Дисертації з теми "Culture de la jeunesse"
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Johansson, Thomas Miegel Fredrik. "Do the right thing : lifestyle and identity in contemporary youth culture /." Stockholm : Almqvist och Wiksell, 1992. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb355880115.
Повний текст джерелаMichon, Bruno. "La culture religieuse des adolescents en France et en Allemagne : des connaissances aux défis de l'exculturation, de la popularisation et de l'altérité." Strasbourg, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011STRA1030.
Повний текст джерелаIn this work I aim at understanding the broad consensus on the topos of “the loss of religious knowledge among French teenagers”. The research begins with an historical study on this topos. Then, I discuss the issue of the modality of construction, among French and German teenagers, of a "stock of knowledge" about religion. Thanks to a qualitative and quantitative study conducted by means of phenomenological oriented sociology, I have studied the individual knowledge on five different religions : Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism. This research brings to light that informal knowledge (medium, peers group) plays a more effective role than formal knowledge (school, family) in the teenagers contructed ideas about religion, and that this phenomenon works for French teenagers as well as for the Germans. Further, this work reveals the importance of a situation of religious plurality for the acquisition of knowledge about religion. Lastly, I have tried to understand the phenomenon of exculturation (the dissociation of the French and German mainstream culture from Christianity) with the help of the concept of popularization (dissolution of the boundaries between religiously marked and unmarked communication)
Cléret, Baptiste. "Approches contextualisées des comportements de consommation culturelle des jeunes : regards ethnographiques sur le rap et l'Electrodance." Rouen, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011ROUED004.
Повний текст джерелаInspired by the Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) this doctoral research brings enlightenments on youth cultural consumption behavior in a contextualized approach, using the Cultural Studies framework. Ethnography of two cultural movements, Rap and Electrodance, explores youth's cultural collective practices, while taking into account existing relations between these young consumers and their social and cultural environment. The manual and computer assisted analysis of field data brings to the foreground a chronomogical and structural reading grid allowing the understanding of both youth consumption practices and cultural movement evolution, of which youths are both members and promoters. Results show how youth cultural consumption structures itself around a stylistic set. Style embodies the visible part of youth movements, compared to any other consumer collectives, through which young consumers express resistance or differentiation from outsiders, whether it is dominant culture, parental culture or other movements. By adapting the cultural meaning transfer framework to young consumers, this work reveals reciprocal influence between cultural movement young members and their environment. In fact, even though the young consumer is still influenced by his (or her) social and cultural frame he grows up, he is also a "sense-builder" whose practices and sense-making influences back the social and cultural frame. Beyond being a consumption prescriber in the familu, a customer and a budding consumer, youth embodies a creative actor and a culture producer
Arnichand, Jean-François. "Représentations et ontologie de la jeunesse." Aix-Marseille 1, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991AIX10007.
Повний текст джерелаThrough the analysis of youth, a new social order appears to us : is there a "young way of life" ? the first part of this work is an interrogation about different approaches of "being young", permanences and changings of social and sociological discourses about youth. Young are an esthetic reality. We try to compare "youth culture" with "popular-culture" and "mass-culture" in a second part. The third part is more specifically about youth and music : different ways of feeling music in different spaces (home, concert) even for the same individual
Fort, Sylvain. "La culture française de Friedrich Schiller : la période des drames de jeunesse." Paris 4, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA040113.
Повний текст джерелаTinat, Karine. "Identité et culture d'un groupe juvénile urbain : les pijos de Madrid : ouverture théorique et approche de terrain." Dijon, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002DIJOL027.
Повний текст джерелаAfter four decades of pro-Franco dictatorship, Spain experienced a real rebirth of cultural and urban styles during the 80s. These styles were connected to an explosive and festive movement : La Movida. This last reached its end 10 years ago. Nevertheless, nowadays a few youth urban groups can be pointed out in Spanish society. This study considers one of these called " the pijos ". This pejorative appellation which can be translated as " preppies " leads to stereotypes and caricatures. According to the media, the main values of these young people are centered on brands, leisure activities and luxury goods. From semiotic and anthropological points of view, and from questionnaires and participant observation, the study analyses the social identity construction of the pijos in Madrid, life style process in the urban space. Among other places, it explores cafeterias, law faculties, night clubs in order to describe this group's cultural reality through rituals, codes, esthetic behaviors
Eskin, Mehmet. "Suicidal behavior in Swedish and Turkish adolescents : a cross-cultural investigation of prevalence and psychosocial factors /." Stockholm : Stockholm university, 1995. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb35821350g.
Повний текст джерелаRumeau, David. "Formes et imaginaire de la fracture générationnelle. De la violence diffuse de la société à la rage de vivre juvénile." Montpellier 3, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008MON30056.
