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Wiréhn, Lotten. "Climate vulnerability assessment methodology : Agriculture under climate change in the Nordic region." Doctoral thesis, Linköpings universitet, Tema Miljöförändring, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-143226.
Повний текст джерелаFör jordbrukssektorn och global hållbar utveckling i stort är matsäkerhet och mitigering av klimatförändringar viktiga angelägenheter. Samtidigt är jordbruksproduktionen ofta direkt beroende av klimatförhållanden, vilket gör klimatanpassningsstrategier mycket centrala för sektorn. Forskare, planerare och aktörer behöver förstå hur, varför och i vilken omfattning jordbruket är sårbart inför klimatförändringar. Sådana analyser inbegriper även de utmaningar som skapas genom jordbrukets komplexa socio-ekologiska karaktär, och de många utgångspunkter och tillvägagångssätt som används för att bedöma sårbarhet. Syftet med denna avhandling är att identifiera hur sårbarhetsbedömningar kan representera klimatrelaterad sårbarhet i nordiskt jordbruk, och i och med detta har avhandlingen som avsikt att utveckla metodologin för indikatorbaserade- och geografiska visualiseringsmetoder. Följande forskningsfrågor avhandlas: (i) Hur kan det nordiska jordbrukets sårbarhet inför klimatvariation och förändringar karaktäriseras? (ii) Hur påverkar urval, definitioner och betoningar av indikatorer bedömningar av sårbarhet? (iii) Hur varierar uppskattningar med bedömningsmetod? (iv) Hur kan geografisk visualisering användas i integrerade såbarhetsbedömningar? För att svara på dessa frågor analyseras och tillämpas olika tillvägagångssätt att bedöma sårbarhet inom nordiskt jordbruk. Avhandlingen visar att olika metoder för sårbarhetskompositindex resulterar i signifikanta skillnader mellan index, trots att samma indikatorer och data används. Ett konceptuellt ramverk för sårberhetsbedömningar där geografisk visualisering används, har utvecklats för att möjliggöra transparens avseende till exempel. vilka variabler, metoder och antaganden som används i kompositindex. Detta ramverk har följaktligen legat till grund för att utveckla ett geografiskt visualiseringsverktyg – AgroExplore. Verktyget möjliggör interaktivitet där användaren kan välja, kategorisera och vikta indikatorer, och dessutom utforska data och spatiala mönster av indikatorer och kompositindex. AgroExplore användes i denna avhandling för att stödja fokusgruppdialoger med experter inom den svenska jordbrukssektorn. Resultaten från dessa workshops bekräftar svårigheten med att välja och skapa indikatorer. Dessa svårigheter innefattar olika uppfattningar om vad indikatorer representerar, antagandet om linjära samband mellan indikatorerna och sårbarhet, och följaktligen att sambandens riktning är fördefinierade för respektive indikator. Utöver de konceptuella och metodologiska utmaningarna med sårbarhetsbedömningar visar avhandlingen på komplexa svårigheter och möjligheter för jordbruket vid klimatförändringar. Särskilt framhålls att klimatanpassningspolitik och åtgärder inom jordbruket medför konflikter och avvägningar mellan olika miljö- och socio-ekonomiska mål. Implementering av sådana anpassningsåtgärder kan vidare innebära oönskade konsekvenser, så kallad missanpassning. Trots ökad kunskap gällande nordiska jordbrukets sårbarhet inför klimatförändringar har det visats sig vara svårt att statistiskt validera indikatorer på grund av, exempelvis, skalproblematik och datatillgänglighet. Samtidigt som experterna ansåg att kraftig nederbörd och andra extrema väderhändelser är de mest relevanta drivkrafterna till klimatsårbarhet visar den statistiska analysen av historiska data på få signifikanta samband mellan förlorad skördeavkastning och kraftig nederbörd. Denna avhandling bidrar till metodutveckling av kompositindex och indikatorbaserade metoder för sårbarhetsbedömningar. En viktig slutsats är att bedömningar är metodberoende och att valet av indikatorer är relaterat till aspekter såsom systemets utbredning och den spatiala skalan av bedömningen. Även indikatorernas tröskelvärden och hur deras relation till sårbarhet är definierade anses vara viktiga faktorer som påverkar hur indikatorer representerar sårbarhet, vilket visar på sårbarhetsbedömningars kontextuella beroende. I och med de rådande bristerna hos indikatorbaserade metoder, som bland annat har identifierats i denna avhandling, vill jag framhålla vikten av att sårbarhetsbedömningar bör vara transparanta gällande den tillämpade metodens principer, antaganden och begräsningar. Detta för att säkerställa användbarhet, giltighet och relevans, om metoden och bedömningen ska ligga till grund för anpassningsstrategier hos såväl politiker, planerare och lantbrukare.
This is deliverable of the Nordic Centre of Excellence for Strategic Adaptation Research (NORD-STAR), funded by the Nordic Top-level Research Initiative Sub-programme ‘Effects Studies and Adaptation to Climate Change’.
The work has also been supported by the Swedish Research Council FORMAS under Grant No. 2013-1557 ‘Identifying thresholds for maladaptation in Nordic agriculture’
Griffiths, Chevon. "Climate change and coastal vulnerability: application of vulnerability assessment methodologies in two coastal communities in South Africa." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/22970.
Повний текст джерелаAraya, Muñoz Dahyann Johanna. "Urban vulnerability assessment of the coast of Chile." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/1842/29504.
Повний текст джерелаSorey, Gaël. "Climate Change And Vulnerability Impact Assessment Study of the Agricultural Adapatability in Tanzania." Thesis, Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för naturgeografi och kvartärgeologi (INK), 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-59328.
Повний текст джерелаCincio, Paige. "Quantifying the Vulnerability of Arctic Water Supply Lakes to Environmental Change Through Paleolimnological Assessment." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/41488.
Повний текст джерелаPalmer, Anna E. "Climate Change on Arid Lands – A Vulnerability Assessment of Tribal Nations in the American West." Ohio University / OhioLINK, 2017. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ohiou1502443290575261.
Повний текст джерелаHou, Xiaohui. "Risk Communication in Vulnerability Assessment Towards Development of Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for Health in Guangxi, China." Thesis, Griffith University, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10072/367699.
Повний текст джерелаThesis (PhD Doctorate)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Griffith School of Environment.
Science, Environment, Engineering and Technology
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Akhter, Feroz Raisin. "Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for Sustainable Urban Development : A Study on Slum Population of Kota, India." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Tema vatten i natur och samhälle, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-108959.
