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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "Numerical analysis : finite volumes"


Idelsohn, S. R., e E. Oñate. "Finite volumes and finite elements: Two ‘good friends’". International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 37, n.º 19 (15 de outubro de 1994): 3323–41.

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Droniou, Jérôme, Robert Eymard, Thierry Gallouët e Raphaèle Herbin. "The Gradient Discretisation Method for Linear Advection Problems". Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 20, n.º 3 (1 de julho de 2020): 437–58.

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AbstractWe adapt the Gradient Discretisation Method (GDM), originally designed for elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations, to the case of a linear scalar hyperbolic equations. This enables the simultaneous design and convergence analysis of various numerical schemes, corresponding to the methods known to be GDMs, such as finite elements (conforming or non-conforming, standard or mass-lumped), finite volumes on rectangular or simplicial grids, and other recent methods developed for general polytopal meshes. The scheme is of centred type, with added linear or non-linear numerical diffusion. We complement the convergence analysis with numerical tests based on the mass-lumped {\mathbb{P}_{1}} conforming and non-conforming finite element and on the hybrid finite volume method.
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Khattri, Sanjay Kumar. "Nonlinear elliptic problems with the method of finite volumes". Differential Equations and Nonlinear Mechanics 2006 (2006): 1–16.

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We present a finite volume discretization of the nonlinear elliptic problems. The discretization results in a nonlinear algebraic system of equations. A Newton-Krylov algorithm is also presented for solving the system of nonlinear algebraic equations. Numerically solving nonlinear partial differential equations consists of discretizing the nonlinear partial differential equation and then solving the formed nonlinear system of equations. We demonstrate the convergence of the discretization scheme and also the convergence of the Newton solver through a variety of practical numerical examples.
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Dubois, Fran�ois. "Finite volumes and mixed Petrov-Galerkin finite elements: The unidimensional problem". Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 16, n.º 3 (maio de 2000): 335–60.<335::aid-num5>;2-x.

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Da Silva Almeida Junior, Dilberto, Anderson de Jesus Araujo Ramos, Joao Carlos Pantoja Fortes e Mauro De Lima Santos. "Ingham type approach for uniform observability inequality of the semi-discrete coupled wave equations". Electronic Journal of Differential Equations 2020, n.º 01-132 (22 de dezembro de 2020): 127.

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This article concerns an observability inequality for a system of coupled wave equations for the continuous models as well as for the space semi-discrete finite difference approximations. For finite difference and standard finite elements methods on uniform numerical meshes it is known that a numerical pathology produces a blow-up of the constant on the observability inequality as the mesh-size tends to zero. We identify this numerical anomaly for coupled wave equations and we prove that there exists a uniform observability inequality in a subspace of solutions generated by low frequencies. We use the Ingham type approach for getting a uniform boundary observability. For more information see
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LIU, S. J., H. WANG e H. ZHANG. "SMOOTHED FINITE ELEMENTS LARGE DEFORMATION ANALYSIS". International Journal of Computational Methods 07, n.º 03 (setembro de 2010): 513–24.

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The smoothed finite element method (SFEM) was developed in order to eliminate certain shortcomings of the finite element method (FEM). SFEM enjoys some of the flexibilities of meshfree methods. One advantage of SFEM is its applicability to modeling large deformations. Due to the absence of volume integration and parametric mapping, issues such as negative volumes and singular Jacobi matrix do not occur. However, despite these advantages, SFEM has never been applied to problems with extreme large deformation. For the first time, we apply SFEM to extreme large deformations. For two numerical problems, we demonstrate the advantages of SFEM over FEM. We also show that SFEM can compete with the flexibility of meshfree methods.
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Diniz, Jacqueline F. B., João M. P. Q. Delgado, Anderson F. Vilela, Ricardo S. Gomez, Arianne D. Viana, Maria J. Figueiredo, Diego D. S. Diniz et al. "Drying of Sisal Fiber: A Numerical Analysis by Finite-Volumes". Energies 14, n.º 9 (27 de abril de 2021): 2514.

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Vegetable fibers have inspired studies in academia and industry, because of their good characteristics appropriated for many technological applications. Sisal fibers (Agave sisalana variety), when extracted from the leaf, are wet and must be dried to reduce moisture content, minimizing deterioration and degradation for long time. The control of the drying process plays an important role to guarantee maximum quality of the fibers related to mechanical strength and color. In this sense, this research aims to evaluate the drying of sisal fibers in an oven with mechanical air circulation. For this purpose, a transient and 3D mathematical model has been developed to predict moisture removal and heating of a fiber porous bed, and drying experiments were carried out at different drying conditions. The advanced model considers bed porosity, fiber and bed moisture, simultaneous heat and mass transfer, and heat transport due to conduction, convection and evaporation. Simulated drying and heating curves and the hygroscopic equilibrium moisture content of the sisal fibers are presented and compared with the experimental data, and good concordance was obtained. Results of moisture content and temperature distribution within the fiber porous bed are presented and discussed in details. It was observed that the moisture removal and temperature kinetics of the sisal fibers were affected by the temperature and relative humidity of the drying air, being more accentuated at higher temperature and lower relative humidity, and the drying process occurred in a falling rate period.
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Deuring, Paul, e Robert Eymard. "L2-stability of a finite element – finite volume discretization of convection-diffusion-reaction equations with nonhomogeneous mixed boundary conditions". ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 51, n.º 3 (14 de abril de 2017): 919–47.

