Добірка наукової літератури з теми "Якість електропостачання"
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Статті в журналах з теми "Якість електропостачання"
Stankovska, I. M., Т. V. Stankovskyi та L. R. Shaban. "ФОРМУВАННЯ МОДЕЛІ ПРОЦЕСУ УПРАВЛІННЯ ЯКІСТЮ ПОСЛУГ ЕЛЕКТРОРОЗПОДІЛЬЧИХ ПІДПРИЄМСТВ В УМОВАХ ТРАНСФОРМАЦІЇ ЕНЕРГОРИНКУ УКРАЇНИ". Actual problems of regional economy development 2, № 15 (4 листопада 2019): 64–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.15330/apred.2.15.64-72.
Повний текст джерелаKuravska, N., M. Popov, D. Shelyakin та R. Ploshko. "АНАЛІЗ ПЕРЕТВОРЮВАЧІВ СИНХРОННОЇ ЧАСТОТИ ІЗ СКЛАДУ ОЗБРОЄННЯ ТА ВІЙСЬКОВОЇ ТЕХНІКИ ДЛЯ ЇХ МОДЕРНІЗАЦІЇ З УРАХУВАННЯМ ДОСВІДУ ОПЕРАЦІЇ ОБ’ЄДНАНИХ СИЛ". Системи управління, навігації та зв’язку. Збірник наукових праць 2, № 54 (11 квітня 2019): 42–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.26906/sunz.2019.2.042.
Повний текст джерелаДисертації з теми "Якість електропостачання"
Романовський, Володимир Ігоревич, Владимир Игоревич Романовский, Volodymyr Ihorevych Romanovskyi, Дмитро Миколайович Макуха, Дмитрий Николаевич Макуха та Dmytro Mykolaiovych Makukha. "Розрахунок впливу несиметричних режимів роботи розподільних мереж 0,38кВ на якість електропостачання". Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2013. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/44053.
Повний текст джерелаХарько, О. Ф., та Л. М. Щербак. "Забезпечення якості електроенергії при комбінованих системах електропостачання". Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2016. http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/26883.
Повний текст джерелаЩербатюк, Владислав Романович, та Vladyslav Shcherbatiuk. "Розробка заходів підвищення ефективності системи електропостачання промислового підприємства з технологічним впливом на якість електроенергії". Master's thesis, ТНТУ імені Івана Пулюя, 2019. http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/29950.
Повний текст джерелаIn this diploma paper the modernization of the enterprise power supply system with the technology of tool and welding production to solve the problem of improving the quality of electricity and reliability of power supply to consumers are carried out, The measures to create the conditions for high-efficiency and uninterrupted operation of technological installations with reactive power compensation devices and filter compensators, which are configured to neutralize the higher harmonic components of electricity in the electrical network, are developed. A mathematical model for determining the thermal stability and service life of an asynchronous motor, depending on the mode of its load at the presence of distortions of the supply voltage is researched. The calculation of electrical loads is executed, the design changes in the current electrical scheme of power consumers are made, effective cross-sections of cable-conductor products are selected, the calculation of short-circuit currents is executed.
