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Amiel, Gautier. "Antéros et l'antérotisme en France (1531-1581). Contribution à l'étude de la littérature amoureuse au XVIe siècle." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024. https://accesdistant.sorbonne-universite.fr/login?url=https://theses-intra.sorbonne-universite.fr/2024SORUL107.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаWhen André Alciat published his collection of Emblems, he popularised Anteros, a long-forgotten minor deity of the Greco-Latin pantheon. Son of Venus and brother of Eros, Anteros promotes mutual love and punishes those who, although they are loved, mock or abuse the sincere feelings of their suitors who aspire to a harmonious and reciprocal relationship. At a time when love literature was particularly flourishing, the god was favourably received by humanists, though his reception is not always easily identifiable or homogeneous. This thesis examines how Anteros was received in sixteenth-century France, both as a character and as the founding principle of a specific amorous discourse : anterotism.Starting with an archaeological survey of the figure of Anteros, from the Greco-Latin world to the first decades of the sixteenth century, this thesis then looks at the rediscovery of the god in France, from the publication of Alciat's work in 1531 to Sébillet's 1581 volume wich brings together two dialogues and an essay on Anteros. Our study seeks to uncover the presence of the god of reciprocal love underneath his various masks, to understand the meaning of his presence and appearances and, more generally, to grasp the functions of anterotic discourse and its effects on the discourse of love in the production of these fifty years.By examining a vast corpus of Renaissance literature, its ancient sources and their medieval relays, the study seeks to shed light on the way in which Anteros was transformed into a poetics, a vein, and even a literary genre, shedding light on a whole area of Renaissance eroticism that has sometimes been neglected. More broadly, the study brings to light an important element in the history of cultural representations and conceptions of love and the amorous couple
Fürdös, David. "Priape dans la littérature et l'iconographie du monde gréco-romain." Lille 3, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011LIL30009.
Повний текст джерелаPriapus is one of the most popular god of antiquity, but he is also the most unknown, scoffed and scorned of all greek and roman gods. Indeed, how is it possible to think, in our so religiously shared times, that the people of Antiquity could have believed in such an obscene, bawdy and sometimes ridiculous god ? The goal of our study is to clear Priapus' reputation showing how complex his representation was, according to the place, and the will of the sponsor of the representation. The particularly rich and various clothing he wears goes against the reputation of aggressive nudity, characteristic of this god whose various body movements, full of symbols, is in contradiction with another strong prejudice : his unvarying exhibitionist behaviour. Coming from Minor Asia, Priapus arrived in Rome with a cultural background, that he constitued going across all the countries and the regions where his cult settled down to such an extent that he managed to reach all the layers of the population, becoming therefore one of the most represented divinity of antiquity. A literary genre is even dedicated to Priapus, giving his footprint in the legends that are built around his character. The making of a considerable iconographical study allows to our study the establishment of comparisons, constants and differences in the representations of the god and to make a confrontation with greek and latin texts about Priapus. Through the three appendices that have never been gathered and that enrich this work, we hope to help restoring the character of this god who should be better known
Massa, Franceso. "Tra la vigna et la croce : Dioniso nei discorsi letterari e figurativi cristiani (II-IV secolo)." Paris, EPHE, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011EPHE5013.
