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Костиря, Ірина Валентинівна. "Формування лідерської позиції майбутніх інженерів у вищих технічних навчальних закладах". Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/35980.
Повний текст джерелаThe Thesis Research for obtaining the Degree of the Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences majoring in 13.00.07 – Theory and Methods of Education.– Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, 201 8. In the dissertation, pedagogical conditions for the formation of a leading position of future engineers in higher technical educational institutions are theoretically substantiated and experimentally verified. The dissertation firstly defines the notion of leadership position of the future engineer as a conscious readiness to fulfill the role of the leader and the totality of all relations of his personality to the reality that has developed into a certain system of group relationships generated by this awareness. The basic components of a leadership position are defined: motivational-valuable, cognitive, activity and personal. It has been experimentally proved that the pedagogical conditions of forming the leadership position of a future engineer in a higher technical educational institution are: the inclusion of students in practical, independent activity, which involves the use of organizational, communicative, cognitive, reflexive skills and determines the manifestation of their leadership position; modeling of professionally-oriented tasks requiring students to choose the best ways to influence leadership in situations of group interaction; the upbringing of a value relation to a leadership position in classroom work.
Бакало, Ольга Михайлівна. "ПЕДАГОГІЧНІ УМОВИ АДАПТАЦІЇ ІНОЗЕМНИХ СТУДЕНТІВ ДО НАВЧАННЯ У ВИЩИХ ТЕХНІЧНИХ НАВЧАЛЬНИХ ЗАКЛАДАХ". Thesis, Bakalo, 2017. http://er.nau.edu.ua:8080/handle/NAU/28273.
Повний текст джерелаДисертація присвячена дослідженню проблеми адаптації іноземних студентів до навчання у вищих технічних навчальних закладах. У результаті дослідження розкрито зміст і структуру адаптації іноземних студентів. Визначено та обґрунтовано педагогічні умови адаптації іноземних студентів до навчання у вищих технічних навчальних закладах. Розроблено комплексну програму адаптації іноземних студентів до навчання у вищих технічних навчальних закладах та експериментально підтверджено її ефективність. Визначено основні параметри сприятливого для адаптації іноземних студентів освітнього середовища навчального закладу (модальність, широта, інтенсивність, усвідомленість, емоційність, узагальненість, домінантність), експериментально доведено можливості позитивного впливу на них обґрунтованих педагогічних умов. Уточнено сутність понять «адаптація іноземних студентів до навчання», «адаптованість іноземних студентів до навчання у вищих технічних навчальних закладах», «сприятливе для адаптації освітнє середовище вищого навчального закладу»; сутність і структурні компоненти процесу адаптації іноземних студентів до навчання в технічному університеті (діяльнісно-практичний, соціально-комунікативний та особистісний). Розглянуто особливості адаптації до навчання представників різних регіонів (Південно-Східної, Східної та Західної Азії; Центральної, Західної й Північної Африки, Південної Америки). Удосконалено організацію, форми й методи педагогічного супроводу адаптації іноземних студентів в процесі навчання у вищих технічних навчальних закладах.
Диссертация посвящена исследованию педагогических условий адаптации иностранных студентов к обучению в высших технических учебных заведениях. В первом разделе диссертации – «Теоретические основы исследования проблемы адаптации иностранных студентов к обучению в высших технических учебных заведениях Украины» осуществлен анализ разработки проблемы исследования в психолого-педагогической теории и практике; проанализированы основные характеристики адаптации иностранных студентов; уточнено содержание ключевых понятий исследуемой темы: «адаптация иностранных студентов к обучению в высших учебных заведениях», «адаптированность иностранных студентов к обучению в высших технических учебных заведениях», охарактеризовано структуру адаптации и выделено ее компоненты (деятельностно-практический, социально-коммуникативный и личностный); определены критерии, показатели и уровни адаптированности иностранных студентов к обучению в высших технических учебных заведениях. Во втором разделе – «Организационно-методические основы определения педагогических условий для усовершенствования образовательной среды высшего технического учебного заведения, благоприятной для адаптации иностранных студентов» определены и обоснованы педагогические условия адаптации иностранных студентов: единство аудиторной и культурно-досуговой внеаудиторной деятельности; использование тренинговых технологий при обучении иностранных студентов с целью социокоммуникативной и личностной адаптации; организация педагогического сопровождения иностранных студентов, включающая реализацию диагностической, учебно-методической, информационной, коррекционно-профилактической деятельности; подбор педагогических стратегий формирования адаптированности (управление, взаимодействие, проектирование, индивидуализация) на основе учета индивидуальных и национальных особенностей иностранных студентов. Охарактеризованы региональные особенности адаптации иностранных студентов, параметры образовательной среды, влияющие на адаптацию; представлена реализация усовершенствованой методики адаптации иностранных студентов к обучению в высших технических учебных заведениях. В третьем разделе – «Экспериментальное исследование эффективности педагогических условий адаптации иностранных студентов к обучению в высших технических учебных заведениях» раскрыто содержание и методику организации педагогического эксперимента. Результаты исследования подтвердили эффективность обоснованных педагогических условий и их положительное влияние на параметры образовательной среды, что позволило разработать рекомендации по усовершенствованию образовательной среды высшего технического учебного заведения, благоприятной для адаптации иностранных студентов.
The thesis is devoted to the problem of foreign students’ adaptation to the studies in higher technical educational institutions. As the result of the research the content and structure of the foreign students’ adaptation is revealed; besides, pedagogical conditions of foreign students’ adaptation to the studies in higher technical educational institutions are determined. Moreover, the comprehensive program of foreign students’ adaptation to the studies in higher technical educational institutions is developed and its effectiveness is experimentally verified. The significant parameters of adaptable educational environment for foreign students’ adaptation (modality, breadth, intensity, awareness, emotional sensitivity, generality and dominance) are identified, and the possibility of a positive impact of the pedagogical conditions on them was experimentally proved. The essence of the concepts of «foreign students’ adaptation to the studies», «foreign students’ adaptation to the studies in higher technical educational institution», «adaptable educational environment of higher education» are specified; besides, the essence and structural components of the process of foreign students adaptation to study at the Technical University (action-practical, social, communicative and personal) are clarified. The features of adaptation to studies of representatives from different regions (Southeast, East and West Asia, Central, Western and Northern Africa and South America) are considered. The organization, forms and methods of pedagogical support of foreign students’ adaptation in the learning process in higher technical educational institution are improved.
Олійник, Ярослав Святославович. "Методика розслідування погрози або насильства щодо захисника чи представника особи". Diss., Заклад вищої освіти «Львівський університет бізнесу та права», 2021. https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/56783.
Повний текст джерелаМигаль, Роман Васильович. "Катування: кримінологічний аспект". Diss., Заклад вищої освіти «Львівський університет бізнесу та права», 2020. https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/54845.
Повний текст джерелаКостиря, Ірина Валентинівна. "Формування лідерської позиції майбутніх інженерів у вищих технічних навчальних закладах". Thesis, Вінницький державний педагогічний університеті ім. Михайла Коцюбинського, 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/35568.
Повний текст джерелаThe Thesis Research for obtaining the Degree of the Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences majoring in 13.00.07 – Theory and Methods of Education.– Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, 201 8. In the dissertation, pedagogical conditions for the formation of a leading position of future engineers in higher technical educational institutions are theoretically substantiated and experimentally verified. The dissertation firstly defines the notion of leadership position of the future engineer as a conscious readiness to fulfill the role of the leader and the totality of all relations of his personality to the reality that has developed into a certain system of group relationships generated by this awareness. The basic components of a leadership position are defined: motivational-valuable, cognitive, activity and personal. It has been experimentally proved that the pedagogical conditions of forming the leadership position of a future engineer in a higher technical educational institution are: the inclusion of students in practical, independent activity, which involves the use of organizational, communicative, cognitive, reflexive skills and determines the manifestation of their leadership position; modeling of professionally-oriented tasks requiring students to choose the best ways to influence leadership in situations of group interaction; the upbringing of a value relation to a leadership position in classroom work.
Думанська, К. С., та K. S. Dumanska. "Стратегізація корпоративного управління промисловими компаніями за умов глобалізації". Дисертація, Хмельницький національний університе, 2020. http://elar.khnu.km.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/11727.
