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Bosa, Bastien. "Trajectoires aborigènes et logiques d’Etat : ethnographie socio-historique des relations raciales dans le Sud-Est australien." Paris, EHESS, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006EHES0571.

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La question à laquelle cette thèse entend répondre est celle des conditions de possibilité de l'entrée des Aborigènes dans le champ politique australien à la fin des années 1960. Reposant sur l'usage conjoint d'une approche socio-historique, s'interrogeant sur les pratiques étatiques "d'identification" et d'un point de vue que l'on pourrait qualifier "d'ethnographique", partant des expériences ordinaires des individus, ce travail est organisé en trois parties. Les deux premières interrogent les mécanismes de relégation sociale dont les aborigènes étaient victimes dans l'Astralie "coloniale", en essayant de reconstruire le système des "relations raciales" qui prévalait alors (à la fois du point de vue de la production de "catégories" et des relations de pouvoir reliant ces catégories). La tyroisième est une analyse de tracés biographiques visant à rendre compte des logiques qui ont présidé à l'engagement des premiers militants aborigènes à avoir demandé le contrôle des affaires aborigènes
This thesis deals with the question of the conditions that made possible the unlikely entry of Aborigines into the Australian political field at the end of the 1960s. Drawing both on a socio-historical approach, which interrogates State practices of "identification", and on an ethnographic pont of view, focusing on the ordinary practices of individuals, this project is organised around three parts. The first two parts deal with the processes of social relegation to which Aborigines were subjected in colonial Australia. They attempt to reconstruct the system of "race relations" that was prevailing during most of the 20th century (focussing on the production of categories and on the power relationships between those categories). The third part details the trajectories of the actors of the Black Power movement, in order to understand the social conditions that made it possible for them to 'rebel' and enter the political field
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Le, Roux Géraldine. "Création, réception et circulation internationale des arts aborigènes contemporains : ethnographie impliquée et multi-située avec des artistes de la côte est de l'Australie." Paris, EHESS, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010EHES0431.

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La thèse examine les formes d’interaction développées par des artistes aborigènes de la côte est de l’Australie avec des marchands d’art et des commissaires d’exposition. A partir d’observations ethnographiques menées entre 2003 et 2008 auprès de Boomalli, une coopérative aborigène fondée en 1987 à Sydney, du Lockhart River Art Gang, un groupe de peintres du Cap York constitué en 1996 et de proppaNOW, un collectif aborigène institué à Brisbane en 2004 , j’ai observé la manière dont leurs œuvres sont représentées dans les expositions et la réaction critique des artistes à cette représentation. Je fais l’hypothèse que le soutien institutionnel et le développement d’une industrie de l’art ont entraîné une agentivité spécifique et des réponses créative de la part de certains artistes résidant en ville. A partir d’une analyse systématique des expositions organisées en France depuis 1979, j’examine la place qu’occupent les marchands d’art et les membres associatifs dans la circulation des œuvres en France et réalise une analyse détaillée de la réception de l’art aborigène. L’analyse ethnographique de mon rôle de commissaire d’exposition indépendante offre une intéressante perspective sur une figure majeure du monde de l’art contemporain, un intermédiaire encore peu étudié en sciences sociales. Mon positionnement multi-sites (géographique) et multi-situé (domaine d’activité) me permet de retracer un vaste ensemble de rapports de concurrences et d’alliances entourant les différentes étapes de valorisation culturelle et économique de l’art aborigène, de sa production locale et à sa réception internationale
This thesis examines the forms of interaction that Aboriginal artists from the east-coast of Australia have with art dealers and curators. This study stems from ethnographic observations made between 2003 and 2008 and undertaken among artists from Boomalli – an Aboriginal cooperative which was founded in 1987 in Sydney -, painters from Lockhart River Art Gang created in 1996 and founding members of proppaNOW – another Aboriginal collective established in Brisbane in 2004. This thesis examines the criticisms expressed and the explanations given by urban artists in commenting upon their representation in national and international art exhibitions. I postulate that the development of an art industry brings an agency specific to certain urban-based artists. Through a systematic analysis of exhibitions organised in France since 1979, I examine the role of art dealers and members of organisations and civil society in the circulation of these artworks in France and I carry out a detailed analysis of the reception of Aboriginal artwork. The Ethnographic analysis of my role as an independent curator provides an interesting perspective on a major figure of the contemporary art world, an intermediary who still remains underexplored in the social sciences. My own positioning, which is multi-sited (in terms of geography) and multi-situated (in terms of areas of activity), enables me to reconstitute a large composite of competitive and collaborative relations which surround the different stages of cultural and economic promotion and development of Aboriginal art, from its local production to its international reception
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Roosen, Sylvie. "Des "Plaines des Promesses" aux solitudes du "bush" (Nord-Est australien) : affirmations identitaires dans une région vide d'hommes." Paris 4, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA040197.

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Alors que le multiculturalisme de la société urbaine australienne est largement mis en avant dans les images diffusées hors du pays, le caractère biculturel de la brousse est souvent gommé : on l'imagine aborigène ou non aborigène. Or l'histoire des paysages dans la région du golfe de Carpentarie montre que le "bush" résulte d'un ensemble complexe de pratiques de l'espace aboutissant à la superposition d'un "bush" à la fois aborigène, pastoral et minier. L'étude des journaux des explorateurs éclaire la genèse du paysage actuel matérialisée par l'arrivée des éleveurs dans les "PLaines des Promesses" dès 1864. Par la suite, la succession des fronts pionniers organise progressivement l'espace en y excluant les Aborigènes. Mais depuis vingt ans, l'évolution favorable de leur statut dans la société remodèle le partage géographique de la brousse en redessinant le "bush" aborigène. Grâce aux nouvelles lois foncières des années 1990, les trois "bush" deviennent encore plus étroitement imbriqués
Even though the multiculturalism of the Australian urban society diffused overseas, the bicultural aspect of the bush is often forgotten : the Australian bush is whether Aboriginal, whether non-Aboriginal. .
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Duclaux, Guillaume. "Comportement mécanique des lithosphères continentales chaudes : évolution des cratons Néoarchéens et Paléoprotérozoïques de Terre Adélie (Antarctique Est) et du Gawler (South Australia)." Saint-Etienne, 2007. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00206311.

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Le bouclier Est Antarctique est constitué de nombreux domaines géologiques accrétés autour de 530 Ma. Tous ces domaines enregistrent la trace des événements Grenvillien et Pan-Africain à l’exception d’un seul : le Craton de Terre Adélie. Le Craton de Terre Adélie et son prolongement septentrional, le Craton du Gawler (en South Australia), font partie d’un même bloc : le Mawson Continent. Ils présentent donc une histoire géologique commune avant l’ouverture du domaine océanique Austral il y a environ 90 Ma. Ces cratons sont constitués d’un socle métamorphique polyphasé formé et structuré lors de deux événements géologiques majeurs datés au Néoarchéen (~ 2. 5 Ga) et au Paléoprotérozoïque (~ 1. 7 Ga). Cette étude présente les mécanismes tectoniques à l’origine de la structuration de ce paléo-continent. Les campagnes de terrain et les travaux en laboratoire (pétrologie, géochronologie Ar–Ar et U–Th–Pb) réalisés sur des roches provenant des deux cratons ont permis (1) de préciser l’âge et l’origine de la déformation néoarchéenne ainsi que le comportement de la lithosphère continentale à cette époque et (2) de quantifier l’importance de la déformation paléoprotérozoïque au sein du noyau archéen et dans les domaines paléoprotérozoïques adjacents. Ces travaux apportent de nouvelles contraintes sur la tectonique précambrienne. Nos travaux ont permis de mettre en évidence et de modéliser numériquement en 3D l’évolution à l’échelle lithosphérique de la déformation lors de l’affaiblissement des contraintes tectoniques convergentes appliquées à une lithosphère archéenne chaude. Sous l’influence de la gravité, la lithosphère chaude va fluer dans une direction perpendiculaire à celle de convergence, principalement par des mécanismes de constriction horizontale. De plus, nous mettons en évidence une dualité rhéologique entre un noyau cratonique stable et sa couverture autochtone lors deprocessus tardifs de réactivation tectonique
The East Antarctic Shield is made of several geological domains amalgamated at about 530 Ma, during the Ross orogeny. All this domains but one recorded Grenvillian and Pan-African events : the Terre Adelie Craton. The Terre Adelie Craton and its northern extension, the Gawler Craton (in South Australia), are both parts of a same block : the Mawson continent. Also, they display identical geological histories prior the opening of the Southern Ocean basin at around 90 Ma. These cratons are made of a polymetamorphic basement structured during two main orogenesis dated to Neoarchaean (~ 2. 5 Ga) and Paleoproterozoic (~ 1. 7 Ga) times. The present work deals with the study of the tectonic mechanisms responsible for the structuration of the Mawson Paleo-continent. Field investigations and laboratory work (petrology, Ar–Ar and U–Th–Pb geochronology) on samples from both cratons allowed (1) to precise the age and the origin of the Neoarchaean deformation and the mechanical behaviour of the continental lithosphere at that time, and (2) to quantify the magnitude of the Paleoproterozoic deformation within the Archaean crust and in adjacent Paleoproterozoic domains. This work provides new constraints regarding Precambrian tectonics. Our results allowed us to evidence and to numerically model in 3D at the lithospheric-scale, the strain evolution during waning of convergence force into a warm Archaean lithosphere. We show that tectonic and gravitationnal forces compete in order to drive horizontal constrictive flow of the continental lithosphere, in a direction perpendicular to the convergence. Furthermore, we illustrate rheological duality between a stabilized cratonic domain and its autochtonous sedimentary cover during later tectonic reactivation
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Duclaux, Guillaume. "Comportement mécanique des lithosphères continentales chaudes Evolution des cratons Néoarchéens et Paléoprotérozoïques de Terre Adélie (Antarctique Est) et du Gawler (South Australia)." Phd thesis, Université Jean Monnet - Saint-Etienne, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00206311.

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Le bouclier Est Antarctique est constitué de nombreux domaines géologiques accrétés autour de 530 Ma. Tous ces domaines enregistrent la trace des événements Grenvillien et Pan-Africain à l'exception d'un seul : le Craton de Terre Adélie.
Le Craton de Terre Adélie et son prolongement septentrional, le Craton du Gawler (en South Australia), font partie d'un même bloc : le Mawson Continent. Ils présentent donc une histoire géologique commune avant l'ouverture du domaine océanique Austral il y a environ 90 Ma. Ces cratons sont constitués d'un socle métamorphique polyphasé formé et structuré lors de deux événements géologiques majeurs datés au Néoarchéen (∼ 2.5 Ga) et au Paléoprotérozoïque (∼ 1.7 Ga).
Cette étude présente les mécanismes tectoniques à l'origine de la structuration de ce paléo-continent. Les campagnes de terrain et les travaux en laboratoire (pétrologie, géochronologie Ar–Ar et U–Th–Pb) réalisés sur des roches provenant des deux cratons ont permis (1) de préciser l'âge et l'origine de la déformation néoarchéenne ainsi que le comportement de la lithosphère continentale à cette époque et (2) de quantifier l'importance de la déformation paléoprotérozoïque au sein du noyau archéen et dans les domaines paléoprotérozoïques adjacents.
Ces travaux apportent de nouvelles contraintes sur la tectonique précambrienne.
Nos travaux ont permis de mettre en évidence et de modéliser numériquement en 3D l'évolution à l'échelle lithosphérique de la déformation lors de l'affaiblissement des contraintes tectoniques convergentes appliquées à une lithosphère archéenne chaude. Sous l'influence de la gravité, la lithosphère chaude va fluer dans une direction perpendiculaire à celle de convergence, principalement par des mécanismes de constriction horizontale. De plus, nous mettons en évidence une dualité rhéologique entre un noyau cratonique stable et sa couverture autochtone lors de processus tardifs de réactivation tectonique.
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Bourg, Natacha. "Interactions between boundary currents, fronts and eddies in the Northern Current and the East Australian Current. : Transport dynamics and application to the journey of Physalia spp." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulon, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024TOUL0001.

