode kontrasepsi modern dan aktif. Perubahan Nyata dengan adanya program Kampung KB di Desa Wonualako masyarakat akan lebih sadar untuk mengatur jarak kelahiran anaknya, penggunaan alat kontrasepsi sangat penting agar tidak terjadi peningkatan penduduk yang berlebihan. Alat kontrasepsi yang dimaksud adalah alat kontrasepsi yang digunakan jangka panjang meliputi, IUD, MOP (metode oprasi pria, mow (metode oprasi wanita) dan jenis susuk/implant serta alat kontrasepsi yang digunakan tidak jangka panjang yang meliputi: kondom, suntik dan pil.
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Alhasyimi, Ananto Ali, Siti Sunarintyas, and Marsetyawan HNE Soesatyo. "Pengaruh Implantasi Subkutan Logam Kobalt Kromium sebagai Bahan Alternatif Mini Screw Orthodontics terhadap Reaksi Jaringan Kelinci Albino." Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia 1, no. 1 (June 1, 2015): 94. http://dx.doi.org/10.22146/majkedgiind.9018.

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Mini screw orthodontics merupakan alat yang digunakan dalam perawatan ortodonsia untuk kasus yang membutuhkan absolute anchorage. Mini screw yang tersedia terbuat dari logam nikel titanium atau stainless steel yang pada beberapa pasien menyebabkan reaksi pada jaringan. Uji implantasi adalah uji yang dilakukan untuk menentukan biokompatibilitas medical device yang berkontak langsung dengan jaringan hidup. Respon jaringan terhadap jejas pasca implantasimempengaruhi derajat pembentukan jaringan granulasi, reaksi benda asing, dan fibrosis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek lokal implantasi kobalt kromium sebagai alternatif bahan mini screw orthodontics terhadap jaringan subkutan kelinci albino. Subjek penelitian berupa 20 ekor kelinci jantan albino yang digunakan untuk 2 kelompok(perlakuan dan kontrol negatif). Kobalt kromium dibuat lempengan diameter 10 mm dan ketebalan 1 mm. Pada kelompok perlakuan, material diimplankan pada jaringan subkutan dorsum kelinci dengan insisi sampai terbentuk poket subkutan, dasar poket tidak lebih dari 10 mm dari garis awal insisi dan dilakukan suturing. Kelompok kontrol hanya dilakukanincisi kemudian disuturing. Secara makroskopis 24 jam pasca implantasi, daerah implan diamati terjadinya edema, hematoma, enkapsulasi dan tanda-tanda inflamasi. Evaluasi secara mikroskopis pada hari ke 14 pasca implantasi, diamati perubahan histopatologis infiltrasi sel-sel inflamasi, kemudian rerata hasil diuji dengan uji independent samplet-test untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan jumlah sel-sel inflamasi pada kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol. Hasil pengamatan makroskopis, kelompok perlakuan maupun kontrol hanya terlihat tanda inflamasi ringan berupa eritema. Rerata dan Simpangan baku jumlah PMN, limfosit, sel plasma, makrofag, giant cell, neovaskularisasi, fibrosis kobalt kromium dan kontrol berturut turut yaitu (0,6 ± 0,49; 0,7 ± 0,48); (0,9 ± 0,87; 1,0 ± 0,67); (0,6 ± 0,24; 0,6 ± 0,21); (1,4 ± 0,84; 0,9 ± 0,74); (0,5 ± 0,27; 0); (0,6 ± 0,33; 0,7 ± 0,48); (0,5 ± 0,27; 0,1 ± 0,02). Hasil t-test menunjukkan perbedaan yang tidak signifikan (p>0,05) pada 6 parameter inflamasi sedangkan parameter giant cell menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (p<0,05). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah implantasi subkutan logam kobalt kromium menyebabkan reaksi jaringan berupa infiltrasi giant cell selama 14 hari pasca implantasi sebagai respon tehadap benda asing. Effect Of Subcutaneous Implantation Of Cobalt Chromium As An Alternative Material For Mini Screw Orthodontics Against Albino Rabbit’s Tissue. Mini screw orthodontics is an instrument which is used in orthodontic treatment for some cases that require absolute anchorage. Available mini screws are made of nickel titanium or stainless steel alloy which in some patients may cause a reaction to the tissues. Implantation test is a test performed to determine the biocompatibility of medical devices that are directly contacted to the living tissue. Tissue response to injury after implantation affects the degree of formation of granulation tissue, foreign body reaction, and fibrosis. The aim of this study is to determine the local effect of implantation of cobalt chromium as an alternative material for mini screw orthodontic against the subcutaneous tissue of albino rabbits. The subjects of study were 20 male albino rabbits divided into two groups (treatment and negative control groups). Cobalt chromium was made in the form of discs with 10 mm in diameter and 1 mm in thickness. In the treatment group, the material was implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of the dorsum of the rabbits with an incision to form a subcutaneous pocket. The pocket base was not more than 10 mm from the initial line of incision then suturing was performed. The control group only had incision then sutured to maintain aseptic conditions. Macroscopically 24 hours after implantation, the implant area was observed related to the occurrence of oedema, haematoma, encapsulation and signs of inflammation. The evaluation on day 14 post-implantation shows the histopathologic changes observed by the infiltration of inflammatory cells types. The average of the results was analyzed using independent sample t-test. The results of the macroscopic observation shows that the treatment and control group were only seen of mild inflammatory signs included erythema. The mean and standard deviation of the amount of PMN, lymphocyte, plasma cells, macrophage, giant cell, neovascularisation, and fibrosis from cobalt chromium and control groups were (0.6 ± 0.49; 0.7 ± 0.48); (0.9 ± 0.87; 1.0 ± 0.67); (0.6 ± 0.24; 0.6 ± 0.21); (1.4 ± 0.84; 0.9 ± 0.74); (0.5 ± 0.27; 0); (0.6 ± 0.33; 0.7 ± 0.48); (0.5 ± 0.27; 0.1 ± 0.02). The results of t-test show a significant difference in giant cell (p<0.05), while the six others did not (p>0.05). The conclusion of this study is that the cobalt chromium alloy can affect the subcutaneous tissue by inducing giant cell infiltration on day 14 post-implantation as the result of foreign body reactions.
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Erina, Erina, Roslizawaty Roslizawaty, and Sri Wahyuli. "Isolasi Candida sp. dan Aspergilus sp. pada Tembolok (Ingluviens) Ayam Ras dan Ayam Buras di Pasar Peunayong, Banda Aceh." Jurnal Agripet 19, no. 1 (April 1, 2019): 51–58. http://dx.doi.org/10.17969/agripet.v19i1.13162.

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ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengisolasi Candida sp. dan Aspergillus sp. pada tembolok ayam ras dan buras. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah tembolok ayam ras dan buras masing-masing berjumlah 15 sampel yang diambil secara acak dari tempat pemotongan unggas Peunayong Banda Aceh. Isolasi Candida sp. dan Aspergillus sp. dilakukan sesuai dengan metode Thompson (1969). Sampel dicuci dengan aquades steril yang diberi antibiotik selanjutnya ditanamkan pada media Sabouraud’s Dextrose Agar (SDA) kemudian diinkubasikan pada suhu kamar selama 2-7 hari. Pengamatan morfologi Candida sp. dan Aspergillus sp. diamati secara makroskopis. Koloni yang diduga Candida sp. dan Aspergillus sp. diperiksa secara mikroskopis. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil pemeriksaan menunjukkan bahwa Candida sp. dapat diisolasi pada semua sampel (100%) tembolok ayam ras dan ayam buras. Aspergillus sp. dapat diisolasi pada 2 dari 15 (13,33%) sampel tembolok ayam ras dan 6 dari 15 (40%) sampel tembolok ayam buras. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah Candida sp. tidak ada perbedaan pada tembolok ayam ras dan ayam buras sedangkan Aspergillus sp. pada tembolok ayam buras lebih banyak dari pada ayam ras. (Isolation of Candida sp and Aspergillus sp. from crops (Ingluviens) of broiler and indigenous chicken in Peunayoung market, Banda Aceh) ABSTRACT. This research aimed to isolate Candida sp. and Aspergillus sp. from crop of chicken race (broiler) and indigenous chicken. This research used crops of the chicken race (broiler) and indigenous chicken, each animal consists of 15 animals taken randomly from the poultry of slaughter house Peunayong Banda Aceh. Isolation of Aspergillus sp. was done based on Thompson method (1969). The samples were washed with sterile aquadest containing antibiotics before implanted on Sabouraud’s Dextrose Agar (SDA), then incubated at room temperature for 2-7 days. The plate was observed from Candida sp. and Aspergillus sp. colony macroscopically and microscopically. Data were analyzed descriptively. The result showed that Candida sp. Found in all samples (100%) and Aspergillus sp. Found in 2 out of 15 (13,33%) crops samples in chicken race (broiler) and 6 out of 15 (40%) crops in indigenous chicken. The conclusion is, candida was found in both chickens race (broiler) and domestic chicken, while aspergillus was found more in indigenous chicken than chickens race broiler.
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Malini, Desak Made, Madihah Madihah, and Amalia Shalihah. "Malformasi Rangka Fetus Tikus Wistar Akibat Efek Teratogenik Insektisida Endosulfan (SKELETAL MALFORMATION OF WISTAR RAT FETUSES DUE TO THE TERATOGENIC EFFECT OF ENDOSULFAN INSECTICIDE)." Jurnal Veteriner 18, no. 3 (September 4, 2017): 318. http://dx.doi.org/10.19087/jveteriner.2017.18.3.318.