Повний текст джерелаAfter the years 60 s & 70 s, after the time of the time of the big economical & social modifications, the cultural explosions, the evolution of custums, the improbable. . . The 80 s we caracterized by a reversal of the way of behaving, to be, to think of the youth. So, these years embody a determining date which corresponds to the end of time (any possible) and beginning of this other world (the agonie) which is our. That we attended the emergence of a new tribe of young rebels and that took place the sliding of the revolt towards the destruction, the passive nihilism, the presenteisme. . . This revolt joins with the framework of the industrial economic, political strife launched by this born piece of the young the 60 s against the system. The rock by means of its diverse trajectories and of its symbols, offer us a voice privileged to the interpretation of led young current in approach of the phenomena which testify of the degradation and the institutionalization of the revolt and the emancipation fumes there to live. Today, the revolt, that it was spectacular or subterranean, shous it self in a deserving and violent way. The one who we interlook caracterice by an attempt to transform self-destruction and average risk, of emancipation, or of rebellion. Because it implies and explains this gestation of “a new wisdom”, but especially, obliged us to wonder about the place which leaves our society with its youth. The self destruction, the excessive gout of the risk, the suicidal behaviour, are commit suicide occasional and progressive whitch coutain as the suicide an inflexible message. The suicide means not only the shout of the despair in front of indomnitable suffering, nor the risk, the testymony of one freedom from care, of the limit stade, or the incapacity to be happy. It’s so about is it shape, the ultimate movement of revolt, the radical expression of the anger and the negation; an exit at the same moment in the revolt&in the resignation. The slow surrender , this walking towards the death which, include the temporary collection of reassurance and enjoyment, isn’t revealing of instinct of death. It doesn’t express a desire to die but the incapacity to live in a singular context. And every disappearance carries in it a condemnation of survivors and denounces the “vulgarity” of the capacity and the will been incensed to live as “fishes of blind caves”
Quioc, Marianne. "Les pratiques et consommations culturelles des enfants et jeunes adolescents (6-14 ans)." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2002. http://www.enssib.fr/bibliotheque/documents/dessid/rrbquioc.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаEloy, Florence. "Apprendre à écouter la musique : culture légitime, culture scolaire et cultures juvéniles." Paris, EHESS, 2012. https://acces.bibliotheque-diderot.fr/login?url=http://www.cairn.info/enseigner-la-musique-au-college--9782130625551.htm.
Повний текст джерелаThis research explores the connections between legitimate culture, school culture, and youth cultures, drawing on the study of music education in middle and high school, a case study that might appear as a "small object" at first sight. Yet my research emphasizes the ever changing relationships between three forms of culture delineated above. Though Bourdieu and Passeron have analyzed the elective affinities between school culture and legitimate culture, many recent works have emphasized in contrast how school curricula are currently changing in order to incorporate the daily and profane experiences of students. In parallel, observers have noted a decline in the consensus over the classical canon to be taught to the students. Within this larger trend, the case of music is particularly interesting since music education is a dominated discipline within school curricula, but also on of the disciplines where teachers make particular efforts to incorporate the profane experiences of students. Hence, it affords a better understanding of the tensions between youth cultures and school culture, in the broader context of the diversification of cultural repertoires gradually integrated in the curriculum. More specifically, my research relies on several types of data : an analysis of the programs of musical education since 1938, observations and interviews conducted with middle and high school students and their teachers, and a quantitive analysis of the survey of the French Ministère de la Culture on the cultural universes of youths. My analysis documents the shifting of cultural hierarchies with the emergence of the norm of "enlightened eclecticism"
Reynier, Florence. "Les usages des services multimédia mobiles : enquête auprès des 18-25 ans." Grenoble 3, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006GRE39034.
Повний текст джерелаTraining in multimedia mobile services use amongst the young is based on a complex process concerning the bringing together of technological innovation along with social innovation. The youth are characterized by their cultural and social activities, more homogeneous than the activities of the rest of the population, even if some differences are a result of social criteria. The technological evolutions of the mobile telephone provoke the emergence of multimedia services, but also for the possiblity of the convergence offered by the numeric, which is held back by the user logic and companies financially touched in this domain. Thus, we have envisioned the training process of mobile multimedia use according to two perspectives: the offer along with the strategies of the multimedia mobile professionals, the use and even larger, to the activities of the youth, which has been brought to light by the data carried out in the study of 18 to 25 year-olds. The training processes of the usage in multimedia mobile services concerning the young, appear to be well organised in correspondence to certain evolutions concerning the relationship between the multimedia mobile companies and the users (the placement of service offers on the homepage and the opening up of production on demand), with the evolution of cultural and social activities of the youth (the use of multimedia communication, social activities and individual production), along with the informational, communicational and cultural use of multimedia mobile services
González, Castillo Eduardo. "Jeunesse, activisme culturel et espace urbain à Puebla, Mexique." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/21268.
Повний текст джерелаAncrée dans la perspective de l'économie politique, cette thèse porte sur les pratiques expressives et les projets politico-culturels de plusieurs groupes d'activistes culturels de la ville de Puebla. au Mexique. Nous défendons la thèse selon laquelle l'étude des pratiques en question nécessite une analyse détaillée de l'ensemble des conditions socioéconomiques et politiques se trouvant à leur base, et non seulement une analyse interprétative de leurs dimensions identitaires et symboliques, tel que proposé par d'autres études sur la jeunesse. Ce positionnement analytique a entraîné la discussion et révision de concepts propres aux études des jeunes, comme production et consommation culturelle, style, transgression, production et construction de l'espace urbain, etc. Le travail ethnographique fut réalisé auprès de divers groupes des jeunes connus sous l'appellation de collectifs et qui mènent des projets culturels dans la ville de Puebla. Les espaces semi-privés et publics fréquentés par ces groupes ont aussi constitué l'objet de recherche de cette thèse. Une attention spéciale a été accordée à l'étude des formes d'accès des activistes à ces espaces. En général, les résultats du travail montrent que, malgré leur caractère contestataire et leur richesse discursive, les pratiques mises de l'avant par les activistes à l'étude ne peuvent échapper aux rapports sociaux et aux dynamiques économiques, politiques et culturelles qui configurent, dans une logique capitaliste, l'espace urbain et régional à Puebla. Ces dynamiques ne sont cependant pas conçues comme univoques, mais plutôt comme complexes et contradictoires. Le modèle analytique de la recherche comprend des apports conceptuels tels que l'inclusion de l'analyse régionale dans l'étude des pratiques des jeunes, l'insertion de ces dernières dans une approche tenant en compte les conflits et les négociations reliées à la reproduction de l'espace urbain et, enfin, la mise en évidence de la dimension politique des pratiques expressives des jeunes.
