Дисертації з теми "Approche multiéchelles"
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El, Jabri Mohammed. "Etude de l'organisation spatiale du tissu conjonctif par analyse d'images basée sur une approche multiéchelles." Phd thesis, Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008CLF21831.
Повний текст джерелаTrabelsi, Wassim. "Approches multiéchelles d'expérimentation et de modélisation pour prédire la rupture d'un composite textile : Critère de classement des architectures tissées." Thesis, Paris, ENMP, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013ENMP0087/document.
Повний текст джерелаThis PhD work is part of global collaboration project with Cobra Europe company.The main motivation is to better understand in order to model the physical degradation mechanisms of woven composite with a well specified design.The present work takes benefit of the results issued from Piezelthesis. It aims at investigating the mechanisms of degradation leading to the failure of woven fabrics but also at introducing relevant parameters dedicated to their design.A multiscale experimental investigation on virgin and degraded samples of fabric is first carried out in order to analyze and characterize the damage phenomena observed within these samples.Tensile tests (with or without pre-cycling) were performed on the composite material (at the macroscopic scale) to detect a decrease in the stress at failure. Tomographic inspections with high resolution allowed for observations inside the constituents of the fabrics (mesoscopic scale)Thus, the main origin of the failure of the fabric was revealed : the warp yarn break with its localisation and information about the orientation of the normal to the fracture surfaces. A multiscale modeling was then performed, motivated by the degradation mechanisms observed previously. Under macroscopic loading representative of in service solicitationapplied to the present woven fabric (tension/bending), the periodic cell of theRepresentative Volume Element was investigated. Namely, a complete analysis of the stress state (heterogeneity, gradient, triaxiality, orientation) is carried out within the reinforcing yarns. It turns out that relevant parameters able to analyze any woven fabric were identified. Their characteristics were in good agreement with the experimental evidences. Furthermore, they allowed for a better understanding of the failure process of the fabric. With the experience acquired during the present work, these parameters were utilized to classify two specific woven architectures.This opens the perspective of a third thesis dedicated to refine and render systematic the present approach
Kergaravat, Charlie. "Dynamique de formation et de déformation de minibassins en contexte compressif : exemple du bassin de Sivas, Turquie Approche terrain et implications structurales multiéchelles." Thesis, Pau, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PAUU3005/document.
Повний текст джерелаThis doctoral work studies the interaction between withdrawal of minibasins and regional shortening during evolution of a foreland fold-and-thrust belt. This is achieved by a multiscale structural analysis of the Sivas Basin (Turkey). Extensive field work and regional seismic lines interpretations helped to build a new and detailed geologic map of the central Sivas Basin and to provide a new tectonosedimentary framework highlighting the influence of salt tectonics and the regional shortening, starting in the Late Eocene by the autochthonous evaporite deposition. This level is remobilized by the northward migrating sedimentary load, shortening and tilting of the basin southern margin during propagation of the foreland fold-and-thrust belt. Evaporite flow is recorded by the withdrawal of a primary generation of continental Oligocene minibasins which are then covered by an evaporite canopy. The canopy extending northward allows the development of second generation of continental to shallow marine mini-basins from Oligocene to Middle Miocene. Secondary minibasins initiation in the central part of the Basin, is characterized by sub-circular minibasins surrounded by polygonal diapirs and walls. Flanking these minibasins, a large variety of halokinetic structures is described: halokinetic sequences (hooks and wedges), composite halokinetic sequences and megaflaps. Preliminary sand-box modeling study suggests the development of thesehalokinetic structures both with and without shortening. Furthermore, minibasins geometries are closely similar to those imaged or mapped in other salt provinces suggesting that mini-basin withdrew is first control by sedimentary load, probably due to decoupling by the salt. However, the fractures and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility analyses suggests the record of shortening since the minibasins initiation. The increase influence of regional shortening on the minibasins domain is expressed by salt walls and diapirs squeezing inducing: (i) the development of linear mini-basins perpendicular to the shortening direction, (ii) salt sheet emplacement and (iii) the translation/rotation of minibasins. The minibasins province produces a discontinuity for the fold-and-thrust belt propagation. Indeed, the minibasins province accommodates the shortening deformation along the polygonal network of salt walls and diapirs forming multidirectional structures. Furthermore, the regional shortening accommodation by salt structures squeezing produce an evaporitic remobilization and migration of a salt canopy toward the foreland basin
Bu doktora tezi/çalışması, bir önülke kıvrım ve bindirme kuşağının evrimi sırasında minihavzaların çekilmesi ve bölgesel kısalma arasındaki etkileşimi konu edinir. Çoklu ölçekteki bu yapısal analiz Sivas Havzası (Türkiye) ölçeğinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kapsamlı saha çalışması ve bölgesel olarak sismik kesitlerden ortaya çıkarılan yorumlamalar, Sivas Havzası’nın orta kesiminde detaylı bir jeolojik haritalama yapımına yardımcı olmuş ve otokton evaporit depolanmasının başladığı Geç Eosen’den başlayarak havza için tuz tektoniği ve bölgesel kısalmanın etkisindeki yeni bir tektono-sedimanter çatının ortaya çıkarılmasına neden olmuştur. Söz konusu seviye, önülke kıvrım ve bindirme kuşağının ilerlemesisüresince kuzeye doğru sedimanter dolgunun göçüyle birlikte havzanın güney kenarında kısalıma uğrayarak ve eğim kazanarak remobilize olmuştur. Evaporit akışı, kıtasal Oligosen minihavzalarının ilksel olarak oluşumundan sonra çekilmesine bağlı olarak gözlenmiş ve sonrasında evaporit yaygılarıyla örtülmüştür. Kuzeye kadar uzanan bu yaygı, Oligosen-Orta Miyosen arasında kıtasaldan sonra sığ denizel tipteki ikincil minihavzaların gelişimine de neden olmuştur.Havzanın orta kesimindeki ikincil minihavza başlangıcı, poligonal diyapir ve duvarlar tarafından çevrelenen dairesel minihavzalarla karakterize olur. Bu minihavzaların kanatlarında halokinetik yapılar tanımlanmıştır. Kanca (hook) ve kama (wedge) tiplerde olmak üzere halokinetik seriler, kompozit halokinetik seriler ve megaflaplar bu yapılar arasında sayılabilir. Çalışmanın başlangıcında yapılan kum kutusu model deneyi, bu halokinetik yapıların kısalmayla veya kısalma olmaksızın geliştiğini göstermiştir. Buna ek olarak minihavzaların geometrisi, muhtemelen tuzun ayrışmasından dolayı tortul yükün ilkkontrolünden dolayı çekilen diğer tuz bölgelerinde önerilen haritalanmış minihavzalara benzerdir. Bununla birlikte kırık ve manyetik suseptibilite analizleri, minihavzaların başlangıcından itibaren kısalmanın kayıt edilebilmesi hakkında fikir vermektedir. Minihavza bölgelerindeki bölgesel kısalımın artışı, tuz duvarları ve diyapirlerin sıkışmasıyla birlikte(i) kısalma yönüne dik durumdaki çizgisel minihavzaların gelişimi, (ii) tuz örtülerinin yerleşimi ve (iii) minihavzaların yer değiştirmesi veya dönmesiyle açıklanır. Minihavzalar bölgesi, kıvrım ve bindirme kuşağının gelişimi için bir süreksizlik üretir. Aslında, minihavzalar birçok yönde yapılar oluşturarak tuz duvarları ve diyapirlerin polygonal şekildeki yerleşimi boyunca kısalma deformasyonuna eşlik eder. Üstelik, tuz yapılarının eşlik ettiği bölgesel kısalma önülke havzalarına doğru evaporitik bir göçe de neden olmaktadır
Bugel, Mathilde. "Couplage entre la dynamique moléculaire et la mécanique des milieux continus." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009BOR13849/document.
