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Kapinga, Jean Bosco. "Une éthique chrétienne de la non violence : analyse des discours et des pratiques." Strasbourg, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011STRA1059.
Повний текст джерелаA christian ethics of the nonviolence is defined by a certain number of characteristic elements of the writings of New Testament, namely the sweetness, the humility, the patience, the peace, the love of the enemies and the refusal of revenge. But, all those elements are not the monopoly of the christianity, because we also meet them in other religious and in the humanisms. However, in the christianity, they fall under the evangelic ideal, i. E. They constitute the specific behavior of the christians not only for Kingdom of God, but also to live in good intelligence in the world and in the society. Our study however disconvered a fundamental data in the editiorial project of New Testament: the term "nonviolence" is there absent, because he appeared only at the beginning of the twentieth century to a period of awareness of the oppressed peoples who aspired to the independence and to the freedom. But the refusal of the violence goes back up at the first moments some creation of the world: "What have you of your brother?"(Genesis 4,10)
Harchaoui, Sarah. "Pratiques stylistiques hétérogènes : analyse et réception des discours en milieu urbain contemporain norvégien." Thesis, Paris 4, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA040182.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis provides a sociolinguistic analysis of Norwegian contemporary language practices among 41 adolescents all raised in multilingual and multicultural environments in the Eastern parts of Oslo. Based on a series of examples from the UPUS-Project (Utviklingsprosesser i urbane språkmiljø – Linguistic Development in Urban Environments), this work discusses social and individual motivations which lead speakers to use innovative lexical (including non-European loan words) and syntactic features in Norwegian. We argue that heterogeneous features do not result from a lack of language skills but rather are a part of a speech style thatspeakers activate depending on discursive settings. We also take into account the social and historical dimensions of Oslo in order to contextualize the language practices and to demonstrate how speakers during the life stage of adolescence make themselves heard on the local and global society. We suggest that this new speech style is not restricted to Oslo and adolescents speakers, but rather is a common resource for whoever wants to show solidarity toward the contemporary urban reality
Bailblé, Eric Jean-Marie. "L'Interculturalité en France : analyse diachronique des discours théoriques et étude synchronique des pratiques scolaires." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006STR20017.
Повний текст джерелаIt is the aim of a historical analysis of the cross cultural issues connected in France to state the contradictory and competing ways actors comprehend their environment. These speeches are symbolic grids upon which intersubjectivity between social and political issues, is founded. Humanistic whishes seemed so often in conflict of post-empire thinking of France. ( eg, Law of the 23 april 2005, current burning issue). When a community agrees over the final meaning of all objects and events it is faced with, it will be assumed that speeches are the shaping ground of social reality, namely multicultural issues. But what about the situations when some linguistic reviews are spreading articles to society which felt these articles as alien? How a given frame of representations can be operating within a society that is not its original enonciator? The problem of the circulation of cross cultural issue, seen as discourses of historical localisation and identificationod actorsand political groups, would thus be linked to the interplay and confrontation of conflicting realities in whose relation alterity arises. When indeed conflicting speeches of cross cultural issues and social reality of the French schooling system come into contact, a community's intersubjective of agreement sharing by linguists since seventhies is either confirmed or broken. This is what this study tries to demonstrate, supported by various archives which are located in CIEP (International Center of Pedagogical Studies) de Sèvres, close to Paris. This center is very well known in France as the main pedagogical center for teaching french as foreign language. The analysis of these archives (mainely linguistic reviews) would be the way to reach our aim, namely spotlighting facts conected to cross cultural issues in France since the last thirty years. In the second part of our study, we will spotlight cross cultural practices included into of French schooling system. Historical and synchronical analysis of cross cultural issues will be the core of this PHD
Richard, Sébastien. "Le Nanomonde des chercheurs : analyse des pratiques et des discours sur l'instrumentation en nanotechnologies." Paris 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA010559.
Повний текст джерелаKanbar, Hiam. "Théories et pratiques du texte littéraire dans l'apprentissage du français langue étrangère." Besançon, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000BESA1018.
Повний текст джерелаCHERRAD, SALAH EDDINE. "Problematique de l'amenagement de l'espace rural en algerie : analyse du discours, pratiques spatiales et perspectives." Montpellier 3, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987MON30039.
Повний текст джерелаThe algerian space has for a long time been sudjected to a vast transformation movement and more exactly of rebuilding (or reworking). The different phases which correspond globally to historical divisions (pre-colonial, colonial, and now) are referred to in speech. Thus, for each application, the retraining projet of space and the shapes resulting. From this movement it emerges many forms of organisation and structuring of the space specific to each period. One of the constants which we obsewe is a division of space : inegalitarian structure, denuded regions and equiped regions. The whole of these elements is applied in the north-east of algeria. These disparities which go back to the creation of these spaces are put to evidence by means of a series of parameters. The analysis of the accumulation spaces and of these abandoned spaces is deepened at the communal level by a sample of communes. The noticing of the desequilibrium being achieved, some scenarios are proposed. These simulations envisage nearly all possible situations at 2010 horizon
Cherrad, Salah-Eddine. "Problématique de l'aménagement de l'espace rural en Algérie analyse du discours, pratiques spatiales et perspectives /." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1988. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37603925x.
Повний текст джерелаColin, Didier. "Analyse des pratiques d'écriture dans le discours des enseignants : enjeux didactiques : analyse de déclarations d'enseignants de CM2 et de 6ème." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Orléans, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014ORLE1138.
Повний текст джерелаIn order to bring a different look on the writing practices at the transition from primary (CM2) to secondary school(6e), this thesis tests the hypothesis that what is said by teachers constitutes the conceptual framework of theirdecisions in elaborating teaching and learning situations.This thesis is based on the analysis of 19 teachers’ relationship with writing, an operational notion borrowed fromdifferent approaches presented here. This work shows that the teachers’ conceptions and opinions are an integralpart of the conditions of a good command of writing at school. Indeed, this is determinant for students to learnhow to write and reach an extended literacy.By questioning the discursive heterogeneity, this thesis reveals elements in the teachers’ discourse that are theresults of an appropriation-reformulation of the official prescriptions. Therefore, the institutional point of view isintegrated in their own statements within an agreement and consonance relationship that leaves little room for atruly didactic discourse.Finally, the process of writing-rewriting in the declared practices as well as the functions of writing, seem hiddenby a major concern focused on the language accuracy. Those elements lead to questions in terms of didactics andtraining
Colin, Didier. "Analyse des pratiques d'écriture dans le discours des enseignants : enjeux didactiques : analyse de déclarations d'enseignants de CM2 et de 6ème." Thesis, Orléans, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014ORLE1138/document.