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Les courants de bords, caractérisés par de fortes vitesses et de nombreuses interactions dynamiques avec les marges continentales, sont les principaux moteurs de la variabilité océanique dans les régions côtières qu’ils traversent. La première partie de cette thèse se concentre sur les observations Radar Haute-Fréquence du Courant Nord dans la Méditerranée Nord-Occidentale et du courant est-australien dans l’océan Pacifique Sud. Nous étudions la variabilité saisonnière et interannuelle du courant et le développement de tourbillons de (sous) méso-échelle dans le système du Courant Nord. Concernant le courant est-Australien, nous examinons plus particulièrement sa dynamique de séparation, ses caractéristiques frontales et son impact sur la concentration de chlorophylle-a en surface.Les courants de bord, de par leur grande étendue et leur position le long du plateau continental,sont importants car ils agissent à la fois comme des barrières et des courroies de transport de matière passive. La deuxième partie se concentre sur Physalia spp., un organisme urticant pseudo-passif flottant à la surface de l’océan qui atteint régulièrement les côtes australiennes. Nous avons pu estimer l’impact relatif des variables météo-marines sur leur échouage. A partir d’expériences en laboratoire, nous établissons une paramétrisation de la dérive de maquettes 3D de Physalia spp. induite par le vent. Ce résultat,intégré dans une modélisation de suivi lagrangien selon des scénarios typiques du courant est-Australien nous permet de déterminer l’influence cumulée du vent et du courant sur les trajectoires des Physalia spp. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse contribuent à la connaissance de deux courants de bord, caractérisés par des échelles et des modes de variabilité différents, et illustrent leur rôle dans le transport de matière passive à travers l’étude de la dérive de Physalia spp
Boundary currents, characterized by strong velocities and dynamic interactions with continental margins are the main drivers of ocean variability in the adjacent coastal regions. The first part of the thesis focuses on High-Frequency RADAR observations of the Northern Current in the North Western Mediterranean Sea and of the East Australian Current in the South Pacific Ocean. In the Northern Current system, we investigate the seasonal and inter-annual variability of the current and the occurrence of (sub) mesoscale eddies, while we focus on the study of the separation dynamics of the East Australian Current, its frontal characteristics and overall impact on surface chlorophyll-a concentration. Boundary currents, by their spatial extent and position along the continental shelf, are important in acting both as barriers and conveyers of transport of passive matter. The second part of the thesis focuses on Physalia spp., a pseudo-passive stinging organism floating at the ocean surface which regularly reaches Australian shores. We are able to estimate the relative impact of atmospheric and oceanic variables on Physalia spp. beaching. From laboratory experiments, we establish a parametrization of the wind-induced drift of 3D-printed replicas of Physalia spp. This result is then incorporated into a Lagrangian tracking model based on the most recurrent East Australian Current separation scenarios to assess the combined effects of winds and currents on the pathways of Physalia spp. The results presented in this thesis contribute to the knowledge of two boundary currrents characterized by different scales and modes of variability, giving insights in their role in transport of passive material through the study of Physalia spp journey
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Lataste, Raymond. "Etude du rôle des variations de température du manteau dans la structuration et la segmentation des marges continentales passives." Toulouse 3, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005TOU30215.

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L'objectif de cette étude était de comprendre les facteurs contrôlant la segmentation des marges continentales passives, en particulier le rôle de la structure thermique du manteau. J'ai analysé les variations de structure de nombreuses marges passives en estimant l'anomalie isostatique résiduelle, afin de caractériser leur segmentation et de les comparer. Cette approche permet d'interpoler la structure crustale entre les profils sismiques existants. Les marges étudiées sont les marges conjuguées Australie-Antarctique, séparées par le bassin Sud-Est Indien où existent des indices de variations de température du manteau, la marge volcanique de l'Atlantique Nord-Est, les marges de l'Atlantique Central et Sud et les marges du Golfe d'Aden. J'ai observé que toutes ces marges sont segmentées, mais avec des longueurs d'onde variées. La segmentation peut être d'origine mécanique ou magmatique, et semble contrôlée par la présence de points chauds et par l'héritage continental.
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Amery, Rob. "A new diglossia : contemporary speech varieties at Yirrkala in North East Arnhem land." Thesis, Canberra, ACT : The Australian National University, 1985. http://hdl.handle.net/1885/132957.

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This subthesis is concerned with one aspect of the sociolinguistic situation at Yirrkala in N.E. Arnhem Land. In particular I shall be looking at the role and structure of a contemporary dialect of Yolngu Matha, Dhuwaya or so called "Baby Gumatj" in relation to other clan dialects. The main purpose of choosing this thesis topic is to lay some linguistic groundwork for the making of an informed decision in regard to the use of Dhuwaya within the bilingual program at Yirrkala Community School. If it is decided to employ Dhuwaya in the earlier grades (which appears to be the case), then guidelines are needed to determine which Dhuwaya forms should be employed. Adult language should be employed to serve as a model. Thus criteria are presented for choosing adult forms in preference to developmental forms. By undertaking research into Dhuwaya, I am not trying to encourage the use of Dhuwaya in any way. On the contrary, by establishing the ways in which Dhuwaya differs from clan languages and by making these differences explicit, any formal language programs undertaken in the school or in the community in the future may utilize these findings. This then would facilitate clan language acquisition by the younger generation. I use the title R New Diglossio in two senses : a) Yirrkala is a diglossic situation not previously described and is a departure from the diglossia originally defined by Ferguson (1959). b) The diglossic situation at Yirrkala appears to have been a recent development and is in fact s till in the making. In this sense it is a new diglossia chronologically. See Section 4.4 for explication. This study is by necessity a somewhat cursory overview. As a Balanda (white Australian) without having previous exposure to Top End Northern Territory communities or to Aboriginal languages of N.E. Arnhem Land3, data collection and transcription proved extremely difficult. This was especially the case because Dhuwaya is a highly stigmatized language variety at Yirrkala. This preliminary study points to the need for an in-depth longitudinal sociolinguistic study. Such a study should prove valuable in understanding issues of language maintenance within the bilingual program at Yirrkala Community School and for educational policies in the isolated homeland centres. Brief chapter summaries are as follows: CHAPTER 1 provides background material including: a) historical, b) sociological and c) linguistic, relevant to the study of Dhuwaya and its sociolinguistic context. Methodology and approach is outlined in 1.6. There are three varieties, Baby Dhuwaya, Deuelopmental Dhuwaya and Rdult Dhuwaya, all subsumed by the labels Dhuwaya or “Baby Gumatj" in common usage. These three varieties have separate identifiable phonological and morphological features. CHAPTER 2 outlines and discusses phonological features of Dhuwaya and makes comparisons between Baby Dhuwaya, Developmental Dhuwaya and Adult Dhuwaya phonology. CHAPTER 3 discusses morphological features of Adult Dhuwaya relative to a) clan dialects and b) Developmental Dhuwaya. Dhuwaya is characterized by specific morphological rules applying to dialect sensitive morphemes; rules which take into account the dialect differences between Dhuwal and Dhuwala dialects. CHAPTER 4 discusses the differences between the three varieties of Dhuwaya and the rationale for differentiating between them. Baby Dhuwaya is a restricted register demonstrating universal characteristics of Baby Talk registers whilst Developmental Dhuwaya is a maturational or child language variety illustrating features typical of developmental varieties universally. Although Developmental Dhuwaya as spoken by very young children shares many features in common with Baby Dhuwaya, there are s till important differences remaining. Adult Dhuwaya functions as a communilect or common language for the younger generation, but belongs specifically to Yirrkala and its homelands. The Yirrkala situation is quite different to other Yolngu communities in N.E. Arnhem Land (e.g. Galiwin’ku where a clan language Djambarrpuyngu has become the communilect.) At Yirrkala Dhuwaya functions as the L (Low) variety in a diglossic situation, where multilingualism is the norm. CHAPTER 5 summarizes the linguistic findings and in the light of these and other sociolinguistic evidence discusses various theories on the origin of Dhuwaya. It differs from other Yolngu Matha dialects in much the same way linguistically as these dialects differ from each other. I conclude that the most likely theory is that Dhuwaya has developed by means of koineization of Eastern Dhuwala/Dhuwal Baby Talk or ‘motherese' and developmental varieties. Dhuwaya is structurally and functionally an almost prototypical koine language variety. The implications for sociolinguistic theory, of this unique diglossic situation in North East Arnhem Land, are discussed briefly. CHAPTER 6 discusses the implications of these findings for the future in terms of a) language maintenance and b) the Yirrkala Community School bilingual education program. I conclude that the linguistic differences between Dhuwaya and other Dhuwala/Dhuwal dialects are really quite minimal. Should the community agree to the use of Dhuwaya in the earlier grades in the school, I am suggesting specific recommendations as to the variety of Dhuwaya to be employed. Adult Dhuwaya forms are better employed and I present criteria for differentiating adult forms from developmental and Baby Talk forms. Several sample texts, chosen for their exemplification of different varieties of Dhuwaya, are included in an appendix.
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Hoyle, Maxwell Bruce, and mikewood@deakin edu au. "Australia and East Timor: elitism, pragmatism and the national interest." Deakin University, 2000. http://tux.lib.deakin.edu.au./adt-VDU/public/adt-VDU20050915.110809.

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For over two decades the issue of East Timor's right to self-determination has been a ‘prickly’ issue in Australian foreign policy. The invasion by Indonesian forces in 1975 was expected, as Australian policy-makers had been well informed of the events leading up to the punitive action being taken. Indeed, prior discussions involving the future of the territory were held between the Australian Prime Minister and the Indonesian President in 1974. In response to the events unfolding in the territory the Australian Labor Government at the time was presented with two policy options for dealing with the issue. The Department of Defence recommended the recognition of an independent East Timor; whereas the Department of Foreign Affairs proposed that Australia disengage itself as far as possible from the issue. The decision had ramifications for future policy considerations especially with changes in government. With the Department of Foreign Affairs option being the prevailing policy what were the essential ingredients that give explanation for the government's choice? It is important to note the existence of the continuity and cyclical nature of attitudes by Labor governments toward Indonesia before and after the invasion. To do so requires an analysis of the influence ‘Doc’ Evatt had in shaping any possible Labor tradition in foreign policy articulation. The support given by Evatt for the decolonisation of the Netherlands East Indies (Indonesia) gave rise to the development of a special relationship-so defined. Evidence of the effect Evatt had on future Labor governments may be found in the opinions of Gough Whitlam. In 1975 when he was Prime Minister, Whitlam felt the East Timor issue was merely the finalisation of Indonesia's decolonisation honouring Evatt's long held anti-colonialist tradition existing in the Australian Labor Party. The early predisposition toward Indonesia's cohesiveness surfaced again in the Hawke and Keating Labor governments of later years. It did not vary a great deal with changes in government The on-going commitment to preserving and strengthening the bilateral relationship meant Indonesia's territorial integrity became the focus of the Australian political elites’ regional foreign policy determinations. The actions taken by policy-makers served to promote the desire for a stable region ahead of independence claims of the East Timorese. From a realist perspective, the security dilemma for Australian policy-makers was how to best promote regional order and stability in the South East Asian region. The desire for regional cohesiveness and stability continues to drive Australian political elites to promote policies that gives a priority to the territorial integrity of regional states. Indonesia, in spite of its diversity, was only ever thought of as a cohesive unitary state and changes to its construct have rarely been countenanced. Australia's political elite justifications for this stance vacillate between strategic and economic considerations, ideological (anti-colonialism) to one of being a pragmatic response to international politics. The political elite argues the projection of power into the region is in Australia’s national interest. The policies from one government to the next necessarily see the national interest as being an apparent fixed feature of foreign policy. The persistent fear of invasion from the north traditionally motivated Australia's political elite to adopt a strategic realist policy that sought to ‘shore up’ the stability, strength and unity of Indonesia. The national interest was deemed to be at risk if support for East Timorese independence was given. The national interest though can involve more than just the security issue, and the political elite when dealing with East Timor assumed that they were acting in the common good. Questions that need to be addressed include determining what is the national interest in this context? What is the effect of a government invoking the national interest in debates over issues in foreign policy? And, who should participate in the debate? In an effort to answer these questions an analysis of how the ex-foreign affairs mandarin Richard Woolcott defines the national interest becomes crucial. Clearly, conflict in East Timor did have implications for the national interest. The invasion of East Timor by Indonesia had the potential to damage the relationship, but equally communist successes in 1975 in Indo-China raised Australia's regional security concerns. During the Cold War, the linking of communism to nationalism was driving the decision-making processes of the Australian policy-makers striving to come to grips with the strategic realities of a changing region. Because of this, did the constraints of world politics dominated by Cold War realities combined with domestic political disruption have anything to do with Australia's response? Certainly, Australia itself was experiencing a constitutional crisis in late 1975. The Senate had blocked supply and the Labor Government did not have the funds to govern. The Governor-General by dismissing the Labor Government finally resolved the impasse. What were the reactions of the two men charged with the responsibility of forming the caretaker government toward Indonesia's military action? And, could the crisis have prevented the Australian government from making a different response to the invasion? Importantly, and in terms of economic security, did the knowledge of oil and gas deposits thought to exist in the Timor Sea influence Australia's foreign policy? The search for oil and gas requires a stable political environment in which to operate. Therefore for exploration to continue in the Timor Sea Australia must have had a preferred political option and thoughts of with whom they preferred to negotiate. What was the extent of each government's cooperation and intervention in the oil and gas industry and could any involvement have influenced the Australian political elites’ attitude toward the prospect of an independent East Timor? Australia's subsequent de jure recognition that East Timor was part of Indonesia paved the way for the Timor Gap (Zone of Cooperation) Treaty signing in 1989. The signing underpinned Australia's acceptance of Indonesian sovereignty over East Timor. The outcome of the analysis of the issues that shaped Australia's foreign policy toward East Timor showed that the political elite became locked into an integration model, which was defended by successive governments. Moreover, they formed an almost reflexive defence of Indonesia both at the domestic and international level.
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Woo, Lai W. "Australia as other in Singapore's media." Thesis, Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, 1997. https://ro.ecu.edu.au/theses/888.

