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Müller-Lietzkow, Jörg. "Sport im Jahr 2050: E-Sport! Oder: Ist E-Sport Sport?" merz | medien + erziehung 50, no. 6 (December 1, 2006): 102–12. http://dx.doi.org/10.21240/merz/2006.6.11.

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Die nachfolgende Untersuchung stellt sich die Frage, wie zukünftig das wettkampfmäßige Spielen von interaktiven digitalen Unterhaltungsprogrammen, also Computer- und Videospielen, in den Kanon von Medienaktivitäten einzuordnen ist. Vieles spricht dafür, von einem neuen Sport, dem E-Sport, auszugehen. Um allerdings ein Gleichheitszeichen zwischen E-Sport und Sport zu setzen, bedarf es einer entsprechenden Analyse des Ist-Standes. Anhand einer empirischen Erhebung (n = 195) sowie einer über sieben Vergleichsebenen angelegten Analyse wird eine definitorische Einordnung von E-Sport vorgenommen. Die Quintessenz an dieser Stelle ist, dass es sich bei E-Sport eindeutig um eine moderne Form von Sport handelt, die 2050, ebenso wie heute Fußball oder Tennis, ganz normal sein dürfte.
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Jha, Sonal. "From Skill to Spectacle: Sport as Commodity in the Age of Television in India." Society and Culture in South Asia 7, no. 2 (May 26, 2021): 338–58. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/23938617211014644.

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Through an examination of sports ads on television, this article attempts to analyse the process of commodification that sport in India has undergone with the advent of television in the 1980s and the economic liberalisation in 1991, which forms the context for the formation of the sport–media complex in the country. It identifies consumerism, exchange value and commodity fetishism as the key elements of commodification and analyses the ads through these categories in order to eventually establish the changes in the ideas and values about sport, which have occurred as a result of the production of sport for mass consumption.
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Rojo, Jeferson Roberto, Renato Francisco Rodrigues Marques, and Fernando Augusto Starepravo. "A Systematic Review of Research on Sport Migration." Migration & Diversity 1, no. 1 (November 19, 2022): 58–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.33182/md.v1i1.2847.

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Research on sport migration spans many disciplines and strands of inquiry, with some studies seeking to analyse the academic outputs. However, these studies sometimes are focused on certain specific contexts or offer only qualitative analysis. This present study aimed to analyse the literature on sport migration. Through a systematic review, we combined data from the articles to propose a classification of the sport migration research field. The results show that research in sport migration have focused on athletes who are mostly men, working in elite sports, and with attention to more globally practiced sports, such as football. Regarding migratory flows, they are often carried out from peripheral countries to central countries. Considering all advances in academic output on sport migration, this line of research needs to broaden, observing other dynamics involved, such as other migratory routes, groups of migrants, and social agents.
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Lenartowicz, Michał, and Anna Ciok. "Foreign players in Polish table tennis clubs: differences between sports cultures and coaches’ perception of the impact of foreign players on Polish table tennis." Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, no. 75 (December 30, 2020): 15–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.18778/0208-600x.75.02.

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The paper presents results of empirical study on elite international athletes and Polish coaches working in the Polish top table tennis clubs. It focuses on foreign players and investigated Polish the perceptions of coaches with regard to the differences between sports cultures in foreign players’ countries of origin and Poland, and their consequences for efficiency of sport training and competition results. Major research findings concerned Chinese athletes. Another issue analysed in the paper concerns on-going discussion on the limits, costs and benefits of introducing international players into national sport leagues. Based on the research results and literature review, we analyse the perceived impact of foreign players on the table tennis training system in Poland, relationships between Polish and foreign players and the role of international players in club competition. Applying qualitative research allowed the authors to present the insights and views of the investigated athletes and coaches, and to analyse problems occurring in the sport careers of international sport migrants a sport discipline that has hitherto not received much scrutiny.
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ÖZMAN, Cemal, and Serdar CEYHUN. "Avrupa Birliği Erasmus+ Sport Projelerinin Analizi ve Türkiye ile Diğer Avrupa Ülkelerinin Karşılaştırılması." Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 25, no. 3 (December 31, 2023): 517–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.15314/tsed.1362849.

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The Erasmus+ Sport project is a European initiative that aims to support various aspects of sport development and inclusion. It covers a wide range of projects focussing on different areas in the field of sport. This study aims to analyse the Erasmus+ Sport projects funded by the European Union and to compare Turkey with other European countries. In our research, a document analysis research method was used. In the first period of Erasmus+ Sport projects, 874 sports projects between 2014 and 2020 were analysed. The data were obtained from the details and results page of the projects funded under the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union Commission. As a result of the document analyses, Italy was the coordinator of the most projects with 188 projects. Spain was the coordinator in 60 projects, Croatia 47, Greece 46, Bulgaria and France 45, Slovenia 40 and Romania 35. Turkey, on the other hand, ranked 18th with 18 projects. Among the institutions applying for projects, non-governmental organisations stand out with 407 projects, followed by universities, sports federations and sports clubs. According to the years, the highest number of projects was finalised in 2020 with 465 projects. A budget of 196,936,797 euros was allocated to 874 projects in total. Turkey has received project support worth 2.068.076 euros with 18 projects from this budget.
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Berengüí, Rosendo, Francisco J. Parra-Plaza, and María Á. Castejón. "Values Scale for Positive Youth Development in Sport." European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education 14, no. 10 (September 25, 2024): 2657–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ejihpe14100175.

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Adolescence is a period of special significance for the development of personal and social values. Positive adolescent development (PYD) can be an ideal perspective from which to promote values in young people through their sports practice. The aim of the study was to adapt and analyse the measurement properties of the Values Scale for Positive Youth Development for use in the context of sport in young athletes. A total of 599 adolescents, competitors of different sports modalities, participated in the study. Confirmatory factor analysis and reliability and invariance analyses were performed. The results confirmed a good model fit, with adjustment indexes (CFI, GFI and AGFI) above 0.90 and error (RMSEA and SRMR) below 0.08. The factor loadings above 0.50 were obtained for all items. Adequate reliability of the scales was also confirmed, between 0.72 and 0.89, and gender, age and sport invariance were confirmed. In conclusion, the analysed scale is a valid and reliable instrument with adequate psychometric properties, which makes it an appropriate assessment tool to be used in sports contexts, based on the positive adolescent development approach.
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Badiane, Sidia Diaouma. "PAYSAGES NATURELS SUPPORTS DE PRATIQUESSPORTIVES : UNE ANALYSE Á PARTIR DE TROISESPACES À DAKAR (SÉNÉGAL)." Liens, revue internationale des sciences et technologies de l'éducation 1, no. 1 (December 5, 2021): 139–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.61585/pud-liens-v1n120.

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Abstract This reflection focuses on the landscape/sport binomial. Although this issue has been little documented in Senegal, it has been widely studied in other parts of the world. The contemporary practice of sport in a city like Dakar is obviously subject to the smallness of public spaces. The landscapes sought by urban athletes are therefore those that are generally open with some natural content.Three sites located in the agglomeration of Dakar were selected for this study. These were the Corniche Ouest de Dakar, the Hann Forest and Zoological Park, and Grande Niaye de Pikine (Technopôle). The analysiscombined elements of field observation and surveys of people practicing a popular sport. One hundred and fifty people (150) were interviewed about their relationship to landscapes in the practice of sport. This is necessary to appreciate the influence of landscapes in the use of these sites and the type of sport. The study showed that landscape elements such as the beach, the sea breeze, the presence of vegetation constitute the main reason for visiting these areas. A proportion of 78% of the people surveyed consider that sports contribute to the enhancement of the natural landscape. At the same time, some people think that the installations give more assets for an optimal frequentation of the athletes. Keywords: Landscapes, sports, western corniche, natural spaces, Dakar
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Pedersen, Inge Kryger. "Bagom talentbegrebet. En sociologisk analyse af forudsætninger for den excellente sportspræsentation." Dansk Sociologi 10, no. 1 (August 25, 2006): 7–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.22439/dansoc.v10i1.673.