Повний текст джерелаRaghavan, Sathyan Archana [Verfasser]. "Climate change vulnerability assessment among rainfed smallholder farmers: a case analysis from Indian watersheds / Archana Raghavan Sathyan." Gießen : Universitätsbibliothek, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1187658324/34.
Повний текст джерелаTonmoy, Fahim. "Assessment of vulnerability to climate change: theoretical and methodological developments with applications to infrastructure and built environment." Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/10167.
Повний текст джерелаGain, Animesh Kumar <1983>. "Climate change impact and vulnerability assessment of water resources systems : the case of Lower Bramaputra River Basin." Doctoral thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/2243.
Повний текст джерелаOltre ai cambiamenti climatici, l'evoluzione demografica, lo sviluppo economico e le relative variazioni di uso del suolo hanno un impatto diretto sulla crescente domanda di risorse di acqua dolce. Nel loro insieme, l'effetto netto di questi cambiamenti della domanda e dell'offerta sta interessando la vulnerabilità dei sistemi idrici (WRS). Pertanto, per valutare la vulnerabilità dei e il rischio per i WRSs, è necessaria non solo l’integrazione dei contributi di diverse discipline, consentendo un approccio globale, ma anche la rappresentazione dinamica delle tendenze attuali e future. Con l'obiettivo di integrare la valutazione dei rischi dei complessi WRS, questa tesi si concentra in primo luogo sugli impatti idrologici dei cambiamenti climatici, con il calcolo delle soglie di flusso del fiume Brahmaputra e l’inquadramento dei problemi relativi alla gestione delle sue acque, per poi passare a una valutazione integrata della vulnerabilità e del rischio del sistema socio-ecologico che ci interagisce, con una particolare attenzione allo sviluppo di approcci operativi nel contesto di paesi in via di sviluppo. La valutazione è stata condotta nel contesto del Basso bacino del fiume Brahmaputra (LBRB).
Laila, Fariya. "Assessment on Social Vulnerabilities to Climate Change – a Study on South-Western Coastal Region of Bangladesh." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för geovetenskaper, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-207482.
Повний текст джерелаFeindouno, Sosso. "Structural vulnerability and fragility : an assessment based on composite indicators." Thesis, Université Clermont Auvergne (2017-2020), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018CLFAD014.
Повний текст джерелаVulnerability and fragility are at the heart of the global debate arising from the definition and implementation of the sustainable development goals. This PhD dissertation offers enhanced tools to assess structural vulnerability and fragility from various aspects: economic, social, and environmental. The proposed approach for apprehending these concepts is based on the construction and refinement of composite indicators. It is divided into four chapters.In Chapter 1, we build the retrospective series of the economic vulnerability index (EVI), proposed by the United Nations’ Committee for Development Policy (CDP). Some choices and measures are discussed, such as the methodology used to calculate the instabilities of exports and agricultural production. From our analyses, it appears that the structural economic vulnerability of LDCs is still higher compared to non-LDCs. As well, focusing on the African context, we show that fragile African states are economically more vulnerable than non-fragile African states, and the difference between the two groups of countries seems to come from the difference in the magnitude of shocks. Finally, employing a stochastic dominance approach and using a five-year testing horizon to assess the evolution of the EVI and its main components over time, we observe that there is no real decline of the EVI and its main components at the first order sense. But, an overall decrease can be concluded at the second order sense of dominance.The second chapter focuses on the issue of structural resilience through the Human Assets Index (HAI), another index designed by the UN-CDP for identification of LDCs. We start with a presentation of retrospective series of the HAI and its components, for which, to a limited extend, we have used econometric tools to consistently impute missing data. Secondly, we analyze the HAI’s dynamics by assessing the contributions of each component to this. Finally, we debate about the choice of equal weighting for the four components in the HAI. Taking into account the fact that the correlation between indicators is closely linked to the issue, we propose a new scheme pattern based on the correlation ratio and linearity (or nonlinearity) dependence between components. The third chapter is devoted to the climate change vulnerability. We design a composite indicator called “Physical Vulnerability to Climate Change (PVCCI)”. This indicator based only on the physical characteristics of climate change is independent of present and future country policy, and aims to be used for international allocation of resources. After explaining the specific methodology used to build the PVCCI and presenting the results for developing countries, we investigate the relationship between civil conflict and vulnerability to climate change measured here by the PVCCI. The starting point of the fourth chapter is that African countries are still lagging behind when it comes to attracting Foreign Direct Investments (FDI). We suspect the structural economic vulnerability, measured by the Economic Vulnerability Index (EVI), in part, responsible for the relative lack of interest of foreign investors towards Africa. We estimate a spatial error correction model during the time period from 1980 to 2010 to assess the dynamic relationships between FDI and its determinants. Our finding reveals that in the long run, there is a significant negative relationship between FDI and EVI. The results also suggest that a high EVI in neighboring countries negatively affects the amount of FDI into a host country. Later on, we also observe that structural economic vulnerability plays an important role in explaining the FDI gap between African Low-Income Countries and African Middle-Income Countries. The share of agriculture, forestry and fishery in GDP appears as the strongest contributing factor to this difference
Miranda, Francisco Marcela. "Assessing vulnerability to sea level rise in the state of São Paulo, Brazil." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Tema Miljöförändring, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-149065.
Повний текст джерелаvon, Post Sofia. "Global climate policy in the perspective of South : An Analysis of IPCC’s Third Assessment Report." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Water and Environmental Studies, 2005. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-5372.
Повний текст джерелаThe objective of this thesis is to investigate how of the concepts of adaptation and vulnerability are defined in IPCC’s third assessment report (TAR) with specific focus on IPCC’s response to the critique from South. I have achieved this by doing a text analysis of the content in TAR. My point of departure was in the position of South and there critiques on the climate change policy. I have divided the objective into different research question where I focus on the definition of vulnerability, the determining factors of adaptive capacity, if there is a difference in vulnerability between and within regions and whether focus is on adaptation or mitigation in TAR. There are two definitions of vulnerability in TAR. One is by Brooks (2003) referred as biophysical and the other as social vulnerability. Which one the authors in the report refer to is not put out which cause confusion. In earlier assessments are the biophysical approach more common than the social. In TAR is the use of vulnerability in terms of social conditions more common than the biophysical. This is an improvement since this definition is necessary to get a greater focus on the need for immediate adaptation, in South particularly. It was somewhat problematic to determine whether the adaptive capacity only on the level of the system was considered in TAR or also exogenous factors, which affect the capacity of the system, was included in the definition. In some sense exogenous factors have been considered however it is not much reflection over this. In the report there is a consensus that the vulnerability differs between regions. However there is not much research conducted in developing countries. Also in the issue of concentration on adaptation or mitigation the problem is that there is not enough research from developing countries. Despite this, this assessment report has more focus on adaptation than the other ones.