Повний текст джерелаHybrid atomistic-continuum methods allow the simulation of complex flows, depending on the intimate connection of many spatiotemporal scales : from the nanoscale to the microscale and beyond. By limiting the molecular description within a small localized region, for example near fluid/fluid or fluid/solid interfaces (breakdown of the continuum), these methods are useful to study large systems for reasonable times. Besides, there is a wide variety of applications for such hybrid methods, ranging from the micro- or nano-scale devices, and other industrial processes such as wetting, droplet formation, and biomolecules near interfaces. In this work, we present one scheme for coupling the Navier-Stokes set of equations with Molecular Dynamics. Among the existing alternatives to couple these two approaches, we have chosen to implement a domain decomposition algorithm based on the alternating Schwarz method. In this method, the flow domain is decomposed into two overlapping regions : an atomistic region described by molecular dynamics and a continuum region described by a finite volume discretization of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The fundamental assumption is that the atomistic and the continuum descriptions match in the overlapping region, where the exchange of information is performed. The information exchange, requires the imposition of velocity from one sub-domain in the form of boundary conditions (Dirichlet)/constraints on the solver of the other subdomain and vice versa. The spatial coupling as well as the temporal coupling of the two approaches has been investigated in this work. To show the feasibility of such a coupling, we have applied the multiscale method to a classical fluid mechanics problems
Nambiyankulam, Shahul Hameed. "A multi-scale approach for the transformation plasticity in steels." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024LORR0230.
Повний текст джерелаWhen a steel undergoes phase transformations under applied stresses a phenomenonknown as transformation plasticity occurs. This phenomenon has been widely studied because of its significant impact on various industrial fabrication and forming processes (e.g., heat treatment, welding, runout table, and coiling). To analyze this phenomenon and optimize steel fabrication and shaping processes while managing rising costs, an accurate computer-aided simulation at multiple scales has become an essential tool in the field of metals. Steels are multi-phase materials with several phases exhibiting different crystalline structures and compositions, leading to non-linear mechanical behaviors (elasto-viscoplastic). Under major thermal and mechanical stress conditions, phase transformations occur alongside plastic deformation. Therefore, it is crucial to consider various couplings between thermal, metallurgical, and mechanical factors. Several analytical macroscopic models based on idealized microstructures and strong assumptions have been proposed. However, most of these models predict a linear (or weakly non-linear) relationship with applied stress, limiting their applicability to small loads. Experimental evidence shows that transformation plastic strain is highly non-linear with increasing applied stress. Moreover, analytical models often predict logarithmic behavior as a function of product phase proportion, which is not always consistent with experimental data, particularly for diffusion-controlled transformations. To overcome this difficulty, the first key contribution of this thesis is to exhibit the detailed mechanisms leading to transformation plasticity in steels undergoing austenite to ferrite phase transformation at high temperatures and to explain the non-linear dependence between the transformation plastic strain and the applied load. Also, this work focuses on a multi-scale study in developing a macroscopic scale model to be implemented in an FE code used by ArcelorMittal. The model, based on full-field simulations of polycrystals, aims to better understand transformation plasticity at the microstructure scale, incorporating microstructural evolutions. The approach utilizes parameters from existing experimental data on austenite-ferrite phase transformation. Firstly, mesoscopic model simulations using an RVE of periodic microstructures are performed with FFT algorithms, initially considering only volume expansion due to phase transformation. Full-field FFT simulations, including visco-plasticity (e.g., Chaboche law) and complete eigenstrain associated with austenite to ferrite transformation (e.g., Bain strain), are conducted with varying grain distributions, orientations, precipitate locations, and applied stresses. The objective is to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for non-linearity with respect to applied stress and the evolution of average plastic strain as a function of product phase proportion. The second key contribution consists of upscaling the outcomes obtained at the scale of the polycrystal into a macroscopic statistical model that can be used for large simulations of industrial processes. A database of computations with various initial microstructures, grain shape distributions, and applied loads has been performed and used to derive the macroscopic statistical model. Finally, the developed macroscopic model of transformation plasticity will be numerically validated with new FFT computations before implementation in an ABAQUS usermat. This ABAQUS usermat model will be applied to numerical simulation processes for industrial applications. The limitations and inadequacies of the model will be identified by comparing calculations with numerical results. This model aims to accurately describe the evolution of the morphology of ferrite from austenite and mechanical fields during various thermomechanical histories on the RVE scale
Puel, Guillaume. "Problèmes d'identification paramétrique : vers des approches multiéchelles." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, École normale supérieure de Cachan - ENS Cachan, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00950832.
Повний текст джерелаHammad, Tammam. "Comportement des sédiments marins de grande profondeur : approche multiéchelle." Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale Paris, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00559400.
Повний текст джерелаCharron, Morgan. "Modélisation basée images du comportement thermomécanique de composite C/C." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017BORD0670/document.
Повний текст джерелаC/C composites are used in very high temperature applications, especially in space activities. The ability to design these materials is essential in order to enhance their performances and lower their production costs. This work introduces an images-based multiscale modeling of the thermomechanical behavior of a C/C needled composites. Standard methods cannot describe this very complex architecture.The CEPI model (Computing Effective Properties using Images) is based on one hand on the components properties, some of them having been characterized in the laboratory, and on the other hand on the architecture of the material which is directly obtained using tomography images. The components properties were used on a microscopic model of an idealistic yarn, while the macroscopic model was based on the CT scan data itself. The influence of the internal parameters of the method was studied and discussed, and allowed validating some hypotheses. Finally, the comparison between the numerical and experimental results validates the CEPI model on the linear mechanical behavior and stressed the key axes of improvement for the thermal expansion behavior of these composites
El, Yagoubi Jalal. "Effet de l’endommagement mécanique sur les propriétés thermiques de composites à matrice céramique : approche multiéchelle." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011BOR14297/document.
Повний текст джерелаIn this work the relationship between the evolution of damage and the loss of thermal propertiesof Ceramic Matrix Composites is investigated by a multiscale approach. Research are conductedboth experimentally and theoretically. The implemented approach is to consider two significantscales (micro and meso) where different damage mechanisms are operating and then assess theeffect on the effective thermal properties by homogenization techniques.Particular attention has been given to the development of a thorough experimental work combiningvarious characterization tools (mechanical, thermal and microstructural). At the two aforementionedscales, an experimental setup was designed to perform thermal measurements onCMC under tensile test. Thermal diffusivity of minicomposites is estimated using Lock-in thermography.Also, tranverse diffusivity mapping as well as global in-plane diffusivity of woven CMCare determined by suitable rear face flash methods. The evolution of damage is then derived fromacoustic emission activity along with postmortem microstructural observations. Experimental resultsare systematically compared to simulations. At microscale, a micromechanical-based modelis used to simulate the loss of thermal conductivity of a minicomposite under tensile test. At mesoscale,a multiscale Finite ElementModel is proposed to compute the effect of damage on thermalproperties of woven CMC
Couégnat, Guillaume. "Approche multiéchelle du comportement mécanique de matériaux composites à renfort tissé." Phd thesis, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00403885.
