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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "Respiratory organs Diseases"


Starevskaya, S. V., M. M. Goloborodko, O. V. Berleva, S. V. Barashkova, I. Yu Melnikova, V. Yu Detkov e V. P. Molodtsova. "CONDITION OF RESPIRATORY MUCOSA AT CHILDREN WITH RESPIRATORY DISTRESS". HERALD of North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov 7, n.º 1 (15 de março de 2015): 88–92.

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42 children with the diseases of respiratory organs complicated by respiratory failure have been examined to determine the nature of inflammatory changes of a tracheobronchial tree and a condition of mucoсiliary system . At children with acute diseases of respiratory organs the neutrophillic inflammation of tracheobronchial tree mucous has been revealed more often, at children with chronic diseases of lungs has been more often noted lymphocytic eosinophilic an inflammation of tracheobronchial tree mucous , obvious thaumatropy and dystrophy of ciliate epithelium. At 10% of children primary motor disturbance of the mucoсiliary system (total immobility of cilia) has been revealed.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Chunxi, Li, Liu Haiyue, Lin Yanxia, Pan Jianbing e Su Jin. "The Gut Microbiota and Respiratory Diseases: New Evidence". Journal of Immunology Research 2020 (31 de julho de 2020): 1–12.

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Human body surfaces, such as the skin, intestines, and respiratory and urogenital tracts, are colonized by a large number of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses, with the gut being the most densely and extensively colonized organ. The microbiome plays an essential role in immune system development and tissue homeostasis. Gut microbiota dysbiosis not only modulates the immune responses of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract but also impacts the immunity of distal organs, such as the lung, further affecting lung health and respiratory diseases. Here, we review the recent evidence of the correlations and underlying mechanisms of the relationship between the gut microbiota and common respiratory diseases, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis (CF), lung cancer, and respiratory infection, and probiotic development as a therapeutic intervention for these diseases.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

.Aleshkin, A. V., e M. V. Zeigarnik. "Phagotherapy of suppurative-inflammatory diseases of the respiratory organs". Infekcionnye bolezni 13, n.º 3 (2015): 46–53.

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Klimova, I. V. "Assessment of Occupational Risks of Respiratory Diseases". Occupational Safety in Industry, n.º 10 (outubro de 2023): 83–89.

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The article discusses a new approach to assessing occupational risk by chemical factor, including a preliminary qualitative analysis of substances in two groups: carcinogens and non-carcinogens. An example of classification of substances according to the characteristics of the impact on the organs and systems of an employee is given using the example of an oil refinery, the mathematical apparatus for calculating non-carcinogenic risks from substances that affect the respiratory organs. The construction is described related to the fuzzy model with two input parameters (chemicals and suspended substances) and the output parameters. Modeling includes 4 stages: phasification; building a base of fuzzy production rules; composition using aggregation methods; dephasification. A variant of phasification of three selected parameters of personnel health risk assessment is proposed: «low», «medium», «high». In an interactive mode, the development and visualization of a fuzzy inference system for the problem being solved was carried out using graphical tools of the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox extension package for the MATLAB computer mathematics environment. Visual dependences of the output parameter on the influence of harmful non-carcinogenic substances were obtained: fuzzy output table, 3D fuzzy output surface. The proposed model can be built into the existing methodology for assessing the occupational risk of an enterprise, adapted to carcinogenic substances, or supplemented with other input parameters characterizing working conditions.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Sukhova, Anna V., E. A. Preobrazhenskaya, A. V. Il’Nitskaya e V. A. Kir’Yakov. "THE HEALTH OF WORKERS OF CONCENTRATING MILLS BY MODERN TECHNOLOGIES OF CONCENTRATION OF MINERALS AND PREVENTION MEASURES". Health Care of the Russian Federation 61, n.º 4 (24 de maio de 2019): 196–201.

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The article presents the results of study of factors of occupational risk for health of workers of ore-dressing factories. At ore-dressing factories, despite of implementing new technological processes and modern equipment, leading role of noise factor and pollution of air of working zone with aerosols predominantly of fibrogenic effect is preserved. for workers of ore-dressing factories a high degree of industrial conditioning of diseases of blood circulation organs, respiratory organs, bone muscular system, INT organs is specific. The structure of occupational diseases is formed by dust diseases of lungs and occupational pathology of organ of hearing. The complex of preventive measures is developed and ways of their implementation are proposed targeted to supporting health of workers opf ore-dressing factories and preventing development of occupational and occupationally conditioned diseases.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Kamaev, I. A., V. M. Levanov, E. A. Perevezentsev e O. V. Undalova. "Morbidity of Nizhny Novgorod Region population with respiratory organs diseases". Medical almanac, n.º 2 (2017): 18–21.

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Koldibekova, Yu V., Marina A. Zemlyanova, A. M. Ignatova, I. V. Tikhonova, N. I. Markovich, K. V. Chetverkina e V. M. Ukhabov. "ASSESSMENT OF THE RISK FOR HEALTH DISORDERS IN CHILDREN WHO LIVE IN A TERRITORY OF THE ZONE OF EXPOSURE TO PRODUCTION OF METALLURGICAL ALUMINUM". Hygiene and sanitation 98, n.º 2 (29 de abril de 2019): 135–41.