Повний текст джерелаThe dissertation investigates the theoretical provisions, scientific and methodological basis and practice-oriented principles of industrial companies corporate management in the context of economic processes globalization in Ukraine and abroad. According to the research results, the main scientific-m ethodological and practice-oriented achievements of the author are presented in the form of an annotation. Theoretical-methodological and evaluation-analytical research results are analyzed in Sections 1, 2, 3, and the results of practice-oriented research directions are presented in Sections 4, 5 of the given dissertation. Sections 1-2 analyze, identify and evaluate aspects of industrial companies corporate management strategy, namely: the problems of company as a business entity in the global economic space context, identification of administrative and legal status and definition of the company as a business entity, types of companies, modelling of domestic corporate management, definition and substanti ation of the necessity to strategize and develop the company management system concept, systematization of approaches in determination the optimal size of enterprises-as diversified company-members, problems of globalization of the world economic environment, identification of diversified companies and non-diversified ones in the system of strategic corporate management, guidelines on profil ing global indexes and rating evaluation of the company's development strategy in globalizati on context. Section 3 systematizes, evaluates and identifies the reserves of sustainable development and management potential of successful business entities of Ukraine in general and Khmelnytsky region in particular based on the use of systematic analytical and methodological tools for the research. Thus, the reserves of sustainable development of strategic engineering companies of Ukraine and Khmelnytsky region, were identified by means of successful corporate businesses rating in the field of mechanical engineering, sectoral analysis of industry, segmental assessment of machine building in Ukraine, based on the index approach (conducted by the author for the period from 2011 to the present), potential assessment of the mechanical engineering based on the cluster approach, potential assessment of On the sustainable development of corporat business of Khmelnytsky region. Based on the analysis the basis of the analysis results of the main theories causal chain formation of companies origin, functioning and development in the global environment were revealed and features of their influence on the creation of transnational corporations where taking into account the factors of economic processes globa lization. In turn, the disclosure of the causal link between the emergence of international economic and political alliances, the historical nature of their development and goals makes it possible to predict the further development of "economic states" and their impact on global processes. According to the rating assessments method more than 20 most successful machine-building companies of Ukraine were analyzed and the tendencies of their strategic development and strategic level of successful activity opportunities in the strategic period were estimated. Based on the results of th e analysis and domestic machine-building companies evaluation on the basis of their rating positions and profitability, the author proposes ways to stabilize the development of domestic machine-building companies taking into account possible favourable conditions for doing business in Ukraine. Elaboration of strategies at all corporate management levels, formation of strategic business zones in potential areas of company’s future development, forecasting the level of emergence of threats in the economic environment, determining the volatility of machine market sectors, forming a set of strategic reactions to unpredictable changes in the economic environment. Based on the study results of global world indicators of the country development level, the types of global indexes are formulated in two directions according to the methods of calculating indicators and the directions of globalization. Grounded on the formed methodological basis according to the typolog ies of global indices, the author analyzes and synthesizes the ranking positions of Ukraine in global rankings and identifies trends in the strategic country development in the context of the global environment. The sectoral analysis of the of Ukrainian industry in general and the machine-building sector in particular, conducted by the author for the period from 2010 to the present, revealed threatening trends in the number of machine-building companies with domestic capital in favour of small and medium-sized enterprises w ith foreign capital that proves Ukrainian export potential reduction in the foreign market of machine-building products and the necessity to support export-oriented companies at the state level. Segmental assessment of the machine-building complex of Ukraine on the basis of the index approach, conducted by the author for the period from 2011 to the present, revealed the presence of strategic potential reserves for such machine building segments as production of vehicles, trailers and other vehicles and machinery and equipment production and other groups in 2019 and the production of electrical equipment, computers, electronic and optical products in 2020. The results of the segmental assessment of mechanical engineering in Ukraine indicate the need of programs development to strategize the development of potentiall y successful segments and investment support for unprofitable segments in order to pr event their decline. Thus, under the legislative support conditions of corporate business in Ukraine, the potential possibility of strategic development resumption of the Ukrainian machine-building complex is not ruled out. This situation is confirmed by the results of the forecast trends assessment in company’s production costs, medium and small enterprises by type of their economic activity and cost -effectiveness of companies operating activities for five years period that indicates a possible increase of both costs and cost-effectiveness which takes into consideration the situation of stable break-even management. As a result of assessing the machine building development potential in Khmelnytsky region on the cluster approach basis, 4 segments were identified, in the production of which were involved successful companies of Khmelnytsky and Khmelnytsky region. Among the identified promising segments of mechanical engineering according to 2019 data were outlined such like as: production of equipment for measurement, research and navigation; production of components and parts for motor vehicles and production of electric motors, generators, transformers, electrical distribution and control equipment, which provide, respectively , 3,3%, 7,7% and 7,1% of mechanical engineering value added in the economy of Ukraine. The paper evaluates the potential of corporate business sustainable development in Khmelnytsky region. Thus, according to the results of segmental analysis of cluster potential due to the cluster approach, the most promising in Khmelnytsky region were identified: "Novator" company in the segment of equipment for measurement, research and navigation (LQ=6,4 )) and "Ukrelektroaparat" company in the segment of production of electric motors, generators, ransformers, electrical distribution and control equipment (LQ=2,8). According to the results of the assessment of financial and economic activity and reserves of strategic development of the most successful companies of Khmelnytsky are "Ukrelectroapparat", "Novator", "Plant" Temp for the period from 2009 to 2020. The methodology of estimating marginal profit confirmed the presence of unfavourable strategic trends in Ukrainian industry and the existence of threats to the unstable development of these companies due to the low safety margin. Summing up the results of analysis and evaluation of the state and reserves of machine-building companies sustainable development in Ukraine and Khmelnytsky region, mentioned above, made it necessary the development of scientific and methodological approaches to the formation of sustainable development management companies in Chapters 4 and 5 of the dissertation. The dissertation substantiates the expediency of forming a methodological approach to assessing the company’s success potential of sustainable development and its introduction into corporate management practice of as one of the aspects of strategic management processes. For this purpose, the paper analyzes the existing concepts of defining and managing companies sustainability in globalization context, reveals the direction of understanding the of the company’s sustainable development in social and economic areas and the interdependence of the concepts of "sustainable development" and "corporate responsibility" in the context of company’s strategic development. The author's vision of the concept "success potential of company’s sustainable development" is offered. This concept emphasizes the importance of company’s successful activity as a key factor of its competitiveness and efficiency in the market. The mechanism of strategizing the management of an industrial company in an uncertain economic environment has been improved and as a result of which the effectiveness of the proposed management development in the process of forming a number of alternative corporate strategies and choosing effective strategic decisions has been revealed. The mechanism of an industrial company’s corporate management strategy due to the multiple-valued variability of the formation of a set of alternative strategies allows to determine the strategic prospects and to form company's development strategic directions. Formation and implementation of the mechanism of overcoming of such stages as a set of strategic alternatives development can provide the formation of original strategic actions, possible changes forecasting in company's environment, development of a set of alternative development strategies based on forecasts, strategy implementation at all functional levels and one of these stages has been improved comparing to similar methods used in the strategy developing process in Ukraine and abroad. A scientific and methodological approach to corporate management modelling process has been developed, taking into consideration the lack of similar approaches in management processes of Ukrainian companies, the essence of presented approach is in the consistent application of aspects of modelling strategic managem ent processes, namely: modelling management system set of strategic management game theory, development of models of the process of choosing the direction of successful of company’s strategic development and taking multivariate management decisions. The purpose of applying such an approach in the practice is to create corporate management strategic model of an industrial company in the context of globalization. The basis of the developed models of trategizing of machine-building companies became game theory, aspects of mathematical modelling in th e form of construction of linear logarithmic dependences, a method of the analysis of hierarchies with an estimation of harmony on the basis of system entropy. The application of the dominant result criteria in the relevant system ensured the selection of the most competitive SBU from the set and substantiation of the peculiarities of their further development. Based on the experience of well-known World companies a model of the process of choosing the most effective direction of the company strategic development by means of hierarchies analysis based on system entropy with harmony assessment is developed. The concept of scientific and methodological approach to modelling the corporate management strategizing process involves the existence of models that comprehensively reveal the essence of corporate management strategizing. Therefore, in the context were developed and schematically presented models that cons istently reveal the essence of this such like approach, as: models of strategizing an industrial company in the market and a model of organization and implementation of strategizing corporate management process. conducted in Sections 1-3 of the functioning, financial and economic activity in the context of industrial companies globalization, Sections 4, 5 propose solutions of identified problems of corporate business entities strategic development. Thus, the methodological approach of evaluating the success of company sustainable development was elaborated, the mechanism of industrial company corporate management in the unstable economic environment was improved and comprehensive scientific and methodological approach to modelling corporate management processes based on multivariate choice and effective management decisions was formed. In dissertation the author investigates the administrative and legal basis for the emergence of the company as a business entity in the frame of Ukrainian market space due to domestic business globalization in the process of gradual privatization of industrial market participants. As a result of etymological research, a synonymous identity of the terms "association", "association of enterprises", "company", "corporation", "business association", "corporate association" was revealed, and as a result such generalizing term as "corporate formation" was proposed for domestic non-diversified companies. At the same time , for transnational and multinational corporations, i.e. diversified companies, the term "global cor porate formation" was proposed in order to clarify their nature and functioning peculiarities in the context of global socio-cultural, political and economic integration of diversified companies. Systematization of the terms which take into account the examples of development and transnational corporations functioning and other "global corporate entities" allows to systematize global corporate formations according to their origin, objectives and development. Taking into consideration the necessity to identify the concepts of association, the company and the orporation in the author's interpretation, the work provides certain definition of these concepts. Thus, from the author's point of view, "an association characterizes the combination of two or more enterpri ses under a mutually beneficial economic alliance enshrined in the agreement, in order to increase economic potential and future development through resource accumulation and distribution of organizational, production and management powers, space of Ukraine ", and as it can be seen, the author's definition emphasizes the existence of an alliance agreement as a basis for creating a corporate associat ion, which in contrast to the definitions of "association" by other authors explains expands understanding of its administrative and legal positions and market opportunities. Under the term "company", the author proposes "an integrated association of independent entities operating on the basis of capitalization as a single economic complex with a closed production cycle in one or more industries and specializes in the production of a strategic set of product groups with a governing body (board of directors) with different authority degrees depending on the company types with the participation of companies members in the management structure and shareholders", and it is evident that in contrast to previously given interpretations the term "company" as a business entity systematizes and accumulates maximum companies characteristics in a single