Дисертації з теми "Вуглеводень"
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Хребтій, Г. І. "Вплив статинотерапії на вуглеводну дисфункцію у хворих з артеріальною гіпертензією та супутнім абдомінальним ожирінням". Thesis, БДМУ, 2022. http://dspace.bsmu.edu.ua:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/19602.
Повний текст джерелаЮзбашьян, Анна Петрівна. "Інтенсифікація теплообмінних процесів в технологіях переробки вуглеводнів з використанням нерозбірних пластинчастих теплообмінників". Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/36144.
Повний текст джерелаThesis for granting the Degree of Candidate of Technical sciences in Specialty 05.17.08 – "Processes and equipment of chemical technology". – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2018. The work is focused on solving the actual scientific and applied problem of the heat transfer intensification in plate heat exchangers of welded design for special applications, namely the heat recovery of flowsheets in refineries and chemical plants. The work suggests the new approaches towards estimation of heat and hydraulic behavior inside channels of plate heat exchangers with welded sealing. The proposed approach is based on the heat and momentum transfer analogy, and is applicable for corrugated plates of square and round shape. The semi-empirical correlation determining the heat transfer in the channel of plate heat exchangers, which enables to take into account the influence of the Prandtl number, is developed. A physical-and-mathematical model of fouling deposition during the time in welded plate heat exchangers is proposed based on the "threshold" fouling model concept, which allow the thermal resistance caused by fouling deposition to be predicted in time for different velocities of the flow and temperatures of eat carriers. The possible application conditions for crude oil pre-heat train are considered and welded plate heat exchangers of two types with minimal heat transfer surface area were designed for each operation position. The modification of shell-and-plate heat exchangers was proposed, applying the plates with different cross-section area of cold and hot channels, which can be used for the conditions when the flow rates for the heat carriers differs significantly. The case study of the waste heat utilization from refinery is considered. The utilization of the waste low-grade heat for the district heating and hot tap water supply is proposed, with the design of twenty individual heat sub-stations for each household using the welded plate heat exchangers.
Юзбашьян, Анна Петрівна. "Інтенсифікація теплообмінних процесів в технологіях переробки вуглеводнів з використанням нерозбірних пластинчастих теплообмінників". Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/36091.
Повний текст джерелаThesis for granting the Degree of Candidate of Technical sciences in Specialty 05.17.08 – "Processes and equipment of chemical technology". – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2018. The work is focused on solving the actual scientific and applied problem of the heat transfer intensification in plate heat exchangers of welded design for special applications, namely the heat recovery of flowsheets in refineries and chemical plants. The work suggests the new approaches towards estimation of heat and hydraulic behavior inside channels of plate heat exchangers with welded sealing. The proposed approach is based on the heat and momentum transfer analogy, and is applicable for corrugated plates of square and round shape. The semi-empirical correlation determining the heat transfer in the channel of plate heat exchangers, which enables to take into account the influence of the Prandtl number, is developed. A physical-and-mathematical model of fouling deposition during the time in welded plate heat exchangers is proposed based on the "threshold" fouling model concept, which allow the thermal resistance caused by fouling deposition to be predicted in time for different velocities of the flow and temperatures of eat carriers. The possible application conditions for crude oil pre-heat train are considered and welded plate heat exchangers of two types with minimal heat transfer surface area were designed for each operation position. The modification of shell-and-plate heat exchangers was proposed, applying the plates with different cross-section area of cold and hot channels, which can be used for the conditions when the flow rates for the heat carriers differs significantly. The case study of the waste heat utilization from refinery is considered. The utilization of the waste low-grade heat for the district heating and hot tap water supply is proposed, with the design of twenty individual heat sub-stations for each household using the welded plate heat exchangers.
Сушко, О. А., О. М. Галайченко та М. М. Рожицький. "Нанофотонний сенсорний пристрій для визначення бензо[а]пірену в об’єктах довкілля". Thesis, СумДУ, 2011. http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/8852.
Повний текст джерелаСушко, О. А., О. М. Білаш та М. М. Рожицький. "Нанофотонна система для визначення канцерогенних речовин на прикладі бензо[а]пірену". Thesis, ХНУ ім. В. Н. Каразіна, 2011. http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/8861.
Повний текст джерелаСушко, О. А. "Перспективи використання квантових точок як детекторних елементів нанофотонних сенсорів". Thesis, ППНД, 2016. http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/8983.
