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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "語文教學"


仕俊, 文. "文化關聯與中文學習興趣". Chinese as a Second Language Research 9, n.º 1 (28 de abril de 2020): 143–68.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

志祥, 湯. "試論馬來西亞華語詞彙系統及華語教學". Global Chinese 5, n.º 2 (18 de dezembro de 2019): 237–53.

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提要身處東南亞的馬來西亞是眾多華人聚居的國家。在馬來西亞,華人堅持華語(普通話系統)及華文教學已經有兩百多年的光輝歷史。從小學、中學,到大學,華語及華文教學形成了獨立、完整而且系統的 “一條龍” 教學體系。目前馬來西亞華人的年輕一代大都接受過正規的華文教育,能說流利的華語(並使用和內地相同的簡化中文)。無可置疑,馬來西亞華語是全球華語的重要組成部分,馬來西亞華文教學是全球華文教學的一個耀眼的典範。由於馬來西亞是一個多民族的國家,英語、馬來語、華語及泰米爾語構成了當地四大主流語言。而由於幾百年來移居馬來西亞的華人又多來自於中國華南的廣東、福建、海南等省份,因而中國南方的各地方言,包括廣東話(粵語)、福建話(閩南語)、客家話(客語)。海南話(閩語)、潮汕話(閩語)等都在華人各生活地域裡普遍流行或通行。但是經過馬來西亞華人教育及傳媒的不懈努力,當今的華人社區已經逐漸使用華語和正規華文作為華文教育部門和華人社會內部溝通的主要語言,並形成了社會主流。馬來西亞多民族,多語言、多方言的社會現狀,使得當地的華語具有鮮明的地域特點,尤其是其詞彙系統和語法系統,顯示著多語言多方言參雜和普遍語碼轉換的狀況。本文在經歷實地考察以及對比研究的基礎上,試圖探究當今馬來西亞主流華語及華文的詞彙特點,並探討今後馬來西亞華語教學的若干實際問題,力圖提出一些實際、實用且具有實效的對策與建議。
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

貞妤, 劉., 陳. 浩然 e 吳. 鑑城. "人文社會科學語料庫與學術搭配詞檢索系統之建置與專業華語教學". Chinese as a Second Language Research 8, n.º 1 (24 de abril de 2019): 143–66.

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提要:有鑑於專業華語的研究與教材仍為不足,本研究基以人文社會科學領域之高頻詞,應用以網路為語料庫的概念,自網頁擷取了約 4 千 3 百萬字之語料建置人文社會科學語料庫,並據此建置學術搭配詞檢索系統,可提供豐富搭配詞資訊與例句為教學與教材編纂所用。與收錄一般語料之中央研究院平衡語料庫相比亦發現,本系統可提供較多學術相關之搭配詞,彰顯此語料庫之學術色彩,亦顯示此種語料庫建置方式有其效用,可應用於未來專業華語之探究。
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Tam, Hugo Wing-Yu. "印尼華裔中學生繼承語學習動機及其影響因素 [Motivational orientations of secondary school students of Mandarin Chinese as a heritage language in Indonesia]". Chinese as a Second Language (漢語教學研究—美國中文教師學會學報). The journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA 54, n.º 2 (31 de dezembro de 2019): 145–82.

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摘要 學生學習動機的研究是當前華語第二語言教學的重要課題。華裔學生的繼承語言學習動機更是華語學習成效的重要關鍵。本研究通過問卷調查了印尼華裔中學生繼承語學習動機的類型,並檢視了不同背景變項對印尼華裔中學生繼承語學習動機類型的影響。研究者親自赴印尼中爪哇省進行華語教學與研究,以前導訪談和繼承語學習動機文獻為基礎,經專家進行題項審閱後,編製了印華雙語版本的「繼承語學習動機量表」。研究以分層叢集比例取樣的方式,向兩所初中和一所高中每級各兩班發出共 310 份問卷,共收回有效問卷174份。透過因素分析歸納出6種動機類型:學習情境、族裔傳承、學習期望、學習情感、綜合型、工具型。總量表Cronbach α = .85,六個分量表的α = .695~.884,顯示此量表的信度品質頗佳。研究分析顯示華裔印尼中學生的繼承語學習動機因性別、學校階段別、族裔語言背景和家族語言背景而有顯著差異。最後,文章結合研究結果提出教學應用與未來研究的具體建議,以期供繼承語教師作參考。
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

張瑞菊, 張瑞菊, e 高敬堯 高敬堯. "國小師資職前國語文內容深究教學之增能 -以專業成長社群之課室研究為例". 師資培育與教師專業發展期刊 16, n.º 3 (dezembro de 2023): 001–25.

