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Magnussen, Johanna, e Elin Andersson. "Lärplattan, en del av förskolan? : Lärplattans funktion i relation till förskolans ämnesområden". Thesis, Mälardalens högskola, Akademin för utbildning, kultur och kommunikation, 2015.

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Syftet med studien var att synliggöra förskollärares olika erfarenheter av att arbeta med lärplattan utifrån ett ämnesdidaktiskt perspektiv. Studien utgick ifrån den sociokulturella teorin och i studien användes en kvalitativ metod där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med åtta förskollärare från fem olika förskolor. Resultatet visade att lärplattan till störst del användes som ett dokumentations- och reflektionsverktyg tillsammans med barnen. De flesta förskollärare upplevde att de behövde mer fortbildning inom IKT för att kunna använda lärplattan utifrån ett ämnesdidaktiskt perspektiv. Språk, matematik och naturvetenskap var de ämnen som förskollärarna arbetade mest kring med lärplattan som komplement. I vår slutsats framkom det att förskollärare behövde goda ämnesdidaktiska kunskaper och god kompetens inom IKT för att kunna använda lärplattan som ett pedagogiskt verktyg i arbetet med läroplanens olika ämnesområden.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Carlsson, Madelene, e Mia Idewald. "”Det kommer hela tiden nytt!” : utifrån nya förutsättningar lyfter studienpedagogers förhållningssätt och digitala kompetens i relation till att använda digitalalärverktyg i förskolan". Thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Akademin för bibliotek, information, pedagogik och IT, 2017.

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Inledning Barn möter mer och mer teknik i sin vardag och det är oundvikligt att den moderna tekniken även kommer in i förskolans verksamhet (Åkerblom 2014). För att digitala medier i förskolan ska bli digitala lärverktyg och användas som just verktyg för barns lärande ställs större krav på pedagogers digitala kompetens. Detta beskrivs i Skolverkets (2016b) förslag till ny nationell IT-strategi, i strategin beskrivs kompetensutveckling som nödvändig. Alla barn ska ges samma förutsättningar till lärande och få samma möjligheter till att utmanas i en digital lärmiljö, likvärdigheten ses som viktig. Som en följd av förslaget till ny strategi finns också förslag till revidering av Läroplan för förskolan (Lpfö 98 rev. 2016), nya texter och formuleringar ska tydliggöra hur barns digitala kompetens ska utvecklas i förskolan. Syfte och frågeställningar Utifrån förslag till nya och förändrade styrdokument är syftet med den här undersökningen att ta reda på hur pedagoger förhåller sig till digitala lärverktyg i förskolan som just verktyg för barns lärande.Frågeställningar:* Använder pedagoger digitala lärverktyg i förskolan för att skapa förutsättningar för lärande?* Hur uppfattar pedagoger sin egen digitala kompetens? Metod En kvantitativ studie med kvalitativa inslag görs, vilket innebär en enkätundersökning med färdiga svarsalternativ men även med inslag av öppna följdfrågor. Resultat Enkätundersökningens resultat visar pedagogers positiva inställning till att använda digitala lärverktyg. Det framgår även att digitala lärverktyg används som ett integrerat verktyg, detta görs vid exempelvis fotografering, informationssök och i skapande aktiviteter där olika ämnen vävs samman. Några pedagoger lyfter hur de skapar en digital lärmiljö genom att använda projicering. Samtidigt speglar resultatet en viss osäkerhet kring användning av digitala lärverktyg tillsammans med barnen i ett lärande syfte. Nästan hälften av pedagogerna använder aldrig digitala lärverktyg eller enbart några gånger per månad och majoriteten ansersig behöva kompetensutveckling. Den kompetens som innehas beskrivs ha inhämtats på egen hand utifrån eget intresse.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Bergdahl, Josefine, e Caroline Enberg. "Digital teknik och digital teknikanvändning : Diskursiva perspektiv på vårdnadshavares förhållanden, erfarenheter och förväntningar i relation till förskolan". Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen för konst, kommunikation och lärande, 2018.

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Studien utgick från vårdnadshavares konstruktioner av digital teknik och digital teknik­användning. Syftet med studien var att synliggöra hur vårdnadshavare konstruerar den digitala tekniken som omger dem och deras barn i vardagen samtidigt som de själva konstrueras av samhället. Syftet var även att diskutera dessa konstruktioner i relation till förskolans uppdrag. Genom att ett social­-konstruktionistiskt perspektiv antogs var det vårdnadshavarnas tal som analyserades i studien. För att synliggöra detta användes en kvalitativ semistrukturerad intervju där sex vårdnadshavare deltog. Resultatet visade att det finns många olika konstruktioner bland deltagarna. Övervägande del av vårdnadshavarna var positiva till digital teknik och digital teknikanvändning. I resultatet framgick dock att det bland annat fanns en gemensam oro bland informanterna över att barnen kan stöta på olämpligt innehåll genom digital teknik.   En av de slutsatser som kunde dras var att vårdnadshavarnas konstruktion av digital teknik på-verkar barnens erfarenheter om, och tillgänglighet till den. Som förskollärare är det en viktig aspekt att vara medveten om. Förskolans uppgift blir således att komplettera hemmet för att ge alla barn en likvärdig ram för utveckling och lärande.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Hall, Bobby, e Erik Ohlsson. "Digital kompetens : Den fjärde industriella revolutionens krav på digital kompetens i relation till den strategiska kompetensförsörjningen inom industribranschen". Thesis, Högskolan i Jönköping, Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation, 2019.

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Problemformulering: Ledares uppfattning om vad som utgör digitala kompetenser relaterat till den strategiska kompetensförsörjningen av dessa kompetenser. Syfte: Att beskriva vad ledare inom industribranschen anser vara digitala kompetenser och betydelse ledare ger åt dessa kompetenser i relation till industriföretags strategiska kompetensförsörjning. Metod: Då studien baseras på digital kompetens i den relativt outforskade kontexten av industri samt att ingen universell lista för digital kompetens fungerar oavsett person och situation tillämpas en induktiv ansats. För att besvara om ledares uppfattning kring den digitala kompetensen används en fallstudiedesign. Studien utgår från kvalitativa och semistrukturerade intervjuer med dessa ledare som genomförts på deras arbetsplats, via telefon och via Skype. Empirisk insamling: Insamlad empiri består av fem intervjuer med ledare från företag inom industribranschen. Slutsats: Baserat på studiens empiriska data har vi kunnat beskriva digital kompetens utifrån fyra olika kompetenser. Det kan konstateras att inget av de företag som deltar i studien har en tydlig plan eller strategi för att hantera kompetensskiftet från tidigare kompetenser till digital kompetens. Däremot påtalas att E-learning ses som en kompetensförsörjningsmetod som central i relation till företagens förmåga att tillgodose sig med digital kompetens. Vi har identifierat ett behov av att industriföretag implementerar en lärandestrategi som matchar interna och externa krav på digitalisering för ett kontinuerligt lärande som främjar digital kompetens idag såväl som i framtiden.
Question: Leaders' perception of what constitutes digital competence related to the strategic competence supply of these competencies. Purpose: To describe what leaders in the industrial sector consider to be digital competence and importance leaders give to these competencies in relation to the industrial companies' strategic competence supply. Method: Since the study is based on digital competence in a relatively unexplored context of industry and that no universal list for digital competence works regardless of person and situation, an inductive approach is applied. A case study design is used to answer a leader's perception of the digital competence. The study is based on qualitative and semi-structured interviews with these leaders who have been carried out at their workplace, by telephone and through Skype. Empirical framework: The collected empirical data consists of five interviews with leaders from companies in the industrial sector. Conclusion: Based on the study's empirical data, we have been able to describe digital competence based on four different competencies. It can be stated that none of the companies participating in the study have a clear plan or strategy for managing the shift of skills from previous competencies to digital competence. On the other hand, it is stated that E-learning is regarded as a competence supply method that is central in relation to the companies' need for digital competence. We have identified a need for industrial companies to implement a learning strategy that matches internal and external requirements for digitization for continuous learning that promotes digital competence today as well as in the future.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Brauer, Jimmy, e Eriksson Björn Linnala. "Blockchain's influence on digital marketing : An exploratory study examining blockchain in relation to big data and digital marketing". Thesis, Umeå universitet, Företagsekonomi, 2020.

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Today's society has grown to be highly digitalized where technologies are playing a large role in everyone's lives. Moreover, society is still developing at a rapid pace, with a new innovation around every corner and with more and more business conducted online. By using this as a starting point, the authors of this thesis choose to examine how blockchain can influence the use of big data in digital marketing. Moreover, as previous articles have perceived GDPR as an obstacle for implementing blockchain within this context, the authors perceived it as necessary to examine blockchains’ relation to GDPR. Thus, this thesis has set out to both identify challenges and opportunities that exist when applying blockchain within the context of digital marketing. This exploratory thesis applies a qualitative data collection method in order to fulfill the purpose of the study and to answer the following components of the research question; (1) How will blockchain influence the use of big data within digital marketing? (2) How will blockchain in a digital marketing context cope with the regulations of GDPR? (3) How will blockchain influence the future of digital marketing? The qualitative collection method chosen is semi-structured interviews and has included six participants from Europe.  The findings of this thesis suggest that blockchain will influence big data and thus, digital marketing will be influenced because it is heavily data-driven. Furthermore, blockchain will influence the companies’ knowledge of the customer, allow more reliable data to be obtained, and allow consumers to retain ownership over their data. Thus, blockchain places a higher demand on companies to deliver relevant information and match the interest of customers in order for the companies to gain access to customers’ data. Additionally, the findings suggest that blockchain has the ability to remove intermediaries and eliminate fraudulent activities, such as deep fakes, illegitimate reviews, click-fraud, within digital marketing. Despite that blockchain has a lot of potentials, it also faces a lot of challenges and obstacles. For instance, large companies such as Google may feel threatened by the blockchain and thus, these companies may have incentives for disrupting the implementation of the technology. Moreover, practical challenges have been identified. These were related to non-scalable algorithms and limited capacities to store large amounts of data.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.


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O ritmo acelerado de inovação tecnológica destaca as questões da relação entre usuários, objetos e ambientes digitais, e, evidencia, no contexto das interfaces gráficas, a existência de uma Alfabetização Visual-Digital. O meio digital, construído pela intersecção de diferentes mídias que misturam gêneros visuais distintos, exige dos usuários um conjunto específico de habilidades, uma vez que a instabilidade das interações digitais define uma dinâmica única entre designers, plataformas e usuários. Por isso, torna-se de extrema importância a investigação quanto às diferentes habilidades e processos de alfabetização desenvolvidos por usuários de tecnologia ao interagir na esfera digital. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi pesquisar o impacto da Alfabetização Visual, por meio da aquisição de repertórios, na experiência de usuários no acesso aos dispositivos móveis. Para tanto, trabalhou-se com a hipótese de que um repertório visual limitado é causa direta da ocorrência de uma Alfabetização Digital insuficiente para determinados usuários. Para uma base teórica, foram levantadas a evolução das tecnologias e das interfaces gráficas do usuário (GUIs); além de formalizados os conceitos de Alfabetização Visual e Digital. A partir desse levantamento, foram definidas duas técnicas de avaliação: um Teste de Compreensão Iconográfica e um Teste de Usabilidade. Os resultados finais de ambas as técnicas aplicadas mostraram que a Alfabetização Visual influencia, de fato, no desempenho dos usuários na interação com dispositivos, comprovando que a Alfabetização Digital se relaciona com os repertórios visuais dos indivíduos.
The rapid pace of technical innovation highlights the issues of the relationship between users, digital objects and environments, and, in the context of graphical interfaces, shows the existence of Visual-Digital Literacy. The digital medium, built by the intersection of different media that mix distinct visual genres, requires people to have a specific set of skills, since the instability of digital interactions defines a unique dynamic between designers, platforms and users. Hence, it becomes of the utmost importance to research on the different skills and processes of literacy developed by technology users when interacting in the digital sphere. This master s research proposes as an overall intention to investigate the impact of Visual Literacy, through the acquisition of repertoires, in users access to mobile devices. To that effect, the research hypothesis is that a limited visual repertoire is a direct cause of users deficiency in Digital Literacy skills. For a theoretical basis, the evolution of technologies and graphical user interfaces (GUIs) were raised; as well as outlined the concepts of Visual and Digital Literacy. Succeeding this review, two evaluation techniques were defined: an Iconographic Comprehension Test and a Usability Test. The final results of both applied techniques showed that Visual Literacy does influence on the performance of users in the interaction with devices, proving that Digital Literacy relates to people visual repertoires.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Enmark, Jonas, e Vester Fredrik Wallin. "Digitaliserade relationer : En studie av hur digitaliseringen påverkar Arbetsförmedlingens relation till de arbetssökande". Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för samhällsvetenskaper, SV, 2011.