Повний текст джерелаСушко, О. А., О. М. Білаш та М. М. Рожицький. "Нанофотонний метод визначення поліциклічних ароматичних вуглеводнів у воді". Thesis, КНУ імені Тараса Шевченка, 2012. http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/8865.
Повний текст джерелаДістанов, Віталій Баламірович, Борис Валерійович Успенський, Є. О. Посохов та Я. М. Сатановський. "Синтез та дослідження N-алкілпохідних іміду нафтален-1,8-дикарбонової кислоти". Thesis, Полтавський національний педагогічний університет ім. В. Г. Короленка, 2016. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/48453.
Повний текст джерелаЗіпунніков, Микола Миколайович, Світлана Іванівна Бухкало та А. Л. Котенко. "Отримання водню з води із використанням енергоакумулюючих речовин". Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/41603.
Повний текст джерелаГригоров, Андрій Борисович, Олексій Олександрович Мардупенко та К. В. Шевченко. "Про технологічну переробку використаної поліетиленової тари". Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2013. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/48748.
Повний текст джерелаЛяпощенко, Олександр Олександрович, Александр Александрович Ляпощенко, Oleksandr Oleksandrovych Liaposhchenko та Я. М. Бакаєва. "Дослідження процесів та моделювання роботи багатофункціонального абсорбера для підготовки вуглеводних газів до фракціонування". Thesis, Изд-во СумГУ, 2010. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/5687.
Повний текст джерелаЗеленский, Р. В. "Оптимизация процесса осушки углеводородных газов в абсорбционных колоннах". Thesis, Сумский государственный университет, 2014. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/40215.
Повний текст джерелаДістанов, Віталій Баламірович, Борис Валерійович Успенський, Є. О. Посохов та О. М. Климець. "Синтез та дослідження алкілпохідних N-гідроксіетиліміду нафтален-1,8-дикарбонової кислоти". Thesis, Полтавський національний педагогічний університет ім. В. Г. Короленка, 2016. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/48439.
Повний текст джерелаСирку, Марія Андріївна, Світлана Іванівна Бухкало, Сергій Петрович Іглін, Наталія Миколаївна Мірошніченко, Іван Сергійович Шкредов, Марія Ігорівна Пахнутова та Тетяна Русланівна Шевчук. "Питання комплексного визначення властивостей сировини у межах курсових проектів". Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/41599.
Повний текст джерелаМудави, Мохамед. "Оптимизация процесса очистки углеводородных газов от кислых примесей". Thesis, Сумский государственный университет, 2014. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/40223.
Повний текст джерелаСкурідіна, Олена Олександрівна, та Андрій Павлович Полив'янчук. "Дослідження концентрацій дисперсних частинок у відпрацьованих газах на несталих режимах роботи ДВЗ". Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2016. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/46563.
Повний текст джерелаВерлока, В. В., та Євген Анатолійович Борисенко. "Вимірювальна система технологічного процесу виготовлення паливних брикетів". Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/46826.
Повний текст джерелаНадеїн, Г. В., Леонід Дмитрович Пляцук, Леонид Дмитриевич Пляцук та Leonid Dmytrovych Pliatsuk. "Захист навколишнього середовища від техногенного впливу процесів підготовки вуглеводневих продуктів для подальшого споживання". Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2018. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/67615.
Повний текст джерелаМанюк, М. І. "Вплив тріщинуватості порід-колекторів на характер нафтогазоносності локальних структур Долинського нафтопромислового району". Thesis, Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу, 2002. http://elar.nung.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3943.