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Since the late eighteenth century, the Western observation of the East has been based on shared ontological and epistemological assumptions made by the West of the East as different and as the "Other''. Said's concept of Orientalism revolutionized Western understanding of non-Western cultures by showing how Western projected images shaped the Occidental view of the Orient. Although much has been written about the West's perception of the East as "Other'' (Eg. Said and Schirato), to date, little has been written dealing with the West from, the "Eastern" viewpoint. This thesis will examine the concepts of Orientalism (the perception of the Orient as Other) and Occidentalism, which Yao views as Orientalism in reverse, and apply it to the study of Australian I Singapore relations. It will specifically look at the way in which Australia is reported in Singapore's main English newspaper, The Straits Times. Australian events are perceived to be of importance not only to the Singaporean reader but to Australian/Singapore relations. Although the notion of the "Other" can mean different things to different people., I have chosen, for the purpose of this thesis to use Said's definition, which has to do with Western perception of the East as Other. The principle question that arises from the situation of Othering is, quite simply, why does The Straits Times, and by implication the Singapore government, choose to "Other" Australia in a remarkably consistent manner?
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Foxwell-Norton, Kerrie-Ann, and na. "Communicating the Australian Coast: Communities, Cultures and Coastcare." Griffith University. School of Arts, 2007. http://www4.gu.edu.au:8080/adt-root/public/adt-QGU20070814.094758.

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In Australia, Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICM) is the policy framework adopted by government to manage the coastal zone. Amongst other principles, ICM contains an explicit mandate to include local communities in the management of the coastal zone. In Australia, the Coastcare program emerged in response to international acceptance of the need to involve local communities in the management of the coastal zone. This dissertation is a critical cultural investigation of the Coastcare program to discover how the program and the coastal zone generally, is understood and negotiated by three volunteer groups in SE Queensland. There is a paucity of data surrounding the actual experiences of Coastcare volunteers. This dissertation begins to fill this gap in our knowledge of local community involvement in coastal management. My dissertation considers the culture of Coastcare and broadly, community participation initiatives. Coastcare participants, government policymakers, environmental scientists, etc bring to their encounter a specific ‘way of seeing’ the coast – a cultural framework – which guides their actions, ideas and priorities for the coastal zone. These cultural frameworks are established and maintained in the context of unequal relations of power and knowledge. The discourses of environmental science and economics – as evidenced in the chief ICM policy objective, Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) – are powerful knowledges in the realm of community participation policy. This arrangement has serious consequences for what governments and experts can expect to achieve via community participation programs. In short, the quest for ‘power-sharing’ with communities and ‘meaningful participation’ is impeded by dominant scientific and economic cultures which act to marginalise and discredit the cultures of communities (and volunteers). Ironically enough, the lack of consideration of these deeper relations of power and knowledge means that the very groups (such as policymakers, environmental scientists, etc) who actively seek the participation of local communities, contribute disproportionately to the relative failure of community participation programs. At the very least, as those in a position of power, policymakers and associated experts do little to enhance communication with local communities. To this situation add confusion wrought by changes in the delivery of the Coastcare program and a lack of human and financial resources. From this perspective, the warm and fuzzy sentiment of Coastcare can be understood as the ‘Coastcare of neglect’. However, the emergence of community participation as ‘legitimate’ in environmental policymaking indicates a fissure in the traditional power relations between communities and experts. Indeed the entry of ‘community participation policy’ is relatively new territory for the environmental sciences. It is this fissure which I seek to explore and encourage via the application of a cultural studies framework which offers another ‘way of seeing’ community participation in coastal and marine management and thereby, offers avenues to improve relations between communities and experts. My fieldwork reveals a fundamental mismatch between the cultural frameworks which communities bring to the coast and those frameworks embodied and implemented by the Coastcare program. Upon closer examination, it is apparent that the Coastcare program (and community participation programs generally) are designed to introduce local ‘lay’ communities to environmental science knowledge. Local coastal cultures are relegated to the personal and private realm. An excellent example of this is the scientifically oriented ‘eligible areas for funding’ of the Coastcare program. The volunteers consulted for this project emphasized their motivation in terms of ‘maintaining the natural beauty of the coast’ and ‘protecting a little bit of coast from the rampant development of the coastal zone’. Their motivations were largely the antithesis of ESD. They understood their actions as thwarting the negative impacts of coastal development – this occurred within a policy framework which accepted development as fait d’accompli. Australia’s nation of coastal dwellers may not know a lot about ‘coastal ecologies’ but they do know the coast in other ways. Community knowledge of the coast can be largely accounted for in the phrase, ‘Australian beach culture’. Serious consideration of Australian beach culture in environmental policy is absent. The lack of attention to this central tenet of the Australian way of life is because, as a concept and in practice, beach culture lacks the ‘seriousness’ and objectivity of environmental science knowledge – it is about play, hedonism, holidays, spirituality, emotion and fun. The stories (including Indigenous cultural heritage) which emerge when Australians are asked about their ‘beach cultural knowledge’ – historical and contemporary experiences of the Australian coast – await meaningful consideration by those interested in communicating with Australian communities living on the coast. This ‘cultural geography’ is an avenue for policymakers to better communicate and engage with Australian communities in their quest to increase participation in, or motivate interest in community coastal management programs.
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Foxwell-Norton, Kerrie-Ann. "Communicating the Australian Coast: Communities, Cultures and Coastcare." Thesis, Griffith University, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10072/367816.

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In Australia, Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICM) is the policy framework adopted by government to manage the coastal zone. Amongst other principles, ICM contains an explicit mandate to include local communities in the management of the coastal zone. In Australia, the Coastcare program emerged in response to international acceptance of the need to involve local communities in the management of the coastal zone. This dissertation is a critical cultural investigation of the Coastcare program to discover how the program and the coastal zone generally, is understood and negotiated by three volunteer groups in SE Queensland. There is a paucity of data surrounding the actual experiences of Coastcare volunteers. This dissertation begins to fill this gap in our knowledge of local community involvement in coastal management. My dissertation considers the culture of Coastcare and broadly, community participation initiatives. Coastcare participants, government policymakers, environmental scientists, etc bring to their encounter a specific ‘way of seeing’ the coast – a cultural framework – which guides their actions, ideas and priorities for the coastal zone. These cultural frameworks are established and maintained in the context of unequal relations of power and knowledge. The discourses of environmental science and economics – as evidenced in the chief ICM policy objective, Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) – are powerful knowledges in the realm of community participation policy. This arrangement has serious consequences for what governments and experts can expect to achieve via community participation programs. In short, the quest for ‘power-sharing’ with communities and ‘meaningful participation’ is impeded by dominant scientific and economic cultures which act to marginalise and discredit the cultures of communities (and volunteers). Ironically enough, the lack of consideration of these deeper relations of power and knowledge means that the very groups (such as policymakers, environmental scientists, etc) who actively seek the participation of local communities, contribute disproportionately to the relative failure of community participation programs. At the very least, as those in a position of power, policymakers and associated experts do little to enhance communication with local communities. To this situation add confusion wrought by changes in the delivery of the Coastcare program and a lack of human and financial resources. From this perspective, the warm and fuzzy sentiment of Coastcare can be understood as the ‘Coastcare of neglect’. However, the emergence of community participation as ‘legitimate’ in environmental policymaking indicates a fissure in the traditional power relations between communities and experts. Indeed the entry of ‘community participation policy’ is relatively new territory for the environmental sciences. It is this fissure which I seek to explore and encourage via the application of a cultural studies framework which offers another ‘way of seeing’ community participation in coastal and marine management and thereby, offers avenues to improve relations between communities and experts. My fieldwork reveals a fundamental mismatch between the cultural frameworks which communities bring to the coast and those frameworks embodied and implemented by the Coastcare program. Upon closer examination, it is apparent that the Coastcare program (and community participation programs generally) are designed to introduce local ‘lay’ communities to environmental science knowledge. Local coastal cultures are relegated to the personal and private realm. An excellent example of this is the scientifically oriented ‘eligible areas for funding’ of the Coastcare program. The volunteers consulted for this project emphasized their motivation in terms of ‘maintaining the natural beauty of the coast’ and ‘protecting a little bit of coast from the rampant development of the coastal zone’. Their motivations were largely the antithesis of ESD. They understood their actions as thwarting the negative impacts of coastal development – this occurred within a policy framework which accepted development as fait d’accompli. Australia’s nation of coastal dwellers may not know a lot about ‘coastal ecologies’ but they do know the coast in other ways. Community knowledge of the coast can be largely accounted for in the phrase, ‘Australian beach culture’. Serious consideration of Australian beach culture in environmental policy is absent. The lack of attention to this central tenet of the Australian way of life is because, as a concept and in practice, beach culture lacks the ‘seriousness’ and objectivity of environmental science knowledge – it is about play, hedonism, holidays, spirituality, emotion and fun. The stories (including Indigenous cultural heritage) which emerge when Australians are asked about their ‘beach cultural knowledge’ – historical and contemporary experiences of the Australian coast – await meaningful consideration by those interested in communicating with Australian communities living on the coast. This ‘cultural geography’ is an avenue for policymakers to better communicate and engage with Australian communities in their quest to increase participation in, or motivate interest in community coastal management programs.
Thesis (PhD Doctorate)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
School of Arts
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Lee, Sook Hee. "The use of interpersonal resources in argumentative/persuasive essays by East-Asian ESL and Australian tertiary students." Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/1285.

