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Yde, Henrik. "Novellisten Nexø". Magasin fra Det Kongelige Bibliotek 26, n.º 3 (27 de abril de 2013): 38–40.

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Michelsen, William. "Hvad er det Grundtvigske? Refleksioner over en Nexø-disputats". Grundtvig-Studier 44, n.º 1 (1 de janeiro de 1993): 244–52.

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Gruythuysen, R. J. M. "Cariëslaesie 54: tussen Nexø en NRC". Tandartspraktijk 32, n.º 6 (junho de 2011): 6–11.

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Sajó, Zalán. "„Szívvel és lélekkel kell írni…”". Initium 5, n.º 1 (14 de dezembro de 2023): 267–80.

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Martin Andersen Nexø, az akkor már idős dán író neve hirtelen vált ismertté Magyarországon a második világháború után. Nexø régóta baráti viszonyt ápolt kelet-európai kommunista politikusokkal, köztük Rákosi Mátyással. Számos utazást tett a Szovjetunióban, ill. az NDK-ban is, ahol végül letelepedett. Egy ízben Budapestre is ellátogatott, amiről a magyar sajtó részletesen beszámolt. Művei közül többet is lefordítottak magyarra. Leghíresebb regényének, a Ditte Menneskebarnnak tizenhárom magyar nyelvű kiadása jelent meg, az utolsó már a rendszerváltozás után.
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Østergaaard, Claus Bratt. "Offentlighedens implosion. Swift og satiren". K&K - Kultur og Klasse 33, n.º 99 (2 de maio de 2005): 152–58.

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Østergaaard, Claus Bratt. "Offentlighedens implosion. Swift og satiren". K&K - Kultur og Klasse 33, n.º 99 (2 de maio de 2005): 152–58.

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Skiveren, Tobias. "Den sociale vending = velfærdsskepsis?" K&K - Kultur og Klasse 45, n.º 124 (31 de dezembro de 2017): 325–34.

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Kjærgård, Jonas Ross. "Den uengagerede litteraturs fødsel". K&K - Kultur og Klasse 42, n.º 118 (30 de dezembro de 2014): 295–98.

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Ladegaard, Jakob. "(H)vide verden". K&K - Kultur og Klasse 42, n.º 118 (30 de dezembro de 2014): 281–84.

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Torm, Helge. "Bogafbrændingen af Andersen Nexø-værker i Sorø i 1939". Bibliotekshistorie 10, n.º 1 (1 de janeiro de 2012): 48–106.

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I disse år er det forkastelige fænomen bogbrænding blevet mere og mere praktiseret, dog ikke i Danmark.... Selv om der trods alt næppe i dag er nogen dansker, der i en eller anden given situation vil slå til lyd for, at man kaster bøger på bålet, så er bogbrænding dog historisk set ikke et ukendt fænomen herhjemme,men det ligger for de ældste tilfældes vedkommende langt tilbage i tiden - men der er altså også forekommet nogle fa i nyere tid. De var godt nok på mange måder beskedne, men det gør dem ikke principielt mindre interessante. Jeg tænker her på den række af bogbrændinger, der fandt sted sidst i 1939, med en bogbrænding i Sorø som den i samtiden mest omtalte og derfor i eftertiden også som det bedst kendte eksempel på denne danmarkshistoriens seneste bølge af flammende bogdestruktion.Det er bogbrændingen, som udspillede sig i Sorø, og som var den første i en række, som denne artikel vil tage op til nøjere behandling.
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Erik Larsen, Svend. "“... et tilsyneladende ubeslægtet spørgsmål”". Passage - Tidsskrift for litteratur og kritik 36, n.º 86 (14 de fevereiro de 2022): 125–29.

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Anmeldelse af Europæisk litteratur 1500–1800 bind 1–4, redigeret af Helge Jordheim, Knut Ove Eliassen, Anne Fastrup, Christian Dahl og Tue Andersen Nexø. Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2021, 260 + 263 + 299 + 277 sider.
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Gruythuysen, R. J. M. "De praktijk: over minimaal invasieve tandheelkunde en ‘Nexø’ in Moskou". TandartsPraktijk 27, n.º 4 (abril de 2006): 305–18.

