Teses / dissertações sobre o tema "Radio Resources Allocation"
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Weng, Lingfan. "Analysis and allocation of radio resources in cooperative wireless networks /". View abstract or full-text, 2008. http://library.ust.hk/cgi/db/thesis.pl?ECED%202008%20WENG.
Texto completo da fonteSharara, Mahdi. "Resource Allocation in Future Radio Access Networks". Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023UPASG024.
Texto completo da fonteThis dissertation considers radio and computing resource allocation in future radio access networks and more precisely Cloud Radio Access Network (Cloud-RAN) and Open Radio Access Network (Open-RAN). In these architectures, the baseband processing of multiple base stations is centralized and virtualized. This permits better network optimization and allows for saving capital expenditure and operational expenditure. In the first part, we consider a coordination scheme between radio and computing schedulers. In case the computing resources are not sufficient, the computing scheduler sends feedback to the radio scheduler to update the radio parameters. While this reduces the radio throughput of the user, it guarantees that the frame will be processed at the computing scheduler level. We model this coordination scheme using Integer Linear Programming (ILP) with the objectives of maximizing the total throughput and users' satisfaction. The results demonstrate the ability of this scheme to improve different parameters, including the reduction of wasted transmission power. Then, we propose low-complexity heuristics, and we test them in an environment of multiple services with different requirements. In the second part, we consider the joint radio and computing resource allocation. Radio and computing resources are jointly allocated with the aim of minimizing energy consumption. The problem is modeled as a Mixed Integer Linear Programming Problem (MILP) and is compared to another MILP problem that maximizes the total throughput. The results demonstrate the ability of joint allocation to minimize energy consumption in comparison with the sequential allocation. Finally, we propose a low-complexity matching game-based algorithm that can be an alternative for solving the high-complexity MILP problem. In the last part, we investigate the usage of machine learning tools. First, we consider a deep learning model that aims to learn how to solve the coordination ILP problem, but with a much shorter time. Then, we consider a reinforcement learning model that aims to allocate computing resources for users to maximize the operator's profit
Schimuneck, Matias Artur Klafke. "Adaptive Monte Carlo algorithm to global radio resources optimization in H-CRAN". reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/169922.
Texto completo da fonteUp until 2020 it is expected that cellular networks must raise the coverage area in 10-fold, support a 100-fold more user equipments, and increase the data rate capacity by a 1000-fold in comparison with current cellular networks. The dense deployment of small cells is considered a promising solution to reach such aggressive improvements, once it moves the antennas closer to the users, achieving higher data rates due to the signal quality at short distances. However, operating a massive number of antennas can significantly increase the energy consumption of the network infrastructure. Furthermore, the large insertion of new radios brings greater spectral interference between the cells. In this scenery, the optimal management of radio resources turn an exaction due to the impact on the quality of service provided to the users. For example, low transmission powers can leave users without connection, while high transmission powers can contribute to inter radios interference. Furthermore, the interference can be raised on the unplanned reuse of the radio resources, resulting in low data transmission per radio resource, as the under-reuse of radio resources limits the overall data transmission capacity. A solution to control the transmission power, assign the spectral radio resources, and ensure the service to the users is essential. In this thesis, we propose an Adaptive Monte Carlo algorithm to perform global energy efficient resource allocation for Heterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Network (HCRAN) architectures, which are forecast as future fifth-generation (5G) networks. We argue that our global proposal offers an efficient solution to the resource allocation for both high and low density scenarios. Our contributions are threefold: (i) the proposal of a global approach to the radio resource assignment problem in H-CRAN architecture, whose stochastic character ensures an overall solution space sampling; (ii) a critical comparison between our global solution and a local model; (iii) the demonstration that, for high density scenarios, Energy Efficiency is not a well suited metric for efficient allocation, considering data rate capacity, fairness, and served users. Moreover, we compare our proposal against three state-of-the-art resource allocation algorithms for 5G networks.
Amer, Asmaa. "Resource Allocation in NOMA-based cellular networks". Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UPASG089.
Texto completo da fonteThis thesis aims to optimize resources allocation within NOMA systems, particularly downlink cooperative NOMA systems, within single-antenna and multiple antenna base station (BS) configurations. This aims to maximize spectral and energy efficiency, and to propose more efficient NOMA schemes that can reap benefits of NOMA and address the limitations of currently considered NOMA schemes, in terms of power consumption and receiver complexity. In the first contribution, a network-slicing-based cooperative NOMA based system is investigated to accommodate both cellular users and device-to-device (D2D) pairs with enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) and Ultra reliable low latency communication (URLLC) services requirements. The optimization problem is formulated as sum-throughput maximization with three optimization variables: NOMA-users clustering, underlying D2D- admission, and resource blocks (RBs) allocation. The problem is decoupled into three sub-problems. A sequential algorithmic solution is proposed, starting by users clustering, followed by RBs allocation, and finally D2D admission. The users clustering and D2D admission sub-problems are solved using low-complexity many-to-one matching theory solution. The RBs allocation problem is solved using heuristics approach. In the second contribution, we revisit the trade-off between user access and the successive interference cancellation (SIC) complexity of NOMA receivers. As more users share the same resources, interference and SIC complexity escalate. Unlike conventional pairing-based NOMA schemes, we propose an overlapping cooperative NOMA scheme where each cell-edge user can share resources with multiple cell-center users, even if cell-center users are using orthogonal resources between each other. This approach enhances user connectivity, improves cell-edge user performance, and maintains low SIC complexity. The problem is formulated as maximization of Quality-of-Service (QoS) satisfaction of cell-edge users, and is solved using a many-to-many matching theory algorithm with swapping and add/remove strategies. In the third thesis contribution, we propose a hybrid Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA)/NOMA system, to adapt the multiple access mode, either NOMA or SDMA, based on the power consumption. In the power consumption model, unlike NOMA literature, where power induced by SIC units at the receiver is overlooked, we introduce dynamic power consumption model based on the SIC power. The problem is formulated as maximizing energy efficiency by optimizing the multiple access mode selection, BS beamforming, and user power allocation. This approach prevents overestimation of energy efficiency, consequently, avoids gaps between its theoretical evaluation and practical system design, an aspect particularly critical for energy-constrained NOMA devices. The problem is solved using successive convex approximation (SCA), difference of convex (DC) programming and semidefinite programming (SDP) approaches
Masmoudi, Raouia. "Télécommunications domotiques efficaces en termes de consommation d’énergie". Thesis, Cergy-Pontoise, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015CERG0791.
