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Stefańska, Dorota. "Katolickie Stowarzyszenie Młodzieży w Szadku w latach 1934–1939." Biuletyn Szadkowski 15 (December 30, 2015): 205–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.18778/1643-0700.15.10.

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Katolickie Stowarzyszenie Młodzieży w Szadku powstało w 1934 r. w wyniku reorganizacji istniejącego od 1919 r. Stowarzyszenia Młodzieży Polskiej i prowadziło aktywność religijną oraz społeczną pod kierunkiem duchowieństwa w ramach Akcji Katolickiej aż do chwili napaści na Polskę Niemiec hitlerowskich. W Szadku patronem Stowarzyszenia w latach 1934–1939 był proboszcz parafii ks. Edward Lidtke, a asystentami kościelnymi stowarzyszenia: ks. Stefan Flisiak (1934–1936), ks. Bernard Głoskowski (1936–1939). Szadkowskie oddziały młodzieży męskiej i żeńskiej wraz z oddziałami w Małyniu, Zygrach, Zadzimiu i Korczewie tworzyły podokręg szadkowski wchodzący w skład okręgu sieradzkiego, podległemu diecezjalnemu stowarzyszeniu we Włocławku kierowanemu przez ks. Stefana Pietruszkę. Celem organizacji było wychowanie młodzieży pozaszkolnej w duchu wiary katolickiej i narodowym. Służyły temu organizowane przez duchowieństwo centrali włocławskiej rekolekcje, dni społeczne, manifestacje katolickie: kongresy, zloty, igrzyska sportowe, pielgrzymki. Oddziały z Szadku uczestniczyły: w Kongresie Eucharystycznym Ziemi Sieradzkiej w Sieradzu (czerwiec 1934 r.); w okręgowych zlotach i igrzyskach sportowych w Zduńskiej Woli, Sieradzu i Złoczewie; w zlotach diecezjalnych w Charłupi Małej i we Włocławku oraz w ogólnopolskim w Częstochowie we wrześniu 1938 r. Zdobyte przez młodzież doświadczenie organizacyjne oraz poczucie godności katolickiej i narodowej zaowocowało podczas 6 lat okupacji hitlerowskiej, kiedy to młodzież zaangażowała się w tworzenie struktur organizacyjnych Polski Podziemnej, a silna wiara w Boga i rodzinę ułatwiała pokonanie trudów codziennego życia. Po 1945 r. w Szadku Katolickie Stowarzyszenie nie wznowiło działalności ze względu na restrykcyjne rozporządzenia władz komunistycznych, również po 1989 r. mimo sprzyjającej sytuacji politycznej nie odnowiono struktur.
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Weyers, Wolfgang. "A. Bernard Ackerman—1936–2008." American Journal of Dermatopathology 31, no. 8 (December 2009): 740–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/dad.0b013e3181b7cab5.

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Davies, Hywel. "Bernard van Dieren (1887 - 1936)." Musical Times 128, no. 1738 (December 1987): 675. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/964804.

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Tafani, Vilma. "Rruga për në Elbasan, Bernard Newman, 1936." Revista Albanon 1, no. 1 (May 22, 2020): 28–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.54273/ra.v1i1.52.

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Ky fragment përfshin kapitullin X të librit “Dera e pasme e Shqipërisë”, shkruar nga Bernard Njuman, më 1936. I gjithë kapitulli, që titullohet “Rruga për në Elbasan”, është në vetën e parë. Autori përshkruan udhëtimin e tij dhe vizitat në Elbasan në formën e përshtypjeve dhe mbresave të tij për Elbasanin dhe elbasanasit. Bernard Njuman njihet si njeriu që shëtiti nëpër Shqipëri kryesisht me biçikletë.
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Tafani, Vilma. "Rruga për në Elbasan, Bernard Newman, 1936." Revista Albanon 2, no. 1 (October 18, 2021): 28–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.54273/ra.v2i1.139.

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Ky fragment përfshin kapitullin X të librit “Dera e pasme e Shqipërisë”, shkruar nga Bernard Njuman, më 1936. I gjithë kapitulli, që titullohet “Rruga për në Elbasan”, është në vetën e parë. Autori përshkruan udhëtimin e tij dhe vizitat në Elbasan në formën e përshtypjeve dhe mbresave të tij për Elbasanin dhe elbasanasit. Bernard Njuman njihet si njeriu që shëtiti nëpër Shqipëri kryesisht me biçikletë.
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Bernard, Enrico. "1927–1932 Il lustro che cambiò la letteratura italiana." Forum Italicum: A Journal of Italian Studies 52, no. 2 (April 22, 2018): 282–300. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0014585818757479.