Повний текст джерелаThis research is devoted to analysing the relationship between Christian literary and iconographic sources and the many Dionysian traditions during the imperial ages (2nd-4th century). Its main purpose is that of understanding the role that Dionysian traditions – that is, the whole of mythical tales, ritual practices and iconographic representations, which over the centuries have been built around the figure of the Greek god Dionysus – have played in the meeting of Christianity with the religions of the Greek and Roman worlds. Through the analysis of the documentary context, three operative models have been individuated: 1. The recognition and negation of the analogies between Dionysus and Christ; 2. The trace of Dionysian words and images; 3. The “interpretation” of ample Dionysian topics. This scheme shows the complexity, which is inherent in the cohabitations and in the religious contacts of the imperial time. This allows us to highlight the role of Dionysiac representations in the process of forming the Christian identity. Through the analysis of the most important authors of Christian literature (among others Justin, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Arnobius, Firmicus Maternus and John Chrysostom) and of the most interesting figurative documents (above all mosaics and sarcophagi), this research identifies, on the one hand, the aspects, which enabled the superimposition and the reconfiguration of the Dionysian elements from a Christian point of view and, on the other hand, the modalities and instruments of approval and/or neutralization of the Dionysian images and vocabulary
Questa ricerca è dedicata all'analisi dei rapporti tra le fonti letterarie e iconografiche cristiane e le molteplici tradizioni dionisiache durante l'età imperiale (tra II e IV secolo). Il suo scopo principale è comprendere il ruolo che le tradizioni dionisiache – vale a dire l’insieme di racconti mitici, pratiche rituali e rappresentazioni iconografiche che, nei secoli, sono state costruite intorno alla figura del dio greco Dioniso – hanno giocato negli incontri dei cristiani con le religioni del mondo greco e romano. L’analisi del panorama documentario ha permesso di individuare tre modelli operativi: 1. Il riconoscimento e la negazione delle analogie tra Dioniso e Cristo; 2. L’impronta di parole e immagini dionisiache; 3. L’interpretatio di ampie tematiche dionisiache. Sulla base di questo schema è emerso un aspetto della complessità insita nelle coabitazioni e nei contatti religiosi dell’epoca imperiale, permettendo di rilevare il ruolo delle rappresentazioni dionisiache nel processo di formazione dell’identità cristiana. Attraverso l’analisi dei più importanti autori della letteratura cristiana (tra i quali Giustino, Clemente di Alessandria, Origene, Arnobio, Firmico Materno e Giovanni Crisostomo) e dei più interessanti documenti figurativi (soprattutto mosaici e sarcofagi), si sono identificati, da un lato, gli aspetti che hanno permesso la sovrapposizione e la riconfigurazione degli elementi dionisiaci dal punto di vista cristiano, e dall’altro, le modalità e gli strumenti di appropriazione e/o di neutralizzazione delle immagini e del vocabolario dionisiaco
Koumanoudis, Angélique-Marie. "Le mythe de Pan dans la littérature française et grecque des XIXe et XXe siècles." Paris 4, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA040005.
Повний текст джерелаWyler, Stéphanie. "Les perceptions du dionysisme dans la Rome républicaine depuis la deuxième guerre punique jusqu'à Auguste : étude littéraire et iconographique." Paris 10, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA100030.
Повний текст джерелаThis essay is not intended to reappraise the archetypal image of Dionysus, but, by means of a multidisciplinary approach, to sort out the interaction process between the so-called Dionysiac phenomena, taking into consideration their own contexts of production and reception in Late Republican Rome: religious, artistic, political, philosophical. The first part studies the historical evolution of Liber's cults in Rome and Italy. In second instance Dionysiac images from Pompei are analyzed to enlighten their internal system and its evolution. Third and fourth parts lead to Augustean Dionysism: the one studies literary texts, the other figurative evidence. I argue that, instead of erasing Antonius' Dionysism, Augustus developed the side which would legitimate his monarchic power, shaping it into a definitely new “Greco-Roman” system
Larran, Francis. "De kleos à phèmè : approche historique de quelques termes signifiant rumeur et renommée dans la littérature grecque ancienne, depuis Homère jusqu’à Polybe." Paris 10, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA100086.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis sets out to understand the phenomenon of rumours and public reports in the ancient Greek literature. First, it investigates the analysis of their vocabulary. The terms selected (kleos, phèmè, phatis, baxis, klèdôn, logos) are compared, their occurrences analysed to show the specificity and the history of every one of them. These analyses are completed by a study of the place of their lexical field from different authors. Then, our study aims at understanding the literary perception of their mechanisms. It focuses on their origins, then estimates how they spread into time, space and society. Moreover, it underlines hw they disappear. Finally, their thematic history is studied. Rumours and public reports match with specific periods of time. They echo the concerns of their time and their thematic unity appears on the whole literary sources. Homeric rumours and public reports will be distinguished from those dating from the beginning of the Fifth century, which combine epic inheritance with specific classical themes. From the Peloponnesian War on, they are more interested in the men able to control their passions of their reason. The affirmation of the Macedonian power constitutes another turning point in their history. Hellenistic rumours and public reports mainly deal with characters cwho behave Alexander the Great or have the same qualities
Acker, Clara. "Dionysos Mainomenos : la voix des femmes." Paris 4, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA040072.