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Introduction. The atmospheric air is known to be the most contaminated on territories where industries are highly developed; non-ferrous metallurgy is one of them that make the greatest contribution into atmospheric air contamination. Data and methods. Our research objects were air samples taken on territories where there was located an enterprise producing metallurgic aluminum and our reference samples were taken on a territory where there was no such production; we also examined databases containing data on morbidity of children population, non-carcinogenic risk assessment, number of exposed population, and the results of epidemiologic examination. Results. Quality of the atmospheric air was unsatisfactory as there were concentrations of suspended substances, PM10 solid particles, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, as well as persistence occurrence of manganese, nickel, and copper compounds resulted from activities of enterprises that produced metallurgic aluminum. All the above-mentioned admixtures cause an unacceptable risk of non-carcinogenic effects emerging in the respiratory organs. A significant contribution into hazard index is made by suspended substances, PM10 and PM2.5 particles. Fine-dispersed fraction having a complicated chemical structure (ferric oxides; aluminum, silicon, nickel, chromium, titanium, and manganese oxides), can aggravate negative impacts on the respiratory organs, exerted by the identified risk factors. The prevalence of respiratory organs diseases among children population living on an exposed territory confirms environmental risks to make increased levels of the overall and primary morbidity rate. We proved a probability of respiratory organs diseases to be depended on concentrations of the examined substances in the atmosphere, including suspended substances and fine-dispersed fractions of PM10 and PM2.5, nitrogen oxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, compounds of nickel, manganese, and copper. Discussion. The detected cause-and-effect relations between a risk of increased morbidity with respiratory organs diseases in children and exposure to chemical risk factors, primarily suspended particles, PM10 and PM2.5, are also confirmed by results obtained in a number of research that concentrates on peculiarities of effects produced by the examined chemical factors on respiratory organs diseases in children. Conclusions. Children living on a territory exposed to the exposure exerted by an enterprise that produces metallurgic aluminum have a chronic aerogenic risk for respiratory organs diseases; this risk becomes apparent due to the elevated morbidity rate of respiratory organs diseases. This risk is proved to be related to impacts exerted by suspended substances and fine-dispersed fractions of PM10 and PM2.5, nitrogen oxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, manganese, nickel, and copper.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Cheberyachko, S., Yu Cheberyachko, D. Radchuk, O. Deryugin, D. Klimov, O. Sharovatova e V. Gridiaiev. "INDIVIDUAL RESPIRATORY PROTECTION EQUIPMENT: INNOVATIONS TO REDUCE THE RISK OF OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES". Municipal economy of cities 1, n.º 175 (3 de abril de 2023): 221–28.

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Individual respiratory protective equipment (PPE) is the last barrier to protect workers when performing production tasks in harmful and dangerous working conditions. The article analyzes modern innovative designs of personal respiratory protective equipment, which increase the level of protection of users during their operation. The method of morphological analysis is applied. This method based on the selection of possible solutions for assessing the manufacturability of PPE models (if there is a system of criteria) and making a rational decision regarding the features of their application in production conditions. As a result, it was established that in order to ensure the appropriate duration of the protective action of gas and dust filters and to avoid both poisoning of workers due to the ingress of harmful aerosols into the sub-mask space of the filter respirator, and excessive physical exhaustion due to the increase in pressure drop above the standard substances, it is recommended to equip the filters with special indicators for determining air pollution and pressure drop values. It was determined that in order to increase the reliability of the protection of workers, it is necessary to equip filter respirators with the functions of operational control of breathing resistance, place a headrest to control the occurrence of possible gaps behind the obturation band when performing various production operations, and establish the real term of the protective effect of the filters. The practical value of the work is innovative solutions to improve the designs of existing filter respirators, which will allow control over technological parameters during operation. In particular, the density along the obturation strip and the magnitude of the tension force of the respirator headgear. Recommendations are also given for controlling the term of the protective action of gas filters, since determining the specified indicators based on the organoleptic abilities of the user is dangerous for health. Keywords: risk, means of individual protection of respiratory organs, filtering respirator.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Filimonov, S. N., N. I. Panev, O. Yu Korotenko, N. A. Evseeva, I. P. Danilov e O. V. Zatsepina. "Prevalence of somatic pathology in coal mine workers with occupational respiratory diseases". Russian Journal of Occupational Health and Industrial Ecology, n.º 6 (5 de julho de 2019): 381–84.

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Introduction. Th e high level of professional and production-related pathology among workers of the coal industry, as well as the frequent development of their combined pathology with an unfavorable prognosis determine the relevance of studying the prevalence of somatic pathology in miners with occupational diseases of the respiratory system.The aim of the study was to explore the prevalence of internal organs pathology in coal industry workers with occupational lung diseases (anthracosilicosis, chronic dust bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).Materials and methods. 788 store miners and shaft sinkers with previously diagnosed occupational respiratory diseases (anthracosilicosis, chronic dust bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and 161 miners, working for a long time in harmful labour conditions and having no occupational pathology (the control group) were examined.Results. It was revealed that the workers of the coal industry with occupational diseases of the respiratory system pathology of internal organs occurs more often than the workers of the control group, including: diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, angina pectoris I and II functional classes), diseases of the digestive system (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and chronic pancreatitis), kidney disease (chronic pyelonephritis), as well as a combination of several somatic diseases.Conclusions. In miners with occupational diseases of the respiratory system more oft en than in the control group, there is a pathology of the internal organs: diseases of the cardiovascular system, digestive organs, kidneys, as well as a combination of several somatic diseases. Th e data obtained should be considered during periodic medical examinations and medical examinations for the development of timely therapeutic and preventive and rehabilitation measures.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Lazic, Sava, Tamas Petrovic, Ivan Pusic e Maja Velhner. "Most frequent calf diseases in industrial breeding". Veterinarski glasnik 58, n.º 1-2 (2004): 67–76.