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Il neorealismo viene comunemente datato, ma è una concezione alquanto approssimativa, a partire dal secondo dopoguerra. Si è naturalmente tenuto conto dei vari “laboratori” e delle fermentazioni letterarie del primo ‘900, in particolare gli anni Venti e Trenta, che hanno gettato le basi del “nuovo” realismo successivamente affermatosi nel cinema e nella narrativa. Tuttavia, l’approfondimento di questa determinante “eredità”, sia pur individuata, è stata scandagliata solo in parte. Esempio delle lacune nella ricerca è rappresentato dall’attività del giovane Carlo Bernari tra il 1927 e il 1932, un quinquennio preparatorio non solo del suo capolavoro—nel senso letterale di “origine” di una nuova concezione artistica— Tre operai (Rizzoli, 1934), ma da riconsiderare, sulla scia delle interpretazioni di Remo Cantoni e Eugenio Montale, come fulcro dei successivi sviluppi della letteratura italiana. Con le lettere manoscritte inedite di Breton e Ribemont Dessaignes a Carlo Bernari (pseudonimo di Carlo Bernard dal 1938).
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Burkholder, David B., and Christopher J. Boes. "Robert Wartenberg and the American Academy of Neurology." Neurology 97, no. 6 (April 21, 2021): 268–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.1212/wnl.0000000000012104.

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Robert Wartenberg (1887–1956) was born in Grodno (in present-day Belarus) and received his medical degree in Germany in 1919. He enjoyed a productive career at the University of Freiburg until 1935, when he fled Nazi Germany for the United States. Bernard Sachs, with whom he had worked during a Rockefeller fellowship in 1926, helped him secure a position at the University of California Medical Center in San Francisco in 1936. He was popular with students there as his sizeable personality translated into an engaging classroom style, but that same personality could create friction with colleagues. Following World War II, neurology as a specialty was growing and establishing its place in the medical landscape. With this goal in mind, A.B. Baker and other young neurologic leaders formed the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) in 1948 as an inclusive professional society. Baker recruited Wartenberg to join, he agreed, and immediately provided his own critiques on the organization. Wartenberg's standing in the academic community combined with his strong personality would serve Baker well as Wartenberg shielded the young AAN leadership from potential retribution. He was especially invested in ensuring the Academy had a journal as a means of development, and the journal Neurology® was born. Wartenberg died on November 16, 1956, and was honored for his service to the Academy with the Robert Wartenberg Memorial Lecture, which stands today as one of the principal events at the Annual Meeting.
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Waldman, David A. "Quality is Personal: A Foundationfor Total Quality Management Harry V. Roberts and Bernard E Sergesketter." Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration 11, no. 4 (April 8, 2009): 346–47. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1936-4490.1994.tb00074.x.

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Le Bras, Stéphane, Miguel Cabo Villaverde, Bruno Esperante, Pablo F. Luna, Ana Cabana Iglesia, Francisco J. Medina-Albaladejo, Salvador Calatayud, and Óscar Bascuñán Añover. "Book reviews - Crítica de libros - Crítica de livros (Historia Agraria, 86)." Historia Agraria Revista de agricultura e historia rural, no. 86 (March 28, 2022): 313–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.26882/histagrar.086r10b.

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Book reviews - Crítica de libros - Crítica de livros Stéphanie Lachaud-Martin, Corinne Marache, Julie McIntyre, Mikaël Pierre (Eds.): Wine, Networks and Scales: Intermediation in the Production, Distribution and Consumption of Wine Carin Martiin Stéphane Le Bras Emanuele Bernardi: La Coldiretti e la storia d’Italia. Rappresentanza e partecipazione dal dopoguerra agli anni ottanta Miguel Cabo Villaverde Margot Lyautey, Léna Humbert, Christophe Bonneuil (Eds.): Histoire des modernisations agricoles au XXe siècle Bruno Esperante Pegerto Saavedra: La opulencia de los hijos de san Bernardo. El Císter en Galicia, c. 1480-1835 Pablo F. Luna Gloria Román Ruiz: El franquismo de carne y hueso. Entre el consentimiento y las resistencias cotidianas (1939-1975) Ana Cabana Iglesia Josep M. Feliu Roca y Raimon Soler-Becerro: Celler Cooperatiu de la Granada (1920-2020). Cent anys de vitivinicultura al cor del Penedès Francisco J. Medina Albaladejo Alba Díaz-Geada y Lourenzo Fernández Prieto (Coords.): Senderos de la historia. Miradas y actores en medio siglo de historia rural Salvador Calatayud Francisco Cobo Romero y Francisco de Paula Garrido Rodríguez: La República en los pueblos. Conflicto, radicalización y exclusión en la vida política local durante la Segunda República española (1931-1936) Óscar Bascuñán Añover
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Kostyuchenko I.V, Nelga I. A. "Chemical Weapons: History of the Study of Organophosphorus Toxic Agents Abroad." Journal of NBC Protection Corps 3, no. 2 (2019): 175–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.35825/2587-5728-2019-3-2-175-193.