Повний текст джерелаДиссертация посвящена изучению трещиноватости пород-коллекторов и определению ее влияния на характер нефтегазоносности локальных структур месторождений Долинского нефтепромышленного района. В диссертации теоретически и экспериментально установлено, что в продуктивных горизонтах месторождений нефтепромышленного района на глубинах (2,5-3 км.) имеются эффективные открытые трещины с раскрытием порядка 1000 мкм. Уточнено структурно - тектоническое строение Долинского месторождения в результате графических построении установлено ряд тектонических нарушений. Путем анализа характеристик начальных параметров продуктивности скважин и гидропроводности пластов установлено, что зоны максимальной трещиноватости пространственно связаны из зонами развития тектонических нарушений. Соответственно скважины, которые пробурены в пределах выделенных зон- высокопроизводительные. Дебиты которых в 3 - 4 раза превышают дебиты скважин, которые пробурены за пределами выделенных зон. Установлено, что наличие порово-трещинного коллектора предонродпляет преобладающую концентрацию запасов углеводородов на участках, которые размещены вдоль тектонических нарушений и в особенности их взаимопересекаемости, зон максимального развития тектонической трещиноватости. Установлено, что высокая производительность скважин и соответственно значительная интегральная добыча нефти - следствие закономерного распределения трещиноватости пород-коллекторов и распространением порово-трещинного коллектора. На этих особенностях базируются предложения относительно удержания от строительства нагнетательных скважин в зонах повышенной трещиноватости продуктивных горизонтов и бурения сетки добывающих скважин на участках которые предопределяют превосходящую концентрацию запасов углеводородов и непосредственно прилегают к тектоническим нарушениям, а также сгибов продуктивных горизонтов в сводчатых частях складок. Полученные результаты в комплексе с анализом мероприятий по повышению нефтеизвлечения, которые проводилось на месторождениях в процессе их разработки, следует положить в основу проектов доразработки па поздней стадии эксплуатации.В диссертации проведены исследования влияния геодинамических напряжении на формирование коллекторских свойств пород-коллекторов, установлены особенности влияния трещиноватости на характер притоков флюидов в скважинах при этом зоны трещиноватости локальных структур необходимо рассматривать, как один из главных показателей дифференциации характеристик коллекторских свойств пород и соответственно их нефтегазоносности, который безусловно необходимо учи ть ван. при проведении поисково-разведочных работ.
The thesis is devoted to investigation of the fracturing of reservoir rocks and determination of its influence on the character of oil- and gasbearing of the local structures of the deposits of Dolina oil producing district. As the result of available geological and Held material the maps of cumulative oil recovery have been drawn. It have been determined that availability of porous and fractured reservoir rock causes the prevailing concentration of hydrocarbon reserves in the areas, situated within tectonic oreaches and especially their intercrosses bends of pay horizons and zones of maximum tectonic fracturing. The influence of geodynamical stresses on the forming of filtration qualities of reservoir rocks have been scrutinized, the features of reservoir rocks fracturing on the character of fluid floods in wells have been determined.
Лопаткіна, І. В. "Передумови формування державної політики щодо зеленої енергетики". Thesis, Харківський національний університет міського господарства імені О. М. Бекетова, 2014. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/59452.
Повний текст джерелаThe article deals with alternative views to create in Ukraine a green economy. The basic arguments "for" and "against".
В статье рассматриваются альтернативные взгляды относительно возможности создания в Украине зеленой экономики. Приводятся основные аргументы "за" и "против".
Кондрат, О. Р. "Прикладні і теоретичні основи підвищення ефективності дорозробки виснажених родовищ газу і нафти". Thesis, Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу, 2014. http://elar.nung.edu.ua/handle/123456789/4678.
Повний текст джерелаДиссертация посвящена разработке новых и усовершенствованию традиционных технологий увеличения степени извлечения и текущей добычи газа, нефти и конденсата из истощенных месторождений природных углеводородов. В работе охарактеризованы особенности и проблемы завершающей стадии разработки месторождений газа и нефти, остаточные запасы углеводородов в истощенных месторождениях и известные технологии заключительной стадии разработки месторождений природных углеводородов. Обоснованы направления научных исследований актуальной проблемы повышения газонефтеконденсатоотдачи и интенсификации добычи газа, нефти и конденсата из истощенных месторождений природных углеводородов. По результатам теоретических исследований получена аналитическая зависимость текущего пластового давления в газовом месторождении с газовым режимом разработки от характеристик призабойной зоны пласта и технологических параметров работы скважин и системы сбора газа. Предложена математическая модель процесса взаимодействия в газовом месторождении с макронеоднородными коллекторами участков пласта различной проницаемости и степени дренирования с перетоками газа между ними. Сформулирована и решена в оптимизационной постановке обратная задача теории разработки газовых месторождений, которая позволяющая оценить забалансовые запасы газа в некондиционных коллекторах. Экспериментально на моделях пласта установлены основные закономерности извлечения защемленного газа с обводненных газовых месторождений с макронеоднородными коллекторами. Предложена