Повний текст джерелаIn order to bring a different look on the writing practices at the transition from primary (CM2) to secondary school(6e), this thesis tests the hypothesis that what is said by teachers constitutes the conceptual framework of theirdecisions in elaborating teaching and learning situations.This thesis is based on the analysis of 19 teachers’ relationship with writing, an operational notion borrowed fromdifferent approaches presented here. This work shows that the teachers’ conceptions and opinions are an integralpart of the conditions of a good command of writing at school. Indeed, this is determinant for students to learnhow to write and reach an extended literacy.By questioning the discursive heterogeneity, this thesis reveals elements in the teachers’ discourse that are theresults of an appropriation-reformulation of the official prescriptions. Therefore, the institutional point of view isintegrated in their own statements within an agreement and consonance relationship that leaves little room for atruly didactic discourse.Finally, the process of writing-rewriting in the declared practices as well as the functions of writing, seem hiddenby a major concern focused on the language accuracy. Those elements lead to questions in terms of didactics andtraining
Le, Guern Anne-Laure. "Les écrits professionnels des formateurs d'enseignants : discours sur les pratiques et conceptions de l'écriture." Caen, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010CAEN1594.
Повний текст джерелаThis PhD research has a double frame : in one hand, the sociological and sociolinguistic studies about professionnal writing and writings at work, but also, in the other hand, the approach to writing as defined by what is called in the French-Speaking countries « didactics » of writing. This research explores teacher's trainers writing practices, ideas and discourses about writing(s) whatever they are (linear text or tables, non-linear writings, shown as posters, published or not, just made for oneself). Those teacher's trainers practices and conceptions are not present focused research questions. Yet they influence teachers' trainnees works. The corpus-stydy is based on a rank of unstructured interviews and analyse is based on ethnological current writings approach. The results show different conceptions that does not identify writing in a the same way, but display a a wide variety as to compose a grammatology of writing (handwriting, typewriting, act of writing, notes and logbook, files, accounts, plannification, writing articles, books, signature. . . ). Several worlds and several logics can be pointed out : legal logic which makes writing as an act offering guarantee and safeness; a handcraft logic which conceive writing as a melting-pot for making professionnal knowledge; an affirmative logic of of the identity by which writing is the means becoming oneself and being recognized by others; at least, an heuristic logic of the adressed writing, made for professionnal debate and publishing made for intellectual discussion. Writing can be then considered as a real analyser of men and women at work
Kapagama, Ikando Pascal. "Pratiques et discours des organisations non gouvernementales de développement (ONGD) en République démocratique du Congo : analyse critique." Thesis, Université Laval, 2006. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2006/23684/23684.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаSantana, Manoel Henrique de Melo. "Les pratiques symboliques de la Foi : une analyse discursive des mythes, des rites et des prédications de la religiosité." Thesis, Grenoble, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014GRENL016/document.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis is the result of a long time and path of religious and academic experience. The searchfield is Alagoas, since its days as a colony of Portugal to today. To reflect on the historical-religiousprocess called Popular Christianity, we took as a general object of research analyzing the symbolicpractices of faith in the myths, rites and preaching present in Popular Religiosity and itspermanence in Alagoas, covering the centuries XVI - XX. In this perspective, the objects workedin this research were the many symbolic and discursive artifacts that testify to this religiosity(documents, reports, surveys, interviews, etc.) from its European and medieval roots, until havingincorporated religious elements of indigenous and African cultures, present and alive in the stateof Alagoas. If predominantly syncretic without the official / actual control of the episcopalhierarchy, suffering the pressure of the movement of "Romanization" of the Christian faith, theeffects of so-called Brazilian Moreno Christianity will have produced favorable or unfavorableresults for the perception of missionaries and faithful of the backlands of Alagoas? Of course,syncretism is not a simple observable datum but a complex sociocultural process. In general, themethodology used to develop this work was carried out through literature review of theoreticalframeworks that study the Popular Religiosity, accompanied by documentary research in thecollection of the Historical and Geographical Institute of the State of Alagoas, in the Library ofTheo Museum Brandão and parish files; data generation and confrontation of representations ofthese discourses from the field interviews analysis, conducted on ranches and farms, on the“quilombola” and indigenous communities, where some groups of believers still experience thepopular religious practices. Therefore, these plots of mixed realities and mysteries were involvedwith enchantment and rich religious imaginary, to finally form the so-called alagoana popularreligiosity
Esta tese representa o resultado de um longo tempo e caminho de experiência religiosa e acadêmica.O campo de pesquisa é Alagoas, desde seus tempos de colônia de Portugal aos dias atuais. Pararefletir sobre o processo histórico-religioso do chamado Cristianismo Popular, tomamos comoobjeto geral de investigação a análise das práticas simbólicas da fé nos mitos, ritos e prédicaspresentes na Religiosidade Popular e sua permanência em Alagoas, abrangendo os séculos XVI –XX. Nesta perspectiva, os objetos trabalhados nesta pesquisa foram os muitos artefatos simbólicodiscursivosque testemunham essa religiosidade (documentos, relatos, pesquisas, entrevistas, etc.)desde suas raízes europeias e medievais, até ter incorporados elementos religiosos das culturasindígenas e africanas, presentes e vivas no estado de Alagoas. Se predominantemente sincrético,sem o controle oficial/real da hierarquia episcopal, sofrendo a pressão do movimento de“romanização” da fé cristã, os efeitos do chamado Cristianismo Moreno Brasileiro terão produzidoresultados favoráveis ou desfavoráveis para a percepção dos missionários e fieis do sertãoalagoano? Evidentemente, o sincretismo não é um dado observável simples, mas um processosociocultural complexo. Em linhas gerais, a metodologia utilizada para o desenvolvimento destetrabalho realizou-se por meio da pesquisa bibliográfica dos referenciais teóricos que estudam aReligiosidade Popular, acompanhada de pesquisa documental no acervo do Instituto Histórico eGeográfico do Estado de Alagoas, na Biblioteca do Museu Théo Brandão e nos arquivosparoquiais; geração de dados e confrontação de representações desses discursos a partir da análisede entrevistas de campo, realizada nos sítios e fazendas, nas comunidades quilombolas e indígenas,onde ainda alguns grupos de fieis vivenciam as práticas religiosas populares. Portanto, estas tramasmisturadas de realidades e mistérios foram envolvidas com encantamento e rico imaginárioreligioso, para, enfim, formar a chamada religiosidade católica popular alagoana
Chappet, Monique. "Pratiques de enseignants de Mathématiques : analyses des discours accompagnant la résolution d'exercices au collège." Paris 7, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA070032.
Повний текст джерелаThis doctoral thesis presents a series of observations made during problem solving exercises sessions, in secondary school, mathematics classes, with six different teachers. Its focus is more precisely the accompaniment of the students by the teachers, between the requested tasks and the actual work of the students. The analysis is based on the transcripts of the tape recordings of all the sessions. It deals with the actual course of events during the sessions. The dissertation approach is twofold. On the one hand, it relies on the results provided by didactics in order to analyse in details the tasks proposed by the teachers as well as the pattern of organised work. On the other hand, it addresses students/teachers interactions, and more specifically it focuses on the teachers' speech. .
