Дисертації з теми "Aérodynamique des plasmas"
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Announ, Mohamed. "Lévitation aérodynamique de billes sur des jets de plasma d'argon : aspects dynamiques et thermiques." Perpignan, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PERP0242.
Повний текст джерелаDramane, Boni. "Précipitation électrostatique de particules submicroniques par décharge à barrière diélectrique : étude électrique, granulométrique et aérodynamique." Poitiers, 2009. http://theses.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/theses/2009/Dramane-Boni/2009-Dramane-Boni-These.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаIn this work, we developed a Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) in two opposite configurations of ESP. One of them is based on Wire-to-Cylinder configuration; the second is on Plate-to-Plate configuration. The first step of our analysis of the electrostatic precipitation was the evaluation of ESP collection efficiency. The results have shown that, using the DBD, we can effectively precipitate in Wire-to-Cylinder configuration as well as in Plate-to-Plate configuration (more than 99% of efficiency). The second step of the study was devoted to the characterization of the EHD flow phenomenon inside the investigated ESP, using Particle Image Velocimetry technique. The obtained results have established that the electric wind has a minimal effect on electrostatic precipitation. Outside the usual process of electric wind generation, the streamers seemed to be implicated in the precipitation process. This work is articulated around four chapters. In the first one, electrostatic precipitation is investigated as a pollution control device. The second underlines the electrical characterization of the ESP. In the third, the study of ESP performance in terms of precipitation is examined. Finally, the fourth is devoted to the characterization of the EHD flow phenomenon inside the investigated ESP
Quinio, Géraldine. "Modélisation numérique de la génération d’un plasma d’air dans un écoulement aérodynamique." Toulouse, INSA, 2005. http://eprint.insa-toulouse.fr/archive/00000445/.
Повний текст джерелаOrder to reduce the flash points in air intake of aircraft, a considered deviee consists in the partial ionisation of the air around the air intake. The aim of the thesis is to develop mathematical and numerical models in order to apprehend the main physical mechanisms which occur in the generation of air plasmas at atmospheric pressure in air flows. An asymptotic analysis of simple ionization kinetics of air flows at atmospheric pressure is first proposed. The existence of the plasma depends on the value of the flow velocity relative to a threshold value and on the existence of metastables which detach electrons from negative ions. Secondly, we were interested in the modelling of capillary discharges which allows the genera tion of a homogeneo us discharge in air at atmospheric pressure. A OD model has been made in order to understand the main physical mechanisms occurring in the discharge initiation. The numerical simulations shows the wall phenomena take an important place in the operation of the discharge. Lastly, a 2D model is developed to model a negative tip/plane corona discharge in air flows. The mode! consists of a system of non-linear convection/diffusion /reaction equations coupled with the Poisson equation. The current induced by the plasma circulation in the extemal circuit is Iinked with the potential through an ordinary differential equation in time. The numerical simulations show that when the flow velocity becomes important, a periodical formation of plasma channels carrying away by the air flow is observed
Bérard, Philippe. "Etude du vent ionique produit par décharge couronne à pression atmosphérique pour le contrôle d'écoulement aérodynamique." Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008ECAP1085.
Повний текст джерелаThe studydeals with ionic wind produced by a corona discharge created by two electrodes connected to a high voltage power supply, in the aim to understand the phenomenaof the ionic wind and the parameters that control its velocity in air at amopsheric pressure. A parametric study is realized on the gas distance, the diameter and the material of the electrodes, the voltage, its polarity, the current and the gas nature. In parallel, a 2D steady-state numerical model of the discharge and of the ionic wind is developped, solving simultaneously the Poisson equation, the continuity equations for electrons, positive ions, negative ions and the Naviers-Stokes equations. The system is closed with expressions modelling the kinetics chemistry of the discharge and the transport of charges. The simulations have been done with FLUENT and complementar modules. The measurements show that the velocity of the ionic wind depends directly of the square root of the current. The geometrical parameters modify the current-voltage characterics. The material has no influence while the gas nature modifies the evolution of the velocity vs the current. Theses results are also fund with simulations which show that the secondary electron emission is neglectable in the studied configuration and that the ion mobility is important. The comparison between the measurements in differents gases helps to estimate the predominant ions in the ionic wind phenomenon. Simulations are in good agreement with experiments
Amic, Kevin. "Oxygène atomique dans les conditions de l'environnement spatial : expériences et simulations d'une source entretenue par laser." Orléans, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006ORLE2014.
Повний текст джерелаFourmond, Cyril. "Synthèse d'oxydes par plasma : mise au point d'un réacteur plasma pour les tests de résistance aux CMAS : application à l'élaboration et la protection des barrières thermiques dans les turbines d'aéronefs." Paris 6, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA066712.
