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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "Sustainable development"


Fadhlurrohman, Mochammad Iqbal, Eko Priyo Purnomo e Ajree Ducol Malawani. "Analysis Of Sustainable Health Development In Indonesia (Sustainable Development Goal's)". Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia 19, n.º 2 (29 de julho de 2020): 133–43.

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Latar Belakang: Pengembangan kesehatan berkelanjutan adalah proses untuk memberikan hak atas kehidupan yang sehat yang harus diperoleh oleh masyarakat yang berguna untuk memperoleh kesejahteraan bagi masyarakat dalam menjalankan kehidupan yang sehat. Konsep pendekatan dalam upaya menangani kesehatan populasi mengalami banyak perubahan sejalan dengan pemahaman dan pengetahuan kita tentang bagaimana masyarakat hidup dan menghormati bahwa kesehatan adalah "Sumber Daya Manusia" yang bernilai sangat besar. Dan tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk melihat bagaimana faktor yang mempangaruhi dalam melakukan pembangunan kesehatan berkelanjutan.Metode: Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif yaitu melihat hasil penelitian sebelumnya dan selanjutnya dikembangkan kembali. Teknik pengumpulan data studi literatur ini dari beberapa buku, surat kabar, jurnal, catatan, undang-undang dan media informasi lainnya yang relevan dengan masalah yang diteliti dan observasi, termasuk observasi langsung baik pada subjek yang diteliti maupun wawancara.Hasil: Pemerintah belum mampu menangani masalah yang akan dihadapi terkait kesehatan karena dalam penanganan pemerintah yang masih kurang dikarena banyak kekurangan seperti alat kesehatan dan juga peraturan/regulasi terkait pembangunan kesehatan berkelanjutan yang belum dapat dikatakan efisien pada pertumbuhan kesehatan atau pembangunan kesehatan yang merupakan tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan atauSubtanable Development Goal’s(SDG’s).Kesimpulan: Peran dari pemerintah dari tahun ke tahun belum dapat bisa melihat adanya kemajuan dalam mengatasi masalah yang harus diantisipasi sebelum masalah terjadi baik dalam kematian ibu, kekurangan gizi untuk anak-anak dan wanita hamil, dan lain-lain. Yang dimana diharapkan dapat memberikan solusi terhadap permasalahan dari kesehatan. ABSTRACT Title: Analysis of Sustainable Health Development in Indonesia (Sustainable Development Goal's).Background: Sustainable health development is a process to provide the right to a healthy life that must be obtained by the community that is useful for obtaining welfare for the community in running a healthy life. The concept of approach in the effort to handle the health of the population underwent many changes in line with our understanding and knowledge of how a society lives and respects that health is a "Human Capital" of enormous value. Method: The research method used is a descriptive study that is looking at the results of previous studies and further developed again. This literature study data collection technique from several books, newspapers, journals, notes, laws and other information media that are relevant to the problem under study and observation, including direct observation both on the subject under study and interview. Results: The government has not been able to handle the problems that will be faced related to health because in managing the government which is still lacking due to many deficiencies such as medical devices and also regulations/regulations related to sustainable health development that cannot be said to be efficient in health growth or health development which is a goal of sustainable development or Sustainable Development Goal's (SDG's).Conclusion: The role of government from year to year has not been able to see any progress in overcoming problems that must be anticipated before problems occur both in maternal deaths, malnutrition for children and pregnant women, and others. Which is expected to provide solutions to problems from health.
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Qizi, Yuldasheva Nargiza Doston. "Development Strategy – Towards Sustainable Development". American Journal of Management and Economics Innovations 03, n.º 02 (28 de fevereiro de 2021): 33–37.

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The article examines five priorities of the country development. These include improving the construction of the state and society, ensuring the rule of law and reforming the judicial system, further developing and liberalizing the economy, developing the social sphere, ensuring security, interethnic harmony and religious tolerance. is to conduct foreign policy in a mutually beneficial and practical spirit.
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NÁTR, Lubomír. "Non sustainable development. Sustainable or non-sustainable development?" Kvasny Prumysl 52, n.º 11-12 (1 de novembro de 2006): 359–60.

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Vyas, Pallavi C. "Industrialization And Sustainable Development". Indian Journal of Applied Research 1, n.º 11 (1 de outubro de 2011): 44–46.

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Chattaraj, Santosh Kumar. "Education for Sustainable Development". International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Volume-2, Issue-1 (31 de dezembro de 2017): 131–34.