технология повышения газоотдачи обводненных газовых месторождений снижением в них давления путем совместного отбора газа с водой из добывающих скважин при одновременном блокировании поступления в месторождение законтурной воды нагнетанием неуглеводородного газа в приконтурные скважины. По результатам экспериментов на моделях пласта разработаны технологии извлечения сконденсированных углеводородов из истощенных газоконденсатных месторождений и остаточной высоковязкой нефти из обводненных нефтяных месторождений. На основании компьютерных экспериментов установлены закономерности процессов формирования и расформирования конусов подошовенной воды при периодической цикличной эксплуатации добывающих скважин на газовых месторождениях. Обоснован дифференциальный подход к бурению уплотняющих скважин на истощенных нефтяных месторождениях, который, в зависимости от распределения нефтенасыщенности и пластового давления на площади месторождения, предусматривает бурение в зонах концентрации невыработанных запасов нефти только добывающих или только нагнетательных скважин или одновременное бурение нагнетательных скважин в зонах пониженного пластового давления и добывающих - в зонах с повышенным пластовым давлением. На основании лабораторных экспериментов и опытно-промышленных работ обоснованы методы очистки призабойной зоны газоконденсатных скважин от сконденсированных углеводородов, воды и твердой фазы, выноса жидкости с низконапорных газовых и газоконденсатных скважин и интенсификации добычи высоковязкой нефти из нефтяных скважин. Результаты прикладных и теоретических исследований прошли опытнопромысловые испытания и внедрены на месторождениях Украины.
The thesis is devoted to the development of new and improvement of existing technologies of increasing the degree of recovery and current gas, oil and gas-condensate from the depleted fields of natural hydrocarbons. The analytical dependence of the current reservoir pressure in the gas field was proposed based on the near bottomhole zone characteristics of the reservoir and technological schedule of the wells and gas gathering system operation. The mathematical model of interaction between zones with different permeability in depleted gas field and gas migration between them was developed. The inverse problem of the theory of natural gas field development was formulated and solved, which allows to estimate outbalance gas reserves in substandard collectors. The basic regularities of the trapped gas recovery process from watered gas fields with macroheterogeneous collectors were determined. The problem of the formation and disbandment of the bottom water cone was investigated applied to the cyclic, periodic wells operation in the fields with bottom water. The methods of condensed hydrocarbons extracting from depleted gas-condensate fields and high-viscosity residual oil from flooded oil fields were substantiated. A differentiated approach to in-fill wells drilling in depleted oil fields was proposed. The methods of bottomhole zone cleaning from condensed hydrocarbons, water and solids, fluid removal from low-pressure gas and gas-condensate wells and lifting high-viscosity oil from oil wells were proved. The results of applied and theoretical studies have been pilot-scale tested and implemented in the fields of Ukraine.
Левчук, Ірина Володимирівна. "Науково-методологічні основи удосконалення технохімічного контролю сировини і готової продукції олійножирових виробництв". Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/39036.
Повний текст джерелаThesis for the Doctor's of Engineering by specialty 05.18.06 − technology of fats, essential oils and perfumery and cosmetic products. − National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2018. The thesis is devoted to the scientific substantiation of the application of the system complex approach to the creation of modern schemes of techno-chemical control of raw materials and finished products of fat-and-oil production with the use of exclusively instrumental methods of analysis: gas-liquid chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, zonal capillary electrophoresis, etc. It has been developed the scheme on the basis of theoretical and experimental data generalization of oilseed, sunflower oil and oily products contamination by natural and anthropogenic ecotoxicants, namely pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, phthalates, foreign impurities of organic and inorganic origin, and food additives. The standardized method of determining wax-like substances has been improved. The distribution of pesticides of various classes in sunflower seed and products of its processing has been experimentally investigated. Scientifically grounded methods of pesticide determination have been developed including their simultaneous presence. A priority method for determination of migrating phthalates from PET packaging in vegetable oils and fat-containing products has been developed. The necessity of using methods for determining the fatty acid, acylglycerol (including individual) and composition of the sterol fraction for the identification of oils and fats, in particular for the foreign impurities detection of mineral (mineral oils) and organic (nonfood chicken fat) origin, i.e. for goals of falsification, has been grounded scientifically and theoretically. A scientific and methodological basis for establishing a national standard for controlling the content of preservatives in fatty products has been created. Practical recommendations for improving the schemes of technochemical control of raw materials and finished products in the sunflower oil production, including packed in plastic containers, margarine products, mayonnaise, salad dressings and blended oils have been developed.
