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Статті в журналах з теми "Biographie moderne"


Keith-Smith, Brian, and Bert Kasties. "Walter Hasenclever. Eine Biographie der deutschen Moderne." Modern Language Review 92, no. 1 (January 1997): 247. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/3734781.

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Darviche, Mohammad-Saïd. "La biographie nationale ou comment justifier l'ordre collectif moderne." Pôle Sud 1, no. 1 (1994): 101–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.3406/pole.1994.1329.

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Gurik, Renée Noiseux. "Laure Cabana, Pionnière du Métier de Costumier." Theatre Research in Canada 8, no. 1 (January 1987): 36–48. http://dx.doi.org/10.3138/tric.8.1.36.

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Cet article raconte la biographie de Laure Cabana, la première personne à exercer professionnellement au Québec le métier de costumier. En traversant la période de 1933 à 1972, l'article offre aussi un survol des activités qui occasionnèrent à Montréal l'émergence de la scénographie moderne.
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Falaise, Noël. "Biographie et bibliographie de Benoît Brouillette." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 17, no. 40 (April 12, 2005): 5–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/021103ar.

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Professeur de géographie économique à l'École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Montréal, de 1931 à 1969, M. Benoît Brouillette est le premier géographe québécois de réputation internationale et l'un des pionniers de la géographie canadienne. Son activité s'est exercée sur plusieurs plans : sur le plan local, outre son enseignement universitaire, il a fondé la Société de Géographie de Montréal et, avec M. Pierre Dagenais, la Revue Canadienne de Géographie ; sur le plan régional, il a rédigé de nombreuses monographies et entrepris des recherches originales sur le développement des industries et des courants commerciaux du Canada ; sur le plan international, comme membre de la Commission de la géographie dans l'enseignement (U.G.I.), il a contribué à répandre partout dans le monde les méthodes de pédagogie moderne propres à la science géographique.
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Kling, Vincent. "Hermann Broch und die Moderne: Roman, Menschenrecht, Biographie by Paul Michael Lützeler (review)." Journal of Austrian Studies 45, no. 1-2 (2012): 128–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/oas.2012.0059.

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S., F. A., J. Michaud, and F. Hoefer. "Biographie universelle, ancienne et moderne, histoire,... nouvelle [2nd] edition,... Paris (A. Thoisnier Desplaces... Michaud), 1843-1865." Taxon 35, no. 2 (May 1986): 449. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/1221330.

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Dion, Robert. "Les biographies critiques, ou comment faire avec l’auteur (sur deux ouvrages de Michel Schneider)." Tangence, no. 97 (May 11, 2012): 45–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/1009128ar.

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On connaît le sort que l’histoire a réservé à la critique biographique : condamnée sans appel depuis Proust, elle reposerait sur l’illusion que l’oeuvre « appartient » à son auteur, que l’homme est l’oeuvre. Or, s’il y avait en effet une grande part d’aveuglement dans le travail de Sainte-Beuve, les modernes que nous sommes se sont néanmoins rendu compte, au cours des vingt ou trente dernières années, que l’on était sans doute allé un peu vite en liquidant l’auteur et en installant à sa place une pure « instance scripturaire » tout aussi mythique que l’écrivain lui-même. Tenant pour acquis, avec Alain Brunn, qu’« [é]crire la vie d’un auteur constitue une façon de prendre une décision sur l’oeuvre, de choisir d’enraciner en elle la signification de son texte » (L’auteur, 2001), l’analyste aborde dans cet article deux ouvrages de Michel Schneider, Maman (1999), sur Proust, et Baudelaire, les années profondes (1994), qui constituent ce qu’il appelle des « biographies critiques ». Il cherche, d’une part, à voir comment, dans ces deux livres à teneur biographique, le biographe est conduit à rendre raison des oeuvres de son biographié, et, d’autre part, à comprendre dans quelle mesure le discours critique, en contexte biographique, est forcé de tenir compte de ce « réprouvé » de la modernité littéraire qu’est l’auteur.
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Classen, Albrecht. "Die Welt des Frater Felix Fabri. Hrsg. von Folker Reichert und Alexander Rosenstock. Veröffentlichungen der Stadtbibliothek Ulm, 25. Weißenhorn (Bayern): Anton H. Konrad Verlag, 2018, IX, 286 S., zahlreiche s/w und farbige Abb." Mediaevistik 32, no. 1 (January 1, 2020): 479–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.3726/med.2019.01.127.