ВСТУП ……………………………………………………………………… 9 1 АНАЛІТИЧНА ЧАСТИНА .......………………………………………….. 13 1.1 Вимоги до систем електропостачання ............................................ 13 1.2 Підвищення ефективності систем електропостачання .................. 14 1.3 Проблеми якості електричної енергії в електромережах промислових підприємств .........................................................…... 15 1.4 Вплив відхилень якості електроенергії на ефективність функціонування електроприймачів ................................................. 18 1.5 Аналіз економічних збитків при експлуатації електромереж з низьким рівнем якості електроенергії ............................................ 22 1.6 Коротка довідка про підприємство .................................................. 23 1.7 Особливості системи електропостачання інструментально - зварювального виробництва ............................................................ 26 1.8 Вибір класу напруги системи електропостачання ......................... 27 1.9 Висновки до розділу ....................................................................... 28 2 НАУКОВО–ДОСЛІДНА ЧАСТИНА .......……………………………….. 29 Дослідження електромереж промислових підприємств з впливом технологічного устаткування на показники якості електроенергії .................................................................................... 29 2.1 Вплив спотворення напруги електромережі на роботу технологічного електроустаткування ............................................ 29 2.2 Визначення спотворення форми напруги в електромережах ....... 35 2.3 Особливості розрахунку вищих гармонік в електромережах споживачів ......................................................................................... 36 2.4 Дослідження енергетичних затрат у моделі ділянки системи електропостачання з асинхронним електродвигуном при наявності вищих гармонік ................................................................ 39 2.5 Висновки до розділу ……..........................................……………... 40 3 ТЕХНОЛОГІЧНА ЧАСТИНА …………......…………………………….. 42 Розрахунок системи електропостачання інструментальнозварювального виробництва ............................................................ 42 3.1 Аналіз вихідних даних на проектування та загальна характеристика електроприймачів ......................………………… 43 3.2. Розрахунок електричних навантажень виробництва .................... 44 3.3 Розрахунок навантаження розподільчих пунктів і шинопроводів .................................................................................. 46 3.4 Вибір місця розташування цехової трансформаторної підстанції ........................................................................................... 48 3.5 Розрахунок електричного освітлення приміщень інструментально–зварювального виробництва ............................. 49 3.6 Розрахунок навантаження щитків освітлення ................................ 55 3.7 Розрахунок потужності ділянок виробництва .........................….. 55 3.8 Вибір номінальної потужності трансформаторів ..…................… 56 3.9 Вибір компенсуючих пристроїв реактивної потужності .............. 58 3.10 Обмеження рівня вищих гармонік в електромережах промислових підприємств ................................................................ 60 3.11 Висновки до розділу ....................................................................... 63 4 ПРОЕКТНО–КОНСТРУКТОРСЬКА ЧАСТИНА ……………….......….. 64 Розрахунок струмів коротких замикань, вибір елементів мережі живленя, комутаційних апаратів та захисту .................................. 64 4.1 Вибір перерізу кабельних ліній напругою понад 1 кВ ..........…… 64 4.2 Вибір розподільної мережі 0,4 кВ ……….....................………….. 66 4.3 Вибір комутаційних апаратів ........................................................... 73 4.4 Розрахунок струмів короткого замикання ...................................... 77 4.5 Вибір основного електрообладнання цехової підстанції і низьковольтної мережі цеху .....................................................…... 82 4.6 Перевірка струмопровідних частин на термічну стійкість ........... 85 4.7 Релейний захист трансформаторів цехової підстанції .................. 85 4.8 Висновки до розділу .....................................……………………… 86 5 СПЕЦІАЛЬНА ЧАСТИНА …………….......…………………………….. 87 Якість електроенергії в мережі підприємства зі зварювальним виробництвом .................................................................................... 87 5.1 Погіршення показників якості електроенергії зварювальними агрегатами ..................................................................................…… 87 5.2 Дослідження гармонійних складових електромережі з джерелами живлення зварювальної дуги ....................................... 90 5.3 Дослідження порівняльного впливу зварювальних апаратів різних типів на показники якості електроенергії мережі живлення ........................................................................................... 92 5.4 Висновки до розділу ......................................................................... 98 6 ОБҐРУНТУВАННЯ ЕКОНОМІЧНОЇ ЕФЕКТИВНОСТІ ….....……….. 99 6.1 Визначення вартості розробки проекту ....................................….. 100 6.2 Визначення вартості реалізації проекту .........………………….... 101 6.3 Витрати на експлуатацію системи електропостачання ................. 103 6.4 Аналіз результатів ............................................................................. 107 7 ОХОРОНА ПРАЦІ ТА БЕЗПЕКА В НАДЗВИЧАЙНИХ СИТУАЦІЯХ …....................................................................………………... 108 7.1 Заходи з електробезпеки на інструментально–зварювальному виробництві .............................................…...................................... 108 7.2 Заходи пожежної безпеки на інструментально–зварювальному виробництві ...................................................................................... 110 7.3 Причини виникнення виробничих надзвичайних ситуацій ........... 113 7.4 Запобігання виникненню надзвичайних ситуацій ......................... 114 8 ЕКОЛОГІЯ …………………….......………………………………………. 116 8.1 Заходи щодо зменшення впливу забруднювачів від інструментально–зварювального виробництва ............................. 116 ЗАГАЛЬНІ ВИСНОВКИ ДО ДИПЛОМНОЇ РОБОТИ ….......…………… 120 ПЕРЕЛІК ПОСИЛАНЬ ………………….......……………………………… 122
Гапон, Дмитро Анатолійович. "Методи та засоби аналізу якості електропостачання та електромагнітної сумісності електротехнічних комплексів та систем". Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2020. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/48409.
