Artigos de revistas sobre o tema "Provincia Siciliana"

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García Fernández, José. "La ciudad como marco identitario de Sicilia: un paseo cultural por la representación de Palermo en la narrativa de Giuseppina Torregrossa". Lingüística y Literatura 42, n.º 79 (15 de abril de 2021): 353–69.

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Giuseppina Torregrossa se sirve de su producción narrativa para representar antropológicamente su ciudad natal: Palermo. Marco espacial de siete de sus novelas, la capital siciliana aparece encarnada a través de múltiples protagonistas que exploran su rol social dentro de la isla. Haciendo un paseo cultural por Sicilia, este artículo se centra en el análisis histórico-literario de Palermo ―e incluso de su provincia― a partir de las descripciones etnográficas realizadas por Torregrossa en Il conto delle minne, Il figlio maschio, La miscela segreta di casa Olivares, Cortile Nostalgia, Panza e prisenza, Il basilico di Palazzo Galletti e Il sanguinaccio dell’Immacolata.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Martinico, Franco. "Il Nucleo di industrializzazione di Ragusa nel quadro della pianificazione territoriale siciliana". STORIA URBANA, n.º 130 (outubro de 2011): 79–103.

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Le vicende dello sviluppo industriale in Sicilia, nel corso del secondo dopoguerra, sono accompagnate dalla redazione di numerosi piani e programmi di sviluppo, nel contesto del tutto peculiare dato dalla approvazione dello statuto speciale regionale (1946). Nella prima parte del saggio si analizza il ruolo attribuito al territorio ragusano in alcuni di tali piani e programmi di sviluppo, nel periodo compreso tra la fine degli anni '40 e la metŕ degli anni '70. Si pone in evidenza, in particolare, come le ipotesi di assetto della struttura economica regionale progressivamente spostino l'accento sullo sviluppo industriale delle aree costiere sud-orientali e sul potenziamento delle aree urbane maggiori. Le potenzialitŕ dello sviluppo industriale nella provincia di Ragusa, al contrario, appaiono sempre meno strategiche, nonostante la presenza di giacimenti petroliferi, il cui sfruttamento era cominciato dopo il 1953. A Ragusa si istituiscono dapprima una Zona industriale regionale e in seguito, ai sensi della legge 634/57, un Nucleo di industrializzazione. Il Piano per il Nucleo d'industrializzazione, redatto nel 1967, conferma l'avvenuta marginalizzazione di Ragusa rispetto ai piů intensi processi di sviluppo industriale concentrati nelle vicine aree siracusana e catanese; allo stesso tempo, perň, esso restituisce alcuni elementi che segnalano l'avvio di processi di sviluppo economico differenti, legati soprattutto alle risorse dell'agricoltura. La lettura proposta evidenzia questi aspetti in considerazione delle successive vicende, che vedono questo territorio superare la fase di crisi legata al lento ma progressivo declino dell'industria petrolifera, per orientarsi verso la filiera produttiva agroindustriale.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Di Virgilio, Aldo. "Autunno 1999: elezioni politiche suppletive ed elezioni comunali siciliane". Quaderni dell'Osservatorio elettorale QOE - IJES 43, n.º 1 (30 de junho de 2000): 201–6.

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L’appuntamento elettorale autunnale del 1999 è stato esiguo per numero di consultazioni e circoscritto sul piano territoriale. Vi si sono svolte infatti cinque elezioni politiche suppletive (28 novembre) e 16 elezioni comunali (28 novembre12 dicembre), queste ultime tutte in Sicilia. Si è votato in quattro collegi della Camera, in un collegio senatoriale, in due comuni capoluogo di provincia (Caltanissetta e Siracusa) e in altri 9 comuni siciliani con oltre 15.000 abitanti.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Di Virgilio, Aldo. "Elezioni in Italia – Le 639 elezioni "non politiche" del 2008: onda lunga per il centrodestra, offerta difforme, voto diviso". Quaderni dell'Osservatorio elettorale QOE - IJES 61, n.º 1 (30 de junho de 2009): 167–92.

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Review of Italian elections, 2008 regional, provincial, municipal elections Elezioni regionali: novità normative, nuovi governatori di centrodestra in Sicilia, Friuli e Abruzzo, conferma al ribasso dei governi autonomisti Elezioni provinciali: il centrodestra riconquista la Sicilia, il PD in difficoltà mantiene Roma Elezioni comunali nei capoluoghi: la sfida di roma, i molti ballottaggi, il turn-over dei sindaci
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Prag, Jonathan R. W. "Auxilia and Gymnasia: A Sicilian Model of Roman Imperialism". Journal of Roman Studies 97 (novembro de 2007): 68–100.

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This paper examines the evidence for military activity in the Republican provincia of Sicily from the Punic Wars to the Civil Wars, and the implications of this for our understanding of Republican Sicily and Republican imperialism. After the Second Punic War there was very little use of Roman or Italian allied soldiers on the island, but extensive use, by Rome, of local Sicilian soldiers. The rich evidence for gymnasia suggests one way in which this use of local manpower was based upon existing civic structures and encouraged local civic culture and identity. These conclusions prompt a reassessment of the importance of auxilia externa under the Roman Republic and of models for Republican imperial control of provinciae.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Di Virgilio, Aldo. "Fra elezioni regionali e elezioni politiche: l'interludio amministrativo e referendario del 2000". Quaderni dell'Osservatorio elettorale QOE - IJES 45, n.º 2 (30 de setembro de 2001): 135–47.

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Assieme alle elezioni regionali – l’evento elettorale più importante dell’anno sul quale si rimanda al precedente numero dei Quaderni - il 16 aprile 2000 si sono svolte 6 elezioni provinciali e 490 elezioni comunali (79 in comuni con oltre 15.000 abitanti, fra i quali 10 capoluoghi di provincia; 471 in comuni minori). In cinque delle sei province e in 53 dei 79 comuni con oltre 15.000 abitanti (fra i quali 9 comuni capoluogo di provincia) si è tornati alle urne due settimane più tardi per eleggere al ballottaggio presidenti di provincia e sindaci. Il 21 maggio l’intero corpo elettorale è stato invece convocato per rispondere con un “Sì” o con un “No” a sette quesiti abrogativi relativi a temi di carattere elettorale (rimborso spese elettorali; sistema elettorale per la Camera; sistema elettorale per il Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura), giudiziario (ordinamento giudiziario; incarichi extragiudiziari dei magistrati) e giuslavoristico (disciplina dei licenziamenti; trattenute associative e sindacali tramite gli enti previdenziali). Altre tornate di voto, più circoscritte per numero di unità amministrative e ambito territoriale, si sono svolte in maggio e in novembre. Il 7 maggio si è votato nei 68 comuni valdostani, capoluogo compreso; il 14 maggio in 321 comuni trentini ed alto-atesini, tra i quali Bolzano; il 12 novembre in 4 piccoli comuni trentini; il 26 novembre in 19 comuni siciliani, tra i quali Enna.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

De Silvestri, A., e C. R. Guglielmino. "Sicilian Provinces: Population Subdivisions Revealed by Surname Frequencies". Human Biology 76, n.º 6 (2004): 901–20.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Di Virgilio, Aldo. "Elezioni comunali 2003: ancoraggio locale del voto e dinamiche interne alle coalizioni". Quaderni dell'Osservatorio elettorale QOE - IJES 51, n.º 1 (30 de junho de 2004): 145–51.

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Le elezioni comunali del 2003 si sono svolte quasi tutte il 25-26 maggio (hanno fatto eccezione 7 comuni friulani compreso Udine, due comuni della provincia di Bolzano, un piccolo comune valdostano e poi ancora Viareggio e Rosarno che hanno votato in giugno) e hanno chiamato alle urne più di 4 milioni di elettori, per il rinnovo di 499 amministrazioni. Fra queste vi erano 10 comuni capoluogo di provincia (Brescia, Sondrio, Udine, Treviso, Vicenza, Massa, Pisa, Pescara, Messina, Ragusa) e 86 comuni con oltre 15.000 abitanti, concentrati in prevalenza nel Sud e in Sicilia.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Panno, Stefano, Andrea Giovanni Caruso, Sofia Bertacca, Antonino Pisciotta, Rosario Di Lorenzo, Serafino Marchione, Slavica Matić e Salvatore Davino. "Genetic Structure and Molecular Variability of Grapevine Fanleaf Virus in Sicily". Agriculture 11, n.º 6 (27 de maio de 2021): 496.

