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Olivetti, Marco M. "Responsibility for Responsibility". Perspektiven der Philosophie 24 (1998): 345–55.

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Levy, Neil. "Taking Responsibility for Responsibility". Public Health Ethics 12, n.º 2 (11 de fevereiro de 2019): 103–13.

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Abstract Governments, physicians, media and academics have all called for individuals to bear responsibility for their own health. In this article, I argue that requiring those with adverse health outcomes to bear responsibility for these outcomes is a bad basis for policy. The available evidence strongly suggests that the capacities for responsible choice, and the circumstances in which these capacities are exercised, are distributed alongside the kinds of goods we usually talk about in discussing distributive justice, and this distribution significantly explains why people make bad health choices. These facts suggest that we cannot justifiably hold them responsible for these choices. We do better to hold responsible those who determine the ways in which capacities and circumstances are distributed: they are indirectly responsible for these adverse health outcomes and possess the capacities and resources to take responsibility for these facts.
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Hoondong Lee. "Responsibility Elements and Pre-responsibility". HUFS Law Review 39, n.º 1 (fevereiro de 2015): 269–80.

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Persico, Marilyn A. "Our Responsibility is Teaching Responsibility". Middle School Journal 28, n.º 2 (novembro de 1996): 39–42.

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Pierik, Roland. "Collective responsibility and national responsibility". Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 11, n.º 4 (5 de novembro de 2008): 465–83.

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Kostiuk, T. О. "University social responsibility as a part of state corporate responsibility". Public administration and customs administration 2 (2018): 64–69.

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Ravizza, Mark, e J. R. Lucas. "Responsibility." Philosophical Review 104, n.º 2 (abril de 1995): 306.

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Foster, Paul. "Responsibility". International Philosophical Quarterly 49, n.º 1 (2009): 131–34.

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Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. "Responsibility". boundary 2 21, n.º 3 (1994): 19.

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Tkaczyszyn-Dycki, Eugeniusz. "Responsibility". Chicago Review 46, n.º 3/4 (2000): 230.

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Vincent, Nicole A. "Responsibility". Polish Journal of Philosophy 3, n.º 1 (2009): 111–26.

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FOX, C. H. "Responsibility". Science 244, n.º 4910 (16 de junho de 1989): 1243–44.

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Ehrhart, W. D. "Responsibility". Cultural Critique, n.º 3 (1986): 8.

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Wolf, William B. "Responsibility". Journal of Organizational Change Management 5, n.º 3 (março de 1992): 5–6.

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Cioffi, William G. "Responsibility". Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 78, n.º 4 (abril de 2015): 661–70.

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Fox, C. "Responsibility". Science 244, n.º 4910 (16 de junho de 1989): 1243–44.

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Prato, Sue Ann. "Responsibility". Nursing Management (Springhouse) 18, n.º 3 (março de 1987): 106.

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Corlett, J. Angelo. "Responsibility". Journal of Ethics 20, n.º 1-3 (4 de junho de 2016): 1–33.

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Samuels, Andrew. "Responsibility". Self & Society 26, n.º 2 (maio de 1998): 16–21.

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Buckley, Philip. "Self-Responsibility and Responsibility for Others". Labyrinth 18, n.º 1 (7 de setembro de 2016): 31.

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Because of the transcendent nature of the experience of my own self, responsibility for myself necessarily leads to responsibility for others. The aim of this paper is to approach this experience of the transcendence of the self and to show how it relates to a new sense of responsibility which transcends the self through a number of stages. First, the author outlines what might be called the "standard" view of authenticity in Husserl and how this particular view yields a certain view of responsibility as the ability to answer completely for "who" one is and "what" one does. Second, this standard view is challenged with another reading of the "self" in Husserl – one that emphasizes a necessary and productive division within the self. Thus, the author suggests that it is this second view of the self which is developed by Heidegger. Third, he demonstrates how this different view of the "authentic" self, that is inextricably linked to a "loss" of self, leads to a radically distinct view of responsibility for oneself, and for others.
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NAWA, Kotaro. "Responsibility of providers, responsibility of users". Journal of Information Processing and Management 52, n.º 5 (2009): 308–9.