definition. As a result of research of different types of companies in the context of the world economic environment in the dissertation identified and confirmed by examples the basic principle of creation, operation and development of companies, which is in the process of capitalization and identified the main tasks of modern domestic companies. The reasons for companies emergence in the world economic environment are studied and revealed and the difference in companies creating processes in Ukraine and in the world economy is shown. Thus domestic companies and companies, situated on the territories of former Soviet republics were created as a result of privatization, while the basis of global trends in the formation of corporate ownership was the process of forced consolidation of small and medium-sized private sector entities into monopoly and oligopolistic entities. In the process of explaining and deciphering the historical paradigm of the corporate entities emergence aspects of the historical era conceptual nature on companies influence formation were revealed; each of the historical epochs in terms of the origin concept and existence and the prerequisites for companies formation and economic achievements of each pochs, taking into account their historical and geographical basis, were depicted and analyzed. The paper proposes the author's definition of corporate management, which, in contrast to the existing ones, emphasizes the strategic aspect of organizational processes systematization of the company’s structuring in general and its competitive units in particular. Thus, from the author's point of view, “corporate management is a strategic aspect of structuring systematization, organization and planning of company's development as a whole and diversification of self-sufficient competitive strategic business zones in the direction of expanding and deepening the company to new markets or segments on beneficial conditions ». In the proposed definition of corporate management the author insists on the importance of corporate management organizational component in the process of regulating not only the company as a whole, but also participating companies / participating enterprises and strategically promising units allocated in strategic management areas. Retrospective analysis of the "strategizing" concept emergence revealed its conceptual basis, which from the author's point of view "is in the process of developing the company's strategy based on in-depth analysis of environmental factors, research of company development features in conditions of unstable threatening environment». Analysis of term "strategization" etymology confirmed the need to clarify this definition due to the lack of a clear and unambiguous description of strategy as an economic category. Thus, the author's vision of the "strategy" concept is formulated in the following way: "company strategy" is a specific management approach that combines strategic forecasting, monitoring and rapid response to changes in the environment by applying a set of strategies adjusted to the current situation. The author also provides another definition of strategizing, which defines the purpose of strategizing as an aspect of corporate management. In this case, "strategizing is a multilevel process of developing and forming a corporate strategy by vertical management from portfolio to a set of functi onal strategies." According to the results of the investigations, it was found that the model of domestic corporate management is in the process of formation and in this connection the concept of a corporate management system for domestic companies was developed. The developed concept of the company's management system is based on a system of consolidating principles. The creation of this concept is aimed at the formation of effective strategic management areas in accordance with reasonable areas of diversification, as well as the selection of the most promising of them for further development as a potential of the company’s member, this concept is developed for the purpose of system corporate management formation in conditions of globalization. The basis of the formulated concept was a model of the company management system based on consolidating principles, which clearly reflects the conceptual links between the strategic components of the company's operation. Systematic approach to the determination the participating companies optimal size of diversified company was formed and proposed by the author. On the one hand, the developed system approach provides an opportunity to take into account the impact of internal economic factors of participating companies consolidat ion on their size, and on the other hand, determines the impact of external factors assessing the effectiveness of export-import processes. The application of a systematic approach to determining the companies participating optimal size allows to determine the companies optimal production volumes that are provided not only in the domestic market but are suitable for export-oriented companies. The proposed system approach ensures the efficient allocation of resources and authority within a diversified company. Research results of the dissertation highlights three historical milestones of of companies intersectoral specialization and main directions of international industrial cooperation and international cooperation directions as a manifestation of world economic integration and globalization of economic processes are revealed. In order to systematize the identified areas of international cooperation in the fields of production, trade and financial relations, the economic nature of globalization, forms of international cooperation on the examples of domestic and international systems of commercial agreements were systematized. On the basis of the analysis results of the main theories causal chain formation of companies origin, functioning and development in the global environment were revealed and features of their influence on the creation of transnational corporations where taking into account the factors of economic processes globa lization. In turn, the disclosure of the causal link between the emergence of international economic and political alliances, the historical nature of their development and goals makes it possible to predict the further development of "economic states" and their impact on global processes. According to the rating assessments method more than 20 most successful machine-building companies of Ukraine were analyzed and the tendencies of their strategic development and strategic level of uccessful activity opportunities in the strategic period were estimated. Based on the results of th e analysis and domestic machine-building companies evaluation on the basis of their rating positions and profitability, the author proposes ways to stabilize the development of domestic achine-building companies taking into account possible favourable conditions for doing business in Ukraine. Elaboration of strategies at all corporate management levels, formation of strategic business zones in potential areas of company’s future development, forecasting the level of emergence of threats in the economic environment, determining the volatility of machine market sectors, forming a set of strategic reactions to unpredictable changes in the economic environment. Based on the study results of global world indicators of the country development level, the types of global indexes are formulated in two directions according to the methods of calculating indicators and the directions of globalization. Grounded on the formed methodological basis according to the typologies of global indices, the author analyzes and synthesizes the ranking positions of Ukraine in global rankings and identifies trends in the strategic country development in the context of the global environment. The sectoral analysis of the of Ukrainian industry in general and the machine-building sector in particular, conducted by the author for the period from 2010 to the present, revealed threatening trends in the number of machine-building companies with domestic capital in favour of small and medium-sized enterprises w ith foreign capital that proves Ukrainian export potential reduction in the foreign market of machine-building products and the necessity to support export-oriented companies at the state level. Segmental assessment of the machine-building complex of Ukraine on the basis of the index approach, conducted by the author for the period from 2011 to the present, revealed the presence of strategic potential reserves for such machine building segments as production of vehicles, trailers and other vehicles and machinery and equipment production and other groups in 2019 and the production of electrical equipment, computers, electronic and optical products in 2020. The results of the segmental assessment of mechanical engineering in Ukraine indicate the need of programs development to strategize the development of potentiall y successful segments and investment support for unprofitable segments in order to prevent their decline. Thus, under the legislative support conditions of corporate business in Ukraine, the potential possibility of strategic development resumption of the Ukrainian machine-building complex is not ruled out. This situation the results of the forecast trends assessment in company’s production costs, medium and small enterprises by type of their economic activity and cost-effectiveness of companies operating activities for five years period that indicates a possible increase of both costs and cost-effectiveness which takes into consideration the situation of stable break-even management. As a result of assessing the machine building development potential in Khmelnytsky region on the cluster approach basis, 4 segments were identified, in the production of which were involved successful companies of Khmelnytsky and Khmelnytsky region. Among the identified promising segments of mechanical engineering according to 2019 data were outlined such like as: production of equipment for measurement, research and navigation; production of components and parts for motor vehicles and production of electric motors, generators, transformers, electrical distribution and control equipment, which provide, respectively, 3,3%, 7,7% and 7,1% of mechanical engineering value added in the economy o f Ukraine. The paper evaluates the potential of corporate business sustainable development in Khmelnytsky region. Thus, according to the results of segmental analysis of cluster potential due to the cluster approach, the most promising in Khmelnytsky region were identified: "Novator" company in the segment of equipment for measurement, research and navigation (LQ=6,4 )) and "Ukrelektroaparat" company in the segment of production of electric motors, generators, transformers, electrical distribution and control equipment (LQ=2,8). According to the results of the assessment of financial and economic activity and reserves of strategic development of the most successful companies of Khmelnytsky are "Ukrelectroapparat", "Novator", "Plant" Temp for the period from 2009 to 2020. The methodology of estimating marginal profit confirmed the presence of unfavourable strategic trends in Ukrainian industry and the existence of threats to the unstable development of these companies due to the low safety margin. Summing up the results of analysis and evaluation of the state and reserves of machine-building companies sustainable development in Ukraine and Khmelnytsky region, mentioned above, made it necessary the development of scientific and methodological approaches to the formation of sustainable development management companies in Chapters 4 and 5 of the dissertation. The dissertation substantiates the expediency of forming a methodological approach to assessing the company’s success potential of sustainable development and its introduction into corporate management practice of as one of the aspects of strategic management processes. For this purpose, the paper analyzes the existing concepts of defining and managing companies sustainability in globalization context, reveals the direction of understanding the of the company’s sustainable development in social and economic areas and the interdependence of the concepts of "sustainable development" and "corporate responsibility" in the context of company’s strategic development. The author's vision of the concept "success potential of company’s sustainable development" is offered. This concept emphasizes the importance of company’s successful activity as a key factor of its competitiveness and efficiency in the market. The mechanism of strategizing the management of an industrial company in an uncertain economic environment has been improved and as a result of which the effectiveness of the proposed management development in the process of forming a number of alternative corporate strategies and choosing effective strategic decisions has been revealed. The mechanism of an industrial company’s corporate management strategy due to the multiple-valued variability of the formation of a set of alternative strategies allows to determine the strategic prospects and to form company's development strategic directions. Formation and implementation of the mechanism of overcoming of such stages as a set of strategic alternatives development can provide the formation of original strategic actions, possible changes frecasting in company's environment, development of a set of alternative development strategies based on forecasts, strategy implementation at all functional levels and one of these stages has been improved comparing to similar methods used in the strategy developing process in Ukraine and abroad. A scientific and methodological approach to corporate management modelling process has been developed, taking into consideration the lack of similar approaches in management processes of Ukrainian companies, the essence of presented approach is in the consistent application of aspects of modelling strategic managem ent processes, namely: modelling management system set of strategic management game theory, development of models of the process of choosing the direction of successful of company’s strategic development and taking multivariate management decisions. The purpose of applying such an approach in the practice is to create corporate management strategic model of an industrial company in the context of globalization. The basis of the developed models of strategizing of machine-building companies became game theory, aspects of mathematical modelling in the form of construction of linear logarithmic dependences, a method of the analysis of hierarchies with an estimation of harmony on the basis of system entropy. The application of the dominant result criteria in the relevant system ensured the selection of the most competitive SBU from the set and substantiation of the peculiarities of their further development. Based on the experience of well-known world companies a model of the process of choosing the most eff ective direction of the company strategic development by means of hierarchies analysis based on system entropy with harmony assessment is developed. The concept of scientific and methodological approach to modelling the corporate management strategizing process involves the existence of models that comprehensively reveal the essence of corporate management strategizing. Therefore, in the context were developed and schematically presented models that cons istently reveal the essence of this such like approach, as: models of strategizing an industrial company in the market and a model of organization and implementation of strategizing corporate management process.