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<p>本研究組成包含師資培育大學國語文教師、國小教師及國小師資生之專業成長社群,依據課室研究(lesson study)的理念,進行國小國語文內容深究教學之共備觀議課。旨在探究此社群以課室研究理念進行共備觀議課對國小師資生國語文內容深究教學之增能,及其實施的歷程與對社群成員的影響。獲得以下結論:一、透過互動、交流及一對一的指導,國小師資生釐清內容深究教學的意涵,了解其教學的問題,增進實施國語文內容深究有效教學的知能;二、專業成長社群以互信的溝通、交流,深化國小師資生對於國語文內容深究教學的理解與運用,啟動內容深究教學知能的精進;三、專業成長社群依據課室研究的理念進行共備觀議課的歷程,結合理論與實務的互補、共學,促進社群成員國語文內容深究教學的啟發與成長;四、以課室研究理念進行共備觀議課,透過彼此交流凝聚共識,再而共同設計、觀察討論教學,師資培育大學國語文教師、國小教師及國小師資生由獲得深化國語文內容深究教學的訊息和知識,而省思教學強化專業知能。研究者依據探究結果提出相關建議,作為師資職前教育及研究之參考。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>The Professional Growth Community(PGC)of this research included Chinese teachers at Teacher Education University and elementary school as well as elementary preservice teachers. Based on the concept and the process of lesson study, they collaboratively prepared lessons, observed and debriefed on Chinese content-exploring-teaching. The purpose of the study was to explore how the PGC constructed and practiced the process of collaborative lesson preparation, observation and debriefing, which is based on the concept of lesson study. It also discussed the impact on Chinese content-exploring-teaching competence of elementary preservice teachers and community members. The research findings can be summarized as follows: First, the lesson study process of PGC can effectively bridge theory and practice. Second, the lesson study process of PGC met the learning needs of elementary preservice teachers, activated the learning intelligence, and echoed the assumption of lesson study: Helping teachers to understand how students think and learn new things. Third, collaborative lesson preparation, observation and debriefing of lesson study concept was conducted through professional dialogue, co-design, observation and discussion of teaching. It enabled Chinese teachers at Teacher Education University and elementary school to acquire information and knowledge to deepen Chinese content-exploring-teaching. Subsequently, they reflected on teaching to strengthen their professional competence. Fourth, based on the concept of lesson study, the PGC deepened preservice teachers&rsquo; understanding and construction of Chinese content-exploring-teaching knowledge, and enhanced their professional competence of Chinese content-exploring-teaching design and performance. Based on the findings of the research, the researcher puts forward relevant suggestions as a reference for elementary preservice teacher education and research.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

唐根基 e 葉俊傑. "印尼高校中文專業現狀、問題及發展研究". Global Chinese 9, n.º 1 (1 de abril de 2023): 159–80.

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摘要 本研究主要探討印尼高校中文專業的現狀、問題及發展, 研究資料源于印尼高等教育司官網、文獻、問卷及訪問, 使用定性與定量研究法相結合對此進行研究。 整體論文框架主要是三個方面進行探討: 一、瞭解印尼高校開設中文相關本科專業課程的情況; 二、瞭解印尼高校開設中文相關職業科專業課程的情況; 三、瞭解印尼高校中文教師的學歷及其專業情況。 研究發現, 印尼 29 所高校開設的 31 個中文專業課程中: 一、本科中文專業的課程包括漢語教育本科、中國文學本科、漢語與中國文化本科及漢語言本科, 當中開設漢語教育本科專業課程占多數, 即有 10 所印尼高校開設此類課程; 二、職業科中文專業的課程包括漢語言職業科、中國語言與文化職業科和商務與職業溝通漢語職業科, 當中開設漢語言職業科專業課程占多數, 即有 6 所印尼高校開設此類課程; 三、印尼高校中文專業課程教師有 232 位, 當中 147 位華人和 85 位非華人, 17 位博士、 212 位碩士、 3 位學士。
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

翁一珍, 翁一珍, 茉莉瓊安 茉莉瓊安 e 林文川 林文川. "提升臺灣大專學生運動員英語學習動機的新取向". 語文與國際研究期刊 27, n.º 27 (junho de 2022): 039–62.