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It is possible to conduct an analysis of the incidence of viral diseases in calves if these diseases are divided into two basic groups. One group comprises diseases of respiratory organs which are manifested by symptoms of a respiratory syndrome, and the second group comprises diseases of digestive tract organs in the form of a gastrointestinal syndrome. It is considered that viruses have the dominant role in the complex etiology of the respiratory syndrome, primarily the IBR virus or the Bovine Herpes Virus-1 (BHV-1), followed by the parainfluenza 3 virus (RSV), the Bovine Viral Diahrrea Virus (BVDV), the bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), but also other viruses, such as adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, can also influence the appearance of the respiratory syndrome. The respiratory syndrome is rarely caused by a single viral agent, but most frequently by mixed viruses, but also by bacterial infections. Mixed viral infections often have a lethal outcome. Investigations of the etiology of the gastrointestinal syndrome so far indicate that, in addition to bacteria, viruses can also be a significant etiological factor. Rotaviruses, coronaviruses, adenoviruses parvoviruses, herpesviruses (the IBR virus), pestiviruses (BVDV), can be the causes of a gastrointestinal syndrome. It is believed that viruses can be the cause in about 10% cases in the ethiopathogenesis of this syndrome. The paper describes the etiopathogenesis of calf diseases of viral etiology which are most often found in the local conditions of industrial breeding of calves.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.
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Teses / dissertações sobre o assunto "Respiratory organs Diseases"


Reynolds, Paul N. "The role of tachykinins in airway inflammation and bronchial hyper-responsiveness /". Title page, contents and abstract only, 1999.

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Zhao, Hanjun, e 赵旵军. "A study of antiviral peptides with broad activity against respiratory viruses". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2013.

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A safe, potent and broad-spectrum antiviral is urgently needed to combat emerging viral respiratory diseases such as avian influenza H5N1 and H7N9, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). Previous studies carried out by PhD students in our lab found that mouse β-defenisn 4 (mBD4) shows highly antiviral activity in vitro. However, the recombinant mBD4 (rmBD4) expressed by E.coli is limited to very small scale of production and is very expensive. Thus, in this study, we firstly screened 16 short peptides derived from mBD4 and other mouse and human β-defensins for identifying their antiviral effects. One short peptide P9 (30 amino acids), derived from mBD4, exhibited potent and broad-spectrum antiviral effects against multiple respiratory viruses, including influenza A viruses H1N1, H3N2, H5N1, H7N7 and H7N9, SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV)and MERS coronavirus (MERS-CoV). This P9 showed very high selectivity index (970), which was higher than that of the full-length peptide of synthetic mBD4 (smBD4) and rmBD4 in vitro. Secondly, the prophylactic and therapeutic effects of P9 against the infection of H1N1 virus were further detected in animal model. The survival rate of P9-pretreated mice challenged by lethal dose of H1N1 virus was 100%. The therapeutic effects of P9 protecting mice from lethal challenge of H1N1 virus were also statistically significant. The survival rate of mice could reach up to 67% by intranasal inoculation and 56% by intraperitoneal injection, respectively. To investigate the antiviral mechanism, we firstly elucidated that P9 could inhibit viral infection but not viral replication or release. Secondly, we detected whether P9 inhibited viral infection by binding to the surface of target cells or viral particles. The results showed that P9 only bound to viral particles but not to the cell surface. It was further identified that P9 bound to viral surface glycoprotein HA but not NA. Thirdly, we demonstrated that P9 did not inhibit virus binding to its receptor and block the virus entry into cells by endocytosis. Instead, P9 inhibited the acidification in late endosomes and thusP9 blocked virus-membrane fusion and subsequent viral disassembly and viral RNA release. Finally, we elucidated that the antiviral activity of P9 was attributed to its high binding affinity to viral HA and the abundance of basic amino acids in its composition. In this study, we have demonstrated that a short peptide P9, which is derived from mBD4, showed potent antiviral activity against multiple respiratory viruses. This peptide can be developed to a new promising prophylactic and therapeutic agent with broad-spectrum antiviral activity and low possibility to cause drug resistance. Moreover, this study has also revealed a novel antiviral mechanism for P9 and paved a path for the development of new antiviral agents with broad-spectrum antiviral activity against emerging respiratory viruses, such as avian influenza H5N1 and H7N9, as well as SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV.
Doctor of Philosophy
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Yip, Ming-shum, e 葉名琛. "Immune responses of human respiratory epithelial cells to respiratory syncytial virus and human metapneumovirus". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2007.

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Chaturvedi, Rakesh K. "Reasoning about therapeutic and patient management plans in respiratory medicine by physicians & medical students". Thesis, McGill University, 1994. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=41562.