Повний текст джерелаLarricq-Fourcade, Cédric. "Étude de la pulvérisation assistée en air d'une nappe liquide et influence d'un vent ionique sur les instabilités hydrodynamiques." Toulouse, ENSAE, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006ESAE0024.
Повний текст джерелаPrazeres, Lino Da Silva Mário António. "Simulation des propriétés radiatives du plasma entourant un véhicule traversant une atmosphère planétaire à vitesse hypersonique : application à la Planète Mars." Orléans, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004ORLE2071.
Повний текст джерелаMenier, Eric. "Influence d'une décharge électrique continue sur un écoulement supersonique raréfié." Orléans, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007ORLE2072.
Повний текст джерелаBoubert, Pascal. "Méthodes spectroscopiques appliquées aux plasmas et aux milieux à haute enthalpie." Rouen, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999ROUES056.
Повний текст джерелаElias, Paul-Quentin. "Effet de plasmas sur une onde de choc dans un écoulement supersonique à Mach 3." Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007ECAP1047.
Повний текст джерелаThis work study the interaction of an on-board generated gas discharge and a M=3 supersonic airflow. For this purpose, a truncated conical model mounted with a central spike is used. The ratio Lp/D is the main geometrical parameter of the test model, where Lp and D are the spike length and the truncated section diameter, respectively. A pair of electrodes located on the model allows to generate gas discharges. The drag is also measured. At a given Reynolds number, the flowfield around the model is steady for Lp/D<0. 40, and unsteady for Lp/D>0,40. According to the flowfield state, different discharge regimes are observed. In the steady flowfield, pulsed corona, glow and arc regime are obtained, for positively and negatively biased spikes. In the unsteady flowfield, corona and arc regimes only are obtained, also in both polarities. In all cases, the drag is unchanged when turning on the discharges. When a negative corona regime with a weak input power (P<1W) is generated in a Lp/D=0,46 unsteady flowfield, we observe the stabilization of the unsteadiness. To understand this phenomenon, the negative corona discharge is modeled to quantify the couplings between the flow and the discharge. Further investigations of the Lp/D=0. 46 unsteady flowfield show that above a critical Reynolds number, the flowfield switch back to a steady regime. The transition to turbulence of the boundary layer is thought to stabilize the flow. Consequently, the following hypothesis is proposed : the pulsed corona discharges acts as a powerful narrow-band acoustic source tripping the initially laminar boundary layer, thus triggering its transition to turbulence
Gonçalves, Duarte. "Aerodynamic study of atmospheric-pressure plasma jets." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UPASP101.
Повний текст джерелаCold atmospheric pressure plasma jets (APPJs) extend plasma beyond the walls of a reactor. These versatile plasma sources produce and deliver reactive species to sensitive materials. Accordingly, APPJs have many applications in biology, medicine, chemical analysis, and material processing. APPJs are produced by the repetitive passage of ionization waves (IWs), which are guided downstream by the flow. In turn, IWs perturb the flow at each passage. Studying the aerodynamics of APPJs provides a path to understanding the plasma-flow coupling. In this work, we study a co-axial argon APPJ with varying N₂ and O₂ shielding gas mixtures through experimental approaches and computational modelling. Experiments show two discharges produced by a square pulse of applied voltage: one at the rising and another at the falling edge. Each discharge produces argon metastables, whose maximum density can be modulated by varying the fraction of O₂ in the shielding gas. Rotational and vibrational temperatures increase during the discharges, indicating fast energy transfers from electrons to heavy species. We visualize the jet through Schlieren imaging, including how a single discharge creates coherent flow perturbations. In parallel, we adapted the SPARK code, initially designed for reentry plasmas, to simulate APPJs pulse-by-pulse and across multiple pulses. Non-reactive simulations show how the reactor's geometry affects the velocity and chemical composition in single and co-axial jet flows. In agreement with experiments, plasma jet simulations show electron heating and subsequent excitation and ionization of atoms and molecules. This energy transfer to heavy species causes a fast temperature/pressure increase, altering the velocity field of the jet. These effects accumulate over multiple pulses, changing the jet and reactive species' spatial and temporal profiles. Finally, the adapted version of SPARK will be released as open-source, providing a code for temporally accurate simulations of plasmas, including flows in subsonic and hypersonic conditions
