Literatura científica selecionada sobre o tema "Transition territoriale"

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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "Transition territoriale"


Mésirard, Sandrine. "Deux schémas régionaux au service de la transition énergétique". Études Normandes 4, n.º 1 (2017): 47–48.

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Le schéma régional du climat, de l’air et de l’énergie (SRCAE) est l’un des grands schémas régionaux créés par les lois dites « Grenelle » (2010). C’est un document dont la vocation est de définir, à partir d’un scénario optimum, de grandes orientations, notamment sur les stratégies énergétiques. Les actions seront mises en oeuvre par les collectivités territoriales au travers des plans climat air énergie territoriaux (PCAET), qui seront à leur tour pris en compte dans les documents de planification et d’urbanisme (schéma de cohérence territoriale, plan local d’urbanisme…).
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Ducastel, Antoine, Nicolas Bédu, Aurélie Delage, Pauline Lectard, Lala Razafimahefa, Max Rousseau e Alvaro Sanchez Robles. "Transition écologique et justice spatiale". Revue d’Économie Régionale & Urbaine Avril, n.º 2 (29 de maio de 2024): 201–34.

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Les politiques de la transition s’inscrivent-elles dans une approche d’égalité territoriale ? En analysant la distribution des fonds par quatre financeurs publics majeurs, nous souhaitons évaluer la transition écologique en termes de justice spatiale. Pour ce faire, nous mobilisons un cadre d’analyse pluridisciplinaire, déployant des méthodes quantitatives et qualitatives. L’analyse statistique et cartographique nous permet de mettre en évidence des territoires sous-dotés et sur-dotés. Nous cherchons ensuite à identifier les déterminants quantitatifs du captage de financement, avant d’observer les facteurs locaux, de nature qualitative, qui expliquent les inégales capacités des collectivités territoriales à capter les subventions. Au final, l’article montre que la régulation politique locale apparaît cruciale pour comprendre la capacité différenciée des territoires à capter des fonds. Dès lors, l’insuffisante prise en compte de la dimension territoriale par les bailleurs de la transition empêche cette dernière d’apparaître comme un levier de lutte contre les inégalités socio-spatiales.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Miot, Yoan. "Dossier « Politiques locales de l’énergie : un renouveau sous contraintes » – Verdir pour survivre. La transition énergétique comme levier face à la décroissance urbaine ? Le cas de Vitry-le-François". Natures Sciences Sociétés 29, n.º 1 (janeiro de 2021): 13–22.

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L’article s’intéresse aux conditions d’émergence et aux contenus des politiques de transition énergétique dans un type de territoire, les villes décroissantes, considérées à la fois comme des collectivités favorables à l’engagement dans des politiques alternatives, notamment dans le domaine du développement durable, mais également comme fragilisées par les crises qui les frappent. Il s’agit donc d’examiner, à partir d’une enquête de terrain à Vitry-le-François, archétype d’une petite ville française en décroissance urbaine, à quelles conditions et selon quelles finalités une politique de transition énergétique a émergé et s’est structurée. L’analyse rend compte du rôle de la crise territoriale provoquée par la décroissance urbaine dans l’émergence de la politique de transition énergétique et de la manière dont ce contexte conduit à penser la transition énergétique comme une politique de redéveloppement territorial.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Banos, Vincent. "Quelle géographie des ressources à l’heure de la transition écologique ? Réflexion théorique à partir des « nouveaux » usages du bois". Annales de géographie N° 754, n.º 6 (11 de dezembro de 2023): 84–107.

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Partant des débats actuels sur la bioéconomie, cet article propose une réflexion sur la notion de ressources en géographie. Son objectif est plus précisément d’ouvrir un dialogue entre le modèle éprouvé des ressources territoriales et les pistes proposées par la géographie critique des ressources. Bien que partageant la même conception relationnelle, ces deux courants de pensée ne possèdent en effet ni la même généalogie, ni les mêmes marqueurs et objectifs. Mais loin d’opposer ces approches, cet article souligne l’intérêt de les combiner pour appréhender des trajectoires de transition qui tendent à redéfinir, non sans ambiguïtés, les porosités entre développement territorial, logiques industrielles et processus biophysiques. L’exploration des nouveaux usages du bois dans le Sud-ouest de la France met ainsi en lumière le poids des héritages et des coordinations situées, mais aussi des contingences naturelles et des rapports de pouvoir dans la (re)valorisation de ressources locales qui relèvent, en définitive, autant de la spécificité territoriale que de la logique d’accumulation. Cette réflexion invite in fine à considérer que la géographie critique des ressources peut, par l’attention portée aux rouages matériels et politiques des usages industriels de la « nature », aider à mieux comprendre la recomposition des modèles productifs dominants et, ce faisant, contribuer à actualiser le modèle alternatif des ressources territoriales.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Darques, Régis. "L’Albanie en transition : mutations démographiques et recomposition territoriale (1989-2001)". Espace populations sociétés, n.º 2004/3 (1 de dezembro de 2004): 559–75.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Marill, Louis. "La naissance d’un nouveau site industriel dans le Schleswig-Holstein". Allemagne d'aujourd'hui N° 246, n.º 4 (11 de dezembro de 2023): 101–16.

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La transition énergétique ainsi que le conflit russo-ukrainien ont ouvert un nouveau chapitre dans la politique économique allemande laissant entrevoir une mutation territoriale de son espace industriel. La nécessité d’accéder aux énergies renouvelables pouvant pallier la dépendance aux énergies fossiles afin de subvenir à une demande énergivore de son secteur industriel met en exergue le développement de nouvelles régions, préalablement délaissées économiquement. Ces évolutions anticipent-elles une mutation territoriale de l’espace industriel allemand ? C’est ce que nous étudierons à travers le développement économique récent du Schleswig Holstein. Ce Land, plutôt connu pour son agriculture ou son attrait touristique, est en train de devenir un nouvel eldorado économique. N’assistons-nous pas à une mutation territoriale de l’espace industriel allemand ?
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Briant, Vincent de. "Collectivités territoriales et environnement (2017)". Revue Juridique de l'Environnement 43, n.º 3 (2018): 601–13.

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Les stratégies nationales de protection de l’environnement définies par l’État sur la biodiversité, la forêt, l’eau, la transition énergétique ou le littoral, dans le cadre de la mandature 2012/ 2017, ont donné lieu en fin de mandat à plusieurs déclinaisons par voie réglementaire, mais aussi à plusieurs adaptations législatives rendues nécessaires par la nouvelle organisation territoriale mise en place dans la même période.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Serval, Sarah, Magdalena Potz e Solange Hernandez. "Territoire, travail institutionnel et co-création des politiques publiques locales : le cas de Venelles en Transition". Innovations Pub. anticipées (11 de junho de 2023): I163—XXXIV.

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L’article vise à comprendre comment le territoire influence les modalités organisationnelles du travail institutionnel des managers territoriaux qui déploient la co-création face à des défis sociétaux. La co-création est perçue comme une solution à ces problèmes nécessitant des approches innovantes et collaboratives. Cependant, ces pratiques sont émergentes et doivent être adaptées au contexte. Les résultats de notre étude qualitative (étude de cas unique) montrent un modèle paradoxal de travail institutionnel : le territoire peut à la fois faciliter et compliquer le travail institutionnel des managers territoriaux. Leurs pratiques sont basées sur une logique hiérarchique et descendante, avec une organisation centralisée, fermée et interne du travail institutionnel lorsque le territoire facilite l’action. En revanche, lors du processus de co-création, le territoire complexifie le travail institutionnel qui repose sur une logique ascendante, des pratiques émergentes et une organisation dispersée, ouverte et territoriale du travail institutionnel. CODES JEL : O350, R580
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

SFERRATORE, Agata, Nicolas ROGY e Eléonore LOISEAU. "Évaluation environnementale de scénarios d’adaptation au changement climatique de périmètres agricoles irrigués : utilisation de l’analyse de cycle de vie territoriale". Techniques Sciences Méthodes 9 (20 de setembro de 2023): 45–50.

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Double enjeu quant à la transition écologique des territoires agricoles : réduire leurs impacts environnementaux et les adapter au changement climatique. L’ACV territoriale évalue la performance environnementale de solutions d’aménagement et de pratiques agricoles.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Barles, Sabine. "Écologie territoriale et métabolisme urbain : quelques enjeux de la transition socioécologique". Revue d’Économie Régionale & Urbaine Décmbr, n.º 5 (2017): 819.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Teses / dissertações sobre o assunto "Transition territoriale"


Bui, Sibylle. "Pour une approche territoriale des transitions écologiques. Analyse de la transition vers l’agroécologie dans la Biovallée (1970-2015)". Thesis, Paris, AgroParisTech, 2015.