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Denna studie undersöker hur digitaliseringen påverkar relationen mellan Arbetsförmedlingen och de arbetssökande sett ur myndighetens perspektiv. Problemställningen angrips utifrån fyra teman; Utmaning, Ansvar, Valfri­het och Ojämlikhet. Som en röd tråd genom studien löper ny­lib­e­ra­lis­men som ett övergripande teoretiskt perspektiv. Syftet med studien är att problema­ti­sera och nyansera digitaliseringens på­verkan på relationen mellan Arbetsförmedlingen och de arbetssökande. Forskningen om e-förvaltning utgår i allt väsentligt från implementeringen av e-förvaltning sett ur ett tekniskt perspektiv. Det finns också, om än i mindre utsträckning, studier som intresserar sig för användarna. Inom forskningsfältet finns framför allt brist på studier ur samhälls- och komm­u­nikationsvetenskapliga perspektiv. Målet med denna studie är att bidra med ny kunskap till forsk­ningsfältet genom att anamma just dessa två perspektiv. Studiens material utgörs av sex intervjuer med medarbetare på Arbetsförmedlingen, tre på natio­n­ell nivå och tre på lokal nivå, samt kvalitativ textanalys av sex strategidokument. Empirin vi själva samlat in utgår alltså ifrån myndighetens perspektiv på relationen till de arbetssökande. Denna kompletteras med sekundär empiri för att också belysa relationen ur de arbetssökandes pers­pektiv. Resultaten från studien visar att medarbetare på nationell och lokal nivå inte är riktigt överens be­träffande huruvida digitalise­ringen leder till att de arbetssökande ställer större krav på Arbetsför­medlingen. Men vad man dock är överens om är att digi­taliseringen är ett verktyg som skapar möjligheter som underlättar för de arbetssökande att ställa större krav. Vi kan också konstatera att det inom Arbetsförmedlingen i stort råder en gemensam syn på att mer ansvar förskjuts till de arbets­sökande. Nyliberalismen driver på såväl ett ökat kravställande som en ökad ansvars­förskjutning, vil­ket för­utsätter nya, företrädesvis digitala, sätt att kommuni­cera. Vidare leder digitaliseringen till en ökad till­gänglighet och valfri­het för de arbetssökande när det gäller såväl servicens innehåll som val av serviceleverantör och kommu­ni­kationskanal. Arbetsförmedlingens ambition är att styra sina kun­der till webben. Det blir därför allt viktigare att behärska de digitala verktygen för att kunna utöva sina rättigheter och fullgöra sina skyldigheter. När de digitala ser­vicevägarna prioriteras på bekostnad av den fysiska Arbets­förmedlingen riskerar de digitalt resurssvaga att miss­gynnas och marginaliseras. Genom resultaten kan vi sluta oss till att digitaliseringen blir ett effektivt verktyg för att tillgodose de nya kommu­nikativa preferenser som följer med den nyliber­alistiska ideologins strävan mot ökad individ- och marknadsorientering. I vår studie har vi visat att det finns en viss övertro på digitaliseringen från Arbetsförmedlingens sida. Ofta ser man till teknikens fördelar, men glömmer att ta hänsyn till den samhälleliga och sociala kontexten. Vi kan även konstatera att Arbetsför­medlingen till viss del saknar kunskaper om den digitala klyftans dimensioner och vilka åtgärder som kan vidtas för att minska exklusionen av digitalt resurssvaga arbetssökande.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Mfurankunda, Pravda. "Constructing multilingual digital identities: An investigation into Grade 11 learners’ digital practices in relation to English language learning in Rwanda". University of the Western Cape, 2016.

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Magister Educationis - MEd
Rwanda has taken a strong move towards language-in-education policy shift whereby English became the sole medium of instruction in 2008, despite her rich linguistic diversity. The language shift occurred at the time when the country had resolutely embraced Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) as one of the country’s key development plans for socioeconomic development. In spite of these changes, research on multilingualism and digital identity in Rwanda is very limited. Given the pressing need for Rwanda to play an increasing role in the global economy, it is important to explore the ways in which the new generation negotiates multilingual digital identities in second language learning. The aim of this study, therefore, was to investigate the ways in which secondary school learners used digital technologies to negotiate new identities in two or more languages in order to understand the implications for English second language learning in the multilingual context of postcolonial Rwanda. Specifically, my interest was to examine Grade 11 learners’ current digital practices and the ways in which existing multilingual repertoires were drawn on as resources in navigating digital literacies. I also aimed at understanding how such practices could be harnessed as resources for English second language learning in the classroom. This study is informed by post-structural theories of identities as well as of Bourdieu’s theory of habitus, field and capital. The post-structural frame of analysis underlying issues of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) has also been important to establish a bridge between the learners’ digital practices and their English learning processes. It draws on debates around digital literacies, multilingualism, and identity, theories of access to ICTs and digital technologies and English as Additional Language Acquisition. The research sites were two urban based high schools mainly selected for their proximity to digital technologies, namely cyber cafes and/or computer laboratories and by their representativity in terms of gender and subject choices. Drawing on the qualitative research tradition and informed by ethnographic methodology, the study investigated Grade 11 learners’ insider views of the affordances of digital technologies for language learning. To reach this end, non-participant observations, focus group discussions and a questionnaire were used. Issues of research ethics namely, informed consent, anonymity and confidentiality were adhered to throughout the research process. With regard to access to technologies, the research findings reflect Bourdieu’ post-structural theory notion of ‘habitus’ as they show that the social dimensions the learners were involved in influenced their engagement with several digital technologies. In relation to Warschauer’s model of access, this study was able to identify the following: (1) material access’ linked to the learner’s access to the internet connection; (2) skills access’ concerning the learner’s ability to interact with computers and communicate with peers or fellow friends by typewriting and (3) usage access’ associated with the learner’s opportunity to use ICT facilities. The findings also generated insights into the learners’ construction of multiple digital identities and the fluidity and hybridity of ‘youth digital literacies’. The learners created a form of global digital identity by simply interacting or engaging with various multimodal literacies. Findings also indicated that learners negotiated digital identities by immersing themselves in Social Networking Sites (SNS) that fall under ‘Web 2.0’, an online platform which online users make use of to interact, share and perform different activities, focusing chiefly on social media. It was observed further that learners constructed a national language identity in the digital world by visiting mostly popular sites whose medium of communication was the national vernacular “Kinyarwanda”, thus stimulating the sense of national language identity of ‘ Rwandaness’. Additionally, it was apparent that Grade 11 learners had a great sense of attachment to their language as a significant characteristic of their digital practices through ‘translanguaging’ which became one of the resources in the digital space. The findings also indicate that technology served as a bridge between learners’ digital practices and their learning of English as an additional language, although language power relations were apparent as English was conferred a status of symbolic capital. The study concludes that various forms of access to ICTs do not only inform and strengthen Grade 11 learners’ process of learning English as additional language, but also support the construction of their multiple identities. There is a need to capitalize on face-to-face interaction and integrate ICT in teaching and learning so that learners can create their own learning space whereby they construct their digital identities as adolescents in the different languages they get exposure to.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.


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A partir da compreensão do Google como um agente atuante no processo de formação dos saberes contemporâneos, esta pesquisa avaliou a consistência entre os aparatos cognitivos envolvidos nos processos de aprendizagem e o funcionamento do mecanismo de busca. Seu desenvolvimento iniciou-se por uma revisão bibliográfica, que apontou a conceituação de relevância associada à popularidade, em conjunto com a confiança dos indivíduos no ordenamento sistêmico do Google como fatores responsáveis pela alta similitude e baixa diversidade dos resultados encontrados. Em seguida, identificaram-se na literatura indícios de que os processos de aprendizagem são potencializados pelo acesso a conteúdos diversos, capazes de estimular um maior número de conexões com os saberes prévios. Pelas incongruências entre as observações teóricas, optou-se pela realização de experimentos práticos. Neles, manipulou-se o funcionamento do Google, ampliando a divergência presente nos resultados das buscas e avaliando suas consequências para os processos de aprendizagem. Após a análise dos dados levantados, constatou-se que os indivíduos se beneficiaram da exposição a um espaço informacional mais abrangente, obtendo melhores índices em avaliações relativas aos conteúdos sub-representados nos resultados, assim como para os conteúdos amplamente difundidos. Além da melhoria na aquisição de conhecimento, os usuários também puderam experimentar um recorte informacional mais representativo, em que o enviesamento para os conteúdos predominantes foi atenuado.
From the understanding of Google as an active agent in contemporary knowledge formation process, this study investigated consistency between the cognitive apparatus involved in learning process and search engine operation. Its development was initiated by a literature review, that showed relevance concept associated to popularity, along with individuals confidence in Google s systemic ordering as factors responsible for high similarity and low diversity of the results. Afterwards, evidences in literature showed that learning processes are amplified by access to diverse content, able to stimulate a larger number of connections to prior knowledge. By the inconsistencies between theoretical observations, it was decided to carry out practical experiments. In them, Google s functioning was manipulated by extending search results divergence and by evaluating impacts in the learning process. After analyzing collected data, it was found that individuals were benefited from an exposure to a broader information sample, getting better rates on assessments related to underrepresented contents in results, as well for the widely broadcast contents. Besides the knowledge acquisition improvement, users were also able to experience a more representative informational scenario, in which the bias for predominant contents has been softened.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Khisro, Jwan. "Transformation of business collaboration in a digital age : Towards a multi-relation perspective". Licentiate thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Institutionen för informationssystem och –teknologi, 2019.

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The process of digitalisation is progressively transforming the way business is carried out and how enterprises collaborate. In this digital age, characterised by collaborations among a larger community of suppliers, customers, employees, and governments, all partners need to understand avariety of relations and how digitalisation transforms them. However, it is difficult to understand the multitude of unclear or even unknown relations generated by re-coordinating different types of relations in this digital age. Accordingly, this thesis contributes to the understanding of the transformation of business collaboration by exploring how collaboration can be understood in a digital age. The theoretical concepts involved collaboration, enterprise architecture, enterprise interoperability, and boundary object. These concepts enabled digging deeper into the complexity of sharing and aligning social and cultural worlds between communities of practice. The methodology employed was hermeneutics, which was suitable for understanding human activities. The study object concerned national development of data hubs for the electricity market in Denmark and Sweden, which replaced an old way of communicating point to point between companies. This was implemented in order to coordinate and manage data transactions between grid companies and electricity suppliers. The results indicated that digitalisation tends to increase the ability to manage collaboration and even closer relations among partners by clearly identifying every partner role and responsibility. Further, business collaboration appeared to transform from a traditional collaboration to a multi-relation collaboration that addressed digital age demands more comprehensively.

Vid tidpunkten för framläggningen av avhandlingen var följande delarbete opublicerat: delarbete 2 (accepterat).

At the time of the defence the following paper was unpublished: paper 2 (accepted).

Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Envall, Julia, e Lisa Norgren. "Kundförtroende inom digital bankverksamhet". Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Handelshögskolan (from 2013), 2020.