Os jatos de plasma à pressão atmosférica (JPPAs) estendem um plasma além das paredes do reator. Estes plasmas são versáteis, produzindo e transportando espécies reativas que podem ser aplicadas em materiais sensíveis. São assim usados por em várias indústrias como a biológica, médica, de análise química e de processamento de materiais. Os JPPAs são produzidos pela passagem repetitiva de ondas de ionização (OIs), que são guiadas a jusante pelo escoamento. sendo este também perturbado pelo próprio plasma. Estudar a aerodinâmica dos JPPAs fornece um caminho para entender o acoplamento plasma-escoamento. Nesta tese, estudámos um JPPA coaxial de árgon, blindado por uma mistura de N₂ e O₂, através de experiências e modelização numérica. Experimentalmente observam-se duas descargas elétricas durante cada pulso de tensão aplicada: uma na subida e outra na descida do pulso. Cada descarga produz metaestáveis de árgon, cuja densidade pode ser modulada variando a fração de O₂ no gás de blindagem. Temperaturas rotacionais e vibracionais aumentam durante as descargas, indicando uma transferência rápida de energia entre eletrões e espécies pesadas. Imagiologia de Schlieren permite-nos ver o escoamento, incluindo como uma única descarga cria perturbações coerentes no mesmo. Paralelamente, adaptamos o código SPARK, inicialmente escrito para plasmas de reentrada atmosférica, para simular APPJs ao longo de múltiplos pulsos. Simulações mostram como a geometria do reator afeta a velocidade e a composição química do escoamento em jatos simples e coaxiais. Com plasma, nota-se o aquecimento dos eletrões e subsequente excitação e ionização de átomos e moléculas. Esta transferência de energia para espécies pesadas causa um aumento de temperatura e pressão, alterando o campo de velocidade do jato. Estes efeitos acumulam-se ao longo de múltiplos pulsos, mudando o perfil espaciotemporal do jato e das espécies reativas. Por fim, a versão adaptada do SPARK-CFD será lançada em código aberto, fornecendo uma ferramenta para simulações temporalmente precisas de plasmas subsónicos e hipersónicos
Diop, Babacar. ""Développement d'un instrument de mesure basée sur la FFE (Fluorescence par Faisceau d'Electrons) pour la caractérisation d'écoulements hypersoniques de basses densités en aérodynamique de rentrée" Babacar DIOP." Phd thesis, Palaiseau, Ecole polytechnique, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/68/76/26/PDF/These_Babacar_DIOP_version_2.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаThe objective of this research was to develop a new prototype compact and miniaturized measuring instrument based on the technique of Electron Beam Fluorescence (EBF) This instrument is an electron gun for the characterization of low density hypersonic flows in flight in atmospheric reentry demonstrator. The parameters to be measured are the rotational temperature (TR), vibrational temperature (TV) and densities of species such as N2 and NO for earth atmosphere re-entry and N2, CO, CO2 for Mars atmosphere entry. The first part of this study was devoted to the design of a prototype instrument for an onboard experience. We have chosen the components with technical specifications consistent with the specifications of a typical space instrument. Qualification tests and stability of the electron beam have been achieved in a vacuum chamber with a static gas. This has allowed validating the operation of an electron gun of the order of 20 keV with a beam current of 1 mA propagating over a distance of 30 cm with low dispersion for pressures lower than mbar. The prototype was tested with different gases and mixtures to define and validate a dispersion model. Two series of measurements in wind tunnel (CNRS- MARHy and ONERA -F4 facilities) were used to validate the proper functioning of the prototype vacuum and / or flow conditions. Spectroscopic analysis was used to validate the simulation codes and inversion of spectra which can be traced back to the densities and temperatures of vibration and rotation in a freeflowing and in the presence of a shock wave. A spectroscopic analysis has validated the simulation and spectra inversion codes by the identification of most of the vibrational and rotational systems coming from electronic transitions, vibrational and rotational of different gases and associated species. It allows tracing back the densities and temperatures of vibration and rotation in a free-stream and behind a shock wave
Matéo-Vélez, Jean-Charles. "Modélisation et simulation numérique de la génération de plasma dans les décharges couronnes et de son interaction avec l'aérodynamique." Toulouse, ENSAE, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006ESAE0021.
Повний текст джерелаBourdon, Anne. "Les modélisations physiques d'un écoulement supersonique de plasma d'azote basse pression." Rouen, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995ROUES035.
Повний текст джерелаAudier, Pierre. "Etude d'une décharge à barrière diélectrique surfacique. Application au contrôle d'écoulement autour d'un profil d'aile de type NACA 0012." Phd thesis, Université d'Orléans, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00843633.
Повний текст джерелаBoucinha, Vincent. "Etude de l'écoulement induit par une décharge à barrière diélectrique surfacique : contribution au contrôle des écoulements subsoniques par actionneurs plasmas." Phd thesis, Université d'Orléans, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00501829.