Повний текст джерелаThe dissertation on achieving the scientific degree Doctor of Technical Sciences by specialty 05.09.03 – "Electrotechnical complexes and systems" - National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2020. The paper contains the solution of the actual scientific problem of the analysis of quality of power supply and electromagnetic compatibility of electrotechnical complexes and systems. This problem is the lack of a mathematical basis and, accordingly, a regulatory framework for assessing the impact of a particular electrical complex or consumer system on the quality of electricity. The current regulations place all responsibility for the low quality of electricity supply directly on the supply organization in the form of fines, which, as experience shows, does not contribute to the construction of optimal power supply systems. The paper analyzes the compatibility of the existing regulatory framework (including IEEE519, EN50160) and evaluates the effectiveness of the proposed methods of determining responsibility using computer simulations. The analysis showed that the existing methods have significant limitations, as a result of which they are not suitable for practical application. The paper proposes an assessment of the quality of power supply by comparing the mode of power consumption of the existing electrical complex with the reference consumer in the form of numerical coefficients of power and losses. Calculation formulas for single-phase, three-phase three-wire and four-wire power supply systems are obtained. Three-phase three-wire system the reference consumer, regardless of the voltage parameters, is a symmetrical triangle of constant active resistance is shown. Three-phase four-wire system the reference consumer, regardless of voltage parameters, is a combination of a symmetric triangle of constant active resistances and a symmetrical star, the resistance in the branches of which is as many times more than the resistance of the triangle is shown. It is noted that the general assessment of the loss ratio is not informative enough about the reasons for the deterioration of electricity quality. To solve this problem, the division of total losses into losses from asymmetry, nonlinearity, reactivity and nonstationarity is proposed. The concept of the reference reactive consumer is offered, and conclusions concerning possibility and expediency of its use are made. A method for determining the reactivity coefficient by volumes of energy flowing in the forward and reverse directions is proposed. The concept of the average reactive consumer is offered. The paper proposes to build an assessment of the contribution of a separate electrical complex or consumer system in the deterioration of power supply on the basis of power values specified in the contract and the establishment of normalized resistance of the power supply system. Based on these values, a mathematical apparatus is proposed, which allows not only to determine the fact of violation of the limits of electromagnetic compatibility but also to quantify the amount of electricity that has been damaged. It is proposed to determine the coefficient of losses from asymmetry using a reference consumer. This coefficient is calculated as the ratio between the power loss of three independent single-phase reference consumers to the losses of the reference three-phase consumer. This solution avoids the influence of such factors as nonlinearity and reactivity. In addition, the device of symmetrical components is not used, which is inconvenient in the case of non-sinusoidal voltages and currents. It is proposed to select individual coefficients of losses from reactivity and nonlinearity, which are calculated by dividing the harmonic components of the distortion current by the power direction. The method of calculation of losses from nonstationarity is calculated, which is calculated as the ratio of total losses of reference consumers on several "short" intervals, and losses of the reference consumer on a long interval that includes all "short". The analysis of character of complex resistance of an electric network depending on parameters of its elements for typical cases of connection of consumers of various character on voltage of 10 KV is carried out. The obtained dependence allows us to talk about the possible use of normalized values to estimate network bandwidth. An empirical method for calculating the normalized resistance is proposed. A method for measuring the parameters of the electrical network mode is proposed, which allows to implement algorithms for assessing the quality of power consumption, the advantages of which are self-synchronization, calculation of values strictly for one period of the main voltage harmonic, absence of gaps and overlays of observation intervals. A method for measuring the current values of currents and voltages on their discrete images is proposed, taking into account the discrepancy between the moments of the initial and final readings of the digital image of the signal with the moments of the beginning and end of the measurement period. A method of taking into account the quality of electricity consumption in the calculations for the consumed electricity is proposed, which creates an economic incentive to increase the efficiency of energy regimes of the consumer. The method of estimation of infringement by the consumer of norms of consumption on size of power and harmonic components which are potentially capable to cause an exit of indicators of quality of electric energy beyond admissible limits is offered. The basics of the method of construction of penalties against the consumer in case of exceeding the allowable parameters of electricity consumption, as well as penalties against the supplier of electricity in case of low quality of electricity and the absence of violations by the consumer. In the experimental part of the work the application of the offered mathematical devices on the examples of test mathematical models and oscillograms obtained on real objects is tested. The experiment allowed to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed methods, in addition to the method of comparison with the reference medium-reactive consumer, which has not proved to be an effective tool for analysis and does not seem promising. Also in the work the hardware realization in the form of the electric energy meter taking into account its quality is offered.