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Endosulfan an organochlorine insecticide that is commonly used even though it has been banned due to its toxic and teratogenic effect. This study aims to determine the effect of orally endosulfan exposure to pregnant rat (Rattus norvegicus) at day 6-15th of gestation period to the foetus skeletal malformation. A Completely Randomized Design (CRD) by endosulfan dosages: 0 (control); 0.083; 0.190; 0.440; 1.000 mg/kg BW/day with 5 replicates was applied. At 20th of the gestational period, the rats were sacrificed, their reproductive organs and the fetal skeletal malformation were observed using Alizarin red S method. The results of one-way ANOVA test showed that endosulfan exposure did not significantly affect the pregnancy outcomes ie. female rats weight gain, the numbers of implanted foetus, foetal body weight and length, respectively. Malformation of foetus implantation, foetus size and foetus skeletal occured in the endosulfan exposure groups. Fisher’s exact test results showed a significant difference between the control group and the endosulfan exposure group on the number of foetuses that have abnormalities in the number of skeletons of the sternum, fore and hind paws. The exposure of endosulfan at 0.083-1.000 mg / kg BW / day in pregnant rats caused skeletal malformations of the foetus ie. decreased in the number on sternum, fore- and hind paw bones. ABSTRAK Endosulfan merupakan insektisida golongan organoklorin yang masih digunakan hingga kini meski telah dilarang karena bersifat toksik dan teratogenik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek pemajanan endosulfan secara oral terhadap malformasi rangka fetus tikus (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769) selama umur kebuntingan 6-15 hari. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental di laboratorium menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan pemajanan endosulfan dosis: 0 (kontrol); 0,083; 0,19; 0,44; dan 1 mg/kg BB/hari dan masing-masing diulang sebanyak lima kali. Induk betina dengan umur kebuntingan 20 hari, dikorbankan nyawanya lalu dibedah dan diamati tampilan reproduksi induk serta malformasi rangka pada fetus dengan metode pewarnaan Alizarin red S. Hasil uji sidik ragam satu arah menunjukkan pemajanan endosulfan tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap rataan pertambahan bobot badan induk, jumlah fetus terimplantasi, bobot badan dan panjang fetus. Malformasi implantasi fetus, ukuran fetus dan rangka fetus terjadi pada kelompok pemajanan endosulfan. Hasil uji eksak Fisher menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelompok kontrol dengan kelompok pemajanan endosulfan terhadap jumlah fetus yang mengalami kelainan jumlah rangka penyusun sternum, cakar depan dan cakar belakang. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pemajanan endosulfan dosis 0,083- 1,000 mg/kg BB/hari pada tikus bunting menimbulkan malformasi rangka pada fetus yaitu berkurangnya jumlah tulang penyusun sternum, cakar depan, dan cakar belakang.
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Santiago Júnior, Joel Ferreira, and Eduardo Miyashita. "Anais do 11º Encontro do Grupo Brasileiro de Reciclagem em Prótese e Implante." ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION 6 (May 14, 2017). http://dx.doi.org/10.21270/archi.v6i0.2091.