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Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) is one of the main causes of grapevine fanleaf degeneration disease (GFDD) and is present in almost all areas where grapevine is cultivated. In this work, we ascertained the presence and spread of GFLV in different commercial vineyards in four Sicilian provinces (Italy), and its genetic structure and molecular variability were studied. In detail, a total of 617 grapevine samples of 11 autochthonous grapevine cultivars were collected in 20 commercial vineyards. Preliminary screening by serological (DAS-ELISA) and molecular (RT-PCR) analyses for ArMV (arabis mosaic virus) and GFLV detection were conducted. Results obtained showed the absence of ArMV in all the samples analyzed, while 48 out of 617 samples gave positive results to GFLV, for a total of 9 out of 11 cultivars analyzed. Phylogenetic analyses carried out on the GFLV-CP gene of 18 Sicilian GFLV sequences selected in this study showed a certain degree of variability among the Sicilian isolates, suggesting a different origin, probably as a consequence of the continuous interchange of GFLV-infected propagating material with other Italian regions or viticultural areas located in other countries.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Lo Piccolo, Francesco, Vincenzo Todaro e Salvatore Siringo. "Tra formale e informale: il ruolo delle istituzioni pubbliche nella gestione degli insediamenti migranti nel Sud-Italia". ARCHIVIO DI STUDI URBANI E REGIONALI, n.º 139 (junho de 2024): 5–23.

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L'articolo propone una riflessione critica sul fenomeno degli insediamenti migranti informali nei contesti extraurbani delle regioni del Sud-Italia. Assumendo il caso di Campobello di Mazara-Castelvetrano (provincia di Trapani, Sicilia) come ambito di approfondimento, questo contributo utilizza un approccio esplorativo per comprendere il ruolo delle istituzioni pubbliche nel governo dell'informalità a livello locale, provando a verificarne i livelli di responsabilità.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Campagna, Lorenzo. "Trasformazioni urbanistiche in Sicilia alle origini della Provincia. Riflessioni sul ruolo di Roma". Ktèma : civilisations de l'Orient, de la Grèce et de Rome antiques 44, n.º 1 (2019): 123–43.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Di Virgilio, Aldo. "Elezioni locali e regionali 2001. Effetto 13 maggio?" Quaderni dell'Osservatorio elettorale QOE - IJES 47, n.º 2 (31 de outubro de 2002): 141–56.

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Il voto comunale. I nuovi sindaci. Le elezioni provinciali. Le elezioni regionali di Molise e Sicilia. Il referendum confermativo del 7 ottobre: disimpegno dei partiti, disinteresse degli elettori.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Caruso, Andrea Giovanni, Sofia Bertacca, Arianna Ragona, Slavica Matić, Salvatore Davino e Stefano Panno. "Evolutionary Analysis of Grapevine Virus A: Insights into the Dispersion in Sicily (Italy)". Agriculture 12, n.º 6 (9 de junho de 2022): 835.

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Grapevine virus A (GVA) is a phloem-restricted virus (genus Vitivirus, family Betaflexiviridae) that cause crop losses of 5–22% in grapevine cultivars, transmitted by different species of pseudococcid mealybugs, the mealybug Heliococcus bohemicus, and by the scale insect Neopulvinaria innumerabilis. In this work, we studied the genetic structure and molecular variability of GVA, ascertaining its presence and spread in different commercial vineyards of four Sicilian provinces (Italy). In total, 11 autochthonous grapevine cultivars in 20 commercial Sicilian vineyards were investigated, for a total of 617 grapevine samples. Preliminary screening by serological (DAS-ELISA) analysis for GVA detection were conducted and subsequently confirmed by molecular (RT-PCR) analysis. Results showed that 10 out of the 11 cultivars analyzed were positive to GVA, for a total of 49 out of 617 samples (8%). A higher incidence of infection was detected on ‘Nerello Mascalese’, ‘Carricante’, ‘Perricone’ and ‘Nero d’Avola’ cultivars, followed by ‘Alicante’, ‘Grecanico’, ‘Catarratto’, ‘Grillo’, ‘Nerello Cappuccio’ and ‘Zibibbo’, while in the ‘Moscato’ cultivar no infection was found. Phylogenetic analyses carried out on the coat protein (CP) gene of 16 GVA sequences selected in this study showed a low variability degree among the Sicilian isolates, closely related with other Italian isolates retrieved in GenBank, suggesting a common origin, probably due to the exchange of infected propagation material within the Italian territory.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Licata, Francesca. "La integración del alumnado implicado en procesos migratorios en la provincia de Agrigento. Interculturalidad en la educación escolar". Revista INFAD de Psicología. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. 1, n.º 1 (9 de junho de 2020): 17–26.

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Desde la década de 1990, en Italia, el número de alumnas y alumnos implicados en procesos migratorios ha ido aumentando. Por esta razón, el sistema educativo italiano ha apuntado hacia la integración y la educación intercultural. El fenómeno migratorio se hace relevante también en Sicilia, en las regiones de Sambuca di Sicilia y Santa Margherita de Belice. La multiculturalidad de la región y algunos problemas educativos encontrados hacen importante una indagación en este terreno, abordando no sólo las dinámicas escolares sino también sociales y familiares. En este sentido, mi investigación se centra en dichos aspectos, prestando especial énfasis a las condiciones familiares, sociales e institucionales que facilitan u obstaculizan la integración escolar y a las estrategias adoptadas por los adolescentes que participan en los procesos de migración para integrarse al sistema educativo de la región. Otro factor que abordaré será la pedagogía intercultural aplicada por el sistema educativo. Procuraré analizar qué medidas establece y qué alcance tiene entre la población diana. Finalmente, presentaré una serie de propuestas para una pedagogía intercultural más adaptada a la realidad analizada. La investigación se ha llevado mediante el uso de métodos cualitativos de indagación, fundamentalmente la entrevista semiestructurada, aplicada sobre alumnado extranjero y autóctono, así como en padres o madres extranjeras. El análisis de dichas entrevistas y de la normativa vigente en materia de interculturalidad en el sistema educativo, se ha realizado mediante el análisis de contenido y de discurso.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Esponera Cerdán, Alfonso. "La lenta segregación de los conventos de Navarra de la dominicana Provincia de Aragón culminada en 1569". SCRIPTA. Revista Internacional de Literatura i Cultura Medieval i Moderna 16 (13 de dezembro de 2020): 150.

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Resumen: Desde su establecimiento en 1300, la dominicana Provincia de Aragón la fueron configurando los conventos de los Reinos de Aragón, Valencia, Navarra, Mallorca y el Principado de Cataluña con la Cerdaña y el Rosellón, Cerdeña y Sicilia. Si bien la conquista e incorporación del Reino de Navarra a Castilla fue en 1512, no ocurrió lo mismo con los conventos dominicanos navarros que después de diversos intentos de la Corona, sólo culminó su incorporación a la Provincia de España en 1569. Esta segregación ha sido un tema escasamente estudiado por los historiadores y es el que se analiza en este trabajo. Palabras clave: dominicos, Provincia de Aragón, Corona de Castilla, siglo XVAbstract: Since its establishment in 1300, the Dominican Province of Aragon was configured by the convents of the Kingdoms of Aragon, Valencia, Navarra, Mallorca and the Principality of Catalonia (with the Cerdanya and Roussillon), Sardinia and Sicily. Although the conquest and incorporation of the Kingdom of Navarre into Castile was in 1512 not happened the same with the Dominican convents of Navarre, that only after several attempts of the Crown culminated its incorporation into the Province of Spain in 1569. This segregation has been a topic rarely studied by historians and is the main topic of this paper. .Keywords: dominicans, Province of Aragon, Crown of Castile, 15th siecle
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Giovino, Antonio, Annalisa Marchese, Floriana Bonanno, Giovanna Sala, Francesco Paolo Marra e Gianniantonio Domina. "Morphological and molecular characterization of Sicilian carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) accessions". Caryologia 76, n.º 3 (29 de fevereiro de 2024): 39–49.