Бедерак, Ярослав Семенович. "Оптимізація перетікань реактивної потужності в системах електропостачання промислових підприємств з урахуванням якості електроенергії". Thesis, Національний технічний університет України "Київський політехнічний інститут ім. Ігоря Сікорського", 2017. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/30702.
Повний текст джерелаThe thesis is for obtaining scientific degree candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.14.02 – Еlectrical power stations, networks and systems. National Technical University of Ukraine "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute", Kharkov, 2017. The method of calculating the actual values of reactive power flows in power systems of industrial enterprises with varied load was developed in the thesis. This was done by applying the database of automated accounting systems of electric power under conditions, when the balance limit is on the side of high voltage of power transformers and computational metering devices are installed on the side of low voltage. Criteria of reactive power flows optimization for each reactive power source and their combinations were developed. The method of calculating the established operating mode of capacitor bank with the source of higher harmonics was improved by determination the resonant frequency and creation dependence of the impedance absolute value on the number of higher harmonics in the network in order to prevent resonance of currents at higher odd harmonics that are multiples of 50 Hz. The number of working asynchronous electric motors in the group of the same type in real time was determined. Tools and actions which exclude resonance emergence in the power supply system, with working capacitor banks during the startup regime of nonlinear load were developed.
Бедерак, Ярослав Семенович. "Оптимізація перетікань реактивної потужності в системах електропостачання промислових підприємств з урахуванням якості електроенергії". Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/30701.
Повний текст джерелаThe thesis is for obtaining scientific degree candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.14.02 – Еlectrical power stations, networks and systems. National Technical University of Ukraine "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute", Kharkov, 2017. The method of calculating the actual values of reactive power flows in power systems of industrial enterprises with varied load was developed in the thesis. This was done by applying the database of automated accounting systems of electric power under conditions, when the balance limit is on the side of high voltage of power transformers and computational metering devices are installed on the side of low voltage. Criteria of reactive power flows optimization for each reactive power source and their combinations were developed. The method of calculating the established operating mode of capacitor bank with the source of higher harmonics was improved by determination the resonant frequency and creation dependence of the impedance absolute value on the number of higher harmonics in the network in order to prevent resonance of currents at higher odd harmonics that are multiples of 50 Hz. The number of working asynchronous electric motors in the group of the same type in real time was determined. Tools and actions which exclude resonance emergence in the power supply system, with working capacitor banks during the startup regime of nonlinear load were developed.
Горенко, Дар’я Сергіївна. "Оцінювання обмінних процесів у локальних системах електропостачання з джерелами розосередженої генерації". Thesis, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2020. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/32609.