Повний текст джерелаFrank, Xavier. "Approche multiéchelle de la dynamique des bulles en fluide non newtonien." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005INPL099N.
Повний текст джерелаThe hydrodynamics in a bubble column with non Newtonian fluids is a very complex problem. It is so even when the study is restricted to the case of a single bubble chain. Fluid's memory of long range, that governs bubbles' interactions and coalescences, leads usually to chaotic dynamics. A multiscale modelling approach has been realised to reach a convenient description of the complex system and to predict its global properties. Three different scales were considered: microscale, mesoscale and macroscale. Modelling results obtained at a scale are used as input to build the model of higher scale. Ln such a way, Lattice Boltzmann (LB) simulation allows the computation of flow field, bubble shape and viscoelastic stress field, all in good agreement with experiments. A mesoscale model that takes into account the relationship between the bubble rise velocity and local stress encountered by the bubble is deduced from the LB approach. Finally, the cognitive model, that stems from the mesoscale results, gives the prediction of several macroscale properties in function of the column height: bubble number, bubble class distribution, route to chaos and mean bubble diameter. This pluridisciplinary theoretical modelling compares successfully with experimental data
Herry, Bertrand. "Développement d'une approche multiéchelle parallèle pour la simulation de crash automobile." Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002DENS0018.
Повний текст джерелаSimon, Pierre. "Approche multiéchelle du comportement mécanique du bois dans le plan transverse." Lyon, INSA, 2009. http://theses.insa-lyon.fr/publication/2009ISAL0049/these.pdf.
Повний текст джерела[The elastic behavior of softwoods presents a huge anisotropy in the transverse plane. It is moreover very heterogeneous at some scales. Transverse mechanical properties also seem to be very different between species or from a piece of wood to another. Here is proposed an experimental and theoretical study of this behavior. To explain, it, at least the cellular scale must be observed. Many shapes of cells exist and an adaptative goemetric model of the cells has been constructed. An analytical calculus then gives the mechanical properties associated to this geometric model. Then the behavior of wood at upper scales is deduced from the morphology of cells in the annual rings. The anisotropy and the heterogeneity of spruce are quantified. Experimental data are compared to the theoretical results. The great variability of cellular shapes locally leads to a very important diversity in their stiffness, from 1 to 10 for some types of loads. Macroscopoic orthotropy come from the microscopic anisotropy but also depends on the regular assembly of cells in annual rings. The behavior of annual rings is less random than cell properties, paradoxically thanks to the great cellular variability. And when the transverse behavior of macroscopic wood pieces is measured, its variability decreases with the number of annual rings in the section, and reach only some ten percents. Nevertheless, the mean transverse elastic behavior of structure pieces is quite variable. It largely depends on the orientation and curvature of the annual rings. And the transverse stiffness can vary from 1 to 5 from one beam to another]
Ben, Brahim Nadia. "Approche multiéchelle pour le comportement vibratoire des structures avec un défaut de rigidité." Phd thesis, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 2014. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01066795.
Повний текст джерелаJourdan, Thomas. "Approche multiéchelle pour le magnétisme. Application aux hétérogénéités structurales et aux singularités magnétiques." Phd thesis, Grenoble 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008GRE10169.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis concerns the development of numerical methods to determine magnetic equilibrium configurations, and their use for systems with structural heterogeneities and magnetic singularities. We first describe an algorithm based on a fast multipole method which permits to compute efficiently the dipolar field created by atomic spins in the framework of the classical Heisenberg model. Using this model, we study the interaction of magnetic domain walls with structural defects in thin layers of FePt. We consider the case of antiphase boundaries and microtwins. We analyse the values of the depinning fields and compare them with experimental data. Then we describe a multiscale method that we have developed. This method allows us to simulate a system with the Heisenberg model and with the micromagnetic model in a consistent formalism. The last part of this thesis is devoted to the study of large systems with steep variations of magnetisation: vortex in a magnetic element, configurations with a Bloch point in a cube, magnetic bubble in a thin layer of FePd. In the latter case, results are compared with recent observations by Lorentz microscopy
Jourdan, Thomas. "Approche multiéchelle pour le magnétisme. Application aux hétérogénéités structurales et aux singularités magnétiques." Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00345621.
Повний текст джерелаNous décrivons tout d'abord un algorithme fondé sur une méthode multipolaire rapide et qui permet de calculer efficacement le champ dipolaire dans une assemblée de spins dans le cadre du modèle de Heisenberg classique.
En utilisant ce modèle, nous étudions l'interaction de parois magnétiques avec des défauts structuraux dans des couches minces de FePt. Nous traitons le cas des parois d'antiphase et les micromacles. Nous analysons les valeurs des champs de décrochage des parois magnétiques, notamment en les comparant avec des données expérimentales.
Nous détaillons ensuite une méthode multiéchelle que nous développée. Cette méthode permet, dans un formalisme unifié, de décrire un système avec le modèle de Heisenberg et le modèle micromagnétique.
La dernière partie de cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude de systèmes de grande taille possédant des variations spatiales rapides d'aimantation, en utilisant la méthode multiéchelle : vortex dans un élément magnétique, configurations avec un point de Bloch dans un cube, bulle magnétique dans une couche mince de FePd. Dans ce dernier cas, les résultats sont comparés à des observations récentes par microscopie de Lorentz.
Masci, Lorella. "Cristallochimie du fer dans les chlorites métamorphiques : approche analytique multiéchelle, expérimentale, et implications pétrologiques." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SORUS256.