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We consider a time-dependent and a steady linear convection-diffusion-reaction equation whose coefficients are nonconstant. Boundary conditions are mixed (Dirichlet and Robin−Neumann) and nonhomogeneous. Both the unsteady and the steady problem are approximately solved by a combined finite element – finite volume method: the diffusion term is discretized by Crouzeix−Raviart piecewise linear finite elements on a triangular grid, and the convection term by upwind barycentric finite volumes. In the unsteady case, the implicit Euler method is used as time discretization. This scheme is shown to be unconditionally L2-stable, uniformly with respect to diffusion, except if the Robin−Neumann boundary condition is inhomogeneous and the convective velocity is tangential at some points of the Robin−Neumann boundary. In that case, a negative power of the diffusion coefficient arises. As is shown by a counterexample, this exception cannot be avoided.
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Droniou, Jérome, Neela Nataraj e Devika Shylaja. "Numerical Analysis for the Pure Neumann Control Problem Using the Gradient Discretisation Method". Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 18, n.º 4 (1 de outubro de 2018): 609–37.

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AbstractThe article discusses the gradient discretisation method (GDM) for distributed optimal control problems governed by diffusion equation with pure Neumann boundary condition. Using the GDM framework enables to develop an analysis that directly applies to a wide range of numerical schemes, from conforming and non-conforming finite elements, to mixed finite elements, to finite volumes and mimetic finite differences methods. Optimal order error estimates for state, adjoint and control variables for low-order schemes are derived under standard regularity assumptions. A novel projection relation between the optimal control and the adjoint variable allows the proof of a super-convergence result for post-processed control. Numerical experiments performed using a modified active set strategy algorithm for conforming, non-conforming and mimetic finite difference methods confirm the theoretical rates of convergence.
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Graff, Joseph S., Roger L. Davis e John P. Clark. "Computational structural dynamics general solution procedure using finite volumes". Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology 16 (janeiro de 2022): 174830262210840.

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A method for the solution of the three-dimensional structural dynamics equations with large strains using a finite volume technique is presented. The proposed solution procedure is second order accurate in space and employs a second-order accurate dual time-stepping scheme. The momentum conservation equations are written in terms of the Piola-Kirchhoff stresses. The stress tensor is related to the Lagrangian strain tensor through the St. Venant-Kirchhoff constitutive relationship. The structural solver presented is verified through two test cases. The first test case is a three-dimensional cantilever beam subject to a gravitational load that is verified using theory and two-dimensional simulations reported in literature. The second test case is a three-dimensional highly deformable cantilever plate subject to a gravitational load. The results of this case are verified through a comparison with the modal response calculated by commercially available software. The focus of the current effort is the development and verification of the structural dynamics portion of a future fully coupled monolithic fluid-thermal-structure interaction code package.
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Teses / dissertações sobre o assunto "Numerical analysis : finite volumes"


Tan, Zhijun. "Moving mesh finite volume method and its applications". HKBU Institutional Repository, 2005.

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Fricke, J. Robert. "Acoustic scattering from elastic ice a finite difference solution /". Woods Hole, Mass. : Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1991.

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Ong, Thanh Hai. "Finite volume schemes for anisotropic and heterogeneous diffusion operators on non-conforming meshes". Thesis, Paris Est, 2012.

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Nous présentons de nouveaux schémas numériques pour l'approximation de problèmes de diffusion hétérogène et anisotrope sur des maillages généraux. Sous des hypothèses correspondant aux cas industriels, nous montrons qu'un premier schéma, qui est centré sur les mailles, possède un petit stencil et converge dans le cas de tenseurs discontinus. La preuve de la convergence repose sur des propriétés de consistance des gradients discrets issus du schéma. Dans une seconde partie, nous proposons des méthodes de correction non linéaire du schéma initial pour obtenir le principe du maximum. L'efficacité de ces schémas est étudiée sur des tests numériques ayant fait l'objet de bancs d'essais d'une grande variété de schémas de volumes finis. Les comparaisons avec les schémas volumes finis classiques montrent l'apport de ces schémas en termes de précision. Nous montrons ainsi le bon comportement de ces schémas sur des maillages déformés, et le maintien de la précision des schémas non-linéaires, alors que les oscillations ont été supprimées
We present a new scheme for the discretization of heterogeneous anisotropic diffusion problems on general meshes. With light assumptions, we show that the algorithm can be written as a cell-centered scheme with a small stencil and that it is convergent for discontinuous tensors. The key point of the proof consists in showing both the strong and the weak consistency of the method. Besides, we study non-linear corrections to correct the FECC scheme, in order to satisfy the discrete maximum principle (DMP).The efficiency of the scheme is demonstrated through numerical tests of the 5th & 6th International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications - FVCA 5 & 6. Moreover, the comparison with classical finite volume schemes emphasizes the precision of the method. We also show the good behaviour of the algorithm for nonconforming meshes. In addition, we give some numerical tests to check the existence for the non-linear FECC schemes
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Demin, Mikhail. "Finite Volume Methods for Option Pricing". Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Tillämpad matematik och fysik (MPE-lab), 2011.