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During the last two decades, technological development and digitalization have had a major impact on societies worldwide. Industries have been forced to adapt to the technological development and implement new technology in order to remain competitive. The banking sector has undergone a transformation, in which traditional banking operations have become digital. Digital banking and the distance between bank and customers which follows, brings new challenges to the sector, such as elevated risks and new conditions to interact and build customer relationships. Majority of existing literature in the area of digital banking have focused on the adoption and acceptance of digital banking, while research of how trust among customers are affected by the digitalization remains limited. Therefore, our study aims to fill this gap. Trust is essential in any kind of relationship, and crucial in digital banking. The purpose of this paper is to investigate if digitalization affects customer trust in the context of digital banking. Further, the paper investigates whether perception of risk and perception of relationship affect customer trust in digital banking. Three hypotheses were developed based on existing research, predicting that digital banking usage, perception of risk and perception of relationship with the bank have an effect on customer trust. This study adopts a quantitative method, where data were collected through an online survey questionnaire. In total, a sample of 171 were obtained. Proposed hypotheses were tested using a multiple regression analysis, where our three independent variables were analyzed against the study’s dependent variable, and the two controlling variables age and gender. The empirical findings revealed that digital banking usage do not have an effect on customer trust in digital banking, while the perception of risk in digital banking has a significant influence on customer trust. Moreover, the perception of relationship with the bank has a significant influence on trust. Finally, age was shown not to moderate the relationship between independent and dependent variables, while gender was shown to have a relationship with independent and dependent variables. Empirical results aim to help the banks understand which factors are affecting customers’ trust and focus their attention to develop safer security systems and develop stronger relationships with their customers to build and maintain trust.
Under de två senaste decennierna har digitaliseringens framfart bidragit till stora förändringar i samhället. Flertalet branscher har tvingats anpassa sig efter den teknologiska utvecklingen och implementera ny teknologi för att fortsatt vara konkurrenskraftiga på marknaden. Inom banksektorn har digitaliseringen inneburit en transformation, där traditionell bankverksamhet till större del övergått till att bli digital. Digitaliseringen och distansen som uppkommit mellan bank och kund har medfört nya förutsättningar, bland annat i form av risker kopplade till digital bankverksamhet samt förändrade förutsättningar vad gäller interaktion och relationsskapande. Mycket av den tidigare forskning som gjorts inom området digital bankverksamhet har fokuserat på acceptans och adoption av digital bankverksamhet, medan studier som undersöker hur de nya förutsättningarna påverkar kundernas förtroende för banken är bristfälliga. Därför strävar denna studie efter att fylla detta gap. Förtroende är av stor vikt i alla relationer, och är av särskilt stor betydelse inom digital bankverksamhet. Syftet med studien är att belysa om digitalisering påverkar kundförtroende på basis av banksektorn. Vidare är syftet att belysa om upplevd risk samt upplevd relation vid digital bankverksamhet påverkar kundernas förtroende. Tre hypoteser har formulerats utifrån existerande litteratur, som förutsäger att användning av digitala banktjänster, upplevd risk och upplevd relation med banken vid digital bankverksamhet har en påverkan på kundförtroende. Studien antar en kvantitativ metod där data samlats genom en webbenkätundersökning. Totalt besvarades 171 enkäter. Föreslagna hypoteser prövades genom en multipel regressionsanalys, där studiens tre oberoende variabler analyserades mot studiens beroende variabel, inklusive de två kontrollvariablerna ålder och kön. Resultatet visade att användning av digitala banktjänster inte har någon effekt på kundförtroende, medan upplevd risk har en signifikant påverkan på kundförtroende. Slutligen visade det sig att upplevd relation också har inverkan på kundförtroende. Ålder visade sig sakna signifikant påverkan på variablerna, medan kön visade sig ha ett samband. Studiens resultat avser fungera som hjälp för bankerna, som genom att veta att dessa faktorer påverkar kundernas förtroende kan fokusera på att utveckla säkrare system och utveckla sina relationer för att upprätthålla kundernas förtroende för banken.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Ljungberg, Kämpe Louise, e Amanda Meuller. "Förstå, vilja och kunna arbeta med digitala verktyg : En studie om lärarnas relation till digitala verktyg i undervisningen". Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för lärande, humaniora och samhälle, 2019.

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Det har tillkommit nya mål i Lgr 11 (Skolverket 2018) gällande elevers digitala kompetens, vilket gör att skolan behöver höja den digitala kompetensen likvärdigt på alla skolor. Därmed behöver lärarna få ett bättre stöd i sitt användande av digitala verktyg och sin kompetensutveckling för att bemöta de digitala målen. Detta har även framkommit i tidigare forskning samt i den uppföljning som Skolverket genomförde under 2018. Syftet med denna undersökning är att få en inblick i hur lärare, i en stad i västra Sverige, både väljer att ta sig an implementeringen som skett gällande användning av digitala verktyg i svenskundervisningen och hur deras förutsättningar ser ut vad det gäller tillgång till digitala verktyg och utbildning. För att uppnå studiens syfte och kunna besvara frågeställningarna valde vi att analysera vår empiri från enkäter utifrån det teoretiska ramverket implementeringsteorin (förstå, kunna och vilja). De frågeställningar som bearbetats i studien är: Vad är lärarnas tolkning av hur mycket de behöver arbeta med digitala verktyg för att uppnå målen i svenskämnet? och Hur ser tillgången till olika digitala verktyg ut på skolorna? Resultatet av studien visar att lärarna i undersökningens tolkningar gällande hur mycket de behöver arbeta med digitala verktyg för att uppnå målen skiljer sig åt. Vissa lärare anser det är svårt att veta, medan andra använde beskrivningar så som att eleverna behövde känna sig säkra i användandet, att de digitala verktygen skulle ses som en naturlig del av den vanliga undervisningen, stöttning för elever i behov av särskilt stöd och varierat arbete. Det förekommer även olikheter angående tillgången till digitala verktyg då det är en tredjedel av F-3 lärarna som inte har tillgång till en klassuppsättning digitala verktyg. Det är även 25 av 30 lärare som inte fått någon form av utbildning inom användandet av digitala verktyg. Studiens resultat bör uppmärksammas av alla inom skolväsendet för att möjliggöra en vidare utveckling av den digitala kompetensen och det digitala användandet i skolan.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Enefjäll, Mollwing Malin. ""Någonting att samlas kring" : Förskollärares konstruktioner av digital teknik i relation till språkutvecklande undervisning". Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen för hälsa, lärande och teknik, 2021.

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Studiens syfte var att analysera förskollärares konstruktioner av digital teknik i relation till språkutvecklande undervisning. Initialt studerades litteratur som behandlar utbildning, undervisning, digital teknik och språkutveckling. Vidare bygger studien på en fokusgruppsdiskussion med fyra förskollärare. Detta är en kvalitativ studie med innehållsanalytisk ansats ur ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv. Resultatet indikerar vikten av medvetenhet om hur språktillägnande går till, vikten av medvetenhet kring konstruktioner av den digitala teknikens roll samt vikten av en vilja att förändra, en stöttande omgivning samt god och gedigen kompetensutveckling.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Eriksson, Jennifer, e Mimmi Eriksson. "Bland platta paddor och smarta äpplen : Förskolebarns kognitiva förmåga i relation till digital media". Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande, 2017.

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Studien undersökte relationen mellan förskolebarns kognitiva förmåga och vilken typ av rörligmedia och mobila spel som barnen ägnade sig åt, samt relationen mellan föräldrarnas användningav mobila enheter och barnens kognitiva förmåga. Kognitiv förmåga undersöktes medtestbatteriet WPPSI-IV och medievariablerna undersöktes med en webbaserad enkät. Sammantaget visade resultaten att det fanns positiva samband mellan pojkars kognitiva förmågoroch att titta på viss typ av rörlig media, medan det för flickor fanns negativa sambandför viss rörlig media respektive spelande på mobila enheter. Gällande förälderns användningav mobila enheter hade flickorna bättre generell kognitiv förmåga och språklig förmåga omföräldern använde sådana i närvaro av barnet. Resultaten gick delvis mot och delvis i linje med tidigare forskning. Eftersom studien fannolika resultat för flickor och pojkar, bör detta undersökas mer noggrant i kommande studierför att bättre kunna uttala sig om relationen mellan digital media och barns kognitiva förmåga.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Hadjizadeh-Ziabari, Seyed Madjid. "Subjektive Bildqualität digitaler Panoramaschichtaufnahmen in Relation zur Exposition". Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Medizinische Fakultät - Universitätsklinikum Charité, 2002.

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Die Zielsetzung dieser Studie war es, für digitale Panoramaschichtaufnahmen die Relation der subjektiven Bildqualität zur Exposition zu bestimmen. An Hand von Humanpräparataufnahmen konnten bei Standardwerten sowie experimentellen Variationen der Expositionsdaten weiterhin Effekte der intentionellen Unterexposition sowie der Strahlenaufhärtung auf die subjektive Bildqualität quantifiziert werden. Die Herstellung der Aufnahmen erfolgte auf einem Sirona Orthophos DS. Dabei wurden 37 Aufnahmen mit Expositionswerten von 60 kV/9 mA - 84 kV/13 mA aus dem Herstellerprogramm erzeugt und mit Hilfe einer modifizierten Steuerungssoftware zusätzliche PSA mit experimentellen Einstellungen von 60 kV/3 mA - 90 kV/11 mA hergestellt. Für die Beurteilung und Auswertung der subjektiven Bildqualität wurde eine individuelle Software (Eldoredo V2.2) entwickelt. 39 Zahnärzte und 5 MTRA beurteilten die Aufnahmen damit an einem Monitor unter standardisierten Bedingungen. Ein iterativer Beurteilungsprozess erlaubte, eine Serie von 1369 (37 x 37) PSA-Abbildungspaaren darzustellen. Für jedes Paar entschieden die Untersucher an Hand definierter Kriterien, ob eine PSA hinsichtlich der subjektiv beurteilten Bildqualität vorzuziehen oder Äquivalenz gegeben sei. Nach statistischer Aufarbeitung der Einzelentscheidungen ließ sich damit für jede Expositionsstufe ein Index der Bildqualität berechnen. Bei Expositionswerten in einem Bereich von 60 kV/9 mA - 69 kV/15 mA der Herstellersoftware und 60 kV/5 - 15 mA sowie 70 kV/5 - 15mA der experimentellen Software fanden sich dabei keine signifikanten Verteilungsunterschiede der Bildqualität. Eine intentionelle Unterexposition bei digitalen PSA-Geräten, etwa bei Kindern oder häufigen Wiederholungsaufnahmen, kann nach den vorliegenden Ergebnissen vertreten werden, ohne dass es dabei zu einer signifikanten Verschlechterung der Bildqualität kommt. Damit ist im Gegensatz dazu bei einer Strahlenaufhärtung in dem untersuchten digitalen System stets zu rechnen. Insgesamt zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass auch digitale PSA-Systeme beachtliche Reserven hinsichtlich der Dosisminimierung aufweisen können.
The aim of this study was to describe the relation of the subjective image quality of digital panoramic radiographs in relation to exposure. In addition, variations of exposure were compared to standard settings, thus evaluating the effects of intentional underexposure on the achievable image quality. A Sirona Orthophos DS unit was used to produce 37 digital panoramic images of a human skull. Exposure values ranged from 60 kV/9 mA to 84 kV/13 mA in the conventional and 60 kV/3 mA to 90 kV/11 mA in the experimental setting. Assessment and evaluation of the subjective image quality were performed with an HTML-based protocol. 39 dentists and 5 radiographic assistants had to assign their preference of an image or equality in 1,369 (37x37) image pairs. The decisions were computed to a quality index for each exposure setting. Statistical analysis demonstrated no significant differences of image quality between 60 kV/9 mA - 69 kV/15 mA in the conventional and 60 kV/5 to15 mA as well as 70 kV/5 to 15 mA in the experimental setting. Following these results, a considerable dose reduction by the means of intentional underexposure can be achieved without any loss of image quality. By reducing the absorbed doses, an increase of kV values up to 80 kV and more is also correlated with dose reduction. However, those images showed high significant loss of quality. In summary, the results demonstrate an equivalent image quality of digital panoramic images over a very wide range of exposure values. The feasible dose reduction might be of interest not only in individuals (minors, repeated images), but also in defining general principles of panoramic imaging.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Salomonsson, Emilia, e Ida Petersson. "”Vi gjorde rätt mycket här förut, att det inte blev så stor grej” : En kvalitativ studie om digitala verktyg i relation till Lpfö18". Thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Akademin för bibliotek, information, pedagogik och IT, 2021.

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Inledning I den här studien har vi fokus på eventuella förändringar som den nya läroplanen (Lpfö18, 2018) haft på förskollärares arbete med digitalisering och digitala verktyg. Digitalisering och digitala verktyg är viktigt att arbeta med i förskolan för att ge barnen en förberedelse inför ett allt mer digitaliserat samhälle. I denna studie belyser vi förskollärares perspektiv kring digitaliseringsuppdraget i förskolans verksamhet och vad som behövs för att implementera det. Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det förstärkta digitaliseringsuppdraget i förskolans nya läroplan förändrat förskollärares arbete med digitala verktyg på de förskolor som vi studerat inom ramen för studien. Metod Studien är genomförd med metoden kvalitativ datainsamling. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med sex förskollärare på två förskolor i olika kommuner i västra Sverige Resultat I resultatet av de semistrukturerade intervjuerna kunde vi notera att respondenterna har ett positivt förhållningssätt till digitala verktyg. Samtliga respondenter beskriver att de använder sig av digitala verktyg tillsammans med barnen. Samtliga respondenter anser också att digital kompetens till stor del handlar om källkritik och hur man hanterar olika digitala verktyg. Majoriteten av respondenterna uttrycker en önskan om mer tid för planering av de digitala verktygen i förskoleverksamheten. I resultatet visas även att respondenterna inte upplever någon större förändring i arbetet med digitala verktyg i relation till den nya läroplanen utan menar att förändringen redan har skett i samhället
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Portes, Audrey. "La transparence numérique : rôle du client et conséquences sur la relation à la marque". Thesis, Montpellier, 2018.