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Organophosphorus compounds occupy a unique positon among all chemical warfare agents (CWA's). Since the 1930-s their high toxicity, wide range of physical-chemical properties and complex action attracted close attention of foreign military experts. In 1936 a German chemist, Dr. Gerhard Schrader, synthesized O-ethyl-dimethyl amidocyanophosphate, known as tabun, for the first time. By the beginning of World War II, more than two thousand new organophosphorus and phosphorus containing compounds were synthesized by his laboratory's stuff. Some of these compounds were selected for further study as CW agents and subsequently were adopted as weapons by the German army. In 1938 the same Gerhard Schrader have synthesized the organophosphorus compound, closed to tabun, but more toxic: О-isopropyl methyl fluorophosphate, called sarin. In 1944 the German chemist, the 1938 Nobel laureate in chemistry Richard Kuhn synthesized soman and revealed the damaging effect of organophosphorus CWA's. In 1941 the British chemist Bernard Saunders synthesized diisopropyl fluorophosphate. During World War II the industrial production of organophosphorus CWA's was organized in Germany, Great Britain and in the USA. Germany produced tabun, sarin and soman, the western allies: diisopropyl fluorophosphate. Till the end of World War II the leadership in the sphere of the development of nerve agents belonged to Nazi Germany. After the end of the war the German scientists, many of whom were devoted Nazis, continued their work under the auspices of military departments of the USA and Great Britain. Subsequently phosphorylated thiocholine esters: V-series substances (VG, VM, VR, VX, EA 3148, EA3317 agents etc.) were synthesized with their participation. The wide range of organophosphorus compounds was tested on volunteers in Porton Down (Great Britain) and in the Edgewood arsenal (USA). But after the synthesis of V-series agents the work on organophosphorus CWA's did not stop. In recent years there appeared the tendency of the transformation of real threats connected with the chemical weapons use, to propaganda sphere. The provocation which the «Novichok» agent, arranged primitively by the British intelligence, is the perfect example of such a transformation. But it does not mean that the research in the sphere of new organophosphorus CWA's in the West is stopped
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Kerl, Helmut, and Walter Burgdorf. "A. Bernard Ackerman (1936–2008) The Most Important Dermatopathologist of the 20th Century, Who Transformed the World of Dermatopathology." American Journal of Dermatopathology 31, no. 8 (December 2009): 734–39. http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/dad.0b013e3181bbc6f3.

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Macintyre, Iain. "The legacy of Douglas Guthrie (1885–1975), surgeon and medical historian." Journal of Medical Biography 26, no. 2 (February 6, 2018): 95–101. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0967772018755204.

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After graduating in medicine Douglas Guthrie embarked on a career as an ENT surgeon. When his Edinburgh hospital appointment ended in 1936 he began to write History of Medicine, which, thanks to a favourable review by George Bernard Shaw, became a worldwide best seller when first published in 1945. This marked the start of Guthrie’s second career as a lecturer in history of medicine at the University of Edinburgh where his prime responsibility was delivering systematic lectures on medical history to medical undergraduates. At a time when history of medicine was virtually the exclusive preserve of medical doctors, Guthrie promoted to them the historiography techniques of the academic historian. His vision that social historians should become involved in the field and that history of medicine should be taught in arts and humanities faculties began to be adopted in British universities a decade or so after Guthrie made the recommendation. His legacy includes the Scottish Society of the History of Medicine and the British Society for the History of Medicine, both of which he helped to found. His name is commemorated in various charitable trusts which he established to promote the study of history of medicine.
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Prieto, Ruth, José María Pascual, and Laura Barrios. "Charles H. Frazier’s craniopharyngioma treatment: the pivotal role of the transfrontal approach." Journal of Neurosurgery 133, no. 6 (December 2020): 1739–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.3171/2019.8.jns191508.

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Charles H. Frazier (1870–1936), one of the pioneers of neurosurgery in the US, is known worldwide for devising surgical procedures to relieve trigeminal neuralgia and intractable pain. Less well-known are his substantial contributions to understanding and treating pituitary and parahypophyseal lesions. Along with Bernard Alpers, he defined Rathke’s cleft tumors as a different pathological entity from adenomas and hypophyseal stalk tumors (craniopharyngiomas [CPs]). The surgical challenge posed by CPs piqued Frazier’s interest in these lesions, although he never published a complete account of his CP series. An examination of the Charles Frazier papers at the College of Physicians of Philadelphia allowed the authors to identify 54 CPs that he had treated during his career. In the early 1910s, Frazier developed the subfrontal approach, which would become the primary surgical route to access these lesions, providing better control of the adjacent vital neurovascular structures than the transsphenoidal route hitherto used. Nevertheless, strong adhesions between CPs and the third ventricle floor, the major reason underlying Frazier’s disappointing results, moved him to advocate incomplete tumor removal followed by radiotherapy to reduce both the risk of hypothalamic injury and CP recurrence. This conservative strategy remains a judicious treatment for CPs to this day.
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Aslanbeigui, Nahid, and Guy Oakes. "The Theory Arsenal: The Cambridge Circus and the Origins of the Keynesian Revolution." Journal of the History of Economic Thought 24, no. 1 (March 2002): 5–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10427710120115819.