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Les transitions agroécologiques impliquent une transformation radicale des modes de production, mais également des modes de transformation, de distribution et de consommation, du conseil agricole, des politiques publiques et de la recherche - en d’autres termes : une reconfiguration du système agri-alimentaire. Dans la vallée de la Drôme, la forte proportion d’acteurs plaçant l’agriculture biologique au coeur de leur stratégie de développement et leur collaboration dans le projet Biovallée semblent indiquer qu’une transition agroécologique est en cours et que l’échelle territoriale offre des leviers permettant de la déclencher. Cette thèse propose une analyse historique des dynamiques à l’oeuvre sur ce territoire, afin de contribuer à la compréhension des mécanismes de transition et à leur conceptualisation. En mobilisant la théorie des transitions sociotechniques et à travers une approche pragmatique et ethnographique, nous montrons qu’une reconfiguration du système agri-alimentaire territorial est en cours, et qu’elle résulte des interactions entre une configuration sociotechnique dominante et deux configurations alternatives qu’ont construites les acteurs au fil du temps, autour de deux paradigmes alternatifs à la modernisation agricole. Nous montrons comment, à travers ces interactions, les acteurs parviennent à modifier les rapports de force régissant le système agri-alimentaire, et que l’échelle territoriale leur offre des marges de manoeuvre inexistantes à une échelle plus large. Nous mettons en évidence le rôle essentiel d’une diversité d’initiatives, au sein desquelles les acteurs ont progressivement construit de nouvelles formes de coordination. Dès lors, la question est non plus de penser les transitions à partir du développement d’une innovation technique, mais de créer les conditions pour favoriser la coexistence d’une diversité d’initiatives, porteuses d’innovations sociales, et leurs interactions avec le système dominant
Agriculture’s transition towards agrocology requires a radical transformation of production practices based on ecological principles, but it also requires radical changes within transformation, distribution and consumption practices and within advisory systems, public policies and research. In other words, it requires a profound reconfiguration of the whole agrifood system. In the Drome Valley (France), the high proportion of actors who consider organic agriculture as central in their development strategy and their involvement within the “Biovallée” project, suggest that an agroecological transition is in process and that the territorial scale might facilitate it. This thesis analyses the agricultural dynamics at the scale of this territory since the 1970s, in order to understand the transition mechanisms and to conceptualize them. Based on a framework inspired from the sustainable transition theories and on an ethnographic and pragmatic approach, it shows that a reconfiguration of the whole local agrifood system is indeed in process, and that it results from the interactions between a dominant sociotechnical configuration and two alternative ones which local actors have set up over time around two alternative paradigms. We analyze how actors succeed in changing the balance of power within the local agri-food system and how the territorial scale offers them some levers which do not exist on a larger scale. In this case, certain traditional actors and a diversity of initiatives allowed actors to progressively set up new forms of coordination, that is social or organizational innovations (rather than technological ones). Therefore the main issue shifts from thinking transitions based on the development of atechnological innovation, towards creating conditions in order to favour the coexistence of a diversity of initiatives that develop social innovations and to favour their interactions with the dominant system
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Herbelin, Alice. "Ecologie territoriale et trajectoires de transitions : le cas du Rhône-Médian". Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2018.

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L’écologie territoriale est un champ de recherche qui propose d’analyser le fonctionnement d’un territoire sous l’angle des flux de matières et d’énergie qui le traversent et le caractérisent. Cette analyse est notamment menée à travers le concept du métabolisme territorial. Sous cet angle, les flux sont envisagés à la fois dans leur dimension matérielle et à la lumière des systèmes d’acteurs et des enjeux socio-économiques et politiques qui les influencent. L’écologie territoriale tend en cela à mettre en exergue des leviers de transition socio-écologique à l’échelle des territoires.Cette thèse propose la mise à l’épreuve de ces concepts à travers un terrain d’étude situé dans la moyenne vallée du Rhône. En remontant à la fin du XVIIIe siècle, la recherche souligne tout d’abord comment se met en place, à l’échelle de celui-ci, un régime socio-écologique fondé sur l’industrie et les infrastructures lourdes. Ensuite, à partir de l’analyse de quatre types de flux (énergétiques, hydriques, toxiques, alimentaires), la thèse propose de caractériser la manière dont ce régime se matérialise aujourd’hui dans le métabolisme. Ce métabolisme est alors qualifié d’intensif et de toxique – par l’intensité et la toxicité des flux mis en jeu – ainsi que d’absorbant – en ce qu’il assure des fonctions métaboliques répondant aux besoins d’autres territoires (traitement de déchets, production alimentaire). Les caractéristiques de ce métabolisme impliquent alors une faible capacité des acteurs locaux (habitants, acteurs publics, agriculteurs) à agir sur les flux pour leur réduction ou leur transformation. Pourtant, dans un contexte de mutations des systèmes productifs et de résidentialisation, plusieurs initiatives émergent de ces mêmes acteurs locaux pour comprendre et agir sur les flux de matière et d’énergie, dans une perspective de développement territorial durable. Celles-ci conduisent à des formes de remise en question des équilibres de pouvoir existants mais le régime socio-écologique industriel persiste, en partie en ce que les verrous qui le structurent et l’auto-entretiennent ne sont pas questionnés
Territorial ecology is a research field which proposes to analyse the functioning of a territory under the perspective of the flows of matter and energy which passes by and characterize it. This analysis is particularly led through the concept of territorial metabolism. Through this lens, flows are considered in their material dimension but also under the light of the actor systems and of the political and socio-economic issues which influence them. Thus, territorial ecology tends to underline socio-ecological transition levers on the scale of territories.This thesis proposes to test these concepts through a field study in the mid Rhône valley. Looking back to the end of the 18th century, the research firstly underlines how a socio-ecological regime is progressively set around the industry sector and the heavy infrastructures at the scale of the territory. Then, the thesis describes how this regime gets materialized into today’s metabolism through the analysis of four different kinds of flows (energy, water, toxic elements, food). This metabolism is described as intensive and toxic – according to the level of intensity and toxicity of the flows at stake – as well as absorbing – in the way it deals with other territories’ metabolic functions (waste management, food production). These properties of the Rhône-Médian’s metabolism implicate limited capacity for local actors (inhabitants, public actors, farmers) to act towards the reduction or the transformation of these flows. However, within a context of change in production systems and of residentialisation, several local initiatives emerge. Through this process, local actors gain a better understanding and better capabilities to act on the flows of energy and matter in order to engage with sustainable territorial development. These local initiatives lead to several forms of reassessment of existing power relationships but the industrial socio-ecological regime remains, partly because some lock-ins which structure and self-sustain this regime are not questioned
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Herbelin, Alice. "Ecologie territoriale et trajectoires de transitions : le cas du Rhône-Médian". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2018.

