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Chaouti, A., and A. Bayed. "Effets d'une perturbation anthropique sur les conditions hydrologiques de la langune de Smir (Nord-Ouest, Maroc)." Revue des sciences de l'eau 18 (April 12, 2005): 181–97. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/705583ar.

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La lagune de Smir a été sujette à un aménagement (construction d'un barrage et d'un port de plaisance) qui a contribué à la modification de son système hydrologique notamment, la disparition de certaines espèces de flore et de faune et la réduction de superficies considérables de cet écosystème. Une caractérisation des eaux de cette lagune a porté sur la mesure pendant le reflux, d'un ensemble de paramètres physico-chimiques. Une méthodologie a été suivie afin d'exprimer de façon cartographique les résultats. De même, des suivis d'une journée ont été réalisés pour les eaux entrantes et sortantes au niveau de deux stations fixes, dans une tentative de comprendre l'action de la marée sur l'hydrologie au sein de la lagune, de cerner les caractéristiques des eaux entrantes dans la lagune et celles sortantes de celle-ci et de suivre l'évolution des différents paramètres physico-chimiques au cours des cycles marégraphiques. L'évolution spatiale des paramètres hydrologiques au niveau de la lagune, se réalise sous forme de gradients entre l'aval et l'amont. Elle est fonction des saisons, de la marée et des apports de l'Oued Smir et du Chenal principal venant des marais. La lagune subit le flux et le reflux de la marée d'un mètre d'amplitude environ. Combinée avec le déficit en eaux douces, la communication permanente avec la mer a eu pour conséquence l'augmentation générale de la salinité dans le plan d'eau lagunaire et dans les marais. Le fonctionnement hydrologique de la lagune de Smir se trouve actuellement régi par les facteurs hydrodynamiques liés à la marée (réguliers) et aux apports d'eaux véhiculés par le chenal des marais (irréguliers), auxquels peuvent être ajoutés des facteurs physiques (évaporation intense), bathymétriques (faible profondeur) et physiologiques (photosynthèse des macrophytes et des phanérogames dans la lagune et dans les marais limitrophes).
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Hu, Xiaogang, Wayne H. Pollard, and John E. Lewis. "Energy Exchange During River Icing Formation in a Subarctic Environment, Yukon Territory." Géographie physique et Quaternaire 53, no. 2 (October 2, 2002): 223–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/004880ar.

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RésuméLa formation de nappes de glace stratifiée est un phénomène hydrologique cou- rant en milieu subarctique. Il résulte de l'accumulation d'écoulements successifs pendant l'hiver. La taille et l'épaisseur des couches de glace sont déterminées par l'interaction entre les systèmes microclimatologique et hydrologique de l'eau de surface. On étudie ici les échanges d'énergie suivant différentes épaisseurs de nappes de glace. Dans le cas d'épaisses nappes d'écoulement, les couches de glace prennent plus de temps à geler entièrement en raison de la plus grande quantité de chaleur latente emmagasinée dans les volumes d'eau. Des températures de l'air plus douces vont davantage ralentir le processus. Dans de telles conditions, l'eau circulant entre le couvert de glace supérieur et la glace sous-jacente procure des quantités d'énergie appréciables. De 60 à 87 % de l'énergie est fournie par l'eau libre. Avec des températures progressivement plus froides, l'englaciation accélérée réduit le temps d'écoulement de l'eau, diminuant ainsi la quantité relative d'énergie fournie par l'eau. Dans ce cas, l'énergie est livrée par la chaleur latente libérée par le gel de l'eau contenue dans la couche de débordement. Dans certaines conditions, l'absortion du rayonnement solaire produit aussi une quantité considérable d'entrée d'énergie dans le régime thermique. Cette énergie est libérée par l'entremise de pertes appréciables de chaleur irradiante. Pendant la formation d'une nappe de glace, la chaleur latente est la moins importante, ne comptant que pour 6 à 17 % de la perte totale de chaleur.
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OUALI, A. "Conséquences des traitements technologiques sur la qualité de la viande." INRAE Productions Animales 4, no. 3 (July 31, 1991): 195–208. http://dx.doi.org/10.20870/productions-animales.1991.4.3.4334.

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Le poids des technologies dans la définition des qualités organoleptiques des viandes est indéniable. Parmi ces qualités, nous avons choisi de nous intéresser plus particulièrement à la tendreté et au processus d’attendrissage puisque, chez le bovin, cette caractéristique constitue le facteur limitant le plus important de l’acceptabilité par le consommateur. Cette revue tente de tracer un panorama des effets des conditions de réfrigération, de la congélation, de la vitesse de chute de pH, de la stimulation électrique et des promoteurs de croissance sur la tendreté de la viande. Concernant la température, il apparaît que des conditions de réfrigération trop douces ou trop rapides conduisent à une diminution de la tendreté. Vitesse de chute du pH et température étant étroitement interdépendantes, une relation similaire a été établie entre la tendreté finale et la vitesse d’acidification du muscle, des vitesses trop rapides de chute du pH (abaissement de la température très lent) ou trop lentes (abaissement de la température très rapide) conduisant à l’obtention de viandes plus dures. La tendreté de la viande sera donc optimum dans des conditions de réfrigération intermédiaires entre ces deux extrêmes. La congélation de muscles post-rigor affecte principalement la rétention d’eau et cette qualité sera d’autant mieux préservée que la congélation sera rapide et la décongélation lente. Par contre, ce traitement semble accélérer le processus d’attendrissage, probablement au travers de l’altération, par les cristaux de glace de la structure contractile et des protéines myofibrillaires elles-mêmes. La stimulation électrique des carcasses en basse (20 à 100 V) ou en haute tension (500 à 700 V) qui permet de prévenir l’apparition du phénomène de contracture au froid, n’a un effet bénéfique sur la tendreté que lorsqu’elle est associée à une réfrigération rapide. Associée à une réfrigération lente, elle conduit en effet à un durcissement de la viande. Quelle que soit leur nature, les promoteurs de croissance semblent avoir des effets néfastes sur les qualités de la viande et plus particulièrement la tendreté.
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Pensel, Anne, Sophie Peulon, and Annie Chausse. "Traitement électrochimique couplé à des films de birnessite électrodéposée appliqué à la dégradation de polluants émergents." La Houille Blanche, no. 1 (February 2018): 42–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/lhb/2018006.