Williams, Portia Adade. "An integrated approach to climate vulnerability and adaptation assessment of smallholder production systems: evidence from horticultural production in Ghana." Doctoral thesis, Faculty of Science, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/32359.
Повний текст джерелаHu, Xi. "A temporal and spatial analysis of China's infrastructure and economic vulnerability to climate change impacts." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2017. https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:72408c96-c0fc-4dbc-a93b-c29a6c25da0c.
Повний текст джерелаSánchez, Ortiz Antoni. "Priorat vineyard vulnerability and water stress assessment in the context of global climate change. Estimated Priorat wine consumption in humans." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/672427.
Повний текст джерелаLas variedades Garnacha y Cariñena están muy extendidas en la provincia de Tarragona, especialmente en la DOQ Priorat. El cambio global está induciendo variaciones importantes en la fenología, producción y calidad, que muestran la vulnerabilidad de este cultivo frente a aumentos de temperatura y reducciones importantes en la disponibilidad de agua. Se evalúan, la ecofisiología relacionada con el estado hídrico y los efectos inducidos por las variaciones mesoclimáticas, específicamente la temperatura y la disponibilidad de agua. El efecto del clima y el suelo en relación al crecimiento, la variabilidad climática anual, así como su interacción con el suelo y su capacidad de reserva hídrica permitieron evaluar la vulnerabilidad de la viticultura al cambio global. Se evaluó el estrés hídrico junto con una metodología para la determinación de ABA y de clasificación de los mesoclimas. Además, esto permitió estudiar cómo los períodos de poca disponibilidad de agua y altas temperaturas pueden afectar la síntesis de compuestos fenólicos. El análisis de la composición fenólica por HPLC fue fundamental para el establecimiento de los parámetros de calidad en relación al estrés hídrico. En segundo lugar, la validación de una metodología a pequeña escala utilizada en estudios de viñedos heterogéneos indicó los pros y los contras de emplear diferentes volúmenes de fermentación a pequeña escala. Cuando una muestra no es lo suficientemente grande, los fenoles totales no pueden extraerse completamente del vino. Este vacío se llenaría examinando cómo los diferentes volúmenes podrían afectar la extracción de los vinos y cuál sería el volumen para representar de manera concluyente un procedimiento de vinificación específico. Por último, los compuestos fenólicos del vino también han suscitado un gran interés por sus efectos potencialmente beneficiosos para la salud humana. En base a su baja biodisponibilidad, se estimó la eficacia de la ingesta de 5 vinos de diferentes zonas del Priorat. Se evaluaron los efectos beneficiosos de diferentes rangos de ingesta recomendada para el vino en función del sexo, la edad y el factor de actividad. La implementación de una viticultura de precisión y la adaptación de técnicas de extracción de color y tanino seran claves en un contexto de cambio climático.
The Grenache and Carignan varieties are widely spread in the province of Tarragona, especially Priorat DOQ. Global change is inducing significant variations in the phenology, production and quality, which show the vulnerability of this crop in front of increases in temperature and significant reductions in water availability. Two important aspects are assessed: ecophysiological aspects related to water use efficiency and the effects induced by mesoclimatic variations, specifically temperature and water availability. The effect of climate and soil in relation to the growth of the vine, the annual climate variability, as well as its interaction with the soil and its water reserve capacity permitted to assess the vulnerability of viticulture to global change. To assess the water stress in grapevines together with a methodology for ABA determination and vineyard classification, allowed us to study how the periods of little water availability and high temperatures can affect the synthesis of phenolic compounds. Analysis of the phenolic composition by HPLC was essential for the establishment of the quality parameters in relation to water stress. Secondly, validating a small-scale methodology used in heterogenous vineyards studies indicated the pros and cons of employing different volumes of small-scale fermentation. When a sample is not large enough to undergo large-scale fermentation, the total phenols cannot be fully extracted from the wine. This gap would be filled by examining how different volumes could affect the composition of the wines to conclusively represent a specific winemaking procedure. Lastly, phenolic compounds of wine have also attracted much interest due to their potentially beneficial effects for human health. Based on its low bioavailability, it was estimated the efficacy intake of 5 different Priorat wines. It was evaluated the beneficial effects of different ranges of recommended intake for wine depending on gender, age and activity factor. Implementing precision viticulture and adapting the techniques of extraction of color and tannin during fermentation will have to be managed with greater knowledge and more precisely, depending on the water status of the plant.
Cian, Fabio <1982>. "Social vulnerability and flood risk assessment using satellite remote sensing : a support for decision making in a changing climate scenario." Doctoral thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/10340.
Повний текст джерелаAparício, Sara Filipa Marques Nunes. "Impacts of climate change scenarios on terrestrial productivity and biomass for energy in the Iberian Peninsula: assessment through the JSBACH model." Master's thesis, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10362/9093.
Повний текст джерелаGreenhouse gas abatement policies (as a measure of preventing further contribution to global warming) are expected to increase the demand for renewable sources of energy driving a growing attention on Biomass as a valuable option as a renewable source of energy able to reduce CO2 emissions, by displacing fossil fuel use. The vulnerability of the Iberian Peninsula (IP) to climate changes, along with the fact that it is a water-limited region, drive a great concern and interest in understand the potentials of biomass for energy production under projected climate changes, since water shortage is a projected consequence of it. Henceforth the goals stated for this work include the understanding of the impact magnitude that climate changes and the solely effect of rising CO2 (in accordance to the prescribed in A1B scenario from IPPC) have on biomass and productivity over the IP; the modeling of the interannual variability in terrestrial productivity and biomass across de region (having the period 1960-1990 as reference) and the energy potentials derived by biomass in future scenarios (2060-2090 and 2070-2100 periods). The carbon fluxes were modeled by JSBACH model and its results were handled using GIS and statistical analysis. A better understanding of the applicability (and reliability) of this model on achieving the latter stated goals was another goal purposed in this work. IP has shown a broadly positive response to climate change, i.e. increased productivity under scenarios admitting elevation of atmospheric CO2 concentration (increases in GPP by ~41%; in forest NPP by ~54% and herbaceous NPP by ~36%, for 2060-2090 period), and smaller and negative response under scenarios disregarding rising CO2 levels (i.e. CO2 constant at 296ppm). The productivity and biomass correlation with changing climate variables also differed between different CO2 scenarios. The increase of water-use efficiency by 58% was as a result of CO2 fertilization effect, could explain the increase of productivity, although many limitations of the model (such as disregard of nitrogen cycle and land-use dynamics) poses many considerations to the acceptability of results and the overestimating productivity comparatively to many projections for the IP. Notwithstanding the comparison of changes in climate variables, showed a great correlation of results with other authors. A comprehensive analysis of biomass supply and its availability during scenarios with elevated CO2, shown that by 2060-2090, residues from thinning and logging activities over forest biomass have a potential of 0,165 and 0,495 EJ, and residues from agricultural activities (herbaceous biomass) have a potential of 0,346 EJ under a HIGH-YIELD scenario (assuming 40% of residues removal rate), corresponding to a share of current energy consumption of 13, 42 and 30%, respectively. The reasonability of these results was assessed by comparing with similar studies during the reference period.