Колесник, Виталий Александрович. "Технологическое обеспечение качества при сверлении цилиндрических отверстий в пакетах "углепластик/титановый сплав"". Thesis, НТУ "ХПИ", 2016. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/21494.
Повний текст джерелаThesis for scientific degree of Candidate of Technical sciences on specialty 05.02.08 – Mechanical engineering technologies. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", 2016. Dissertation is devoted to solving the problem of reducing the cost of the process of formation of cylindrical holes in CFRP / Titanium alloy stacks. The basic idea is scientific substantiation single-pass stacks processing technology CFRP / titanium alloy that ensures the formation of holes at the level of design requirements. These mathematical relationships influence of cutting speed and feed on the cutting temperature, surface roughness and precision holes and tool wear, which allowed to investigate its effect on the nature and mechanisms of quality indicators of the holes in stacks. The results allow us to establish the combination of cutting speed, feed that will ensure that the holes on the H9 at the lowest cost technology.
Шипуліна, Юлія Сергіївна. "Методологічні засади формування інноваційно-сприятливого середовища на підприємстві". Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/36488.
Повний текст джерелаThesis for granting the Degree of Doctor of Economical sciences in specialty 08.00.04 – economy and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity). – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute", Kharkiv, 2018. The dissertation is devoted to the development and scientific substantiation of conceptual foundations, theoretical principles, methodical approaches and practical recommendations for the formation of innovative environment at industrial enterprises on the basis of their innovation culture in the context of ensuring their innovative development. The dissertation investigates tendencies in innovative activity development at industrial enterprises of Ukraine, peculiarities of evolution, essence and prerequisites for creation of innovative environment at industrial enterprises, systematizes approaches to its formation. The categorical apparatus of the theory of innovative development is improved in the field of the formation of an innovative environment at industrial enterprises based on its innovative culture. The place and role of innovation culture are determined in the system of components of enterprise’s innovative potential. Methodological approach to the analysis of factors influencing innovation culture development is proposed. The analysis is proposed to perform according to the author's scheme of interaction of components of the subsystems and elements of the industrial enterprise in the following sequence: PIR - intellectual capital (as a component of PIR) – corporate culture (as an element of organizational capital that is a component of intellectual capital) - innovation culture (as a component of corporate culture). The methodical recommendations for selecting innovative decisions based on the results of factor analysis of the enterprise' innovative culture state are presented. The methodical principles of quantitative multi-factor assessment of innovation culture at both the State level and a separate industrial enterprise are improved. The methodical approach to the diagnostics of the state of an industrial enterprise’s innovation culture is proposed based on the results of an integrated assessment of the state of its subsystems (organizational, motivational, intellectual and creative). The sequence and content of diagnostic procedures are determined, the criterial basis is formed. Tools and methods for managing the development of the innovative culture of the industrial enterprise are specified and systematized; the theoretical and methodical approach to the construction of an economic-mathematical model for their optimization is proposed. The theoretical and methodological approach to motivating the development of the innovative culture of an industrial enterprise has been improved, which allows to accelerate processes of formation and development of its innovative environment by means of the sequential formation of separate components. The sequence of formation and development of subsystems of innovative culture of the enterprise is substantiated: organizational, intellectual, creative and motivational. It is proved that as a subsystem reaches a certain critical level the development of the next subsystem starts. The activities for motivation of each of these components are determined and systematized, the algorithm of the sequential-parallel motivation of the development of innovation culture is developed, which allows it to be carried out according to formal procedures. Methods of formation and development of innovative environment at industrial enterprises are systematized, the role of innovation culture in this process is determined, the conceptual scheme of their interaction is developed. The mechanism of knowledge production at an industrial enterprise in the process of innovative development is specified. The influence of innovative culture on innovative product strategies management at an enterprise is investigated. The influence of innovative culture on the efficiency of an enterprise’s innovative activity is researched. Theoretical, methodological and methodical principles of organizational-economic mechanism of innovative culture formation at industrial enterprises are developed. The principles of formation, functions, as well as subsystems of the specified organizational and economic mechanism and their elements are determined. The graphic models of the main stages of the management process are developed, subjects and management methods, as well as the basis for managerial decisions are outlined. The practical implementation of the managerial mechanism provides opportunities for purposeful and effective management of the innovative environment formation at an industrial enterprise. The theoretical and methodical approach to optimization of enterprise’s innovative culture in order to maintain its economic stability is proposed on the basis of constructing an economic-mathematical model.
Демчук, Юрій Ярославович. "Бітуми, модифіковані смолами, одержаними з фенольної фракції кам’яновугільної смоли". Diss., Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2021. https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/56146.
Повний текст джерелаЯцульчак, Галина Володимирівна. "Основи технології формування композиційних гідрогелевих плівок з кополімерів полівінілпіролідону та полікапроаміду". Diss., Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2021. https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/56156.
Повний текст джерелаШквірко, Оксана Михайлівна. "Екологічно безпечні технології біологічної рекультивації із використанням осадів стічних вод". Diss., Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2020. https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/56061.
Повний текст джерелаКвасниця, Роксоляна Богданівна. "Дизайн просторів для презентації модних колекцій". Diss., Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2021. https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/56747.
Повний текст джерелаБудинський, Ростислав Зеновійович. "Економічне оцінювання та управління бізнес-проектами підприємств". Diss., Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2020. https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/56119.
Повний текст джерелаКоник, Соломія Ігорівна. "Ущільнення забудови території історично сформованих міст (на прикладі Львова)". Diss., Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», 2021. https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/56793.
Повний текст джерелаОстроумов, Іван Вікторович, та Ivan Ostroumov. "Методологічні засади комплексного позиціонування літальних апаратів за сукупністю навігаційних засобів в умовах ризику". Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2020. http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/43032.
Повний текст джерелаThesis is dedicated to solve scientific-technic problem of aircraft coordinates’ accuracy improvement in the case of primary positioning system malfunction in order to guarantee performance-based navigation requirements. New methods of aircraft positioning by advanced integration of measured data from air navigation sensors and valuespredicted by regression model obtained with a help of previous measurements were developed. In particular, positioning methods by aggregate data from distance measuring equipment, angular information from omni-directional beacons, and their combinations have been developed, which allows to increase the accuracy of each of the methods by choosing the optimal geometry of the relative positioning in comparison with the existing methods of positioning by pairs of navigation means. The methods of airplane positioning by data of traffic collision and avoidance system and information about the air traffic, obtained by automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast, which allows to estimate the coordinates of the aircraft taking into account the areas of uncertainty, are offered. Developed passive positioning method uses navigational signals of distance measuring equipment available in space as a reference signal to obtain a temporal difference in the signals fixation on-board the aircraft, that reduce the load of ground-based infrastructure. The method of estimating the availability of navigation aids has been improved, by taking into account the individual characteristics of ground equipment, the influence of the troposphere, terrain and artificial structures on the propagation of signals, that helps to identify operational volume of navigational aids. Models of probabilistic classifier for controlling the holding of navigation characteristics, which guarantee recognition of compliance with the air navigation specifications with maximum probability, were first proposed. The optimization problem of choosing the optimal set of radio navigation aids in terms of integer linear programming is formulated and solved, which allows optimal use of the terrestrial segment of navigation equipment. In this paper, we first developed a model for estimating the characteristics of a field of navigation signals generated by navigational aids in three-dimensional space, which allows to obtain an accurate three-dimensional model of volume in accordance with the specifications of area navigation for air traffic planning tasks. The modelis based on an iterative approach to evaluate the positioning characteristics of various methods using the partitioning of air space into elementary particles and the integral estimation of the contours of spatial objects. The developed modelwas used to evaluate three-dimensional volume of air space compliance with different area navigational requirements within Ukrainian airspace. In complex, the developed methods provide new solution to the problem of providing aircraft systems with navigation information in case of failure of the main source of positioning data. Application of the developed methods corresponds to the directions of development of aviation industry and improves safety of aviation transportation.
Голоскокова, Анна Олександрівна. "Моделі та інформаційна технологія планування покращення якості процесу розробки програмного забезпечення". Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/38718.
Повний текст джерелаThe dissertation for a candidate degree in technical sciences, specialty 05.13.06 – Information Technologies. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2018. In the dissertation the important scientific and practical task for the quality improvement of the software development process is solved based on the maturity model Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) using the rolling planning. The analysis of the current problems in the quality improvement of the software development process has been done. Taking into account analyzed issues, the problem of the method development for the quality improvement of the software development process has been set. The method is based on the rolling planning and allows reducing the dimensionality of the task by the dynamic model simplification, and increasing the accuracy of the result due to the static model. In order to increase the speed of "Kiev broom" algorithm, which is related to the method of the sequential analysis of the alternatives, the technology of oriented search of the alternatives at each algorithm’s stage has been improved by solving the set of optimization problems of Boolean programming. Based on the developed method, models and algorithms, the information technology for the decision support system (DSS) has been implemented. DSS has the architecture of the software system of three-level "client-server" type with a dedicated application server. Research results were introduced into the practical activities of IT companies in Kharkiv, as well as in the educational process at the Software engineering and management information technology department of NTU "KhPI".
Крисінська, Діана Олександрівна. "Оцінювання рівня екологічної безпеки питного водопостачання". Diss., Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2021. https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/56741.