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Chesterman, Simon. "Responsibility to Protect, Responsibility to Whom?" International Studies Review 17, n.º 4 (dezembro de 2015): 699–701.

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Wolff, Ernst. "Responsibility to struggle – responsibility for peace". Philosophy & Social Criticism 41, n.º 8 (31 de dezembro de 2014): 771–90.

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Hananto, Bernad, Endri Endri e Saeful Anwar. "Pengaruh Total Aktiva, Dana Pihak Ketiga, dan Ekuitas pada Pengungkapan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Bank Syariah di Indonesia". Telaah Bisnis 18, n.º 2 (10 de janeiro de 2019): 2017.

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Abstract Economic actors have responsibility for profit, environment, and society. Previous research was conducted to develop the concept of Social Responsibility into an Islamic Social Responsibil­ity (ISR). Sharia value was translated into the theme of the Islamic Social Responsibility. Total Assets, Third Party Funds and Equity in Sharia Banks are proxies from principals managed by management (agents). This study aims to reveal whether Total Assets, Third Party Funds and Equity affect disclosure of social responsibility with Islamic Social Responsibility approach to Islamic banks in Indonesia disclosed in the annual report of Islamic banks. The data used in this study was taken from the annual report of 9 Islamic banks from 2008-2016. The results of this study indicate that Total Assets, Third Party Funds and Equity, partially, affect the disclosure of Islamic Social Responsibility, and simultaneously, only Third Party Funds that influence the disclosure of Islamic Social Responsibility. The greater the Third Party Funds, the better the disclosure of Islamic Social Responsibility.
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Mishra, Pratibha J. "Corporate Social Responsibility". International Journal of Scientific Research 2, n.º 5 (1 de junho de 2012): 588–90.

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Prof. J.M. Ramanuj, Prof J. M. Ramanuj. "Corporate Social Responsibility". Global Journal For Research Analysis 3, n.º 2 (15 de junho de 2012): 35–36.

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Marlina, Nanda, e Sapta Setia Darma. "PENGARUH SALES GROWTH, CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY DAN CAPITAL INTENSITY TERHADAP TAX AVOIDANCE (Studi Pada Perusahaan Sektor Barang dan Konsumsi di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2016 - 2020)". MIZANIA: Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Akuntansi 2, n.º 2 (11 de dezembro de 2022): 241–60.

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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan membuktikan secara empiris pengaruh dari sales growth, corporate social responsibilitty dan capital intensity terhadap tax evoidance. Populasi dalam penelitian ini merupakan perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dengan data sekunder dan pemilihan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Jumlah total sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 23 perusahaan industri barang konsumsi yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama 5 tahun periode pengamatan (2016-2020). Alat analisis untuk menguji hipotesis adalah Eviews versi 10. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif, uji data panel, uji asumsi klasik dan uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan sales growth, corporate social responsibilty dan capital intensity berpengaruh terhadap tax avoidance. Sedangkan secara parsial sales growth, corporate social responsibity dan capital intensity berpengaruh terhadap tax avoidance Kata Kunci: Sales Growth, Corporate Social Responsibilty, Capital Intensity, Tax Avoidance. ABSTRACT This study aims to test and prove empirically the effect of sales growth, corporate social responsibility and capital intensity on tax avoidance. The population in this study are manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The research method used in this study is a quantitative method with secondary data and the selection of samples in this study using purposive sampling method. The total number of samples in this study were 23 consumer goods industrial companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the 5-year observation period (2016-2020). The analytical tool to test the hypothesis is Eviews version 10. The data analysis method uses descriptive statistical analysis, panel data test, classical assumption test and hypothesis testing. The results of this study indicate that simultaneously sales growth, corporate social responsibility and capital intensity have an effect on tax avoidance. While partially sales growth, corporate social responsibility and capital intensity affect tax avoidance Keywords: Sales Growth, Corporate Social Responsibility, Capital Intensity, Tax Avoidance.
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Juriah, Juriah. "MENINGKATKAN RASA TANGGUNG JAWAB SISWA PADA PELAJARAN PKN DI SMA N 1 PELEPAT ILIR". PAKAR Pendidikan 14, n.º 2 (7 de julho de 2016): 13–23.