Повний текст джерелаLafargue-Arnaud, Caroline. "Demeter et sa mère, ou Un aspect de la relation mère-fille chez Elisabeth Gaskell." Paris 4, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA040193.
Повний текст джерелаWang, Julia. "Séléné : éclipses, éclat et reflets." Thesis, Paris 10, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019PA100128.
Повний текст джерелаThe moon in the ancient Greek world is a problematic topic, for which there is no single, homogeneous definition. Nevertheless, the focus on visualness that we have chosen for our study, allows us to make out some elements of consistency and to account both for the existence of Selene as a divine figure making herself manifest in the visible world by appearing and disappearing, and for the tale of Endymion, the moon-goddess’ lover, and of his eternal sleep. Our work is divided in four parts: we first focus on the light of the moon and the visions it summons, as well as the representation of lunar eclipses; secondly, on Selene and her way of acting as a visible goddess and as a celestial eye; thirdly, on Endymion and the textual and iconographic representations of his sleep, which allows us to deal with the question of dreaming; fourthly, on the moon as a mirror and a source of reflections (eidola). The perspective that we choose to adopt is inspired by the methods of historical anthropology. We aim to shed light on structures and relations, relying on the analysis of various sources in context within a vast corpus extending from the archaic period to the end of the Roman Empire. Our goal is not to define a general “lunar mythology”, but rather to examine what the definition of the moon as a visual object might reveal
Delord, Frédéric. "Érubescences & Turgescences dans l'imaginaire shakespearien et la culture de la Renaissance." Montpellier 3, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008MON30055.
Повний текст джерелаTwo corporal manifestations which are linked with sexual desire (whether it be excessive or restrained) are particularly recurrent and puzzling in Shakespeare’s theatre: swelling and reddening. The first is often phallic, hence traditionally interpreted as bawdy, when the second is assumed to be a sign of modesty. Nevertheless, they could also be defined as equivocal and ambiguous. Besides, they tend to appear simultaneously and intertwine in texts, not only in Shakespeare’s, but in the mythological (Ovid, Virgil) and medical (Galen) sources of the plays as well. Renaissance iconography has also represented nude bodies, enhancing skin colours and textures, within both Classical and Christian contexts. But because these actions could not be performed on the Elizabethan stage (one is obscene, and the other uneasily counterfeited), they had to be replaced by other body languages
Fanguet, Alice. "L'apothéose de Dionysos dans les Dionysiaques de Nonnos de Panopolis : à qui profite l'Olympe?" Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/28110.
Повний текст джерелаBohnert, Céline. "La Fable d'Adonis en France à l'époque moderne (de la seconde moitié du XVIe à la fin du XVIIe siècle)." Paris 4, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA040182.
Повний текст джерелаAncient Fables are the public goods for the artists. In this PhD I focus on the fable of Adonis both as object for scholars and for writers. While ancient myths are seen are conveying knowledge, through allegorical interpretation, I try to make clear how in addition literature models the fable ? I study throughout the writings of mid-XVIth century to the end of the XVIIth how the different transmitters of the fable of Adonis (translators, editors and scholars) keep remodelling them. This myth, first considered as written in a coded sacred language, is turned by scholars and then by writers into an edifying fable. Adonis, whose principal source becomes more and more the Metamorphoses, is seen as no longer bringing knowledge about God, but about Nature and human beings. The modelling of the fable of Adonis through literature consists in selecting the scholars’ data, rearranging the sources and choosing different literary genres for rewriting it. Three distinct periods clearly emerge. First, the fable is reshaped by poetry through metaphors, then, in the 1620’s, by edifying narratives, finally, after 1660, by lyrical dramas and tragedies. The Adone by Marino plays a crucial part in this later metamorphose. Overall, the fable of Adonis in pre-modern France is neither empty representation, nor pure imagery or symbolic myth, but it indeed epitomizes yearnings for love and peace educated society
Stylianou, Nadia. "La grécité dans l'œuvre d'Odysseas Elytis." Montpellier 3, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009MON30103.