Huybrechts, Florence. "L'écrivain mélomane, entre presse et livre (1919-1939): Pratiques, éthique et genres d'un discours sur la musique." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/260197.
Повний текст джерелаDoctorat en Langues, lettres et traductologie
André, Frédéric. "Pratiques scripturales et écriture SMS. Analyse linguistique d’un corpus de langue française." Thesis, Paris 4, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA040055.
Повний текст джерелаSince the beginning of the XXIst century, the SMS practice questions the use of traditional linguistics norms in daily writings. According to the history of writing, its rapid growth as a prefered practice in interpersonal communication refers to questions about the dissemination of any emergent practice: how people use-it? In which way does a support such as a mobile phone influence the way of spelling? Could the writings depend on the age, gender, place of residency, education level or experience of SMS? Does SMS writing have homogeneous characteristics? Is-it related to the oral language? Can it be the cradle of the evolutions of written language? By manual analysis of linguistic of more than 10,000 authentic SMS in French, from corpora collected in Belgium, Reunion Island, Switzerland, Quebec and southern France, this study shows that SMS writing is aimed at personal appropriation of the graphic code, without orthographic standard systematically suffering. It shows that SMS writing reveals everyone’s identity, in terms of their relationship to writing and ability to adapt the discourse. This research also indicates that SMS writing can sometimes present caracteristics that account for the existence of a strong link between graphic code and cognitive oralisation of a message
Fornacciari, Ilaria. "Foucault et les images : pratiques de l'image et visibilité entre analyse archéologique et irréductibilité critique." Thesis, Paris 8, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA080088/document.
Повний текст джерелаIn the framework of the present ongoing debates about the role and power of images, our work aims to explore the extent and the discontinuous characterizing the historical relations between visibilities and practices of images in the light of the research of the philosopher Michel Foucault. The first part analyzes the role of descriptions and pictorial evocations in Foucault's works which can be associated with archaeological analysis; its objective is to show the singular relation between images and the historical emergence of different “modalities of seeing” in their articulations with discursive practices. Thanks to the analysis of texts and unedited manuscripts on painting, the second part points out the discrepancies between the visual dimension of Foucauldian research and the methodological elaboration of the archaeological discourse, with its claim to disclose a field of coherence for the discursive analysis. In light of the debates between art history's methodology and philosophy in France at the time, our analysis presents this apparently marginal section of the research of Foucault as an attempt to consider the cultural dispositions of visibility and the historical configurations of visual presentation as differently articulated through historical modalities. The third part analyzes various Foucauldian experiments concerning image practices. Through the study of archival material, the political stakes of the Foucauldian reflection about pictorial modernity through the emergence of the notion of critique as attitude are presented
Furlán, Alfredo. "Curriculum et société : analyse du discours sur la planification de la pratique éducative." Paris 5, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA05H091.
Повний текст джерелаDuring the 70s, a group of American books about educational planning were largely spreaded in Latin America. They all were about what is called "instructional curriculum design". Their authors developed their propositions as a case of "scientifics neutrality". Our research shows, by the content analysis of ten books published in Spanish, how these methods of curriculum design worked models of educational practice and of power relation in the educational institution. So, they can be studied using the Habermas'concepts of "pragmatic model" and "technocratic model". These concepts explains the relation between technical knowledge and political practice
Shirkhodaei, Shima. "La traçabilité énonciative et les pratiques cinématographiques : Le cas du cinéma d'Abbas Kiarostami." Limoges, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013LIMO2001.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis, according to the Paris school semiotics methodology, intend to study the films of Abbas Kiarostami, filmmaker, photographer and poet. In the first part of the study, we take a theoretical look at the concept of enunciation under the reflexive paradigms, deictic and narratological. It can draw closer attention to the criteria of visibility or invisibility depending on wether the enunciation concept is appeared or disappeared in the filmic discourse. This leads us to propose a diagrammatic model named the enunciative traceability. The distinction between the two levels of text-practice has been emphasized in a decisive way such that the stages of immanence in a process of integration can be taking into account according to an upward hierarchy. The textualist and practice paradigms of a semiotic analysis can be highlighted trough the theoretical research on the concept of enunciation in semiotic of film. As a consequence, in the second part of this study, the cinematic practices have been considered to identify the points of articulation between the enunciative traceability and the significant practices. The distribution of the filmic object in the different domains such as creation, reading, immanent recreation and mediation allows opening a new research area on the problem of enunciation in order to achieve the plurality of enunciations gather under the term of the enunciative traceability. The third part of this study illustrates the operability of the semio-pratice model by putting the Kiarostami's films to the test. It has been done particularly by studying the reflexive or meta-reflexive management systems in the works of this author
Marignier, Noémie. "Les matérialités discursives du sexe : la construction et la déstabilisation des évidences du genre dans les discours sur les sexes atypiques." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016USPCD057/document.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis discusses how discourses on variations of sex development (intersexuality) couldsometimes produce and maintain a difference between the sexes and sometimes destabilize it.Elaborated within the field of discourse analysis, this thesis unfolds along a twofold theoreticalapproach. First, I seek to establish a dialogue between French Discourse Analysis and GenderStudies, to discuss the concepts of ideology, discursive formations and preconstruct. Secondly,addressing issues of the practices of categorisation and of construction of gender identities, thisdissertation falls within the field of the Gender & Language Studies. My analysis especiallyfocuses on how speakers use semantic, lexical, enunciative and pragmatic resources in order toproduce the meaning of sex. It led me to analyze how they create gender identities but alsohow they produce, spread and contest the ideologies of gender, by both naturalizing anddenaturalizing the sex difference. These analyses are based on a collection of medicaldiscourses (publications, children’s medical files), a collection of on-line activist discourses (fromforums and associations websites), and a collection of pornographic discourse involving atypicalsexes. Carrying qualitative analysis, the dissertation shows that the meanings of sex areunceasingly done and undone through discourses: they are produced by heteronormativity,they are affirmed or subverted by subjective positions, and they are reconfigured in thediscourses of desire
Lejot, Eve. "Regards croisés sur le multilinguisme en contexte professionnel à Hambourg : entre politiques liguistiques et usages effectifs." Thesis, Paris 3, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA030055.