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Learning is the important component in order to increase human energy resource. In learning progress, all of element have responsibilty to help each other, so that student can develop all potential that they have. This research is focused on growing student responsibility feeling at PKn subject. Learning progress is done with integrating between individual assignment and explanation of teacher. Individual assignment is given to student in order to give responsibility feeling, whereas explanation of teacher as purpose to foster their confidence, also to increase responsibility feeling. From the research can be concluded that occuring enhancement number of responsibility student to solve every single assignment that is given to them.
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Bayluk, Vladimir Vasil'evich. "FREEDOM, RESPONSIBILITY AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF STUDENTS". Pedagogical Education in Russia, n.º 2 (2016): 7–23.

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Zielińska, Lidia. "From responsibility for oneself to shared responsibility". Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym 21, n.º 6 (25 de março de 2018): 129–31.

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The article presents various links between business and ethics. The idea of responsibility, used to describe legal, economic and ethical aspects, forms the main, unifying thread. The author employs it to analyze three spheres of human activity. The first sphere, the subjective one, concerns self-responsibility, when individuals are striving to satisfy their own needs and to achieve happiness. The second, the encounter with the Other, embraces two meanings: responsibility for and towards the Other. The third sphere, the social one, extends the idea of responsibility onto the historical community we belong to. The concept of co-responsibility is not confined to our life span, but it embraces the future generations as well. The author pinpoints an important element in creating the foundations of a given community, i.e., regulations that form its basis, especially the principle of justice, encompassing the distribution of goods. Many contemporary authors underline this ethical, political and economic aspect (Rawls, communitarians, Ricoeur, Habermas). The main thesis the author would like to substantiate is as follows: in business activities, the ethical conduct of an individual is not sufficient. It needs to be broadened to encompass other perspectives since contemporary societies are based on the multidimensional idea of co-responsibility.
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Chavda, Dharmendra, e Maitreya Acharya. "SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTING AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORTING". International Journal of Management, Public Policy and Research 1, n.º 4 (15 de outubro de 2022): 18–20.

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The word social responsibility means to help the society in every manner as well as social accounting is attracting the attention of many industrialists today as a result of industrial growth & economic prosperity of many nations. If an organization has to function effectively and survive, it has to be accountable to the public at a large. Many Indian companies have given “value added statement” and sustainability reports in their annual reports in place of social reporting. Social accounting is a method by which a firm seeks to place a value on the impact on society of its operations. The effect on society of the packaging it produced share holders, mandatory social disclosure requirement and management’s motivation to improve the firm image more and more corporations of developed countries.
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Ravna, Øyvind. "Climate Change and Climate Responsibility. Our Responsibility". Arctic Review on Law and Politics 10 (2019): 53.

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Lee, I. B. "Corporate Criminal Responsibility as Team Member Responsibility". Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 31, n.º 4 (15 de setembro de 2011): 755–81.

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SILVER, DAVID. "Collective Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility and Moral Taint". Midwest Studies in Philosophy 30, n.º 1 (setembro de 2006): 269–78.

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Cheng-Guajardo, Luis. "Responsibility Unincorporated: Corporate Agency and Moral Responsibility". Philosophical Quarterly 69, n.º 275 (11 de julho de 2018): 294–314.

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Yuille, M. "The Responsibility to Share: Sharing the Responsibility". Genome Research 14, n.º 10b (15 de outubro de 2004): 2015–19.