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Beyond the concept of talent: A sociological analysis of the path to achievement of excellence in sport. This article starts with an analysis of the concept of talent, because this concept is usually employed in such a way that talent itself is indistinguishable from its effect. This obstructs any rational analysis of the actual paths to achievement that are pursued in the field of sport. An alternative concept of talent is presented, that refers to a particular kind of praxis as well as to particular conditions that must be fulfilled in order to establish and maintain a career in the sphere of elite sport. Both literature analyses and own interviews indicate that the achievement of excellence in sport is characterized by success in sustained employment and perfectionization of technique (both as regards the sport and as regards psychological techniques), by discipline in relation to all aspects of sports work (from training to arriving on time), and by attitude (training is not considered boring or mere-ly obligatory). It appears that there is nothing extra-ordinary or superhuman about the many minor acti-vities on the path to achievement of excellence. What produces the mundane state in which achievement of excellence occurs is that these activities are performed consistently and correctly under the right conditions.
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Pantaléon, Nathalie, and Gérard Bruant. "Rôle socialisateur de la pratique sportive : étude différencielle des représentations des policiers et des travailleurs sociaux." STAPS 20, no. 50 (1999): 99–112. http://dx.doi.org/10.3406/staps.1999.1151.

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Die sozialisierende Rolle des Sports : differentielle Untersuchung zu den Repräsentationen von Polizisten und Sozialarbeitern Nach den Aufständen in den Vorstädten Lyons von 1982, hat die französische Regierung eine neue Politik gegenüber der Jugend eingeschlagen : Der Bereich des Sports wird zu einem konsensuellen Ort, wo Polizisten und Sozialarbeiter, Träger unterschiedlicher professioneller Identitäten, sich um die Jugend kümmern, indem sie den Sport als Mittel der Sozialisation benutzen. Unsere Untersuchung versucht, Repräsentationen zu erfassen, die Polizisten und Sozialarbeiter vom Sport und seinem Einsatz als Erziehungs-und Sozialisations Mittel haben. Wir stellen die Flypothese auf, daß diese sozialen Repräsentationen von der Berufsgruppen Zugehörigkeit abhängt. Um sie zu testen, haben wir halboffene Interviews mit 9 Polizisten und 9 Sozialarbeitern durchgeführt, die in den Sozialisations Einrichtungen arbeiten. Unsere Analyse (mit dem Programm «Analyse der kookkurrenzen Lexeme in einfachen Aussagen eines Textes », ergänzt durch eine thematische Analyse) erlaubte es, identische Repräsentationen aufzuzeigen, was den Sport und unterschiedliche was die Modelle der Sozialisation betrifft. Die Polizisten valorisieren ein heteronomes Modell in ihren Repräsentationen von der Sozialisation durch den Sport. Die Sozialarbeiter haben Repräsentationen zweischneidiger Art : ein Sozialisationsmodell autonomen Typs, wobei sie Dimensionen totalitärer Ideologien benutzen.
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Silva, Alfredo. "The effect of sport consumption on citizens national pride and subjective well-being." SPORT TK-Revista EuroAmericana de Ciencias del Deporte 13 (April 17, 2024): 31. http://dx.doi.org/10.6018/sportk.549691.

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The objective of this study was to disentangle the relationships that exist between sporting success, sports consumption (i.e., sport participation, sport spectating and sport media viewing), national pride and subjective well-being. Data was collected from 374 respondents. Structural Equation Modelling was used to analyse the variables that were measured in accordance with previous studies. The model which centred on sports consumption showed a great explanatory capacity (73% and 43%). Sport participation was the factor with the highest impact on national pride and subjective well-being, even greater than the effects of sporting success and sport spectating. Another reason for the importance of citizens being physically active was noted. These results have managerial implications for sports policymakers and managers responsible for national teams and sport participation programmes. No evidence was found that higher levels of national pride directly affect subjective well-being.
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Batuev, Mikhail, and Leigh Robinson. "What influences organisational evolution of modern sport: the case of skateboarding." Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal 8, no. 5 (November 12, 2018): 492–510. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/sbm-10-2017-0052.

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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the processes that influence the evolution of a modern sport. It focusses on the case of international skateboarding: the sport that was recently included into the Olympic Games. Design/methodology/approach An inductive research strategy was informed by the notions of evolution of modern sport, prolympism and new institutionalism. The primary data were collected through a series of interviews and supplemented by the analysis of documents, press and social media. Findings The paper analysed how the organisation of international skateboarding has changed to date and identified three major determinants of its evolution: values of the activity, commercial interests and the Olympic movement. The following recurring discussion themes emerged: the link between commercialism and legitimisation of sport; bureaucratisation under the Olympic movement; and tensions between prolympism and values of skateboarding. Research limitations/implications A limitation of the case study method is that any conclusions refer to this particular sport and their applicability to other sports lies within analytical generalisation. Still sport governing bodies and policy makers can learn from the evolution of international skateboarding and analyse potential issues and consequences for other emerging sports. In terms of theoretical implications, the study highlights legitimisation as one the key characteristics of evolution of modern sport, which should be considered along with previously established criteria, such as bureaucratisation, commercialisation and professionalisation. Originality/value The study extends the existing research on evolution of modern sports by examining a very rich contemporary case of skateboarding, the internationally growing sport with unique organisational arrangements. It contributes to knowledge of the evolution towards legitimisation of emerging sports, but also towards sportification of popular culture and society.
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Dit Momar Talla Ndongo, Mouhamed, and Fatou Dame Loum. "LE GENRE AU PRISME DE LA TERRITORIALISATION DES POLITIQUES PUBLIQUES SPORTIVES AU SENEGAL LE PARADOXE DAKAROIS." International Journal of Advanced Research 12, no. 06 (June 30, 2024): 754–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/ijar01/18937.

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Sport is one of the pillars of public policy in Senegal, as defined in law n°84-59 on the sports charter. It is based on three pillars: mass practice, physical education and competitive sport. The consideration of sport by local authorities is a significant reality. However, the field of sport in Senegal is still marked by disparities and inequalities, both horizontal and vertical (Diatta, 2007), in all sectors in general and particularly in mass sport where inequalities are especially evident from a gender perspective. Indeed, apart from a socio-cultural heritage more or less hostile to the practice of sport, especially instituted due to the norms of hegemonic femininity, traditional and religious norms (Ndongo, 2017), it is clear that the inadequacies linked to the territorialisation of sports policies seem to constitute a significant determinant of these inequalities. This article proposes to analyse the territorialisation of sports policies from the point of view of their relationship with gender in the department of Dakar. The aim is to reflect on the means, strategies and actions mobilised to promote competitive sport among women in Senegal.
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Baraldo, Lorenzo, Andrea Battaglino, Daniele Piscitelli, Leandro Pellicciari, Eleuterio A. Sánchez-Romero, Diego Cotella, and Jorge Hugo Villafañe. "The correlation between low back pain and strength training in elite athletes: a literature review." Retos 48 (March 20, 2023): 727–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.47197/retos.v48.97449.