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Elfarra, Monier Ali Supervisor :. Akmandor İ Sinan. "Two dimensional finite volume weighted essentially non-oscillatory euler schemes with uniform and non-uniform grid coefficients". Ankara : METU, 2005.

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O objetivo principal deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de modelos computacionais para analisar a resposta eletromagnética de ferramentas de perfilagem LWD/MWD em formações geofísicas arbitrárias. Essa modelagem envolve a determinação precisa de campos eletromagnéticos em regiões tridimensionais (3D) complexas e, conseqüentemente, a solução de sistemas lineares não-hermitianos de larga escala. A modelagem numérica é realizada através da aplicação do método dos volumes finitos (FVM) no domínio da freqüência. Desenvolvem-se dois modelos computacionais, o primeiro válido em regiões isotrópicas e o segundo considerando a presença de anisotropias no meio. As equações de Maxwell são resolvidas através de duas formulações distintas: formulação por campos e formulação por potenciais vetor e escalar. A discretização por volumes finitos utiliza um esquema de grades entrelaçadas em coordenadas cilíndricas para evitar erros de aproximação de escada da geometria da ferramenta. Os modelos desenvolvidos incorporam quatro técnicas numéricas para aumentar a eficiência computacional e a precisão do método. As formulações por campos e por potenciais vetor e escalar são comparadas em termos da taxa de convergência e do tempo de processamento em cenários tridimensionais. Os modelos foram validados e testados em cenários tridimensionais complexos, tais como: (i) poços horizontais ou direcionais; (ii) formações não homogêneas com invasões de fluído de perfuração; (iii) formações anisotrópicas e (iv) poços excêntricos. Motivado pela flexibilidade dos modelos e pelos resultados numéricos obtidos em diferentes cenários tridimensionais, estende-se a metodologia para analisar a resposta de ferramentas LWD que empregam antenas inclinadas em relação ao eixo da ferramenta. Tais ferramentas podem prover dados com sensibilidade azimutal, assim como estimativas da anisotropia da formação, auxiliando o geodirecionamento de poços direcionais e horizontais.
The main objective of this work is to develop computational models to analyze electromagnetic logging-while-drilling tool response in arbitrary geophysical formations. This modeling requires the determination of electromagnetic fields in three- dimensional (3-D) complex regions and consequently, the solution of large scale non-hermitian systems. The numerical modeling is done by using Finite Volume Methods (FVM) in the frequency domain. Both isotropic and anisotropic models are developed. Maxwell's equations are solved by using both the field formulation and the coupled vector-scalar potentials formulation. The proposed FVM technique utilizes an edge-based staggered-grid scheme in cylindrical coordinates to avoid staircasing errors on the tool geometry. Four numerical techniques are incorporated in the models in order to increase the computational efficiency and the accuracy of the method. The field formulation and the coupled vector-scalar potentials formulation are compared in terms of their accuracy, convergence rate, and CPU time for three-dimensional environments. The models were validated and tested in 3-D complex environments, such as:(i) horizontal and directional boreholes; (ii) multilayered geophysical formations including mud-filtrate invasions; (iii) anisotropic formations and (iv)eccentric boreholes. The methodology is extended to analyze LWD tools that are constructed with the transmitters and/or receivers tilted with respect to the axis of the drill collar. Such tools can provide improved anisotropy measurements and azimuthal sensitivity to benefit geosteering.
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Ferreira, Ivaldo Leão. "Analises numerica, analitica e experimental da macrossegregação inversa na solidificação". [s.n.], 2004.