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Cet article présente l'utilisation réussie de films minces électrodéposés de birnessite, un matériau non toxique à base d'un élément abondant, en tant que matériau d'électrode pour le développement d'un traitement électrochimique simple, efficace, peu onéreux et facile à mettre en œuvre dans des conditions très douces, pour dégrader et minéraliser des polluants organiques. L'idée originale consiste à coupler les propriétés oxydantes naturelles de la birnessite à un traitement d'oxydation électrochimique dans le but d'augmenter ses capacités de dégradation. Deux polluants pertinents ont été testés. Le glyphosate (N-(phosphonométhyl) glycine) est le principe actif du Roundup(r), un herbicide à large spectre le plus utilisé dans le monde. En raison de cette utilisation intensive, le glyphosate est un des pesticides le plus retrouvé dans l'environnement. L'AMPA (acide aminométhylphosphonique) est le principal métabolite du glyphosate, plus toxique et persistant que son parent. Ce composé peut provenir aussi de la dégradation des acides phosphoniques présents dans les détergents, et c'est pourquoi l'AMPA se retrouve également très fréquemment dans l'environnement, notamment en milieu urbain, et très récemment en milieu marin. De très bonnes capacités de minéralisation ont été obtenues pour ces deux polluants (0,720 g glyphosate minéralisé / g birnessite ; 0,105 g AMPA minéralisé / g birnessite) à des coûts énergétiques très bas, ce qui permet d'envisager des applications potentielles pour des traitements soit à des concentrations de niveau environnemental en complément de traitements existants, soit directement à la source de pollution.
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Roche, Elise. "Douches pour tous ?" Géographie et cultures 120-121 (2021): 99–120. http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/11tj0.

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Cet article aborde les enjeux de l’externalisation de l’accès à des douches à Lyon. En traitant le cas d’une grande ville où ne subsiste qu’un seul bains-douches, l’article explore les effets de la prise en charge de l’accès à l’hygiène par des accueils de jour, des lieux associatifs fréquentés par des personnes sans-domicile fixe, subventionnés par la puissance publique. Ce cas d’étude est illustratif de dynamiques plus larges affectant les politiques sociales locales, où l’on assiste à une recomposition de l’action publique par sa « démunicipalisation » et une prise en charge par d’importantes associations caritatives d’origine religieuse. L’accès aux douches, central dans les parcours des personnes sans-domicile fixe, se trouve réduit par ce processus d’externalisation. L’organisation spatiale témoigne de la moindre importance accordée aux douches, comparativement aux autres services des accueils de jours. L’accès à ces douches, comme leur entretien, est en outre soumis à des organisations du travail constamment précaires, reposant sur des travailleur·euse·s sociaux·ales aux conditions de travail dégradées et à la présence de bénévoles indispensables pour le fonctionnement des lieux.
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Porphyre, Vincent, and Denis Bastianelli. "Editorial - L'élevage porcin dans les pays tropicaux." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 71, no. 1-2 (February 9, 2019): 3. http://dx.doi.org/10.19182/remvt.31682.

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Les porcins assurent environ 35 % de la production de viande au niveau mondial, à égalité avec la volaille (FAOstat, 2019). En Afrique subsaharienne, cette proportion est largement inférieure en raison d’une forte tradition de production bovine et des interdits religieux autour de la consommation de viande de porc dans de larges parties de la zone. Elle représente cependant 11,9 % de la production de viande de la région et sa croissance a été de 50 % entre 2007 et 2017. Dans les régions où elle est pratiquée, la porciculture joue un rôle social et économique important lorsqu’elle se pratique à petite échelle, souvent combinée à d’autres activités agricoles.La production porcine se heurte cependant à de nombreuses difficultés sanitaires (peste porcine africaine, zoonoses), techniques (génétique, alimentation) et sociales (acceptabilité des élevages autour des lieux d’habitation). Face à ces défis, de nombreuses équipes de recherche sont mobilisées dans les différents pays producteurs. Cependant, les chercheurs sont souvent isolés et peinent à faire connaître leurs travaux à la communauté scientifique et à intégrer les réseaux scientifiques internationaux.Ce numéro thématique rassemble treize articles originaux et synthèses consacrés à la porciculture en région tropicale. Les questions socio-économiques sont abordées à travers des exemples de filières en Afrique mais aussi au Vietnam ou dans les Caraïbes. Les travaux présentés montrent les difficultés de ces filières soumises à des contraintes multiples. Souvent périurbaine, la production porcine doit se faire discrète et notamment minimiser ses nuisances. Ces conditions rendent difficiles une structuration et une professionnalisation qui permettraient un appui accru des autorités et une diminution des risques zoonotiques. Les systèmes d’élevage doivent en outre s’adapter à des contextes changeants où leur industrialisation bouleverse leur fonctionnement technique et économique et remet en question leur rôle dans les systèmes traditionnels basés sur l’intégration agriculture-élevage.Au niveau technique, l’alimentation reste la contrainte majeure pour les producteurs et le principal coût de production dans les contextes étudiés. Des pistes d’utilisation de ressources locales (tourteaux d’hévéa ou d’anacarde, patates douces) sont proposées pour diminuer l’incorporation d’ingrédients plus onéreux. Les pratiques d’alimentation autour du sevrage peuvent également améliorer le démarrage des animaux et leurs performances ultérieures. Enfin, les choix génétiques sont mis en débat, soit pour comparer les performances des porcs locaux ou améliorés, soit pour promouvoir des races locales à valeur patrimoniale.Les questions sanitaires restent une inquiétude majeure. En Afrique, la peste porcine africaine demeure une menace constante ; de plus, les pathologies sont nombreuses et impactent fortement la production. Les caractéristiques des systèmes de production et de commercialisation augmentent les risques de contamination et rendent difficiles les politiques de prévention. Il y a pourtant un défi sanitaire majeur pour les filières porcines car, au-delà de l’impact sur la production, les zoonoses, mais aussi la dispersion de souches microbiennes résistantes aux antibiotiques, sont des enjeux de santé publique prioritaire. Continuer la recherche, partager les résultats, constituer des réseaux nationaux, régionaux et internationaux : voilà autant d’efforts qui doivent être poursuivis. Au travers de ce numéro thématique, la Revue continue son travail de valorisation des résultats les plus marquants obtenus par des chercheurs travaillant dans des conditions matérielles et partenariales parfois difficiles. Nous pouvons d’ores et déjà annoncer que d’autres articles, en complément de ce numéro thématique, seront publiés dans les prochains numéros de la Revue afin de maintenir notre engagement en faveur de la promotion de la recherche porcine dans les Suds.
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Luntz, M., and J. Sadé. "Value of middle ear inflation as a diagnostic indicator of eustachian tube patency." Journal of Laryngology & Otology 104, no. 2 (February 1990): 134–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s002221510011206x.

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AbstractThe value of tubal inflation as a diagnostic procedure for Eustachian tube patency and function is controversial. In an attempt to assess the diagnostic value of air douche in atelectatic ears, 49 such ears of 40 patients were politzerized. The procedure was successful in 45 ears. However, of the four unsuccessful cases, two of the patients were able to autoinflate their ears. These results show that air douches pass regularly through the Eustachian tube into the tympanic cavity even in atelectatic ears, which by definition suffer from aeration deficiency, which is often considered to be secondary to ‘Eustachian tube obstruction’, or alternatively ‘Eustachian tube dysfunction’. Thus, the ability to force air through the Eustachian tube by politzerization is of no diagnostic value as an indicator of normal or abnormal tubal patency or functioning in atelectatic ears and most probably in allied conditions.
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Zander, Karen. "Doubts About the National Agenda of “Self-Managing” Chronic Conditions." Professional Case Management 20, no. 5 (2015): 248–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/ncm.0000000000000111.