Повний текст джерелаLagmich, Youssef. "Diagnostic et modélisation d'une décharge à barrière diélectrique pour le contrôle d'écoulement." Toulouse 3, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007TOU30285.
Повний текст джерелаSurface plasmas can modify the boundary layer of a flow along an airfoil. Several types of plasma actuators are being studied in different laboratories. In aerodynamic applications, these plasma actuators could be used to increase performance and reduce energy consumption, by controlling the transition between laminar and turbulent regimes, reducing drag, controlling lift and reducing noise. The advantages of plasma actuators are their simplicity and the possibility to electrically control the actuator, without moving mechanical pieces. In this work, we have focused on plasma actuators based on surface dielectric barrier discharge (DBDs). The goal was to develop self-consistent discharge models and simple experiments under controlled conditions to understand in detail the physics of the surface DBDs and of the electrohydrodynamic (EHD) force generated in these discharges. We have shown that the EHD force in surface DBDs is of the same nature as the force associated with the "ion wind" in corona discharge. Results show that the EHD force is due to the development of ion clouds generated above the dielectric surface and drifting in the large electric field. The contribution of the current peaks associated with periodic breakdown above the surface to the EHD force is negligible. Both positive and negative ions contribute to the force: positive ions during the positive part of the cycle (when the electrode above the dielectric surface is the anode), negative ions during the negative part of the cycle (cathode above the dielectric surface). The average EHD force per unit length in a surface DBD is on the order of 50 mN/m, with an efficiency of about 0. 2 mN/W. Experiments developed in this work confirm the physical description of the surface DBD provided by the model. The trends predicted by the simulation results are in excellent agreement with available experimental results
Thébault-Leborgne, Ludmila. "Analyse expérimentale d'un plasma d'argon supersonique, turbulent, basse pression." Rouen, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998ROUES058.
Повний текст джерелаLe, Quang Huy Damien. "Spectroscopic measurements of sub-and supersonic plasma flows for the investigation of atmospheric re-entry shock layer radiation." Thesis, Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014CLF22462/document.
Повний текст джерелаDuring planetary atmospheric entries, thermochemical non-equilibrium processes in the shock layer limit the reliability of aerothermal environment prediction. To improve prediction accuracy, non-equilibrium kinetic models are being developed. These models are experimentally assessed through the comparison with well characterized non-equilibrium experiments. For this purpose, the present work is dedicated to the thermodynamic characterization of non-equilibrium in high enthalpy reactive flows. Conversely to common studies that employ short duration facilities to investigate shock layer kinetics, we will assess the possibility of producing significant departure from equilibrium using radio-frequency and microwave stationary plasma flows, including supersonic plasma flows where vibrational non-equilibrium is strongly expected. Suitable spectroscopic diagnostics have been applied allowing future comparisons to be made between the microscopic description of the experiments and theoretical non-equilibrium models
Orrière, Thomas. "Confinement micrométrique des décharges pulsées nanosecondes dans l'air à pression atmosphérique et effets électro-aérodynamiques." Thesis, Poitiers, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018POIT2272/document.
Повний текст джерелаNon-thermal plasmas generated in air at atmospheric pressure have numerous potential applications due to their non-equilibrium chemistry and ease of use. Their main advantages lie in the cost-efficient production of reactive and charged species compared to that of equilibrium chemistry. The aim of this thesis is to combine nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges (NRP) with a microscale geometry. Using this combination, we seek to reduce the excessive heat release of NRP sparks, while nonetheless reaching high densities of reactive species and electrons. This work is comprised of three main parts. Our first goal is to study the breakdown phase, in which energy is deposited and charged species are produced. We employ both electrical characterization and optical emission spectroscopy in order to show that the NRP microplasma fully ionizes and dissociates the gas. The second part consists of the study of the recombination phase, in which the produced species recombine or survive. Results show that three-body recombination can explain the electron lifetime in this phase. Finally, we study the transport of plasma chemical species from the microplasma to a DC-biased conductive plate representing a substrate. By applying a voltage to this third electrode, we drive an electro-thermal plume via an ionic wind from the microplasma to the plate. This flow is investigated mainly by particle image velocimetry as well as Schlieren imaging. This work shows the capability of NRP microplasmas to produce high densities of reactive and charged species and transport them to a surface using an electrohydrodynamic plume
Broc, Alain. "Prise en compte du rayonnement dans les écoulements hyperenthalpiques." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 1998. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00547448.
