Дисертації з теми "Contradiction logique"
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Mura, Aline. "Une logique de la contradiction dans le recit balzacien." Paris 7, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA070066.
Повний текст джерелаIt is proposed by this work to show that la comedie humaine and especially the novel beatrix aim for the exhaustive and coherent representation of reality and of representations of reality, that they follow a cognitive approach more than aesthetic and get organized around semiological functions based on repetition and difference. The balzacian narrative, in effect, tends towards a logic but go through a series of illogisms, narrative scandals and figures of oppositions, as pertinent in the narrative structures, the couples of characters, as in the descriptions, the digressions and the various returns and detours of the text. In other words, the text is controlled by the narrative functions of opposition, analogy, "analepse" and "oxymore" which constitute what we have called a logic of contradiction
Mura, Aline. "Une Logique de la contradiction dans le récit balzacien." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1989. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37608355d.
Повний текст джерелаLachance, Geneviève. "La conception platonicienne de la contradiction." Thesis, Paris 4, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA040023.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis examines the notion of contradiction understood in its logical or formal sense. Specifically, it seeks to study that notion in a philosopher who, chronologically speaking, precedes the advent of syllogistic or logic: Plato. Based on an analysis of Plato’s refutative dialogues, this thesis will determine the form given by Plato to contradictory propositions, unveil the terminology and metaphors used by Plato to name and describe contradictions and evaluate the context in which Plato reflected upon contradiction. The analysis will reveal that Plato had a very clear idea of what is a logical contradiction and that he even had an influence on Aristotle when the latter defined his famous principle of non-contradiction
Marschall, Luc. "La réflexivité de la relative modernité : une introduction à la logique du contradictoire de Stéphane Lupasco." Paris 1, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA010605.
Повний текст джерелаHalpern, Gabrielle. "Penser l'hybride - une critique de la raison économique." Thesis, Lyon, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LYSEN004.
Повний текст джерелаIs it right to want to save reason, at any cost? In the course of the history of ideas, it is a real denaturation of human reason, which we are witnessing. Originally simple mode of apprehension of the real, the reason turned into system, ideology and paradigm. This had the consequence of making the human being from a liberating and fruitful humanism to aconquering and dangerous anthropocentrism. So reason has become a wolf for man; theprotean crisis we are now experiencing is only a symptom of this alteration. The rationalist ideology renders the human being not only incapable of accessing the real as in himself, but also leads him to disguise, to twist, to mistreat the real. Numerous patches have been invented throughout the history of Western ideas by many philosophers to diminish, or at least to contain,this denaturation, but they have had the perverse effect of reinforcing and further rigidifyingthe rational paradigm. It is time to imagine a mode of apprehension different from reality, associated with anunprecedented epistemology, capable of bringing about a new theory of knowledge: it will be about "systematic" thinking. Nourished by talmudic epistemology and cognitive science, this new theory of knowledge, whose prolegomena are posited, is built on a logic radically different from Aristotelian logic.To know otherwise to think otherwise is the stake of this new epistemology
Zehr, Jérémy. "Vagueness, presupposition and truth-value judgements." Thesis, Paris, Ecole normale supérieure, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014ENSU0018/document.
Повний текст джерелаThe aim of my thesis is to give a uniform account of non-bivalent truth-value judgments induced by presuppositional expressions and by vague expression (namely judgments other than "True" or "False"). For example, a presuppositional sentence like 1 below is typically judged neither true nor false in a context where Oscar is not French, and a vague sentence like 2 is also reported as neither true or nor false in a context where Oscar is of an average height. The same holds of a hybrid sentence like 3, combining a vague adjective and a presuppositional expression, in a context where the interlocutor is of an average height:1. Oscar has realized that you are French.2. Oscar is old.3. Oscar has realized that you are old. Abstract:Drawing on systems defining three logical values (true, false and other) and discussed both in the literature on vagueness and in the literature on presupposition, I propose a system with five totally ordered values, thereby defining three intermediate levels between true and false.After collecting experimental data conflicting with the predictions of this system, I propose a system with four values which is compatible with the experimental results and where the four values are partially ordered along a dimension specific to vagueness and along a dimension specific to presupposition.To get further insights about truth-value judgments specific to vagueness, I conducted another set of experiments (in collaboration with Paul Égré), showing that speakers systematically reject contradictory descriptions of the form "old and young" but that they can accept contradictory descriptions of the form "neither old nor young", "neither old nor not old" and "old and not old". These results echo the idea that vague sentences like 1 can be judged "Neither true nor false" but also "True and false", and allow us to discriminate between two competing theories of adjectival antonyms
Samaha, Mahboub Caline. "Logique et Réalité chez Hegel et Aristote. Dialogue avec Adorno et Deleuze." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Poitiers, 2019. http://theses.univ-poitiers.fr/66692/2019-Samaha-Mahboub-Caline-These.