Повний текст джерелаЗаліський, Максим Юрійович, та Maksym Yu Zaliskyi. "Методологія оброблення даних у системах експлуатації наземних засобів аеронавігації". Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2020. https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/44769.
Повний текст джерелаGround air navigation devices, which include ground equipment for radio engineering support of flights, play an important role in the process of flights' safety and regularity providing. The operational efficiency of ground air navigation equipment in the civil aviation is ensured by the system of their operation. The components of the operation system are equipment, regulatory documentation, personnel, means for operation, which include facilities, technological devices, the main and additional technological processes and procedures, etc. The main process in the operation system is intended use of equipment, the additional processes are maintenance, repair, continuation of life service, monitoring, statistical data processing, and others. A promising direction for improving the operation system may be the utilization of the complex for supporting the efficiency of the operation system using the principles and provisions of ICAO and Eurocontrol regulatory documentation, international quality standards, etc. The tasks of the efficiency support complex include assessing the compliance of operation system parameters with the established requirements through the use of subsystems of collection, processing, decision making, formation of control actions and their implementation based on information on the condition of structural elements of operation system, including the current condition of ground air navigation equipment. In the general case, this complex should be created on the basis of widespread use of information technology for operational data processing, principles of adaptation, systems approach, elements of artificial intelligence to automate management decision-making procedures in the operation system for ground air navigation equipment. Information signals on the condition of ground air navigation equipment are related to estimates of mean time between failures, mean time between restores, steady-state availability, availability function, which are generally random. During the intended use of ground air navigation devices, their technical condition may deteriorate due to failures, incorrect actions of service personnel, delays in making decisions on corrective and preventive actions, etc. Deterioration of the technical condition of the equipment belongs to the class of problems of changepoint analysis. Such tasks can be of two types: changepoint detection and parameters estimation in trends of technical condition change. The tasks of changepoint analysis are important in terms of determining the residual lifetime of ground air navigation equipment, making timely and accurate corrective and preventive action. So the class of problems on the synthesis and analysis of algorithms for processing non-stationary random processes in order to detect changepoint and estimate its parameters is a new and insufficiently studied area of the theory of operation and reliability of ground air navigation equipment. This thesis concentrates on the methodology of statistical data processing in the operation systems for ground air navigation equipment. Such methodology includes methods for detecting deterioration of technical condition by analyzing the monitoring parameters trends for ground air navigation equipment and components of their operation systems, estimation methods of reliability indicators after changepoint, methods of improving maintenance policies with preventive thresholds, which were substantiated by the relevant theorems in the framework of the use of the new indicator for efficiency of those operation systems. The methodology generally provides an opportunity to improve the efficiency of functioning of ground air navigation equipment and their operation system by creating and implementing timely and correct preventive and corrective actions. With the help of the developed methodology, designers and engineers of ground air navigation equipment, as well as specialists in the field of development and improvement of operation systems can solve the problem of minimizing operating costs by: making timely and correct decisions to identify deterioration in the monitoring parameters and reliability indicators trends for ground air navigation equipment and systems of their operation; use of advanced maintenance strategies based on a system of preventive thresholds and application of the principles of adaptability as a component of artificial intelligence. The obtained scientific results should be used during the design and improvement of operation system for ground air navigation equipment, as well as in the educational process.
Свєткіна, Олена Юріївна. "Закономірності активації твердих речовин при віброударному подрібненні". Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2015. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/18276.
Повний текст джерелаThesis for the Degree of Doctor of Technical sciences, specialty 05.17.08 – Processes and devices of chemical technology. – National Technical University “Kharkiv Politechnical Institute”, 2015. Dissertation is devoted to the development of the methods to prepare minerals for the separation by vibroimpact activation, also the development of theoretical foundations of the solids vibroimpact activation, the studying of the fine particles reactionary abilities, resulting in the change of physical-chemical properties. The grinding technological modes, providing the nessessary activation level and obtaining of the final product spesific properties, are grounded in the work. The technological modes of several materials vibroimpact activation are worked out and recommemded to application together with vertical vibration mill (MVV) in the technological processes of the minerals preparation for separation. The minerals vibroimpact activation influence on the minerals separation is investigated. It has been found out, that the additional ionization is appeared after the materials vibroimpact activation. As the result, there is a possibility to use the minerals vibroimpact effect as a new method to intensify the processes of the ores and the dressing products separation, the reactions proceeds faster and the temperatures of the concentrates reduction and burn are decreased, the water-coal suspensions are stabilized. The new method to determine the composites structure quality is developed. The new principle of the separation process intensification based on the initial products vibroimpact activation, leading in turn to the solid-phase and heterogeneous reactions of two directions – the radical-circuit and the ionic-molecular, is showed. It has been set, that the electical-physical and the magnetic properties are directedly changed during the minerals vibroimpact activation. The last one results in the useful components extraction to the level of 80 % by preliminary separation, reducing twice the raw materials treatment volumes.
Светкина, Елена Юрьевна. "Закономерности активации твердых веществ при виброударном измельчении". Thesis, НТУ "ХПИ", 2015. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/18279.
Повний текст джерелаThesis for the Degree of Doctor of Technical sciences, specialty 05.17.08 – Processes and devices of chemical technology. – National Technical University “Kharkiv Politechnical Institute”, 2015. Dissertation is devoted to the development of the methods to prepare minerals for the separation by vibroimpact activation, also the development of theoretical foundations of the solids vibroimpact activation, the studying of the fine particles reactionary abilities, resulting in the change of physical-chemical properties. The grinding technological modes, providing the nessessary activation level and obtaining of the final product spesific properties, are grounded in the work. The technological modes of several materials vibroimpact activation are worked out and recommemded to application together with vertical vibration mill (MVV) in the technological processes of the minerals preparation for separation. The minerals vibroimpact activation influence on the minerals separation is investigated. It has been found out, that the additional ionization is appeared after the materials vibroimpact activation. As the result, there is a possibility to use the minerals vibroimpact effect as a new method to intensify the processes of the ores and the dressing products separation, the reactions proceeds faster and the temperatures of the concentrates reduction and burn are decreased, the water-coal suspensions are stabilized. The new method to determine the composites structure quality is developed. The new principle of the separation process intensification based on the initial products vibroimpact activation, leading in turn to the solid-phase and heterogeneous reactions of two directions – the radical-circuit and the ionic-molecular, is showed. It has been set, that the electical-physical and the magnetic properties are directedly changed during the minerals vibroimpact activation. The last one results in the useful components extraction to the level of 80 % by preliminary separation, reducing twice the raw materials treatment volumes.
Соловчук, Клавдія Юріївна, та Klavdiia Yu Solovchuk. "Методи та алгоритми керування багатозв’язними об’єктами без пам’яті в умовах невизначеності". Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2020. https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/44767.
Повний текст джерелаThe thesis is devoted to the development and study of methods and algorithms for the discrete-time control of interconnected memoryless plants where the number of output variables can exceed the number of their input variables in the presence of unmeasurable but bounded disturbances under possible uncertainties about the gain matrices and also the bounds on these disturbances. The novelty of main scientific results is that the proposed pseudoinverse model-based method may be used as a universal method to deal with the interconnected memoryless plants to be controlled irrespective of the ranks of their gain matrices. Simulation results concerning the implementation of the pseudoinverse model-based approach to control a distillation column and also the real practical results obtained after the use of this approach to automatic blast distribution among the tuyeres of a blast furnace are presented.
Пукало, Марія Ігорівна. "Формування професійної компетентності майбутніх фахівців автотранспортного профілю засобами інформаційних технологій". Diss., Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2020. https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/53809.
Повний текст джерелаНікульченко, Артем Олександрович. "Методи та інформаційна технологія децентралізованого гарантуючого керування запасами у мережах поставок з невизначеними запізнюваннями". Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/38791.
Повний текст джерелаThe dissertation for a candidate degree of technical sciences, specialty 05.13.06 – Information Technologies. – The National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2018. The thesis focuses on the development of methods and information technology (IT) of decentralized guaranteed inventory control in supply networks (SN) with uncertain transportation delays. Modern information technologies of SN control are analyzed. The mathematical model of the inventory control process at a local node of the SN and descriptor transformation of the model have been suggested. The control law is formulated in the form of linear state feedback. The work suggests an extension of the invariant ellipsoid method based on building of the Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional. Controller synthesis problem has been represented as the semidefinite programming problem. Suggested improvements to the method of forecasting the consumer demand for physical resources based on building a sales curve vectors. The suggested approach ensures optimal compensation of external demand influence on the level of resource stocks by the defined criteria. Suggested approach also ensures guaranteed value of the local quadratic control cost. Suggested improvements to the method of determining the maximum allowed delay. Using the comparison method and Lyapunov vector functions, the stability of the managed SN is analyzed. The thesis also provides implementation strategy for the suggested IT, as well as the diagram of the IT components. The results have been used by commercial companies, as well as in the educational process at the National Technical University "KhPI".
Карпенко, Сергій Володимирович, та Sergii Volodymyrovych Karpenko. "Нормалізація впливу на довкілля шуму та викидів забруднюючих речовин компресорних станцій магістральних газопроводів". Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2021. https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/52294.