Texto completo da fonteThe radio spectrum is a limited resource which must be used in an optimal way. Recent works in the literature aim to improve the use of radio frequencies by exploiting intelligent techniques from signal processing, such as the cognitive radio paradigm. In this thesis, we study a joint spectrum scheduling and power allocation problem in a Cognitive Radio (CR) system composed of several secondary users (SUs) and primary users (PUs). The objective is to optimize the energy efficiency of the SUs while guaranteeing that the interference created to the PUs is kept below a maximum tolerated level. We analyze energy efficiency metrics in wireless communications using a common unifying framework based on convex multi-criteria optimization tools, which includes the three of the most popular energyefficiency metrics in the literature : weighted difference between overall achievable rate and power consumption, the ratio between the overall rate and consumed power and overall consumed power under minimum rate constraint. Then, we further focus on the study of the opportunistic power minimization problem over several orthogonal frequency bands under constraints on the minimum Quality of Service (QoS) and maximum interference to the PUs. Given the opposing nature of these constraints, we first study the feasibility of the problem and we provide sufficient conditions and necessary conditions that guarantee the existence of a solution. The main challenge lies in the non-convexity of the joint spectrum and power allocation problem due to the discrete spectrum scheduling parameter of SUs. To overcome this issue, we use a Lagrangian relaxation technique to solve a convexproblem. We prove that the discrete solutions of the relaxed problem are the solutions of the initial problem. When a solution exists, we propose an iterative algorithm based on subgradient method to compute an optimal solution. We show that the optimal scheduling is more efficient compared to other conventional spectrum allocations (e.g. interlaced, blockwise). In the particular case of two orthogonal bands and an unique SU, we provide an analytical solution that does not require an iterative algorithm
Suliman, I. M. (Isameldin Mohammed). "Performance analysis of cognitive radio networks and radio resource allocation". Doctoral thesis, Oulun yliopisto, 2016. http://urn.fi/urn:isbn:9789526212753.
Texto completo da fonteTiivistelmä Kognitiivinen radio (CR) on nousemassa lupaavaksi työkaluksi niukkojen radioresurssien ja spektrin käytön tehottomuuden ratkaisemisessa. Spektrin nuuskiminen (signaalin ilmaisu) mahdollistaa spektriaukkojen reaaliaikaisen tunnistamisen toissijaisten käyttäjien (SU) toimesta kognitiivisissa radioverkoissa (CRN). Tässä väitöskirjassa painotus on CRN verkkojen suorituskykyanalyysissa ja radioresurssien hallinnassa. Työssä kehitetään jatkuva-aikaiseen Markov ketjuun (CTMC) perustuva analyyttinen malli joka ottaa huomioon kaikki olennaiset asiat mukaan lukien jatkuva-aikaiseen spektrin nuuskimiseen liittyvän väärien hälytysten tiheyden (FAR). Joissakin tapauksissa PU:ta voidaan mallintaa aikajaoteltuna siten että PU:n tila on vakio kussakin aikavälissä. Olettaen että SU voi synkronoitua aikaväleihin, on intuitiivista käyttää aikavälin alkua nuuskimiselle ja loppuosaa (mahdollisesti) viestintää varten. M/D/1:n ensisijaisuus-jonotus-suunnitelmaa soveltamalla tässä väitöskirjassa saadaan tuloksia odotusajalle ja jonon pituudelle sekä SU:lle että PU:lle. Seuraavaksi käsitellään monikäyttöä SU:den joukossa aikajaotellussa kanavassa. Tavanomainen menetelmä käyttää esimerkiksi kanavapääsytodennäköisyyttä ψ kussakin aikavälissä vastaten aikajaoteltua ALOHA protokollaa. Tässä väitöskirjassa esitetään radikaali uusi idea: miksei lisätä väärän hälytyksen todennäköisyyttä kussakin SU:ssa ja käytetä sitä moniliittymämenetelmänä? Työssä esitetään peliteoreettinen lähestymistapa radioresurssien allokointiin siten että resurssit jaetaan oikeudenmukaisesti monen yhteysvälin linkeissä. Lisäksi tutkitaan myös resursoinnin ongelmaa heterogeenisissa langattomissa verkoissa. Lopuksi tutkitaan laitteiden välistä suoraa viestintää (D2D) paikallisen jakauman kanssa, jossa käyttäjillä on tapana kasaantua solun sisällä esim. rakennuksiin. Esitetään teoreettinen analyysi kaksiulotteisella klusteroinnilla myös korreloitujen ryhmien kanssa. Osoitetaan että korrelaatio ryhmän valinnassa parantavaa merkittävästi suorituskykyä
Ellingsæter, Brage Høyland. "Cognitive Radio: Interference Management and Resource Allocation". Thesis, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Institutt for elektronikk og telekommunikasjon, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:no:ntnu:diva-11295.
Texto completo da fonteHashmi, Ziaul Hasan. "Dynamic resource allocation for cognitive radio systems". Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/961.
Texto completo da fonteWong, Chung Kit. "Resource allocation for multihop packet radio networks". Thesis, McGill University, 1994. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=68059.
Texto completo da fonteNgo, Duy. "Radio resource allocation for wireless heterogeneous networks". Thesis, McGill University, 2013. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=119622.