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La révolution numérique se fait dans un climat de défiance latente des clients et des citoyens envers les pratiques digitales (collecte et exploitation de données, etc.). Nombre de responsables appellent de leurs vœux à davantage de transparence afin de sortir de la crise de confiance actuelle. Mais ce principe de transparence serait-il suffisant pour restaurer la confiance dans l’environnement digital ? La question de la transparence se pose aujourd’hui de manière prégnante en raison des risques de dérive et de manipulation des clients, mais elle se pose aussi de manière différente, tant les modes d’échange et de communication sont maintenant multiformes, multidirectionnels et instantanés. Cette recherche explique le rôle de la transparence perçue des pratiques digitales dans l’appréhension de la relation client. Une étude qualitative exploratoire sur deux échantillons (16 clients et 12 managers) a permis de valider la multi-dimensionnalité de la transparence perçue (objectivité, limpidité, ouverture) des pratiques digitales. Une étude quantitative en ligne (panel ad hoc de 445 répondants) réalisée sur les perceptions des clients d’Amazon, un pure player de l’e-commerce, leader dans le domaine et pionnier dans l’exploitation massive des données (moteurs de recommandations, customisation, etc.), a quant à elle permis de 1) développer une échelle de mesure de la transparence perçue, 2) comprendre en quoi la transformation digitale des clients avait un rôle dans la perception de la transparence et 3) évaluer l’impact des différentes facettes du concept sur le renforcement ou la dégradation des relations avec les entreprises (confiance et engagement). Une étude post-enquête qualitative a finalement été menée afin de discuter avec les managers des implications de ce travail doctoral
The digital revolution is taking place in a climate of distrust. Consumers and citizens often have a negative judment of digital practices (collection and data exploitation, etc.). Officials are calling for more transparency to surpass the current trust crisis. But will this principle of transparency be enough to restore trust in the digital environment? The question of transparency arises significantly today because of the risks of customer drift and manipulation. It also arises because of the changing communication modes which are now multiform, multidirectional and instantaneous. This research explains the role of perceived transparency of digital practices in the way we apprehend the customer relationship. A qualitative exploratory study on two samples validated the multi-dimensionality of the perceived transparency construct (objectivity, clarity, openness) using the perceptions of 16 consumers and 12 managers. An online quantitative study (ad hoc panel of 445 respondents) conducted on the perceptions of Amazon customers, an e-commerce pure player, leader in the field and pioneer in the massive exploitation of data (recommendation engines , customization, etc.), has helped to 1) develop a measurement scale of perceived transparency, 2) understand how the customers’ digital transformation had a role in the perception of transparency and 3) determine the influence of perceived transparency’s dimensions on trust building and commitment. A qualitative post-survey study was finally conducted to discuss with managers the implications of this doctoral research
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Bannister, J. "The little man comedies of Charlie Drake and their relation to the unconscious". Thesis, University of Salford, 2013.

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This thesis has two purposes: to examine the film and television ‘little man’ comedies of the British comic Charlie Drake in order to rescue him from the neglect that has masked his work, and to recover psycho-analysis as a viable critical methodological tool for understanding comedy. This thesis tests the applicability of psycho-analytic cultural theory to British Television and film comedy by using Drake’s work as a case history; given the scope of the thesis I also draw upon his work on dreams, the Oedipus complex, and castration anxiety as Freud’s work on jokes, humour and the comic was part of a triad of books that explores the trivial in the psychopathology of everyday life. The thesis adopts a psycho-analytic position because the ‘little man’ character(s) played by Drake render them amenable to a Freudian analysis. Much of the research material included in the thesis pertaining to Drake’s private life supports the argument that Drake’s ‘little man’ comedies and the ‘little man’ character he created are psycho-biographical. Similarly, audience research reports provide evidence that men’s appreciation of Drake’s comedies was different to women’s which explains why the psycho-sociological reception of his ‘little man’ character's popular appeal was predetermined.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Zetterholm, My. "Are the Physiological and Digital Systems Converging? : Exploring the relation between humans and mobile technologies". Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för informatik (IK), 2016.

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This thesis has its starting point in the digitalization of society focusing on the rapid development of mobile technologies and the increasing interplay between humans and machines. The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) is extending at a fast pace, affecting all parts of society, and the everyday life of most individuals. The fast progressing development of mobile technologies (smartphones and their accessories/ wearable’s) is creating new trends such as health tracking and quantified self. These mobile technologies can register an increasing number of physiological features, implying that the interconnection between the physiological and digital systems is increasing. This creates a range of new possibilities within health and medical research but it also creates new challenges and the need for new knowledge in how we relate these devices to our bodies. In the psychological perspective, smartphone use is increasing and previous studies imply that these devices are affecting our behaviour, our mental health as well as our cognitive functions. This implies for a need to understand the relation we have to these devices also in a psychological perspective, focusing on emotions and cognition. This study set out to explore the relation between humans and technologies from a systems perspective. The research question involved: How are users and smartphones related in physical and psychological perspectives? The methods used were questionnaires and interviews. The respondents were students in two European universities, who described their experiences of smartphone use, and three doctors (in medicine and biomedicine) that provided interesting aspects in how mobile technologies can be related to the human body from a system perspective   In a physical perspective the users as well as their physical environments could be described as converging with the digital systems. The need of being connected and have access to all life-spheres at once seemed to be an important driving force, implying that users are dependent on information and a converged life-style. In a psychological perspective, the emotional bond seemed stronger then the actual physical need. The perceptions of smartphones differed, but a common denominator described by both Swedish and Albanian users, was the perception of the smartphone as something with human-like features, comparable to a friend. The last part of the study concerned if smartphones can be seen as a new entity of our own system, comparable to an organ. The result suggests that this depends on the individual use, if the technologies is used to sustain health, the value it provides, and it is also a matter of the users ontological believes. The concept of physio-digital convergence is proposed as a new concept to analyse the development of increasing use of mobile technologies further.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Ruiz, Fabo Pablo. "Concept-based and relation-based corpus navigation : applications of natural language processing in digital humanities". Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2017.

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La recherche en Sciences humaines et sociales repose souvent sur de grandes masses de données textuelles, qu'il serait impossible de lire en détail. Le Traitement automatique des langues (TAL) peut identifier des concepts et des acteurs importants mentionnés dans un corpus, ainsi que les relations entre eux. Ces informations peuvent fournir un aperçu du corpus qui peut être utile pour les experts d'un domaine et les aider à identifier les zones du corpus pertinentes pour leurs questions de recherche. Pour annoter automatiquement des corpus d'intérêt en Humanités numériques, les technologies TAL que nous avons appliquées sont, en premier lieu, le liage d'entités (plus connu sous le nom de Entity Linking), pour identifier les acteurs et concepts du corpus ; deuxièmement, les relations entre les acteurs et les concepts ont été déterminées sur la base d'une chaîne de traitements TAL, qui effectue un étiquetage des rôles sémantiques et des dépendances syntaxiques, entre autres analyses linguistiques. La partie I de la thèse décrit l'état de l'art sur ces technologies, en soulignant en même temps leur emploi en Humanités numériques. Des outils TAL génériques ont été utilisés. Comme l'efficacité des méthodes de TAL dépend du corpus d'application, des développements ont été effectués, décrits dans la partie II, afin de mieux adapter les méthodes d'analyse aux corpus dans nos études de cas. La partie II montre également une évaluation intrinsèque de la technologie développée, avec des résultats satisfaisants. Les technologies ont été appliquées à trois corpus très différents, comme décrit dans la partie III. Tout d'abord, les manuscrits de Jeremy Bentham, un corpus de philosophie politique des 18e et 19e siècles. Deuxièmement, le corpus PoliInformatics, qui contient des matériaux hétérogènes sur la crise financière américaine de 2007--2008. Enfin, le Bulletin des Négociations de la Terre (ENB dans son acronyme anglais), qui couvre des sommets internationaux sur la politique climatique depuis 1995, où des traités comme le Protocole de Kyoto ou les Accords de Paris ont été négociés. Pour chaque corpus, des interfaces de navigation ont été développées. Ces interfaces utilisateur combinent les réseaux, la recherche en texte intégral et la recherche structurée basée sur des annotations TAL. À titre d'exemple, dans l'interface pour le corpus ENB, qui couvre des négociations en politique climatique, des recherches peuvent être effectuées sur la base d'informations relationnelles identifiées dans le corpus: les acteurs de la négociation ayant discuté un sujet concret en exprimant leur soutien ou leur opposition peuvent être recherchés. Le type de la relation entre acteurs et concepts est exploité, au-delà de la simple co-occurrence entre les termes du corpus. Les interfaces ont été évaluées qualitativement avec des experts de domaine, afin d'estimer leur utilité potentielle pour la recherche dans leurs domaines respectifs. Tout d'abord, il a été vérifié si les représentations générées pour le contenu des corpus sont en accord avec les connaissances des experts du domaine, pour déceler des erreurs d'annotation. Ensuite, nous avons essayé de déterminer si les experts pourraient être en mesure d'avoir une meilleure compréhension du corpus grâce à avoir utilisé les applications, par exemple, s'ils ont trouvé de l'évidence nouvelle pour leurs questions de recherche existantes, ou s'ils ont trouvé de nouvelles questions de recherche. On a pu mettre au jour des exemples où un gain de compréhension sur le corpus est observé grâce à l'interface dédiée au Bulletin des Négociations de la Terre, ce qui constitue une bonne validation du travail effectué dans la thèse. En conclusion, les points forts et faiblesses des applications développées ont été soulignés, en indiquant de possibles pistes d'amélioration en tant que travail futur
Social sciences and Humanities research is often based on large textual corpora, that it would be unfeasible to read in detail. Natural Language Processing (NLP) can identify important concepts and actors mentioned in a corpus, as well as the relations between them. Such information can provide an overview of the corpus useful for domain-experts, and help identify corpus areas relevant for a given research question. To automatically annotate corpora relevant for Digital Humanities (DH), the NLP technologies we applied are, first, Entity Linking, to identify corpus actors and concepts. Second, the relations between actors and concepts were determined based on an NLP pipeline which provides semantic role labeling and syntactic dependencies among other information. Part I outlines the state of the art, paying attention to how the technologies have been applied in DH.Generic NLP tools were used. As the efficacy of NLP methods depends on the corpus, some technological development was undertaken, described in Part II, in order to better adapt to the corpora in our case studies. Part II also shows an intrinsic evaluation of the technology developed, with satisfactory results. The technologies were applied to three very different corpora, as described in Part III. First, the manuscripts of Jeremy Bentham. This is a 18th-19th century corpus in political philosophy. Second, the PoliInformatics corpus, with heterogeneous materials about the American financial crisis of 2007-2008. Finally, the Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB), which covers international climate summits since 1995, where treaties like the Kyoto Protocol or the Paris Agreements get negotiated.For each corpus, navigation interfaces were developed. These user interfaces (UI) combine networks, full-text search and structured search based on NLP annotations. As an example, in the ENB corpus interface, which covers climate policy negotiations, searches can be performed based on relational information identified in the corpus: the negotiation actors having discussed a given issue using verbs indicating support or opposition can be searched, as well as all statements where a given actor has expressed support or opposition. Relation information is employed, beyond simple co-occurrence between corpus terms.The UIs were evaluated qualitatively with domain-experts, to assess their potential usefulness for research in the experts' domains. First, we payed attention to whether the corpus representations we created correspond to experts' knowledge of the corpus, as an indication of the sanity of the outputs we produced. Second, we tried to determine whether experts could gain new insight on the corpus by using the applications, e.g. if they found evidence unknown to them or new research ideas. Examples of insight gain were attested with the ENB interface; this constitutes a good validation of the work carried out in the thesis. Overall, the applications' strengths and weaknesses were pointed out, outlining possible improvements as future work
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Hipp, Daniel. "Mind-craft| Exploring the relation between "digital" visual experience and orientation in visual contour perception". Thesis, State University of New York at Binghamton, 2016.

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Visual perception depends fundamentally on statistical regularities in the environment to make sense of the world. One such regularity is the orientation anisotropy typical of natural scenes; most natural scenes contain slightly more horizontal and vertical information than oblique information. This property is likely a primary cause of the “oblique effect” in visual perception, in which subjects experience greater perceptual fluently with horizontally and vertically oriented content than oblique. However, recent changes in the visual environment, including the “carpentered” content in urban scenes and the framed, caricatured content in digital screen media presentations, may have altered the level of orientation anisotropy typical in natural scenes. Over a series of three experiments, the current work aims to evaluate whether “digital” visual experience, or visual experience with framed digital content, has the potential to alter the magnitude of the oblique effect in visual perception. Experiment 1 established a novel eye tracking method developed to index the visual oblique effect quickly and reliably using no overt responding other than eye movements. Results indicated that canonical (horizontal and vertical) contours embedded in visual noise were detected more accurately and quickly than oblique contours. For Experiment 2, the orientation anisotropy of natural, urban, and digital scenes was analyzed, in order to compare the magnitude of this anisotropic pattern across each image type. Results indicate that urban scenes contain exaggerated orientation anisotropy relative to natural scenes, and digital scenes possess this pattern to an even greater extent. Building off these two results, Experiment 3 adopts the eye tracking method of Experiment 1 as a pre- post-test measure of the oblique effect. Participants were eye tracked in the contour detection task several times before and after either a “training” session, in which they played Minecraft (Mojang, 2011) for four hours uninterrupted in a darkened room, or a “control” session, in which they simply did not interact with screens for four hours. It was predicted, based on the results of Experiment 2, that several hours of exposure to the caricatured orientation statistics of the digital stimulus would suffice to alter the magnitude of participants’ oblique effect, as indexed by the difference in the post-test relative to the pre-test. While no accuracy differences were observed in this primary manipulation, detection speed for canonical contours did alter significantly in the Minecraft subjects relative to controls. These results indicate that the oblique effect is quite robust at the level of visual contours and is measurable using eye tracking, that digital scenes contain caricatured orientation anisotropy relative to other types of scenes, and that exposure to naturalistic but caricatured scene statistics for only a few hours can alter certain aspects of visual perception.

Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Friefeldt, William, e Philip Gullberg. "Nätcoaching som ett komplement till lösningsförslag : En undersökning av en ny digital lärmiljö genomundersökande relation". Thesis, KTH, Lärande, 2019.

Texto completo da fonte
Den tekniska utvecklingen har varit storskalig i världen och människors vardagsliv harändrats mycket det senaste seklet. I kontrast till detta har den svenska skolan inte sett sammahastiga tekniska utveckling. Samtidigt visar resultat från PISA att elevers resultat i matematiksjunker. Här identifieras två problem som måste lösas. Därför syftade denna undersökningtill att underlätta elevers matematikstudier genom att skapa en ny digital lärmiljö. Lärmiljönkom att kombinera matematiska lösningsförslag med nätcoaching. Det gjordes med hjälp avdet digitala läromedlet Mathleaks och lärplattformen TalkMath. Därefter analysera hur entill-en nätcoaching fungerade i denna nya lärmiljö. Undersökningen syftade även ta reda påhur elever uppfattar lärmiljön och om den kan vara ett komplement till lösningsförslag.Lärmiljön skapades med grund i pedagogiska teorier såsom Vygotskijs sociokulturellaperspektiv, teorier om coaching, synkron kommunikation samt teorier om en-till-ennätcoaching. Två metoder användes för att samla denna data. För det första sparades allakonversationer automatiskt i en databas. För det andra så användes en enkät för att samlaelevernas uppfattning av lärmiljön. Ramverket Undersökande relation användes för attanalysera alla konversationerna mellan elev och coach. Studenterna valdes ut från en svenskgymnasieskola där en av författarna jobbar, eleverna var i åldrarna 15-18 år. Resultatenindikerade att denna nya lärmiljö var ett bra komplement till lösningsförslag. Det drogs ävenslutsatsen att lärmiljön hjälpte elevers kognitiva progression. Undersökningen visar att endigital lärmiljö kan vara ett bra komplement för elever som studerar matematik medlösningsförslag.
The digital and technical development of the world have been large-scale and people’s day-to day life has changed immensely the last century. In contrast, the Swedish school system has not been seeing the same rapid technical development. As students’ results in mathematic sare declining an approach to battle this trend can be to apply this technological development on students’ studies in mathematics. Therefore, this thesis sought to ease students’ mathematics studies by creating a digital learning environment. By combining worked examples with online coaching the environment was created through the platforms Mathleaks and TalkMath. Then examine how online one-to-one coaching works in this environment. It also sought to analyse how students perceive this teaching environment and if it can be usedas a complement to worked-examples. The environment was created based on pedagogical theories such as Vygotsky's sociocultural perspective, coach theories, synchronous communication as well as theory around one-to-one online coaching. Two methods were used to gather data. First, the conversations were automatically stored in a database. Secondly, a survey was used to gather the students’ opinion of the teaching environment. The framework Relationship of Inquiry was used to analyse all conversations between students and coaches. Students were chosen from an upper secondary school in the ages of 15-18 where one of the authors worked. Results indicated that the teaching environment that was created was a good complement to worked-examples. The environment was shown to help student’s knowledge progression. This shows that digital teaching environments can be a valuable addition for students when studying mathematics.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Jayawardana, Chandamali University of Ballarat. "Littoral macroinverterbrates in relation to native and exotic riparian vegetation in streams of central Victoria, Australia". University of Ballarat, 2006.

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"Exotic willows (Salix spp.) are widespread riparian tree species of streams in temperate Australian and New Zealand. In Australian willow speicies are declared weeds of national significance, yet little is known about the novel habitats they create not the impact on aquatic biota of vegetation change following willow management programs ..." [leaf i]
Doctor of Philosophy
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Jayawardana, Chandamali. "Littoral macroinverterbrates in relation to native and exotic riparian vegetation in streams of central Victoria, Australia". University of Ballarat, 2006.

Texto completo da fonte
"Exotic willows (Salix spp.) are widespread riparian tree species of streams in temperate Australian and New Zealand. In Australian willow speicies are declared weeds of national significance, yet little is known about the novel habitats they create not the impact on aquatic biota of vegetation change following willow management programs ..." [leaf i]
Doctor of Philosophy
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Jayawardana, Chandamali. "Littoral macroinvertebrates in relation to native and exotic riparian vegetation in streams of central Victoria, Australia". Thesis, University of Ballarat, 2006.

Texto completo da fonte
"Exotic willows (Salix spp.) are widespread riparian tree species of streams in temperate Australian and New Zealand. In Australian willow species are declared weeds of national significance, yet little is known about the novel habitats they create not the impact on aquatic biota of vegetation change following willow management programs ..." [leaf i]
Doctor of Philosophy
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Hanna, Maryna, e Nesia Coman. "Motion Graphics in Relation to Branding : An Exploratory Study". Thesis, Jönköping University, JTH, Industridesign, 2021.

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Nowadays, there are many trends and changes happening in the market industry, in order to cope with the rise of technologies. Brands are finding new, modern, and revolutionary ways in order to elevate their identities into new levels. Therefore, the adoption of motion graphics and videos yield remarkable improvements in marketing in general. The benefits of motion graphics and its impact on the field of design and marketing have attracted the attention of researchers and businesses around the world. This thesis focuses on the benefits of motion graphics in branding, and how it can add more values, opportunities, and movement to digital brand identities in order to make brands live and breathe. First, the term “Motion Graphics” is introduced and defined, for it is a vague concept for some of the viewers. In addition, a small description of the history of branding and motion graphics is touched upon, in order to give the viewers, the idea of where both fields came from and how they evolved to the level they are now. Second, the thesis uses a qualitative method such as semi-structured interviews, together with data through the insights, experiences, and knowledge of professional designers working in the field. The interview method is chosen because it is best suited to provide a more complete understanding of the research problem than quantitative data for this specific topic. Then this thesis continues to illustrate the importance of adding motion graphics in every digital brand. Where each brand can have its own unique style of animation that can differentiate their identity in the market. Therefore, some examples are presented as well as some successful digital brands that have their own animation and illustration style that make their identity stand out. Finally, the results show that motion graphics is indeed in demand and may become a norm to be added in every digital brand toolkit. In addition, motion graphics can add dynamism, can reflect the digital brand and its attributes in a better way, help brands convey their messages in a more effective way, and can increase the value and make it more suitable for social media.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Lind, Karin, e Ebba Arkstål. "Gymnasieelevers digitala kompetens : – En kvantitativ studie om hur elever upplever sin digitala kompetens och hur den ser ut i relation med Skolverkets fyra aspekter om digital kompetens". Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för tema, 2020.

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Denna studie har som syfte att undersöka och belysa gymnasieelevers uppfattning kring sin digitala kompetens. Vidare jämförs elevers digitala kompetens med Skolverkets fyra aspekter om digital kompetens och eventuella skillnader och likheter mellan flickor och pojkar. Regeringen förtydligade digital kompetens i styrdokumenten 2017, med fyra aspekter, i syfte att utveckla en adekvat digital kompetens hos elever. Dessa handlar om att använda, förstå, lösa problem och omsätta idéer med digital teknik, förstå digitaliseringens påverkan på samhället samt att ha ett kritiskt och ansvarsfullt förhållningssätt (Skolverket, 2017). Utifrån Skolverkets fyra aspekter utformades en internetbaserad enkät, som skapades i Google Formulär, och som skickades ut till 142 gymnasieelever runt om i Sverige. Studien visar att elever generellt värderar sin digitala kompetens som god. Studien visar också att i vissa aspekter skiljer sig resultatet mellan flickor och pojkar åt, t.ex. vid intresse och hur man värderar sin förmåga. Pojkar värderar sin digitala kompetens något högre än flickor. Flickor är mer källkritiska än pojkar. Likheter mellan pojkar och flickor är att de vill lära sig mer om bildhantering och att de båda grupperna tycker att skolan utvecklar deras digitala kompetens. Studien visar också att elevers digitala kompetens är till viss del i linje med Skolverkets fyra aspekter om digital kompetens. Trots viss begränsning i studien visar resultatet att de delar som tillfrågats i studien är till viss del i linje med Skolverkets fyra aspekter. Denna studie uppmärksammar också att fler studier kring elevers digitala kompetens, utifrån Skolverkets fyra aspekter, behöver genomföras för att få en bättre förståelse kring elevers faktiska digitala kompetens och hur den eventuellt varierar mellan pojkar och flickor.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Pyttel, Miriam. "Mind the Deadline : Exploring Young Adults’ Reflections on Life and Mortality in Relation to Digital Legacy". Thesis, Malmö universitet, Institutionen för konst, kultur och kommunikation (K3), 2021.

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While most people usually tend to avoid thinking about their death, it can be beneficial to reflect on it. As technology is further integrated in our lives, HCI needs to consider that users eventually die. A concrete example for this concern is digital legacy. From a perspective of existential HCI and Thanatosensitivity, this thesis explores how young adults experience their own mortality and how they might be encouraged to reflect on their lives by engaging in their digital legacy. Subsequently, this exploration led to conducting expert interviews, sending out cultural probes, and sharing a collaborative matrix. Synthesizing and ideating on the gathered material concluded in a low-fidelity prototype that was tested by six users. The initial user feedback and individual workshops with three participants led to further explorations in the form of two workshops – one for ideation, the other for analysis. The thesis concludes in a series of conceptual design proposals that act as ground for discussion with implications for design opportunities and future research alongside an analysis of key findings.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Friefeldt, William, e Philip Gullberg. "Nätcoaching som ett komplement till lösningsförslag : En undersökning av en ny digital lärmiljö genom undersökande relation". Thesis, KTH, Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM), 2019.

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Den tekniska utvecklingen har varit storskalig i världen och människors vardagsliv har ändrats mycket det senaste seklet. I kontrast till detta har den svenska skolan inte sett samma hastiga tekniska utveckling. Samtidigt visar resultat från PISA att elevers resultat i matematik sjunker. Här identifieras två problem som måste lösas. Därför syftade denna undersökning till att underlätta elevers matematikstudier genom att skapa en ny digital lärmiljö. Lärmiljön kom att kombinera matematiska lösningsförslag med nätcoaching. Det gjordes med hjälp av det digitala läromedlet Mathleaks och lärplattformen TalkMath. Därefter analysera hur entill-en nätcoaching fungerade i denna nya lärmiljö. Undersökningen syftade även ta reda på hur elever uppfattar lärmiljön och om den kan vara ett komplement till lösningsförslag. Lärmiljön skapades med grund i pedagogiska teorier såsom Vygotskijs sociokulturella perspektiv, teorier om coaching, synkron kommunikation samt teorier om en-till-en nätcoaching. Två metoder användes för att samla denna data. För det första sparades alla konversationer automatiskt i en databas. För det andra så användes en enkät för att samla elevernas uppfattning av lärmiljön. Ramverket Undersökande relation användes för att analysera alla konversationerna mellan elev och coach. Studenterna valdes ut från en svensk gymnasieskola där en av författarna jobbar, eleverna var i åldrarna 15-18 år. Resultaten indikerade att denna nya lärmiljö var ett bra komplement till lösningsförslag. Det drogs även slutsatsen att lärmiljön hjälpte elevers kognitiva progression. Undersökningen visar att en digital lärmiljö kan vara ett bra komplement för elever som studerar matematik med lösningsförslag.
The digital and technical development of the world have been large-scale and people’s day-today life has changed immensely the last century. In contrast, the Swedish school system has not been seeing the same rapid technical development. As students’ results in mathematics are declining an approach to battle this trend can be to apply this technological development on students’ studies in mathematics. Therefore, this thesis sought to ease students’ mathematics studies by creating a digital learning environment. By combining workedexamples with online coaching the environment was created through the platforms Mathleaks and TalkMath. Then examine how online one-to-one coaching works in this environment. It also sought to analyse how students perceive this teaching environment and if it can be used as a complement to worked-examples. The environment was created based on pedagogical theories such as Vygotsky's sociocultural perspective, coach theories, synchronous communication as well as theory around one-to-one online coaching. Two methods were used to gather data. First, the conversations were automatically stored in a database. Secondly, a survey was used to gather the students’ opinion of the teaching environment. The framework Relationship of Inquiry was used to analyse all conversations between students and coaches. Students were chosen from an upper secondary school in the ages of 15-18 where one of the authors worked. Results indicated that the teaching environment that was created was a good complement to worked-examples. The environment was shown to help student’s knowledge progression. This shows that digital teaching environments can be a valuable addition for students when studying mathematics.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Macgill, Jennifer University of Ballarat. "Conducting suicide research in Australia in relation to the operation of themes Research Ethics Committees". University of Ballarat, 2008.