Повний текст джерелаBroc, Alain. "Prise en compte du rayonnement dans les écoulements hyperenthalpiques." Phd thesis, Paris 11, 1998. https://theses.hal.science/tel-00547448.
Повний текст джерелаAstrophysics of highly non equilibrium hypersonic flows, as mass loss generator mechanism in circumstellar envelopes of evolved stars, or in circumstellar envelopes of hot or cold binary stars in interaction, find a counterpart in the applied physics and close to industrial problems related to the physics of hyperenthalpic flows of collisional plasma in shock tubes or around natural or man-made bodies entering at very high speeds in the planetary atmospheres. During atmospheric reentries, a bow shock is created at the front of the space vehicule. The plasma in the shock layer is highly collisional, and the wall heat fluxes are dominated by the radiative heat fluxes coming mainly from the continuum. It is necessary to take into account the coupling between the flow and radiation. For high Mach numbers, the plasma in the shock layer is in thermochemical and radiative nonequilibrium. Collisional (collisions between heavy particules and electronic collisions) and radiative (emission and absorption of radiation) processes have to be completely coupled. Counter to the most frequently used hypothesis, each atomic electronic level is considered as a distinct species. Collisional and radiative processes are present in the equations of species mass conservation as source terms. A radiative flux divergence term is present in the equation of total energy conservation of the gas mixing. An implicit finite volume method is used for the system of equations treatment. The calculation of numerical jacobian is necessary for the chemical source terms linearization. An atmospheric reentry calculation for a speed of 15 km/s has been performed, and shows up the plasma thermochemical nonequilibrium. A decrease of the distance between the shock and the body shows the importance of radiation on the shock layer structure
Coumar, Sandra. "Etude des mécanismes physiques induits pas un actionneur plasma appliqué au contrôle d’écoulements raréfiés super/hypersoniques dans le cadre de rentrées atmosphériques." Thesis, Orléans, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017ORLE2025/document.
Повний текст джерелаSpace missions are arousing renewed interest in these recent years. However, when coming to the entryinto the atmosphere, major issues are still to be considered. To answer this problem, a new Entry DescentLanding technique is proposed: plasma actuation to increase the drag force over the vehicle body and thus,decrease its speed. In this thesis, a plasma actuator is tested in three supersonic rarefied flows (N1(M2-8Pa), N2(M4-8Pa) and N3(M4-71Pa)) and a hypersonic one (M20-0.062Pa), all generated by the wind tunnelMARHy.The plasma actuator induces flow modifications over the studied model, such as a change in the shock waveshape and an increase in the shock wave angle. In order to better understand the phenomena governingthese modifications, Pitot pressure, surface and gas temperature, electron data and spectroscopicmeasurements were analyzed. The results shown that two types of effects are involved: thermal (bulk andsurface) and ionization. Moreover, it was demonstrated that these effects had not the same importancedepending on the flow conditions.The plasma actuator was also modified in order to improve it. In particular, two types of generators wereused to biase the cathode: DC and pulsed. Finally, it was shown that, for a discharge power of 80 W, a 13%increase in the drag force could be expected and thus, a decrease in the heat load over the model body ofmore than 25%. Therefore, plasma actuators seem to be promising applications for space missions andatmospheric entries
Yadala, Venkata Srikar. "Plasma-flow interfaces for instability control." Thesis, Poitiers, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020POIT2292.