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Jeníček, V. "Sustainable development – indicators". Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika) 59, No. 2 (12 de março de 2013): 74–80.

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Most governments are already trying, or should do so in the near future, to start the way towards sustainable development. The reason why the way is so difficult is the fact that the quantitative measures of it – the suitable indicators to show the measure of the development in the desirable direction – are missing. The information is of irreplaceable importance in the process of transition towards sustainability. All institutions as well as individuals need information, whether their decisions and behaviour is contributing to sustainability or not, and this information has to motivate them, at the same time, to the change of behaviour.
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Даниленко, Нина. "SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT — SUSTAINABLE RESEARCH". Известия Иркутской Государственной Экономической Академии 25, n.º 2 (2015): 298–302.

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Blowers, Andrew, Jan Boersema e Adrian Martin. "Is sustainable development sustainable?" Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences 9, n.º 1 (março de 2012): 1–8.

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Aras, Güler, e David Crowther. "Making sustainable development sustainable". Management Decision 47, n.º 6 (19 de junho de 2009): 975–88.

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Kaimowitz, David. "Is Sustainable Development Sustainable?" Journal of Forestry 104, n.º 4 (1 de junho de 2006): 169.

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Teses / dissertações sobre o assunto "Sustainable development"


Hans, Robert von Rettig. "Thriving on sustainable development : sustainable autopoietic organisations". Thesis, University of Westminster, 2013.

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This doctoral thesis theorises on how business organisations have reacted to the legal principle of Sustainable Development. The proposition is that Sustainable Development is an event-driven principle of becoming where the present depends both on the organisation’s environment and its internal operations. The starting point of the research is the observing of decisions made in relation to Sustainable Development covering a period of around ten years. This is based on four distinctions resulting in a structural, processual, motivational and functional understanding of the organisations in question. The theoretical framework is based on Niklas Luhmann’s theory of social systems, emphasising his theory of organisations, contributing new knowledge on how organisations react to their environment, the consequence of a-centricity, poly-contexturality and the un- steerability of society. Firstly, the thesis demonstrates that, for the companies involved, Sustainable Development has resulted in a better use of resources, both natural and human and consequently capital. Secondly, the result cannot be attributed only to internal industry decisions but significantly also to the direct or indirect involvement of NGOs and other irritants. Thirdly, Sustainable Development can be highly attributed to law but when the environment of law is not satisfied, rules of behaviour outside the legal framework are created by organisations such as NGOs. The research shows that Sustainable Development is not a recipe for success in itself but, without it, long-term profit is not possible. There is a structural coupling between NGOs, businesses and legislators and this can be seen in the way they communicate with each other. It is clear that although relevant, law is not the only mechanism and, in some cases, not even the best. Rather than forcing businesses into a specific legal framework the best available solution, consistent with theory and application, is for business organisations to reduce difference between themselves and their environment through self-steering when it comes to Sustainable Development and to increase difference when it comes to organisational differentiation.
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Mekonin, Abere. "Human Rights and Sustainable Development Law : Sustainabale Development Law :The Path to Sustainable Peace". Thesis, Linnaeus University, Linnaeus School of Business and Economics, 2010.

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This paper considers the fast changing developments and changes in relation to sustainable development law with its three pillars, and the needs of international development. The focus of the analysis is on the connection between international economic, international social and international environmental law which constitute sustainable development law at their intersection point, and will show how they can be the paths to sustainable peace. As sustainable development law is emerging as international concern, the qualitative approach of this paper will show its pillars separately and their connection under different conditions. This paper also demonstrates that this approach is gaining ground in the literature, and it contends that it is a more appropriate way of addressing the problems of economic, social and environmental. In support of this argument, the paper looks initially how sustainable development law fits to be the path to sustainable peace within the contemporary world which is full of economic, social and environmental conflicts. Secondly, it provides a theoretical framework how sustainable development law with its pillars can lead the world to sustainable peace. Thirdly, the three pillars, (-international economic law, international social law and international environmental law-), will be elaborated in relation to their intersection and sustainable development law.

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Bezugla, K. "Sustainable economic development". Thesis, Sumy State University, 2014.

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Sustainable development is an organizing principle for human life on a finite planet. It posits a desirable future state for human societies in which living conditions and resource-use meet human needs without undermining the sustainability of natural systems and the environment, so that future generations may also have their needs met.
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Zaratuiko, I. V. "Sustainable economic development". Thesis, Sumy State University, 2014.