Повний текст джерелаChorite is a phyllosilicate crystallizing in a wide range of pressure and temperature conditions, among a diversity of rocks : from diagenesis to metamorphic conditions, typically in greenschist facies but also in blueschist and amphibolite facies. Chlorite is useful for metamorphic petrology as a geothermometer, as its composition is sensitive to the temperature of crystallization and chlorite is commonly found within mineral assemblages. Chlorite shows many solid solutions, among which Fe may be incorporated in large proportions in divalent (Fe2+) and/or trivalent (Fe3+) state. Unfortunately current models for geothermometry on chlorite either neglect Fe3+ or require evaluating the thermodynamic properties of Fe3+-rich chlorite for increased accuracy. This study aims at providing new crystal-chemistry data on ferric chlorite from a wide range of composition and origin, and to answer the following questions : (1) how much Fe3+ may be incorporated in chlorite ? (2) what are the cationic substitutions and end-members for Fe3+ incorporation ? (3) how is Fe3+ distributed within the chlorite structure ? and (4) what are the dependencies between Fe3+ in chlorite and the pressure-temperature conditions, and oxygen fugacity, at crystal and mineral scales ? This work investigates the speciation of iron in chlorite with different techniques; X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy at the Fe-K edge (K XANES), and electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) combined with electron microprobe major element analyzes. X-ray diffraction investigation brings structural information on the structure of ferric chlorite. This analytical strategy is focused on chlorite from natural rock samples and experimental syntheses made at fixed pressure and temperature, and under buffered oxygen fugacity. A new database on ferric chlorite crystal-chemistry is the major output of this work, which highlights substitutions involving Fe3+. A Fe3+ -rich, vacant endmember is required to account for the di-trioctahedral substitution, and a magnesian end-member with 1 Fe3+ replacing Al for the homovalent Al - Fe3+ substitution. These results are observed in natural specimens and confirmed by experimental synthsesis of ferric chlorite. In addition, chlorite with Fe3+ > 1.5 p.f.u. shows systematic deviation from the ideal O10(OH)8 anionic basis, where proton deficit has been inferred from indirect measurements of H+ content. These results are consistent with the existence of an "oxychlorite" group within the classification of phyllosilicates. At mineral scale, the variations of the oxidation state take place at nanoscale and are unrelated to variations in the amount of Fe. Chlorite crystallized via experimental synthesis shows similar features. These results explain the poor success of geothermometry on some iron-rich chlorite, and allow us to propose improved cation distribution algorithms for geo thermometry. Our study paves the way for future experimental synthesis focused on oxychlorite
Dabla, Essi Ahoefa. "Approche bayesienne multiéchelle pour la modélisation de la fiabilité d'un module de puissance en environnement ferroviaire." Thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019INPT0102.
Повний текст джерелаThe reliability control of critical electronic components is one of the challenges to be faced by railway stakeholders. IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors) power modules belong to this list of components. They are subject to high stresses corresponding to those encountered in harsh railway environments. The environmental conditions encountered in rail operations and the demanding availability requirements impose high levels of reliability on IGBT. In order to improve their reliability, an evaluation methodology has been developed based on a probabilistic approach and supported by a Bayesian network. For the implementation of the model, several working elements were assembled. First, an original approach called "U-Cycle" was proposed, highlighting in a one-to-one way a system level associated with the train and a component level similar to the IGBT considered simultaneously according to functional and dysfunctional views. In this context, the work led, first, to highlight the mechanisms characterizing, in a top-down logic, the influence of train loading on component stress and, in a bottom-up logic, the dysfunctional impact of the failure at component level on system reliability. In a second step, the results of this analysis led to the implementation of the structure of a Bayesian model whose generic nature allows it to be deployed for the reliable modelling of any type of rail system. The modelling work based on Bayesian networks is used to support the reconciliation between analytical models (failure physics) and data from the use of the elementary component in its operating environment. The model was used to model the reliability of an IGBT in an application framework corresponding to the metro in the city of Chennai, India. The data and expert knowledge collected on the project made it possible to determine the probability tables of the Bayesian network. The probabilistic results of the model have been translated into reliability indicators
Guidault, Pierre-Alain. "Une stratégie de calcul pour les structures fissurées : Analyse locale-globale et approche multiéchelle pour la fissuration." Phd thesis, École normale supérieure de Cachan - ENS Cachan, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00160509.
Повний текст джерелаLe, Neindre Charlène. "Une approche systémique et multiéchelle des disparités spatiales de santé au prisme de la notion de contexte." Paris 7, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA070043.
Повний текст джерелаThis research aims to provide a better understanding of spatial health disparities in France. First, we present a multiscale and systemic approach to the links between health status and other characteristics of space (socioeconomic conditions, air quality, healthcare services. . . ) developed with the notions of vertical, horizontal and internal contexts. Then we propose a methodology to explore these links which are tested using correlation analyses and multiple regression models. This work is carried out at different geographical fevels (from the local to the regional) and in various types of spaces (from the city center to the isolated rural areas; in the large, the mid-sized and the small urban areas) located in the North and in the West of France. Three types of links are identified, from the most general to the most specific. General links appear identically ail over the space, while particular links crop up only in some peculiar areas. Finally, the effects are sometimes context-dependant, ranging from positive to negative correlations. We refer to these situations as discordant links. We hope that this theoretical and methodological framework could generate prospects for further studies
Kaakai, Fateh. "Modélisation et évalution des pôles d'échanges multimodaux : une approche hybride multiéchelle basée sur les réseaux Pétri Lots." Besançon, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007BESA2038.
Повний текст джерелаA Multimodal Hub is a complex transportation system which has the role to interconnect several public and private transportation modes in order to promote intermodality practice. Because of many observed problems (such as recurrent congestion phenomena inside stations, high transfer times, long queues in front of services, etc. ) which contribute to deteriorate the image of public transport in general, it becomes more and more important for transit authorities to be able to perform many performance measures for identifying the causes of these problems and trying to find solutions. The main goal of the PhD thesis is to propose a simulation model for evaluating the main performance factors of multimodal transportation hubs. Among the most important quantitative factors, we can mention occupancy rates, queue lengths, mean service times, evacuation times, and measures related to intermodality practice such as connection times and waiting times. The suggested simulation model is based on Batches Petri nets which are an extension of Hybrid Petri nets. This paradigm is suitable for our study because it offers a multiscale modular modeling approach which allows mastering the complexity of the studied system. Besides, it offers formal analysis techniques for checking and design (control) purposes. This simulation model can be successfully used for (i) evaluating existing multimodal hubs, (ii) validating design projects of new multimodal hubs, and (iii) assisting designers during sizing and planning procedures
Crepin, Jerome. "L'approche multi-échelles en mécanique des matériaux ou l'importance d'un dialogue transdisciplinaire." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Paris-Nord - Paris XIII, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00564412.
Повний текст джерелаSignolle, Nicolas. "Approches multiéchelles pour la segmentation de très grandes images : application à la quantification de biomarqueurs en histopathologie cancérologique." Phd thesis, Université de Caen, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01073319.
Повний текст джерелаVergnault, Étienne. "Vers une approche multi-échelle pour l’interaction fluide-structure." Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00661195.
Повний текст джерелаPredicting the behaviour of structures subjected to loading by a fluid is a current issue of the aviation industry. Composite materials, whose mass ratio is increasing with each new project, have mechanisms of degradation whose characteristic size is less than a tenth of a millimetre. Inspired from Multiscale methods developed in the laboratory for the simulation of structures, we propose a mixed domain decomposition method for the simulation of incompressible flows. The Navier-Stokes equations are written in Eulerian formalism and solved incrementally. The solution at each time step is obtained iteratively by solving problems on the interfaces and sub domains. The non-linearity associated with the convection term is treated at the sub domain level and problems on the interfaces provide verification of all equations of the original problem. We then introduce a global problem posed on all interfaces. This innovative macroscopic problem based on the condition of incompressibility of the flow accelerates the convergence of the iterative strategy. We address finally the coupling with a method of fictitious domain, whose early development has yielded promising results. The proposed methods are implemented in a finite element code and illustrated on two-dimensional examples
Nogaret, Thomas. "Approche multi-échelle des mécanismes de plasticité des aciers austénitiques irradiés." Grenoble INPG, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007INPG0174.