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<p>臺灣大專學生運動員英文程度普遍不佳,提升運動員英語學習動機是重要議題,惟文獻中有關非英文母語的學生運動員英語學習動機的研究相當有限。本研究分析18所大學校院51名臺灣學生運動員的英語學習動機,採用混成式研究法,包含量化問卷與質性深度訪談及調查資料。研究發現,雖然大部份學生運動員皆認為英文學習很重要,但英文學習興趣卻不高;英文學習動機模式最主要的是「外在動機」,接著為「內在動機」,最低的是「自我效能」;特別的是,英文學習積極型菁英運動選手的「內在動機」與「自我效能」都顯著高於消極型學生運動員,而兩者在「外在動機」與「學習焦慮」卻無顯著差別。質性分析顯示,英文學習積極型的學生運動員可將其運動競爭精神,轉為英文學習之外在動機與內在動機,成為一種內在動力。本研究證明,相較於「外在動機」,學習者的「內在動機」與「自我效能」兩者的相關性更高,可促進英文學習。因此,我們認為英語教師應該採用新的教學模式,從內部強化學生運動員的英語學習動機;同時,教師可扮演鼓勵學生運動員英語學習的重要角色,提升運動員英文學習的「內在動機」與「自我效能」;最後建議英語教師應該加強運動選手的內在英語學習動機使他們轉變成為積極的英語學習者。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>Most Taiwanese student-athletes have trouble developing English as a communication tool; therefore, it is vital to understand their English learning motivation. Research examining non-native English-speaking student-athletes motivation to learn English remains scarce. This study involved 51 elite Taiwanese student-athletes from 18 sports at a national sports training center to help fill this research gap. It employed a mixed-methods approach utilizing quantitative questionnaires, qualitative interviews, and open-ended surveys. Findings revealed that they perceived learning English as necessary; however, their interest in learning English was moderately low. Extrinsic factors were identified as their primary motivation, followed by intrinsic motivation, while they exhibited very low English learning self-efficacy. Active English learners exhibit higher intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy than passive English learners. However, there was no difference in their extrinsic motivation and anxiety levels. When they applied their competitive spirit, active English learners had the potential to transfer extrinsic and intrinsic motivation into an internal drive, which boosted self-efficacy. The present study evidenced that self-efficacy is associated more with intrinsic motivation than extrinsic motivation. Therefore, we urge language teachers to emphasize intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy for student-athletes while transforming them into active English learners.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

蘇紹雯, 蘇紹雯. "NESTs的教學對科技大學EFL學習的影響:質性研究". 語文與國際研究期刊 29, n.º 29 (junho de 2023): 047–74.

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<p>關於英語為母語的英語教師(簡稱外師)的教學對台灣學生有何影響是值得探討的議題。本研究採用半結構訪談研究方法,收集深入的質性資料,並以紮根理論分析訪談資料。研究對象為在台灣南部的四所科技大學任教之八名外師,以及在本研究期間八名全職非外籍英語教師、12名英語系學生,以獲得多面向的看法。研究結果顯示外師的教學對學生的EFL學習有其好與壞的影響。正面影響包括(1)外師的語言優勢有利於學生的英語學習,尤其是在會話技巧方面;(2)外師教學之特色在於採用活潑的教學方法,例如:有趣的活動,豐富的肢體語言和互動,鼓勵學生以目標語言進行口說及聽力活動;(3)在外師教室中學生發展出文化的意識和/或啟發。負面影響:學生的語言障礙、對外師的誤解、在外師的EFL課堂中無法流暢地回應,最嚴重的是,學生產生學習焦慮及壓力。外師與學生在文化上與期待上具有差異,導致了課堂中進行真正的溝通時遇到困難,有時還會產生緊張關係。學生的雙語和跨文化需求與大多數外師所採取的單一語言或「僅英語」教室政策相左。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>The effects of NESTs’ instruction on Taiwanese students are worth investigation. A semi-structured interview study was adopted to collate in-depth qualitative data, along with a grounded theory to analyze the data. The participants included eight NESTs, currently teaching at the time of the survey, from four technological universities in Southern Taiwan, coupled with eight full-time non-NESTs and 12 English major students to gain multiple perspectives. The results demonstrated that NESTs’ instruction had both positive and negative effects on students’ EFL learning. The positive effects included: (1) NESTs’ language edge benefited students’ English learning, especially in conversational skills; (2) active teaching methods were characterized by the NESTs’ delivery, such as fun activities, rich body language, and interaction, which encouraged the students to undertake speaking and listening activities in the target language; (3) the students in NEST classrooms developed cultural awareness. The negative effects were as follows: the students’ language barrier, misunderstanding of the NESTs, inability to respond fluently in the NESTs’ EFL classes, and, most seriously, learning anxiety and stress. Gaps between the NESTs and the students in relation to culture and expectations also resulted in difficulties in real communication in class and sometimes tensions. Students&rsquo; bilingual and cross-cultural needs were at odds with the monolingualism or &quot;English only&quot; classroom policy of most of the NESTs.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

李郁錦 e 康茉莉. "泰國學習者之漢語 “給” 字句偏誤分析". Chinese as a Second Language Research 11, n.º 1 (1 de maio de 2022): 147–76.