Повний текст джерелаДисертаційна робота присвячена підвищенню ефективності засобів та методів нормалізації впливу на довкілля шуму та викидів забруднюючих речовин компресорних станцій магістральних газопроводів. У роботі досліджувались методи очищення лопаток ротора та направляючого апарату компресора ГТУ від забруднень на основі застосування екологічно чистих матеріалів, а також чинники та джерела фізичного і хімічного забруднення атмосферного повітря на компресорних станціях магістральних газопроводів. Теоретично обґрунтовано та експериментально доведено можливість застосування полідисперсних гранул аморфного льоду для очищення поверхні лопаток осьових компресорів ГТУ від забруднень під час їх технічного обслуговування та ремонту, що реалізується за рахунок кумулятивного ефекту гранул при контакті з твердою поверхнею лопаток. Розроблено та запатентовано пристрій для отримання гранул льоду полідисперсного складу розміром від 2 до 5 мм. та спеціальний пристрій для очищення поверхонь крижаними гранулами. Показано, що ГПА у цілому є комплексними та стаціонарними джерелами шуму, вони досліджені експериментально та із застосуванням обчислювальної моделі. Отримані залежності рівнів звуку від параметру ефективного опору потоку σe, який застосовується для визначення імпедансу покриття поверхні, що відбиває звукові промені, значення якого в залежності від типу поверхні досліджені (σe=10 - 20000 кПа с/м2) і наведені в роботі. Удосконалено модель обчислення концентрацій забруднення повітря викидами стаціонарних джерел компресорних станцій шляхом уточнення ефективної висоти джерел викиду за відсутності вертикальної складової швидкості об’єму газів, що витікає з гирла джерела в одиницю часу, та спливання газів тільки за рахунок термогравітаційної конвекції, яка виникає унаслідок різниці температур між об’ємом газів, що витікає, та навколишнього повітря.
The dissertation work is devoted to increase of efficiency of means and methods to regulate the influence on environment of noise and pollutants emissions from the main gas pipelines if compressor stations. The cleaning methods of the rotor blades and compressor apparatus of gas turbines from pollution have been studied by the application of environmentally friendly materials, as well as factors and sources of physical and chemical air pollution from main gas pipelines of compressor stations. The possibility of using polydisperse granules of amorphous ice to clean the surface of the blades of axial compressors of gas turbines from contamination during their maintenance and repair, which is realized due to the cumulative effect of granules in contact with the solid surface of the blades, is theoretically substantiated and experimentally proved. A device for obtaining ice granules of polydisperse composition with a size of 2 to 5 mm has been developed and patented. and a special device for cleaning surfaces with ice granules. It is shown that gas pumping units in general are complex and stationary noise sources, they are studied experimentally and using a computational model. The dependences of sound levels on the parameter of effective flux resistance σe, which is used to determine the impedance of the surface coating that reflects sound rays, the values of which depending on the type of surface were studied (σe = 10-20000 kPa s/m2) and are given in the work. The model for calculation of air pollution concentrations by emissions from stationary sources of compressor stations has been improved by specifying the effective height of emission sources in the absence of a vertical component of the gas volume flowing from the mouth of the source per unit time and gas uplift only Archimedes in the gravitational field due to the temperature difference between the volume of exhaust gases and the ambient air. The possibility of cleaning the surface of the blades of axial compressors of gas turbine units from contamination during their maintenance and repair with the use of amorphous ice granules, devices for obtaining ice granules and installation for their use to clean the blades of axial compressors installations. Fuel samples were developed from compositions of fallen leaves with coal, oil shale and oil products waste, which allowed the utilization of waste oils from gas turbine units of gas pumping units of compressor stations and fallen leaves.
Соснова, Надія Степанівна. "Теоретико-методологічні основи формування громадських просторів міст України". Diss., Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2021. https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/56699.
Повний текст джерелаБаб’як, Володимир Іванович. "Типи житла для мігрантів". Diss., Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2021. https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/56702.
Повний текст джерелаХарчук, Вікторія Юріївна. "Формування та використання систем гармонійного розвитку в умовах глобалізації бізнесу". Diss., Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», 2021. https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/56672.
Повний текст джерелаБудз, Олег Федорович. "Розвиток управління митним обслуговуванням підприємств". Diss., Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2020. https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/56118.
Повний текст джерелаЖайворонок, Ілля Романович. "Державне регулювання системи пенсійного забезпечення". Diss., Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2021. https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/56464.
Повний текст джерелаЩербина, Ольга Алімівна, Ольга Алимовна Щербина та Olga Shcherbyna. "Методологія побудови антенних систем радіомоніторингу з фільтрацією та придушенням завад". Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2021. https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/52195.
Повний текст джерелаThe thesis is dedicated to solve scientific-engineering problem of increasing the efficiency of the radio monitoring antenna systems. A methodology for constructing low-element antenna systems for radio monitoring with advanced functionality has been developed in this work. The methodology covers compensation and adaptation methods for suppressing and filtering interference emissions. The components of the methodology provide an opportunity to increase the efficiency of antenna radiomonitoring systems in the process of measuring the main characteristics of the investigated electromagnetic wave when the system is exposed to interference radiation at a frequency close to the frequency of the useful signal. The methods of constructing structural diagrams have been improved and the parameters of low-element antenna systems have been estimated with the suppression of the influence of interference when using the principles of amplitude and phase compensation, as well as the principles of adaptation. Adaptive antenna arrays separate the useful signal by electrical beamforming with minima in the directions of incidence of electromagnetic interference waves. In the case of antenna systems with filtering and interference cancellation, both electrical and mechanical beamforming can be used. For antenna systems of radio monitoring stations, mechanical beamforming is the most rational, since it allows to reduce errors in determining the angular position of both the useful signal and the interference signal. With the help of the developed methodology for constructing antenna arrays with a primary signal processing device, it becomes possible to simultaneously perform a number of important functions for radio monitoring systems: automated space survey and identification of the radiation source, automatic determination of the angular coordinates of radiation sources, interference suppression at frequencies close to the frequency of controlled radio emission, measurement of electric field intensity, measurement of the polarization parameters of the radiation field. For the developed scheme of the antenna system, the advantage of using mechanical scanning of space has been substantiated. During electrical scanning, a deformation of the radiation pattern occurs, which can lead to significant complications in determining the useful signal in the presence of interference at frequencies close to the frequency of the useful signal. When using mechanical scanning, the shape of the radiation pattern remains unchanged. This provides better accuracy of aiming at the radiation source than with electrical scanning. At the same time, the phase shift in electrical scanning depends on the meridional angle. This makes it difficult to determine the azimuth bearing of the radiation source. Considering these disadvantages, it is advisable to use mechanical control of the antenna position in space, in which the radiation pattern remains unchanged when viewing space in the range from 0o to 360o . In the thesis, a new method for calculating the accuracy characteristics of measuring the parameters of the electromagnetic field by a radio-monitoring antenna system has been developed. The method is based on the representation of the structural diagram of the antenna system in the form of a mathematical model, in which the number of variable informative voltages is limited to ensure transparent functional connections. From the analysis of the accuracy characteristics of the fourelement antenna system, it follows that the angular resolution depends both on the radiation pattern of the antenna array and on the accuracy of establishing the distances between the phase centers of real and virtual dipoles. The operating frequency range of the antenna array is limited not only by the deformation of the radiation pattern, but also by errors in the design of the antenna structural elements. The obtained scientific results of the thesis can be used in research organizations and operational divisions of radio monitoring and control over the use of the radiofrequency resource.
Забавська, Христина Юріївна. "Особливості становлення та функціонування системи стримувань і противаг між гілками влади в умовах демократизації політичної системи України". Diss., Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2020. https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/55399.
Повний текст джерелаРоманенко, Роман Романович. "Виявлення та розслідування підрозділами Національної поліції України розкрадання лісодеревини". Diss., Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2021. https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/56744.
Повний текст джерелаКлачко, Олена Ростиславівна. "Термодинамічні властивості естерів 6-метил-2-оксо-4-арил-1,2,3,4-тетрагідропіримідин-5-карбонової кислоти та їх розчинів в органічних розчинниках". Diss., Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2021. https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/56781.
Повний текст джерелаЖуравель, Ярослав Володимирович, та Yaroslav Zhuravel. "Адміністративно-правове забезпечення децентралізації органів виконавчої влади в Україні". Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2021. https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/47970.
Повний текст джерелаThe dissertation is focused on comprehensive research of administrative and legal provision of executive agencies’ decentralization in Ukraine. The author has revealed the preconditions for the formation and development of executive agencies’ decentralization in Ukraine. The concept and essence of state administration within executive agencies’ activities have been clarified. Conceptual approaches to the relationship between state administration and public administration within executive agencies’ activities have been revealed. The main principles of state administration of executive agencies have been determined. Forms and methods of state administration within executive agencies’ activities have been characterized. The author has carried out a retrospective analysis of the formation of the executive power system in Ukraine. The main features of the system of executive agencies have been clarified. The essence of the organizational structure of the “system of executive agencies” has been revealed. The author has defined the purpose, objectives and powers of executive agencies as the basis of their legal status. The role of executive agencies in the mechanism of ensuring human and civil rights and legitimate interests has been clarified. The system and structure of executive agencies in Ukraine have been studied. The author has determined specific features of the administrative and legal status of executive agencies. It has been established that the effectiveness of the system of executive agencies is determined by the rationality of management relations between agencies with different organizational and legal status both vertically and horizontally. It has been theoretically substantiated that the current system of executive power in Ukraine remains inefficient, the level of its organizational influence does not meet the needs of dynamic development of society and the formation of a democratic and rule of law state. The author has highlighted the main problematic issues that lead to low efficiency of the executive branch of power. The influence of decentralization on the division of powers of executive agencies and local self-government has been clarified. The author has analyzed specific features of external administrative, internal organizational and tort relations within the system of executive agencies. The place and significance of relations on ensuring human and civil rights and freedoms have been clarified. Problems for the optimization of organizational, normative and legal level of the system of executive agencies in Ukraine have been determined. The model of systemic digitalization of executive agencies as a separate global component of state policy in the field of public administration has been studied, because it is digitalization in the modern paradigm of society and the state’s development influence on the proper access to administrative services, it is an important factor for reducing the administrative and managerial apparatus and, as a consequence, public spending. The author has proved the necessity of developing means of informatization and software (open source) support on the basis of applied researches of the newest competitive information and communication technologies. The author has outlined the issue of prosecuting the entities that enter information into the system for the inaccuracy and incompleteness of the entered data, as well as the entities that provide administrative services, for the violation of the procedure for their provision. The author has made propositions to regulate the issue of liability for the violation of the legislation on the provision of administrative services at the legislative level. It has been offered to: amend the Tax Code of Ukraine in terms of clear definition of the conditions for the provision of administrative services; develop and adopt the Concept of information support of state authorities in Ukraine and the draft Law of Ukraine “On information support of state authorities in Ukraine”, which provide regulation of legal norms and systematization of administrative and legal bases for creating a single global integrated system, departmental and local electronic resources of state authorities. The author has analyzed European models of executive agencies’ activity and has outlined the perspectives of their introduction into the domestic legislation. Propositions have been made to improve the functional level of activity of executive agencies in Ukraine in the context of European integration.