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Adaptação marginal e análise da distribuição de tensões de próteses fixas sobre implantes de hexágono externo obtidas por diferentes sistemas CAD-CAM. Mello CC, Lemos CAA, Oliveira HFF, Cruz RS, Gomes JML, Santiago-Junior JF, Verri FR, Pellizzer EPAlvéolos frescos versus alvéolos cicatrizados para a instalação de implantes osseointegráveis. Uma revisão sistemática e meta-análise. Mello CC, Lemos CAA, Oliveira HFF, Cruz RS, Gomes JML, Verri FR, dos Santos DM, Goiato MC, Pellizzer EPAnalise biomecânica em MEF-3D dos efeitos da bicorticalização de implantes cone morse em próteses unitárias. Fernandes e Oliveira HF, Cruz RS, Lemos CAA, Batista VES, Mestrener LR, Gomes JML, Mello CC, Verri FRAnálise da adaptação marginal vertical em coroas cerâmicas feldspáticas confeccionadas através de diferentes sistemas CAD/CAM: aberto e fechado. Bueno CRS*, Kricheldorf F, Santiago Júnior JF, Nary Filho HAnálise da rugosidade superficial em resina acrílica reforçada com 1% de sílica silanizada com polimerização em micro-ondas. Cruz IDS, Silva PNF, Kamezawa LSG, Yamamoto LT, Almeida BM, Tango RNAnálise de diferentes configurações de protocolo mandibular com elementos finitos tridimensional. Alonso AA, Tribst JPM, Dal Piva AMO, Bottino MA, Tango RN, Borges ALSAnálise de uma superfície cerâmica a base de zircônia após diferentes técnicas de aplicação de glaze. Leite FPP, Castro FM, Pinto RAS, Malta NV, Miranda JS, de Carvalho RLAAnálise do comprimento, diâmetro e confecção das coroas em implantes de hexágono externo em maxila posterior pelo metodos dos elementos finitos 3D. Gomes JML, Lemos CAA, Batista VES, Mello CC, Cruz RS, Oliveira HFF, Verri FR, Pellizzer EPAnálise do nível de evidência cientifica em trabalhos sobre o uso das facetas diretas e indiretas. Dias ABG, Bessa GS, Neves AS, Garcia MG, Hayassy A, Souza FNAnálise do tipo de fresagem para pilares protéticos em implantes dentários. Cerqueira Filho JRA, Osorio LSA, Amaral WS, Bresaola MD, Santiago-Júnior JF, Nary Filho HAnálise in vitro da modulação da osseointegração em diferentes amostras de titânio poroso. Zutin EAL, Sartori EM, Carvalho LM, Mendonça DBS, Vasconcellos LMR, Carvalho YR, Cairo CAA, Mendonça GAnálise in vivo da modulação óssea em implantes de titânio com topografia de superfície em nanoescala. Carvalho LM, Sartori EM, Zutin EAL, Mendonça DBS, Smith L, Jepsen K, Krebsbach PK, Vasconcellos LMR, Mendonça GAnálise microtomográfica do processo de reparo periimplantar de ratas ovariectomizadas e tratadas com genisteína. Monteiro NG, Batista FRS, Gandolfo MIL, Freire A, Botacin PR, Faverani LP, Okamoto RAnálise morfométrica do osso reparacional pós-exodôntico de ratas ovariectomizadas tratadas com genisteína. Gandolfo MIL, Batista FRS, Monteiro NG, Freire AR, Botacin PR, Faverani LP, Okamoto RApresentações clínicas das desordens temporomandibulares e inter-relação com variações na curvatura de Spee. Silva BMF, Nascimento J, Souza RAO, França M, Garcia MG, Souza FNAumento ósseo em região posterior de mandíbulas atróficas: osso autógeno X biomaterial. Uma revisão sistemática e meta-análise. Sousa CA, Lemos CAA, Santiago-Júnior JF, Faverani LP, Pellizzer EPAvaliação biomecânica de diferentes pilares protéticos. Tribst JPM, Dal Piva AMO, Melo RM, Borges ALS, Souza ROA, Bottino MAAvaliação clínica da manutenção de alvéolos dentários humanos preenchidos por osso composto heterógeno. Araujo NJ, Natale Júnior V, Carvalho PSP, Bassi APF, Almeida JM, Souza FAAvaliação da atividade fotocatalítica e antibacteriana do TiO2 depositado na superfície do titânio comercialmente puro por meio de pulverização catódica. Pantaroto HN, Ricomini Filho AP, Silva JHD, Azevedo Neto NF, Sukotjo C, Rangel EC, Barão VARAvaliação da efetividade do Bio-oss® e Cerasorb® em defeitos peri-implantares. Análise biomecânica. Girotto FC, Justo YM, Queiroz TP, Luvizuto ER, Gulinelli JL, Garcia-Junior IR, Santos PLAvaliação do Biosilicato® em defeitos ósseos na calvária de ratos e sua influência no tecido ósseo neoformado. Munerato MS, Mendes GCB, Lima J, Duarte MAH, Couto MCR, Alcade M, Bossini PS,Matsumoto Biocompatibilidade e biofilme tri-espécies em superfícies de titânio tratados com plasmas para aplicações odontológicas. Matos AO, Ricomini-Filho AP, Beline T, Ogawa ES, Oliveira BEC, Almeida AB, Nociti Junior FH, Rangel EC, da Cruz NC, Sukotjo C, Mathew MT, Barao VARCaracterização de filmes finos de carbono tipo diamante depositado em substrato de polimetilmetacrilato. Souza FN, Evers M, Nachez L, Almeida CC, Franceschin Filho DF, Tiossi RCaracterização superficial e da resistência à flexão biaxial de cerâmica Y-TZP translúcida submetida a diferentes condicionamentos de superfície. Bittar BF, Castro FM*, Miranda JS, Simões AC, Souza, ROA, Leite, FPP, Pinto RASCirurgia sem retalho e carga imediata em overdenture mandibular sobre um implante: relato de 6 anos de acompanhamento. Longhini D, Rocha COM, Pereira RP, Adabo GL, Arioli-Filho JNComplicações de próteses internas de PMMA comparada a outros materiais. Revisão sistemática e meta-análise. Maior JRS, Leão RS, Lemos CAA, EP Pelizzer, Montes MJR, Moraes SLDComportamento biomecânico de diferentes próteses cimentadas sobre implante. Dal Piva AMO, Tribst JPM, Rodrigues VA, Borges ALS, Bottino MAComportamento biomecânico de implantes instalados em diferentes angulações. Datte CE, Tribst JPM, Rodrigues VA, Dal Piva AMO, Nishioka RS, Borges ALSComportamento biomecânico de prótese fixa sobre implante de três elementos com pôntico em cantilever. Estudo pelo MEF-3D. Cruz RS, de Souza Batista VE, Lemos CCA, Fernandes e Oliveira HF, Gomes JML, Mestrener LR, Pellizzer EP, Verri FRComportamento biomecânico de restaurações Endocrown: influência da espessura da restauração e do direcionamento da carga mastigatória. Fonseca GF, Tribst JPM, Dal Piva AMO, Borges ALSDesenvolvimento de ligas contendo Zr e Nb para implantes dentários. Cordeiro JM, Beline T, Ribeiro ALR, Rangel EC, Cruz NC, Landers R, Faverani LP, Vaz LG, Fais LMG, Grandini CR, Barão VARDiferentes protocolos de condicionamento podem alterar as propriedades de uma cerâmica híbrida? Miranda JS*, Monteiro JB, Silva PNF, Valera MC, Bresciani E, Marinho RMDistribuição de tensão em retentores intrarradiculares fabricados por CAD/CAM de diferentes módulos de elasticidade. Andrade GS,Tribst JPM, Santin DC, Dal Piva AMO, Bottino MA, Borges ALSEfeito da adição de 1% de sílica silanizada no módulo elástico da resina acrílica ativada por microondas em diferentes ciclos de polimerização. Almeida BM, Silva PNF, Kamezawa LSG, Yamamoto LT, Barros IM, Tango RNEfeito da escovação associada à irrigação oral na manutenção dos tecidos peri-implantares e overdentures. Salles MM, Oliveira VC, Macedo AP, Paranhos HFOEfeito da esplintagem de implantes curtos na região posterior de maxila: estudo pela MEF-3D. Mestrener LR, Oliveira HFF, Cruz RS, Lemos CAA, de Souza Batista VE, Pellizzer EP, Verri FREfeito da overdenture mandibular na autopercepção da saúde bucal e eficiência mastigatória de usuários de prótese. Rocha COM, Pereira RP, Longhini D, Bonafé FSS, Campos JADB, Arioli Filho JNEfeito da pressão, tempo de pós-prensagem e ciclo de polimerização sobre o grau de conversão de resina acrílica termoativada: abordagem para uso em próteses internas. Leão RS, Moraes SLD, Aquino KAS, Isolan CP, Montes MAJREfeito da radiação ionizante na resistência mini-flexural e caracterização estrutural de cimentos resinosos protegidos com cerâmicas Y-TZP. Silva PNF, Gonçalez OL, Manea S, Yamamoto LT, Cruz IDS, Barros IM, Tango RNEfeito da sacarose na formação de biofilme no titânio: estudo in situ. Souza JGS, Cury JA, Ricomini-Filho AP, Faveri M, Feres M, Barão VAREfeito das conexões internas na distribuição de tensões em implantes de diâmetro regular. Pereira IT, Cerqueira Filho JR, Lemos CAA, Batista VES, Almeida DAF, Verri FR, Pellizzer EP, Santiago Júnior JFEfeito de protocolos de envelhecimento na resistência de uma cerâmica feldspática. Martins GB, Yamamoto LT, Silva PNF, Tango RNEfeito do auxílio do google docs na aplicação do método ativo peer instruction no aprendizado de conceitos de montagem de modelos em articulador semi-ajustável. Servera MSD, Marques R, Filho JEP, Santos FP, Garcia MG, Souza FNEfeito do posicionamento tripoidal em implantes curtos instalados na região posterior de maxila. Estudo pela MEF-3D. de Souza Batista VE, Cruz RS, Fernandes e Oliveira HF, Gomes JML, Lemos CAA, Verri FR, Pellizzer EPEfetividade dos tratamentos não cirúrgicos de periimplantite: uma revisão sistemática. Araujo NJ, Gusman DJR, Matheus HR, Faleiros PL, Novaes VCN, Almeida JMEnxerto de tecido conjuntivo subepitelial para otimização da estética periimplantar. Araujo NJ, Faleiros PL, Gusman DJR, Oliveira FLP, Fiorin LG, Almeida JMEsquemas de oclusão em próteses totais: uma revisão. Contreras LPC, Alonso AA, Tango RN, Paes Junior TJAEstudo clínico retrospectivo de 3 anos acompanhamento de coroas cerâmicas unitárias confeccionadas por sistema CAD/CAM chair-side. Karam FK, Reis TA, Zancopé K, Resende CCD, Prado CJ, Neves FDExtensometria: o efeito de mesa oclusal larga e do posicionamento de implantes em PPF de 3 elementos implanto-suportada. Vasconcellos LGO, Rodrigues VA, Nishioka GNM, Vasconcellos LMR, Andretta-Filho OD, Kojima AN, Nishioka RSFeixe de luz auxiliar aplicado na remoção de corpo estranho em seio maxilar. Aplicação em cirurgia e implantodontia. Polo TOB, de Lima VN, Momesso GAC, Bassi APF, Faverani LPImpacto da reabilitação oral na qualidade de vida de um indivíduo com características da Síndrome de Kelly. Dias ABG, Bessa GS, Vieira GS, Hayassy A, Garcia MG, Souza FNImpacto da reabilitação oral sobre implantes em pacientes com anomalias craniofaciais associadas à fissura labiopalatina. Lino LFO, Lopes MMW, Azevedo RMG, Tavano RDA, Pinto JHN, Lopes JFSImpacto de diferentes tipos ósseos para a implantodontia: Uma revisão sistemática. Holobenko L,Kudo GAH, Loureiro NB, Pereira IT, Oliveira RG, Verri FR, Pellizzer EP, Santiago Junior JFImplantes curtos versus implantes convencionais com elevação do seio maxilar. Uma revisão sistemática e meta-análise. Cruz RS, Lemos CAA, Mello CC, Oliveira HFF, Gomes JML, de Souza Batista VE, Pellizzer EP, Verri FRImplantes de diâmetro estreito de titanium-zirconium. Revisão sistemática e metanálise. Iegami CM, Uehara PN, Sesma N, Panutti CM, Laganá DC, Tamaki R, Tortamano Neto P, Mukai MKImplantes instalados em pacientes com fissura labiopalatina. Revisão Sistemática. Oshiro TY, Magalhães KMF, Lopes JFS, Azevedo RMG, Minatel L, Santiago Júnior JF, Pinto JHNInfluência da estrutura interna de coroas temporárias na distribuição de tensões em implantes unitários. Rodrigues VA, Tribst JPM, Dal Piva AMO, Nishioka RS, Bottino MA, Borges ALInfluência da rigidez dos cimentos resinosos na distribuição de tensão em prótese fixa adesiva. Penteado MM, Jurema ALB, Tribst JPM, Saavedra GSFA, Borges ALSInfluência de escâneres CAD/CAM na adaptação marginal de infraestruturas em zircônia implanto-suportadas. Resende CCD, Carneiro TAPN, Karam FKK, Neves FDNInfluência do laser de baixa potência na terapia de reparo de defeitos ósseos maxilo-faciais. Revisão Sistemática. Fernandes e Oliveira HF, Santinoni CS, Batista VES, Lemos CAA, Cruz RS, Mello CC, Martim BEA, Verri FRInfluência do nível do tecido ósseo na distribuição de tensões. Análise pelo método dos elementos finitos 3D. Lemos CAA, Verri FR, Batista VES, Mello CC, Cruz RS, Fernandes e Oliveira HF, Gomes JML, Mestrener LR, Pellizzer EPInfluência do tipo de liquido de manipulação na dureza e tenacidade à fratura de uma cerâmica feldspática. Moura GS, Takahashi T, Ramos GF, Campos T, Özcan M, Melo RMM, Amaral MInstalação de implantes em região distal para converter pacientes portadores de próteses parciais removíveis classe I para classe III de Kennedy: revisão sistemática. Karam FK, Zancopé K, Abraão GM, Neves FDInstalação de implantes zigomáticos em maxila atrófica em paciente portador de insuficiência renal. Relato de caso. Momesso GAC, Lima VN, Queiroz SBF, Polo TOB, Sousa CA, Assunção WG, Faverani LPLaserterapia de baixa potência e fator de crescimento epidérmico em fibroblastos gengivais cultivados sobre titânio. Pansani TN, Basso FG, Hebling J, de Souza Costa CAMockup imediato em resina composta para confecção de laminados cerâmicos. Castro FM, Leite FPP, Pinto RAS, Pazinatto RBNível de evidência científica em trabalhos publicados sobre o bruxismo. Cardozo BB, Oliveira FP, Quelhas MC, Garcia MG, França L, Souza FNO impacto de diferentes estratégias de fresagem na adaptação de coroas CAD/CAM – avaliação 3D. Piras FF, Ferruzzi F, Ferrairo BM, Borges AFS, Bonfante EA, Rubo JHOsseointegração de implantes com diferentes superfícies: estudo in vivo. Vasconcellos LMR, Beraldo JM, Villaça-Carvalho MF, Moraes MEL, Vasconcellos LGO, Regone NN, Acciari HAPrincípios odontológicos na harmonização do sorriso: laminados cerâmicos. Barcellos ASP, Barchetta NF, Monteiro JB, Cabral G, Melo RMM, Kimpara ET, Saavedra GSFAPróteses overdentures retidas por mini implantes. Uma revisão sistemática. Gomes JML, Lemos CAA, Batista VES, Mello CC, Santiago-Júnior JF, Cruz RS, Oliveira HFF, Verri FR, Pellizzer EPRanelato de estrôncio melhora a resposta de osseointegração em ratas com deficiência de estrógeno. Yogui FC, Coléte JZ, Batista FRS, Gomes-Ferreira PHS, Momesso GAC, Faverani LP, Okamoto RReabilitação com prótese parcial removível associada a implantesapós lesão por arma de fogo: 5 anos de acompanhamento. Gomes JML, de Faria Almeida DA, Goiato MC, Batista VES, Lemos CAA, Mello CC, Verri FR, Pellizzer EPReabilitação de anquilose condilar bilateral das articulações temporomandibulares com próteses internas em PMMA. Leão RS, Monteiro JLGC, Barbosa LM, Carneiro SCAS, Moraes SLD, Vasconcelos BCEReabilitação estética minimamente invasiva com abordagem multidisciplinar. Relato de caso. Mestrener LR, Oliveira HFF, Cruz RS, Lemos CAA, de Souza Batista VE, Mello CC, Almeida JM, Verri FRReabilitação estético funcional: conjugação de restaurações em resina direta, laminados ultrafinos e onlays cerâmicas. Miranda JS, Sato TP, Penteado MM, Kimpara ET, Moura Jr JR, Prats FS, Cabral GReabilitação protética com componentes dinâmicos – relato de caso. Resende CCD, Carneiro TAPN, Pereira LM, Tavares LN, Karan FK, Neves FDNReabilitação provisória estética unitária imediata sobre implante com enxerto de tecido conjuntivo associado - relato de caso. Cruz RS, Fernandes e Oliveira HF, Mestrener LR, Lemos CAA, Gomes JML, de Souza Batista VE, Mello CC, Verri FRResistência à flexão biaxial de resinas nanocerâmicas e Bulk Fill antes e após o envelhecimento. Piza MMT, Beltramini I, Machado CM, Jalkh EBB, Hirata R, Coelho PG, Bonfante EAResistência à flexão biaxial de uma cerâmica feldspática confeccionada com diferentes líquidos de manipulação. Takahashi T, Moura GS, Ramos GF, Campos T, Özcan M, Melo RMM, Amaral MResistência ao pull-out de coroas CAD/CAM cimentadas em pilares do tipo Ti-base. Machado CM, Lopes ACO, Jalkh EBB, Da Silva CPE, Piza MMT, Bonjardim LR, Bonfante EAResistência de união de pinos de fibra de vidro submetidos a diferentes protocolos de cimentação. Pinto RAS, Castro FM, de Landa FV, Miranda JS, de Carvalho RF, Kimpara ET, Leite FPPResistência de união entre dois cimentos resinosos autocondicionantes e zircônia Y-TZP submetida a tratamento superfície. Casado BGS, Beltrão MGP, Feltrin PP, Inoue RT, Moraes SLD, Zanetti RVTécnica de expansão óssea modificada para pré-maxila atrófica: um estudo piloto caso controle. Caetano AS, Damante CA, Bizelli VF, Junior Moraes EFMToxina botulínica como terapia para o bruxismo: existem evidências para sua indicação? Câmara-Souza MB, De la Torre Canales G, Amaral CF, Rodrigues Garcia RCM, Manfredini DTratamento com ranelato de estrôncio melhora atividade celular e microarquitetura óssea alveolar em ratas osteopênicas. Momesso GAC, Colete JZ, Ervolino ACS, Hassumi JS, Puttini IO, Polo TOB, Faverani LP, Okamoto RTratamento de peri-implantite com complicação estética em sorriso gengival: relato de caso. Caetano AS, Bizelli VF, Junior Moraes EFMTratamento multidisciplinar: associação entre ortodontia, implantodontia e prótese. Relato de um caso. Lima DR, Lima FR, Pazinato R, Pedroso JFTrauma e instabilidade oclusal como fatores etiológicos da osteoartrite nas ATM: relato de caso. Pinto RAS, Dias IM, Bonato LL, Castro FM, Leite FPP, Guimarães JPUma abordagem não cirúrgica de 5 semanas para hiperplasia fibrosa causada por prótese. Lopes DM, Iegami CM, Lopes DM, Tormamano P, Tamaki RUso de implantes com gengiva cerâmica em reabilitação oral estética anterior. Fernandes e Oliveira HF, Cruz RS, Lemos CAA, Mello CC, Batista VES, Mestrener LR, Gomes JML, Verri FRUtilização do β-tricálcio fosfato para preenchimentos de defeitos peri-implantares e alvéolos frescos: caso clínico. Casimiro GHS, Marques DO, Margonar R, Faloni APS, Queiroz TP, Gulinelli JL, Santos PL
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Дисертації з теми "Diamant implanté"