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Rossel, Sven H., Martin Andersen Nexø, Faith Ingwersen e Niels Ingwersen. "Quests for a Promised Land: The Works of Martin Andersen Nexø". World Literature Today 59, n.º 4 (1985): 602.

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Løfaldli, Eli. "Tue Andersen Nexø: Ikke de voldsomme: Politisk offentlighed og offentlig skønlitteratur, England 1640–1750". Norsk litteratur­vitenskapelig tidsskrift 18, n.º 01 (23 de março de 2015): 86–89.

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Franzén, Carin. "Christian Dahl og Tue Andersen Nexø (red.): Selvet. Fra sjæleliv til skolestil: Europæisk litteratur 1500–1800. Bind 4Christian Dahl og Tue Andersen Nexø (red.)Selvet. Fra sjæleliv til skolestil: Europæisk litteratur 1500–1800. Bind 4Aarhus universitetsforlag, 2021, 277 s." Norsk litteraturvitenskapelig tidsskrift 25, n.º 1 (6 de maio de 2022): 48–51.

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Roer, Hanne. "En folketaler med socialistisk patos. Martin Andersen Nexøs tale: "Fattigper og Fremtiden"". Rhetorica Scandinavica 27, n.º 85 (13 de fevereiro de 2023): 21–39.

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Martin Andersen Nexø’s speech at the Dynæs-gathering in 1913 is the most important of the many speeches he gave as a public orator, agitator, and popular lecturer, in Denmark and abroad. After an introduction to Danish oratory in the period, this article presents a close textual analysis of the speech, revealing Nexø’s synthesis of different traditions. In 1919, Nexø turned to communism, defending in the decades to come the Soviet Union. His change of ideology did not mean that his way of appealing to the emotions of the audience changed. Hence his oratory is characterized by a generalized pathos, as defined by Madsen and Lund (2021). Nexø’s ortho-dox, communist ideology (after 1919) may explain why there has been little research in his work as popular orator and lec turer. However, his rhetorical works are interesting because they – like his literary works – are marked by original pathos appeals, which made him one of the most popular speakers and writers in the 20th century
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Hamm, Christine. "Bibi Jonsson, Magnus Nilsson, Birthe Sjöberg og Jimmy Vulovic (red.): Från Nexø till Alakoski. Aspekter på nordisk arbetarlitteratur". Edda 99, n.º 03 (20 de setembro de 2012): 258–61.

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Csúr, Gábor Attila. "Henrik Hajdus (1890–1969) Rolle I Udbredelsen Af Det 19. Og 20. Århundredes Danske Litteratur I Ungarn". Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia 23, n.º 1 (1 de dezembro de 2017): 46–59.

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Abstract The Hungarian literary translator Henrik Hajdu (1890–1969) was one of the most extraordinary persons in the history of translating Scandinavian literature into Hungarian. Aside his activity as a translator from Norwegian and Swedish, Hajdu was also an important promoter of Danish authors of the 19th and 20th century. He held lectures on Nordic culture and literature, wrote reviews in prominent Hungarian journals and maintained regular contact to many of the Scandinavian publishers, writers, dramatists and poets. He translated novels by Henrik Pontoppidan, Martin Andersen Nexø and Sigrid Undset, made an edition of Ibsen's complete works and a great amount of short stories and poems. His oeuvre numbers about a hundred separate publications. This paper focuses on how he contributed to the general acceptance and reception of Danish literary works written between 1850 and 1930 among the Hungarian readers.
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Wentzel, Knud. "Per og Pelle". Pontoppidaniana, n.º 3 (25 de junho de 2024): 44–71.