Tällö, Emma. "The Vulnerability of the Great Lakes Region to Waterborne Diseases in the Wake of Climate Change : A Literature Review." Thesis, Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för naturgeografi, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-150649.
Повний текст джерелаLong, Jean. "Administrative Draft: Sea-Level Rise & Climate Adaptation Plan for the City of Carpinteria." DigitalCommons@CalPoly, 2013. https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/theses/1050.
Повний текст джерелаBeichler, Simone [Verfasser], and Jörg [Akademischer Betreuer] Knieling. "Understanding social-ecological systems under climate change – Exploring the ecosystem service concept towards an integrated vulnerability assessment / Simone Beichler ; Betreuer: Jörg Knieling." Hamburg : HafenCity Universität Hamburg, 2017. http://d-nb.info/1144955548/34.
Повний текст джерелаClarke, Kaila-Lea. "Climate-related Stresses on Human Health in a Remote and Rural Region of Ontario, Canada." Thèse, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/23296.
Повний текст джерелаTekken, Vera [Verfasser]. "Socio-economic vulnerability to climate change: a regional assessment in the context of water stress and tourism development in north-eastern Morocco / Vera Tekken." Greifswald : Universitätsbibliothek Greifswald, 2013. http://d-nb.info/1042044023/34.
Повний текст джерелаOzyurt, Gulizar. "Vulnerability Of Coastal Areas To Sea Level Rise: A Case Study On Goksu Delta." Master's thesis, METU, 2007. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/12608146/index.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаCVI (SLR) of a region to sea level rise using indicators of impacts of sea level rise which use commonly available data are developed. The results of the matrix and the index enable decision makers to compare and rank different regions according to their vulnerabilities to sea level rise, to prioritize impacts of sea level rise on the region according to the vulnerability of the region to each impact and to determine the most vulnerable parameters for planning of adaptation measures to sea level rise. The developed coastal vulnerability assessment model is used to determine the vulnerability of Gö
ksu Delta (Specially Protected Area), Mersin that has unique geological, ecological and socio-economical properties which are protected and recognized by both national and international communities.
Perdonò, Simone. "Preliminary assessment of risks and opportunities in the agri-food sector related to climate change." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2019.
Знайти повний текст джерелаLeidermark, Ida. "Vulnerabilities of municipal drinking water systems in tourist regions under a changing climate : A case study of Åre ski resort, northern Sweden." Thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Avdelningen för ekoteknik och hållbart byggande, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-33923.
Повний текст джерела20180623
Fabre, Julie. "Changes in the balance between water uses and availability in two Mediterranean hydrosystems : adaptation to climatic and anthropogenic changes." Thesis, Montpellier, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015MONTS086/document.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis proposes an original approach to assess multi-decadal changes in the balance between water use and availability in managed river basins. A modeling framework integrating human and hydro-climatic dynamics and accounting for linkages between resource and demand was developed and applied in two basins of different scales and with contrasted water uses: the Herault (2500 km2, France) and the Ebro (85000 km2, Spain) basins. Natural streamflow was evaluated using a conceptual hydrological model, and a demand-driven reservoir management model was designed to account for streamflow regulations from the main dams. Urban, industrial and agricultural water demands were estimated from socio-economic and agronomic and climatic drivers. Environmental flows were accounted for by defining streamflow thresholds under which water withdrawals were strictly limited. This framework was successfully calibrated and validated under non-stationary human and hydro-climatic conditions over a past period of 40 years before being applied under four combinations of climatic and water use scenarios to differentiate the impacts of climate- and human-induced changes on streamflow and water balance. Climate simulations from the CMIP5 exercise were used to generate 18 climate scenarios at the 2050 horizon and a trend water use scenario was built based on demographic and local socio-economic trends by the mid-21textsuperscript{st}century. Indicators comparing water supply to demand were computed. The impact of the tested climate projections on both water availability and demand could question the water allocations and environmental requirements currently planned for the coming decades. Water shortages for human use could become more frequent and intense, and the pressure on water resources and aquatic ecosystems could intensify. To assess the efficiency of potential adaptation measures under climate change scenarios, the sensitivity of water stress to variations in the main drivers of water demand and dam management was tested. The effectiveness and robustness of individual measures varied between the basins and within each basin. Finally an adaptation scenario combining different measures was tested in both basins, using the integrative modeling framework. This scenario led to encouraging results regarding the decrease of water stress. However, the adaptation strategies were shown to be insufficiently robust to climate change uncertainties. To achieve a sustainable balance between water availability and demand and reduce the vulnerability of water uses to climate change, a complementarity needs to be found between basin-scale studies of the water balance, such as the ones conducted in this thesis, and local assessments of vulnerability and adaptive capacity
der, Forst Ellinor [Verfasser], and Jürgen [Akademischer Betreuer] Scheffran. "Climate Change Vulnerability of Socio-Ecological Systems in Coastal Areas of River Basins in Mexico and South Africa - from Assessment to Management / Ellinor der Forst ; Betreuer: Jürgen Scheffran." Hamburg : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, 2018. http://d-nb.info/1161530444/34.
Повний текст джерелаHolsten, Anne. "Climate change vulnerability assessments in the regional context." Phd thesis, Universität Potsdam, 2013. http://opus.kobv.de/ubp/volltexte/2013/6683/.