Повний текст джерелаThe research presented in this thesis focuses on the design and use of dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma actuators with thin and complex geometry electrodes to exert instability control on two flow configurations whose dynamics are governed by primary and/or secondary instability mechanisms.The case of a three-dimensional boundary layer as encountered on a swept wing is studied using two forcing strategies to manipulate the transition induced by a stationary instability phenomenon. Here, an array of discrete roughness elements (DRE) is installed upstream of the DBD forcing in order to lock the origin and evolution of the stationary cross-flow (CF) vortices in the boundary layer. The first forcing approach is upstream flow deformation (UFD). The second approach based on direct modification of the base flow is also introduced (BFM). Independent of the forcing applied, a transition delay is observed. However, as the CF vortices are strongly amplified due to the use of DRE, the action by UFD approach can lead both to a direct attenuation of the CF vortices as envisaged but also to an unintentional action on the inflectional nature of the base flow. The BFM method results in a direct attenuation of the CF velocity component, which is also confirmed by a theoretical study of instability under the effect of the DBD actuator through a simplified model. This is not only the first experimental demonstration of transition delay on a swept wing using plasma actuators, but also the first experimental proof of concept of the BFM strategy.The wake of a plane mixed layer with a thick edge and the primary and secondary instability phenomena responsible for the spatio-temporal expansion of the wake are also studied. Frequency and then spatial forcing conditions are successively tested and analysed by spectral approach (spectral proper orthogonal decomposition, SPOD) on experimental data from multi-field time-resolved particle image velocimetry. The primary instability is excited by a spatially uniform forcing pulsed at the naturally most amplified frequency. It is shown that the mean component of the flow is not modified while the spectral content of the mixing layer is largely affected. This forcing leads, in particular, to the inhibition of the pairing of vortical structures due to the attenuation of sub-harmonic instabilities. Conversely, direct forcing of sub-harmonic instabilities results in a reinforcement of the pairing phenomena, leading to a higher growth rate of the mixing layer. Finally, spatially modulated forcing results in a growth that varies according to the spanwise position, which reflects both the reinforcement and the spatial modulation of large-scale spanwise structures. The modulation of the forcing according to the scale of the mixing layer always allows the modification of the spanwise structures but in addition, the coalescence of the streamwise and spanwise structures is favoured.The research work carried out confirms the ability of DBD plasma actuators to exert a forcing modulated both temporally and spatially. The proposed actuators allow only a partial control of the instability phenomena in the three-dimensional boundary layer while the high receptivity of the initial region of a mixing layer has led to significant results both on the dynamics of spanwise and streamwise coherent structures. Thanks to a large reduction of the electrical power consumed in the case of spatially modulated forcing, the efficiency of the control system is greatly improved
Magnier, Pierre. "Etude expérimentale du contrôle d'écoulements aérodynamiques subsoniques par action de plasmas froids surfaciques à pression atmosphérique." Phd thesis, Université d'Orléans, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00264817.
Повний текст джерелаLamet, Jean-Michel. "Transferts radiatifs dans les écoulements hypersoniques de rentrée atmosphérique terrestre." Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale Paris, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00453309.
Повний текст джерелаBayoda, Kossi Djidula. "Propriétés électriques, optiques et mécaniques d'une décharge de surface à barrière diélectrique nanoseconde pulsée. Application à la mesure de vitesse pariétale et au contrôle des écoulements aérodynamiques." Thesis, Poitiers, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016POIT2319/document.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis aims to study new design of nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharge in 3 electrodes configuration: the sliding discharge (SL-DBD), to compare it to the conventional nanosecond DBD in 2 electrodes geometry (NS-DBD) and to show also its capacity to be used as a friction velocity or wall shear stress sensor and to be used as electromechanical actuator for flow control.In its first part, the electrical properties of these two discharges are characterized and point out the key parameter governing the transition of one regime to another. The visualizations with an intensified camera confirm this transition when the mean electric field increases over 6.5 kV/cm. Therefore they extend further and cover the inter-electrode gap. Mechanical diagnostics (Schlieren and pressure measurements) characterize the pressure wave generated by these discharges. In the second part, the electrical characterization of the SL-DBD under flow conditions shows that the courant « collected » by the third electrode is almost proportional to the wall flow velocity. However, even if other studies needed to be performed, these encouraging results reveal the ability of the SL-DBD to be used as a friction velocity or a wall shear stress sensor. Finally, the third part is addressed to the effect of the SL-DBD on aerodynamics flows in order to manipulate them. Several configurations are studied (airfoil, backward facing step, flat plate) and the results have shown the complexity of the physicals phenomena governing the control authority, without being able to fully explain them
Ranchy, Éric. "Etude des modes de transfert thermique dans les dépôts céramiques projetés par plasma." Paris 10, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA100105.
Повний текст джерелаPréauchat, Boris. "Élaboration et caractérisation de barrières thermiques à base de zircone obtenues par dépôt chimique en phase vapeur assisté par un plasma micro-ondes : mise au point du procédé, propriétés physiques et stabilité des revêtements vis-à-vis du vieillissement thermique." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2001. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/INPL_T_2001_PREAUCHAT_B.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаA reactor for manufacturing zirconia-based thermal barrier coatings by microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition has been optimised. Deposition rates higher than 250 μm/h have been achieved (on 20 mm diameter plane substrates). A new evaporation and gas injection deviee has been designed to obtain coatings exhibiting uniform thickness and yttria content. Plasma activity has been homogenised. A new sample-holder has been designed to investigate coating morphologies at deposition temperature between 500°C and 900°C. Once optimum deposition parameters were defined, three morphologies of yttria partially stabilised zirconia coatings were studied by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. A dendritic growth of columns of the tetragonal nontransformable t' phase along the [100] direction at high deposition temperature was observed. The coatings deposited at 700°C and 900°C exhibited satisfactory stability towards isothermal heat treatments at 1100°c to 1400°C. Using X-ray diffraction analysis, a destabilisation scheme of the metastable " t' " phase has been proposed. Investigations of the coating porosity, roughness, thermal conductivity and resistance towards thermal cycling supplemented this microstructural and crystallographic study. These properties would allow the use of these yttria-zirconia coatings in typical thermal barrier applications
Nusair, Khan Aamer. "Etude des barrières thermiques réalisées par la projection au plasma atmosphérique." Troyes, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003TROY0006.