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Recently, there has been extensive research in the area of diagnostic expertise. The model of diagnostic reasoning and clinical expertise has been well documented (Patel et al., in press). This study attempts to extend this research in order to include therapeutic reasoning. Using the expert-novice paradigm, this study attempts to investigate the use of knowledge, specifically, both biomedical and clinical sciences, and the directionality of reasoning during decision making about patient management and therapeutic planning in respiratory medicine.
Subjects at four levels of expertise were given two clinical problems with the diagnosis and asked (a) to provide therapeutic plans, and (b) describe the underlying pathophysiological explanations of the diseases. Think-aloud protocols were audio-taped and analyzed using methods of protocol analysis. The results showed that the use of basic medical sciences increased as a function of expertise in the procedure-oriented decision-making tasks. The novices generated rule-based prototypical textbook descriptions based on the clinical information, and the diagnosis given in the task. In contrast, the experts' therapeutic responses showed a predominance of causal-level inferences, reflecting more backward-directed inferences than novices. Although both the novices and experts generated forward-directed inferences, the novices were unable to provide accurate and adequate explanations for their decisions. Finally, the pathophysiological explanations of the disease were generated from a different knowledge source than that used to develop therapeutic decisions.
The implications of these findings for development of theory of expertise and for education in the medical domain are discussed.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Paudyal, Priyamvada. "Respiratory symptoms and lung function in relation to cotton dust and endotoxin exposure in textile workers in Nepal". Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2011.

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Background: Cotton workers are highly exposed to organic dust. Inhalation of cotton based particulate has been associated with various respiratory symptoms and impaired lung function. This study investigates the respiratory health profile of textile mill workers in Nepal in relation to dust and endotoxin exposure. Methods: This study was conducted in four sectors (garment, carpet, weaving and recycling) of the textile industry in Kathmandu, Nepal. A total of 938 individuals completed a health questionnaire and performed spirometry. A subset of 384 workers performed cross-shift spirometry. Personal exposure to inhalable dust and airborne endotoxin was measured during a full-shift for a 114 workers. Results: Geometric mean concentrations of personal exposure to cotton dust and endotoxin were 0.81 mg/m3 and 2160 EU/m3 respectively. Overall prevalence of persistent cough, persistent phlegm, wheeze, breathlessness and chest tightness were 8.5%, 12.5%, 3.2%, 6.5%and 3.6% respectively. Symptoms were most common among the recyclers and less in the garment sector. Exposure to inhalable dust significantly predicted the symptoms of persistent cough and chest tightness. Significant cross-shift reduction in FEV1, FVC, and FEF25_75 were measured in the textile workers (p<0.001 for all); reductions being greater in the recyclers (-143 ml) and smallest in the garment workers (-38 ml) (p=0.012). Cross-shift reduction in FEV1 was significantly predicated by exposure to inhalable dust. Exposure to endotoxin did not correlate with any of the respiratory symptoms nor to lung function. Conclusion: The measured association between exposure to inhalable dust and reporting of respiratory symptoms and lung function suggests that despite high levels of endotoxin exposures, inhalable dust is the driver for these effects and attention should turn to what might be the toxic component in this dust other than endotoxin.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Wai, Chi-wan, e 衛至韻. "Development of shell vial culture assay for the rapid diagnosis of respiratory viruses using the human colorectal adenocarcinoma (CaCo2) cells". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2013.

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Background: Respiratory diseases are common worldwide, which are caused by various respiratory viruses. As symptoms caused by these viruses are similar, laboratory diagnosis is essential to distinguish the virus. Conventionally, respiratory viruses are isolated by cell culture with a panel of cell lines. However, handling of several cell lines is labour intensive, and the turnaround time of conventional culture is long. In previous study, the use of human colon adeno-carcinoma (Caco-2) in conventional culture was investigated. The study has proven that Caco-2 is generally susceptible to the eight common respiratory viruses, i.e. Adenovirus, Influenza A and B, Respiratory Syncytial virus, Parainfluenza virus 1, 2,3 and 4. As turnaround time of conventional culture is long; therefore, in this study, rapid shell vial culture using Caco-2 cells were evaluated. Moreover, the application of Caco-2 shell vial culture on recovering human metapneumovirus (hMPV) was also investigated. Materials and methods: This study consisted of four stages. First, recovery of viruses by conventional culture and shell vial culture of Caco-2 were compared. Specimens were added to conventional culture and shell vial simultaneously. For conventional culture, formation of CPE was examined daily and IF staining was performed when CPE was indicated; meanwhile, shell vial culture were incubated for seven days and stained with IF to detect infected cells. In stage two, the effect of incubating shell vial culture in rolling drum was investigated. Shell vials inoculated with the same specimen in duplicate were incubated in rolling drum and without rolling drum simultaneously. IF staining was performed in day 2, and results were obtained. For those which are IF negative in day 2, second shell vial was further incubated to seven days before harvest. In the next stage, a large batch of samples was used to evaluate on the use of Caco-2 shell vial culture in day 2 and day 7. Lastly, Caco-2 shell vial and conventional culture and LLC-MK2 conventional culture were tested for isolation of hMPV. Results: Compared to Caco-2 conventional culture, recovery rate of shell vial culture was elevated slightly. When experimenting on the effect of incubation in rolling drum, results showed that recovery rate was raised in shell vial with rolling drum in day 2, moreover, the percentage of positive cells were increased significantly (p value < 0.05). Furthermore, in the evaluation of Caco-2 shell vial in day 2 and day 7, 75% of samples were isolated in day 2 while 85% were recovered in day 7. Lastly, in the investigation on recovery of hMPV, 53%, 42% and 17% hMPV positive cases were isolated by Caco-2 shell vial, Caco-2 conventional culture and LLC-MK2 conventional culture respectively. Conclusion: First, although recovery rate by shell vial and conventional culture were similar, turnaround time was reduced from a week to a few days by shell vial culture. Therefore, Caco-2 shell vial culture is a more efficient than Caco-2 conventional culture in isolating respiratory viruses. The study also showed that incubation of shell vial in rolling drum able to increase the number of positive cells. Furthermore, in this study, Caco-2 cells were also shown to be more efficient in isolating hMPV when compare to LLC-MK2 cells.
Master of Medical Sciences
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岑海音 e Hoi-yum Irma Shum. "Interactions of pseudomonas aeruginosa toxins with respiratory mucosa in vitro". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2003.