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This study aims to analyze the correlation between LBP and elite athletes who practice sports where strength training intervenes via weightlifting. To analyse the correlation between low back pain and athletes who practice sports where strength training programs, a narrative review was conducted by two independent author through MEDLINE database search. Inclued study’s methodology quality has been evaluated using NIH quality assessment tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional Studies. Out of 830 retrieved articles, after titles, abstracts and full text assessment, four studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the present narrative review. The NIH total score ranged from 10 to 12 points. Demographic and sport-specific factors can influence the prevalence of LBP. Our findings highlight the importance of developing future research to provide prevention programs to reduce the incidence of LBP, taking into account the demographics of athletes and the unique nature of their sport activity. Keywords: Low back pain, weight lifting, strength sport, strength training, rehabilitation, muscle injuries, correlation.
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Dziubińsk, Zbigniew, and Michał Jasny. "Sport w służbie osoby ludzkiej: stanowisko papieży wobec sportu." Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe 2021(42), no. 2 (June 30, 2021): 75–84. http://dx.doi.org/10.21852/sem.2021.2.07.

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The aim of the paper is an attempt to sum up the social teaching of popes on sport. The authors analyse the fundamental issues concerning human involvement in sport, focusing, among others, on the need for the presence of the Church in sport or on the significant role of sport in the harmonious development of young people. The following methods were used in the study: literature review, comparative, and axiological methods, as well as idiographic and nomothetic methods. The conducted analyzes show that the highest Church leaders invariably demand respect for fundamental human values, which also applies to sport, which, if properly directed, can play an important role in the process of education and promote propagation of Christian values.
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Mareš, Lukáš. "‘Good Sport’: Different Dimensions and Their Constitutive Properties From the Ontological and Moral Point of View." Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research 99, no. 1 (May 3, 2023): 27–42. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/pcssr-2023-0011.

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Abstract This paper deals with the question “What is Good Sport?”. It aims to enrich previous discussions of the issue by offering a systematic and comprehensive account of good sport, which is missing in the existing literature. The topic is analysed from the ontological and moral point of view. This project builds primarily on moral realism with an emphasis on objective moral values (Spaemann), traditional virtue ethics (Plato, Aristotle) as applied in sport (Pisk, Feezell), and the conceptions of relevant modern philosophers concerned with the ontology of sport (Suits, Fraleigh, Kretchmar, Butcher, Schneider, Jirásek, and others). I maintain that good sport involves various dimensions that need to be distinguished in order to analyse the concept properly. These are good sport as an activity, as an attitude, as an environment (culture), and as fandom. The primary task of this paper is to describe the most relevant properties of good sport in the first three dimensions, indicate their authors/supporters in the tradition of the philosophy of sport, and offer reasons why these properties are constitutive of good sport. I do not aim to analyse each property in detail, but to outline the general framework of good sport. The final classification of properties is analysed in terms of its strengths and weaknesses. I draw mainly from philosophy of sport literature written in English and from key figures in the tradition.
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Cachay, Klaus, Carmen Borggrefe, and Andreas Hoffmann. "Integration in und durch den organisierten Sport: Kommunikations- und netzwerktheoretische Überlegungen." Sport und Gesellschaft 20, no. 1 (April 1, 2023): 1–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/sug-2023-0002.

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Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag entwickelt einen theoretischen Ansatz zur Analyse von Integrationsprozessen im Kontext des organisierten Sports. Dabei wird erstens entlang kommunikationstheoretischer Überlegungen reflektiert, wie sich in innerhalb der Kommunikation zwischen Sportgruppenmitgliedern mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund eine Integration in den Sport fördern lässt. Entlang netzwerktheoretischer Überlegungen wird zweitens reflektiert, wie über soziale Netzwerke die Integration von Personen mit Migrationshintergrund durch Sport in die Gesellschaft gefördert werden kann.
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Gomez, Rui. "Sport and Globalisation: Homogenization and Differentiation." Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research 47, no. 1 (December 1, 2009): 20–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/v10141-009-0028-7.

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Sport and Globalisation: Homogenization and DifferentiationThe development of the worldwide market has motivated long-ranging consequences, not only at the level of growing economic interdependencies, but also in the globalization of cultures and lifestyles. At any of these dimensions, sport plays a role and contributes in its own particular way to globalization. Transnational organizations, worldwide events, transnational communities and transnational structures organised around the central theme of Sport provide good evidence of that phenomenon. However, the way these dimensions interrelate at a time of unorganised capitalism is based on disjuncture. Following this thesis, Appadurai (1996) has proposed an elementary scheme for the analysis of the disjuncture between the several dimensions of globalization, suggesting the notion of landscapes to underline the fluid and irregular shape of the capital flow, pertaining to both communications and lifestyles. By emphasising that globalization is intensively perceived according to, and influenced by the historical, linguistic and political contexts of the intervening players, the author deliberately focuses on the imagined worlds that help us construct those landscapes. In this paper, we will retrieve some of those theoretical leads and analyse three types of landscape in the leisure and sports contexts, in an attempt to demonstrate how their interrelation is one of disjuncture, where some dimensions promote sports homogenization while others push towards increasing differentiation. We will analyse the mediascapes (Sport as global spectacle), the technoscapes (the role of the new media and velocity in the creation of decontextualised global cognitive maps), and the ideoscapes (the role of images and the aesthetisation of the leisure sports experiences)
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Ray, Subhasis. "An Empirical Study to Analyse Indian Cricketers’ Career Progression in View of Current Cricket Explosion." Management and Labour Studies 45, no. 2 (April 24, 2020): 212–21. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0258042x20912107.

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Sports career is brief and sport career transition (SCT) is a well-researched topic to see how players deal with it. Cricket is the most popular sport in India and the game is evolving thick and fast. Cricket has become an all season sport barring rainy and snowy conditions. Plethora of options are now available to the players which includes test cricket, one day international (ODI), twenty 20 international (T20I), Indian Premier League (IPL) and similar franchise-based leagues on T20 and T10 along with first-class domestic cricket. With this deluge in cricket, it is pertinent to study career progression of cricketers. IPL, despite a brand value of US$6.3 billion, is often criticized for bringing players into limelight too soon, paving way for playing test matches and fading even sooner into oblivion being unable to cope with volume and variety of cricket. The present article analyses Indian cricketers’ career progression pattern using hierarchical clustering analysis, and it also investigates if cricketers are graduating faster from domestic to test cricket using two-sample t-test.
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Lisinskienė, Ausra, and Saulius Sukys. "COACH’S ROLE IN ENCOURAGING PARENT–CHILD EDUCATIONAL INTERACTION IN SPORTS." Global Journal of Sociology: Current Issues 6, no. 1 (April 28, 2016): 01. http://dx.doi.org/10.18844/gjs.v5i1.293.

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The research into the educational effect of sport for youths aims at finding the ways for the coaches and parents to create a positive motivational environment for young athletes. Participation of family members in youth sports has a great effect on young athlete’s development and continuation of sports activities. In this background coaches have ample opportunities to influence parent–child relations and positive development of these relations. The coach can unite parents and children through sport, encourage their collaboration, act as a moderator, mediator, and counsellor. The article analyses the coaches’ influence on parent–child interaction in sports activities, as well as prerequisites for the effectiveness of such influence.The aim of the article is to reveal the coach’s role in encouraging parent–child interaction in sport activities. Objectives of literature review: 1) Analyse the factors of coaches’ role in encouraging parent–child interaction in sport activities; 2) reveal the importance of the coach’s competence for the stimulation of parent–child interaction in sport activities. Applied research methods: scientific literature analysis and generalization. Scientific literature analysis revealed the importance of the coaches’ role in encouraging parent–child interaction in sport activities in order to create a positive motivational environment for young athletes. A more or less positive training and education strategy used by the coach, the coach’s ability to create parental interest in the child’s sport, to build and maintain positive relationships between sport participants, solve ethical and social problems arising in the sporting environment have a significant influence on parent–child interaction. The effectiveness of the coach’s influence on parent–child interaction in the sporting environment largely depends on the coach’s basic professional skills and intrapersonal competencies acquired in higher sport education institutions, through growing work experience and various professional development programmes. In terms of methodological skills and intellectual proficiencies, the importance of metacognitive competency involving a coach’s reflection and the need for self–study is highlighted along with the importance and benefit of long–term educational programmes. Key–words: sports activities, educational interactions, parents, children, coaches, competences, sports coaching degree and certificate programmes.
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Ferreira, Alcina Gaspar, Cátia Fernandes Crespo, and Cédric Mendes. "Effects of athletic performance and marketable lifestyle on consumers' engagement with sport celebrity's social media and their endorsements." International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 23, no. 2 (October 4, 2021): 259–77. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/ijsms-12-2020-0211.