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Anlässlich der Feier zum 500jährigen Bestehen der Ulmer Stadtbibliothek wurde parallel zur Ausstellung auch ein Symposium organisiert, dessen Beiträge im vorliegenden Band publiziert wurden. Die zwei Herausgeber haben eine Reihe von Fachleuten gewinnen können, die sich hervorragend in der relevanten Materie auskennen und zugleich neue Erkenntnisse bzw. Interpretationen zu dem berühmten Pilgerautor Felix Fabri (gest. 1502) beisteuern konnten. In der Forschung ist Fabri bereits vielfach kritisch durchleuchtet worden, und man kann heute seine Biographie leicht sowohl digital im Netz als auch in gedruckten Nachschlagewerken auffinden. Trotzdem wäre es hilfreich gewesen, wenn hier einleitend eine knappe Skizze seines Lebens geboten worden wäre. Immerhin findet sich im Anhang eine von Jacob Klingner geschaffene genaue Auflistung all seiner Werke in handschriftlicher und gedruckter Form, deren moderne Übersetzungen und Paraphrasen.
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Weissberg, Liliane. "Peter-André Alt, Sigmund Freud: Der Arzt der Moderne. Eine Biographie. C. H. Beck, München 2016. 1036 S., € 34,95." Arbitrium 36, no. 2 (August 6, 2018): 228–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/arb-2018-0072.

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Rumpler, Helmut. "Der „Stratege und Visionär“ an der Zeitenwende vom Ancien Régime zur Moderne. Anmerkungen zur neuen Metternich-Biographie von Wolfram Siemann." Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 125, no. 1 (May 24, 2017): 165–76. http://dx.doi.org/10.7767/miog-2017-0115.

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Дисертації з теми "Biographie moderne"


Périer, Henry. "Pierre Restany : biographie : chronique d'une vie." Montpellier 3, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997MON30008.

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Ne en 1930, a amelie-les-bains, pierre restany cree, a l'age de 27 ans, son premier groupe les "espaces imaginaires" ou il defend une ligne abstraite lyrique. En 1955, sa rencontre avec yves klein est capitale. Il recoit lors de l'exposition de l'artiste en 1958, le choc conceptuel du vide. Le 27 octobre 1960, restany fonde le nouveau realisme base sur l'appropriation du reel et developpe sur le concept d'une nature moderne urbaine, industrielle et mediatique autour du theme du bapteme artistique de l'objet et de la reference a dada. La declaration constitutive est signee par arman, dufrene, hains, raysse, tinguely, klein, villegle, restany et spoerri auxquels se joindront christo, rotella, deschamps et niki de saint phalle. Restany est depuis 1963 le collaborateur de la revue domus et vit entre milan et paris. Son action et son role aupres de cesar et de klein sont immenses. Directeur de la revue d'ars, il publiera de nombreux manifestes (nouveau realisme, mec-art, natura integrale), de nombreuses monographies et prefaces d'artistes, des ouvrages theoriques importants, (l'autre face de l'art, par exemple, une histoire parallele de la "fonction deviante" dans l'art contemporain). La decouverte de l'oeuvre de dani karavan le conduit a une reflexion sur les problemes d'esthetique et d'urbanisme. Globe-trotter infatigable, polemiste, theoricien, critique d'art planetaire dont le champs d'action s'est exerce en argentine, au bresil, dans les pays de l'est, aux etats-unis, au japon, en coree, en italie, en espagne et en allemagne, pour ne citer que ces pays. Restany est devenu au fil du temps une "part de l'histoire de l'art". L'aventure expressive de l'objet, la sculpture monumentale et la haute technologie sont aujourd'hui ses centres d'interet, de reflexion et d'action
Born in amelie-les-bains in 1930, pierre restany creates, at the age of 27, his first group "the imaginary spaces" in which he defends a line of lyrical abstraction. The meeting with yves klein in 1955 is of paramount importance. He will, at the artist's exhibition in 1958, recieve the conceptual shock of the "empty space". On octobre 27th 1960, restany founds the new realism, based on the appropriation of reality and developed on the concept of a modern media, urban and industrial nature around the artistic baptisme of the object and the reference to dada. The constituent declaration of new realism is signed by arman, dufresne, hains, raysse, tinguely, klein, villegle, restany and spoerri who will be joined by christo, rotella, deschamps et niki de saintphalle. Since 1963 restany is a contributor of the magazine domus and shares his life between milano and paris. His action and his role close to klein and cesar are immense. As the director of the magazine d'ars, he publishes numerous manifests (new realism, mec art, natura integrate), numerous monographs and prefaces of artists and important theoretic works (f. I. The other face of art, a parallel story of the "deviant function" in contemporary art). The discovery of dani karavan's work leads him to a reflection on esthetism and town-planning. A tireless globetrotter, a polemist, a theorist, a planetary art critic whose action field is exercised in argentina, in brasil, in the east block nations, in the usa, in japan, in corea, in italie in spain, in germany as well as in many other countries. Pierre restany has become year after year a part of art history". The expressive adventure of the object, of the monumental sculpture and the high technology is today the central point of his interests, his reflections and his actions
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Kühnle, Rüdiger Paul. "Paul Rudolph und die zweite Generation der amerikanischen Moderne." [S.l. : s.n.], 2005. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:93-opus-26325.