Texto completo da fonte
This thesis began with a research project on suicide that was abandoned after many hurdles were encountered in terms of reaching participants and after various applications to ethics committees. The ultimate research question was then recast as ‘Do Human Research Ethics Committees influence the conduct of suicide research in Australia?’ The conceptual framework for setting up the research was derived from literature on Critical Theory, Feminism and Weberian concepts of power and rationality. Subsidiary questions were then derived from this literature and the starting exemplar case of my own research attempts. These considered whether suicide research was problematic for ethics committees, the nature of the experiences of ethics committee members in making decisions regarding suicide research and whether the influences of disciplinary background, patriarchal medical dominance and pro-positivism were evident. In addition, questions were raised about whether and how other researchers who sought approval to conduct research into suicide-related issues were appraised. [...]
Doctor of Philosophy
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Macgill, Jennifer. "Conducting suicide research in Australia in relation to the operation of themes Research Ethics Committees". University of Ballarat, 2008.

Texto completo da fonte
This thesis began with a research project on suicide that was abandoned after many hurdles were encountered in terms of reaching participants and after various applications to ethics committees. The ultimate research question was then recast as ‘Do Human Research Ethics Committees influence the conduct of suicide research in Australia?’ The conceptual framework for setting up the research was derived from literature on Critical Theory, Feminism and Weberian concepts of power and rationality. Subsidiary questions were then derived from this literature and the starting exemplar case of my own research attempts. These considered whether suicide research was problematic for ethics committees, the nature of the experiences of ethics committee members in making decisions regarding suicide research and whether the influences of disciplinary background, patriarchal medical dominance and pro-positivism were evident. In addition, questions were raised about whether and how other researchers who sought approval to conduct research into suicide-related issues were appraised. [...]
Doctor of Philosophy
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Macgill, Jennifer. "Conducting suicide research in Australia in relation to the operation of Human Research Ethics Committees". Thesis, University of Ballarat, 2008.

Texto completo da fonte
This thesis began with a research project on suicide that was abandoned after many hurdles were encountered in terms of reaching participants and after various applications to ethics committees. The ultimate research question was then recast as ‘Do Human Research Ethics Committees influence the conduct of suicide research in Australia?’ The conceptual framework for setting up the research was derived from literature on Critical Theory, Feminism and Weberian concepts of power and rationality. Subsidiary questions were then derived from this literature and the starting exemplar case of my own research attempts. These considered whether suicide research was problematic for ethics committees, the nature of the experiences of ethics committee members in making decisions regarding suicide research and whether the influences of disciplinary background, patriarchal medical dominance and pro-positivism were evident. In addition, questions were raised about whether and how other researchers who sought approval to conduct research into suicide-related issues were appraised. [...]
Doctor of Philosophy
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Larsson, Sanna, e Kristin Noord. "Digitala läromedel i engelskundervisning : En analys av vad webbsidor kan bidra med i relation till grundskolans centrala innehåll". Thesis, Örebro universitet, Institutionen för humaniora, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskap, 2017.

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Children of today grow up in a digital world. Society becomes increasingly digitized, and as a result of that, the conditions for education have changed. Digital tools become more and more common in the classroom. The purpose of this essay is to find out what online websites can contribute to in the language classroom, and what other aspects teachers need to consider in conjunction with that. To do this we did a teaching material study on five websites developed for educational use. We have reviewed the websites to find out if pupils can access the central content for English F-3, by using the websites. The study will also focus on the gender perspective and what the websites can mediate to pupils in that respect. Our analysis shows that integration of websites in the language classroom can promote the pupils’ goal completion and their learning process. We can see that it requires that teachers have pedagogic competence. Our analysis shows that even if the websites can contribute to school’s knowledge mission, they can fail in other aspects, such as the schools value mission. Our conclusion is therefore that the teachers’ pedagogic competence is highly relevant, in that they must have so many different aspects to consider when planning lessons and what study material to use.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Williams, Jonathan. "A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of Social Housing Residents in Relation to their Digital Exclusion". Master's thesis, Faculty of Commerce, 2018.

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There is no more significant threat to a prosperous South Africa than the persistent socioeconomic exclusion and continuous spatial segregation of South African society. Social housing and digital inclusion both play a critical role as inclusionary interventions for the socioeconomic advancement of the previously disenfranchised and the reintegration of apartheid-era segregated communities. Access to ICTs provides marginalised communities with platforms and tools to amplify their voices, gain access to information and reaffirm their citizenship, thereby allowing for more vigorous participation in the national discourse. “The goal of ICTs is not to necessarily solve the digital divide but rather to further the process of social inclusion.” (Warschauer, 2003) Furthermore, these technological platforms provide access to life chances, capital enhancing activities, information and the possibility of building networks outside of individuals’ modest social networks. This study seeks to understand how digital exclusion influences the experience of overall inclusion in South African social housing. This dissertation is a qualitative study employing a mixture of phenomenological and ethnographic methods to document and make sense of the lived experiences of participants in relation to their exclusion. The study uses of semi-structured interviews, focus groups and surveys to explore participants’ adaptation and integration into local formal institutions and the host community of Blue View Terraces, a mostly white, middle-income neighbourhood located in Cape Town. The study discovered the coexistence of many different and competing forms of exclusion. Firstly, a key finding during the process of residential desegregation or spatial inclusion was participants’ pervasive experiences of power dynamics. These power dynamics manifested as discrimination and marginalisation that was partly caused by the absence of relocation support, public awareness programs about social housing and a failure by the social housing institution to adequately address more forms of inclusion than just spatial. Secondly, the findings showed the design of the housing development to be hopelessly inadequate to support newcomers’ actual lives. Necessary infrastructure was omitted in favour of a lower build cost. This led to a higher cost of living that is unaffordable for social housing residents and negates the benefits of lower cost rental accommodation. Lastly, findings showed that digital exclusion negatively influences the adjustment of low-socioeconomic status children into high-socioeconomic schools and leads to forced assimilation when learners come into daily contact with schools in their locality. The findings signify that social and economic inclusion efforts and even building projects can and should not be considered in isolation. Each form of exclusion competes with another, often exacerbating its effects. Also, of significance is the default approach to integration in South African schools of assimilation rather than multiculturalism. The outcomes of this study highlight the importance of considering multiple forms of exclusion together rather than in isolation, especially in the context of social inclusion projects.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Williams, Jonathan. "A phenomenological study of the lived experiences of social housing residents in relation to their digital exclusion". Master's thesis, Faculty of Commerce, 2019.

Texto completo da fonte
There is no more significant threat to a prosperous South Africa than the persistent socioeconomic exclusion and continuous spatial segregation of South African society. Social housing and digital inclusion both play a critical role as inclusionary interventions for the socioeconomic advancement of the previously disenfranchised and the reintegration of apartheid-era segregated communities. Access to ICTs provides marginalised communities with platforms and tools to amplify their voices, gain access to information and reaffirm their citizenship, thereby allowing for more vigorous participation in the national discourse. “The goal of ICTs is not to necessarily solve the digital divide but rather to further the process of social inclusion.” (Warschauer, 2003) Furthermore, these technological platforms provide access to life chances, capital enhancing activities, information and the possibility of building networks outside of individuals' modest social networks. This study seeks to understand how digital exclusion influences the experience of overall inclusion in South African social housing. This dissertation is a qualitative study employing a mixture of phenomenological and ethnographic methods to document and make sense of the lived experiences of participants in relation to their exclusion. The study uses of semi-structured interviews, focus groups and surveys to explore participants' adaptation and integration into local formal institutions and the host community of Blue View Terraces, a mostly white, middle-income neighbourhood located in Cape Town. The study discovered the coexistence of many different and competing forms of exclusion. Firstly, a key finding during the process of residential desegregation or spatial inclusion was participants' pervasive experiences of power dynamics. These power dynamics manifested as discrimination and marginalisation that was partly caused by the absence of relocation support, public awareness programs about social housing and a failure by the social housing institution to adequately address more forms of inclusion than just spatial. Secondly, the findings showed the design of the housing development to be hopelessly inadequate to support newcomers' actual lives. Necessary infrastructure was omitted in favour of a lower build cost. This led to a higher cost of living that is unaffordable for social housing residents and negates the benefits of lower cost rental accommodation. Lastly, findings showed that digital exclusion negatively influences the adjustment of low-socioeconomic status children into high-socioeconomic schools and leads to forced assimilation when learners come into daily contact with schools in their locality. The findings signify that social and economic inclusion efforts and even building projects can and should not be considered in isolation. Each form of exclusion competes with another, often exacerbating its effects. Also, of significance is the default approach to integration in South African schools of assimilation rather than multiculturalism. The outcomes of this study highlight the importance of considering multiple forms of exclusion together rather than in isolation, especially in the context of social inclusion projects.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Jordaan, Jason. "An examination of validation practices in relation to the forensic acquisition of digital evidence in South Africa". Thesis, Rhodes University, 2014.

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The acquisition of digital evidence is the most crucial part of the entire digital forensics process. During this process, digital evidence is acquired in a forensically sound manner to ensure the legal admissibility and reliability of that evidence in court. In the acquisition process various hardware or software tools are used to acquire the digital evidence. All of the digital forensic standards relating to the acquisition of digital evidence require that the hardware and software tools used in the acquisition process are validated as functioning correctly and reliably, as this lends credibility to the evidence in court. In fact the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002 in South Africa specifically requires courts to consider issues such as reliability and the manner in which the integrity of digital evidence is ensured when assessing the evidential weight of digital evidence. Previous research into quality assurance in the practice of digital forensics in South Africa identified that in general, tool validation was not performed, and as such a hypothesis was proposed that digital forensic practitioners in South Africa make use of hardware and/or software tools for the forensic acquisition of digital evidence, whose validity and/or reliability cannot be objectively proven. As such the reliability of any digital evidence preserved using those tools is potentially unreliable. This hypothesis was tested in the research through the use of a survey of digital forensic practitioners in South Africa. The research established that the majority of digital forensic practitioners do not use tools in the forensic acquisition of digital evidence that can be proven to be validated and/or reliable. While just under a fifth of digital forensic practitioners can provide some proof of validation and/or reliability, the proof of validation does not meet formal international standards. In essence this means that digital evidence, which is preserved through the use of specific hardware and/or software tools for subsequent presentation and reliance upon as evidence in a court of law, is preserved by tools where the objective and scientific validity thereof has not been determined. Since South African courts must consider reliability in terms of Section 15(3) of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002 in assessing the weight of digital evidence, this is undermined through the current state of practice in South Africa by digital forensic practitioners.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Rebelo, Antoine, e Maida Sijaric. "Digitalisering och hållbarhet - Hjälp eller stjälp? : Hur social hållbarhet och digitalisering, i relation till digital vård, är sammankopplade". Thesis, Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för teknik och samhälle (TS), 2021.