Левчук, Ірина Володимирівна. "Науково-методологічні основи удосконалення технохімічного контролю сировини і готової продукції олійножирових виробництв". Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/39037.
Повний текст джерелаThesis for the Doctor's of Engineering by specialty 05.18.06 − technology of fats, essential oils and perfumery and cosmetic products. − National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2018. The thesis is devoted to the scientific substantiation of the application of the system complex approach to the creation of modern schemes of techno-chemical control of raw materials and finished products of fat-and-oil production with the use of exclusively instrumental methods of analysis: gas-liquid chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, zonal capillary electrophoresis, etc. It has been developed the scheme on the basis of theoretical and experimental data generalization of oilseed, sunflower oil and oily products contamination by natural and anthropogenic ecotoxicants, namely pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, phthalates, foreign impurities of organic and inorganic origin, and food additives. The standardized method of determining wax-like substances has been improved. The distribution of pesticides of various classes in sunflower seed and products of its processing has been experimentally investigated. Scientifically grounded methods of pesticide determination have been developed including their simultaneous presence. A priority method for determination of migrating phthalates from PET packaging in vegetable oils and fat-containing products has been developed. The necessity of using methods for determining the fatty acid, acylglycerol (including individual) and composition of the sterol fraction for the identification of oils and fats, in particular for the foreign impurities detection of mineral (mineral oils) and organic (nonfood chicken fat) origin, i.e. for goals of falsification, has been grounded scientifically and theoretically. A scientific and methodological basis for establishing a national standard for controlling the content of preservatives in fatty products has been created. Practical recommendations for improving the schemes of technochemical control of raw materials and finished products in the sunflower oil production, including packed in plastic containers, margarine products, mayonnaise, salad dressings and blended oils have been developed.
Маатук, Аббасс. "Рекуперативний теплообмін на установці газофракціювання та компримування газохімічного виробництва". Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/34088.
Повний текст джерелаThesis for granting the Degree of Candidate of Technical sciences in specialty 05.17.08 «Processes and equipment of chemical technology» National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», 2018. The thesis is devoted to solution of actual scientific and applied problem of increasing the capacity of recovering thermal energy in the processes of distillation of wide fraction of light hydrocarbons (WFLH) and associated processes. On the basis of theoretical analysis of the system flow of the gas rectification process using the methods of pinch analysis were constructed a grid diagram and a flowsheet of the reconstruction project and the main parameters of the new heat exchangers were defined. The power of recuperation thermal energy will increase by 1102 %, power of hot and cold utilities will be reduced by 18,37 % and 18,67%, respectively in the proposed project. Based on simulation UniSim Design model of integration of HP in both of the process of rectification, which confirmed the increasing power of recovering thermal energy in the process of gas rectification with production of propane-butane and pentane fractions with respect to the existing process, 1590 %, and the power of hot and cold utilities is reduced by 72% and 73%, respectively. When you integrate the heat pump into the process of rectification of raw WFLH from the receipt of pentane-hexane, butane and isobutane factions power recovery will increase by 1233 % and the consumption of hot and cold utilities is reduced by 53% and 54%, respectively. Using the GCC processes built for the first time the thermal profile of the set of different plants fractionation WFLH, the analysis of which allowed increasing the capacity of thermal energy recuperation at 23.4 MW. In the end, the Total Site integration of complex installations, the total capacity of thermal energy recuperation increased by 1986 % and power of hot and cold utilities decreased by 51%.
Маатук, Аббасс. "Рекуперативний теплообмін на установці газофракціювання та компримування газохімічного виробництва". Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/34089.