Повний текст джерелаThe subject of the present thesis deals with the concept of Greekness in Odysseas Elytis’oeuvre , a comlex topic, the crux of the poet’s aesthetics. The thesis begins with an approach to the evolution of the notion of Greekness throughout time. The author pinpoints the subject of Greekness as it appears in the work of Elytis’ predecessors studying the reasons that led to its hatching up in his work. The second part is devoted to an analysis of the work itself, both poems and essays regarded from the angle of their Greekness. It underlines the fact that the concept of Greekness correlates with the geophysical characteristics of Greece, above all with the quality of its light. Thanks to the mysterious influence of light the humble element is elevated and encapsulated in a divine dimension where the divine descends to the level of the tangible and the day to day life. The study also demonstrates how Elytis, without betraying tradition, attempts to revive it through unbridled means of expression. In the third part the writer establishes how recurrent metaphorical images in Elytis’ work transcend the visible rendering Greekness a contemporary spirit. Finally the research proves that the tradition of Greek humanism touches the aspiration of the universal man and that the constituent elements of the peculiarities of the Greece and the values they emanate can enhance the spirit and render it universal
Casanova-Robin, Hélène. "Diane et Actéon : fortune d'un mythe, d'Ovide à l'âge classique." Paris 4, 2000. https://www.classiques-garnier.com/numerique-bases/garnier?filename=HcrMS01.
Повний текст джерелаMichaut, Cécile. "Gémeaux, androgynes, hermaphrodites, Narcisse : unité et dualité du corps politique, 1562-1676." Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008CLF20008.
Повний текст джерелаThe double monsters (creatures with two sexes, two bodies or two heads, such as androgynes, hermaphrodites, joint Gemini) were, in the 16th and 17th centuries, notable figures because there were many them and because they raised distressing issues. The double monster is, on the one hand, a sign announcing schims and civils wars, a sick or deviant figure ; but it is also sometimes announcing reconciliation and is a symbol of concord, peace and love. This study aims at reflecting on the meaning of these double monters. Our hypothesis is that they hold a discourse of a political nature on the Other (among a corpsb or a city). But that discourse, from the first religious conflicts (1562) to the publication of The Southern Land Known by Foigny (1676), evolved. The first part of this study is devoted to the definition of the single family of myths, including Hermaphrodite, the Androgyne, Janus, the Gemini and Narcissus. It shows how, from Antiquity onwards, those figures have been questioning the relation to the other. The second part reveals how those figures have become, in the 16th and 17th centuries, the ambivalent political emblens of war as well as peace, of order as well as disorder. The third part explains how novelists and poets have concentrates on the hermaphrodite. It analyses how and why that equivocal and hunted monster became, in the 17th century, the mouthpiece of a new State that does no longer tolerate otherness, and yet needs it
Vuillet, Hélène. "Les métamorphoses d'Hermès : Motif secret et secrets d'un motif dans la tétralogie romanesque de Thomas Mann, Joseph et ses frères." Paris 4, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA040137.
Повний текст джерелаEven if his name does not appear anywhere, Hermès has his place in the novel of Thomas Mann Joseph and his brothers. But only Hermès, the Greek god, had been seen up to now. This study shows that another Hermès haunts the tetralogy, Hermès-Trismégiste, the father of the hermetic or alchemical tradition. After having revealed the presence of this other Hermès and the function of the hermetic metaphor in the framework, the analysis explores the reasons for the fascination of the author for this theme. It would appear that this one is systematically invoked in the creative imagination of the writer whenever there is a question of education. Because Joseph is the only education novel that Mann managed to write, a novel which examines all the meanings of generic designation: education of the hero, education of the reader, education of the author to the benefit of the formation of the work. Why then is the hermetic metaphor, in spite of its extraordinarily expressive quality, so discrete in this novel?