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Soh, Kim Lam. "Knowledge about nosocomial pneumonia prevention among critical care nurses in New Zealand a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Health Science, Auckland University of Technology, September 2003 /". Full thesis. Abstract, 2003.

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Thesis (MHSc--Health Science) -- Auckland University of Technology, 2003.
Appendix B not included in e-thesis. Also held in print (128 leaves, 30 cm.) in Akoranga Theses Collection. (T 610.7361 SOH)
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胡慧明 e Huie-ming Hou. "Long-term study of sleep apnoea patients treated with MAD". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2005.

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Lee, Kathleen F. "Clinical competencies required for graduates of an entry-level associate degree respiratory care program to practice competently". Virtual Press, 2002.

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The purpose of this study was to identify the complete scope, cognitive, affective and psychomotor, of clinical competencies required for the successful practice by entry-level associate degree respiratory care graduates entering the workforce. The study was conducted using a Delphi technique. American Association for Respiratory Care House of Delegates nominated a panel of experts to participate in the study. A total of 55 individuals were nominated and 21 agree to participate in the study. The individuals represented both college-based educators and hospital managers and educators. The initial questionnaire requested that each panel member list those cognitive, affective and psychomotor clinical competencies that they believed to be required for successful entrylevel practice. The responses from the first round were grouped into like categories and returned to the panel members to be rated on a four-point scale during the second and third rounds of the study. Consensus was achieved with the third round resulting in a final list of 26 cognitive, 20 affective and 28 psychomotor clinical competencies. The final list of competencies includes the most basic cognitive and psychomotor skills of the profession and did not include many of the areas listed by the National Board for Respiratory Care exam matrix. The study also lists 20 affective attributes as essential for successful practice. There are no current standardized methods in use to evaluate affective skills. Research will need to continue to clarify the skills needed for competent and successful entry-level practice.
Department of Educational Studies
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Livros sobre o assunto "Respiratory organs Diseases"


Rush, Bonnie. Equine respiratory diseases. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Science, 2004.

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Johnson, N. Mcl. Respiratory medicine. 2a ed. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publicatrions, 1990.

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Johnson, Norman McI. Respiratory medicine. 2a ed. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific, 1990.

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1924-, Turner-Warwick Margaret, ed. Respiratory diseases: Clinical atlas. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1989.

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A, Merchant James, Boehlecke Brian A, Taylor Geoffrey 1929- e National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Division of Respiratory Disease Studies, eds. Occupational respiratory diseases. Washington, D.C: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 1987.

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A, Merchant James, Boehlecke Brian A, Taylor Geoffrey 1929- e National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health., eds. Occupational respiratory diseases. Washington, D.C: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 1986.

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Anthony, Seaton, e Kilpatrick Stewart, eds. Respiratory diseases: A technical document. [Cardiff: Welsh Health Planning Forum Secretariat, 1992.

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Wagener, Luke. Respiratory diseases: Causes, treatment, and prevention. Hauppauge, N.Y: Nova Science Publishers, 2011.

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Glenda, Esmond, e Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain), eds. Respiratory nursing. Edinburgh: Baillière Tindall, 2001.

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Tattersfield, Anne E. Respiratory disease. London: Springer-Verlag, 1987.

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Capítulos de livros sobre o assunto "Respiratory organs Diseases"


Marchuk, Guri I. "Viral And Bacterial Infections of Respiratory Organs". In Mathematical Modelling of Immune Response in Infectious Diseases, 269–89. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1997.