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The evergreen carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua) is considered one of the oldest trees in the world, cultivated since ancient times in the Mediterranean Basin, for its edible and high nutritional fruits, adapted to human and animal consumption. Spain is the main producer, followed by Italy, Portugal, Greece, Morocco, and Turkey. In Italy, the cultivation of carob is concentrated in a few provinces and insists on an area of more than 5,500 hectares. In this work 19 accessions, showing interesting fruit traits were analysed morphologically and genetically. Overall, 13 quantitative characters were considered regarding leaf (5 characters), pod (5) and seed (3). To investigate the genetic diversity 8 fluorescently labelled SSR primers were used, indicated as polymorphic in the literature. A UPGMA dendrogram was constructed to depict identity cases and relationships among the accessions. Clustering showed discrimination among accessions from Eastern and Western Sicily. The morphological characterisation does not clearly discriminate any of the cultivars recognized by the growers, similarly, the molecular analysis showed a reduced level of diversity. Since most of these local accessions are of unknown origin and that they are representative of the local germplasm they still warrant protection for their economic and environmental value.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Gargano, Valeria, Valeria Blanda, Delia Gambino, Francesco La Russa, Sophia Di Cataldo, Antonino Gentile, Giorgia Schirò, Alessandra Torina, Javier Millán e Domenico Vicari. "Serological Survey and Molecular Characterization of Theileria annulata in Sicilian Cattle". Pathogens 10, n.º 2 (21 de janeiro de 2021): 101.

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Tropical theileriosis is a tick-borne disease caused by hemoprotozoan parasites with considerable veterinary and economic impact worldwide. Ticks transmitting the disease belong to the Haemaphysalis, Rhipicephalus, and Hyalomma genera. The Hyalomma genus is very common in Sicily (Italy) and represents the main Theileria annulata vector in the island. Data concerning the molecular epidemiology of this pathogen are missing in the region. In 2018–2019, blood and serum samples were collected from 480 cows in seven Sicilian farms from four different provinces. Seroprevalence in the farms ranged from 22% to 71%. Three farms were selected for molecular analysis consisting of real-time PCR targeting the almost complete 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA). Four amplicons per farm were sequenced and phylogenetic analyses were carried out. The four sequences were identical within each farm and showed 92–99% identity with the other farms and with sequences from Genbank. According to the phylogenetic analysis, these three sequences and an additional one from a laboratory-cultured Theileria annulata strain obtained in 1999 belonged to a single T. annulata clade with good bootstrap support with other sequences from Italy, India, and Iran, indicating limited geographical and temporal genetic variability of the parasite. This study represents the first phylogenetic analysis of T. annulata in Sicily, which will be useful to improve the strategies for theileriosis control and prevention.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Scaduto, Fulvia. "Fra Tardogotico e Rinascimento: Messina tra Sicilia e il continente". Artigrama, n.º 23 (9 de dezembro de 2022): 301–26.

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A menudo la arquitectura producida en el ámbito de Mesina entre los siglos XV y XVI se ha interpretado como ajena, con respecto al contexto de la isla. Probablemente haya que mitigar la imagen de Mesina como la ciudad más toscana y renacentista del Sur: seguramente los terremotos que afectaron de manera devastadora a Mesina y la Sicilia oriental sustrajeran numerosas pruebas de una prolongada permanencia del Gótico en esta área, condicionando inevitablemente la lectura de los historiadores. A esto habría que añadir que los palacios de Taormina se han fechado por error muy tempranamente, situándolos a principios del siglo XV. En realidad en estos episodios (y otros, como los de palacios de Cosenza) el lenguaje del Gótico tardío se manifiesta entre la Sicilia y la Calabria como un fenómeno vital que dura hasta al menos las primeras décadas del siglo XVI y se puede hallar en numerosas fábricas que la historia nos ha legado en restos o fragmentos de restos. El Renacimiento aparece en el Noreste de Sicilia de la mano de escultores que emplean el mármol blanco de Carrara (activos sobre todo en Mesina y Catania) y se dedican a la realización de monumentos, altares, capillas, portales etcétera. Desde este punto de vista, Mesina sigue una parábola análoga a la de Palermo, donde la arquitectura tardogótica convive con la escultura renacentista. La influencia del clasicismo del mármol, de la tradición tardogótica y el debate originado en el duomo de Mesina, una obra que se estaba terminando todavía a principios del siglo XVI, parece producir en los centros de la provincia una serie de peculiares episodios en los que se experimenta la posibilidad de contaminaciones e hibridaciones (portales de Tortorici, Mirto, Mistretta, etc.). Sobre todo la presencia en Mesina (desde 1528) de Polidoro da Caravaggio ocasiona un decidido viraje en dirección clasicista, introduciendo en la ciudad el lenguaje a la romana. La ciudad experimenta un poderoso cambio con la llegada de Carlos V (1535) y el debate que deriva representa un auténtico giro con respecto al resto de Sicilia.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Jiménez, Alicia, Jesús Bermejo, Pau Valdés, Fernando Moreno e Katie Tardio. "Renewed work at the Roman camps at Renieblas near Numantia (2nd-1st c. B.C.)". Journal of Roman Archaeology 33 (2020): 4–35.

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Iberia was one of the first overseas territories to fall under Roman control when the provinces of Hispania Citerior and Ulterior were established in 197 B.C., preceded only by Sicilia (241) and Sardinia et Corsica (227).1 Renieblas and the sites surrounding Numantia are among the first camps of Rome‘s earliest overseas expansion to be confidently identified archaeologically. They are central in analyses of the Republican army and Roman siegeworks,2 the conquest of Hispania,3 and the effects of the war on local communities.4
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Torina, Alessandra, Angelina Alongi, Victoria Naranjo, Agustín Estrada-Peña, Joaquín Vicente, Salvatore Scimeca, Anna M. F. Marino, Felice Salina, Santo Caracappa e José de la Fuente. "Prevalence and Genotypes of Anaplasma Species and Habitat Suitability for Ticks in a Mediterranean Ecosystem". Applied and Environmental Microbiology 74, n.º 24 (31 de outubro de 2008): 7578–84.

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ABSTRACT Anaplasma species are tick-transmitted pathogens that impact veterinary and human health. Sicily is one of the locations where these pathogens are endemic. Sicily represents a typical Mediterranean ecosystem to study Anaplasma infection and tick habitat suitability. The aims of this study were (i) to characterize by 16S rRNA and species-specific msp4 gene PCR the prevalence and genotypes of A. marginale, A. phagocytophilum, and A. ovis in the most abundant host species in Sicilian provinces and (ii) to correlate differences between hosts and between western and eastern Sicily with the habitat suitability for ticks in these regions. Differences were found in the prevalence of Anaplasma spp. between different hosts and between western and eastern provinces. The differences in Anaplasma prevalence between different hosts may be explained by pathogen host tropism. The differences between western and eastern provinces correlated with the tick habitat suitability in these regions. The analysis of Anaplasma genotypes suggested a higher host and regional specificity for A. phagocytophilum than for A. marginale and A. ovis strains, a finding probably associated with the broader host range of A. phagocytophilum. The presence of identical A. marginale genotypes in the two regions may reflect cattle movement. The results for A. ovis suggested the possibility of some genotypes being host specific. These results provide information potentially useful for the management of tick-borne diseases caused by Anaplasma spp. in Sicily and other Mediterranean regions and may contribute to the development of models to predict the risks for these tick-borne pathogens.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Panno, Stefano, Andrea Giovanni Caruso, Stefano Barone, Giosuè Lo Bosco, Ezequiel A. Rangel e Salvatore Davino. "Spread of Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus in Sicily and Evaluation of the Spatiotemporal Dispersion in Experimental Conditions". Agronomy 10, n.º 6 (12 de junho de 2020): 834.

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Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) is an emerging pathogen that causes severe disease in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) crops. The first ToBRFV outbreak in Italy occurred in 2018 in several Sicilian provinces, representing a serious threat for tomato production. In the present work, the spatiotemporal displacement of ToBRFV in Sicily was evaluated, analyzing a total of 590 lots of tomato seed, 982 lots of plantlets from nurseries and 100 commercial greenhouses. Furthermore, we investigated the ToBRFV spreading dynamic in a greenhouse under experimental conditions. Results showed several aspects related to ToBRFV dispersion in protected tomato crops. In detail, an important decrease of the ToBRFV-infected seed and plantlet lots was detected. Regarding the examined commercial greenhouses, ToBRFV still appears to be present in Sicily, although there has been a decrease during monitoring. In experimental conditions, it was demonstrated that the presence of few infected plants are sufficient to damage the entire crop in a short time, reaching almost 100% of infection.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Panno, Stefano, Susana Ruiz-Ruiz, Andrea Giovanni Caruso, Ana Alfaro-Fernandez, Maria Isabel Font San Ambrosio e Salvatore Davino. "Real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction development for rapid detection of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus and comparison with other techniques". PeerJ 7 (17 de outubro de 2019): e7928.