Texto completo da fonteEn déployant de petites cellules (dénommées les femtocells) au sein de la même zone de service que les cellules de tailles régulières (dénommées cellules macro), une efficacité spectrale zone beaucoup plus élevé, une meilleure couverture à l'intérieur, et d'importantes données mobiles de déchargement entre les deux cellules peuvent être réalisé tout en gardant faible coût. Vu que les femtocells réutilisent le spectre de fréquence déjà consacré à la cellule macro, auxquelles ils sont assignés, d'une manière non-coordonnée, de nouvelles limites de cellules sont créées et l'interférence devient beaucoup plus imprévisible que dans les réseaux traditionnels. Dans ce contexte réseau hétérogène, une allocation adaptative de puissance et des méthodes d'accès dynamiques au spectre sont nécessaires pour assurer une coexistence harmonisée des entités du réseau avec les nouvelles spécifications imposées par les femtocells. Depuis que les femtocells sont déployées par les terminaux sans aucune planification au préalable du réseau, des solutions qui s'adaptent automatiquement sont toujours désirable pour contrôler efficacement les sévères interférences entre les différents niveaux du réseau sans fil hétérogène.Dans cette étude, nous développons et évaluons des algorithmes distribués pour l'allocation de ressources radio dans les réseaux sans fil hétérogènes employant l accès multiple par répartition en code (CDMA) et Accès multiple par répartition en fréquence (OFDMA). En évitant une coordination centralisée, les solutions proposées protègent le fonctionnement de tous les utilisateurs de la cellule macro existantes, tout en exploitant de manière optimale la capacité résiduelle du réseau pour les utilisateurs du femtocells. Dans les réseaux CDMA, nous proposons un schéma de tarification dynamique associé à un contrôle d'admission des utilisateurs de la femtocell nous permettant de gérer indirectement l'interférence inter-niveaux (entre cellule macro et femtocell). Le contrôle simultané de la puissance et les algorithmes de contrôle d'admission proposés peut être exécuté localement sur chaque lien pour offrir un maximum d'utilité pour les utilisateurs individuels. Pour maximiser l'utilité totale du réseau, nous développons un algorithme de contrôle simultané de puissance basant sur l'optimalité de Pareto et le rapport signal sur interférence plus bruit (SINR) qui peut partager équitablement les ressources radio entre les utilisateurs. En appliquant d'une méthode d'optimisation, les SINR minimaux prescrits par les utilisateurs des cellules macro sont garantis, alors que le maximal global la somme de l'utilité du réseau est trouvé.Dans les réseaux OFDMA, afin de résoudre le problème non convexe et combinatoire de l'allocation conjointe de la puissance et des sous-porteuses, nous proposons un schéma alternatif de gestion dynamique du spectre qui optimise la distribution de puissance et des sous-porteuses. Avec l'approche par approximations successives convexe adoptée, le débit total de tous les femtocells est maximisé alors que la capacité du réseau de la cellule macro est toujours protégée. En femtocells cognitives où les utilisateurs du femtocell accèdent au spectre autorisé à la cellule macro d'une manière opportuniste, nous appliquons la dualité lagrangienne pour optimiser la distribution de la puissance et des sous-porteuses. Nous prouvons que les solutions distribuées proposées atteignent leur optimal global avec une faible complexité.
Jin, Xin. "Resource allocation in multicarrier cognitive radio networks". Thesis, Evry, Institut national des télécommunications, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014TELE0014/document.
Texto completo da fonteIn view of the wide usage of multicarrier modulation in wireless communications and the prominent contribution of Cognitive Radio (CR) to deal with critical shortage of spectrum resource, we focus on multicarrier based cognitive radio networks to investigate general resource allocation issues: subcarrier allocation, power allocation, routing, and beamforming in this thesis. We investigate two types of multicarrier modulation: Wavelet-based Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (WOFDM) and Fourier-based Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). WOFDM adopts Wavelet Packet Modulation (WPM). Compared with fourier-based OFDM, wavelet-based OFDM achieves much lower side lobe in the transmitted signal. Wavelet-based OFDM excludes Cyclic Prefix (CP) which is used in fourier-based OFDM systems. Wavelet-based OFDM turns to exploit equalization to combat Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI). We evaluate the performance of WOFDM under different channel conditions. We compare the performance of wavelet-based OFDM using equalization in the time domain to that of fourier-based OFDM with CP and the equalization in the frequency domain
Jin, Xin. "Resource allocation in multicarrier cognitive radio networks". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Evry, Institut national des télécommunications, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014TELE0014.
Texto completo da fonteIn view of the wide usage of multicarrier modulation in wireless communications and the prominent contribution of Cognitive Radio (CR) to deal with critical shortage of spectrum resource, we focus on multicarrier based cognitive radio networks to investigate general resource allocation issues: subcarrier allocation, power allocation, routing, and beamforming in this thesis. We investigate two types of multicarrier modulation: Wavelet-based Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (WOFDM) and Fourier-based Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). WOFDM adopts Wavelet Packet Modulation (WPM). Compared with fourier-based OFDM, wavelet-based OFDM achieves much lower side lobe in the transmitted signal. Wavelet-based OFDM excludes Cyclic Prefix (CP) which is used in fourier-based OFDM systems. Wavelet-based OFDM turns to exploit equalization to combat Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI). We evaluate the performance of WOFDM under different channel conditions. We compare the performance of wavelet-based OFDM using equalization in the time domain to that of fourier-based OFDM with CP and the equalization in the frequency domain
Lessinnes, Mathieu. "Resource allocation for cooperative cognitive radios". Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/209352.
Texto completo da fonteDue to a majority of the abovementioned studies making some constraining assumptions, realistic system designs and experimental demonstrations are much more quiet and unharvested fields. In an effort to help this transition from theory to practice, our second contribution is a four-nodes cognitive network demonstrator, presented in Chapter 3. In particular, we aim at providing a modular platform available for further open collaboration: different options for spectrum sensing, resource allocation, synchronisation and others can be experimented on this demonstrator. As an example, we develop a simple protocol to show that our proposed resource allocation scheme is fully implementable, and that primary users can be avoided using our approach.
Chapter 4 aims at removing another working hypothesis made when developping our resource allocation scheme. Indeed, resource alloca- tion is traditionally a Media Access Control (MAC) layer problem. This means that when solving a resource allocation problem in a network, the routing paths are usually assumed to be known. Conversely, the routing problem, which is a network layer issue, usually assumes that the available capacities on each link of the network (which depend on resource allocation) are known. Nevertheless, these two problems are mathematically entangled, and a cross-layer allocation strategy can best decoupled approaches in several ways, as we discuss in Chapter 4. Accordingly, our third and last contribution is to develop such a cross-layer allocation scheme for the scenario proposed in previous chapters.
All conclusions are summarised in Chapter 5, which also points to a few tracks for future research.
Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur
Yoon, Suk-Un. "Dynamic Radio Resource Allocation in Wireless Sensor and Cognitive Radio Networks". The Ohio State University, 2009. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1259768264.
Texto completo da fonteKibria, Mirza Golam. "Radio Resource Allocation Optimization for Cellular Wireless Networks". 京都大学 (Kyoto University), 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/189689.
Texto completo da fonteZhang, Yonghong. "Resource allocation for OFDM-based cognitive radio systems". Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/2828.
Texto completo da fonteAwoyemi, Babatunde Seun. "Resource allocation optimisation in heterogeneous cognitive radio networks". Thesis, University of Pretoria, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/61327.
Texto completo da fonteThesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2017.
Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
Tsimba, Hilary Mutsawashe. "Queueing based resource allocation in cognitive radio networks". Diss., University of Pretoria, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/66250.
Texto completo da fonteDissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2017.
Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
Batista, Rodrigo Lopes. "Radio resource allocation for coordinated multi-point systems". reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFC, 2011. http://www.repositorio.ufc.br/handle/riufc/10836.