Повний текст джерелаThesis for granting the Degree of Candidate of Technical sciences (PhD degree) in specialty 05.17.08 «Processes and equipment of chemical technology» (16 – Chemical and bioengineering) – National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2017. The processes of separation and especially rectification of gas and liquid mixtures are one of the most energy consuming in the industry. Under the experts estimation, up to 5% of all energy that is used by the humanity is consumed in these processes. That is why the dissertation work is devoted to the solution of ac-tual research-and-applied tasks of increase of capacity of recuperation of heat energy during the processes of rectification of wide fraction of light hydrocarbons (WFLH) and related processes. As a result of the analytical review of the publication, the classification of the methods of increase of capacity of recuperation of heat energy in chemical techno-logical processes with the purpose of decreasing of specific energy consumption intensity in production processes was carried out. The methods of internal heat in-tegration of rectification columns as with integration of the heat pump (HP) from the column and without integration of HP were considered. The works, which were concerned with the application of Pinch Analysis methods to increase the capacity of recuperation of heat energy on the plants of chemical production, were examined. The analysis of works, which were related to the increase of specific energy consumption of heat in the territorial production complexes (Total Site Integration), was carried out. In the analysis of publications, the works of pioneers in the field of Integration Processes such as Professor B. Linnhoff, Professor R. Smith, Professor J. Klemes, and the works of scientists of our country such as Professor L. L. Tovazhnyansky, Professor P. A. Kapustenko, Professor L. M. Uliev, are mentioned in particular. The analysis of published works allowed putting to the tasks of increasing the specific energy consumption of the process of heat recuperation on the rectification plants WFLH with the production of propane-pentanoic, propane-hexane, butane and isobutene fractions and finding the methods of their solution. To solve the given task, the process of heat energy recuperation in the gas-fractionation shop of the oil refinery, which consisted of two lines of rectification WFLH was studied. One of the tasks is to get propane-pentanoic, butane fractions; the other is to get pentane-hexane, butane and isobutene fractions. In addition, the installation of primary creaking enters into the territorial production complex. The simulation models of the separation of WFLH were designed with the help of the software UniSim Design. The analysis of published works allowed putting to the tasks of increasing the specific energy consumption of the process of heat recuperation on the rectification plants WFLH with the production of propane-pentanoic, propane-hexane, butane and isobutene fractions and finding the methods of their solution. To solve the given task, the process of heat energy recuperation in the gas-fractionation shop of the oil refinery, which consisted of two lines of rectification WFLH was studied. One of the tasks is to get propane-pentanoic, butane fractions; the other is to get pentane-hexane, butane and isobutene fractions. In addition, the installation of primary creaking enters into the territorial production complex. The simulation models of the separation of WFLH were designed with the help of the software UniSim Design.The analysis of published works allowed putting to the tasks of increasing the specific energy consumption of the process of heat recuperation on the rectification plants WFLH with the production of propane-pentanoic, propane-hexane, butane and isobutene fractions and finding the methods of their solution. To solve the given task, the process of heat energy recuperation in the gas-fractionation shop of the oil refinery, which consisted of two lines of rectification WFLH was studied. One of the tasks is to get propane-pentanoic, butane fractions; the other is to get pentane-hexane, butane and isobutene fractions. In addition, the installation of primary creaking enters into the territorial production complex. The simulation models of the separation of WFLH were designed with the help of the software UniSim Design. The analysis of published works allowed putting to the tasks of increasing the specific energy consumption of the process of heat recuperation on the rectification plants WFLH with the production of propane-pentanoic, propane-hexane, butane and isobutene fractions and finding the methods of their solution. To solve the given task, the process of heat energy recuperation in the gas-fractionation shop of the oil refinery, which consisted of two lines of rectification WFLH was studied. One of the tasks is to get propane-pentanoic, butane fractions; the other is to get pentane-hexane, butane and isobutene fractions. In addition, the installation of primary creaking enters into the territorial production complex. The simulation models of the separation of WFLH were designed with the help of the software UniSim Design. The analysis of technological processes, their regulations, and data of simula-tion models permitted to record the production line table of the process under the research. Such table is the numeral factor of the technological flows that take part in the system of heat exchange of the plant. And also, the net diagram of the existing capacity technological system of the rectification plant WFLH with obtaining of propane-pentanoic and butane fractions was established. Moreover, the capacity of the processes of the recuperative heat exchange on the plant Qrec=1230 kW was determined. The data, which were obtained as the result of the analysis, allowed to construct composite curves for the rectification process for the existing heat ex-change recuperative system and determined the capacity of hot QHmin =67274 kW and cold utilities QCmin= 65982 kW, which the process of rectification consumed at that moment. The analysis of the composite curves gave the opportunity to deter-mine