Повний текст джерелаThe pre-eminent goal of the present doctoral thesis, developed under a double supervision, is to describe, to characterize and to understand better the multilingual practice in the professional sphere by crossing the German and French perspectives. The chosen fields of research are a European aviation company and the UNESCO. Both of them have in common similar linguistic characteristics: the use of English as a lingua franca, the location of a branch in Hamburg (Germany), their headquarters in France, regular communication with sites in Spanish-speaking areas as well as the offer of English, French, German and Spanish courses for their employees. The research serves a triple objective: comparing the linguistic policy rules, identifying the exact situations linked to multilingual practices in the professional field and exploring the employees’role according to the communication vector chosen. I hypothesize that, in fact, the official discourse which explicitly prescribes the use of English, leaves room for multilingual exchanges in different daily activities. To start with, the linguistic regulations are explained on the European, the state and the entrepreneurial level. Then, the research done in the professional sphere as well as the problem itself are presented. As the collection of research material is based on a triangulation which is carried out with the help of questionnaires, interviews, recordings and observations of meetings, our method requires analysing different types of discourse. Departing from the question of the surroundings which is considered in a linguistic as well as sociological respect, I pursue to establish a link between the professional stance and the linguistic practices. Apparently the multiple competences, multilingualism, polyglotism and multiple activities situations recommends a reassessment of our teaching methods for languages
Das vorrangige Anliegen dieser unter Doppelbetreuung entstandenen Dissertation ist es, diemehrsprachigen Praktiken im beruflichen Umfeld, mit Hilfe eines deutsch-franzosichenPerspektivwechsels zu beschreiben, zu charakterisieren und besser zu verstehen. Die zweigewählten Untersuchungskontexte sind ein europäisches Luftfahrtunternehmen und dieUNESCO. Beide weisen ähnliche sprachliche Merkmale auf: die Verwendung des Englischenals Verkehrssprache, die Ansiedlung einer Außenstelle in Hamburg (Deutschland), ihrejeweiligen Firmensitze in Frankreich, regelmäßiger Austausch mit Standorten inspanischsprachigen Gebieten ebenso wie das Angebot von Englisch-, Französisch-, DeutschundSpanischkursen, für ihre Mitarbeiter. Die Forschungsarbeit setzt sich drei Ziele: das vonder Sprachpolitik "Vorgeschriebene" zu vergleichen, diejenigen Situationen genau zuidentifizieren, die mit bestimmten mehrsprachigen Praktiken im beruflichen Umfeldverbunden sind, und die Rolle der Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer nach den jeweilsgewählten Kommunikationsträgern der ausfindig zu machen. Es wird die Hypotheseaufgestellt, dass der offizielle Diskurs, der ausdrücklich den Gebrauch des Englischenvorschreibt, tatsächlich Platz für mehrsprachigen Austausch bei unterschiedlichen alltäglichenTätigkeiten zulässt. Zunächst werden die sprachlichen Bestimmungen auf europäischer,staatlicher sowie auf unternehmerischer Ebene erläutert, bevor die im beruflichen Umfelddurchgeführten Forschungen und ihre Problematik vorgestellt werden. Da die Sammlung desDatenmaterials auf der Triangulation mittels Fragebogen, Interviews, Aufnahmen undBeobachtungen von Versammlungen basiert, führt sie zu einer Analyse unterschiedlichgearteter Diskurse. Ausgehend von der Frage nach dem Rahmen, der sowohl in sprachlicherals auch in soziologischer Hinsicht berücksichtigt wird, wird versucht, eine Verbindungzwischen der professionellen Haltung und den sprachlichen Praktiken herzustellen. Esscheint, als würden uns die Tatsachen der Mehrfachkompetenzen, der Mehrsprachigkeit, derVielsprachigkeit und der Mehrfachtätigkeiten Anlass geben, unsere Unterrichtsmethoden inden Sprachen noch einmal zu überdenken
Karagueuzian, Charlotte. "L'essor des Beaux-arts aux Émirats Arabes Unis : une analyse qualitative des discours et des pratiques des acteurs de l'art à Abou Dabi, Dubaï et Sharjah." Paris, EHESS, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012EHES0069.
Повний текст джерелаFine arts are of growing importance in the United Arab Emirates, as shown by the huge amount of financial transactions on artworks in Dubai and the ambitious museums’ project on Saadiyat island in Abu Dhabi. These processes, although new, are very much called into question by experts of the international art scene, who point out their exuberance and volatility. Emirati political actors and art dealers in the country are moving towards making the UAE a capital of the regional art scene. What about the local artistic community and its capacity to boost these dynamics and to build a local community in the arts which, in real terms, would be mature and creative enough to enable the development of a strong and reliable art market in the United Arab Emirates?
Précigout, Frédéric. "Les formes de peurs émergeant dans l'alimentation des sociétés occidentales contemporaines : analyse, déconstruction et reconstruction de discours et pratiques des acteurs de la filière du manger." Thesis, Tours, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011TOUR2005/document.
Повний текст джерелаWhile today the sanitary security of food is largely secured, we examine the reasons why food fears occupy such an important place in discourses by ordinary eaters, food industry professionals as well as experts. We attempt here to analyze such fear-related discourses so as to determine grounds and justifications. We defend the hypothesis that such fears should be considered as social metaphors - food revealing the expression and crystallisation of the diverse protagonists’ identity crisis.In a comprehensive perspective, we reconstruct life stories focusing on food fears then we confront them; finally we articulate them with the social and historical context they are stemming from. By deconstructing discourses, we reconstruct the intrinsic logic of such fears
Debras, Sylvie. "Lectrices au quotidien : Enquêtes de réception auprès de lectrices et lecteurs d'un quotidien régional : Analyses des discours, des pratiques et des textes." Paris 2, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA020019.
Повний текст джерелаThouroude, Vanessa. "Défis pragmatiques et représentations linguistiques dans le champ de la santé en France : analyse de la réponse institutionnelle et des pratiques alternatives en contextes hétérolingues." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Rennes 2, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024REN20008.
Повний текст джерелаHis research is based on an ethnographic survey first initiated in 2017 – through observations of medical practices and interviews with heterolingual carers and cared-for people –, as well as on an analysis of the institutional response to linguistic diversity in France, through measures in the field of health aimed at newly-arrived individuals with limited or non-French-speaking capacities. The complex (Morin, 1990) and critical (Heller, 2002) approach of this research, at the intersection between practices and policies (Duchêne, 2008), aims to : decode the political, economic and ideological processes at work in France which may legitimise or, the contrary, delegitimise speakers and their linguistic practices (Canut, Duchêne, 2011) throughout the care process ; analyse the impact - from a pragmatic point of view - of institutional shortcomings with regard to linguistic diversity in the area, both in terms of interactions between healthcare providers and patients and, more broadly, in terms of access to rights, information and healthcare ; identify ways to overcome the oppositional logic of "interpreting" and "coping" that is so predominant in discourses, by taking praxis as a starting point ; define, on the basis of the experiences in the field practices, the conditions that will ensure that what is sometimes referred to as communicative bricolage or coping is not seen – or sometimes experienced – as synonymous with "communicational illusion", and thereby enhancing the value of "coping methods" used by both carers and the cared-for, from a perspective that can be qualified as recovering their full capacity to act
Yameogo, Lassane. "Interactions des médias publics avec les champs politique et socioéconomique au Burkina Faso: Facteurs d'influence, identités et pratiques professionnelles." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/230846.