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In the winter of 1934–35, when John Maynard Keynes was beginning to circulate proofs of The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, he indulged in a playful exchange of letters with George Bernard Shaw devoted mainly to the merits of Karl Marx as an economist. At the end of his letter of January 1, 1935, Keynes's observations took a more serious turn, documenting fundamental changes in his theoretical ambitions following the publication of his Treatise on Money in 1930: “To understand my state of mind, however, you have to know that I believe myself to be writing a book on economic theory which will largely revolutionize—not, I suppose, at once but in the course of the next ten years—the way the world thinks about economic problems” (Keynes 1973a, p. 492).
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Tremblay, Micheline, and Guy Gaudreau. "Le régionalisme littéraire au Canada français. Le point de vue de Harry Bernard." Globe 5, no. 1 (February 14, 2011): 159–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/1000669ar.

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Ce texte aborde le régionalisme littéraire tel que défini, au cours des années 1920 et 1930, par le journaliste et romancier Harry Bernard à travers ses écrits publiés et sa riche correspondance. Le Fonds Harry-Bernard, déposé à la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec, fut systématiquement dépouillé à cette fin. Pour l’essentiel, nous proposons de restaurer la distinction entre le roman du terroir, auquel il a été injustement associé, et le roman régionaliste qui cherchait à promouvoir une littérature d’ici et dont se réclamait Bernard. Le combat pour la promotion du livre « canadien » qu’il mena en 1932, épisode méconnu de l’histoire littéraire, s’inscrit également dans cette voie.
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Poeze, Harry. "Korte signaleringen." Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 168, no. 1 (2012): 161–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/22134379-90003575.

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Menno Witteveen, Antonio van Diemen: De opkomst van de VOC in Azië. Hans Straver, Vensters op de Molukse geschiedenis, 1450-1950. Marjolein van den Dries en Arnold Carmiggelt, Delfshaven: een VOC-werf opgegraven. P.H.J.I. Ploegaert, Rotterdam Stadtswerf: Archeologisch onderzoek op het VOC-terrein te Delfshaven, Rotterdam. Otto van den Muijzenberg en Dinette Wijnen, De Mahnes: Familie in beweging 1750-1950. Jan de Lang, Dienaar van koloniaal Nederland: Biografie van Frederik Christiaan Hendrik Hirschmann (1870-1935). Herman van Bergeijk, Berlage en Nederlands-Indië: ‘Een innerlijke drang naar het schoone land’. Herman Smit, Landvoogd tussen twee vuren: Jonkheer Mr. A.C.D. de Graeff, gouverneur-generaal van Nederlands-Indië 1926-1931. Gerard Aalders, Bernhard zakenprins: Zijn connecties met wapenhandelaren, louche zakenlieden en dubieuze bankiers. Pierre Heijboer, De eer en de ellende: Nieuw-Guinea 1962. Nieuw-Guinea 1949-1962. Twee DVD’s (56’, 75’).
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Kustermann, Abraham Peter, and Dominik Burkard. "Rezension von: Burkard, Dominik, Charakter – Biographie – Politik." Zeitschrift für Württembergische Landesgeschichte 76 (February 24, 2022): 519–21. http://dx.doi.org/10.53458/zwlg.v76i.1918.

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Dominik Burkard, Charakter – Biographie – Politik. Die Theologen Bernhard Hanssler, Karl Hermann Schelkle und Josef Schuster in Malbriefen aus den Jahren 1932 – 1935, Regensburg: Schnell & Steiner 2016. 164 S. mit 34 farb. und 19 s/w Ill. ISBN 978-3-7954-3171-6. Geb. € 26,95
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Brennan, Michael G. "Edmund Spenser: Protestant Poet. By Anthea Hume and Edmund Spenser. 1900–1936: A Reference Guide. By William L. Sipple, with the assistance of Bernard J. Vondersmith." Notes and Queries 32, no. 3 (September 1, 1985): 395–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/notesj/32.3.395.

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Sabău, Nicolae. "„Sok szíves üdvözlettel régi barátos…”. Colegamenti di amicizia di Coriolan Petranu con storici magiari." Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Historia Artium 65, no. 1 (December 31, 2020): 107–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.24193/subbhistart.2020.06.