Salami, Sana. "Conductance électronique et effet Seebeck dans des canaux conducteurs implantés sous la surface du diamant." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon 1, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024LYO10287.

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L'interaction entre les électrons et les phonons dans la matière condensée est responsable du couplage de leurs équations de transport, ce qui donne lieu à des effets d’entrainements mutuels sous l'effet d'un gradient de température (effet Seebeck) ou d'un courant de charge (effet Peltier). Dans certains matériaux, ces effets, connus sous le terme anglophone de « phonon drag », conduisent à des valeurs de coefficient Seebeck très élevées. Ils se manifestent généralement à basse température lorsque le libre parcours moyen des phonons est important, près du maximum en température de la conductivité thermique de réseau. Historiquement, ces effets de « drag » entre les électrons et les phonons ont été mis de côté dans les stratégies de recherche en thermoélectricité car ils coïncident avec un maximum de la conductivité thermique du réseau, ce qui limite l'efficacité thermoélectrique. Toutefois, des études réalisées en 2008 sur des systèmes de silicium nanostructurés ont montré que des effets Seebeck significatifs dus à ces effets de « drag » peuvent coexister avec une faible conductivité thermique du réseau. Les travaux théoriques traitant les équations de transport couplées ont apporté de nouvelles perspectives, démontrant que les états de phonons dominant le transport de chaleur sont distincts de ceux qui sont principalement impliqués dans les effets de drag. L'objectif de ma thèse était de réaliser des expériences pour explorer un nouveau concept d’effets « drag » entre les électrons et les phonons, séparés par une interface. J'ai étudié les propriétés de transport des électrons confinés dans un canal conducteur sous la surface d'un diamant cristallin agissant comme un bain de phonon externe constitué d’états de phonon propagatifs. Mon travail inclut l’élaboration des systèmes, leur caractérisation structurale et le développement de protocoles de mesure pour la conductance et le coefficients Seebeck pour des systèmes conducteurs enterrés. J'ai étudié les propriétés de transport de canaux produits dans différentes conditions d'implantation et de recuit pour comprendre les liens entre leur microstructure et leurs propriétés de transport électronique. Dans la première étude, j'ai mesuré la conductance et le coefficient Seebeck dans des canaux épais (~145 nm) enfouis à environ 200 nm sous la surface du diamant. Ces canaux, créés par implantation ionique d'hélium à une fluence modérée suivie d'un recuit à haute température, présentaient principalement une microstructure graphitique. À température ambiante, la conductance est proche de celle du graphite massif. Le coefficient Seebeck présentait un comportement à basse température similaire à celui du graphite, avec un pic négatif attribué aux effets de traînée. Toutefois, ce pic est apparu à une température nettement plus élevée que dans le cas du graphite massif, ce qui pourrait être une première indication des contributions supplémentaires des phonons du diamant. Dans la seconde étude, j'ai examiné des canaux de dimensions similaires mais soumis à une fluence d'implantation plus faible ou recuits à des températures plus basses. Ces canaux présentent une microstructure désordonnée complexe composée d'agrégats d'atomes de carbone avec une hybridation sp, sp² et sp³. La conductance et le coefficient Seebeck en fonction de la température varient de manière significative par rapport à la première étude. Le coefficient Seebeck est positif et atteint plusieurs milliers de µV/K à basse température. Les propriétés de transport ont été interprétées à l'aide de la théorie du chaos quantique. Mon travail montre la faisabilité des mesures de conductance et du coefficient Seebeck à basse température à travers des canaux conducteurs enfouis sous la surface du diamant et met en évidence la richesse des propriétés de conduction de ces canaux qui peuvent être accordées en contrôlant leur microstructure par un choix judicieux des paramètres d'implantation et de recuit
The interaction between electrons and phonons in condensed matter is responsible for the coupling of their transport equations, which gives rise to mutual drag effects between them under the effect of a temperature gradient (Seebeck effect) or a charge current (Peltier effect). In some bulk materials, these drag effects, better known as “phonon drag”, lead to very high Seebeck coefficient values at low temperatures. It usually manifests at low temperatures when the phonon mean free path is large, near the maximum in temperature of the lattice thermal conductivity in dielectric crystals, which occurs due to reduced phonon-phonon scattering. Historically, phonon drag has been overlooked in thermoelectric research as it coincides with the maximum in the lattice thermal conductivity peak, potentially reducing overall thermoelectric efficiency. However, studies in 2008 on nanostructured silicon systems contradicted this, demonstrating that significant Seebeck effects from phonon drag can coexist with low lattice thermal conductivity. Theoretical works treating the coupled transport equations offered new insights, demonstrating that phonon states dominating heat transport are distinct in phase space, in wave-vector, and energy from those mainly involved in drag effects. The aim of my thesis was to carry out experiments to explore a novel concept of phonon drag between electron and phonon gases, separated by an interface. I studied transport properties of electrons confined to a conductive channel beneath the surface of a crystalline diamond acting as an external phonon bath with propagative phonon states. My thesis involved system construction, structural characterization, development of measurement protocols for conductance and Seebeck coefficients, and adaptation of these measurements for buried conductive systems. I analyzed the transport properties of channels produced under different implantation and annealing conditions to understand how the microstructure of the channel influences electronic transport properties. In the first study, I measured conductance and the Seebeck coefficient in thick channels (~145 nm) buried about 200 nm below the diamond surface. These channels, created via helium ion implantation at moderate fluence followed by high-temperature annealing, displayed mostly a graphitic microstructure. At room temperature, the conductance was close to that of bulk graphite. The Seebeck coefficient exhibited low-temperature behavior akin to graphite, with a negative peak attributed to drag effects. However, this peak occurred at a significantly higher temperature compared to solid graphite, which could be a first indication of additional contributions from diamond phonons. In the second study, I examined channels with similar dimensions but subjected to lower implantation fluence or annealed at lower temperatures. These channels exhibited a highly disordered microstructure composed of aggregates of carbon atoms with sp, sp², and sp³ hybridization. The temperature-dependent conductance and Seebeck coefficient varied significantly from the first study. The Seebeck coefficient is positive and reached several thousand µV/K at low temperatures. The transport properties were interpreted using quantum chaos theory. My work shows the feasibility of conductance and Seebeck coefficient measurements at low temperature through conductive channels buried beneath the diamond surface and highlights the rich conduction properties of such channels which can be tuned by controlling their microstructure through a careful choice of implantation and annealing parameters
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Guirande, Philippe. "Choix et intégration d'un réseau de processeurs parallèles dans le système d'acquisition temps réel du multidétecteur 4π DIAMANT : modélisation, réalisation, et évaluation du logiciel implanté sur ce réseau". Bordeaux 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997BOR10566.

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L'augmentation de la sensibilite des multidetecteurs 4, tels eurogam ou diamant, engendre egalement une augmentation des debits de donnees a l'entree du systeme d'acquisition. Si au niveau de l'electronique, le flux de donnees a ete reparti sur plusieurs chaines d'acquisition fonctionnant en parallele, il est necessaire, au niveau de l'informatique, d'augmenter la puissance de traitement. Ce travail concerne la conception et le developpement du logiciel implante dans une architecture de processeurs paralleles. Des methodes d'analyse objet et formelle ont ete utilisees ; les performances ont ete mesurees et les perspectives d'evolution de cette architecture sont proposees.
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Rodrigues, Ana Amélia. "Avaliação da biocompatibilidade de diamantes microestruturados e nanoestruturados : ensaios " in vitro" e "in vivo"." [s.n.], 2006. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/259949.