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Today I would like to write you about economic development. To my mind, economic development refers to the sustained, concerted actions of communities and policymakers that improve the standard of living and economic health of a specific locality. Also, development of the economic system is a profound qualitative change in its composition, relationships and function. Economic development involves development of human capital, increasing the literacy ratio, improve important infrastructure, improvement of health and safety and others areas that aims at increasing the general welfare of the citizens.
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Лисиця, Віра Іванівна, Вера Ивановна Лисица e Vira Ivanivna Lysytsia. "Sustainable energy development". Thesis, Видавництво СумДУ, 2008.

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Kapatus, N. "Sustainable development goals". Thesis, Sumy State University, 2017.

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It is incrеаsingly rеcognizеd thаt humаn rights plаy аn importаnt rolе in еnsuring sustаinаblе dеvеlopmеnt. Thе Millеnnium Dеvеlopmеnt Goаls (MDGs) sеrvеd аs vеhiclеs for somе еconomic аnd sociаl rights, but ignorеd othеr importаnt humаn rights issuеs. In contrаst, thе nеw аmbitious univеrsаl dеvеlopmеnt progrаm Thе Аgеndа for Sustаinаblе Dеvеlopmеnt until 2030 fully еmbodiеs thе principlеs аnd stаndаrds of humаn rights.
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Marin, M. "Sustainable economic development". Thesis, Sumy State University, 2014.

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There are many definitions of sustainable development, including this landmark one which first appeared in 1987: "Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."— from the World Commission on Environment and Development’s (the Brundtland Commission) report Our Common Future (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987). Increasingly, “green,” “sustainable,” or “low-carbon” development is seen as a pathway to economic recovery, resilience, and prosperity. A growing number of cities and regions are recognizing that their climate, energy, and economic development goals and agendas are parts of the same whole. The interest in sustainable economic development and the “clean economy” has gained increasing attention in recent years.
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Maksymeno, I. "Sustainable economic development". Thesis, Sumy State University, 2014.

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The domain of 'economics' is fundamental to considerations of sustainable development, however there has been considerable criticism of the tendency to use the three-domain model of the triple bottom line: economics, environment and social. This approach is challenged to the extent that it treats the economy as the master domain, or as a domain that exists outside of the social; it treats the environment as a world of natural metrics; and it treats the social as a miscellaneous collection of extra things that do not fit into the economic or environmental domains (see the section on Economic sustainability below). In the alternative Circles of Sustainability approach, the economic domain is defined as the practices and meanings associated with the production, use, and management of resources, where the concept of ‘resources’ is used in the broadest sense of that word.
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Deakin, Mark. "Sustainable urban development". Thesis, Edinburgh Napier University, 2011.

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This submission for PhD by publication aims to capture, reflect upon, analyse and offer critical insights into how the use of land and exchange of property can help serve the search for sustainable urban development (SUD). This aim is subsequently met by: • hypothesising how the applicant's publications provide a representation of SUD able to get beyond the state-of-the-art and offer a conceptual framework capable of uncovering the positive role land and property can play in sustaining urban development; • reviewing the research undertaken by the applicant to define SUD and develop a framework for analysis, set of protocols and directory of assessment methods to evaluate the sustainability of urban development; • highlighting the possibility there is for the valuation methodologies and investment appraisal techniques underlying the use of land and exchange of property, to be constructive in terms of the relationship their corporate strategies and financial instruments have to the environment; • illustrating how it is possible to compute the informational basis of property management and draw upon the intelligence this offers cities to develop electronically-enhanced services underpinned by e-learning platforms, knowledge management systems and digital libraries, capable of supporting environmental improvements; • showing how the environmental improvements that surface from such developments in turn support the community-based approach to urban regeneration which underlies the UK government's socially-inclusive and participatory venture into ecological modernisation and democratic renewal; • providing examples of where the management of property by cities is intelligent, not only because the environmental improvement supporting their community-based approach to urban regeneration are socially-inclusive and participatory, but for the reason the ecological modernisation and process of democratic renewal underlying these developments meet the sustainability requirement; • reflecting on the contribution this representation of SUD as informational, intelligent, socially-inclusive, participatory, community-based, regenerative, ecological and democratic, makes to what is known and understood about the subject. Together these positive, analytical and constructive examinations of SUD augment into the informational basis of property management and surface as the corporate strategies and financial instruments of the electronically-enhanced service models needed for cities to be intelligent. In particular, the strategies, instruments and eGov(ernment) service models, cities need to be intelligent in valuing the environment and accounting for the socially-inclusive, participatory, community-based, regenerative, ecological and democratic qualities underlying their improvement programmes.
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Phillips, Christine Ann. "Sustainable place : a place of sustainable development". Thesis, Open University, 1999.