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Herlin, Heidi, e Nikodemus Solitander. "Corporate social responsibility as relief from responsibility". critical perspectives on international business 13, n.º 1 (6 de março de 2017): 2–22.

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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to get a deeper understanding how not-for-profit organizations (NPOs) discursively legitimize their corporate engagement through cross-sector partnerships (CSPs) in general, and particularly how they construct legitimacy for partnering with firms involved in the commodification of water. The paper seeks to shed light on the values embedded in these discursive accounts and the kind of societal effects and power relations they generate, and the authors are particularly interested in understanding the role of modernity in shaping their responsibilities (or lack of them) via various technologies and practices Design/methodology/approach Drawing on critical discourse analysis (Fairclough 1995), the authors analyze the discursive accounts of three water-related CSPs involving the three biggest bottled water producers in the world (Nestlé, Coca-Cola and Danone) and three major non-profits (The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the World Wildlife Foundation and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). Findings The NPO’s legitimate their corporate engagement in the water CSPs through the use of two global discourses: global governance discourse and the global climate crisis discourse. Relief from responsibility is achieved through three processes: replacement of moral with technical responsibility, denial of proximity and the usage of intermediaries to whom responsibility is outsourced. Originality/value This paper explores the processes of legitimizing accounts for CSPs, particularly focusing on NPO discourse and their use of CSR elements and the consequences of such discursive constructs, and this has received little to no attention in previous research.
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Cappelen, Alexander W., Erik Ø. Sørensen e Bertil Tungodden. "Responsibility for what? Fairness and individual responsibility". European Economic Review 54, n.º 3 (abril de 2010): 429–41.

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Michel, L., e H. Van Damme. "Professional responsibility of surgeons versus Political responsibility !" Acta Chirurgica Belgica 104, n.º 4 (janeiro de 2004): 362.

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Ayu Apriani Wirawan, Ni Ketut Suzana. "Personal Responsibility Relationship to Environmental Responsibility Behavior". Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies 2, n.º 10 (29 de outubro de 2022): 2149–66.

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This research discusses the role of an international organization called Junior Chamber International (JCI) in Indonesia which helps the provision and management of clean water and sanitation as one of the realizations of the global sustainable development goals (SDGs) in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach with case study research methods. Data was collected by interviewing several relevant sources and observing various JCI activities. Other data were obtained from secondary data in the form of literature studies and various supporting documentation such as books and journals, data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and the DKI Provincial Government, as well as the results of periodic reports and various photo documentation of JCI's activities. Liberalism theory was chosen as an approach that is considered capable of providing answers to the positive changes formed and carried out by JCI in international relations cooperation to realize sustainable development. The results of the study show that JCI as an international organization is a platform for young professionals in their fields and can directly contribute in depth. JCI is also able to navigate the interests of stakeholders both towards the government, NGOs, other international organizations, and the community as targets in terms of efforts to realize the six sustainable development goals, namely the management and provision of access to clean water and sustainable sanitation
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Getachew, Adom. "Responsibility Beyond Ethics: Vásquez-Arroyo’s Political Responsibility". Theory & Event 21, n.º 3 (julho de 2018): 753–55.

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Ayu Apriani Wirawan, Ni Ketut Suzana. "Personal Responsibility Relationship to Environmental Responsibility Behavior". Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies 2, n.º 10 (29 de outubro de 2022): 2149–66.