Langeo, Gaëlle. "Jeunesse, culture, société en Grande-Bretagne 1978-2009 : l'exemple du "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"." Thesis, Bordeaux 3, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019BOR30039.
Повний текст джерелаThis research focuses on The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, a British science-fiction comedy series created for BBC Radio 4 in 1978. Over the study period (1978-2009), the series was provided to the public in all possible formats that mass culture can offer. In its first years the series attracted a strong audience among teenagers, students and young adults. Douglas Adams, the series’ author, maintained control over all the incarnations of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Over the course of his life, the author of this science fiction series, made to make people laugh, gradually became known as a ‘‘technology guru” by the press. Indeed, Douglas Adams had four great passions : computers, evolution of species, the Beatles and the Pythons. Therefore, this research endeavours to understand how these four topics were expressed in Douglas Adams’ life, the influence they had on Hitchhiker’s and how this series’ success shows the evolution of British society. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy occurs at a time when expectations towards comedy were changing, as shown by the rise of Alternative Comedy. Hitchhiker’s breakthrough also takes place at a time when technology was gaining importance in daily life and geek culture was developing, at the crossroads of imaginary worlds and computer science. The series’ impact can also be considered as evidence of what the sociologist Mike Savage called the technical middle class. In addition, by creating a rock album for the radio, Douglas Adams created a fantasy consistent with the musical universe of the 1970s youth. The technology used in the radio studio stimulates creativity, just like the personal computer will do in the 1980s
Kastler, Benoît. "Des âges au cinéma : la culture cinématographique des jeunes spectateurs." Thesis, Lyon, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LYSE3063.
Повний текст джерелаMy thesis title is « ages and cinema : the cinematographic culture of young spectators ». This work deals with the seventh art socialization among youth and focus on the determinations of age – known as one of the most important sociological variable to understand societies – to select, taste and appreciate feature movies and series.In order to understand better its action, we decompose age between four different scales in the first part : individual age, socio-collective age, historical age and age of the objets surround us. This categories aren’t closed on themselves : they are combined by the actors to analyse and interprete arts and situations. Each temporality fragment known or imagined on each scale, lived or remembered by the actor can be mobilised as an appreciation’s tool. Theorising each age is a long work which necessits a better comprehension of individuality, memory, social interrelations, time, histories and body growth. We demonstrate that everybody embodies and crosses different fragments of different scales in everyday life to understand himself, the world surrounding and ultimately, the feature films content. Ways to understand, judge and appreciate art are a good field for studying temporal relations because arts objects are relatively preserved in time and tell about societies of the past. Each situation, person, object is structured by different kind of virtual or lived temporalities. When they are crossed according to the actor’s knowledge and his society position, they bring to different ways of art’s pleasure.The second part of my thesis shapes the first theorical one. It analyses the youth cinematographic culture. Thirty-four young spectators contributed to my sociological survey. They were aged from eight to fourteen years old. I studied the present socio-political structures in France and Europe leading to different forms of cinematographic socialisation. This part copes with the first feature movies rememberances – which are almost always composed by animation movies passed on by the parents – and their role in present art appreciation. At the age of the participants, the cinematography faces a global censure agreement : violent features are banished. Nevertheless, growing means to socialized with, that’s why two chapters of my thesis are consacred to the reception of more violent types of show at this ages, like the horrific gender for example which is often enjoyed by the youth. I try to understand how young people assimilate, step by step, the dark side of the world, the one which was previously hidded for their own safety. However, it is now a requirement of growth to mix with this forbidden shows. Peer reinforcement and autonomy help this initiation. They also bring to new cinematographic cultures as much as new social considerations. All this studies help us to understand how children and teenagers develop series and feature films’ taste by sharing it with friends or parents, depending on the content. This tell us about the developpment of quality classifications based on aesthetic, tales, relations, peers conversations, art memory, emotions and feelings. Finally, cinematographic culture appears to be a large social and aesthetical laboratory for the youth.This thesis is based on a qualitative survey. More specifically, I used a bottom-up method (Becker : 1988). The theories and the demonstrations are no less than the result of five years of several investigations’ technics on the field study. I began with individual consultations in France, Luxembourg and Belgium, then made collective groups in associations and schools. I created different questionnaires for the parents and the teenagers in aim to observe connections between their cinematographic cultures. This thesis claims interdisciplinarity
Grobon, Alicia. "Les représentations de la Shoah dans les albums de jeunesse américains et européens." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/38155.