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Background Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) is a highly infectious tobamovirus that causes severe disease in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) crops. In Italy, the first ToBRFV outbreak occurred in 2018 in several provinces of the Sicily region. ToBRFV outbreak represents a serious threat for tomato crops in Italy and the Mediterranean Basin. Methods Molecular and biological characterisation of the Sicilian ToBRFV ToB-SIC01/19 isolate was performed, and a sensitive and specific Real-time RT-PCR TaqMan minor groove binder probe method was developed to detect ToBRFV in infected plants and seeds. Moreover, four different sample preparation procedures (immunocapture, total RNA extraction, direct crude extract and leaf-disk crude extract) were evaluated. Results The Sicilian isolate ToB-SIC01/19 (6,391 nt) showed a strong sequence identity with the isolates TBRFV-P12-3H and TBRFV-P12-3G from Germany, Tom1-Jo from Jordan and TBRFV-IL from Israel. The ToB-SIC01/19 isolate was successfully transmitted by mechanical inoculations in S. lycopersicum L. and Capsicum annuum L., but no transmission occurred in S. melongena L. The developed real-time RT-PCR, based on the use of a primer set designed on conserved sequences in the open reading frames3, enabled a reliable quantitative detection. This method allowed clear discrimination of ToBRFV from other viruses belonging to the genus Tobamovirus, minimising false-negative results. Using immunocapture and total RNA extraction procedures, the real-time RT-PCR and end-point RT-PCR gave the same comparable results. Using direct crude extracts and leaf-disk crude extracts, the end-point RT-PCR was unable to provide a reliable result. This developed highly specific and sensitive real-time RT-PCR assay will be a particularly valuable tool for early ToBRFV diagnosis, optimising procedures in terms of costs and time.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Mousavi, Seyed Saeed, Hossein Karami, Ahmad Tamadoni, Hassan Mahmoudi, Ramin Shekarriz, Rita Siami e Mohammad Bagher Hashemi-Soteh. "Spectrum of Beta-Thalassemia Mutations in Potential Carriers with Microcytic Hypochromic Anemia from Mazandaran and Golestan, Northern Provinces of Iran". BioMed Research International 2024 (30 de janeiro de 2024): 1–11.

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Introduction. β-Thalassaemia is the most common genetic disorder and is considered as a major public health concern in Iran. Different countrywide studies have shown a heterogeneous mutational basis of β-thalassaemia with different frequencies in each area. This study is aimed at investigating the common and rare mutations in Mazandaran and Golestan, northern provinces of Iran. Methods. 5425 microcytic and hypochromic individuals were investigated from Mazandaran and Golestan provinces. From these, 1323 beta carrier or affected individuals were selected where 938 persons were from Mazandaran and 385 people were from Golestan province, respectively. Result. 53 different mutations were identified, IVSII-1 (G>A) was the most common (59.14%) followed by Cd 22/23/24 (-7 bp) (5.34%), Cd 8 (-AA) (4.93%), Cd30 (G>A) (4.00%), and IVSI-5 (G>C) (3.70%) with a total of 77.11% in Mazandaran Province, respectively. In Golestan Province, IVSI-5 (G>C) was the most frequent (44.62%) followed by IVSII-1 (G>A) (27.18%), Cd 15 (TGG>TAG) (4.36%), Fr 8/9(+G) (3.85%), and Cd 8(-AA) (2.05%) with a total of 82.06%, respectively. From the 53 different mutations, 22 numbers have been observed in both provinces. Two deletions of the beta gene named Sicilian and Asian-Indian have been detected in Mazandaran with a frequency of 0.72% each. Conclusion. The 53 different mutations identified in this study were the most ever reported mutations in the country. Due to diversity of different ethnic groups, there are many varieties of mutation in beta globin gene in Iran. It could be assumed that both founder effect and natural selection caused by migration from neighboring areas have complemented each other to produce the high frequency of unique alleles within each region.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Abbate, Jessica M., Francesca Arfuso, Carmelo Iaria, Giuseppe Arestia e Giovanni Lanteri. "Prevalence of Bovine Tuberculosis in Slaughtered Cattle in Sicily, Southern Italy". Animals 10, n.º 9 (21 de agosto de 2020): 1473.

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Post-mortem inspection in slaughterhouses plays a key role in the epidemiological surveillance of infectious diseases, including bTB. This study assessed the prevalence of bTB in cattle in Sicily during two different three-year periods (2010–2012; 2017–2019), using data from meat inspections and histopathological methods. Out of 100,196 cattle, 5221 (5.21%) were diagnosed with tuberculous lesions. Higher prevalence of bTB was recorded during the triennium 2010–2012 (6.74%; n = 3692) compared to the triennium 2017–2019 (3.36%; n = 1529), with a decreasing trend in annual occurrence throughout the study period and a heterogenous proportion of infected cattle among the Sicilian provinces (p < 0.01). Lower rates of infection were recorded in animals aged <12 months and >84 months (p < 0.0001). Pearson’s chi square analysis revealed a higher localization of lesions in the thoracic cavity (p < 0.0001). Gathered findings show that even though bTB occurrence in cattle was greatly reduced over the years, the disease still remains widespread in Sicily, also posing severe implications for public health.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Cassar, Silvana, e Salvo Creaco. "Towards Tourism Sustainability: General Aspects and Empirical Evidence of the Italian Experience at Decentralized Level, with Specific Reference to Sicily". Baltic Journal of European Studies 6, n.º 1 (1 de fevereiro de 2016): 95–138.

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AbstractEven though the concepts and observations underlying sustainability are not a novelty, sustainable development was given impetus and made popular in 1987 by the Brundtland Report. This report introduced development policies and strategies that acknowledged the importance of resource and environmental constraints and the limitations imposed on growth patterns. Although sustainable development proved difficult to define and make operative, the concept was progressively applied to those economic sectors which had major detrimental effects on income, employment and wealth. Sustainable tourism was effectively one part of the effort to take full account of the current and future economic, social and environmental impacts of the sector, addressing the needs of visitors, industry, environment and host communities. After reviewing the main questions referring to the environmental, economic and social aspects of tourism development, this paper tries to identify a balanced indicator showing the impact of tourist accommodation facilities and related infrastructure in Sicily in terms of the three fundamental pillars of sustainability. Based on this indicator, the ranking of the nine Sicilian provinces is provided. In a wider perspective, the proposed approach is applied to make a comparison of tourism sustainability in Sicily and in other Italian regions.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Salerno, Fabio. "Il consorzio per l'Area industriale di Siracusa e il Piano dell'Italconsult, 1949-1973". STORIA URBANA, n.º 130 (outubro de 2011): 105–36.

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Il saggio ripercorre oltre un ventennio di storia dello sviluppo di uno dei maggiori poli industriali meridionali, attraverso lo studio del Piano regolatore dell'Area di sviluppo industriale di Siracusa e mediante la ricostruzione delle lunghe vicende legate alla sua approvazione. Del piano, elaborato dall'Italconsult agli inizi degli anni '60, si mette in evidenza la visione territoriale, che documenta la volontŕ di un approccio globale finalizzato allo sviluppo dell'area provinciale; allo stesso tempo, si sottolinea perň come il piano intervenga su un territorio giŕ profondamente trasformato dall'insediamento di numerose grandi imprese industriali. Nel decennio tra il 1950 e il 1960, l'industrializzazione dell'area lungo la costa che da Augusta giunge fino alla periferia Nord di Siracusa si svolge, infatti, in assenza di strumenti di pianificazione territoriale specifici e senza alcuna infrastrutturazione programmata del territorio. La prima parte del testo descrive i modi con cui l'industria si insedia, evidenziando i fattori di squilibrio che emergono dalla trasformazione del territorio. Il Piano Italconsult conosce in seguito un difficile iter attuativo, anche in relazione alla scelta governativa di istituire un'unica Area per lo sviluppo industriale della Sicilia orientale che include le province di Siracusa e Catania, con le conseguenti difficoltŕ di tipo amministrativo che questo determina. Dopo la redazione di una successiva versione e di una variante, il Piano regolatore per l'Area di sviluppo industriale della Sicilia orientale - zona Sud (Siracusa) viene approvato paradossalmente soltanto nel 1973, diventando operativo a ridosso della prima grave crisi petrolifera mondiale; con il risultato che da strumento di pianificazione che avrebbe dovuto guidare lo sviluppo di uno dei principali poli petrolchimici nazionali, risulterŕ giŕ superato al momento della sua approvazione.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Daidone, Rossella, Antonella Carollo, Maria Patrizia Perricone, Renato Messina e Carmela Rita Balistreri. "A Particular Focus on the Prevalence of α- and β-Thalassemia in Western Sicilian Population from Trapani Province in the COVID-19 Era". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24, n.º 5 (2 de março de 2023): 4809.