Повний текст джерелаIn the dissertation the complex analysis of the peculiarities of functioning of local power supply systems (LPSS) is carried out taking into account the modern requirements of the Smart Grid concept and the comparative analysis of methods of estimation of exchange processes in LPSS with dispersed energy sources is performed. The need to extend the known LPSS system to adequately assess the EMC levels in the LPSS with the requirements of the Smart Grid concept and to estimate the energy flow rates using known indicators is justified. The analysis of exchange processes of LPSS under the influence of different types of impulse disturbances and sources of non-sinusoidal voltage and current caused by the peculiarities of modes of operation of both individual elements and the system as a whole for single and three-phase cross sections of LPSS is carried out. New relationships were obtained to evaluate the effect of non-sinusoidality and to take into account the ripple coefficients on the nature of the exchange processes. The analysis of the exchange processes in LPSS has been carried out taking into account the real characteristics of the elements with electromagnetic bonds (transformers, reactors, transmission lines, etc.) and new relationships have been obtained, which link the exchange power and the coefficients of magnetic coupling for one and three-phase LPSS operating in both sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal modes, as well as in symmetric and asymmetric modes. Regulatory and methodological support of the expanded energy audit with the use of exchange power was developed and tested. Regulatory and methodological support was used: for conducting an expanded energy audit at the enterprise of СE «Vasylkiv Leather Company» (Vasylkiv, Kyiv region); analysis of parallel operation of standby power supply systems both separately and in combination with the network used for powering server equipment of PLC «Prostonet»; was the basis for the course of lectures on discipline "Electrical Engineering Complexes", which will be taught in 2019 at Vasylkivsky College of NAU. A specialized software module and regulatory and methodological support for the extended energy audit using exchange power have been developed and tested. The proposed regulatory and methodological support makes it possible to: determine the exchange power and the proportion of mutual influence in an arbitrary intersection of LPSS, taking into account the peculiarities of their configuration, modes of operation of individual elements and LPSS as a whole; to obtain information on exchange processes in the LPSS with different levels of information support; to adequately take into account the peculiarities of the flow of modes in the LPSS, in particular, the bidirectionality of electricity flows and to determine their real distribution in the elements of LPSS.
Гапон, Дмитро Анатолійович. "Методи та засоби аналізу якості електропостачання та електромагнітної сумісності електротехнічних комплексів та систем". Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2020. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/48421.
Повний текст джерелаThe dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences on a specialty 05.09.03 - "Electrotechnical complexes and systems". - National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2019. In the dissertation the important scientific and technical problem of increase of quality of power supply of electrotechnical objects, complexes and systems and maintenance of their electromagnetic compatibility by development of mathematical and hardware of systems of the account of the electric power taking into account energy efficiency of modes of power consumption and the revealed infringements of electromagnetic compatibility energy or its consumer. In the introduction the existing problem is defined and the urgency of the dissertation topic is substantiated, the connection of work with scientific programs, plans, themes is given, the purpose and tasks of scientific research are formulated, the object and subject of researches are considered, the list of research methods applied for achievement of the set purpose is given work. The scientific no velty and practical significance of the obtained results are stated, the data on publications and approbation of the results of the work are given, the personal contribution of the applicant is characterized, the information on the implementation of the results of the work is given. In the first section, based on the study and systematization of the results of analysis of materials from open sources, the main shortcomings of existing methods of assessing the quality of electricity supply and regulatory framework, which does not fully resolve conflict situations in violation of electromagnetic compatibility in terms of electricity supplier - consumer. Methods for determining the responsibility for the deterioration of electricity quality and its individual indicators are also considered. The second section analyzes the typical power supply scheme, which allowed to draw conclusions and obtain the main numerical characteristics of the power supply system of a three-phase electrical facility with a supply voltage of 10 kV. The computer model shows the mutual influence of several consumers on the quality indicators of the voltage at the point of connection and analyzes the influence of the parameters of the power supply system, these indicators. It is shown that the definition of the source of higher harmonics in the direction of the component power of the higher harmonic does not guarantee to allocate a consumer with a nonlinear load if the number of such consumers is greater than one. The compatibility of EN 50160 and IEEE 519 standards in terms of the norm of levels of harmonic components in the composition of current and voltage is also analyzed. The obtained results allow to speak about the presence of certain moments in which the higher harmonic components of the current generated by the consumer without violating the IEEE 519 standard can cause the presence of voltage harmonics exceeding the norms set by EN 50160. It is also concluded that the generation of higher harmonic components system