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Peghin, Maddalena, e Lara Danziger-Isakov. "Prevention and Treatment of Respiratory Virus Infection". In Infectious Diseases in Solid-Organ Transplant Recipients, 107–29. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Zhang, Yilin, Dongwei Liu e Zhangsuo Liu. "Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and Chronic Kidney Disease". In Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Volume 254, 183–215. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractThe impact of ambient particulate matter (PM) on public health has become a great global concern, which is especially prominent in developing countries. For health purposes, PM is typically defined by size, with the smaller particles having more health impacts. Particles with a diameter <2.5 μm are called PM2.5. Initial research studies have focused on the impact of PM2.5 on respiratory and cardiovascular diseases; nevertheless, an increasing number of data suggested that PM2.5 may affect every organ system in the human body, and the kidney is of no exception. The kidney is vulnerable to particulate matter because most environmental toxins are concentrated by the kidney during filtration. According to the high morbidity and mortality related to chronic kidney disease, it is necessary to determine the effect of PM2.5 on kidney disease and its mechanism that needs to be identified. To understand the current status of PM2.5 in the atmosphere and their potential harmful kidney effects in different regions of the world this review article was prepared based on peer-reviewed scientific papers, scientific reports, and database from government organizations published after the year 1998. In this review, we focus on the worldwide epidemiological evidence linking PM2.5 with chronic kidney disease and the effect of PM2.5 on the chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression. At the same time, we also discuss the possible mechanisms of PM2.5 exposure leading to kidney damage, in order to emphasize the contribution of PM2.5 to kidney damage. A global database on PM2.5 and kidney disease should be developed to provide new ideas for the prevention and treatment of kidney disease.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Caplan-Shaw, Caralee, e Joan Reibman. "Persistent Lower Respiratory Symptoms in the World Trade Center (WTC) Survivor Program, a Treatment Program for Community Members". In World Trade Center Pulmonary Diseases and Multi-Organ System Manifestations, 47–62. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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van Schooten, F. J., A. W. Boots, A. Smolinska e J. W. Dallinga. "Volatile Organic Compounds as Exhaled Biomarkers of Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in Respiratory Diseases". In Oxidative Stress in Applied Basic Research and Clinical Practice, 67–84. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.

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TIDY, NOËL M. "DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS". In Massage and Remedial Exercises, 342–72. Elsevier, 2013.

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Gibson, G. J. "Respiratory function tests". In Oxford Textbook of Medicine, editado por Pallav L. Shah, 3956–70. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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Respiratory function tests are used in diagnosis, assessment, and prognosis and in monitoring the effects of treatment of various respiratory conditions. In the diagnosis of specific diseases, respiratory function tests—like functional tests of other organs—inevitably have limitations. Their use as a diagnostic tool is in recognizing patterns of abnormality which characterize particular types of disease; more often they are used to quantify the severity of functional disturbance or to locate the likely anatomical site(s) of disease (airways, alveoli, or chest wall). The commonly applied tests are most conveniently classified as (1) tests of respiratory mechanics, (2) carbon monoxide uptake, (3) arterial blood gases and acid–base balance, and (4) exercise.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Fullick, William, e James Fullick. "A Breath of Fresh Air". In Organs, Systems, and Surgery. Oxford University Press, 2023.

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This chapter explores the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. It examines the mechanics of ventilation while also elaborating on the division of the respiratory system into upper and lower respiratory tracts. Both the upper and lower respiratory tract are very vulnerable to smoking-related damage, as they directly receive inhaled smoke from cigarettes and other tobacco products. The chapter cites how cancers, the best-known and most feared diseases which affect the gas exchange system, can occur at any level of the respiratory tract. It then explains how surgery aims to improve quality of life through tonsillectomies or can be life-saving, when it comes to a lung transplant.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Torianyk, Inna, e Natalia Popova. "INFECTIONS CAUSED BY VIRAL-BACTERIAL ASSOCIATIONS, THEIR PLACE IN THE STRUCTURE OF CHILDREN'S MORTALITY AND THE MORPHOLOGICAL JUSTIFICATION". In Scientific space: integration of traditional and innovative processes. Publishing House “Baltija Publishing”, 2023.

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Тhe widespread spread of infectious diseases, the constant growth of the number of patients with complications and fatal consequences of unrecognized nosology, the lack of clear diagnostic criteria and the prognosis of the latter determine the relevance of the study of diagnostic reserves of mixed infections. The purpose: of the work was to study infections caused by viral-bacterial associations, their place in the structure of children's mortality and the morphological dominance of diseases that occur with respiratory syndrome. Methodology of the study is based on general research methods of analysis of macromicroscopic changes in the organs of the respiratory system in response to the influence of agents of viral-bacterial associations. For this purpose, a complex of morphological techniques (histological, electron microscopic: raster microscopy) and statistical data calculation resources were used. The results. In the presented work, there is a total lack of clinical and epidemiological data on mixed infections (viral-microbial derivative), neglect of facts, and in some cases ignoring the resources of retrospective analysis, comparative episituational characteristics, ambiguity in approaches to the clinical and laboratory interpretation of certain research results. It is shown that the needs of modern practical medicine require a purposeful and detailed study of the basic criteria of complex clinical and morphological diagnostics (organs, target cells), probable morphological assessment of injuries, signal changes in critical organs (respiratory tract, in particular); search and development of new therapeutic measures; measures to prevent mixed infections; forecast of the risk of the latest disease among the children's contingent. The targeting of the mechanisms of the associated action of HSV and Mycoplasma hominis was clearly reflected in the structural and functional specificity of the internal organs involved in the etiopathogenetic picture of diseases caused by complications of HBV. Macroscopically, these facts were manifested by changes in biomechanical, morphometric, syn-, skeleto- and holotopographic indicators. Microscopically: the development of desquamation processes, changes in nuclear-cytoplasmic ratios, destructive-degenerative phenomena, proliferative-inflammatory phenomena, necrosis, thrombostatic manifestations, microcirculation disorders. Submicroscopically, the presence of alterative changes, damage to the membrane structures of cells of mesenchymal origin, marginality of chromatin, pyknosis, karyorrhexis, phenomena of dilatation of microvessels on the example of corrosive drugs were established. Practical implications. The obtained data fully contribute to the well-founded solution of an important practical issue: determining the role of morphological parameters of signal tissues/cells of target organs in the development of unified treatment schemes/algorithms and prognosis of the consequences of viral and bacterial infections. The value/originality lies in the possibility of applying the results of work in modern diagnostic algorithms for full-fledged diagnostics of viral-bacterial associations.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Naser Moghadasi, Abdorreza. "Psychological Aspects of Neuroinflammatory Disorders in COVID-19 Era". In Anxiety, Uncertainty, and Resilience During the Pandemic Period - Anthropological and Psychological Perspectives [Working Title]. IntechOpen, 2021.