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PurposeIn this study, we empirically analyse the effects of sports celebrities' image on consumers' engagement with them via social media and with their endorsed brand. In particular, we focus on the sport celebrity's athletic performance and marketable lifestyle image dimensions.Design/methodology/approachAn online consumer survey was conducted regarding sports celebrities' endorsement campaigns and consumers' ad recall. The data were analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). Moderation and mediation effects were examined, and a multigroup analysis was used to test the existence of significant differences between groups.FindingsThe motivation to engage with sports celebrities' social media platforms transcends athletic performance and is positively related with the marketable lifestyle. Sports celebrities who highly engage consumers through social media can promote stronger engagement with the endorsed brand, and this effect is positively moderated by the perceived level of congruence between the sport celebrity and the endorsed brand. The effect of the sport celebrity's marketable lifestyle on the endorsed brand is partially mediated by their social media engagement with consumers. Moreover, a multigroup analysis shows no statistically significant differences among gender and age groups.Originality/valueThis study's contribution is a better understanding of the effect of sport celebrities' image dimensions on consumers' engagement with the celebrities' social media platforms. The marketable lifestyles of celebrities are an important asset that promotes engagement with their social media platforms by consumers that in turn, raises their marketing value in terms of endorsement contracts.
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Maennig, Wolfgang. "Korruption im internationalen Sport: Ökonomische Analyse und Lösungsansätze." Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 73, no. 2 (April 2004): 263–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.3790/vjh.73.2.263.

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Simón-Piqueras, Juan Ángel, Pedro Gil-Madrona, David Zamorano-García, Miriam De La Torre-Maroto, and Juan Gregorio Fernández-Bustos. "Self-Determined Regulation, Achievement Goals and Sport Commitment in Spanish Masters Swimmers." Behavioral Sciences 13, no. 10 (October 9, 2023): 828. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/bs13100828.

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This work analyses the motivational regulation, achievement goals and sport commitment of Spanish Masters swimmers, being the first study of its kind. A total of 211 (106 women and 105 men) Masters swimmers from the Federation of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) aged between 20 and 74 participated. Each participant completed the Sport Motivation Scale (motivation regulation), the Achievement Goals Questionnaire for Sport (achievement goals) and the Sport Commitment Questionnaire (sport commitment), all validated for the Spanish population. A mixed rANOVA was performed to analyse the results, using sex and age group as covariates, and the different groupings of the sample (weekly training days, weekly training hours and practice of other sports) as between-participants factors. The results showed that the participants presented a predominantly intrinsic–integrated and identified regulation, rather than introjected and external regulation. Mastery goals were more prevalent than performance–approach and performance–avoidance goals. In addition, current sport commitment was high, being greater than future commitment. Pearson’s correlation analysis showed moderate relationships between our variables. We found no influence of either the covariates of sex and age or the grouping variables. These findings serve as the basis for further study of the motivation of Masters swimmers in Spain.
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Hoppen, Beatričė, and Saulius Šukys. "A Qualitative Investigation of Athletes’ Views on Clean Sport." Baltic Journal of Sport and Health Sciences 3, no. 130 (November 29, 2023): 4–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.33607/bjshs.v3i130.1402.

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Background. Doping is a real problem in sport and continues to be one of the most controversial topics, despite significant advancements in doping prevention. Lack of knowledge of the anti-doping regulations is one of the risk factors for doping. Currently, anti-doping education is focused on clean sport promotion. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore the views on clean sport and doping prevention among athletes from various sports. Methods. A qualitative approach was used to examine athletes’ views on clean sport. Following a purposeful sampling technique, we interviewed eight men and one woman (Mage = 24.00, SD = 2.73 years) who were competing in various sports at the national level or above in Lithuania. Reflexive thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. Results. Analysis of interview data allowed to distinguish the following three broad themes related to athletes’ views on doping education and recommendations for improving it. The research participants shared their thoughts about the concept of clean sport, possible reasons that may encourage athletes to compete in sport clean, and discussed clean sport education. Conclusion. Clean sport can be understood as cheating-free sport. Possible reasons to compete clean in sport are unwillingness to experience shame and fear of damaging health. Athletes believe that current doping prevention is ineffective. Our findings show the importance of clean sport education for young athletes, however, adult education about clean sport could be more difficult. Keywords: doping, clean sport, anti-doping education.
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Gomez Fernandez, Araceli. "Noms composés et autres phrasèmes : fonctionnement discursif dans le domaine spécialisé du sport." Roczniki Humanistyczne 69, no. 8 (October 14, 2021): 39–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.18290/rh21698-4.

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Dans cet article nous nous sommes penchés sur l’étude de mots composés et des phrasèmes en français et en espagnol dans le domaine du sport. Les études faites sur ce domaine relèvent plutôt du domaine spécifique de pratiques sportives comme le football. Mais le monde du sport est touché par d’autres disciplines (sports collectifs, individuels, de groupe) où s’imposent, à son tour, des termes nouveaux. Notre analyse a été effectué dans une perspective lexicologique, suivant les principes de la Lexicologie Explicative et Combinatoire (Mel’čuk et al. 1995), et à partir d’un corpus parallèle français-espagnol. Il provient de magazines de sport et porte sur plusieurs disciplines et domaines tels que la nutrition, la santé ou les exercices d’entraînement. Nous analysons les composés et les phrasèmes les plus représentatifs et fournissons les paraphrases auxquelles ils sont associés, et qui figurent dans les magazines. Le résultat de cette analyse nous amène à dévoiler la frontière parmi les composés et les phrasèmes.
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Eba, Amanu. "The impact of sport commitment on Sports Talent identification and Development associated factors: In the case of Oromia regional state selected sports projects." INNOVATIONS 72, no. 04 (April 15, 2023): 955–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.54882/7220237216486.

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Sport commitment such as sport involvement, sport enjoyment, personal investments-quantity, enthusiastic commitment, constrained commitment, valuable opportunities, personal investments-loss, social constraints, social support-emotional, social support-informational, desire to excel-mastery achievement and desire to excel-social achievement in sport affects sport talent identification and development. The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of sport commitment on Sports Talent identification and Development associated factors: The Case in Oromia Regional state Zones Sport Commission. In this study, concurrent mixed research design was employed. The study area covers selected Oromia Regional State zone and Oromia Special Zone surrounding Finfinne including Laga Tafo Laga Dadhi town, Sebeta town, Burayu town and Gelan town (N = 614 and n = 284). The primary sources of data were sport office experts from Zonal and towns’ Sport Commission employees, coaches, players and athletes. Independent variable was measured using Sport commitment dimensions questionnaire and dependent variable was Talent Development Environment associated factors. Data were collected via standardized questionnaires. The quantitative data gathered using questionnaires were analysed using STATA version 14, and then data were summarized using frequency and percentage. Using linear regression was used analyse impact of sport commitment on athlete’s talent identification and development. Athlete’s commitment significantly affects talent identification and development associated factors (F (1,282) = 51.62, p < 0.01, R2 = 0.155). The study concluded that project athlete’s commitment significant affected talent identification and development associated factors in selected Oromia regional state selected cities’ and towns club’s and projects. The study recommends that Oromia regional state selected cities’ and towns club’s and projects management body and coaches should develop two way communications and to create strong social network with their athletes.
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Gál, Andrea. "Elite Sport and Leisure Sport in Hungary: The Double Trouble." Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research 49, no. 1 (October 1, 2010): 72–77. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/v10141-010-0018-9.