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Livros sobre o assunto "Sustainable development"


Egelston, Anne E. Sustainable Development. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2013.

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Idowu, Samuel O., Henk J. de Vries, Ivana Mijatovic e Donggeun Choi, eds. Sustainable Development. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Mawhinney, Mark, ed. Sustainable Development. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Science Ltd, 2002.

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UK Round Table on Sustainable Development., ed. Sustainable development. London: UK Round Table on Sustainable Development, 1998.

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Das, Kumar. Sustainable development. New Delhi: Reference Press, 2009.

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1928-, Gupta N. L., e Gurjar Ram Kumar 1956-, eds. Sustainable development. Jaipur: Rawat Publications, 1993.

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United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service., ed. Sustainable development. Geneva: NGLS, 1994.

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W, Pearce D., e Redclift Michael 1946-, eds. Sustainable development. London: Butterworths, 1988.

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Agency, Environment. Sustainable development. Bristol: Environment Agency, 1998.

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1934-, Stokke Olav, ed. Sustainable development. London: F. Cass in association with the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI), Geneva, 1991.

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Capítulos de livros sobre o assunto "Sustainable development"


Sanneh, Edward Saja. "Sustainable Development". In Systems Thinking for Sustainable Development, 55–63. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Spring, Úrsula Oswald. "Sustainable Development". In Handbook on Building Cultures of Peace, 211–27. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2009.

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Carter, Eric, e Matthew Hurst. "Sustainable Development". In Agile Machine Learning, 169–78. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2019.

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Heater, Derek, e G. R. Berridge. "Sustainable Development". In Introduction to International Politics, 116–30. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1993.

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Bondyrev, Igor V., Zurab V. Davitashvili e Vijay P. Singh. "Sustainable Development". In World Regional Geography Book Series, 201–4. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.

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Petrakis, Panagiotis E., e Pantelis C. Kostis. "Sustainable Development". In The Evolution of the Greek Economy, 103–23. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Wei, Yuwa. "Sustainable Development". In Issues Decisive for China’s Rise or Fall, 95–108. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.

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Singh, Manjari. "Sustainable Development". In The Palgrave Handbook of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, 151–64. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.

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Wheeler, Stephen. "Sustainable Development". In Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, 6501–4. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2014.

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Jeronen, Eila. "Sustainable Development". In Encyclopedia of Sustainable Management, 1–7. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Trabalhos de conferências sobre o assunto "Sustainable development"


"Sustainable Hospital Design for Sustainable Development". In AEBMS-2017, ICCET-2017, BBMPS-17, UPACEE-17, LHESS-17, TBFIS-2017, IC4E-2017, AMLIS-2017 & BEFM-2017. Higher Education and Innovation Group (HEAIG), 2018.

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Ebbin, Steven, e Ahmad Ghamarian. "Sustainable Energy Development". In 27th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (1992). 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 1992.

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Tomkinson, B., C. Engel, R. Tomkinson e H. Dobson. "Developing sustainable development". In SUSTAINABLE CITY 2008. Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 2008.

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Santos, Paulo. "Sustainable Tram Development". In World Urban Transit Conference 2010. Singapore: Research Publishing Services, 2010.

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Chakraborty, S. S. "Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Development". In IABSE Congress, New Delhi 2023: Engineering for Sustainable Development. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2023.

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<p>Sustainable engineering (SE) focuses on systems that use energy and resources sustainably, addressing economic and climate change challenges (Global extreme weather this year in July is &quot;virtually impossible&quot; or &quot;new extreme&quot; in Antarctica without climate change). A radical shift in infrastructure planning is necessary to achieve net-zero emissions. Factors such as New Developments (NDs), nature-based solutions (NbS), life-cycle analysis (LCA), whole-life carbon (WLC), sustainable materials (SM), and green construction materials enable sustainable infrastructure. The identification of skills for upcoming infrastructure engineers, intelligent and sustainable built environments, IoT, and Integrated Workplace Management Systems (IWMS) are challenges. A circular economy approach to managing LC may be a more efficient and reliable means of achieving zero emissions.</p>
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Zahedi, S. "Sustainable development: impossible without women’s development". In SUSTAINABLE CITY 2008. Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 2008.

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Federici, A. "An index for sustainable development". In SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 2007. Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 2007.

