Literatura científica selecionada sobre o tema "Simulation pondérée"
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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "Simulation pondérée"
Nguyen, Xuan Son, Alain Sellier, Frédéric Duprat e Gérard Pons. "Une méthode de surface de réponse adaptative en fiabilité des structures basée sur la régression pondérée". European Journal of Computational Mechanics 16, n.º 1 (janeiro de 2007): 53–77.
Texto completo da fonteBattail, Gérard, e Juing Fang. "Décodage pondéré optimal des codes linéaires en blocs II. - Analyse et résultats de simulation". Annales des Télécommunications 41, n.º 11-12 (novembro de 1986): 580–604.
Texto completo da fonteMnasri, Aida, e Ezzeddine Hadj Taieb. "Simulation numérique par éléments finis des écoulements transitoires à surface libre". La Houille Blanche, n.º 5-6 (dezembro de 2019): 81–92.
Texto completo da fonteLeclerc, M., e P. Boudreault. "Méthodologie d'analyse détaillée de la contamination par tronçon du fleuve Saint-Laurent par modélisation numérique : le cas du lac Saint-Pierre". Revue des sciences de l'eau 6, n.º 4 (12 de abril de 2005): 427–52.
Texto completo da fonteCustaud, Marc-Antoine, Éric Belin de Chantemèle, Stéphane Blanc, Guillemette Gauquelin-Koch e Claude Gharib. "Régulation de la volémie au cours d’une simulation d’impesanteur de longue durée". Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 83, n.º 12 (dezembro de 2005): 1147–53.
Texto completo da fonteGajda, D. "Utilisation des échantillons pondérés (importance sampling) lors de la réplication de simulations dans les approches bayésiennes : application au modèle de régression poissonnien". Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique 56, n.º 3 (junho de 2008): 222–23.
Texto completo da fonteDENIEL, JM. "Assessing optical radiation exposure to opaque incandescent materials by picture analysis – Part 2: from pixel radiance to eye irradiance". Radioprotection, 24 de junho de 2024.
Texto completo da fonteTeses / dissertações sobre o assunto "Simulation pondérée"
Daviaud, Bérangère. "Méthodes formelles pour les systèmes réactifs, applications au live coding". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Angers, 2024.
Texto completo da fonteThe formalism of discrete event systems and reactive systems provides an effective abstract framework for representing and studying a wide range of systems. In this thesis, we leverage this formalism to model a live coding score whose interpretation is conditioned by the occurrence of specific events. This approach led us to investigate formal methods for discrete event systems that enable their modeling, analysis, and the design of appropriate control strategies. This study resulted in several contributions, particularly regarding the expressiveness of weighted automata, the formal verification of temporal properties, and the existence of weighted simulation. The final part of this dissertation introduces the formalism of the interactive score, as well as the \textit{Troop Interactive} library, developed to make interactive score writing and the realization of interactive sound performances based on live coding practices more accessible
Clément, Jean-Baptiste. "Simulation numérique des écoulements en milieu poreux non-saturés par une méthode de Galerkine discontinue adaptative : application aux plages sableuses". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulon, 2021.
Texto completo da fonteFlows in unsaturated porous media are modelled by the Richards' equation which is a degenerate parabolic nonlinear equation. Its limitations and the challenges raised by its numerical solution are laid out. Getting robust, accurate and cost-effective results is difficult in particular because of moving sharp wetting fronts due to the nonlinear hydraulic properties. Richards' equation is discretized by a discontinuous Galerkin method in space and backward differentiation formulas in time. The resulting numerical scheme is conservative, high-order and very flexible. Thereby, complex boundary conditions are included easily such as seepage condition or dynamic forcing. Moreover, an adaptive strategy is proposed. Adaptive time stepping makes nonlinear convergence robust and a block-based adaptive mesh refinement is used to reach required accuracy cost-effectively. A suitable a posteriori error indicator helps the mesh to capture sharp wetting fronts which are also better approximated by a discontinuity introduced in the solution thanks to a weighted discontinuous Galerkin method. The approach is checked through various test-cases and a 2D benchmark. Numerical simulations are compared with laboratory experiments of water table recharge/drainage and a largescale experiment of wetting, following reservoir impoundment of the multi-materials La Verne dam. This demanding case shows the potentiality of the strategy developed in this thesis. Finally, applications are handled to simulate groundwater flows under the swash zone of sandy beaches in comparison with experimental observations
Zytnicki, Matthias. "Recherche d'ARN non-codants par réseaux de contraintes pondérées". Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2007.
Texto completo da fonteDans cette approche, nous combinons plusieurs techniques de \textit{pattern-matching} avec le formalisme des réseaux de contraintes pondérées afin de modéliser simplement le problème, de décrire finement les signatures et d'attribuer un coût à chaque solution. Nos travaux nous ont conduit à élaborer plusieurs techniques de filtrage ainsi que des algorithmes de pattern-matching originaux que nous présentons ici.