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L’écologie territoriale est un champ de recherche qui propose d’analyser le fonctionnement d’un territoire sous l’angle des flux de matières et d’énergie qui le traversent et le caractérisent. Cette analyse est notamment menée à travers le concept du métabolisme territorial. Sous cet angle, les flux sont envisagés à la fois dans leur dimension matérielle et à la lumière des systèmes d’acteurs et des enjeux socio-économiques et politiques qui les influencent. L’écologie territoriale tend en cela à mettre en exergue des leviers de transition socio-écologique à l’échelle des territoires.Cette thèse propose la mise à l’épreuve de ces concepts à travers un terrain d’étude situé dans la moyenne vallée du Rhône. En remontant à la fin du XVIIIe siècle, la recherche souligne tout d’abord comment se met en place, à l’échelle de celui-ci, un régime socio-écologique fondé sur l’industrie et les infrastructures lourdes. Ensuite, à partir de l’analyse de quatre types de flux (énergétiques, hydriques, toxiques, alimentaires), la thèse propose de caractériser la manière dont ce régime se matérialise aujourd’hui dans le métabolisme. Ce métabolisme est alors qualifié d’intensif et de toxique – par l’intensité et la toxicité des flux mis en jeu – ainsi que d’absorbant – en ce qu’il assure des fonctions métaboliques répondant aux besoins d’autres territoires (traitement de déchets, production alimentaire). Les caractéristiques de ce métabolisme impliquent alors une faible capacité des acteurs locaux (habitants, acteurs publics, agriculteurs) à agir sur les flux pour leur réduction ou leur transformation. Pourtant, dans un contexte de mutations des systèmes productifs et de résidentialisation, plusieurs initiatives émergent de ces mêmes acteurs locaux pour comprendre et agir sur les flux de matière et d’énergie, dans une perspective de développement territorial durable. Celles-ci conduisent à des formes de remise en question des équilibres de pouvoir existants mais le régime socio-écologique industriel persiste, en partie en ce que les verrous qui le structurent et l’auto-entretiennent ne sont pas questionnés
Territorial ecology is a research field which proposes to analyse the functioning of a territory under the perspective of the flows of matter and energy which passes by and characterize it. This analysis is particularly led through the concept of territorial metabolism. Through this lens, flows are considered in their material dimension but also under the light of the actor systems and of the political and socio-economic issues which influence them. Thus, territorial ecology tends to underline socio-ecological transition levers on the scale of territories.This thesis proposes to test these concepts through a field study in the mid Rhône valley. Looking back to the end of the 18th century, the research firstly underlines how a socio-ecological regime is progressively set around the industry sector and the heavy infrastructures at the scale of the territory. Then, the thesis describes how this regime gets materialized into today’s metabolism through the analysis of four different kinds of flows (energy, water, toxic elements, food). This metabolism is described as intensive and toxic – according to the level of intensity and toxicity of the flows at stake – as well as absorbing – in the way it deals with other territories’ metabolic functions (waste management, food production). These properties of the Rhône-Médian’s metabolism implicate limited capacity for local actors (inhabitants, public actors, farmers) to act towards the reduction or the transformation of these flows. However, within a context of change in production systems and of residentialisation, several local initiatives emerge. Through this process, local actors gain a better understanding and better capabilities to act on the flows of energy and matter in order to engage with sustainable territorial development. These local initiatives lead to several forms of reassessment of existing power relationships but the industrial socio-ecological regime remains, partly because some lock-ins which structure and self-sustain this regime are not questioned
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Mat, Nicolas. "Dynamiques de transition dans les territoires portuaires : apport de l’écologie industrielle et territoriale aux processus d’adaptation vers une société bas-carbone". Thesis, Saint-Etienne, EMSE, 2015.

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Principales places d’importations et de transformation des énergies d’origine fossile, les espaces portuaires concentrent des défis de mutations industrielles, de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre et de diversification du bouquet énergétique. En mobilisant les cadres théoriques de l’écologie industrielle et de la complexité, ce travail de de thèse vise à à mieux comprendre et caractériser les processus d’adaptation actuels développés au sein de ces territoires. Appréhendé dans une acception large de son périmètre, le territoire portuaire se révèle être un formidable terrain d’expérimentations de nouvelles pratiques basées sur une plus grande coopération entre acteurs, à la croisée des chemins entre une économie circulaire globale et une écologie industrielle locale. Partant d’un retour d’expériences mené à l’échelle internationale de démarches d’écologie industrielle, ayant permis la mise en évidence de différents modèles territoriaux d’organisation, ce travail de recherche a ensuite comparé l’évolution socio-écologique de trois territoires portuaires européen et asiatiques. Si la dynamique de métropolisation semble apparaître comme une constante dans la plupart de ces grands espaces côtiers, celle-ci contribue aussi à la complexification de la matrice territoriale portuaire. De nouvelles approches d’ordre organisationnel viennent ainsi compléter les évolutions technologiques. Dans une troisième partie, l’étude de l’espace portuaire de Marseille-Fos a ainsi permis de mettre en lumière un phénomène d’interactions fonctionnelles opéré au sein du territoire, au profit de sa transition progressive vers une société à bas-carbone
One of the major issues facing our industrialized societies is the energy transition, which induces major industrial and social transformations. Port and harbor areas, which are strategic places concerning import and transformation of fossil fuels, concentrate these industrial challenges, dealing with mitigation of emissions of greenhouse gases and diversification of energy mix. By mobilizing the theoretical frameworks of industrial ecology and complexity, this PhD work aims to better understand and characterize current adaptation process developed within these territories. In this work, we consider the industrial, urban and agricultural subsystems present in a port area. When doing this, the port area is proving to be a formidable field of experimentation of new practices based on greater cooperation between players at the crossroads between a global circular economy and a local industrial ecology. Starting from an international feedback which enabled the identification of different territorial organization models, this research then compared the socio-ecological evolution of three European and Asian port areas. If the dynamics of metropolisation seem to appear as a constant in most of these large coastal areas, it also contributes to the whole complexity of the port territorial matrix. Indeed, new organizational approaches now complement technological developments. In the third part, the study of the port area of Marseille-Fos has enabled to highlight a phenomenon of functional interactions operated within the territory for the benefit of its gradual transition to a low-carbon society
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Chaher, Mazigh. "Les collectivités territoriales et les énergies renouvelables". Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur, 2022.

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La transition énergétique, entendue comme le passage progressif du modèle énergétique actuel à un modèle énergétique fondé essentiellement sur des énergies décarbonées, a induit une responsabilisation accrue des collectivités territoriales et de leurs groupements dans le sens où ils doivent désormais assumer à travers des leviers juridiques particulièrement effectifs et opérationnels une part importante de la mission consistant à accélérer le développement des énergies renouvelables. Dans ce cadre, on assiste depuis le début des années 2000 à un accroissement des compétences des collectivités territoriales et des groupements de collectivités dans les matières touchant de près ou de loin à la transition énergétique, cela témoigne de la prise de conscience par les pouvoirs publics du rôle incontournable de ces collectivités dans la transition énergétique et de la nécessité de renforcer cette intervention à travers la création de compétences ex nihilo ou en procédant à des transferts de compétences de l'État vers les collectivités territoriales. Ce mouvement a été notamment favorisé par la libéralisation du marché de l'énergie qui a créé un terrain fertile à l'intervention économique des collectivités territoriales dans le secteur énergétique. L'objet de cette thèse est de démontrer que la mise en œuvre de la transition énergétique au niveau local est inextricablement liée à la problématique de la décentralisation territoriale et que donc le renforcement de la place de l'échelon local, exigé par la transition énergétique, se heurte aux limites et contradictions de ladite décentralisation
The energy transition, understood as the gradual transition from the current energy model to an energy model based essentially on carbon-free energies, has led to increased accountability of local authorities and their groupings in the sense that they must now assume, through particularly effective and operational legal tools, an important part of the mission consisting in accelerating the development of renewable energies. In this context, since the beginning of the 2000s, we have witnessed an increase in the powers of local authorities and groupings of authorities in matters directly or indirectly related to the energy transition, which testifies to the awareness by the public authorities of the essential role of these communities in the energy transition and the need to strengthen this intervention through the creation of skills ex nihilo or by transferring skills from the central state to the local authorities. This movement has been encouraged particularly by the liberalization of the energy market, which has created fertile ground for the economic intervention of local authorities in the energy sector. The purpose of this thesis is to demonstrate that the implementation of the energy transition at the local level is inextricably linked to the problem of territorial decentralization and that therefore the strengthening of the place of the local level required by the energy transition comes up against to the limits and contradictions of this decentralization
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Lacourt, Simon. "Agroforesterie et paysages en mouvement : un projet territorial et transversal. Une agroforesterie en France métropolitaine à travers divers cas d’étude, de l’exploitant à l’aménageur, l’arbre vecteur de transition territoriale". Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024.