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Orientador: Vitor Baranauskas
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T14:59:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rodrigues_AnaAmelia_M.pdf: 19209454 bytes, checksum: 1a2efefc090d27e2715b48aad097989d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006
Resumo: O desenvolvimento de novos materiais para a produção de implantes ortopédicos tem sido uma busca constante, devido principalmente ao aumento das aplicações clínicas e à necessidade de se alcançar maior durabilidade, diminuindo assim as cirurgias de revisão. O diamante CVD obtido por deposição química da fase vapor é um novo material com grande potencial de uso devido às suas excelentes propriedades físico-químicas. Dentre elas pode-se destacar a inércia química, extrema dureza e baixo coeficiente de atrito, características importantes para materiais que necessitam resistir ao desgaste e à corrosão produzida pelos fluídos do corpo humano. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar pela análise ¿in vitro¿ e ¿in vivo¿ a biocompatibilidade de tubos de diamante microcristalino e diamante nanocristalino produzidos pela deposição química de vapor em filamento quente (CVD). Palavras Chave: diamante CVD, biomateriais, implantes, próteses
Abstract: The development of new materials for orthopedic implants has been a quest due to the increasing number of clinical applications and necessity of achieving larger durability for lessening the need for revision surgeries. Diamond CVD (Chemical Vapour Deposition) is a new material with larger potential of future use due its excellent physico-chemical properties like for instance, high chemical inertness, extreme hardness and low friction coefficient. The aim of this study is to evaluate by ¿in vitro¿ and ¿in vivo¿ assays the biocompatibility of microcrystalline and nanocrystalline diamond self-sustaining tubes produced by hot-filament chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Key Words: chemical-vapor-deposited diamond, biomaterials, implants, prosthesis
Engenharia de Computação
Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica
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Kiran, Raphael. "Electrodes en diamant pour la fabrication de microsystèmes électrochimiques pour applications biologiques." Thesis, Grenoble, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012GRENI077/document.

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Le diamant dopé bore (BDD) est un matériau extrêmement prometteur pour applications biomédicales par son unique combinaison de propriétés. Cette thèse a visé le développement de nouvelles structures de micro-électrodes en BDD et l'étude de leur intérêt et leurs performances pour des applications électroanalytiques et électrophysiologiques. En dépit de leurs propriétés électroanalytiques très supérieures à d'autres matériaux d'électrodes plus conventionnels, les électrodes BDD sont sujettes au «fouling», i.e. l'apparition d'un film à la surface du diamant qui réduit la réactivité électrochimique. Ceci est très compromettant dans des milieux complexes comme l'urine, les eaux stagnantes, des boissons, le plasma sanguin etc. Ici, un nouveau traitement d'activation a été développé pour nettoyer la surface des électrodes et recouvrir leur réactivité initiale, donc il permet leur usage pour de longues périodes d'enregistrement sans dégradation du signal. Ceci permet l'usage de ce type d'électrodes, pour des domaines d'applications, pour le suivi continu d'analytes, sans entretien spécifique, en solutions complexes. La grande originalité de ces techniques d'activation est qu'elle peut être menée directement dans l'analyte lui-même. En comparaison avec leurs équivalents en macro-électrodes, les microélectrodes permettent d'obtenir de plus grandes sensibilités, des courants résiduels moindre, des pertes ohmiques moindres, et donc des rapports signal à bruit meilleurs. Un procédé robuste et fiable a été optimisé pour la fabrication de réseaux de microélectrodes (MEA MicroElectrode Arrays) et d'ultra micro-électrodes, permettant par lithographie sur 4 pouces d'offrir une large flexibilité de fabrication. Par exemple, parmi d'autres prototypes, des microélectrodes BDD ont été utilisées pour applications de biocapteurs pour quantifier l'acide urique en temps quasi-réel. Bien que le diamant possède une très bonne biocompatibilité et des propriétés électrochimiques excellentes, la faible relative capacité de double couche limite leur application pour des applications électrophysiologiques. Des procédés de nanostructuration ont ainsi été mis au point pour accroitre les limites d'injection de charge. Parmi les approches, des procédés hybrides à base de polypyrrole se sont révélés prometteurs, de même que des procédés de gravure pour former de la «nano-herbe» diamant, très intéressantes pour la fabrication de MEAs en BDD. Ces matériaux à fort rapport d'aspect apparaissent comme d'excellents candidats pour applications d'interfaces neuronales et notamment pour la fabrication d'implants rétiniens.STAR
Boron doped diamond (BDD) electrodes are extremely promising in the field of biomedical applications as they exhibit a unique combination of properties. The thesis aims at developing new types of BDD microelectrodes and exploring their interests for electro-analytical and electrophysiological applications. Despite their superior electro-analytical properties, BDD electrodes are prone to fouling, which leads to a loss of electrode reactivity when used in biological fluids such as urine, waste waters, drinks, blood plasma, etc. A novel electrochemical treatment was developed to clean the electrode surface and to retrieve the initial reactivity, thereby enabling the use of BDD electrodes to long periods of measurements without degradation of the signal, thus significantly extending the field of monitoring and surveying applications up to domains where continuous analysis is required. The real novelty of the technique is that it does not require the use of a specific media and thus can be directly performed in the probed (bio-)fluid. Microelectrodes in comparison with macro-electrodes offer higher sensitivity, lower background current, lower ohmic losses and higher signal-to-noise ratio. A robust, high-yield, reliable, and reproducible process for fabricating a thin-film BDD micro and ultra-microelectrode arrays (MEA) was developed using a novel lithographic technique, based on clean room processing on 4 inch substrates, thus offering wide flexibility. For example, among other prototypes, BDD microelectrodes were developed as biosensors to quantify uric acid in human urine in quasi-real time. Although diamond film possesses good biocompatibility and excellent electrochemical properties, the low double-layer capacitance limits its application in electrophysiological applications. Increasing the charge injection limit was investigated by surface modification and nano-structuring. These include the synthesis of hybrid diamond-polypyrrole electrodes and nanograss BDD MEAs. Such high aspect ratio materials appear as excellent candidates for neurointerfacing applications such as for retinal implants
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Coelho, Arianne Vallim Pinto [UNESP]. "Efeito da aplicação de filmes de carbono tipo diamante por plasma no destorque de pilares de implantes com conexões cônicas internas." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/123952.

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Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-17T19:34:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2014-08-07. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2015-06-18T12:48:55Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000826366.pdf: 2139319 bytes, checksum: 7c1587e5da8c47a208fed4769c228802 (MD5)
O estudo avaliou o efeito da aplicação de dois filmes de Carbono tipo Diamante por plasma no torque reverso dos pilares protéticos submetidos à ciclagem mecânica e analisou a adaptação do pilar e de suas roscas em relação ao implante, bem como a deformação gerada nas roscas dos pilares e nas roscas internas dos implantes. Para tal, foram utilizados 60 conjuntos de implantes de conexão cônica interna (CCI) de 11º e 8º e pilares de corpo único de titânio que foram divididos em seis grupos (n=10): GC-8 (controle) - CCI 8º sem tratamento; DLC-8 - CCI 8º com aplicação de filme de carbono tipo diamante (DLC); AgDLC-8 - CCI 8º com aplicação de filme de carbono tipo diamante dopado com nano partículas de prata (AgDLC); GC-11 (controle) - CCI 11º sem tratamento; DLC-11 - CCI 11º com aplicação de filme de carbono tipo diamante (DLC); AgDLC-11 - CCI 11º com aplicação de filme de carbono tipo diamante dopado com nano partículas de prata (AgDLC). Os filmes foram depositados por meio do processo de Deposição Química a Vapor Assistida por Plasma (PECVD). Os pilares receberam o aperto controlado por um dispositivo de controle de torque digital seguindo as recomendações do fabricante. O teste de fadiga foi conduzido seguindo os parâmetros especificados na norma ISO 14801 com uma carga de 120 Ncm a 2 Hz por 2 x 106 ciclos. Ao final dos ciclos, o valor de destorque dos pilares foi registrado. Análises por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) foram realizadas em três amostras de cada grupo, antes e após a ciclagem mecânica, para verificar se a adaptação do pilar (corpo e roscas) ao implante foi afetada pela aplicação dos filmes. A caracterização dos filmes foi realizada por meio de análises Tribológicas, bem como por Espectroscopia Raman e Espectrometria de Energia Dispersiva de Raios-X (EDS). Todos os grupos mostraram redução nos valores de torque reverso. O grupo DLC-8 foi o ùnico a apresentar...
This study evaluated the effect of the plasma deposition of two diamondlike carbon thin films (DLC) on the reverse torque and adaptation of prosthetic abutments after mechanical cycling. Sixty sets of 11º e 8º tapper connection implants (TCI) and titanium solid abutments were divided in six groups (n=10): GC-8 (control) - 8º TCI with no film deposition; DLC-8 - 8º TCI with DLC deposition; AgDLC-8 - 8º TCI with silver doped DLC (AgDLC); GC-11 (control) - 11º TCI with no film deposition; DLC-11 - 11º TCI with DLC deposition; AgDLC-11 -11º TCI with silver doped DLC (AgDLC); The films were deposited by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) process. The abutments were tightened with a controlled torque meter device following the manufacturer's recommendations. Mechanical cycling was carried out with a load of 120 Ncm during 2 x 106 cycles with a frequency of 2 Hz (ISO 14801). Afterwards, detorque was measured. Analyses with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) were conducted on three samples of each group before and after mechanical cycling in order to verify the adaptation of the abutments (body and threads). Tribology analyses, as well as Raman Spectroscopy and Energy-Dispersive X-rays Spectroscopy (SDS) analyses were performed for characterization of the different surface treatments. All groups demonstrated reduction of reverse torque values. DLC-8 was the only group that showed an increase on the average reverse torque values
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Coelho, Arianne Vallim Pinto. "Efeito da aplicação de filmes de carbono tipo diamante por plasma no destorque de pilares de implantes com conexões cônicas internas /." São José dos Campos, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/123952.