resistance values. The third section proposes further development of the mathematical apparatus for determining power and loss coefficients as indicators of power consumption quality, in particular, the determination of integrated loss coefficients for three-phase three-wire and four-wire networks is substantiated. The theory of the "reference" consumer was further developed. It is shown that in a three-phase three-wire network the reference consumer, regardless of the voltage parameters, is a symmetrical triangle of constant active resistances. It is shown that in a three-phase four-wire system the reference consumer, regardless of voltage parameters, is a combination of a symmetric triangle of constant active resistances and a symmetric star, the resistance in the branches of which is as many times the resistance of the triangle as the active resistance of the neutral conductor. For the first time, a mathematical apparatus for selecting individual components from the total power and loss coefficients for such types of distortions as asymmetry, nonlinearity, reactivity and nonstationarity has been proposed. The concept of the reference reactive consumer from the conditions of maximum power or minimum losses at equality of ratios of power flows from and to the consumer is offered, that allows to realize calculation of coefficient of reactivity and power at any form of voltage in single-phase and three-phase networks. It is shown that in such a statement the reference reactive consumer tends to generate higher harmonics and does not have a convenient analytical or numerical solution for comparison with the current consumer. The concept of the average reactive consumer is proposed, in which all harmonics have an equal ratio of power flows to and from the consumer, which allows to compare the current consumption mode of the current consumer with such an average reactive one. A method for estimating the coefficients of loss and power from asymmetry for a three-phase consumer at arbitrary voltage is proposed. A method for estimating the ratio of the coefficients of losses from reactivity and nonlinearity of the consumer by dividing the corresponding harmonics of the Frieze current in the direction of the active component is proposed. A method for estimating the coefficients of losses and power from non-stationary consumption is proposed. In the fourth section the analysis of character of complex resistance of an electric network depending on parameters of its elements for typical cases of connection of consumers on voltage of 10 KV is carried out. The obtained dependence allows us to talk about the possible use of normalized values to estimate network bandwidth. The method of measuring the electrical parameters of a three-phase network based on the approximation of the input signal by the sum of harmonic components has been further developed. Features of the method are automatic adjustment of the frequency and duration of the observation interval in a given range, the use of a complete set of phase voltages (or linear) in determining the frequency taking into account their weight values, which reduces measurement errors in difficult conditions - in the presence of asymmetry, higher harmonics, aperiodic component or in the absence of voltage in a separate phase. In addition, the measurement method uses a constant quantization frequency of the input digital data, which simplifies the hardware of the device. A method of calculating the current values with a precise reference to the voltage period obtained by the previous method is proposed, which eliminates the frequency error in the measurement regardless of the location of the beginning and end of the observation interval relative to the input digital signal. The system of the account of electric energy with use of indicators of quality of electric energy and efficiency of electric consumption is offered. A feature of the system is the additional accounting of losses for the transmission of electricity by comparing the characteristics of electricity consumption of the current consumer with those for the reference consumer, ie the use of loss factors or power. This method of accounting allows you to correctly rate all deviations in the modes of load, such as reactivity, nonlinearity and nonstationarity. A system of penalties for deterioration of electricity quality is proposed, based on the calculation of "penalty" energy if the consumer violates the norms of electricity consumption and "non-tariffed" energy, if there are no violations by the consumer, but the quality of electricity does not meet the norms. The basics of billing on the basis of this electricity metering system are proposed. In the fifth section, the data confirming the theoretical provisions of sections 3 and 4 were experimentally obtained. In particular, estimates of the quality of electricity consumption were implemented by comparison with a set of reference consumers. The experiment showed the possibility of successful application of Frieze current generation and its subsequent analysis to assess the quality of electricity consumption. At the same time parallel use of its three-phase and single-phase implementations for an estimation of asymmetry, nonlinearity and reactivity accordingly is possible. The method of comparison with the reference average reactive consumer proposed in section 3 has not proved to be an effective tool of analysis and does not seem promising. At the same time, the separation of the harmonic components of the Frieze current in the direction of their active component allows you to effectively track the source of currents of higher harmonics. The above methods using the model of a fragment of the power system with different types of load confirmed the correctness of the developed methods for assessing the quality of electricity consumption. Tests using oscillograms obtained on real three-phase loads (traction substation) also confirmed the efficiency and effectiveness of the developed assessment methods. In models with exceeding the permissible modes, the use of the mathematical apparatus developed in Section 4 allowed to identify the source of distortion, even if several consumers act as sources of these distortions at the same time.