Повний текст джерелаKolly-Foroush, Maryam. "Le Quartier en action, ou les marges d'une jeunesse dite d'origine immigrée." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/209774.
Повний текст джерелаLemonnier, Jean-Marc. "La culture sportive, scolaire et extra scolaire, des jeunes de 1960 à 1980 : désirs de sport et réalités institutionnelles et sociales." Caen, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010CAEN1592.
Повний текст джерелаIn a context of France’s economic growth and the development of mass culture, the 1960s to 1980s were marked with the blooming of the “youth” culture. The latter, through specific media, carried values and practices which were peculiar to the youth. From that time, the question of the confrontation between that cultural universe and that of school culture was raised. In the sport field as well as in the sport and physical education field, the following research study analyzes the cohabitation of the two “schools”. From the point of view of cultural history, this work exploits the files of a survey carried out in 1966 and high school pupils’ essays from the 1970s. On top of those two main corpuses an analysis of youth magazines and interviews with former pupils in the studied period can be found. The research study first characterizes the values, the relation to competition, champions and leisure activities which were specific to this “teenage culture”. Secondly, the focus of the study moves into the school institution and tries to grasp the conflicts or the attempts at bridging the gap between a school-patterned physical education and the youth’s expectations. The diversity of the definitions of sport makes the analysis more complicated still and entails a wide range of relations to sport and to sport and physical education as a school subject. One of the outcomes of the research study is to show how strained the relations were between those youth sport cultures and normative institutional realities
Goguen, Jacques. "Pour une sociologie politique des mouvements de jeunes." Paris 1, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA010288.
Повний текст джерелаHumbert, Geneviève. "L'allemagne et sa jeunesse. Mythe du renouveau et conflits de pouvoirs 1918-1939." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989STR20029.
Повний текст джерелаAmong the myths which are the expression of the german national conscience, one of the most important and most constant is that of youth: germany is, in some way, seen as the "youth of the modern world": this has been assepted with renewed vogour since the beginning of the 20th century, the "century of youth". This "youthfulness" of germany as a specific feature of the nation, naturally also coincides, in the deutsches reich, with the successives groups, or "cohorts", of young germans. In studying the three major epochs of the deutsches reich in the 20th century (the so-called "wilhelminian" epoch, that of the 1918 republic, and that of hitler's reich between 1933 and 1939), we have identified a certain number of permanent features which are such that the transition takes place mutatis mutandis from the wandervogel and the freideutsche jugend to the bundische jugend with its post-1919 organised movements, and from the latter to the hitler-jugend. With regard to the ideological, economic, social and political transformations of the reich, this evolution was defined, successively or concomitantly, by trends or individuals: the main trends are: socio-darwinism, materialism, vitalism, the spirit of revolt or reform, or of renewal, the spirit of revenche after 1918 and the myth of langemarck, the messianism of racial purety, the politicisation of youth movements, accompanying the centralisation of the reich; individuals of particulat interest include: a. Ploetz, e. Krieck, wyneken, w. Flex,. .
Robitaille, Martine. "Les situations de compromission. Regards professionnels sur les interventions auprès des Premières Nations." Thèse, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/19957.
Повний текст джерелаGonzàlez, Castillo Edouardo. "Jeunesse, activisme culturel et espace urbain à Puebla, Mexique." Thesis, Université Laval, 2009. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2009/26786/26786.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаFerreira, Da Silva Marina. "Les placements de produits dans les séries télévisées et les jeux vidéo : des marqueurs de la culture adolescente." Rouen, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014ROUED007.
Повний текст джерелаInformed and rational consumers, experts in marketing, teenagers represent a particular target which brings announcers to review their communication strategies. Product placement seems to have an important postion among the favorite methods to communicate with them particularly in sitcoms and videogames, important leisures in their daily. Each medium offers different experiences of which brands will attempt to take advantage of. His thesis study teenagers's responses to product placements in this two mediums, using consumption experience as frame of analysis. In this order, it uses different qualitative data collections : experts of product placement interviews, netnography, individual interviews and focus group with teenagers. Finally, product placement in sitcoms and videogames appear as an interresting mean to communicate toward the young target. If experts consider the pratice through cognitive logical, teenager brand culture as well as medium consumption experiences seems to have to be integrated in their reflexions about product placement
Mansier, Thomas Tétu Jean-François. "Identité du rock et presse spécialisée évolution d'une culture et de son discours critique dans les magazines français des années 90 /." Lyon : Université Lumière Lyon 2, 2004. http://demeter.univ-lyon2.fr:8080/sdx/theses/lyon2/2004/mansier_t.
Повний текст джерелаGriboul, Françoise. "José Agustin et la contre-culture mexicaine (1964-1978)." Montpellier 3, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003MON30071.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis presents an analysis of the Mexican author José Agustín's counter-cultural works -novels, theatre plays and short-stories- as well as their social, political, musical and literary background from 1964 to 1978. It aims at understanding how the rupture elements in Onda ‘s literature are related to the increasing demand for democracy especially among the young. This work underlines the importance of rock music in Agustin's literature and the creation of a new literary language influenced by colloquialism and English
Chen, Qiujie. "Echapper à la modernité : la migration des modes de vie et la culture de la jeunesse à lhassa." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UPSLP074.