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Cette thèse a pour objectif d’interroger la place de l’agrosystème et plus spécifiquement l’agroforesterie au prisme du projet de territoire de l’aménageur. Affiché comme une des solutions à l’adaptation au changement climatique et comme modèle d’avenir pour les agrosystèmes, une agroforesterie concertée entre acteurs peut-elle présenter une proposition de transition territoriale ?Les zones urbaines se sont étendues sur les terres agricoles au cours des soixante dernières années. Cet étalement a conduit les pouvoirs publics à réguler les territoires avec des plans de zonage, qui ont eu pour conséquence une spécialisation et une banalisation des paysages dans des franges périurbaines s’étendant dans un maillage complexe de zones logistiques et commerciales. Dans le même temps, l’optimisation mécanique et les profonds changements dans les pratiques agricoles ont conduit à des bouleversements dans les paysages ruraux, des terres elles aussi spécialisées et plus productives où les arbres ont rapidement disparu.S’inscrivant dans un moment d’innovation et de basculement des pratiques agricoles, la France s’est engagée en 2015 dans un projet agro-écologique, dont un des leviers est un plan de développement de l’agroforesterie. Les recherches existantes concernent presque exclusivement les sciences agronomiques et environnementales, et peu les sciences du paysage, de la géographie ou de la sociologie, souvent transdisciplinaires, mêlant théorie et pratique.S’il est convenu que l’agriculteur est par essence créateur de paysage, son action dans le territoire n’est pas considérée comme une composante de l’aménagement à part entière, et la parcelle agricole souvent envisagée comme une «réserve foncière». L’agriculteur se considèrera plutôt comme un producteur de ressources et non de paysage. Dans un contexte où cette production connait une crise importante, la recherche se questionne sur la mutation des pratiques qui s’engage et ses enjeux tant en termes de société, d’économie ou de production paysagère ; comment l’aménageur se place pour les anticiper et les projeter ? Et comment l’exploitant intervient dans cette planification ?En ce sens, l’objectif de la thèse est d’alimenter la réflexion sur l’agroforesterie à la fois comme mode de création de paysages et de nouveaux enjeux sociétaux par des projets concertés. Son objectif est de proposer une réflexion sur les transversalités essentielles entre les domaines complémentaires de l’aménagement et de l’agronomie dans le futur des territoires métropolitains.Cette recherche applique une méthodologie combinant géoagronomie et paysage, centrée sur le terrain, en se confrontant à l’expertise des exploitants, des acteurs du territoire et des paysagistes pour aboutir à un résultat objectif.Les résultats de cette recherche expriment un état des lieux contrasté de la place de l’arbre entre monde rural et urbain, illustrant les défis pragmatiques, politiques et économiques auxquels sont confrontés les territoires comme les exploitants. Malgré l'accent mis sur la transversalité et l'intégration de l'agrosystème dans le projet territorial, la réalité montre que l'exploitant agricole ne se perçoit pas comme une composante majeure de l'aménagement. Bien que l'arbre soit vanté comme un élément incontournable pour l'avenir des villes et des campagnes, son intégration dans le territoire reste aujourd’hui un défi complexe qui nécessite une approche globale et transversale
This thesis aims to examine the role of agrosystems, specifically agroforestry, through the lens of land use planning from the perspective of developers. Promoted as one of the solutions for adapting to climate change and as a future model for agrosystems, can a collaborative agroforestry approach among stakeholders offer a viable proposal for territorial transition? Urban areas have expanded onto agricultural lands over the past sixty years. This sprawl has led public authorities to regulate territories with zoning plans, resulting in specialization and homogenization of landscapes in peri-urban fringes, within a complex web of logistical and commercial zones. Simultaneously, mechanical optimization and profound changes in agricultural practices have caused disruptions in rural landscapes, where lands have also become specialized and more productive, leading to the rapid disappearance of trees.At a moment of innovation and a shift in agricultural practices, France launched an agro-ecological project in 2015, one of the levers of which is a development plan for agroforestry. Existing research primarily focuses on agronomic and environmental sciences, with little attention given to landscape, geography, or sociology, which often involve transdisciplinary approaches that blend theory and practice.While it is acknowledged that farmers are inherently landscape creators, their actions within the territory are not viewed as a major component of land use planning, and agricultural parcels are often considered as "land reserves." Farmers tend to see themselves more as resource producers rather than landscape creators. In a context where this production is facing significant crises, research questions the transformation of practices that is underway and its implications for society, economy and landscape production. How do developers position themselves to anticipate and project these changes? And how do operators engage in this planning?In this sense, the objective of the thesis is to contribute to the discussion on agroforestry as both a mode of landscape creation and as a response to new societal challenges through collaborative projects. It aims to propose reflections on the essential intersections between the complementary fields of land use planning and agronomy in the future of metropolitan territories.This research employs a methodology that combines geoagronomy and landscape studies, centered on fieldwork, engaging with the expertise of operators, territorial stakeholders, and landscape architects to achieve objective results.The findings of this research reveal contrasting results regarding the place of trees between rural and urban worlds, illustrating the pragmatic, political, and economic challenges faced by both territories and operators. Despite the emphasis on transversality and the integration of the agrosystem within territorial projects, reality shows that farmers do not see themselves as a major component of land use planning. Although trees are considered as essential elements for the future of cities and countryside, their integration into the territory remains a complex challenge that requires a holistic and cross-disciplinary approach
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Rogeau, Antoine. "Vers une approche intégrée d’aide à la planification énergétique territoriale : application à la rénovation énergétique des bâtiments". Thesis, Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2020.

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Les secteurs résidentiel et tertiaire français représentent environ 45% de la consommation d'énergie et 20% des émissions de gaz à effet de serre, constituant un gisement d'économies important et relativement facilement mobilisable en comparaison à d'autres secteurs comme le transport ou l'industrie. Cette thèse développe une méthode d'aide à la décision territoriale pour la mise en oeuvre opérationnelle de la rénovation énergétique des bâtiments. Cette méthode repose sur une caractérisation des territoires basée sur l'enrichissement de bases de données hétérogènes et disponibles aux acteurs locaux. Un problème d'optimisation des mesures de rénovation énergétique permet d'actionner des leviers au niveau de chaque bâtiment du territoire, mettant la question de la dimensionnalité au cœur de ce travail. Un méta-modèle de la consommation énergétique de chauffage des bâtiments, adapté à ce contexte, est construit à partir d'un modèle dynamique urbain. Les solutions techniques de rénovation modélisées reposent sur une observation du contexte actuel français, et font d'objet d'une caractérisation technico-économique dédiée. Les méthodes de modélisation et d'optimisation sont enfin appliquées à différents territoires, et exploitées pour mener des études en lien avec le contexte de la transition énergétique
The French residential and tertiary sectors account for about 45% of energy consumption and 20% of greenhouse gas emissions, constituting a large savings potential which is relatively easy to mobilise in comparison with other sectors such as transport or industry. This thesis develops a decision-aiding method for territories stakeholders willing to implement building energy retrofit measures. This method relies on a building stock modeling based on the enrichment of heterogeneous databases available to local decision-makers. An optimization problem of energy renovation measures activates levers at the building-level over the territory, turning dimensionality into a key issue this work. A meta-model of building heating energy consumption, adapted to this context, is constructed from a dynamic urban model. A dedicated characterisation of both thermal retrofit and energy systems is conducted, basing solutions on observations of the current French building context. Both modeling and optimization methods are finally applied to real territories, and used to conduct studies related to the energy transition context
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Zoumenou, Anna. "L’action économique des collectivités territoriales pour la transition énergétique". Thesis, Paris 2, 2017.

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La conférence des Etats parties à la convention cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques qui s’est tenue à Paris à la fin de l’année 2015 (COP 21) a relancé l’intérêt des Etats pour la protection de l’environnement et la transition écologique et énergétique. Depuis plus d’une décennie, de nombreuses lois sont intervenues qui placent les collectivités territoriales au cœur de ce dispositif. Aujourd’hui, la réalisation de la transition énergétique repose sur un partenariat entre collectivités publiques, gardiennes du service public, et entreprises privées maitrisant ingénierie et technique propres au secteur énergétique. Cette politique publique s’inscrit ainsi dans le contexte de réforme de l’action publique qui modifie profondément les modes de gestion des services publics
The conference of the member states of the United nations framework convention about climate change (COP 21) which took place in Paris, december 2015, increased the state’s interest either for the protection of the environment and the ecological transition. From more than a decade, many laws had have the goal to place local authorities into the hearth of this system. Today, the realization of the energy transition is based on a partnership between public authorities, garantor of the public service and private companies mastering engineering and energy techniques. This policy takes place in the story of a new public management, which profoundly changes the way public services are managed
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Lulovicova, Andrea. "Évaluation environnementale des systèmes alimentaires territoriaux : Apports de l'analyse du cycle de vie territoriale à la construction et à l'évaluation des processus de reterritorialisation durables des systèmes agroalimentaires en France". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Côte d'Azur, 2024.