Повний текст джерелаDie Anpassung von Sektoren an veränderte klimatische Bedingungen erfordert ein Verständnis von regionalen Vulnerabilitäten. Vulnerabilität ist als Funktion von Sensitivität und Exposition, welche potentielle Auswirkungen des Klimawandels darstellen, und der Anpassungsfähigkeit von Systemen definiert. Vulnerabilitätsstudien, die diese Komponenten quantifizieren, sind zu einem wichtigen Werkzeug in der Klimawissenschaft geworden. Allerdings besteht von der wissenschaftlichen Perspektive aus gesehen Uneinigkeit darüber, wie diese Definition in Studien umgesetzt werden soll. Ausdiesem Konflikt ergeben sich viele Herausforderungen, vor allem bezüglich der Quantifizierung und Aggregierung der einzelnen Komponenten und deren angemessenen Komplexitätsniveaus. Die vorliegende Dissertation hat daher zum Ziel die Anwendbarkeit des Vulnerabilitätskonzepts voranzubringen, indem es in eine systematische Struktur übersetzt wird. Dies beinhaltet alle Komponenten und schlägt für jede Klimaauswirkung (z.B. Sturzfluten) eine Beschreibung des vulnerablen Systems vor (z.B. Siedlungen), welches direkt mit einer bestimmten Richtung eines relevanten klimatischen Stimulus in Verbindung gebracht wird (z.B. stärkere Auswirkungen bei Zunahme der Starkregentage). Bezüglich der herausfordernden Prozedur der Aggregierung werden zwei alternative Methoden, die einen sektorübergreifenden Überblick ermöglichen, vorgestellt und deren Vor- und Nachteile diskutiert. Anschließend wird die entwickelte Struktur einer Vulnerabilitätsstudie mittels eines indikatorbasierten und deduktiven Ansatzes beispielhaft für Gemeinden in Nordrhein-Westfalen in Deutschland angewandt. Eine Übertragbarkeit auf andere Regionen ist dennoch möglich. Die Quantifizierung für die Gemeinden stützt sich dabei auf Informationen aus der Literatur. Da für viele Sektoren keine geeigneten Indikatoren vorhanden waren, werden in dieser Arbeit neue Indikatoren entwickelt und angewandt, beispielsweise für den Forst- oder Gesundheitssektor. Allerdings stellen fehlende empirische Daten bezüglich relevanter Schwellenwerte eine Lücke dar, beispielsweise welche Stärke von Klimaänderungen eine signifikante Auswirkung hervorruft. Dies führt dazu, dass die Studie nur relative Aussagen zum Grad der Vulnerabilität jeder Gemeinde im Vergleich zum Rest des Bundeslandes machen kann. Um diese Lücke zu füllen, wird für den Forstsektor beispielhaft die heutige und zukünftige Sturmwurfgefahr von Wäldern berechnet. Zu diesem Zweck werden die Eigenschaften der Wälder mit empirischen Schadensdaten eines vergangenen Sturmereignisses in Verbindung gebracht. Der sich daraus ergebende Sensitivitätswert wird anschließend mit den Windverhältnissen verknüpft. Sektorübergreifende Vulnerabilitätsstudien erfordern beträchtliche Ressourcen, was oft deren Anwendbarkeit erschwert. In einem nächsten Schritt wird daher das Potential einer Vereinfachung der Komplexität anhand zweier sektoraler Beispiele untersucht. Um das Auftreten von Waldbränden vorherzusagen, stehen zahlreiche meteorologische Indices zur Verfügung, welche eine Spannbreite unterschiedlicher Komplexitäten aufweisen. Bezüglich der Anzahl monatlicher Waldbrände weist die relative Luftfeuchtigkeit für die meisten deutschen Bundesländer eine bessere Vorhersagekraft als komplexere Indices auf. Dies ist er Fall, obgleich sie selbst als Eingangsvariable für die komplexeren Indices verwendet wird. Mit Hilfe dieses einzelnen meteorologischen Faktors kann also die Waldbrandgefahr in deutschen Region ausreichend genau ausgedrückt werden, was die Ressourceneffizienz von Studien erhöht. Die Methodenkomplexität wird auf ähnliche Weise hinsichtlich der Anwendung des ökohydrologischen Modells SWIM für die Region Brandenburg untersucht. Die interannuellen Bodenwasserwerte, welche durch dieses Modell simuliert werden, können nur unzureichend durch ein einfacheres statistisches Modell, welches auf denselben Eingangsdaten aufbaut, abgebildet werden. Innerhalb eines Zeithorizonts von Jahrzehnten, kann der statistische Ansatz jedoch das Bodenwasser zufriedenstellend abbilden und zeigt eine Dominanz der Bodeneigenschaft Feldkapazität. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die Komplexität im Hinblick auf die Anzahl der Eingangsvariablen für langfristige Berechnungen reduziert werden kann. Allerdings sind die Aussagen durch fehlende beobachtete Bodenwasserwerte zur Validierung beschränkt. Die vorliegenden Studien zur Vulnerabilität und ihren Komponenten haben gezeigt, dass eine Anwendung noch immer wissenschaftlich herausfordernd ist. Folgt man der hier verwendeten Vulnerabilitätsdefinition, treten zahlreiche Probleme bei der Implementierung in regionalen Studien auf. Mit dieser Dissertation wurden Fortschritte bezüglich der aufgezeigten Lücken bisheriger Studien erzielt, indem eine systematische Struktur für die Beschreibung und Aggregierung von Vulnerabilitätskomponenten erarbeitet wurde. Hierfür wurden mehrere Ansätze diskutiert, die jedoch Vor- und Nachteile besitzen. Diese sollten vor der Anwendung von zukünftigen Studien daher ebenfalls sorgfältig abgewogen werden. Darüber hinaus hat sich gezeigt, dass ein Potential besteht einige Ansätze zu vereinfachen, jedoch sind hierfür weitere Untersuchungen nötig. Insgesamt konnte die Dissertation die Anwendung von Vulnerabilitätsstudien als Werkzeug zur Unterstützung von Anpassungsmaßnahmen stärken.
Courquin, Valentin. "Caractérisation, impacts, et gestion de la variabilité climatique sur l'activité des entreprises européennes." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, ENSAM, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024ENAME059.
Повний текст джерелаIn the context of tightening regulations, European companies are facing increasing challenges in managing physical climate risks. The CSRD directive now requires businesses to assess the impact of these risks on their operations, making precise and actionable solutions essential. This thesis aims to address these requirements by developing a Climate Vulnerability Assessment (DVC), designed to evaluate and quantify physical climate risks for each geolocated asset of a company. The methodology is based on the analysis of climate data and the calculation of climate indicators using the latest reanalysis models and climate projections. These indicators enable the development of specific metrics, such as climate anomalies and accelerations, to more accurately assess the impact of physical climate risks. The DVC thus serves as a key tool for designing adaptation strategies to climate risks, with a particular focus on flood risks
Holsten, Anne [Verfasser], and Jürgen P. [Akademischer Betreuer] Kropp. "Climate change vulnerability assessments in the regional context / Anne Holsten. Betreuer: Jürgen P. Kropp." Potsdam : Universitätsbibliothek der Universität Potsdam, 2013. http://d-nb.info/1037479475/34.