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Orientador: Amauri Garcia
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T03:14:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ferreira_IvaldoLeao_D.pdf: 8636771 bytes, checksum: fb3623e9e0a9c93143f4b34ba87844cf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004
Resumo: o presente trabalho analisa as influências do teor de soluto, do superaquecimento e do coeficiente global de transferência de calor metal/fluido (hg), na macrossegregação inversa durante a solidificação unidirecional vertical ascendente de ligas binárias AI-Cu e ternária AI-Cu-Si. Os perfis experimentais de segregação ao longo dos lingotes para as ligas AI4,5%Cu, AI-6,2%Cu, AI-8,I%Cu e Al-8,I%Cu-3%Si são comparados com as predições teóricas fomecidas por modelos numérico e analítico, com perfis transitórios de (hg) sendo determinados em cada experimento. O modelo analítico é baseado num modelo analítico de transferência de calor [Garcia, 2001], acoplado a uma formulação clássica para a redistribuição local de soluto proposta por Flemings e Nereo (Flemings e Nereo, 1967]. O modelo numérico é aquele proposto por V oller [V oller, 1997], com modificações introduzidas levando em consideração diferentes propriedades termofisicas para as fases líquida e sólida, coeficiente global de transferência de calor metal/fluido variável com o tempo e malha com distribuição de comprimento de nós variável ao longo do domínio, o que garantiu a precisão dos resultados sem aumento excessivo do número de nós. AIém dessas modificações, fez-se necessária à mudança no critério de convergência para melhor representar os gradientes térmicos e taxas de resfriamento. Um modelo semi-analítico para a macrossegregação inversa, baseado na solução por variável de similaridade, é aplicado para validação do modelo numérico. Observa-se que as predições numéricas apresentam boa concordância com as medidas experimentais, e que as predições analíticas, apesar de sua relativa simplicidade, também é capaz de representar satisfatoriamente os resultados experimentais, exceto para condições de elevado superaquecimento. O modelo numérico é aplicado com sucesso para a situação de solidificação de ligas multicomponentes, representada pela liga Al-8,1%Cu-3%Si, onde é observada boa representatividade dos resultados experimentais
Abstract: The present work focuses on the influences of alloy solute content, melt superheat, and meta1/fluid heat transfer coefficients on inverse segregation during upward solidification of AI-Cu and AI-Cu-Si alloys. The experimental segregation profiles of AI4,5 wt % Cu, AI-6,2 wt % Cu, AI-8,1 wt % Cu and AI-8,1 wt % Cu-3 wt % Si alloys are compared with theoretical predictions fumished by analytical and numerica1 models, with transient (hg) profiles being determined in each experimento The analytical model is based on an ana1ytica1 heat transfer model coupled with the classica1loca1 solute redistribution equation proposed by Flemings and Nereo. The numerica1 model is that proposed by V oller, with some changes introduced to take into account different thermophysica1 properties for liquid and solid phases, time variable meta1/fluid interface heat-transfer coefficient, and a variable space grid along the domain in order to assure the accuracy of results without raising the number of nodes. Furthermore, changes in the convergence criterion were necessary to improve the accuracy of the therma1 gradients and solidification rates ca1culated numerlcally. A sophisticated semi-ana1ytica1 solution for the inverse segregation based on the similarity variable is carried out to valida te the numerica1 model. It is observed that the numerical predictions generally conform with the experimental segregation measurements and that the predicted analytical segregation, despite its simplicity, also compares favorably with the experimental scatter except for high melt superheat. The numerical model is successfully applied for a situation of multicomponent alloy solidification, Le., AI-8,1 wt % Cu-3 wt % Si alloy, and it is found be in good agreement with experimental results
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Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica
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Shcherbakov, Dmitry, e Sylwia Szwaczkiewicz. "Exponential Fitting, Finite Volume and Box Methods in Option Pricing". Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Sektionen för Informationsvetenskap, Data– och Elektroteknik (IDE), 2010.

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In this thesis we focus mainly on special finite differences and finite volume methods and apply them to the pricing of barrier options.The structure of this work is the following: in Chapter 1 we introduce the definitions of options and illustrate some properties of vanilla European options and exotic options.Chapter 2 describes a classical model used in the financial world, the  Black-Scholes model. We derive theBlack-Scholes formula and show how stochastic differential equations model financial instruments prices.The aim of this chapter is also to present the initial boundary value problem and the maximum principle.We discuss boundary conditions such as: the first boundary value problem, also called  Dirichlet problem that occur in pricing ofbarrier options and European options. Some kinds of put options lead to the study of a second boundary value problem (Neumann, Robin problem),while the Cauchy problem is associated with one-factor European and American options.Chapter 3 is about finite differences methods such as theta, explicit, implicit and Crank-Nicolson method, which are used forsolving partial differential equations.The exponentially fitted scheme is presented in Chapter 4. It is one of the new classesof a robust difference scheme that is stable, has good convergence and does not produce spurious oscillations.The stability is also advantage of the box method that is presented in Chapter 5.In the beginning of the Chapter 6 we illustrate barrier options and then we consider a novel finite volume discretization for apricing the above options.Chapter 7 describes discretization of the Black-Scholes equation by the fitted finite volume scheme. In  Chapter 8 we present and describe numerical results obtained by using  the finite difference methods illustrated in the previous chapters.
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Zhou, Zhiqiang. "Multiple-Scale Numerical Analysis of Composites Based on Augmented Finite Element Method". Scholarly Repository, 2010.