Texto completo da fonteSubmitted by Marlene Sousa (mmarlene@ufc.br) on 2015-02-27T19:26:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2011_dis_rlbatista.pdf: 1984568 bytes, checksum: fb73d12e218f0bf5048212826227d5bc (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Marlene Sousa(mmarlene@ufc.br) on 2015-03-04T15:49:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2011_dis_rlbatista.pdf: 1984568 bytes, checksum: fb73d12e218f0bf5048212826227d5bc (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-04T15:49:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2011_dis_rlbatista.pdf: 1984568 bytes, checksum: fb73d12e218f0bf5048212826227d5bc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-05
The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) established through the International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT)-Advanced a set of requirements for high performance of 4th Generation (4G) communication systems and, with the aim of meeting such requirements, 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Long Term Evolution (LTE) is considering a set of enhancements, referred to as LTE-Advanced. In the LTE-Advanced context, Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) communication appears as a promising technology to boost system throughput and to allow for an efficient Radio Resource Allocation (RRA). CoMP systems promise very high performance in terms of spectral efficiency and coverage benefits when perfect Channel State Information (CSI) is available at the transmitter. However, perfect CSI is difficult to obtain in CoMP systems due to an increased number of channel parameters to be estimated at the receiver and to be fed back to the transmitter. So, the performance of such systems is compromised when the CSI is not perfectly known during CoMP processing, which is an important problem to be addressed. Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA) grouping algorithms are usually employed in order to find a suitable set of users for spatial multiplexing. The largest SDMA group is not always the best group in a given data transmission such that higher gains might be achieved by dynamically adjusting the SDMA group size. Besides, algorithms that balance the Signal to Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR) among different links might ensure a certain level of link quality and so provide a more reliable communication for the scheduled users. This master thesis provides system-level analyses for RRA algorithms that exploit coordination in the downlink of CoMP systems to implement adaptive resource reuse and so improve system throughput. Herein, RRA strategies which consider dynamic SDMA grouping, joint precoding and power allocation for SINR balancing are studied in CoMP systems assuming imperfect CSI in order to obtain a better approximation with regard to the real-world implementations. It is shown through system-level analyses that quite high throughput gains are achieved through intelligent RRA. In conclusion, the results show that Sequential Removal Algorithms (SRAs) and SINR balancing provide system spectral efficiency gains. However, a critical degradation on the performance of these RRA strategies due to imperfect CSI is also shown.
A União Internacional para Telecomunicações (ITU) estabeleceu através da iniciativa para o Sistema Avançado Internacional de Telecomunicações Móveis (IMT-Advanced), um conjunto de requisitos de alto desempenho para os sistemas de comunicação de quarta geração (4G) e, com o objetivo de atender tais requisitos, a Evolução de Longo Prazo (LTE) do Projeto de Parceria para a Terceira Geração (3GPP) está considerando um conjunto de melhorias, referidas como LTE-Avançado. No contexto do LTE-Avançado, a comunicação multi-ponto coordenada (CoMP) aparece como uma tecnologia promissora para aumentar a vazão do sistema e permitir uma Alocação de Recursos de Rádio (RRA) eficiente. Os sistemas CoMP prometem alto desempenho em termos de eficiência espectral e benefícios de cobertura quando a Informação do Estado do Canal (CSI) perfeita está disponível no transmissor. No entanto, CSI perfeita é difícil de se obter em sistemas CoMP devido a um alto número de parâmetros de canal a serem estimados no receptor e enviados para o transmissor. Assim, o desempenho de tais sistemas é comprometido quando a CSI não é perfeitamente conhecida durante o processamento CoMP tal que esse é um problema importante a ser abordado. Algoritmos de agrupamento para Múltiplo Acesso por Divisão no Espaço (SDMA) geralmente são utilizados a fim de encontrar um conjunto adequado de usuários para multiplexação espacial. O maior grupo SDMA nem sempre é o melhor grupo em uma transmissão de dados tal que maiores ganhos podem ser obtidos ajustando dinamicamente o tamanho do grupo SDMA. Além disso, os algoritmos que balanceiam a Razão Sinal-Interferência mais Ruído (SINR) entre diferentes canais podem garantir um certo nível de qualidade de canal e assim proporcionar uma comunicação mais confiável para os usuários agrupados. Esta dissertação de mestrado fornece análises em nível sistêmico para algoritmos de RRA que exploram a coordenação no enlace direto de sistemas CoMP para implementar reuso adaptativo de recursos e assim melhorar o desempenho do sistema. São estudadas aqui estratégias de RRA em sistemas CoMP que consideram agrupamento SDMA dinâmico, precodificação e alocação de potência conjuntas para balanceamento de SINR, sendo assumida CSI imperfeita a fim de conseguir maior aproximação com relação às implementaçõs em cenários reais. É mostrado através de análises em nível sistêmico que ganhos de vazão bastante altos são alcançados através de RRA inteligente. Em conclusão, os resultados mostram que Algoritmos de Remoção Sequencial (SRAs) e de balanceamento de SINR proporcionam ganhos de eficiência espectral do sistema. No entanto, é também mostrada uma degradação crítica no desempenho dessas estratégias de RRA devido à CSI imperfeita.
Claudino, Lucas dos Santos Araujo. "Cognitive radio : spectrum sensing and optimal resource allocation". Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Centro de Tecnologia e Urbanismo. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica, 2018. http://www.bibliotecadigital.uel.br/document/?code=vtls000218384.
Texto completo da fonteCognitive Radio Network is a recent and emerging technology that aims to optimally use the already overcrowded frequency spectrum. This technology offers means for license-holders to share their spectrum bandwidth with other users, in order to make an efficient use of it and also receive some benefits, like payback or increase in license time. Once this is a recent technology, many studies are still incomplete and need furthers research. Ir order to contribute with the literature, this work brings some important research of a few different parts of Cognitive Radio. Firstly, various spectrum sensing techniques, such as Matched Filter, Energy Sensing, Hadamard Ratio Sensor or Covariance Absolute Value Detector are analyzed. All those sensors are studied and compared, in order to give a broad overview about its characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. After this study, the most promising detector is chosen to be applied into realistic wireless channels. The Hadamard Ratio Sonsor has been chosen, given its capacity of providing high detection rates, low miss detection or false alarm with a relatively low number of samples. The second part is based on non-linear optimization techniques and aims to maximize the sum capacity of a cognitive radio network. A MISO-CRN was chosen as target architecture, and the optimization was divided into two parts: power allocation and interference nulling. This technique is known as Zero Forcing-Water Filing strategy, which achieves maximum sum capacity under certain system and channel configurations. Also, this research came up with a practical approximation to find out the optimum number of active secondary users to achieve maximum capacity. This is a very useful tool, once it can provide an easy way of choosing the allowed number of SUs for a given configuration of number of antennas at the base station and link quality (related to signal to interference plus noise ratio). Finally, channel estimation techniques applied to cognitive radio networks are analyzed. A complete base-band transmission is described, which includes pilot sequence transmission, channel matrix estimation and optimal precoder matrix generation based on channel estimative. Also, the effect of imperfect channel estimation has been studied to provide means of developing techniques to overcome possible problems and enhance the MIMO communication performance
Akter, Lutfa. "Modeling, forecasting and resource allocation in cognitive radio networks". Diss., Manhattan, Kan. : Kansas State University, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/2097/3892.