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Although the COVID-19 pandemic was initially manifested as a contagious respiratory infection, its other aspects quickly became apparent. Accordingly, the disease could affect various organs such as skin, digestive system, and the central nervous system. Apart from these diverse manifestations, it was rapidly cleared that the virus could potentially play a role in causing a wide range of autoimmune diseases. Moreover, various anthropological aspects of COVID-19 and its effects on human life were considered. In this regard, one of the important issues is its psychological effects, not only on the population of healthy people, but also on people suffering from underlying diseases. Inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system are included as one group of these diseases. Since these diseases can cause many psychological problems in patients, it is very important to pay attention to them during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the following section, the psychological aspects of COVID-19 in patients with neuroinflammatory diseases are described.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Trabalhos de conferências sobre o assunto "Respiratory organs Diseases"


Evseeva, G., E. Knizhnikova, R. Telepneva, N. Kuderova, S. V. Suprun, E. Suprun, V. Kozlov e O. Lebed'ko. "Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Chronic Diseases of the Respiratory Organs". In American Thoracic Society 2021 International Conference, May 14-19, 2021 - San Diego, CA. American Thoracic Society, 2021.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Крумкачева А.Ю., Крумкачева А. Ю. "State of respiratory system and peripheral musculature in patients with dust diseases of respiratory organs". In The second international youth Forum "OCCUPATION AND HEALTH". PT "ARIAL", 2018.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Grigoreva, I., E. Volkova e I. Belikova. "IMPACT OF CARDIO TRAINING ON THE BODY". In Current issues and prospects for the development of modern science. FSBE Institution of Higher Education Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov, 2022.

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The article discusses the effectiveness and variety of cardio training and their benefits. Lack of physical activity in our lives can lead to a whole range of diseases. Cardio loads can strengthen our body and improve well-being. When using cardio loads, the activity of the circulatory system, heart, respiratory organs improves, endurance increases.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Holovko, T. O., e V. V. Nikonovа. "Dynamics of changes in the functional status of respiratory organs in children with rheumatic diseases". In THE GREATEST HUMANKIND ACHIEVEMENTS IN HEALTHCARE AND VETERINARY MEDICINE. Baltija Publishing, 2024.

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Taebi, Amirtahà, e Fardin Khalili. "Advances in Noninvasive Diagnosis Based on Body Sounds and Vibrations – A Review". In ASME 2021 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021.

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Abstract This paper provides a brief overview of the advances in the area of early identification of different types of abnormalities and diseases, including respiratory illnesses and cardiovascular diseases, using noninvasive screening of biomedical acoustic signals. These signals include sounds and vibrations generated by different human body organs and systems that can be measured on the body surface using sensors such as stethoscopes and accelerometers. In this study, the measurement methods and signal processing algorithms for customized feature extraction and classification as well as clinical potentials, current limitations, and future directions are briefly reviewed and discussed.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Aralovets, N. "Morbidity of Children in the RSFSR in the 1970s–1980s". In XIII Ural Demographic Forum. Global challenges to demographic development. Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of RAS, 2022.

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The paper examines the features and patterns of morbidity of children in the RSFSR in the 1970s-1980s. Using mainly archival sources, as well as statistical, demographic and historical methods, the study showed that the indicators of the health status of children were generally good in the 1970s and 1980s in the RSFSR. However, in the structure of morbidity of children, along with traditional diseases of the respiratory and digestive organs, infectious and parasitic diseases, new diseases of the circulatory system, cancer (including malignant) neoplasms, as well as accidents, poisoning and injuries, were noted. The appearance of new diseases in the RSFSR, previously unusual for children, confirmed the development of epidemiological transition. Since this phenomenon has not been sufficiently investigated in Russian and foreign historiography, the paper presents new scientific data.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Mladenović-Ćirić, Ivana, Dragana Aleksić e Jadranka Kocić. "Differences in morphological characteristics and functional abilities of recreationally active women and inactive women". In Antropološki i teoantropološki pogled na fizičke aktivnosti (10). University of Priština – Faculty of Sport and Physical Education in Leposavić, 2024.