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Les bouleversements climatiques et environnementaux actuels affectent profondément nos sociétés et les écosystèmes. La production et la consommation alimentaires jouent un rôle clé dans ces perturbations. Le système alimentaire mondialisé, caractérisé par une production et une consommation de masse et une dissociation entre producteurs et consommateurs, exerce une pression considérable sur les territoires et leurs ressources. Pour remédier à cette situation, la reterritorialisation de l'alimentation émerge comme une solution prometteuse en vue d'un système alimentaire plus durable. La France se positionne comme précurseur dans cette démarche, notamment grâce au récent développement des Projets Alimentaires Territoriaux (PAT). Ces projets visent à promouvoir une économie alimentaire locale et durable, tout en favorisant les circuits courts. Pourtant, malgré leur potentiel, les répercussions environnementales de ces initiatives demeurent peu étudiées. La plupart des études actuelles comparent les circuits courts et les circuits longs en se concentrant principalement sur l'impact du transport. Elles ne tiennent ainsi pas compte des avantages systémiques liés au développement de pratiques plus durables au sein des systèmes territorialisés. Afin de pallier cette lacune, cette thèse adapte la méthodologie de l'Analyse du Cycle de Vie Territoriale (ACV-T) pour construire et évaluer les systèmes alimentaires territoriaux avec une perspective environnementale et systémique. La méthodologie adaptée est utilisée comme i) outil de diagnostic, ii) évaluation d'actions du PAT et iii) prospective territoriale. L'ACV-T est appliquée à deux territoires français très différents, la municipalité de Mouans-Sartoux dans les Alpes-Maritimes et le département du Finistère. Les deux territoires sont pionniers dans la mise en place de projets alimentaires territoriaux (PAT). L'analyse environnementale de leurs systèmes alimentaires comme diagnostic initial révèle l'ampleur des impacts directs et indirects, notamment liés aux produits importés et aux intrants agricoles. Les résultats montrent que le transport joue un rôle minoritaire dans ces impacts. Les deux territoires dépendent fortement des importations alimentaires pour nourrir leurs habitants. Les circuits courts, et par conséquent leur impact, restent limités. L'évaluation de politiques publiques menées à Mouans-Sartoux au cours des cinq dernières années démontre des bénéfices environnementaux notables. Une réduction d'environ 20 % des impacts environnementaux, notamment en termes de changement climatique et d'usage des terres, est estimée. Dans le cas du Finistère, la construction d'un scénario prospectif met en lumière les avantages potentiels de stratégies territoriales, plus particulièrement en lien avec l'encouragement à développer des pratiques agroécologiques. En conclusion, ce travail pluridisciplinaire montre la pertinence de méthodologies basées sur l'analyse du cycle de vie comme outil d'aide à la planification et à l'évaluation territoriale des systèmes agroalimentaires. Il montre également le potentiel des politiques de reterritorialisation à contribuer à la transition écologique des territoires
The current climatic and environmental upheavals deeply impact our society and ecosystems. Food production and consumption play an essential role in these disruptions. The globalized food system, characterized by mass production and consumption and a disconnect between producers and consumers, places significant pressure on territories and their resources. To address this, the reterritorialization of food is emerging as a promising solution for a more sustainable food system. France is at the forefront of this initiative, with the recent development of Territorial Food Projects (Projets Alimentaires Territoriaux, PAT) led by local authorities. These projects aim to promote a local and sustainable food economy while supporting short supply chains. However, despite their potential, the environmental impacts of these initiatives remain understudied. Most current studies compare short and long food supply chains, focusing on transportation-related impacts. Consequently, they do not consider the systemic benefits associated with the development of more sustainable practices within local food systems. To respond to this issue, this thesis adapts the Territorial Life Cycle Assessment (TLCA) methodology to assess local food systems from a systemic and environmental perspective. This adapted methodology is applied to two diverse territories in France and their local food systems: the municipality of Mouans-Sartoux and the Finistere department. Both territories are pioneers in implementing food territorial projects (PAT). The environmental assessment of the two local food systems reveals the extent of both direct and indirect impacts, notably related to imported products and agricultural inputs. The results demonstrate that transportation played a minor role in these impacts. Both local systems heavily depend on imports to feed their inhabitants. The short food supply chains, and consequently their impact, remain limited. The assessment of the impact of the Mouans-Sartoux local food policies demonstrates positive effects since their implementation. An estimated reduction in environmental impact equals approximately 20 % of the entire local food system's impact, particularly in terms of climate change and land use. In Finistere, the prospective analysis highlights the potential benefits of local strategies, particularly in connection with the promotion of agroecological practices. In conclusion, this interdisciplinary work confirms the relevance of life cycle assessment methodologies for local planning and assessment. It equally reveals the potential of local food policies to contribute to the ecological transition
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Flipo, Pauline. "Vivre dans les îles proches de l’Atlantique et de l’Adriatique : Les défis de l’action publique territoriale à Ouessant, l’Île-aux-Moines, Cres, Silba et Unije". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Limoges, 2024.

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La thèse porte sur les défis de l’action publique territoriale dans trois îles croates (Cres, Silba, Unije) et deux îles bretonnes (Ouessant, l’Île-aux-Moines). En analysant plus particulièrement la gestion des enjeux relatifs au logement et à la transition énergétique dans ces territoires, ce travail questionne la marge de manœuvre des acteurs locaux dans un contexte de (re)centralisation des pouvoirs et d’hégémonie du New Public Management, qui transpose les méthodes du privé dans le domaine de l’action publique. Il s’agit alors à la fois de questionner la marge de manœuvre de ces territoires pour faire face à des enjeux fortement territorialisés et la capacité des communautés îliennes à produire de l’innovation en matière d’action publique territoriale. Le choix d’accorder, tout au long de la thèse, une importance majeure aux discours des îliens et acteurs locaux permet d’appréhender les manifestations concrètes de ces défis, selon un prisme sensible et territorialisé
This thesis looks at the challenges facing local public action on three Croatian islands (Cres, Silba and Unije) and two Breton islands (Ouessant and Île-aux-Moines). By taking a closer look at the management of housing and energy transition issues in these territories, this study questions the room for manoeuvre of local players in a context of (re)centralisation of powers and the hegemony of New Public Management, which transposes private sector methods to the field of public action. The aim is both to question the room for manoeuvre these territories have in dealing with highly territorialised issues and the capacity of island communities to produce innovation in terms of territorial public action. The decision to focus on the views of islanders and local players throughout the dissertation is a means to look at concrete manifestations of these challenges, through a sensitive and territorialised prism
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Livros sobre o assunto "Transition territoriale"


Tracey, Sue. Provincial and territorial transition house associations. Ottawa, Ont: National Clearinghouse on Family Violence, 1990.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Bob, Nicoll, Canada. Human Resources Development Canada. Applied Research Branch. e Forum of Labour Market Ministers (Canada), eds. Inventory of provincial/territorial youth surveys. [Hull, Quebec]: Applied Research Branch, Strategic Policy, Human Resources Development Canada, 2000.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Hart, Richard. Imperialist control of the Caribbean area: The transition from European to U.S. domination. London: Caribbean Labour Solidarity, 1987.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Bazargu̇r, D. Territorial organisation of Mongolian pastoral livestock husbandry in the transition to a market economy. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, 1993.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Packevich, Alla. Model of the settlement system of the future. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.

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The textbook is devoted to the issues of understanding the laws in the evolution of human consciousness and the formation of a pyramid of human values. For this purpose, the study analyzes the periodization of spatial structures and attempts to reproduce the logic of the process of consciousness development. The place of man in the system of cosmic evolution, the understanding of the process of transition from passive and unconscious human participation in evolution to active and conscious are comprehended. Brief information about the principles of the formation of the structure of space and the organization of systems of populated places is presented. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. It is intended for students of all forms of education of educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher education in the field of training "Architecture" , as well as for all those interested in the problems of territorial development.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

BUCLET. Ecologie Territoriale et Transition So. ISTE Editions Ltd., 2021.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

ARMENGAUD, Degros. Towards Territorial Transition: Towards Territorial Transition. Antique Collectors' Club, 2022.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Buclet, Nicolas. Territorial Ecology and Socio-Ecological Transition. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2021.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Buclet, Nicolas. Territorial Ecology and Socio-Ecological Transition. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2021.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Buclet, Nicolas. Territorial Ecology and Socio-Ecological Transition. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2021.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Capítulos de livros sobre o assunto "Transition territoriale"


Iavarone, Maria Luisa. "La Pedagogia Civile per uno sviluppo territoriale sostenibile". In Educazione degli Adulti: politiche, percorsi, prospettive, 125–33. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2022.