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Zhao, Yuxia, and Meera Kweon. "Optimized Fermentation and Freezing Conditions for Ready-to-Proof and Ready-to-Bake Frozen Dough of Sweet Bread." Applied Sciences 11, no. 17 (August 27, 2021): 7904. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/app11177904.

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The processing conditions for ready-to-proof (RTP) and ready-to-bake (RTB) frozen sweet bread doughs were optimized using response surface methodology. A central composite design determined four factors and the tested range for each factor: a first fermentation time of 15~45 min, a second fermentation time of 30~90 min, a freezing temperature of −45~−25 °C, and a freezing time of 30~90 min. Sweet bread produced with these doughs was evaluated by bread weight, moisture content, crust color, height, volume, and firmness. Both the RTP and RTB doughs resulted in equal bread volume and height to the fresh dough, indicating excellent frozen stability. The first and second fermentation times were the significant processing factors for the RTP and RTB doughs influencing representative bread quality attributes based on quadratic models and ANOVA. Fermentation steps appeared to more significantly contribute to the quality of sweet bread made of frozen dough than freezing steps. The optimized RTP and RTB sweet bread dough processing conditions were the long first and second fermentation times for the dough based on a multiple response method and desirability. The optimum processing conditions for the RTP and RTB doughs were 44.7 min for the first fermentation time, 86.3 min for the second fermentation time, a −32.8 °C freezing temperature, and an 85.5 min freezing time.
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Pogodin, V. K., E. A. Perminova, E. A. Mikhailyuk, and A. N. Aktuganov. "Requirements for evaluation of the technical condition of tube-furnace doubles." Chemical and Petroleum Engineering 49, no. 3-4 (July 2013): 270–75. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10556-013-9739-z.

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Tanghe, An, Patrick Van Dijck, Didier Colavizza, and Johan M. Thevelein. "Aquaporin-Mediated Improvement of Freeze Tolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Is Restricted to Rapid Freezing Conditions." Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70, no. 6 (June 2004): 3377–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.1128/aem.70.6.3377-3382.2004.

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ABSTRACT Previous observations that aquaporin overexpression increases the freeze tolerance of baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) without negatively affecting the growth or fermentation characteristics held promise for the development of commercial baker's yeast strains used in frozen dough applications. In this study we found that overexpression of the aquaporin-encoding genes AQY1-1 and AQY2-1 improves the freeze tolerance of industrial strain AT25, but only in small doughs under laboratory conditions and not in large doughs under industrial conditions. We found that the difference in the freezing rate is apparently responsible for the difference in the results. We tested six different cooling rates and found that at high cooling rates aquaporin overexpression significantly improved the survival of yeast cells, while at low cooling rates there was no significant effect. Differences in the cultivation conditions and in the thawing rate did not influence the freeze tolerance under the conditions tested. Survival after freezing is determined mainly by two factors, cellular dehydration and intracellular ice crystal formation, which depend in an inverse manner on the cooling velocity. In accordance with this so-called two-factor hypothesis of freezing injury, we suggest that water permeability is limiting, and therefore that aquaporin function is advantageous, only under rapid freezing conditions. If this hypothesis is correct, then aquaporin overexpression is not expected to affect the leavening capacity of yeast cells in large, industrial frozen doughs, which do not freeze rapidly. Our results imply that aquaporin-overexpressing strains have less potential for use in frozen doughs than originally thought.
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Fine, Benjamin, and Gerhard Rosenberger. "Surface groups within Baumslag doubles." Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 54, no. 1 (January 19, 2011): 91–97. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0013091509001102.

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AbstractA conjecture of Gromov states that a one-ended word-hyperbolic group must contain a subgroup that is isomorphic to the fundamental group of a closed hyperbolic surface. Recent papers by Gordon and Wilton and by Kim and Wilton give sufficient conditions for hyperbolic surface groups to be embedded in a hyperbolic Baumslag double G. Using Nielsen cancellation methods based on techniques from previous work by the second author, we prove that a hyperbolic orientable surface group of genus 2 is embedded in a hyperbolic Baumslag double if and only if the amalgamated word W is a commutator: that is, W = [U, V] for some elements U, V ∈ F. Furthermore, a hyperbolic Baumslag double G contains a non-orientable surface group of genus 4 if and only if W = X2Y2 for some X, Y ∈ F. G can contain no non-orientable surface group of smaller genus.
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Sidorov, Alexander V., Anastasia V. Grigorieva, Anastasia E. Goldt, Olga E. Eremina, Irina A. Veselova, Sergey V. Savilov, and Eugene A. Goodilin. "Chimie douce preparation of reproducible silver coatings for SERS applications." Functional Materials Letters 09, no. 01 (February 2016): 1650016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/s1793604716500168.

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A new soft chemistry preparation method of submicron — thick porous coatings of metallic silver is suggested for possible surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) applications. The method is based on facile deposition of diamminesilver (I) aerosols forming instantly a nanostructured layer by fast decomposition and self–reduction of [Ag(NH[Formula: see text] aqueous solutions onto surfaces of inorganic substrates under mild conditions of 280–300[Formula: see text]C in air. A strong difference in overall microstructures and related SERS signals of model analytes is found for substrates with different deposition time and in comparison with a standard magnetron deposition technique. It is demonstrated that the suggested method is predominant for formation of robust SERS substrates with a stable and reproducible SERS enhancement.
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Szlachta-Kisiel, Katarzyna. "DETERMINANTS CHARACTERIZING WORK IN SPECIAL CONDITIONS." Roczniki Administracji i Prawa 1, no. XVIII (June 30, 2018): 367–77. http://dx.doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0012.6009.

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The situation of the applicant applying for a retirement pension for work in a special conditions while not possessing the required work certificate confirming such a circumstance raises numerous interpretative doubts for each party to the proceedings. Determining whether a job is or is not a job in special conditions based on indirect evidence is a very common challenge which the Labor and Social Security Courts currently have to face. In this study I have characterized the premises whose combined existence allow for the assumption that a given work can be considered as performed in special conditions. On the basis of legal acts, the current position of doctrine and judicature, as well as taking into account the specificity of social insurance law norms, I indicate determinants characteristic for work in special conditions, the determination of which is crucial for the applicant’s acquisition of the right to retirement.
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Klucharev, Grigoriy A., and Irina O. Tyurina. "Bologna Experience: Successes and Doubts." Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya, no. 4 (2023): 84–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.31857/s013216250025450-8.

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The expected formal withdrawal of Russian higher education from the Bologna process raises the question of assessing the experience gained in this area over two decades. The question of the possibility and expediency of using this experience in the further development of existing education is of high relevance. The article uses data from the monitoring of the Bologna process in education management bodies, in higher and secondary educational institutions, as well as among their administrations and teaching staff. Specific data were obtained by a joint study of the Center for the Sociology of Science and Education of the Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Center for Social Forecasting LLC (N=3677, October 2021) For three subsamples of graduates: bachelor's degree, master's degree, specialty - the following indicators were analyzed: employment in the received specialty, expected and actual wages, readiness for additional and continuing education. An assessment and forecast of the applicability in the conditions of modern Russian realities of such "Bologna" practices as the creation of National research universities, the Unified State Examination, GIFO, educational lending, intra-country educational migration and inter-university exchanges, overcoming inequalities and the availability of quality education.
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Srinivasan, M., R. D. Waniska, and L. W. Rooney. "Note. Effects of ingredients and processing on dough rheology of wheat flour tortillas Nota. Efecto de los ingredientes y del proceso sobre la reología de la masa para tortillas de harina de trigo." Food Science and Technology International 6, no. 4 (August 2000): 331–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/108201320000600408.