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AbstractIn this article, Knud Wenzel analyzes the main characters of two great Danish novels of development, Lykke-Per (A Fortunate Man) by Henrik Pontoppidan and Pelle Erobreren (Pelle the Conqueror) by Martin Andersen Nexø with particular reference to their personal and erotic development by focusing on their relationships to a number of women. In Per´s case the development goes towards “identity”, which in this context means a feeling of being an authentic “I” separated from the surroundings, a feeling of “I am me”. As for Pelle, his development takes a different direction, as it results in a feeling of being a part of something bigger than the individual, a feeling of “I am us”. This Wenzel calls “individuality”. Both novels are seen as forming a contrast to the early 19th century Danish tradition of “bildungsliterature”, starting with Adam Oehlenschlæger´s Aladdin (1805).
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Vermaire, JH. "Application of the Nexø method in a general dental practice in the Netherlands: 6-year results of a RCT". International Journal of Dental Hygiene 16, n.º 3 (26 de março de 2018): 419–25.

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Ankersborg, Vibeke. "Specialevejledning fra studenterselvstændighed til vejlederdiktat: En vejledningsmatrix". Dansk Universitetspædagogisk Tidsskrift 17, n.º 32 (12 de junho de 2022): 37–52.

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Specialevejlederes grundlæggende syn på, hvordan viden skabes, har betydning for, hvordan de vejleder. Fra et hermeneutisk perspektiv undersøges specialevejlederes forståelse af specialevejledning og denne forståelses betydning for specialevejlederes mulighedsrum for konkret handlen i specialevejledningen. På baggrund af Dysthes (2002, 2006) vejledningsmodeller, Nexø Jensens (2010) vejlederroller, Ankersborg & Pogners (2022) vejledningsmatrix for specialestuderende samt semistrukturerede kvalitative forskningsinterview med specialevejledere udvikles i artiklen specialevejledernes vejledningsmatrix. Heri modificeres vejledningsmodellerne med Pogners (2007) diskurs- og praksisfællesskaber, mens vejlederrollerne empirisk udbygges med vejlederrollen tekstvejleder. Vejledningsmatrixen viser, hvordan specialevejlederes forståelseshorisont skaber horisontsammensmeltning med bestemte vejledningsmodeller frem for andre, hvilket udvider eller indsnævrer mulighedsrummet for at agere i forskellige vejlederroller. Endvidere vises, at jo mere selvstændighed de studerende tildeles, jo større er vejleders mulighedsrum og omvendt, jo mere vejleder dikterer, jo mere snævert er vejleders mulighedsrum. Vejledningsmatrixen giver forklaringskraft til at forstå sammenhængen imellem underliggende forståelser af vejledning, opfattelsen af de studerende og vejleders mulighedsrum i vejledningen.
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Haarberg, Jon. "Knut Ove Eliassen, Anne Fastrup og Tue Andersen Nexø (red.): Europæisk litteratur 1500–1800 Bd 1: Verden. Fra Columbus til Napoleon". Norsk litteratur­vitenskapelig tidsskrift 17, n.º 02 (29 de agosto de 2014): 153–57.

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Ringvej, Mona Renate. "TUE ANDERSEN NEXØ, Ikke de voldsomme: politisk offentlighed og offentlig skønlitteratur, England 1640–1750 (København: Museum Tusculanum Forlag, 2014). 331 pp." 1700-tal: Nordic Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 12 (5 de novembro de 2015): 278–79.

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Nielsen, Arne Thorshøj, e Niels Schovsbo. "Cambrian to basal Ordovician lithostratigraphy in southern Scandinavia". Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark 53 (9 de novembro de 2006): 47–92.