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Advanced composites are playing a rapidly increasing role in all fields of material and structural related engineering practices. Damage tolerance analysis must be a critical integral part of composite structural design. The predictive capabilities of existing models have met with limited success because they typically can not account for multiple damage evolution and their coupling. As a result, current composite design is heavily dependent upon lengthy and costly test programs and empirical design methods. There is an urgent need for efficient numerical tools that are capable of analyzing the progressive failure caused by nonlinearly coupled, multiple damage evolution in composite materials. Such numerical tools are a necessity in achieving virtual testing of composites and other heterogeneous materials. In this thesis, an advanced finite element method named augmented finite element method (A-FEM) has been developed. This method is capable of incorporating nonlinear cohesive damage descriptions for major damage modes observed in composite materials. It also allows for arbitrary nucleation and propagation of such cohesive damages upon satisfactory of prescribed initiation and propagation criterion. Major advantages of the A-FEM include: 1) arbitrary cohesive cracking without the need of remeshing; 2) full compatibility with existing FEM packages; and 3) easy inclusion of intra-element material heterogeneity. The numerical capabilities of the A-FEM have been demonstrated through direct comparisons between prediction results and experimental observations of typical composite tests including 3-point bending of unidirectional laminates, open-hole tension of quasi-isotropic laminates, and double-notched tension of orthogonal laminates. In all these tests, A-FEM can predict not only the qualitative damage patterns but also quantitatively the nonlinear stress-strain curves and other history-dependent results. The excellent numerical capability of A-FEM in accurately accounting for multiple cracking in composites enables the use of A-FEM as a multi-scale numerical platform for virtual testing of composites. This has been demonstrated by a series of representative volume element (RVE) analyses which explicitly considered microscopic matrix cracking and fiber matrix interface debonding. In these cases the A-FEM successfully predicted the cohesive failure descriptions which can be used for macroscopic composite failure analyses. At the sublaminate scale, the problem of a transverse tunneling crack and its induced local delamination has been studied in detail. Two major coupling modes, which depends on the mode-I to mode-II fracture toughness ratio and cohesive strength values, has been revealed and their implications in composite engineering has been fully discussed. Finally, future improvements to the A-FEM so that it can be more powerful in serving as a numerical platform for virtual testing of composites are discussed.
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Calhoun, Donna. "A Cartesian grid method for solving the streamfunction vorticity equations in irregular geometries /". Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 1999.

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Livros sobre o assunto "Numerical analysis : finite volumes"


International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications (5th 2008 Aussois, France). Finite volumes for complex applications V: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2008.

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Baysal, Oktay. An overlapped grid method for multigrid, finite volume/difference flow solvers - MaGGiE. Hampton, Va: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center, 1990.

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Christian, Grossmann. Numerical treatment of partial differential equations. Berlin: Springer, 2007.

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1946-, Chen Zhongying, e Wu Wei 1929-, eds. Generalized difference methods for differential equations: Numerical analysis of finite volume methods. New York: M. Dekker, 2000.

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Jiří, Fürst, Halama Jan, Herbin Raphaèle, Hubert Florence e SpringerLink (Online service), eds. Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VI - Problems & Perspectives: FVCA 6, International Symposium, Prague, June 6-10, 2011. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.

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Shima, Eiji. Numerical analysis of multiple element high lift devices by Navier Stokes equation using implicit TVD finite volume method. New York: AIAA, 1988.

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Center, NASA Glenn Research, ed. Computational aeroacoustics by the space-time CE/SE method. [Cleveland, Ohio]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Glenn Research Center, 2001.

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Oñate, Eugenio. Structural Analysis with the Finite Element Method Linear Statics: Volume 2. Beams, Plates and Shells. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2013.

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Z, Pirzadeh Shahyar, e Langley Research Center, eds. Tetrahedral finite-volume solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations on complex configurations. Hampton, Va: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center, 1998.

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Frink, Neal T. Tetrahedral finite-volume solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations on complex configurations. Hampton, Va: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center, 1998.

