Literatura científica selecionada sobre o tema "Solides – Propriétés magnétiques"
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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "Solides – Propriétés magnétiques"
Sellami, Mayouf, Ninh Nguyen, Ahmed Bekka e Noureddine Bettahar. "Synthèse et étude des propriétés magnétiques des solutions solides (Bi1,524–xMxCu0,476)[Sb1,524Cu0,476]O7+δ avec M=Ca et Pb". Comptes Rendus Chimie 9, n.º 9 (setembro de 2006): 1209–14.
Texto completo da fonteHäner, Kurrer, Hilfiker, Nigg e Greminger. "Zufallsbefund: Linksseitige solide adrenale Raumforderung". Praxis 91, n.º 4 (1 de janeiro de 2002): 103–7.
Texto completo da fonteWerner Paulus et Jean Meinnel. "Préface". Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings) 103 (fevereiro de 2003): III—IV.
Texto completo da fonteNyamba, Isaïe, Alexis M. W. Nembot, Charles B. Sombié, Hermine Zimé Diawara, Josias B. G. Yaméogo e Anna Lechanteur. "Utilisation du polyéthylène glycol 8000 comme plastifiant pour le développement de dispersions solides à base d’acide ellagique et d’Eudragit® EPO par extrusion à chaud". Journal Africain de Technologie Pharmaceutique et Biopharmacie (JATPB) 2, n.º 3 (20 de dezembro de 2023).
Texto completo da fonteTeses / dissertações sobre o assunto "Solides – Propriétés magnétiques"
El, Kalkouli Rachid. "Microstructure et propriétés physiques d'alliages magnétiques obtenus par mécanosynthèse". Poitiers, 1995.
Texto completo da fonteDhaussy, Anne-Claire. "Propriétés structurales et magnétiques d'oxydes à valence mixte du vanadium". Lille 1, 1998.
Texto completo da fonteL'utilisation de methodes originales comme la reduction electrochimique d'oxydes fondus a permis d'isoler des cristaux du compose inedit pb#2v#3o#9. La structure cristalline des vanadates mixtes v#4#+/v#5#+ de formule m#2v#3o#9 (m = ba,sr,pb) a ete determinee. Malgre une isoformulation, ces composes presentent des caracteristiques cristallines et magnetiques differentes suivant la nature du cation m. Enfin, une etude cristallographique a ete realisee sur des oxydes de vanadium a cations mixtes (abi)#2v#8o#1#6 (a = sr,tl,pb,na,ba) adoptant une structure type hollandite. Dans les monocristaux obtenus, les tunnels ne sont jamais totalement remplis. Il semble que l'obtention de monocristaux de formulation (abi)#xv#8o#1#6, dans nos conditions experimentales, soit limitee a un nombre total x de 1,6 ; valeur favorisant apparemment la croissance monocristalline en assurant au squelette vanadate une certaine rigidite
Cherifi-Khodjaoui, Kheïra. "Caractérisation et propriétés magnétiques du système multicouche gadolinium/fer". Nancy 1, 1993.
Texto completo da fonteDanger, Jérôme. "Dichroi͏̈sme magnétique et spectroscopies X résonantes : Des spectroscopies fines pour l'étude des propriétés magnétiques et de la structure électronique des solides". Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2002.