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Nowadays poverty can be defined as a construct that can no longer be ascribed to the material scarcity of resources but to the lack of all available relational, social and cultural resources, that are an expression of a “suffering” territory. This fragility testifies to a problem of educational sustainability that requires an exit from the emergency logic of “buffer interventions” by activating social, training and professional networks, capable of responding to the educational needs expressed by the territory. For this reason, in the epistemic framework of Civil and Digital-Civil Pedagogy, the need emerges for new professional profiles capable of being “managers” of integrated territorial development, educators-planners of territorial educational services with a view to social sustainability and the educational human transition.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Marson, Anna. "L’approccio eco-territorialista alla pianificazione territoriale e il ruolo fondativo degli aspetti patrimoniali". In Ecoterritorialismo, 39–50. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2023.

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Eco-territorialist approach to spatial planning overcomes functional approaches assuming as key references man/nature co-evolution, the diverse components of living, the participation of inhabitants to territorial governance, the territorial context not as the object of planning choices but as a real living subject. The territorial context, a both existing and potential heritage for the settled community, is considered as a fundamental 'actant' in the ecological transition process. The reference to some important contributions for the ongoing redefinition of the theoretical methodological statute of the discipline substantiates the challenge of this alternative approach to planning.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Illner, Michal. "Territorial Government in the Czech Republic". In Decentralization and Transition in the Visegrad, 80–101. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1999.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Pecqueur, Bernard, e Paulo Freire Vieira. "Territorial Resources and Sustainability: Analyzing Development in a “Post-Fordist” Scenario". In Transitions to Sustainability, 141–57. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2014.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Poli, Daniela. "Premessa". In I servizi ecosistemici nella pianificazione bioregionale, VII—IX. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2020.

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The short introduction reconstructs the external history of the texts collected in this volume, which are a reworking of the authors' contributions to the seminar "From territorial heritage to eco-territorial services: towards an operational definition". It also draws a quick sketch of the relationships that urge us to rethink the ecosystem services as eco-territorial services, between territorialist approach, bioregional planning, territorial heritage, and answers to be offered urgently to the problems - climatic, environmental, economic and social - posed by a society in transition.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Rey, Emmanuel, Martine Laprise e Sophie Lufkin. "Specific Skills and Adapted Support". In Neighbourhoods in Transition, 111–19. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractAlthough urban brownfields hold significant inherent potential, especially in limiting urban sprawl, a large number of sites are still awaiting a regeneration project. Moreover, many of these projects only partially or superficially address sustainability principles. Hence, concrete courses of action are required to support the evolution of current practices towards increased sustainability. These courses of action, which rely on specific skills and adapted supports, require a complementary approach. In other words, strategies should be conducted consistently at the territorial, metropolitan, and project levels. In this regard, the present chapter provides a series of courses of action to be implemented at these levels. Our aim here is to foster the sustainable transition of metropolitan areas, and more precisely brownfield sites, into lively neighbourhoods.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Bolognesi, Monica. "Energy Communities: The Opportunity for an Energy Transition Characterized by a Return to the Territory". In Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions, 61–73. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.

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AbstractThe creation of energy communities represents an opportunity to overcome the traditional social acceptance paradigm and sector approach in the energy field. The case study of an energy community in the making in the Alpine region enables experimentation with a territorial and heritage approach to the energy transition. This research project tries to connect together territorial heritage, renewable energy sources, and the local community dimension, identified as a strategic field of action also by European directives on energy. The method of analyzing local heritage energy resources and their contribution to energy mix composition, as well as conducting interviews to identify potential stakeholders to involve in setting up the energy community, reveals the presence of untapped potential, both from energy and social capital perspectives. The enhancement of local energy potential, respecting the concept of limitation in resource use and consistent with the protection of territorial, environmental, and landscape heritage, shows the return to the territory in energy production as a sustainable energy transition perspective.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Shikova, Natalija, e Immaculada Colomina Limonero. "Can Non-Territorial Autonomy Help to Enforce the Linguistic, Cultural and Educational Rights of the Roma?" In Realising Linguistic, Cultural and Educational Rights Through Non-Territorial Autonomy, 171–94. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2022.

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AbstractRacist and discriminatory policies against the Roma persist in both eastern and western Europe. Methods of repression have varied over time, but it is striking that strategies of open or tacit discrimination and expulsion of the Roma are still found in some contemporary policies of the older and transitional democracies, in EU Member States and countries that are candidates for EU membership. Of major concern is the fact that xenophobic statements and actions against the Roma often come from leading politicians or from national governments. Additionally, despite various international and regional human rights instruments, the ongoing structural discrimination that the Roma face has not yet been addressed within the existing legal framework. Many of the measures that have been proposed to address social exclusion and marginalisation are largely unenforceable; they tend to overlook the harsh living conditions, lack of access to public services, low level of education and embedded prejudice against the Roma. This paper addresses the human rights violability of cultures commonly marginalised in society. In many cases, although human rights protection regimes are enacted for certain cultures, the measures do not encompass groups that are non-dominant and territorially dispersed. The case of the Roma exemplifies not only this situation in respect of their language, cultural and educational rights in Spain and in North Macedonia, but also how the establishment and implementation of possible non-territorial autonomy (NTA) arrangements can help to overcome lasting discrimination. There is no unique model of NTA since it is applied differently in different contexts and circumstances. However, in essence, NTA arrangements can help minorities to enjoy cultural or other activities without territorial limitation. NTA can thus support the protection of territorially dispersed cultures and alleviate some of the harsh practices that they face.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Le Velly, Ronan, e Marc Moraine. "Agencing an innovative territorial trade scheme between crop and livestock farming: the contributions of the sociology of market agencements to alternative agri-food network analysis". In Social Innovation and Sustainability Transition, 65–78. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2022.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Marrone, Paola, e Ilaria Montella. "Territorial Energy Potential for Energy Community and Climate Mitigation Actions: Experimentation on Pilot Cases in Rome". In The Urban Book Series, 505–22. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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AbstractOne of the conditions toward mitigation and a zero-emission economy is to plan the transition to a sustainable urban energy system. The dimensional and typological variety of urban pattern, and the functional contribution of inhabitants, represent an important potential to reduce energy consumption and climate-changing gases. Despite this evidence, many studies focused on the energy transition have given limited attention to issues of scale, space, and context in urban settings and how they can shape different energy systems. This article deals with renewable energy communities in the urban context and, by presenting some results of research that, through pilot cases in Rome, aims to test mitigation and adaptation solutions in proximity spaces. In particular, it investigates how the different forms of already built urban fabrics, together with social and environmental resources, can influence the form and implementation of the decentralized energy system and vice versa.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Trabalhos de conferências sobre o assunto "Transition territoriale"


Périneau-Lorenzo, Sylvie. "Photographier et questionner un nouvel appariement territorial". In Actes du congrès de l’Association Française de Sémiotique. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2024.

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À la différence de la transition écologique, une transition territoriale, au départ, met à égalité les espaces, les vivants et les choses par rapport à ce qui leur arrive et la situation nouvelle – la réalité administrative d’une région qui devient autre - est muette pour le langage ou stérile pour l’imaginaire. Au contraire, le projet Vu d’ici ce n’est pas si loin s’occupe par sa démarche globale et tout particulièrement par un ouvrage photographique, d’enquêter puis de traduire en vues l’existence de cette nouvelle dimension et la sensation d’être lié à la Nouvelle-Aquitaine d’une manière ou d’une autre. À travers la médiation d’isotopies spatio-temporelles sensibles, nous affirmons que les photographies collectées puis agencées instaurent une économie interprétative. En effet, elles font circuler ces vues comme traces, repères et symbolisations en s’adressant à trois types de participants : les enquêteurs eux-mêmes, par un effet de boucle ; les sujets enquêtés, qu’ils soient présents à l’image ou reliés aux espaces, vivants et choses présentés ; et les lecteurs de l’ouvrage, néo-aquitains ou simples curieux. Ainsi, l’appréhension de ce que peut être une transition territoriale s’enrichit : l’ouvrage nous engage à nous intéresser à l’appariement territorial que crée le régime de transition et aux différentes configurations objectives, subjectives, vécues et imaginatives qu’il déploie à partir d’un « paradigme moléculaire » (Hébert 1995 : 71).
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.