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提要 本文以泰國學生學習漢語「給」字句為例, 探討學習者真實產生之偏誤; 其具體和抽象兼具的語法意義與複雜的用法, 使得「給」字句成為泰國學生學習中主要的難點之一。本文的主要分為二部分: 首先, 針對漢泰二語的「給」字句本體三層次分析及對比。其次, 為克服語料取得的困難及取得足夠的樣本, 採用兩大學習者語料庫: TOCFL 學習者語料庫及 HSK 動態作文語料庫, 從四種偏誤分別剖析。本研究運用語言對比分析法和偏誤分析法及中介語研究, 對漢泰兩種語言中「給」字句進行了多角度、多層面的探究、分析與解讀, 期能幫助教師在課堂上更加了解泰國學生可能產生的中介語現象和學習「給」字句時的需求。
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

曾, 金金, 壽惠 紀 e 立己 黃. "符合認知理論的多媒體部首教學設計". Chinese as a Second Language Research 2, n.º 1 (24 de junho de 2013): 89–114.

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提要由於漢字的內部結構複雜,但部首卻有一定的認知規律可循,因此,部首教學就成為漢字教學導入的一大利器。因此,本研究進行以認知學習理論為基礎的部首多媒體教學設計,考量學習者的認知負擔,以寓教於樂的方式,袪除對漢字的畏懼感,有效建立學習者的部首意識。由於部首對於絕大多數初學漢字的學習者是一個全新的概念建構,我們要從功能類比部首是相當於印歐語系(Indo-European family) 文字的字根 (base word) 概念,是帶有主要語義成分的最小單位。本文統計視聽華語(一)(二)冊教材中的614個生字之部首頻率,再對照常用字頻部首頻率,並參酌黃沛榮 (2001) 從漢字的辨識、書寫與使用三個角度來評估部首的學習價值,綜合列出100個具有優先學習價值的部首,作為多媒體教學設計之主要範疇。規劃出符合五項認知歷程的單元教學,包括:(一)直觀圖形,聯結形符。(二)解構字碼,凝聚概念。(三)鞏固部首位置及組合結構,加強形近辨識。(四)語義彙整,加強義近區辨。(五)綜合運用,融會貫通。
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Teses / dissertações sobre o assunto "語文教學"


韋喻蘭. "設計符合多元智能理論的小學語文主題教學活動". Thesis, University of Macau, 2005.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

吳詩雅. "在澳外國人漢語能力及態度調查研究". Thesis, University of Macau, 2011.

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何文略. "歷程導向寫作教學模式在初中三年級語文課的實踐". Thesis, University of Macau, 2012.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

鄭重慶. "香港普通話教學的理論思考 = Theoretical considerations about Putonghua teaching in Hong Kong". Thesis, University of Macau, 2000.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

林麗芬. "另類的國語文教學--學校與社區互動的語文教學研究". Thesis, 2003.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

邱美雅. "華語成語教材研析─以文藻外語學院華語中心成語教學為例". Thesis, 2009.

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The idiom is always regarded as the essence of Chinese. Learning Chinese idioms is definitely an indispensable course for those students who learn Chinese as a second language and intend to understand Chinese culture profoundly. Despite the fact that Chinese idioms which are acquired by cross-strait learners are widely compiled at every level of Chinese teaching materials, almost all the publication for teaching Chinese idioms in Taiwan are not suitable for the real teaching situation. Furthermore, relevant studies researched on the teaching materials of Chinese idioms are rarely seen in the current research of Chinese teaching field. For these reasons, this study is aimed to explore problems from the three aspects based on relevant references, language teaching theories and my previous teaching experiences. The three aspects such as the important dimensions that material designers should pay close attention to when they are designing Chinese teaching materials, the feedback and opinions from learners and the practice and the examination of the Chinese teaching materials will be probed at some length. The ultimate purpose of this study is to design a set of adequate materials for teaching Chinese idioms to supplement the deficiency of the designing and the research in the current teaching materials of Chinese idioms. In order to comply with the research purpose and the research questions of this study, to combine my previous genuine teaching situation with the need of the concrete research work and to take notice of the operation of the research methods, this study adopts both quantitative and qualititative research approaches. The quantitative research is applied in the analyses of the results of the questionnaires, the teaching records of Chinese idioms and the examination of the teaching materials of Chinese idioms. The qualititative research is applied in the interpretation of words and the data gathered from the quantitative research. It can be found in this study that three dimensions need to be taken care of. For example, the topics that can easily arouse discussion, the Chinese idioms that can be practiced in the real conversation and the promotion of the repetition frequency of the Chinese idioms all require to be focused on. In the application of the teaching materials of Chinese idioms, three kinds of examination methods for teaching materials such as using classroom journals, verbal guidance and assignments and assessments are analyzed respectively to see if they truly suit the real teaching situation. The findings show that classroom journals provide the most comprehensive reference data for designers who edit the teaching materials of Chinese idioms. In short, using classroom journals as the examination method for teaching materials is a satisfying approach. In conclusion, This study suggests that the materials of Chinese idioms whose target readers are aimed at students who learn Chinese as a second language need more profound development in multiple dimensions. Besides, the Chinese idioms collected in the teaching materials should be the ones with high-word frequency. On that account, learners can practice what they have learned. Finally, to achieve effective teaching of Chinese idioms not only acquires adequate teaching materials but also needs a set of unique and suitable teaching strategies. Consequently, the essence of Chinese will be broadened and its far-reaching power will attract more and more learning interests from students of Chinese as a second language.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