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Thalassemia is a Mendelian inherited blood disease caused by α- and β-globin gene mutations, known as one of the major health problems of Mediterranean populations. Here, we examined the distribution of α- and β-globin gene defects in the Trapani province population. A total of 2,401 individuals from Trapani province were enrolled from January 2007 to December 2021, and routine methodologies were used for detecting the α- and β-globin genic variants. Appropriate analysis was also performed. Eight mutations in the α globin gene showed the highest frequency in the sample studied; three of these genetic variants represented the 94% of the total α-thalassemia mutations observed, including the −α3.7 deletion (76%), and the tripling of the α gene (12%) and of the α2 point mutation IVS1-5nt (6%). For the β-globin gene, 12 mutations were detected, six of which constituted 83.4% of the total number of β-thalassemia defects observed, including codon β039 (38%), IVS1.6 T > C (15.6%), IVS1.110 G > A (11.8%), IVS1.1 G > A (11%), IVS2.745 C > G (4%), and IVS2.1 G > A (3%). However, the comparison of these frequencies with those detected in the population of other Sicilian provinces did not demonstrate significant differences, but it contrarily revealed a similitude. The data presented in this retrospective study help provide a picture of the prevalence of defects on the α and β-globin genes in the province of Trapani. The identification of mutations in globin genes in a population is required for carrier screening and for an accurate prenatal diagnosis. It is important and necessary to continue promoting public awareness campaigns and screening programs.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Caterina Patrizia Di, Franco, Borsellino Valeria, Sala Lorenzo La e Schimmenti Emanuele. "Application of a model for the evaluation of the “Visitor Satisfaction” in a nature reserve of South Italy". Journal of Forest Science 63, No. 5 (26 de maio de 2017): 206–18.

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The protected natural area represents an important resource because from it sustainable and long-lasting social and economic development processes can start. In fact, the conservation of biodiversity can help create economic values by using natural capital which, if properly valorised, can help the momentum of local sustainable development and create diffuse welfare in terms of employment and income. To such a purpose, the evaluation both of the demand by those who enjoy the services of a protected area and of the level of satisfaction that visitors draw from their experience becomes a priority.<br /> The present study aims at investigating the behaviour and the preferences of the visitors to a protected natural area by means of the application of a “Visitor Satisfaction” model, in order to provide the managing institution and the local stakeholders with a method for the evaluation of the services offered, and in particular those services that directly concern the recreational function. The model has been implemented in the Riserva Naturale Orientata “Foce del Fiume Belice e dune limitrofe”, which is part of the provinces of Agrigento and Trapani in the Region of Sicilia (Sicily, South Italy). Our hope is that it can be extended to other protected areas.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Castrizio, Daniele. "THE ANTIKYTHERA WRECK: A NUMISMATIC APPROACH". Ukrainian Numismatic Annual, n.º 5 (30 de dezembro de 2021): 105–20.

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The paper examines the coins found inside the Antikythera wreck. The wreck of Antikythera was discovered by chance by some sponge fishermen in October 1900, in the northern part of the island of Antikythera. The archaeological excavation of the wreck has allowed the recovery of many finds in marble and bronze, with acquisitions of human skeletons related to the crew of the sunken ship, in addition to the famous “Antikythera mechanism”. Various proposals have been made for the chronology of the shipwreck, as well as the port of departure of the ship, which have been based on literary sources or on the chronology of ceramic finds. As far as coins are concerned, it should be remembered that thirty-six silver coins and some forty bronze coins were recovered in 1976, all corroded and covered by encrustations. The separate study of the two classes of materials, those Aegean and those Sicilian allows to deepen the history of the ship shipwrecked to Antikythera. The treasury of silver coinage is composed of thirty-six silver cistophoric tetradrachms, 32 of which are attributable to the mint of Pergamon and 4 to that of Ephesus. From the chronological point of view, the coins minted in Pergamon have been attributed by scholars to the years from 104/98 B.C. to 76/67 B.C., the date that marks the end of the coinage until 59 B.C. The coins of Ephesus are easier to date because they report the year of issue, even if, in the specimens found, the only legible refers to the year 53, corresponding to our 77/76 B.C., if it is assumed as the beginning of the era of Ephesus its elevation to the capital of the province of Asia in 129 B.C., or 82/81 B.C., if we consider 134/133 B.C., the year of the creation of the Provincia Asiana. As for the three legible bronzes, we note that there are a specimen of Cnidus and two of Ephesus. The coin of the city of Caria was dated by scholars in the second half of the third century B.C. The two bronzes of Ephesus are dated almost unanimously around the middle of the first century B.C., although this fundamental data was never considered for the dating of the shipwreck. The remaining three legible bronzes from Asian mints, two from the Katane mint and one from the Panormos mint, belong to a completely different geographical context, such as Sicily, with its own circulation of coins. The two coins of Katane show a typology with a right-facing head of Dionysus with ivy crown, while on the reverse we find the figures of the Pii Fratres of Katane, Amphinomos and Anapias, with their parents on their shoulders. The specimen of Panormos has on the front the graduated head of Zeus turned to the left, and on the verse the standing figure of a warrior with whole panoply, in the act of offering a libation, with on the left the monogram of the name of the mint. As regards the series of Katane, usually dated to the second century B.C., it should be noted, as, moreover, had already noticed Michael Crawford, that there is an extraordinary similarity between the reverse of these bronzes and that of the issuance of silver denarii in the name of Sextus Pompey, that have on the front the head of the general, facing right, and towards the two brothers from Katane on the sides of a figure of Neptune with an aplustre in his right hand, and the foot resting on the bow of the ship, dated around 40 B.C., during the course of the Bellum siculum. We wonder how it is possible to justify the presence in a wreck of the half of the first century B.C. of two specimens of a very rare series of one hundred and fifty years before, but well known to the engravers of the coins of Sextus Pompey. The only possible answer is that Katane coins have been minted more recently than scholars have established. For the coin series of Panormos, then, it must be kept in mind that there are three different variants of the same type of reverse, for which it is not possible to indicate a relative chronology. In one coin issue, the legend of the ethnic is written in Greek characters all around the warrior; in another coin we have a monogram that can be easily dissolved as an abbreviation of the name of the city of Panormos; in the third, in addition to the same monogram, we find the legend CATO, written in Latin characters. In our opinion, this legend must necessarily refer to the presence in Sicily of Marcus Porcius Cato of Utica, with the charge of propraetor in the year 49 B.C. Drawing the necessary consequences from the in-depth analysis, the data of the Sicilian coins seem to attest to their production towards the middle of the first century B.C., in line with what is obtained from the ceramic material found inside the shipwrecked ship, and from the dating of the coins of Ephesus. The study of numismatic materials and a proposal of more precise dating allows to offer a new chronological data for the sinking of the ship. The presence of rare bronze coins of Sicilian mints suggests that the ship came from a port on the island, most likely from that of Katane.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Efremov, G. "Thalassemias and Other Hemoglobinopathies in Former Yugoslavia". Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics 11, n.º 1 (1 de janeiro de 2008): 11–26.

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Thalassemias and Other Hemoglobinopathies in Former YugoslaviaThis review summarizes our results on the epidemiology and molecular basis of thalassemias and other hemoglobinopathies in the republics and provinces of the Former Yugoslavia. Over the past 40 years, surveys of more than 37,000 school children and more than 1,600 adults, from all over Former Yugoslavia, except Slovenia, have shown an average incidence of β-thalassemia (β-thal) trait of 1.2%, ranging from 2.9% in the south (Macedonia) to 0.8% in the northwest (Croatia). The frequency of δβ-thal was 0.2%, while that of Swiss type hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH) was 0.4%. Screening of 12,680 newborns has shown that the frequency of α-thal trait was 1.5%. The molecular basis of the thalassemias in the populations of Former Yugoslavia has been completely defined. More than 700 β-thal chromosomes have been studied and their molecular defect was determined. In the Macedonian population, 16 different β-thal mutations were detected, four of which (IVS-I-110, G→A; IVS-I-6, T>C; IVS-I-1, G>A and codon 39, C>T) accounted for 85% of all β-thal chromosomes. In the Croatian population, 18 different β-thal alleles were detected. Four new mutations [nucleotide (nt) -87, C>A; IVS-II-850, G>C; initiation codon mutation T>C; polyadenylation signal (poly A), AATAAA>AATGAA)] and one new deletion (1605 bp), were characterized. Molecular analyses of DNA from over 50 unrelated cases with δβ-thal have shown that this condition was mainly caused by a 13 kb deletion (Sicilian type); in one family, a deletion of >18 to 23 kb (Macedonian-Turkish type), and in another, a deletion of 148 kb (Yugoslavian type of εγδβ-thal) of the β-globin gene complex, were discovered. Molecular analyses of α-thal from Former Yugoslavia revealed the following defects: the -20.5, -17.5 and -3.7 kb deletions, a 5 nt deletion, and Hb Icaria [α142, Term→Lys (TAA>TCA in α2)]. The incidence of abnormal hemoglobins (Hbs) in Former Yugoslavia was 0.3%. Five different α chain variants in 16 families, 16 different β chain variants in 61 families, one δ chain variant in one family, two types of Hb Lepore in 122 families and two γ chain variants, have been characterized.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Ahmed, Y., G. Cirvilleri e A. M. D'Onghia. "First Report of Verticillium Wilt of Mango (Mangifera indica) Caused by Verticillium dahliae in Italy". Plant Disease 98, n.º 8 (agosto de 2014): 1156.