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Brugeas, Pierre, and Jean-Baptiste Santeul. "Traduction annotée de commentée des Hymni sacri et novi de Jean de Santeul, accompagnée d'une biographie de l'auter." Paris 4, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA040216.

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Les hymnes traduits étaient destinés à renouveler le bréviaire de Cluny et de Paris. L'auteur, Jean de Santeul (1630-1697), très apprécié de ses contemporains et connu pour ses extravagances, est considéré comme le dernier grand poète néo-latin. Ses hymnes révèlent le souci d'une latinité très pure mise au service d'une esthétique cohérente marquée par le goût du baroque et le sens du sublime
The translated hymns were aimed at renewing the breviary of Cluny and Paris. The author, J. De Santeul (1630-1697), was very appreciated by his contemporaries and known as someone original. He has been considerated as the last great neo-Latin poet. His hymns have revealed the care of a very pure latinity and a research for coherent aesthetics, characterized by a baroque tendency and the sense of the sublime
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Lebourg-Leportier, Léa. "La Tribune et l’Échafaud : morale et politique dans les biographies de criminels en Angleterre et en France, 1620-1830." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018SORUL156.

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Cette étude s’intéresse aux biographies de criminels, l’un des nombreux imprimés sur le crime qui se développent au cours de l’époque moderne en Angleterre et en France. Ces dernières sont travaillées par des tensions morale et politique. Elles revendiquent un dessein didactique tout en exploitant volontiers le sensationnel de leur sujet. De même, la représentation de criminels est équivoque politiquement. Plutôt que de faire des hors-la-loi des repoussoirs et de souligner la manière dont ils sont écrasés par le pouvoir qu’ils ont défié, les textes les glorifient souvent et construisent un panthéon du crime. Cette thèse propose de réévaluer les ambiguïtés idéologiques de ces textes au croisement des discours historique, journalistique et romanesque en prenant en considération certains traits de l’écriture moderne comme l’ambition morale généralisée ou le flottement de la distinction entre fait et fiction. Cette remise en perspective conduit à repenser les potentialités subversives de ces textes qui semblent en fait moins résider dans l’héroïsation des criminels que dans l’articulation entre leur parcours et des questions sociales et politiques spécifiques au temps
This study focuses on criminal biographies, one of the much-printed forms of criminal literature which developed in the early modern England and France. These texts are marked by moral and political ambivalence. Despite their proclaimed prescriptive aims, they make the most of the very sensational topic of crime. Furthermore, the depiction of criminals is politically problematic. Instead of presenting them as bad examples, underlining the way they are defeated by the authority they defy, they are often romanticized and thus a crime pantheon is built. This study seeks to reassess the ideological ambiguities of criminal biographies, at the crossroads of historical, journalistic, and novelistic discourses, taking into account some features of early modern literature, notably the systematic moral purpose and the blurred distinction between fact and fiction. This change of perspective leads us to re-evaluate the biographies’ potential in transgressing. Rather than lying in the romanticization of the outlaws, these seem to lie in the way some texts link the outlaws’ lives with some social and political debates of the time
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Lade, Quentin. "Histoire des problématisations biologiques de la mémoire par la biographie d’un animal scientifique : l’aplysie : une enquête historique et ethnographique sur la biologie moderne, des stations marines aux neurosciences." Thesis, Université de Paris (2019-....), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019UNIP7136.