Повний текст джерелаIn this thesis, we challenge the critique of identity as being what oppresses difference and evolution. We try to show that the search for identity in the Hegelian system does not undermine the real but on the contrary enriches it and is a condition for its evolution and for our freedom. We also show how the emphasis on unity when interpreting a philosopher, here Aristotle, is legitimate because it allows us to emphasize in him a contribution to the search for knowledge and freedom well more than the emphasizing separation and preserving mystery and irreducibility. The latter could rather alienate us while giving us an illusion of freedom and space. We therefore oppose a logic of transcendence and separation, and show how this logic is in itself reductive. Our work has thus led more specifically in a first part to take on the ideas of unity, identity and completion present in Hegel and to show versus Adorno mainly that said ideas do not oppose human freedom but that on the contrary they imply it and are a necessary condition thereof. We try in a second part to support a Hegelian interpretation of Aristotle that takes into account unity, opposing in particular Pierre Aubenque who defends a separation and irreducibility in Aristotle. Finally, in a last part we support the representation of the real through logic - the contradiction in Hegel and the opposites in Aristotle - with the aim of showing that the negative of the representation allows an effective power over the real and cannot be considered illusory as claimed by Deleuze and Nietzsche. In this work, our reflection is led by the criticism made by these philosophers and commentators against the Hegelian philosophy and what it includes in terms of presuppositions, identity, system and logic. By highlighting the contradictions inherent in their criticism, we show that the Hegelian philosophy and the perspective it proposes overcome these contradictions and move towards freedom
Marx, Elisabeth. "Implication et connaissance : discussion sur la contradiction entre deux logiques : pour une autre éducation et une autre histoire des rapports Nord-Sud." Paris 8, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA080866.
Повний текст джерелаOriental thought puts man in the centre of the learning process since about 26 century. Theorie of involvement is here looked upon like a bridge in beetween occident and "others" cultures. It is first puted into action in the wandering diary opening the thesis ; larges extracts will be found all along the work. The central part consider the verdict found by hegel against oriental philosophy. Under the form of a trial unstituted against hegel for interfering with people freedom, dialectic is confronted with oriental ternary wich inspired the philosoph quite a lote. The principle of partaken is then investigated in hopi culture, under the light of recent discovery in astrophysique. The last part puts the theorie of involvement in relation with self-knowledge process as practiced in orient. Beyond the dispute on the contradiction beetween two logics, this thesis suggests an epistemological openning of the learning for others cultures knowledge and wanders about content of what is teached in scools and university
Gillouard, Pierre. "Simone Weil. La pensée à l'épreuve du mal." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UPSLP055.
Повний текст джерелаIs it possible to conceive the purpose or the ultimate meaning of evil that human beings face? Or in theological terms, is it possible to demonstrate that there is no logical contradiction between the af-firmation of the existence of a good, creative, and all-powerful God and the existence of evil? The aim of this research is to demonstrate the treatment, unprecedented in the history of philosophy, of the question of theodicy in Simone Weil's thought on the eve of and at the heart of the Second World War. The philosopher confronts the problem of evil - that of its lack of meaning or purpose - from a social and political perspective on the conditions that make it possible to envision the disappearance of oppression in society, and through the lived experience of this oppression in factory life. Then, crossing a mystical threshold, if she seeks to ‘think together in truth the affliction of men, the perfec-tion of God, and the link between the two', it is paradoxically by acknowledging the falsity and immo-rality of the philosophical project of justifying evil. The answer she proposes is inextricably linked to a process of self-transformation to access truth - the very meaning of philosophy. Simone Weil is thus the first philosopher to have considered the problem of evil and its answer from the experience of those who suffer, and not to their detriment, and without ever abandoning the ethical and political struggle against force and oppression throughout her life and thought
Rieger, Schmidt Ana. "La primauté de l’étant et les premiers principes chez Gérard Odon." Thesis, Paris 4, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA040030.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis deals with Geraldus Odonis’ treatise De duobos communissimis principiis scientiarum (ca. 1320). In the first part, we analyze the text by focusing on the concept of "ens tertio adiacens". It is the being signified by the totality of the proposition and its truthmaker; it is univocally common to ens reale and ens rationis, for this reason Odonis identifies it to the subject of the principle of non-contradiction and the principle of excluded middle. The ens tertio adiacens also corresponds to the first adequate object of the intellect and to the subject of logic, which is understood as the first science. In the second part, we place Odonis in two historiographical debates: the propositional realism (alongside Walter Burley, Gregory of Rimini and John Wyclif) and the advancements of the doctrine of supertranscendentals (alongside Nicolas Bonetus, Francis of Marchia and others), which emerges from the distinction between the two senses of "res" in Henry of Ghent and in Duns Scotus
Fausto, Ruy. "Recherches sur la formation et la portée de la dialectique dans l'oeuvre de Marx." Paris 1, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA010551.