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Physical activity and health are intricately connected, yet paradoxically, the modern way of life is increasingly reducing the physical activity of the average person. This trend, driven by technological advancements and modern civilization, leads to numerous health problems, such as obesity, neuroses, depression, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, as well as diseases of the musculoskeletal system and digestive organs. Insufficient physical activity, poor nutrition, and the imbalance between calorie intake and expenditure are the main causes of these diseases. This research focuses on women aged 30 to 35 and aims to examine the differences in morphological characteristics and functional abilities between recreational and inactive women. The research methods involve 22 recreational and 22 inactive women, with the assessment of morphological characteristics conducted through 12 anthropometric measures and the evaluation of functional abilities with three variables. The results show that recreational women have better anthropometric parameters, less body fat, more muscle mass, lower heart rate values, and higher oxygen intake. These findings indicate that recreational physical activity is associated with better physical fitness, contributing to the prevention of various diseases and improvement of overall health.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Kuzmina, L. P., N. P. Golovkova e I. S. Varakuta. "HEALTH DISORDERS RISK ASSESSMENT OF COAL MINERS, PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS". In The 17th «OCCUPATION and HEALTH» Russian National Congress with International Participation (OHRNC-2023). FSBSI «IRIOH», 2023.

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The coal industry is an essential component of the mining industry. Coal mine workers are exposed by complex and combined harmful and dangerous factors of occupational environment and labor process. Occupational morbidity in coal industry enterprises is higher than all-Russian indicators. The results of epidemiological studies indicate significantly increased standardized relative risk of death from diseases of cardio-vascular system, increased risk of developing malignant neoplasms, respiratory organs especially. Obtained data indicate the need to develop and implement measures to reduce mortality, predict and assess occupational risk, strengthen medical and preventive measures for coal industry workers aimed at increasing the duration of labor longevity.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.


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A large-scale retrospective cohort study to assess the risk of death from oncological diseases of the respiratory organs among workers engaged in the mining and enrichment of chrysotile asbestos was carried out from 2012 to 2022. This is the first large-scale international comprehensive epidemiological study to assess the risk of death from asbestos-related oncological diseases among employees of the complex of enterprises that are part of PJSC «Uralasbest», which has a history of more than 120 years and which currently produces about 20% of the total world production of chrysotile asbestos. An increased risk of developing mesothelioma was found at high exposure doses, expressed in concentrations of respirable fibers of chrysotile asbestos, and an increase in mortality from lung cancer in men in high-dose groups by total dust mass. A less pronounced association of lung cancer mortality with dose was observed in women. For colorectal and gastric cancers, the results of risk assessments depending on exposure dose, expressed in mass and counting terms, were inconsistent, and for larynx or ovarian cancer, no increased risks were observed even in the groups with the highest exposure doses.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.


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Abstract: Relevance. Local vibration is a significant factor in the production environment of metallurgical production, which affects health and efficiency. The aim of the study is to identify the exposure, gender and age features of the formation of general somatic morbidity associated with the impact of local vibration in the production of titanium alloys. Scope and methods. The prevalence of general somatic pathology was compared in 2596 workers who have contact with local vibration, with varying degrees of harmfulness of working conditions, and non-exposed persons according to the results of periodic medical examination using the methodology of occupational risk analysis of the Research Institute of Occupational Medicine. academician N. F. Izmerov. Results. At comparison of prevalence of a somatic pathology at workers in contact to local vibration to not exhibited persons according to medical inspection, and at different degree of harm of working conditions, are revealed the raised risks of formation of diseases nervous, kostno-muscular, endocrine systems, respiratory organs, digestion, an ear, a skin, an arterial hypertensia, the mental frustration, the raised weight of a body, gynecologic diseases with a tendency of growth of the majority of them at the big levels of vibration, more often at small, less often - average degree of communication with working conditions. The frequency of pathology in exposed workers was higher in all age groups. Average degree of communication with working conditions of a gynecologic pathology at the age of 18-25 years was marked. At men frequency of a pathology of respiratory organs, digestion is revealed authentically big, than at women; an ear; skin at the big relative risks 1,2-1,3, of the raised arterial pressure and hyperglycemia. Conclusion. A higher frequency of visceral pathology of a number of body systems under the influence of local vibration of high levels may justify the need to develop differentiated preventive programs to minimize its negative impact, taking into account the identified features in sex and age groups.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Relatórios de organizações sobre o assunto "Respiratory organs Diseases"


Wang, Xiaoyu. Pediatric tuina in treating recurrent respiratory tract infection in children: a systematic review and meta‑analysis. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, abril de 2023.

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Review question / Objective: Is pediatric tuina an effective treatment for recurrent respiratory tract infection in children? Condition being studied: Recurrent respiratory tract infection (RRTI) is a common disease in children, which refers to the recurrence of upper and lower respiratory tract infections within a year, exceeding the prescribed number of times. It is more common in infants under 3 years old. The disease is easy to relapse and lasts for a long time, affecting the normal growth and development of children and physical and mental health, easily causing other diseases, leading to a variety of chronic wasting diseases, and damaging the function of organs and the immune system. Immunotherapy and nutritional therapy are commonly used in Western medicine. At present, the treatment of RRTI in children with traditional Chinese medicine has achieved a certain effect, and the treatment mainly includes internal treatment and external treatment. Tuina therapy is one of the common therapies for the treatment of RRTI in children with traditional Chinese medicine. Because of its advantages, there are many literature reports on tuina treatment of this disease, with a good total effective rate, but whether its therapeutic effect is higher than other therapies has not been determined as a whole. This study used the method of systematic review to collect the published clinical research literature on the treatment of RRTI in children at home and abroad for systematic review, so as to provide a reference for clinical research.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.
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