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Cette thèse est le fruit d’une enquête historique et anthropologique sur les sciences de la vie. Il s’agit de questionner les sciences sous l’angle de la matérialité des pratiques, comme un ensemble d’activités et d’institutions caractéristiques de l’époque moderne. Pour cela, nous avons retracé le parcours scientifique d’un animal singulier, un mollusque marin : la limace aplysie. Le choix d’un tel animal a été guidé par l’importance particulière accordée à l’aplysie par une partie de la communauté des neurobiologistes durant la seconde moitié du XXème siècle. La limace est alors devenue célèbre auprès des biologistes et même au-delà du monde scientifique, après que le neurobiologiste Eric Kandel se soit approprié l’animal pour en faire le modèle phare de ses recherches sur la mémoire à l’échelle des neurones, durant environ un demi-siècle. Le succès de ses travaux, rarement égalé dans son champ de recherche, sera récompensé par le prix Nobel en 2000. Notre histoire commence néanmoins au XVIème siècle, nous décrivons ainsi comment l’aplysie est devenue un objet d’étude pour l’histoire naturelle, puis un animal scientifique pour la biologie naissante. Nous nous focalisons enfin principalement sur la transformation de l’aplysie en un modèle pour la neurobiologie. Nous retraçons ainsi le parcours de domestication de l’aplysie, dont les étapes correspondent à la domestication de la nature par les sciences de la vie, et reflètent les évolutions de la modernité industrielle. En parallèle de ce travail historique, rédigé à partir de sources écrites, des ouvrages scientifiques, des autobiographies et de nombreux articles publiés dans des revues spécialisées, nous avons aussi mené une enquête de terrain selon la méthode de l’observation participante. Pour réaliser cette ethnographie, nous avons passé six mois environ dans un laboratoire de neurobiologie à Bordeaux, auprès de scientifiques dont les recherches sur l’aplysie prolongent et renouvellent celles initiées par Kandel dans les années 1960
This thesis is a historical and anthropological investigation on life sciences. It investigates sciences from the perspective of the materiality of practices, as a set of practices and institutions that characterizes the modern period. To this end, we have retraced the scientific trajectory of a singular animal, a marine mollusk : the sea slug Aplysia. The choice of such an animal was motivated by the peculiar importance attached to Aplysia by many neurobiologists during the second half of the 20th century. The sea slug became famous to biologists and beyond the scientific world, when the neurobiologist Eric Kandel chose it as the flagship model for his researches on memory at the neural and molecular scale, during half a century. The great success of his work, rarely equaled in his field of research, was rewarded by the Nobel Prize in 2000. Nevertheless, our narrative begins in the sixteenth century. We describe how Aplysia became an object of study for natural history, then a scientific animal for nascent biology. Finally, we focus on the transformation of Aplysia into a model organism for neurobiology. Then we retrace the course of the domestication of Aplysia, which reflects the domestication of nature by life sciences embedded in industrial modernity.In parallel with this historical account based on written sources, scientific books, autobiographies and numerous articles published in specialized journals, we also conducted a field survey using the participant observation method. To conduct this ethnography, we spent about six months in a neurobiology laboratory in Bordeaux, with scientists whose researches on Aplysia extend and renew those initiated by Kandel in the 1960s
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Waldron, Andrew M. "Irving Grossman, 1954-1964, a young architect's response within Modernism." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape10/PQDD_0004/MQ43297.pdf.

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Hall, Kyle Matthew. "Affecting Lives: The Politics of Biography in Modern Italy, 1850-1881." Thesis, Harvard University, 2013. http://dissertations.umi.com/gsas.harvard:10838.

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This study examines the spread of in-life biographies (biographies written and published while their subjects were still alive) in Italy during the later years of the Risorgimento and the early years of Unification. These biographies, whose subjects ranged from the already famous to those being promoted as new political leaders, took a well-established literary form and applied it to the exigencies of the day. That this was a relatively new method of political engagement is seen through the numerous interventions by authors and editors justifying their choice of living subjects and excusing the fact that these were not traditional subjects with explanations of impartiality and necessity. As the Italian nation continued forward, such writings begin to be extended to less blatantly political subjects, such as the economic and social self-improvers touted by Michele Lessona (who followed the more famous Samuel Smiles of England) and the fictional Sicilian fishermen of Giovanni Verga's I Malavoglia. This continued push to describe in biographical terms the lives of living Italians reveals a widely neglected aspect of the biographical genre, namely that writing the life of a still-living figure is fundamentally different than writing the life of a deceased individual whose life course cannot be in any way changed by the publishing of a biography. The work that both begins and ends this study, a very early biography of Benito Mussolini, serves to illustrate the possibilities contained in this subgenre as well as the reasons for which it should continue to be studied as a form distinct from that of traditional biography.
Romance Languages and Literatures
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De, Lencquesaing Marion. "Crises et renouveaux du geste hagiographique. Le cas des Vies de Jeanne de Chantal (1642-1912)." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017USPCA121.