Texto completo da fonteThe physical properties of materials like magnetism, electric conductivity or reactivity are due to the outtermost electrons of atoms. Experimental techniques, based on the interaction between photons and matter like X-ray Photoelectrons Spectroscopy, X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy, or X-ray Magnetic Dichroism are powerful tools to study and to understand the behavior of such electrons. In the first part of this thesis, rare earths compounds have been studied. The 4f electrons of these elements, which generaly carry a strong magnetic moment, confer to these compounds original magnetic properties which are useful for various technological applications. In the rare earths series, the samarium presents atypical magnetic properties and seems to be an exception: the spin momentum makes up for the orbital momentum, which results in a weak total atomic magnetic momentum. Two studies concerning samarium compounds illustrating the capacities of the magnetic dichroism to probe magnetic properties of materials are presented in this thesis. A linear magnetic dichroism study gave the value of the magnetic moment of samarium in an antiferromagnetic thin film of metallic samarium. A magnetic circular dichroism study on the Sm1-xGdxAl2 (x=0, 1, 0. 025) system, at the samarium and gadolinium L2,3 edges, also allowed to explain the origin of the compensation point, where the magnetization cancels, observed in the temperature dependent magnetization measurements. In the second part of this thesis, we have investigated the electronic structure of oxides using resonant spectroscopies. Resonant spectroscopies consist in measuring photoemission or decay processes (fluorescence or Auger) for photons energies around an absorption threshold. Resonant Auger measurements allowed us to locate and to quantify 1s?3d quadrupolar transitions at the titanium K-edge in TiO2, thanks to the analysis of intensity of spectator lines which appear in the resonant Auger spectra and are due to the additional 3d electron. Resonant spectroscopies also allowed us to understand the titanium L2,3M2,3V Auger decays lineshape in various oxides. These decays, which involve the valence band, are very sensitive to the titanium degree of oxidation, and are very useful for the characterisation of titanium oxides surfaces, or of thin films deposited on these surfaces. The resonant study of the Auger spectra and of the valence band, completed by Auger electrons-titanium 2p photoelectrons coincidences measurements, allowed us to link the Auger lineshape and the degree of oxidation of titanium
Sibille, Romain. "Solides hybrides organique - inorganique à base de molécules dicarboxylates et d'éléments de transition 3d ou 4f : relations structure - propriétés magnétiques, effets de dimensionnalité". Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2012.
Texto completo da fonteThis work deals with the synthesis and the structural and magnetic properties of crystalline solids resulting from the three-dimensional assembly of an organic dicarboxylate molecule and of an inorganic subnetwork based on transition metal cations. For the considered compounds the organic moiety has a structural role enabling the condensation of the magnetic atoms within a low dimensional (OD, 1D or 2D) inorganic subnetwork. This work aims to increase the understanding of the relations between structure and magnetic properties in these frameworks. New compounds have been synthesized and characterized (single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction techniques), and a particular attention has been devoted to the study of bimetallic solid solutions of previously known compounds. In this latter case various methods are used in order to localize two metallic cations having close electronic densities among different crystallographic sites. Most of the hybrid solids studied in this thesis are based on 3d transition metal cations and their magnetism is investigated by various techniques, giving both a macroscopic characterization of their behavior (magnetization and heat capacity measurements) and a microscopic understanding of these properties (neutron diffraction and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy). A series of compounds based on 4f transition metal elements is also described, in particular because of the magnetic properties of the Gd(III)-based compound. Its low-temperature magnetocaloric effect has been evaluated and has proved being excellent
Viennois, Romain. "Propriétés physiques anormales de skutterudites remplies à base d'antimoine : effet Kondo, effet de champ cristallin et magnétisme itinérant". Montpellier 2, 2002.
Texto completo da fonteChahine, Joe. "Matériaux moléculaires à propriétés multiples (transition de spin, conductivité électrique et photochromisme) : synthèse et mise en forme". Toulouse 3, 2011.