Повний текст джерелаDoctorat en Information et communication
Rançon, Julie. "Le discours explicatif de l'enseignant en classe de langue : contextes interactionnels et processus cognitifs." Phd thesis, Université Toulouse le Mirail - Toulouse II, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00523784.
Повний текст джерелаRémery, Vanessa. "Développer un discours d'expérience sur le travail : contribution à une analyse des discours et des interactions en situation d’accompagnement à la Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience." Thesis, Paris, CNAM, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015CNAM1051/document.
Повний текст джерелаAt the interface of the work, vocational training, and guidance for professional career paths, the guidance practices for Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) are based on an activity whose properties have been gradually formalized and developed, since the introduction of the legislative framework in 2002, thanks to the actors of the field themselves. While discussions are now committed at the university to create pathways to certification, such as to permit access to the profession, we believe that a thorough research on the work activity of guidance practices in Accreditation of Prior Learning may contribute to the design of training devices addressed to advisers in order to assist candidates in their preparation. Based on ethnographic observations conducted in a training organization in the field of Social Work, our data consists of audio recordings of guidance interviews between advisers and candidates. Firstly, the research focused on discourses of experience produced by candidates and advisers. We analyzed them separately from interactional context in which they are produced. From a textual, discursive and enunciative perspective, we are interested in the characteristics of the discourses of experience to understand the activity they involve from the point of view of the actors, the experiences they summon, and the fictional activity areas’ emergence (the space of educational work, the space of writing activity the APL file, the jury APL space). Then, the research focused on interactions between advisers and candidates in guidance interviews, in order to understand how the dialogical activity they underlie, contributes to the development of the candidate’s discourse of experience about his work. An analysis of the trajectories of the actors engaging in the activity shows that different dialogic configurations (educator / educator; adviser / candidate; appraiser / appraisee) take place during the dialogue between the adviser and the candidate, which are like a support for the development of candidate’s thought and discourse about his work. These dialogic configurations are manifested by voices staging that summon past experiences, expected or imagined, associated with fictional activity areas separated from the guidance situation. Because they allow the candidate to engage in fictitious dialogues by reconfiguring the places taken in the relationship, these dialogic configurations give access to interpretative movements in thought and speech of the candidate's activity, and they enable a transformation of the point of view focused on the professional activity
Nicolas, Loïc. "La rhétorique et sa critique: à la rencontre du discours et de la liberté." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/209942.
Повний текст джерелаJe m’efforce tout d’abord de montrer que, dès l’origine, la rhétorique a représenté une compétence nouvelle, mais aussi une occasion unique de dire, d’habiter et de séculariser le monde. Ma démarche consiste donc à réfléchir l’émergence de la rhétorique dans la Grèce ancienne. À ce titre, j’analyse la fonction politique, sociale, symbolique, attribuée à la parole dans cette Cité démocratique dont elle a accompagné l’invention. Parole qui s’est vue accorder une place inégalée :comme support et comme condition de l’action citoyenne. Pourtant, force est de constater que, malgré ce succès, la rhétorique a très vite été dénoncée comme un art de tromper, de mentir, de dissimuler ses lacunes. Des générations de philosophes, d’hommes d’Église ou de scientifiques se sont attachés à démonter son fonctionnement, sa dynamique, à décrier son enseignement et, finalement, à souhaiter son évincement. C’est pourquoi, je m’intéresse aux critiques qui ont été adressées à la parole rhétorique depuis l’Antiquité jusqu’au XIXe siècle. Par là, j’entends donner une vision nouvelle de cette antique « fonction » du langage, par-delà la synthèse de ses caricatures.
En outre, mon propos s’attache à mettre en lumière les lieux communs sur lesquels se fonde notre relation au discours. Dans une optique qui va d’Aristote à Perelman, je défends l’idée selon laquelle la rhétorique ne constitue pas (comme on pourrait le penser) une méthode pour apprendre à vivre ensemble dans la paix des mots, mais, avant tout, une façon de pratiquer la critique avec et contre l’autre :l’adversaire. Et ceci afin de prendre des décisions dans le monde contingent des affaires humaines. Or, c’est justement au titre de sa fonction agonistique que la rhétorique a perdu sa place et son sens dans nos démocraties. Face à cela, l’enjeu de mon travail est de mettre en évidence, après Perelman, l’existence d’une raison tout à la fois une et plurielle. En effet, la multiplicité des voies possibles, leur antagonisme, n’est pas le signe d’une raison anarchique et inconséquente, le signe d’une raison hantée par la déraison. Il s’agit, au contraire, d’une chance offerte à la raison de se mettre à l’épreuve et de risquer la liberté. Du reste, perdre cette dimension agonistique, la dénoncer, la condamner comme irrationnelle, ainsi que le font les théories normatives de l’argumentation, revient à manifester la coupure entre le langage et les ressources critiques de la rhétoriques qui permettent de faire de nos prises de parole un moyen et une ressource de l’émancipation.
Doctorat en Langues et lettres
Lemoine, Véronique. "Diversités franco-allemandes : Pratiques interculturelles et autonomisantes en didactique des langues étrangères." Thesis, Lille 3, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LIL30026.
Повний текст джерелаThe action-oriented approach which has been institutionalised by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is also called “the new methodology in the teaching and learning of languages”. It is widely used, both for official and for research purposes. This thesis aims to test and question the construction of understanding of this methodology both in France (the Educational Authority of Lille) and in Germany (Land Hessen, Land Nordrhein-Westfalen) by looking at the practices and discourses of primary school teachers (écoles élémentaires and Grundschule) through the concepts of both the intercultural and independent approaches. These notions, as well as being cornerstones constructed by and for the research, are defined by interrelation and questioned with a reflexive and critical mind-set. They are especially debated in opposition to the reifying culturalist approach. These notions strain against the official requirements and the beliefs of the teachers with whom I collaborated on this project. The research is based on the intersection of much empirical data from both France as well as Germany, for example: focus groups with teachers, observation of foreign language lessons, interviews with the teachers, literature detailing official requirements (language syllabuses) and literature detailing recommendations (the online training packages of Pairform@nce and Intel Lehren Aufbaukurs Online). The discourses, which have been placed into context, are analysed with regards to the theories of enunciation and dialogism. The thesis offers a critical perspective of comparative differentialist visions, yet allows a visualisation of the results that enhance the Franco-German diversities in order to build an understanding of the research objective
Bertoni, Pascale. "Aspects budgétaires et fiscaux : analyse d'une connexité par la confrontation du discours et de la pratique sous la cinquième république (1958-1991)." Paris 13, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992PA13A002.