譚惠芸. "古文字於國語文教學之研究". Thesis, 2004.

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The ancient writing application in the auxiliary mandarin teaching at the junior high school was studied in this research. The suggestion was recommended about the auxiliary mandarin teaching as the reference of teachers. The research was divided into two units” erroneous character distinguishability and character-denotation study”. The character was selected from mandarin books and optional books which education bureau branch qualified at the junior high school The character explanation was verified by experts, and was fabricated to the interactive CD electron book as teaching auxiliary media The 237 personnel’s experimental samples of four classes in Grade 7 and 8 individually at Xin-Yi area in Taipei city were adopted in this research. The two grades in the same grade which mandarin score was not significant difference each were selected as samples according to ANOVA variables analysis rule. The grade A, B is experimental group and comparison group respectively when the time of teaching activity is not over the half of class time. On the contrary, the experimental group was exchange with comparison one as the time over the half of whole class .The whole teaching activity was executed by the same teacher. The achievement exam will be implemented immediately as teaching activity was over and be re-tested post the first week and third week. The samples were collected by the mandarin score at school, erroneous character distinguishability,evaluation,character detonation achievements test, learning questionnaire and interview-oral data. The result was analyzed by single way variables analysis (ANOVA). The results were summarized as follows according to statistical analysis results. 1.learing achievements In unit “erroneous character distinguishability”, the test score of question 1-5 (e.g.龜) was significant with two grades in seventh grade Thus, the character was coded and stored effectively by the history of ancient writing .Therefore, the capability of character memory was improved in the short time. On the contrary, it was not significant in long term (e.g.1 week,3 week) in seventh and eighth grade. In unit “character detonation”, the test score of question 1-5 (e.g.之,臭,既 etc.)was significant during the period of first and third week on experimental group and comparison group in seventh grade. At the same time, the test score of question 6-10(e.g.毓,臧) also had the significant level in eighth grade. Thus, the auxiliary teaching of ancient writing was positive for memorizing the detonation in long term. Furthermore, for sex, the score was not the obvious difference in two units post first and third week regardless of seventh or eighth grade. 2.learing conception Most of all testers think that ancient writing teaching was helpful in strengthening the memory of erroneous character distinguishability,character detonation, and also in promoting learning interest and Chinese culture understanding. It’s results lied in between “very helpful” and “helpful partly”. Regarding as the desire of the subject for applied ancient writing auxiliary teaching, it lied in between “very hope” and “hope”. On the other way, the 70 percentage of the subject liked to know the history of character form, but some of the tester liked the way which teacher questioned and let the student competed with answers. Therefore, most of the testers think that, it was positive for ancient writing auxiliary teaching Finally, the suggestion was recommended in the teaching way and materials as the reference of educators basing on research results.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

洪伍雄. "謎語及其在語文教學上之應用". Thesis, 2002.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

謝美鈺. "國小語文科教材能願動詞「能」之教學語法". Thesis, 2007.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Hsing-Hua, Hsu, e 許幸華. "國小語文領域台華教學用語研究". Thesis, 2003.