Texto completo da fonteDybdahl, Sigbjørn Hernes. "Radio Resource Allocation for Increased Capacity in Cellular Networks". Thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:no:ntnu:diva-8777.
Texto completo da fonteCellular networks are widely deployed for wireless communication, and as the number of users of these networks increase, so does the need for higher spectral efficiency. Clever measures have to be taken in order to increase throughput for wireless networks because of the scarcity of radio resources. Ever higher rates are demanded, but we also want to conserve a fair distribution of the available resources. Therefore, we consider the problem of joint power allocation and user scheduling, while achieving a desired level of fairness in wireless cellular systems. Dynamic resource allocation is employed for the full reuse networks simulated, in order to cope with inter-cell interference and to optimize spectrum efficiency. Binary power allocation is implemented and compared to the performance without power control, for minimum transmit power levels equal to 0 and greater than 0. We show that binary power control with individual power levels for each cell is optimal for two-cell networks. We also present an extension to the proportional fair scheduling for multi-cell networks, and analyze its performance for different cell sizes and time windows. Finally, we highlight the equality between multi-cell, multi-user and multi-carrier proportional fair scheduling. Simulation results show how power control and user scheduling increase throughput, reduce power consumption and achieve a desired level of fairness. Hence, we can obtain considerable gains for the network throughput through adaptive power allocation and multiuser diversity.
Shan, Lin. "Adaptive Radio Resource Allocation and Scheduling for Wireless Networks". 京都大学 (Kyoto University), 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/158064.
Texto completo da fonteJoshi, S. K. (Satya Krishna). "Radio resource allocation techniques for MISO downlink cellular networks". Doctoral thesis, Oulun yliopisto, 2018. http://urn.fi/urn:isbn:9789526217437.
Texto completo da fonteTiivistelmä Tässä väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan monisoluisten laskevan siirtotien moniantennilähetystä käyttävien verkkojen radioresurssien hallintatekniikoita. Väitöskirjassa keskitytään erityisesti kehittämään lineaarisia siirron keilanmuodostustekniikoita optimoimalla tiettyjä palvelun laadun ominaisuuksia, kuten spektritehokkuutta, tasapuolisuutta ja välityskykyä. Painotetun summadatanopeuden maksimoinnin (WSRMax) ongelma on tunnistettu keskeiseksi monissa verkon optimointitavoissa ja sen tiedetään olevan NP-kova. Tässä työssä esitetään yleinen branch and bound (BB) -tekniikkaan perustuva algoritmi, joka ratkaisee WSRMax-ongelman globaalisti ja tuottaa todistuksen ratkaisun optimaalisuudesta. Samalla esitellään uusia conic-optimointia hyödyntäviä suorituskykyrajojen laskentatekniikoita, joiden tehokkuutta havainnollistetaan numeerisilla simuloinneilla. Ehdotettu BB-perusteinen algoritmi ei rajoitu pelkästään WSRMax-ongelmaan, vaan se voidaan helposti laajentaa maksimoimaan mikä tahansa järjestelmän suorituskykyarvo, joka voidaan ilmaista Lipschitz-jatkuvana ja signaali-(häiriö+kohina) -suhteen (SINR) kasvavana funktiona. Keilanmuodostustekniikat voivat tuottaa suuremman spektritehokkuuden vain, jos käyttäjien kanavien tilatiedot tiedetään tarkasti. Käytännössä kanavan tilatieto ei kuitenkaan ole täydellinen. Tässä väitöskirjassa ehdotetaan WSRMax-ongelman ääritapauksiin sekä optimaalinen että alioptimaalinen keilanmuodostustekniikka soveltaen tilatietovirheisiin ellipsoidista epävarmuusmallia. Optimaalinen tapa perustuu BB-tekniikkaan. Alioptimaalinen algoritmi johdetaan peräkkäistä konveksiohjelmointia käyttäen. Numeerisen esimerkin avulla näytetään, miten ehdotettuja algoritmeja voidaan soveltaa skenaarioon, jossa on tilastollisia kanavavirheitä. Seuraavaksi ehdotetaan kahta hajautettua algoritmia monisoluisiin moniantennilähetyksellä toimiviin verkkoihin. Tarkastelun kohteena olevat optimointiongelmat ovat: P1) lähetyksen kokonaistehon minimointi käyttäjäkohtaisten minimi-SINR-rajoitteiden mukaan ja P2) SINR:n tasapainottaminen tukiasemien kokonaislähetystehorajoitusten mukaisesti. Ongelma P1 on erittäin kiinnostava, kun pyritään kehittämään mahdollisimman pienen lähetystehon vaativa lähetysstrategia, joka pystyy takaamaan käyttäjien palvelun laadun. Ongelma P2 on hyödyllinen tiukasti tehorajoitetussa järjestelmässä, koska se tarjoaa tasapuolisuutta käyttäjien välillä. Molempien ongelmien hajautetut algoritmit johdetaan konsensusperusteisen vuorottelevan kertoimien suuntaustavan avulla. Lopuksi tarkastellaan kahden langattoman operaattorin välisen spektrinjaon ongelmaa dynaamisessa moniantennilähetystä käyttävässä verkkoympäristössä. Spektrinjako-ongelmaa mallinnetaan käyttämällä kahden osapuolen välistä neuvottelua stokastisen optimoinnin näkökulmasta. Tähän ongelmaan ehdotetaan ratkaisuksi sekä keskitettyä että hajautettua resurssien allokoinnin algoritmia. Hajautettu algoritmi sopii paremmin spektrin jakamiseen operaattorien välillä, koska se vaatii vähemmän kontrollisignalointia. Numeeriset tulokset osoittavat, että ehdotetulla hajautetulla algoritmilla saavutetaan lähes sama suorituskyky kuin keskitetyllä algoritmillakin
Bansal, Gaurav. "Dynamic resource allocation for OFDM-based cognitive radio systems". Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/33275.
Texto completo da fonteXiao, Lin. "Radio resource allocation in relay based OFDMA cellular networks". Thesis, Queen Mary, University of London, 2010. http://qmro.qmul.ac.uk/xmlui/handle/123456789/373.
Texto completo da fonteBilibashi, Denis <1986>. "Propagation modelling and resource allocation in mobile radio communications". Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2022. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/10368/1/PhD%20Thesis%20Denis%20Bilibashi.pdf.