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Ce travail de thèse a pour objet l’historicité conflictuelle d’un objet qui n’a jamais vraiment été étudié d’un point de vue littéraire : la littérature hagiographique de l’époque moderne. En nous séparant de la lecture institutionnelle qui est souvent celle de la critique, nous voulons la dégager de son utilisation comme moyen de contextualisations historiques ou anthropologiques. Au sein des écrits de la période moderne, l’hagiographie n’est pas simplement l’ « autre discours » de l’historiographie, comme le disait Michel de Certeau. Au lendemain du concile de Trente, les biographies d’une candidate à la sainteté comme Jeanne de Chantal (1572-1641, canonisée en 1767) sont l’occasion de réfléchir sur ces nouveaux écrits, qui présentent des structures qui se stabilisent et des éléments topiques qui renvoient à une tradition d’écriture préexistante. Qui sont les auteurs de ces textes ? Dans quelles conditions les rédigent-ils et pour quel public ? Quels en sont les enjeux ? En pleine crise moderniste, la condamnation par la Congrégation de l’Index de la dernière Vie importante de la figure, la Sainte Chantal de Bremond (1912), sera notre point de vue : Bremond revendique paradoxalement une forme de nouveauté par un retour au XVIIe siècle, visible dans la filiation exhibée de son propre texte à celui de la première biographie, les Mémoires de Françoise-Madeleine de Chaugy (1642). Ce geste construit alors, comme malgré lui, une histoire diachronique des Vies de Jeanne de Chantal, dont les mutations en font un « cas » de la littérature hagiographique française et permettent de voir qu’écrire la Vie d’un saint, c'est à chaque fois rejouer ce qu’est la sainteté
The hagiographic literature from the Early Modern Period has never been studied as a plain literary issue. Departing from the institutional reading of a major part of the critics about hagiography, the hagiographic literature must be considered apart from its historical and anthropological contextualisations. Hagiography is not only the “other one” of historiography, as Michel de Certeau said. In the wake of the Trent Council, the biographies of a candidate to sanctity like Jeanne de Chantal (1572-1641, canonized in 1767) allow us to consider these new writings which show newly built structures and topical elements of a former writing tradition. Who wrote these texts? How have there been written? For whom? What were there main issues? Our point of view will be the last major Life of Jeanne de Chantal (1912), convicted by the Congregation of the Index, in the middle of the Modernist Crisis. The return to the first biography of the heroine, the Mémoires of Françoise-Madeleine de Chaugy (1642), is a paradoxical way for Bremond to claim the originality of his approach. A diachronic history of Jeanne de Chantal’s Lives can be seen through this operation. Their mutations make them a “case” of French hagiographical Literature: writing the Life of a saint is always defining what is sanctity again
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Boyle, Terence A. "Denis Johnston (a critical biography)." Thesis, University of Ulster, 1995. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.390056.

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Rahnamaei, Seyed Ahmad. "A comparative study of two modern Muslim biographies of the Prophet." Thesis, McGill University, 1995. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=23356.

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This thesis presents a comparative study of two modern Muslim biographers of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad Husayn Haykal and Sayyid Ja$ rm sp{c}$far Murtada, the one a Sunni the other a Shispc$ = i. In dealing with their works on the { it s = i ra}, the intention is to focus on some aspects of the life of the Prophet of Islam from the time when he resided in Makka. After outlining the authors' scholarly backgrounds, sources, methods, and purposes, etc., the thesis deals with certain specific issues concerning the Prophet's birth, his nursing and the reason behind the custom of having foster-mothers, the controversial stories of the splitting of his chest and of his participation in the sacrilegious war, his state both before and after the announcement to him of his Mission, the authors' interpretations of his night journey and ascent to heaven and lastly their discussion about the Prophet and miracles. This research should not be considered as historical in nature; rather, it aims at clarifying the similarities and differences which may be discovered between our two biographers, and at comparing their respective Sunn = i and Sh = i$spc$ = i approaches.
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Книги з теми "Biographie moderne"


Kasties, Bert. Walter Hasenclever: Eine Biographie der deutschen Moderne. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1994.

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Macht und Moderne: Chinas grosser Reformer Deng Xiaoping : die Biographie. Berlin: Rotbuch Verlag, 2014.

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Dictionnaire des biographies: Le monde moderne (vers 1480-1815). Paris: A. Colin, 1995.

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Wais, Mathias. Als Marilyn Monroe in den Himmel kam: Diskurs über die moderne Biographie. Stuttgart: Mayer, 2005.

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Ballweg, Gabriele. Bäuerinnen zwischen Tradition und Moderne: Die Hofaufgabe : ein Wendepunkt in der Biographie. Aachen: Verlag Shaker, 1993.

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Littératures d'Israël: Biographie et bibliographie d'auteurs israéliens traduits en français entre 1948 et 2002. Montrouge: Ed. Stavit, 2003.

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Delow, Anke. Leistungssport und Biographie: DDR-Leistungssportler der letzten Generation und ihr schwieriger Weg in die Moderne. Münster: Lit, 2000.

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Thorand, Petra. Mythos und Moderne: Edvard Frank, Leben und Werk : eine Biographie mit Briefen / Petra Thorand ; Herausgeber, Rathaus Galerie, Gerti Willmes, Euskirchen. Euskirchen: Rathaus Galerie, 1999.

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Chabaud, Jean-Paul. Joseph-Siffred Duplessis, 1725-1802: Biographie. Mazan: Etudes comtadines, 2003.