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The lithostratigraphic subdivision of the Cambrian successions in Scania-Bornholm, Östergötland, Västergötland, Närke, Öland-Gotland, the southern Bothnian Sea and the Mjøsa District is reviewed and revised. The review includes the Tremadocian part of the Alum Shale Formation. The Cambrian of Scania-Bornholmcomprises the Nexø, Hardeberga, Læså, Gislöv and Alum Shale formations. The Nexø Formation of Bornholm is subdivided into the new Gadeby and Langeskanse members, which are c. 40 and 50 m thick, respectively. The 1–15 m thick arkosic basal part of the sandstone succession in Scania, previously treated as part of the Hardeberga Sandstone, is allocated to the Nexø Formation. The ‘Balka Sandstone’ of Bornholm is considered an integrated part of the Hardeberga Formation and the designation Balka Sandstone Formation is abandoned. The Haddeberga Formation, which is 109 m thick on Bornholm and c. 105–110 m in Scania, comprises the Hadeborg (new), Lunkaberg (Scania only), Vik, Brantevik and Tobisvik members. The overlying Læså Formation contains the Norretorp and Rispebjerg members; the former is regarded a senior synonym of the Broens Odde member of Bornholm. The Norretorp Member is thicker in Scania than previously estimated (> 25 m, rather likely even > 30 m); on Bornholm it is 103 m thick. The Rispebjerg Member is 1–3.7 m thick. The Cambrian of the Öland-Gotland area, the southern Bothnian Sea and the districts of south central Sweden comprises the File Haidar, Borgholm and Alum Shale formations. The File Haidar Formation of the Öland-Gotland area, which is up to 127 m thick, includes the Viklau, När Shale and När Sandstone members; the Grötlingbo Member is transferred to the Borgholm Formation. The validity of the Kalmarsund Member is questioned; its lithological characteristics probably reflect diagenesis. The Lingulid and Mickwitzia sandstone members constitute the File Haidar Formation in south central Sweden, where the unit is up to 37 m thick. New names and to some extent new definitions are introduced for the members of the Borgholm Formation, viz. Kvarntorp Member (new name for the thin glauconitic sandstone overlying the Lingulid Sandstone Member in central Sweden), Mossberga Member (new name for the coarse part of the Eccaparadoxides oelandicus Shale sensu Hagenfeldt 1994), Bårstad Member (new name for the fine-grained part of the Eccaparadoxides oelandicus Shale), Äleklinta Member (new name for theParadoxides paradoxissimus Siltstone) and Tornby Member (new name for the Paradoxides paradoxissimus Shale). The Granulata Conglomerate (= Acrothele Conglomerate of previous literature) is formally ranked as a bed at the base of the Äleklinta Member. The informal designation Söderfjärden formation is abandoned. The Borgholm Formation locally exceeds 150 m in the Öland-Gotland area; it is significantly thinner in south central Sweden. The Cambrian of the Mjøsa District comprises the Vangsås, Ringstrand and Alum Shale formations. Of these, the new Ringstrand Formation encompasses the strata between the Vangsås and Alum Shale formations, previously referred to as the ‘Holmia Series’. The Ringstrand Formation includes the Brennsætersag (new), Redalen (new), Tømten (new), Evjevik and Skyberg (new) members. Thickness estimates are rendered difficult due to tectonic overprinting, but the Ringstrand Formation is probably about 50-60 m thick in the Lower Allochthon around Lake Mjøsa. The Scandinavian Alum Shale Formation, which is up to 100 m thick in Scania and even thicker subsurface of Kattegat, is restricted to encompass only kerogeneous mudstones/shales with subordinate limestones and very rare sandstone beds. It is proposed abandoning the Kläppe Shale and Fjällbränna Formation of the Lower Allochthon of Jämtland and to regard these units as part of the Alum Shale Formation. Several widespread thin units are formally ranked as beds within the Alum Shale Formation, including the Forsemölla Limestone Bed (new name for the ‘fragment limestone’at or near the base of the Alum Shale Formation in Scania; this unit is also developed in Östergötland and Närke), the Exsulans Limestone Bed, the Hyolithes Limestone Bed, the Andrarum Limestone Bed, the Exporrecta Conglomerate Bed, the Kakeled Limestone Bed (new name for the ‘Great Orsten Bank’ of south central Sweden), the Skåningstorp Sandstone Bed (new name for the thin sandstoneintercalation at the base of the Ordovician in Östergötland) and the Incipiens Limestone Bed.
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Tsuji, Naoki, Takuma Kobayashi, Junpei Ueda e Shigeyoshi Saito. "Development and Evaluation of Deep Learning-Based Reconstruction Using Preclinical 7T Magnetic Resonance Imaging". Applied Sciences 13, n.º 11 (29 de maio de 2023): 6567.