Шевченко, Сергій Юрійович. "Вплив вищих гармонік напруги на вибір та експлуатацію обмежувачів перенапруг для захисту систем електропостачання". Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2015. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/18478.
Повний текст джерелаThe thesis for the degree of doctor of technical sciences, specialty 05.09.03 - Electrotechnical complexes and systems. - National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". Kharkov 2015. Dissertation is devoted to actual scientific and technical problem of determining the effect of the higher harmonics of the voltage on the selection and exploitation of surge arresters for protection electricity supply systems is important and enhances the efficiency and reliability of power supply systems. In this area, the following results. The analysis of existing requirements for the selection and exploitation of surge arresters in electricity supply systems of different voltage classes. Experimental studies of electrophysical characteristics of varistors and surge arresters assembled the world's leading manufacturers in the different frequencies of the applied voltage and current voltage characteristics of varistors and surge arresters in an assembled state in the area of leakage current. Іmproved the mathematical model for selecting the energy characteristics of the arrester at a low power quality in the power supply system on the basis of equivalent circuits in the area of the arrester leakage current of the current-voltage characteristics (CVC). Offered the method for determination of active power losses in the arrester on the basis of the obtained current-voltage characteristics in the area of leakage current and the analysis of the impact of non-sinusoidal voltage to the amount of energy exerted on surge arresters, as well as determined the effect of the normal operation of surge arresters Surge lightning and switching current pulses and high frequency voltage. Developed the methods for determining the current-voltage characteristics in the area of the arrester leakage current on the basis of the experimental CVC arresters based on neural networks and approximation CVC two curves of the first order. Іmproved the mathematical model of thermal modes of surge arresters in low power quality in the power supply system and to study the effect of different factors on the thermal stability of the arrester. Experimentally investigated for poor quality of electricity supply systems of various types of industry of Ukraine; An improved method for selecting surge arresters in power supply systems of different rated voltages with low quality electric energy. Іmproved the basic principles for the use and operation of surge arresters under the influence of higher harmonic voltage. Justify the use of thermal imagers and pyrometers for operational monitoring of the arrester.
Шевченко, Сергій Юрійович. "Вплив вищих гармонік напруги на вибір та експлуатацію обмежувачів перенапруг для захисту систем електропостачання". Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2015. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/18479.
Повний текст джерелаThe thesis for the degree of doctor of technical sciences, specialty 05.09.03 - Electrotechnical complexes and systems. - National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". Kharkov 2015. Dissertation is devoted to actual scientific and technical problem of determining the effect of the higher harmonics of the voltage on the selection and exploitation of surge arresters for protection electricity supply systems is important and enhances the efficiency and reliability of power supply systems. In this area, the following results. The analysis of existing requirements for the selection and exploitation of surge arresters in electricity supply systems of different voltage classes. Experimental studies of electrophysical characteristics of varistors and surge arresters assembled the world's leading manufacturers in the different frequencies of the applied voltage and current voltage characteristics of varistors and surge arresters in an assembled state in the area of leakage current. Іmproved the mathematical model for selecting the energy characteristics of the arrester at a low power quality in the power supply system on the basis of equivalent circuits in the area of the arrester leakage current of the current-voltage characteristics (CVC). Offered the method for determination of active power losses in the arrester on the basis of the obtained current-voltage characteristics in the area of leakage current and the analysis of the impact of non-sinusoidal voltage to the amount of energy exerted on surge arresters, as well as determined the effect of the normal operation of surge arresters Surge lightning and switching current pulses and high frequency voltage. Developed the methods for determining the current-voltage characteristics in the area of the arrester leakage current on the basis of the experimental CVC arresters based on neural networks and approximation CVC two curves of the first order. Іmproved the mathematical model of thermal modes of surge arresters in low power quality in the power supply system and to study the effect of different factors on the thermal stability of the arrester. Experimentally investigated for poor quality of electricity supply systems of various types of industry of Ukraine; An improved method for selecting surge arresters in power supply systems of different rated voltages with low quality electric energy. Іmproved the basic principles for the use and operation of surge arresters under the influence of higher harmonic voltage. Justify the use of thermal imagers and pyrometers for operational monitoring of the arrester.