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Taiwanese, Hakkahnese, and Aborigines languages are included to one subject of indigenous language education in the nine years sequence curriculum. Language education environment will be opening and various from now on. However, language education shall be integrated to real life, vernacular and indigenous languages are not only the subject of education, but also a media language of education. Teacher can apply these languages to teach students for any subject so that students can learn and use these languages smoothly. It is feasible to use Taiwanese as a media language in language education, it is also main steam of various language education. This thesis reviews literatures to collect 2027 words of Chinese and 2172 words of Taiwanese, which are used in language education. We hope this research can provide teachers more resource for nine years sequence curriculum. Chapter 1 “Introduction”: To describe motive and purpose of this research, and clarify the definition of key words in this thesis. Meanwhile, it also includes study scope, study method, expected achievements, and literature review… and so on. Chapter 2 “ Collection of teaching language in Taiwanese and Mandarin”: This chapter includes four sections. Section1: To explain procedure of literature review, which includes collection rule, literature resource, and equivalent translation issue for teaching language between Taiwanese and Mandarin. Section 2: Supplement of literature review. Section 3: Category of teaching language in Taiwanese and Mandarin. Section 4: A preliminary conclusion for chapter 2. Chapter 3 “Comparison of teaching language between Taiwanese and Mandarin”: To discuss lexicon comparison from the viewpoint of resource, lexicon structure, and word meaning. Section 1: From viewpoint of resource to discuss difference of teaching language between Taiwanese and Mandarin. Section 2: Base on lexicon structure to analyze similarities and dissimilarities of teaching language between Taiwanese and Mandarin. Section 3: To discuss correspondence issue of teaching language between Taiwanese and Mandarin. Chapter 4 “To compare phonetics of teaching language between Taiwanese and Mandarin”: The phonetics system of Taiwanese and Mandarin include initial, rhyme, and tone. Since tone is the most regular correspondence between Taiwanese and Mandarin, so in this chapter we discuss correspondence of tone firstly, and discuss correspondence of initial secondly, then discuss correspondence rhyme finally. Besides, we discuss how to select literature or colloquial pronunciation in chapter 4. Chapter 5 “Conclusion”: To review this thesis overall, describe self-assessment and limitation of this thesis, then suggest the direction of further study. There are five items in the appendix which includes: references, classification list of teaching language in Taiwanese and Mandarin, summary list of teaching language in Taiwanese and Mandarin, word-by-word manuscript of live record in classroom, and brief Chinese Romanization.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Livros sobre o assunto "語文教學"


南瓜變馬車. 五南, 2018.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

程峻, 程峻. 雙語體育教學輕鬆上路. 高教出版, 2021.

Texto completo da fonte
<p>本書是作者為了提供中小學現職教師和師資培育生了解臺灣雙語教育之政策目標與教學現況,以及如何運用所提供之教學模板和英文體育專用術語資料庫,參考仿作設計雙語教案,期使能較為順利地進行雙語體育教學所撰寫的參考工具書。</p> <p>作者用最簡單、淺顯的文字,從2030國家雙語教育政策開始談起,讓讀者能掌握時事之趨勢與動態,建立起一致的雙語教學觀和做法;接著提出一般學科教師在雙語教學實施上所衍生和面臨的一些難題,例如,雙語教師之教學專業被學生質疑、教師對雙語教學之信心不足、主管機關、學校教師及家長三方面雙語教育觀的認知歧異等,並作者自身經驗的建議做法;隨後提供雙語體育教學策略之示例,以清楚掌握學科雙語教學的重要目標與內涵;同時提供簡單易進行仿作的教學模板示例、多樣的教案格式,以及四份作者撰寫的雙語體育教案QR code讓讀者參考、下載及轉化;更整理近期雙語教師甄選的相關訊息與教學演示之技巧,提供兼、代課教師及師資培育生們做好應試之準備;也延伸補充雙語體育教學的Q & A,將可能遇到的問題給予解決辦法之意見提供,以減少雙語教學路上的障礙。最後,作者有感於自身投入雙語教學之初,找尋學科雙語資料之不易,因此,將自己辛苦蒐整而來的體育較常用的課室生活用語、教育專業術語和全面性地體育運動項目專用字詞無私分享,讓讀者得以參考、選擇與運用,以減少蒐集英文語彙資料與備課的時間和精力。</p> <p>本書乃作者基於分享雙語體育教學經驗而撰寫,內容所述及之想法、建議做法和示例,雖非唯一的標準,然在讀者尚未能清楚建構自己的方向與目標之際,本書同時兼顧雙語體育教學之基本觀念與教學示例,隨著本書的編撰脈絡,將可引導讀者清楚了解雙語體育教學的內涵,不失為實務上絕佳參考、應用之著作。</p> <h3>作者簡介</h3> <h4>程峻</h4> <ul> <li>現職:臺北市長安國中體育教師</li> <li>學歷:國立體育大學運動科學碩士</li> <li>經歷:<br />國立體育大學師培中心兼任講師、十二年國教健體領域課綱研修委員、體育標準本位評量諮詢教師、康軒版國中體育教科書暨素養導向題庫編撰、臺北市現職雙語體育教師培訓第一期</li> <li>專長:體育教材教法、體育課程教學與評量、排球</li> <li>著作:<br />創意體育教學彙編(一)、創意體育教學彙編(二)、素養導向教學評量理論與實務(與謝名娟合著)</li> </ul>
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

程峻, 程峻. 雙語體育教學輕鬆上路. 3a ed. 元照出版有限公司, 2022.