Повний текст джерелаLhasa is the provincial capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region in China. Following the rapid expansion of the tourism economy after 2006, many university graduates and young white-collar workers from urban China temporarily migrated to the city to operate kezhan—small-scale hostels. This thesis examines this phenomenon through the theoretical framework of lifestyle migration, highlighting the unique motivations behind these migrations. By exploring the history of this community in Lhasa and the individual experiences of lifestyle migrants, the thesis argues that lifestyle migration to Lhasa is a response to the 'project of the self.' It offers a fresh perspective on how these young individuals navigate identity, class, gender, and self in the extraordinary city of Lhasa, amidst the crises of modernity
Besse, Laurent. "Les maisons des jeunes et de la culture : 1959-1981 : Etat, associations, municipalités." Paris 1, 2004. http://books.openedition.org/pur/4064.
Повний текст джерелаMuracciole, Jean-François. "Les projets de la france libre et de la resistance en matiere d'education (enseignement, jeunesse, sport, culture) 1940-1944." Lille 3, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995LIL30007.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis presents the educationnal projects devised during the second world war by french resistants. The world "education" is used in a very large sens: teaching, youth, sports and culture politics. The basic hypothesis wants to show that the valuation of the educationnal popular front projects and realisations is obviously transformed by the defeat's traumatism. By this way, two resistant projects are appearing: the metropolitan resistants, thinking that the defeat is the consequence of anelits failing, imagine a democratisation of education founded on the strengthening of the traditionnal republican ascent; the free french, refusing the idea of a national failure and exposed to the british and american influences, devise the democratisation like a massification. At the liberation, the free french project is winner and influences for a long time the educationnal and cultural realisations of the fourth and fifth french republics
Marty, Laurent. "L'anthropologie chez soi : être anthropologue dans sa propre culture : deux terrains." Paris 5, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA05H049.
Повний текст джерелаDubois, Mathieu. "Génération politique : engagement, politisation et mobilisation dans les organisations de jeunesse des partis politiques en RFA et en France (1966-1974)." Thesis, Paris 4, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA040035.
Повний текст джерелаThe « 1968s » witnessed not only the emergence of a radical youth, but also an unprecedented politicization of a whole generation. In the United States as in Europe, young people on the left and the right became massively involved in politics, making the political parties and their youth organizations the first beneficiaries of the youth’s politicization. The study of the main political youth organizations in West Germany (Junge Union, Jungsozialisten) and in France (MJCF, UJP) highlights the deep transformation of the political culture sparked off by this influx of young members between 1966 and 1974. Even before the student movement, a new model of organization based on more autonomy developed along with the rise of “catch-all-parties”. After “68”, the organizations forged a new identity by taking a progressive stand, proclaiming their faith in the imminence of a social change. Attempting to mobilize massively the youth, they transformed their internal organization increasing the role of the activist base, accelerating the democratization and the rationalization of their functioning, developing the militancy and the propaganda. The exceptional political rise of their leaders made the youth organizations a major pathway to a political career. Thus, by initiating radical changes in the organization of activism, in the political culture and in the management of the democracy, this generation was par excellence a political generation
Nouiouar, Ahlam. "Identité et diversité culturelles dans quelques collections de littérature de jeunesse au Maroc." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017UBFCH012.
Повний текст джерелаYouth literature offers young boys and girls a space for recognition and differentiation, thus constituting an important vector of socialization and cultural identity development. Through the text-image combination, the reader forges his / her identity affiliation, and questions his / her representations of the Other and the world in its plurality. As is the case of the Moroccan society, the editions of the third millennium are characterized by a great cultural and linguistic diversity. Young people who were immersed in a foreign bookish culture during the last century could find in the new productions a reference point in relation to their social environment. However, the representations vehicled by the literature of youth engender several problems not only at the level of reception of these books and in the relationship of young Moroccans to reading because of the plurality, but also sometimes at the level of the discordance and incongruity that may exist between different cultural and economic approaches, and those that emerge - explicitly or implicitly - from the works and albums taken into consideration. By choosing to analyze a corpus belonging to the Moroccan youth literature and by privileging the categories - surely problematic - of cultural "identity" and "diversity", we wanted to place this object of study at the heart of a society where the legacy of the past cohabit side by side with modern space-world, where linguistic wealth and cultural abundance are sources of fruitful questions but which also sometimes struggle to find an answer
L'Heureux, Marie-Claude. "La problématique de la nature et de la culture dans la littérature québécoise pour la jeunesse: au-delà des dualismes /." Trois-Rivières : Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2005. http://www.uqtr.ca/biblio/notice/tablemat/24611000TM.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаL'Heureux, Marie-Claude. "La problématique de la nature et de la culture dans la littérature québécoise pour la jeunesse : au-delà des dualismes." Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2005. http://depot-e.uqtr.ca/1585/1/000130797.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаDubois, Mathieu. "Génération politique : engagement, politisation et mobilisation dans les organisations de jeunesse des partis politiques en RFA et en France (1966-1974)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 4, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA040035.