Повний текст джерелаThermal barrier coating (TBC) system consists of a metal bond coat and a ceramic topcoat (typically yttria stabilized zirconia). These coatings provide a thermal and oxidation barriers. These types of coatings are currently used only for component life extention at current operating temperatures. They are not used to increase the operating temperature of the engine. However, the developement of a TBC system, for which the probability of failure is sufficiently low, would allow these coatings to be used to increase the engine operating temperature and lead to significant improvement in engine performance. In this study different TBC systems were produced on the nickel base superalloy and stainless steel substrates by utilizing the air plasma spraying technique. Different TBC aspects were studied such as the role of microstructure and the residual stresses, the cracking and the spalling of TBCs under different conditions, and the interfacial thoughness between the different layers as a function of different parameters. A good quality TBC, with thickness up to 530 æm, were sprayed both on superalloy and stainless steel substrates. The final deposition temperature and the distance between the torch and the specimens were found as the more important paramters. An empirical equation was proposed relating the different spraying parameters and the number of thermal cycles. A comparison with different published results demonstrated that our TBC, produced by air plasma spraying, sustained more number of cycles
Joussot, Romain. "Etude, caractérisation et amélioration d'un actionneur plasma : application au contrôle de la transition d'une couche limite de Blasius." Phd thesis, Université d'Orléans, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00623105.
Повний текст джерелаSheikh, Umar. "Re-entry radiation aerothermodynamics in the vacuum ultraviolet." Thesis, Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014ECAP0036/document.
Повний текст джерелаA major design challenge for re-entry capsules lies in the modelling of convective and radiative heat transfer to the surface of the vehicle. At certain points on superorbital re-entry trajectories, up to 40% of the total radiative heat flux is contributed by the vacuum ultra-violet (VUV) spectral range and it is in this spectral range that the largest uncertainties lie. The high level of uncertainty in the VUV is a result of a lack of published experimental data due to difficulties encountered in measuring radiation in the VUV, such as strong absorption by most optical materials and air. Additional complexities of the VUV spectral range include its strongly self-absorbing nature and spectral line broadening. The primary goal of this study was to obtain calibrated spectral measurements in the VUV that enable the investigation of physical processes occurring in the shock layer that influence the incident radiative heat flux. In particular, the issues to be investigated were the variation in spectral radiance observed across a shock layer compared to the spectral radiance measured through the surface, the effects of self-absorption on spectral line intensity and the broadening of spectral lines in the VUV as a function of depth of radiating flow field. The measurements made across and through the surface of a model provide the first set of calibrated experimental results for the validation of computational codes used to predict incident radiative heat flux. Measurements made with a varying depth of radiating flow field provide a unique set of experimental data for the validation of radiation transport models and broadening coefficients. This study also used computational simulations to investigate the accuracy of a flow field solver coupled with two reaction rate schemes and compared the spectra produced using Specair with experimentally measured values. To achieve these goals, an optical system was designed to measure the VUV radiative emission produced around a blunt two-dimensional model in a spatially resolved manner across the shock layer. Spatial resolution allowed for spectral measurements to be made in both the equilibrium and non-equilibrium parts of the shock layer. A second optical system was designed to obtain measurements of VUV radiation incident on the surface of the model. This system incorporated a window in the surface with a mirror housed within the model to deflect the radiation out of the test section and into the detection system. To effectively vary the depth of the radiating flow field, the length of a two-dimensional model was varied, changing the depth of the shock layer being observed. The X2 expansion tube was used to create the high enthalpy flows required to produce radiating shock layers. Two flow conditions were created for this study that represented flight equivalent velocities of 10.0 km/s and 12.2 km/s. The spectroscopy system utilized for this study consisted of an evacuated McPherson NOVA 225 spectrometer coupled to an Andor iStar VUV enhanced intensified charge coupled device. An evacuated light tube sealed with a magnesium fluoride window was required to extend the evacuated light path to the model and avoid any absorption by molecular oxygen. An in-situ calibration of the VUV spectroscopy system was conducted using a deuterium lamp located in the position of the radiating shock layer. The integrated incident spectral radiance measured through the surface of the model between 115 nm and 180 nm was 0.744 W/cm2 sr for the 10.0 km/s condition and 12.3 W/cm2sr for the faster 12.2km/s condition. [...]