Повний текст джерелаBessis, Sandrine. "Souvenir des ancêtres et histoire orale au Vanuatu. Les récits de chefferies anciennes aux îles Shepherd." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 3, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023PA030073.
Повний текст джерелаIn the middle of the 15th century, in central Vanuatu, the Kuwae volcano erupted. This cataclysm with global consequences gave rise, on a local scale, to the dislocation of a mythical island into an archipelago — the Shepherd Islands. For dozens of generations, the descendants of the pre-eruption people have been transmitting and confronting their versions of the Kuwae myth, particularly in the context of land disputes. These legitimizing discourses, endowed with a social efficacy at the very moment of their enunciation, summon a panoply of proofs, by virtue of a certain logic of historical truth. In the 1960s, it was these historico-mythical discourses from the old chiefdoms that enabled the archaeologist José Garanger to discover burials, thus corroborating the historical reliability of the oral tradition. Based on three distinct genres of discourse on the past, collected in the field in the Namakura and Nakanamanga languages, we propose to document and study the socio-historical scope of the Kuwae myth
Abou-Samra, Myriam. "Analyse d'interactions verbales dans des cours de DNL dans les écoles de l'UNWRA (Liban) : Pratiques explicatives et enseignement des disciplines scientifiques en langue étrangère." Thesis, Paris 3, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA030155.
Повний текст джерелаThis research studies explanatory discourse as it occures in CLIL classrooms. It is set in the widerfield of classrooms' interaction analysis in the context of bi- or multilingual education. The first partaims at specifying the characteristics of our field of research : in the light of existing typologies, wepresent the bilingual education system adopted by UNRWA schools in Lebanon. We will first takeinto account some sociolinguistic elements and then present our methodological approach. We thendefine explanatory discourse, considering it as a part of classroom discourse. The second part isdevoted to our data analysis. We focus on four tasks : understanding a scientific document inbiology, experiment and write a experiment report in physics and chemistry, solve an equation inmathematics. Our analysis first focuses on the issue of language and content integration, then dealswith the question of code-switching and at least studies the participation of each in the interaction
Ndoumbe, Dorothée. "Médias africains et crises sociopolitiques au Cameroun." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019AIXM0577.
Повний текст джерелаIn Cameroon today, the prevailing socio-political political crisis have brought to the forefront new forms of reporting of political and social events centred on a 'violent', 'direct' and 'blunt' description of events which sometimes justifies the suspicion that certain media companies are 'subversive'. Such media houses are 'dissident' or 'resistant' to the established order, while others support the government and are in tandem with the policies and actions of the government in place. In this light, it is clear that there is a dichotomy in the press in Cameroon between those of the public sector or state owned media and those of the private sector which are generally considered as being pro opposition. This division into two opposing camps of the press in Cameroon has the effect of transforming journalists in Cameroon from a mere 'informer' or 'transmission belt' (Rieffel, 2009) to a political actor as well. We shall analyse the media language of the different actors in the socio-political crisis as well as the motivations which constitute the basis of their actions. Our research is centred on the emergence of social issues on to the public domain, their transformation into media events and the role of the media as political actors who participate in the construction of the meaning read into socio-political events in Cameroon by the way they treat information. In other words it is about the manner in which social events are brought to the attention of the public and the manner in which they are treated by the media
Thiberge, Emmanuelle. "Le poème en prose de Max Jacob : théorie et pratique." Paris 8, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA08A003.
Повний текст джерелаHélias, Frédérique. "La poésie réunionnaise et mauricienne d'expression créole : histoire et formes." Thesis, La Réunion, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011LARE0008.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis examines the history and types of creole poetry in La Reunion and Mauritius. It proposes to summarise the emergence, elaboration, circulation and reception of a type of a polymorphous literary type which plays a vital role in the artistic creativity of the creole islands. The objective is to establish a link between those poems, regarded as innovative, and the nations (La Reunion and Mauritius) in which they are written. These nations are fundamentally shaped by this process of ‘Creolization’. In order to observe the transition to literary writing in creole, from its origins to today, the poetic forms whether thematic, enunciatively, formal, discursive or intertextual, are systematically placed in their historical and enunciative context. With works that manipulate references and links to their own island and their anthropological practice, the concepts, otherwise common, of poem, poet, writing and reader need other dynamics to be redefined
Nguedam, Deumeni Sylvie. "Du discours à la pratique des droits de la personne : pour une analyse sociologique de l'individualisme en Afrique subsaharienne : le cas du Cameroun." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/25710.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis analyzes, through the case of Cameroon, the transformations of the social link in sub-Saharan Africa, in a context where the juridico-normative modernity embodied by the universalism of human rights is transforming the social space so as to leave more room to individual choices by loosening community constraints. It is based on a qualitative research with fieldwork carried out in the city of Douala in Cameroon during which thirty life stories of men and women of twenty five years and above were collected. The analysis of the contents of these biographies reveals the complexity of the reconfiguration of the lifestyles whereby, with the advent of human rights discourses, individuals fashion original forms of individualization. These are very different from the loose autonomy that the ideology of human rights confers to the abstract notion of individual and to concepts of rationality and individualism whose universal relevance as categories of thought are taken for granted. This thesis shows how, in sub-Saharan African societies, the consciousness of human rights involving self-consciousness challenges community rules and ascribed identities. However, this does not implies the rejection of the communitarian framework, but rather the evolvement of an individual who manages to forge a place as a subject of rights within a hierarchical and constraining communitarian system. The consciousness of human rights infers a process of individualization in which the individual longing for his/her rights and for a chosen identity constantly navigates between allegiance to community rules and self-fulfillment. It is an individual who asserts himself and assumes more and more responsibility for his/her choices, but at the same time take responsibility for the future communal relationships which are essential to his/her life; because these relationships bring him/her material support, recognition and social integration. Individualization is negotiated without breaking down the dialectics between individual and society, between tradition and modernity, between the subject of the law and community subject in an environment subjected to the dynamics of a singular modernity.
Dubé, Karine. "LES CYANOBACTÉRIES AU QUÉBEC : LA PROBLÉMATISATION D'UN PHÉNOMÈNE NATUREL. Analyse des représentations sociales du risque et de la nature, des discours et des pratiques en lien avec ce phénomène au lac William, à la baie Missisquoi et au lac Roxton." Thesis, Université Laval, 2012. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2012/28864/28864.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаBois, Christian. "Réseaux et pratiques collaboratives : vers une épistémographie de la construction des savoirs en ligne. Utils pour la communauté des bâtisseurs en terre-argile crue." Toulon, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005TOUL0017.