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The effects of fat, cysteine, water and gluten contents and processing parameters (mixing time and mixing temperature) of tortilla doughs were evaluated over 25 min resting time. Dough balls were rested 10 min, hot-pressed and baked. Viscoelastic dough properties (ranging from more solid-like to more fluid-like) were affected by ingredients, processing conditions, and resting time. Solid-like (firm ness, toughness) properties of all doughs decreased during resting. Some doughs had unique proper ties which were retained throughout 25 min resting. Tortillas hot-pressed from doughs with more fluid-like properties (flows easily, soft) required less resting time and were larger in diameter than tortillas prepared from doughs with more solid-like properties. Ingredients and processing condi tions modified dough and tortilla properties; however, changes due to ingredients, were substan tially larger than those due to processing parameters. Some ingredients (less fat, less cysteine, less water, more gluten) and processing conditions (optimum mixing, less warm mixing temperature) increased the solid-like properties of dough. Dough hardness, resilience and extension force were higher and extension distance lower for firm, tough (solid-like) doughs.
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Ścibiorek, Zbigniew. "The conditions of human behaviour in the process of changes." Logistics and Transport 53, no. 1 (2022): 15–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.26411/83-1734-2015-1-53-2-22.

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The article deals with various issues related to changes, mainly resistance to them. Basic premises of transformations and doubts that may appear among the organization’s personnel have been discussed. Not only the issues concerning the resistance itself have been included, but also the reasons that determine its intensity and several methods that may be used in practice have been mentioned as well. The study is the result of materials analysis on the aspects of changes determinants and resistance to transformations that are permanently integrated into the functioning of each organization, also strongly hierarchical, which is the army.
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KEILBERG, MARC. "HIGHER INDICATORS FOR SOME GROUPS AND THEIR DOUBLES." Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 11, no. 02 (April 2012): 1250030. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/s0219498811005543.

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In this paper we explicitly determine all indicators for groups isomorphic to the semidirect product of two cyclic groups by an automorphism of prime order, as well as the generalized quaternion groups. We then compute the indicators for the Drinfel'd doubles of these groups. This first family of groups include the dihedral groups, the non-abelian groups of order pq, and the semidihedral groups. We find that the indicators are all integers, with negative integers being possible in the first family only under certain specific conditions.
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Kobak, Maciej. "Conditions for liability for damage or destruction of a tree." Gubernaculum et Administratio 2(24) (2021): 271–89. http://dx.doi.org/10.16926/gea.2021.02.32.

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The article focuses on applicable legal solutions regulating liability for the destruction and damage of a tree. Its main purpose is to show the whole spectrum of doubts that arise in practice, in particular when interpreting the concepts that shape this responsibility. Lack of precision of regulations forces public administration bodies and courts to reach for sophisticated interpretative instruments that allow to rationalize their content and formulate directives adequate to the system assumptions of nature protection law. The author argues that this formula of „legal action” is undesirable and should be temporary, only until the necessary amendment is adopted. Under no circumstances should it become mandatory practice.
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Zyryanov, Dmitry Aleksandrovich, Egor Maksimovich Badika, and Sergey Gennadievich Babchinetsky. "DIGITAL TWINS IN PRODUCT AND TECHNOLOGY LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT." Chronos 7, no. 6(68) (September 13, 2022): 28–33. http://dx.doi.org/10.52013/2658-7556-68-6-9.

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This article discusses the concepts of the product life cycle and digital twin, their classification and stages of creation. Modern representatives of software for simulation modeling and digital twins are considered. Advantages and disadvantages of using modeling methods for digital doubles are given. The conditions and requirements for the construction of digital doubles are described.
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Mennad, Abdelkader. "Les techniques de dépôt de couches minces et leurs applications." Journal of Renewable Energies 18, no. 4 (October 18, 2023): 713–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.54966/jreen.v18i4.541.

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Plusieurs techniques de dépôt de couches minces sont développées, mais leurs applications peuvent être conditionnées par des conditions opératoires ou restreintes à une surface réduite de substrat. La technique ALD ‘Atomic Layer Deposition’ est une option idéale pour effectuer des dépôts de couches minces dans des conditions de température plus douce et de contrôle d’épaisseur de couches sur des substrats de grande surface. Elle peut être utilisée pour des applications variées en comparaison aux autres techniques.
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Shinagawa, Tatsuya, and Kazuhiro Takanabe. "Identification of intrinsic catalytic activity for electrochemical reduction of water molecules to generate hydrogen." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17, no. 23 (2015): 15111–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c5cp02330k.

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He, Xiaoqin, Peixiu Rong, Hongyan Liu, Bingcheng Gan, Dingtao Wu, Huabin Li, and Renyou Gan. "Co-Fermentation of Edible Mushroom By-Products with Soybeans Enhances Nutritional Values, Isoflavone Aglycones, and Antioxidant Capacity of Douchi Koji." Foods 11, no. 19 (September 20, 2022): 2943. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods11192943.

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Douchi is a traditional salt-fermented soybean food with various bioactivities, such as anti-oxidation, anti-diabetes, and anti-hypertension, which are greatly affected by the activities of protease and β-glucosidase during koji production. Edible mushroom by-products are ideal ingredients for enhancing food flavor and nutritional quality due to their unique nutritional characteristics of high protein, rich amino acids, and low calories. However, there is no research on the preparation of Douchi by the mixed fermentation of edible mushroom by-products and soybeans. In this study, response surface methodology (RSM) was used to optimize the fermentation conditions of edible mushroom by-product Douchi koji (EMDK) with protease and β-glucosidase activities as indicators, and the changes in the main bioactive compounds and antioxidant activities of unfermented raw samples (URS), Douchi koji without edible mushroom by-product (DKWE), and EMDK were compared. The results of single-factor tests and RSM showed that the optimal fermentation conditions of EMDK were the Aspergillus oryzae to Mucor racemosus ratio of 1:1, inoculation amount of 6%, edible mushroom amount of 21%, and fermentation time of 63 h, and the activities of protease and β-glucosidase under these conditions were 796.03 ± 15.01 U/g and 1175.40 ± 36.98 U/g, respectively. Additionally, compared with URS and DKWE, the contents of total isoflavones and β-glucoside isoflavones in EMDK were notably decreased, while the contents of amino nitrogen, total phenolics, total flavonoids, and aglycone isoflavone, as well as the antioxidant capacity were significantly increased. Furthermore, significant correlations were found between the above components and antioxidant capacity. These results showed that edible mushroom by-product could be incorporated into soybeans for co-fermentation, conferring higher nutritional value to and antioxidant capacity of Douchi koji.
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Wang, Yu, Jiao Zhou, and Xiao Hong Yang. "Study on Flavor Compounds by Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction Enshi Lobster Sauce and Fermented Yichang Conditions Exploration and Volatile." Advanced Materials Research 803 (September 2013): 108–12. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.803.108.