Dolmaire, Alice. "Développement de barrières thermiques anti-CMAS et non mouillantes par projection thermique de suspensions." Thesis, Limoges, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020LIMO0039.
Повний текст джерелаThis PhD work is involved in the development of new technologies capable of withstanding harshenvironmental constraints demanded to the aeronautical industry on new turbojets. A new architecture of thermal barrier coating, exposed to temperatures higher than 1200°C and meant to protect highpressure turbine blades, is suggested in this work. This architecture is a bilayer coating comprising a columnar layer made of yttria-partially stabilised zirconia (YSZ) and a superficial dense layer containing gadolinium zirconate (GZ) and one non-oxide ceramic. It is produced by an emerging process called suspensions plasma spraying (SPS). This bilayer has to be resistant to atmospheric siliceous particles (CMAS) and has to exhibit thermomechanical properties compliant with the thermal barrier coating application. One part of the studies highlights the potential for a CMAS corrosion barrier from the composite coating GZ – SiC, due to the existence of an in situ reservoir of gadolinium oxyapatite and disilicate. Surface carbide is also likely limiting the spreading of the model CMAS glass tested. The coating displays a partially wetting behaviour up to 1300°C. This could result in a higher lifetime of the superficial coating during service. Bilayer coating YSZ – GZ/SiC shows similar properties to thermal aging and CMAS infiltration resistance. Characterisation in the plasma jet of the submicronic particles kinetic behaviour upon impact on diverse surfaces and the evaluation of plasma thermophysical properties on particles’ thermokinetic treatment refined current knowledges on coating columnar growth produced by SPS on intricate surfaces. A judicious choice of plasma conditions led to the production of a bilayer coating showing similar thermomechanical properties to current EB-PVD thermal barrier coatings used on high-pressure turbine blades
Selezneff, Serge. "Etude et développement de revêtements γ-γ' riches en platine élaborés par Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS). Application au système barrière thermique". Thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011INPT0100/document.
Повний текст джерелаTo protect turbines blades from excessive oxidation and to lower the temperature at the blade surface, a multilayer coating system has been developed in the past, i.e. the thermal barrier coating. The fabrication of TBC is expensive and demands numerous process steps. In this study, bond coatings have been fabricated by spark plasma sintering in a single step. This fast fabrication process permits to test a large range of bond coating compositions with different reactive elements such as Zr, Y and Hf on AM1 nickel base superalloy. From the first results, the data related to the diffusion during the SPS were calculated to predict the coating phases. Impurities levels were measured after SPS fabrication. Sulphur and carbon concentration were very low. These results highlight the great quality of coating made by spark plasma sintering, more particularly with a top coat also made by SPS. Then, a composition of γ-γ’ coating has been optimized for high life span during thermal cycling. The thermal cycling at 1100°C of TBC system with this optimized γ-γ’ bond coatings give better life span than the conventional system with β-(Ni,Pt)Al phase bond coating. After long thermal cycling, >1000*1h cycles, chemical elements from the substrate can diffuse in the thermally grown oxide, leading to its delamination. Thus, for increasing the life span of the whole system the bond coating has to be considered during the superalloy development
Guinard, Caroline. "Influence des propriétés morphologiques et mécaniques des barrières thermiques sur la fissuration interfaciale induite par perçage laser impulsionnel." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PSLEM068/document.
Повний текст джерелаMany aircraft engines parts such as combustion chambers are drilled with numerous cooling holes. These holes, generally performed by a high power laser machine can induce damages in the part materials. On thermal barrier coatings systems, cracking can lead to spalling of the coating occurs at the ceramic / bond-coat layer interface during laser drilling. This thesis presents elements of understanding of the interfacial crack formation end propagation phenomena. In this purpose, a specific protocol was used, consisting of interrupted drilling process. Moreover, in order to understand the influence of the bond coat and the ceramic / bond coat interface on cracking, a wide range of samples with specific morphological and mechanical properties were selected. With this in mind, the bond coat was modified by varying spraying parameters, spraying process and also by post treatments on the bond coat. The link between these interfaces and the associated damages due to laser drilling are presented through 2D and 3D observations, destructive and non-destructive, as well as the study of residual stress modification before and after laser drilling for several thermal barrier coatings systems. For further reducing the interfacial crack, several drilling strategies are considered through the laser peak power variation between the different laser pulses needed to drill through the multi-layer material. The results offer interesting perspectives for improving crack resistance of aeronautical engines parts