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The article is devoted to the study of scientific approaches to the analysis and management of clusters in the context of the transition to the digital economy. Several approaches used in various studies to determine the cluster itself and options for its analysis were considered. The article substantiates the advantages of the approach to studying clusters as a network structure.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Rusetskaya, O. V. "UNDERSTANDING THE PROBLEM OF CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE NEED FOR ENERGY TRANSITION IN THE HUMANITIES". In Regional economy and territorial development. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2023.

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The historical and philosophical understanding of human influence on climate change allows us to conclude that a significant share of responsibility for the emergence of environmental and, in particular, climatic problems lies with science. According to the researchers, the natural scientific aspects of climate change are widely covered by the media, while ethical issues are ignored or blocked in media publications, negotiations and discussions on climate. Modern research also does not pay enough attention to the cultural, political and psychological aspects of the consequences of climate change, as well as their role in the development of effective climate change policy.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Nascimento, Adriana, Mariana Souza, Rafaella Anielly e Paulo Silva. "O BIOMA E O RURBANO:". In Seminario Internacional de Investigación en Urbanismo. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Grup de Recerca en Urbanisme, 2025.

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The article discusses the relationship between biome, territory and society, highlighting the neglected importance of rurbanized areas and their role in socio-spatial dynamics. Using a transdisciplinary and decolonial approach, in the transitional territory of southern Minas Gerais/Brazil, the occupation process is correlated with urban and regional planning. The research adopts a methodological perspective that considers the original occupation of human populations, fauna and flora in relation to ruralization and urbanization, in a territory where biomes transition. The complexity of territorial transformations is revealed through analysis, physical and digital mapping, visits to archaeological sites and remnants of the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado biomes. The results show historical interactions between European invaders, indigenous communities and nature, contributing to an understanding of urban and territorial occupation in the region. This approach deconstructs dominant narratives and recognizes the cultural and landscape diversity in this context. O artigo aborda a relação entre bioma, território e sociedade, destacando a importância, negligenciada, das áreas rurbanizadas e seu papel nas dinâmicas socioespaciais. Utilizando abordagem transdisciplinar e decolonial, no território de transição do sul Mineiro/Brasil, correlaciona-se o processo de ocupação com o planejamento urbano e regional. A pesquisa, desenvolvida, adota uma perspectiva metodológica que considera a ocupação originária de populações humanas, fauna e flora em relação à ruralização e a urbanização, num território de transição de biomas. Revela-se a complexidade das transformações territoriais através de análises, mapeamento físico e digital, visitas a sítios arqueológicos e remanescentes dos biomas Mata Atlântica e Cerrado. Os resultados evidenciam interações históricas entre invasores europeus, comunidades indígenas e a natureza, contribuindo para a compreensão da ocupação urbana e territorial na região. Essa abordagem desconstrói narrativas dominantes e reconhece a diversidade cultural e paisagística neste contexto.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.


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The article is devoted to the problems of digitalization in the public administration system using the example of St. Petersburg. The issues related to the transition to digital technologies in the service sector are considered. The analysis of the transformation of mechanisms for the provision of public services is carried out in St. Petersburg is carried out based on official FSSS data for the period from 2015 to 2022.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.


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The article considers the basics of the concept of circular economy, which assumes the construc-tion of economic activity on the principles of resource renewal and health conservation of the socio-ecological and economic system, analyzes foreign and domestic experience in stimulating the activity of companies in the field of environmental and innovative management to form a circular model of the economy and suggests directions for environmental and innovative development of Russian regions.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.


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The article considers the preservation and improvement of the health of the population in the regions of the Russian Federation as an important component of the problem of people's preservation; substantiates the need to take into account the negative impact of the environmental and climatic factor on the health of the population and improve the regulatory framework; based on the results of sanitary and hygienic monitoring, positive trends and problems of sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population in the regions are analyzed; briefly formulates recommenda-tions, including the transition to environmentally sustainable development of the country and regions and the achievement of sustainable development goals.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Tulchinskii, G. L. "INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AND PROMOTION REGIONAL BRANDING (SYKTYVKAR PROJECT)". In Regional economy and territorial development. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2023.

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Digital formats dramatically expand the prospects for interactive regional branding technologies. They implement at all stages of branding the interaction and cooperation of the efforts and capabilities of all development stakeholders. The key role has the augmented reality platform, which has transition points between the online and offline infrastructures of the city. The platform allows you to integrate the advertising of services, goods, primarily – companies operating at the points of entry into the physical space of the city. At the same time, the companies activities of can be immersed in the content of programs, presenting products as artifacts. The article contains a description of an attempt to use modern technologies of regional branding as a tool for consolidating government, business, the orga-nized public, the population and the employed, which is fundamentally important for the development of the region. In this case, we are talking about Syktyvkar, the administrative center of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation of the Komi Republic.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

OUBAH, Soumia. "Habitat reinvention: Tented living in waiting for reconstruction". In Vernacular Architecture: Support for Territorial Development, 203–15. Materials Research Forum LLC, 2025.

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Abstract. This study examines « rural habitation » in a mountainous region of the Western High Atlas affected by the earthquake of September 8, 2023. It aims to understand how residents lived before and in the aftermath of the earthquake, as well as the implications of ongoing public reconstruction efforts concerning local and heritage dimensions of rural habitat. Utilizing an ethnographic approach, the research focuses on the case of Ouneine in Taroudant province, highlighting the transition from traditional vernacular architecture to temporary tent structures. It reveals the community’s creative adaptations and differing perceptions of their vernacular habitats, emphasizing the need for participatory approaches in reconstruction that respect local knowledge and practices.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Khaimovich, Irina Nikolaevna, Vladimir Michailovich Ramzaev e Vadim Gennadievich Chumak. "Simulating and territorial competitiveness data analysis in the transition to clean energy economy". In 2022 VIII International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT). IEEE, 2022.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Relatórios de organizações sobre o assunto "Transition territoriale"


Bai, Jie, Stéphane Milhaud e Lou D’Angelo. Human Settlements in Mongolia: Strengthening Strategic Cities and Towns for Sustainable Territorial Development. Asian Development Bank, dezembro de 2023.

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This paper proposes an urban framework for Mongolia to promote balanced and sustainable territorial development. The framework addresses the dysfunctions in the urban hierarchy and settlement system of aimag and soum centers that emerged during the transition period following the collapse of the Soviet Union, and identifies what types of investment should be favored in these areas.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Sánchez Gassen, Nora, Lisa Rohrer, Anna Berlina, Louise Ögland, Carlos Tapia, Rebecca Cavicchia e Anna Lundgren. Nordic Toolbox for a Just Green Transition. Nordregio, novembro de 2024.

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The green transition involves different economic, social and territorial impacts that have been explored in the four year research project “Not Just a Green Transition – Examining the path towards a socially just green transition in the Nordic Region” (short name: NJUST). The result is the Nordic Toolbox for a Just Green Transition, which contributes to a transition towards a climate neutral Nordic Region that is socially just. The comprehensive and interactive toolbox offers guidance for Nordic policymakers to navigate challenges, listen to those affected, and get inspired. The toolbox highlights six priority areas for enabling a just green transition, and offers policy memos from four socially at-risk groups: older adults, youth, people with disabilities and those at risk of unemployment. Through practical tools and examples, a structured checklist, policymakers can gain insights into how to take action for a transition that is not only green – but equitable too.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Ortiz-Arciniegas, Catalina, e Ángela María Franco-Calderón. Policy Brief No. 1. Comprehensive neighbourhood upgrading as a strategy for the transition towards urban territorial peace. Universidad del Valle, dezembro de 2022.

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Considering that in Colombia most of the victims of forced displacement looked for shelter in the cities, the urban dimension should be included in the processes of reparation and restitution of rights within a transitional and restorative justice framework. Under this approach, Comprehensive Habitat Upgrading (CHU) becomes relevant as a strategy for the construction of urban territorial peace. This tool contributes to the consolidation of fairer cities through the provision of adequate housing, basic urban services, and access to the opportunities in self-built popular neighbourhoods, and may support the victims of the internal conflict in their search for settlement, identity, and memory. This policy brief provides public policy recommendations for decision makers to articulate CHU and peacebuilding with a rights-based, differential and intersectional approach that allows to assist both vulnerable urban communities and multiple subjects of reparation who came to the cities in search of new life opportunities.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Martínez Álvarez, Juan, Adrián Ortega Andrade e Montserrat Corbella. Risk Mitigation Mechanisms for Local Investment: The Role of Subnational Development Banks. Inter-American Development Bank, junho de 2024.