Texto completo da fonteLahad, Bachir. "Joint Uplink/Downlink Radio Resource Allocation in 5G HetNets". Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020UPASG057.
Texto completo da fonteThe rapid growth in wireless data traffic and bandwidth intensive services (voice over IP, video streaming, livestreaming, etc.) necessitates finding viable solutions to improve service quality and maximize thenetwork performance. To accommodate these bandwidth intensive applications, heterogeneous cellular networks (HetNets) were introduced in 3GPP as one of the main features to meet these advanced requirements. Yet, because of the difference in uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) traffic loads expected in the next HetNetsgeneration, it becomes essential to dynamically adjust UL/DL resources. To support this newapproach, dynamic time-division duplexing (TDD) has been proposed. Nevertheless, the importance of UL arises along with the evolution of social networking and cloudsolutions. Therefore, it is of great interest to introduce novel techniques that mitigate ULinterferences, improve UL and DL throughputs and allow as well, a better use of radio resources byproviding adequate load balancing among UL and DL. Such an additional feature is the decoupledUL/DL access.In our work, we first develop a TDD model in HetNets. Under this model, we derive analytical expressions for the distribution of the interferer location considering all possible interference scenarios that could occur in TDD-based networks, while taking into account the harmful impact of interference.Based on the latter result, we derive the distribution and moment generating function (MGF) of the uplink and downlinkinter-cell interference considering a network consisting of one macro cell and one small cell. We build on the derivedexpressions to analyze the average capacity of the reference cell in both uplink and downlink transmissions.Second, we develop a joint TDD/decoupling statistical model to highlight the benefits thatthe decoupling access mode can bring to a HetNet TDD based system, in terms of UL and DL spectral efficiencies and throughputs. Introducing the decoupling mode necessitates a thoroughcomparison study with the conventional coupled UL/DL access mode. Therefore, we derive the statistics of the interference signal and the signal of interest of both modes and then analyze their impact on the system performance.This work was extended to include multiple small cells deployment, where more insight into the benefits of decoupling mode is provided in terms of UL and DL decoupling gains. Further to the implementation of the developed model, it is shown that the decoupling case brings greater benefits in the uplink and maintains the same improvement in the downlink for various offset values and thus, improves the overall system performance when being combined with a dynamic TDD technology. It is further shown that our modeled network can be optimized by adopting the optimal combination of both the small cell offset factor and the distance between small cells.On the other hand, evaluating the benefits of an adaptive TDD and decoupling in a HetNet based system according to time-variant traffic loads, necessitates findinga system level simulator where we can present the motivation and accurately assess the role of both decoupling and dynamic TDD techniques in the UL/DL optimization problem. From the applied simulation scenarios, it is observed that the proposed adaptive algorithm (dynamic TDD with decoupling policies) yields significant performance improvements in UL and DL throughput compared to a number of conventional schemes, mainly in dense HetNet deployment and in highly loaded systems
Shaat, Musbah M. R. "Resource Management in Multicarrier Based Cognitive Radio Systems". Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/81300.
Texto completo da fonteEl crecimiento continuo de las aplicaciones y servicios en sistemas inal´ambricos, indica la importancia y necesidad de una utilizaci´on eficaz del espectro radio. Las pol´ıticas actuales de gesti´on del espectro han conducido a una infrautilizaci´on del propio espectro radioel´ectrico. Recientes mediciones en diferentes entornos han mostrado que gran parte del espectro queda poco utilizado en sus ambas vertientes, la temporal, y la espacial. El permanente conflicto entre el uso ineficiente del espectro y la evoluci´on continua de los sistemas de comunicaci´on inal´ambrica, hace que sea urgente y necesario el desarrollo de esquemas de gesti´on del espectro m´as flexibles. Se considera el acceso din´amico (DSA) al espectro en los sistemas cognitivos como una tecnolog´ıa clave para resolver este conflicto al permitir que un grupo de usuarios secundarios (SUs) puedan compartir y acceder al espectro asignado inicialmente a uno o varios usuarios primarios (PUs). Las operaciones de comunicaci´on llevadas a cabo por los sistemas radio cognitivos no deben en ning´un caso alterar (interferir) los sistemas primarios. Por tanto, el control de la interferencia junto al gran dinamismo de los sistemas primarios implica nuevos retos en el control y asignaci´on de los recursos radio en los sistemas de comunicaci´on CR. Los algoritmos de gesti´on y asignaci´on de recursos (Radio Resource Management-RRM) deben garantizar una participaci´on efectiva de las bandas con frecuencias disponibles temporalmente, y ofrecer en cada momento oportunas soluciones para hacer frente a los distintos cambios r´apidos que influyen en la misma red. En esta tesis doctoral, se analiza el problema de la gesti´on de los recursos radio en sistemas multiportadoras CR, proponiendo varias soluciones para su uso eficaz y coexistencia con los PUs. La tesis en s´ı, se centra en tres l´ıneas principales: 1) el dise˜no de algoritmos eficientes de gesti´on de recursos para la asignaci´on de sub-portadoras y distribuci´on de la potencia en sistemas segundarios, evitando asi cualquier interferencia que pueda ser perjudicial para el funcionamiento normal de los usuarios de la red primaria, 2) analizar y comparar la eficiencia espectral alcanzada a la hora de utilizar diferentes esquema de transmisi´on multiportadora en la capa f´ısica del sistema CR, espec´ıficamente en sistemas basados en OFDM y los basados en banco de filtros multiportadoras (Filter bank Multicarrier-FBMC), 3) investigar el impacto de las diferentes limitaciones en el rendimiento total del sistema de CR. Los escenarios considerados en esta tesis son tres, es decir; modo de transmisi´on descendente (downlink), modo de transmisi´on ascendente (uplink), y el modo de transmisi´on ”Relay”. En cada escenario, la soluci´on ´optima es examinada y comparada con algoritmos sub- ´optimos que tienen como objetivo principal reducir la carga computacional. Los algoritmos sub-´optimos son llevados a cabo en dos fases mediante la separaci´on del propio proceso de distribuci´on de subportadoras y la asignaci´on de la potencia en los modos de comunicaci´on descendente (downlink), y ascendente (uplink). Para los entornos de tipo ”Relay”, se ha utilizado la t´ecnica de doble descomposici´on (dual decomposition) para obtener una soluci´on asint´oticamente ´optima. Adem´as, se ha desarrollado un algoritmo heur´ıstico para poder obtener la soluci´on ´optima con un reducido coste computacional. Los resultados obtenidos mediante simulaciones num´ericas muestran que los algoritmos sub-´optimos desarrollados logran acercarse a la soluci´on ´optima en cada uno de los entornos analizados, logrando as´ı un mayor rendimiento que los ya existentes y utilizados tanto en entornos cognitivos como no-cognitivos. Se puede comprobar en varios resultados obtenidos en la tesis la superioridad del esquema multiportadora FBMC sobre los sistemas basados en OFDM para los entornos cognitivos, causando una menor interferencia que el OFDM en los sistemas primarios, y logrando una mayor eficiencia espectral. Finalmente, en base a lo analizado en esta tesis, podemos recomendar al esquema multiportadora FBMC como una id´onea y potente forma de comunicaci´on para las futuras redes cognitivas.