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Headspace solid phase microextraction - gas chromatography mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC-MS) qualitative analysis of volatile substances in Enshi lobster sauce. Yichang, explore the lobster sauce lobster sauce with the best essential conditions to the total peak area of volatile substances as an indicator to determine the optimal experimental conditions for the HS.SPME:Water bath temperature of 50 degrees Celsius,20 minutes extraction time, desorption time 2 min, SPME CAR / PDMS. The results show that fermented in enshi to detect the party of volatile matter 41, Enshi douchi of volatile compounds in components have eight categories .those are alcohols (6), acid (7), ether (2), Pyrazine (3), aldehydes ketones (4), hydrocarbon (19), pyrazine (3), thiazole (1) . fermented in yichang to detect the party of volatile matter 23,yichang douchi of volatile compounds in components have nine categories .those are alcohols (4), acid (5), ether (1), Pyrazine (1), ester (4), Pyrazine(4), hydrocarbon (4), pyrazine (2), furan(1),thiazole (1) .
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Teunissen, Aloys, Françoise Dumortier, Marie-Françoise Gorwa, Jürgen Bauer, An Tanghe, Annie Loïez, Peter Smet, Patrick Van Dijck, and Johan M. Thevelein. "Isolation and Characterization of a Freeze-Tolerant Diploid Derivative of an Industrial Baker's Yeast Strain and Its Use in Frozen Doughs." Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68, no. 10 (October 2002): 4780–87. http://dx.doi.org/10.1128/aem.68.10.4780-4787.2002.

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ABSTRACT The routine production and storage of frozen doughs are still problematic. Although commercial baker's yeast is highly resistant to environmental stress conditions, it rapidly loses stress resistance during dough preparation due to the initiation of fermentation. As a result, the yeast loses gassing power significantly during storage of frozen doughs. We obtained freeze-tolerant mutants of polyploid industrial strains following screening for survival in doughs prepared with UV-mutagenized yeast and subjected to 200 freeze-thaw cycles. Two strains in the S47 background with a normal growth rate and the best freeze tolerance under laboratory conditions were selected for production in a 20-liter pilot fermentor. Before frozen storage, the AT25 mutant produced on the 20-liter pilot scale had a 10% higher gassing power capacity than the S47 strain, while the opposite was observed for cells produced under laboratory conditions. AT25 also retained more freeze tolerance during the initiation of fermentation in liquid cultures and more gassing power during storage of frozen doughs. Other industrially important properties (yield, growth rate, nitrogen assimilation, and phosphorus content) were very similar. AT25 had only half of the DNA content of S47, and its cell size was much smaller. Several diploid segregants of S47 had freeze tolerances similar to that of AT25 but inferior performance for other properties, while an AT25-derived tetraploid, TAT25, showed only slightly improved freeze tolerance compared to S47. When AT25 was cultured in a 20,000-liter fermentor under industrial conditions, it retained its superior performance and thus appears to be promising for use in frozen dough production. Our results also show that a diploid strain can perform at least as well as a tetraploid strain for commercial baker's yeast production and usage.
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Rincón, Ana M., Antonio C. Codón, Francisco Castrejón, and Tahı́a Benı́tez. "Improved Properties of Baker's Yeast Mutants Resistant to 2-Deoxy-d-Glucose." Applied and Environmental Microbiology 67, no. 9 (September 1, 2001): 4279–85. http://dx.doi.org/10.1128/aem.67.9.4279-4285.2001.

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ABSTRACT We isolated spontaneous mutants from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker's yeast V1) that were resistant to 2-deoxy-d-glucose and had improved fermentative capacity on sweet doughs. Three mutants could grow at the same rate as the wild type in minimal SD medium (0.17% Difco yeast nitrogen base without amino acids and ammonium sulfate, 0.5% ammonium sulfate, 2% glucose) and had stable elevated levels of maltase and/or invertase under repression conditions but lower levels in maltose-supplemented media. Two of the mutants also had high levels of phosphatase active on 2-deoxy-d-glucose-6-phosphate. Dough fermentation (CO2 liberation) by two of the mutants was faster and/or produced higher final volumes than that by the wild type, both under laboratory and industrial conditions, when the doughs were supplemented with glucose or sucrose. However, the three mutants were slower when fermenting plain doughs. Fermented sweet bakery products obtained with these mutants were of better quality than those produced by the wild type, with regard to their texture and their organoleptic properties.
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Yao, Mingjing, Chunmin Ma, Xin Bian, Yang Yang, Yue Xu, Qiaoyan Wu, Xinyu Xu, Lulu Li, Na Zhang, and Yanjun Tian. "Isolation and Optimal Fermentation Conditions of Bacillus licheniformis SFD-Y5 for a New Douchi Fibrinolytic Enzyme Producer." Fermentation 9, no. 7 (July 16, 2023): 668. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/fermentation9070668.

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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) has become the leading cause of death, and it is critical to develop new functional foods to prevent intravascular thrombosis, the key cause of CVD. Fermented soy-based food is a good choice because of its native fibrinolytic enzyme (FE) activity. In this study, a strain that can produce a new type of fibrinolytic enzyme was selected from Chinese Douchi and identified as Bacillus licheniformis SFD-Y5 by molecular biology experiments and physiological and biochemical experiments. Single factor experiments combined with statistical experiments, including Plackett–Burman experiment, steepest ascent experiment and RSM (Box–Behnken design), were used to optimize the fermentation of FE by B. licheniformis SFD-Y5. The final FE activity was 2434.45 ± 28.49 IU/mL under optimal conditions, which is the highest FE activity produced by wild B. licheniformis so far. Further studies showed that Y5 FE is a serine metalloproteinase with good stability at alkaline pHs (pH 8.0–11.0). The results of our study could lay a foundation for the future production, molecular modification and further application in functional foods of Y5 FE.
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Dormoy-Boulanger, Jade, Irene Gregory-Eaves, Philippe Juneau, and Beatrix E. Beisner. "Effets de différentes conditions environnementales sur la production, l’excrétion et la dégradation des cyanotoxines dans les écosystèmes d’eau douce et saumâtre." Le Naturaliste canadien 144, no. 2 (2020): 65. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/1073989ar.

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Schwegler, Armin. "Future and Conditional in Palenquero." Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 7, no. 2 (January 1, 1992): 223–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/jpcl.7.2.03sch.