Повний текст джерелаThe « 1968s » witnessed not only the emergence of a radical youth, but also an unprecedented politicization of a whole generation. In the United States as in Europe, young people on the left and the right became massively involved in politics, making the political parties and their youth organizations the first beneficiaries of the youth’s politicization. The study of the main political youth organizations in West Germany (Junge Union, Jungsozialisten) and in France (MJCF, UJP) highlights the deep transformation of the political culture sparked off by this influx of young members between 1966 and 1974. Even before the student movement, a new model of organization based on more autonomy developed along with the rise of “catch-all-parties”. After “68”, the organizations forged a new identity by taking a progressive stand, proclaiming their faith in the imminence of a social change. Attempting to mobilize massively the youth, they transformed their internal organization increasing the role of the activist base, accelerating the democratization and the rationalization of their functioning, developing the militancy and the propaganda. The exceptional political rise of their leaders made the youth organizations a major pathway to a political career. Thus, by initiating radical changes in the organization of activism, in the political culture and in the management of the democracy, this generation was par excellence a political generation
Shaghaghi, Nejad Sepideh. "L’héritage persan dans la littérature de jeunesse iranienne contemporaine : tradition et renouvellement." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LORR0321.
Повний текст джерелаChildren’s literature in Iran has its roots in the millennial long traditions of story telling in the region. Although, the field as it is perceived today, is relatively young, it has been rapidly evolving and growing starting mostly in the 1960s. We have studied and present this contemporary form of children’s literature as it developed up to advent of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. To do this, we first had to look for the origins of the contemporary literature, and second, to comb through the evolution of the new form and the modalities of this genesis. This justifies the division of the thesis in two parts. First history and second the contemporary literature up to 1978. The youth of Iran, endowed with a rich literary heritage, have always benefited form and been a part of the literature. The original forms of this children’s literature were mostly oral story telling, but inseparable from the classic Persian literature. Some of this oral tradition was written down in small «Books of advises/ Advise books ». These types of books have an ancient origin in Iran dating back to ancient Persia. The moralizing and educational texts of these books compose a part of the Persian literary heritage. The objective of these texts aimed at children was introducing them to the habits and customs, to impart their savoir-vivre and ethics. The book Zadan Farrokh among others’ is a good example. After the advent of Islam in Iran, 6th century AD, many Persian literary works emerged, in part as a response to the ban placed on Persian language by the Arab-speaking invaders. Far from being created exclusively for the youth, these works aimed to pass on the oral story-telling tradition in a literary form. Soon, they began to emerge as didactic books for teaching children. “Gulistan” and “Kalileh va Demneh” are among the works claiming the largest share. These texts set the foundation for the creation of semi-formal handwritten texts for teaching literature to children and adolescents of the elite. Over the centuries these works fostered the formation of the separate field of children’s literature. Modern texts written exclusively for children, however, did not appear until the middle of the 20th century. As for children’s literature today, it is composed of three categories of texts: original works by contemporary writers, rewriting of Persian classical works, and translations of international children’s literature. There is a triangular relationship between the creators of the children’s books, the culture, and the younger generation. In order to better understand this evolution and development of the current children’s literature, we looked at historical events that may have had significant impacts on this literature. We also studied the reuse of the Persian traditions for creating children’s books from classical and folkloric works. The tendency to rewrite the old texts does indeed prove the notion of nationalized identity. Persian language and traditions have survived the vagaries of history, among others, thanks to the versification that manifests itself as powerful in children’s literature as that of adults. In sum, we have been able to demonstrate the process of evolution in the field of children’s literature in Iran. Starting from a distant past in order to shed light on its new form in the twentieth century
Akuma, Joseph. "Les déterminants socio-économiques et culturels de la jeunesse dans le Kenya rural; région de Masaba en pays Kisii." Thesis, Pau, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PAUU1018/document.
Повний текст джерелаThe subject of youth socialization is a concern for all societies worldwide. The future of communities rests, in part on how effectively they accomplish the tasks of preparing this important component of their population to become productive adults. In developing countries, characterized by rapid social change, the adaptation and unconventional life patterns of future generations, whose growth trajectories will occur in an entirely different context, calls for careful explication of the determinants of the socialization young people. In Kenya, the societal shifts and behavioral patterns, exacerbated by the unique developmental vulnerabilities often create a confluence of factors that put youth at great risk. Hence, the need to transform the ordinary institutions of society, as socializing contexts to make them relevant in preparing young people for the challenges of the future role taking is inevitable. Set in a society in rural Kisii, Masaba South – Western Kenya, the study sought to establish how the changes in the family and that of other key social institutions such as education, religion and the media impact the socialization of the youth in the community. The ecological model for human development by Urie Bronfenbrenner (1994) and the life course framework have been adopted as the conceptual model for the study. The results of the study offer an unusually nuanced view of socialization challenges in a time of unprecedented change in Kenya’s rural setting. It is shown that socio- cultural values and community norms that influence the socialization process are not constant, but always changing and sometimes contradictory and are perceived differently by young people and older members of society, thereby adversely affecting the capacity of parents and other elders to regulate the youth. In addition, it is shown that the adoption of new social structures though leading to the disruption of the transmission of specific behaviors, do not result to failure in effective socialization, but offers greater pathways for imparting positive behavior. At national level, the policy with regard to youth development is full of gaps, in terms of policy and reality, especially since the interventions are not predicated on informed assessment. Similarly, youth programs have consistently been guided by the philosophy of deficit and problem oriented approaches. Thus, the ideology that underpins the development of young people often focuses on projects focusing on imparting vocational skills and access to financial services for young people that have already “fallen off the cracks”. More critical, the country lacks an explicit family policy on whose lenses issues affecting the family and its various population segments, especially the youth could be examined. The study makes an important contribution to the understanding of the emergent area of research aimed at understanding the structural obstacles to young people’s transition to adulthood by creating new channels and orientation for seeking pathways to personal development based on new ways and attitudes of human interaction
Behri, Souad. "La littérature d'enfance et de jeunesse au Maroc de 1930 à 2000 : les enjeux culturels et idéologiques de la traduction du français en arabe." Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014TOU20054.