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Capítulos de livros sobre o assunto "Numerical analysis : finite volumes"


Feireisl, Eduard, Mária Lukáčová-Medviďová, Hana Mizerová e Bangwei She. "Mixed Finite Volume – Finite Element Method for the Navier–Stokes System". In Numerical Analysis of Compressible Fluid Flows, 393–418. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Bermúdez, A., S. Busto, J. L. Ferrín, L. Saavedra, E. F. Toro e M. E. Vázquez-Cendón. "A Projection Hybrid Finite Volume-ADER/Finite Element Method for Turbulent Navier-Stokes". In Computational Mathematics, Numerical Analysis and Applications, 201–6. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Feireisl, Eduard, Mária Lukáčová-Medviďová, Hana Mizerová e Bangwei She. "Finite Volume Method for the Navier–Stokes System". In Numerical Analysis of Compressible Fluid Flows, 351–76. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Feireisl, Eduard, Mária Lukáčová-Medviďová, Hana Mizerová e Bangwei She. "Finite Volume Method for the Complete Euler System". In Numerical Analysis of Compressible Fluid Flows, 307–50. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Feireisl, Eduard, Mária Lukáčová-Medviďová, Hana Mizerová e Bangwei She. "Finite Volume Method for the Barotropic Euler System". In Numerical Analysis of Compressible Fluid Flows, 277–306. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Feireisl, Eduard, Mária Lukáčová-Medviďová, Hana Mizerová e Bangwei She. "Finite Volume Method for the Barotropic Euler System – Revisited". In Numerical Analysis of Compressible Fluid Flows, 377–91. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Mendoza, Joshua, e A. Keith Miller. "Numerical Substructuring Methods in Finite Element Analysis". In Topics in Experimental Dynamic Substructuring, Volume 2, 71–75. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013.

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Maury, Bertrand. "Numerical Analysis of a Finite Element/Volume Penalty Method". In Partial Differential Equations, 167–85. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2008.

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Benkhaldoun, Fayssal, e Abdallah Bradji. "Convergence Analysis of a Finite Volume Scheme for a Distributed Order Diffusion Equation". In Numerical Methods and Applications, 59–72. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.

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Choquet, Catherine, Moussa Mory Diédhiou e Houssein Nasser El Dine. "Numerical Analysis of a Finite Volume Scheme for the Optimal Control of Groundwater Pollution". In Finite Volumes for Complex Applications IX - Methods, Theoretical Aspects, Examples, 467–75. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Trabalhos de conferências sobre o assunto "Numerical analysis : finite volumes"


Craeye, Christophe, e Xavier Dardenne. "Fast Numerical Analysis of Finite Arrays of Antennas in Finite Dielectric Volumes". In 2007 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications. IEEE, 2007.

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Moukalled, F., e M. Darwish. "A Coupled Finite Volume Solver for Incompressible Flows". In NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2008. American Institute of Physics, 2008.

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Touma, Rony, Theodore E. Simos, George Psihoyios e Ch Tsitouras. "Central Unstaggered Finite Volume Methods for Shallow Water Equations". In Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics. AIP, 2007.

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Darwish, M., F. Moukalled, Theodore E. Simos, George Psihoyios, Ch Tsitouras e Zacharias Anastassi. "A Coupled Finite Volume Solver for Compressible Flows". In NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS ICNAAM 2011: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics. AIP, 2011.

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Egidi, Nadaniela, Josephin Giacomini e Pierluigi Maponi. "Solution strategies for finite elements and finite volumes methods applied to flow and heat transfer problem in U-shaped geothermal exchangers". In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2015 (ICNAAM 2015). Author(s), 2016.

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Bradji, Abdallah, Theodore E. Simos, George Psihoyios e Ch Tsitouras. "An Approach to Improve the Convergence Order in Finite Volume and Finite Element Methods". In NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2009: Volume 1 and Volume 2. AIP, 2009.

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Voitovich, Tatiana V., e Stefan Vandewalle. "Barycentric Interpolation and Exact Integration Formulas for the Finite Volume Element Method". In NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2008. American Institute of Physics, 2008.

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Billaud, Marie, Gérard Gallice, Boniface Nkonga, Theodore E. Simos, George Psihoyios e Ch Tsitouras. "Stabilized Finite Element Method for Compressible-Incompressible Interface Flows". In NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2009: Volume 1 and Volume 2. AIP, 2009.

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Reiss, J., J. Sesterhenn, Theodore E. Simos, George Psihoyios e Ch Tsitouras. "Fully Conservative, Skew Symmetric and Compact Finite Difference Schemes". In NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2009: Volume 1 and Volume 2. AIP, 2009.

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Antoniadis, A. F., K. H. Iqbal, E. Shapiro, N. Asproulis, D. Drikakis, Theodore E. Simos, George Psihoyios, Ch Tsitouras e Zacharias Anastassi. "Comparison of High-order Finite Volume and Discontinuous Galerkin Methods on 3D Unstructured Grids". In NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS ICNAAM 2011: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics. AIP, 2011.

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Relatórios de organizações sobre o assunto "Numerical analysis : finite volumes"


Martinez, M. J. Analysis of anelastic flow and numerical treatment via finite elements. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), maio de 1994.

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Meiron, D. I., e P. G. Saffman. Analytical and numerical analysis of finite amplitude Rayleigh-Taylor instability. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), setembro de 1987.

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Chen. PR-244-9827-R03 Preliminary Finite Element Analysis of Local Buckling. Chantilly, Virginia: Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI), julho de 2008.