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Previous research (including the recent monographs of Friedemann & Patino Rosselli 1983 and Megenney 1986) states that Palenquero (henceforth PAL) has but a single future particle — tan — and lacks overt irrealis markers to express conditionals. This paper takes issue with earlier claims by showing that this creole language in fact has an additional irrealis marker — ake or its variants k(e) — whose principal function is to signal future and conditional. After the presentation of data, attention is focused on the syntax and origin of aké. In the course of the discussion it will become apparent that the PAL facts speak against Bickerton's well-known hypothesis about the prototypical creole tense-modality-aspect system, which is said to order preverbal morphemes as follows: tense (± anterior) + modality (±irrealis) + aspect (±durative). The final section offers a preliminary investigation into PAL modal distinctions (certain future versus probable future) which casts strong doubts on earlier assertions that PAL lacks contrastive mood differentiations. The article concludes with suggestions for further research.
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Adamus, Rafał. "FREEDOM TO CHOOSE THE TYPE OF RESEARCH ACTIVITYAND THE STATUTORY CONDITIONS FOR OBTAINING THE ACADEMIC TITLE OF PROFESSOR." Roczniki Administracji i Prawa 2, no. XXII (June 30, 2022): 125–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0016.0950.

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This study examines the statutory criteria for awarding the title of professor under the so-called Constitution for Science. The content of the article emphasizes the freedom to choose the form of scientific activity for a candidate for the title of professor, as provided for in the act. The legislator used a complex legal norm to establish the criteria for a candidate for the title of professor. It may raise both practical and theoretical doubts.
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Gleason, Maud. "Identity Theft: Doubles and Masquerades in Cassius Dio's Contemporary History." Classical Antiquity 30, no. 1 (April 1, 2011): 33–86. http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/ca.2011.30.1.33.

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The contemporary books of Cassius Dio's Roman History are known (to the extent that they are read) for their anecdotal quality and lack of interpretive sophistication. This paper aims to recuperate another layer of meaning for Dio's anecdotes by examining episodes in his contemporary books that feature masquerades and impersonation. It suggests that these themes owe their prominence to political conditions in Dio's lifetime, particularly the revival, after a hundred-year lapse, of usurpation and damnatio memoriae, practices that rendered personal identity problematic. The central claim is that narratives in Dio's last books use masquerades and impersonation to explore paradoxes of personal identity and signification, issues made salient by abrupt changes of social status at the highest levels of imperial society.
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Magdalena de la Fuente, Julio Carlos, Nicolas Tarantino, and Jens Eisert. "Non-Pauli topological stabilizer codes from twisted quantum doubles." Quantum 5 (February 17, 2021): 398. http://dx.doi.org/10.22331/q-2021-02-17-398.

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It has long been known that long-ranged entangled topological phases can be exploited to protect quantum information against unwanted local errors. Indeed, conditions for intrinsic topological order are reminiscent of criteria for faithful quantum error correction. At the same time, the promise of using general topological orders for practical error correction remains largely unfulfilled to date. In this work, we significantly contribute to establishing such a connection by showing that Abelian twisted quantum double models can be used for quantum error correction. By exploiting the group cohomological data sitting at the heart of these lattice models, we transmute the terms of these Hamiltonians into full-rank, pairwise commuting operators, defining commuting stabilizers. The resulting codes are defined by non-Pauli commuting stabilizers, with local systems that can either be qubits or higher dimensional quantum systems. Thus, this work establishes a new connection between condensed matter physics and quantum information theory, and constructs tools to systematically devise new topological quantum error correcting codes beyond toric or surface code models.
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Hasker, PJS, and J. Bassingthwaighte. "Implanting electronic identification transponders under the scutifon cartilage of beef cattle is inappropriate under Australian conditions." Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 35, no. 1 (1995): 15. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/ea9950015.

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Poor readout and recovery rates of electronic identification (EID) transponders at the slaughter of feedlot steers raise doubts about the suitability of the scutiform cartilage as a site for implanting EID transponders in commercial beef herds in Australia. At slaughter, a readout was obtained from73% of 4630 implanted steers that were scanned. Failure to give a readout was due to broken and lost transponders. Less than three-quarters of the transponders giving a readout at slaughter were recovered. These results could not be totally attributed to implanting procedure as they were similar for different feedlot-abattoir combinations and different operators.
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Boyko, V. I., and V. A. Terekhov. "Endoscopic treatment of emergency conditions in gynecology: tactics and treatment." HEALTH OF WOMAN, no. 3(149) (April 30, 2020): 64–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.15574/hw.2020.149.64.

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Diagnosis and treatment of acute surgical diseases in gynecology, despite the modern achievements of medical science, has been and remains a difficult and responsible task. In urgent situations, there is always a danger of operating the patient when it was not necessary, or viewing the acute surgical process with prolonged observation, which contributes to the development of complications and even death of the patient. Often, not only health, but also the woman’s life depends on how quickly and correctly the doctor will orient in the situation and apply the right organizational and medical measures. The development of endoscopic technology has allowed us to go from a simple visual examination of the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs to complex surgical interventions without an abdominal incision, and in emergency conditions, in case of acute abdominal pathology, in most cases, resolve diagnostic doubts. The article describes the advantages and disadvantages of endoscopic treatment of the most common urgent gynecological pathologies, especially the postoperative management of patients, rehabilitation and preventive measures to restore their reproductive health. Key words: urgent gynecological conditions, ectopic pregnancy, laparotomy, laparoscopy, semi-operative management, rehabilitation, prevention.
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Kleňová, Veronika, and Zdenko Takáč. "Condicio supervacua and related conditions in Roman law." Tijdschrift voor rechtsgeschiedenis 83, no. 1-2 (May 31, 2015): 77–106. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/15718190-08312p05.

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The article deals with the conditions that did not have the legal effect of a ‘proper condition’. The authors distinguish these conditions from a ‘proper condition’ pointing out that the distinguishing feature is an ‘uncertainty’ carried by the condition. Firstly, the authors focus their attention on the condicio supervacua – the term is explicitly used only by Pomponius in the case of legacies. It did not have the effect of a ‘proper condition’, because the uncertainty expressed by the condition already resulted from the legal norm itself. It was an explicitly expressed condicio iuris pursuant to the modern definitions of the term. The authors analyze and compare various cases that seemingly deal with condiciones iuris too. The analysis makes it clear that they were regarded as supervacuae, unless the testator changed the legal situation in some way through their expression. He had to insert some new uncertainty that did not result from the legal norm itself. The other kind of condition that the article deals with is condicio institutionis/substitutionis expressly re-applied to a legatum. This condition is different from condicio supervacua, because in this case the new uncertainty was added by the testator himself. Despite some doubts, the legal opinion which prevailed in Roman law was that such a condition did not have the effect of a ‘proper condition’ in relation to a legacy. The reason is that even if the testator re-applied the condition of institution also to a legacy, he extended only the uncertainty of aditio hereditatis and did not insert any new uncertainty into the legacy itself.
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Fang, Yu, and Li Yongchao. "The effect of curing conditions on the expansion efficiency of MgO expansion agent." E3S Web of Conferences 233 (2021): 03047. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202123303047.

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In order to further promote the research and application of MgO expansion agent in concrete field, this paper carried out the effect of different humidity and temperature conditions on the expansion properties of mortar and mortar specimens mixed with MgO expansion agent. In addition, the mechanism of the factors affecting the sensitivity of the MgO expansion agent is revealed by combining microscopic technology. The results show that the higher the curing temperature and the greater the curing humidity, the greater the expansion efficiency of the MgO expansion agent. The temperature of 20~40°C has no obvious effect on the efficiency of the MgO expansion agent, but the expansion value of the specimen doubles as the temperature rises to 40~80°C. Besides, the higher the curing humidity, the better the expansion efficiency of the MgO expansion agent, but the MgO expansion agent is more sensitive to the low humidity environment, and the specimen shrinks in the lower humidity environment (RH=60%).
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Gross, Gregory D. "Gatekeeping for Cultural Competence: Ready or Not? Some Post and Modernist Doubts." Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work 5, no. 2 (March 1, 2000): 47–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.18084/1084-7219.5.2.47.