Повний текст джерелаThe first question is about how on line knowledge documents should be organised in order to be well indexed by Google and similar search engines. The second topoi' explored is how human beings and zeug-tools (1) should be interweaved to have a good-enough production of knowledge documents. The "ideal figure" to be explored is a compound of humans and tools that would fit with the two objectives. This future oriented experiment led us to study wiiat we call "hypermodern paradigm" or best "hypermodern espisteme". The three key works for defining the way people view the world in a time after modernity and postmodernity are Michel Foucault's The order of things. , Bruno Latour's We Have Never Been Modern and Peter Sloterdijk's Spharen. Within this episteme it is possible to describe a "method for discourse production". This method is applied for the description of a practical case building a knowledge garner experiencing collaborative learning. The output of this research is made of two knowledge garner prototypes some PHP MySQL JavaScript code for the dialogue between authors and users of documents (iii) some hundreds of pages of what is called describing and clarifying interweaving of humans and zeug-tools in the collaborative process
Anciaux, Arnaud. "Réinventer l’économie du journalisme : Ouest-France et Québecor, deux essais de transformation d’une pratique discursive et des modèles d’affaires des industries médiatiques à l'ère du numérique." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014REN1G005/document.
Повний текст джерелаThe rise of journalism at an industrial scale from the XIXth century was mainly based upon the economic alliance between several interests and investments sources, and which are now challenged in the digital economy context. This research aims at contributing to a better understanding of the contemporary transformations of this practice of discursive production, together with changes taking place within media organizations as well as strategies and discourses at stake. In both France and Quebec, this research focus on two media groups, Ouest-France and Québecor, notably involved in newspapers, and confronted with digital issues since the mid-1990s. Both business models and stakeholders interests are changing, while journalism does not manage to ensure economic independence. Its subordination position is somewhat reinforced through models and apparatuses gradually rolled out. This ongoing transformation is built through both organizational changes and discourse. This doctoral research was based on cross-Empirical approaches, using document analysis within and around the two groups, as well as discourse analysis. The latter was based in particular on interviews with executives, managers and information workers. This research design and the junction of these approaches reveal that the transformation of journalism and its economy appears not as mere goal to com, but as a process already at work. By leaving some records and traces, covered by this doctoral work, this transformation builds as well upon investments and discourses
Caillaud, Helene. "Violences hagiographiques : Discours et représentations de la violence dans les sources hagiographiques de la province ecclésiastique de Sens (Ve – XIIe siècle)." Thesis, Limoges, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LIMO0115.
Повний текст джерелаWould the violence in the Middle Ages be only a question of perspective? This question is the basis for this study on hagiographical stories of violence. The analysis of discursive strategies showed a common narrative structure on what each author came to embroider his own story. But this visible simplicity hides a more complex discourse linked to social issues of their times. The lexical study has showed that the denunciation of an action as "violence" becomes a means to express illegitimacy from the point of view of the author and his community. It belongs to strategies of autolegitimization set up by the Church, in which violence is instrumentalized with the intention not only to influence behaviours of the community of faithful, but also to defend its property or to justify some reforms ongoing. Of course, the hagiographical story of violence gives us only an unilateral vision in which the motivations of the opposite camp are simply distorted or hidden. Finally, the interest on discursive strategies and on the various forms of violence reported lead us to consider writing motives of thehagiographers. Hagiography touch a very large public in various places and at various times, using several ways of communication. Reading but also listening often in a liturgical context make the hagiographical message efficient. All over this quasi universal character, hagiography becomes multifunctional as well and plays an important social role. In this way, we can say that hagiography can be seen as a weapon in hands of religious men. It allows the glorification of a past through the holyness of the community foundator or members. But it’s also a support of the instrumentalisation of conflictsbetween the lay aristocracy and religious communities
Könnte die Gewalt im Mittelalter nur eine Frage der Perspektive sein? Diese Frage ist der Anfangspunkt dieser Studie über Erzählungen der hagiographischen Gewalt. Die Diskursanalyse, auf einer systematischen Infragestellung der Berichte beruhend, hat ein gemeinsames narratives Schema gezeigt, dem jeder Autor seine eigene Geschichte hinzufügt. Dennoch verbirgt das scheinbar Einfache einen viel komplexeren Diskurs, der mit der sozialen Problematik der Epoche zusammenhängt. Die lexikalische Analyse hat nachgewiesen, daß die Stigmatisierung einer Tat als „Gewalt“ dem Autor unddessen Gemeinde als Mittel dient, die Ungesetzlichkeit der Tat hervorzuheben. So wird diese Darstellung zu einem der von der Kirche etablierten Selbstlegitimationsverfahren. In diesen Verfahren, wird die Gewaltthematik nicht nur dazu genutzt, um die Gläubigen zu beeinflussen, sondern auch um ihr Erbe zu schützen und diverse Reformen zu rechtfertigen. Selbstverständlich gibt die hagiographische Erzählung der Gewalt nur eine einseitige Sicht wieder, in der die Beweggründe der Gegner verdreht, bzw. verheimlicht werden. Schlussendlich hat die Analyse des Diskurses und seines Aufbaus eine allgemeinere Betrachtung der Ziele der hagiographischen Schriften ermöglicht. Die Hagiographie richtet sich an ein sehr breites Publikum, an verschiedenen Orten und zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten. Dazu werden verschiedene Kommunikationswege genutzt. Das Lesen sowie das Hören, in einem oft liturgischem Umfeld, verbreiten auf eine schnelle und wirksame Weise die hagiographische Botschaften. Dadurch wird die Hagiographie übergreifendund spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Gesellschaft
Monjarret, Elise. "Recherches sur le discours pamphlétaire dans la première partie du dix-septième siècle en Espagne : des conditions historiques aux pratiques discursives : étude et analyse du Discurso de las privanzas (1606-1608) de Francisco de Quevedo." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013REN20047.
Повний текст джерелаAt the crossroads of history and literature, the study of the pamphlets targeting the royal favourite in the early 17th century Spain seeks to review and contextualise a discourse of baroque outrage. In order to investigate the discursive construction of the black legend of the favourite, looking beyond the often formulaic criticism that is leveled at him, we will strive to demonstrate the aesthetic consistency of Francisco de Quevedo’s Discurso de las privanzas. Around 1608, the lettered young courtier turned this lucid and skilled pamphlet against Philip III’s flamboyant protégé, the duke of Lerma, whose exercise of royal favour shook the foundations of the Spanish monarchy. This underestimated work deploys the contextual, syncretic and paradoxical powers of baroque language, offering an ingenious response to the socio-discursive challenges that faced those discontented with the client-patron system that prevailed at Court. We propose to explore the complexity of those challenges by contrasting Quevedo’s work with other written attacks against the royal favourite that claim, likewise, to break the silence. Bringing into play the ambiguities of praise and rebuttal, the alibi of friendship and the relationship between voice, image and the written word, these texts enable us to assess the implication of this critical and unfettered discourse in the context of baroque Spain
Wlomainck, Anne. "Le Travail de fin d’études chez les éducateurs spécialisés : fonctions, tensions et enjeux." Thesis, Lille 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013LIL12021/document.