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Abstract This thesis explores the use of the interpersonal resources of English in argumentative/persuasive essays (APEs) constructed by undergraduate international students from East-Asian regions (EAS), in particular, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, and also by Australian-born English speakers (ABS). High-graded essays (HGEs) were compared with the low-graded essays (LGEs) in order to identify the relationship between their deployment of interpersonal features and the academic grades given by markers. In addition, the essays constructed by the EAS writers were compared with those written by ABS writers. A major complaint of academic staff about ESL Asian students concerns their lack of analytical, critical voice and formality in their arguments. The linguistic evidence for this explored in this thesis is based mainly on interpersonal systems of interaction and evaluation recently developed within Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) (Iedema et al., 1994; Iedema, 1995, 2003, 2004; Martin, 2000a, 2003c; White, 1998, 2004; Martin and Rose, 2003; Macken-Horarik and Martin, 2003; Martin and White, 2005). Within interaction, the thesis draws on work dealing with the metaphorical realisations of commands in a bureaucratic administration context. Evaluation is based on appraisal theory, which is concerned with the linguistic inflection of the subjective attitudes of writers, and also their evaluative expressions and intersubjective positioning. In order to explore the use of interpersonal resources from a perspective of writer and reader interaction, this study incorporates a social interactive model derived from ‘Interaction in writing’ alongside Bakhtin’s (1981, 1986) dialogic literacy. Under this broad interdisciplinary approach, the interpersonal aspects in APEs are examined from three main perspectives: Interactive (schematic structures), Interactional (the metaphorical realisation of commands), and InterPERSONAL meanings (the three main appraisal systems: ATTITUDE, ENGAGEMENT, and GRADUATION). The sample comprised six overseas students and six Australian-born native English speakers. They were all participants in the English for Academic Purposes class in the Modern Language Program offered by a regional university in southern New South Wales. These students were required to write APEs as a part of their course. Discourse analysis was applied to the essays at the genre, discourse semantic and the lexico-grammatical levels. Interviews were undertaken with markers to identify the relationship between text analysis results and markers’ comments on the essays and the grades. The results indicated that students’ use of interpersonal resources is a good indicator for judging quality of APEs. The analysis reveals significant differences in the extent to which HGEs are interactive by showing awareness of audience in argument structure, and making interactional choices focusing on command and interPERSONAL choices of appraisal systems. These differences are reflected in the use both of strategies of involvement by being interactional, and strategies displaying distance by being formal. The differences are also reflected in the presentation of personal opinions by being evaluative and of intersubjective claims supported by evidence. While there were no significant differences between the EAS and ABS writers in terms of the argument structure, ABS texts are more interactional, having a high degree of authority and conviction characterised by a formal tone. ABS writers also display a stronger voice through frequent exploitation of GRADUATION resources of appraisal. Overall, it can be said that while EAS students display problems with raising their own voices in argument, ABS students display problems in supporting persuasion. Educational implications for English for Academic Purposes (EAP) writing curriculum design include the desirability of enhancing a context-sensitive approach in writing, raising audience awareness of language teachers in relation to the interpersonal use of English, and promoting the dialogic nature of argument by reconciling individual creativity with social voices and community conventions.
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Lee, Sook Hee. "The use of interpersonal resources in argumentative/persuasive essays by East-Asian ESL and Australian tertiary students." University of Sydney, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/1285.

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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Abstract This thesis explores the use of the interpersonal resources of English in argumentative/persuasive essays (APEs) constructed by undergraduate international students from East-Asian regions (EAS), in particular, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, and also by Australian-born English speakers (ABS). High-graded essays (HGEs) were compared with the low-graded essays (LGEs) in order to identify the relationship between their deployment of interpersonal features and the academic grades given by markers. In addition, the essays constructed by the EAS writers were compared with those written by ABS writers. A major complaint of academic staff about ESL Asian students concerns their lack of analytical, critical voice and formality in their arguments. The linguistic evidence for this explored in this thesis is based mainly on interpersonal systems of interaction and evaluation recently developed within Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) (Iedema et al., 1994; Iedema, 1995, 2003, 2004; Martin, 2000a, 2003c; White, 1998, 2004; Martin and Rose, 2003; Macken-Horarik and Martin, 2003; Martin and White, 2005). Within interaction, the thesis draws on work dealing with the metaphorical realisations of commands in a bureaucratic administration context. Evaluation is based on appraisal theory, which is concerned with the linguistic inflection of the subjective attitudes of writers, and also their evaluative expressions and intersubjective positioning. In order to explore the use of interpersonal resources from a perspective of writer and reader interaction, this study incorporates a social interactive model derived from ‘Interaction in writing’ alongside Bakhtin’s (1981, 1986) dialogic literacy. Under this broad interdisciplinary approach, the interpersonal aspects in APEs are examined from three main perspectives: Interactive (schematic structures), Interactional (the metaphorical realisation of commands), and InterPERSONAL meanings (the three main appraisal systems: ATTITUDE, ENGAGEMENT, and GRADUATION). The sample comprised six overseas students and six Australian-born native English speakers. They were all participants in the English for Academic Purposes class in the Modern Language Program offered by a regional university in southern New South Wales. These students were required to write APEs as a part of their course. Discourse analysis was applied to the essays at the genre, discourse semantic and the lexico-grammatical levels. Interviews were undertaken with markers to identify the relationship between text analysis results and markers’ comments on the essays and the grades. The results indicated that students’ use of interpersonal resources is a good indicator for judging quality of APEs. The analysis reveals significant differences in the extent to which HGEs are interactive by showing awareness of audience in argument structure, and making interactional choices focusing on command and interPERSONAL choices of appraisal systems. These differences are reflected in the use both of strategies of involvement by being interactional, and strategies displaying distance by being formal. The differences are also reflected in the presentation of personal opinions by being evaluative and of intersubjective claims supported by evidence. While there were no significant differences between the EAS and ABS writers in terms of the argument structure, ABS texts are more interactional, having a high degree of authority and conviction characterised by a formal tone. ABS writers also display a stronger voice through frequent exploitation of GRADUATION resources of appraisal. Overall, it can be said that while EAS students display problems with raising their own voices in argument, ABS students display problems in supporting persuasion. Educational implications for English for Academic Purposes (EAP) writing curriculum design include the desirability of enhancing a context-sensitive approach in writing, raising audience awareness of language teachers in relation to the interpersonal use of English, and promoting the dialogic nature of argument by reconciling individual creativity with social voices and community conventions.
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Islam, R. "Genetic structure and life history variation in a cryptic fish species complex, Australian smelt (Retropinna semoni) across south-east Queensland, Australia." Thesis, Griffith University, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10072/379294.

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Generally freshwater fish exhibit higher levels of genetic structuring between spatially distinct populations than marine species due to the presence of natural and artificial barriers to dispersal in freshwater ecosystems. In addition, freshwater species are not able to move between populations that are separated by either terrestrial or marine habitat. Diadromy constrains the development of genetic structuring, even among geographically isolated populations due to potential connectivity via movement through the sea. As a result, higher levels of gene flow and lower population structuring tend to be observed in diadromous fishes than freshwater species. The Australian smelt (Retropinna semoni) is a native fish species complex widely distributed across coastal and inland drainages of south-eastern Australia. Recently, a complex of five or more cryptic species of Australian smelt has been recognized throughout their geographic range based on genetic studies. Variation in life history strategies has been observed in many cryptic fish species and multiple life history patterns were also found in southern smelt lineages (Retropinna sp.) where mainland Australian populations contain diadromous and wholly freshwater individuals and Tasmanian populations contain estuarine individuals. Despite the populations of southern smelt containing diadromous individuals, strong genetic structuring and low levels of connectivity were reported in at least some populations, which were suggested to result from apparently diadromous individuals being retained in the estuaries. It is possible that the different cryptic species may differ in life history. In the present study, I examine the genetic structure and life history variation of the South-east Queensland (SEQ) lineage of Australian smelt which was further subdivided into northern and southern lineages (SEQ-N, SEQ-S). I used both molecular and ecological approaches to understand the pattern of genetic structure and life history variation in this species to compare with other members of the species complex. Prior to this task, twenty one polymorphic microsatellite primers were developed (Chapter 2), which were then used for species delimitation and population structure analysis. In chapter 3, I used one mitochondrial gene (cyt b) and ten microsatellite loci to investigate patterns of genetic structuring in Australian smelt (R. semoni) and describe the genetic differences between these two cryptic lineages (SEQ-N and SEQ-S). These two lineages formed monophyletic clades in the mtDNA gene tree and among river phylogeographic structure was also evident within each clade. There was clear genetic divergence between the two lineages, suggesting that they have been separated historically by a hard barrier. Strong genetic structuring was observed from microsatellite analysis in both lineages (SEQ-S FST = 0.13; SEQ-N FST = 0.23) suggesting limited dispersal among rivers. Slightly lower levels of genetic structuring were observed in the SEQ-S lineage than the SEQ-N lineage. This might be the result of different microhabitat preferences between these two cryptic lineages (SEQ-N and SEQ-S), for example intolerance to water quality parameters. Another plausible explanation is that SEQ-S catchments may have been connected more recently and /or more often than those in the SEQ-N group during flood events. Contemporary movement of individuals only occurred between nearby sites within a river, but not between rivers, suggesting that if local extinctions occur in one or more of these rivers, then recolonization from elsewhere is unlikely to occur rapidly. Similarly, extinctions within a site are only likely to be recolonised from nearby sites in the same river. In chapter 4, I used otolith micro-chemistry analysis to examine the life history patterns of smelt at the northern extent of their range and to identify any differences in migratory behaviour of the two lineages (SEQ-N and SEQ-S) in this region. Based on otolith core-to-edge transects of Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca, there was no evidence of marine residence for either lineage suggesting that both are non-diadromous. This contrasts with the two southern smelt species, in which both exhibit evidence of diadromous movement of individuals within some populations. Significant differences in multi-elemental otolith chemistry signatures were observed among rivers and between paired sites within some rivers, suggesting no exchange of individuals among catchments and limited dispersal of individuals over large spatial scales within a river. This is almost certainly the result of the marine habitat conditions along the coastal drainages which isolate rivers and restrict movement of fish between them, combined with some limited dispersal within a river. In addition, movement of fish may also be precluded due to anthropogenic migration barriers within river catchments. This study has presented a holistic view of population structure using ecological and genetic markers and revealed that R. semoni is highly structured across south-east Queensland from the Mary River to Currumbin Creek. Genetic analysis delivers the general framework for applying ecological methods and substantial information regarding exchange between populations. Sensitive ecological methods such as otolith chemistry provide resolution of the fine-scale spatial separation within and between sample collection locations because movements within an individual lifetime can be inferred. The results of the present study emphasise the advantages of using complementary methods to evaluate the connectivity of fish populations. The combination of otolith chemistry and molecular markers provided insights into the role of migration in structuring smelt populations over a range of temporal and spatial scales. Overall, the current study furnished new insights into the population genetic structure and life history patterns of Australian smelt, which has significant implications for the sustainable management and conservation of this ecologically variable species along coastal drainages in south-east Queensland.
Thesis (PhD Doctorate)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
School of Environment and Sc
Science, Environment, Engineering and Technology
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LAMARCA, CLAUDIA. "THE AUSTRALIAN FOREIGN POLICY TOWARDS EAST TIMOR." PONTIFÍCIA UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA DO RIO DE JANEIRO, 2003. http://www.maxwell.vrac.puc-rio.br/Busca_etds.php?strSecao=resultado&nrSeq=4246@1.

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A presente dissertação constitui um estudo da política externa australiana para o Timor Leste desde a invasão indonésia em 1975, até a intervenção internacional no território em 1999. O principal objetivo do trabalho é explicar como a política australiana para o Timor se modificou, de uma posição conivente com a invasão e o domínio indonésio durante mais de vinte anos, para uma postura de engajamento na discussão sobre o status futuro do território, que culmina com a participação do país na intervenção internacional, assumindo o papel de liderança da força multinacional.
This work constitutes a study of the Australian foreign policy towards East Timor, from the Indonesian invasion in 1975, to the international intervention in the territory in 1999. The main goal is to explain how the Australian foreign policy towards East Timor changed from a position that was conniving with the Indonesian invasion and rule for more than twenty yeras, to a stance of engagement in the debate on the future status of the territory. With that change, Australian eventually took participation in the international intervention and assumed the role of leader of the multinacional force.
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Esfandiari, Baiat Mansour, of Western Sydney Hawkesbury University, of Science Technology and Agriculture Faculty, and School of Agriculture and Rural Development. "Evaluation of furrow irrigation models for south-east Australia." THESIS_FSTA_ARD_EsfandiariBaiat_M.xml, 1997. http://handle.uws.edu.au:8081/1959.7/739.