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Subnational development banks (SDBs) in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) provide financing to regional and local governments, subnational entities, and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), but generally lack information about how they can support the transition toward net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and environmental sustainability. This document describes how SDBs can support blended financing arrangements that combine both public and private resources, leveraging their comparative advantage in mitigating the high risks that private lenders perceive of working with actors at the subnational level. The document provides illustrative cases from both regional and international contexts of how public development banks can mobilize private capital for local economic development. It concludes with strategic recommendations for SDBs to increase sustainable financing for a just urban and territorial transition and for the Alliance of Subnational Development Banks in Latin America and the Caribbean as a platform to foster a regional dialogue that can increase financial innovation across the region.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Гарлицька, Т. С. Substandard Vocabulary in the System of Urban Communication. Криворізький державний педагогічний університет, 2018.

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The article is devoted to substandard elements which are considered as one of the components in the system of urban forms of communication. The Object of our research is substandard vocabulary, the Subject is structural characteristics of the modern city language, the Purpose of the study is to define the main types of substandard vocabulary and their role in the system of urban communication. The theoretical base of our research includes the scientific works of native and foreign linguists, which are devoted to urban linguistics (B. Larin, M. Makovskyi, V. Labov, T. Yerofeieva, L. Pederson, R. McDavid, O. Horbach, L. Stavytska, Y. Stepanov, S. Martos). Different lexical and phraseological units, taken from the Ukrainian, Russian and American Dictionaries of slang and jargon, serve as the material of our research. The main components of the city language include literary language, territorial dialects, different intermediate transitional types, which are used in the colloquial everyday communication but do not have territorial limited character, and social dialects. The structural characteristics, proposed in the article, demonstrate the variety and correlation of different subsystems of the city language. Today peripheral elements play the main role in the city communication. They are also called substandard, non-codified, marginal, non-literary elements or the jargon styles of communication. Among substandard elements of the city language the most important are social dialects, which include such subsystems as argot, jargon and slang. The origin, functioning and characteristics of each subsystem are studied on the material of linguistic literature of different countries. It is also ascertained that argot is the oldest form of sociolects, jargon divides into corporative and professional ones, in the structure of slangy words there are common and special slang. Besides, we can speak about sociolectosentrism of the native linguistics and linguemosentrism of the English tradition of slang nomination. Except social dialects, the important structural elements of the city language are also intermediate transitional types, which include koine, colloquialisms, interdialect, surzhyk, pidgin and creole. Surzhyk can be attributed to the same type of language formations as pidgin and creole because these types of oral speech were created mostly by means of the units mixing of the obtruded language of the parent state with the elements of the native languages.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Tapia, Carlos, Nora Sanchez Gassen e Anna Lundgren. In all fairness: perceptions of climate policies and the green transition in the Nordic Region. Nordregio, maio de 2023.

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The survey presented in this report reveals that Nordic citizens are concerned about climate change. Many people are willing to increase efforts to fight climate change, even if this entails a personal contribution in terms of higher taxes or behavioural change. The survey shows that different social groups perceive the impacts of climate change and climate mitigation policies in different ways. In general, attitudes towards climate policies and perceptions regarding their fairness are conditioned by socio-demographic factors such as gender, age, employment status, type of housing and transport behaviour. General attitudes towards climate change and climate policies The first part of this report explores general attitudes towards climate change and climate policies. This section shows that seven in ten (71%) respondents think that climate change is a serious or very serious problem, particularly among the youngest age group (18-29 years). Three in four (74%) interviewed persons in this group share this view. Those with a university degree are more concerned about climate change (83%) than those with primary or secondary education (57% and 62%, respectively). Approximately half (48-51%) of respondents in all age groups agree that more financial resources should be invested in preventing climate change, even if this would imply an increase in taxes. The survey results show that women in the Nordic Region are more concerned about climate change than men (79% compared to 64%). It also reveals that people living in urban areas are more worried about climate change (82%) than those who live in towns and suburbs (68%) or in rural areas (62%). Urban dwellers are also more positive about investing more resources in preventing climate change (59%) than those who live in rural areas (39%) and in towns and suburbs (46%). More than half of the respondents (52%) agree that taking further action on climate change would be beneficial for the economy. Students, unemployed and retired people are more likely to agree with this view (55%, 57% and 55%, respectively) than those currently in employment, including the self-employed (50%). Those employed in carbon-intensive sectors are less positive about the expected economic impact of climate policies than those who work in other economic sectors (41% compared to 55%). They are also more concerned about the risk of job losses during the transition to a low-carbon economy than those employed in sectors with lower carbon intensity (37% compared to 24%). Concerns about this issue are also higher among those who live in rural areas (31%) or towns and suburbs (30%) compared to those who live in cities (22%). Present and future effects of climate change mitigation policies on individuals and households The central part of the survey explores perceptions regarding the present and future impacts of climate policies. Such challenges are perceived differently depending on specific sociodemographic conditions. Nearly one fourth (23%) of respondents state that high energy costs mean they are struggling to keep their homes at a comfortable temperature. Those living in houses report being more impacted (27%) than those living in apartments (18%), and those using fossil fuels to heat their homes are most affected (44%). The risk of energy poverty is also higher among non-EU immigrants to the Nordic Region. Those who say they are struggling to keep their homes at a comfortable temperature range from 23% among Nordic-born citizens to 37% among non-EU immigrants. Nearly three in ten respondents (28%) have modified their transportation behaviour during the last year due to high fuel costs. This proportion is substantially greater among those living in towns and suburbs (32%) compared to those who live in rural areas (29%) or cities (23%). The majority of the Nordic population (52%) states that current climate policies have a neutral effect on their household economies. However, 28% of respondents say they are negatively impacted by climate policies in economic terms. Men report being negatively affected more frequently than women (33% vs 22%, respectively). People who live in houses are more likely to claim they are being negatively impacted than people who live in apartments (31% and 23%, respectively). Nearly half (45%) of the respondents in the Nordic Region agree that climate initiatives will improve health and well-being, and half of the respondents (50%) think that climate change initiatives will lead to more sustainable lifestyles in their area. However, half (51%) of the Nordic population expect to see increases in prices and the cost of living as a consequence of climate policies, and those who believe that climate policies will create jobs and improve working conditions in the areas where they live (31% and 24%, respectively) are outnumbered by those who believe the opposite (35% and 34%, respectively). Fairness of climate policies The last section of the report looks at how the Nordic people perceive the fairness of climate policies in distributional terms. In the survey, the respondents were asked to judge to what extent they agree or disagree that everyone in their country or territory is equally affected by initiatives to fight climate change regardless of personal earnings, gender, age, country of origin and where they live – cities or rural areas. The results show that the Nordic people believe climate change initiatives affect citizens in different ways depending on their demographic, socioeconomic and territorial backgrounds. More than half of the respondents (56%) disagree that everyone is equally affected by initiatives to fight climate change regardless of earnings. Only 22% agree with this statement. Younger age groups are more pessimistic than older age groups on this point (66% in the 18-29 age group compared to 41% in the 65+ group). Almost half of respondents (48%) agree that climate policies are fair from a gender perspective, while 25% disagree with this statement and 23% are neutral. Roughly one in three (30%) respondents in the Nordic Region agree that people are equally affected by climate change initiatives regardless of age, 41% disagree with this statement and 25% are neutral. More than one third (35%) of the Nordic population agree that everyone is equally affected by initiatives to fight climate change regardless of the country of origin, while 34% of them disagree. More than half of respondents (56%) think that the impact of climate initiatives differs between rural and urban areas, while only 22% think that all areas are equally affected. Respondents who live in cities are more likely to respond that climate policy impacts differ between rural and urban areas (60%) than respondents who live in rural areas (55%) and towns and suburbs (53%). One third (33%) of respondents in the survey think that the Sámi population is affected by climate change initiatives to the same extent as the rest of the population. In Greenland, a majority of the population (62%) agrees that the indigenous population in Greenland is equally affected by measures to combat climate change. The results from this survey conducted in the autumn of 2022, show that the population in the Nordic Region perceive the impacts of climate mitigation policies in different ways. These results can raise awareness and stimulate debate about the implementation of climate mitigation policies for a just green transition.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.
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