Dirani, Mariana. "Resource allocation and son based radio resource management in cellular and wireless networks". Paris 6, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA066480.
Texto completo da fonteQin, Tao. "Adaptive resource allocation for multiuser OFDM-based cognitive radio systems". Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/32229.
Texto completo da fonteApplied Science, Faculty of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of
Rahulamathavan, Yogachandran. "Mathematical optimization techniques for resource allocation in cognitive radio networks". Thesis, Loughborough University, 2011. https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/2134/8982.
Texto completo da fonteWu, Jiay. "Coverage-based cooperative radio resource allocation in mobile communication systems". Thesis, Queen Mary, University of London, 2012. http://qmro.qmul.ac.uk/xmlui/handle/123456789/3164.
Texto completo da fonteJin, Fan. "Resource allocation for heterogeneous radio-frequency and visible-light networks". Thesis, University of Southampton, 2015. https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/381300/.
Texto completo da fonteYaqot, Abdullah [Verfasser]. "Adaptive Precoding and Resource Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks / Abdullah Yaqot". Kiel : Universitätsbibliothek Kiel, 2017. http://d-nb.info/1140790838/34.
Texto completo da fonteLazaro, de Barrio Oscar. "Dynamic radio resource management algorithms and traffic models for emerging mobile communication systems". Thesis, University of Strathclyde, 2002. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.248855.
Texto completo da fonteShatila, Hazem Sarwat. "Adaptive Radio Resource Management in Cognitive Radio Communications using Fuzzy Reasoning". Diss., Virginia Tech, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/26618.
Texto completo da fontePh. D.
Hu, Juncheng. "Resource allocation and optimization techniques in wireless relay networks". Thesis, Loughborough University, 2013. https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/2134/13587.
Texto completo da fonteWang, Rui. "Energy-efficient LTE transmission techniques : introducing Green Radio from resource allocation perspective". Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/1842/9596.
Texto completo da fonteJohnstone-Yellin, Tamara Lee. "Effects of resource availability on sex allocation in herbivores". Pullman, Wash. : Washington State University, 2010. http://www.dissertations.wsu.edu/Dissertations/Spring2010/T_Johnstone-Yellin_042310.pdf.
Texto completo da fonteLyazidi, Mohammed Yazid. "Dynamic resource allocation and network optimization in the Cloud Radio Access Network". Thesis, Paris 6, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA066549/document.
Texto completo da fonteCloud Radio Access Network (C-RAN) is a future direction in wireless communications for deploying cellular radio access subsystems in current 4G and next-generation 5G networks. In the C-RAN architecture, BaseBand Units (BBUs) are located in a pool of virtual base stations, which are connected via a high-bandwidth low latency fronthaul network to Radio Remote Heads (RRHs). In comparison to standalone clusters of distributed radio base stations, C-RAN architecture provides significant benefits in terms of centralized resource pooling, network flexibility and cost savings. In this thesis, we address the problem of dynamic resource allocation and power minimization in downlink communications for C-RAN. Our research aims to allocate baseband resources to dynamic flows of mobile users, while properly assigning RRHs to BBUs to accommodate the traffic and network demands. This is a non-linear NP-hard optimization problem, which encompasses many constraints such as mobile users' resources demands, interference management, BBU pool and fronthaul links capacities, as well as maximum transmission power limitation. To overcome the high complexity involved in this problem, we present several approaches for resource allocation strategies and tackle this issue in three stages. Obtained results prove the efficiency of our proposed strategies in terms of throughput satisfaction rate, number of active RRHs, BBU pool processing power, resiliency, and operational budget cost
Lyazidi, Mohammed Yazid. "Dynamic resource allocation and network optimization in the Cloud Radio Access Network". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 6, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA066549.
Texto completo da fonteCloud Radio Access Network (C-RAN) is a future direction in wireless communications for deploying cellular radio access subsystems in current 4G and next-generation 5G networks. In the C-RAN architecture, BaseBand Units (BBUs) are located in a pool of virtual base stations, which are connected via a high-bandwidth low latency fronthaul network to Radio Remote Heads (RRHs). In comparison to standalone clusters of distributed radio base stations, C-RAN architecture provides significant benefits in terms of centralized resource pooling, network flexibility and cost savings. In this thesis, we address the problem of dynamic resource allocation and power minimization in downlink communications for C-RAN. Our research aims to allocate baseband resources to dynamic flows of mobile users, while properly assigning RRHs to BBUs to accommodate the traffic and network demands. This is a non-linear NP-hard optimization problem, which encompasses many constraints such as mobile users' resources demands, interference management, BBU pool and fronthaul links capacities, as well as maximum transmission power limitation. To overcome the high complexity involved in this problem, we present several approaches for resource allocation strategies and tackle this issue in three stages. Obtained results prove the efficiency of our proposed strategies in terms of throughput satisfaction rate, number of active RRHs, BBU pool processing power, resiliency, and operational budget cost
Saad, Joe. "Evolution of mobile networks architecture and optimization of radio resource management". Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UPASG005.