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Den ökade användningen av E-Hälsa i Sverige, delvis driven av den rådande Coronaviruspandemin, illustreras tydligt av det digitala vårdmötet - “nätdoktorn”. Lagen om tillgänglighet till digital offentlig service (DOS-lagen) trädde i kraft 2019. Den bestämmer krav för att statliga, regionala, och kommunala aktörer ska säkerställa att tjänsterna de erbjuder är tillgängliga för alla. Om de inte är det ska en redogörelse finnas som förklarar varför, och hur de planerar att åtgärda bristerna. Lagen inkluderar privata aktörer som finansieras med offentliga medel. Den träder först i kraft för mobilapplikationer i slutet av juni 2021. Målet med denna studien var att ta reda på hur tillgängliga dessa privata aktörer faktiskt är, och till vilken grad de riskerar att exkludera människor. Detta målet uppnåddes genom att jämföra de tre mest populära mobila applikationer som erbjuder digitala vårdmöten, emot kriterierna i WCAG 2.1 till nivå AA. Kriterierna testades med två mobiltelefoner: en med operativsystemet Android, och en med iOS. Samtliga applikationer visade sig till stor del inte följa riktlinjerna. En fullständig redogörelse gjordes för vilka applikationer som bröt mot vilka riktlinjer, med relevanta skärmdumpar inkluderade. Resultaten analyserades efter hur detta kan påverka användaren, och diskuterades utefter hur detta kan påverka samhället i stort. Tidigare forskning kring den digitala klyftan, samt tillgång till digital sjukvård, jämfördes med resultaten för att forma studiens slutsatser. Undersökningen visar tydligt att avvikelser från riktlinjerna skapar problem för funktionsvarierade användare, och att endast en av applikationerna erbjuder stöd för fler språk utöver svenska och engelska. Studien instämmer även med tidigare forskare om att framtida forskning och utveckling av E-Hälsa och digital tillgänglighet måste vara användardriven - specifikt driven av funktionsvarierade användare.
The sharp increase in E-Health usage driven by the COVID-19 pandemic has in Sweden most notably been observed in the rise of mobile applications offering remote health care-consultations. The law of accessible digital public service has been in effect since 2019. It compels governmental, regional, and municipal bodies to ensure that their services are accessible for everyone and, if not, to produce a full accounting of how and why. This includes private agents who provide a publicly funded service. This law only starts applying to mobile applications from June in 2021. The aim of the study was to find out how accessible the services these agents provide are, and to what degree they may risk excluding people. The aim was achieved by comparing the three most popular mobile applications that provide remote consultations, against the success criterions of the WCAG 2.1 to level AA. One phone running Android and one running iOS were used in testing. All three applications were found to be largely non-conforming to the guidelines. A full accounting was made of how the tested success criterions were met by each application, with included screenshot examples. The results were analysed in view of the direct implication on the user, and discussed concerning what implications they may have on a societal level. Corollaries were drawn to past research of access to digital healthcare and the digital divide to form conclusions. A lack of accessibility in these applications was concluded to threaten work towards social sustainability. Breaching the guidelines directly creates problems for disabled users, and only one of the applications supports a great range of languages. In agreement with past researchers, future accessibility research and WCAG-analysis is strongly suggested to be user-centered - specifically centered around disabled users.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Nyiri, Alexander. "Det finansiella äktenskapet : En kvantitativ studie om kundens relation till banken i det moderna samhället". Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för marknadsföring (MF), 2017.

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Syftet med studien är att utforska och se om det finns ett positivt samband mellan kundlojalitet samt servicekvalitet med kundens relation till banken. Det genom att jämföra kundens relation till banken traditionellt och digitalt. Den här studien utgår från en kvantitativ forskningsmetod för att besvara studiens syfte och de hypoteser som skapats. Här har jag utgått från en deduktiv ansats, där jag utifrån teori skapat en enkätundersökning som innefattar 141 respondenter. Resultatet för den traditionella banken visar på att det finns ett positivt samband från kunden, ju lojalare man är, desto bättre är relationen med banken. Likaså är det när det kommer till servicekvalitet, ju bättre upplevd service, desto bättre är relationen med banken. Faktorerna har även ställts mot den digitala banken och här går det inte att hitta ett signifikant samband.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Esplan, Nicolas. "Les métamorphoses de la relation de soin au prisme de l'évolution numérique". Thesis, Montpellier 1, 2011.

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L'échange et le partage d'informations est devenu de nos jours un acte de gestion courante pour l'ensemble du monde professionnel. Pour autant, du point de vue juridique, cette situation interpelle de par sa complexité. Au travers de la régulation de l'information, de la dématérialisation des échanges, la multiplication des acteurs, les professionnels du droit doivent s'interroger concernant l'interaction entre le possible technique et les impératifs réglementaires. Domaine parmi tant d'autres, le monde sanitaire constitue assurément un espace permettant d'étudier ce mouvement à deux temps, notamment lorsque l'on observe plus particulièrement la relation de soins. En effet, l'évolution numérique qui s'applique désormais à cette relation constitue véritablement une étape significative dans le long développement historique de la science médicale. Bien sûr, mêlant tout à la fois modernisation et transformation, elle oblige à une réflexion où s'entremêle banalité et originalité. Mais cette réflexion s'avère nécessaire, car si le développement numérique participe à une meilleure qualité des soins et à une meilleure coordination, il ne doit pas faire oublier qu'il est avant tout au service des individus
The exchange and the sharing of information became nowadays an act of current management for the whole professional world. However, from the legal point of view, this situation calls due to its complexity. Through the regulation of the information, the dematerialization of the exchanges, the increase of the actors, the professionals of the law have to wonder concerning the interaction between the possible technical and the statutory imperatives. Domain among so many others, the sanitary world constitutes undoubtedly a space allowing to study this movement in two time, in particular when we observe more particularly the relation of care. Indeed, the digital evolution which applies henceforth to this relation really constitutes a significant stage in the long historic development of the medical science. Of course, mixing quite at once modernization and transformation, it obliges a reflection where becomes entangled commonness and originality. But this reflection turns out necessary, because if the digital development participates in a better quality of the care and in a better coordination, he does not have to make forget that he is above all in the service of the individuals
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Kohnić, Selma, e Julia Sjöberg. "Att koppla bort i ett ständigt uppkopplat samhälle : En kvalitativ studie kring digital natives relation till sociala medier". Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för informatik (IK), 2018.

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I dagens samhälle är användningen av sociala medier större än någonsin och den ökar för varje år. Med den stora användningen följer många positiva effekter som till exempel sociala interaktioner, lättillgänglig information, samt nytta och nöje. Det finns också negativa effekter som till exempel att användarnas välmående påverkas. Tidigare forskning visar på att det finns både psykiska och fysiska negativa följder vid överdriven användning av sociala medier. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar digital natives beteende och användarupplevelse vid användning av sociala medier, samt hur ett verktyg kan utvecklas för att öka användarens upplevda beteendekontroll. Studien grundar sig i ett teoretiskt ramverk bestående av användarupplevelse, Theory of planned behavior och Persuasive technology, vilka tillsammans bidrar till en djupare förståelse av användarna. Med ett kvalitativt arbetssätt genomfördes fyra dagboksundersökningar och sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med deltagare som identifierar sig som kvinnor. Tidigare forskning visar på att kvinnor i större omfång än män drabbas av negativa effekter vid användning av sociala medier, vilket är anledningen till att urvalet endast bestod av kvinnor i denna studie. Alla studiedeltagare var även digital natives, det vill säga personer som vuxit upp med teknologi och besitter stora tekniska kunskaper. Resultatet visade på att användning av sociala medier till stor del påverkas av attityder gentemot dem, subjektiva normer och av den upplevda beteendekontrollen. Den sociala pressen av användningen, påverkan av vänner och familj samt den egna upplevda kontrollen över användningen var starka mönster som framkom i undersökningarna. Ett automatiserat beteende där användningen inte alltid skedde medvetet var en återkommande faktor som togs i beaktande vid utvecklingen av gränssnittet. Med hjälp av termen användarupplevelse samt Theory of planned behavior kunde studiedeltagarnas beteende och upplevelser förstås och tolkas. Denna förståelse tillsammans med Persuasive technology bidrog till ett förslag på ett hjälpmedel i form av ett gränssnitt där fokus ligger på att försöka förbättra användarupplevelsen och den upplevda beteendekontrollen, vilket i sin tur kan minska de negativa effekter som kan uppstå vid användning av sociala medier.
In today's society the use of social media is greater than ever and it increases every year. With this extensive use there are some positives, such as social interactions and easily accessible information, as well as uses for business and pleasure. There are also negative effects such as the well-being of users being compromised. Previous research shows that there are both negative psychological and physical consequences associated with excessive use of social media. The aim of the study was to examine what factors influence digital natives’ behavior and user experience when using social media, as well as how to develop a tool that increases the user’s perceived behavioral control. The study is based on a theoretical framework consisting of User Experience, Theory of Planned Behavior and Persuasive Technology, that together contribute to a deeper understanding of the users. With a qualitative approach, four diary studies and six semi-structured interviews were carried out with participants identifying as women. Previous research shows that women to a greater extent than men suffer from adverse effects following the use of social media, which is why the participants consisted of women in this study. All participants were digital natives, that is, people who grew up with technology and hold great technical knowledge. The results indicated that the use of social media was largely influenced by attitudes towards it, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control. The social pressure of usage, the influence of friends and family as well as the perceived control of use were strong patterns found in the surveys. An automated behavior where usage was not always a conscious choice was a recurring factor that was taken into account in the development of the interface. With the help of the term user experience and Theory of planned behavior, the behavior and user experiences of the informants could be understood and interpreted. This understanding, along with Persuasive technology, contributed to a proposal for an interface focusing on trying to improve user experience and perceived behavioral control, which in turn can reduce the negative effects that may occur when using social media.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Bortolotti, Rosa Maria. "Jeunesses populaires en ligne : la relation éducative à l’épreuve des paniques numériques. Le cas de la Prévention Spécialisée". Electronic Thesis or Diss., CY Cergy Paris Université, 2023.

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Dans une société de plus en plus numérisée où les outils et les réseaux sociaux numériques sont largement utilisés par les jeunesses populaires, des « paniques morales » trouvent un nouveau terrain d’application. Naïveté, dangerosité, addiction aux écrans, analphabétisme technologique, recherche de buzz par les bagarres filmées, provocation, obésité : autant de représentations refoulées qui se réactivent. Cette thèse interroge le rapport au numérique des jeunesses populaires et des professionnels socio-éducatifs qui les accompagnent. Réalisée dans un territoire sensible en Île de France, par le biais d’une démarche ethnographique (physique et virtuelle), elle est le fruit de trois ans de travail de terrain (2019-2022) effectués auprès d’une trentaine des professionnels de la Prévention Spécialisée et d’une soixantaine de jeunes, âgés de 12 à 23 ans, accompagnés par des éducatrices et éducateurs de rue. Nous analysons les représentations de ces professionnels sur les pratiques numériques des jeunes, en particulier sur les réseaux sociaux numériques, et les confrontons aux usages numériques de ces derniers. Dans un premier temps, nous faisons le constat de la prégnance dans le secteur d’une vision négative sur les pratiques numériques des jeunes, relevant d’un phénomène que nous qualifions de « panique numérique ». Dans un second temps, nous interrogeons cette « panique numérique » en retraçant la vie numérique des jeunes. Nous montrons que les « jeunesses populaires » utilisent les réseaux sociaux numériques principalement pour s’épanouir et entretenir des liens d’amitié, même si leurs pratiques s’inscrivent dans des rapports sociaux situés. Enfin, nous explorons les différentes pratiques numériques d’un certain nombre de professionnels qui, rejetant la « panique numérique », s’investissent dans l’univers juvénile digital. Les nouvelles sociabilités numériques sont ici vécues comme une « épreuve » qui les invite à actualiser leurs méthodes d’accompagnement et à développer ce que nous appelons une « relation éducative numérisée ». Cette thèse vise à faire la démonstration que les discours traditionnellement pessimistes à l’égard des jeunesses populaires, qui s’ancrent dans une inquiétude envers toute nouvelle pratique culturelle, rejaillissent sur les modes de prise en charge éducative
In an increasingly digitalized society where digital tools and social networks are widely used by popular youth, “moral panics” find a new field of application. Naivety, dangerousness, screen addiction, technological illiteracy, search for buzz through filmed fights, provocation, obesity: as many repressed representations which are being reactivated. This thesis questions the relationship between digital technology and young people in situations of social vulnerability and the socio-educational professionals who accompany them. Carried out in a sensitive territory in Île de France*, through an ethnographic approach (physical and virtual), this thesis is the result of three years of field work (2019-2022) carried out with around thirty professionals in the field of Specialized Prevention and around sixty young people, aged 12 to 23, accompanied by street educators. We analyse the representations of these professionals on the digital practices of young people, in particular regarding digital social networks, and confront them with the digital uses of the former. Firstly, we note the prevalence, in the sector, of negative vision of the digital practices of young people, relating to a phenomenon that we describe as “digital panic”. Secondly, we question this “digital panic” by retracing the digital lives of young people. We underline that “popular online youth” use digital social networks to flourish, develop a cultural practice and above all maintain friendships, even if their digital practices are part of situated social relationships. Finally, we explore the different digital practices of a certain number of professionals who, rejecting “digital panic”, are investing in the juvenile digital world. The new digital sociabilities are experienced here as a “digital test” which invites them to update their guidance methods and to develop what we call a “digitalized educational relationship”. This thesis aims to demonstrate that traditionally pessimistic discourses towards working-class youth, which are rooted in a concern towards any new cultural practice, reflect on the methods of educational support for their digital practices
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Persson, Hampus. "Den moderna vinylen : En studie av unga vuxnas relation till vinylskivor som lyssningsformat". Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för musik och bild (MB), 2016.