Салієва, Ольга Володимирівна. "Моделі та засоби оцінювання рівня захищеності систем захисту інформації на основі когнітивного моделювання". Diss., Вінницький національний технічний університет, 2021. https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/56773.
Повний текст джерелаКраснопольський, Володимир Сергійович, та Volodymyr Serhiyovych Krasnopol'skii. "Прогнозування граничного стану заклепкових з'єднань авіаційних конструкцій при втомному багатоосередковому пошкодженні". Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2020. https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/44136.
Повний текст джерелаДиссертационная работа посвящена решению актуальной задачи – определения надёжности и ресурса заклёпочных соединений панельных авиационных конструкций при многоочаговом повреждении. Данная задача решена путем научного обоснования и разработки нового математического обеспечения для моделирования процессов образования и роста усталостных трещин в конструкциях с отверстиями с алюминиевого сплава Д16АТ с учётом экспериментально установленных закономерностей. При циклическом нагружении конструкций самолетов в заклепочных соединениях образовываются и распространяются трещины усталости, что может привести к снижению остаточной прочности и внезапному распространенному разрушению. Инициатором такого разрушения может быть многоочаговое повреждение (Multiple Site Damage – MSD). MSD – это состояние поврежденной конструкции, которое характеризуется наличием в ней множественных усталостных трещин, которые одновременно растут и взаимодействуют. Особенностью данного вида повреждения является относительно малая длина трещины для достижения предельного состояния, за которое принимается разрушение хотя бы одной перемычки заклепочного соединения. Следует отметить, что проблема особенно актуальна при оценке остаточного ресурса, назначении периодичности технических осмотров и прогнозировании остаточной прочности стареющего парка самолетов. В современной практике для решения данной задачи чаще всего используется математическое моделирование с помощью численного метода Монте-Карло. Однако, несмотря широкий спектр статистических и временных характеристик поврежденности, которые можно получить данным методом, результаты применения этого подхода существенно зависят от точности применяемых математических моделей и всегда ограничены набором параметров, заданных перед началом моделирования, что не отражает влияние на процесс развития дефектов основных факторов, таких как случайный характер зарождения и роста усталостных трещин и возможность их объединения. Поэтому в данной работе предложен новый метод прогнозирования ресурса и определения надежности заклепочных соединений, основанный на вероятностной модели многоочагового повреждения. Данная модель использует аналитические закономерности развития трещин с учетом случайного их зарождения и скорости роста. Она включает в себя три ключевых элемента, а именно: функцию распределения наработки до появления трещины начальной длины, модель стохастичности длин трещин при фиксированной наработке и расчет вероятности объединения встречных трещин в определенный момент времени. В работе получены все указанные модели и на их основе предложен метод прогнозирования ресурса заклепочных соединений, учитывающий особенности нагружения конкретной конструкции. Для проверки работоспособности разработанного метода проведены усталостные испытания модельных образцов со многими концентраторами напряжения для моделирования многоочагового повреждения, в процессе которых для большей достоверности эксперимента и достижения лучшей повторяемости результатов применялись методики получения экспериментальных данных по зарождению и развитию усталостных трещин без остановки испытаний.
The design of modern aviation structures is performed according accepted damage tolerance concept to achieve high cost-effectiveness performance. A key feature of this approach is operation of structure for the longest possible time until degradation of material properties will not threat the safety according strength requirements. This concept, in addition to positive economic effects, also improves the reliability of structure and reduces the number of failures, but its practical implementation faces a number of problems. One of them is prediction of initiation and development of fatigue damage in aircraft structure. The growth of fatigue cracks in the material is the result of defects accumulation and coalescence during operation under the influence of cyclic action of a wide range of damaging factors. It is quite obvious that the longer an aircraft is in operation, the more damage will accumulate its structure and the greater will be probability of failure. The necessity to predict such event, as well as to set up a cost-effective program of periodic inspections and maintenance of aircraft design, creates the problem of the so-called aging fleet. An aging fleet consists of aircrafts that have been in operation for a long time and have already exhausted their design resource. The question about possibility of further operation for such airplanes is urgent, but such a decision can be made only on the basis of inspections of its structure. The data of such inspections collected on aging fleet aircrafts, in most cases show the presence of multiple fatigue cracks in structural elements, which is a classic representation of multiple site damage. Especially this type of damage is a major threat to the airworthiness of aging aircraft. According to the definition in regulatory documents, multiple site damage is a condition of the damaged structure which is characterized by the simultaneous presence of growing and cooperating fatigue cracks in the same structural element that can lead to a decrease in the residual strength of the structure below the allowable level. The main location of this type of damage is the wing and fuselage riveted joints due to large number of stress concentrators arranged in a row. Due to the relatively small distance between the adjacent rivet holes, even the small size of fatigue cracks can lead to their joining and destruction of the riveted joint that threatens to destroy all the structure. Therefore, the decision about extension of airworthiness in this case is entirely dependent on periodical and additional inspections conducted to predict the service life in terms of damage tolerance concept. However, the most effective application of this concept is possible only if there is an adequate mathematical description of the multiple site damage. Due to the large number of random factors and rivet holes in the design of modern aircrafts, it can be done only by applying a probabilistic approach to fatigue crack growth modeling. In modern practice, mathematical modeling using the Monte Carlo numerical method is used most often to solve this problem. However, despite the wide variety of statistical and time characteristics of damage that can be obtained by this method, the results of this approach depend significantly on the accuracy of the used mathematical models and are always limited by a set of parameters given before the simulation, which does not reflect the impact of main factors on the development of defects, such as the random nature of fatigue crack initiation and growth and the possibility of their coalescence. Therefore, this paper proposes a new method for life prediction and reliability determination of riveted joints based on the probabilistic model of multiple site damage. This model uses the analytical dependencies of the crack propagation, taking into account their random initiation and growth rate. It includes three key elements: the function of the time distribution before the occurrence of a crack with initial length, the stochastic model of the crack length at a fixed time, and calculation of coalescence probability for counter cracks at a specific time. In the work, all the mentioned models were developed and based on it proposed the method for service life prediction of the riveted joints that takes into account the load of particular structure. To test the efficiency of the developed method, it was carried out fatigue tests of model specimens with many stress concentrators to simulate multiple site damage in which the methods of experimental data obtaining on the initiation and propagation of fatigue cracks were used for greater reliability of the results. During the test special techniques to obtain experimental data on the initiation and propagation of fatigue cracks without stopping the test were used to increase the reliability of the data and to achieve better repeatability of the results. The main scientific results are: it is theoretically and experimentally confirmed that the probabilistic distribution of the fatigue cracks length in case of multiple site damage is in accordance with the Pareto’s law and based on this, a new mathematical model of the stochastic nature of fatigue cracks length formation was developed, taking into account their random initiation and growth; a probabilistic model of counter fatigue cracks coalescence is developed with the assumption that the length of these cracks conforms to the Pareto’s distribution; the mathematical model of multiple site damage has been developed and based on it the method for life prediction and reliability determination of aviation structures riveted joints for multiple site damage is proposed. The practical significance of the work is the author have obtained analytical dependencies of the resource distribution function, determination of the boundary state probability and probability of riveted joint failure-free operation; the method for the service life prediction and reliability determination of aircraft structure riveted joints in case of multiple site damage has been developed, that allow to prevent the failure of the structure and set a cost-effective inspection period; method for experimental studies of multiple site damage and measuring the length of fatigue cracks in specimens with many concentrators is proposed and tested, that allow to obtain the data of experiments simultaneously on many cracks without stopping the tests, thus increases their accuracy. The results of the scientific research of the thesis are implemented into the educational process in National Aviation University and main practical results of the work were implemented at ANTONOV Company in the production of transport aircrafts to improve the accuracy of prediction the fatigue cracks initiation and propagation in panels with riveted joints and determine their reliability and load bearing capacity.
Романовська, Оксана Іванівна, та Oksana Ivanivna Pomanovska. "Адміністративно-правове забезпечення діяльності органів державної виконавчої служби України". Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2020. https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/44932.
Повний текст джерелаРоманова, Оксана Валеріївна. "Семантика декоративно-художніх засобів виразності в народній архітектурі Півдня України (на прикладі Одеської обл.)". Diss., Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2021. https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/56703.
Повний текст джерелаПогребова, Інна Сергіївна. "Наукові основи створення синергетичних адсорбційних інгібіторів корозії поліфункціонального призначення". Doctoral thesis, Київ, 2021. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/45499.