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Elite Sport and Leisure Sport in Hungary: The Double TroubleThe main purpose of this study is to give insight into the current status of two big areas of sport in Hungary: elite sport and leisure sport. As the expression ‘double trouble’ in the title indicates, in Hungary there are several problems in both areas.Hungary is a small country, but its Olympic teams were traditionally very successful in the Games. However, at the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing, Hungarian athletes performed below expectations, winning only three gold medals. The sport's political leaders and the public were very disappointed, therefore many experts tried to analyse the main reasons for the failure. They suggested that there were four problems in the background: the continuous disintegration of the sport clubs system; the low prestige of coaches and professionals working in sport; insufficient financial support and its inadequate timing; and the deficiency of sports science and its health care background. The second trouble concerns the sporting habits of Hungarian society. The country has faced the same problem for many decades: only a very low percentage of the Hungarian population takes part regularly in leisure sport programs. The latest empirical research shows that more than 60% of Hungarians do not do sports with suitable regularity. In comparing previous research results, there are a few changes among Hungarians according to gender, age and status of residence.How can this double trouble be resolved, or at least, how could both areas be somewhat improved? In Hungary, it is not really an easy task.
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Gugutzer, Robert. "Der Sportfilm als sportsoziologischer Erkenntnisgegenstand." Sport und Gesellschaft 14, no. 3 (December 20, 2017): 221–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/sug-2017-0015.

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Zusammenfassung Die empirische Grundlage sportsoziologischer Untersuchungen sind ‚reale‘ Menschen und Institutionen, ‚reale‘ Handlungen und Strukturen, ‚reale‘ Phänomene und Probleme. Wofür sich die Sportsoziologie kaum interessiert, ist der fiktionale Sport, wie er in der Belletristik, der bildenden Kunst oder dem Spielfilm dargestellt wird. Der Beitrag kritisiert dies und vertritt die These, dass auch die literarische, künstlerische oder filmische Inszenierung des Sports sportsoziologisches Erkenntnispotenzial birgt. Am Beispiel des Sportspielfilms wird gezeigt, dass und inwiefern eine soziologische Analyse von Sportfilmen Erkenntnisse über den Sport und die Gesellschaft hervorzubringen vermag. Der Beitrag skizziert dazu erstens die Geschichte des Sportfilms aus historisch-soziologischer Perspektive, rekonstruiert zweitens die zentralen gesellschaftlichen Themen und narrativen Strukturen in Sportfilmen und präsentiert drittens eine soziologische Analyse des Olympiafilms Chariots of Fire.
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THÉBERGE, Nancy. "Sport, caractère physique et différenciation sexuelle." Sociologie et sociétés 27, no. 1 (September 30, 2002): 105–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/001790ar.

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Résumé Au début du siècle, l'adoption d'un " modèle adapté " aux femmes dans le sport a contribué à atténuer les tensions au sujet de la signification de l'activité physique des femmes et à renforcer les idées sur les " différences essentielles " entre les sexes. La lutte relative aux idéologies sexuelles et sportives se poursuit aujourd'hui. A l'augmentation des possibilités pour les femmes de pratiquer un sport, on peut opposer l'importance renouvelée accordée à des sports traditionnellement féminins. Cet article analyse en profondeur les progrès du hockey féminin. Dans ce sport, les débats au sujet du " travail du corps " indiquent que la lutte culturelle relativement au caractère physique et aux idéologies sexuelles se poursuit toujours.
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Pisà-Canyelles, Jofre, Jorge Pérez-Gómez, Antonio Castillo-Paredes, Angel Denche-Zamorano, Raquel Pastor-Cisneros, Jesús Siquier-Coll, Sabina Barrios-Fernández, and María Mendoza-Muñoz. "Adapted Sport: A Bibliometric Analysis." Retos 50 (August 23, 2023): 280–89. http://dx.doi.org/10.47197/retos.v50.99441.

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Adapted sports (AS) allows the physical activity level to increase in groups such as people with disabilities, pregnant women, children and older people. AS modifies conventional sports' formal structure to make them accessible. This study aimed to analyse the trend followed by the annual publications on this topic and identify the most productive and cited authors, journals, and countries with the highest number of publications, the most cited documents and the most used keywords. The search was conducted in the Web of Science (WoS) and traditional bibliometric laws were applied. A total of 398 documents were identified. The annual publications followed an exponential growth trend (R2=89.5%). "Influence of Adapted Sport on Quality of Life: Perceptions of Athletes with Cerebral Palsy" was the most cited document. The categories of most interest to researchers were Sports Science and Rehabilitation. The journal with the higher number of publications was Retos-Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación. The USA had the highest number of published documents (122 documents) and citations (973), leading extensive research networks worldwide. A total of 1270 authors have published on this topic, using "adapted sport", "adaptive sport", "disability, and "physical activity" as the most used keywords. Makhov (12 documents) was the most prolific co-author, and Lundberg was the most cited. Keywords: Adaptive Sport; Modified Sport; Disability; Physical Activity; Exercise.
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Shmarenkova, Nataliia. "Modern reserves of equestrian sport development in Ukraine." Scientific Herald of Uzhhorod University Series Physics, no. 55 (February 19, 2024): 2467–76. http://dx.doi.org/10.54919/physics/55.2024.246wj7.

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Relevance. Research related to equestrian sport in Ukraine is quite relevant, as this sport attracts many people not only as a sporting activity, but also as a form of active recreation and tourism. The development of this industry can contribute to the development of regional tourism and increase the attractiveness of Ukraine for tourists.Purpose. The purpose of the study is to analyse and determine the current state and prospects of equestrian sport development in Ukraine in order to identify effective strategies and reserves.Methodology. The methods used were the analytical method, statistical method, functional method, system analysis method, deduction method, synthesis method and comparison method.Results. The study analysed the current state and prospects of equestrian sport in Ukraine. The analysis was carried out using methodological support based on a universal methodology created in accordance with modern scientific approaches, namely: resource, resource-result, methodological support evaluation approach, and ecological approach. The role of equestrian sport in tourism and the country�s economy is assessed, and the current state and prospects in this direction are considered. Several strategies for the further development of this industry in Ukraine have been identified. As a result of the study, specific strategies have been proposed to increase the competitiveness of equestrian sport in Ukraine and achieve high sports results.Conclusions. The practical significance of the results obtained is to develop and implement strategies for the development of equestrian sport in Ukraine in order to improve its competitiveness, popularity, and impact on the public.
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Berengüí, Rosendo, José María López-Gullón, and Salvador Angosto. "Physical Sports Activities and Exercise Addiction during Lockdown in the Spanish Population." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 6 (March 18, 2021): 3119. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18063119.