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Cultural competence, an axiomatic idea full of promise, struggles to meet its mission due to four handicapping conditions: the over-ambitiousness of the term's definition; the underrepresentation of the humanities in HBSE content; the over-simplification of the term culture; and the underpreparedness of professors and programs for delivery of diversity content. “Mastery” of minority content may not be possible, and those who believe they have such mastery face the danger of understanding clients too soon, too superficially. Ironically, the postmodern stance of “not knowing” leads to greater levels of empathy toward members of all populations.
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Baranov, L. I. "Digital twins in the information space as a reflection of a person." Journal of Digital Economy Research 1, no. 3 (November 30, 2023): 38–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.24833/14511791-2023-3-38-52.

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The article considers the phenomenon of the influence of information and communication technologies on human life and the growth of the scale of this influence in the modern era, characterized by the ubiquity of the Internet. The research proves that the growth in the number of Internet users, intensification of human immersion in the network, improvement of Internet technologies, have led to significant changes in social life. The development of electronic services and provision of roundthe-clock access to them have led to a significant increase in online sales of almost all types of everyday goods. In addition, the continuous improvement of electronic devices with a wide range of opportunities for users has led to a qualitative development of the infrastructure of interaction with the Internet. Under these conditions, the information space forms conditions and opportunities for the creation and preservation of digital doubles of a human, partially or fully reflecting his or her physical and personal characteristics. As technologies develop, these digital doubles can become more independent and closer to their originals not only in the information space, but also in the physical world. In this regard, the author notes the threats of such development and argues for the need to carefully analyze the possible consequences of the widespread use of digital doubles in order to ensure that their development is for the benefit of human beings.
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Schneider, Jörg J., Rudolf C. Hoffmann, Jörg Engstler, Stefan Dilfer, Andreas Klyszcz, Emre Erdem, Peter Jakes, and Rüdiger A. Eichel. "Zinc oxide derived from single source precursor chemistry under chimie douce conditions: formation pathway, defect chemistry and possible applications in thin film printing." Journal of Materials Chemistry 19, no. 10 (2009): 1449. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/b816376f.

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Köhn, Andreas, and David P. Tew. "Explicitly correlated coupled-cluster theory using cusp conditions. I. Perturbation analysis of coupled-cluster singles and doubles (CCSD-F12)." Journal of Chemical Physics 133, no. 17 (November 7, 2010): 174117. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3496372.

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Shokasheva, D. I. "Specific features of long-term domestication of australian crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus in conditions of the western part of Russian Federation." Izvestiya TINRO 194 (October 12, 2018): 188–92. http://dx.doi.org/10.26428/1606-9919-2018-194-188-192.

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Natural populations of crayfish are in depression in Russia and local species are not cultivated. In this situation, experimental cultivation of allochtonous australian crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus is conducted. This species is distinguished by high reproductive abilities and good consumer properties. It has domesticated in Russia spontaneously and produced 9–10 generations in Astrakhan Region. Certain natural selection in the process of domestication provides adaptive ability of this species to local environments and its capabil­ity to reproduce a viable progeny, so there is no doubts in good prospects of its cultivation in industrial conditions.
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Meusburger, C. "Quantum double and κ-Poincaré symmetries in (2+1)-gravity and Chern–Simons theoryThis paper was presented at the Theory CANADA 4 conference, held at Centre de recherches mathématiques, Montréal, Québec, Canada on 4–7 June 2008." Canadian Journal of Physics 87, № 3 (березень 2009): 245–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/p08-076.

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We clarify the role of Drinfeld doubles and κ-Poincaré symmetries in quantized (2+1)-gravity and Chern–Simons theory. We discuss the conditions under which a given Hopf algebra symmetry is compatible with a Chern–Simons theory and determine this compatibility explicitly for the Drinfeld doubles and κ-Poincaré symmetries associated with the isometry groups of (2+1)-gravity. In particular, we show that κ-Poincaré symmetries with a timelike deformation are not directly associated with (2+1)-gravity. The association between these κ-Poincaré symmetries and Chern–Simons theory is possible only in the de Sitter case and the relevant Chern–Simons theory is physically inequivalent to (2+1)-gravity.
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Nelson, A. R., C. L. Johnson, W. J. Matter, and R. W. Mannan. "Tests of emigration in small mammals under experimental conditions." Canadian Journal of Zoology 80, no. 12 (December 1, 2002): 2056–60. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/z02-193.

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Holding animals in enclosures that block emigration causes demographic abnormalities called "fence effects." Experimenters have built exits that require animals to move through unfavorable conditions to leave enclosures. There are doubts about whether individuals that cross these challenging exits are true emigrants. We tested whether an exit that required house mice (Mus musculus) to swim through a water-filled trough was used only by mice triggered to emigrate from an experimental enclosure. Also, we examined the responses of mice to the availability of resources and the presence of conspecific adult animals in a small enclosure with an exit and in an enclosure made by joining two single enclosures. All mice left a barren enclosure within 12 h but no mice left during 7-day trials in a resource-rich enclosure during spring and summer. At the end of trials with repeated introduction of pairs of mice, about 85% of resident mice were the first mice added. Nearly all mice added later left the enclosure. A relatively constant number of mice became residents in small enclosures and about 2.3 times as many mice resided in double enclosures. Mice readily found and used exits when motivated to leave and did not accidentally pass through exits during routine exploration. Thus, mice that stayed in enclosures were not "fenced in" by the water-filled exit and exhibited residency as in nature. Tests of exits should give ecologists confidence that animals can display normal residency and emigration behaviors in experimental settings. The defense of resources by residents and the emigration of excess animals resulted in a consistent limit to the number of animals able to reside in enclosures.
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Lancaster, J., A. Belloso, C. A. Wilson, and M. McCormick. "Rare case of naso-oral fistula with extensive osteocartilaginous necrosis secondary to cocaine abuse: Review of otorhinolaryngological presentations in cocaine addicts." Journal of Laryngology & Otology 114, no. 8 (August 2000): 630–33. http://dx.doi.org/10.1258/0022215001906345.

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We report what we believe to be only the 10th case of palatal necrosis secondary to cocaine abuse in a 33-yearold female patient. Extensive necrosis also involved the cartilaginous and bony septum and paranasal sinuses. Following exclusion of other mid-line destructive diseases her treatment involved saline douches and cessation of cocaine. She remains under review within the department with no evidence of progressive disease. We present a review of the other nine cases of palatal necrosis reported in the world literature and demonstrate a greater incidence in female users. The various presenting conditions of cocaine abuse encountered within the head and neck region by the otorhinolaryngologist are then discussed.
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Bertolotti, María, María Peschiutta, and Susana Cagnolo. "Susceptibility of adults of Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner, 1818 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema rarum (Doucet, 1986) Mamiya, 1988 (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) under laboratory conditions." Nematology 13, no. 3 (2011): 373–76. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/138855410x535723.