Повний текст джерелаPlasticity mechanisms in irradiated austenitic steels were studied thanks to a multi-scale modelling approach. The study at the nano scale of interaction mechanisms between dislocations and irradiation defects by Molecular Dynamics showed that edge and screw dislocations behave differently in presence of irradiation defects: screw dislocations absorb the defects whereas edge dislocations shear them. This difference of behaviour was reproduced with fidelity into a Dislocation Dynamics code in order to study at the micro scale the formation of "clear bands" (defect free shear bands) by mobile dislocations. The simulations allowed determining the clearing and broadening pro cesses of clear bands and showed the importance of collective effects between dislocations in clear band formation
Bossart, Pierre-Louis. "Détection de contours réguliers dans des images bruitées et texturées : association des contours actifs et d'une approche multiéchelle." Grenoble INPG, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994INPG0098.
Повний текст джерелаLaurin, Frédéric. "Approche multiéchelle des mécanismes de ruine progressive des matériaux stratifiés et analyse de la tenue de structures composites." Besançon, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005BESA2024.
Повний текст джерелаMenakbi, Chemseddine. "Développement d'une approche multiéchelle pour l'étude des propriétés structurales et des réactivités d'assemblages complexes de biopolymères : les gels d'alginates." Thesis, Montpellier, Ecole nationale supérieure de chimie, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017ENCM0005.
Повний текст джерелаBiopolymers are macromolecules formed by the repetition of numerous subunits called monomers and derived from biomass. They constitute a class of materials used in various fields: pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry, tissue engineering, agro-alimentary and medicine. Their availability, price, non-toxicity and biodegradability make these materials a growing topic of interest to the community. The assembly of biopolymers in gels induced by an external factor (metal cations, pH and organic crosslinking agents) is one of their most interesting properties. The optimization of the physico-chemical, micro- and macroscopic properties of the gels necessitates understanding of factors that influence the gel equilibrium structures. Molecular modeling tools applied to study the inter- and intra-molecular interactions in biopolymer assemblies at short and long distances, such as covalent, electrostatic and the Van der Waals interactions or hydrogen bonds, can provide valuable information The effect of temperature and solvent also requires simulations on extended time and space scales. In this sense, a computational approach plays the role of "digital microscope".In this thesis, a multi-scale approach has been developed for the study of a group of polysaccharides: alginates. The formation of alginate/multivalent cation complexes (Alg/Mn+) is a determining step in the entire gelation process. The Density Functional Theory augmented with an empirical London dispersion term (DFT-D) applied to study various models of alginate complexes with divalent (Mn2+, Co2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+) and trivalent (Al3+, Cr3+, Ga3+, Fe3+, La3+ and Sc3+) metal cations led to the following conclusions. The tendency of binding energy of metal cations is independent on : the length and number of alginate chains, the presence of water in the first coordination sphere and the speciation of the metal. In all the hydrated structures, a monodentate mode of binding is established between the cation and the carboxylate groups. Thus, the interaction between cations and alginate depends only on local parameters which can be explained by a significant covalent contribution from the charge donation of carboxylic oxygen ligand atoms to Mn+. The importance of the binding strength for the complexation was confirmed by the DFT-D study of ion exchange using mixed La3+/Cu2+ alginate complexes. The Born-Oppenheimer Molecular Dynamics (BOMD) / Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations of dimannuronates in water and lanthanum, and aluminum complexes revealed that water prevents the formation of intra-chain hydrogen bonds by solvating the functional groups. In the complexes of lanthanum dimannuronate and aluminum dimannuronate, the radial distribution functions of the carboxylic oxygen atoms confirm the establishment of a monodentate bonding mode. In all simulated complexes, no water molecule separates the metal ion from the ligand, thus forming inner sphere complex.As an alternative to MD simulations, a Monte Carlo parallel tempering method has been implemented in the deMon2k code. The QM/MM and QM/MC methods will also allow the examination of longer chains effect on the transition metal cations complexation by considering the temperature and the explicit aqueous solvent. These computational tools can be used straightforwardly for the study of other polysaccharides and biopolymers
Parodi, Aurély. "Impact de nouveaux modes de gestion sur l’accélération de la dégradation de déchets ménagers : approche multiparamétrique et multi-échelle." Limoges, 2010. https://aurore.unilim.fr/theses/nxfile/default/6f645e4d-e00a-4f35-8d61-118e54ac2faa/blobholder:0/2010LIMO4077.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаThis research is a multi-parametric and multi-scale comparison of municipal solid waste pretreatment in order to accelerate waste degradation in landfill conditions. This work is part of two research projects (ELIA and BIOPTIME) in which 21 types of treatment were tested at 68 L and 23m3 scale. In a first time, this research aims at developed a leaching test protocol adapted to the waste matrix and to highlight differences between pretreatments. The protocol established combines liquid phases, gaseous and solid analysis during a period of 120 hours without renewal. The organic compounds mobilized in liquid phase are relevant indicators of the potential leaching of waste. With the results for all considered matrices (analytical monitoring during the pilot operation of waste, leachate and biogas) correlated with the leaching test data, two treatments were found to have a real impact on the biodegradation of waste. This multi-parameter approach has also identified the fractionation of organic compounds according to their hydrophobicity and the index SUVA as relevant indicators to assess state of waste degradation or stabilization. A complete water and mass balance of the most efficient treatments confirmed the results of the analysis
Brixtel, Romain. "Alignement endogène de documents, une approche multilingue et multi-échelle." Caen, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011CAEN2050.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis deals with the machine translation and more precisely with feature extraction (words, phrases, sentences) which are in a translation relation in parallel corpora. The methods, applied to automatically align these elements, are endogenous (without external resources) and multi-scaled (different levels of analysis are used). We propose an alignment strategy renewing approaches based on word and sentence by using levels that overlaps sentences and subsentential levels, respectively alinea and chunk. Alinea alignment performs via visual clues while subsentential alignment is focused on charater strings for a chunk alignment. We also highlight the connexions between alignment and detection of plagiarism in order to provide an abstraction of our model
Jatiault, Romain. "Les émanations naturelles d'hydrocarbures lourds depuis les sédiments vers l'hydro-atmosphère : approche intégrée multiéchelle dans le bassin profond du bas-congo." Thesis, Perpignan, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PERP0047/document.