Texto completo da fonte
<p>本書是作者為了提供中小學現職教師和師資培育生了解臺灣雙語教育之政策目標與教學現況,以及如何運用所提供之教學模板和英文體育專用術語資料庫,參考仿作設計雙語教案,期能較為順利地進行雙語體育教學所撰寫的參考工具書。</p> <p>作者用最簡單、淺顯的文字,從2030國家雙語教育政策開始談起,讓讀者能掌握時事之趨勢與動態,建立起一致的雙語教學觀和做法;接著提出一般學科教師在雙語教學實施上所衍生和面臨的一些難題,例如,雙語教師之教學專業被學生質疑、教師對雙語教學之信心不足、主管機關、學校教師及家長三方面雙語教育觀的認知歧異等,並提供作者自身經驗的建議做法;隨後提供雙語體育教學策略之示例,以清楚掌握學科雙語教學的重要目標與內涵;同時提供簡單易進行仿作的教學模板示例、多樣的教案格式,以及四份作者撰寫的雙語體育教案QR code讓讀者參考、下載及轉化;更整理近期雙語教師甄選的相關訊息與教學演示之技巧,提供兼、代課教師及師資培育生們做好應試之準備;也延伸補充雙語體育教學的Q & A,針對可能遇到的問題給予解決辦法之建議,以減少雙語教學路上的障礙。最後,作者有感於自身投入雙語教學之初,找尋學科雙語資料之不易,因此,將自己辛苦蒐整而來的體育常用課室生活用語、教育專業術語和全面性的體育運動項目專用字詞無私分享,供讀者參考、選擇與運用,以減少蒐集英文語彙資料與備課的時間和精力。</p> <p>本書乃作者基於分享雙語體育教學經驗而撰寫,其中之想法、建議做法和示例,雖非唯一的標準,然在讀者尚未能清楚建構自己的方向與目標之際,本書同時兼顧雙語體育教學之基本觀念與教學示例,將可引導讀者清楚了解雙語體育教學的內涵,不失為實務上絕佳參考、應用之著作。</p> <h3>作者簡介</h3> <h4>程峻</h4> <ul> <li>現職:臺北市長安國中體育教師</li> <li>學歷:國立體育大學運動科學碩士</li> <li>經歷:國立體育大學師培中心兼任講師、十二年國教健體領域課綱研修委員、體育標準本位評量諮詢教師、康軒版國中體育教科書暨素養導向題庫編撰、臺北市現職雙語體育教師培訓第一期</li> <li>專長:體育教材教法、體育課程教學與評量、排球</li> <li>著作:創意體育教學彙編(一)、創意體育教學彙編(二)、素養導向教學評量理論與實務(與謝名娟合著)</li> </ul>
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陳振宇, 陳振宇. 多面向第二語言習得理論. 元照出版有限公司, 2022.

Texto completo da fonte
<p>本書與坊間相關書籍的不同之處在於,雖也從理論出發,但會清楚地勾勒出理論與實務的連結,並以較多的篇幅採具體的示例做教學法的探討。本書將認知科學對人類認知、學習、語言的瞭解導入到探討第二語言的習得,同時加入作者個人的研究心得,預期將對國內華語教學及第二語言教學領域的研究與教學實務提供重要的貢獻。</p> <h3>作者簡介</h3> <h4>陳振宇</h4> <ul> <li>現職:國立臺灣師範大學華語文教學系研究講座教授</li> <li>學歷:美國紐約州立大學石溪分校心理學系博士</li> <li>專長領域:語言與思考、認知語言學、心理語言學、對外華語教學研究</li> </ul> <h3>叢書總主編</h3> <h4>鄭錦全</h4> <ul> <li>現職:中央研究院院士、國立臺灣師範大學華語文教學研究所講座教授</li> <li>研究領域:計算語言學、漢語方言學、數位華語文教學</li> </ul> <h4>張國恩</h4> <ul> <li>現職:東海大學校長</li> <li>研究領域:行動學習、擴增實境、電腦模擬式學習、數位學習、智慧輔導系統</li> </ul> <h3>執行總主編</h3> <h4>宋曜廷</h4> <ul> <li>現職:國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導教授兼副校長、高等教育深耕計畫辦公室執行長</li> <li>研究領域:教育心理學、教育測驗與評量、心理學、數位學習理論與實務、教育心理學專題、社會及行為科學研究法、混合研究法、數位學習心理學、教學理論與教學策略專題、認知與學習、學術專業定向</li> </ul>
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白亦方, 白亦方. 特殊教育專業英文字彙. 元照出版有限公司, 2022.

