Política de Privacidade
Esta política de privacidade é um excerto do Acordo do Usuário e reproduz na íntegra sua seção correspondente.
- The Service Provider shall collect the User’s personal data in the course of the User’s registration on the Website and use of the Services. All the data received shall be used and processed solely for the purposes of control and analysis for improving the operation of the Website.
- The User’s e-mail address may be used by the Service Provider and/or the Website Administrators for contacting the User and for sending the Newsletter or any other messages or information at the Service Provider’s discretion.
- The Service Provider shall in no case bear any responsibility for the User’s data published by the User or other users on the Website (even if such data is not demonstrated publicly as decided by the User or other users) nor for ensuring the confidentiality of such data.
- The Service Provider may transfer the User’s personal data to the Service Provider’s affiliated persons or partners for storing, processing, etc. – solely for the purposes of fulfilling the Service Provider’s liabilities stipulated in this Agreement.
- If the User performed their registration within the partnership agreement with a third party organisation (company, university, etc.) as a user belonging to such an organisation, the Service Provider may provide to such an organisation the User’s personal data required for keeping the organisation’s statistics, analysis of the quality of the services obtained by the organisation, etc., including but not limited to the User’s e-mail address and, if available, last name, first name, patronymic, student ID or work record ID, date of registration on the Website, etc.
- The Service Provider may use cookies – files that can in a way identify the User – for the sake of the Website's correct operation.
- The Service Provider may transmit cookies to third parties for the purpose of maintaining statistical records (which includes the identification of geolocation, analysis of page visits, etc.) and for customising the content displayed, including advertisements.
- If the use of cookies without the user's consent violates the law of the User's jurisdiction, the User shall stop using the Website and shall have no claims to the Service Provider in this regard.
- The User can turn off the use of cookies in their browser settings. In this case, the Service Provider shall bear no responsibility for the correct operation of the Website.
- The Service Provider shall not transfer the User’s personal data to any third parties, except for the cases stipulated in paragraphs 9.4–9.5 hereof and except when:
- the User violates the provisions of this Agreement and/or the legislation in force of Ukraine and/or
- this is required by the legislation in force of Ukraine or requested on legal grounds (as judged by the Service Provider) by the public authorities of Ukraine.
- If the User accepts the terms and conditions of this Agreement as stipulated herein, this confirms that the Service Provider has informed the User of the rights of a personal data subject and that the User has acquainted themselves with such rights in full and has understood them.
- If the User accepts the terms and conditions of this Agreement as stipulated herein, this confirms that the User has granted to the Service Provider the right to collect, store, process, and distribute the User’s Personal Data that the User submits to the Service Provider via the Website; the User hereby confirms that they are placing their data on the Website voluntarily and that they voluntarily provide their consent to process such data to the Service Provider.
- By providing their Personal Data, the User gives their voluntary consent to the Service Provider to process and use their Personal Data in accordance with Law of Ukraine ‘On protection of personal data’ of 01 July 2010 no. 2297-VI with the aim stipulated herein.
- If the User wishes that their data not be processed, they have to submit an appropriate written statement in any form to the Service Provider via the e-mail address given at https://www.grafiati.com/pt/contacts/. In this case, all of the data received from the User shall be removed from the Service Provider’s database.
- The User may delete their User Profile and all Personal Data submitted directly to the Service Provider with the help of the appropriate feature in the User Profile. The User acknowledges that the removal of the User Profile will lead to the removal of all data related to the User, including the information that does not belong to Personal Data, namely Bibliographic References, Lists of References, etc. The User shall have no claims to the Service Provider in this regard.
- The User acknowledges that, due to technical reasons, upon the deletion of the User's Personal Data as described in paragraphs 9.10.2–9.10.3 hereof, some of such Personal Data may remain in the Website's database backups and logs. All such data will be deleted automatically within 1 month from the date when the User Profile has been deleted.
- The Service Provider shall not disclose the data received from the User, except for the cases set forth in the legislation.
- The Parties hereby acknowledge that as a result of a failure in the Website’s operation, a hacker attack, technical faults, and/or other effects, the User’s Personal Data might become accessible to other persons. The User hereby confirms that they shall have no claims to the Service Provider in this regard.
- The Service Provider shall bear no responsibility for the actions of third parties who, by means of using the Internet network or the Website, have gained access to the information about the User, nor for the consequences of use of the information that may be available to any Internet user due to the specifics of the Website.