Повний текст джерелаThe Lower Congo Basin is a passive margin, affected by strong salt tectonics. Natural escapes of heavy hydrocarbons observed in the area have major impacts on the society, ecology, biology, and the economy. The aim of this work is to understand the mechanisms of these systems, from the mobilisation in the sediments towards the seafloor outlets and subsequently towards the sea surface. This study combines data analysis from spatial imagery, oceanography, geochemistry and marine geophysics in order to get a multi-scale integrated vision of the natural seepage situation in the Lower Congo Basin. The analysis of spatial imagery data shows that in the study area, the hundred active seeps sites expel a hydrocarbons volume of 4400 m3 per year, following an intermittent mechanism with miscellaneous frequencies from one site to another. We connected visible hydrocarbon slicks at the sea surface with seabed structures by integrating current measurements across the water column. Seafloor structures correspond to clustered pockmarks of high seismic amplitude located at the rim of salt diapirs and to clusters of mounds composed of highly degraded oil outwards. In sediments, geophysical anomalies form vertical chimneys, delimited by the seismic reflector associated with the base of gas hydrates stability downwards. The spatial correspondence of geophysical criteria enabled to inventory the potentially active sites on the geophysical data. Only 40% of these sites are associated with recurring oil slicks at the sea surface
Mezghani, Sabeur. "Approches multi-échelles de caractérisation tridimensionnelle des surfaces : Applications aux procédés d'usinage." Ecully, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 2005. http://bibli.ec-lyon.fr/exl-doc/smezghani.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаIndustries attach a growing importance to the quality of surfaces and the different definite approaches in the international norms recommend enough methodology of three dimensional surface characterization. The extension of 2D normalized methods to the three dimensional case proves to be insufficient from where the need to provide a description more precise of the quality and the geometric properties of surfaces. Also, the recourse to ladders of more and more small topographic control in various industrial applications (control of optic quality of mirrors, flatness control of the silicon surface, polishing, high finishing,. . . ), plead in favor of the clarification of new tridimensionnal surface characterization tools more precise and more efficient. The goal of this memory is to present new methodologies of characterization three dimensional that permit to study the multiscale character of the surface state
Bayard, Olivier. "Approche multi-échelles du comportement mécanique des bétons à ultra hautes performances renforcés par des fibres courtes." Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003DENS0002.
Повний текст джерелаFranco, Alejandro Antonio. "Un modèle physique multiéchelle de la dynamique électrochimique dans une pile à combustible à électrolyte polymère – Une approche Bond Graph dimension infinie." Phd thesis, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00110968.
Повний текст джерелаLe modèle réalise le couplage d'une description des phénomènes de transport de charges (électronique et protonique) à travers l'épaisseur des électrodes et de la membrane, avec des modèles spatialement distribués de l'interface nanoscopique Nafion®-Pt/C et de la diffusion des réactifs (hydrogène et oxygène) à travers la couche de Nafion® recouvrant les particules de Pt/C. Le modèle interfacial nanoscopique est basé sur une nouvelle description interne de la dynamique de la double couche électrochimique prenant en compte à la fois les phénomènes de transport dans la couche diffuse et les réactions électrochimiques et l'adsorption d'eau dans la couche compacte.
Des nombreux couplages entre domaines de la physique, comme le transport par diffusion-migration et l'électrochimie, sont introduits. L'écriture du Bond Graph dimension infinie de ce modèle nous a permis de déterminer les causalités de ces différents couplages, à l'aide de 20-Sim®, et de le doter d'une structure modulaire et modulable (pour l'incorporation future d'autres phénomènes physico-chimiques, ou sa réutilisation dans d'autres systèmes électrochimiques). Enfin, la résolution numérique a été réalisée sous Matlab/Simulink® couplé à Femlab® (méthode d'éléments finis).
La réponse dynamique d'une cellule de PEFC, dépendante du courant, de la température, des pressions de réactifs et de la composition structurale des électrodes, peut être simulée. Le modèle permet d'évaluer la sensibilité des spectres d'impédance aux conditions de fonctionnement et à la composition des électrodes, ainsi que les contributions des différents phénomènes et couches constitutives.
Nous avons réalisé un protocole expérimental sur une cellule PEFC de petite taille en vue de valider le modèle. Les mesures de spectroscopie d'impédance réalisées sur ce banc ont permis la validation des modèles proposés ainsi que l'estimation partielle de ses paramètres.
Masson, Elisa. "Approche multi-échelle de la turbulence : formulation d'un nouveau modèle multi-échelle : application à la prévision du décrochage." Aix-Marseille 2, 2006. http://theses.univ-amu.fr.lama.univ-amu.fr/2006AIX22065.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаChantrait, Teddy. "Approche multiéchelle en espace et en temps pour la prévision des endommagements dans les structures composites soumises à un impact de faible énergie." Thesis, Lyon, INSA, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014ISAL0129/document.
Повний текст джерелаThe composite laminates are increasingly used in aircraft structural parts which lead to new issues such as the Low Energy Impacts (LEI). Indeed, although they have well mechanical properties relative to their mass, small shocks may be very harmfull for laminates. Controlling such situations is essential for manufacturers that why lot of testing campaigns are currently performed. Yet, they are time consuming and expensive considering the many influential parameters (energy, speed, layup...). Numerical simulations of this phenomenon by practicing the so called “virtual testing” process could be really helpfull to rationalize testing campaigns in order to save money. Yet, this practice remain currently hard to do at the industrial scale due to the excessive CPU time required for fine simulation of damages induced by the LEI. Based on this observation, this work has consisted in taking advantage of the spatial and temporal location of delamination, matrix cracking and fiber breakage that can occur during impact in order to reduce the computational cost. Thus, a space and time multiscale method has been put in place. The impacted structure is split into two areas. One is located around the impacted point, it contains all the non-regularities of the problem (contact, softening law, cohesive zone model). This domain is treated with the explicit dynamics code Europlexus. The other one corresponds to the complementary part. The mechanical problem is much more regular and it is treated with the implicit dynamics code Zset / Zebulon. A low intrusive coupling based on the GC method is carried out between these two codes. It allows to use an adapted model in both regions different time step are in particular used. A time step ratio upper to 1000 can be reach between the one of the explicit code set by the stability condition and the one used in the complementary part. As a results, significant CPU time is saved. This is confirmed by the simulation of a stiffened composite panel impacted. It is also shown that the implicit / explicit allocation can change over the calculation. To do that, a switch mechanism has been established. It thus makes it possible to transit the resolution of a portion of the structure initially solved in the code Zebulon to Europlexus. As a results, further gain is obtained
Caignot, Alain. "Prédiction par essais virtuels de l'amortissement dans les structures spatiales." Phd thesis, Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009DENS0018.
Повний текст джерелаIn the context of a significant cost reduction in the design of space launchers, it is on crucial to control all the factors involved in the dimensionning process. The decrease in mass is compensated by an increase in stiffness and results in a decrease of damping, which is the parameter that determines the level of the dynamic response. At the present time, the damping is taken into account in a global model and most often identified on the final structure. The objective of this work is to improve the launcher design process by introducing the capability to predict damping a priori. In order to do that, the idea is to develop a database containing the dissipation due to the materials and the dissipation relative to the joints in the launcher for each type and each level of solicitation. . . Damping in materials is relatively well-known in the case of the composites which make up the launcher. Therefore, the challenge is the prediction of the damping in the joints where the dissipations can be very important. The experimental approaches are expensive and complex to implement, that is why this work is based on a finite element computation of the joints. This type of simulations is beyond the reach of standard industrial computing codes ans has needed the development of specific parallel computationnal code based on the LATIN method. The robustness of the numerical tool has been studied and its results validated from experimental values obtained in a previous study. Finally, the computation of different joints of the launcher has been done as well as the methodology for integrating these results in the design process of Ariane
Caignot, Alain. "Prédiction par essais virtuels de l'amortissement dans les structures spatiales." Phd thesis, École normale supérieure de Cachan - ENS Cachan, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00422291.
Повний текст джерелаSlimane, Manel. "Développement d’une approche multi-échelle pour l'étude de la solubilité des flavonoïdes et leur assemblage avec les polymères." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LORR0347.