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Orientador: Lafayette Nogueira Júnior
Co-orientador: Argemiro Soares da Silva Sobrinho
Banca: Tarcisio José de Arruda Paes Junior
Banca: Paulo Abdalla Saad
Resumo: O estudo avaliou o efeito da aplicação de dois filmes de Carbono tipo Diamante por plasma no torque reverso dos pilares protéticos submetidos à ciclagem mecânica e analisou a adaptação do pilar e de suas roscas em relação ao implante, bem como a deformação gerada nas roscas dos pilares e nas roscas internas dos implantes. Para tal, foram utilizados 60 conjuntos de implantes de conexão cônica interna (CCI) de 11º e 8º e pilares de corpo único de titânio que foram divididos em seis grupos (n=10): GC-8 (controle) - CCI 8º sem tratamento; DLC-8 - CCI 8º com aplicação de filme de carbono tipo diamante (DLC); AgDLC-8 - CCI 8º com aplicação de filme de carbono tipo diamante dopado com nano partículas de prata (AgDLC); GC-11 (controle) - CCI 11º sem tratamento; DLC-11 - CCI 11º com aplicação de filme de carbono tipo diamante (DLC); AgDLC-11 - CCI 11º com aplicação de filme de carbono tipo diamante dopado com nano partículas de prata (AgDLC). Os filmes foram depositados por meio do processo de Deposição Química a Vapor Assistida por Plasma (PECVD). Os pilares receberam o aperto controlado por um dispositivo de controle de torque digital seguindo as recomendações do fabricante. O teste de fadiga foi conduzido seguindo os parâmetros especificados na norma ISO 14801 com uma carga de 120 Ncm a 2 Hz por 2 x 106 ciclos. Ao final dos ciclos, o valor de destorque dos pilares foi registrado. Análises por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) foram realizadas em três amostras de cada grupo, antes e após a ciclagem mecânica, para verificar se a adaptação do pilar (corpo e roscas) ao implante foi afetada pela aplicação dos filmes. A caracterização dos filmes foi realizada por meio de análises Tribológicas, bem como por Espectroscopia Raman e Espectrometria de Energia Dispersiva de Raios-X (EDS). Todos os grupos mostraram redução nos valores de torque reverso. O grupo DLC-8 foi o ùnico a apresentar...
Abstract: This study evaluated the effect of the plasma deposition of two diamondlike carbon thin films (DLC) on the reverse torque and adaptation of prosthetic abutments after mechanical cycling. Sixty sets of 11º e 8º tapper connection implants (TCI) and titanium solid abutments were divided in six groups (n=10): GC-8 (control) - 8º TCI with no film deposition; DLC-8 - 8º TCI with DLC deposition; AgDLC-8 - 8º TCI with silver doped DLC (AgDLC); GC-11 (control) - 11º TCI with no film deposition; DLC-11 - 11º TCI with DLC deposition; AgDLC-11 -11º TCI with silver doped DLC (AgDLC); The films were deposited by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) process. The abutments were tightened with a controlled torque meter device following the manufacturer's recommendations. Mechanical cycling was carried out with a load of 120 Ncm during 2 x 106 cycles with a frequency of 2 Hz (ISO 14801). Afterwards, detorque was measured. Analyses with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) were conducted on three samples of each group before and after mechanical cycling in order to verify the adaptation of the abutments (body and threads). Tribology analyses, as well as Raman Spectroscopy and Energy-Dispersive X-rays Spectroscopy (SDS) analyses were performed for characterization of the different surface treatments. All groups demonstrated reduction of reverse torque values. DLC-8 was the only group that showed an increase on the average reverse torque values
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Diez, Juliana Socas Vanoni. "Influência de parafusos recobertos com Diamond-like carbon (DLC) na interface pilar UCLA/implante." Universidade de Taubaté, 2009. http://www.bdtd.unitau.br/tedesimplificado/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=442.

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Objetivo: Avaliar a interface pilar protético/implante e o destorque, quando utilizados parafusos recobertos com Diamond-like carbon (DLC) e parafusos convencionais de titânio para fixação dos componentes protéticos, antes e após ação de carga cíclica. Posteriormente, avaliar a correlação entre o desajuste vertical da interface pilar UCLAimplante e o destorque dos parafusos dos pilares. Método: Trinta e seis implantes foram divididos em quatro grupos de acordo com o tipo de conexão (hexágono externo e interno) e do parafuso utilizado para fixar o pilar ao implante (titânio ou recoberto com DLC), ou seja: Grupo A: hexágono externo/parafuso titânio; Grupo B: hexágono externo/parafuso recoberto com DLC; Grupo C: hexágono interno/parafuso titânio;Grupo D: hexágono interno/parafuso recoberto com DLC. Após os implantes terem sido incluídos em resina acrílica incolor, coroas foram enceradas sobre pilares UCLA, fundidas com liga metálica de Ni-Cr-Ti e parafusadas aos implantes com aplicação do torque recomendado pelo fabricante. Em seguida, as interfaces pilar/implante foram mensuradas, em microscópio de luz, em quatro pontos de cada amostra (DV1). Após as amostras terem sido submetidas a um milhão de ciclos mecânicos, as interfaces foram novamente mensuradas (DV2). Para comparar os valores médios, intra e intergrupos, das interfaces pilar/implante, da diferença entre os mesmos e os valores de destorque, os dados foram submetidos à Análise de Variância, ao teste t de Student e ao teste de Mann Whitney (p≤0,05). E para a correlação entre os fatores estudados, os resultados foram submetidos ao teste de correlação de Pearson (p≤0,05). Resultados: Os implantes com hexágono externo apresentaram os maiores valores de desajuste vertical pilar UCLA/implante antes (DV1) e após (DV2) ciclagem mecânica (GA/DV1 = 59,81μm e GA/DV2 = 62,59μm, GB/DV1 = 73,73μm e GB/DV2 = 72,95μm). Nos grupos onde foram utilizados parafusos de titânio foi observado aumento dos valores da interface pilar/implante de DV1 para DV2 (GA = de 59.81μm para 62.50μm e GC = de 18.13μm para 22.54μm). Nos grupos onde foram utilizados parafusos de DLC foi evidenciada redução dos valores da interface pilar/implante de DV1 para DV2 (GB = de 73.73μm para 72.95μm e GD = de 16.07μm para 14.47μm. Somente o GC apresentou diferença significativa entre os valores mensurados na interface pilar/implante antes e após o carregamento cíclico (p=0,05). Para correlacionar os valores de destorque aos valores das interfaces pilar/implante, foi aplicado o teste de correlação de Pearson, porém não foi verificada diferença significativa entre os fatores estudados (p˃0,05). Conclusões: As interfaces pilar UCLA/implante foram maiores nos grupos com hexágono externo que nos grupos com hexágono interno, porém sem diferença significativa quando utilizados parafusos de titânio ou revestidos com DLC. Houve perda de torque após carga cíclica em todos os grupos. Não é possível afirmar que um maior valor de interface pilar/implante esteja correlacionado com o desaperto do parafuso.
Purpose: To evaluate the interface abutment/implant, and the loosening screws values when used screws with Diamond-like carbon (DLC) coated and conventional titanium screws for fixation of prosthetic components, before and after action of cyclic loading. After, to evaluate the connections between the values of interface abutment UCLA/implant and loosening screw. Method: Thirty six implants were divided into four groups according to the type connection (external hexagon and internal hexagon) and screw used to fix the abutment to the implant (titanium or coated with DLC): Group A: external hexagon / titanium screw; Group B: external hexagon / DLC screw; Group C: internal hexagon / titanium screw; Group D: internal hexagon / DLC screw. After the implants were included in colorless acrylic resin, crowns were waxed using UCLA type abutment, casting with metal alloy of Ni-Cr-Ti and screwed to the implants using the torque recommended by the manufacturer. Then the interfaces pillar/implant were measured with light microscope in four pre-marked points (DV1). After the sets (implant, crown and screw) were subjected to one million mechanical cycles and the interfaces measured again (DV2). Analysis of Variance, Test t Student and test Mann Whitney (p≤0,05) were applied to compare the average to the interfaces abutment/implant intra and intergroup, the difference between the same and the loosening screws values. And to evaluate the correlated between the factors studying, the Pearsons correlation test (p≤0,05). Results: The implants with external hexagon exhibited the higher values of the vertical misfit pillar UCLA/implant before (DV1) and after (DV2) cyclic loading (GA/DV1 = 59,81μm e GA/DV2 = 62,59μm, GB/DV1 = 73,73μm e GB/DV2 = 72,95μm). In groups of titanium shows screws there was an increase in interface abutment/implant after cyclic loading (GA = 59,81μm to 62,50μm and GC = 18,13μm to 22,54μm) and in groups with DLC coated screws there was a reduction the values of interface abutment/implant (GB = 73,73μm to 72,95μm and GD = 16,07μm to 14,47μm). Only group C showed a statistically significant difference to the interface abutment/implant before and after cyclic loading (p = 0.05) exhibited mean values and differences between the interfaces pillar/implant. To correlate the values of loosening to the values of pillar interfaces/implant was applied the Pearsons correlation test, but there was no significance among the studied factors (p ˃ 0.05). Conclusions: The interfaces pillar UCLA/implant were higher in groups with external hexagon connection those in groups with internal hexagon, but without significant differences when use titanium screws or coated with DLC. Always screws loosed torque after cycling load. Is not possible to affirm that a higher value of interface abutment/implant be correlated with the loosening screw.
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Maquera, Huacho Patricia Milagros [UNESP]. "Carbono tipo diamante em componentes de implantes dentários: avaliação das propriedades antimicrobianas e de adesão de Escherichia coli." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/124089.