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"„Sok szíves üdvözlettel régi barátos...” (“With kind regards, your old friend...”). Coriolan Petranu’s Friendly Connections to the Hungarian Historians. Coriolan Petranu is the founder of modern art history education and scientific research in Transylvania. He had received special education in this field of study that is relatively new in the region. He started his studies in 1911 at the University of Budapest, attending courses in law and art history. During the 1912-1913 academic year he joined the class of Professor Adolph Goldschmiedt (1863-1944) at the Friedrich-Wilhelm University in Berlin. The professor was an illustrious personality from the same generation as art historians Emil Mâle, Wilhelm Vögte, Bernard Berenson, Roger Fry, Aby Warburg, and Heinrich Wölfflin, specialists who had provided a decisive impetus to art historical research during the twentieth century. In the end of 1913, Coriolan Petranu favored Vienna, with its prestigious art historical school attached to the university from the capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. There he completed and perfected his education under the supervision of Professor Josef Strzygowski (1862-1941). The latter scholar was highly appreciated for his contributions to the field of universal art history by including the cultures of Asia Minor (Syria, Mesopotamia, Armenia, and Persia), revealing the influence that this area had on proto-Christian art, as well as by researching ancient art in Northern Europe. In March 1920 the young art historian successfully defended his doctoral dissertation entitled Inhaltsproblem und Kunstgeschichte (”Content and art history”). He thus earned his doctor in philosophy title that opened him access to higher education teaching and art history research. His debut was positively marked by his activity as museographer at the Fine Art Museum in Budapest (Szepműveszeti Muzeum) in 1917-1918. Coriolan Petranu has researched Romanian vernacular architecture (creating a topography of wooden churches in Transylvania) and his publications were appreciated, published in the era’s specialized periodicals and volumes or presented during international congresses (such as those held in Stockholm in 1933, Warsaw in 1933, Sofia in 1934, Basel in 1936 and Paris in 1937). The Transylvanian art historian under analysis has exchanged numerous letters with specialists in the field. The valuable lot of correspondence, comprising several thousands of letters that he has received from the United States of America, Great Britain, Spain, France, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Poland, the USSR, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Egypt represents a true history of the stage and development of art history as a field of study during the Interwar Period. The archive of the Art History Seminary of the University in Cluj preserves one section dedicated to Hungarian letters that he has send to Hungarian specialists, art historians, ethnographers, ethnologists or colleagues passionate about fine art (Prof. Gerevich Tibor, Prof. Takács Zoltán, Dr. Viski Károly, Count Dr. Teleki Domokos). His correspondence with Fritz Valjavec, editor of the “Südostdeutsche Forschungen” periodical printed in München, is also significant and revealing. The letters in question reveal C. Petranu’s significant contribution through his reviews of books published by Hungarian art historians and ethnographers. Beyond the theoretical debates during which Prof. Petranu has criticized the theories formulated by Prof. Gerevich’s school that envisaged the globalization of Hungarian art between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period and that also included in this general category the works of German masters and artists with other ethnic backgrounds, he has also displayed a friendly attitude and appreciation for the activity/works of his Hungarian colleagues (Viski Károly and Takács Zoltán). The previously unpublished Romanian-Hungarian and Hungarian-Romanian set of letters discussed here attest to this. Keywords: Transylvania, correspondence, vernacular architecture, reviews, photographs, Gerevich Tibor, Dr. Viski Károly "
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Koehler, Peter J., and George W. Bruyn. "Bernard Brouwer's Lecture Tours in the United States (1926 and 1933)." Archives of Neurology 60, no. 10 (October 1, 2003): 1475. http://dx.doi.org/10.1001/archneur.60.10.1475.

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Jendek, Eduard. "Taxonomic, nomenclatural, distributional and biological study of the genus Agrilus (Coleoptera: Buprestidae)." Journal of Insect Biodiversity 4, no. 2 (January 20, 2016): 1. http://dx.doi.org/10.12976/jib/2016.4.2.