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This study investigated a method for improving the quality of images with a low number of excitations (NEXs) based on deep learning using T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the heads of normal Wistar rats to achieve higher image quality and a shorter acquisition time. A 7T MRI was used to acquire T2-weighted images of the whole brain with NEXs = 2, 4, 8, and 12. As a preprocessing step, non-rigid registration of the acquired low NEX images (NEXs = 2, 4, 8) and NEXs = 12 images was performed. A residual dense network (RDN) was used for training. A low NEX image was used as the input to the RDN, and the NEX12 image was used as the correct image. For quantitative evaluation, we measured the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), peak SNR, and structural similarity index measure of the original image and the image obtained by RDN. The NEX2 results are presented as an example. The SNR of the cortex was 10.4 for NEX2, whereas the SNR of the image reconstructed with RDN for NEX2 was 32.1. (The SNR NEX12 was 19.6) In addition, the PSNR in NEX2 was significantly increased to 35.4 ± 2.0 compared to the input image and to 37.6 ± 2.9 compared to the reconstructed image (p = 0.05). The SSIM in NEX2 was 0.78 ± 0.05 compared to the input image and 0.91 ± 0.05 compared to the reconstructed image (p = 0.0003). Furthermore, NEX2 succeeded in reducing the shooting time by 83%. Therefore, in preclinical 7T MRI, supervised learning between the NEXs using RDNs can potentially improve the image quality of low NEX images and shorten the acquisition time.
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Stam, Per, Sofia Pulls, Johan Alfredsson, Lisbeth Stenberg, Åsa Arping, Jesper Olsson, Frida Beckman et al. "Recensioner". Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap 44, n.º 3-4 (1 de janeiro de 2014): 115–56.