Повний текст джерелаDufatanye, Aimable-André. "Le principe de non-contradiction. considérations logiques, mathématiques et ontologiques : De la nature et de la valeur du principe de non-contradiction, contribution de Jan Łukasiewicz à l'interprétation d'Aristote." Thesis, Lyon, École normale supérieure, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011ENSL0669.
Повний текст джерелаIn mathematics and classical logic, one proves that {P,¬P}├Q. This is the celebrated ex contradictione sequitur quodlibet, also named the principle of explosion. If a contradictory theory is condemned to explode, that is to become trivial and to lose all interest from a scientific point of view, one must at all costs avoid any contradiction which plays the role of detonator. Consequently, it is necessary to deny any conjunction of a formula and its negation. This is the principle of non-contradiction (PNC) symbolised by ¬(P^¬P), a tautology in classical mathematical logic. Already in antiquity, Aristotle had explicitly formulated PNC which, since, has been elevated to the status of a definitive and an absolute principle. However, a few obstinate critics have questioned the absolute status of this principle. The present thesis is a reappraisal of PNC -of its status, its validity, its value- which builds on the work of the logician J. Łukasiewicz. It will be demonstrated that the critique of absoluteness attributed to PNC proposed by Łukasiewicz is not a continuation of the theses of the ancient sophists. His criticisms can be placed in the framework of a Twardowskian-Meinongian Gegenstandstheorie. The combination of elements from a theory of objects and an original analysis using the tools of the algebra of logic in the interpretation of ancient texts has enabled Łukasiewicz to discern an essential idea according to which one can challenge the absoluteness attributed to PNC without sinking into triviality. It will be shown that his works contain, for logic, an outline for a new paradigm based on the disabsolutization of PNC, by dissociating it from the principle of explosion
Ahmadi, Masoumeh. "La question du bonheur dans l'oeuvre de Christian Bobin." Phd thesis, Université de Bourgogne, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00795714.
Повний текст джерелаTALEB, BENGHEZAL MALIKA. "Le systeme de sante en algerie, des origines aux perspectives : desequilibres, contradictions et ruptures : une consequence de l'aspect dichotomique du pouvoir de gestion ou resultat logique d'un choix politique ?" Paris 11, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA111020.
Повний текст джерелаAl-Hamdani, Hayja. "Réexamen de la notion d'arbitraire linguistique. Définition et contribution à l'identification de sa problématique." Thesis, Lyon, École normale supérieure, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013ENSL0808.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis sheds light on the linguistic notion of arbitrariness, which, since the very first reflections on the nature of language, continues – to a greater or lesser extent – to be a subject of debate: is the origin of language human or divine? Is its status conventional or natural? Is the naming of things based on human arbitrariness or human reason? Consequently, is the linguistic sign arbitrary or motivated? This debate extends from antiquity to the present day, in a proportion of variable intensity in time and place. But in all this, what do we mean by arbitrary? And why has it always represented a problematic?In this context, we have conducted a survey which retraces the history of this notion from antiquity to the present day, to see how the question of arbitrariness has been treated by savants. The global nature of this study can enable the construction of an idea of the point of divergence which makes arbitrariness into a matter of such sustained and controversial debate among savants. Thus, this study was designed to review the concept of arbitrariness in order to identify and define the problem.This study has been conducted using a working method based on the logical and philosophical analysis of texts. It conclusively demonstrates that the problem of the arbitrary lies in the ambiguity of the concept. This is due to the multiplicity of meanings that it can contain, that is, the multiplicity of its conceptions among philosophers and linguists, but this is also due to the multiplicity of points of view applied to determining the part affected by the arbitrary within the theory of the sign. In other words, it is in terms of arbitrary ideas that we can speak of the arbitrariness of language.The thesis ends by presenting a position about language and arbitrariness, which has been constructed around two issues: i) the fact that there are laws in the language that manage its working according to an own system; ii) that there is a relevant connection between the thought of a group and its language