Повний текст джерелаГутів, Богдан Ігорович. "Становлення та розвиток Держави-міста Ватикан: історико-правове дослідження". Diss., Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, 2020. https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/53806.
Повний текст джерелаКушнір, Ірина Павлівна, та Iryna Pavlivna Kushnir. "Теоретичні та організаційні засади нормативно-правового регулювання інформаційних відносин у діяльності Державної прикордонної служби України". Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2020. https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/44931.
Повний текст джерелаОстапенко, Леонід Олексійович. "Адміністративно-правове регулювання відносин у сфері праці в контексті соціальної політики держави". Diss., Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2021. https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/56719.
Повний текст джерелаБевз, Світлана Іванівна, та Svitlana Ivanivna Bevz. "Адміністративно-правове регулювання державного управління у сфері господарської діяльності в Україні". Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2020. http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/43634.
Повний текст джерелаДзюрах, Юрій Михайлович. "Державне регулювання інвестиційної діяльності в сільському господарстві". Diss., Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2021. https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/56147.
Повний текст джерелаЗакієв, Вадим Ісламович. "Прилад безконтактного вимірювання геометричних параметрів поверхні виробів методом інтерферометрії". Thesis, 2018. http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/37727.
Повний текст джерелаДисертаційна робота присвячена розробці автоматизованого інтерференційного профілометра для безконтактного вимірювання мікро- та нанотопографії поверхні, її тривимірного представлення, визначення показників шорсткості та параметрів, що характеризують особливості форми поверхні. Для забезпечення керованого переміщення опорного дзеркала інтерферометра розроблена нова конструкція електромагнітного актюатора еталонного дзеркала з електронною платою керування. Принцип роботи профілометра базується на реєстрації інтенсивності інтерференційних смуг в кожній точці приладу з зарядовим зв’язком при нульовій різниці ходу світлових хвиль в інтерферометрі для відповідного положення рухомого дзеркала. Автоматизація роботи приладу забезпечується спеціально розробленим програмним забезпеченням, що використовується для управління, налаштування, збору, обробки, та збереження даних, а також для фільтрації та тривимірної візуалізації отриманих результатів. Для забезпечення потрібних метрологічних і технічних характеристик розроблено методику автоматичного юстирування приладу. Сутність методики полягає в пошуку кількості кроків рухомого дзеркала, яке необхідне для зміщення інтерференційної картини на половину довжини світлової хвилі. Експериментально підтверджено практичне використання розробленого приладу для вирішення багатьох науково-практичних завдань.
The dissertation is devoted to the development of an automated instrument for non-contact measurement of surface micro- and nanotopography, its tree-dimensional representation, determination of roughness parameters and parameters characterizing the features of surface shape. In the work wide variety of methods and instruments for surface topography registration was analyzed. Each method applies different physical principles of interaction with the surface, has different resolution and limits of scanning area, and has its advantages and disadvantages. This is contact (stylus) profilometry, focus variation microscopy, interference profilometry, scanning probe microscopy. A detailed analysis of existing methods has shown that the method of interference profilometry is optimal. It has the following advantages: non-contact measurement (greatly expands the range of studied materials), high vertical resolution (~1nm), wide range of heights measurements, sufficient scanning area (from micrometers to several millimetres), and high measurement speed (less than one minute). White light interferometry is a powerful tool for non-contact measurement of surface relief and reconstruction of its topography. It should be noted that in Ukraine despite the scientific and production needs, such instruments are not produced. The key element in design of interference profilometer is a micro/electro/mechanical system of reference mirror movement, which provides optical path difference and used for interference image creation. In commercially available foreign instruments reference mirror is driven by the piezoelectric actuators. Main disadvantages of piezoelectric actuators are the limited range of displacements at relatively high applied voltage values. It’s difficult to manufacture high voltage and low noise amplifier and significant amount of displacements hysteresis presence, while the use of a linear mirror position feedback transducer and a closed loop control considerably added complexity. To eliminate these disadvantages a linear precision actuator of the reference mirror with a manometer displacement step was developed. The design of this actuator has the following advantages: sufficiently wide displacements range, non-contact motion by means of a magnetic field, electromagnetic damping of harmful (seismic) oscillations, linear displacement characteristics. Actuator control is carried out by a specially designed electronic control board in accordance with the developed algorithms and software. On the basis of the proposed design solutions, as well as the matching and substantiation of the main conceptual approaches to the instrument components design (interferometer scheme, light source, image registration systems and device for mirror movement), an experimental sample of the interference profilometer was developed and made. The principle of its operation is based on the intensity registration of interference fringes at each point of the charge-coupled device (CCD) at a zero optical path difference in the interferometer for the corresponding position of the moving mirror. According to the sequence of registered frames, the characteristic of the investigated object surface is constructed, i.e. the maximum intensity values (heights) are recorded at all points of the CCD matrix. The compact dimensions of the developed electromagnetic actuator, low voltage control have greatly simplified the electronic part of the instrument. This approach made it possible to create two modifications to the profilometer. One modification is realized on the basis of the Linnik microinterferometer MІІ-4, the other one is made according to the Michelson interferometer scheme, more compact and created on the basis of serial microscope. Instrument automation is provided by specially designed software, which includes two separate programs. One program is flashed into microprocessor of an electronic unit to control operation modes of electronic components (commands for transformation, control, formation, average and data transmission), the second one is installed on a computer and used to control, configure, collect, process and save data, as well as for filtering and three-dimensional visualization of the obtained results. To simplify work with the instrument automatic initial position and displacement range adjustments of the moving mirror and automatic settings of the light source brightness are integrated in the software. To correct the registered results and their adequate representation algorithms for filtering and elimination linear trend based on mathematical statistics and regression analysis methods are integrated in the software. The instrument control automation level, as well as the registration processes, processing and presentation of results meets state of the art requirements for the devices of such class. To provide the necessary metrological and technical characteristics, a methodology and software for automatic instrument calibration have been developed. The essence of calibration procedure is to find the number of moving mirror steps which is necessary to shift the interference fringe on half a wavelength of the light source. This technique greatly simplifies process of configuring an instrument and allows performing calibrating procedure of the profilometer without measuring a calibrated step height. Based on the technical capabilities of the developed profilometer shown and experimentally approved its practical application for many scientific and practical tasks. Such as: automated output and input control based on measuring the geometrical parameters of the ferrule surface of fiber optic connectors; measurement and quality control of surfaces of dental implants and hip joints endoprostheses; measurement and quality control of the integrated circuits surface at manufacturing stages; measurement and quantitative estimation of surface deformation relief of structural components under fatigue load to predict their technical condition; measuring the size of the indents and scratches during indentation and scratch-testing, as well as determining the area and nature of the deformation area near the indents; measuring the value of material wear after contact interaction.
Диссертационная работа посвящена разработке автоматизированного интерференционного профилометра для бесконтактного измерения микро- и нанотопографии поверхности, ее трехмерного представления, определения показателей шероховатости и параметров характеризующих форму поверхности. Для обеспечения управляемого перемещения опорного зеркала интерферометра разработана новая конструкция электромагнитного актюатора эталонного зеркала с электронной платой управления. Принцип работы профилометра основан на регистрации интенсивности интерференционных полос в каждой точке прибора с зарядовой связью при нулевой разнице хода световых волн в интерферометре для соответствующего положения подвижного зеркала. Автоматизация работы прибора обеспечивается специально разработанным программным обеспечением, которое используется для управления, настройки, сбора, обработки, а также для фильтрации и трехмерной визуализации. Для обеспечения необходимых метрологических и технических характеристик разработана методика автоматической юстировки прибора. Сущность методики заключается в определении количества шагов подвижного зеркала необходимого для смещения интерференционной картины на половину длины волны. Экспериментально подтверждено практическое применение разработанного профилометра для решения многих научно-технических задач.
Бабинський, Анатолій. "Патріархальний рух в середовищі українських греко-католиків у діаспорі (1964–1989 рр.)". Thesis, 2020. https://er.ucu.edu.ua/handle/1/2759.
Повний текст джерелаThis dissertation is the first systematic study of the formation and development of the Ukrainian Patriarchal Movement as a socio-religious phenomenon of the Ukrainian diaspora in 1964–1989 in Ukrainian and international studies. The research is based on an extensive source base, including numerous unpublished materials from the Historical Archive of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in Rome (Italy) and archival collections of the Ukrainian diaspora in Stamford, Cleveland and Chicago (USA). Besides standard methodology used in the humanities, for the first time in Ukrainian theological studies, research methods from diaspora studies were used. In particular, as a theoretical framework to analyze the phenomenon of the Patriarchal Movement, the concept of «diasporic religion» was adopted.
Базильчук, О. В., та O. V. Bazylchuk. "Теоретичні і методичні засади професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців з фізичної терапії, ерготерапії до роботи з відновлення здоров’я спортсменів". Дисертація, 2019. http://elar.khnu.km.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/8755.
Повний текст джерелаСолтик, О. О., та O. O. Soltyk. "Теоретичні і методичні засади формування професійної надійності майбутніх учителів фізичної культури". Дисертація, 2019. http://elar.khnu.km.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/9363.
Повний текст джерелаПокудіна, Л. С., та L. S. Pokudina. "Міждисциплінарний підхід до професійної підготовки майбутніх бакалаврів з фінансів, банківської справи та страхування". Дисертація, 2018. http://elar.khnu.km.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/8693.
Повний текст джерелаМиколюк, О. А., та O. A. Mykoliuk. "Управління енергетичною безпекою підприємств". Дисертація, 2019. http://elar.khnu.km.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/8882.
Повний текст джерела