Texto completo da fonteThe aim of this work is to "build" multifunctional molecular materials, by combining two molecular building blocks. The first one brings magnetic properties, like spin transition and the second one electrical or photochromic properties. These materials will also be used in devices and therefore we will focus on their processing. In this work, the spin transition compounds are FeIII complexes bearing Schiff based ligand (sal2trien, qsal, salEen) or FeII complexes containing triazoles (trz) or bi(pyrazol-1-yl)pyridyne (bpp) ligands. Electrical properties are brought by the bisdithiolene units Ni(dmit)2 (dmit = 1,3-dithia-2-thione-4,5-dihiolate) or by a coordination polymer with the linking polydentate ligands ethylenetetrathiolate (MC2S4)nx- (M = NiII, CuII, FeIII, ZnII, CoII). Photochromic mononitrosyl complexes [Fe(CN)5NO]2- or [RuCl5NO]2- are used in this work. Complexes [CTS][Ni(dmit)2]x (CTS) [FeII({4'-R}2-1-bpp)2]2+ (R = H, Br) or [FeII(3-bpp)2]2+ with x > 1 are synthesized by the combination of [Ni(dmit)]n- (n = 1, 2) with various spin transition complexes. The magnetic behavior of these compounds depends on the charge of the counter ion in the corresponding starting materials. Their electrical properties are studied: they all show semi conductive behavior. In order to resynthesize [Fe(sal2trien)][Ni(dmit)2] (a complex which presents a full spin crossover with a pronounced hysteresis loop of 30 K, centered at 245 K), five novel polymorphs were obtained. The influence of angular distortions and the nature of intermolecular contacts on the magnetic response are highlighted in these compounds. The combination of spin transition entities ([FeIII(qsal)2)]+ or [FeIII(R-salEen)2]+ (R = H ; 3-MeO)) with photochromic entities ([Fe(CN)5NO]2- or [RuCl5NO]2-) led to various compounds with remarkable magnetic properties (such as LIESST and reverse-LIESST effect). Processing of molecular materials is an important challenge. In order to obtain the material in a useable form, the spin crossover coordination polymer [Fe(Htrz)2(trz)](BF4) has been embedded in a silica matrix. The complex has been obtained as nanoparticles and retained its magnetic properties in the composite. The use of ionic liquid as structuring agent in the synthesis of (NiC2S4)n resulted in the first conductive coordination polymer as nanoparticles. We prepared stable colloid solutions containing nanoparticles with adjustable size, (unlike the "bulk" polymer) which will therefore offer new perspectives on their applications in devices and nanoelectronics industry
Tanasa, Radu Andrei. "Analyse et modélisation des propriétés hystérétiques des solides moléculaires thermo-piezo- et photo commutables à transition de spin". Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2006.
Texto completo da fonteThe main subject of this thesis is the investigation of the switching properties of the spin crossover compounds with the FORC (First Order Reversal Curves) method, only recently developed to characterise the magnetic materials, and translated by us to this field. Our work was split in three main directions. One of this was to applying the FORC method in order to study the thermal hysteresis of the compound with general formula [FexM1-x(btr)2(NCS)2]H2O where M = Zn, Co, Ni. Using an Ising-like model we had determined the distribution of physical parameters directly from experimental FORC data. A procedure of statistical analyses of the FORC distribution was also realized. The second direction was to evaluate the kinetic effects in the Light Induced Thermal Hysteresis (LITH) using the FORC diagram method. We have succeeded to fit the experimental data with our model using as input the physical distribution determined from thermal hysteresis. In the end we were focused on the actual problem of switching under a fast perturbation. The pressure set-up that we had automatized allowed us to measure for the first tine the FORCs for the pressure hysteresis. Also, under fast variation of pressure and temperature, the pizo and thermal stitching was measured and analysed
Jardin, Régis. "Borosiliciures de terres rares". Rennes 1, 2002.
Texto completo da fonteFompeyrine, Jean. "Propriétés structurales et magnétiques de quelques phases dérivées de la perovskite dans les systèmes La-Ti-O et Ba-(M,M') - F-Cl (M,M' élément 3D)". Bordeaux 1, 1995.
Texto completo da fonteLivros sobre o assunto "Solides – Propriétés magnétiques"
Introduction to frustrated magnetism: Materials, experiments, theory. Berlin: Springer, 2011.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteMila, édéric, Claudine Lacroix e Philippe Mendels. Introduction to Frustrated Magnetism: Materials, Experiments, Theory. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2013.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteMila, édéric, Claudine Lacroix e Philippe Mendels. Introduction to Frustrated Magnetism: Materials, Experiments, Theory. Springer, 2011.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteLacroix, Claudine, Frédéric Mila e Philippe Mendels. Introduction to Frustrated Magnetism: Materials, Experiments, Theory. Springer, 2011.
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