Texto completo da fonteWith Fifth Generation (5G) Networks, multiple heterogeneous services are supported such as the enhanced Mobile BroadBand (eMBB) service characterized by high throughput demand, the Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications (URLLC) service requiring a low latency and the massive Machine-Type Communications (mMTC) service favoring a high density of connected devices.Thanks to slicing, these services can coexist on the same infrastructure. Slicing divides the network into multiple isolated logical networks named slices where each slice is attributed to a category of services.Furthermore, standardization bodies such as the Open-RAN alliance (O-RAN) focus on the evolution of the Radio Access Network (RAN) architecture including RAN components disaggregation. This evolution brings in many advantages for the operator such as the introduction of artificial intelligence at the level of the controllers.In this context of RAN evolution and slicing, the radio resource optimization is an important challenge for the mobile network operator to ensure Quality of Service (QoS) satisfaction for the different slices through efficient algorithms. Therefore, in this thesis, the objective is to propose various radio resource allocation algorithms based on the identification of the necessary Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to take the appropriate decisions. Additionally, the proposed approaches are compared against each other and against other approaches from the state-of-the-art. Also, solutions implementation in an O-RAN compliant architecture is discussed.Our first algorithm is based on Dynamic Weighted Fair Queuing (DWFQ) in a multi-slice and multi-Virtual Operator (VO) context. The aim of this algorithm is to determine the resource portion that will be attributed to each VO in each slice using game theory.Next, we focus on the radio resource management at the level of a single operator. Therefore, the second contribution focuses on the radio resource allocation between two heterogeneous slices: eMBB and URLLC. Two approaches solve this problem where the radio resource allocation is based on traffic engineering. The first approach is a centralized one based on Deep-Q Networks (DQN) and the second is a distributed one based on a non-cooperative game.In our third contribution, we add the numerology (subcarrier spacing) aspect to the previous problem, while considering three slices: eMBB, URLLC and mMTC. For this reason, we divide the total band into multiple Bandwidth Parts (BWPs) each linked to a numerology. This causes a new type of interference called Inter-Numerology Interference (INI). Therefore, we propose a three-level algorithm where the first level uses game theory to choose the BWP that will serve the URLLC users. The second level uses heuristics to determine the portion of radio resources attributed to each BWP. The third level uses DQN to dimension the guard bands between the BWPs using different numerologies to reduce the INI effect.Subsequently, the multi-numerology aspect is retained in the problem, while considering multiple slices per user. For these users, an additional latency is induced due to BWP switching. The latter is necessary in order to retrieve the data of each slice. For this reason, our fourth contribution proposes three innovative BWP switching schemes that help to reduce the overall latency.As for our final contribution, we focus on the energy efficiency aspect of such users by proposing an algorithm that selects the most suitable BWP configuration: single numerology (a single BWP for all slices) or multi-numerology (different BWP for each slice) while taking into account multiple factors such as the battery level. This selection is done thanks to two approaches: a centralized one based on an optimization problem and a distributed one based on game theory
Morcos, Mira. "Auction-based dynamic resource orchestration in cloud-based radio access networks". Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SACLL003.
Texto completo da fonteNetwork densification using small cells massively deployed over the macro-cell areas, represents a promising solution for future 5G mobile networks to cope with mobile traffic increase. In order to simplify the management of the heterogeneous Radio Access Network (RAN) that results from the massive deployment of small cells, recent research and industrial studies have promoted the design of novel centralized RAN architectures termed as Cloud-RAN (C-RAN), or Virtual RAN (V-RAN), by incorporating the benefits of cloud computing and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV). The DynaRoC project aims at (1) developing a theoretical framework of resource orchestration for C-RAN and deriving the fundamental performance limits as well as the tradeoffs among various system parameters, and (2) designing dynamic resource orchestration mechanisms based on the theoretical findings to achieve a desired performance balance, by taking into account various design challenges. The PhD student will investigate innovative resource optimization mechanisms to foster the deployment of C-RANs, improving their performance exploiting the enabling Network Functions Virtualization technology
Al-Khasib, Tariq. "Resource allocation and optimization for multiple-user legacy and cognitive radio systems". Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/24588.
Texto completo da fonteMohamed, Yazan Adnan Ahmad. "A novel resource allocation scheme for ad hoc radio local area networks". Thesis, Imperial College London, 1997. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.267608.
Texto completo da fonteFang, Jennifer Catherine. "Radio resource allocation for multi-hop wireless networks using cross-layer optimization /". Diss., Connect to a 24 p. preview or request complete full text in PDF format. Access restricted to UC campuses, 2005. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/ucsd/fullcit?p3167834.
Texto completo da fonteKhabaz, Sehla. "Radio Resource Allocation in C-V2X : From LTE-V2X to 5G-V2X". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2022. https://theses.hal.science/tel-03922955.
Texto completo da fonteVehicular networks have attracted a lot of research attention in the last decades. The main goal of vehicular communication is to ensure road safety by enabling the periodic communications between vehicles and between vehicles and other participants, such as roadside units. Cellular-Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) is a leading technology for vehicular networks. LTE-V2X is the first C-V2X technology, followed by 5G-V2X, and in both, resource allocation mechanisms play an important role in their performance. The resource allocation algorithms proposed in C-V2X must meet the requirements of V2X applications. Certainly, the safety-related applications are the most critical and time-constrained V2X applications. For this reason, in the first part of this thesis, we propose a clustering-based resource allocation algorithm for safety V2V communications, the Maximum Inter-Centroids Reuse Distance (MIRD), which aims to improve the reliability of safety V2V communications. In the second part of this thesis, we address resource allocation in 5G-V2X technology. Before performing resource allocation in 5G-V2X, we first consider the flexibility of the NR frame structure of 5G by focusing our interest on the 5G numerology concept. Therefore, we first investigate the impact of 5G numerologies on V2X application performance. Through simulations, we showed that choosing the appropriate numerology is a trade-off between V2X applications requirements, Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI) and Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI). Next, we propose a new resource allocation algorithm, namely the Priority and Satisfaction-based Resource Allocation in Mixed Numerology (PSRA-MN). In the PSRA-MN algorithm, we first select the appropriate numerology considering the channel conditions and the vehicle speed. Then, we apply a prioritization policy in favor of the safety-related traffic to ensure the required resources for the safety-related traffic, and the remaining resources after the safety allocation are optimally allocated to the non-safety vehicles so that the average satisfaction rate is maximized. The proposed PSRA-MN algorithm is validated by simulations. The obtained results show that PSRA-MN outperforms the traditional resource allocation algorithms in terms of average allocation rate, average satisfaction rate and average delay
Morcos, Mira. "Auction-based dynamic resource orchestration in cloud-based radio access networks". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SACLL003.
Texto completo da fonteNetwork densification using small cells massively deployed over the macro-cell areas, represents a promising solution for future 5G mobile networks to cope with mobile traffic increase. In order to simplify the management of the heterogeneous Radio Access Network (RAN) that results from the massive deployment of small cells, recent research and industrial studies have promoted the design of novel centralized RAN architectures termed as Cloud-RAN (C-RAN), or Virtual RAN (V-RAN), by incorporating the benefits of cloud computing and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV). The DynaRoC project aims at (1) developing a theoretical framework of resource orchestration for C-RAN and deriving the fundamental performance limits as well as the tradeoffs among various system parameters, and (2) designing dynamic resource orchestration mechanisms based on the theoretical findings to achieve a desired performance balance, by taking into account various design challenges. The PhD student will investigate innovative resource optimization mechanisms to foster the deployment of C-RANs, improving their performance exploiting the enabling Network Functions Virtualization technology
Hasan, Monowar. "Radio Resource Management for Relay-Aided Device-to-Device Communication". IEEE, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/1993/30531.
Texto completo da fonte