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The overall objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of selected furrow irrigation models for field conditions in south-east Australia. The other important aspects which were examined during this study include: developing a methodology for estimating of infiltrating characteristics, assessing the applicability of the Manning and other similar equations for flows in furrow irrigation, investigating the variation of shape factor during irrigation developing methodology for estimation of recession time and exploring the sensitivity of the models to the input parameters. Field experiments were conducted at Walla Park in northern N.S.W. and on two selected paddocks at the University Farm, Richmond, in western Sydney,Australia, over a period of three years. The validity of the assumption that the shape factor of advancing water front during furrow irrigation varies between 0.7 and 0.8 was investigated using field data collected from irrigation events monitored in the study. It was found that the average values of the shape factor varied from 0.96 to 1.80 at Walla Park site, from 0.56 to 0.80 at Field Services unit paddock site and from 0.78 to 0.84 at Horticulture Farm paddock site. The value of shape factor was affected by uniformity of furrow cross section along the length, the value and uniformity of furrow slope, furrow length and infiltration characteristics of soil. This means it is difficult to recommend a typical value for the shape factor for a given field situation.The performance of the models for prediction of advance and recession characteristics and runoff were evaluated using different indices of performance. In general, it was found that the Walker-HD and ZI model was the most satisfactory for the field conditions encountered in this study. This finding can provide a basis for initiating work on developing design criteria and management strategies for furrow irrigation in south-east Australia.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Muller, Kerri. "Methane production at Bool Lagoon, South-East, South Australia /." Title page, abstract and table of contents only, 1993. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09SB/09sbm958.pdf.

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Bennett, Wayne, and Dwight M. Peterson. "TELEMETRY SYSTEMS DESIGN TO SUPPORT THE AUSTRALIAN DEFENSE FORCE AT THE EAST AUSTRALIA (JERVIS BAY RANGE) AND OTHER LAND OR OPEN OCEAN EXERCISE LOCATIONS." International Foundation for Telemetering, 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/607715.

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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 23-26, 2000 / Town & Country Hotel and Conference Center, San Diego, California
The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) Sonar and Ranges Group (S&RG) office has a requirement to provide a dual weapon capable Mobile Missile Telemetry Range (MMTR) and data analysis system to upgrade their Jervis Bay Range telemetry ground station for supporting at-sea testing of air and surface launched guided weapon, decoy, and target systems. This paper describes the design and development of the MMTR and data analysis system used to support the Jervis Bay Range and the acquisition strategy used to procure the system. Unique design features of the MMTR system include a dual use packaging scheme which permits the system to be transported to any suitable land based location or deployed as two independent shipboard telemetry receiving systems. In addition, the paper describes antenna, receiver, recording, matrix switching, processing, display, and communication subsystem components used within the MMTR system.
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Lowe, David Michael. "Australia, South East Asia and the Cold War, 1948-54." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1990. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/283670.

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Brownlow, Marcus D. "Water regime and the aquatic vegetation of Bool Lagoon, South Australia /." Title page, table of contents and summary only, 1997. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09PH/09phb8852.pdf.

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Murugaian, M. "A study of cultural assimilation and cultural maintenance among tertiary students of Indian origin in South Australia /." Title page, summary and table of contents only, 1988. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09EDM/09edmm984.pdf.

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Taffs, Kathryn Helen. "Surface water hydrological change in the upper South East of South Australia /." Title page, contents and abstract only, 1997. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09PH/09pht124.pdf.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Geography, 1997.
"Conducted as a cross-institutional student between the University of Adelaide and the Australian National Universiity." Includes bibliographical references.
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King, Rob. "Promoting revegetation : lessons from the Upper South East of South Australia /." Title page, contents and abstract only, 1993. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09ENV/09envk54.pdf.

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De, Remy De Courcelles Vivien. "Studies of soil respiration in eucalypt forests of south east Australia." Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/10422.

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This thesis addresses gaps in knowledge of soil respiration in forests of south-east Australia. Soil respiration plays a major part in the cycle of carbon between soils - the biggest pool of terrestrial carbon - and the atmosphere. Despite its global significance, we have only a limited understanding of the magnitude and responses of soil respiration, and especially of its components, to abiotic (temperature, moisture, soil fertility) and biotic (photosynthesis, seasonality of belowground C allocation patterns and root growth, quality and quantity of above and belowground litter) controls. Furthermore, vegetation type may modulate the influences of these abiotic and biotic controls and with soil respiration research having been based mostly in the northern hemisphere, it is crucial that regional studies be conducted further afield. This thesis also considers the context of the current increase in atmospheric [CO2] and resulting predicted climate change that will directly or indirectly impact on soil respiration through extreme weather events, changes in the frequency and intensity of fires or increase in growth. Using both field and laboratory based techniques I measured respiration from soils supporting a variety of Eucalypts. Elevated atmospheric [CO2] did not have an effect on rates of soil respiration in a Eucalyptus saligna plantation, contrary to usual findings. Drought on the other hand slowed rates of respiration, owing to a slowing of the transfer of photosynthates from leaves to roots. The impact of an increase in above-ground litter deposition, a possible consequence of extreme weather events, or continuous increase in primary production can be subdued by the nature and quality of the litter in Eucalyptus pauciflora woodlands. No effect was recorded in the field but ground litter added to soils in the laboratory triggered a response including a priming effect. Root priming effect was also found to increase basal heterotrophic respiration by 54% on average in Eucalyptus regnans. The study on the contribution of roots to total soil respiration showed that it is necessary to use hybrid techniques to separate and estimates the contribution of components of soil respiration; in this thesis’ case the use of collars and chambers in the field and respirometer in the laboratory was determinant in identifying root priming effect. Great spatial variation in respiration rates was measured both in the simple ecosystem of a Eucalyptus saligna plantation and as a result of fire disturbance at the Messmate 1 site supporting Eucalyptus obliqua and Eucalyptus radiata. Finally, a synthesis of the results of the whole thesis considered the effect of soil temperature on soil respiration and showed that contrary to what is commonly agreed by the Q10 model, respiration rates reached a plateau for temperatures between 16°C to 23°C.
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Clarke, Samantha. "Submarine landslides of the upper east Australian continental margin." Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/12456.

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Stable continental margins experience submarine landslides relatively frequently and some of the largest slides on record have been shed from these relatively passive terrains. Despite this, and the obvious accompanying tsunami hazard, slides from passive margins such as Australia are poorly understood when compared to other settings, such as the flanks of volcanic islands, active subduction-zone margins and submarine fans. This work presents an investigation into the submarine landslides occurring along east Australia’s (EA) continental margin, with a focus on investigating the causes, timing, and mechanisms responsible for these features. It has focused on analysing gravity core samples and interpreting of high-resolution multibeam and subbottom profiles. The age, morphology, composition, and origin of particular submarine landslides on the EA continental margin offshore New South Wales/Queensland has been described and the mechanical characteristics of sediments from the EA continental slope has been presented. The hazard posed by these submarine landslides has also been evaluated by investigating their potential to generate tsunamis along this margin. The widespread occurrence of slides across the EA margin indicates that submarine sliding should be considered to be a common characteristic of this margin. Engineering properties imply that the sediment forming the margin is reasonably strong and inherently stable and classical limit-equilibrium modeling indicates that submarine landslides should not be a common occurrence. This indicates that a pre-conditioning trigger, or some other mechanism, is required to destabilise the slope and enable failure. The most likely suspected processes include: 1) dramatic reduction of the shear strength of the sediments to extremely low values; 2) long-term modification of the slope-geometry; and/or 3) seismic events large enough to trigger sediment liquefaction or a sudden increase of pore-fluid pressure.
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Tiver, Fleur. "Vegetation patterns of eastern South Australia : edaphic control and effects of herbivory /." Title page, contents and abstract only, 1994. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09PH/09pht623.pdf.

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Mensforth, Lisa. "Water use strategy of Melaleuca halmaturorum in a saline swamp /." Title page, contents and abstract only, 1996. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09PH/09phm548.pdf.

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Wuryandari, Ganewati. "Human rights in Australian foreign policy, with specific reference to East Timor and Papua." University of Western Australia. School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2006. http://theses.library.uwa.edu.au/adt-WU2007.0041.

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[Truncated abstract] This thesis focuses on human rights in Australia’s foreign policy from 1991 to 2004 taking East Timor and Papua as case studies. It encompasses the Paul Keating years (1991 to 1996) as well as John Howard’s three consecutive terms as Prime Minister (from 1996 to 2004). As a consequence of events unfolding in this period of time, the thesis does not consider Australian foreign policy towards East Timor beyond the 1999 referendum that resulted in the separation of East Timor from Indonesia and focuses on Papua until 2004. The primary empirical aim of this thesis is to compare and contrast the two administrations’ approaches and responses to human rights abuses in East Timor and Papua. Drawing upon a variety of theoretical concepts in human rights and foreign policy, this thesis shows that incorporating a concern for human rights in the foreign policy making process is problematic because the promotion of human rights often comes into conflict with other foreign policy objectives . . . The two case studies on human rights abuses in East Timor and Papua reflect the tensions between concepts of realism and idealism in Australian foreign policy. However, the situation of East Timor shows that public pressure is required to balance the disparity of national interest and human rights. The role of public pressure has been largely absent in debates on human rights and foreign policy. While this study focuses on East Timor and Papua as case studies, the discussion of the findings has far reaching implications for Australian foreign policy and international relations, especially concerning the scholarly debate over the place of human rights in foreign policy.
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Hawke, Bruce. "Vegetation analysis with biogeographic implications in North-East Eyre Peninsula, South Australia /." Title page, summary and contents only, 1986. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09SB/09sbh392.pdf.

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Li, Yuxia. "Traffic and tillage effects on dryland cropping systems in north-east Australia /." [St. Lucia, Qld.], 2001. http://www.library.uq.edu.au/pdfserve.php?image=thesisabs/absthe16335.pdf.

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Glew, Paul J. "Learning and teaching in ESL : perspectives on educating international students in Australia." Thesis, View Vol. 1 (Vol. 2 restricted access), 2008. http://handle.uws.edu.au:8081/1959.7/41785.

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This Doctor of Education (EdD) portfolio addresses the learning by and teaching of English to full-fee-paying international students from language backgrounds other than English in a secondary school setting in Australia. It focuses on the two strands of English second language (ESL) learning and teaching in schools. The first of these is ESL for the general school curriculum in New South Wales (NSW). The second is English language intensive courses for overseas students (ELICOS). The EdD portfolio consists of two volumes. Volume 1 consists of five published journal papers, two refereed papers and one unrefereed paper published in national, state or local conference proceedings. These papers examine theory, pedagogy and teacher knowledge about English language education for high school aged international students. English language programs for overseas students are now a global market driven by commercial interests. I argue for an increased understanding of the needs of overseas students in the Australian education system, and that quality English language education and student welfare are both central to an effective ELICOS program for high school aged international students. Volume 2 comprises a resource for policy makers, principals and teachers entitled ‘Excellence in ELICOS: A Resource for quality preparation programs for high school aged international students in Australia’. Volume 2 is informed and underpinned by the scholarship, research, and theoretical work presented in Volume 1 but also draws on the author’s professional experience of implementing a holistic approach to international student welfare and English language education in a secondary school in NSW. Volume 2 presents a practical framework, approach and supporting resource that might assist in the establishing, implementing and sustaining of quality, intensive English language courses that are sensitive to the diverse educational and welfare needs of overseas students. Volume 2 was developed in response to the needs and demands of principals and teachers for proven, research driven curricula and policies that meet the needs of the growing population of international students enrolled in NSW secondary schools.
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Glew, Paul J. "Learning and teaching in ESL perspectives on educating international students in Australia /." View Vol. 1 (Vol. 2 restricted access), 2008. http://handle.uws.edu.au:8081/1959.7/41785.