Nous avons de plus conçu un logiciel, appelé DARN!, qui implante notre approche, ainsi qu'un module de génération de signatures. Ceux-ci permettent de rechercher efficacement de nouveaux ARNnc.
Massire, Aurélien. "Non-selective Refocusing Pulse Design in Parallel Transmission for Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Brain at Ultra High Field". Thesis, Paris 11, 2014.
Texto completo da fonteIn Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), the increase of the static magnetic field strength is used to provide in theory a higher signal-to-noise ratio, thereby improving the overall image quality. The purpose of ultra-high-field MRI is to achieve a spatial image resolution sufficiently high to be able to distinguish structures so fine that they are currently impossible to view in a non-invasive manner. However, at such static magnetic fields strengths, the wavelength of the electromagnetic waves sent to flip the water proton spins is of the same order of magnitude than the scanned object. Interference wave phenomena are then observed, which are caused by the radiofrequency (RF) field inhomogeneity within the object. These generate signal and/or contrast artifacts in MR images, making their exploitation difficult, if not impossible, in certain areas of the body. It is therefore crucial to provide solutions to mitigate the non-uniformity of the spins excitation. Failing this, these imaging systems with very high fields will not reach their full potential.For relevant high field clinical diagnosis, it is therefore necessary to create RF pulses homogenizing the excitation of all spins (here of the human brain), and optimized for each individual to be imaged. For this, an 8-channel parallel transmission system (pTX) was installed in our 7 Tesla scanner. While most clinical MRI systems only use a single transmission channel, the pTX extension allows to simultaneously playing various forms of RF pulses on all channels. The resulting sum of the interference must be optimized in order to reduce the non-uniformity typically seen.The objective of this thesis is to synthesize this type of tailored RF pulses, using parallel transmission. These pulses will have as an additional constraint the compliance with the international exposure limits for radiofrequency exposure, which induces a temperature rise in the tissue. In this sense, many electromagnetic and temperature simulations were carried out as an introduction of this thesis, in order to assess the relationship between the recommended RF exposure limits and the temperature rise actually predicted in tissues.This thesis focuses specifically on the design of all RF refocusing pulses used in non-selective MRI sequences based on the spin-echo. Initially, only one RF pulse was generated for a simple application: the reversal of spin dephasing in the transverse plane, as part of a classic spin echo sequence. In a second time, sequences with very long refocusing echo train applied to in vivo imaging are considered. In all cases, the mathematical operator acting on the magnetization, and not its final state as is done conventionally, is optimized. The gain in high field imaging is clearly visible, as the necessary mathematical operations (that is to say, the rotation of the spins) are performed with a much greater fidelity than with the methods of the state of the art. For this, the generation of RF pulses is combining a k-space-based spin excitation method, the kT-points, and an optimization algorithm, called Gradient Ascent Pulse Engineering (GRAPE), using optimal control.This design is relatively fast thanks to analytical calculations rather than finite difference methods. The inclusion of a large number of parameters requires the use of GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) to achieve computation times compatible with clinical examinations. This method of designing RF pulses has been experimentally validated successfully on the NeuroSpin 7 Tesla scanner, with a cohort of healthy volunteers. An imaging protocol was developed to assess the image quality improvement using these RF pulses compared to typically used non-optimized RF pulses. All methodological developments made during this thesis have contributed to improve the performance of ultra-high-field MRI in NeuroSpin, while increasing the number of MRI sequences compatible with parallel transmission
Melkemi, Khaled. "Orthogonalité des B-splines de Chebyshev cardinales dans un espace de Sobolev pondéré". Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1999.
Texto completo da fonteGao, Huanhuan. "Categorical structural optimization : methods and applications". Thesis, Compiègne, 2019.