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The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has led to the paralysis of the worldwide economy caused by the population’s lockdown to stop the virus spreading, making it difficult to do exercise. The aim of this study is to analyse the commitment to and feeling of insecurity related to practising sport, sports habits and the profile of the Spanish population during lockdown according to the level of addiction to exercise. The sample consisted of 1019 subjects with a mean age of 35 years old. The variables analysed were exercise addiction, commitment to and feeling of insecurity related to sport, and sport habits. Three groups were identified according to their addiction level to exercise: asymptomatic (n = 202), symptomatic (n = 756), and at risk of addiction (n = 61). The main results indicated that a higher addiction level was associated with a higher number of days and time spent on exercise per week. Six percent of the subjects were at addiction risk, and they had a lower feeling of insecurity towards sport. These findings provide information to governments on the need to promote physical activity programmes at home to promote adequate fitness and mental wellbeing in the population.
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Raso, Giovanni, and Domenico Cherubini. "sport tourism and regional economic development." Scientific Journal of Sport and Performance 3, no. 1 (December 12, 2023): 108–21. http://dx.doi.org/10.55860/jkwx7277.

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The main aim of this systematic review is to analyse the most recent literature regarding the relationship between sports tourism and its economic impact on a specific region. This research employed a systematic literature review methodology following PRISMA guidelines. A total of 64 relevant articles were identified through comprehensive searches across databases, resulting in the selection of 14 articles that met the established inclusion criteria for the study. The studies were analysed and synthesized to identify the key economic benefits and challenges of hosting sporting events. The review identified that sports tourism positively impacts regions by attracting tourists, creating job opportunities, and generating revenue for local businesses. Both small-scale and major sports events can potentially contribute to regional economic development. However, proper planning and management are essential to ensure that the benefits are maximized and that any negative impacts are minimized. There is need for further research to identify best practices for maximizing the economic benefits of sport tourism and to explore its potential for sustainable economic development.
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Kobiela, Filip. "Can Sport Exist Without Aggression? On a Certain Thought Experiment by Stanisław Lem." Studies in Sport Humanities 29 (December 31, 2021): 19–25. http://dx.doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0015.4458.

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The main objective of the paper is to present and analyse a thought experiment concerning the existence and specifi city of sport in a society completely devoid of aggression. The experiment comes from the novel Return from the Stars by Stanisław Lem, Polish writer and thinker. The article provides an explanation why sports, and boxing in particular, were included in Lem’s refl ections on the problem of evil and attempts to “improve the world”. Lem’s vision of sport in a society subjected to betrization – a procedure that eliminates aggression – is presented and commented on from the perspective of the contemporary philosophy of sport. The presented analysis of Lem’s considerations focuses on their relationships with currently debated issues. An illustration of this thread of considerations is tchoukball – a sport designed to minimise players’s aggression.
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Klenk, Christoffer, Markus Lang, and Dominik Schwizer. "Professionalisation of sports clubs." Current Issues in Sport Science (CISS) 8, no. 2 (February 14, 2023): 030. http://dx.doi.org/10.36950/2023.2ciss030.

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Sports clubs play a crucial role as they promote (elite) sport and physical activity and fulfill important societal functions. At the same time, sports clubs are confronted with manifold challenges related to developments in society and sport. Therefore, sports clubs tend to professionalise, a process by which sports clubs transform from volunteer-driven to increasingly business-like organisations (e.g., implement paid work, use management tools, restructure their club) to address these problems. In this symposium - an initiative of the Research Network in Sportmanagement Switzerland - the phenomena of professionalisation will be addressed from multiple perspectives by discussing the triggering causes, the transformative process, and the corresponding consequences with the overall objective of getting a more comprehensive understanding of professionalisation in sports clubs. Mrkonjic addresses good governance and professionalisation of non-profit sport clubs and Stieger et al. analyse professionalisation and its consequences for the governance of sports clubs in semi-professional team sports. Mustafi et al. focus on the transfer market for non-big five soccer clubs of Swiss Super League and Schulz et al. examine expectations of voluntary sports clubs with regard to support services of sports federations.
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Pfau, Christa. "Sporting habits of students at the University of debrecen Centre for Agricultural Sciences." Acta Agraria Debreceniensis, no. 58 (April 8, 2014): 155–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.34101/actaagrar/58/1988.

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In 2007, a new sport strategy was implemented, (XXI National Sportstrategy), which analyses the current conditions in recreational sports in Hungary and describes its developmental potentials. Additionally, last year a new concept for university sport was introduced (Hajos Alfred Program), having as its most important goal, to develop the recreational sporting activities within the universities’ environment. The latter is of high importance, as this is the last period, when, on an institutional level, we can establish and enhance the need for physical activity among young generations. In this study recreational sport is analysed in the University of Debrecen Faculty of Applied Economics and Rural Development. The purpose of the study was to analyse data on the sporting habits of the faculty students, their preference of where they like to exercise, within or outside of the university campus, and the reasons which can be found behind these preferences. Moreover, this study aimed to evaluate the service quality offered in university recreational sports. Data collection was completed on a paper based questionnaire, 42 closed-type questions were included and a total of 123 students completed it. Based on the results, college students usually complete their competitive level sport activity when they enter college and they continue this activity on a recreational level. Almost two third of them choose to exercise in places outside of the university campus. For those who choose university facilities for their recreational exercise, they do so because; it is usually cheaper and closer to access. In the service quality results we see, that females are less satisfied with teaching staff quality than males, it may be possible that females need more and more effective implementations in order for the universities to better satisfy their needs for physical activity.
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Kristiansen, Elsa, and Barrie Houlihan. "Developing young athletes: The role of private sport schools in the Norwegian sport system." International Review for the Sociology of Sport 52, no. 4 (September 30, 2015): 447–69. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1012690215607082.

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The aim of the paper is to analyse the increasingly prominent role of private sports schools in the development of elite athletes in Norway. The context for the analysis is the apparent paradox between the emergence of a network of sports schools, the most successful of which are private and require that parents pay a fee, and the social democratic values of Norway. Data were collected through a series of interviews with 35 respondents from nine stakeholder groups, including athletes, coaches, parents and sport school managers. The research describes an elite sport system that is successful in producing medal-winning athletes, but which is organisationally fragmented, uncoordinated and under-funded with regard to youth talent identification and development and susceptible to tensions between key actors. The primary analytical framework is Kingdon’s multiple streams framework augmented by path dependency theory. The findings include, a picture of an elite youth sport development system in which multiple and overlapping problems have received, at best, only partial policy solutions some of which, such as the growth of private sports schools, have emerged by default. When focusing attention on the relationship between structure and agency in the policy process it is argued that the government, through its inaction, has allowed sports schools the policy space to expand. The consequence is that the government has, whether deliberately or not, enabled the strengthening of a commercial elite youth sport development system, while still preserving its egalitarian and non-interventionist credentials.
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Augustin, Jean-Pierre. "Sports, violences et territoires." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 53, no. 150 (February 11, 2010): 369–84. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/039186ar.

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RésuméLes analyses plurielles concernant le couple sports et violences se multiplient: pour certains, le sport s’inscrit clairement dans un processus historique de domination symbolique et rituelle de la violence et de régulation de l’agressivité, alors que pour d’autres, la violence est au coeur de l’organisation territoriale des activités sportives et l’un des principaux maux dont souffrent ces activités. Mais les violences dans le sport se situent dans des territoires et la géographie, en précisant leurs localisations, leurs dimensions et leurs propriétés, permet l’étude des rapports des sociétés à leurs espaces. Cet article vise à montrer comment les violences accompagnant les pratiques sportives se situent dans des lieux spécifiques, que ce soit autour des stades, dans les stades ou dans les espaces de nature accaparés par des groupes de pratiquants. Il est à la fois un état des lieux prenant en compte diverses recherches en cours et une invitation à poursuivre les réflexions territoriales concernant le couple violences et sports. Après la présentation des interprétations historiques du phénomène considérant le sport de compétition soit comme un élément des codifications de la violence, soit comme une guerre en miniature, notre article propose une analyse des violences contemporaines autour des stades de football (soccer) et enfin une réflexion sur les affrontements territoriaux des sportifs.
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González-García, Higinio, Antonia Pelegrín Muñoz, and Alfonso Trinidad Morales. "Anger and sport successes in individual and collective sports." E-balonmano com Journal Sports Science 17, no. 1 (January 30, 2021): 85–92. http://dx.doi.org/10.17398/1885-7019.17.85.