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Bonnefoy, Yves. Alberto Giacometti: Biographie d'une œuvre. Paris: Flammarion, 1991.

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Частини книг з теми "Biographie moderne"


Grage, Joachim. "Der Märtyrer der Moderne." In Anekdote - Biographie - Kanon, 161–76. Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.7788/boehlau.9783412211233.161.

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Goblirsch, Martina. "Gesellschaftliche Moderne und Biographie." In Biographien verhaltensschwieriger Jugendlicher und ihrer Mütter, 43–65. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-531-92169-3_2.

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Lohauß, Peter. "Biographie und Selbst." In Moderne Identität und Gesellschaft, 27–47. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 1995. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-322-93695-0_3.

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Abels, Heinz. "Entwicklungsaufgaben: Strukturvorgaben einer normalen Biographie." In Jugend vor der Moderne, 258–70. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 1993. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-322-93645-5_17.

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Schweppe, Cornelia. "Alter als moderne Lebensphase." In Biographie und Alter(n) auf dem Land, 13–57. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2000. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-663-09429-6_2.

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Bürger, Jan. "Lesen und Schreiben. Anmerkungen zu Jahnns Lektüre und seiner Biographie." In Archaische Moderne, 61–75. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 1996. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-476-04249-1_4.

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Petropoulou, Paraskevi. "Die “innere Biographie” der Autoren." In Die Subjektkonstitution im europäischen Roman der Moderne, 24–47. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag, 1997. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-663-09162-2_2.

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von Felden, Heide. "Bausteine einer Bildungstheorie, die Biographie und Geschlecht integriert." In Bildung und Geschlecht zwischen Moderne und Postmoderne, 239–54. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2003. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-322-80922-3_5.

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Abels, Heinz. "Über die Weltanschauung eines Zeitalters, das Thomas-Theorem und die individuelle Konstruktion einer normalen Biographie." In Jugend vor der Moderne, 16–26. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 1993. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-322-93645-5_2.

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Jaeger, Lars. "Entstehung der Mikrobiologie und der modernen Medizin." In Die Naturwissenschaften: Eine Biographie, 297–307. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-43400-0_15.

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Тези доповідей конференцій з теми "Biographie moderne"


Arhipova, Olga. "The Powerful People’s Biographies Analysis for Modern Leaders’ Identity Construction." In Rural environment. Education. Personality. Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Engineering. Institute of Education and Home Economics, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.22616/reep.2018.004.

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Andreyeva, D. "DEVELOPMENT OF MOTIVATION TO STUDY PHYSICS THROUGH STUDENTS' ACQUAINTANCE WITH SCIENTISTS' BIOGRAPHIES." In Modern problems of physics education. Baskir State University, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.33184/mppe-2021-11-10.144.

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Tsykunov, Grigory. "From Siberian Fields to Ministerial Posts." In Irkutsk Historical and Economic Yearbook 2020. Baikal State University, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.17150/978-5-7253-3017-5.60.

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Review of the book by V.I. Pokorsky, which is dedicated to graduates of the Irkutsk State Institute (Ezhevsky Agrarian University), their professional and social activities. The book traces the biographies of hundreds of people for whom a higher educational institution determined their fate, involvement in labor achievements in the soviet and modern periods.
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Zhang, Xiaoyuan. "Research on Historical Value of Tuken · Lobsang Choekyi Nyima Biography*." In 4th International Conference on Culture, Education and Economic Development of Modern Society (ICCESE 2020). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.2991/assehr.k.200316.002.

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Imikhelova, Svetlana. "Literary Biography Of A Writer From The Province: Challenges And Challenges." In International Scientific Conference «Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism» dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Turkayev Hassan Vakhitovich. European Publisher, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2020.10.05.61.

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Крулица, Анна. "Conversation with the past in contemporary choreography." In Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare. Institute of Cultural Heritage, Republic of Moldova, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.52603/9789975351379.18.

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My article examines the problem of the archival turn in scientific works and discourse that affects artistic practice, including the choreographic one. In recent years, we can find several attempts to reconstruct the performances of famous choreographers who worked in the 1920s and 1930s. Modern choreographers have recalled forgotten performances of the former era, but recalling these choreographic works, they want to give them a modern meaning. This attempt is similar to rewriting history. In this context of rewriting history, I want to emphasize the importance of bodily memory and bring the perspective of viewing the body as an archive. In my article, I pose questions about how to find traces of former works? How modern choreographers work with memory and with the body. The concept of the body as an archive and the experience of past generations associated with choreographic practice is at the center of my work. The body can hide the secret of trauma, the unconscious determination of behavior in bodily, physical play. The second problem raised in the article is about the relationship between the present and the past. Why do we need a turn in the past now? I consider Yanka Rudskaya’s biography and her approach to dance as an example. This article shows the role of feminine artistic practices in the space of choreography. Recent reflections concern the problem of transferring modern dance to modernity and its discovery.
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Dalglish, Chris, and Sarah Tarlow, eds. Modern Scotland: Archaeology, the Modern past and the Modern present. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, September 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.9750/scarf.09.2012.163.