Ellinger, Pierre. "Recherches sur les "situations extrêmes" dans la mythologie d'Artemis et la pensée religieuse grecque : autour de la légende nationale phocidienne et des récits de g uerre d'anéantissement." Paris, EHESS, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988EHES0014.
Повний текст джерелаStarting from the phokian national legend which consists in a cycle of tales reporting the wars of independence of the phokians against the thessalians in the archaic age, celebrated at the phokian federal sanctuary of artemis elaphebolos in hyampolis, it is shown that the greeks of the archaic and classical periods developped a complex and systematic thinking about exceptions to their own rules of hoplitic war. When wars of annihilation threatened the very existence of peoples and cities, artemis was called to instil the boldness and the courage to face the greatest risks, to inspire the devices to win these wars which transgress every admitted limit and to make civilization triumph where it seemed doomed to sink into wildness. The pondering of the greeks about the extreme forms of war is to be placed in the larger frame of a consideration on "extreme situations" by which the city, opposing the extreme radicalism of mystic trends like orphism which branded her as the absolute evil, endeavoured to explore and draw the limits of human condition at a distance of both the worst and the impossible best. Thus conceived, this whole work is intended as a contribution to the study of the relations between myth and history
Bonfanti, Elvira. "Du neutre à l'Autre. Essai sur la pensée esthétique de Maurice Blanchot et Emanuel Lévinas." Nice, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998NICE2002.
Повний текст джерелаThis essay consists of an introduction, five chapters and a conclusion. The interpretative proposition developed in the thesis is outlined in the introduction: the fact that the dimension of remous and perte which Blanchot calls neutre and which forms one of the bases of his thought can, in many aspects, be compared to the il y a of Levinas and the blochian concept of obscurité de l'instant vecu (das dunkel des gelebten augenblicks). Chapter I, through various topoi of Blanchot's thought (le vertige du vide, le regard d'Orphée, la démesure, etc. ), outlines a profile of Blanchot's hermeneutics which has both implicit and explicit references in Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Levinas and Bloch. Chapters II and III involve a transversal interpretation of the works of Bloch and Blanchot contrasting some common themes, such as, for example: the discovery of the obscure and imaginary, in order to outline the sometimes extremely diverse conclusions. In chapters IV and V Blanchot's neutre is compared to the il y a before each representation which constitutes one of the main themes around which the philosophy of Levinas rotates. Thus, the work of art, the holy ecstasy, the impossibility of saying "i die" at the moment of death and the eros as excess become the topos in which the immanence of the presence threatens our world undermining the subject's position as a foundation of truth. Finally, in the conclusion, the restless " say" of Blanchot and Levinas that seems condemned not to be able to say anything about what it loves most, is defined as wandering knowledge, doomed to eternal self-contradiction
Alcheikh, Mohamad Andalos. "Le mysticisme du mal chez Jean Genet." Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009CLF20005.
Повний текст джерелаNancey, Quentin de Gromard Marie-Gabrielle. "Un théâtre dionysiaque. Nietzsche dans le théâtre français du XXe siècle, d'Antonin Artaud à Jean Vauthier." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015USPCA195.
Повний текст джерелаMany different french playwrights such as André Gide, Antonin Artaud, Albert Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre, Henry de Montherlant and Jean Vauthier took up Nietzsche's thoughts to impicture it onstage. If studies were made on the links between Nietzsche's thought process and french writer, noneadress the question of Nietzsche's thought in the XXth century french theatre synthetically. None theless, this tragic thought starting in «La Naissance de la tragedie» 's Dionysos and ending with «Eccehomo» keeps maintaining consubstantial links with the theatre genre. Dionisyan esthetical conceptionshows affinities with dramatic art and seems predisposed to be transposed and embodied on stage.Nietzsche's thought on art's physiology has caused a renewal of traditionnal writing for theatre for thebenefit of a living theatre, incarnated, using all the stage's ressources. Paradoxically, this nietzschean metaphysical theatre goes with assertion of body and passions. In contrast with « theatre of ideas »,some of the studied works show that Nietzsche's metaphysical theatre is above all an embodied theatre, seeking a fusion between art and life, show and reality, against Aristote’s Poetics