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Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is an important fruit crop in many tropical and subtropical countries. This crop has been recently introduced in Italy, mainly in Sicily (southern Italy), where it proves to be a good commodity for the national market. However, the future of mango cultivation in Sicily is threatened by diverse biotic and abiotic factors, which may limit production and fruit quality. For this reason, an investigation into soilborne diseases of mango was carried out in summer 2009 and spring 2010 (1). During May 2009, typical symptoms of Verticillium wilt were observed in four young mango orchards, cv. Kensington Pride, in Catania Province. The symptoms observed included gradual leaf yellowing, marginal browning, slow growth, and dieback on one side of the shoots. The dead leaves remained attached to infected branches and no defoliation was observed. Cross sections of affected branches showed brown vascular discoloration. The incidence of infected trees was about 25% of 96 examined trees. Small pieces of brownish, vascular wood tissues were surface disinfested and placed onto potato dextrose agar (PDA). After 5 days of incubation at 25°C in the dark, the isolates were purified using the single-spore isolation method. Pathogen identification was initially based on morphological characteristics, and then confirmed by molecular methods. The colonies produced from all the tested isolates showed irregular shape, black microsclerotia, and hyaline, elliptical, single-celled conidia developed on verticillate conidiophores (2). For molecular identification, two specific primer pairs (Ver2-Ver3 and Vd7b-Vd10) of the intergenic spacer region (IGS) were used (3). A fragment of 339 bp was obtained by Ver2-Ver3 primer pair, which is a genus-specific primer, while a fragment of 139 bp was amplified by Vd7b-Vd10 primer pair specific for V. dahliae. To fulfil Koch's postulates, 10-month-old mango plants cv. Kensington Pride were inoculated by dipping the roots in Verticillium conidial suspension for 10 min. Conidial suspension was approximately 4 × 106 conidia/ml, prepared from Verticillium isolates Vd-1 and Vd-2 (10 plants for each isolate). Plants dipped in sterile water were used as controls. All plants were kept in a greenhouse at 25°C and 90 to 95% relative humidity. After 10 months, all inoculated plants showed symptoms identical to those observed in mango plants in the field; plants inoculated with water did not show symptoms. V. dahliae was consistently isolated from symptomatic plants but not from plants inoculated with water. To our knowledge, this is the first report of Verticillium wilt caused by V. dahliae on mango in Italy. Verticillium wilt is known to be a serious threat for the mango industry worldwide. The disease, still localized in Catania Province, may soon affects all Sicilian mango-growing provinces with serious economic consequences. References: (1) Y. M. Ahmed et al. J. Plant Pathol. 92:S4.71, 2010. (2) D. L. Hawksworth and P. W. Talboys. CMI Descriptions of Pathogenic Fungi and Bacteria, No. 256. CAB International, Wallingford, UK, 1970. (3) L. Schena et al. Phytopathol. Mediterr. 43:273, 2004.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Cortelazzo, Michele A. "<em>Presi a letto</em>". XXIV, 2023/1 (gennaio-marzo), n.º 24 (17 de março de 2023).

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Negli ultimi anni è stata più volte segnalata l’espressione prendersi a letto. Per illustrarne il significato possiamo far riferimento alla segnalazione di C. R., insegnante di matematica e scienze in una scuola media della provincia di Vicenza, ma di origine siciliana, che pone così il quesito: «vi contatto in merito ad una disquisizione avvenuta in sede di consiglio di classe. Un alunno, alla domanda del ritardo d’entrata a scuola, ha risposto di “essersi preso a letto”. […] Tale espressione, anche, un po’ buffa a mio avviso, […] non credo sia un'espressione corretta in lingua italiana. Io insegno matematica e scienze, ma tendo sempre a correggere i ragazzi nelle forme di espressione non corrette […]». Più succinta, ma dello stesso tenore è la richiesta di Carla Z., di Bassano del Grappa, in provincia di Vicenza («La frase idiomatica “prendersi a letto” è un’espressione dialettale veneta?») e di P. P. di Molvena, località anch’essa in provincia di Vicenza, che a sua volta chiede informazioni sulla correttezza dell’espressione.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Ielo, Augusto, Angelo Quartarone, Rocco Salvatore Calabrò e Maria Cristina De Cola. "A hub and spoke model to supply the Sicilian neurorehabilitation demand: effects on hospitalization rates and patient mobility". Frontiers in Public Health 12 (20 de março de 2024).

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IntroductionCerebrovascular diseases in Sicily have led to high mortality and healthcare challenges, with a notable gap between healthcare demand and supply. The mobility of patients seeking care, both within and outside Sicily, has economic and organizational impacts on the healthcare system. The Hub and Spoke model implemented by the IRCCS Centro Neurolesi “Bonino-Pulejo” of Messina aims to distribute advanced neurorehabilitation services throughout Sicily, potentially reducing health mobility and improving service accessibility.MethodsThe evaluation was based on calculating hospitalization rates, examining patient mobility across Sicilian provinces, and assessing the financial implications of neurorehabilitation admissions. Data from 2016 to 2018, covering the period before and after the implementation of the Hub and Spoke network, were analyzed to understand the changes brought about by this model.ResultsThe analysis revealed a significant increase in hospitalization rates for neurorehabilitation in the Sicilian provinces where spokes were established. This increase coincided with a marked decrease in interregional health mobility, indicating that patients were able to receive high-quality care closer to their residences. Furthermore, there was a decrease in both intra-regional and inter-regional escape rates in provinces within the Hub and Spoke network, demonstrating the network’s efficacy in improving accessibility and quality of healthcare services.DiscussionThe implementation of the Hub and Spoke network substantially improved neurorehabilitation healthcare in Sicily, enhancing both accessibility and quality of care for patients. The network’s establishment led to a more efficient utilization of healthcare resources and balanced distribution of services. These advancements are vital steps toward equitable and effective healthcare delivery in Sicily.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

De Cola, Maria Cristina, Augusto Ielo, Viviana Lo Buono, Angelo Quartarone e Rocco Salvatore Calabrò. "Toward social-health integration in Sicily: description of the first hub and spoke model to improve the diagnostic therapeutic care paths for neurorehabilitation". Frontiers in Public Health 11 (16 de maio de 2023).

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IntroductionThe study describes a hub and spoke network for neuro-rehabilitation recently activated in Sicily, and evaluates the before-after changes yielded, in terms of integrated care.MethodsA set of indicators based on data contained in the administrative database of inpatients of the Regional Health System are presented and discussed. Statistical analysis was conducted both globally and separately for the 9 Sicilian provinces (Agrigento, Caltanissetta, Catania, Enna, Messina, Palermo, Siracusa, Ragusa, and Trapani).ResultsResults showed an increase in admissions of people residing in the province where the Spokes have been opened: Trapani (+32.4%), Messina (+7.8%) and Palermo (+4.4%); besides a significant increase of patients from healthcare facilities proportion (p = 0.001) and from acute wards (p = 0.029). In addition, we found a decrease of discharge to protected healthcare facilities (p = 0.001) and to acute wards (p &lt; 0.001), as well as an increase of discharges to home (p = 0.018).DiscussionIn conclusion, it would seem that the activation of this network has facilitated the management of these patients, avoiding unnecessary migrations to other provinces and/or regions, and improving the regional care service for neuro-rehabilitation. Future research will be direct to investigate this aspect, focusing on before-after variations in hospitalization rates and origin– destination patient flows.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Surdo, Salvatore, Paolo Galasso e Manuel Andrea Zafarana. "The Red-throated pipit <i>Anthus cervinus</i> is a regular wintering in Sicily". Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia 93, n.º 2 (9 de novembro de 2023).