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Thesis (Ed.D.)--University of Western Sydney, 2008.
A thesis presented to the University of Western Sydney, Centre for Educational Research, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education. Includes bibliographies.
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Mohammed, Syed. "Dodonaea viscosa complex in South East Australia :seed bank and germination studies." Thesis, Federation University Australia, 1996. http://researchonline.federation.edu.au/vital/access/HandleResolver/1959.17/164886.

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A study was undertaken over one year of the habitat of Dodonaea viscosa subsp. angustissima at Hattah in north west Victoria. These studies, combined with further investigations, indicated significant differences in the germination requirements and behavior of the three species studied.
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Sporton, Benjamin R. "Australian aid and the fostering of PNG and East Timor /." Title page, contents and abstract only, 1999. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09AR/09ars764.pdf.

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Jackson, Edward Morley. "The role of East Timor in Australian-Indonesian bilateral relations /." Title page, abstract and table of contents only, 2000. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09AR/09arj124.pdf.

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Faine, Miriam. "At home in Australia: identity, nation and the teaching of English as a second language to adult immigrants in Australia." Monash University. Faculty of Education, 2009. http://arrow.monash.edu.au/hdl/1959.1/68741.

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This is an autoethnographic study (e.g. Brodkey, 1994) based on ‘stories’ from my own personal and professional journey as an adult ESL teacher which I use to narrate some aspects of adult ESL teaching. With migration one of the most dramatically contested spheres of modern political life world wide (Hall, 1998), adult English as a Second Language (ESL) teaching is increasingly a matter of social concern and political policy, as we see in the current political debates in Australia concerning immigration, citizenship and language. In Australia as an imagined community (Anderson, 1991), the song goes ‘we are, you are Australian and in one voice we sing’. In this study I argue that this voice of normative ‘Australianess’ is discursively aligned with White Australians as native speakers (an essential, biological formulation). Stretching Pennycook’s (1994a) argument that ELT (English Language Teaching) as a discourse aligns with colonialism, I suggest that the field of adult ESL produces, classifies and measures the conditions of sameness and difference to this normative ‘Australian’. The second language speaker is discursively constructed as always a deficient communicator compared with the native speaker. The binary between an imagined homogeneous Australia and the ‘migrant’ as essentially other, works against the inclusion of the learner into the dominant groups represented by their teachers, so that the intentions of adult ESL pedagogy and provision are mitigated by this imagining, problematizing and containing of the learners as other. The role of ESL teachers is to supervise (Hage, 1998) the incorporation of this other. Important policy interventions (e.g. Department of Immigration and Citizenship, 2006; ALLP, 1991a) are based on understanding the English language as a universalist framework of language competences inherent in the native speaker; on understanding language as consisting of fixed structures which are external to the learner and their social contexts; and on a perception that language as generic, transferable cognitive skills can be taught universally with suitable curricula and sufficient funding. Conversely in this study I recognise language as linguistic systems that define groups and regulate social relations, forming ‘a will to community’ (Pennycook, op. cit.) or ‘communities of practice’ (Lave & Wenger, 1991). Language as complex local and communal practices emerges from specific contexts. Language is embedded in acts of identity (e.g. Bakhtin, 1981) developing through dialogue, involving the emotions as well as the intellect, so that ‘voice’ is internal to desires and thoughts and hence part of identity. Following Norton (2000) who links the practices of adult ESL learners as users of English within the social relations of their every day lives, with their identities as “migrants”, I suggest that the stabilisation of language by language learners known as interlanguage reflects diaspora as a hybrid life world. More effective ESL policies, programs and pedagogies that assist immigrant learners feel ‘at home’ within Australia as a community of practice (Wenger, 1998) rest on understanding immigrant life worlds as diasporic (Gilroy, 1997). The research recommends an adult ESL pedagogy that responds to the understanding of language as socially constituted practices that are situated in social, local, everyday workplace and community events and spaces. Practices of identity and their representation through language can be re-negotiated through engagement in collective activities in ESL classes that form third spaces (Soja, 1999). The possibilities for language development that emerge are in accord with the learners’ affective investment in the new language community, but occur as improvements in making effective meanings, rather than conformity to the formal linguistic system (Pavlenko & Lantolf, 2000).
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Henry, Iain. "Playing Second Fiddle – Australia’s Strategic Policy towards the East Timor Issue, 1998 - 1999." Thesis, Canberra, ACT : The Australian National University, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/1885/117146.

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The deployment of an Australian-led peacekeeping force to East Timor in September 1999 was arguably the most significant strategic decision faced by an Australian government since the Second World War. The operation posed a grave risk of military conflict with Indonesia, strained the Australia-US relationship and redefined Asian perceptions of Australia. It is therefore important to examine how this scenario arose. Data obtained in thirteen interviews with key Australian decision-makers has revealed new information about Australia’s strategic policy throughout 1998-1999. Despite having advocated an internal political settlement that would have legitimised Indonesia’s incorporation of East Timor, Australia accepted Indonesia’s decision to conduct a self-determination ballot in East Timor as a fait accompli. From this point on Australia’s policy was largely reactive, working not to promote nor prevent independence but rather to ensure that the ballot was credible and accompanied by minimal violence. These efforts had to be delicately balanced against Australia’s primary strategic objectives – Indonesia’s democratic progress and the development of the bilateral relationship. Managing these conflicting objectives throughout 1999 was a significant challenge for Australia. Despite the severe violence that occurred after the ballot, Australia’s strategic policy was managed in an adroit manner that prioritised the most important objectives and avoided worst-case outcomes. Given Australia’s limited strategic options throughout 1998 and 1999, this is not an insignificant achievement.
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Thomson, Danielle, and n/a. "Arsenic and Selected Elements in Marine Photosynthetic Organisms,South-East Coast, NSW, Australia." University of Canberra. Resource, Environmental and Heritage Sciences, 2006. http://erl.canberra.edu.au./public/adt-AUC20070521.120826.

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The cycling of arsenic in the marine photosynthetic plants and algae was examined by analysing total arsenic concentrations and arsenic species in selected marine photosynthetic organisms from the south-east coast, NSW, Australia. A range of elements required for metabolism in photosynthetic organisms were also analysed to determine if any relationship between these elements and arsenic concentrations occurred. Organisms were selected from salt marsh and mangrove ecosystems, marine inter-tidal and estuarine environments, and two species of marine phytoplankton cultured, to represent the different marine environments that primary producers inhabit. Organisms selected were compared to species within their own environment and then a comparison made between the varying ecosystems. In the salt marsh and mangrove ecosystems, the leaves of four species, the mangrove Avicennia marina, the samphire Sarcocornia quinqueflora, the seablight Suaeda australis, and the seagrass Posidonia australis were sampled from three locations from the south-east coast of NSW using nested sampling. Mean total arsenic concentrations (mean � sd) dry mass for all locations were A. marina (0.38 � 0.18 �g g-1 to 1.2 � 0.7 �g g-1), S. quinqueflora (0.13 � 0.06 �g g-1 to 0.46 � 0.22 �g g-1), S. australis (0.03 � 0.06 �g g-1 to 0.05 � 0.03 �g g-1)and P. australis (0.34 � 0.10 �g g-1 to 0.65 � 0.26 �g g-1). Arsenic concentrations were significantly different between species and locations but were consistently low compared to marine macroalgae species. Significant relationships between As and Fe concentrations for A. marina, S. quinqueflora and P. australis and negative relationship between As and Zn concentrations for S. quinqueflora could partially explain arsenic concentrations in these species. No relationship between As and P concentrations were found in this study. All terrestrial species contained predominantly inorganic arsenic in the water extractable and residue fractions with minor concentrations of DMA in the water-soluble fraction. P. australis also contained dimethylated glycerol and phosphate arsenoriboses. The presence of arsenobetaine, arsenocholine and trimethylated glycerol arsonioribose is most likely due to the presence of epiphytes on fronds on P. australis. In contrast, macroalgae contained higher total arsenic concentrations compared to marine terrestrial angiosperms. Total arsenic concentrations also varied between classes of algae: red macroalgae 4.3 �g g-1 to 24.7 �g g-1, green macroalgae 8.0 �g g-1 to 11.0 �g g-1 and blue green algae 10.4 �g g-1 and 18.4 �g g-1. No significant relations were found between As concentrations and concentrations of Fe, Co, Cu, Mn, Mo, Mg, P and Zn concentrations, elements that are required by macroalgae for photosynthesis and growth. Distinct differences between algal classes were found for the proportion of arsenic species present in the lipid and water-soluble fractions, with green algae having a higher proportion of As in lipids than red or estuarine algae. Acid hydrolysis of the lipid extract revealed DMA, glycerol arsenoribose and TMA based arsenolipids. Within water-soluble extracts, red and blue-green algae contained a greater proportion of arsenic as inorganic and simple methylated arsenic species compared to green algae, which contained predominantly glycerol arsenoribose. Arsenobetaine, arsenocholine and tetramethylarsonium was also present in water-soluble extracts but is not normally identified with macroalgae and is again likely due to the presence of attached epiphytes. Residue extracts contained predominantly inorganic arsenic, most likely associated with insoluble constituents of the cell. Mean arsenic concentrations in the green microalgae Dunaliella tertiolecta were 13.3 �g g-1 to 14.5 �g g-1, which is similar to arsenic concentrations found in green macroalgae in this study. Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum arsenic concentrations were 1.62 �g g-1 to 2.08 �g g-1. Varying the orthophosphate concentrations had little effect on arsenic uptake of microalgae. D. tertiolecta and P. tricornutum metabolised arsenic, forming simple methylated arsenic species and arsenic riboses. The ratio of phosphate to glycerol arsenoriboses was higher than that normally found in green macroalgae. The hydrolysed lipid fraction contained DMA arsenolipid (16-96%) with minor proportions of phosphate arsenoribose (4-23%). D. tertiolecta at f/10 phosphate concentration, however, contained glycerol arsenoribose and another arsenic lipid with similar retention as TMAO as well as DMA. The similarities between arsenic species in the water-soluble hydrolysed lipids and water-soluble extracts, especially for P. tricornutum, suggests that cells readily bind arsenic within lipids, either for membrane structure or storage, releasing arsenic species into the cytosol as degradation of lipids occurs. Inorganic arsenic was sequestered into insoluble components of the cell. Arsenic species present in D. tertiolecta at lower phosphate concentrations (f/10) were different to other phosphate concentrations (f/2, f/5), and require further investigation to determine whether this is a species-specific response as a result of phosphate deficiency. Although there are similarities in arsenic concentrations and arsenic species in marine photosynthetic organisms, it is evident that response to environmental concentrations of arsenic in uncontaminated environments is dependent on the mode of transfer from the environment, the influence of other elements in arsenic uptake and the ability of the organism to metabolise and sequester inorganic arsenic within the cell. It is not scientifically sound to generalise on arsenic metabolism in �marine plants� when species and the ecosystem in which they exist may influence the transformation of arsenic in higher marine organisms. There is no evidence to suggest that angiosperms produce AB as arsenic is mostly present as inorganic As, with little or no arsenic present in the lipids. However, marine macro- and microalgae both contain lipids with arsenic moieties that may be precursors for AB transformation. Specifically, the presence of TMA and dimethylated arsenoribose based arsenolipids both can transform to AB via intermediates previously identified in marine organisms. Further identification and characterization of As containing lipids is required.
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Fluin, Jennie 1972. "A diatom-based palaeolimnological investigation of the lower Murray River (south east Australia)." Monash University, School of Geography and Environmental Science, 2002. http://arrow.monash.edu.au/hdl/1959.1/8544.