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The aim of the considerations is to define the essence of sustainable consumption as one of the conditions of the practical realisation of sustainable development concept. The paper underlines the importance of sustainable consumption implementation as well as its importance for the future development. The existence of narrow and broad understanding of sustainable consumption was indicated in the elaboration. In the first case, it concerns environmental aspects, whereas in the second, it covers three dimensions: economic, environmental and social ones. The authors also indicated the practices in fames of sustainable consumption on different levels, i.e. individuals, households and governmental ones. They considered different aspects of sustainable consumption, which is an alternative occurrence in relation to consumptionism and manifests itself in eco-consumption, collaborative consumption, deconsumption and responsible consumption. Nevertheless, sustainable consumption is on the margin of mainstream consumption processes. The elaboration also presents a number of factors and obstacles for realisation of the sustainable consumption, both on demand and supply side. First, it requires fundamental changes in value system, social awareness and consumer habits. The state should use particular tools (informational, legal, economic and financial ones) to enable realisation of the sustainable consumption concept.
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Agricultural sector is different from industrial or service sectors due to its specific functions, i.e. food function, social function, economic situation on country growth function, environmental function. These functions of agricultural sector include three dimensions (economic, social, environmental), which are closely connected with the conception of sustainable development. Therefore, the taxation system of agricultural sector has been orientated to sustainability. The research direction of sustainable taxation is relevant. This research direction leads to opportunities to find the sustainable taxation system effect to the sustainable development of agriculture. The paper aims at disclosing the singularity of sustainable taxation in agriculture. To investigate the theoretical aspect of the specificity of agricultural business in the context of taxation and singularity of sustainable taxation, systemic analysis and synthesis of theoretical insights of foreign and local scientific literature as well as the methods of induction and deduction have been applied. Theoretical research results helped to identify singularity of sustainable taxation in agriculture, which encompasses three dimensions (economic, social, environmental) with different characteristics. This taxation system contributes to the goals of the development of sustainable agriculture.
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Rochford, F. "Floodplains and sustainable development". In SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING 2013. Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 2013.

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Relatórios de organizações sobre o assunto "Sustainable development"


Edwards, Alix Mary. Transport for Sustainable Development: TRL’s contributions towards meeting sustainable development goals. TRL, dezembro de 2021.

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TRL’s vision for the future is of clean, efficient transport that is safe, reliable and accessible for everyone, including for countries in the global south; low- and middle-income countries. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from the United Nations set out 17 goals with a multitude of targets. Many of these relate to transport, and TRL’s work directly contributes to achieve the safety and climate related transport goals. TRL is a global centre of excellence in transport and innovative mobility solutions. We have an internationally recognised team of scientists, researchers and consultants, who can provide training and upskilling to authorities and businesses throughout the global south. By working together and sharing knowledge and skills we can help to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals for safety and climate change, and help to answer some of these challenging questions.
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Reardon, Kenneth F. Sustainable Biofuels Development Center. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), março de 2015.

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Chapagain, Saroj, Geetha Mohan e Kensuke Fukushi. Water for Sustainable Development Casebook: Recognising the Value of Water for Sustainable Development. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability, 2022.

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This casebook presents the outcomes of the Water for Sustainable Development (WSD) research project implemented by the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) to improve regional environmental and economic policies in the case study countries. The project investigated the role of water in the sustainable development of four locations in Asia: Bali Province, Indonesia; Kaski District, Nepal; Visakhapatnam City, India; and Rayong Province, Thailand. Based on an Input-Output (IO) analysis, the research findings provide a comprehensive matrix of intersectoral dependence, in terms of economy, water consumption, and pollution loads, and offer policy directives for controlling water pollution. The publication is aimed at policymakers, water practitioners, researchers, and students interested in learning and utilising the analytical framework developed by WSD.
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NMR Publicering. Nordic Sustainable Development Indicators 2013. Nordisk Ministerråd, setembro de 2013.

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Publicering, NMR. Nordic Sustainable Development Indicators 2014. Nordisk Ministerråd, outubro de 2014.

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Benitah, Marc. Subsidies, Services and Sustainable Development. Geneva, Switzerland: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, 2005.

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Kuhr, Gregory S. Promoting Sustainable Development Through Engagement. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, janeiro de 1999.

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Vick, Tyler. "Sustainable Development": Critical Concepts in Geography. Portland State University Library, janeiro de 2000.

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Water Management Institute, International. Facilitating dialogue for sustainable dam development. International Water Management Institute (IWMI), 2011.

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Wei, Bingyue. Sustainable Fashion Development: Applying Transformational Design. Ames: Iowa State University, Digital Repository, 2017.

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