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Numerical studies were carried out for NPS 20 and NPS 30 pipes with three corrosion configuration and varying internal pressures. The pipes under consideration has a yield strength range from 56 to 70 ksi and D/t ratio range from 64 to 91.
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Ihlenburg, Frank, e Ivo Babuska. Dispersion Analysis and Error Estimation of Galerkin Finite Element Methods for the Numerical Computation of Waves. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, julho de 1994.

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Russo, David, e William A. Jury. Characterization of Preferential Flow in Spatially Variable Unsaturated Field Soils. United States Department of Agriculture, outubro de 2001.

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Preferential flow appears to be the rule rather than the exception in field soils and should be considered in the quantitative description of solute transport in the unsaturated zone of heterogeneous formations on the field scale. This study focused on both experimental monitoring and computer simulations to identify important features of preferential flow in the natural environment. The specific objectives of this research were: (1) To conduct dye tracing and multiple tracer experiments on undisturbed field plots to reveal information about the flow velocity, spatial prevalence, and time evolution of a preferential flow event; (2) To conduct numerical experiments to determine (i) whether preferential flow observations are consistent with the Richards flow equation; and (ii) whether volume averaging over a domain experiencing preferential flow is possible; (3) To develop a stochastic or a transfer function model that incorporates preferential flow. Regarding our field work, we succeeded to develop a new method for detecting flow patterns faithfully representing the movement of water flow paths in structured and non-structured soils. The method which is based on application of ammonium carbonate was tested in a laboratory study. Its use to detect preferential flow was also illustrated in a field experiment. It was shown that ammonium carbonate is a more conservative tracer of the water front than the popular Brilliant Blue. In our detailed field experiments we also succeeded to document the occurrence of preferential flow during soil water redistribution following the cessation of precipitation in several structureless field soils. Symptoms of the unstable flow observed included vertical fingers 20 - 60 cm wide, isolated patches, and highly concentrated areas of the tracers in the transmission zone. Soil moisture and tracer measurements revealed that the redistribution flow became fingered following a reversal of matric potential gradient within the wetted area. Regarding our simulation work, we succeeded to develop, implement and test a finite- difference, numerical scheme for solving the equations governing flow and transport in three-dimensional, heterogeneous, bimodal, flow domains with highly contrasting soil materials. Results of our simulations demonstrated that under steady-state flow conditions, the embedded clay lenses (with very low conductivity) in bimodal formations may induce preferential flow, and, consequently, may enhance considerably both the solute spreading and the skewing of the solute breakthrough curves. On the other hand, under transient flow conditions associated with substantial redistribution periods with diminishing water saturation, the effect of the embedded clay lenses on the flow and the transport might diminish substantially. Regarding our stochastic modeling effort, we succeeded to develop a theoretical framework for flow and transport in bimodal, heterogeneous, unsaturated formations, based on a stochastic continuum presentation of the flow and a general Lagrangian description of the transport. Results of our analysis show that, generally, a bimodal distribution of the formation properties, characterized by a relatively complex spatial correlation structure, contributes to the variability in water velocity and, consequently, may considerably enhance solute spreading. This applies especially in formations in which: (i) the correlation length scales and the variances of the soil properties associated with the embedded soil are much larger than those of the background soil; (ii) the contrast between mean properties of the two subdomains is large; (iii) mean water saturation is relatively small; and (iv) the volume fraction of the flow domain occupied by the embedded soil is relatively large.
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Zhu, Minjie, e Michael Scott. Two-Dimensional Debris-Fluid-Structure Interaction with the Particle Finite Element Method. Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, CA, abril de 2024.

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In addition to tsunami wave loading, tsunami-driven debris can cause significant damage to coastal infrastructure and critical bridge lifelines. Using numerical simulations to predict loads imparted by debris on structures is necessary to supplement the limited number of physical experiments of in-water debris loading. To supplement SPH-FEM (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics-Finite Element Method) simulations described in a companion PEER report, fluid-structure-debris simulations using the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) show the debris modeling capabilities in OpenSees. A new contact element simulates solid to solid interaction with the PFEM. Two-dimensional simulations are compared to physical experiments conducted in the Oregon State University Large Wave Flume by other researchers and the formulations are extended to three-dimensional analysis. Computational times are reported to compare the PFEM simulations with other numerical methods of modeling fluid-structure interaction (FSI) with debris. The FSI and debris simulation capabilities complement the widely used structural and geotechnical earthquake simulation capabilities of OpenSees and establish the foundation for multi-hazard earthquake and tsunami simulation to include debris.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Perez-Rivera, Anthony, Jonathan Trovillion, Peter Stynoski e Jeffrey Ryan. Simulated barge impacts on fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP) composite sandwich panels : dynamic finite element analysis (FEA) to develop force time histories to be used on experimental testing. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), janeiro de 2024.