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Laceby, John Patrick. "The Provenance of Sediment in Three Rural Catchments in South East Queensland, Australia." Thesis, Griffith University, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10072/367963.

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Moreton Bay, in South East Queensland, Australia, is a Ramsar wetland of international significance. A decline of the bay’s ecosystem health has been primarily attributed to sediments and nutrients from catchment sources. The Healthy Country (HC) project, a Queensland Government funded ‘proof of concept’ initiative, is dedicated to reducing rural diffuse sediments and nutrients entering waterways and ultimately Moreton Bay. Three focal catchments, Blackfellow Creek, Knapp Creek and the Upper Bremer River, were selected to trial rehabilitation techniques for the region. Sediment budgets for these focal catchments, developed using catchment scale modelling (SedNet), indicated gully erosion dominates the supply of sediment in Knapp Creek (90%) and the Upper Bremer River (80%) whereas erosion from cultivated soils is the primary sediment source in Blackfellow Creek (40%). These sediment budgets, that include predictions of both the spatial sources of sediment and the primary erosion processes, form a series of hypotheses in each focal catchment that are tested in this thesis. Fallout-radionuclide activity concentrations (137Cs and 210Pbex) of in-stream sediment sampled in each focal catchment were used in conjunction with regional source data to test hypotheses pertaining to dominant erosion processes, specifically the relative sediment contributions from surface and subsoil (gully and channel bank) sources. Distribution modelling results indicated subsoil erosion processes dominate the supply of sediment in both Knapp Creek (100%) and the Upper Bremer River (100%). In Blackfellow Creek, the similarity of cultivated (surface) and subsoil source fallout-radionuclide activity concentrations resulted in no discrimination between these sources that were modelled in combination to contribute >90% of sediments. Importantly there was no discrimination between gully and channel bank erosion sources in Knapp Creek and the Upper Bremer River.
Thesis (PhD Doctorate)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Griffith School of Environment
Science, Environment, Engineering and Technology
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Sharpe, Richard G. "Flood hydraulics in riparian forests distributed along the subtropical east coast of Australia." Thesis, Griffith University, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10072/410459.

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Plants in river channels and on floodplains are involved in complex and reciprocal interactions with the hydrologic regime and the geomorphological processes that configure the fluvial landscape. Drag forces exerted on vegetation by floodwater are the core driver for these interactions, influencing the hydraulic regime by absorbing flow momentum and, in turn, altering sediment transport processes. Some tree species recruited to fluvial environments (termed rheophytes) have an adapted leaf, stem and root architecture that reduces drag forces and the tree’s propensity for uprooting or rupture. In large floods, where drag forces exceed the anchorage resistance of a tree’s root system or cause excessive tensile stresses in the main stem, forest disturbances due to uprooting or stem rupture can occur. Such disturbances can lead to a cascade of morphological responses as the underlying substrate is suddenly exposed to swift-flowing water and woody debris is liberated into the river system. This thesis advances our understanding and ability to simulate/predict two aspects of these interactions: flow resistance through and disturbances to riparian forests during floods. These processes are investigated in the context of subtropical rivers, which are characterised by forested bars and floodplain pockets that flood deeply due to the variation in seasonal runoff. While the various model parameters that are developed may be specific to subtropical rivers and riparian trees, the underlying physical processes are relevant for all climate regions and tree species where floodwaters flow through forest. Thus, the methods used for experiments, data analysis, and model development are applicable in all regions. The geographic relevance of this work is also broadened by the fact that the subtropical species that have been studied have been introduced to other regions. Flow resistance through forests is generally simulated in hydraulic models using roughness parameters like Manning’s n. These parameters are commonly assigned based on published look-up tables or from experience, and the fact that Manning’s n is dependent on flow conditions when this parameter is used to simulate forest flow resistance is often overlooked. However, advances have been made on this topic using drag-force models to formulate Manning’s n in forests. These drag force-based approaches are burdened by the additional data collection and analysis needed to parameterise the models. However, advances in the technology used to collect and analyse environmental data are reducing this burden, making the application of drag-force based methods more feasible. Some of the drag force model parameters are species-specific, and available data is limited to a few broad-leaf tree species distributed in temperate regions. This thesis aims to advance the drag-force based approach to simulate flow resistance through riparian forests in a subtropical region, where differences in foliage morphology may manifest differences in drag force behaviour compared to temperate species. The thesis commences with the question of disturbance thresholds for riparian forests during floods. Thresholds for vegetation disturbances during floods, especially for mature trees, are lacking in the literature, and an extreme flood in January 2011 on the lower North Pine River in south-east Queensland, Australia, provided an opportunity to investigate forest disturbance thresholds. The flood disturbed patches of forest and grass growing on bars in the compound channel of this subtropical river. The hydraulic conditions during the flood were simulated using a depth-averaged 2D hydraulic model. A range of hydraulic metrics, including bed shear stress and stream power, were estimated and tested to determine if they could be used as thresholds to distinguish disturbed from undisturbed patches of vegetation. Several of the metrics could be used to establish disturbance thresholds in the forest with a reasonable accuracy of 65-70% relative to the area of the disturbed forest. For example, a stream power threshold of 834 W/m2 predicted the extent of disturbed forest with an accuracy of 65%. Unit flow was also capable of being used as a disturbance threshold in grassy areas, predicting the extent of stripped grass with an accuracy of 23% using a threshold value of 26 m2/s. The initial methods used to investigate disturbance thresholds in forests did not consider the driving (i.e. drag forces on trees) and resisting (i.e. anchorage resistance of the root-soil plate) forces in detail. To analyse tree stability at such detail would first require the development of a drag force model to estimate drag forces on trees during floods. Such a model was also needed to develop the drag force-based method to simulate flow resis tance in forests. Therefore, experiments were undertaken to measure drag forces on fully submerged, freshly cut trees towed through still water on a reservoir with a boat. Two subtropical, riparian species were tested: sheoak (Casuarina spp.) and river tea tree (Melaleuca bracteata). The results were used to parameterise and test two existing tree drag models. For the sheoak trees, the existing models were unable to predict the transition between a rigid regime at lower velocities (.0.5 m/s), where stem bending is minimal, and a reconfiguration regime at higher velocities where stems become more streamlined as velocities increase. Drag coefficients are uniform in the rigid regime and reduce with increasing velocity in the reconfiguration regime. An improved tree drag model was developed that successfully predicted regime transition for the sheoak trees, which is important for simulating flow resistance through forests as flow resistance would otherwise be over estimated when drag forces are weak compared to tree rigidity. Measurements for the tea trees were within the reconfiguration regime, and slower velocities would be needed to confirm the location of regime transition. The tree drag model developed in this thesis predicted d ag forces with an average accuracy of 85% for the sheoak trees and 90% for the tea trees. The drag force model was used to develop a flow resistance model for single-storey, monospecific forests, using Manning’s n to simulate flow resistance through forests. The results indicate that Manning’s n values in the forest increase with flow depth. Manning’s n values were independent of velocity in the rigid regime and decreased with increasing velocity in the reconfiguration regime. The drag force-based model was applied by simulating the January 2011 flood through a sheoak forest on the North Pine River using a depth-averaged 2D hydraulic model. Data obtained from an airborne laser scanning (ALS) survey were used to estimate the height, density, and position of trees in the forest. Data collected from terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) surveys were used to develop allometric relationships for tree frontal area, enabling parameterisation of the drag force-based model. The hydraulic model results were in reasonable agreement with flood levels from wrack marks collected after the January 2011 flood, with average flood levels being 0.16 m lower than recorded (the average flood depth is 5 m in the forest). Floods with a range of return periods were simulated in the hydraulic model using both the drag force-based model and a fixed Manning’s n for the forest. The two methods were compared to investigate improvements in accuracy gained from the drag force-based model developed in this thesis. Differences in flood levels between the two methods were 0.02-0.03 m at the flood peak and up to 0.16 m in the lead up to the flood peak on the rising limb of the flood hydrograph. The differences at the flood peak are marginal compared to overall model accuracy. Nevertheless, the drag force-based model developed in this thesis has the potential to improve the accuracy of flood simulations by providing a means to compute flow condition-dependent Manning’s n values in forests based on measures of the forest structure, rather than estimating a uniform Manning’s n from experience or look-up tables. This is particularly relevant in catchments where flow resistance through forests controls flow rates down the river system and where calibration data is limited. The model results also provide an example of how forests, by attenuating floodwater, can offer a flood mitigation service by reducing flood levels downstream. Finally, the research on forest disturbance thresholds during floods was revisited, investigating the driving and resisting forces in greater detail. Observations of canopy patches in the sheoak forest that were lost due to uprooting or rupture during the January 2011 flood were identified from aerial photographs and used to classify stable and unstable trees in the forest during the flood. Results from the drag experiments were used to develop a model predicting the moment of drag forces on sheoak trees, which was then applied to the sheoak forest using the results of the hydraulic model to estimate the moment of drag forces on the trees during the flood. Factors that affect the anchorage resistance were also computed, including the depth to water table (a surrogate for root depth), scour depths around the trunks (similar to bridge piers), and stream competence (a measure of erosion propensity). These factors were combined in several combinations to produce a tree stability model that could predict the observed stability. The adopted model had an accuracy of 71% for the January 2011 flood, and was used to simulate the stability of trees for a range of design floods with return periods from 2 to 10,000 years. The results suggest that no more than a third of the forest may be lost in a single flood across the range of floods tested. Results from this work are highly relevant to studies seeking to rehabilitate riparian forests and to studies investigating the hydraulic, geomorphic, and ecological effects of nature-based solutions for river and flood management. For such studies, this work can be used to improve the accuracy of flood simulations and to provide an indication of forest stability during floods.
Thesis (PhD Doctorate)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
School of Environment and Sc
Science, Environment, Engineering and Technology
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Pacey, Robyn Lyn. "Coming Ready or Not: Chinese Students in Australia, Their Motivations, Language Proficiency and Impact on Australia's Tertiary Environment." Thesis, Griffith University, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10072/367970.

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Around one in five of Australia’s tertiary students comes from overseas, with the largest proportion from the People’s Republic of China. Despite needing the revenue from international students to fund domestic tertiary places, there is continuing disquiet over the language preparedness of overseas students, the willingness of universities to allow them to bypass language entry standards, and the subsequent impact on the academics responsible for teaching them. To gauge the experience of typical Chinese students at Australian universities, this study followed a group of five for almost nine years, from when they enrolled in a foundation program in northern China to the present, to establish their motivations for wanting an Australian education, whether their language was sufficient to enable them to participate fully, and whether they were able to integrate into the academic and broader communities. The research had a secondary focus; to examine the impact of large cohorts of international students on Australia’s tertiary environment, and whether international education can be better delivered to achieve a more rewarding experience for all participants. The study began in 2005 with classroom reports and observations of the students during their foundation year, followed by annual interviews and personal contact after their arrival in Australia. To address the secondary focus of the study, data were collected from the Academic Language and Learning (ALL) advisers who assist tertiary students with language development, from the discipline academics who teach them, and from pro-vice chancellors (international) who are responsible within universities for the international education policy framework.
Thesis (PhD Doctorate)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Shool of Education and Professional Studies
Arts, Education and Law
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Park, Eunjae. "Social and Educational Challenges of International Students Caused by Accented English in the Australian Context: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Linguistic Experience." Thesis, Griffith University, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10072/365371.