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Per Stam om CAROLINE HAUXFRAMKALLNING. SKRIFT, KONSUMTION OCH SEXUALITET I KARIN BOYES ASTARTE OCH HENRY PARLANDS SÖNDERGöteborg/Stockholm: Makadam, 2013, 359 s. (diss. Stockholm) Sofia Pulls om EVA SÖDERBERG, MIA ÖSTERLUND & BODIL FORMARK (RED.)FLICKTION. PERSPEKTIV PÅ FLICKAN I FIKTIONENMalmö: Universus Academic Press, 2013, 328 s. Johan Alfredsson om MARTIN GLAZ SERUPRELATIONEL POESIOdense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2013, 115 s. Lisbeth Stenberg om MARIA M. BERGLUNDVÄRV OCH VERK. FÖRNYELSE OCH TRADITION I NORDISK KVINNOLITTERATURHISTORIA FRÅN TILLKOMST TILL TRYCKT BOKKarlstad University Studies, 2013:21. Karlstad: Institutionen för språk, litteratur och interkultur, Karlstads universitet, 320 s. (diss. Karlstad) Åsa Arping om EIVIND TJØNNELAND (RED.)KRITIKK FØR 1814. 1700-TALLETS POLITISKE OG LITTERÆRE OFFENTLIGHETOslo: Dreyers forlag, 2014, 639 s. Jesper Olsson om MARKUS HUSSMOTSTÅNDETS AKUSTIK. SPRÅK OCH (O)LJUD HOS PETER WEISS 1946–1960Lund: ellerströms, 2014, 297 s. (diss. Södertörn/Stockholm) Frida Beckman om MAGNUS ULLÉN (RED.)VÅLDSAMMA FANTASIER. STUDIER I FIKTIONSVÅLDETS FUNKTION OCH ATTRAKTIONKulturvetenskapliga skriftserien, 2:2014 Karlstad: Karlstads universitet, 2014, 230 s. Per-Olof Mattsson om CHRISTIAN BERRENBERG”ES IST DEINE PFLICHT ZU BENUTZEN, WAS DU WEIßT!” LITERATUR UND LITERARISCHE PRAKTIKEN IN DER NORWEGISCHEN ARBEITERBEWEGUNG 1900–1931Literarische Praktiken in Skandinavien; 3. Würzburg: Ergon, 2014, 476 s. (diss. Köln) Tilda Maria Forselius om EVA HÆTTNER AURELIUS, HEDDA GUNNENG & JON HELGASON (RED.)WOMEN’S LANGUAGE. AN ANALYSIS OF STYLE AND EXPRESSION IN LETTERS BEFORE 1800Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2012, 260 s. Jennie Nell om PETER LIND”STRUNT ALT HVAD DU ORERAR”. CARL MICHAEL BELLMAN, ORDENSRETORIKEN OCH BACCHI ORDENStudia Rhetorica Upsaliensa 4, red. Otto Fischer, Uppsala: Uppsala universitet, 2014, 322 s. (diss. Uppsala) Marianne Sandels om CARIN FRANZÉNJAG GAV HONOM INTE MIN KÄRLEK. OM HÖVISK KÄRLEK SOM KVINNLIG STRATEGIStockholm: Ersatz, 2012, 174 s. Johannes Björk om MAGNUS NILSSONLITERATURE AND CLASS. AESTHETICAL-POLITICAL STRATEGIES IN MODERN SWEDISH WORKING-CLASS LITERATUREBerlin: Berliner Beiträge zur Skandinavistik Band 21, 2014, 172 s. Hilda Jakobsson om KRISTINA FJELKESTAM, HELENA HILL & DAVID TJEDER (RED.)KVINNORNA GÖR MANNEN. MASKULINITETSKONSTRUKTIONER I KVINNORS TEXT OCH BILD 1500–2000,Göteborg/Stockholm: Makadam, 2013, 351 s. Thomas Götselius om KNUT OVE ELIASSEN, ANNE FASTRUP & TUE ANDERSEN NEXØ (RED.)EUROPEISK LITTERATUR 1500–1800. BIND 1. VERDEN: FRA COLUMBUS TILL NAPOLEONAarhus: Aarhus universitetsforlag, 2013, 260 s.
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K.Jaikumar, K. Jaikumar, R. Subash R. Subash e S. Sunantha S. Sunantha. "Improved Next to Next Minimum Penalty Method for Transportation Problems". International Journal of Scientific Research 2, n.º 1 (1 de junho de 2012): 173–74.

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Harmon, Christopher C. "Public Diplomacy’s Next Challenge". Connections: The Quarterly Journal 07, n.º 1 (2008): 141–53.

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Lightstone, Sandra N., Charles Swencionis e Hillel W. Cohen. "The Effect of Bioterrorism Messages on Anxiety Levels". International Quarterly of Community Health Education 24, n.º 2 (junho de 2004): 111–22.

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Hupli, Juhani. "A Next Generation Passenger Ferry". Marine Engineering 47, n.º 2 (2012): 232–36.

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Weigand, Florian, e Mark Bowden. "Anpassung erforderlich: Wie geht es weiter in Afghanistan?" Vereinte Nationen 70, n.º 4 (2022): 153.

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C, Chinmayee, Amrita Nischal e C. R. Manjunath Soumya K. N. "Next Generation Sequencing in Big Data". International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Volume-2, Issue-4 (30 de junho de 2018): 379–89.

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BRAESCU, Adriana. "The Next frontier – Neuroscience of Education". Postmodern Openings 5, n.º 4 (31 de dezembro de 2014): 101–9.

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Demarzo, Marcelo, Daniela Rodrigues de Oliveira, Priscila Palomo, Vera Salvo, David Wilson, Karen Cicuto, Letícia Souza, Marcelo Mapurunga, Maria Lucia Favarato e Javier García Campayo. "Mindfulness, ciencia y arte: siguientes pasos". Revista Mexicana de Investigación en Psicología 10, n.º 2 (8 de março de 2019): 132–35.