Повний текст джерелаOver the past few decades, flavonoids have become increasingly used in different food and non-food applications due to their important antioxidant activities. However, the solubilization, dispersion and stabilization of these molecules are variable and constitute a brake on their use in different formulations. The objective of this work is to overcome those limitations by understanding the interactions between these compounds and their environment without and with the add of polymers, by a multi-scale approach approach (molecular modeling and mesoscale modeling and experimental study). Initially, interactions between 3 flavonoids (quercetin, rutin and isoquercetin) in various organic solvents, were studied. The obtained results (mainly Flory Huggins parameter and radial distribution function RDF) showed that the B2 part common to the three flavonoids (For example Flory Huggins parameter values were close to 0.5 in the M2B2 and much more important in acetonitrile) is responsible for the miscibility behavior of the flavonoids in the solvent. DDFT simulations showed aggregation of quercetin in M2B2 against dispersion in acetonitrile. All these observations were confirmed experimentally (study of solubility and microscopic observations). Then, quercetin was studied in the presence of a biopolymer, PLGA in water. Nanoparticles were formed by varying the concentration of the various compounds and the lactic acid / glycolic acid ratio in the PLGA. The tools of molecular modeling and mesoscale modeling (calculation of the solubility parameter by molecular dynamics and observation of the dispersion or the phase separation by DDFT) as well as the experimental approach (DSC, MET ...) led us to the same conclusions. Indeed, the particle size increases with the concentration of PLGA and the rate of lactic acid in the polymer. Also the concentration of the emulsifier in the medium has an important role in the formation of PLGA-Q aggregates. The higher its concentration, the more difficult the formation of the particles as it affects the viscosity of the medium and consequently the diffusivity of the molecules in the water. All the results obtained by molecular modeling and by mesoscale modeling have been confirmed experimentally. We can therefore conclude that the methodology adopted in the simulations can be considered as a tool to help on predicting the behavior of flavonoids in different medium
Diaz, simoes Juan Raphael. "A mathematical approach to embryonic morphogenesis based on spatio-temporal cell lineages." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017SACLX065/document.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis approaches morphogenetic processes in the early embryogenesis of verte-brates through the mathematical and physical study of spatio-temporal cell lineagesreconstructed from in vivo 3D+time images. Our methodology is based on a complexsystems representation of the embryo, with the interaction between levels of organiza-tion and the formal analysis of cell displacements in space and time. We designed andimplemented an original methodology to identify in cell lineages the formation of com-partments in consistency with anatomical landmarks and the organization of presump-tive organs. In addition, we proposed a strategy to infer the underlying biomechanicalforces. We also delivered a user-friendly computer interface, first deployed for usingour methodology but also designed to be extensible and versatile, which aims to bea common ground for biologists, mathematicians, physicists and computer scientistsinvestigating morphogenetic processes in living systems
Dureisseix, David. "Une Approche Multi-échelles pour des Calculs de Structures sur Ordinateurs à Architecture Parallèle." Phd thesis, École normale supérieure de Cachan - ENS Cachan, 1997. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00083732.
Повний текст джерелаLa méthode employée se propose de tirer parti du parallélisme intégré dans la Méthode A Grand Incrément de Temps (LATIN), proposée par Pierre Ladevèze et développée depuis plusieurs années au Laboratoire de Mécanique et Technologie de Cachan, couplée avec une méthode de décomposition de la structure en sous-structures et interfaces. Une première étude, restreinte au cas de l'élasticité plane, a permis de mettre en évidence que l'utilisation directe de cette approche, sans stratégie particulière, perd rapidement de son efficacité lorsque le nombre de sous-structures croît.
Le but du travail de thèse a été de montrer la faisabilité de l'intégration d'une stratégie multiéchelle (à 2 degrés de raffinement suivant une vision hiérarchique), pour pallier la difficulté précédente. L'adjonction d'un problème à grande échelle, global sur toute la structure, permet ainsi de prendre en compte les effets à grande longueur d'onde et de propager rapidement l'information parmi les sous-structures. Cette stratégie a été implantée dans le code de calcul de type industriel CASTEM2000 (maintenant Cast3M) de façon à pouvoir être portée sur différents calculateurs multiprocesseurs à mémoire distribuée. Un autre point clé est l'étude du choix des discrétisations des champs intervenant dans la méthode, pour ne pas complètement privilégier une approche en déplacement au détriment des quantités « statiques », en particulier pour les interactions entre les sous-structures et leur environnement, à savoir les interfaces qui leur sont connectées.
Diharce, Julien. "Étude par modélisation moléculaire de systèmes multienzymatiques impliqués dans la biosynthèse des flavonoïdes." Thesis, Nice, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014NICE4095/document.
Повний текст джерелаFlavonoids, some natural compounds exhibiting antioxidant properties, are synthesized along enzymatic cascades involving several enzymes. It has been recently proposed that some of these enzymes are involved in the formation of large transient macromolecular edifices, called metabolon, interacting with cellular membrane. Such molecular complexes should allow direct metabolites transfer from one active site to the other (substrate channeling phenomenon), minimizing diffusion time and solvation effects. The present work aims to establish a first model of a metabolon involving 3 enzymes of the flavonoid biosynthesis: the dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR), the flavonoid 3'-hydroxylase (F3'H) and the leucoanthocyanidin reductase (LAR). The study of such large molecular system requires a multiscale approach based on i) hybrid QM/MM methods to decipher enzymatic mechanism, ii) molecular dynamic simulations in microsecond timescale to estimate thermodynamic and kinetic properties and iii) protein-protein docking at coarse-grained resolution. These different levels of theory allow us to establish a first model of a three-enzymes-metabolon in interaction with a model of cellular membrane
Pineau, Pierre. "Essais virtuels et modèle statistique de multifissuration transverse des fils dans les composites tissés à matrice céramique." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010BOR14208/document.
Повний текст джерелаThis work deals with the study and modeling of multiple crakcing of tows in wovenCMCs. Its understanding is fundamental to determine the effect on stress fields, the evolutionof damage and the lifetime of material.From observations on real CMC pieces, virtual materials are developed and multiplecracking virtual testing is achieved. Different scenarii are simulated on various CMC microstructures.These simulations are a substitute for impossible experimental observations.A statistical model for multiple cracking based on the weakest link principle applied to adistribution of Poisson is developed. Micostructural singularities are represented by defectsin a homogeneous medium equivalent (EHM). Modifications of distribution functions duringthe multicracking are modeled.The statistical model realizes a scale changing : transverse multicracking is simulated inthe EHM with a reduction of almost 90% for computational time
Dupin, Christophe. "Etude du comportement mécanique des matériaux composites à matrice céramique de faible épaisseur." Phd thesis, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00955585.
Повний текст джерелаChbihi, Abdelouahed. "Analyse scalaire et tensorielle de la refermeture des porosités en mise forme." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PSLEM047/document.