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Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-17T19:34:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2014-03-13. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2015-06-18T12:47:03Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000830189_20170313.pdf: 149660 bytes, checksum: 52524b576bd709ce5dfcdfd29e55bc0a (MD5) Bitstreams deleted on 2017-03-17T12:38:06Z: 000830189_20170313.pdf,. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2017-03-17T12:39:07Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000830189.pdf: 425234 bytes, checksum: 5b7c2d176991ced4133234bd3048be4d (MD5)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O estudo de filmes de Carbono tipo Diamante é objeto de pesquisas devido às suas diferentes propriedades incluindo propriedades antibacterianas. No tratamento reabilitador com implantes, podem ocorrer complicações, proporcionando a infiltração de microrganismos orais para a interface Implante-Componente protético. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar propriedades de molhabilidade e energia livre de superfície a partir dos valores do ângulo de contato; propriedades antimicrobiana, de bioadesão e citotoxicidade de discos de titânio recobertos com DLC. Escherichia coli foi mantida em meio BHI a 37ºC por 3 h e 24 h para teste antimicrobiano. Para adesão, os discos foram mantidos em cultura de E. coli por 90 minutos a 37ºC e 20 minutos em ultrassom. A capacidade de prevenção na migração de bactérias para o interior da interface Implante-Componente protético foi realizado em implantes Hexágono Externo, conectados com torque de 32N e deixados em contato com E. coli por 24h, e Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase semi-quantitativo foi realizado para confirmação da esterilidade da técnica. Foram quantificados em UFC/mL em BHI Ágar para o teste antimicrobiano, adesão e infiltração bacteriana. Para citotoxicidade foi utilizado queratinócitos humanos (HaCat) cultivados em meio DMEM mantidos em atmosfera com 5% de CO2 a 37°C e avaliados pelo teste colorimétrico MTT. Os resultados de molhabilidade, teste antimicrobiano, teste de adesão e Infiltração bacteriana não apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos. As superfícies de titânio e recobertas com DLC apresentaram uma leve diminuição na viabilidade celular com diferença estatisticamente significante ao grupo controle. O DLC apresenta-se como material biocompatível com leve grau de citotoxicidade que não modifica as propriedades de superfície, não apresenta propriedades antimicrobianas... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The study of DLC films is the subject of research due to their different properties including antibacterial properties. Rehabilitator in implant treatment, complications may occur, providing the infiltration of oral microorganisms for implant- abutmente interface. The aim of this study was to evaluate properties and wetting surface free energy from the values of the contact angle; antimicrobial properties bioadhesion and cytotoxicity of titanium discs coated with DLC. Escherichia coli was maintained on BHI at 37 ° C for 3 h and 24 h for antimicrobial test. For adhesion test, the discs were maintained in culture of E. coli for 90 minutes at 37 ° C and 20 minutes inside ultrasound. The ability to prevent the migration of bacteria into the implant - abutment interface was performed in dental implants External Hexagon connected with a torque of 32N and left in contact with E. coli for 24 h , and Polymerase Chain Reaction semi -quantitative was performed to confirm the sterility of the technique. Were quantified in CFU / ml in BHI agar for antimicrobial test, bacterial adhesion and infiltration. Cytotoxicity was performed using human keratinocytes ( HaCaT ) cultured in DMEM maintained in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 at 37 ° C and evaluated by the MTT colorimetric assay. The results of wettability, antimicrobial test, adhesion test and bacterial infiltration showed no statistically significant difference between the test groups. The surfaces of titanium and coated with DLC showed a slight decrease in cell viability with a statistically significant difference to the control group. The DLC is presented as biocompatible material with mild cytotoxicity without changing the surface properties, has no antimicrobial properties, does not interfere with bacterial adherence for E. coli and do not inhibit bacterial infiltration into the implant-abutment interface.
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Maquera, Huacho Patricia Milagros. "Carbono tipo diamante em componentes de implantes dentários: avaliação das propriedades antimicrobianas e de adesão de Escherichia coli /." Araraquara, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/124089.

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Orientador: Denise Madalena Palomari Spolidorio
Banca: Luis Geraldo Vaz
Banca: Rafael Silveira Faeda
Resumo: O estudo de filmes de Carbono tipo Diamante é objeto de pesquisas devido às suas diferentes propriedades incluindo propriedades antibacterianas. No tratamento reabilitador com implantes, podem ocorrer complicações, proporcionando a infiltração de microrganismos orais para a interface Implante-Componente protético. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar propriedades de molhabilidade e energia livre de superfície a partir dos valores do ângulo de contato; propriedades antimicrobiana, de bioadesão e citotoxicidade de discos de titânio recobertos com DLC. Escherichia coli foi mantida em meio BHI a 37ºC por 3 h e 24 h para teste antimicrobiano. Para adesão, os discos foram mantidos em cultura de E. coli por 90 minutos a 37ºC e 20 minutos em ultrassom. A capacidade de prevenção na migração de bactérias para o interior da interface Implante-Componente protético foi realizado em implantes Hexágono Externo, conectados com torque de 32N e deixados em contato com E. coli por 24h, e Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase semi-quantitativo foi realizado para confirmação da esterilidade da técnica. Foram quantificados em UFC/mL em BHI Ágar para o teste antimicrobiano, adesão e infiltração bacteriana. Para citotoxicidade foi utilizado queratinócitos humanos (HaCat) cultivados em meio DMEM mantidos em atmosfera com 5% de CO2 a 37°C e avaliados pelo teste colorimétrico MTT. Os resultados de molhabilidade, teste antimicrobiano, teste de adesão e Infiltração bacteriana não apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos. As superfícies de titânio e recobertas com DLC apresentaram uma leve diminuição na viabilidade celular com diferença estatisticamente significante ao grupo controle. O DLC apresenta-se como material biocompatível com leve grau de citotoxicidade que não modifica as propriedades de superfície, não apresenta propriedades antimicrobianas... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Abstract: The study of DLC films is the subject of research due to their different properties including antibacterial properties. Rehabilitator in implant treatment, complications may occur, providing the infiltration of oral microorganisms for implant- abutmente interface. The aim of this study was to evaluate properties and wetting surface free energy from the values of the contact angle; antimicrobial properties bioadhesion and cytotoxicity of titanium discs coated with DLC. Escherichia coli was maintained on BHI at 37 ° C for 3 h and 24 h for antimicrobial test. For adhesion test, the discs were maintained in culture of E. coli for 90 minutes at 37 ° C and 20 minutes inside ultrasound. The ability to prevent the migration of bacteria into the implant - abutment interface was performed in dental implants External Hexagon connected with a torque of 32N and left in contact with E. coli for 24 h, and Polymerase Chain Reaction semi -quantitative was performed to confirm the sterility of the technique. Were quantified in CFU / ml in BHI agar for antimicrobial test, bacterial adhesion and infiltration. Cytotoxicity was performed using human keratinocytes ( HaCaT ) cultured in DMEM maintained in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 at 37 ° C and evaluated by the MTT colorimetric assay. The results of wettability, antimicrobial test, adhesion test and bacterial infiltration showed no statistically significant difference between the test groups. The surfaces of titanium and coated with DLC showed a slight decrease in cell viability with a statistically significant difference to the control group. The DLC is presented as biocompatible material with mild cytotoxicity without changing the surface properties, has no antimicrobial properties, does not interfere with bacterial adherence for E. coli and do not inhibit bacterial infiltration into the implant-abutment interface.
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Aborass, Marwa A. EL-Mehde. "Effect of diamond-like carbon coating on implant drill wear during implant site preparation." University of the Western Cape, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/11394/6306.

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Magister Chirurgiae Dentium
Dental implants are artificial fixtures that are surgically inserted into the jaws to replace missing teeth. The success of dental implant treatment is dependent on achieving successful osseointegration (Branemark et al. 2001). Drills used for implant site preparation are made of different materials such as stainless steel (SS), zirconia and ceramic. Most of them do not have sufficient cutting efficiency and wear resistance (Oliveira et al. 2012). Recently diamond-like carbon coating (DLC) has been added as a drill coating to increase the cutting efficiency, increase wear resistance and drill hardness (Batista Mends et al. 2014).
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Книги з теми "Diamant implanté"


Kazuhisa, Miyoshi, and Langley Research Center, eds. Physical and tribological characteristics of ion-implanted diamond films. Hampton, Va: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center, 1994.

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Miyoshi, Kazuhisa. Friction and wear properties of as-deposited and carbon ion-implanted diamond films. [Washington, D.C: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1996.

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Miyoshi, Kazuhisa. Friction and wear properties of as-deposited and carbon ion-implanted diamond films. Cleveland, Ohio: Lewis Research Center, 1994.

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Auciello, Orlando. Biocompatible Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Coating for Next Generation Medical Devices and Implants. University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, 2022.

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Auciello, Orlando, ed. Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Coatings for Next-Generation High-Tech and Medical Devices. Cambridge University Press, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/9781316105177.

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A comprehensive guide to the science of a transformational ultrananocrystalline-diamond (UNCDTM) thin film technology enabling a new generation of high-tech and external and implantable medical devices. Edited and co-authored by a co-originator and pioneer in the field, it describes the synthesis and material properties of UNCDTM coatings and multifunctional oxide/nitride thin films and nanoparticles, and how these technologies can be integrated into the development of implantable and external medical devices and treatments of human biological conditions. Bringing together contributions from experts around the world, it covers a range of clinical applications, including ocular implants, glaucoma treatment devices, implantable prostheses, scaffolds for stem cell growth and differentiation, Li-ion batteries for defibrillators and pacemakers, and drug delivery and sensor devices. Technology transfer and regulatory issues are also covered. This is essential reading for researchers, engineers and practitioners in the field of high-tech and medical device technologies across materials science and biomedical engineering.
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Частини книг з теми "Diamant implanté"


Bharuth-Ram, K., D. Naidoo, and G. Klingelhöfer. "57Fe Implanted in Diamond." In Mössbauer Spectroscopy in Materials Science, 79–86. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1999. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-011-4548-0_8.

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Bharuth-Ram, K., D. Naidoo, G. Klingelhöfer, and J. E. Butler. "CEMS Study of 57Fe Implanted in Diamond." In Hyperfine Interactions (C), 111–14. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-010-0281-3_28.

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Lawson, T. R., S. A. Catledge, and Yogesh K. Vohra. "Nanostructured Diamond Coated CoCrMo Alloys for Use in Biomedical Implants." In Bioceramics 17, 1015–18. Stafa: Trans Tech Publications Ltd., 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/0-87849-961-x.1015.