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We present a review of the phenology of the Red-throated Pipit Anthus cervinus and its wintering status in Sicily. We collected and analysed 91 different records related to a total of 280 individuals. Data were collected both through direct observations on the field and by consulting recent literature and ornithological databases. The species has been regularly found overwintering during the last 11 winters (December 2012-January 2023), with the only exception of the winter of 2014/2015, likely due to the lack of coverage and targeted research, with an estimated population of 180-190 individuals. The average value is 3.07 individuals/records observed in 18 different locations related to four Sicilian provinces (Caltanissetta, Catania, Siracusa, Trapani), mainly near wetlands and, more specifically, in Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic halophytic meadows and Mediterranean salt meadows. The number of wintering sites in the recent years appears to be increasing.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.


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The V&A is home to a painted crucifix that has been attributed to the Sicilian master, Antonio de Saliba (c 1466/7–c 1535), who was active in Venice and eastern Sicily during the Renaissance. This paper takes a fresh look at the documentary sources that were published before the devastating earthquake that struck Messina, in the north west of Sicily, in 1908. In re-examining these sources, this paper reveals new insights into Antonio de Saliba’s oeuvre and enables a possible identification of the V&A’s painted crucifix with a specific contractual agreement that links this crucifix’s commission to the artist – specifically with a commission de Saliba received in 1508 from Limina, a small town in the province of Messina. The roots of this provincial commission would explain the persistence of a retardataire production visible in this early sixteenth-century painted crucifix. This paper also challenges the preconceived idea that such painted crucifixes were destined to be displayed high up in a church, on a tramezzo or beam.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

DOSTOVİC, Nihad. "1644-1646 yıllara ait Tuzla Siciline gör İzvornik Sancağındaki Tuzla / Memlehateyn vakıfları". Vakıflar Dergisi, 28 de novembro de 2023.

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This paper provides study of waqf records in Sidjil of Memleḥateyn kadı / judge in Sanjak of İzvornik. It is one of the rare archival sources of 17th century for Sanjak of Izvornik, at the time in Eyalet of Bosnia, and the whole north-eastern part of today’s Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was preserved until today. Documents regarding waqfs were recorded covering Hijri zears 1053-56, that is to say 1643-46 according to the contemporary Gregorian calendar. Today most of the Sidjil is hosted in Gazi Husrev Bey Library in Sarajevo as part of Osman Asaf-ef. Sokolović’ bequest. This study of waqf aims to provide better understanding of a role that waqf had as an institution in Ottoman provincial hinterland. This Ottoman hinterland seems to be in decline when compared with some frontier centres, like the Ottoman Buda. In this study we see how waqfs were equally important as a source of cash for economic, cultural social and other activities both in urban as well as in rural areas. Hence the focuses of economic activities were in bigger centres. Besides being source of cash the records from Sidjil show how being employed in a certain waqf also meant a prestige in society at the local level. Therefore, it can be concluded that waqfs were invisible hand or a medium of Ottoman State through which people of different background at various levels could achieve their aims or provide material source for economic and social activities.
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Fazzo, Lucia, Mario Carere, Francesco Tisano, Caterina Bruno, Achille Cernigliaro, Maria Rita Cicero, Pietro Comba et al. "Cancer incidence in Priolo, Sicily: a spatial approach for estimation of industrial air pollution impact". Geospatial Health 11, n.º 1 (18 de abril de 2016).

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The territory around the industrial Sicilian area of Priolo, Italy, has been defined as a contaminated site (CS) of national priority for remediation because of diffuse environmental contamination caused by large industrial settlements. The present study investigates the spatial distribution of cancer into the CS territory (period 1999-2006). Different geographical methods used for the evaluation of the impact of industrial air pollutants were adopted. Using the database of Syracuse Province Cancer Registry, gender-specific standardised incidence ratios were calculated for 35 tumour sites for the CS overall and for each municipality included in the CS. A cluster analysis for 17 selected neoplasms was performed at micro-geographical level. The identification of the priority index contaminants (PICs) present in environmental matrices and a review of their carcinogenicity have been performed and applied in the interpretation of the findings. The area has a higher cancer incidence with respect to the provincial population, in particular excess is registered among both genders of lung, bladder and breast cancers as well as skin melanoma and pleural mesothelioma and there is an <em>a priori</em> evidence of association with the exposure to PICs. The study highlights the need to provide different approaches in CSs where several exposure pathways might be relevant for the population. The presence of potential sources of asbestos exposure deserves specific concern.
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Liberti, Gianfranco. "Supplemento alla revisione del genere Dasytes Paykull, 1799 in Italia (Coleoptera, Cleroidea, Melyridae Dasytinae)". Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana, 24 de abril de 2020, 25–36.

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A distanza di circa 15 anni dalla revisione del genere Dasytes in Italia lo studio di ulteriori abbondanti materiali ha consentito di acquisire alcune nuove conoscenze che si reputa opportuno rendere pubbliche. Dasytes buphtalmus baudi a Selve, 1873: è confermata la presenza in Italia centrale e, nel nord-est d’Italia, il suo areale viene esteso fino a comprendere la provincia di Verona. Dasytes coerulescens Küster, 1852: non è un endemita corso-sardo perché presente anche, almeno, in Algeria. Dasytes gonocerus Mulsant & rey, 1868: ha una distribuzione geografica assai più ampia di quanto precedentemente ipotizzato, che spazia dalla Penisola Iberica al Caucaso. Dasytes metallicus Fabricius, 1792: è rappresentato da due sottospecie: D. metallicus metallicus Fabricius, 1792 in Tunisia (eccetto la zona di tunisi) e D. metallicus dilectus Normand,1948 in Sicilia e in tunisia nella zona di tunisi. Dasytes nigrocyaneus Mulsant & Rey, 1868: è confermata la sua presenza in Italia e sono forniti ulteriori dati sulla sua distribuzione italiana ed europea. Dasytes obscurus Gyllenhal, 1813: le popolazioni delle Prealpi calcaree del Veneto presentano alcune differenze morfologiche rispetto alla forma ampiamente diffusa nel resto della catena alpina. Dasytes pauperculus Laporte de Castelnau, 1840: specie fino ad ora considerata, non del tutto a ragione, assai rara, è stata rinvenuta in numerose località.
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Massaad, Mark, Rafael Da Silveira Bueno, Ilham Bentaleb e Tommaso La Mantia. "Bats of Sicily: historical evidence, current knowledge, research biases and trends". Natural History Sciences 10, n.º 2 (11 de outubro de 2023).

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Insular bat communities are a preeminent conservation taxon due to their ecological role and intriguing and unique species composition. Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean. However, research on Sicilian bats is still scattered, with substantial information being overlooked. Here we present a systematic review of all available bibliographic information from 1810 to 2022, including grey literature, archives, and peer-reviewed publications. The analyses of bibliographic sources permitted us to evaluate the status of research on bats using the Bat Research Efficiency (BRE) and Species-Research Effort Allocation (SREA) metrics. A total of 81 documents were obtained. Since 1955, an average of 1.2 contributions have been issued per year. Over half of the documents are in Italian. The studies are primarily conducted in north-western (40%) and south-eastern (28%) Sicily, mainly in the provinces of Palermo and Siracusa. Most of the contributions concern “Species records” (61%) and “Ecology” (21%). There were 28 species reported, but a significant bias exists towards Myotis myotis, Miniopterus schreibersii, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, Myotis capaccinii, and Rhinolophus euryale. Around 31.5% of the studies focused on threatened species, while 68.5% concentrated on non-threatened species, with an overall preference for cave-dwelling species. Yet, SREA analysis demonstrates a lack of research efforts for all species. We encourage the use of a multidisciplinary approach towards under-studied species while covering geographical gaps and increasing public awareness of the functional role of bats in natural ecosystems.
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Boccarossa, Massimiliano, Daniele Cespi, Ivano Vassura e Fabrizio Passarini. "Still edible wasted food from households: A regional Italian case study". Waste Management & Research: The Journal for a Sustainable Circular Economy, 24 de junho de 2022, 0734242X2211054.