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The aims of this study were to analyse the differences in anger levels in single and collective sports, and to know if there are any differences in anger levels depending on international successes. The study was conducted in an accidental and cross sampling, in which 366 athletes from different sports were taken (32.78% individual sports and 67.21% collective sports). In order to measure the different variables were taken, an ad hoc Sociodemographic questionnaire, the Oviedo Scale of Infrequency Response and the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory. The results of the U Mann Whitney test and linear regression showed higher anger levels in collective athletes in: temperament, external anger expression, internal anger expression and anger expression index, whereas, individual athletes had greater external control of anger. It was concluded that single athletes have lower anger levels and greater external anger control, than collective athletes. Furthermore, there are no differences in anger levels between the two distinct athlete’s groups considering the rate of sporting success.
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Göksu, Ömer Can, Selami Yüksek, Vedat Ayan, and Mehmet Şirin Güler. "The Importance of Sport in Aging Process." Journal of Education and Training Studies 7, no. 9 (June 27, 2019): 22. http://dx.doi.org/10.11114/jets.v7i9.4350.

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The goal of the current study is to investigate the effects of past and current participation in sport and exercise on physical fitness levels of the elderly.In the current study, the participants were 849 males over the age of 60 who do daily life activities independently and do not have any serious health problems. Participants in the study were divided into 4 groups; those who did sports in their youth and now; (YYOY), those who did sports in theır youth, but now don’t do it now; (YYON), those who didn’t do sports in their youth but now do; (YNOY), and those who have never done any sports; (YNON). A personal information form was used for determine their relationships with sport earlier in life and and now. The protocol of Senior Fitness Test (SFT) consisting of 6 different stations was used to determine of physical fitness levels of participants. The One Way Anova and LSD test was used to analyse variables of differences between groups according to participation in sport early in life and now and the threshold for significance level was 0.05.There was statistically significant differences between physical fitness parameters of the groups “those who did sports in their younth, but now don't" (YYON) and ““Those who didi sports in their youth and now" (YYOY), only. The groups of “those who did sports, but now don't" (YYON) and “have never done sports" (YNON) have the lowest physical fitness levels (p<0,05).Physıcal exercise in terms of sports and exercises have positive effects on physical fitness levels but if the sport is not a life style, physical fitness levels from the exercise will be lost over time. Starting from this point of view, the expression “It doesn't matter what you did yesterday, what you’re doing today matters" is extremely important in relation to exercise and sport.
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Malchrowicz-Mośko, Ewa, and Karolina Chlebosz. "Sport Spectator Consumption and Sustainable Management of Sport Event Tourism; Fan Motivation in High Performance Sport and Non-Elite Sport. A Case Study of Horseback Riding and Running: A Comparative Analysis." Sustainability 11, no. 7 (April 11, 2019): 2178. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su11072178.

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Understanding the sociodemographic characteristics and motivations of participants in contemporary sports events is important for event organizers, host cities and tourist destinations who seek to acquire rights to organise sports events of various types. It is also important to know what functions sporting events have for fans—their needs, thanks to passive sports consumption, are now being met. This research was conducted to broaden knowledge about fan motivation of participation in individual high-performance and non-elite sport and to analyse the differences between them. The case study was a running event of mass character (the 6th edition of half-marathon held in Poznań, Poland) and a horseback riding elite event (“Cavaliada”, held in Poznań, Poland). The empirical research among fans of these disciplines conducted during popular running and horseback riding Polish events allowed to characterise the sociodemographic profile of fans of individual mass and elite sports and the motivations of passive sports consumption. The motives were divided into four groups connected with social, experiential, factual and results orientation. We used a standardised interview technique and diagnostic survey method. 1328 sports fans participated in our study (510 fans of half-marathon [non-elite sport] and 818 fans of Cavaliada [high performance sport]). We developed a self-constructed questionnaire according to the motivation typology of Freyer and Gross. Research results indicate that supporters of individual mass and elite sports have thoroughly different motivations. On 14 examined motives, 13 statistically significant differences were found. Moreover, the article presents the division of motivation among female and male supporters, young people, elderly people, local (hosts) and sport tourist supporters. The research has shown what the sociopsychological impact of watching sports competition on fans of various categories is. For example, what is the motivation of sports tourists (N = 764) to participate in mass and elite sports events. We also investigated the influence of participation in sporting events in the level of life satisfaction and the impact of running and horse event in destination image (Poznań) in the opinion of supporters.
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Grigaitė-Bliūmienė, Kristina. "Values in Sports." Vilnius University Open Series 3 (December 28, 2020): 53–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.15388/sre.2020.5.

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This paper examines the concept of sports values. Values are universal as they are the axes, supporting all aspects of life. Thus, it can be stated that the participation in sport activities is also based on the axes of values. The research aim: to analyse the concept of values in sports and the experience in the education of values through sports. The research method – the analysis and review of the foreign and Lithuanian scientific literature.
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Leyk, Dieter, Nadine Hartmann, Emanuel Vits, Thomas Rüther, Stefanie Klatt, Ralf Lämmel, and Herbert Löllgen. "Health, Performance Ratings and Approachability of 50–60-Year-Old Sedentary Adults (ActIv-Study): Key Insights for Health Economy and Exercise Promotion." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 21, no. 8 (July 24, 2024): 969. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph21080969.

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Despite significant prevention efforts, the numbers of physically inactive individuals, chronic illnesses, exhaustion syndromes and sick leaves are increasing. A still unresolved problem with exercise promotion is the low participation of sedentary persons. This collective term covers heterogeneous subgroups. Their engagement with movement campaigns and resistance to change are influenced by numerous factors. Our aim was to analyse survey data on health, performance, lifestyle habits and the approachability to physical activity campaigns obtained from the Germany-wide ActIv survey. From 2888 study participants aged 50–60 years, 668 persons were categorised into the subgroups “never-athletes”, “sports-dropouts”, “always-athletes” and “sports-beginners”. Large and significant group differences were found for BMI, assessment of quality of life, health and fitness, risk factors and health problems. In total, 42.5% of “never-athletes” and 32.5% of “sports-dropouts” did not state any barriers to sport. There are substantial disparities between the non-athlete groups in terms of their motivation to exercise. In contrast, there are comparatively minor differences in motivation between “sports-dropouts” and “sports-beginners”, whose health and fitness are the primary motivators for sport. Our analyses suggest that (i) negative health and performance trends cannot be compensated for by appeals for voluntary participation in exercise programmes and (ii) powerful incentive systems are required.
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DONNELLY, Peter. "Les inégalité sociales dans le sport." Sociologie et sociétés 27, no. 1 (September 30, 2002): 91–104. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/001195ar.

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Résumé Par sa nature même, le sport produit et révèle des inégalités du point de vue des caractéristiques corporelles et des performances sportives. Du point de vue social, par contre, le sport a été considéré comme un grand niveleur. Cet article analyse la production et la reproduction des inégalités sociales dans le sport en passant en revue les idées et les recherches à ce sujet en sociologie du sport. Il considère particulièrement les inégalités dans le sport par rapport à la progression des idées depuis la thèse du reflet, en passant par celle de la reproduction jusqu'à celle de la résistance, et aussi par rapport à la progression des niveaux d'analyse, soit l'analyse catégorielle, distributive et relationnelle. En conclusion, l'article analyse certaines façons dont le sport peut lutter contre les inégalités sociales.
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NADOLU, DELIA. "Sport and public policy in Romania. Case study: Timisoara." Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity 12, Special Issue 1 (November 30, 2020): 30–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.29359/bjhpa.12.spec.iss1.04.