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Denna uppsats diskuterar fyra unga vuxnas, i Växjö, relation till vinylskivor som format för musiklyssning. Genom den kvalitativa intervjumetoden görs ett försök att beskriva hur informanterna motiverar användandet av vinylskivor, vilka egenskaper som de tillskriver skivorna och hur det förhåller sig gentemot digital musiklyssning. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av teorier kring retrologier (skapandet av sätt att se tillbaka), affordance (vinylskivans polyvokala egenskaper) och rekontextualiseringsprocesser (vilka egenskaper tillskrivs formatet i en modern kontext). Studien visar på vinylskivans förmåga att frambringa en särskild känsla hos informanterna och hur detta skapas utifrån flertalet olika dimensioner, så som skivans fysikalitet, visuella egenskaper och inbjudan till ett aktivt lyssnande.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Naudin, Hermine. "La relation auteur-éditeur dans le contrat d'édition littéraire". Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2015.

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La démocratisation de l’écrit dans notre société culturelle moderne a fait que tout un chacun peut se revendiquer auteur. La reconnaissance n’est plus désormais à rechercher à travers la traditionnelle publication chez un éditeur mais à travers l’immatérialité des outils d’auto-édition offerts en ligne. D’une part, avec la phase de désintermédiation qui se joue entre les différents acteurs du secteur littéraire, l’écrivain se passe d’une maison d’édition. L’éditeur disparaît. D’autre part, l’auteur, personnage romantique et emblématique sur lequel le droit d’auteur a été forgé, s’efface progressivement du paysage juridique. Avec l’effacement du mythe est emportée la vision propriétaire des droits d’auteur, au profit de l’utilisateur. L’auteur disparaît. Les nouvelles pratiques de cette société connectée bouleversent le droit et sa capacité d’adaptation. Pourtant le contrat d’édition littéraire, socle de la relation auteur-éditeur, existe bel et bien et constitue le sujet de cette étude. Modèle dominant des contrats d’auteur, l’ambition de cette recherche est d’arriver à saisir à travers cette relation la nature du contrat d’édition et le jeu des nouveaux équilibres posés par l'ère numérique (réforme du Code de propriété intellectuelle), mais aussi de saisir les mutations à la lisière du droit d’auteur qui redéfinissent la possession dans l’ère immatérielle avec les modèles alternatifs du contrat d’édition littéraire (licences libres et creative commons). Les moyens d'y répondre emprunteront à l'analyse juridique mais aussi dans une juste mesure à l'internormativité, qui permettra d'observer le droit avec les yeux du sociologue, de l'économiste et de l'historien
The liberalization of writing in our contemporary cultural society has made it so anyone can now aim for the title of author. The recognition of one’s work is now sought, not through the traditional means of publishing, with the assistance of a professional publisher, but through immaterial processes of self- online publishing. On one hand, thanks to these new means, the author is able to cut the intermediation of the publishing field and to avoid using a professional publishing company. On the other hand, the author, romantic and emblematic character upon whom author’s rights have been forged is fading away from the legal landscape. With the decay of the myth, the ownership conception of author’s rights is taken away by those of the user. The author is fading away. The new customs of our over connected society are dramatically changing law and its ability to adapt. Although, publishing contracts are still a part of the process and are the subject at the heart of this study. The French intellectual property code was able to grant this contract access to the dematerialized world by incorporating the paradigm shift. Main model of publishing contracts, its ambivalent nature is due to the merging of both civil and intellectual property law that can be applied to it. This study aims to capture the true nature of the publishing contract figure, through the relations established between authors and publishers, including their new balance, and also to grasp a full understanding of the mutations surrounding the authors’ rights and that redefine ownership in a now immaterial era through the new alternative means of self-publishing (free licenses and creative commons)
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Sundenäng, Tobias, e David Olivares. "Podcast : Ett digitalt verktyg för att öka elevers möjligheter till delaktighet på fritidshemmet". Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för pedagogik och lärande (PEL), 2018.

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Syftet med utvecklingsprojektet var att öka elevernas möjligheter till delaktighet på fritidshemmet genom att bedriva en podcast tillsammans med eleverna. Arbetet tog utgångspunkt i aktionsforskning där Tripps aktionsmodell låg till grund för processen. Genomförandet gjordes på ett fritidshem bestående av 46 elever i årskurs 3-6 samt två lärare. Totalt deltog 15 elever och två lärare i projektet som erbjöd möjligheter till delaktighet för elever och lärare i form av inspelning, redigering och publicering. Elevernas kommunikation samt relationen mellan lärare-elev var av vikt för att uppnå projektets syfte. Utvecklingsprojektet förväntades bidra till att öka den digitala kompetensen på fritidshemmet. Genom samtal, observationer och förenkäter anpassade för lärare respektive elever på fritidshemmet framkom att både lärare och elever hade bristfälliga kunskaper inom digital kompetens. Av efterenkäterna som fylldes i efter avslutat projekt kunde utläsas att både elevernas möjligheter till delaktighet samt den digitala kompetensen på fritidshemmet hade ökat i och med arbetet med podcast som pedagogiskt verktyg.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Macdonald, Jacobsson Emma-Gill, e Matilda Ljungberg. "Individuell digital hälsovägledning; Vilka faktorer är viktiga för att det ska fungera? : en kvalitativ studie". Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen för hälsa, lärande och teknik, 2021.

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Syfte: Syftet med studien var att utifrån deltagarnas tidigare erfarenheter av individuell coachning undersöka vilka faktorer som kan vara viktiga för en fungerande individuell digital hälsovägledning. Metod: Studien utfördes med en kvalitativ metod utifrån fokusgrupper med totalt tio deltagare, fördelat i tre grupper, där de diskuterade frågor utifrån en intervjuguide. Resultat: Genom en manifest innehållsanalys framkom en huvudkategori och tre underkategorier. Huvudkategorin var “Skapa personlig relation” och underkategorierna var “Bygga förtroende genom videosamtal & uppföljning”, “Tillgodose behov genom individanpassning” och “Skapa större frihet genom flexibilitet & tillgänglighet”. Resultatet visade att en personlig relation mellan kund och hälsovägledare var det viktigaste för en fungerande digital vägledning. Denna relation kunde enligt deltagarna skapas genom videosamtal och regelbunden uppföljning. Deltagarna menade att tillgodose behov genom individanpassad vägledning var en viktig faktor, och för att kunna göra det var den personliga relationen viktig. Slutligen ansågs den frihet som skapas till följd av flexibiliteten och tillgängligheten vara både en fördel, men också en viktig faktor för en fungerande digital hälsovägledning. Slutsats: Resultatet visar konkreta faktorer som hälsovägledare och andra yrken inom hälsopromotion kan ha användning av vid digitalt arbete.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Lee, Luck Kiefer, e Anna Gyllenklev. ""Jag har sökt på det och nu så förföljer det mig" : En studie om data mining och användares relation till sina smartmobiler". Thesis, Södertörns högskola, Medieteknik, 2019.

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What lies beneath the surface of modern day interfaces? And what are the consequences of sharing our digital self with companies in exchange for free services? We report on a study of smartphone users in Sweden where behaviours and reactions are assessed from a critical viewpoint using the suggested method “Clear the palace”. Users express concerns regarding management of the digital self as well as showing awareness of the limitations within personalization as a result of data mining. Strategies to limit mobile overuse are discussed. The analysis is based on; Shklovski’s notions privacy paradox and creepiness and Pierce’s framework of undesigning technology. Clear the Palace as a methodology is assessed aswell as societal implications of data mining are problematized.
Vad pågår under ytan av moderna gränssnitt? Och vad är konsekvenserna av att vi delar våra digitala jag med företag i utbyte mot gratis tjänster? Vi redogör för en studie av mobilanvändare i Sverige där beteenden och reaktioner studeras ur ett kritiskt perspektiv med metoden “Röj palatset”. Användare uttrycker oro gällande hanteringen av det digitala jaget och uppvisar medvetenhet angående begränsningarna av personalisering som en följd av data mining. Strategier för att begränsa överanvändning av smartmobiler diskuteras. Analysen baseras på; Privacy Paradox, Leakiness/Creepiness enligt Shklovski och Pierce ramverk Undesigning Technology. Röj palatset som metod utvärderas och implikationer av data mining för samhället problematiseras.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Lindström, Sofia, Sebastian Edemalm e Erik Reinholdsson. "Marketers are Watching You : An exploration of AI in relation to marketing, existential threats, and opportunities". Thesis, Jönköping University, 2021.

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Background: As of today, it is apparent that with the ever-changing demands and needs of customers, companies are facing enormous pressure to deliver the right value, on time, in the right way, and proper manner. To realize the full potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI), a careful plan and method need to be established in the development and deployment when incorporating the technology with marketing. Technology is evolving at a rapid pace and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be found in a variety of applications. AI in marketing can provide valuable data clusterization and insights for personalized recommendations, customer segmentation, or even advertising optimization.  Problem:  To date, a few studies have been made due to the rapid development of AI which has shown an opportunity for marketers. From this hype, companies are looking into speedy implementation where one can forget that this technology comes with risks and threats. “The problem is that everybody has unconscious biases and people embed their own biases into technology” (Kantayya, 2021). Although machines can deliver personalized numerical information, it cannot deliver new solutions such as products and services, nor classify different outputs with a cognitive mindset which could result in biased results. The objective of this research is to utilize the information and insights gathered from experts in the field of engineering and marketing to gain a holistic view of the current and future capabilities of AI in marketing.  Purpose: The focus of this bachelor thesis is to provide additional insights in regards to Artificial Intelligence in relation to marketing, taking into consideration bias, personalization, the black box, along with other possible implications of AI systems, also referred to as the dark side. To fulfill the researchers’ objective, qualitative interviews with practitioners and employees with different roles within the field of AI and Marketing were conducted. The paper will be focusing on concepts, theories, secondary data, and interviews which will be further discussed and give opportunities for future research.   Method: To perform this research, a qualitative research design was applied, and 12 structured interviews were conducted with those who have knowledge and experience with AI, marketing, or both.  Results: The study elucidates the potentials and fallbacks of Artificial Intelligence in marketing. Where the findings suggest a mixture of human intervention and technology is needed to work against the perceptions, bias, and manipulation the technology can possess. The aims then guide towards the conclusion presenting the important cognitive and emotional skills that humans obtain that are currently lacking in AI.  This study finds several key areas both in terms of opportunities and risks. Such key areas involve the possibility of delivering new, unique personalized content to a mass audience at lightning-quick speed and at the same time presenting a handful of risks by giving machines the permission to make human decisions. Risks found in this study presented as the dark side include the bubble, bias, manipulation, fear of losing jobs, lack of transparency creating the black-box phenomena. Therefore, this research is interesting especially for marketing managers in how AI could be used both from an opportunity perspective and possible risks to consider.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Joyeux, Jean-Marc. "Analyse de la digitalisation du canal de distribution : une approche triadique dans l’étude du risque de désintermédiation des grossistes traditionnels". Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2020.

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Les intermédiaires sont des acteurs peu étudiés en Sciences de Gestion. La recherche propose de mettre en avant un type d’intermédiaire particulier qu’est le grossiste traditionnel. Face à la digitalisation de tous les secteurs, il est intéressant de s’interroger sur la capacité des grossistes à générer de la valeur ajoutée dans le canal de distribution. En se basant sur la méthodologie triadique et sur le terrain d’étude, il s’avère que le digital peut modifier les processus relationnels interorganisationnels. En l’absence de demande forte de l’aval du canal de distribution, les grossistes ont du mal à mettre en place une stratégie digitale faisant sens. En revanche, ce retard permet à l’industriel de prendre le leadership sur les flux informationnels en laissant la gestion des flux physiques et financiers au grossiste traditionnel. Ce phénomène de réintermédiation partielle remet en cause les relations entre les acteurs sans pour autant voir la disparition du grossiste
Intermediaries are little studied in Management Science. The research proposes to put forward a particular type of intermediary that is the wholesaler. Faced with the digitization of all sectors, it is interesting to question the capacity of wholesalers to generate added value in the distribution channel. Based on the triadic methodology and the field of study, it turns out that digital can modify one of the inter-organizational relational processes. In the absence of a strong demand for downstream distribution channels, wholesalers are struggling to put in place a digital strategy that makes sense. On the other hand, this delay allows the industrialist to take the lead on information flows by leaving the management of physical flows to the wholesaler. This phenomenon of partial re-intermediation calls into question the relations between the actors without seeing the disappearance of the wholesaler
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Huber, Markus B. [Verfasser], e Gregor [Akademischer Betreuer] Morfill. "The relation between physical properties of galaxies and their environmental geometry in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey / Markus B. Huber. Betreuer: Gregor Morfill". München : Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 2015.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Ferreira, Elga. "Understanding mobile and locative media and its influence on urban culture : emergent digital spaces and artistic design practice in relation to contemporary mobility". Thesis, University of West London, 2009.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.
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