Texto completo da fonte
<p>跟進2030年「雙語國家政策藍圖」,全英教學、國際教育與全球教育將不再是教科書(或期刊)上的教育名詞,而是課堂裡一幕幕正在上演的動名詞。白亦方教授長期關注雙語教育,為使即將成為教師者以及在職教師能自在地以英語融入領域課程,先後出版《教育專業英文字彙:基礎篇》與《教育專業英文字彙:進階篇》,提供教學現場所需的基本字彙、閱讀例句,給予最實質的幫助。有感於愈來愈多學生的個別差異顯著,無法適應一般教育,特殊教育尤顯重要。編輯團隊以特殊教育概念之沿革、法源依據與制度、較為常見的障礙類別、課程與教學及支持系統,有系統地整理出融合醫學與教育的常用字彙,可謂跨領域的詞彙寶典。</p> <h3>主編簡介</h3> <h4>白亦方</h4> <ul> <li>美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校(University of Wisconsin-Madion)課程與教學博士,學術專長為課程史、資訊社會學、高等教育等,曾任小學教師,教育部公費留學考試及格(1990),中華民國教育學術團體聯合年會年度優秀教育學術研究著作獎(2010),現為國立東華大學教育與潛能開發學系退休教授。</li> </ul> <h3>審訂:林坤燦</h3> <h3>編輯:朱怡珊、王道偉、吳俊穎、陳勇安、陳秋惠、曾恕璇</h3>
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An-Min Li, 李安明, 謝傳崇 Chuan-Chung Hsieh, 林志成 Chih-Cheng Lin, 顏國樑 Kuo-Liang Yen e 謝卓君 Chuo-Chun Hsieh. 教育行政新議題. 元照出版有限公司, 2021.

Texto completo da fonte
<p>由國立清華大學教育與學習科技系行政組教師共同合作,挑選當前教育政策與行政重要的新議題而撰寫,全書分為三篇,共計十章。領導篇:探討現代領導的權力與責任觀、正向教育、正念教育、校長教學領導。實務篇:探討素養導向特色的學校與文化、校園空間活化與美感營造、教師專業學習社群、教師公開授課。方法篇:教育政策研究權力取徑、教育政策後結構取向的研究方法。本書對於教育行政與學校行政實務工作、教師進修、修習教育政策與行政者參考,是一本深具價值的專書。</p> <h4>主編簡介:顏國樑</h4> <ul> <li>現職:國立清華大學教育與學習科技系教授兼系主任</li> <li>學歷:國立臺灣師範大學教育學系博士、美國UCLA訪問學者</li> <li>經歷:教育部組主任、國立新竹教育大學教育與學習科技系教授、評鑑中心主任、系主任</li> <li>研究專長:教育政策、教育法規、教育與學校行政、教育評鑑、教育政治學</li> </ul> <h4>李安明</h4> <ul> <li>現職:國立清華大學教育與學習科技學系教授</li> <li>學歷:美國俄亥俄大學雙語言教育行政博士</li> <li>經歷:國立清華大學教育與學習科技學系系主任、竹師教育學院院長</li> <li>研究專長:教育與學校行政、教學領導、組織行為、質性研究法</li> </ul> <h4>林志成</h4> <ul> <li>現職:國立清華大學教育與學習科技學系教授</li> <li>學歷:國立政治大學教育學博士、英國倫敦大學研究</li> <li>經歷:國立清華大學教育與學習科技學系系主任、臺灣教育大學系統委員、文化中心主任、主任督學、縣政顧問、校長協會顧問、教育審議委員會委員</li> <li>研究專長:教育行政學、行動智慧(行動科學、行動研究)、知識管理、專業發展與組織文化經營、特色學校經營、班級經營、校本課程與教學創新、教學卓越、情緒管理與生涯規劃</li> </ul> <h4>謝卓君</h4> <ul> <li>現職:國立清華大學教育與學習科技學系副教授</li> <li>學歷:英國巴斯大學管理學院博士</li> <li>經歷:國立清華大學師資培育中心組長、教育部公費留學高等教育學門</li> <li>研究專長:教育政策、教育管理、高等教育、教育評鑑、比較教育</li> </ul> <h4>謝傳崇</h4> <ul> <li>現職:國立清華大學教育與學習科技學系教授</li> <li>學歷:國立臺北教育大學教育政策與管理博士、英國諾丁漢大學博士班研究</li> <li>經歷:新竹市政府教育處長、大學主任秘書、領導與評鑑中心、雙語教學研究中心、綜合領域中心、美感素養中心主任、汶水國小、中興國小、西湖國中、公館國中校長</li> <li>獲獎:在中小學服務期間,發展校本特色課程獲得教育部最高榮譽教學卓越獎【金質獎】,創新教學獲得「標竿一百」學校獎、Inno School全國學校經營創新特優獎、Grea Teach全國創意教學特優獎、全國特色學校獎</li> <li>研究專長:正向教育、正向領導、教育行政、教育領導、創新經營、正念教育、教學卓越、校本課程、正向心理學研究</li> </ul>
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