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The main recommendations of the panel report can be summarised under five key headings:  HUMANITY The Panel recommends recognition that research in this field should be geared towards the development of critical understandings of self and society in the modern world. Archaeological research into the modern past should be ambitious in seeking to contribute to understanding of the major social, economic and environmental developments through which the modern world came into being. Modern-world archaeology can add significantly to knowledge of Scotland’s historical relationships with the rest of the British Isles, Europe and the wider world. Archaeology offers a new perspective on what it has meant to be a modern person and a member of modern society, inhabiting a modern world.  MATERIALITY The Panel recommends approaches to research which focus on the materiality of the recent past (i.e. the character of relationships between people and their material world). Archaeology’s contribution to understandings of the modern world lies in its ability to situate, humanise and contextualise broader historical developments. Archaeological research can provide new insights into the modern past by investigating historical trends not as abstract phenomena but as changes to real lives, affecting different localities in different ways. Archaeology can take a long-term perspective on major modern developments, researching their ‘prehistory’ (which often extends back into the Middle Ages) and their material legacy in the present. Archaeology can humanise and contextualise long-term processes and global connections by working outwards from individual life stories, developing biographies of individual artefacts and buildings and evidencing the reciprocity of people, things, places and landscapes. The modern person and modern social relationships were formed in and through material environments and, to understand modern humanity, it is crucial that we understand humanity’s material relationships in the modern world.  PERSPECTIVE The Panel recommends the development, realisation and promotion of work which takes a critical perspective on the present from a deeper understanding of the recent past. Research into the modern past provides a critical perspective on the present, uncovering the origins of our current ways of life and of relating to each other and to the world around us. It is important that this relevance is acknowledged, understood, developed and mobilised to connect past, present and future. The material approach of archaeology can enhance understanding, challenge assumptions and develop new and alternative histories. Modern Scotland: Archaeology, the Modern past and the Modern present vi Archaeology can evidence varied experience of social, environmental and economic change in the past. It can consider questions of local distinctiveness and global homogeneity in complex and nuanced ways. It can reveal the hidden histories of those whose ways of life diverged from the historical mainstream. Archaeology can challenge simplistic, essentialist understandings of the recent Scottish past, providing insights into the historical character and interaction of Scottish, British and other identities and ideologies.  COLLABORATION The Panel recommends the development of integrated and collaborative research practices. Perhaps above all other periods of the past, the modern past is a field of enquiry where there is great potential benefit in collaboration between different specialist sectors within archaeology, between different disciplines, between Scottish-based researchers and researchers elsewhere in the world and between professionals and the public. The Panel advocates the development of new ways of working involving integrated and collaborative investigation of the modern past. Extending beyond previous modes of inter-disciplinary practice, these new approaches should involve active engagement between different interests developing collaborative responses to common questions and problems.  REFLECTION The Panel recommends that a reflexive approach is taken to the archaeology of the modern past, requiring research into the nature of academic, professional and public engagements with the modern past and the development of new reflexive modes of practice. Archaeology investigates the past but it does so from its position in the present. Research should develop a greater understanding of modern-period archaeology as a scholarly pursuit and social practice in the present. Research should provide insights into the ways in which the modern past is presented and represented in particular contexts. Work is required to better evidence popular understandings of and engagements with the modern past and to understand the politics of the recent past, particularly its material aspect. Research should seek to advance knowledge and understanding of the moral and ethical viewpoints held by professionals and members of the public in relation to the archaeology of the recent past. There is a need to critically review public engagement practices in modern-world archaeology and develop new modes of public-professional collaboration and to generate practices through which archaeology can make positive interventions in the world. And there is a need to embed processes of ethical reflection and beneficial action into archaeological practice relating to the modern past.
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Chornodon, Myroslava. FEAUTURES OF GENDER IN MODERN MASS MEDIA. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, February 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/vjo.2021.49.11064.