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This research discusses the role of an international organization called Junior Chamber International (JCI) in Indonesia which helps the provision and management of clean water and sanitation as one of the realizations of the global sustainable development goals (SDGs) in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach with case study research methods. Data was collected by interviewing several relevant sources and observing various JCI activities. Other data were obtained from secondary data in the form of literature studies and various supporting documentation such as books and journals, data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and the DKI Provincial Government, as well as the results of periodic reports and various photo documentation of JCI's activities. Liberalism theory was chosen as an approach that is considered capable of providing answers to the positive changes formed and carried out by JCI in international relations cooperation to realize sustainable development. The results of the study show that JCI as an international organization is a platform for young professionals in their fields and can directly contribute in depth. JCI is also able to navigate the interests of stakeholders both towards the government, NGOs, other international organizations, and the community as targets in terms of efforts to realize the six sustainable development goals, namely the management and provision of access to clean water and sustainable sanitation
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Yang, Sun-Suk. "A Study on the Nature of Normative Responsibility - Responsibility as Answerability, Responsibility as Attributability and Responsibility as Accountability -". Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 103 (31 de janeiro de 2021): 125–44.

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Phillips, Michael J. "Corporate Moral Responsibility: When it Might Matter". Business Ethics Quarterly 5, n.º 3 (julho de 1995): 555–76.

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Abstract:The debate over corporate moral responsibility has become a fixture in business ethics research and teaching. Only rarely, however, does the sizable literature on that question consider whether the debate has important practical implications. This article examines that question from a corporate control perspective. After assuming corporate moral responsibility’s existence for purposes of argument, the article concludes that such responsibility makes a difference in cases where it is present but personal responsibility is absent. Then the article tries to identify the forces that diminish personal responsibility when corporate responsibility exists. The most important such forces, it concludes, spring from the socialization processes people undergo when they enter groups. One example is the well-known phenomenon of groupthink, which can exculpate individuals by rendering them justifiably ignorant of foreseeable risks of harm.
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Yang, Huiyuan. "Study of the Role of Financialization in the Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Research and Development Investment". Journal of Innovation and Development 5, n.º 1 (24 de novembro de 2023): 18–25.

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Under the social environment of high-quality development and improvement of corporate innovation performance, the purpose of this study is to explore the internal mechanism of corporate social responsibility's impact on research and development investment, in order to find an effective way to promote research and development investment. Corporate social responsibility can not only significantly increase research and development investment, but also promote financialization, which plays an intermediary role with masking effect in the relationship between corporate social responsibility and research and development investment. Therefore, the government should encourage enterprises to fulfill their social responsibilities, establish a correct concept of responsibility, and play a role in promoting research and development investment. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the reputation insurance effect formed by corporate social responsibility, strengthen the strict supervision of listed companies' social responsibility, improve the quality of social responsibility information disclosure, and improve the quality of external supervision and internal control. Preventing contribution of corporate social responsibility to research and development investment from being partially offset and overshadowed by financialization.
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Dinić, Slavica, e Emil Turković. "Command responsibility". Pravo - teorija i praksa 38, n.º 1 (2021): 70–85.

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As a part of the presentation in this paper, we will deal with one of a number of specific characteristics arisen while determining the criminal responsibility of perpetrators of international crimes, the one related to the institute of command responsibility, which are familiar with the statutes of both ad hoc tribunals (the Statute of the Tribunal in the Hague of 1993 and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda of 1994), as well as the so - called the Rome Statute from 1998. In these statutes, it is set in such a way that, in one of its parts, it contradicts the basic criminal law institutes (the principle of individual subjective responsibility, the principle of justice). However, in accordance with the assumed international obligations, this institute was introduced to the criminal law system of Republic of Serbia on January 1st 2006, by prescribing, within Article 384 of the Criminal Code of Republic of Serbia, a real criminal offense of omission, which is also the subject of this paper.
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Green, Richard, e John P. Burke. "Bureaucratic Responsibility". Public Administration Review 49, n.º 6 (novembro de 1989): 568.

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Bernstein, Richard J. "Rethinking Responsibility". Hastings Center Report 25, n.º 7 (1995): 13.

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Hetherington, Stephen. "Epistemic Responsibility". Monist 85, n.º 3 (2002): 398–414.

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May, Larry. "Social Responsibility". Midwest Studies in Philosophy 20 (1995): 400–415.

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