Повний текст джерелаThe presence of voids in ingots is a major issue in the casting industry. These voids decrease materials properties (in particular ductility) and may induce premature failure during metal forming or service life. Hot metal forming processes are therefore used to close these voids and obtain a sound product. However, the amount of deformation required to close these voids is difficult to estimate.Numerical modeling is an interesting tool to study the influence of process parameters on void closure rate. In this work, an optimization-based strategy has been developed to identify the parameters of a mean-field model based on a database of 800 full-field REV simulations with various loading conditions and voids geometry and orientations. The first void closure model is a scalar model that gets rid of the axisymmetric loading hypothesis considered in most models in the literature. The Lode angle, coupled with the stress triaxiality ratio enables to identify the stress state in a unique way. Comparisons of this new model with three other models fromthe literature show the accuracy increase for general loading conditions. In order to address multistages processes, a second model is defined in a tensor version. The ellipsoid void inertia matrix is used to define void’s morphology, orientation and volume. The tensor model predicts the evolution of the inertia terms and its calibration is based on the full-field REV database and on a new Artificial Neural Networks approach. Comparisons were carried out between this tensor model, the scalar model and full-field simulations for multi-stages configurations. These comparisons showed up to 35% accuracy improvement with the tensor model. It is worth mentioning that this is the first attempt to define a void closure tensor model in the literature
Abida, Marwa. "Comportement hygroscopique et couplage hygromécanique dans les composites lin / époxy : approche expérimentale multi-échelle et modélisation." Thesis, Normandie, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018NORMC281/document.
Повний текст джерелаFlax fibre reinforcements are nowadays an alternative able to compete with conventional synthetic fibres since they are ecological, economic and have interesting mechanical properties. However, their major drawback is their potentially significant water absorption which affects their mechanical properties. This research project proposes to study the hygroscopic behaviour and hygro-mechanical coupling in flax / epoxy composites. This study is based on a multi-scale experimental approach. A modelling of visco-elasto-plastic behaviour taking into account the hygro-mechanical coupling within flax /epoxy composites is established. The diffusion kinetics in composites were modelled by a Fick law. However, the diffusion kinetics in epoxy were modelled by a Langmuir law. The hygro-expansion coefficients of the composites and the elementary yarns that constitute the fabric reinforcement were determined experimentally. A study of the influence of conditioning until saturation at different relative humidities on the mechanical behaviour in the three main directions of the laminates was conducted. This study showed the existence of an optimal water content for which the mechanical properties are maximum. The emergence of a two-linear-region behaviour was pointed out and attributed to the presence of local heterogeneities within the fabric reinforcement. Creep / recovery and stress relaxation tests were exploited in order to develop a visco-elastoplastic model with consideration of the hygro-mechanical coupling. This model offers good predictive capabilities and could be used to predict the behaviour of flax fibres reinforced composite structures in humid atmospheres
Lecoutre, Gautier. "Etude de la fléxoélectricité de nanosystèmes par le développement d'algorithmes mêlant approche atomistique et mécanique des milieux continus." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2018. http://indexation.univ-fcomte.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/a3ff4c82-e0dc-4c31-879b-e12ea6812264.
Повний текст джерелаThe flexoelectricity tensor of a material characterizes its ability to polarize under the action of a deformation gradient. The phenomenon is still rarely used though it exists in every material, because the effects are usually very weak. However, for nanoscale systems, flexoelectricity can be largely enhanced because of a possibly much greater gradient. Thus, the aim of this PHD thesis is to build a model that would allow us to compute the characteristic tensors of flexoelectricity in order to design a nanosytem in which huge flexoelectric effects could be used for energy conversion. For that purpose, we have studied the flexion of several semi-conducting Single-Wall Carbon NanoTubes (SWCNT), considered either as continuous cylinders or as a discrete network of carbon atoms. In the continuum point of view, we have applied the principle of virtual powers and classical thermodynamics to systematically obtain the constitutive equations of a semi-conducting, electro-magnetic deformable continuum, including the effects of the deformation, polarization and magnetization gradients. Meanwhile, we have improved an atomistic model with distributed permanent and induced dipoles to simulate the inverse flexoelectric effect on the SWCNTs. Using homogenization hypothesis, we have coupled these two approaches by obtaining the equations binding the atomistic quantities computed in the numerical simulations, with the corresponding macroscopic quantities used in the previously obtained constitutive equations. The first numerical results seem to show a notable variation of the elements of the flexoelectric tensors as a function of the radius and length of the SWCNT
De, lorenzo oliveira Matheus. "Multi-scale approaches to tire grip on wet roads." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024IPPAX038.
Повний текст джерелаThis research presents the development of a nuanced contact model to analyze tire-road interactions, focusing on the complex interplay of tire tread patterns, road surface profiles, and the viscoelastic properties of rubber. The study integrates experimental, modeling, and numerical efforts, highlighting the challenges of addressing tribological contacts across multiple scales.Experimentally, viscoelastic behavior of industrial filled rubber mixes are explored through dynamic mechanical analysis and uniaxial tests, uncovering crucial non-linear effects regarding strain magnitude and strain rate sensitivity. Those aspects served as basis for the development and calibration of a finite non-linear viscoelastic material model, verified within a Finite Element environment against semi-analytical cases. This model facilitates the exploration of hysteresis-induced deformations in simplified landing-sliding contact experiments, aimed at minimizing adhesive contributions and temperature effects, leveraging both non-linear and classical viscoelastic models.Ultimately, a multi-scale frictional contact model is proposed capturing geometrical features of the ground and a non-linear viscoelastic material with complex geometry, yielding a reasonable correlation with experimental observations and capturing essential deformation trends within the sculpture
Chiaruttini, Vincent. "Approches multi-échelles parallèles en temps pour la simulation des milieux poreux." Paris 6, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA066574.
Повний текст джерелаWangermez, Maxence. "Méthode de couplage surfacique pour modèles non-compatibles de matériaux hétérogènes : approche micro-macro et implémentation non-intrusive." Thesis, université Paris-Saclay, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020UPASN001.
Повний текст джерелаOne of the priority objectives of the aeronautics industry is to reduce the mass of structures while improving their performances. This involves the use of composite materials and the increasing use of digital simulation to optimize structures.The major challenge of this project is to be able to accurately calculate the local variations of the microstructure - for instance detected by tomography and directly modelled from tomogram - on the behavior of an architectured material part. In order to take into account the whole structure and its load effects, a multi-scale approach seems to be a natural choice. Indeed, the related models to the part and its microstructure might use different formalisms according to each scale.In this context, a coupling formulation was proposed in order to replace, in a non-intrusive way, a part of a homogenized macroscopic finite-element model by a local one described at a microscopic level. It is based on a micro-macro separation of interface quantities in the coupling area between the two models. To simplify its use in design offices, a non-intrusive iterative resolution procedure has also been proposed. It allows the implementation of the proposed coupling method in an industrial software environment that often uses closed commercial finite element codes. Different mechanical problems under linear elasticity assumption are proposed. The proposed method is systematically compared with other coupling methods of the literature and the quality of the solutions is quantified compared to a reference one obtained by direct numerical simulation at a fine scale.The main results are promising as they show, for representatives test cases under linear elasticity assumption in two and three-dimensions, solutions that are consistent with first- and second-order homogenization theories. The solutions obtained with the proposed method are systematically the best approximations of the reference solution whereas the methods of the literature are less accurate and shown to be unsuitable to couple non-compatible models.Finally, there are many perspectives due to the different alternatives of the method which could become, in an industrial context, a real analytic tool that aims to introduce a local model described at a fine scale, into a homogenized macroscopic global one