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El número de investigaciones científicas acerca de mindfulness ha crecido de manera exponencial en los últimos años.Son diversas las metodologías utilizadas y las demostraciones acerca de los beneficios que el entrenamiento de mindfulness puede traer para la salud de los sujetos. Entre los principalescomponentes demostrados están la autorregulación emocional, la reducción del estrés, la ansiedad, los dolores crónicos y la prevención de recaídas en depresión. Aun así, la investigación en mindfulness debe continuar evolucionado,por lo que el objetivo de este artículo-comentario es añadir y discutir, a partir de la experiencia científica y clínica de los autores (“ciencia y arte”), algunos aspectos fundamentales que aún no están plenamente desarrollados en el campo de mindfulness, a saber: el énfasis en el impacto de las intervencionesbasadas en mindfulness sobre la calidad de vida, la perspectiva de “segunda persona” y el estudio en profundidad de los efectos no esperados de esas intervenciones. Nuestro reto principal es fomentar una reflexión más ampliasobre el futuro de la ciencia y arte de mindfulness.
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Gudade Sneha Bohra, Chhaya. "Model for Prediction of Next Words". International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 12, n.º 7 (5 de julho de 2023): 120–27.

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Hennecke, Marie, e Benjamin A. Converse. "Next Week, Next Month, Next Year". Social Psychological and Personality Science 8, n.º 8 (13 de março de 2017): 918–26.

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To move from commitment to action, planners must think about the future and decide when to initiate. We demonstrate that planners prefer to initiate on upcoming days that immediately follow a temporal boundary. For example, aspiring dieters who considered a time horizon from Thursday, February 27th to Tuesday, March 4th showed expectation increases from Days 4 to 5 (Sunday to Monday) when induced to think of weekdays and from Days 2 to 3 (February 28th to March 1st) when induced to think of calendar dates. Using both causal steps- and moderation-based approaches, we demonstrate that this occurs (in part) because planners neglect situational constraints when evaluating initiation opportunities after (vs. before) temporal boundaries. A field experiment demonstrated a costly consequence: Aspiring dieters were more likely to sacrifice 1 week of access to an expensive weight-loss program if it allowed them to start on a day they perceived to follow a temporal boundary.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Mishra, Uttam, e Anand Khare. "Review on Next Generation WDM-PON Technologies". International Journal of Engineering Research 3, n.º 11 (1 de novembro de 2014): 692–96.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

He, Jiahuan. "Next-Generation Sequencing on COVID-19 Pandemic". International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics 12, n.º 2 (2022): 30–38.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Menon, UnnikrishnanK. "NExT come, next served". Journal of Medical Evidence 3, n.º 1 (2022): 92.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

O’Malley, Alanna. "Eine UN-Reform für die nächsten 75 Jahre". Vereinte Nationen 68, n.º 6 (2020): 268.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Aboudouh, Khaled. "دمج الأخضر والرمادي: إنشاء بنية تحتية من الجيل القادم". Security Policy Paper 2, n.º 2 (31 de dezembro de 2021): 01–12.

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الرسائل الأساسية: تعتمد أنظمة البنية التحتية التقليدية في جميع أنحاء العالم على الحلول المؤسسة على دعم الأداء السهل والآمن، ولكن في مواجهة التهديدات البيئية المتزايدة، لم يعد هذا النهج وحده قادرًا على توفير القدرة على المرونة والصمود أمام التغيرات المناخية، ومستوى الخدمة والرفاهية. يمكن للنظم الطبيعية مثل: الغابات، والسهول الفيضية، والتربة، المساهمة في توفير إمدادات مياه نظيفة وموثوقة، وتحمى الأفراد من الفيضانات والجفاف، لذلك يعتبر الجمع بين "البنية التحتية الخضراء" و "البنية التحتية الرمادية" التقليدية، مثل: السدود والخزانات، من أهم الحلول في الجيل التالي، حيث إنها تعزز النظم البيئية، وتحمي المجتمعات بشكل أفضل. يمكن لمقدمي الخدمات مثل: مرافق المياه، والمسؤولين عن إدارة الفيضانات وشركات الطاقة الكهرومائية، تقديم الخدمات بشكل أفضل وأكثر فعالية، من حيث التكلفة والمرونة، من خلال دمج البنية التحتية الخضراء في خططهم. يقدم هذا التقرير إطار عمل لتقييم البنية التحتية الخضراء من خلال منظور تقني وبيئي واقتصادي، كما أنه يوفر إرشادات لواضعي السياسات وشركاء التنمية، بهدف تعميم الحلول التي تجمع بين البنية التحتية الخضراء والرمادية.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Ehlers, Klaas-Hinrich. "Lautwandel von einer Generation zur nächsten". Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik 88, n.º 3 (2021): 302.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Vlk, D., e J. Řepková. "Application of next-generation sequencing in plant breeding". Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 53, No. 3 (13 de setembro de 2017): 89–96.