Texto completo da fonteThe thesis concentrates on a methodological research on categorical structural optimizationby means of manifold learning. The main difficulty of handling the categorical optimization problems lies in the description of the categorical variables: they are presented in a category and do not have any orders. Thus the treatment of the design space is a key issue. In this thesis, the non-ordinal categorical variables are treated as multi-dimensional discrete variables, thus the dimensionality of corresponding design space becomes high. In order to reduce the dimensionality, the manifold learning techniques are introduced to find the intrinsic dimensionality and map the original design space to a reduced-order space. The mechanisms of both linear and non-linear manifold learning techniques are firstly studied. Then numerical examples are tested to compare the performance of manifold learning techniques mentioned above. It is found that the PCA and MDS can only deal with linear or globally approximately linear cases. Isomap preserves the geodesic distances for non-linear manifold however, its time consuming is the most. LLE preserves the neighbour weights and can yield good results in a short time. KPCA works like a non-linear classifier and we proves why it cannot preserve distances or angles in some cases. Based on the reduced-order representation obtained by Isomap, the graph-based evolutionary crossover and mutation operators are proposed to deal with categorical structural optimization problems, including the design of dome, six-story rigid frame and dame-like structures. The results show that the proposed graph-based evolutionary approach constructed on the reduced-order space performs more efficiently than traditional methods including simplex approach or evolutionary approach without reduced-order space. In chapter 5, the LLE is applied to reduce the data dimensionality and a polynomial interpolation helps to construct the responding surface from lower dimensional representation to original data. Then the continuous search method of moving asymptotes is executed and yields a competitively good but inadmissible solution within only a few of iteration numbers. Then in the second stage, a discrete search strategy is proposed to find out better solutions based on a neighbour search. The ten-bar truss and dome structural design problems are tested to show the validity of the method. In the end, this method is compared to the Simulated Annealing algorithm and Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolutionary Strategy, showing its better optimization efficiency. In chapter 6, in order to deal with the case in which the categorical design instances are distributed on several manifolds, we propose a k-manifolds learning method based on the Weighted Principal Component Analysis. And the obtained manifolds are integrated in the lower dimensional design space. Then the method introduced in chapter 4 is applied to solve the ten-bar truss, the dome and the dame-like structural design problems
Akplogan, Mahuna. "Approche modulaire pour la planification continue : application à la conduite des systèmes de culture". Toulouse 3, 2013.
Texto completo da fonteIn this work, we address the challenge of the development of autonomous complex systems operating in a dynamic and uncertain environment. We only consider a farm with a cropping system and a determined structure. We explain that decision-making in farming systems is a complex issue in which decisions are joined up, through various spatial and scales. These decisions are usually grouped in three classes: strategic, tactical and operational decisions. Strategic decisions are long-term planning problems in which, knowing biophysical and structural constraints, crops are assigned to plots over a fixed horizon. Tactical decisions are mid-term planning problems in which, knowing crops to be grown, a crop management systems is assigned to each pair of plot and crop. Finally, operational decisions are short-term scheduling problems that could be summarized as scheduling daily farm operations to timely control crop production processes. Considering, the inherent feature of these decision-making problems, we developed for each of them a specific planning technique. Strategic decisions are address as a Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problem in which the relevance of crops allocation is assessed by a global objective function. Tactical decisions are address as hierarchical and temporal planning problems, based on Hierarchical Tasks Networks and Simple Temporal Network. We introduced a new decomposition heuristic into HTN framework which enables to take into account the interdependence between crops production techniques. Finally, we proposed to tackle operational decisions by using linear programming techniques. To interleave these decision-making problems, we introduce a new modular architecture call Safihr "Simulation based Architecture For Interleaving Heterogeneous decisions in Real world problems". The proposed architecture is a model-based approach relying on Discrete EVent System specification formalism
Dapzol, N. "Analyse de l'activité de conduite par les chaînes de Markov cachées et les modèles de ruptures multi-phasiques: méthodologie et applications". Phd thesis, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2006.
Texto completo da fonteSavourey, David. "Ordonnancement sur machines parallèles : minimiser la somme des coûts". Phd thesis, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, 2006.
Texto completo da fonteinférieures a également été réalisée. Enfin, nous avons proposé une méthode de résolution exacte utilisant les règles de dominance ainsi que les bornes inférieures.
Gassama, Malamine. "Estimation du risque attribuable et de la fraction préventive dans les études de cohorte". Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016.
Texto completo da fonteThe attributable risk (AR) measures the proportion of disease cases that can be attributed to an exposure in the population. Several definitions and estimation methods have been proposed for survival data. Using simulations, we compared four methods for estimating AR defined in terms of survival functions: two nonparametric methods based on Kaplan-Meier's estimator, one semiparametric based on Cox's model, and one parametric based on the piecewise constant hazards model. Our results suggest to use the semiparametric or parametric approaches to estimate AR if the proportional hazards assumption appears appropriate. These methods were applied to the E3N women cohort data to estimate the AR of breast cancer due to menopausal hormone therapy (MHT). We showed that about 9% of cases of breast cancer were attributable to MHT use at baseline. In case of a protective exposure, an alternative to the AR is the prevented fraction (PF) which measures the proportion of disease cases that could be avoided in the presence of a protective exposure in the population. The definition and estimation of PF have never been considered for cohort studies in the survival analysis context. We defined the PF in cohort studies with survival data and proposed two estimation methods: a semiparametric method based on Cox’s proportional hazards model and a parametric method based on a piecewise constant hazards model with an extension to competing risks. Using data of the Three-City (3C) cohort study, we found that approximately 9% of cases of stroke could be avoided using lipid-lowering drugs (statins or fibrates) in the elderly population. Our study shows that the PF can be estimated to evaluate the impact of beneficial drugs in observational cohort studies while taking potential confounding factors and competing risks into account