Повний текст джерелаThe thesis questions the place of childhood and youth literature within Morocco’s editorial landscape and aims at analysing the literary and cultural stakes entailed by a production which often calls upon mediation. In a historical and geographical context such as that of Morocco, characterized by its cultural and linguistic multiplicity, the word “mediation” takes on a very specific meaning. We put emphasis on the mediators implied by this editorial field and on a certain number of “negotiations” which sheds light on the research for a balance between various constraints and requirements. In these mediations, we analyse the questions raised by transferring a text meant for teenagers from its source culture into its target one, concerning a French into Arab translation, as well as the ideological and cultural stakes induced by two different worlds. Resistances at the cultural, ideological and discursive levels can be noted in all kinds of translation strategies. Comparing different intervention trends reveals different ways of implementing this mediation and analyses how ideological and cultural resistances are taken into account
Aaltonen, Heli. "Intercultural bridges in teenagers' theatrical events : performing self and constructing cultural identity through a creative drama process /." Abo : Abo akademi university press, 2006. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb40981712v.
Повний текст джерелаPierre-Charles, Nathalie. "La construction du sens chez des jeunes de cultures diverses lors de la réception de messages médiatiques." Thesis, Paris 13, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA131043/document.
Повний текст джерелаThis study on the understanding of young people facing media messages aims: -to highlight the contributions of reception studies and specifically capabilities and the needs of media receivers, the approval framework, the nature of the public andsociocultural mediations; -restore the capacity, competence and the communicative intention of the media receiverand rhetoric of reception; -ask the practical framing of our study by the scientific nature and type of the proposedposts. We are interested in the construction of meaning by young people from various cultures during the reception of messages scriptural, audio-visual and audio disposed. We treat data collected through observation and questioning both quantitatively and qualitatively. Selected data collection techniques are the questionnaire and observation.Problematize our object of research is to ask the following question: what is the understanding of young people in receipt of media messages? We organize our research around two axes: -the young built his understanding of the media message.-the cultural and social impact on the understanding of the media message by the young
Billard-Dupont, Nathalie. "L' éducation artistique : des formes de la création aux savoirs artistiques." Caen, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006CAEN1456.
Повний текст джерелаLabelle, Alexandre. "Le travail d’éducation au sein des lieux de vie de la protection de l’enfance et de la jeunesse : comparaison entre France et Québec." Thesis, Lille 3, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020LIL3H014.
Повний текст джерелаOur research focuses on understanding how the actors cognition fits into some cultural variables and social interactions. We propose a methodology, inspired by professional didactics, and the theory of conceptual fields. Our work brings together the activity analysis of educators (micro-level), and a study of the cultural contexts of exchanges (macro-level) in which it takes place. We use a mostly comprehensive and qualitative approach. Comparison between France and Quebec reveals particularly salient features concerning educational work in these two contexts, each strongly connected to their particular history and sociology. We finally link the activity with the liberal evolution in the « system-world », which is transversal to the two nations. We discuss the possible exchanges, in terms of tools and practices, but also what potentially needs to be adapted and negotiated between the two countries
Arslan, Leyla. "Entre assignation et sentiment d'appartenance, l'ethnicité des jeunes français de culture "musulmane" : différenciations liées à l'ascension sociale et émergence de l'individu." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009IEPP0013.
Повний текст джерелаThis work deals with the construction and the expansion of ethnicity of young French students holding a plurality of stigmata: religious (Islam), social (living in working-class suburbs of Paris) and ethnic (foreign origins: Arabic, Turkish or African) in the public sphere as well as the private sphere. The main question is how these people construct their ethnicity in contact with numerous actors (family, friends, neighborhood, school) during their primary socialization even when their communities lose ever more cohesion, giving the individual more opportunities to choose the content of their identities. The results of the survey display that the connections with the "differences" won't be governed as much by the type of family or the perception of religion than the social and scholastic path of the individual and his perception of social mobility, which is formalized by a typology. How does this ethnicity unfold? Is it instrumentalist, symbolic or of an other kind? Several “entrepreneurs of identity” have appeared during these last years, proposing collective identities defined in ethnic, religious or post-colonial terms. However, there is a deep gap between their discourse and those of the interviewed people. Their actions and their experience are turned toward more universal collective action (vote, scholastic support, etc. . . ). The expression of ethnic, religious or post-colonial references is more or less appeased and more affective than instrumentalist. Could their ethnicity be defined as symbolic as the analysis of their discourse and practices, especially those of consumption and free time, may suggest? Could this definition explain the weakness of ethnic and reli
Legon, Tomas. "La recherche du plaisir culturel : la construction des avis a priori en musique et cinéma chez le public lycéen." Paris, EHESS, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014EHES0139.