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A 2-year monitoring campaign was carried out within the Marche Region (Italy) to quantify the potential still edible wasted food (seFW) within the sorted (seFWsorted) and unsorted (seFWunsorted) waste streams. Results were elaborated to estimate the distribution of seFW among the five provinces and the amount per capita. Results in terms of total quantities per inhabitants (seFWindex per capita) depict an important variability between districts but almost constant in years (26–38 kg/inhabitants in 2018 and 26–36 kg/inhabitants in 2019). Scores in Marche were then used to study the national situation, adopting the same percentage factors. Analysis was performed on 2019 data. Gradual colour shade was used to identify the Regions with greater seFW production potential. Worst scores are achieved by Lazio, Lombardia and Sicilia (red), followed by others classified as orange and yellow. More than 1.5 Mt potential seFW was estimated at national level, 29% of which is due to the unsorted fraction. Results at national level were used to assess the potential environmental impact related to seFW in terms of climate change. Carbon footprint indicator was quantified per capita (69 kg equivalent carbon dioxide (CO2e)/inhabitant/year in the case of Marche) and overall (3.5 MtCO2e). In addition, an evaluation of the potential economic implications related to the greenhouse gases emitted was made using the Social Cost of Carbon. Results showed that cost of the tCO2e global damage related to seFW in Italy ranges from 35 to 700 M$.
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Ibarz Serrat, Josep Virgili. "El caso del comandante Ramón Lloro Regales (1895-1954= The case of major Ramón Lloro Regales (1895-1954) /". Edupsykhé. Revista de Psicología y Educación 13, n.º 1 (1 de julho de 2014).

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El comandante Lloro estaba destinado en los Regulares de Melilla. En julio de 1936 se sumó a la sublevación militar contra la República española. En diciembre de 1936 fue destinado al frente de Madrid. El 8 de marzo de 1939, las fuerzas franquistas plantean un ataque para entrar en Madrid aprovechando los combates que entonces libraban en la ciudad las tropas del Consejo Nacional de Defensa y los comunistas. Al ser convocado el comandante Lloro a una reunión de oficiales para recibir instrucciones sobre la inminente operación, el coronel lo destituye del mando por entender que se había presentado con evidentes signos de embriaguez a la reunión. La destitución produce en Lloro un estallido de locura. Regresa a su puesto de mando, ordena cortar la comunicación telefónica del puesto y se dirige después a primera línea. Allí, ante la sorpresa de los centinelas, se pierde en tierra de nadie para presentarse ante las fuerzas republicanas. El 7 de abril de 1939, pocos días después de que las tropas de Franco entraran en Madrid, Lloro fue detenido en las salas de psiquiatría del Hospital Provincial de Madrid, actual Museo Reina Sofía, bajo la acusación de traición y sometido a Consejo de Guerra en el Palacio de Justicia de la plaza de París. El 21 de mayo de 1939, el Auditor del Consejo de Guerra encarga a los médicos forenses Antonio Piga Pascual y José Tena Sicilia un dictamen sobre Lloro. Los forenses dictaminan que Lloro padece un trastorno de interpretación o una parafrenia, pero precisan que este diagnóstico sólo tiene carácter de impresión clínica y que para ratificar o rectificarlo es preciso una observación psiquiátrica más minuciosa. El 12 de junio de 1939, se nombran dos psiquiatras para dictaminar el estado mental de Lloro: el teniente coronel Antonio Vallejo Nájera y el capitán médico de Complemento Juan Castells de Santiago. Los psiquiatras militares dictaminan que el comandante Lloro pertenece por las cualidades de su personalidad al grupo de los psicópatas antisociales (degenerados superiores), siendo propenso al padecimiento de estados psíquicos patológicos reactivos, a los abusos alcohólicos, a los actos impulsivos y a la elaboración paranoica de vivencias.
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Raimondo, Maria Luisa, Francesco Lops e Antonia Carlucci. "First report of Phaeoacremonium oleae and P. viticola associated with olive trunk diseases in Italy". Plant Disease, 8 de julho de 2021.

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Over 300 trunk, branch and stem samples with vascular discolouration, necrotic wood and shoot death were collected from olive (Olea europaea) orchards in Lecce, Brindisi, Bari and Foggia provinces (Apulia region, Italy) from October to May from 2013 to 2019. Small chips of symptomatic wood samples were surface sterilised (5% NaOCl, 3 min; 70% ethanol, 30 s), rinsed (sterile distilled water, ×3), and placed onto potato dextrose agar (PDA) plates amended with 500 ppm streptomycin sulphate. After 14 days at 25 °C in the dark, hyphal tips of growing fungi, including different taxa, for instance Phaeoacremonium and Botryosphaeriaceae spp., were transferred to new PDA plates and incubated until sporulation. Monoclonal colonies resembling Phaeoacremonium-like genus (Mostert et al. 2006) were selected for further study, and genomic DNA of 59 representative isolates was extracted (Carlucci et al. 2013). Partial actin and β-tubulin genes were amplified with primers ACT-513F/ACT-783R (Carbone & Kohn 1999), and T1(O’Donnell & Cigelnik 1997) and Bt2b (Glass & Donaldson 1995), respectively. The sequenced amplicons were compared by BLAST algorithms with reference strains of Phaeoacremonium spp. retrieved from GenBank. Forty-four isolates showed 99% to 100% similarity with reference strains P. italicum, P. minimum, P. parasiticum, P. scolyti and P. sicilianum (Carlucci et al. 2015), nine with P. oleae, and six with P. viticola. Actin and β-tubulin sequences of P. oleae (Pm14) and P. viticola (Pm34) were submitted to GenBank (MW714561, MW714563; MZ318697, MZ318696). Microscopy of P. oleae isolates showed: conidiophores branched and unbranched, (18.7–)21.9–57.1(–67.8) × (2.9–)3.3–4.7(–5.2) (mean, 38.9×4.1) μm (n=30); conidia oblong-ellipsoidal to obovoid or subcylindrical 3.4 to 5.5 μm long, and 1.5 to 2.4 (mean, 4.6 × 2.2) μm wide (n=30). Microscopy of P. viticola isolates showed: conidiophores subcylindrical, branched at base (6.7–)8.9–27.2(–29.3) × (2.0–)2.6–3.3(–3.7) (mean, 21.4 × 3.2) μm (n=30); conidia oblong-ellipsoidal to obovoid or subcylindrical 3.3 to 6.8 μm long, and 1.1 to 2.2 (mean, 4.2 × 1.6) μm wide (n=30). In spring 2020, artificial inoculations were carried out with P. oleae (Pm14, Pm46) and P. viticola (Pm34, Pm43) strains on 10 healthy, 2-year-old olive seedlings cultivar ‘Coratina’. Agar plugs (diameter, 0.3–0.5 cm) from 10-day-old cultures grown on water agar at 23 (±2) °C were inserted under the bark of small wounds in the stems (length, 0.4–1.0 cm) made with a sterile scalpel. After inoculation, the wounds were wrapped with wet sterile cotton wool and sealed with Parafilm. Ten control olive seedlings were inoculated with sterile agar plugs. The experiment was replicated three times. All inoculated young olive plants were grown in pots in a greenhouse without temperature control. After 120 days, inoculated plants showed decline symptoms, and when cut longitudinally, brown streaks were observed in the wood. For P. oleae these streaks measured 3.0-5.5 cm long (standard deviation [SD], 0.9 cm, and for P. viticola they were 1.8-3.5 cm (SD, 0.62). Both fungal species were re-isolated from the symptomatic wood from 85% and 80%, respectively, of these inoculated olive seedlings, fulfilling Koch’s postulates. No symptoms were observed from olive seedlings used as control. P. oleae was first described as a fungal pathogen of wild olive (Olea europaea subsp. cuspidate) in South Africa by Spies et al. (2018), and P. viticola as a fungal pathogen of grapevine in France by Dupont et al. (2000). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of P. oleae associated with olive trunk disease in Italy, and the first report of P. viticola associated with olive trunk disease worldwide. References: Carbone I. & Kohn L.M. 1999. Mycologia 91:553. Carlucci A. et al. 2015. Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 141:717. Carlucci A. et al. 2013. Phytopathol. Mediterr. 52:517. Dupont et al. 2000. Mycologia 92:499-504. Glass N. L. & Donaldson G. C. 1995. J. Cl. Microbiol. 41: 1332. Mostert L. et al. 2006. Stud. Mycol. 54:1. O’Donnell K. & Cigelnik E. 1997. Mol. Phylogenetics Evol 7:103. Spies et al. 2018. Persoonia 40:26.
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