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This study investigates the issues that international students studying at tertiary institutions in Australia face due to their accented English. While studies in the field of international education have clearly established the impact of these students’ language difficulties, limited attention has been directed at the issue of the effects of accentedness on L2 tertiary students. International students have to deal with difficulties caused by accented English at two different levels: 1) their own foreign accent or that of their conversation partner, which can result in loss of confidence in their linguistic skills: and 2) negative societal attitudes towards foreign accents. This study adopted a sociolinguistic lens when viewing this issue, providing a richer level of understanding of accent-associated linguistic experience of these students in both social and educational settings. A mixed-methods approach was employed to access the views of international students. This combined a survey of international students, followed by group interviews, in order to explore the students’ views of their difficulties associated with accentedness, and strategies they used to mitigate those challenges. While the survey captured an overall pattern of the experiences of accentedness and the strategies used to address these issues, the follow-up group interviews added in-depth perspectives on accent-related experiences, beliefs, perceptions and concerns of the students. The results reported the linguistic experiences of 182 L2 students who were enrolled at three major universities in South East Queensland. Descriptive analysis was used to capture the interesting and unexpected responses of the majority of the participating L2 students. Thematic analysis was employed to account for the issues arising from the survey and achieve a richness in understanding the experiences of these students.
Thesis (Masters)
Master of Higher Education (MHigherEd)
School of Education and Professional stuidies
Arts, Education and Law
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Haddam, Naoufel Abdeldjalyl. "Rôle de l’Océan Austral dans les variations climatiques rapides de la dernière transition Glaciaire-Holocène : approche géochimique et micropaléontologique." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016SACLS555/document.

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Les derniers 22 kans sont marqués par des évènements climatiques rapides, non synchrones entre l‘hémisphère Sud et le Nord. Un mécanisme de bascule des températures polaires, amplifié par la capacité de l‘océan profond à stocker et à restituer une partie du CO₂ atmosphérique en fonction de l‘intensité de la circulation océanique et des upwellings le long de la divergence Australe, a été proposé pour expliquer ces évènements. L‘objectif principal de cette thèse a été de définir quel est le rôle de l‘Océan Austral durant ces variations climatiques rapides à l‘aide de 3 carottes sédimentaires marines, prélevées le long de la marge chilienne, sous l‘influence des fronts océaniques et des vents d‘Ouest. La reconstitution des températures océaniques de surface (SST) ont permis de retracer l‘évolution du gradient latitudinal de SST au cours des derniers 22 kans mettant en évidence des migrations vers le sud du front Subtropical, notamment durant la déglaciation,marqués par des changements faunistiques en foraminifères planctoniques et benthiques suggérant unapport accru de nutriments en surface, et accompagnés par un enrichissement en [O₂] dans l‘eau de fond. Ces évènements sont peut-être liés à un renforcement des upwellings au niveau de la divergence australe induisant un renforcement de la ventilation des eaux intermédiaires antarctiques. Ces variations hydrologiques se produisent durant la hausse de CO₂ atmosphérique enregistrée dans les carottes de glace antarctiques pendant la déglaciation, indiquant un lien intime entre les upwellings, l‘intensité de la ventilation des eaux intermédiaires et le transfert de CO₂ depuis l‘océan profond vers l‘atmosphère
The last 22 kyr are marked by abrupt climatic events, non-synchronous between the southern and northern hemispheres. A see-saw mechanism of the polar temperatures, amplified by the deep oceanability to store and release a portion of atmospheric CO₂, depending on the intensity of the thermohaline circulation and the large upwellings along the southern divergence, has been proposed to explain these observations. The main aim of this thesis was to assess the role of the southern ocean during these millennial events, by studying 3 marine cores, retrieved along the Chilean margin, under the influence of oceanic fronts and the westerly winds. The reconstruction of the sea surface temperatures (SST) allowed tracing the evolution of the SST latitudinal gradient during the last 22 kyr, highlighting southward migrations of the Subtropical Front, especially during the deglaciation, marked by benthic and planktonic foraminifera faunal changes which can be interpreted as surface nutrients inputs increase, accompanied by an enrichment of the bottom water [O₂] in the bottom water. These events could be related to stronger upwellings at the southern divergence leading to an increase of the Antarctic intermediate waters ventilation. These changes occur during atmospheric CO₂ increases recorded in Antarctic ice cores, marking the deglaciation, and suggesting an intimate link between upwellings, the intensity of the intermediate waters ventilation, and deep ocean-atmosphere CO₂ transfers
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Munton, Alexander J., and alexmunton@hotmail com. "A study of the offshore petroleum negotiations between Australia, the U.N. and East Timor." The Australian National University. Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, 2007. http://thesis.anu.edu.au./public/adt-ANU20080103.103318.

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In this thesis I investigate the process of international negotiation to resolve a serious dispute between Australia and East Timor over offshore oil and gas, which arose after East Timor’s transition to independence in 1999. The central aim is to uncover and analyse the dynamics of the negotiations, and to explain how outcomes were determined. The question of negotiated outcomes is of special significance given the extent to which East Timor was able to move Australia beyond its preferred outcome. In this case, the seemingly weaker party was able to overcome a more powerful bargaining opponent. My aim in writing this thesis is to explain why that was possible and how it was achieved.
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Mullett, Trudi, and mikewood@deakin edu au. "The ecology of Pittosporum undulatum Vent. (Puttosporaceae) an environmental weed in south east Australia." Deakin University. School of Ecology, 1999. http://tux.lib.deakin.edu.au./adt-VDU/public/adt-VDU20050615.150347.

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Pittosporum undulatum Vent. (Sweet Pittosporum) is a densely foliaged tall shrub or small tree, native to the wet forests of south east Australia, This species now functions as a serious environmental weed in a range of habitats in Australia and on other continents and islands throughout the temperate, sub-tropical and tropical zones. This study investigated some of the ecological causes and consequences of P. undulatum invasion across a range of habitat types in south east Australia. Key aspects of P. undulatum biology and ecology investigated in the current study include; patterns of morphological variation across the range of habitats occupied (as a measure of the species’ plasticity), dispersal ecology and seed germinability, population structure and spatial pattern, community relationships and the ecological impacts of invasion. Phenotypic plasticity is considerable in P. undulatum. No clear patterns of geographic variation emerged from a study of leaf morphological attributes across the current range of this species on mainland south east Australia. The pattern of morphological variation is particularly complex in Victoria, where the invasion of this species is most advanced. The species’ adaptability to a range of environments and environmental conditions will likely promote further range expansion. The abundant winter fruit crop produced by functionally female P. undulatum plants attracts a suite of generalist opportunistic frugivores, which feed on P. undulatum fruits and seeds at various stages of fruit dehiscence, thereby enhancing dispersal opportunities for this species. P. undulatum seed collected from natural and invasive populations, at two stages of fruit maturity and from the scats and pellets of dispersal agents, displayed high germinability. European Blackbirds and Pied Currawongs are implicated as the main avian dispersal agents of P undulatum in south east Australia. The broader ecological implications of developing relationships between invasive fleshy-fruited bird-dispersed plant species and adaptive frugivores are likely to be considerable. The distribution of P. undulatutn seedlings was significantly negatively correlated with adult conspecifics and significantly positively correlated with trees and shrubs of other genera. This pattern reflects the importance of both firugivorous dispersal agents and the species’ germination and establishment requirements, in shaping the contagious distribution pattern typical of this species. These analyses suggest that recruitment opportunities for conspecific seedlings are limited beneath the canopy of adult conspecifics. Densities of P. undulatum were on average, 2.7 times higher in invaded populations, compared to the natural populations sampled. A male-bias was evident in all populations and no relationships between reproductive activity and the density of seedlings and juveniles were evident. Invading populations of P. undulatum impose substantial changes on ecosystem-level properties and functions. Mean species richness and cover-abundance declined notably once P. undulatum cover-abundance exceeded 20% at the invaded sites and 60% at the natural sites sampled. The natural communities sampled displayed comparatively greater resilience to the competitive effects of P. undulatum, but community attributes were affected at high densities and cover-abundance of this species. The cover-abundance of herbs and grasses declined most substantially with increasing P. undulatum at invaded sites, whereas, at the natural sites sampled, the species’ structural analogues appeared to be most affected by increasing P. undulatum cover-abundance. This study has demonstrated that the ecological consequences of P. undulatum population expansion are substantial and contribute to changes in the composition and successional trajectory of affected communities. These processes ultimately lead to the loss and simplification of biodiversity values and the homogenisation of affected habitats. P. undulatum has the potential to emerge as one of south east Australia's most serious environmental weed species.
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Whittaker, William Joshua, and joshua whittaker@rmit edu au. "Vulnerability to bushfires in south-eastern Australia: a case study from East Gippsland, Victoria." RMIT University. Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences, 2009. http://adt.lib.rmit.edu.au/adt/public/adt-VIT20090401.122025.

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This thesis is an analysis of human vulnerability to bushfires in the Wulgulmerang district of East Gippsland, Victoria, in south-eastern Australia. On January 30, 2003, bushfires devastated the small population of this isolated farming district. The fires destroyed homes, livelihood assets and public infrastructure. They also adversely affected the health, livelihoods and social lives of many local people. Australian bushfire research has traditionally focused on the geophysical dimensions of fire hazards and disasters, with little consideration of how cultural, economic, political and social factors shape people's exposure to hazards and their capacities to cope and adapt to bushfire impacts. To date, there have been no systematic, social science analyses of human vulnerability to bushfires. The vulnerability analysis presented in this thesis concentrates on two key research questions: (1) How and why were people exposed to hazards during the bushfires? and (2) How and why were people differentially capable of coping and adapting to the fires' impacts? Qualitative methods were primarily used to investigate these questions, including semi-structured interviews with residents and landholders of the Wulgulmerang district, representatives of government departments and authorities, and others who participated in responses to the fires. The thesis develops a multifaceted understanding of how and why people were vulnerable to the January 30 fires. Vulnerability is shown to arise from the circumstances of people's day to day lives, which are shaped by factors both within and beyond their control. Local pressures and challenges - such as drought, declining farm incomes, depopulation, limited access to essential services, and political marginality - are shown to increase people's exposure to bushfire hazards and reduce their capacities to cope and adapt. The thesis demonstrates the fundamental importance of sustainable livelihoods and regional economic and social vitality to the long-term goal of vulnerability reduction.
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Bokan-Smith, Kate Elizabeth. "A Mixed Methods Study of Motivational Teaching Strategies in the ESL Classroom in Australia." Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/15547.

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This thesis has two main purposes: first, to investigate how English as a second language (ESL) teachers identify and implement motivational teaching strategies in their classroom and second, to explore how their students perceive and observe specific teaching strategies. Research participants included native and non-native English speaking teachers and their adult students with English language proficiency skills from pre-intermediate to advanced levels. The students represent a diverse population from several countries throughout the world with different goals for studying English in Australia. The study was conducted at three ELICOS (English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students) language schools in Australia. A combination of mixed methods data collection instruments (Likert-scale questionnaire measuring teachers’ and students’ ranking of teaching strategies inspired by Dörnyei’s motivational strategy framework) and qualitative measures (pre-observation teacher interviews, classroom observations, student interviews and post-observation teacher interviews using stimulated recall) were employed. It was found that on the basis of the quantitative teacher questionnaire, teachers rated thirty-five motivational strategies and considered ‘class goals’, ‘pleasant environment’, ‘relevant curriculum’, ‘providing encouragement’ and ‘presenting motivating tasks’ as the five most important motivational strategies. Qualitative interview and classroom observation results indicated that the motivational strategies that five novice and expert teachers claimed to use in the classroom aligned well with their actual classroom practices and what students reported as motivating; however, the questionnaire ranking order of the same five strategies differed among the teachers and their students. During the post-observation interviews, teachers positively reflected on their observations, noting some parallels between previous strategy claims and actual classroom practices. Observational data revealed that while several motivational teaching strategies among the four novice and one expert teacher overlapped, the expert teacher tended to take more motivational strategy ‘risks’ by implementing a wider range of strategies more spontaneously during classroom observations. Results from this thesis provide new insight into teachers’ motivational strategy use and students’ perceptions of their teachers’ strategic choices. This thesis has offered both a theoretically informed and an empirically grounded framework for future research on language motivation and teaching strategies through mixed methods data analysis for further classroom research.
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Munton, Alexander J. "A study of the offshore petroleum negotiations between Australia, the U.N. and East Timor /." View thesis entry in Australian Digital Theses Program, 2006. http://thesis.anu.edu.au/public/adt-ANU20080103.103318/index.html.

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