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One hundred sixty eight taxa of the genus Agrilus (Coleoptera, Buprestidae) mostly from the Palearctic and Oriental regions are studied and their taxonomic, nomenclatural, distributional or biological data are updated. The following new taxonomic or nomenclatural acts are proposed. The status of four taxa is changed: Agrilus grandiceps hemiphanes Marseul, 1866 is changed from subspecies to species Agrilus hemiphanes stat. nov.; Agrilus lopatini Alexeev, 1964 is changed from species to subspecies Agrilus araxenus lopatini stat. nov.; the specific name hermineus Abeille de Perrin, 1907 is removed from the synonymy of A. lineola as a name of subspecies Agrilus lineola hermineus revalidated name, stat. nov.; Agrilus validiusculus Semenov, 1891 is changed from species to subspecies Agrilus transversesulcatus validiusculus stat. nov.. The following fifteen new synonyms are proposed: grusinus Obenberger, 1917 syn. nov. (synonym of A. transversesulcatus Reitter, 1890); hassani Théry, 1930 syn. nov. (synonym of A. proteus Abeille de Perrin, 1893); ieiunulus Obenberger, 1936 syn. nov. (synonym of A. transversesulcatus validiusculus Semenov, 1891); italicus Obenberger, 1920 syn. nov. (synonym of A. cyanescens Ratzeburg, 1837); juxtasuturalis Abeille de Perrin, 1897 syn. nov. (synonym of A. transversesulcatus Reitter, 1890); niveosignatus Obenberger, 1914 syn. nov. (synonym of A. transversesulcatus validiusculus Semenov, 1891); panchlorus Abeille de Perrin, 1897 syn. nov. (synonym of A. curtulus Mulsant & Rey, 1863); perparvus Obenberger, 1918 syn. nov. (synonym of A. roscidus Kiesenwetter, 1857); philippovi Alexeev, 1965 syn. nov. (synonym of A. vaginalis Abeille de Perrin, 1897); populneus Schaefer, 1946 syn. nov. (synonym of A. suvorovi Obenberger, 1935); rosei Niehuis & Bernhard, 2005 syn. nov. (synonym of A. viridis Linné, 1758); shamyl Obenberger, 1922 syn. nov. (synonym of A. lineola hermineus Abeille de Perrin, 1907); suturisignatus Obenberger, 1924 syn. nov. (synonym of A. transversesulcatus Reitter, 1890); tetrastichus Obenberger, 1924 syn. nov. (synonym of A. fissifrons Fairmaire, 1849) and tifliscus Obenberger, 1936 syn. nov. (synonym of A. transversesulcatus Reitter, 1890). Agrilus grandiceps Kiesenwetter, 1857 is a dubious name of unknown taxonomic concept due to lack of the primary type. The following twenty-seven lectotypes of nominal taxa are designated: A. affectans Obenberger, 1923; A. alacris Kerremans, 1896; A. fidjiensis Obenberger, 1924; A. grusinus Obenberger, 1917; A. hassani Théry, 1930; A. hermineus Abeille de Perrin, 1907; A. hypericicola Abeille de Perrin, 1893; A. ieiunulus Obenberger, 1936; A. limoniastri Bedel, 1886; A. mephistopheles Abeille de Perrin, 1897; A. morio Kerremans, 1895; A. beauprei mourguesi Schaefer, 1954; A. nigrivestis Abeille de Perrin, 1897; A. niveosignatus Obenberger, 1914; A. panchlorus Abeille de Perrin, 1897; A. perparvus Obenberger, 1918; A. proteus Abeille de Perrin, 1893; A. roscidus Kiesenwetter, 1857; A. rumanicus Obenberger, 1924; A. shamyl Obenberger, 1922; A. subroscidus Obenberger, 1924; A. suturisignatus Obenberger, 1924; A. suvorovi Obenberger, 1935; A. fidjiensis tetrastichus Obenberger, 1924; A. tifliscus Obenberger, 1936; A. transversesulcatus Reitter, 1890 and A. validiusculus Semenov, 1891. Additionally, the geographical range or host plant data are updated or revised for many taxa. The North American Agrilus bilineatus (Weber, 1801) is recorded from a single record from Turkey which is the first introduction of a Nearctic Agrilus to the Palearctic fauna.
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Bier, Felipe. "Un real se confiesa: Graciliano Ramos y la paradoja de la alienación." Revista de Estudios Brasileños 7, no. 15 (March 18, 2021): 71–88. http://dx.doi.org/10.14201/reb20207157188.

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Este trabajo tiene como objetivo examinar la obra de Graciliano Ramos, más concretamente las novelas São Bernardo (1934) y Vidas secas (1938), partiendo de lo que observó Antonio Candido sobre su obra: su oscilación entre dos polos, la ficción y la confesión. En vez de considerarlos como mutuamente excluyentes, la hipótesis es que dicha oscilación se refiere a una lectura paradójica de la modernización, percibida como necesaria, pero imposible. Las huellas de esta imposibilidad, a su vez, aluden a una comprensión particular de la idea de la alienación como la herramienta clave para producir una falta, que en sí, constituye el objeto mismo por el que se interesa Ramos: el sertão como locus de explotación. El análisis tiene en cuenta el contexto específico de la novela de la década de 1930 en Brasil y su relación con los acontecimientos políticos de la época, y el lugar particular que ocupaba el país en el capitalismo occidental. Finalmente, se plantea la siguiente hipótesis sobre el arreglo formal de Ramos: su realismo depende de la confesión de esta imposibilidad, que expone la alienación y trae a la luz un rasgo utópico ubicado más allá de los límites de lo moderno.
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Drenth, Pieter J. D. "Bernhard Wilpert (1936-2007): Obituary." American Psychologist 63, no. 2 (2008): 134. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0003-066x.63.2.134.

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Roe, Robert A. "Obituary: Bernhard Wilpert (1936–2007)." European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 17, no. 4 (December 2008): 501–6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13594320802188240.

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Paquot, Thierry. "Bernard Lewis (1916-2018)." Hermès 82, no. 3 (2018): 265. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/herm.082.0265.

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Galinier, Jacques. "Bernard Juillerat (1937-2006)." L'Homme, no. 181 (February 1, 2007): 203–8. http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/lhomme.21881.

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Galinier, Jacques. "Bernard Juillerat (1937-2006)." L’Homme, no. 181 (January 12, 2007): 203–8. http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/lhomme.3011.

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D'Athis, F. "Bernard Roquefeuil (1938–1994)." Annales Françaises d'Anesthésie et de Réanimation 13, no. 2 (January 1994): 147. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0750-7658(05)80542-8.

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Taquet, Philippe. "Bernard Krebs 1934–2001." Annales de Paléontologie 87, no. 3 (July 2001): 224–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0753-3969(01)80011-2.