Повний текст джерелаSoares, Marta Coutinho Martins Bruno. "Performing climate change vulnerability assessments at the local level in Scotland : challenges, analytical trade-offs, and implications for local adaptation." Thesis, University of the West of Scotland, 2013. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.744776.
Повний текст джерелаRagazzo, Carlotta <1991>. "Climate change risk assessment for the oil and gas industry: identification of potential impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptation strategies in coastal areas. Analisi del rischio legato ai cambiamenti climatici per il settore petrolifero: identificazione di vulnerabilità, impatti e strategie di adattamento nelle aree costiere." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/9704.
Повний текст джерелаComte, Adrien. "Coral reefs ecosystem services under global environmental change : interdisciplinary approaches to guide science and action." Thesis, Brest, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018BRES0002/document.
Повний текст джерелаGlobal environmental change (GEC) in the ocean threatens marine ecosystems and the people who depend on them. A growing scientific effort is attempting to evaluate the impacts of environmental changes on ecosystems and ecosystem services and guide policy-making to respond to this global issue. Focusing on social-ecological systems of coral reefs, this thesis critically reviews the approaches put forward in the literature to understand gaps and to design new methodologies, assessments, and indicators to guide science and policy. Our findings show that a regionally targeted strategy of research should address complexity and provide more realistic projections about the impacts of GEC on coral reefs ecosystems and ecosystem services. We map global-scale indicators to understand where human dependence on coral reef ecosystems will be affected by globally-driven threats expected in a high-CO2 world. We then analyze how science is responding to the challenge posed by GEC on coral reefs and to identify gaps in research.Finally, we attempt to operationalize an overlooked component of vulnerability assessments, ecological adaptive capacity, to serve as a tool to help assess where local actions can be effective in the context of climate change. This manuscript contributes to theoretical and methodological advances to evaluate impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to GEC. It develops interdisciplinary approaches for the study of social-ecological systems and ecosystem services, targeting coral reefs as a case study. Finally, it synthesizes critically the emergence of a scientific field on solutions to GEC for coral reef social-ecological systems
Wen-ChienWang and 王文千. "Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of Breeding Birds in Taiwan." Thesis, 2019. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/72nmaj.
Повний текст джерела國立成功大學
The Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (CCVA) framework definition includes three dimensions: exposure is the extent to which a species exposed to future climate threats; sensitivity is the extent to which a population dynamic responds to climate change; adaptive capacity is the ability of a species to eliminate climate threats through its own adjustments, such as migration and evolutionary adaptation. To date, many studies have used species traits to conduct CCVA, however this approach may not reflect the actual state of the species to climate change. While compared to temperate regions, there is still a knowledge gap in the vulnerability assessment of subtropical species. This study used the Taiwan Breeding Bird Survey (BBS Taiwan), the climate database of Taiwan Climate Change Projection and Information Platform Project (TCCIP) and species traits to conduct CCVA. In addition, we advanced the methodology of sensitivity in CCVA instead of using species traits. We evaluated 83 breeding birds with sufficient data. To assess exposure, we used the Maximum Entropy Model (MaxEnt) to predict current and future distributions of species. We used future predictions in two periods (2041-2060 and 2061-2080), and under three scenarios (RCP 2.6, 4.5, and 8.5) to calculate five exposure metrics: predicted range changes (PRC), protected areas changes (PAC), shape index changes (SIC), core area index changes (CAIC) and population migration effort (PME). To evaluate sensitivity, we used partial least square path modeling (PLS-PM) to distinguish whether the bird population dynamics are sensitive to climate. Adaptive capacity was evaluated based on the species traits of clutch size and diet breadth. The results can be divided into four categories: (1) Highly vulnerable, including 13 species; (2) Potential adapters, including 4 species; (3) Potential persisters, including 19 species; (4) 11 species of High latent risk. Compared with Taiwan National Red List, only 5 species are Nationally Near-threatened (NNT), meaning that the potential threat of climate change is still largely underestimated, and there is a considerable gap in conservation. This study is the first CCVA of bird in low latitude of Asia and provides four categories of vulnerability need different strategy to promote the conservation of Taiwanese birds.
Wang, Shih-Wei, and 王世為. "Vulnerability Assessment of Climate Change on SustainableWater Quality Management Systems." Thesis, 2006. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/78865989667992441739.
Повний текст джерела國立臺灣大學
Sustainable development is to continue economic and social developments without degrading environmental quality and to keep cumulative impacts from exceeding the environmental carrying capacity. The sustainable environmental management strongly depends on the variation of environmental carrying capacity caused by the climate change. Stream assimilative capacity is an important environmental carrying capacity which is related with key factors, including water temperature, streamflow, and background pollution. Climate change may influence these factors and further affect the stream assimilative capacity. Therefore, the main factors which affect the stream assimilative capacity and water quality are discussed in this study and used to assess the impact with different climate change scenarios. A conceptual and physical model, Generalized Watershed Loading Functions (GWLF), is applied to simulate the stream flow under different climate. Meanwhile, a water quality model (QUAL2E) is used to estimate the concentrations of BOD5 and DO with those variable stream flows. At last, the results of climate change impact assessment on stream assimilative capacity can be used to address the directions of future research on adaptation and also provide useful references to setup water quality standard and to manage assimilative capacity. The Tochen River is taken as a case study in this study. The results indicate that the climate change increases the water temperature, decreases the streamflow in dry seasons, and leads to higher BOD5 concentration and lower stream assimilative capacity.
Huang, Shiang-Wei, and 黃翔瑋. "Vulnerability Assessment of Rainfall-induced Shallow Landslide Under Extreme Climate." Thesis, 2012. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/11447888949696020945.