the minimum temperature difference between the heat transfer agents in the heat exchanging equipment of the plant Тmin = 30 С. This value is the parameter, which shows the ability to increase the capacity of recuperation of the heat energy in the process. On the basis of the theoretical analysis of the system of technological flows of the process of recuperation WFLH, with the use of Pinch Analysis methods, the optimal value of the minimum temperature difference between heat-transfer agents ΔТoptmin = 6 °С was determined, and for this value a net diagram and technological scheme of the project of reconstruction of the system of recuperative heat exchange were constructed. The main parameters of new heat exchangers were defined. As the result of the project of reconstruction, which was proposed, the ca-pacity of the recuperation of heat energy would be Qrec = 13575 kW that is, it would increase by 1102%, the capacity of hot and cold utilities would be QHmin =54914 kW, that is they would decrease by 18.37% and 18.67% accordingly. The theoretical analysis of the heat exchange system with the help of composite curves device allowed establishing limit factor for the further increase of the capacity of heat energy recuperation. The analysis of the integrated heat exchange system of the process of rectifi-cation of WFLH with the help of the big composite curve (BCC) made it possible to eliminate the limit factor with the help of creation of the method of optimum in-tegration of recompression heat pump (HP) into having been integrated process of rectification. The constructed simulation UniSim Design models of HP integration in both processes of rectification, which proved the increase of the capacity of recuperation of the heat energy in the process of rectification WFLH with obtaining of propane-pentanoic and butane fractions comparing to the existing process, by 1590 %, and the capacity of hot and cold utilities decrease by 72 % and 73 % accordingly were created. During the integration of the heat pump in the process of rectification WFLH with obtaining of pentane-hexane, butane and isobutene fractions, the ca-pacity of recuperation increases from the value 1725 kW to 21270 kW that is, by 1233 %, and the consumption of hot utilities will decrease from the value 41112 kW to 22490 kW, that is by 53 %, cold utilities will decrease from the value 42812 kW to the value 23260 kW, that is by 54%. For the further increase of the capacity of the processes of heat, energy recu-peration the analysis of the whole territorial complex of rectification plants WFLH (Total Site Integration) was conducted. Using BCC of rectification processes, for the first time the heat profile of the complex of different rectification plants WFLH was constructed, the analysis of them made it possible to determine technological flows, on which it was possible to install additional recuperative heat exchangers that helped to increase the capacity of recuperation of heat energy by 23,4 MW. In the result of integration of the plants complex the total capacity of the recuperation of the heat energy increased by 1986 %, but the capacity of hot and cold utilities increased by 51 % comparing with the utilities of processes currently. In the dissertation work, the economic analysis for each of the proposed project of the increase of capacity of recuperation of heat energy was carried out. In the dissertation work, the task of increasing the capacity of recuperation of heat in the existing two-flow heat exchange systems in the presence of utility paths was solved. The dependence of heat carries temperature and thermal loading on heat exchange equipment on additional area of heat exchange surface and intensity of heat transfer were determined. The most suitable placement of the new heat exchange surface was determined and the value of the area of the surface of heat ex-change for the minimum present value of the project reconstruction and minimum payback term were found. The method, algorithm and program of the calculation of the additional area of the surface of the heat exchange for two-flow systems of the recuperation of heat energy were created.
Кравченко, Олег Вікторович. "Теоретичні та методологічні основи інтенсифікації хіміко-технологічних процесів видобування та переробки вуглеводневих енергоносіїв". Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/31864.
Повний текст джерелаDissertation to obtain Academic Degree of Doctor of Engineering by the specialty 05.17.08 – Processes & Equipment of Chemical Technology. – National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute", Kharkov, 2017. The Dissertation deals with creating theoretical and methodological basis of i chemical technological processes ntensification in order to improve the current and develop new efficient technology and equipment for hydrocarbon energy carriers' production and refining. System analysis of the energy transformation processes proved that the limiting stages of chemical technological (diffusive, thermal, hydro-mechanical, mass-exchanging and chemical) processes in hydrocarbons production and refining could be hurdled with the help of object oriented activation. It has also been proved that the proposed water activation method for the diffusion process together with chemical and mechanical-chemical activation provide for considerable increase of permeability of pay section compacted reservoirs. Together with thermo-baro-chemical processing the method ensures hydro-cracking of asphalt-resin-paraffin depositions directly in the bottom-hole formation zone. This foundation was used to create technology for integrated water and thermo-baro-chemical impact on wells' pay horizons, the efficiency of which was proved by experimental and industrial implementations at oil and gas wells including also methane production from coal fields. Principally new methodology for hydro-cavitational activation of hydrocarbon- containing emulsions and suspensions was theoretically substantiated and developed. It provides for obtaining composite fuels with the assigned energy and environmental characteristics due to intensification of physical, chemical and heat-mass-exchange processes.