Повний текст джерелаThis dissertation attempts to study how the French high school students of the 2010s make their minds about movies and musics they haven’t seen or heard yet. To understand this, the researcher has to analyse the incorporated past of eatch teenager and the situations in which they discover the cultural goods. With distincts cultural dispositions and relations to culture, the high school students read into clues given by these presentations to search for satisfactory cultural experiences. The methods of investigation articulates a macro-sociological aspect and several micro-social aspects
Friis, Joseph. "Perspectives de réconciliation à travers les séjours de sensibilisation à la culture anicinape et à la pédagogie de la terre – Kitcisakik." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/39612.
Повний текст джерелаPérez, Xavier. "Entre culture et politique : concevoir l'armée et l'école entre 1936 et 1946 en France." Bordeaux 2, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008BOR21559.
Повний текст джерелаIn 1940, the marshal Pétain, comes to power, and indicts the school to be responsible for the defeat in front of Germans. The school is accused of having diffused the ideal of the French Revolution, which for the marshal, led to the advent of Universal eradicating one. It is thus necessary to stop this irresponsible popular sovereignty, and to build a nation of the duties as would have protected it, on the other hand, the ramy. The army and the school are then bound in their fate, but how did we arrive at this indictment ? And what we really blame the French people ? All the more, as France is taken in a wider and more European debate, it becomes then difficult to understand war years without understanding the desire of a part of the ruling society to integrate new nazi Europe. This dive in our past has to have one beginning of answer from 1936 with the development of a politics youth and of leisure, but also we can go until 1946 and the exit of this world conflict. The power in Vichy would be kind a local regulation, it was without considering on the Resistance so internal as outside which reinstates France in the world. It puts all the problem of the relationship between the culture, the longlasting phenomenon, and the politics, the momentary event
Cluet, Marc. "La Libre Culture : le mouvement nudiste en Allemagne depuis les origines au seuil du XXe siècle jusqu'à l'arrivée de Hitler au pouvoir (1905-1933) : présupposés, développements et enjeux historiques." Paris 4, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA040196.
Повний текст джерелаMartin, Cybèle. "Positionnement et contenu des médias face aux préadolescents au milieu des années 90 : une offre pertinente." Paris 2, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA020072.
Повний текст джерелаBesse, Laurent. "Les MJC, 1959-1981 : de l'été des blousons noirs à l'été des Minguettes /." Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2008. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb41222264n.
Повний текст джерелаMathieu, Samuel. "L'impact de la culture organisationnelle sur l'utilisation des données probantes chez les intervenants et les gestionnaires en intervention sociale." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/34426.
Повний текст джерелаMansier, Thomas. "Identité du rock et presse spécialisée : évolution d'une culture et de son discours critique dans les magazines français des années 90." Lyon 2, 2004. http://theses.univ-lyon2.fr/documents/lyon2/2004/mansier_t.
Повний текст джерелаThe french rock press of the Nineties remains attached to the mediation (resulting from the Sixties and Seventies) rock - rebellion of the youth. But this music is not any more exclusively appreciated by the young people (who often prefer other styles, while the former young people claim their right to appreciate it) and appears increasingly subjected to economic logics (thus far away from the original counter-cultural positions). This forces the writers to open their comprehension of rock and youth to new definitions more in agreement with the time : acceptance of the electronic music, ageing in the rock, etc. Besides this transformation of their subject of analysis, the journalists are confronted with another difficulty : this type of publications is above all an identity press, that the public purchase to find reference marks. The specialized press must convince its readers that precedings definitions (musical, but also sociocultural) that it used to diffuse must be questionned. This more especially as, at the end of the decade, the appearance of new technologies (democratization of the CD copy, downloads on the Internet) imposes a public discussion on the cost of musical creation, therefore a more significant media coverage of its economic requirements. This research work is structured around the analysis of the discursive arguments employed by the specialized journalists to give media coverage to this rock's change of identity
Al-Aghbari, Jassas. "Les contraintes de reformulation en traduction de Littérature de jeunesse français-arabe." Thesis, Paris 3, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA030015.
Повний текст джерелаOur work consists in studying the constraints that affect translator’s decisions in the phase of reformulation. Applied to the field of children’s literature, translation is viewed as an act of communication which is not only linguistic: it is also conditioned by extralinguistic elements that involve reciprocal influences between communication and local culture. The literature translated for this audience is presented as a sub-system part of the general literary host society. It is, therefore, subject to conditions and constraints of production and dissemination of literary system for young lectors. The analysis for the young lectors makes it possible to highlight the values of both culture and morality that every society seeks to instill in its young readers. Whoever wants to seize the methodological procedures and purposes of the translating process in this area is constrained by the nature of the subject, to consider a study of the dynamics of literature and translation for children in the host context. In the Arab world, factors such as parents, publishers, spatiocultural specificities, authors, translators and also illustrators play a major role in what is written for young audiences. From a standpoint of translation studies, these constraints are considered as "norms" that define the operational framework that govern any translation for young lectors. The concept of ’social norm’ as defined by Toury, is central to all communication, because it identifies the relationship between a society and its literary and translation process. During the translation process, these norms are converted into translational constraints that may be cultural, political or ideological in the sense that they govern the decision and the influence of the translator during the phase of reformulation. What are the observable elements that allow us to identify these constraints and how do they interact to each other and with the translation process in general and in particular with the reformulation? Above all, what is the translation approach that would maximize results in light of these constraints? These are the final questions to which this work attempts to provide some answers