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Murphy, Hugh. "Bernard Stonehouse (1926–2014)." Mariner's Mirror 101, no. 2 (April 3, 2015): 133–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00253359.2015.1025507.

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Stoner, Joyce Hill. "Bernard Rabin 1916–2003." Studies in Conservation 48, no. 3 (January 2003): 215–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.1179/sic.2003.48.3.215.

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Jackson, Mike C. "Checkland, Peter Bernard (1930-)." Systems Research and Behavioral Science 17, S1 (2000): S3—S10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/1099-1743(200011)17:1+<::aid-sres380>3.0.co;2-z.

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Palmer, Sheridan. "Bernard Smith 1916–2011." Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art 12, no. 1 (January 2012): 16–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14434318.2012.11432625.

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Burton, Robert. "Bernard Stonehouse (1926-2014)." Ibis 157, no. 2 (March 6, 2015): 426–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ibi.12240.

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Edmunds, Mike. "Bernard Pagel 1930–2007." Astronomy & Geophysics 48, no. 6 (December 2007): 6.37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-4004.2007.48637.x.

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Thieme, John. "Bernard Hickey (1931—2007)." Journal of Commonwealth Literature 43, no. 1 (March 2008): 147–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0021989407087830.

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Riding, James B., Duncan McLean, and Charles H. Wellman. "Bernard Owens (1938–2019)." Palynology 44, no. 2 (March 19, 2020): 195–204. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01916122.2020.1739252.

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Słowiński, Roman. "Bernard Roy (1934-2017)." European Journal of Operational Research 266, no. 1 (April 2018): 392–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2017.11.031.

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Igersheim, François. "Bernard Vogler (1935-2020)." Revue d’Alsace, no. 147 (December 1, 2021): 399–402. http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/alsace.4997.

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Lefere, Robin. "Enrique Bernardo Núñez o la nueva novela histórica hispanoamericana (1931-1938)." Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 89, no. 6 (January 2012): 655–67. http://dx.doi.org/10.3828/bhs.2012.50.

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RGI, Redazione. "Informazione bibliografica." RIVISTA GEOGRAFICA ITALIANA, no. 1 (April 2021): 113–67. http://dx.doi.org/10.3280/rgioa1-2021oa11648.

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Augustin Berque, Ecumene. Introduzione allo studio degli ambienti umani, a cura&nbsp;di Marco Maggioli, traduzione di Claudio Arbore, Simone Gamba e Marco&nbsp;Maggioli. Milano, Mimesis, 2019.Tim Cresswell, Maxwell Street. Writing and Thinking Place. Chicago and London,&nbsp;University of Chicago Press, 2019.John van Wyhe, Wanderlust. The amazing Ida Pfeiffer, the First Female Tourist.&nbsp;Singapore, NUS Press, 2019.Lorenzo Bagnoli, Christian Garnier, g&eacute;ographe-geografo, 1872-1898. Parigi,&nbsp;Soci&eacute;t&eacute; de G&eacute;ographie, 2020.Margherita Cisani, Paesaggi e Mobilit&agrave;. Strumenti per le geografie del quotidiano.&nbsp;Milano, FrancoAngeli open access, 2020.Marcello Tanca, Geografia e fiction. Opera, film, canzone, fumetto. Milano,&nbsp;FrancoAngeli, 2020.Hamzah Muzaini, Claudio Minca, After heritage, critical perspectives on heritage&nbsp;from below. Cheltenham, UK - Northampton, MA, USA, Edward Elgar Publishing,&nbsp;2020.Bernard Floris, Luc Gwiazdzinski, a cura di, Sur la vague jaune. L'utopie d'un&nbsp;rond-point. Seyssinet-Pariset, Elya &Eacute;ditions, 2019.Maitane Ostolaza, La terre des basques: naissance d'un paysage (1800-1936).&nbsp;Rennes, PUF, 2018.Anna Casaglia, Nicosia beyond partition. Complex Geographies of a Divided City.&nbsp;Milano, Unicopli, 2020.Stelio Mangiameli, Andrea Filippetti, Fabrizio Tuzi, Claudia Cipolloni, Prima&nbsp;che il Nord somigli al Sud. Le Regioni tra divario e asimmetria. Soveria Mannelli,&nbsp;Rubbettino, 2020.Annibale Salsa, I paesaggi delle Alpi. Un viaggio nelle terre alte tra filosofia, natura&nbsp;e storia, Prefazione di Gianluca Cepollaro e Alessandro de Bertolini. Roma,&nbsp;Donzelli, 2019.Carlo Perelli, Il telaio e la trama. Reti di comunit&agrave; e azione territoriale in Sardegna.&nbsp;Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2020.Carlo Cellamare, Francesco Montillo, a cura di, Periferia. Abitare a Tor Bella&nbsp;Monaca. Roma, Donzelli, 2020.Maria Ronza, Dalla via Appia alla citt&agrave; policentrica: Caserta e il suo territorio.&nbsp;Trieste, EUT - Edizioni Universit&agrave; di Trieste, 2019.
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Gaudreau, Guy, and Micheline Tremblay. "L’éphémère consécration de Juana, mon aimée, roman de Harry Bernard." Mens 15, no. 2 (April 20, 2016): 49–83. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/1036183ar.