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The purpose of this study is to evaluate the dynamic response of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite sandwich panels subjected to typical barge impact masses and velocities to develop force time histories that can be used in controlled experimental testing. Dynamic analyses were performed on FRP composite sandwich panels using the finite element method software Abaqus/Explicit. The “traction-separation” law in the Abaqus software is used to define the cohesive surface interaction properties to evaluate the damage between FRP composite laminate layers as well as the core separation within the sandwich panels. Numerical models were developed to better under-stand the damage caused by barge impacts and the effects of impacts on the dynamic response of composite structures. Force, displacement, and velocity time histories were obtained with finite element modeling for several mass and velocity cases to develop experimental testing procedures for these types of structures.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Chen, Qishi, Joe Zhou, Duane DeGeer, Ola Bjornoy e Richard Verley. JTM13-CCP Collapse of Corroded Pipelines. Chantilly, Virginia: Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI), abril de 2001.

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This paper presents preliminary numerical and experimental results obtained in an attempt to develop practical, reliability-based local buckling and collapse criteria for onshore and offshore pipelines that have experienced some form of metal-loss corrosion. The project was carried out in three phases involving finite element analysis, large-scale testing, and development of design criteria using reliability methodology. This paper summarizes the first two phases of this project including a characterization of corrosion defects, an assessment of the sensitivity of corrosion features based on finite element predictions, and test results of full-scale line pipe specimens.
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Heymsfield, Ernie, e Jeb Tingle. State of the practice in pavement structural design/analysis codes relevant to airfield pavement design. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), maio de 2021.

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An airfield pavement structure is designed to support aircraft live loads for a specified pavement design life. Computer codes are available to assist the engineer in designing an airfield pavement structure. Pavement structural design is generally a function of five criteria: the pavement structural configuration, materials, the applied loading, ambient conditions, and how pavement failure is defined. The two typical types of pavement structures, rigid and flexible, provide load support in fundamentally different ways and develop different stress distributions at the pavement – base interface. Airfield pavement structural design is unique due to the large concentrated dynamic loads that a pavement structure endures to support aircraft movements. Aircraft live loads that accompany aircraft movements are characterized in terms of the load magnitude, load area (tire-pavement contact surface), aircraft speed, movement frequency, landing gear configuration, and wheel coverage. The typical methods used for pavement structural design can be categorized into three approaches: empirical methods, analytical (closed-form) solutions, and numerical (finite element analysis) approaches. This article examines computational approaches used for airfield pavement structural design to summarize the state-of-the-practice and to identify opportunities for future advancements. United States and non-U.S. airfield pavement structural codes are reviewed in this article considering their computational methodology and intrinsic qualities.
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Graville. L51764 Hydrogen Cracking in the Heat-Affected Zone of High-Strength Steels-Year 2. Chantilly, Virginia: Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI), março de 1997.

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During year 1 of this project a test to evaluate the sensitivity of the heat affected zone (HAZ) to hydrogen cracking was developed. This was in response to a need for a test which provided unambiguous results in contrast to existing test methods which often led to difficulties in interpretation. For example, WIC tests usually cracked in the weld metal rather than the HAZ and therefore did not produce a clear indication of the sensistivity of the HAZ. The new test involves a machined notch which can be placed in the HAZ thus forcing crack initiation to occur in the desired region. A further advantage of the new test is that it is quantitative with each test specimen providing a measure of the sensitivity of the HAZ in that test. Existing tests are usually of the crack/no-crack type requiring a series of tests at different preheats to be carried out in order to establish a critical value. This is an expensive, time-consuming approach. The new test measures the deflection to first load drop (normally the onset of significant cracking) when the welded specimen is loaded in bending. It was also shown during the first year of the project that the simple geometry of the test lends itself to easy analysis enabling the stress/strain distribution to be calculated by finite element analysis. The quantitative measurement of susceptibility in the test enabled the cracking of more complex welds to be predicted on the basis of a local critical hydrogen model. The objective of the work was to extend the notched bend test to the evaluation of weld metal sensitivity to hydrogen cracking. The experiments were designed to determine whether the test could discriminate between two different weld metals and to study the effects of reducing hydrogen content. In addition, finite element analysis of the weld metal test was carried out and finite difference analysis used to predict the local hydrogen concentration. This work modifies the notched bend test, developed for evaluating the sensitivity of the heat affected zone (HAZ), to allow the evaluation of weld metal. The results showed that weld metal could readily be evaluated, with the test discriminating among weld metals of different composition and hydrogen contact. Finite element analysis was undertaken and showed that for the two weld metals tested, cracking occurred at the same local stress when the hydrogen content was the same, despite differences in strength. A finite model was used to calculate the distribution of hydrogen as a function of aging time. Although the general trends were confirmed by the experimental measurements of hydrogen content, there was considerable scatter attributed to the small hydrogen volumes measured.
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