Повний текст джерела國立臺灣海洋大學
Under the influence of climate change in recent years, climate abnormality frequently occurs in Taiwan area. Between 2004 and 2008 (Typhoon Jangmi, Shilaku, Kalmaegi), Taiwan area had 1,000 mm single-day rainfall and approximately 2,000 mm three-day rainfall. During 88 Flood in 2009 (Typhoon Morakot) Pingtung County even had 1400 mm single-day rainfall. Consecutive extreme rainfall events also caused serious disasters of collapse and debris flows in hillside across Taiwan. Landslide is frequently the main cause to hillside disaster. The climate data from other areas of earth indicate the large amount of rainfall due to abnormal climate could be common in the future. Taiwan area has very special topography with alpine woodland and statutory hillside covering 74% of whole island area, so Taiwan is very susceptible to landslide disaster due to abnormal climate change. This is not only going to jeopardize the safety of hillside residents but also cause environmental disasters to downstream cities. To understand the possible influence of climate change induced extreme rainfall event to wide-range hillside disaster. In order to understand the effects of shallow landslide triggered by extreme rainfall on buildings and roads in Kaoping River Basin. This study aims to analyze shallow landslide problems using the deterministic method, which is based on the limit equilibrium method. The physical and conceptual models for each slope unit, including physical, physiographic, mechanical and geological parameters were established. By means of this, the landslide susceptibility of the study area under the extreme rainfall can be obtained. According to landslide characteristics and the location of the landslides, the vulnerability rank of the study region can be made. Furthermore, the risk map of the landslide disaster for the study area can also be established. Findings of this study reveal that the landslide risk for the areas of Namasia region in Chi-Shan River watershed ,Meishan resort at Lao-Nong River watershed and Taoyuan district are relatively high. It is expected that the results can provide useful information to the authority for the decision making.
Palmer, Tami. "A coastal and social vulnerability assessment to climatic hazards in Jamaica." Master's thesis, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10362/34144.
Повний текст джерелаCoastal areas provide habitats that are a source of natural protection, food, recreation, and livelihood. These ecosystems are designed to withstand the threat of natural hazards to protect inland areas. However, dynamic, and extreme climatic changes threaten to damage such areas, particularly in low-lying, small island states as Jamaica. With the Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) method, areas of coastal exposure were identified and assessed using the InVEST Model. It was found that 23% of the coastline is highly exposed to climatic hazards across 177 communities. Validation of the model outputs with the Disaster Inventory DesInventar Database revealed that there was statistical evidence to state that significantly more frequent events causing damage and loss of life or property occurred in areas the model identified as highly exposed than in the less exposed areas. The island's socio-economic conditions at the parish level were analyzed with descriptive statistics to determine that 48% of the population has at least one unmet basic need, with the South to South-East parishes comparably more vulnerable due to the population size and exposure in coastal areas. Therefore, the findings of this assessment will be useful for disaster planning and coastal conservation and may be replicated in similar countries, especially surrounding islands towards a regional assessment. The creation of a combined coastal and social vulnerability index provides a balanced view of both major concerns on the susceptibility of populated coastal regions. This index is critical to the advancement of how we can comparatively quantify these characteristics and highlight areas for holistic improvement of lives, not addressing both concerns in isolation.
Li, Kuen-Xue, and 李昆學. "Study on Methods of Semi-Quantitative Vulnerability Assessment for Climate Change Adaptation." Thesis, 2016. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/51233137017677322345.
Повний текст джерела國立暨南國際大學
The preparation of climate change adaptation plan at the county level in Taiwan was started in 2000, and the initiative has moved into the second phase as of 2015. Vulnerability assessment is an important step to be carried out in the comprehensive procedure for drafting adaptation strategies. Various approaches have been proposed for the vital step of vulnerability assessment. Different schemes were used in different counties in Taiwan, when the adaptation plan studies were conducted. It is of great interest to investigate for a rational approach for vulnerability assessment. This study is intended to address this important topic through results of two different types of methods, including one semi-quantitative approach and the other quantitative. The semi-quantitative approach is based on an Expert Assessment Method (ESA). The elicitation of objective expert opinion is obtained through series of in-depth discussions and workshops of solicited experts. Main results of this approach include (1) qualitative vulnerability report, (2) key issues of the studied subject area, and (3) comparative vulnerability grouping. The quantitative approach used in this study is a combined Delphi-AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) method. Seven experts were selected for the process of obtaining expert opinions throughout this part of study. Factors to be adopted for the quantitative investigation were first screened by the expert opinions, and then weights for each factor were estimated through results of AHP questionnaire. Finally, the vulnerability index was computed using statistical data of factors and the associated AHP weights, and comparative vulnerability ranking can be obtained. It is found that both approaches are not perfect. Results of the semi-quantitative approach is likely affected by factors including level of expert participation, preference of authorities, level of issue familiarity of the operating team and else. Whereas results of the quantitative approach are easily affected by the availability and reliability of statistical data of significant factors. This study proposed a scheme that combined the use of both the quantitative analysis results and the semi-quantitative procedures. Should time be permitted, this proposed procedure should yield rational and well-thought assessment of vulnerability.
Huang, Hsuan-Ming, and 黃宣銘. "An assessment of spatial vulnerability in Taipei City from climate change adaptation perspective." Thesis, 2013. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/08841896049811803164.
Повний текст джерела中國文化大學
In recent years. The natural disasters caused impact on the living environment of human by global climate change, it’s not only a threat to the lives and property of the people, but also produced in association with the security concerns of the living environment. So about the issue of climate change, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC) adaptation (adaptation) point of view, the use of "adaptation" to further discuss how to reduce the impact of climate change brought about by the global impact. For adaptation study, researchers in various fields of the global vulnerability (vulnerability) and the restoring force (resilience) two concepts explore current research is still "vulnerability assessment studies mostly, mostly in natural disasters vulnerability (such as: sediment Disaster) analysis of the impact to the affected areas, the vulnerability of the region for a specific disaster assessment, but relative lack of the biophysical (biophysical) land use as well as the surroundings of their land formed spatial assessment. Therefore, this study in Taipei as the scope of the study, and land use biophysical discuss the basis of the concept of vulnerability, vulnerability assessment focuses on land use biophysical exposure (exposure) and impact (impact)relationship, and then use the fuzzy analytic network process (Fuzzy Analytical network Process FANP), geographic information systems (Geographic Information System, GIS) and land suitability analysis method (Land Suitability Analysis, LSA), the establishment of land-use exposure impact assessment structure and analysis of the vulnerability of the land in Taipei in 1971 and 2006, the use of bio-physical surrounding environment of its formation, and applications to explore Taipei possible adaptation strategies for climate change (adaptation policy).
Deressa, Temesgen Tadesse. "Assessment of the vulnerability of Ethiopian agriculture to climate change and farmers’ adaptation strategies." Thesis, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/28969.
Повний текст джерелаThesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010.
Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development
Huang, Po-Hsuan, and 黃柏勛. "The Impact Assessment on Vulnerability and Resilience of Water Resources System under Climate Change." Thesis, 2013. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/47099314136290824757.