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In the past decade, next-generation sequencing (NGS) platforms have changed the impact of sequencing on our knowledge of crop genomes and gene regulation. These techniques are today acquiring a great potential in metagenomic and agrigenomic research while showing prospects for their utilization in plant breeding. We can now obtain new and beneficial information about gene regulation on the cellular as well as whole-plant level through RNA-sequencing and subsequent expression analyses of genes participating in plant defence reactions to pathogens and in abiotic stress tolerance. NGS has facilitated the development of methods to genotype very large numbers of single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Genotyping- by-sequencing and whole-genome resequencing can lead to the development of molecular markers suited to studies of genetic relationships among breeding materials, creation of detailed genetic mapping of targeted genes and genome-wide association studies. Plant genotyping can benefit plant breeding through selection of individuals resistant to climatic stress and to pathogens causing substantial losses in agriculture.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Niemiec, Marcin, Andrzej Dziech, Miłosz Stypiński e Jan Derkacz. "Quantum-Based Solutions for the Next-Generation Internet". Information & Security: An International Journal 43, n.º 1 (2019): 62–72.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Hyakudome, Tadahiro, Hiroshi Yoshida, Satoshi Tsukioka, Takao Sawa, Shojiro Ishibashi, Masami Matsuura e Taro Aoki. "The Road to Next Generation Underwater Vehicle Development". Abstracts of the international conference on advanced mechatronics : toward evolutionary fusion of IT and mechatronics : ICAM 2010.5 (2010): 103–6.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Muñoz Aunión, Antonio. "Chile en camino al abolicionismo. El siguiente paso". Derecho Global. Estudios sobre Derecho y Justicia, n.º 1 (1 de novembro de 2015): 151–60.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Maver, Aleš, e Borut Peterlin. "Paediatria Croatica". Paediatria Croatica 57, n.º 4 (20 de dezembro de 2013): 295–300.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Patel, Rinkuben, e Krupali Patel. "Next Sizzling Fashion Trend of the Technological Wave". Global Journal For Research Analysis 3, n.º 5 (15 de junho de 2012): 13–15.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Kalina, Bayartsetseg, e Ju-Hong Lee. "Customer-based Recommendation Model for Next Merchant Recommendation". Korean Institute of Smart Media 12, n.º 5 (30 de junho de 2023): 9–16.

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In the recommendation system of the credit card company, it is necessary to understand the customer patterns to predict a customer’s next merchant based on their histories. The data we want to model is much more complex and there are various patterns that customers choose. In such a situation, it is necessary to use an effective model that not only shows the relevance of the merchants, but also the relevance of the customers relative to these merchants. The proposed model aims to predict the next merchant for the customer. To improve prediction performance, we propose a novel model, called Customer-based Recommendation Model (CRM), to produce a more efficient representation of customers. For the next merchant recommendation system, we use a synthetic credit card usage dataset, BC’17. To demonstrate the applicability of the proposed model, we also apply it to the next item recommendation with another real-world transaction dataset, IJCAI’16.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Blow, Nathan. "DNA sequencing: generation next-next". Nature Methods 5, n.º 3 (março de 2008): 267–74.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.
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