Повний текст джерелаThe students coming within the short type education in French-speaking Belgium and among others the instructors specialised in psycho-educative support are brought to produce and end year’s studies work (called TFE) which will validate their degree course. However, what is the use of a TFE in a professionalizing degree course? Does this written work really prepare the student to his future professional life and to the writing he will need to produce regularly in, for and about his practice ? The present thesis is part of the works connected with the reading and the writing in higher education (university literacy), it is part of a socio-constructivist viewpoint and it mobilizes the science of education, the analysis of the speech, the textual linguistics. It relies on questionnaires, semi-directive discussions and talks, group-focus and text analyses (perspective, students’ productions). The original intelligibility model of the TFE and the interpreting frame worked out from the concept of genre permit to initiate the complexity of the TFE, to gauge the strains of it and to question the stakes that represent such a written work for the training and the job of an educator. The educational model of the TFE writing proposed in this research could bring some practical avenues to think the TFE in other ways and enrich the initial and continuous formation programmes
Rubio, Zenil Buenaventura. "Les méthodes d'apprentissage des apprenants de langue étrangère à travers l'analyse de leurs pratiques de "réparation" dans le cours de conversations acquisitionnelles." Thesis, Paris 3, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA030100.
Повний текст джерелаThis research is based upon Conversation Analysis (CA) and integrates a sociocultural perspective. It describes the situated learning practices and conversations of a social group of people of a Self-Access Center. Based upon empirical data from audio and video recordings of exolingual conversations between French and Spanish learners with French and Spanish native speakers, the phenomenon of “repair” (Schegloff, Jefferson & Sacks, 1977) is analyzed to describe “methods” (Garfinkel, 1967) used by the participants in order to provide elements to understand the notion of learning-in-action. Some features of repair sequences are shown, as well as the orientations of one participant to the expertise of another participant. It is noticed that the speakers exhibit an identity of expert or learner, and I argue that category is a transitional and dynamic entity in the interaction where repair mechanism is an indispensable tool. I show that the repair mechanism in exolingual conversations is also a learning method used by learners. Interaction and particularly the "interaction for acquisition" is a tool that promotes L2 acquisition ("cognition in practice", Lave & Wenger, 1988; "community of practice", Wenger, 1998) and allows us to simultaneously observe the process "on line" of the appropriation of linguistic resources and the way participants resolve problems that risk intersubjectivity. I notice more generally, that learning cannot be defined a priori but it is contingent and contextual and emerges from the dynamic activities of interaction
Djiecheu, Yannick. "Cultures éducatives et traditions d’enseignement des langues officielles au Canada : Analyses de textes officiels, de manuels et de témoignages d’enseignants en Ontario et au Québec." Thesis, Paris 3, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA030017.
Повний текст джерелаStarting from the premise that practical language teaching is deeply characterized by variations,this research suppose that face to face and divergent educational and linguistic cultures canexplain these variations and their factors. Through a comparative analysis of Canadian officialtexts, textbooks and teachers’ discourses, we aim to show that divergent teaching traditionsbetween French and English as second language can appear in the discourses about secondlanguage teaching in this country. In this way, these traditions could ask the question about acommon and shared educational and teaching culture in Canada
Turc, Jean-Michel. "Territoire, identité et littérature : l'exemple de la Provence de Frédéric Mistral dans Calendal (1867)." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012AIXM3102.
Повний текст джерелаThe study of the places and people described in a literary work enables us to reveal the intensity of the relationship that links people to the place they live in. Through the concept of territory and using software for an automatic analysis of discourse, this research provides a survey of Provence as evoked by Frédéric Mistral in Calendal (1867). A conceptual environment of the country – developed from the definitions of present-time geographers –, helps us to bring out the tangible and intangible components of the provençal territory that the author wished to convey, especially in the late 18th century. In this work, special attention is given to the couples : “appropriation / territorialization” and “identity / territoriality”. From this original approach to the poem and its author, both chosen for their close links to Provence, are born new perspectives for a better understanding of the local pratices of a population attached to a place, at a given period
Rosier, Laurence. "Le discours rapporté: histoire, théories, pratiques." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 1993. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/212758.
Повний текст джерелаCoupal, Sophie. "Discours métalinguistique et pratiques d'écriture féministes." Thesis, McGill University, 2000. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=33278.
Повний текст джерелаWhile some American feminists were proposing an important reform of the language, in Quebec, a few women writers incorporated their preoccupations with language in their literary texts. These women dedicated themselves to intensive textual researches, with the intention of creating a new "women's language" that would override the patriarchal law ruling the symbolic order. The different works studied in this thesis have been chosen between those of the women most representative of feminist metalinguistic discourse in Quebec: L'Euguelionne (1976), by Louky Bersianik, L'Amer ou le chapitre effrite (1977), by Nicole Brossard, Une voix pour Odile (1978) by France Theoret and Lueur: roman archeologique (1979) by Madeleine Gagnon.
The analysis of these texts will particularly be focused on the tensions building between discursive and formal aspects of each work. We'll see if and how the metalinguistic discourse, which we can find in the texts themselves and in more theoretic articles, is manifesting itself by a radical manipulation of the language at a formal level. The variety of ways some women writers of Quebec tried to inscribe feminine experience in language can be shown as a proof of the extreme difficulty of these textual practices, which elaborate themselves through what they are desperately trying to overcome.
Julier, Irène. "Le maquillage : pratiques, discours et interprétations." Paris 7, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990PA070047.
Повний текст джерелаA socio-historical study of women's make-up in france in the xix and xxth centuries, centred on an analysis of discourses and of the gap with practices, as well as on the successive meanings of the recurrent themes these discourses have been developing. As a screen, make-up hides and discloses, shields and shows. Its interpretation is structured round such themes as being and appearing, identity quest, seduction and desire for femininity
Pestana, Nelson. "L'Etat en Angola : discours et pratiques." Montpellier 1, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002MON10068.
Повний текст джерелаBillon, Virginie. "Éclairage des modes de parler-penser l’agir professionnel d’enseignant·e·s néotitulaires au travers d’une recherche accompagnante longitudinale." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024BORD0430.
Повний текст джерелаThe aim of our research, which is essentially comprehensive, is to describe certain features of the professional development of novice teachers during the course of a mentoring scheme. It is interested in what discursive movements reveal during language interactions between peers and between peers and researchers, interactions centred on elements of their practice as well as on the theory/practice links. In our study, the analysis of practice is based on a didactic scenario relating to an independent writing workshop. The theoretical dimensions mobilised by the participants relate to the multiagenda model (Bucheton, Soulé, 2009) and the notion of gesture (professional, didactic, adjustment, study and learning). Ultimately, our results should provide input for teacher training schemes, by linking analysis of practice to contributions from disciplinary and professional didactics