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Pan, Yicheng Peter, Jarlen Don, Tsuchin Philip Chu, and Ajay Mahajan. "Influence of Diamond-like Carbon Coatings on the Fatigue Behavior of Spinal Implant Rod." In Time Dependent Constitutive Behavior and Fracture/Failure Processes, Volume 3, 383–89. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-9794-4_53.

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Rubanov, S., B. A. Fairchild, A. Suvorova, P. Olivero, and S. Prawer. "Conventional and Analytical Electron Microscopy Study of Phase Transformation in Implanted Diamond Layers." In Proceedings of the 8th Pacific Rim International Congress on Advanced Materials and Processing, 3363–69. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-48764-9_416.

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Miyagawa, Shingo, Tomoyuki Suzuki, Takahiro Kudo, and Masataka Satoh. "Encapsulating Annealing of N+ Implanted 4H-SiC by Diamond-Like-Carbon Film." In Materials Science Forum, 583–86. Stafa: Trans Tech Publications Ltd., 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/0-87849-442-1.583.

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Uzumaki, E. T., C. S. Lambert, W. D. Belangero, and Cecília A. C. Zavaglia. "Biocompatibility of Titanium Based Implants with Diamond-Like Carbon Coatings Produced by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition." In Bioceramics 20, 677–80. Stafa: Trans Tech Publications Ltd., 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/0-87849-457-x.677.

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Kumar, Rakesh, Pradeep Kumar, Arvind Kumar, and Jatinder Kumar. "Overview of Corrosion in Medical Devices and Detection Methods." In Thermal Spray Coatings: Materials, Techniques & Applications, 159–93. BENTHAM SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/9789815223552124010009.

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Corrosion is a major issue that can cause implant failure, leading to adverse reactions in the surrounding tissue and sometimes causing systemic complications. Several researchers are currently exploring ways to enhance the corrosion resistance of orthopedic implants, which is essential to improve their performance and longevity. The most common strategies used to enhance the corrosion resistance of orthopedic implants are selecting corrosion-resistant materials, surface treatments, coatings, and improved implant design. Surface treatments, such as passivation, anodization, and micro-arc oxidation, can also create a thin oxide layer on the surface of implants to act as a barrier against corrosion. Coatings (hydroxyapatite, diamond-like carbon, metal oxide coatings) and good implant design can also be used to provide a protective barrier and alter the surface chemistry. Further research can be focused on developing new materials and surface treatments that are more corrosion-resistant, as well as advanced implant designs that can minimize stress concentrations and enhance load distribution. By implementing these strategies, orthopedic implants can provide better treatment for patients with a higher level of safety and efficacy. This chapter mainly focuses on corrosion types, causes, merits, demerits, corrosion detection methods and remedial actions.
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Burchard, A., M. Restle, M. Deicher, H. Hofsäss, S. G. Jahn, Th König, R. Magerle, W. Pfeiffer, and U. Wahl. "Microscopic characterization of heavy-ion implanted diamond." In Wide-Band-Gap Semiconductors, 150–53. Elsevier, 1993. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-444-81573-6.50024-4.

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Jamieson, D. N., S. Prawer, K. W. Nugent, and S. P. Dooley. "Cross-sectional Raman microscopy of MeV implanted diamond." In Ion Beam Modification of Materials, 641–45. Elsevier, 1996. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-444-82334-2.50119-2.

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Тези доповідей конференцій з теми "Diamant implanté"


Revesz, Stephen M., Adolfo Misiara, John B. S. Abraham, Edward S. Bielejec, Hebin Li, and Michael Titze. "Negative Thermal Expansion in Diamond Probed using the Zero-Phonon Line of Silicon Vacancy Color Centers." In CLEO: Fundamental Science, FM3F.5. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/cleo_fs.2024.fm3f.5.

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We probed the negative thermal expansion of diamond via optical detection of ion beam implanted charged silicon vacancy centers and demonstrate optical stability across 5 orders of magnitude implantation fluence.
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Das, Arunava, Sounak Mukherjee, Zi-Huai Zhang, Andrew M. Edmonds, Nicola Palmer, Rajesh Patel, Matthew L. Markham, and Nathalie P. de Leon. "Optimizing Fermi Level Engineering for Single Neutral Silicon Vacancy Centers in Diamond." In CLEO: Fundamental Science, FM3F.6. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/cleo_fs.2024.fm3f.6.

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We use Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and photoluminescence spectroscopy to characterize boron and nitrogen concentrations needed for the stabilization of neutral silicon vacancy centers (SiV0) in Si-implanted diamonds co-doped with boron and nitrogen.
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Amerinatanzi, Amirhesam, Narges Shayesteh Moghaddam, Hamdy Ibrahim, and Mohammad Elahinia. "The Effect of Porosity Type on the Mechanical Performance of Porous NiTi Bone Implants." In ASME 2016 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/smasis2016-9293.

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NiTi has been shown to be of great interest for bone implant applications. Introducing porosity to NiTi bone implants is an effective technique to tune their equivalent modulus of elasticity in order to acquire similar value to that of cortical bone. Moreover, such porous implants allow for better tissue ingrowth due to the interconnecting open pore structure. The effect of porosity percentage on the NiTi equivalent modulus of elasticity is well understood. However, the effect of porosity type on NiTi bone implant’s performance, in terms of the geometrical structure and other mechanical properties, has not yet been investigated. To this end, we simulated three porous structures made of shape memory Ti-rich Ni50.09Ti alloy. The effect of porosity type on the NiTi implant’s geometrical structure and mechanical properties was studied using numerical tests. The purpose is to compare three NiTi implants with different kinds of porosities, at a similar level of porosity (i.e., 69 %). The assigned porosity types in this study are Schwartz-type, Gyroid-type, and Diamond-type. Three triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) models (9mm×9mm×9mm) with the assigned fixed level of porosity (69 %) were designed as CAD files using Solidworks. Each model was meshed, and the convergence study was conducted. The three models were then imported into a finite element package (ABAQUS). A UMAT code developed by IUT (Isfahan University of Technology) group was used to simulate the mechanical behavior of the shape memory NiTi alloy. All boundary conditions and loading conditions were applied to the models. Compressive mechanical tests were simulated in the finite element, and the resultant equivalent modulus of elasticity, elongations, stress, and strain was estimated. The results show anisotropic behavior within the three different porous structures. With the same level of porosity (i.e., 69 %), equivalent modulus of elasticity was observed to be 48.9, 34.8, and 30.2 GPa for Schwartz-type, Gyroid-type, and Diamond-type, respectively. Moreover, the Schwartz-type scaffold was seen to offer the highest stress at plateau start and the lowest residual strain after unloading, in comparison with the other two types of structure.
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Saleh Ziabari, Maziar, Jacob Henshaw, Pauli Kehayias, Michael Titze, Edward Bielejec, Nate Ristoff, Zaili Peng, Victor Acosta, Michael Lilly, and Andrew Mounce. "Optimization of shallow surface NV yield with Hot Implant of N-Implanted Diamond." In Proposed for presentation at the March Meeting held March 14-18, 2022 in Chicago, IL United States. US DOE, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/2001949.

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Khmelnitskiy, R. A., V. A. Dravin, S. D. Tkachenko, and A. A. Gippius. "Optical characterization of graphitized layers in ion-implanted diamond." In Lasers in Synthesis, Characterization, and Processing of Diamond, edited by Vitali I. Konov and Victor G. Ralchenko. SPIE, 1998. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.328208.

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Avila, J., K. Falcón, C. Bonilla, A. Córdova, P. Tirado, M. Gallardo, C. González, and O. Auciello. "Evaluaciónin vitro De La Biocompatibilidad De Diamante Ultrananocristalino Crecido Sobre Zafiro Como Material Potencial Para Implantes Oculares." In XLI Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Biomédica. Sociedad Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.24254/cnib.18.59.

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Los dispositivos microelectrónicos implantables en retina, se han ido mejorando a lo largo de los años, a manera de resolver la problemática que se presenta por el uso de componentes susceptibles a la corrosión química, que es ocasionada por los fluidos oculares, por lo que se ha buscado el empleo de materiales resistentes a tal corrosión y altamente biocompatibles. En este proyecto se evaluó la biocompatibilidad de una película delgada hidrofílica de Diamante Ultrananocristalino (UNCD), crecida sobre un sustrato de zafiro, como potencial implante ocular. Para esto se evaluó la viabilidad y apoptosis de células de epitelio pigmentario de la retina (línea celular ARPE-19) por el ensayo de reducción de MTT y citometría de flujo, respectivamente. Los análisis realizados sugieren una adhesión y crecimiento celular sobre la película de UNCD, así como viabilidad celular y proporciones bajas de necrosis en presencia del material. Los resultados aquí obtenidos marcan una pauta para continuar con el desarrollo de futuros implantes oculares recubiertos con UNCD, no obstante, posteriores evaluaciones y estandarizaciones tanto en el crecimiento de la película de UNCD, así como en el cultivo celular, deberán ser realizadas.
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Pimenov, Sergej M., Vitaliy V. Kononenko, Taras V. Kononenko, Vitali I. Konov, Pascal Fischer, Valerio Romano, Heinz P. Weber, A. V. Khomich, and R. A. Khmelnitskiy. "Laser annealing of ion-implanted diamond." In SPIE Proceedings, edited by Heinz P. Weber, Vitali I. Konov, and Thomas Graf. SPIE, 2003. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.537498.

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"Emission Property of Nitrogen Implanted Diamond." In 10th International Conference on Vacuum Microelectronics. IEEE, 1997. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ivmc.1997.627679.

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Galkina, T. I., A. Y. Klokov, R. A. Khmelnitskiy, A. I. Sharkov, V. A. Dravin, and A. A. Gippius. "Generation of acoustic phonons in diamond by laser excitation of the buried implanted layer." In Lasers in Synthesis, Characterization, and Processing of Diamond, edited by Vitali I. Konov and Victor G. Ralchenko. SPIE, 1998. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.328210.

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Granek, Arkadiusz, Madej Monika, and Dariusz Ozimina. "Diamond-like carbon films for use in medical implants." In XIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ELECTROMACHINING 2018. Author(s), 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.5056269.

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