Кравченко, Олег Вікторович. "Теоретичні та методологічні основи інтенсифікації хіміко-технологічних процесів видобування та переробки вуглеводневих енергоносіїв". Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2017. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/31863.
Повний текст джерелаDissertation to obtain Academic Degree of Doctor of Engineering by the specialty 05.17.08 – Processes & Equipment of Chemical Technology. – National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute", Kharkov, 2017. The Dissertation deals with creating theoretical and methodological basis of i chemical technological processes ntensification in order to improve the current and develop new efficient technology and equipment for hydrocarbon energy carriers' production and refining. System analysis of the energy transformation processes proved that the limiting stages of chemical technological (diffusive, thermal, hydro-mechanical, mass-exchanging and chemical) processes in hydrocarbons production and refining could be hurdled with the help of object oriented activation. It has also been proved that the proposed water activation method for the diffusion process together with chemical and mechanical-chemical activation provide for considerable increase of permeability of pay section compacted reservoirs. Together with thermo-baro-chemical processing the method ensures hydro-cracking of asphalt-resin-paraffin depositions directly in the bottom-hole formation zone. This foundation was used to create technology for integrated water and thermo-baro-chemical impact on wells' pay horizons, the efficiency of which was proved by experimental and industrial implementations at oil and gas wells including also methane production from coal fields. Principally new methodology for hydro-cavitational activation of hydrocarbon- containing emulsions and suspensions was theoretically substantiated and developed. It provides for obtaining composite fuels with the assigned energy and environmental characteristics due to intensification of physical, chemical and heat-mass-exchange processes.
Сушко, О. А. "Нанофотонний сенсор для визначення слідових концентрацій органічних канцерогенів в водних розчинах". Thesis, 2013. http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/8869.
Повний текст джерелаПругло, Катерина Віталіївна. "Аналіз технологічних заходів з мінімізації екологічного ризику від забруднення атмосферного повітря викидами автотранспорту". Магістерська робота, 2020. https://dspace.znu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/12345/4989.
Повний текст джерелаUA : Проведено аналіз екологічної безпеки викидів автотранспорту м. Запоріжжя. Розраховано неканцерогенні ризики за коефіцієнтами та індексами небезпеки, індивідуальні канцерогенні ризики та індивідуальні ризики смерті для здоров’я експонованого населення, що зазнає впливу від забруднення атмосферного повітря викидами автотранспорту м. Запоріжжя. Розроблено оптимальний склад інтерметалідного каталізатора. Визначено вплив кислотної та лужної обробки інтерметалідних каталізаторів на їх каталітичну активність.
EN : The analysis of the environmental safety of vehicle emissions in Zaporozhye was realized. Calculated non-carcinogenic risks by coefficients and hazard indices, individual carcinogenic risks and individual risks of death for the health of the exposed population, which is affected by atmospheric air pollution by emissions from vehicles in Zaporozhye. The optimal composition of intermetallide catalysts was developed. The effect of acid and alkaline treatment of intermetallide catalysts on their catalytic activity was determined.
Пругло, Катерина Віталіївна. "Аналіз технологічних заходів з мінімізації екологічного ризику від забруднення атмосферного повітря викидами автотранспорту". Магістерська робота, 2020. https://dspace.znu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/12345/5046.
Повний текст джерелаUA : Проведено аналіз екологічної безпеки викидів автотранспорту м. Запоріжжя. Розраховано неканцерогенні ризики за коефіцієнтами та індексами небезпеки, індивідуальні канцерогенні ризики та індивідуальні ризики смерті для здоров’я експонованого населення, що зазнає впливу від забруднення атмосферного повітря викидами автотранспорту м. Запоріжжя. Розроблено оптимальний склад інтерметалідного каталізатора. Визначено вплив кислотної та лужної обробки інтерметалідних каталізаторів на їх каталітичну активність.
EN : The analysis of the environmental safety of vehicle emissions in Zaporozhye was realized. Calculated non-carcinogenic risks by coefficients and hazard indices, individual carcinogenic risks and individual risks of death for the health of the exposed population, which is affected by atmospheric air pollution by emissions from vehicles in Zaporozhye. The optimal composition of intermetallide catalysts was developed. The effect of acid and alkaline treatment of intermetallide catalysts on their catalytic activity was determined.