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Cet article retrace la trajectoire du roman Juana, mon aimée de Harry Bernard, de sa première version parue à la fin de l’automne 1930 jusqu’à sa consécration concrétisée par l’obtention d’un prix David en septembre 1932. Cette consécration fut néanmoins bien éphémère puisque l’oeuvre est aujourd’hui absente de l’histoire littéraire. Grâce à une riche correspondance, conservée en grande partie dans le Fonds Harry-Bernard, et au dépouillement minutieux des divers comptes rendus, recensions et articles publiés dans les journaux et revues, l’article analyse le rôle de l’auteur et met en lumière les contributions décisives d’Alfred DesRochers, de Claude-Henri Grignon et d’Albert Pelletier dans le sort réservé au roman. L’examen de la réception critique permet également de montrer l’importance des débats privés, des réseaux d’amitié et des discussions de salon tout autant que le poids inégal des recensions dans la trajectoire de l’ouvrage. Il appert que deux discours dominants ont été tenus à propos de l’oeuvre : le premier, favorable, de Grignon, qui conduisit au prix David, et le second, très sévère, de Pelletier, qui a contribué, selon nous, à la faire sombrer dans l’oubli.
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Lafuente Sánchez, Víctor A. "Gio Ponti Y Bernard Rudofsky: la casa mediterránea y su representación en la revista Domus." EGA. Revista de expresión gráfica arquitectónica 20, no. 26 (October 27, 2015): 256. http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/ega.2015.4059.

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<p>Entre 1937 y 1938, los arquitectos Gio Ponti y Bernard Rudofsky coincidieron en la revista Domus en una colaboración que traspasaría los límites del papel, adentrándose en el campo de la teoría y el proyecto arquitectónicos. Los diseños arquitectónicos que entonces realizaron, aunque finalmente no fueron construidos, son de gran interés por la investigación que suponen de la casa mediterránea tradicional y la reactualización que pretenden de la misma, a partir de las experiencias previas de uno y otro. Su publicación en Domus requería de nuevos y diversos recursos gráficos, que, por su originalidad, consideramos pertinente recordar en este artículo, ya que exploran distintos modos de representar arquitectura, tremendamente explícitos y muy adaptados al público en general.</p>
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Baldwin, Thomas. "Jean-Paul Sartre." Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series 20 (March 1986): 285. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0957042x00004193.

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Jean-Paul Sartre (1905–1980), nephew of the Alsatian theologian, Albert Schweitzer, was born in Paris, passed his agrégation at the Ecole Normale Superieure in 1929, and was a lycée teacher between 1931 and 1945. He was called up to the French Army in 1939, captured by the Germans in 1940 and released after the armistice. In 1938 he published a novel, La Nausée, translated by Robert Baldick as Nausea (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965), and in 1940, L'Imaginaire: Psychologie phénoménologique de l'imagination, translated by Bernard Frechtman as The Psychology of Imagination (London: Methuen, 1972). His major philosophical work, L'Etre et le Neant, was published in 1943, and translated by Hazel E. Barnes as Being and Nothingness (London: Methuen, 1957). As a novelist he is best known for a trilogy, Chemins de la Liberté (Roads to Freedom), comprising L'Age de raison (1945) translated by E. Sutton as The Age of Reason (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1961), Le Sursis (1945), translated by E. Sutton as The Reprieve (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1963) and La Mort dans l'āme (1949), translated by G. Hopkins as Iron in the Soul (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965). His main work of literary criticism is Qu'est-ce que la littérature? (1947), translated by B. Frechtman as What is Literature? (London: Methuen, 1950). Plays includeLes Mouches (1943) and Huis Clos (1944), both translated by S. Gilbert and published in one volume, as The Flies and In Camera (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1965).
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NGUYÊN THÊ ANH. "Pierre-Bernard Lafont (1926-2008)." Journal Asiatique 296, no. 1 (July 1, 2008): 1–8. http://dx.doi.org/10.2143/ja.296.1.2034490.

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Raschi, Nataša. "Bernard Zadi Zaourou (1938-2012)." Présence Africaine 184, no. 2 (2011): 256. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/presa.184.0256.

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Webster, Charles. "Charles Bernard Schmitt (1933–86)." Medical History 30, no. 4 (October 1986): 468–69. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0025727300046056.

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McLean, Duncan, James B. Riding, and Charles H. Wellman. "Professor Bernard Owens (1938–2019)." Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 276 (May 2020): 104184. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.revpalbo.2020.104184.

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Chaldecott, J. A. "Leslie Bernard Hunt: 1906–1987." British Journal for the History of Science 21, no. 1 (March 1988): 99–100. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0007087400024419.

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Bloom, David. "Bernard Woolf Bloom 1931–2014." British Dental Journal 217, no. 3 (August 2014): 157. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/sj.bdj.2014.698.

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