Повний текст джерела國立臺灣大學
This study aims to access the changes between water supply systems and subjects of water demand under the influences of climate change with the analysis framework of vulnerability and resilience. First, the carrying capacity of the Touchien watershed water supply system is simulated by the water supply system dynamics model based on future climate scenarios derived from the general circulation models (GCMs) output data. Then, the gaps between water supply and demands are further analyzed. Furthermore, the quantitative indicators are applied to evaluate the spatial distribution of vulnerability of the Touchien watershed and the changes of resilience considering the impacts of climate change. The results indicate that a lower carrying capacity of the water supply system under climate change and significant increase in future water demands will lead to an insufficient water supply in the future. According to the spatial distribution of vulnerability analysis, despite that all regions in the Touchien watershed do not reached a high degree of vulnerability, some of them have an increased vulnerability due to the increase in public water demand. The regions with an increased vulnerability should have top priority to implement the adaptation strategies. The resilience indicators show that both public water resilience and agricultural water resilience have a decrease trend under climate change, which means a longer time for the water supply system to recover from a water shortage. In addition, the agricultural water resilience in first growing period is not only lower than second growing period, but also facing a greater decline. Summary of research results can explain that climate change has a serious impact on water supply system. Moreover, the assessment of carrying capacity, vulnerability and resilience are consistent for each GCM and increase the possibility of research findings. Therefore, this study worth the attentions from related water agencies which should develop adaptation actions as soon as possible.
Chakraborty, Biswajit. "An assessment of the vulnerability of Indian subcontinent to greenhouse gas-induced climate change." Thesis, 1995. http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/12345678/2640.
Повний текст джерелаSharma, Jagmohan. "Vulnerability of Forests to Climatic and Non-Climatic Stressors : A Multi-Scale Assessment for Indian Forests." Thesis, 2015. http://etd.iisc.ac.in/handle/2005/3660.
Повний текст джерелаSharma, Jagmohan. "Vulnerability of Forests to Climatic and Non-Climatic Stressors : A Multi-Scale Assessment for Indian Forests." Thesis, 2015. http://etd.iisc.ernet.in/2005/3660.
Повний текст джерелаChen, Hong-Wei, and 陳宏偉. "The Climate Change Impact on the Vulnerability Assessment of Required Irrigation Water in the Rice Fields." Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/16793814328422616710.
Повний текст джерела逢甲大學
Global food security is currently a very important issue. The rice crop water requirement and natural environment is closely linked to the climate change, but the recent changes in weather, like the extreme rainfall frequency and increasing intensity, have been leading to uneven distribution of water resources and become more serious cases. It has been a significant challenge for the water management authorities to ensure the required rice crop water for normal growth. The study area is in the Taichung City. The data of the meteorological stations was used to analyze the needs of crop growth. The Penman-Monteith equation was applied to estimate the reference crop water requirement. Finally, the current water supply and demand was evaluated, and the adjustment was suggested to enhance the effectiveness of irrigation and water resource allocation. This study found that the temperature would increase in the five GCM scenarios, leading to indirect impact to the evapotranspiration and increasing crop water demand. But the future rainfall average would be increasing, which also affects the utilization of rainfall. Overall, the irrigation demand would decrease. Finally, the spatial interpolation and spatial statistics of each factor was conducted to evaluate the vulnerability. Most of the areas in Taichung are in Level 2 to 3 in the current situation, mostly in the western coast zones of Dadu, Qingshui, and Wuqi. These areas are those of less rainfall but higher demand of crop water. Although the results of GCMs scenarios showed the decreasing need of crop water, the overall analysis by GIS indicated the increasing trend of vulnerability. The study results showed that the study area may face water shortage because of uneven water resources.
Lei, Ren-Jie, and 雷人傑. "A Study on Vulnerability assessment of Localization and adaptation strategies in coastal areas under climate change." Thesis, 2012. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/20164634251232267214.
Повний текст джерела國立臺灣海洋大學
Under the influence of climate change, extreme weather has caused destructions and damages happening frequently around the world. Typhoon of MORAKOT in 2009, it brought over 3000mm of rainfall within only three days, and also caused to complex damages such as landslides, driftwoods and dust sources etc. For the sake of avoiding possible impacts influenced by climate change, there are many scholars and researchers discussing the extreme weather in Taiwan. However, seldom researchers investigate coastal vulnerability and possible induced complex damages in Taiwan. Therefore, in this study, by reference the coastal vulnerability method of USGS and to integrate index factors from the questionnaire and appropriate classification, the local coastal vulnerability and risk assessment were established. Based on coastal town unit and combined with GIS, the suitable risk map of coastal area in Taiwan draws.Then, the vulnerability index related with landslides, driftwoods and dust sources was discussing. Finally, based on the risk maps and refer to related coastal adjustment strategy from the domestic and the international method, this study analyzed relevant suggestions toward the high-risk towns at Taiwan and Gaoping River surroundings. From research analysis results, the local coastal risk map which drawing in two kinds of techniques indicated the same tendency that the west coastal area is weaker than the east coastal area, while the south coastal area is weaker than the north coastal area. But, Eastern region of Wujie and Jhuangwei townships at Ilan county display to have the highest risk probably because of high intensity of rainfall and high usage of seashore land. Hunei and Cianjhen display the highest-risk districts in Southwestern coastal area. The modification methods in this study become relatively conform to the current situation of coastal area in Taiwan after verified by typhoon induced disaster and damaged. The local coastal vulnerability and risk assessment method and risk map of Taiwan could be provided the reference of prevention master plan of coastal area.
Yu-ShanSu and 蘇郁珊. "The Vulnerability Assessment of Island Area on Climate Change: The Case Study of Penghu County, Taiwan." Thesis, 2017. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/csrvpy.
Повний текст джерела國立成功大學
Nowadays the global climate and environment changes, resulting the land use planning based on disaster prevention is one of the important issues in the future. Especially for island country is more important, the island is a space closure system, belongs to the high risk area, that the disaster caused by the outside effect is not enough to adjust ability. In the past relevant research, the impact of vulnerability data were collected at one point in time, and also a lack of discussion on space impact influence. However, the different land use zoning had spatial structure differences that was not easy to control the complex relationship of environmental impact in effect and was unable to understand the vulnerability in different land characteristics, and to discussion on development trend. Based on the above reasons, this study takes Penghu as the research area. First, selecting the 10 important vulnerability indicators, include the natural environment, social and economic aspects. Second, it cut into 20M × 20M grid cells. Appling the UNEP (2005) Vulnerability analysis method to investigate environmental sensitivity, vulnerability and adaptation of island coastal area development. Finally, based on cellular automata theory, combining the vulnerability assessment, Cellular automata(CA) and Markov-chain model, simulating space distribution situation of future developing land. The results could be the spatial strategies references for coastal land use, disaster prevention and island city development in the future.