تلقي هذه الأطروحة الضوء على مفهوم الاعتباط اللغوي الذي ما انفك يكون بشكل او بآخر موضوعا للجدل منذ البدايات الأولى للتفكير في طبيعة اللغة : فهل إن أصل اللغة إنسانيّ أم إلهي؟ وهل أنّ تشريعها جاء بشكل اتفاقي أم طبيعي؟ هل جرت التسمية على أساس اعتباطية الإنسان ام على عقلانيته؟ وبالنتيجة فهل ان الإشارة اللغوية اعتباطية ام معللة؟ امتد هذا الجدل منذ العصور القديمة وحتى يومنا هذا بنسب متفاوتة بالشدة في الزمان والمكان. ولكن في كل هذا ، ما الذي نعنيه بالضبط بالاعتباط؟ ولماذا يمثل دائما إشكالية؟في هذا السياق أجرينا بحثا طاف التاريخ برمته منذ العصر القديم حتى يومنا هذا كي نتعرف كيف تمت معالجة هذا الموضوع عند علماء اللغة. ان شمولية هذا العمل تسمح بتكوين فكرة حول نقطة الخلاف الذي جعل من الاعتباط موضوعا قابلا للتأييد والرفض على حد سواء بين العلماء. وعليه فقد صممت هذه الدراسة لإعادة النظر في مفهوم الاعتباط من اجل تعريفه وتحديد اشكاليته.تتألف الأطروحة من أربعة أجزاء فصلت في سياق زمني ، ولكن رتبت على وفق التوزيع ألموضوعاتي. يتناول الجزء الأول مكونات الاعتباط كعناصر تعريفية ، وأنواع الاعتباط ، ويبحث الجزء الثاني في إشكالية الاعتباط من خلال دراسة جذور فكره والحجج التي قدمت في هذا الطرح والطرح الذي عارضه ، الأمر الذي ترك المشكلة بلا حل، إضافة إلى المقترحات التي حاول من خلالها العلماء الخروج من المشكلة. وقد خصص الجزء الثالث حصرا حول ملامح الاعتباط عند سوسير ؛ في حين ناقش الجزء الرابع مفهوم الاعتباط في الفكر الحديث.أجريت هذه الدراسة على وفق منهج بحث استند على التحليل المنطقي والفلسفي للنصوص. وبينت بالنتيجة أن مشكلة الاعتباط تكمن في غموض مفهومه. ويعود ذلك إلى تعدد المعاني التي يمكن ان تحتويه المفردة، وبالتالي تعدد طريقة فهمه عند الفلاسفة وعلماء اللغة ، إضافة إلى تعدد وجهات النظر في تحديد الجانب المعني بالاعتباط في نظرية الإشارة اللغوية. وبعبارة أخرى، يمكننا القول إنّ اعتباطية اللغة تكمن في إطار اعتباطية الأفكار.تقدم الأطروحة في النهاية فكر المؤلف حول اللغة ومسألة الاعتباط اللغوي، وقد بناه على مسألتين: الأولى أن هناك قوانين في اللغة تدير حركته على وفق نظام خاص؛ والثانية أن هناك علاقة وثيقة بين فكر المجموعة ولغتها
Lachance, Genevieve. "La conception platonicienne de la contradiction." Thèse, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/12346.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis examines the notion of contradiction understood in its logical or formal sense. Specifically, it seeks to study that notion in a philosopher who, chronologically speaking, precedes the advent of syllogistic or logic: Plato. Based on an analysis of Plato’s refutative dialogues, this thesis will determine the form given by Plato to contradictory propositions, unveil the terminology and metaphors used by Plato to name and describe contradictions and evaluate the context in which Plato reflected upon contradiction. The analysis will reveal that Plato had a very clear idea of what is a logical contradiction and that he even had an influence on Aristotle when the latter defined his famous principle of non-contradiction.
Rieger, schmidt Ana. "La primauté de l’étant et les premiers principes chez Gérard Odon." Thesis, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA040030.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis deals with Geraldus Odonis’ treatise De duobos communissimis principiis scientiarum (ca. 1320). In the first part, we analyze the text by focusing on the concept of "ens tertio adiacens". It is the being signified by the totality of the proposition and its truthmaker; it is univocally common to ens reale and ens rationis, for this reason Odonis identifies it to the subject of the principle of non-contradiction and the principle of excluded middle. The ens tertio adiacens also corresponds to the first adequate object of the intellect and to the subject of logic, which is understood as the first science. In the second part, we place Odonis in two historiographical debates: the propositional realism (alongside Walter Burley, Gregory of Rimini and John Wyclif) and the advancements of the doctrine of supertranscendentals (alongside Nicolas Bonetus, Francis of Marchia and others), which emerges from the distinction between the two senses of "res" in Henry of Ghent and in Duns Scotus