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Shima, Jun, Akihiro Hino, Chie Yamada-Iyo, Yasuo Suzuki, Ryouichi Nakajima, Hajime Watanabe, Katsumi Mori, and Hiroyuki Takano. "Stress Tolerance in Doughs of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Trehalase Mutants Derived from Commercial Baker’s Yeast." Applied and Environmental Microbiology 65, no. 7 (July 1, 1999): 2841–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.1128/aem.65.7.2841-2846.1999.

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ABSTRACT Accumulation of trehalose is widely believed to be a critical determinant in improving the stress tolerance of the yeastSaccharomyces cerevisiae, which is commonly used in commercial bread dough. To retain the accumulation of trehalose in yeast cells, we constructed, for the first time, diploid homozygous neutral trehalase mutants (Δnth1), acid trehalase mutants (Δath1), and double mutants (Δnth1 ath1) by using commercial baker’s yeast strains as the parent strains and the gene disruption method. During fermentation in a liquid fermentation medium, degradation of intracellular trehalose was inhibited with all of the trehalase mutants. The gassing power of frozen doughs made with these mutants was greater than the gassing power of doughs made with the parent strains. The Δnth1 and Δath1strains also exhibited higher levels of tolerance of dry conditions than the parent strains exhibited; however, the Δnth1 ath1 strain exhibited lower tolerance of dry conditions than the parent strain exhibited. The improved freeze tolerance exhibited by all of the trehalase mutants may make these strains useful in frozen dough.
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Tikhonov-Bugrov, D., and S. Abrosimov. "Remote Love or Graphical Courses in Pandemic Conditions." Geometry & Graphics 8, no. 3 (November 24, 2020): 44–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.12737/2308-4898-2020-44-51.

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In this paper it is noted that a characteristic and most important feature of domestic education is close interaction of teacher and student, mentoring, the dominant formula: first love, and then teach. It is feared that the teacher-student personal interaction is lost with the introduction of a graduated training system, dominance of all kinds of testing, and development of distance education technologies. At the same time it is noted, that distance education technologies are good for distance learning and self-training, however, they do not contribute to the training of basic, elite specialists. The noted factors give no way to pay due attention to the training of talented students-intellectuals. They are nervous about the popular belief that vast arrays of high intelligence are merely useless for today's society and economy. The results of work in the distance learning conditions at the BSTU "VOENMEKH" chair for graphic training of future specialists in the defense industry’s area are analyzed in this paper. It contains also information on adjustments for the educational process, communication features, and evaluation criteria. The conclusion has been drawn that significant difficulties and contingent losses are associated with the loss of possibility for close teacher-student personal interaction that has not allowed the teacher to show proper love for the student. The assumption that the most of students are unbred to effective independent work was confirmed. The best adapted to this situation were those former scholars who were taught in an environment that allows them to receive electives of engineering profile or special courses. The percentage of students who has not started the distance education or has not coped with it is about 35%, which significantly exceeds the losses of previous years for the same period. At the same time it is noted that past losses were actually determined from the very beginning of training. The current losses have an onset coinciding with the pandemic onset. These data confirm doubts about students' commitment to distance learning.
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Pfisterer, Christoph C. "Does Doubt Require Reasons?" Wittgenstein-Studien 13, no. 1 (March 14, 2022): 31–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/witt-2022-0004.

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Abstract In On Certainty, Wittgenstein conceives a novel way of dispelling skeptical doubts about our knowledge of the external world. He acknowledges that in his attempt to refute the skeptic, Moore uncovered epistemologically relevant propositions such as ‘I know that this is a hand’. But he denies that appealing to such truisms is likely to succeed in refuting skepticism–not because they cannot be doubted, but because they are not objects of knowledge in the first place. Rather than refuting skepticism about the external world, Moore’s truisms form the background against which claims to knowledge and doubt are reasonable, meaningful, or justified. By incorporating such conditions for doubt, Wittgenstein seems to provide an effective rationale against skepticism: not only do we lack reasons for certain doubts about our knowledge of the external world, but those doubts also presuppose that much of what we take to know is exempt from them. This paper critically examines the claim that doubt requires reasons and uses Descartes’ famous dream argument as an example to show that not every doubt can be easily dispelled by invoking it.
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Lenne, C., M. A. Block, J. Garin, and R. Douce. "Sequence and expression of the mRNA encoding HSP22, the mitochondrial small heat-shock protein in pea leaves." Biochemical Journal 311, no. 3 (November 1, 1995): 805–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1042/bj3110805.

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A 3 h treatment at 40 degrees C of pea (Pisum sativum var. Douce Provence) plants induces production and accumulation of a small heat-shock protein of 22 kDa apparent molecular mass, designated HSP22, in the matrix compartment of mitochondria [Lenne and Douce (1994) Plant Physiol. 105, 1255-1261]. We show here that the HSP22 precursor (i.e. the mature protein plus the transit peptide) has an apparent molecular mass of 26 kDa after in vitro translation of mRNA extracted from heat-stressed pea plants and immunodetection. We have isolated, cloned and sequenced the full-length cDNA encoding the precursor of the mitochondrial HSP22. An analysis of the amino acid sequence of the mitochondrial HSP22 reveals that this protein is a representative member of the low-molecular-mass heat shock protein (HSP) superfamily, exhibiting the specific consensus regions that are typical of the small HSPs. Most importantly, comparison of the mitochondrial HSP22 sequence with that of chloroplast small HSPs indicates that HSP22 does not contain the typical chloroplast consensus region III. We have also analysed the kinetics of HSP22 induction, and report results on the temporal expression of HSP22 at the transcriptional level. HSP22 mRNA was detected as soon as 10 min after the temperature was raised to a high temperature of 40 degrees C. Then the amount of HSP22 mRNA declined considerably even though pea plants were still submitted to the heat treatment. These results are discussed in light of the translation data previously published [Lenne and Douce (1994) Plant Physiol. 105, 1255-1261], particularly concerning the physiological behaviour of mitochondria when plants are heat-stressed. Furthermore, we have studied the dependence of HSP22 accumulation with temperature and demonstrate that the pea mitochondrial heat-shock response is only developed under extreme environmental growth conditions.
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Sumonja, Milos. "Is Kripkenstein really a skeptic about meaning?" Theoria, Beograd 59, no. 1 (2016): 5–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.2298/theo1601005s.

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According to the standard interpretation of position about the meaning that Kripke attributes to Wittgenstein in his study Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language, Kripkenstein advocates skepticism about the meaning facts, and semantic antirealism - the view that sentences of semantic discourse have assertability conditions instead of truth conditions. The aim of this paper is to show that the standard interpretation of the skeptical solution is not accurate because the sceptical conclusion implies only that Kripkenstein doubts the existence of philosophical super-facts which uniquely determine the truth conditions that the speaker has in mind when he utters a certain sentence, but not the existence of facts about meaning altogether.
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