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The article clarifies of gender identity stereotypes in modern media. The main gender stereotypes covered in modern mass media are analyzed and refuted. The model of gender relations in the media is reflected mainly in the stereotypical images of men and woman. The features of the use of gender concepts in modern periodicals for women and men were determined. The most frequently used derivatives of these macroconcepts were identified and analyzed in detail. It has been found that publications for women and men are full of various gender concepts that are used in different contexts. Ingeneral, theanalysisofthe concept-maximums and concept-minimum gender and their characteristics is carried out in the context of gender stereotypes that have been forme dand function in the society, system atizing the a ctual presentations. The study of the gender concept is relevant because it reveals new trends and features of modern gender images. Taking into account the special features of gender-labeled periodicals in general and the practical absence of comprehensive scientific studies of the gender concept in particular, there is a need to supplement Ukrainian science with this topic. Gender psychology, which is served by methods of various sciences, primarily sociological, pedagogical, linguistic, psychological, socio-psychological. Let us pay attention to linguistic and psycholinguistic methods in gender studies. Linguistic methods complement intelligence research tasks, associated with speech, word and text. Psycholinguistic methods used in gender psychology (semantic differential, semantic integral, semantic analysis of words and texts), aimed at studying speech messages, specific mechanisms of origin and perception, functions of speech activity in society, studying the relationship between speech messages and gender properties participants in the communication, to analyze the linguistic development in connection with the general development of the individual. Nowhere in gender practice there is the whole arsenal of psychological methods that allow you to explore psychological peculiarities of a person like observation, experiments, questionnaires, interviews, testing, modeling, etc. The methods of psychological self-diagnostics include: the gender aspect of the own socio-psychological portrait, a gender biography as a variant of the biographical method, aimed at the reconstruction of individual social experience. In the process of writing a gender autobiography, a person can understand the characteristics of his gender identity, as well as ways and means of their formation. Socio-psychological methods of studying gender include the study of socially constructed women’s and men’s roles, relationships and identities, sexual characteristics, psychological characteristics, etc. The use of gender indicators and gender approaches as a means of socio-psychological and sociological analysis broadens the subject boundaries of these disciplines and makes them the subject of study within these disciplines. And also, in the article a combination of concrete-historical, structural-typological, system-functional methods is implemented. Descriptive and comparative methods, method of typology, modeling are used. Also used is a method of content analysis for the study of gender content of modern gender-stamped journals. It was he who allowed quantitatively to identify and explore the features of the gender concept in the pages of periodicals for women and men. A combination of historical, structural-typological, system-functional methods is also implemented in the article. Descriptive and comparative methods, method of typology, modeling are used. A method of content analysis for the study of gender content of modern gender-labeled journals is also used. It allowed to identify and explore the features of the gender concept quantitatively in the periodicals for women and men. The conceptual perception and interpretation of the gender concept «woman», which is highlighted in the modern gender-labeled press in Ukraine, requires the elaboration of the polyfunctionality of gender interpretations, the comprehension of the metaphorical perception of this image and its role and purpose in society. A gendered approach to researching the gender content of contemporary periodicals for women and men. Conceptual analysis of contemporary gender-stamped publications within the gender conceptual sphere allows to identify and correlate the meta-gender and gender concepts that appear in society.
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Melnyk, Olesia. MEDIA DISCOURSE AROUND THE FIGURE OF ORIANA FALLACHI AND HER JOURNALISM DURING 2017–2020. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, March 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/vjo.2021.50.11114.

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The article analyzes the media discourse around the figure of Oriana Fallachi and her journalistic work during 2017-2020. The actual media image of the figure of Fallachi is highlighted, examples of positive and negative statements are given. It is substantiated why her journalism should be researched in various ways, taking into account other aspects of her work that are not related to Islamophobia. The subject of the study is critical texts in modern foreign media dedicated to the author’s work. The objective of the study is to outline the media discourse around the figure of Oriana Fallaci and her journalism during 2017-2020. The methodology. The following methods have been used in the process of scientific research: historical, comparative, systems analysis, content synthesis, and others. The main results. In total, we have analyzed eight materials in foreign publications, published over the past 3 years, as well as the two most famous biographies of Oriana Fallaci. Some of the most recent reviewed texts have been published in the last few months, reflecting the interest in the author’s journalism, her writing, and reporting. Therefore, we see the need for further tracking and analysis of this body of texts. Conclusions. Critics of Fallaci express polar views that are not all negative. Authors re­commend quite cautiously her texts for reading, emphasizing their positive aspects. Both Fallaci’s biographies are also not entirely complementary: some aspects of her work are glorified, others are condemned. We managed to find general tendencies in the criticism of Oriana Fallaci’s journalism. These include accusations of xenophobia and Islamophobia, uncompromisingness, lack of political correctness, and moral value. The authors emphasize, at the same time, the openness and directness that bribe the reader, patriotism and honesty, strength of spirit and firmness of position. Significance of the research. The analysis of the latest criticism reveals what kind of media image Fallachi’s figure has today, and gives the possibility to research it for demonization and one-sided coverage. This is important not only for thorough research of the author’s work but also for understanding how the modern world perceives journalism, which is contrary to the generally accepted principles of political correctness, journalistic ethics, and humanity.
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