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The inclusion of physical activities in the weekly routine is undoubtedly a necessary condition for a healthy life. In order for sport to become a habit, it is necessary not only to have an adequate and diversified infrastructure, but also to be valued as such in the personal lifestyle. ‪TIn this article we analyse a series of official data regarding the non-practice of sports activities in Romania (EVS 2017), compared to the European situation (EHIS & ESPA 2014), with a focus on the case study of Timisoara. The expectation of the youth form Timisoara youth (2013), The Strategy for the Youth of the Timisoara Municipality (2014-2019) and the attitude toward physical activities from Public Opinion Barometers in Timisoara (2016 and 2019) were analysed comparatively.
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Stieger, Raphael, Romano Meier, Grazia Lang, and Siegfried Nagel. "Professionalisation and its consequences for the governance of sports clubs in semi-professional team sports." Current Issues in Sport Science (CISS) 8, no. 2 (February 14, 2023): 034. http://dx.doi.org/10.36950/2023.2ciss034.

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Sports clubs in semi-professional team sports professionalise their management particularly often due to expectations from internal and external stakeholders. Likely, they separate their elite section from other sections at some point during their professionalisation process. Promoting factors are the entrepreneurial risks and the high use of resources of the elite section. However, there are different approaches regarding the legal form of the separated elite section. While some sports clubs organise the elite section as a separated club, others choose a profit oriented legal form, like a limited liability company (LLC) or a stock company. Here, the following question arises: What are the consequences of the varying approaches for the governance of the sports clubs? Nagel et al. (2015) use a multi-level framework for the analysis of professionalisation in sports federations, which can be similarly used to analyse professionalisation processes in sports clubs. The framework shows, that professionalisation forms can lead to positive and negative consequences, such as changes in the governance structures. However, the chosen legal form and its (non) profit orientation leaves room for club-specific governance structures (Lang et al., 2019). This study is part of an international project on professionalisation processes of sports clubs. The research design is a case study design. It analyses two Swiss sports clubs that engage in a men’s semi-professional team sports league. Both sport clubs separated their elite and amateur sections. The volleyball club organised the elite section as a member association, just like the amateur section. The handball club chose a LLC for their elite section. Data collection consisted of three parts: documentary analysis, expert interviews with decision-makers and focus groups with club members. The data was analysed using causation coding and visualisation strategies. The results show, that the elite section of the volleyball club employed a full-time paid CEO, while the management of the handball club’s LLC relied exclusively on voluntary work. This might be explained by more financial resources of and higher demands on the international playing volleyball club. For both sports clubs, a decreasing identification of the amateur section with the elite section was a challenge at the beginning of the separation. Although both clubs believe that they have overcome this challenge thanks to joint events, the recruitment of volunteers for the elite sports is still a challenge. In conclusion, the professionalisation processes and the separation of elite and amateur sports led to changes in the governance of the sports clubs. However, the assumption that profit oriented legal forms tend to employ more paid staff could not be confirmed. Future research is needed to challenge these findings and to discover further approaches of governance structures. References Lang, G., Ströbel, T., & Nagel, S. (2019). Professionalization forms in mixed sport industries: is it time to rethink the stereotypes of non-profit and for-profit sport organizations? Managing Sport and Leisure, 24(4), 208-225. https://doi.org/10.1080/23750472.2019.1611470 Nagel, S., Schlesinger, T., Bayle, E., & Giauque, D. (2015). Professionalisation of sport federations: A multi-level framework for analysing forms, causes and consequences. European Sport Management Quarterly, 15(4), 407-433. https://doi.org/10.1080/16184742.2015.1062990
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Arnaud, Lionel. "Penser l’intégration par le sport des populations issues de l’immigration : une analyse comparée Lyon/Birmingham." STAPS 20, no. 49 (1999): 87–98. http://dx.doi.org/10.3406/staps.1999.1138.

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Dans le cadre d’un travail de doctorat, nous avons souhaité dégager ce que souhaitent faire dire au sport les concepteurs des politiques d’animation sportive qui sont conduites dans des quartiers qui abritent une forte population multiculturelle : peut-on déceler dans leurs discours une certaine conception du lien social et politique ? L’analyse d’une cinquantaine d’entretiens réalisés avec des personnes en charge de l’élaboration et de l’animation des politiques sportives dans les villes de Lyon et de Birmingham démontre que le sport est pensé selon les modèles nationaux en vigueur en matière d’intégration. A Lyon, la technique sportive, qui est la même pour tous, sert une politique républicaine indifférente aux particularismes culturels, tandis qu’à Birmingham le sport doit permettre la rencontre et le dialogue entre des communautés ethniques à qui l’on reconnaît officiellement le droit à la différence. Ces discours montrent une nouvelle fois que les usages politiques du sport varient selon les modèles nationaux. Si le sport n’est certes pas «neutre», il reste néanmoins étonnement perméable aux traditions politiques.
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Zabala-Dominguez, Olatz, Yolanda Lázaro Fernández, Isabel Rubio Florido, and Jurgi Olasagasti-Ibargoien. "Psychological Well-Being of Young Athletes with Physical Disabilities: A Systematic Review." Behavioral Sciences 14, no. 9 (September 14, 2024): 822. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/bs14090822.

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Currently, young people with disabilities practice less sport than people without disabilities, which is a risk to their health and affects their well-being. The aim of this research was to identify the specific dimensions and tools used to measure psychological well-being (PWB) in young athletes with physical disabilities and to analyze the influence of sport. A systematic review was conducted using PUBMED/MEDLINE, Web of Science, Scopus, and Sportdiscus databases, and the search was completed without limitation to any specific year, including results up to and including 29 May, 2023. A total of 2112 articles were obtained in the initial search. Eligibility criteria were: (i) athletes with a physical disability, (ii) performing adapted and non-adapted physical activity and/or sport, (iii) the study aimed to analyse well-being, and (iv) outcomes of psychological well-being variables were identified. Exclusion criteria were (i) people with injury or transient difficulty, (ii) rehabilitative physical activity, and (iii) the results did not show any psychological well-being variables or mentions. This review identified that the most used dimension was mastery of the environment, together with the autonomy. All studies showed a positive correlation between sport practice and psychological well-being. Five measurement tools were identified knowing the state of psychological well-being of young athletes with disabilities is essential to promote successful participation in sports activities.
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Duttweiler, Stefanie. "Rezension: Wer gegen wen? Eine Analyse von Klassifikationsprozessen im Sport." Freiburger Zeitschrift für GeschlechterStudien 25, no. 1-2019 (October 8, 2019): 139–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.3224/fzg.v25i1.07.

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Ngo, Mai-Anh, Laura Lemahieu, and Vance Bergeron. "Analyse juridique du décret « sport sur ordonnance » : enjeux et perspectives." Science & Sports 33 (May 2018): S12—S13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scispo.2018.03.009.

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Ruoranen, Kaisa, Christoffer Klenk, Torsten Schlesinger, Emmanuel Bayle, Josephine Clausen, David Giauque, and Siegfried Nagel. "Developing a conceptual framework to analyse professionalization in sport federations." European Journal for Sport and Society 13, no. 1 (January 2, 2016): 55–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/16138171.2016.1153881.

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